ZTE Technical Support Website User Manual
ZTE Technical Support Website User Manual
ZTE Technical Support Website User Manual
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USER REGISTRATION.....................................................................................................4
USER REGISTRATION............................................................................................
1.1.1 COMMON USER REGISTRATION................................................................4
1.1.2 APPLY FOR ADVANCED USER....................................................................9
LOGIN OPERATION................................................................................................
USER REVIEW......................................................................................................
HOMEPAGE INTRODUCTION..............................................................................
SITE MAP...............................................................................................................
MY SPACE.......................................................................................................................19
LOGIN OPERATION..............................................................................................
SUBMENU INTRODUCTION.................................................................................
2.2.1 MY SPACE > MY INFORMATION.................................................20
2.2.2 MY SPACE > MY FORUM ............................................................22
2.2.3 MY SPACE > MY SUBSCRIPTION ..............................................23
2.2.4 MY SPACE>MY FAVORITE...........................................................27
2.2.5 MY SPACE>ADVICE.....................................................................29
2.2.6 MY SPACE>MY SERVICE.............................................................29
2.2.7 MY SPACE>MY MAINTENANCE EXPERIENCE..........................29
LOGIN OPERATION..............................................................................................
SUBMENU INTRODUCTION.................................................................................
3.2.1 SERVICE>SERVICE REQUEST...................................................31
3.2.2 SERVICE>SUGGESTIONS...........................................................35
3.2.3 SERVICE>LICENSE......................................................................35
TT CASE..........................................................................................................................36
LOGIN OPERATION..............................................................................................
SUBMENU INTRODUCTION.................................................................................
4.2.2 TT CASE>SUBMIT KNOWLEDGE................................................43
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LOGIN OPERATION..............................................................................................
SUBMENU INTRODUCTION.................................................................................
5.2.1 PRODUCT SEARCH....................................................................................49
5.2.2 DOCUMENT OPERATION...........................................................................51
LOGIN OPERATION..............................................................................................
LOGIN OPERATION..............................................................................................
SUBMENU INTRODUCTION.................................................................................
7.2.1 BULLETIN>PRODUCT BULLETINS.............................................63
7.2.2 BULLETIN>SERVICE BULLETINS...............................................65
7.2.3 BULLETIN>CUSTOMER SUPPORT.............................................68
7.2.4 BULLETIN>RETURN & REPAIR...................................................68
7.2.5 BULLETIN>TRAINING INTRODUCTION......................................69
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This manual gives operation instructions of the Support website, telling users how
to browse the website and use it to complete work properly.
1 User Registration
1.1 User Registration
1.1.1 Common user registration
Before login, an account must be registered to obtain relevant permission.
Common user registration including system user, outsourcing user, multi-vendor
user, terminal user can be approved automatically.
STEP 1: Open the IE browser, type support.zte.com.cn, and press the Enter
button to enter the homepage of the Support website.
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SETP 2: Click the Register button in the top corner to enter the registration page.
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Or, click the Login button to enter the login page and then click Register Now to
enter the registration page.
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STEP 3: Fill in the mandatory information and then click Submit to finish the
First, please select the correct User Type according to the actual situation.
All the fields marked * are mandatory. Please fill in accurately to ensure the
registration request can be approved.
Rights reserved. No spreading
without prior permission of ZTE.
Page 9
STEP 2: Fill in the company name and contractor No in registration page. Click
Submit to complete or Reset to refill.
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SETP 3: On the login page, type the User Name, Password and Verification
code and then click Login to enter the homepage.
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STEP 2. Select the user and Click Review whose Review State is Reviewed! to
enter the user information page.
STEP 3. On the user information page, review the user information and fill in those
required items with asterisk such as Company. Click the
to find and assign
the correct customer company (the customer registration input can only be used for
reference. The customer company must be found and assigned again to ensure
that it is consistent to the information recorded in CRM).
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Review Requirements:
1) Review the user information to ensure that the information is complete. If not, the
user cannot be approved.
2) Review the customer company. If the customer company cannot be found the
Customer List, the user is failed to be approved. Click
at the end of Company
to the customer company selection page. After a company is selected, wait for the
system to associate the information of Country and State/Province automatically. If
the customer company can be foundi in the Customer List, assign it for the
customer. If the customer company cannot be found the Customer List, the user is
failed to be approved.
