Rupa Goswami Sri Lalita Madhava
Rupa Goswami Sri Lalita Madhava
Rupa Goswami Sri Lalita Madhava
Act One
Prastavana (Introduction)
Text I
mukha kam-alani ca
khedayam akhandah
ciram akhila suhr-c cako-ra nand-i
disatu mukunda yasa-h sasi -mudam vah
sura ripu -of the enemies of the demigods; sudrsam of t he w i v e s;uroj a t h e
breasts; kokan li k e t he birds known as cakravaka;mukha fa c e s;kamalani l i k e
lotuses; ca al s o; khedayan di s t r e s sing;akhandah c o m p l e t e ly witho ut
distortion; ciram fo r a l o ng t i m e;akhila of a l l ; su h rt th e f r i e n d ;cakora nandipleasing to the cakora birds; disatu le t it g i v e; mukun da o f S r i K r s n a;yasah
the glories; sasi li k e t he moon; mudam pl e a s u r e;vah t o a l l of y o u .
The beautiful moonlike glories of Mukunda give distress to the lotuslike faces
of the wives of the demons and to their raised breasts, which are like gleaming
cakravaka birds. Those glories, however, are pleasing to all His devotees, who are
like cakora birds. May those glories forever give pleasure to you all.*
Text 2
apl ca:
astau proksya dig angana g-hana rasaih pa-trankuranam sriya
kurvan manju 2ata bharasya -ca sada ramava2i mandana-m
yah pine hrdi bhanujam atu2a bham can-drakrtim cojjvalam
rundhanah kramate tam atra mudiram krsnam namas kurmahe
Let us offer our respectful obeisances to the dark cloud of Lord Krsna, which
showers the goddesses of the eight directions with a rain of sweetness, which
eternally decorates the gopis with beautiful vine-grown leaves and flowers, and
which embraces to its chest the peerlessly splendid moon of Sri Radha.
Text 3
nandy ante -sutradharah: a2am ati vistar-ena sama.ntad ava2okya hant.a bhoh.
santata vrnda-tavi nikun-j a vedik-a nivas-a diksa -rasaj-nasya sphurad udda-nda
pundarzka-manda2z-mandita-brahma-kunda tiropa-nta stha2i -maha
bhagavato gopisvarataya prasiddhasya candrardha maule-h svapnavribhutam adesam
asadya dipavali kautu-karambhe govardhanaradhanaya radha kunda -rodha-si
madhavi madh-ava mand-irasya purvatah sangatani vaisnava vrnda-ni
sva praba-ndhena
2a2ita madha-va namn-a natakenaham upasthatum paryutsuko smi.
nandi th e N a n d i -sloka;ante af t e r; sutradharah th e S u t r a dhara;alam
enough; ati vistaren-a wi th t h e se verbose explanations;samantah ev e r y w h e re;
avalokya lo o k i n g; hanta in d e e d ;bh oh Oh ! ; sa n t a ta et e r n a l l y;v rnda ataviin the forest of Vrndavana; nikunja in t h e g r o v e s;vedi in t h e c o u r t y a rds;
nivasa re s idence; diksa i n r e l i g i o u s ceremonies;rasajnasya ex p e r t ;sphurat
manifested; uddanda gr e a t;pundarika of a l o t u s flo we r;mandali a r e a ;
mandita decorated;brahma kunda -of Brahma Kunda; tira the shore;upanta
near; sthali pl a c e;maha gr e a t;bhamuikasya of t h e p l a ce;bhagavatah o f t h e
Lord; gopi of t he gopis;isvarataya as t he master;prasiddhasya ce l e b r a ted;
candra ardha m-auleh -of Lord Siva, who wears a half-moon crown; svapna i n a
dream; avirbhutam ap p e a rance;adesam or d e r ; asadya at t a i n i n g;dipavali
Diwali; kautuka arambhe -on the holy day; govardhana of G o v a r d hana Hill;
aradhanaya fo r t he worship; radha kunda -of Radha-khunda; rodhasi
on the
bank; madhavi madhava -of Sri Sri Madhavi-Madhava; mandirasya t h e t e m p l e ;
purvatah be f o r e; sangatani a s s e mbled;vaisnava of V a i s navas;vrndani
multitudes; sva ow n ; pr a bandehena wi t h l i t e r a cy composition; 2a2ita madhavaLalita-Madhava; namna wi t h t he n a me;natakena wi t h a p l a y;aham i f ;
to s erve;paryutuskah
e a g e r; asmi a m .
Sutradhara: (After the nandi s-lokasare finished) Enough with these pompous
words! (Glancing over the audience) Ah! Ah! Lord Siva, who is crowned with the
half-moon, who is expert in tasting the sweetness of always living in the groves of
Vrndavana, who is the lord of Brahma-kunda's shores decorated with hosts of great
lotus flowers, and who is famous as the master of the gopis, appeared to me in a
dream and ordered me to write this play, named Lalita-Madhava, which I am now
eager to present to the many Vaisnavas assembled on this holy day of Diwali to
worship Govardhana Hill at the entrance of the Madhavi-Madhava temple on the
shores of Radha-kunda,
Text 0
Text 5
A Voice from the sky: What are you saying7 How have you become so bold to
try this7
Sutradhara: I must follow this order. I have the order from my superior. Listen:
Text 6
Who is this audience7 The people in this audience are filled with all good
qualities. Who am I. I am foolish Rupa Gosvami. I am awed by this exalted
audience. Today I take shelter of they who have taken shelter (of Lord Krsna).
Today (I pray for) the mercy of He who is an ocean of mercy and a festival of
transcendental bliss..
Text 7
be f o re him; avalokya
gl a n c i n g;hanta
indeed; bhoh
Oh; krsna o f
Lord Krsna; pada of t he f eet;aravinda at t h e l o t us flowe r; bhrngah 0 b u m b l e bees; prasadam me r c y; vidadhata pl e a se give;bhavat yo u r ; vi d h anam l i k e ;
eva c e r t ainly; krpa of m e r c y ;avalambanena by r e s t ing;atra h e r e ;
ni ratankam fe a r less;udy ata ar i s e; asmi I .
Text 8
santa sriy-ah parama bhag-avatah samantad
dvaigunya punj-am api sad gun-atam nayanti
dosavalim aparitapataya mrduni
jyotimsi visnu pada -bhan-i vibhusayanti
yatah be c a use;santa pe a c eful;sriyah op u l e n c e s;parama
su p reme;
bhagavatah de v o tees;samantat co m p l e t e ly;dvaigunya do u b l e d ;punj am
abundance; api ev e n; sat gunata-m th e state of having transcendental virtues;
at t a i n; dosa of n i g h t ; avalim th e s e r i e s; aparitapataya w i t h c o o l n e ss;
so f t ly shining; jyotimsi s t a r s ; visnu of L o r d K r s n a;pada to t h e f e e t;
bhaj i wi th d e votion; vibhusayanti de c o r a t e .
Great devotees are peaceful and filled with spiritual opulences. They double
others' virtues and are cool to others' faults. They are softly shining, cooling stars
that decorate the evening sky of Lord Visnu's feet.
Note: "Dosa" here means both " faults" and "evening" and "visnu-pada" means
both Lord Visnu's feet" and "sky".
Text 9
(Placing folded palms to his head) Of the four Sanakadi-kumaras, the perfect
souls that in ancient times appeared in this world to describe the path of the
swanlike pure devotees, the third one has now descended to teach the devotees the
secret nectar of pure dveotional service, I offer my respectful obeisances to him,
the spiritual master of the world.
Note: Here Srila Rupa Gosvami describes his elder brother, Srila Sanatana
Gosvami, who was an incarnation of Sanatana Kumara.
Text 10
Now I want the very honorable, elderly queen of actresses, who sings like a
demigoddess, to come here on the stage.
Text 11
nati: (pravisya) vaccha ranga mangala -samvihan-e sampadam ana hini ittha -man-i
Nati: (enters) Dear friend, my heart is not eager to accept this role (as a
villaness) in this auspicious play.
Text 12
Sutradhar: Noble lady! What are you saying7 Look! Look! It is now the festive
autumn season, the Vaisnavas are all assembled here, Govardhana Hill is (like a
volcano) erupting the splendid, pure, transcendetal glories of eternal Lord Hari,
and furthermore, the charming deity form of Lord Madhava is also present. Now
you should be on your best behavior.
Text 13
no t ; k k h u
of ordinary people.
Dear friend, I am chained by shackles of fear that these great souls will become
unhappy (because of my part in the play). I am not worried about the opinions of
ordinary people.
Text lk
Sutradhara: Noble lady, great souls are always saved from sufferings. Even if,
somehow or other, a devotee takes birth (as an animal) in the jungle, (as human
being) in one of the directions (of this world), (as a demigod) in the three celestial
planets, or (even as a resident) of hell, the Supreme Personality of Godhead always
brings him to His (lotus) feet. The Lord never wishes to abandon him.
Text 15
nati: putta saccam bhanasi; tahavi sinehanam kkhu vive a harini -pa--i-ditti
mwg hahml
nati N a ti ; putta
s o n ; sa c cam th e t r u t h ; b hanasi y o u s p e a k;tahavi
nevertheless; sinehanam of th e affectionate devotees; khhu i n d e ed; vive a
u nderstanding; harini r e m o v i n g ; pa-i-ditti
a c t i v i t y ; mujjhahmi I a m
Nati: My son, you speak the truth. Still, my better discrimation has been robbed
by love for a certain person, and I am now bewildered.
Text 16
Sutradhar: Noble lady, please tell: to whom are you bound with love7
Nati: My son, He is a descendent of the Caranas. His name is Kalanidhi.
Text 17
Sutradhara: Who is he7 I don't know. (I only know that the name) Kalanidhi
means: He who is an expert dancer, endowed with all noble qualites, charmingly
youthful, famous in this world, and intent on breaking his enemies in the
Text 18
natz: vihino anu-u22ena uvatthido nattini buddhi-e me e sambhavida ta.ra nama 2oa ot-tara kanna/ a-tassa dadum sankappida
nati N a ti; vidhino by f a t e ; anu-ulena f a v o r a b le;uvatthido a t t a i n e d ;
da u g h t e r-in-law; buddhi-e an o ld l a d y;me e by m e ; sambavida h a s
been;tara Tara;nama
named; lo a o-tt-araextraordinary; kanna a -girl;
tassa to him; dadum to g i v e ;sa nkappida d e s i r e d .
Text 19
With fear of criticism in this world, and with a desire for praise, with both these
motives the creator Brahma created this exquisite girl.
Text 20
natz: nam kkhu ahi2asantena desahi arina kir-ada ra ena na-cca-na vi2o ana -cha2a-doka2anihim a ari aima-ssa -parabhavo ajj havasiyaditti
nati Na t i; nam He r ; k k h u i n d e e d ab
; hilasantena de s i r i n g;desahi arina b y
the monarch; kirada of t h e k i r a t a s;ra e-na by t he kin g; naccana da n c i n g;v il o ana seeing;cha2ado on t he pretext; ka2anihim Ka l a n i d h i; a a-ri a -ca l l i n g ;
imassa of Him ( K r s n a ); parabhavo de f e a t;ajj havasiyaditti wa s a t t e mpted.
Nati: The Kirata-king (Kamsa) desires this girl. On the pretext of seeing a
dancing festival, he has called Kalanidhi to the capital and is now trying to defeat
Text 21
sutradharah: arye mam jyotir vida-m viddhi tad .adya vartamana lagn-anusarena
tattvam te varnayamiti (vim.rsya sa har-sam) hanta ma te cinta bhut.
sutradharah Sutradhara;
arye 0 noble lady;mam
me;jyotih vida-m a
learned astrologer; viddhi pl e a se know;tat th e r e f o r e;adya to d a y ;va rtamana
at the present time; lagna on t h e h o r i z o n; anusarena fo l l o w i n g; tattvam t h e
truth; t to y o u ; va r nayami I s h a l l d e s cribe;
vimrsya re f le c t i ng for a moment;
sa wi t h i n; harsam ha p p i n e s s;hanta in d e e d;ma do n o t ; te of y o u ; c i n t a
anxiety; abhut s h o u ld b e .
