Guide For Monitoring Evaluation Community Based Projects

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Some of the key takeaways from this guide are that evaluation is an important part of any community project to assess effectiveness and impact. It discusses using tools like logic models and participatory evaluation to structure the evaluation process.

The purpose of this guide is to provide support and guidance to organizations on how to effectively monitor and evaluate community-based projects through establishing clear goals and outcomes and using appropriate research techniques.

The guide outlines several steps to setting up and planning a project and its evaluation including establishing goals and objectives, identifying stakeholders, developing indicators, designing the evaluation, and creating a budget and timeline.


A Guide for
and Evaluating

Julie Smith

Published by the United Nations Educational, Scientic and Cultural Organisation

7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France

All rights reserved

The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this publication do not
imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal
status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of
its frontiers or boundaries.
The author is responsible for the choice and the presentation of the facts contained in this work
and for the opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of UNESCO and do not
commit the Organisation.

Graphic Design by UNESCO

Printed in France

ED-2009/WS/12 cld 263.9

Acknowledgements ................................................................ 4
Preface................................................................................... 5
Acronyms .............................................................................. 6
Executive Summary .................................................................. 7
Section 1

Introduction ........................................................... 9

Section 2

Steps to setting up and planning the project

and its evaluation ................................................. 1 7

Section 3

The programme logic model. What is it? ................. 25

Section 4

How to create a logic model ................................. 39

Section 5

Structuring and dening your evaluation ................... 45

Section 6

Research techniques and tools ............................... 53

Section 7

Participatory evaluation .......................................... 6 1

Section 8

Data analysis and dissemination .............................. 65

Section 9

References, Annotated Bibliography, Annexes ........ 69

This guide was produced under the leadership of UNESCOs Division for the Promotion of Basic
Education. The project was managed and supervised by Mehboob Dada, Programme Coordinator.
This publication draws on the work and support of a vast number of individuals and organizations who
have been involved in the UNESCO initiative Another Way to Learn In the rst instance, the project
team wishes to acknowledge the valuable assistance of Rhiannon Barker who drafted the document,
designed to support the projects and the team in research and evaluation of a series of programmes
within the framework of Another Way to Learn.
UNESCO wishes to express its gratitude to NGO project partners, who cooperated in providing UNESCO
with feedback for the development and support of this publication, as well as on the experiences and
lessons learned. Without the cooperation of civil society partners the manual would not have been
In particular, UNESCO wishes to acknowledge and thank: Sophie Jadin and Mao Kosal (Phare Ponleu
Selpak - Cambodia), Shanthi Ranganathan (TT Ranganathan Clinical Research Foundation - India),
Dadi Pudumjee, Sanjoy Roy and Javita Narang (Ishara Puppet Theatre Trust and Salaam Balaak Trust India), Rodney Grant and Sophia Greaves (Pinelands Creative Workshop - Barbados), Joseph Meharris
(The Centre of Hope - Trinidad), Dulce Almonte and Jaime de La Rosa (Red Dominicana de Personas
que Viven con VIH/SIDA (REDOVIH) - Dominican Republic), Susana Fergusson (PROCREAR - Colombia),
Raquel Barros (Lua Nova - Brazil), Jos Carlos de Freitas Spinola, Cido Martins and Patricia Moura
(Reciclazaro - Brazil).
UNESCO also wishes to thank particularly Carolina Cano and Mariana Kitsiona for their valuable
contributions and comments during the preparation of this guide, and other colleagues in UNESCOs
Education Sector, at Headquarters, and in eld ofces responsible for the various countries concerned
who reviewed various drafts and provided their continued support to the successful implementation of
these projects. UNESCO expresses its gratitude to Rosalind David for all her support and comments.
UNESCO would like to acknowledge and thank particularly Julie Smith for her cartoons, which
humorously highlight the spirit and dedication required in assuring we learn and address key issues
of development concern.
It should be noted that information provided on the Project Logic Model draws heavily on Programme
Development and Evaluation, a programme developed by the University of Wisconsin. Their
excellent work is widely accessible on the World Wide Web (
evallogicmodel.html) (Copyright 1996 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, d/b/a
Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.)
Finally, UNESCO acknowledges and thanks the European Commission and UNAIDS for the nancial
support they have been providing to UNESCO, which was essential to the development of this guide.

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes,

but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust

The value and importance of good quality monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is increasingly recognised
by a wide range of stakeholders; planners, funders, policy makers and communities who are supporting
interventions. Demonstrating the extent to which a project has been able to meet its planned objectives
helps ensure that resources are used as effectively, efciently and appropriately as possible. It is our
intention that this monitoring and evaluation guide will give those with limited experience increased
condence and skills to tackle the whole of the project cycle both in terms of project planning and
related M&E activities. The guide looks at:
The value of conducting a needs assessment and ensuring that project goals and vision are clearly
linked to identied needs.
Ways of monitoring and evaluating projects both during project implementation (process evaluation)
and at the stage of project completion (outcome/impact evaluation).
The value of planning projects within a clearly constructed model or framework. The programme
logic model is put forward as an example of this.
How to ensure information emerging from M&E is fed back into ongoing project design and future
How to ensure the stakeholders are active participants in all project related design, planning and
This publication has grown out of work supporting a range of vocational and entrepreneurial skills
development projects undertaken through non-formal education in Africa, South Asia, the Caribbean
and Latin America. Central to all of the projects within this programme are the creative and innovative
methods used to communicate in a meaningful way, to engage people and to encourage participation.
The projects all focus on capacity building, empowerment and creating learning opportunities.
UNESCOs conceptualisation of these projects is based on the four pillars of education presented in
1996 by the Organizations Task Force on Education for the Twenty-rst Century: learning to know,
learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be. The Dakar Framework for Action
(2000), which expresses the collective commitment of the international community to Education for
All (EFA), also reminds us that education should be geared to tapping into each individuals talents
and potential.
The projects are all located in areas of considerable nancial deprivation, where infrastructural
support is limited and communities and individuals nd it hard to escape from the downward spiral
of poverty and social exclusion. However, what characterises all these projects is their capacity for
innovation and their motivation and courage to move forward, constantly striving to reect on and
learn from their experiences. It is our hope that this guide will help provide support and techniques to
formalise and entrench the monitoring and evaluation process, enabling community-based projects
both to demonstrate success and improve the effectiveness of interventions.

Division for the Promotion of Basic Education
Section for Secondary, Science,
Technical and Vocational Education


Acquired Immune Deciency Syndrome


Community Based Organization


Education for All


European Union


Human Immunodeciency Virus


Institute of Development Studies


Monitoring and Evaluation


Non governmental organization


Participatory monitoring and evaluation


Participatory Rural Appraisal


Specic, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic, Time-Bound


Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS


United Nations Educational, Scientic and Cultural Organization

Executive Summary
This guide has been developed as a work in progress resource that can be used to support the
monitoring and evaluation of community development initiatives. It is hoped that the guide will help
project staff to see that when thorough planning, monitoring and evaluation is undertaken and the
communities are fully involved in this process, the quality and appropriateness of the end product
is enhanced. Whilst this guide has been developed based on the experience of and lessons learned
from a specic programme of projects focused on sustainable livelihoods and aspects of health
education, much of the content is generic and will thus be applicable to a wide range of community
initiatives. The key aims of the guide are to:
Provide an overview of key aspects of quality research which can be used by project staff to
conduct their own internal evaluations
Present recommended models, frameworks and theoretical concepts that can be used in
projects for planning and carrying out research.
Provide practical guidance on the use of the programme logic model and look at ways it can
be adapted and used within projects
Provide an overview of basic research tools and methods, focusing particularly on qualitative
research methods
Promote the use of participatory research techniques

To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.

Jos Ortega y Gasset

Section 1


1.1 Bakground
1.2 How to use this guide
1.3 Who is the guide for?


Putting research in context

1.4 Why do we need to evaluate?
1.5 What are the key issues in evaluating
community initiatives?
1.6 Participatory techniques
1.7 What should evaluation hope to achieve?
1.8 Why are frameworks and models helpful?
1.9 What characterises a successful evaluation?



Appreciation is like looking through a wide-angle lens

that lets you see the entire forest, not just the one tree limb you walked upon.
Doc Childre

1.1 Background

1.3 Who is the guide for?

This guide was produced following the

evaluation of a range of vocational and
entrepreneurial skills development
projects undertaken through non-formal
education that were supported by UNESCO4.
A key nding of this assessment was
that projects would benet both from a
clearer understanding of the advantages
of conducting their own research and
from being supported and encouraged to
produce a research framework, designed
at the outset of the project, and applied
throughout the course of project life. A
review of the research components of all
of the projects comprised concluded that
research should be an integral part of project
design and that more training and expertise
was needed by most projects in relation to
developing research design and technique.

This guide is intended primarily to be used

by those setting up, planning or working
with community development projects. The
UNESCO supported projects, which were
the driving force behind the creation of this
publication, aimed to raise the quality of life of
marginalised populations through education,
poverty reduction and building sustainable
livelihoods. The lessons learned from this
work have application for a wider range of
projects and settings.

Putting research
in context
1.4 Why do we need
to monitor and

The use of frameworks (such as the

programme logic model) helps to provide stepby-step guidance on project planning. In so
doing it not only helps clarify project activities
and the thinking and assumptions on which
projects are based, but also facilitates and
enhances the evaluation process.

First, a denition of the terms monitoring and

evaluation: For the purposes of this guide
monitoring relates to the ongoing review and
collection of data, which will help to determine
whether anticipated outcomes are being met.
Monitoring is an essential part of evaluation
and data collected feeds into the more
overarching process of evaluation. Evaluation
thus refers to the systematic collection of
information conducted during or after a
project in order to make judgments about
effectiveness against anticipated outcomes
and to help inform decisions about future

1.2 How to use this

This guide is not intended as a denitive
manual to monitoring and evaluation more as
a starting point with introductory information
for further advice and support. It is anticipated
that each section can be printed or photocopied
for wider distribution, as required.

Monitoring and evaluation efforts assist

in determining whether a programme has
achieved its intended outcomes, so that we can
be accountable for the money we spend and
make the most effective use of our resources.
Although evaluations have traditionally been
required by funders to ensure that money is
well spent, the challenge remains to ensure

4 See Another Way to Learn Case studies summarises

the 17 projects that make up the programme, available at
pdf (Also available in Spanish) (accessed January 2008)


1.5 What are the key

issues in evaluating
community initiatives?

that both project staff and the supporting

population recognise the value of ongoing
monitoring and evaluation and use it to
improve the effectiveness and quality of their

Community initiatives are not easy to evaluate!

There is no straightforward, conclusive
technique that can be taken from a text book

Monitoring should be carried out on an

ongoing basis to ensure that the aims and
objectives of the project are being met and
to readjust programming based on lessons
learned to date. Internal evaluations are
important not only to measure effectiveness,
efciency and project progress but also to
help develop project ownership on the part of
both project staff and the beneciary groups.
External evaluation, whilst costly, and most
of the time therefore prohibitive to small
community ventures, nonetheless offers a
degree of independent scrutiny which may, on
occasion, be appropriate.

When we try to pick anything out

by itself, we nd it hitched to everything
else in the universe.
John Muir
and adapted for use on each project site.
Project staff need to be innovative, to apply
common sense and use their knowledge of the
supporting population, the environment, the
political and cultural context, to ensure that
the right questions are asked in the right way.

Men occasionally stumble over the truth,

but most of them pick themselves up
and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.

Community initiatives tend to be made up of

complex multiple interventions, taking place at
many different levels, often designed to bring
about different outcomes. There is typically a
mix of strategies, aimed at both individual and
community level. The initiatives employed range
from trying to change individual behaviour

Winston Churchill


through education and empowerment, to

broader-based projects focused on equity,
social justice and intersectoral interventions.
The use of theoretical frameworks and models
has sought to provide greater rigour regarding
the way in which different variables are
collected and interpreted. At the same time,
new thinking around evaluation increasingly
recognises the multiplicity of interactions that
take place within most community settings
and challenges the more simplistic linear
relationship between cause and effect. Given
the complex way in which most interventions
are conducted, the questions that have to
be asked to nd out whether or not these
interventions are effective need to be well
constructed and tested. It is important to
be aware of the fact that outcomes are not
always anticipated and may be benecial or
detrimental to the community. Those involved
in project monitoring and evaluation must have
the courage and conviction to highlight both
positive and negative project outcomes.