3) Review the contract No.. if the contract cannot found in ECC or doesnt comply
with the customer company, the user is failed to be approved.
STEP 4. Complete the review. Click Passed to approve the user registration of
Failed to disapprove with views.
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Info bar
Title bar
Account info
My Space
TT Case
Page 18
Service Bulletins
Select a product
TT Case
ZTE eReader
Create Request
Create Service
Click this link to go to theCreate Service Requestpage.
Search Service
Click this link to go to theSearch Service Requestpage.
Click this link to go to theSubmit Knowledgepage.
Click this link to go to theSoftware releasepage.
software release
Display the product service hotlines home and abroad of ZTE system equipment,
handset and other terminals.
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2 My Space
2.1 Login Operation
Operation Instructions:
SETP 1: Login ZTE technical support website. Refer to Section 2.2 for the login
SETP 2: Click My Space in the title bar to enter the page of My Space.
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Update My Information
This page shows all the information filled in when a user registered. The user can
modify, supplement and complete his/her information. Fields marked with * are
Click Submit after finishing the information modification.
Click Reset to modify again if the information is wrongly filled in.
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Update Password
A user can modify the original password on this page. Click Submit to after finishing
the password modification.
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Postings created by me
On this page, a user can delete the postings he/she created, view the detailed
postings and modify.
Select the postings that need to be deleted and click
to delete them in
Page 23
Postings replied by me
The operation is the same as above. Refer to 3,2,2,1.
Software release
A user can subscribe the software update information of a certain product model.
After subscription, the system will send email the user automatically if there is any
update of the product software.
STEP 1: Click Add to add new subscriptions.
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STEP 2: Click
to enter the product selection page. A user can type a product
model in the Product box, or select the product model by selecting Product
Family, Product Category, Product Sub-category and Product Model one by
one. Click OK to finish the product model selection and go back to My
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STEP 3: Type the email address in the Email box and then click Save to finish the
subscription of software release. The system will email the user if there is any
information of software release. A user can also click Cancel to cancel the
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A user can subscribe the document update information of a certain product. The
system will email the user if there is any change such as release and update of the
product document.
Refer to Software release for detailed operation steps. The interface will be as
shown below if the subscription is finished.
TT Case
A user can check the maintenance experience and FAQ added to My Favorite.
to delete them in
Page 28
Bulletin>Technical Notification
A user can check the technical notifications added to My Favorite.
A user can select multiple technical notifications and then click
them in batch.
to delete
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2.2.5 My Space>Advice
Advice on this document: A user can check the comments on the document.
3 Service
3.1 Login Operation
STEP 1: Refer Section 2.2 for the website login operation.
Rights reserved. No spreading
without prior permission of ZTE.
Page 30
STEP 2: Click Service in the title bar of the website to enter the service page.
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Search Operation
STEP 1: Set search conditions, select Close requests in the Filter field, and
select 2012-09-11 to 2014-09-11 in the Request Time field.
STEP 2: Click Search and the search results will pop up automatically.
A user can check the processing status of submitted tickets, give feedback of his/her
own suggestions, and communicate with support engineers, as shown below.
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STEP 1: Search the ticket of which the status is Working in Progress. The search
method is as shown above. For example, search the ticket RS20131205627248.
STEP 2: Click the searched ticket to check all its information and the current
processing status. A user can click Information, Process, SLA Compliance,
Report and Attachments and Relationships to check the corresponding content.
STEP 3: A user can click Feedback to give his/her own comments, and can check
the support engineers operation and reply in the Process.
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Closing a ticket
A user can close a service request and the operation steps are as follows.
STEP 1: Search a service request ticket in the status of Closure validating. For
example: RS20140327420508
STEP 2: In the ticket list, click Validate Resolution to enter the page of detailed
information. In the Closure Validating column, you can agree or disagree to close
the ticket by choosing yes or no. If you chose yes, the ticket will be closed, or it will
be kept handling further.
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Service request ticket ID: It is the unique sign of the ticket, and the ticket can be
searched by it.
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3.2.2 Service>Suggestions
Submit Suggestion
A user can give his/her comments on the system and improvement suggestions. All
the fields marked * are mandatory.