Text 22
tatha hi:
natata kirata raj amnihatya ranga stha2e ka-2anidhina
samaye tena vidheyam
gunavati tara kara gra-hana-m
tatha hi fu r t h e r m o r e;natata da n c i n g on the stage;kirata raj am -the ruler of
the kirata (uncivilized men) Kamsa; nihatya ki l l i n g ; ra n ga sthale o- n the stage;
kala nidhina -the master of all arts; samaye at t he tim e; tena b y H i m ;
vidheyam to be done;guna vati at t - he qualified moment;tara kara of -t he hand
of Tara (Radha); grahanam th e a cceptance.
While dancing on the stage after having killed the ruler of uncivilized men
[Kamsa], Kalanidhi [Lord Krsna], master of all arts, will at the proper time accept
the hand of Tara [Srimati Radharani], who is qualified with all transcendental
Text 23
Paurnamasi: (from behind the scenes) Afraid of King Kamsa, and thus unable
to directly announce the marriage of Radha and Krsna, a certain person instead
tells this story of the dancer and the king of the Kiratas. By this trick this fortunate
person tells me the truth and comforts me, who had been filled with anguish.
Text 20
Sutradhara: (Looking behind the scenes) Look! Look! Famous in this world as
Sandipani Muni's mother and Devarsi Narada's saintly student, fortunate
Paurnamasi, whose white hair is decorated with kasa flowers, now hastily enters
the stage as she eagerly talks with Gargi. Come quickly. Let us go and see what
happens now that this first scene is over. (They both exit. Thus ends the
Scene 1
Text 1
Paurnamasi: (repeats Text 23 of the introduction, and then says) Child Gargi,
listen: As we drink the nectar of the overflowing celestial Ganges of Radha's
moonlight smile touching the wave-filled Yamuna of Krsna s sidelong glance at the
Triveni of Their rendezvous, a flood of pleasant coolness licks away our sufferings
and pleases our hearts. Crossing over the seven worlds, now we stand above them
Text 2
gargi: ajj e ahimannuna rahi eu-vvaho tu ec-ce ak-arido ta kitti punovi harina
samam ahllaslga l
Gargi: 0 noble lady, you yourself arranged Radha s marriage with Abhimanyu.
Why would She desire to meet with Krsna7
Text 3
Text 0
Gargi; kerisam
li k e w h a t 7; tam t h i s ; va r a mi am -t r a n s c endental
Text 5
tad abhistam eva dhurjater
jitvara jamatrkam vindhya
guna visma-pita bhuva-nam
Text 6
Gargi: Why did Mount Vin d hya desire a daughter and not a son7
Text 7
Paurnamasi: He had become the rival of king Himalaya, who is the father of
Gauri and very proud of the opulence of his son-in-law, ( Siva).
Text 8
gargi: ammahe sa gottu -kkur-isam sodhum eso na kkhamo yam pura merum j edu
kamo vi kummaj onim sammani auna -na baddhido
Gargi: He could not tolerate the glory of his own family. In ancient times He
tried to defeat Mount Meru. He could not rise again after he bowed down to offer
respects to Agastya Muni.
Note: Mount Vindhya grew taller and taller until he challanged even his
relative, Mount Meru. Agastya Muni visited Mount Vindhya. The mountain bowed
down to offer respects. Agastya asked Munt Vindhya to remain in that position
until he returned. Agastya never returned and Vindhya could not raise his head
again. In this way Mount Vindhya's pride was humbled.
Text 9
ce r t a inly;idrk li k e t h i s ; eva
of t h o u g h t f ul persons.
ce rtainly;
Text 10
Text 11
of children; harinya
by t h e k i d n a p p e r;putanaya
by Putana.
Text 12
gargi: (sa bhayam-) ajjejada harinihi -kkhu bala abhu 2-9ji anti ta d-itthi auvvari-da
sa wi t h; bhayam fe a r ;ajj e 0 no b l e l a d y;j ada of c h i l d r e n;harinihi b y t h e
kidnappers; kkhu i n d e ed; bala ac h i l d - r e n; bhunj i anti ar - e killed;ta t h i s ;
a by g o od fortune;uvvarida re s c u e d;ka22ani fo r t u n a t e .
Gargi: (with fear) W i t c hes that steal children generally eat their victims. This
girl is very fortunate to be saved.
Text 13
Text lk
by the
king; pa-ut
tam engaged.
Gargi: Why did the king ask her to do those two things7
Text 15
of the demigoddess;devaki
by t he wor d s.
Text 16
li ke w ha t7; vyaharo
th o s e wo r d s .
Text 17
yas tungena purottamangam aharac cakrena te sangare
yam vrndaraka vrn-da van-dita
pad-a dva-ndvaravindam viduh
anandamrta sind-hubhih pranayinam sandoham anandayan
pradurbhavam avindad esa j agatl kan-do dya candrodaye
yah wh o ; tu ngena up r a i s e d;pura fo r m e r l y ;ut t ama anga-m th e h ead;
re m o v e d;cakrena wi t h t h e c akra;te of y o u ; sa ngare in b a t t l e;yam
whom; vrndaraka of e x a l t ed personalities;vrnda by t h e ir m u l t i t u d e s;vandita
worshiped; pada of f e e t;dvandva th e p a i r; aravindam th e l o t u s flo we r; viduh
know; ananda of b l i s s ; amrta of n e c t a r ;sindhubhih wi t h o c e a ns;pranayinam
of affectionate devotees; sandoham th e m u l t i t u d e; anandayan d e l i g h t i n g ;
pradurbhavam manifestation; avindat fo u n d ; esah He ;j agati of t h e u n i v e r ses;
kandah th e r o ot; adya no w ; ca n d ra o f t h e m o o n ; u d a ye i n t h e r i s i n g .
Paurnamasi: She said to Kamsa: "The same person who in your previous birth
severed your head with a cakra raised in battle, the same person who the sages
know as He whose two lotus feet are worshiped by the demigods, the same person
who pleases His loving devotees (by showering them) with oceans of the nectar of
bliss, the same person who is the root from which the universe (has sprouted) has
now appeared (in this world) at the time of the moon's rising."
Text 18
klm ca:
mattah sattama madhurlb-hir adhikah svo va parasvo thava
gantarah ksiti mandale p-rakatatam astau maha saktayahvrndisthe guna vrnda ma-ndirata-ya tatra sva sarav ubh-e
raj endro bhavita harasya caj
ayl panau grhltayayoh
of both.
She said: "Today or the day after, eight sublimely sweet saktis will appear on
this earth. Two sisters, who are like great palaces of beautiful transcendental
qualities, will also appear. When He defeats Siva, Lord Krsna, the king of kings,
will accept the hand of both the girls (in marriage)."
Text 19
of t h e s econd;vahani es i - s t er.
Text 20
rakso ghna m-antra -krtinad-ri purohit-ena
vitrasa viklava -mateh sa-manudrutayah
adya tatah kara ta2at ki2a -putanayah
Text 21
gargi: ajj e duvvasaso varena uppana visahanuno orasi kanna rahi tti kaham
savvanno vi tado bhanadi.
ajje 0 n o b l e lady; duvvasaso of D u r v a sa;varena by t he b enediction;
uppana ma n i f e sted;visahanuno of M a h a raja Vrsabhanu;orasi on t h e c h e st;
kanna a girl; rahi Ra d h a r a n i;tti th u s ; ka h am ho w i s i t p o s s ible7;savvanno
omniscient; vi
in d e e d ;ta do fa t h e r ;bhanati s a y s .
Gargi: My father (Sandipani Muni) is omnicient. Why then, has he said that,
(as a result of) a benediction granted by Durvasa Muni, Srimati Radharani
Text 22
candrabhanu vrsabh-anu raman-yor
garbhatah kila vikrsya ninaya
ba2ike kama2aj arthanaya te
vindhya dara ja-thare -hari mayacandrabhanu
of C a n d rabhanu;vrsabhanu an d V r s a bhanu;ramanyoh o f t h w
wives; garbhatah fr o m t he w o m b s;vikrsya pu l l i n g ; ni n a ya br o u g h t ;ba l ik e
the two infant girls; kama2aj a of Lord Brahma; arthanaya by t h e r e q uesting;
te th e y; vindhya of t h e k i ng of the Vindhya Hills;dara of t h e w i f e;jathare
into the womb; hari Lo r d K r s n a ; maya t h e i l l u s o r y p o t e n c y.
Text 23
by the two
Gargi: (With astonishment) did the two fathers know what happened7
Text 20
Paurnamasi: Certainly they understood. Why would Durvasa Muni not help
Text 25
ev e r y t h i n g;tu eb y
- y o u;ka dham
ho w ; vi n n a dam
Text 26
attached; asmi
I am.
Text 27
gargi: nunam nihada er-akkhasi es-e ka2e ekka rahi at-u-e 2abdha
nunam is it not so; nihada-e kil l ed; rakkhasi e- o f th e d emonness; se of
her; kole on t he lap; ekka one;rahi a -Radharani; tu-e by you; ladbha was
Gargi: Is it true that when the witch was killed you took Radha from her lap7
Text 28
on l y ; ra d h ika
Sr i m a t i R a d harani;
Paurnamasi: (I took) not only Radha, but five other girls also.
Text 29
in d e e d ;ta ow
Text 30
er e t h - e y.
fi v e ;api
radha s-akhiha 2a2ita 2a2itasyacandra
candrava2i sa-hacari
rucira ca padma
bhadra ca bhadra ca-rita sivada ca saibya
syama ca dhama m-udita vividas tavemah
radha of S rimati Radharani;sakhi th e f r i e n d;iha he r e ;2a2ita L a l i t a ;
asya fa ced; candra mo o n ; ca n drava2i of C a n d r a vali;sahacari t h e c o m p a n i o n ;
be a u t i f u l; ca an d ; pa d ma Pa d m a ;bhadra Bh a d r a ;ca al s o a u s pious;
carita wh o a c t i v i t ies;siva au s p i c i o usness;da gr a n t i n g; ca al s o ;saibya
Saibya; syama Sy a ma;ca al s o ; dhama wi t h s p l e n d o r;mudita d el i g h t e d ;
vividah v a r i o us; tava of y o u ; im ah t h e s e .
Text 31
by w h a t m e t h o d 7;go inam-
Text 32
kumarmam asam nibhrtam abhitah pancakam aham
vibhajyabhiribhyas tvaritam atha radham adhi gunam
suta tejamaturjarati vrsabhanor iti muda
yasodaya dhatryam rahasi mukharayam aghatayam
of t he i n f a nt girls;asam of t h e m; ni bhrtam se c r e t l y;abhitah i n
different directions; pancakam th e g r o up of five;aham I; vi b h a jya p l a c i n g ;
am o n g t he gopis;tvaritam qu i c k l y ; at ha th e n ; ra d h am S r i m a t i
Radharani; adhi g-unam en d o w ed with transcendental qualities;suta t h e
daughter; te of y o u r;j amatuh so n - i n - l a w;j arati 0
el d e r l y l a d y;vrsabhanoh
Vrsabhanu; iti
th u s ; mu da wi t h d e l i g h t;yasodayah o f Y a s oda; dhatryam t o
the nurse; rahasi in s e c ret;mukharayam to M u k h a r a ;aghatayam I g a v e .
Paurnamasi: Swiftly and secretly I gave these five infant girls to five gopis in
different parts (of Vrndavana). In a secret place I happily gave virtuous Radha to
Yasoda's nurse, Mukhara, and said: "0 elderly one, here is your son-in-law
Vrsabhanu's daughter. "
Text 33
Gargi: This must be the way Radha s second close friend, Visakha, appeared in
Gokula (Vrndavana).