Evaluators dealing with overly-complicated

tools that they do not understand will not
produce results that are useful and valid.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Leonardo da Vinci

Today, most people accept that both

quantitative and qualitative approaches play a
valuable role in evaluating programmes and it
is often suggested that pluralistic evaluation,
i.e. employing a range of both quantitative
and qualitative evaluation methods, provides
the most appropriate strategy for addressing
complex issues about what counts as a
successful or a good outcome (Beattie,1995).
The evaluation of most community
interventions will benet from employing a
range of research techniques to evaluate the
project at distinct stages. These stages are:

There are many different techniques and

methods used to evaluate programmes. It
is this diversity that makes evaluation such
a powerful tool. Methods can depend on the
questions of interest, on the context, on the
evaluators own philosophical position and on
the characteristics of the other people involved
in the programme. Evaluators can call on any
combination of stances to add depth and quality
to the evaluation. Sophisticated and costly
designs can be a waste of resources if the
question can be answered by simpler means.

the formation of programme aims,

objectives and procedures including initial
needs assessment (formative evaluation)
the process of programme implementation
(process evaluation)
the measurement of outcomes and impact
(outcome or summative evaluation)

Concerning monitoring and evaluation of health promotion projects, a recent publication from a
WHO European Working Group recommends that policymakers:
Encourage the adoption of participatory approaches to evaluation that provide meaningful
opportunities for involvement.
Require that a minimum of 10% of the total nancial resources for a health promotion initiative
be allocated to evaluation.
Ensure that a mixture of process and outcome information is used to evaluate all health promotion
Support the use of multiple methods to evaluate health promotion initiatives.
Support further research into the development of suitable approaches to evaluate health
promotion initiatives.
Support the establishment of a training and education infrastructure to develop expertise in the
evaluation of health promotion initiatives.
Create and support opportunities for sharing information on evaluation methods used in health
promotion through conferences, workshops, networks and other means.
WHO (2006) Evaluation in health promotion. Principles and perspectives Edited by Rootman, I.; Goodstadt,
M; Hyndman, B; McQueen; Potvin, L; Springett, J. & Ziglio, E. WHO Regional Ofce for Europe, (accessed January


1.6 Participatory

Participatory monitoring and evaluation

(PM&E) is an approach which involves local
people, development agencies and policy
makers deciding together how progress
should be measured and results acted upon
(IDS, 1998). It is an increasingly popular
methodology, not only because it is cost
effective, making use of local skills and
resources, but also because it forces people
to examine their assumptions about what
constitutes progress, facing up to the conicts
and contradictions that can emerge. The
resulting data and analysis is felt to be more
in tune with the views and aspirations of those
directly affected.

As a general rule, small scale community

projects are working on low budgets with
limited capacity in terms of staff time and
skills. Quantitative research, employing
questionnaire surveys and large scale data
collection, tends to be inappropriate in this
type of scenario. An alternative research
paradigm is to involve the beneciaries as
social actors in their own development.
In other words, those who benet from
the project should be actively involved
in monitoring the project (participatory
monitoring) and evaluating the impact of
the project (participatory evaluation). The
people with whom the project is working
can be regularly involved in the assessment
of factors such as behavioural change and
empowerment in their communities. Through
careful facilitation, participants themselves
will develop the yardsticks to assess how
change has taken place. With help from project
staff they can develop baselines and then, on
a regular basis, look at what has changed as a
result of interventions.

PM&E is not just a matter of using

participatory techniques within a conventional
monitoring and evaluation setting. It is
about radically rethinking who initiates and
undertakes the process, and who learns or
benets from the ndings. (IDS, 1998, p.2)
Examples of participatory techniques are given
in section 7.


1.7 What should

evaluation hope to

1.9 What characterises

a successful

An evaluation of a community-based
intervention aims to:

Successful evaluations will demonstrate the


Design the process for obtaining the

required information using a variety of

Clear programme objectives, targets and

time-frame (section 3).
Participation of project beneciaries in
project planning, monitoring and evaluation
(section 7).

Encourage the development of clear

indicators, milestones and initiatives
Collect and analyse data throughout the
project cycle related to desired objectives and

Shared understanding and ownership of

project objectives and how these are to be
achieved (section 3.2) by stakeholders and

Determine what went wrong, if some or all

of the objectives were not met

Manageable and realistic data collection

and analysis. The more complicated the tools
and methods employed, the more likely they
are to fail (sections 5 and 6).

Make any necessary adjustments based on

experience and lessons learned
Provide feedback to everyone participating
in the programme and to local communities

Harmonised data collection tools and

instruments with other systems in place
(section 6.8).

Demonstrate outcomes and lessons

learned to funding organisations and service

Adequate nancial and human resources

to carry out the required levels of monitoring
and evaluation. Where technical capacity is not
adequate, training and technical assistance
need to be part of the programme design
(section 6).

Use the nal results to inform the planning

and implementation of future work in the
target communities

Relevance and transparency. Monitoring

of programmes needs to be conducted in a
transparent way and data should be locally
driven and locally owned (sections 4-7).

1.8 Why are

frameworks and
models helpful?

Appropriate feedback loops to ensure

results inform future planning processes and
projects (section 6).

When planning a programme, it can be

useful to work within a structured model
or framework. Frameworks are basically
planning tools, which can be used to help
shape the thinking and structure behind
project planning and evaluation. They
help create and clarify project theories,
assumptions and activities - thus ensuring
that the evaluation process is more effective,
transparent and straightforward.

Monitoring and evaluation should be

culturally appropriate and pass ethical
standards established in local and national
guidance (section 6).










































ection 2 Steps to
up and planning

the project and its


The Project Cycle

Writing the project proposal and securing funding
Carrying out a needs assessment
Developing a research framework



2.1 The Project

Planning Cycle

2.2 Writing
the project proposal
and securing funding

It is useful to think of the stages in a project

as being part of a cycle, where each stage in
the cycle impacts and inuences subsequent
stages. This is represented in the gure below.

The rst step in any project, having identied

key aims and objectives, is to write a proposal
to secure funding. This guide does not set out
to provide a comprehensive list of potential
sources of funding. However, as a rst step
it may be worth browsing the internet and
agency websites as well as consulting key
players in local government, community
groups, national and international agencies. In
some cases, it may be appropriate to secure
funding for the needs assessment prior to
applying for a larger pot of money for the
actual intervention.

The Project Cycle

When thinking about monitoring and
evaluating a project, it is crucial that there is
commitment to feeding results back into the
project cycle and using the learning to shape,
adapt and improve project work in the future.
Feedback and learning should occur all the
way through the project. This is represented by
multi-directional arrows in the diagram above.


the project

Feeding back
learning to improve

and monitoring
the project


the project

2.3 Carrying out

a needs assessment

community is cohesive, displaying high levels

of integration and involvement, pre-existing
networks will be worth tapping into.
Check on perceptions, interpretations
and acceptability of promotion materials,
messages, or other interventions.
Test the appropriateness of
implementation approaches and procedures.

Typically, if it has not already been done,

a needs assessment is used to review the
programmes aims and objectives and
proposed methods of working prior to project
implementation. In planning the needs
assessment, care is required to include
different stakeholders and different interest
groups within the community. As far as
possible, care should be taken to ensure
that the views of the most vocal, or more
powerful, members of the community will not
dominate the discussion. Needs assessments
also provide an early opportunity to involve
the local community through a process of

At this stage, a priority is to create a baseline

from which change can be measured.
Qualitative methods to gather data about the
community might include:
in-depth interviews with key informants in
the target community, taking care to identify
and include leaders in any interest groups or
rival factions. Interviews may take the form of
baseline videos which beneciaries may nd
enjoyable both to make and participate in
focus group discussions with
professionals working in the community and
with local people. These may be drawn from
local clubs, associations, institutions e.g.
schools, community centres, womens groups,
farmers gathering at a market, etc.
inviting participation from members of
the public e.g. using the media, mounting a
citizens forum or public debate about the
programmes aims and objectives
participant observation at local events
and groups, talking to people informally, and
recording observations in eld notes
systematic collection of the views of
larger cross-sections of people using semistructured questionnaires which contain
open questions allowing individuals to express
themselves freely

A needs assessment should achieve the

Enable a programmes aims and objectives
to be specied more clearly.
Ensure the programme addresses
the issues and priorities identied by the
community itself.
Provide an initial check that issues thought
to be important by outsiders reect the
priorities of the community.
Determine which problems/issues
identied by a group within the community
represent wider concerns.
Provide information on the major
stakeholders in the community.
Indicate the extent to which the community
concerned may be mobilised and a community
development approach, if appropriate,
be adopted. In doing this, it is important
to assess community strengths. If the

(See also Section 7)



2.4 Developing
a research


For each of these outcomes, identify

appropriate indicators which can be used to
demonstrate whether or not these outcomes
have been met (see section 5.6).

This manual guide encourages monitoring and

evaluation to be planned and initiated from the
projects outset.4


Evaluation methods?

Use of the logic model framework (outlined in

section 3) is encouraged to help plan and carry
out the next steps. The key stages involved are:

Identify strategies to ensure that the project is

subject to continuous evaluation and scrutiny
(see sections 5 and 6).


iv. Who will conduct the


Identify Outcomes

From the projects aims and objectives identify

clear short-term and long-term outcomes.
Remember when doing this to be realistic. In
trying to secure funding it is tempting to be
over-ambitious about what can be achieved
this can result in perceptions of failure later,
whilst much positive and benecial work is
missed because inappropriate targets have
been set (see section 5.6).

Decide who will conduct the research it

may be appropriate that different groups of
people carry out different bits of research, i.e.
project staff may be responsible for one aspect
of the work and members of the community
another. Think about how the community will
be involved in the analysis.


A more complete range of evaluation techniques is

provided in Annex 2.

Research tools

Identify appropriate research tools which

can be used to collect necessary data (see
section 6).



Evaluation Checklist

Go through the evaluation checklist, found

at the end of this section, ensuring that each
point has been covered.



Prioritise and be realistic. Make sure that

whatever you do has a value and a purpose
and that the reasons for the research are
clearly understood by project staff.


Summary: Evaluation good practice checklist

Why Bother?
What is the purpose of the evaluation?
Who is it serving?
Does the design of the evaluation support the initiative taking place on the ground?
Does the research generate new knowledge?
Is the evaluation being used as a tool to help empower the individuals and communities it

Are you being realistic?

Are adequate resources available for the evaluation?
Are the evaluators fully trained and competent in the techniques they are being asked to carry
out? (This may be particularly important with internal evaluations i.e. when project staff are
being asked to carry out much of the evaluation themselves.)
Do stakeholders agree that the resources earmarked for the evaluation are proportional to the
overall size of the project? i.e. +/- 10% of the total budget for the project.
Do all stakeholders share similar views of what the evaluation aims to achieve?
What has been done to ensure that funders and practitioners have a realistic view of the
communities they are working with and their capacity to absorb and engage with different
kinds of evaluation activities?
What has been done to ensure that the proposed project outcomes, and the timescale within
which changes might be expected, are compatible?
Is the project goal/vision compatible with the anticipated outcomes?
Has the evaluation taken into account the historical, political and social (local and national)
context in which the programme is taking place?
Does the evaluation address the theoretical assumptions on which the project is based?
What are the political forces at play? How much political power is being wielded?

Ethics? Are you treating people with respect?

Has an appropriate ethical framework been developed? This may include considerations of
protecting the condentiality and anonymity of responses.
Who considered the ethical dimensions of the project and how ethical policies would be


Is the evaluation participatory?
Are the objectives and monitoring indicators SMART (Specic, Measurable, Appropriate,
Realistic, Time-Bound)?
Has the planning of the evaluation been treated as equally important as the data collection?
Is the evaluation integrated into all stages of development and implementation?
Is the chosen methodology the most appropriate in light of the project interventions? Be clear
How is the quality of practice/application of methods ensured (different questions need to be
asked if the research is commissioned or carried out internally)?
Is the timeframe of the evaluation sufcient to measure the potential outcomes (some of which
may be very long-term)?
Are the methods used exible enough to monitor unintended outcomes?

How can evaluators be encouraged to report more fully on their evaluation activities?
Will the ndings be conveyed to all participants and stakeholders in meaningful, timely and
appropriate ways?
Will the results show the failings as well as the achievements of the project?





















3 The programme
. What is it?

3.1 What is the programme logic model?

3.2 What are the benets of using a programme
logic model?
3.3 What do programme logic models look like?
3.4 Familiarising yourself with terminology
3.41 Project vision/goal
3.42 Inputs
3.43 Outputs
3.44 Outcomes
3.45 Looking at your assumptions (theory)
3.46 Linkages theory of action
3.47 External factors
3.48 Explaining the difference between outputs
and outcomes
3.49 What is programme theory?
3.410 Example of linkages from a drug education


3 N.B . the following material draws heavily on Programme Development and Evaluation a programme
developed by the University of Wisconsin providing an excellent interactive internet course on the
programme logic model
( accessed January 2008).