Submit Complaint
When using the website, a user can complain on any unsatisfactory issue and the
complaint will be accepted by the website administrators.
3.2.3 Service>License
To be processed by me: A user can check the license request ticket that he/she
needs to process. Usually, this function is only used by administrators.
Rights reserved. No spreading
without prior permission of ZTE.
Page 36
License application: A user can submit a license application request, before which
a license application form must be filled in and loaded. The form can be
downloaded on this page.
License Query: A user can set conditions to search the detailed information of the
license application form.
4 TT Case
4.1 Login Operation
STEP 1: Login ZTE technical support website. Refer to Section 2.2 for the login
STEP 2: Click TT Case in the title bar to enter the knowledge base page, as shown
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On the homepage of TT Case, knowledge can be searched by full text. Type
keywords (separate them by space if there are multiple ones) to search. A user can
also set search conditions to make full-text advanced search. For example, search
the content including ZXC10 and BTS.
STEP 1: Type ZXC10 BTS and click Search.
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STEP2: In the result list, click the title you need to check the details.
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STEP 3: A user can select the content display mode between Tab Display and
Display in 1 page.
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STEP 4: After reading knowledge, a user can evaluate it. The comments will be fed
back to the administrator for system improvement.
Advanced Search
A user can set search conditions to search knowledge. The operation steps are as
STEP 1: Click Advanced search to enter the conditions setting page.
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STEP 2: Set search conditions in the advanced search box and then click Search.
For example, search the product ZXC10 BSCB.
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STEP 4: After filling in knowledge, set the Knowledge Audience and then click
Preview, Save or Submit as needed.
4.2.3 TT Case>Related to Me
Related to Me : It includes all the issues to be processed by the user such as
knowledge review, modification and recommendation. At the same time, a user can
set search conditions to search relevant knowledge. This section introduces how to
review, modify and recommend knowledge.
Knowledge Review
STEP 1: Select one in the Service State field and click Search, all of knowledge
under the state will be displayed in the result list.
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STEP 2: In the list, select the knowledge and click its title, all the content of the
knowledge can be displayed.
STEP 3: Review the knowledge content. Set the Knowledge Audience and give
review comments. If knowledge is approved, it will be issued; otherwise it will be
returned to the knowledge submitter and the submitter should process according to
the review comments.
STEP 4: After finishing knowledge review, the reviewer can select the operation
among Browse, Save and Submit.
Knowledge Modification
STEP 1: Select Rejected to submit in the Service State field and click Search,
knowledge that failed to be approved will be listed automatically.
STEP 2: Open the knowledge in the state of Rejected to submit to enter the
knowledge filling page. A user can modify the knowledge content according to the
review comments and then click Submit. For example, modify the knowledge
BSSB software (CDMA2000)-test .
Knowledge Recommendation
A user can recommend knowledge to others, but the knowledge to be recommended
must be in the state of Issued. For example, to recommend the knowledge
ZXCTN 9000 series L2VPN service fails due to board incident, the operation
steps are as follows:
STEP 1: Enter the Related to Me page to search the issued knowledge.
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STEP 2: Select the knowledge by ticking the before the knowledge title (please
DO NOT click the knowledge title) and then click Recommend.
STEP 3: On the new recommendation page, type the email address of the
recommended person, the subject and description and then click Submit to finish
the knowledge recommendation.
The email address of the recommended person must be the email of ZTE employee
(external email is not supported currently). Please separate multiple email
addresses by comma ,.
All the fields marked with * are mandatory.
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5 Documentation
5.1 Login Operation
STEP 1: Login the Support website. Refer to Section 2.2 for details.
STEP 2: Click Documentation in the title bar to enter the documentation page.
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: Menu area: Click the menu name and the corresponding content appears.
: Document title area: A user can type a document title and document number to
search a document.
: Product selection area: A user can search a document by selecting the product
family, product category, product sub-category and product model.
: The document search results will be listed, including Title, Document No.,
Document Type, Views, Issue Date, and Operate.
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2. Search product document by product model and product version. For example,
search the product document of which product model is ZXSDR B8200 L200and
product version is V2.10 .
