Poligov Notes

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Poligov Notes

Nationality vs Citizenship/citizenairplane
1.N- constant & cannot be changed
C-subject to change
2. N- can only have one as a rule
C- can have more than one

Fair Market value in an Eminent Domain is

equivalent to the present value of the land as
a rule.
Natural born citizen has some rights and
privileges than the naturalized one.
Natural born does not to perform a positive
act to perfect his citizenship. Naturalized has
to perform positive act to acquire his

Characteristics of political conflict:

-Overlapping Membership
-Imperfect mobilization

Basic Tools of Government:

Interest articulation, Interest Aggregation & Coercion &

Government differs from other organization in

terms of :
-comprehensive authority
-involuntary membership
-authoritative rules
-legitimate monopoly of overwhelming force

Principle of separation of powers in a

government to prevent the rise of a dictatotr
who makes, implements and decides the
meaning of the law.

Law and Ordinance

Law is broader in scope than the ordinance
Law is formulated by the national
government, whereas ordinance is
promulgated by a local government

Different Philippine Constitutions

Malolos Constitution
1935 Constitution
1942 Constitution
1973 Constitution or Marcos Constitution
1987 Constitution or Aquino Constitution

4 Important terms in Politics


Branches of Government
Legislative, Executive & Judiciary
Fundamental/inherent powers of the State
1. Police Power
2.Power of Taxation
3. Power of Eminent Domain

Theories of the origin of State

- Patriarchal
-Social Contract- widely accepted
-Divine Right

Naturalization- process to acquire citizenship

Constitution the highest law of the land
Suffrage- the right to vote and be voted in an
Right against self-incrimination = not to be a
witness against himself
Law ordinance of reason promulgated by
one who is in charge of society for the
common good

Eminent domain- taking of private property by

government for public purpose upon payment
of just compensation.
Citizenship- refers to political membership in a
Nationality- membership in an ethnic tribe or
a particular race.

Components of Ideology

Vision of ideal polity

Conception of Human Nature
Strategy of action
Political Tactics

Tactics of Political Action

Working inside political parties
Mass propaganda
Strikes and boycotts
Nonviolent civil disobedience

Philippines is a republican and democratic

It does not prescribe a states religion
It has a bicameral congress: Upper house &
lower house

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