Text 30
Text 35
gargi: naane
j na i -vahida saj ettha vinj ha kanna
na not ; j ane
I k n o w ; na i o f
a-kena la-dbha
th e -r i v e r; purena by t h e c u r r e n t;vahida
Gargi: I did not know that. Who found the Vindhya's first daughter as she was
floating in the river's current7
Text 36
paurnamasi: bhismakena.
by M a h a raj a Bhismaka.
Paurnamasi: Bhismaka.
Text 37
Gargi: Alas, the cruelty of fate, who has separated these two sisters.
Text 38
Paurnamasi: My daughter, fate then re-united them. In this way fate's mercy
may be seen.
Text 39
ho w 7; iva
Text 00
Note: This goddess Durga is the daughter of Yasoda. After Maharaja Vasudeva
brought her back to Mathura, and after King Kamsa unsuccessfully tried to kill
her, she escaped to the Vindhya Hills.
Text Wl
Gargi: (aside) I have heard from my father's mouth that although the (gopis,)
headed by Candrabhanu s daughter Candravah, and the (Dvaraka-queens), headed
by Bhismaka s daughter, Rukmini, are expansions of the same spiritual potency,
nevertheless, their forms are separate and distinct. Now it is said that with the aid
of the yogamaya potency, each gopi is identical with a specific queen, and each
pair of gopi and queen is a single person in a single form. It must be so. Later I
shall perhaps understand it. What can I understand now of these confidential
matters7 (Openly) It is not that the yogamaya potency forcibly prevented the
marriage of Govardhana and the other gopas with Candravali and the other gopis7
Text 02
Paurnamasi: Yes. The gopas simply thought these girls were their wives. In fact,
they never even saw each other.
Text 03
gargi: ado na
kkhu accari o
-atthanam kanhe garitto anura oado th e refore; na no t ; kh hu in d e e d ;accari o -s u r p r i s i n g; atthanam o f
these eight girls; kanhe fo r L o rd K r s n a;garittho ve r y s t r o n g;a nura o -l o v e .
Gargi: Then it is not at all surprising that these eight girls have such deep love
for Lord Krsna.
Text 00
paurnamasi: astanam iti kim ucyate goku2e kasyah kha2u kurangi drs-as tatra
of t h e se eight gopis;iti
th u s ; k im
fo r H i m; n a
not; anuragah
w h a t 7 ;uc y a te is s a i d;gokule
in deed;kurangi of a -doe; drsah w i th t h e
Paurnamasi: What to speak of these eight girls, what doe-eyed girl in Gokula
did not love Lord Krsna7
Text 05
gargi: saccam bhanasi. j am danim sad uttara -im so2a-ha go u2a -ka-nna -a saha-ss-a
as a husband;me to m e ; ku ru pl e a s e do;te un t o y o u ; n a m a h I offer
my respectful obeisances; edam th i s ; mantam ma n t r a j; apantihim c h a n t i n g ;
to gether; una
Gargi: You say the truth. More than 16,100 girls in Gokula are now (deeply in
love with Lord Krsna.) Five gopis, headed by Candravali, regularly meet together
and worship the goddess Durga, chanting the mantra: "0 Katyayam (Durga), 0
Text 06
sa kaman paricarika kumarikabhih
kamakhya vitarati kama rupa -deviity enam vraj a harin-i drsam -upaste
vargo 'yam gunavati garga bhasi-tena
she; kaman
de s i r e s;paricarika th e o b j e ct of worship;kumarikabhih b y
young girls; kama kama;akhya named; vitarati gr a n t s;kama of d e s i r e s;
rupa th e form; devi th e g o d d e ss;iti th u s ; en am he r ; vr a ja of V r a j a ;ha r ini
like the doe; drsam of t he g ir ls who have eyes;upaste wo r s h i p; vargah t h e
community; ayam th i s ; gu navati 0 vi r t o u sg i r l; garga o f G a r g a Mun i ;
bhasitena by t he statement.
Paurnamasi: Garga Muni told the gopis: "Goddess Durga is named Kama'
because she is the personification of the fulfillment of desires. When young girls
worship her, she naturally grants their requests." 0 p i ous one, because of this
advice from Garga Muni, the doe-eyed girls of Vraja now worship goddess Durga.
Text 07
Radharani; ni utta
is e n g a ged;tava
yo u r ; t a t e na b y t h e f a t h e r;eva
ce rtainly.
Text 08
Gargi: 0 noble lady, I have heard from my father's mouth that the association
of these girls with their affectionate lover (Krsna) eventually leads to their
separation from Him.
Text 09
paurnamasi: vatse samyag idam uktam. tena mayapi te kisorika siro r-atneniroddhum abhimanyu govard-hanayor ananyau
j atila bharu-nde nirbandhena niyukte.
vatse 0 ch i l d; samyak tr u t h f u l l y ;id am th i s ;uk t am is s p o k e n;tena b y
him; maya by m e ; api al s o ;te th e y ;ki s o r i ka of y o u n g g i r l s ; sirah t h e c r e s t ;
ratne je w e ls; niroddhum to o b s t r u c t;abhimanyu o f A b h i m a n y u ;
govardhanayoh and G o vardhana;j ananyau the two mothers; j atila J a t i l a ;
bharunde and Bharunda;nirbhandena persistently;
niyukta engaged.
Paurnamasi: Child, he tells the truth. Both he and I have arranged that
Abhimanyu's mother, Jatila, and Govardhana's mother, Bharunda, again and again
place obstacles in the way of (Radharani and Candravali) these two crest-jewels of
adolescent girls.
Text 50
Text 51
Text 52
(nepathy e)
manced uttisthapadme mukuta-viracanam munca pinchena bhadre
syame damanubandham parihara 2a2ite pinti maj agudani
sari pathadv-isakhevyuparamakavari sankriya-mujjhasaibye
purvam vevesti kastham surabhi-khura-puti-pamsu-pistata-punj ah
mancat from b ed; uttistha
r i s e ;padme 0
P a d m a ; m ukuta o f t h e c r o w n ;
th e f ashioning;munca gi v e u p;pinchena wi t h a p e a c ock feather;
bhadre 0 Bhadra;syame 0 Syama; dama the garland;anubandham
stringing; parihara ab a n d o n;2a2ite 0 La l i t a ;pinti cr u s h ;ma d o n o t ;
j agudani kunkuma; sari of t h e p e acocks; pathat f r o m r e c i t i n g;visakhe 0
Visakha; vyuparama
gi v e u p; ka v ari of b r a i d s ;sankriyam f a s h i o n i n g; ujjha
purvam be f o re (us); vevesti en t e r s;kastham t h e
give up; saibye
horizon; surabhi of t h e s urabhi cows;khura of t h e h o o v e s;puti f r o m t h e
openings; pamsu pi-stata of d us t; pu 29j ah an a b u n d a n c e .
A voice from behind the scenes: Padma, get up from bed. Bhadra, stop making
this crown of peacock-feathers! Syama, stop stringing this flower-garland! Lalita,
don t crush this kunkuma into podwer. Visakha, stop teaching the parrot to recite
poetry. Saibya, stop braiding your hair. The dust by the hooves of the surabhi
cows has now entered the horizon!
Text 53
Paurnamasi: Look! Look! The dust from cows and calves on the road creates a
kind of darkness indicating that Krsna is returning home from the pasture. Also,
the darkness of evening provokes the gopijl] s to meet Krsna. Thus the pastimes of
Krsna and the gopiI1]s are covered by a kind of transcendental darkness and are
therefore impossible for ordinary scholars of the Vedas to see.*
Text 50
May the sweet sound of Lord Krsna's flute, His authorized messenger, be
glorified, for it expertly releases Srimati Radharani from Her shyness and attracts
Her from Her home to the forest.*
Text 55
(nepathy e)
dhanye kajj
ala muk-ta vam-a naya-na padme padodhangada
sarangi dhvanadeka nupu-ra dhar-a pa2i skha2an mekh-a2a
gandodyat ti2aka -2avangi kama2e netrarpita2aktaka
ma dhavottaralam tvam atra mura2i dure ka2am kujati
neptahye fr om behind the scenes;dhanye 0 Dh a n y a ; kajj ala ma s c a r a;
mukta wi t h o u t ; vama le f t ; na y a na ey e ;pa dme 0 Pa d m e ;pada o n t h e f e e t ;
udha wo r n; angada an k l e t s;sarangi 0 Sa r a n g i;dhvanada ti n k l i n g ; eka o n e ;
nupura set of ankle-bells;dhara we a r i n g;pa2i 0 Pa l i ; sk h a2at f a l l i n g ;
mekha2a be l t; ganda on t h e c h e eks;udyat ru n n i n g ; ti 2 aka ti l a k a m a r k i ng on
the forehead; 2avangi 0 La v a n g i;kama2e 0 Ka m a l a;netra on t h e e y e s;arpita
placed; alaktaka red lac for decorating the feet; ma do n o t ; dh ava r u n ;
uttara2am ag itated with haste;tvam yo u ; at ra he r e ;mu r a 2i th e f lu t e ; dure
far away; ka2am the sweet sound; kuj ati w a r b l e s .
A voice from behind the scenes: Dhanya, you haven't decorated your left eye
with mascara! Padma, you've placed armlets on your anklets! Sarangi, you've
placed tinkling bells on only one ankle! Pah, your belt is already beginning to slip!
Lavangi, you put tilaka markings (meant for your forehead) on your cheek!
Kamala, you put red lac (meant for the soles of your feet), on your eyes! Don't run
(outside) so quickly. (Krsna s) sweetly sounding flute is still far away.
Text 56
nilambara r-u i -d-hari
Text 57
paurnamasi: (sanandam)
bibhran nila c-chav-im avisamam agra hasten-a yastim
j usta sroni -tata r-ucir a-sau pita pattam-sukena
nindann indivaram aviralotsarpibhih kanti purairabhirinam iha viharati prema laksm-i vivart-ah
tadavam yasodam asadayava (iti niskrante)
anka mukha-m.
sa wi t h; anandam bl i s s ;bibhran ma n i f e s t i ng;nila bl u e ; ch a vim l u s t e r ;
avisamam ch a r m i n g; agra th e t i p ; ha stena wi t h h i s h a n d;yastim a s t i c k ;
j usta en d o w e d; sroni of h i p s ; ta ta slo p e s ;ru c ih sp l e n d o r;asau He; pita
yellow; patta amsuken-a si lk d h o t i; nindan ch a s t i s ing;indivaram the blue lotus
flower; avirala in t e n s e;utsarpibhih ma n i f e s t ing;kanti of b e a u t y;puraih w i t h
floods; abhirinam of t h e g op is;iha he r e ;vi h arati en j o y s t r a n scendental
pastimes; prema of l o v e ; laksmi o f t h e o p u l e n c e;vivartah th e t r a n s formation;
tada th en; avam we ; ya s odam to Y a s o d a;asadaya le t us go;iti t h u s ;
niskrante th e y both exist; anka of t h e a c t;mukham t h e f i r s t part.
yellow silk dhoti. The great flood of His transcendental beauty rebukes the blue
lotus flower. Enjoying pastimes with the gopis, He appears like a transformation of
opulence of transcendental love. Let us go to Yasoda-devi.
Scene 2
Text 1
Text 2
Text 3
Rama: Look! Look! After taking three or four quick steps, the cows turn from
the calves before them and crane their necks to see Krsna behind them. They love
Krsna more than their own calves.
Text 0
Krsna (looking westward) The sun is no longer able to move in this sky that
now declines to support it. It s strength diminished by the transformation of time,
with weakened rays the sun's disc rests first on the top of a banyan tree, and now
on the western horizon.