STEP 1: In the product selection area, click Wireless in Product Family, LTE in
Product Category, LTE FDD eNode B in Product Sub-category and ZXSDR
B8200 L200 in Product Model, and then select V3.20.20 in Product Version.
STEP 2: Click Search after finishing selection and search result will be listed.
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No., Title, Document No., Document Type, Views, Issue Date and
Operate. Each item is introduced as follows:
Title: Refer to document name, showing the main content of the document.
Select the target document and click Browse, a user can read it online. Take the
document NetNumenU31 (V12.10.30) Unified Network Management System
ZXUN B200 Operation Guide as an example.
STEP 1: Select the document and click Browse, a new page appears.
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STEP 2: On the new page, select the target document and click Browse. The
document will be opened automatically for the user to read online if the software of
Adobe PDF has bee installed.
A user can download the needed document and save it on local computer.
STEP 1: Select the document and click Download.
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A user can add the needed document to My favorite to facilitate the reading in the
future. For example, to add the product manual NetNumenU31 (V12.10.30)
Unified Network Management System ZXUN B200 Operation Guide to My
Favorite, a user needs to click Favorite.After a document is added to favorite, it
can be found in My Space>My Favorite>Product Manuals.
STEP 1: select the document and click Favorite. And the message of favorite
successfully will display.
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STEP 2: you can find the document in My Space>My Favorite>Product
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6 Forum
6.1 Login Operation
STEP 1: Login the Support website. Refer to Section 2.2 for details.
Rights reserved. No spreading
without prior permission of ZTE.
Page 57
STEP 2: Click Forum to enter the technical forum page. A user can select the topics
of a certain product and publish postings.
: System equipment list: Click any product menu to enter the page of this product. A
user can publish postings related to this product on this page.
: Full-text search: A user can type keywords and the system will perform full-text
search on this forum.
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6.2 Post
Take CDMA Wireless product as an example to introduce how to post on the forum.
STEP 1: In the system equipment list, click CDMA to enter CDMA wireless product
STEP 2: In CDMA wireless product area, click Post to enter the postings editing
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STEP 3: On the postings editing page, type Subject, select Confidentiality level,
fill in the posting content, and click Add to post.
Receive email for a reply: It means whether the author needs to receive a notice
email when there is a reply.
Reward: It means whether the author is willing to give rewards (score) to the person
solving the problem.
Attachment upload: The author can upload an attachment in the format of jpg, gif,
bmpjpeg or png.
Confidentiality level: The author can specify the audience of the posting he/she
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6.3 Reply
A user can view postings and give reply. Take the reply of CDMA wireless product as
an example.
STEP 1: In the system equipment list, click CDMA to enter CDMA wireless product
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STEP 2: In the posting area, click the subject of the posting that needs reply. For
example, click the subject Document for GU-SDR CM Optimization.
STEP 3: Enter the subject page and click Reply. The reply content page will appear.
STEP 4: On the Reply Content page, Type the reply content and click Reply to
finish the posting reply.
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A user can modify and delete replies. Enter the subject of a posting and find its
replies to modify or delete them.
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7 Bulletin
7.1 Login Operation
STEP 1: Login the Support website. Refer to Section 2.2 for details.
STEP 2: Click Bulletin in the menu bar to enter the bulletin information page.
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STEP 2: Search results will be listed. A user can click the needed information to
check the content.
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Software Release
In this menu, a user can set search conditions to search the version of released
STEP 1: Set search conditions. For example, to search the version release
information of the product ZXUN iEPC, a user needs to select Trunking Service
Product in product family, select Trunking Core Network in product category,
GoTa 4G Core Network in product sub-category and ZXUN iEPC in product
model, and then click Search.
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STEP 2: Search results will be listed automatically and a user can click the Subject
to check the details. For example, view the ZTE Technical Support Website
Maintenance Notice - 20111122.
Page 68
Technical Notification
A user can set the search conditions to search product technical notifications related
to being out of the market, upgrade, patch fix, etc.
STEP 1: Set search conditions and click Search. For example, search the technical
notification of Core Network/Core Network (CN).
STEP 2: Search results will be listed automatically and a user can click the
Technical Notification No. to check the details. For example, check the TC
xGW20140403(0014)(about Caution Items for MPU Board Removal and
Installation on the ZXUN xGW) (Technical Notification No.: X00T22014040301).
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