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Love Systems Insider: Playboy Model Pickup

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Love Systems Insider

Date: December 2007

Top instructor picks up a top Playboy model – here’s how

During a recent visit to Los Angeles, Mr. M had an interesting experience with a top Playboy
model and cover girl. It was entirely “cold approach” – no one introduced them. I asked him to
write this up for the LSi so you guys can take a break from hearing from me for a change and
because it was both an impressive approach and it illustrates a lot of the stuff that we teach
every day. Over to Mr. M:

Hey guys! I usually don’t write field reports, but Savoy personally asked me to document this
pick up. The name of the playmate will unfortunately not be divulged because I’m still in contact
with her and she has a high media profile – TV appearances, reality TV shows, magazines etc.
But this was a textbook pickup straight out of Magic Bullets and what we teach, and I hope you
enjoy it!

In the book ‘The Game’, Neil Strauss talks about how he got a Playboy Playmate’s phone
number, but couldn’t take things further. Things have changed since then. You only have to read
Magic Bullets to see how much more advanced and different the technology has become since
then. Standing on Neil’s shoulders, I am pleased to report that I too got go Playmate’s phone
number. But, unlike Neil, I managed to take things a few steps further.

A few weekends ago, I led a bootcamp in Los Angeles. The first day of was amazing. Almost all
of the students at least hooked up or got solid phone numbers. Dahunter was teaching with me,
and he and I were absolutely buzzing from such an amazing in-field portion - it gives me a
phenomenal high helping and seeing students succeed.

At the beginning of the second day of the bootcamp, we were waiting for the elevator to take us
to the seminar room. As we were waiting, Dahunter tapped me on the shoulder and whispered:
“Check it out; that girl is incredibly hot.” Dahunter has notoriously high standards so I was
curious. I looked over my shoulder. He was right. There was a phenomenally beautiful woman
waiting in the hotel lobby. Even in gym clothes, you could tell that she was a genuine “10”.

The elevator ‘dinged’, telling us to get in. Experience has taught me that there are always 500
excuses not to approach and only one good reason to just do it. Even the best of us get approach
anxiety, but a concept covered in Magic Bullets is that guys who get good just DO IT – they
don’t hesitate. It’s exactly like Brad P and Savoy say in a recent interview series on Taking
Chances: “Who dares, wins.” So I walked over.

I think about the social “matrix” as I approach her. I’ve done this hundreds, possibly thousands
of times before. But as I get closer, I realize that this woman is actually a lot hotter than she was
from a distance. In fact, she gets a little more beautiful with every step. Long blonde hair, a
voluptuous figure and gorgeous features. I needed to get a solid, non-flaky, phone number from a
genuine “10” in the ten minutes I had before the start of seminar.

How do you open a “10” in the daytime (aka “Day game”)? If you’ve taken Soul’s Day Game
program, you probably have some good strategies. In my experience, “direct game” works fine,
but for a genuine “10” with high social value, a well-executed indirect approach is more likely to
lead to success.

I teach some self-developed innovative techniques and concepts in my bootcamps, and the one
that I used to open the playmate is one of my favorites. In summary, when a woman is
stationary/static in the daytime, I’ll approach any group or person near her with a functional
opener (one of the six opening types covered in Magic Bullets). The reason I use the oft-
maligned functional opener is because, in this situation, it has some key advantages:

 Functional openers are extremely fast to deliver and respond to

 Everyone will respond to a functional opener. It requires very low “compliance”
 It is easy to bring nearby people (including the woman you are interested in) into the
 If you are talking to someone nearby and say something to quickly demonstrate high value, it
almost counts as a powerful Learned DHV for her as opposed to the weaker and
commonplace Told DHV. Chapter 7 (Attraction) of Magic Bullets explains how this works
in detail, but Savoy is only letting me have 1,500 words, so I’ll just assume everyone
understands this and move on.
 I’m really good at Transitioning, so the usual downsides of functional openers don’t apply to
me as much.

So I approached the guy next to her.

Mr M: “Hey buddy… do you know if there’s a place around here where I can get some
quick food?” [This is an example of a functional opener, delivered just loud enough for
her to hear]

GUY: “Hmm…”

Mr M: “I’ve got to lead a seminar downstairs in 5 minutes [this is both a time constraint
and a demonstration of higher value] but I’m starved and there was something wrong
with the meat in this burger (pointing to fast food paper bag in my hand). I think I might
have gotten mad cow disease.”