Text 5
giri-kuta-vidambibhir nividam
vayam abhaj ama karisa
ksoda parita-m raj
v abhy arnam
tad adya kalindim avagadhah pragadha parisr-antim utsarayamah (iti sa.khibhih
saha niskrantah)
pasyata lo o k ! ; pasyata lo o k ! ; vi p u2a ab u n d a n t; utpa2ika of l o t u s flo we rs ;
kutaih w i t h m u l t i t u d es; giri of a m o u n t a i n; kuta t h e s u m m i t ; v id ambibhih
with an imitation; nividam th i c k ; va yam we ; ab h aj am en t e r ; ka r isa o f c o w dung; ksoda wi t h t he d us t; paritam fi l l e d ;vr aj a of V r a j a ;abhyarnam t h e
vicinity; tat t h e r e f o re; adya no w ; k a l i n d im i n t h e Y a m u n a River;avagadhah
plunged; pragadha gr e a t;parisrantim fatigue; utsarayamah le t us dri ve away;
iti t h u s ; sakhibhih
H i s f r i e n ds; saha w i t h ; ni s k r a ntah H e e x i t s .
Rama: Look! Look! Here the tall lotus flowers mock the mountain peaks. Here
is a cloud of cow-dung dust. We are near Vraja Village. Let us rid ourselves of this
fatigue by diving in the Yamuna.
(He exits with His friends.)
Text 6
sakhe 0
Text 7
im risen.
Madhumangala: Dear friend, what is the use of this tiny spotted moon7 Look!
In the sky of the network of these vines there are sixteen thousand spotless moons.
Text 8
krsnah: (samiksya) sakhe samyag attha. bahudha samye 'pi badham ekena
karmanamusito yam osadhisah tatha hi
nava n-ava s-udha s-ambadho 'pi priyo 'pi drsam sada
sarasija v-anim mlanam kurvann api prabhaya svaya
sucir api kala pu-rno py uccaih karanga dh-arah sasi
vraj a m-rga dr-sam vaktrair ebhih suranga dh-arair jitah
samiksya lo o k i n g; sakhe fr i e n d ; samyak attha it i s t r u e ;bahudha i n m a n y
ways; samye in similarity; api al t h o u g h;badham ce r t a i n l y;ekena w i t h a
single; karmana in d e e d; musitah st o l e n;ayam th i s ;os adhi isa-h t h e m o o n ,
monarch of plants; tatha hi fu r t h e r m o r e;nava na-va ev e r-fresh;sudha w i t h
nectar; sambadhah fi l l e d; api ev e n ;pr i y ah de a r ;api ev e n ;dr s am t o t h e
eyes; sada always; sarasija of l o t u s flo we r s;vanim th e f o r e s t;mlanam w i l t e d ;
ma k i n g; api ev e n ;pr a bhaya ef f u l g e n c e;svaya wi t h i t ' s o wn; sucih
splendid; api ev e n; ka la pur-nah fu l l ; api ev e n ;uc c aih gr e a t l y;ku ranga t he
mark of a deer; dharah be a r i n g; sasi th e m o o n ; vraja in V r a j a ;mr ga o f d o e s ;
drsam wi t h t he eyes;vaktraih by t h e f a c es;ebhih by t h e m; su-ranga-dharaih
golden; jitah
Krsna: (looks) Friend, you say the truth. Although in many ways they are
alike, with a single stroke these many moons have clearly eclipsed this one moon
(in the sky). Even though it is filled with ever-fresh nectar, even though it is
always very pleasing to the eyes, even though it's effulgence wilts the forest of
lotus flowers, and even though it is very pure and splendid in it s complete fulness,
this moon that bears the mark of a deer is now completely defeated by the
beautiful golden faces of the doe-eyed girls of Vraja.
Text 9
Text 10
seyam divyati saibyayah
pavlka vlsva pa-vlka
venur yad vibhramarambhe
stambham alambate mama
sa iyam th i s ; divyati pl a y s ;saibyayah of S a i b ya;pavika sm a l l f lu t e ;visva
the world; pavika ch a r m i n g;venuh flu t e ; yat wh i c h ; vi b h r a ma of p a s t i m e s ;
arambhe in t he activity; stambham th e s t a te ofbe ing stunned;alambate
a ttains; mama o f M e .
Krsna: Saibya s little flute, which enchants the entire world, is now playing.
This flute's pastimes have made My own flute become stunned.
Text 11
(Eagerly going forward) Both Bhadra and her vlna are very beautiful. Both
speak sweetly and both have tumbl-gourd breasts. Both are graceful as new
flowering vines. Both enchant Me and rob Me of My peacefulness.
Text 12
edi plays.
Text 13
Text lk
Text 15
(iti parito drstim ksipan) sakhe katham atradya nonmz2ati candrava2i par-ima2ah
tad vam atah karala grh-opanta vat-ikam asadayavah (iti .parikramati)
th u s ; paritah ev e r y w h e r e;drstim gl a n c e;ksipan ca s t i n g;sakhe 0
friend; katham ho w i s i t 7; atra he r e ;ad ya no w ; na not ; un m i l a ti o p e n s ;
candrava2i of Candravah;parima2ah th e f ra gance;tat th e r e f o r e;vam w e ;
atah th e n; karala of K a r a l a;grha th e h o u s e;upanta ne a r ; vatikam t o t h e
garden; asadayavah le t us go;iti thus; parikramati
Text 16
Text 17
Kundalata: Krsna, why do You not say something to glorify this asoka tree
blossoming out-of-season7
Text 18
krsnah: (drsam ksipann atma gata-m) nunam candravali car-ana cat-uri cam-atkaro
'yam (iti .sotkantham abinandya)
etani vanj ula van-antar uda-ncitani
Note: It is said that an asoka tree will suddenly burst into bloom when kicked
by a beautiful girl.
Text 19
pabandhena kaddhido .
sundara 0
ha n d s o me Krsna;bharunda e- by Bharunda; gabbha g-rhe in the
house; niruddha co n f i n e d; vi e v e nt h o u g h ; canda a-2i Candravall; ma e -by
me; caduri p-abandhena wi th s ki l l; kaddhido brought.
Text 20
bharundaya by Bharunda;katham
harshness; arabdham
why7;akande suddenly;karkasyam
is b egun.
Text 21
kunda2ata: na ke a2am -bharunda ej adi-2a pahud-lhim vi savva vuddh-i ahimna no t; ke alam -o n l y; bharundaya b y B h a r u n d a; jadila J a t i l a ;
be g i n n i ng wit h; vi indeed; savva by all; vuddhi ahim -the elderly
Kundalata: Not only Bharunda. Jatila and all the other old gopls also (have
Text 22
Text 23
Krsna: (approaching Candravali, He happily says) 0 slender girl, your face and
the playful movements of your eyebrows have defeated the moon and forced him
to flee to the sky where he restlessly moves about, unable to find shelter anywhere.
To serve the face that defeated him, the effulgent moon has now assumed the form
of your teeth. Because your teeth are thus many (avali) moons (candra), you are
Text 20
mottima sa-ra m-ajj ha tth-i ara an-e padibimba da-mbha sa-mvalida
tuhahi a -am-ni a -u -na-me
Kundalata: On the pretext of being reflected in Your pearl necklace, the expert
Candravali I have brought here now embraces Your chest.
Text 25
wh y 7 ; t e
Text 26
kunda2ata: go u2a ju a -ra ag-o -a u -dha-no -k-khu ima ea2i os-ami -amha d.e aro cce--a
go ula
Text 27
Text 28
Kundalata: 0 Brother-in-law, this girl who lives in the forest is simply talking
(idly). This bee of Vrndavana is not very expert, for He has not even (begun to)
drink (the honey of) these lotus flowers.
Text 29
padma: a2i a samsin-i c-ittha cittha j anga2a sancarino -bhamarassa visaha saha ariccea sulaha na kkhu .ami a uppann-a -pa u ma2i.
Padma: Lier! Stop! Stop! This bumble-bee wandering in the forest may easily
get Visakha's friend (Radha), but He shall not easily get Padma's friend
Text 30
kunda2ata: canda a2i v-idida uda-si kisa .2ajj esi ta a.2ankarehi pinuttunga-thanabandhuna appano harena hari vak-kha tha2-am.
canda ali -0 Ca n d r a vali;vidida udas-i yo ur d esire is undertood; kisa w h y 7 ;
2ajjesi are you ashamed;ta th e r e f o r e;a2ankarehi yo u s h o u ld decorate;pina
large; uttunga r a i sed; thana br e a s ts;bandhuna wi t h t h e f r i e n d;appano o w n ;
wi t h t h e n e c klace;hari of L o r d K r s n a; vakkha thala-m th e c hest.
Text 31
Candravah: (with jelaous anger) Kun dalata, you should decorate it with the
strand of pearls on your own neck.
Text 32
do ; ca n d a a-li e-
Text 33
candrava2i: ha2a pi a ja-na pek-khana pajj -u ssu -ass-a va ind-a nan-danassa magge na
Candravali: Don't block the path of Vraja's prince when He yearns to see His
Text 30
sahi 0
fr i e n d; ka
is beloved.
wh o 7 ; an na
el s e ; t u-atto t h a n y o u ; im a ssa of H i m ; p i
Text 35
fr i e n d ;vi r a mehi
Text 36
saroj aksi paroksam te
kadapi hrdayam mama
na sprastum apy alam badha
radha tv akramya gahate
(iti sa san-kam badha rad-hayor viparyasam pathati)
saroj a lo t u s; aksi ey e s ;paroksam un s e e n;te to y o u ; ka da api a t a n y t i m e ;
th e h eart;mama My ; na no t ; sp r a s t rum to t o u c h ; api e v e n ;
alam gr e atly; badha pa i n ; ra d ha Ra d h a r a n i;tu in d e e d ;ak r amya a t t a c k i n g ;
gahate en ters; iti thus; sa wi t h ; sankam fear; badha of "badha";
an d " r a d h a ";viparyasam in v e r s i o n;pathati r e c i t e s .
Krsna: Lotus-eyed one, when you are not present, suffering never touches My
heart, for Radha at once attacks and forcibly enters it. (frightened) Oh . T h a t's not
what I mean. I mean to say that when you are not present Radha never touches My
heart, for suffering at once attacks and forcibly enters it.
Text 37
no t ;j atu
at a ny time;
Padma: Great personalities (as Yourself) never speak lies. (What You first said
was not a lie.)
Text 38
(nepathye) kundalade sahu sahu .saccam najanasi patthara punja kathoram go adhanam.
nepathye fr om b ehind the scenes;kundalade 0 Ku n d a l a t a;sahu ye s ; sahu
yes; saccam the truth; na no t ;j anasi yo u k n o w ; pa t t hara of r o c k s ;punj a a
pile; kathoram as hard; go a -u -d-hanam Govardhana.
Text 39
an g r y ;ca ndimanam
Kundalata: To hell with her! To hell with her! Angry Bharunda has made
Govardhana angry!
Text 00
candrava2i: (sa trasam-) sahi pa ume sa-ddu2ivva gajj adi vuddhi a ta a-va.sappamha
(iti padmaya saha niskranta)
sa wi t h; tr asam fe a r ;sahi fr i e n d ;pa ume -Padma; saddulivva li k e a tiger;
gajj adi gr o w l s; vuddhi at h e - o ld lady; ta fr o m t h i s p l a c e;avasappamha l e t u s
slide away; iti
th u s ; p a d m a ya P a d m a ; saha wi t h ; ni s k r a nta e x i s t s .
Candravah: (with fear) Fri end Padma, the old lady growls like a tigress. Let us
slip away. (Exits with Padma)
Text Wl
go; iti
I shall
Text 02
Krsna: (Begins to walk. With longing He says) The sweet tinkling of her sash
of bells as Visakha's practices the archery of uninhibited amorous pastimes has
become in My heart the stinging sound of Kamadeva's bow of flowers.