3.1 What are

programme logic
Logic models have been described in a
number of ways, using a variety of names:

The model links outcomes (short- and longterm) with programme activities and processes
and the theoretical assumptions underlying
the programme. The model provides a
planning framework, highlighting how the
programme is expected to develop and in what
order to stage activities, and looks at how
desired outcomes are achieved. It includes
an analysis of the inputs necessary to get the
project up and running and also provides an
opportunity to help develop indicators used to
monitor the progress of the project towards
anticipated goals and outcomes.

a logic framework
a log frame
a planning tool
a framework to help explain and record how
the programme works and the theories and
assumptions underlying the work
a sensible model showing how the project is
supposed to work
a model to show the logical relationships
between the different components of the
project - it helps to provide a simplied picture
of the complete intervention

Typical components of a programme logic

model are shown in the diagram below.

Program Action Logic Model


Needs and


What we

Local dynamics




Research base

Activities Participation

What we do
Work with

Who we

Outcomes - Impact
Short Term Medium Term Long Term

What the
short term
results are

What the
What the
term results impact(s) is
Social Action


External Factors


Focus - Collect Data - Analyze and Interpret - Report
Time Line
When does each stage of the evaluation need to happen?

Diagram adapted from: (accessed January 2008)


3.2 What are the

benets of using
a programme logic
There are many benets of using such a
system, extending beyond the development
of a coherent research framework. A
number of observed benets are detailed

Programme planning
and design

Developing a logic model helps to clarify

thinking and to review activities and
outcomes against project aims and
objectives. Once the project is underway,
the model can be used as an ongoing tool to
ensure activities are on-target and to make
necessary modications.

Fostering joint ownership and

commitment to project goals

Reviewing assumptions
on which project is based

In an ideal world, the rst stages of building

up the logic model will be undertaken as
a joint exercise, involving all key players in
project design and implementation. This will
include project staff, funders, representatives
of the concerned community and other key
players in local community infrastructure. This
early approach to joint working should help
establish productive working relationships and
shared understanding among the different
stakeholders. Moreover, it promotes a shared
vision and understanding of the underlying
theories and assumptions of the project.

In complex community projects which aim

to bring about change through a variety of
different channels (increasing knowledge,
building local capacity and skills, building
empowerment and self-condence), the
mechanisms for achieving each planned
outcome and the underlying theories often
remain obscure to project staff. The logic
model should help everyone involved in
the project (particularly project staff and
concerned populations) to understand the
anticipated mechanisms for bringing about


Are your project assumptions correct?

In HIV and AIDS programmes there is often an assumption (based loosely on the Theory of
Behaviour Change Model) that knowledge about ways in which HIV is transmitted will lead
directly to behaviour change. Clearly, the real life situation is more complex; the human mind,
being a sophisticated instrument, weighs up the relative advantages of behaviour change in
relation to a cost/benet analysis. If a sex worker, for example, is likely to lose her customer by
insisting on the use of condoms, this will create a disincentive to adopting safe behaviours and
will weigh heavily in any cost-benet analysis. High levels of self-esteem, on the other hand,
constitute one factor that may improve the chances of successful negotiation around condom
In the context of a drugs programme, it is apparent that drug use results from a complex
interaction of social, cultural, psychological and economic factors. If, for example, a project
is working in an area of high poverty and deprivation where a strong drug culture prevails
amongst an underclass of largely alienated young people, it is apparent that knowledge about
the dangers of drug use will not be the only factor that determines their behaviour. The sense
of allegiance and camaraderie afforded by membership in the drug taking group may, in the
short-term, be more important to some young people than the longer-term negative impact on
health. To be most effective, projects must be aware of all the factors that inuence human


A detailed analysis, which explores every

aspect of project activity and projected impact,
will result in more effective and appropriately
targeted project interventions. This stage
is also a good opportunity to clarify key
denitions which are open to confusion and
misinterpretation such as empowerment and
participation. (See Annex 3 - glossary)

The process of developing the model is based

on participatory techniques which require
stakeholders to work together to clarify the
underlying rationale for the programme and
the conditions under which success is most
likely to be achieved. In this way, changes are
more likely to be built on consensus building,
following an open, transparent process and
less on personalities, politics and ideology. A
stronger sense of project ownership is thus
fostered amongst stakeholders.

Ongoing evaluation
The model helps to focus on each component
of programme activity. Individual parts can
be broken down into activities and linked to
outcomes which can be assessed separately;
charting progress towards interim and
long-term outcomes. In this way robust
mechanisms for measuring outcomes are
developed. What happens? What works? For
whom? It should allow the team to identify the
obstacles preventing the project from working
optimally. It is also a chance for the team to
assess how easy it will be for them to measure
the indicators they have selected.

3.3 What do
programme logic
models look like?
Logic models come in all shapes and sizes
and are developed according to the particular
needs of each individual project. Some models
begin with very basic structural links between
project components but grow over time in line
with project development and the creative
insight of the project team. They should be
represented in one pictorial diagram in order
to give an overall vision of the links between
the different components and processes,
which form the whole project.

Moreover, the process should help identify

ways to measure more intangible interim
outcomes (e.g. levels of participation, extent of
empowerment, cohesion of groups, etc). The
progress of more complex initiatives can thus
be charted and improvements made along the
way, based on new and emerging information.









Sometimes a logic model is built as a table with lists of items

in the input, output, and outcome columns. (See section 3 for
denitions of these terms.) The model may include limited
directional arrows to illustrate connections and relationships.
It may include numbered lists to show order within a column or
to indicate rows of connections across the columns.

Other logic models use boxes, with lines and arrows connecting
the boxes to illustrate the causal linkages.

Some logic models use circles and other shapes. Some

community groups have used metaphors such as oysters, trees,
footprints, and octopuses.

Some logic models are simple; others are complex.

Some logic models show only parts of a full model: some dont
include assumptions, situation or external factors; some only
include outputs and outcomes.

Diagrams taken from: (accessed January 2008)

(See also Section 3.43 and 3.44)

Remember that the logic model is just
a MODEL. In an effort to simplify and
communicate using one page, you can produce
logic models that abbreviate programme
complexities. Most importantly, the logic
model must be clear and comprehensive
to those who will use it. To capture the
programme theory, the logic model needs
to show the linkages between and among

the steps involved in the project, in a logical

and systematic way, often helps to identify gaps
(be they structural, economic or theoretical).
The purpose for which the logic model is to be
used dictates the level of detail employed and
the information included. When a logic model
is used specically for research purposes,
it can be adapted to include more focus on
outcomes. The look and level of detail differs
widely. Community-based practitioners who
need to measure outcomes may wish to
show greater detail in the outcome chain and
streamline the input and output components.

A logic model is a tool for enhancing

programme performance. Often the process of
producing the logic model is more important
than a polished end result. Thinking through


Key Points


Think about who will use the logic model.

Who needs to understand the value/purpose
of the model: you, your staff, the community,
funders, administrators, elected ofcials?

employment and working conditions

physical environment
personal health practices and coping skills

Settle on a graphic representation that best

ts the user and use.

child development issues

Recognise that deciding on a single image
that displays the programme theory is often
the most difcult part of developing and using
a logic model. Probably more important than
the nal image is the process undertaken to
produce it.

health services
role of funders (possible constraints
The list is as long as you want to make it. The
exercise is important because it puts into
perspective the huge number of variables that
may have an impact on the project, helping
to provide an understanding of the complexity
of community interventions and of the limited
impact that small scale interventions can have.

3.4 Terminology
Familiarising yourself with the following terms
will help in assembling a logic model.

3.41 Project vision/goal

Whilst thinking about your larger goal, it is
important to focus more specically on the
projects priorities. In order to monitor project
effectiveness, it is essential to have clearly
articulated aims and objectives. These will
demonstrate how the overall goal/vision is
being achieved. If the goal, for example, is to
reduce incidence of HIV infection, the aims and
objectives may relate to improved knowledge of
modes of transmission, changing perceptions
of HIV, reported behaviour change or enhanced
self-condence. Alternatively the aims and
objectives may relate simply to putting the
infrastructure in place with which to attain
longer term goals for the future (providing
buildings, training staff, etc). Aims and
objectives should relate directly to indicators
(discussed in section 5.5).

This is the big vision - what are you trying to

do for the community? It may link directly
to improved levels of health and well-being
(reected in reduced levels of morbidity and
mortality). Alternatively, it may focus on
education or capacity- building: raising levels
of education, training or wealth. Community
projects tend to be based on a number of core
values (e.g. equity, social justice, freedom,
It may be interesting to discuss the key
obstacles to achieving your goal amongst your
beneciary group. Some or all of the following
factors may come into play:
income inequity
social status/class

It is important to clarify the role of funders

from the very beginning. Have the funders
imposed any specic obligations in relation
to project activity, e.g. monitoring, meetings,
involvement in project? Are these requirements
going to affect the timing of project activities?

level of social exclusion and social justice

social support networks


3.42 Inputs

Inputs are exible and will vary in style and

content depending on the type of project being
undertaken. A drugs education project, for
example, will need different types of inputs
depending on whether it is based within formal
settings (schools, youth clubs) or is targeted
more loosely at street kids or transient
populations (immigrants or seasonal workers).

Inputs are the resources and contributions

that you and others make to the effort.
These include time, people (staff, volunteers,
beneciaries if involved), the community,
money, materials, equipment, partnerships,
research base, and technology, among other

It is impossible to single out any one input as

more important than any other. However, one
area is often overlooked due to pressures of
more tangible project activities: the building
and maintenance of strong and appropriate
partnerships. Partners may include local
organizations who relate directly or indirectly
to project activity, service providers, funders
(national and international), government and
client groups.


What we

Diagram taken from:

interface/coop_M1_Overview.htm (accessed January 2008)

3.43 Outputs


What we do

Who we reach

Work with


Diagram taken from: (accessed January 2008)

Outputs are the activities, services, events, and products that reach people (individuals, groups,
agencies) who participate in or who are targeted by the project.
Outputs are what we do or what we offer. They include workshops, services, conferences,
community surveys, facilitation, in-house counselling, etc.


These outputs are intended to lead to specic outcomes.

Outcomes - Impact
Short Term

Medium Term

What the
short term
results are

What the
medium term
results are
Social Action

Long Term
What the
impact(s) is

Diagram taken from: (accessed January 2008)

3.44 Outcomes
Outcomes are the direct results, benets, advantages or disadvantages for individuals, families,
groups, communities, organizations or systems. Examples include changes in knowledge; skill
development; changes in behaviour, capacities or decision-making; and policy development.
Outcomes can be short-term, medium-term or longer-term achievements. Outcomes may be
positive, negative, neutral, intended or unintended, and they can be measured throughout the
project lifecycle.
Impact in this model refers to the ultimate consequences or effects of the programme. For
example, increased economic security, reduced rates of teenage smoking or improved air quality.
Impact is synonymous here with the long-term outcome of your goal. It is at the farthest right on
the logic model graphic. Impact refers to the ultimate, longer-term changes in social, economic,
civic or environmental conditions. In common usage impact and outcomes are often used
It is important when considering impacts to look not only at intended, but also unintended impacts.
An example of this may be found in gender-based projects where the focus is on raising self-esteem
and improving livelihood opportunities for women. Long-term impacts will relate to the improved
economic and social status of the women. The ramications of empowering and strengthening the
position of women may be signicant in terms of readdressing the balance of power and status
within the household, which may in turn challenge local assumptions of the status quo.

In one UNESCO-funded project in South Asia, poor young women were empowered to such an
extent that they began to assert the right to choose their own husband and were subsequently
ostracised for outing long established codes of behaviour. If such eventualities are considered
at a projects inception, it may be possible to alleviate any negative repercussions which may
result, and to support all members of the community through the subsequent transition.


3.45 Looking at your

assumptions (theory)

up at project inception and then reviewed

on an agreed regular basis to re-evaluate
the assumptions made and look at what has
changed and why.

3.46 Linkages - theory of action

Directional arrows can be used in the logic
model to show how different bits of the model
link up. Connections may be vertical and
horizontal, one-direction or two-directional
and show feedback loops.