[Humor is one of the eight attraction switches – also from Chapter 7 of Magic Bullets. Status is
another, and I demonstrated that by “leading a seminar”]

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her smile. Two attraction switches engaged, a time constraint,
good sub-communication, and presto – she’s ready to be approached. I use the same functional
opener on her, but am careful to do so over my shoulder, making myself seem a challenge
(another of the eight attraction switches).

Mr M: “Do you know where I can get healthy beef burger?”

Playmate: “There’s a burger shop down the road.”

Mr M: “Do they have good burgers?”

Playmate: “I think so.”

Mr M: “Made from healthy cows?”

Playmate: [Laughs]

At this point, I had taken the opener as far as I could, so now it was time to Transition. The idea
of Transitioning and the system of four different transition types is one of the major
breakthroughs in Magic Bullets. One of the innovative concepts that I teach in my seminars is
that you can pretty much open with anything (even lame functional openers), if you have a
strong enough transition. So far I’ve found two ‘super transitions’. A ‘super transition’ is
basically a transition strong enough so that the opener itself really doesn’t matter.

Mr M: “Thanks. [I start to move away, but then I pause and hold eye contact] You know,
you remind me of a friend of mine that I used to hang out with while I travelled in
Australia. She was a little weird, but fun and adventurous - they don’t make that type of
girl much anymore. Her name was Brenda but we used to call her Bertha. I don’t know
your name so I’m just gonna call you Bertha. Thanks Bertha.” [Hold hand out to shake
her hand]

Playmate: [Laughs] “I really don’t like that name.” [Shakes my hand].

Mr M: “Wow, you’re pretty demanding, and I’ve only known you for like 2 seconds.”
The interaction continues. I used a few routines that I’d actually stolen from my draft copy of the
Routines Manual, which I’d read the night before. It’s a great book, by the way, and some of my
own personal best routines are in it. Anyway, I demonstrated higher value - mentioning my ex-
girlfriend, framing my job and what I do as fun and interesting, push-pulling, teasing, using role-
play, etc. I can’t cover all these concepts now, but I teach them in my bootcamps, or you can
read Magic Bullets. I make sure to re-frame, which I believe is the key to getting the especially
beautiful women. If you are interested in this technique – and you’d be a fool not to be – the only
decent explanation of framing, re-framing and frame control was Sinn and Savoy’s excellent
interview on the subject.

Anyway, under a barrage of my social weaponry, she started to come around from her original
somewhat closed-off demeanor. Knowing I was under time pressure, I went for her phone

Mr M: “It was cool meeting you. Let’s catch up tonight. [based on us having previously
agreed to meet up] What’s the best way of getting into contact with you?”

She pulls out a card from her purse, gets a pen and wrote her phone number on it. I take the card.
It says, ‘[Her Name], Playboy Playmate, FHM model, Cover Girl on [a bunch of magazines], TV
appearances on [about 10 programs]’. And the card had a half naked centerfold picture of her on
it. I tease her for being a poster girl, say goodbye, smile, keep good eye contact, walk away and
get into the elevator. The doors close. I hand Dahunter the card. He looks at me with excitement.
We both start to laugh.

Not bad for a guy who had his first kiss at age 20. (Check out my bio for the gory details on


Follow Mr. M as he takes it to the next level..

After getting the phone number of the Playboy Playmate, I still had a lot of work to do. It was a
solid pick up, but lasted only 10-15 minutes. I needed to establish comfort. Future and Sinn
developed a system called Breakthrough Comfort with its own one-day seminar (check the
schedule for the next workshop). I strongly endorse these and you’ll see elements on
breakthrough comfort in the rest of this pickup.

I called her the very same afternoon to arrange to meet up. We had made plans to get together
later that night, but with exceptionally beautiful women of high social status, there is a risk of
“flakiness” or of the plans not coming together. I’d used a couple of things I remembered from
Future and Ajax’s interview on Dates to minimize this, but I was still prepared for problems. By
the way, the dates interview is one I really like. There’s no excuse for dates to go badly or for
persistent flakiness.

I dial the number. The phone rings. And rings. And rings. No pick up.