Text 03
(savyato nibha2ya) sakhe satyam aha kunda2ata.yad adya radha madhu-ryam api
nanubhuyate. tad aham ambam eva sambhavayeyam (iti nis.krantah.)
savyatah fr o m t he left; nibha2ya gl a n c i n g;sakhe 0 fr i e n d ; k u n da2ata
Kundalata; yat be c a use;adya no w ; ra d ha of R a d h a r a ni;madhuryam t h e
sweetness; api ev e n;na no t ; a n u b huyate i s p e r c e ived; tat t h e r e f o r e;aham
iti t h u s; niskrantah e x i t s .
(Looking to His left) Fr i end (M adhumangala), Kundalata spoke the truth. She
was not sweet as Radha is. I see My mother. (He exits)
Text 00
Text 05
worshiped; vilambadi
is delayed.
Kundalata: (enters, and says with a smile:) Dear mother, don't be unhappy.
(Your son) is late because many beautiful demigoddesses flying in airplanes in the
sky worshiped Him with a shower of smiles and flowers.
Text 06
envious; honti
be come.
Rohini: Today I have seen the beauty of two girls (so splendid) even the most
lovely demigoddesses become envious seeing them.
Text 07
yasoda: a av-adi canda a2i -na a m-a-2i ar-aha mahavi a savva om-aha asa og-una
soraha pu-rena pure i t-at.thavivaccho vi av-accha 2ahu in-etta bhi-ngam sondera maarandena anande ia ava-di 0 no b le lady; canda a2i -Candravali; na a m-a-2ia -Navamalika;
raha Radha;mahavi Madhavi;a and;savva o -all; maha my ; asa o -hopes;
guna of transcendental virtues; soraha of t h e f r a g ance;purena b y t h e flo o d ;
pure i f-ills; tatthavi n e v e r t h e less; vaccho son; vi a -as if; vaccha da u g hter;
2aghvi slender, young;netta of t h e e yes;bhingam th e b u m b l e - bee;sondera o f
beauty; ma aran-dera wi t h t he honey; anande i d - e l i g h t s .
Yasoda: 0 noble lady, Candravali, Navamalika, Radha, and Madhavi fulfill all
my desires with the great flood of their good qualities. One boy and one slender
young girl especially delight the bumble-bee of my eyes with the honey of Their
Text 08
Paurnamasi: 0 queen of Gokula, all the people in Gokula feel in this way.
Text 09
kundalade 0
K u n d a l a ta;kisa wh y 7 ; t u m hehim b y y o u ; sa da al w a y s ;g oulesari
of t he queen of Vrndavana;ghare to t he h o u s e;rahi Ra d h a r a n i; nijjai is brought.
Gargi: 0 Kundalata, why do you again and again bring Radha to the place of
Text 50
Yasoda: Durvasa Muni gave Radha the benediction that whoever ate Her expert
cooking would live a long life. When I heard this, I myself arranged (that Radha
Text 51
Kr s n a ; asankya fe a r i ng and
Text 52
Text 53
kunda2ata: (nicaih) saccam cce at-hanandha or-a u2-ani ep-utta o; j -am girindam
kandu ed-i
nicaih in a l ow v o i c e; saccam tr u t h ; cce a - c e r t ainly; thanandha o- a little
be c a use;girindam
boy; ra ula-ni of t he queen;putta o -the son; jam
Govardhana Hill; kandu edi -li f t ed as if it were a toy ball.
Kundalata: (in a low voice) It is true the queen s (Yasoda) son is a little boy.
Still, He lifted Govardhana Hill as if it were a toy ball.
Text 50
Paurnamasi: (Seeing Krsna arrive, she happily says) Here is the person that
crowns the kings of the many universes. Here is the sapphire born from the jewelmine of Vraja's queen.
Text 55
Krsna: (enters) Mother, please wipe the tears from your eyes. Here I am.
Text 56
Rohini: (offers arati with a lamp and other articles of worship, and then says in
Sanskrit) Fixing her eyes on the cowpath, Your mother has passed the last six
hours of this very long day with great difficulty. My child, she loves You dearly.
Please her with an embrace.
Text 57
krsnah: (matur utsange uttamangam adhaya) amba dehi me mani mandan-am. (iti
Krsna: (placing His head on His mother s lap) Mother, give Me My jewel
ornament. (Krsna plays as a child.)
Text 58
nicu2ita-giri-dhatu-sphzta-patrava2zkanakhi2a-surabhi-renun ksalayadbhir yasoda
kuca-kalasa-vimuktaih sneha ma-dhvika ma-dhyais
tava navam abhisekam dugdha pur-aih karoti
niculita c o v e r ed; giri fr o m G o v a r d h a na Hill; dhatu w i t h m i n e r a l pig me nts;
sphita la r g e;patra of t i l a k a marki n g s;ava2ika se r i e s; nakhi2a by t he h oo ves;
surabhi of th e surabhi cows; renun t h e d u st; ksalayadbhih wa s h i ng away;
yasoda Yasoda; kuca of the breasts; kalasa of t he w a terpots; vimuktaih
released; sneha of love; madhvika ma d h v i k a n e ctar;madhyaih i n t h e m i d s t ;
tava of You; navam ne w ; a b h isekam b a t h ; du g d ha of m i l k ; pu r a ih w i t h a
stream; karoti d o e s .
P aurnamasi: Yasoda bathes You, washing away, with the milk mi xed with th e
madhvika nectar of her love pouring from the pitchers of her breasts, the covering
of dust raised by the surabhi cows' hooves and the tilaka markings drawn in
mineral pigments from the (Govardhana) Hill
Text 59
kunda2ata: (sa narma -smi tam-) kanha pibehi ra u2ani e-thann-ami-am.j am kudunge
kudunge vahunam ke2inam pasangena ki2intosi.
sa wi t h; narma p l a y f u l j o k i n g; smitam a s m i l e ; kanha K r s n a ; pibehi Y o u
should drink ra-ulani-e o f
t h e q u e en; thannami-am t h e n e c tar of the breasts;
j am because; kudunge kudunge i n the various forest groves; vahunam o f t h e
gopis; ke2inam of pastimes; pasangena wi t h c o n t a ct; ki2intosi Y ou m u s t be
Kundalata: (with a playful, joking smile) Krsna, You should drink the nectarmilk from the queen's breasts. After all, You must be exhausted from enjoying
pastimes with the gopis in the forest.
Text 60
Yasoda: My girl, why do you smile (like this7) Look! (Krsna) has not yet
passed His early childhood. What is the fault in His drinking (my) breast-milk7
Text 61
kunda2ata: bha avad-i saccam kadhedi ra u2an-i jam .ajj a eso ba2anam manda2ena
maha rasc -kl2a(A.
bha avadi -0 no b le lady; saccam the truth; kadhedi sp e a ks;r a ulani -t h e
queen; jam b e c ause; ajja now; eso He; balanam of the boys (or girls);
mandalena wi t h a circle; maha rasa- in the great rasa-dance; kiladi e n j o y s
Kundalata: Noble lady, the queen (Yasoda) speaks the truth. After all, just
today Krsna has played the maha-rasa pastime with the little-boys.
Note: The word "balanam" may also be interpreted to mean "of the gopis". In
the second interpretation, the text reads: "After all, just today Krsna has played the
maha-rasa pastime with the gopis."
Text 62
what7; kkhu
indeed;maha raso
Yasoda: Noble lady, what is this (pastime) named maha-rasa7 (Krsna enters
embarrassed and glances at Kundalata with knitted eyebrows)
Paurnamasi: (smiling) 0 q u een of the gopas, it is a kind of dance.
Text 63
kundalata: (apavarya)
tinha ula -ca oripanj ari a sa-mj -ada ciram j ala i
pa am v-anj ula kunj -e
tarahisa pasarehi
co n c e aling;tinha ula -agitated with thirst; panj ari ai n -a c age;
samj ada confined; ciram fo r a l o ng t i m e;j ala ib u - r n s w i th s uf fering; pa am
place; vanjula of asoka trees; kunje in t he g ro ve; tarahisa Lo r d K r s n a;bhru o f
the eyebrows; samjnaya wi t h t h e m e ssage;
svikaram ac c e p tance;natayati
manifests dramatically.
Text 60
(nepathy e)
tvan mukhend-v anavalok-anodgata
sphara tapa bhar-a dhu-pitatm-anah
ehi vatsa mama dehi sitalam
ksipram adya parirambha candanamnepathye
of Y o u; mu kha
of t h e f a c e;indu
A voice from behind the scenes: My heart is tortured with b e cause I cannot see
the moon of Your face. 0 child, quickly come here. Give Me now the cooling
sandalwood paste of Your embrace.
Text 65
krsnah: purastad esa mad bha-vukam asamsan navukas tisthati. tad enam
anandayami (iti .yasodadibhir avrto niskrantah)
purastat in the presence; esah he; mat o f M e ; bh a vukam th e w e l f a r e ;
asamsan wi s h i n g; navukah fa t h e r; tisthati s t a n d s ; tat t h e r e f o r e;enam h i m ;
I s h a ll please; iti t h u s ; ya s oda w i t h Y a s o da; adibhih w i t h t h e
others; avrtah
ac c o m p a n i e d;niskrantah e x i t s .
Krsna: Here is My father, who wishes what is best for Me . Let Me please him.
(Accompanied by Yasoda and others, He exits)
Text 66
kunda2ata: (parikramya)
Kundalata: (walking about) By good fortune Lalita has now brought Radharani
to this forest of vanira trees.
Text 67
Note: If the word "asa" is interpreted to mean desire", then the verse may be
translated: "Lalita, you should glorify this evening, which makes our desires for
transcendental happiness sprout."
Text 68
-is said.
Text 69
kunda2ata: (upasrtya) 2a2ide ajj a ra .ani muh-e is-i hasiden-a kadakkha kuva2a -ena
phudam tumhehim na accido kanho.
upasrtya ap p r o a ching; 2a2ide 0 La l i t a; ajj a no w ; ra a ni of-t h e n i g h t ;
muhe in the face; isi s l i g h t ; hasidena wi t h a s m i l e;kadakkha o f s i d e l o n g
glances; kuvala ena wi-th the lotus flower; phudam m a n i f e s ted; tumhehim b y
you; na not; accido wo r s h i p e d;kanho K r s n a .
Kundalata: (approaches) Lalita, this lotus flower is the smiling side-long glance
on this evening s face. You do not worship Krsna with this flower.
Text 70
radha: (sa ro-mancam) 2a2ide ko kkhu kanho tti sunz ad-i. j ena ke a2-am kannasya
cce-a adidhi-hontena ummat ti kij-j amhi.
sa wi t h; ro mancam ha i r s s tanding;2a2ide 0 L a l i t a; ko w h o 7 ; k k h u
indeed; kanho K r s na; tti
t h u s ; s u n i - ad i i s h e a r d j; ena by w h o m ; ke a la-m
alone; kannasya of th e ear; cce
c e r t a i n ly;adidhi a g u e s t; hontena b e c o m e ;
unmatti kijj -amhi
fo r b e c o m i ng mad with bliss.
Radha: (Her bodily hairs standing up in ecstasy) Lalita, what is this word
Krsna I have heard7 Now a guest of My ears, this word makes mad with bliss.
Text 71
Kundalata: Friend, that is the nature of this extraordinary thing. Even though
again and again it is tasted, it is always as if it was never tasted before.
Text 72
Lalita: Kundalata, it is not only its extraordinary nature, but also the deep love
(of the hearer) that makes (this word Krsna) newer and newer at every moment.