Diagram taken from:

coop_M1_Overview.htm (accessed January 2008)

Assumptions are the principles, beliefs and

ideas we have about the programme and
the people involved, and the way we think
the programme will work. Assumptions go
towards creating underlying beliefs about
how the project will work; they are validated
with research and experience. Assumptions
underlie and inuence the programme
decisions we make. They may relate to:

Diagram taken from:

coop_M1_Overview.htm (accessed January 2008)

It is the linkages - not just what is labelled as

input, output, or outcome - that give the model
its power. Drawing the connections is often
messy and time-consuming but necessary.
It is what helps us make sure weve addressed
all the logical connections. Sometimes we
simplify and only include the primary linkages;
otherwise the logic model may become too
difcult to read.

The problem or situation.

The resources and staff.
The way the programme will operate.
What the programme expects to achieve.
The knowledge base.

In the end, the nal outcome theoretically links

back to the beginning. By project completion it
is anticipated that the starting point will have
been transformed. The large feedback arrow
at the top right of the logic model is an attempt
to illustrate this connection and the dynamics
of programming. Some people like to show
the circular ow of a logic model that explicitly
connects the end to the beginning. In actuality,
programme environments are dynamic and
constantly changing so the beginning rarely
stays the same.

The external environment.

The internal environment.
The participants: how they learn, their
behaviour, motivations, etc.
In developing a logic model, we want to make
explicit all the implicit assumptions we are
making. They may not all be portrayed in the
one-page graphic, but we do want to explore
and discuss them.

Many people refer to these linkages as ifthen relationships. Reading from left to right,
a logic model portrays a series of if-then
relationships. When developing a logic model,
think about the underlying assumptions,
i.e. how are the linkages made? Are the
assumptions made realistic and sound? What
evidence or research do you have to support
your assumptions?

Think about and clarify your assumptions on

all dimensions in your logic model. What do
you know? What are you assuming? Continue
to check and clarify them as you proceed.
Faulty or overlooked assumptions are often
the reason for poor results. It may help to
build a reection cycle into the process. In
other words, the logic model can be drawn


3.47 External factors

participants and recipients

A programme does not sit in isolation, outside

or apart from its surrounding environment. A
programme is affected by and affects external
factors. These include for example: cultural
milieu, climate, economic structure, housing
patterns, demographic patterns, political
environment, background and experience of
programme participants, media inuence,
changing policies and priorities. All of
these may have a major inuence on the
achievement of outcomes. We cant ignore
them! Among the elements they may affect

stafng patterns and resources available

A simple example includes mass local
migration following the opening of a factory
in the local city with potential employment
opportunities; both project staff and
beneciaries may be lost to such a process.
Conversely, a successful project with the
promise of building sustainable livelihoods
for the most vulnerable may encourage more
people to migrate into the local area, perhaps
putting more strain on project resources. A
reection cycle, as mentioned above (3.45)
may provide a suitable forum for assessing the
impact of external factors (both expected and

programme implementation
the speed and degree to which change

3.48 Explaining the difference between outputs and outcomes

Understanding the difference between outputs and outcomes is important.
Outputs relate to what we do. Outcomes and impact refer to what difference is made.

Outcomes - Impact

What we do
Work with

Short Term

Medium Term

Long Term


Who we reach

What the
short term
results are

What the
medium term
results are
Social Action

What the
impact(s) is

Diagram taken from: (accessed January 2008)

In the past, there has been a focus on the outputs column - the what we do and who we reach.
Recording outputs helps inform clients, funders and community partners about the nature of project
activity. Most projects do a reasonable job of describing and counting activities and the number of
people served. The harder questions focus on What difference does it make? This is a question
about OUTCOMES and impact.


3.410 Examples of linkages

from a drug education

In some logic models you will see activities

separated from outputs, with activities often
displayed before outputs. In these models,
outputs are typically designated as the
accomplishment or product of the activity. For
example, the number of workshops actually
delivered or the number of individuals who heard
the media message. The assumption is that the
activity needs to be delivered as intended before
the expected outcomes can occur.

Staff training in drugs education
Workshops involving staff and target group to
nalise training programme and content

3.49 What is programme

A logic model shows the series of connections
or logical relationships that are expected
to lead to desired results over time. The
model is primarily a framework or planning
tool however, there are a number of logical
assumptions within the framework which
are the theoretical basis of project work.
This logical base has been described as the
programmes theory of action (Patton, 1997) or
theory of change (Weiss,1998)

Conducting workshops for the group

A theory of change is a description of how
and why a set of activities (be they part of a
highly focused programme or a comprehensive
initiative) are expected to lead to early,
intermediate and longer-term outcomes over a
specied period.

Short-term: learning, awareness, knowledge,

Medium/long-term: Improved health,
behaviour, economic situation

Theory may sound too academic for some but it

really just refers to the following:

A closer analysis of the above relationships

helps establish a feel for their strength and
robustness. For example, as long as a drugs
workshop is well planned, structured and
targeted (your assumptions), an increased
level of knowledge about drugs at the end of a
performance is not an unrealistic expectation.
More tenuous however are the medium
and long-term anticipated outcomes that
educational workshops will lead to changes
in behaviour or indeed an improved health
and economic position. There are many more
external factors that come into play and these
could be shown as arrows coming off the logic
model. For example, external factors which may
act as an obstruction to individuals in adopting
safer drug related behaviours may include:

Conventional wisdom

For example, the theory behind a drug

intervention programme may be that by
empowering and educating young people
about drug misuse, the project will provide
individuals with the knowledge and condence
to choose not to take drugs or use them in a
less harmful way thus providing them with
skills and strategies to follow different paths.


Examples of factors which may inuence drug taking behaviour

Building up the connections in this way, showing factors which may inuence outcomes (many
of which may be outside immediate project control), helps to place the project within a realistic

Low self

Access to
other social
and leisure

Level of


Level of

of peers

Ease of
access to










































ection 4 How to create

Sa logic

Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:

Determine the purpose of the logic model.

Who will use it and for what?
Involve others
Set the boundaries for the logic model
Understand the situation
Write a situation statement
Explore the research and knowledge base
Now start to ll in the empty boxes



Step 2: Involve others

Logic model development is a process.

Time and practice are required before you
can use logic models effectively. The best
way to learn is to practice! There is a good
interactive site for practicing logic models
located at
course/ The self-study module contained
on this site is worth working through, as
it takes you through the steps clearly and
methodically with numerous opportunities
to practice.

Who should participate?

Who should facilitate?

Step 3: Set the

boundaries for the logic

The process of constructing a logic model

(rather than the nished product) may
be the most important aspect of logic
model development. The process builds
understanding, consensus and clarity in
thinking about the programme - all of which
are critical to the programmes success.

What will the logic model depict: A single,

focused activity (for example a single puppet
show to educate about HIV and AIDS within
a specic setting), or a more comprehensive
initiative involving a number of different but
complementary activities? For example, a
number of puppet shows running alongside
the distribution of leaets and community
outreach work carried out over a number of

Logic models are rened and changed many

times. Leave your logic model in a visible
place, perhaps stuck on a wall, where it
can be altered and amended as the project
develops. Change the model as the project
dynamic begins to change and you learn
more about your programme.

What level of detail is needed?

Who will use the logic model? How?

Getting Started

Step 4: Understand
the situation

Step 1: Determine the

purpose of the logic
model, who will use it
and for what?

The information needed for this step can

be obtained from the needs assessment
described in section 2.3.

Step 5: Write
a situation statement

Why are you formulating a logic model?

Is your purpose to full an administrative
requirement? To show your funders
what you are doing? To complete a grant
proposal? To determine a work plan? To
evaluate your programme? To improve
the quality of your work? To involve all
stakeholders in a participatory process
to build project understanding and

This statement will form the foundation of your

logic model. It will be based on the following
What is the problem/issue?
Why is this a problem? (What causes the
For whom does this problem exist and at
what levels (individual, household, group,
community, society in general)?

Make sure that everyone working on the

model understands its value.


Who has a stake in the problem? (Who cares whether it is resolved or not?)
What do we know about the problem/issue/people that are involved? What research and
experience do we have?

A situation statement from a drug education project:

In a drug programme, for example, your problem (identied during a needs assessment) may
be that within a dened community (school, village, marketplace) 20% of young people aged
between 13 and 20 are taking illegal drugs. Having identied the problem, you need to explore it
in much more detail:
What are the perceived benets of this behaviour? (i.e. why do the young people take drugs?
Perceived benets may include a sense of membership to a group, a good feeling from the drug.)
What are the negative repercussions of this behaviour? (short-term and long-term)
Which groups do the drugs affect, e.g. young people, parents, carers, wider family, school? This
will help to decide who has a stake in altering the behaviour and may therefore be willing to get
involved in the programme.
Look at the impact from a number of different perspectives: social, psychological, economic.
In order to answer these questions fully it is important to talk to stakeholders in the community
(including the key target group: drug-taking young people) as well as gathering evidence from
other sources. Data collection methods may include discussions with managers of similar
programmes, review of published articles or evaluation reports, talking to other professionals,

The situation statement can be appended to

the logic model as text. It is good practice to
include a few words on the far left side of the
logic model. These words should capture the
essence of the project. What is the problem/
issue? Too often, we design and implement
programmes without fully considering and
understanding the situation. The better we
understand the situation and analyse the
problem, the easier it is to develop effective
logic models.

Describing who is affected by the problem

helps in the subsequent assessment of who
has beneted.

Priority Setting
From the situation statement comes priority
setting. Once the situation and problem are
fully analysed, priorities can be set. Seldom
can we undertake everything, so we have to
prioritise. Several factors are pertinent here;
these include your mission, values, resources,
expertise, experience, history, what you know
about the situation and what others are doing
in relation to the problem. Priorities lead to the
identication of desired inputs and outcomes.

The situation statement forms the basis of the

rest of your work and provides the foundation
from which the logic model is built. The social
context of the project is open to constant ux
and change and so needs to be updated as
The situation statement establishes a baseline
for comparison during project implementation
and on programme completion. A description
of the problem and its symptoms provides a
guideline against which to monitor project


Step 6: Explore
the research and
knowledge base

What is your end goal?

What will be different?
How will your target population, the
wider community, the social and economic
infrastructure, the environment be different
as a result of the programme?

The way you produce your model will

depend on the stage of your project and your
knowledge base. It is most appropriate to use
a programme logic model as a tool to help
plan the project (implementation, delivery and
evaluation), although it can still be useful if
introduced later in the project lifespan.

Agree on a simple statement describing the

ultimate end result that you are hoping to
achieve. This end result is the same as your
goal. Spend time clarifying and agreeing on
your long-term desired outcome.
Once you have agreed on your long-term
outcome (end result/goal), work backwards
across the logic model. In order to achieve
those outcomes what will your outputs be?
What inputs are needed? You can use the
template below, or the version included in
annex 4, to practice.

Step 7: Now start to ll

in the empty boxes
How do you want things to be different at the
end of the programme?
When writing your logic model you need to
be clear about what you want the project to

Plan backwards




resources do
we need?

Outcomes - Impact


do we need
to do in order
for those
groups to
the shortterm

must be
for the
outcomes to
be achieved?

Short Term
must be
met for the
medium term
outcomes to
be achieved?

Medium Term

Long Term

What is the
preconditions ultimate
must be
met for the
ultimate goal
to be

External Factors


Implement forward
Diagram from: (accessed January 2008)


It may help to put a whole day (or a couple

of days) aside and try to sit down with as
many members of the project team and other
interested parties as you can. The process can
be time consuming but it is time well spent.
Get a huge piece of paper, smaller pieces
of paper for notes, lots of different colour
marker pens, tape or other adhesive to attach
lists and diagrams as your thinking develops.
Draw a number of big circles across the page
and label each circle with the key project
components you wish to explore. These may

There is no one right or wrong way to draw a
logic model. Experiment and nd the process
that works best for you and your group.
The recommended approach to planning a
programme is to begin at the end.
A logic model is dynamic - change it as
your programme, the environment, or people
Build in regular time periods during which
you can review your logic model i.e. reection

1. goal/vision
2. aims and objectives of projects

Much of the value of a logic model lies in

the process of creating it, checking it and
modifying it. This process is an iterative one
that involves stakeholders working together to
clarify underlying assumptions, expectations
and the conditions under which success
is most likely. Remember, your primary
stakeholders are the people targeted by the
project. Other stakeholders may include staff,
funders, local NGOs and related organizations,
and local government.

3. activity - what is your project intervention?

4. project outputs
5. project outcomes
6. evaluation approach
7. project goal assumptions
Each circle will link somehow or other with all
of the others its up to you to make the links
and connections. As you think and discuss,
annotate your diagram with the emerging





















5 Structuring and
ning your evaluation

5.1 Where does evaluation t in a logic model?

5.2 How do logic models help in evaluation?
5.3 What to evaluate? The focus.
5.4 What will the evaluation seek to answer?
5.5 Example of a logic model with evaluation questions
5.6 Indicators. How will you know whether aims
and objectives have been met?
5.7 Timing, scheduling and data collection



5.1 Where does

evaluation t in a logic

5.2 How do logic

models help in

The logic model describes your programme

or initiative, what it is expected to achieve and
how. Evaluation helps you know how well the
programme or initiative actually works. What
worked, what didnt and why? How can you
make this better?