The fact that there is no answer does not necessarily mean rejection. A woman picking up the
phone can, for some women, require a high level of compliance. The important thing is that if a
girl doesn’t respond to you, keep an abundance mentality! There are a lot of beautiful women out
there. You must get your inner game sorted out if you are going to get hot women. Beauty cannot
have a crippling effect on you. It didn’t matter to me a single bit that she didn’t pick up that

I throw the phone to Dahunter – we were teaching a workshop together at the time - and go have
a shower. Five minutes later, I come out and Dahunter is sitting on our hotel bed, smirking at me.
“Text game,” he says, “The low compliance alternative.” He then throws the phone back to me. I
look at it. Dahunter had used solid text messaging strategies to get two replies from her already.
The guy is a text game legend.

That’s all I needed. Solid text game followed - we teased, mocked, bantered. After about 5
exchanges, she started qualifying to me and asked me if we could meet up.

Throughout the evening, I followed basic txt game principles:

 Don’t appear too eager

 Try to be light-hearted, succinct and funny
 Always appear to be having a more fun and interesting time than she is
 Use the distracter technique. If you don’t know this one, you need to keep up with
instructors’ posts on The Attraction Forums. Here’s the link to Dahunter’s succinct
distractor post.

These principles, amongst others, are covered in the recently released book, The Ultimate Guide
to Text and Phone Game (by Braddock and Mr. M).

Anyway, in the course of the text game, she asked me to come and meet her at the bar she was at.
I told her that I was having too much fun and that she should come and meet me instead. This is
something attractive women will often do to you – ask you to come to a place where they have
their friends and where they have high social value. But if you can be perceived as having more
fun than they are – then they will come to you. Bring them into your reality. It can be a good idea
to engineer the situation such that you have the social proof and she is the outsider. This way,
you can ‘show your excellence’ and can demonstrate higher value more easily. Value is a crucial
component of any pick up (see the interview with Future and Tenmagnet on the subject). It’s a
good interview and pretty advanced – which it needs to be because some people have overly
simplistic understanding of value.

Very soon, after back and forth banter and solid txt game, I was rewarded with the following
text: “Why don’t you just swing by to my place and we’ll have a drink.”

That was an offer I decided to accept. This is where things started to get really interesting. It
turns out that she is staying at another hotel as a celebrity guest. We found her room, and she
invited us in.

I think this may have been one of the most solid two hours of game that I have ever executed. I
have never had a girl who so thoroughly qualified, cold read, tested and reframed me. This is
something that you will find occurs regularly – women of particular beauty will often test you
through using some of the seduction techniques that you use… against you. The important thing
is to be non-reactive – don’t let them have their intended effect. For example, when she began to
mention her list of celebrity ex-boyfriends, I consciously realized that I was beginning to assess
my suitability for her. She was doing something that all hot women do unconsciously - trying to
test me - and I was about to fall for it!

As soon as I realized this, I immediately corrected my train of thought. “You should have the
self-belief and confidence to know that you are just as good as any celebrity!” I thought, and I
acted accordingly. I teased her about how she was a name dropper and made sure a little while
later to casually mention my ex-girlfriend – which DID have the desired effect, as will be
revealed in the next LSi.

As a side note - Dahunter was an incredible wingman in her room that night. Wingman-ship is a
lost art – but if you can find yourself a wingman who knows all of the cool advanced winging
tactics that the guys have been developing, the two of you will form an unbeatable pair.


Mr. M brought Dahunter for the initial meet to supply him with social proof, knowing that
Dahunter, a skilled dating guru in his own right, would be able to support Mr.M’s efforts and
then disappear when he needed to. Dahunter agreed to write up what happened in the hotel

Let me start by saying Mr. M is not what you would imagine at first. You hear about his mad
skills, but he’s definitely not the best looking guy and he comes “under the radar.” But as soon
as he opens his mouth, you realize that he’s a monster of social value. His sub-communications
are really calibrated for what Braddock and I refer to as “10 game,” which means dating
exceptionally beautiful and high-status women. He covers this really well in his bootcamps.

So, back when she texted Mr. M to come over to her hotel, we had no details of who else was
there or any other logistical problems that could come up. I say “we” because I was highly
interested in seeing my friend Mr. M succeed with one of the hottest women I’ve ever seen, so I
was involved in the entire text messaging process through the night by learning from his “10
game” and also throwing my suggestions on any ideas I had to send the perfect text message
every time. Like anyone who knows what they are doing, I first learned a lot of the basics from
Savoy and Sinn’s interview on phone game.