Text 73
Radha: Lalita, without my answering you, what further would you say about
Text 70
navambudhara mand-ali mada -vidam-bi deha -dyuti-r
vraj endra kula -nanda-nah
sphurati ko 'pinavyo yuva
sakhi sthira pati v-rata -nikar-a nivi b-andh-argalacchida karan-a kautu-ki j ayati yasya vamsi dhvan-ih
nava fr e sh; ambudhara of c l o u d s;mandali of a h o s t;mada t h e p r i d e ;
vidambi mo c k i n g; deha of t h e b o d y;dyutih th e l u s t e r; vraj a of V r a j a; indra
of the king; kula in t h e f a m i l y; nandanah th e s o n; sphurati is m a n i f e s ted;kah
api a certain person;navyah a f r e s h;yuva yo u t h ; sa k hi 0 fr i e n d ;s t h i r a
steady; pati of f a i t h f u l n e ss to the husband;vrata in t h e v o w; ni k a ra o f t h e
multitude of girls; nivi of t h e s ashes;bandha th e t i g ht k n o t s;argala t h e b o l t s ;
chida br e a king; karana to d o ; ka u t uki ea g e rj ;ayati al l g l o r i e s;yasya o f
whom; vamsi o f
t h e fl u te; dhvanih t h e s o u n d .
Lalita: All glories to the prince of Vraja, whose bodily luster mocks the pride of
the fresh rainclouds, and the sound of whose flute eagerly breaks the lock of the
sashes of the most chaste girls faithfully devoted to their husbands.
Text 75
radha (sasram) kundalade avi nama imassa ekassa vi hada n-ettassa maggam
kkhanam pi narohissadi so me dhannassa kannassa adidhi
sa wi t h; asram te a r s ;kundalade 0 Ku n d a l a t a;avi nama ho w 7 ; im a ssa o f
Him; ekassa on e; vi ev e n ;ha da st r u c k ;ne t tassa of t he e ye;maggam t h e
path; kkhanam for a moment; api ev e n ;na no t ; ar o h i s sadi ha s e n t e red; so
He; me of M e; dhannassa fo r t u n a t e;kannassa of t he ear;adidhi t h e g u e s t .
Radha: (shedding tears) Kundalata, how is it that even though He has become
a guest in My fortunate ear, this person has never entered the path to My
unfortunate eyes7
Text 76
Kundalata: 0 thirsty one, early tomorrow evening Visakha will bring You to
meet this person.
Text 77
radha: sahu sumara idam p-i a sahi -e -jam -ek.ka varam -cce-a vijju2i a vi2as-o v-i aso
tumhanam go ula ju -a ra o-ne-tta -camatkk-ara ari sam-vutto imassa manda bha inojanassa
Radha: My dear friend has reminded Me well. For once your prince of Gokula
will appear like a splendid lightning flash that fills the eyes of this unfortunate
person with wonder.
Text 78
ka2avinka-ka2am ka2ankayantz
2a2ita-kankana-jhankrtir vareyam
mama cetasi vetasi-nikunjam
samaya sangamayam cakara ragam
tatah th en; pravisati e n t e r s; krsnah K r s n a ; k alavinka o f s p a r r o w s ;
k a2am the warbling; ka2ankayanti r e b u k i n g ; 2a2ita o f L a l i ta; kankana
bracelets; jhnakrtih t i n k l i n g ;
v a r a e x c e l l e n t ; iya m t h i s ; ma ma o f M e ;
cetasi in t he heart; vetasi o f b a m b o o ; n ik u 2 9 j am t h e g r o v e ; samaya t h e
occasion;sangamayam cakre
causes to meet;
(Krsna enters.)
Krsna: The sweet tinkling of Lalita's bracelets, which eclipses the sparrow's
singing, now lures My heart into this bamboo grove.
Text 79
(Again He listens with rapt attention. His bodily hairs standg up in ecstasy. He
Moving through the air in waves of sweetness, the tinkling sound of Radha s
ankle-bells silences the cooing of the sarasa birds maddened with amorous
passsion and fills my heart with a host of ecstasies.
Text 80
Radha: (filled with wonder, She says in Sanskrit:) 0 beautiful-faced one, who is
this creative person standing before us7 With the sharp chisels of His loving
glances, He is splitting the hard stones of many women s devotion to their
husbands. And with the luster of His body, surpassing the brilliance of countless
emeralds, He is simultaneously constructing private meeting places for His
Text 81
ah !; so eso H e ; de o f
Y o u ; pa r a na
of t h e l i f e ; nadho
the lord.
Text 82
Radha: (maddened with love, She again says in Sanskrit) Is this a nectar moon
to make the lotus flowers of the gopis blossom with happiness7 Is this a regal
festival of youthfulness appearing in Gokula7 Is this a garden of flowers to delight
the cuckoo bird of My heart7 0 slender-waisted one, this person I see splashes My
eyes with waves of nectar.
Text 83
krsnah: (sascaryam)
asakrd asakrd esa ka camatkara vidya
mama rasa 2aharibh-is tarsam antas tanoti
viditam ahaha seyam vyayatapanga 2i2a
madhurima parivaha -kapi ka2yana vapi
stream; ka api
on e ; ka l yana
of a u s p i c i o usness;
Krsna: (filled with wonder) What wonderful mystic power is this7 Again and
again it strikes Me with waves of nectar, but yet it also creates a burning thirst
within My heart. Aha. I know. This is a lake of bliss that overflows it s banks in the
streams of sweetness that are these playful sidelong glances.
Text 80
(again gazing at Radha) Is this really a lake7 (These bodily hairs standing up
in ecstasy) are the moss (in this lake). (These breasts) are two cakravaka birds
(now swimming) apart. (This face, hands, and feet) are five lotus flowers (and
these arms) are two lotus stems. (These eyes) are two restlessly moving saphari
fishes, and (this very pure love) is the clear water that fills this lake that now
Text 85
Radha: Ah! I don't know why I have become so dizzy. Please hold Me up with
your hand.
Text 86
Text 87
krsnah: (sannidhaya)
samiksya tava radhike vadana bimb-am udbhasuram
trapa bhara -parita -dhih s-rayitum asya tulya sriyamsasi kila krsi bhava-n suradhuni taran-goksitas
tapasyati kapardinah sphuta jatatavtm asritah
(ity upasarpati)
sannidhaya co m i ng near;samiksya se e i n g;tava of Y o u ; ra d h ike 0 R a d h a ;
vadana of t he face;bimbam th e c i r c l e; udbhasuram sp l e n d i d;trapa o f s h a m e ;
bhara wi t h a n a b u n d a n c e;parita fi l l e d ;dh ih wh o s e c o n s ciousness;srayitum
to attain; asya wi t h i t ; tu 2ya eq u a l ;sriyam be a u t y ;sasi th e m o o n ; ki 2 a
indeed; krsi ve r y t h i n; bhavan be c o m i n g;suradhuni of t h e c e lestial Ganges
River; taranga in t he w a ves;uksitah ba t h i n g ;ta pasyati pe r f o r m s austerities;
of L o rd S iva; sphuta-jata o f m a t t e d l o c ks ofh a i r; atavim i n t h e
forest; asritah ta k i n g s helter;iti th u s ; up a sarpati co m e s n earer.
Krsna: (coming nearer) Radha, embarrassed by seeing Your splendid face, the
moon has entered the forest of Lord Siva's matted hair, where he repeatedly bathes
in the waves of celestial Ganges, and has become thin with austere fasting to
become as beautiful as Your face. (He approaches nearer.)
Krsna: (coming nearer) Radha, the moon is embarrassed by seeing You splendid
face, has now entered the forest of Lord Siva's matted hair, where he repeatedly
bathes in the waves of celestial Ganges, and has become thin with austere fasting
in order to become as beautiful as Your face. (He approaches nearer.)
Text 88
si g n a lling; lalide
Text 89
mi2itam m72itenayam
vindan phu22enaphu22atam
apangenati krsne-na
krsnas tava vasi krtahmi2itam cl o s ed;mi2itena cl o s e d;ayam th i s ; vi n d am fi n d i n g ;ph u22ena
blossomed; phu22atam the state of being blossomed; apangena wi t h t he sidelong
glance; ati ve r y; kr snena at t r a c t i ve;krsnah Krsna; tava of Y o u; v asi krtahunder the dominion.
Text 90
radha: (sa gadgadam-) kundalade nivari adau eso -sundaruttamso jam guru.
parahmamhi manda bha ini.
wi t h; gadgadam a c h o k ed up voice;kundalade
Ku n d a l a t a;nivari adu
Radha: (with a choked up voice) Ku n d alata, stop this crest jewel of handsome
men! I am only an unfortunate girl under the dominion of My elders and
Text 91
(pravisya) j atila: are maha mo-hana dhamma ma-ggado padidam tu-e savvam cce-a
go u2a -ba2-a u2a-m ke a2a-m maha putta pun-nena vahudi au-rvvaridatthi ta n.ama
gahanassa vi ekkam rakkhehi.
(iti radham adaya dvabhyam saha niskranta ) .
pravisya en t e r i ng; are 0; maha
gr e a t; mohana be w i l d e r e r;dhamma o f
religion; maggado fr o m t he path;padidam ma d e to fall; tu-e b y Y o u ; savvam
all; cce-a indeed; go u2a -of Gokula; ba2a u2am -the young girls; ke a2am -only;
maha my; putta so n ; pu n n ena pu r e ; va h udi at - h ey o u ng bri d e ;
is s a v ed;ta th e r e f o r e;nama of t h e n a m e;gahanassa o f t h e
speaking; vi ev e n; ekkam o n e ; ra k k h ehi pl e a s e s rescue;
iti th u s ; ra d h am
Radha; adaya ta k i ng; dvabhyam wi t h b o t h g i r l s;niskranta e x i t s .
Jatila: (enters) Great trickster, You have made all the young girls of Gokula fall
from the path of religion. Only the young bride of my saintly son has escaped
(Your clutches). Spare us from having even once to say Your name.
(Taking Radha and the other two girls with her, she exits.)
Text 92
Krsna: My beloved has gone! Let us go find the cows. (They all exit.)
Act Two
Scene 1
Text 1
(Vrnda enters.)
Vrnda: (looking at the sky) N i g h t's husband, the moon, has become dim, and
now desires to rest on the western horizon. The planet Jupiter has faded, and his
friends, the stars, are becoming faint and are beginning to dissappear. Night is now
destined to end.
Text 2
raj ani vi-pariname gargarinam gariyan
dadhi m-athana vi-nodad udbhavann esanadah
amara na-gara ka-ksa ca-kram akramya sadyah
smarayati sura vr-ndany abdhi ma-nthotsavasya
of n i g h t; vipariname in t h e t r a n s formation;gargarinam o f c h u r n i n g
vessels; gariyah
lo u d ; da dhi of y o g u r t ;ma thana of c h u r n i n g ; vinodat f r o m
the pastime; udbhavan ar i s i n g;esah th i s ; na dah so u n d ; am a ra o f t h e
demigods; nagara of t he c it ies;kaksa of t h e i n n er apartments;cakram
circle; akramya en t e r i n g;sadyah at o n c e; smarayati rem i n d s ; su ra o f
demigods; vrndani th e h o s t s; abdhi of t h e o c e an;manthana o f c h u r n i n g ;
utsavasya of t he festival.
(walking about) Now t hat night is turning (into day) a loud sound rises from
the churning of yogurt (into butter). This sound must penetrate within the inner
rooms in the demigod s cities and remind them of the festive churning of the milkocean.
Text 3
(glancing ahead) Malati's bracelets tinkle as she churns yogurt (into butter).
With both hands she earnestly pulls the churning-rope back and forth again and
again, making the deep churning pot rumble, and decorating the courtyard with
splashing foam.
Text 0
Text 5
ga r m e n t;srivatsa of S r i v a tsa;utsanga s-anga the touch;
fond; urasi on t he b re ast;spharam
la r g e ;asajya w ea r i n g ;
haram ne c k l a ce;uttamsam ea r r i n g s;nyasya we a r i n g;karne on t h e e a rs;
makara wi t h t he sharks;paricitam fa m i l i a r;patra bhangam th e p a i n t e d
decorations;vahanti carrying;gande on the cheeks;cakra a-nka p-ani by Lord
Krsna, who carries the cakra in His hands; pranihitam pl a c e d;ayate g o e s ;
syama2a Sy a mala;goku2aya t o G o k u l a .