Perhaps you are wondering: Why spend so

much time on logic models when all I need to
do isevaluatemeasure outcomes and tell
my story? If so, remember:
Undertaking an evaluation on a poorly
designed programme is an ineffective use of
resources. Logic models can help improve
programme design so that evaluation is more
useful and effective.
Undertaking an evaluation of programmes
that are not ready to be evaluated is also a
waste of resources. Logic models can help
determine what data will be useful and when
data collection is most timely.

What do you want to know?

How will you know it?

Diagram taken from:


To organize an evaluation that will

reasonably test the programme theory, you
need a clear idea of the theoretical thinking
underlying the initiative (Weiss, 1998). A logic
model encourages that thinking process to be

Think about how the evaluation can be

integrated across your whole logic model as
depicted above.

In summary, logic models help with:


determine what to evaluate




Data Collection

questions for your

know what
information to
collect to answer
those questions

know when to
collect data

data collection
- sources,
methods sample,

Diagram taken from:

5.3 What to evaluate? The focus

One of the greatest benets of the logic model is that it claries what the programme is. When
determining what to evaluate, ask yourself:
What in particular do you want to evaluate? Is the focus of the evaluation the whole programme or a
component of the programme? Perhaps you want to focus on the media campaign of your outreach
programme or one particular target group.
Programmes are often complex. You may have neither the resources nor the need to examine
everything. Use the logic model to select the particular aspect, depth, component or parts you want
to evaluate.


What is important to measure?

What will you spend time and
resources on?

5.4 What will the

evaluation seek to
answer? The questions

Key issues when thinking about evaluation

You cant and wont measure everything.
Answering a few questions well is better than
answering many questions poorly. Remember
the words of Einstein: Not everything that can
be counted counts, and not everything that
counts can be counted.

It is better to know some of the questions

than all of the answers.
James Thurber
The important thing is not to stop
questioning. Curiosity has its own reason
for existing.
Albert Einstein

Often an evaluation takes on a life of its

own. The temptation is to think we need more
and more data. It is important, however, to
keep the evaluation focused and as simple as
possible. Otherwise you run the risk of trying
to do too much and end up with information
you dont know what to do with. For example,
if youre evaluating an HIV and AIDS education
programme, make sure the data you collect
relates to a set of very specic objectives
around knowledge, attitudes and behaviour
linked to HIV and AIDS. Including other bits of
information - for example about other health
promoting behaviours (diet, drug intake,
membership of community groups, etc) - is
tempting, but risks over-complicating the nal

Evaluation is about asking questions - good,

critical questions to help us to learn and
be accountable. Identifying good questions
is an important aspect of creating useful


What you decide to measure depends on

who will use the results and for what purpose.
It is also inuenced by time, money and

endeavours. Evaluation questions that are

broad and vague tend to yield similarly vague
responses that are difcult to interpret and
of little use for programme decision-making.
Did you benet from attending the education
session about drug misuse? is an example of
a broad evaluation question. More focus could
be added to this question by breaking it down
into smaller units. For example:

Remember, it is important to measure

unanticipated outcomes (i.e. things you may
not have expected to happen) as well as
outcomes you did expect. Some changes may
occur which are not viewed as positive it is
just as important to identify these as to note
changes that have been benecial. (See for
example, section 3.44)

Have your perceptions of people who take

drugs changed? How?
Do you think an individual is to blame for
being a drug user?

Remember that evaluation must t the

programmes stage of development. For

Has your behaviour changed (or is it likely

to change) as a result of having attended the

It may be inappropriate to assess behaviour

change when the programme only consists of
a single workshop or a limited media effort for example, to attempt to measure changes
in self-esteem in audiences who have only
watched one educational puppet show or
attended one parenting class.

Did you learn any new strategies to help bring

about changes in behaviour?
Was there anything else you got out of the
course? (This may be unrelated to drug

Be as clear as possible about what you

REALLY want to know so that you focus your


5.5 Example of a logic model with evaluation

The logic model can help you determine appropriate questions for your evaluation.



of child

Design parent
Provide 6
sessions with


parents attend

Parents use

Reduced rates
of child abuse
and neglect

Parents learn
new ways to


the inputs

Was the
Were all 6

Did all parents

attend that we
intended? Who
did/did not
attend? Did
they attend all
6 sessions?
Why/why not?

Are assumptions correct?

Do parents attend as anticipated?
Does knowledge change lead to behavior

Did knowledge
increase? Did
they learn new
What else

Are parents
actually using
skills? So
what? What
difference do
these skills

Has there been

a decrease in
rates among
Were goals

Were there any local events that kept parents

from attending?

Diagram taken from: (accessed January 2008)

5.6 Indicators. How will you know whether aims

and objectives have been met?
An indicator is the evidence or information that represents the phenomenon you are asking about.
For example:

Indicators help you both to assess the ongoing

progress of the project (process indicators) as
well as to look at whether or not anticipated
outcomes have been achieved (outcome
indicators). Indicators dene the data that will
be collected and should relate directly to the
key aims and objectives of the project. They
can be seen (observed), heard (participant
response), read (agency records), felt (climate
of meeting), touched or smelt. It is the
evidence that answers the questions.

Process indicators relate to ongoing project

activity and may include:
Number of people attending project events
Completion of project related infrastructure
(buildings, publications, shows, training, etc)
Level of community awareness and
response to ongoing initiatives
Examples of short-term outcome indicators
in a drug education programme may include:

Some indicators may be straightforward

and easy to measure; others are more
complex. Evaluations should always include
a combination of process and outcome

Increased knowledge of the impact of drug

use on health


Increased condence to nd alternative

strategies to drug use

It is important to note that indicators should

only be collected if they have a real value and
use to the project. For example, it is only worth
counting the number of people attending a
puppet show if the show has some meaningful
impact. This may relate to a change in
knowledge or behaviour of the individual
being counted. Unless projects understand
the value of the indicators they are collecting
they can become a burden leading to added

Longer-term indicators may include:

Reduction in drug taking behaviour
Received improvement in health
Greater integration into the community
Similar considerations are needed when
dealing with transmission of HIV, where it is
equally important to differentiate between
short-term and long-term indicators. Changes
in long-term indicators such as incidence of
HIV infection will not be evident over the timescale of short-term community interventions
(and is enormously difcult to measure).
Whilst it is important to monitor incidence
of HIV, it is equally important to be realistic
about the possible impact of the planned
intervention. For this reason identifying
realistic short-term indicators is crucial to
an effective evaluation. In the case of projects
aiming to reduce transmission of HIV, possible
short- and medium-term indicators may
include measures such as:

increase in knowledge about HIV


In the case of more abstract indicators such

as empowerment, freedom from substance
misuse or control/choice, attempts will need
to be made to develop yardsticks rather than
more clear-cut, scientic measures. When
trying to assess levels of empowerment, for
example, the rst step may be to explore why
empowerment is important in relation to
project objectives. In a drugs education project
this may include empowering individuals to
take up different leisure pursuits; to avoid
meeting up with known drug takers; or to
modify drug taking habits, switching to less
harmful substances. Determining the level
of condence and frequency of behaviour
changes such as these may provide an
appropriate measure of empowerment. Be
realistic about what you can do! A range
of techniques can be used to cross-check
information (triangulation) in an effort to nd
out what difference the project has made to
the lives of beneciaries.

numbers seeking HIV tests in local clinics

Indicators should be all of the following:

numbers using condoms during last sexual



shift in perceptions relating to people with


Alternatively, short- and medium-term
indicators in drug education projects may


changes in perceived risk related to drug



increased knowledge about side effects of


Culturally appropriate
Not too numerous!

changes in reported drug taking behaviour

increased participation in social, economic,
educational activities due to reduced drug use
Indicators of community involvement may
include measures such as the number of self
help groups in the area, numbers attending
community meetings, etc.


5.7 Timing, scheduling

and data collection

baseline or rolling-baseline i.e. data is

reviewed during reection cycle
at the beginning of programme or during a
specic event/activity

Look at your logic model and your evaluation

questions and decide at what point along the
pathway you will want to collect data. The
programme should have reached a stage at
which data collection will be both possible
and meaningful. For example, evaluation
information about who is participating should
be collected at each session, while data to
answer questions about behaviour change
would have to be collected, depending on
the indicators you are collecting for, at midterm or at some point after completion of the

during implementation
mid-way through programme
at the end of programme, specic event or
monthly, quarterly, annually
post-programme to determine longer-term

Data collection can occur at several possible

points in time:

For help with the content and structure of your evaluation, you may want to begin by lling in the
Evaluation Worksheet provided in annex 5.





















ection 6 Research
and tools


Evaluating project process

Evaluating outcomes and impacts
Forms of data collection
Quantitative research
Qualitative research
Qualitative research techniques
Research tools
Summary: A complete evaluation plan



It would be possible to describe everything scientically, but it would make no sense;

it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony
as a variation of wave pressure.
Albert Einstein

6.1 Evaluating Project


List resources used for programme

Inform future developments and
programmes in similar areas.

The reality of the complex mix of social,

political and economic factors which come into
play at community level means that projects
rarely go exactly as planned. For this reason,
it is important that projects are able to adapt
and be exible. Process evaluation helps to
monitor exactly what occurs in planning and
implementing the programme. If you have
developed a robust framework for evaluating
the implementation process you will be able

It is important to be aware, as noted in

section 5.6, that process indicators will be
different from outcome indicators.

6.2 Evaluating
Outcomes and Impact

Explore programme origins and the

chronological sequence of events in
programme planning and implementation.
This should include modications and changes
to the programme.

You will not be able to evaluate all project

outcomes. Instead, you will need to prioritise
on the basis of what is most important to
project success, and also in relation to what
is actually measurable within the timeframe
of the project. In the current climate, where
funding from agencies is often pledged on
an annual or bi-annual basis, it is likely that
many of the projects long-term goals will not
yet have been achieved, as not enough time
has elapsed. Make sure that both project staff
and funders are aware of this from project
inception to avoid the danger of setting
yourself up to fail.

Involve project participants in their own

analysis of what has changed as a result of
the intervention and ways in which it could be
Look at the programme structure,
components and delivery system.
Look at contextual factors relevant to the
programme operation.

Once you have identied key outcomes to

monitor you need to choose suitable ways to
gather data. Again be realistic about time,
research skills within the team, nancial and
human resources. Always remember that your
key resource is the people who are involved in
the project. Remember to consult them fully
and include them in your research. Research
techniques you arrive at may include a choice
of quantitative and qualitative methods
outlined below. The choice of methods will be
inuenced by the size and type of project and
budget, and by the information you wish to

Analyse the reasons why change was

Look at participation rates and participant
Assess perceptions of programme
Assess levels of community awareness.


6.3 Forms of data collection

TABLE 1. Characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research
Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Questions asked

Who, what, how, why?

How much, how many?

Question type




Dialogue or observation through:

lm, video, theatre, mapping, etc



Semi- or unstructured


To whom?

Purposeful sampling.

Formal sampling.

A small but representative sample is


Larger numbers are randomly

selected. Statistical probabilities
can be assessed.






Formalisation and statistical


Common methods
techniques should
be used across both

individual, depth interviews
critical incident i.e. relating to
a specic event and exploring the
individual/group response to that
focus group

cross-sectional (picture at one
point in time)
cohort (follow one group over

Written text:
diary methods
archival e.g. health service and
Media analysis:
press articles
drawings or photographs
participant observation
non-participant observation
Project techniques:
responses to presented stimuli
word association
role playing


Controlled trials
Archival data (secondary data)
further analysis of existing
counts e.g., patients in a

6.4 Quantitative

However, the results are dependent on

the researchers own denition of possible
response categories; thus there is little scope
for uncovering the details of peoples lives
or capturing unanticipated information. For
example, a quantitative survey, looking at drug
use may ask the question: How many times a
week do you take illegal drugs? The question
may provide some basic quantitative data, but
will not provide any in-depth insight into the
cultural, social or psychological pressures
which lead to drug taking. Ambiguities around
denitions and understanding of key terms
(e.g. what is an illegal drug?) are also hard to
deal within this context.