We were on a cab thinking of the possible variables of the situation. He could get there and it
could turn out that there were more people there, which would have made him the outsider. This
is one of the reasons I offered to go in with him, so if there were other people Mr. M wouldn’t be
by himself. If she was by herself, I could have a drink and then leave, but my initial presence
would also help, because it would imply that Mr. M didn’t just show up expecting sex, which
might have initially turned her off.

When we get there, she was by herself. We go in, I have a couple of drinks and just observe Mr.
M’s game. She just starts talking naturally about the celebrities she hangs out with and things she
has done, and Mr. M systematically demonstrates equivalent or greater value each time, showing
that he is at her level and he is used to women of her level. This is a key element to attracting
exceptionally beautiful and high-status women. I play a role in this by agreeing with Mr. M and
chiming in to enhance the stories that show his value. I also have fun with the process by
sending him text messages saying things like “Tag Team!” – If you’re not having fun, then
dating science isn’t for you.

After a while, it was time for me to leave. It was a sort of celebration and a lesson at the same
time. I had done everything I could to help my friend get with one of the most beautiful women
I’ve ever seen. The biggest lesson was that I was originally going to approach her, but I pushed
Mr. M to do it instead, and now he’s the one with the Playmate story to tell. As Mr. M says:
“who dares wins”. -- Dahunter

Now back to Mr. M:

In retrospect, what got things really going in the room was reframing. No one I know of other
than The Mystery Method or Love Systems really emphasizes this enough. As usual, Savoy and
Sinn were ahead of the curve on this – their interview on Framing and Frame Control was truly,
as Sinn put it “the most important interview we’ll ever do”. It’s even more critical for extremely
beautiful and high-status women; they really respond to this. The focus is to change the
underlying assumption of the interaction and make her think that you are the sexual selector. A
great one that I stole from Braddock is saying that the hot girls that I hang with get drunk and
can't keep their hands to themselves at bars.

In fact, with her, I'd reframed so much that she actually said to me, 'I bet you're one of those guys
who girls like me go crazy for all the time.'

I replied, 'What do you mean?'

She's said, 'You know, FHM models, playmates and that'


'Well because you think like us - like women treat you the way guys treat us'.

This was hilarious seeing as she’d never even seen me with another girl! Such is the power of
reframing properly, which is why it is something that I now emphasize in my bootcamps.

Then, after Dahunter left, there was nothing stopping me from pushing things forward
physically. The big step is the kiss. Savoy wrote a great LSi a while back on why kissing is
important and about all the dangers of kissing too early, too late, or in the wrong way. A lot of it
has to do with sexual tension – the biggest mistake intermediate guys make with this is that they
set up the first kiss in such a way as to dissipate sexual tension, so the woman thinks “wow, we
really needed to get that out of our system” as opposed to “I want more”. Most the key points
from that LSi made their way into Chapter 17 (Kissing) of Magic Bullets. I also followed all of
the rules from the excellent interview from Sinn and The Don on Physical Escalation and
Kissing. (Savoy is right by the way when he says that instructors subscribe to the interview
series. Our instructor crew is so varied and so good that it would be insane not to learn from
each other, but instead of having to wade through hours of reading, the interviews are edited so
well that they focus on the key insights. When I was first studying dating science, I’d listen to
the interviews and just go...got it…got it…it was kind of like loading a new program into your
brain like in The Matrix.)

Anyway, with the Playmate, it took me about an hour and about 5 different kiss attempts to
actually kiss her. Here’s an insight – when rejected for a kiss, don’t pout. Don’t let it affect you
at all. Don’t talk about it. Just keep talking and touching. Out of this actually came what is now
my favorite kiss close. The one that worked is the one I teach on my bootcamps now – and it has
not since failed me.

I’m not going to go into the gory details of what came after the kiss – it’s not my style. But
suffice it to say, we had a lot of fun together.
So - from the guy who couldn’t get a kiss until he was almost 21, to picking up, from cold
approach, a famous Playmate and TV celebrity… If a short, ugly guy like me can do it, anyone

Mr M is a lead instructor, and is available teaching bootcamps, one-on-ones, or phone

consultations. Check out our schedule here, or contact Jeremy (our Program Manager) at 323
836 0150 or by email.


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