(Looking in another direction, she becomes struck with wonder and says:)
Syamala now goes to Gokula. On her hips she wears a silk garment that is the best
friend of Lord Krsna's lotus navel. On her breasts is a large necklace fond of
touching Lord Krsna's mark of Srivatsa. On her ears are earrings that are the
intimate associates of Lord Krsna's shark-shaped earrings, and on her cheeks are
decorations painted by the hand of Lord Krsna, who carries the Sudarsana cakra.
Text 6
Text 7
(nepathy e)
phu22atyaran nava v-icaki2e ke2i-kunje dya phu22a
sephalmam skhalati kusume hanta caskhala bala
mi2aty uccaih kuva2aya v-ane mi2itaksi ki2asid
vacyam kim va param upahasir ma pranama cc-halena
nepathye fr om b ehind the scenes; phu22ati blossoms; arat
ne a r b y ;na va
fresh; vicakile ja s m i ne flowe rs; ke2i of p a s times; kunje i n t h e g r o v e;adya
now; phu22a blossoms; spha2inam of t he sephali trees; skha2ati fall; kusume
when the flowers; hanta in d e e d;caskhala fa l l s ;bala th i s y o u n g g ir l; mi2ati
closes; uccaih gr e a tly; kuvalaya of l o t u s f lo w e r s;vane wh e n t he f o rest;
mi2ita closed; aksi wi t h e y e s; ki2a i n d e e d ; asit wa s ; va c yam s t a t e m e n t ;
kim w h a t7; va or ; pa r am aft e r ; up a h asih mo c k i n g ;ma do n o t ; pr a n a ma
of bowing to offer obeisances; chalena on t he pre text.
Voices from behind the scenes: (In the early evening) when the fresh vicakila
jasmine flowers were blooming, (our friend Padma) was also blooming (with
happiness). (As the evening progressed and) the sephah flowers began to wilt,
(Padma) also wilted (as she patiently waited for You to come). (At sunrise,) when
the forest of kuvalaya lotus flowers closed it's petals, (Padma had given up all
hope that You would come, and she) closed her eyes (in despair). (Krsna,) what
You have to say for Yourself7 Please do not make fun of us by this bowing down
before us.
Text 8
Text 9
(nepathy e)
aham ulmuka punj a dha-rminahrdi cinta nicayena -carcita
A voice from behind the scenes: My heart is filled with anguish that burns like
a host of fiery torches. I lay down to sleep, but I could not sleep a wink. It is only
with great difficulty that somehow I have survived this night.
Text 10
P a u r n a m a s i;
Text 11
Paurnamasi: (Enters. She repeates Text cj and then says:) Where is Vrnda, the
queen of Vrndavana forest7 Ah, I have found her.
Text 12
wh a t 7 ;id anim
Text 13
Paurnamasi: Uddhava, the crest-jewel of advisors has just come from Mathura
City and told me the latest news. Evil King (Kamsa), the black spot in the Bhoja
dynasty, called for Arista and Kesi, and respectfully said to them: "My friends, the
Putana witch, who kills little girls, was crushed to death in Nanda s village of
Gokula. A small divine boy killed her as she screamed out in all directions. I can
only guess that in that place there is a small boy who is the cause of great
misfortune to me and good fortune to little girls. Please go to this Gokula-
Text lk
th e n w h at happened7
Text 15
Text 16
wi t h; tr asam
th e n w h a t h a ppened7;
Text 17
Paurnamasi: Aristasura then advised Kamsa to marry Radha, and the fearless
Kamsa sent his intimate friend, the wicked yaksa Sankhacuda, to kidnap her.
Text 18
vrnda: sthane kha2v iyam tava cinta. tathyam esa dustenakranta tri 2okim -eva
santapayet yatah.
vidyotante guna parim-alair yah samastoparistat
tah kasyartim dadhati na khala sparsa -dagdh-ah kumaryah
bhuyo bhuyah svayam anupamam klantim asadayanti
mandakranta bhavati jagatah klesa datri h-i citra
sthane pr o p e rly; khalu in d e e d ;iyam th i s ; ta va of y o u ; ci n ta f e a r ;
tathyam in t r u t h ; esa Sh e ;dustena by t h i s d e mo n; akranta ki d n a p p e d;tri
the three; lokim wo r l d s ; eva ce r t a i n l ysantapayet
wi l l c a u se to burn in pain;
be c a u s e;vidyotante sh i n e ;guna of g o o d q u a l i t ies;parimalaih
with the
sweet fragance; yah wh o ; samasta al l ; up a ristat ab o v e ;tah th e y ; ka s ya o f
whom7; artim su f f e r i n g;dadhati pl a c e sna
no t ; kh a l a of a d e m o n ; sparsa
by the touch;
Vrnda: Your fears are well founded. If Radha is kidnapped by this demon, the
entire world will burn with pain. Who will not burn w ith pain if beautiful girls
sweetly scented with all virtues are scorched by a demon's touch7 If wonderful
unfortunate Radha is kidnapped that will bring constant unparalleled pain not
only to me, but also to the entire world.
Text 19
(pravisya sambhranta) kundalata: bha av-adi accari am -accari ampravisya en t e r s;sambhranta in haste; bha av-adi 0
wonderful; a ccari am -wo n d e r f u l .
no b l e l ady;accari am-
Text 20
Text 21
kunda2ata: dittho ma ego a -udha-na -ma22as-sa mandira parente -ujj a2anto kirana
Text 22
Text 23
Paurnamasi: This is not the sun-god. This must be the yaksa sent by Kamsa.
Text 20
e f f u l g ence;
t h u s ; na n ot ;
Kundalata: This person is so effulgent that the light from him pains the eyes
and makes him very difficult to see. This cannot be any yaksa.
Text 25
Paurnamasi: This light is not the natural effulgence (of this body). It comes
from some other thing.
Text 26
f r om w h a t 7; tam t h a t ; s ankantam c o m e s .
Text 27
in h i s c r o w n; manitah
fr om thejewel.
Text 28
t h i s ;ma ha
Text 29
Paurnamasi: He was the leader of the guards watching Kuvera's treasurybuilding. He liked that jewel, so he stole it.
Text 30
vrnda: arye canda rasm-er adya vasare tasya mandapam avasyam gamisyati
radhika tatas .tvaya nisidhyatam.
arye 0
no b l e l ady;canda rasme-h of the sun-god; adya
the day; tasya of h i m ; ma n d apam to t h e t e m p l e; avasyam
gamisyati will go; radhika Ra d h a;tatah th e r e f o r e;tvaya
today; vasare
by you;
should be forbidden.
Vrnda: Today is sunday. Radha will certainly go today to the temple of the sungod. You should forbid Her to go.
Text 31
long ago;
Text 32
we; api
Scene 2
Text 1
kunda2ata: (parikramya) j adi2a 2a2ida -visaha-him vedhijj anti esa a acchad-i rahi
walking about; j adi2a by Jatila; lalida La l i t a ;visahahim a n d
Visakha; vedhijj anti su r r o u n d e d;esa Sh e ; a acchad-i co m e s; rahi R a d h a .
Kundalata: (walking about) H ere comes Radha with Jatila, Lalita, and Visakha.
Text 2
Text 3
i n t he mo r n i n g ;
Kundalata: 0 Radha, it is certainly very auspicious that You have met us this
Text 0
j ati2a: (sa rosam-) caba2e rahi ra-hi tti ma phudam bhanahi. suni akanh-o a
sa wi t h; rosam an g e r;cabale 0 in c o n s t a nt girl;rahi Ra d h a ;ra hi R a d h a ;
tti t h us; ma do n o t ; ph u d am cl e a r l y;bhanahi sa y ;suni ah a v - i n g heard;
kanho Kr s n a; a amissa-di i s comin g .
Text 5
wi t h; smitam
a s m i l e ;sahu
we l l ; bh a nadi sa i d ;ajja
0 noble lady.
Text 6
Jatila: Lalita, I will go ahead to anoint the sun-god s temple. (She walks ahead.)
Text 7
Radha: Kundalata, perhaps you know. Do you know wh ere your cousin, who is
very difficult for girls like Me to ever see, is now staying, or where He is enjoying
Text 8
Kundalata: Greedy girl, day and night You enjoy transcendental pastimes with
Him, and still You long (to see Him again).
Text 9
radha: ha2a a2am imina ubahasena dh.annao-kkhu tumhe j ahim ani ar-idam acchi
puda im -bhari au-na una so accari 0 -am-i a p-u-ro pi ad-i akida pu-nna les-anam una
amhanam suBldum pl sudu22aho eso.
hala ah !; alam en o u g h ;im i na wi t h t h e s e;ubahasena jo k e s; dhanna
fortunate; kkhu i n d e ed; tumhe yo u ;j ahim by w h o m ; an i a r i -dam w i t h o u t
impediment; acchi of t h e e yes;puda im -t he op e nings; bhari a -grasping; una
again; una and again; do He ; ac c ari o -wonderful; ami a -of nectar; puro
flood; pi adi -is dr u n k; akida no t p e r f o r m e d;punna of p i o u s d eeds;lesanam
of fractions; una ag a i n; amhanam of u s ; su n i dum to h e a r ;pi e v e n ;
sudu22aho unreachable; eso H e .
Radha: Enough with these jokes! You are all very fortunate because you are
able, without any stopping, again and again to drink with your eyes the wonderful
flood of nectar that is Krsna. (As for Me,) because I have not performed even the
slightest trace of any pious activity, it is very difficult for Me to even hear about
Text 10
Kundalata: Radha, Your words are (like) the thirst of those drowning in an
ocean of nectar.
Text 11
kundalade 0
Radha: 0 girl who cannot understand the sufferings of others, this one time
tell me the truth: is it not an fortunate moment when I am able to briefly see Krsna
in a dream7 What is the use of longing for the unattainable7 0 Kundalata, be kind!
Be kind! Be kind! Be kind! Place on this unhappy, unfortunate person, a sidelong
glance from the same left eye You used to drink the nectar moonlight of Krsna.
Text 12
chasing another man7 (She runs ahead and approaches Jatila) Noble lady, why did
you not arrange in advance for a brahmana to perform the worship ceremony of
the sun-god7
Text 13
Jatila: Child, you speak what is right. Please be kind and fetch one such expert
Text lk
as; bhanadi
sp e a k s;ajj a
Kundalata: As the noble lady speaks, (so I shall act.) (She exits.)
Text 15
2a2ita: ha2a rahi pekkha 2ebidam ajj a emand-abam ta van.dehi bha avanta-m suram
Lalita: Radha, look. The noble lady (Jatila) has anointed the temple. Bow down
before the deity of the sun-god.
Text 16
bo w i n g d o w n;de a -0 lo r d ; de k k havehi
0 lo r d, please grant My
Text 17
krsnah ).
krsnah: (puro radham pasyam apavarya)
vihara sura -dirg-hika mama manah karm-drasya ya
vilocana cako-rayoh sarad ama-nda cand-ra prab-ha
uro mbara tatasy-a
cabharana caru -tara-vali
mayonnata man-orathair iyam alambhi sa radhika
tatah th e n; pravisati en t e r s;madhumangala by M a d h u m a n g ala;
an d K u n d a l ata;anugamyamana fo l l o w e d ;vipra o f a
brahmana; vesah in t he d ress;krsnah Kr s n a ;ap avarya co n c e a l i ng;vihara
sura dirgh-ika th e G anges flowing in the heavenly planets;mama My ; m a n a h
kari indras-ya
of t h e e lephant-like mind; ya S h e w h o ; vi l o cana g l a n c i n g ;
cakorayoh of My t wo e yes, which are like cakorabirds;sarat amand-a candr-a
prabha li k e t he shine of the full moon in the autumn; urah o f M y c h e s t ;
ambara li k e t he sky; tatasya on t h e e dge;ca al s o ;abharana o r n a m e n t s ;
caru be a utiful; tara avali - l i k e the stars;maya by M e ; un n ata hi g h l y e l e vated;
by m e n t al desires;iyam th i s ; al a mbhi at t a i n e dsa
Sr i m a ti radharani.