Quantitative research involves the systematic

collection of evidence that can be numerically
counted and coded. It explores theories and
hypothesis pertaining to the relationship
between natural phenomena. Quantitative
techniques tend to use structured research
instruments, making research easier to collect
and analyse and enabling research to be easily
replicated. In undertaking large numbers of
observations, the method is able to provide
statistical data enabling generalisations to be
Traditionally, quantitative research has been
viewed as more scientic and objective than
qualitative research and has therefore been
privileged as a form of evidence by funding
agencies. The tendency to ask for quantitative
evidence to demonstrate effectiveness has
put enormous strain on smaller organizations
and community projects and the techniques
required to gather the evidence are often ill
suited to the project setting.

6.5 Sampling
Rather than querying the whole project
population, it is often more efcient to
ask questions or seek opinions from a
representative sample of people reached by
the project. As long as numbers are sufciently
large (seek advice from a statistician on this),
generalisations can be made which cover the
entire project population. If you do sample,
you need to consider what type of sample to
use. Do you need to be able to generalise your
ndings to the whole population? What size
will your sample be?

Quantitative research usually demands

resources (both nancial and human) which
exceed the capacity of small community
projects. In some cases data from national
or regional surveys already exist and can
be valuable in informing needs assessment
and project development. HIV and AIDS data
collected through household or behavioural
surveys or surveillance sites, for example, may
be able to highlight variations by geographical
areas or population groups most at risk.

Decisions about sampling usually depend on

the purpose of the evaluation, the questions
you are asking, the size of the population,
and the methods you are using to collect

What is quantitative research

and when should it be used?
Quantitative data are useful for getting
an overall picture of a situation and for
sampling a relatively large number of people.
Quantitative research asks questions like:
how much? or how many?. The most
common examples of quantitative research
methods are experimental studies, such as
random controlled trials and surveys. All
responses are either absolute numbers,
such as the units of alcohol consumed, or
numerical codes, for example, where yes is
coded as 1 and no as 2. It is then possible to
calculate percentages for each response, and,
if the sample is large enough, to determine
whether between groups of people there
are any differences that are unlikely to have
occurred by chance.

6.6 Qualitative
This involves analysis of non-numerical data
such as the text of interview transcripts,
photographs in the media, or researcher
observations, and asks questions like what?,
how? and why?. Such methods are usually
used when the researcher wants to go beneath

4. If you want further support to select an appropriate

sample, consult some of the following web links: (accessed
January 2008)
(accessed January 2008)


the surface and explore responses to questions which have answers that are not easily categorised
or are not predictable. Often qualitative research is less interested in how people fall into groups
than in natural responses, which can be analysed to nd patterns or even contradictions within
the data. Participation of beneciaries should be central to qualitative data, both in terms of data
collection and analysis. It is important to explore innovative methods which can be used to collect
the data and then to interpret ndings.
Qualitative methods allow for and indeed seek variation within individuals and groups. In recognising
that human beings are interactive in a way that the objects of the natural sciences are not,
qualitative methods are often designed to take full account of the contribution that both participant
and researcher, as social beings, make to the data.
Research of either kind (qualitative or quantitative) can be used on its own, or as part of a research
strategy of multiple methods. For example you might use individual interviews (qualitative research)
to explore the reasons behind national survey ndings (quantitative research) that show how
disadvantaged young people are more likely to become injecting drug users. Or, conversely, themes
drawn out of focus group interviews could be used to design a coding frame/questionnaire (a set
of predened possible responses) and used for quantitative research on a larger scale. Both types
of research are valuable and have unique advantages. It is important at the starting point to clearly
frame the question being asked and then choose and apply the type of research best suited to
nding a useful answer.


6.7 Qualitative
Research Techniques

Feedback forms: You can nd out what

people think about services offered by the
project by asking them to ll in a short
feedback form. What did they nd most useful?
How would they improve the activity?

In-depth interviews: These can be

conducted with key informants, i.e. people
who have been closely involved in the project
who have particular insights. They may
be conducted with project staff, partner
organizations or project participants. Annex 6
contains more information on how to conduct
in-depth interviews.

Evaluation workshops and review

meetings: Special meetings used to elicit
feedback from project participants. Similar
techniques to those used in focus groups can
be employed.

Focus groups and round tables: A focus

group gathers together about 4-8 people,
usually connected through a common factor
(e.g. they may all be drug users or parents
depending on the project focus). The group
is used to discuss key questions which are
central to the evaluation. Techniques to
provoke discussion such as photos, tapes,
pictures, etc can be useful.

6.8 Research tools

Most data collection requires some sort of
form or instrument for compiling information
such as a recording sheet, a questionnaire,
an observation protocol, or a videotape or
audiotape. Think about the data collection
method youve chosen and decide what is
needed to record the information. If possible,
use tested and validated instruments.

Case study: These explore a few detailed

examples. Pick pieces of work that illustrate
your main objectives.

If you have developed your own instrument,

check to ensure that it will:

Observation: Observe, for example, the

dynamics of groups. Who comes to meetings?
What questions are asked? Who is involved? Is
there good community representation?

Secure the information you want

Be understood by the respondent and the
Be simple and easy to follow
Be culturally sensitive and comply with any
existing ethical guidelines
Minimise potential problems

Portfolio reviews: Look at examples of

work that have been produced.
Press reports: Gather and review relevant
press reports.

Test the instrument with people similar to

your proposed respondents and recorders in
advance of using it on the actual project - this
is called a pilot.

Journals: Ask people to keep diaries

relating to project activities and their
involvement in them.

6.9 Summary: A complete evaluation plan

Focusing the



Think about how to
use information:

What do you want to
How will you know it?

Think about:


Disseminate and
share lessons learnt
(both good and bad!)

Who will conduct

evaluation? Keep it

Methods (qualitative,

To whom? When?

Keep it simple!


Keep the evaluation straightforward and simple. Focus on what do you need to know?, who
will use the information? and for what?
This discussion of evaluation has merely scratched the surface. Our purpose was to show you how
the logic model helps in evaluation. Many other available resources can assist with the technical
aspects of evaluation (see attached bibliography).
A logic model is not an evaluation model, rather a tool which can help provide a coherent
framework to guide you through the evaluation process. The logic model facilitates effective
evaluation by helping you:
Determine what to evaluate
Identify appropriate questions for your evaluation based on the programme
Know what information to collect to answer your evaluation questions - the indicators
Determine when to collect data
Determine data collection sources, methods, and instruments
Consider opportunities for data review and dissemination





















ection 7 Participatory

7.1 Participatory evaluation techniques

7.2 Key issues in Participatory
Monitoring & Evaluation



7.1 Participatory
evaluation techniques

forward in order to make improvements in the

future. The process needs to be clear about
how good practice will be shared and scaledup.

The emphasis of this guide is that community

initiatives are more likely to succeed when the
community has ownership over the project
and is integral to the process of initiation,
implementation and evaluation.

Flexibility: Community projects are

constantly inuenced by a range of factors
beyond the control of those involved. All those
working on the project must therefore be
aware of the need to remain exible and adapt
to change.

What is Participatory Monitoring

and Evaluation?

Methods commonly used in PM&E:

Four broad principles have been identied to

be at the heart of PM&E. They are:

There are many creative methods that can

be used to involve beneciaries in projects in
exciting and dynamic ways. Some have already
been mentioned in section 6.7. Listed below
are a few more specic ideas:

Participation: dened as opening up

the design process to include those most
directly affected i.e. project participants. All
stakeholders should then be involved at all
stages of project implementation, including
agreeing on the research methodology.

Mapping: Using maps of the locality to

initiate discussion around the type of change
taking place, where it is happening and how
it is coming about. The technique can also
be used to locate stakeholders and project

Negotiation: Agreement of what will be

monitored and evaluated, methods of data
collection, interpreting the data, sharing and
disseminating ndings and taking action.

Venn diagrams: This can be a useful way

of showing relationships between groups,
institutions and individuals.

Learning: Agreeing how lessons

learned will be used and taken


7.2 Key issues in PM&E

Flow diagrams: These link changes to a

perceived cause and help demonstrate the
impact of changes.

Participatory methods do not exist to the

exclusion of other methods. Indeed, the best
results may often be achieved by employing a
number of different evaluation methods and

Diaries: If used consistently, diaries are a

helpful way to describe the changes in the
lives of individuals or groups.
Photographs: Very good at initiating
discussions and can depict changes over time.
(For example, its useful to take photos preand post-project.)

Not all stakeholders/beneciaries will

necessarily want to engage in the PM&E
process. Getting involved requires time and
energy that not everyone is either prepared or
able to give.

Theatre/Role play/Puppet shows/

Arts: Creative arts are often a natural and
spontaneous way of revealing and unravelling
local and individual concerns and priorities.
Some of these methods may work particularly
well with children and young people.

PM&E can be related to the theory of

Knowledge Building where learning is more
than something that affects individuals and
operates instead at the level of the wider
community. Scardamalia (2002) describes how
the process of collective inquiry into a specic
topic can result in a deeper understanding
through interactive questioning, dialogue and
continuous improvement of ideas. Ideas are
thus the medium of operation in knowledge
building environments. The teacher becomes
a guide rather than a director and allows
students to take over a signicant portion
of the responsibility for their own learning,
including planning, execution and evaluation
(Scardamalia, 2002).

The sequential stages for carrying out PM&E

should be broadly similar to the steps taken
in more conventional research methods. The
following diagram outlines key stages:

Identify who should

and wants to be
Clarify if the PM&E
process needs to be
sustained, and
if so, how

Clarify participants
expectations of the
proccess, and in what
way each person
or group wants to

Agree on how the

ndings are to be
used and by

Participatory techniques can empower

project beneciaries by helping them to nd
areas of responsibility and providing them
with the necessary skills needed to carry out
the work (numeracy, literacy, interviewing,
computing, research, etc.).

Dene the priorities

for monitoring and

Identify indicators
that will provide
the information

Analyse the

Collect the

Agree on the
and timing of

Taken from IDS Policy Brieng. Issue 12. November 1998, p.3.
Located at

Dont be too ambitious. Start small.

Examples of participatory techniques cited
are taken from projects where PM&E was a
contributory part (often small) of an overall
research plan. In many cases, consulting
beneciaries and involving them in the
research process is a spontaneous reaction
and happens without being pre-planned. It
may therefore be done without any fancy terms

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain
of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.
Bertrand Russell






















8 Data analysis


If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples
then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea
and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.
George Bernard Shaw

Analysis of qualitative data is thought to be

more subjective than that of quantitative data.
Collected material is given a cursory overview
and the key themes are identied. The data
are then more rigorously collated under each
of the category headings. Content analysis
consists of reviewing written documents (e.g.
journals, observation notes, open-ended
survey questions) or the text of spoken data
(e.g. from interviews or focus groups). As
the text is read, a code is assigned to areas
that represent either important concepts,
common patterns between respondents or
distinct responses by different subgroups.
Once this has been done the text is sorted out
and grouped together by category. Categories
are either identied before the instrument
is developed or will emerge as data is
reviewed. The technology or equipment used
does not have to be sophisticated, it may
simply involve tearing up bits of text and
placing them in piles of similar themes and
then collating in an ordered fashion!

Once the data have been collected they need

to be clearly compiled so that evidence can be
drawn together and compared from different
sources. Key questions to ask when looking at
the data include:
Does the information show that you have
reached your goals? Be as specic as you
can to show how the results were achieved.
What are the project outcomes? Pay
attention to unexpected as well as expected
outcomes (both desirable and undesirable).
Do the data highlight any achievements?
Are there any problem areas that need
particular attention?
Were there any obstacles to achieving the
predetermined goals?
Provided the evaluation was well planned and
the research was carried out appropriately,
with clear objectives, reliable indicators and
rigorous data collection, the analysis stage
should fall logically into place.
Analysis of quantitative data is precise and
structured the expertise of a statistician
(often hard to nd!) may be required if large
amounts of data are being handled. Although
the data may demonstrate a relationship
between the service provided and a particular
outcome, unless the project has used an
experimental design (where the project
site is compared to a similar site with no
intervention as a control), it will not prove
that the programme directly caused the

Care needs to be taken when dealing with

qualitative data, that misleading numerical
statements are not made. There is often a
strong temptation to make statements such
80% of people think that cows lie down
before a storm. In fact, if the total sample
was small, say 10 people, 80% equates to
only 8 people, which is too small a number to
suggest that this may be the case in larger,
more robust samples. Given that the numbers
of respondents in qualitative research do
not allow for statistical signicance to be
inferred, percentages should be avoided.
Less misleading is to use terms like in our
sample the majority of respondents (8 out of
10 people) thought.

There are specialised software programmes

that can help in the analysis of both
quantitative and qualitative data. If the
evaluation involves large amounts of data
it may be worth seeking advice on these
packages to assist in storage and analysis.

Where data from a number of different

sources are collected it is important to give
due weighting to each piece of evidence. In
addition, results must clearly record the size
of the research sample (number of people
interviewed) and also research instruments



(questionnaires, topic guides, etc) should be

included in the nal project report.

Once results have been collected and analysed

it is important to share the outcomes with as
wide an audience as possible. Project staff,
funders, project participants all had a stake
in the project and it is the responsibility of
the evaluators to share the results with them,
as openly and directly as possible. Indeed,
the Project Cycle, presented in section 2.1,
highlighted the importance of continuous
feedback of project progress so that
improvements can be made to project design
at all stages in the project cycle. It is only
through having the courage to share results
(be they positive or negative) that lessons can
be learnt and adaptations made to improve
future performance. Workshops and local
meetings may be a particularly appropriate
forum for the dissemination of local results.
Websites are also increasingly useful to give
broad, easy access to top-line results.

Quantitative Data
For a simple account of conducting
quantitative surveys and questionnaires
International Fund for Agriculture and
Development (IFAD). A Guide for Project
Monitoring and Evaluation. Of particular
relevance is Annex D, Methods for monitoring
and evaluation. Downloadable at: (accessed
January 2008)
See also references in the annotated
bibliography at the back of this guide.





















ection 9 References,

Annotated Bibliography
Annex 1 Feedback form
Annex 2 Evaluation designs
Annex 3 Glossary of terms
Annex 4 Logic model worksheet
Annex 5 Evaluation Plan Worksheet
Annex 6 Conducting an in-depth interview



for health promotion evaluation,
Copenhagen, World Health Organization.

Beattie, A. (1995), Evaluation in community

development for health: An opportunity for
dialogue, Health Education Journal, vol.
54: 46572.

Save the Children Fund (UK), (2003), Toolkits:

A practical guide to monitoring, evaluation
and impact assessment, Gosling, L.

Boyce, W. (1993), Evaluating participation in

community programs: An empowerment
paradigm, The Canadian Journal of
Program Evaluation, 8:1, 89-102.

Scardamalia, M. (2002). Collective cognitive

responsibility for the advancement of
knowledge. In B. Smith (Ed.), Liberal
education in a knowledge society (pp. 6798). Chicago: Open Court.
pdf (accessed January 2008)

Bruce, N., Springett, J., Hotchkiss, J., ScottSamuel, A. (eds) (1995), Research and
Change in Urban Community Health,
Core Initiative (May 2006), Project
Cycle Management: Community
Based Organisation (CBO) Training
(accessed January 2008)

Sinkler, P. (1999), Qualitative health promotion

research in context, unpublished draft to
Health Development Agency, London.

Institute of Development Studies (1998),

Participatory monitoring and evaluation:
Learning from change, Policy Brieng 12.
(accessed January 2008)

Taylor, J. (2000), So now they are going to

measure empowerment, Community
Development Resource Association.
by%20James%20Taylor.htm (accessed
January 2008)

Springett (1998), Practical guidance on

evaluating health promotion, Copenhagen,
World Health Organisation.

J. Rowntree Foundation (2005), Evaluating

community projects. A practical guide.
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation. (accessed January

Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on

HIV and AIDS: Guidelines on Construction
of Core Indicators. 2008 reporting. Geneva,
UNAIDS (2007)

Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. First

International Conference on Health
Promotion (1986), WHO/HER/HEP.
ottawa_charter_hp.pdf. (accessed January

National AIDS Programmes: A Guide to

Monitoring and Evaluation. Geneva,
UNAIDS (2000)
Responding to HIV and AIDS. Measuring
Results: The Answer Lies Within. New
York: UNDP. (2005).

Patton, M. (1997), Utilization-focused

evaluation (3rd edition), Thousand Oaks,
CA, Sage.
Rehle,T., Saidel, T., Mganani, R. (eds) (2006)
Evaluating programs for HIV and AIDS
prevention and care in developing
countries. Family Health International (accessed January 2008)

A participatory handbook for youth drug abuse

prevention programmes. A guide for
development and improvement, New York,
United Nations. UNODC Vienna. (2002).
handbook.pdf (accessed January 2008)

Rootman, I., Goodstadt, M., Potvin, L.,

Springett, J. (1997), Toward a framework

United Nations Ofce for Drug Control

and Crime Prevention, WHO (2006)


- Monitoring and Evaluating - Youth

Substance Abuse Prevention Programmes
(accessed January 2008)

WHO et al (2006) Monitoring and Evaluation

Toolkit: HIV and AIDS, Tuberculosis and
Malaria, 2nd Edition. Geneva.
toolkit_en.pdf (accessed January 2008)

University of Wisconsin, Program

Development and Evaluation
evallogicmodel.html (accessed January

Wallace, T (2006) Evaluating Stepping Stones:

A review of existing evaluations and
ideas for future M&E work Action Aid
en/node/265544 (accessed January 2008)

Evaluation handbook. W. K. Kellogg Foundation

USA (1998),
Tools/Evaluation/Pub770.pdf (accessed
January 2008)

Webb, D., Elliott, L (2002) Learning to Live:

Monitoring and evaluation in HIV/AIDS
programmes for young people. London:
Save the Children Fund.

Logic model development guide, Kellogg

Foundation, USA. (2003),

Weiss, C. (1998), Evaluation: Methods

for studying programs and policies.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall.

Evaluation in health promotion. Principles

and perspectives Edited by Rootman, .I.,
Goodstadt, M., Hyndman,.B., McQueen, D.,
Potvin,.L. Springett,.J. and Ziglio,E. WHO
Regional Ofce for Europe WHO (2006)
Catalogue/20040130_1 (accessed January


Annotated bibliography
for HIV/AIDS prevention and care in developing
countries. This document provides information
on how to evaluate HIV and AIDS prevention
programmes in developing countries.

The following list focuses on the evaluation

of small-scale community programmes.
The emphasis is generally on qualitative,
participative methods for internal evaluation.
The list is by no means comprehensive.
Most references cited are included because
they are clear, accessible and can generally
be accessed on the internet. All websites
listed were operational in January 2008.
The bibliography should be seen as a work
in progress which can be added to and

Green, L.W. and Kreuter, M. PRECEDEPROCEED Model for health promotion The
Precede-Proceed framework for planning is
founded on the disciplines of epidemiology,
the social, behavioural and educational
sciences, and health administration.
Throughout the work with Precede and
Proceed, two fundamental propositions are
emphasised: (1) health and health risks are
caused by multiple factors and (2) because
health and health risks are determined by
multiple factors, efforts to affect behavioural,
environmental and social change must be
multi-dimensional or multi-sectoral, and

1. Resources for small-scale

community evaluations
Action Aid UK

Wallace, T. (2006), Evaluating Stepping

Stones: A review of existing evaluations
and ideas for future M&E work Action Aid

Horizon Research, Inc. Taking stock:

A practical guide to evaluating your own
programs (1997). A practical guide to
programme evaluation written for communitybased organizations, providing information
that can be put to immediate use to help
improve programmes. This manual focuses
on internal evaluation. The information in this
manual should better prepare programme
staff to design and carry out a programme
evaluation. The 97-page guide can be
downloaded at:

Americorps. Project STAR. Downloadable

chapters covering each stage of planning,
evaluation, analysis and dissemination. The
sites purpose is to improve the quality and
consistency of evaluations and enhance
evaluation capacity through the promotion
and use of high-quality checklists targeted to
specic evaluation tasks and approaches.

Charities Evaluation Service: Produce a

range of publications to support evaluation
looking at:

International Fund for Agricultural

Development (IFAD) A comprehensive website
relating to evaluation with on line manuals and
practical evaluation examples. An Evaluation
Help Desk provides a rapid service for users
looking for quick access to data, information
and knowledge derived from evaluation.
A practical, downloadable guide, for project
managers, focusing on monitoring and
evaluation of rural development projects is at:

Aims and objectives

Different ways of seeing evaluation
Involving users in evaluation
Using evaluation to explore policy
Performance indicators: use and misuse
Outcome monitoring
Assessing impact

Papers can be purchased separately or as a

set and can be ordered from CES Website at

McNamara, C. Basic guide to program

evaluation The emphasis of this guide is
that project staff do not have to be experts

FHI - Evaluation Handbook Rehle,T., Saidel, T.,

Mganani, R. (eds) (2005), Evaluating programs


impact assessment and includes a range

of practical tools which can be adapted to
suit different needs. Chapters on impact
assessment and monitoring and evaluating
advocacy. Order on website: http://

in order to carry out reasonable evaluations.

The 20-80 rule applies here, that 20% of
effort generates 80% of the needed results.
Its better to undertake what might turn out
to be an average effort at evaluation than
to do no evaluation at all. This document
orients personnel to the nature of programme
evaluation and how it can be carried out in a
realistic and practical fashion. Available at:

UNDP (2002) Handbook on monitoring and

evaluating for results A useful handbook on
monitoring and evaluation available in English,
French and Spanish; includes a monitoring
and evaluation training package available only
in English. The UNDP site includes a number
of other resources and evaluation links to
multi-lateral partners:

Mc Namara, C. (1999) Basic guide to

outcomes-based evaluation for non-prot
organizations with very limited resources.
This document provides guidance for
basic planning and implementation of an
outcomes-based evaluation process (also
called outcomes evaluation) in non-prot
organizations. Available at:

United Nations Ofce for Drug Control

and Crime Prevention (2002). Vienna. A
participatory handbook for youth drug
abuse prevention programmes. A guide
for development and improvement, United
Nations, New York.

National Science Foundation User-friendly

handbook for mixed method evaluation and
User-friendly handbook for project evaluation.
A practical handbook with lots of useful
examples of research tools and instruments.
Considers both quantitative and qualitative
methods. Available at:

United States Aid Interventions Department

(USAID) Lists a vast number of evaluation

University of Kansas Community Toolbox.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and

Development: Improving evaluation practice:
Best practice guidelines for evaluation. This
document has particularly good advice on
identifying stakeholders, consultation and
partnerships. Located at:

University of Wisconsin - Extension.

Program Development and Evaluation. Very
practical, informative site including interactive
guidance on the logic model.

U.S. Department of Health and Human

Services. Centres for Disease Control
and Prevention. CDC Evaluation Working
Contains links to comprehensive range of
evaluation sites covering the following topic

Public Health Training Network: Practical

evaluation of public health programmes
Comprehensive course overseen by Centres
for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta,
USA. Located at:

Robson, C. (2000), Small Scale Evaluation,

London, Sage.
A comprehensive and accessible short
guide to evaluations. It explains clearly what
evaluations are and how they can be used
most effectively, and outlines the strengths
and pitfalls of different evaluation methods.

Ethics, principles, and standards

Organizations, societies, foundations,
Journals and on-line publications
Step-by-step manuals
Logic model resources
Planning and performance improvement
Reports and publications: General
Reports and publications: GPRA
(Government Performance and Results Act)

Save the Children (UK) Toolkits: A practical

guide to monitoring, evaluation and impact
assessment, written by Louisa Gosling. The
guide covers monitoring, evaluation and


U.S. Department of Health and Human

Services. Centres for Disease Control and
Prevention. CDC Evaluation Working Group:

relevance is Annex D, Methods for monitoring

and evaluation

United States General Accounting Ofce

(May 1992), Quantitative data analysis: An

International HIV/AIDS Alliance. Support

communities to reduce the spread of HIV and
to meet the challenges of AIDS.

The impoverished social scientists guide to

free statistical software and resources
Dr Micah Altman of Harvard University is
Director of the Virtual Data Center project
and Associate Director of the Harvard-MIT
Data Centre. As well as the main, lengthy
list of specic packages loosely grouped by
type, his guide links to sites that offer help
in getting, converting and manipulating
data, and provides a brief book list on data
analysis. Entries are accompanied by succinct

W. K. Kellogg Foundation (1998) Evaluation

Handbook. Kellogg Foundation. USA
The emphasis here is on participative,
community based, contextual evaluation.
The guide presents a clear explanation of all
key evaluation methods and their underlying
theories and models. An accessible, well
presented publication. Download or order free
from website.

W. K. Kellogg Foundation (2003) Logic Model

Development Guide. Kellogg Foundation, USA.
Provides detailed technical information and
practical ideas to help in the understanding of
basic evaluation principles used when applying
Logic Models in evaluation. To be used in
conjunction with the W. K. Kellogg Evaluation
Handbook. Download or order free from

MEASURE. (Monitoring and Evaluation to

Assess and Use Results) Measure
Westat Muraski, L. (1993) Understanding
Evaluation: The Way to Better Prevention
Programs Department for Education. USA.
Downloadable handbook looking at evaluation
of US based drug and alcohol programmes.
Includes information on quantitative methods.

WHO (2002) Working with street children:

Monitoring and evaluation of a street children
project. Downloadable handbook designed to
be used by street educators, as well as other
people working with street children. It aims
to provide the user with an understanding of
the importance of monitoring and evaluating,
helping to identify a wide range of appropriate
strategies and consequently the development
of condence to implement monitoring and
evaluation activities.

3. For participatory evaluation


Aubel, J (1999) Participatory Program

Evaluation Manual. Catholic Relief Services.
US Agency for International Development

Westat: Understanding Evaluation: The Way

to Better Prevention Programs Downloadable
handbook looking at evaluation of US based
drug and alcohol programmes. Includes
information on quantitative methods. Located

Chambers, R (2002) Participatory

workshops: a sourcebook of 21 sets of ideas
and activities London, Earthscan.

International Fund for Agriculture and

Development (IFAD). A Guide for Project
Monitoring and Evaluation. This is full of
participatory methods.

2. For information
on quantitative analysis

International Fund for Agriculture and

Development (IFAD). A Guide for Project
Monitoring and Evaluation. Of particular

Mayoux L. and Chambers, R. (2005)

Reversing the paradigm: quantication,


participatory methods and pro-poor impact

assessment Journal of International
Development 17, No. 2, 2005, pp.271-98

French Evaluation Society: Socit franaise

de lvaluation

National Science Foundation Programmatic

On-Line Evaluation Resources OERL: Online
Evaluation Resource Library. This library
was developed for professionals seeking to
design, conduct, document, or review project
evaluations. The purpose of this system is to
collect and make available evaluation plans,
instruments, and reports for NSF projects
that can be used as examples by Principal
Investigators, project evaluators and others
outside the NSF community as they design
proposals and projects. OERL also includes
professional development modules that can
be used to better understand and utilize the
materials made available. At

Mikkelsen, B. (2005) Methods for

development work and research: a new guide
for practitioners New Delhi. Sage

Stoecker, R. (2005) Research methods for

community change: a project based approach
Thousand Oaks. Sage.

Whitmore, E. (ed) (1998) Understanding

and practicing participatory evaluation
San Francisco, American Evaluation

Estrella, M. et al (Eds) Learning from

Change: Issues and Experiences from
Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation.
Bourton Hall. Warwickshire. IDRC/ITP (2000).

Resources for methods in evaluation and

social science. This site lists free resources
for methods in evaluation and social research.
The focus is on how-to do evaluation
research and the methods used: surveys,
focus groups, sampling, interviews and other
methods. Most of these links are to resources
that can be read over the web. A few, like the
GAO (Government Accountability Ofce) books,
are for books that can be sent away for, as well
as read over the web.

Good website for searching guides to

participatory methods: A useful online library
where you can search key terms including
participatory evaluation.

4. Generic evaluation sites

African Evaluation Society

Contains guidelines for evaluation work in
Africa. Includes evaluation standards for
quality, ethics and values. Also information on
conferences and training.

UK Evaluation Society. The UK Evaluation

Society exists to promote and improve the
theory, practice, understanding and utilization
of evaluation and its contribution to public
knowledge and to promote cross-sector and
cross-disciplinary dialogue and debate.
Many countries have their own evaluation
society websites for local information do
a check using a relevant search engine, e.g.

W American Evaluation Association

An international organization devoted to the
application and exploration of
program evaluation, personnel evaluation,
technology, etc.

European Evaluation Society:

The Evaluation Centre

This site provides evaluation specialists and
users with refereed checklists for designing,
budgeting, contracting, stafng, managing
and assessing evaluations of programmes,
personnel, students, and others; collecting,
analyzing, and reporting evaluation
information; and determining merit, worth,
and signicance. Each checklist is a distillation
of valuable lessons learned from practice.


Annex 1 Feedback form

This guide is a work in progress. We would very much appreciate your feedback to enable us to
improve the quality and effectiveness of this product. Please ll in the attached form and return it
either by post or electronically to the address at the bottom of the form.
How useful did you nd this guide? a)very useful, b) quite useful and c) not at all useful?
Have you made any practical use of the guide?
Do you plan to use the guide in the future?
How did you use the guide? Please specify if you only used certain sections.
How could the guide be made more accessible/more useful?
Are there any other support materials you use to help you with monitoring and evaluation? Please
Can you provide any specic examples of effective or ineffective research tools that you have used
in your projects? Can we contact you directly to discuss the possibility of these examples being
included in the next version of the guide?
Was there anything you found inappropriate, absurd or difcult to understand? If yes, what and
Any other comments.

Please return to:

Section for Secondary, Science, Technical and Vocational Education

Division for the Promotion of Basic Education
UNESCO, Education Sector
7, Place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07SP, France


Annex 2 Evaluation designs

Traditionally the following types of evaluation technique are employed, sometimes on their own or
sometimes in combination:
1. AFTER ONLY (post-programme)
In this design, evaluation is done after the programme is complete - for example, a postprogramme survey or end-of-session questionnaire. It is a common design but the least
reliable because we do not know what the circumstances looked like before the programme.
It tends to focus on the interventions outcomes and impacts.
2. RETROSPECTIVE (post-programme)
In this design, participants are asked to recall or reect on their situation, knowledge,
attitude, behaviour, etc. prior to the programme. It is commonly used in education and
outreach programmes but it can be biased due to respondents faulty memory (recall bias).
3. BEFORE-AFTER (before and after programme)
Programme recipients or situations are looked at before and then again after the programme
(for example, pre-post tests or before and after observations of behaviours). This is commonly
used in educational programme evaluation and differences between Time 1 and Time 2 are
often attributed to the programme. However many other occurrences over the course of a
programme can affect the observed change besides the programme, so attribution can be
4. DURING (additional data during the programme) or Process Evaluation
Collecting information a number of times during the course of a programme is a way to
identify the association between programme events and outcomes. Data can be collected on
programme activities and services as well as on participant progress. This design appears
not to be commonly used in community-based evaluation probably because of the time and
resources needed for data collection.
5. TIME SERIES (multiple points before and after the programme)
Time series involve a series of measurements at intervals before the programme begins and
after it ends. It strengthens the simple before-after design by documenting pre- and postpatterns and the stability of the change. Time series ensure that other external factors didnt
coincide with the programme and inuence the observed change.
A case study design uses multiple sources of information and multiple methods to provide
an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the programme. Its strength lies in its
comprehensiveness and exploration of reasons for observed effects.
This is conducted during the planning stages of an intervention to identify and resolve
intervention and evaluation issues before the programme is widely implemented. Formative
evaluation should help ensure that the programme is based on identied needs.

Using comparison sites with no intervention

Although budgetary, logistic and other resource constraints usually make it prohibitive, it is
worth bearing in mind that all of the above designs, can theoretically be strengthened by adding a
comparison - another group(s), individual(s) or site(s).
Comparison groups refer to groups that are not selected at random but are from the same
population. (When they are selected at random, they are called control groups.) The purpose of a
comparison group is to add assurance that the programme (the intervention) and not something


else caused the observed effects. It is essential that the comparison group be very similar to the
programme group. Be warned: within a real life context this is VERY hard to achieve! Moreover,
this methodology may be rejected on ethical grounds since it can increase inequalities between
groups and may lead to rivalry


Annex 3 Glossary of terms


Using data collected during research to arrive at results which can be

used to present a picture of project impact and outcomes. The analysis
should provide insight into the basic principles on which the project has
operated. Analysis should include data from a range of sources with
appropriate weighting given to each source, dependent on reliability of


This term refers here to the community at whom the intervention is aimed.
Beneciaries should not be viewed as passive recipients of aid but rather
as active partners working towards a common goal.


A local community is a fairly small group of people who share a common

place of residence and a set of institutions based on this fact, but the
word community is also used to refer to collections of people who have
something else in common (e.g., national community, donor community).


This is the capacity that people have to make choices. In practical terms,
it describes a process in which feelings of being powerless are developed
into actions that can achieve changes in social and physical environments.
It is a central idea in community development (Bruce, N. et al 1995).


The systematic collection of information on which to base judgements

which will help inform decisions about planned, ongoing or future
programmes. Evaluations should provide evidence relating to project


The study of methods (the tools of research).


Monitoring relates to the ongoing review and collection of data of a project/

intervention, which will contribute to the overall evaluation and help to
determine whether anticipated outcomes are being met.


Participation refers to involvement of stakeholders in the project i.e.

funders, staff, project participants, local community, local government,
etc. A participatory evaluation is one where all these different groups
have a say in the evaluation process. This may involve planning, carrying
out research or deciding how the evaluation is acted upon. The process
can lead to increasing local peoples involvement in and ownership of the
project. The type of tools used in participatory evaluation will be similar to
those used in qualitative research. What is important is the space created
for open, honest discussion among a range of stakeholders.


Members of the community concerned by the project, towards whom the

project interventions are directed, who are actively involved in project
development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.


The investigation or search for knowledge. There are two forms of

dominant research methodology: qualitative and quantitative.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative methods are drawn largely from the elds of sociology and
anthropology and rely on observation and in-depth study largely through
interviews with key respondents. Reasoning is achieved through building
up an overall picture by putting together information from different


Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is based on a more positivist, empirical tradition.

Research methods depend on precise measurements generally achieved
through highly structured and controlled means of collecting information.
Reasoning and interpretation is mainly carried out using statistical
techniques to test predetermined hypotheses about how key variables
might be related.


Annex 4 Logic model worksheet


(add/change boxes and arrows as needed to show theory of change)




Annex 5
Evaluation Plan Worksheet
What will you evaluate? You may select the whole project or one particular aspect of it.

What do
you want to

How will you
know it?


Data Collection
Who will
have this


How will
you gather
What tools will
you use?

will you



2. a

Adapted from: Evaluation Plan Worksheet located at


Annex 6 Guide to conducting

an in-depth interview
Focus group and in-depth interviews should strive to create a relaxed environment by providing a
comfortable setting to establish the right atmosphere. Think about how people are sitting, reduce
the potential for disturbances, and arrange furniture/props with care.
Rather than a questionnaire, qualitative research uses a topic guide, which acts as an aide mmoire
allowing in-depth and free-ranging discussion. The researchers role should be mainly to guide the
conversation, letting the respondents talk freely around the subject but bringing the conversation
back if it veers off at too much of a tangent. It is usually best to start with questions that the
interviewee can answer easily and then proceed to more difcult and sensitive topics.
People are likely to come along to the interview feeling slightly anxious about what to expect. It is
important to explain fully at the start what the aims of the interview are, what type of information is
sought, and what use will be made of it. Point out that there are no right or wrong answers. Each
respondent should be given the chance to speak within the rst few minutes of the group - leaving
people any longer than this is likely to enhance their anxiety rather than reduce it.
In general, the more similar the interviewer is to the respondents, the more relaxed and open they
are likely to be. For example, people may feel more comfortable talking to someone of the same sex
about their sexual behaviour. However, there are no hard and fast rules and each project should be
considered separately.
It is also important that the interviewer comes across as being independent and not as having
a vested interest in the results. It is more difcult for respondents to express their true feelings
about a particular service or product, for example, if they are being interviewed by a provider of that
It is almost always preferable for interviews to be recorded and transcribed. This means that the
moderator can concentrate on the interview rather than on taking notes, ensuring that nothing is
missed and that all interesting leads are followed up. Clearly, the interviewees permission should
be sought before recording an interview, but most people will agree to having an interview recorded,
especially if they are reassured that the tapes will only be used by the researchers for analysis, and
that they will not wake up to hear themselves on the radio the next morning! It is vitally important
to use good quality equipment which has been tested beforehand and with which the interviewer is
familiar. New batteries are usually advisable since it is unlikely to be noticed if they run out halfway
through and it is very distracting if the interviewer has to keep checking that the tape is still running.
Be warned, however, transcription is a very time-consuming process!

Stimulus material
Stimulus material refers to any product that is introduced during (or before) the interview to
generate discussion. This may include photos, newspaper articles, familiar objects, anecdotes, etc.
A common exercise consists of presenting respondents with a series of statements on large cards.
Respondents are then asked to sort these cards into different piles depending on, for example,
their degree of agreement or disagreement with that point of view or the importance they assign
to that particular aspect of the service. Such exercises force participants to explain their different
perspectives. The nal layout is less important than the discussion it generates.


For more information or additional copies please contact:

Education Sector
Division for the Promotion of Basic Education
Section for Secondary, Science, Technical and Vocational Education
7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France

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