Text 18
Text 19
punah again;
aveksya looking;haddhi
fie!; haddhi
fi e !;pamado
(looking again) Alas! Alas! I've become mad! Mad! Lalita! Look! Look! When I
look at this brahmacari My heart become wounded, devastated. The (only)
atonement for this great sin is (for Me) to enter a blazing fire.
Text 20
Lalita: Ah. You speak the truth. His complexion is like Krsna s. That has
bewildered You.
Text 21
Text 22
mantesi you advice;mahavo
Madhava; cce-a
Text 23
th i s ; sattha in t h e s c r i p t u r e s;
of brahmanas; ju-alam a pair.
Kundalata: Noble Jatila, look. Here are two brahmanas learned in the
Text 20
Text 25
j ati2a: are canca2a bamhana -tumam kanhassa saha arosi ta i-do ab.ehi. eso cce-a
Jatila: 0 fic kle brahmana, you are Krsna s friend. Go away. This handsome,
dark-complexioned brahmacari will direct the girl s worship (of the sun-god).
Text 26
krsnah: hantajarad abh-iri tasya raja pur-e sruyamanasya dur2i2asya gopa rajasunor eva kim batuko yam sakha tad .yuktam asya niskasanam
hanta 0; j arat
el d e r l y ;abhiri go p i ; ta s ya of H i m ; ra j a o f t h e k i n g ;
pure in the city; sruyamanasya he a r d; dur2i2asya wi c k e d; gopa of t h e g o p as;
of t he ki n g; sunoh of t h e s on;eva ce r t a i n l y; kim i s 7 ; ba t u kah
brahmacari; ayam th i s ; sakha th e f r i e n d; tat t h e r e f o r e;yuktam p r o p e r ;
asya of h i m ; ni s k asanam th e e x p u l s io n.
Krsna: 0 elderly gopi, this wicked gopa-prince (Krsna) is notorious in the city.
Is it possible for a brahmana to be His friend7 The right thing is to throw him
(Madhumangala, who is His friend) out.
Text 27
to the
Jatila: 0 no ble boy, (please begin the ceremony) at once. Please now offer
arghya-water to the sun-god.
Text 28
Text 29
of K r s n a; karne
in t h e e a r; evvam
in t h i s w a y;nedam n o t .
Text 30
krsnah: (sadbhutam iva) hanta saiva khalv iyam punyavati tarhi v.isrutam asyah
pativ raty am
sa wi t h; adbhutam as t o n i s h me nt;iva as i f ; ha n ta in d e e d ;sa Sh e ;eva
certainly; khalu in d e e d;iyam Sh e ;pu n yavati vi r t u o u s ;ta rhi t h e r e f o r e ;
visrutam ce l e brated;asyah of H e r ; pa t i v ratyam ch a s t e devotion to Her
Krsna: (as if surprised) Indeed. She is very pious. Her chaste devotion to Her
husband is famous.
Text 31
protected; go ulassa
of G o k u l a; kitti
th e g o od fame.
Text 32
Krsna: 0 chaste girl, take a copper bowl, and I shall chant a mantra. (Radha
trembles as She follows the instruction.)
Text 33
nibhrtam arati punj a -bhaj i -radhe
tvad adhara -vardhi-ta capa2e -ca2aksi
catulaya kuti2am drg anta 2-aksm-im
ayi krpane ksanam om namah savitre
hu m b l y ; ar a ti punj a -bhaj i -worshipable; radhe I w o r s h i p; tvat
you; adhara be n e a th;vardhita increased; capa2e activity; ca2a mo v i n g; aksi
eye; catulaya pl e a se grant;kuti2am be n t ; drk of t h e e y e;anta f r o m t h e
corner; laksmin th e o p u l e n ce;ayi 0 ; k r p a n e to t h i s p o o r p e rson;ksanam f o r
a moment; om om ; na m ah I o f f e r o b e isances;
savitre to t he s un-god.
"0 Radha whom I worship in a sceluded place, 0 girl whose eyes are restless,
0 girl whose lips make Me restless with desire, please grant the treasure of Your
crooked sidelong glance to this poor person, 0 Radha splendid as the sun, I offer
My respectful obeisances to You."
Text 30
j ati2a: kunda2ade assuda pu-vva esa kerisi rica badu en-a padhijj a ikundalade 0
Ku n d a l a t a;assuda un h e a r d;puvva be f o r e;esa th i s ; ke r isi
what kind7; rica ma n t r a ;badu ena -by th is brahmacari; padhijj a i - is
Text 35
madhumangalah: (satta hasam-) vuddhi eahi-ri buddh-i atum-am riri gitam -cce a
j anasi amha .ve as-sa t-umam kasi ta su.nahi kosumesavi esah-a eta i -a vag-g-as-sa
2a2ana suha -ari ri-ca esa.
sa wi t h; atta lo u d ; ha s am la u g h t e r;vuddhi e0 - e l d e r lyla dy; ahiri a m o n g
the gopis; buddhi ei n t - e llingent; tumam yo u ; ri r i g i t am - t h e ri r i s o n gs;cce a
certainly; j anasi yo u k n o w; ah ma of u s ; ve assa -of the Veda; tumam y o u ;
kasi wh at k n o w 7; ta th i s ; su nahi he a r ; ko s umesavi esaha -eof - the
Kausumesavi-sakha; ta i at h e -t h-ird; vaggassa ch a p ter; 2a2ana to y o u ng girls;
suha auspiciousness;ari br i n g i n g ; ri ca ma n t r a ;esa t hi s .
Text 36
(Everyone smiles.)
Jatila: (embarrassed) So be it. Please nicely worship (the sun-god) so that my
son may become master of million of cows.
Text 37
arcitarcadhuna dhanye
tvam arghyam kuru bhavatah
ambarodbhasine gadha
muda raj iva bandh-ave
(radha sambhramam natayati )
Krsna: 0 fortunate girl, now that You have worshipped the deity, You should
offer arghya-water to the sun-planet shinning in the sky. (Radha is reverential.)
Note: If the word "ambara" is interpreted to mean "garments", and if "gadhamuda rajiva-bandhave" is divided "gadham udara-jiva-bandhave", the following
hidden meaning is revealed:
"0 fortunate girl, now that You have worshiped the deity, You may worship
Your noble life s friend, who stands before You dressed in glittering (yellow)
garments. "
Text 38
kundalata: (sanskrtena)
samprati kanya ras-er
upabhogam kurvate purah sth-aya
mitraya citram arghyam
kuru su smi-ta pun-darikena
Kundalata: (in Sanskrit) Th e sun is now in the sign Virgo. Now You should
offer him wonderful arghya-water with a beautiful blossoming blue lotus flower.
(Radha glances at Krsna from the corner of Her eye.)
Text 39
savituh samaptim aptah
puj a vidhir esa -susthu kalyani
Krsna: 0 beautiful girl, the worship of the sun-god has ended well. Now You
should please Your worshipable deity by offering him a handful of red sumanah
Text 00
Text Wl
Text 02
j atila: (sa ha-rsam) bho batu ra -am-aha gharam sama ac-cha ta.ttha iattha-bhoanam bamhananam bhunjavi-amani mu-ddhi am-a ed-adavva
sa wi t h; harsam ha p p i n e s s; bho 0 ; b a t u
maha my; gharam to t h e h o u s e; sama acc-ha
ittha d e l i c i ous; bho-anam f e a st; bamhananam
having enjoyed; mani jewelled; muddi a -ring;
o f b r a h m a c a r is;
ra a -king;
co m e; tattha t h e r e ; hatthaof t h e b ra hmanas; bhunjavi-a
ma e -by me; dadavva will be
my jeweled ring.
Text 03
Text 00
please feed;
amum this; batukam
Krsna: 0 elderly lady, please feed this brahmacari. I will go to Paurnamasi and
tell her what My spiritual master Garga Muni told Me.
Text 05
w h a t k i n d 7; tam t h a t .
Text 06
Text 07
kundalata: (sa vyatham iv-apavarya) ajj e ditthi aditthi go -aro eso -ka-ppa rukkho
ta tumam gadu a bha avadim ettha patthavehi .badumbi bhunjavehi. amhe nam
Text 08
Text 09
K u- n d a l a t a; kim w h a t i s
Text 50
Kundalata: Why do you frown7 I speak of Your (succesful) worship of the sun-
Text 51
Krsna: Kundalata, make this girl give Me daksina (priestly donation) for
performing the worship of the sun-god.
Text 52
Ra d h a;ra i o f
th e p i o u s activities;ahinno
expert; a ari o
th e s p i r i t u al master; tu-e b y Y o u ; d a k k h ina-e w i t h p r i e s t l y
remuneration; anuranji adu
sh o u l db e p l e ased.
Kundalata: 0 Radha, this priest is expert in the worship of the sun-god. You
should satisfy Him with the proper daksina.
Text 53
Visakha: (smiling) K u n d a l ata, you are very expert at rewarding priests. You
should give the daksina. After all, it is you who called your own expert cousin here
to be the priest.
Text 50
Lalita: Visakha, Kundalata, who knows the process of worship, has already
given daksina to the priest.
Text 55
Krsna: Lalita, this girl is My cousin whom I should worship. I cannot be her
Text 56
radha: ha2a 2a2ide sahu pu anam -nivvahidam tum.hehim ta ajj avi kim padikkhi
ha2a 0; 2a2ide
La l i t a;sahu ni c e l y;pu anam -t he wo r s h i p; nivvahidam
performed; tumhehim by y o u ; ta then ; aj j a vi now ; ki m wh at 7 ;pa d i k k h i
adi is waited.
Radha: 0 Lalita, the worship-ceremony was very well done. Why do you all
linger here7
Text 57
smara bodhana-nubandhi
krama vistarita -ka2a vi2-asa b-harahksanadapatir iva drsteh
ksana dayi rad-hika sangamsmara amorous love;
bodhana awakening;anubandhi in relation;
gradually; vistarita ex p a n d e d;ka2a ph a s e s;vi2asa pa s times;bharah
abundance; ksanadapatih th e m o o n;iva li k e ; dr s t eh of t h e s i g h t; ksana a
festival; dayi gi v i n g ; ra dhika of R a d h a;sangah t h e c o m p a n y.
Text 58
Text 59
k a h w h at 7 ;
Text 60
the herd.
Again the voice from behind the scenes: Even though the cowherd boys have
worked very hard searching for the cows.
Text 61
krsnah: 2a2ite pasun aka2ayya ka2pita n-ij aka2po yavad aham upasideyam t.avat
tatra ratna si-mhasane priyam prapaya (.iti niskrantah)
2a2ite 0 La l i t a; pasun th e c o w s;aka2ayya in r e l a t i on to; ka2pita fa s h i o n e d;
nij a ow n; akalpah de c o r a t i o n;yavat wh e n ; ah am I; up a s i d eyam s h a l l g o ;
tavat th e n; tatra th e r e ;ra t na je w e l l e d;simhasane on a t h r o n e;priyam M y
beloved; prapaya
pl e a s e place;
iti th u s ; ni s k rantah e x i t s .
Krsna: Lalita, while I search for the cows, please have My beloved (Radha) wait
on Her jewel throne.
(He exits.)
Text 61
Text 62
La l i t a;pasida
ha v e m e r c y;pasida
ha v e m e rc y;sutthu
ex t r e mely;
Radha: Lalita, have mercy, have mercy (on Me). I am very anxious and
Text 63
(iti sanskrtena)
gata p-rayam sayam carita p-arisanki guru janah
parivadas tungojagati sara2aham ku2avati
(in Sanskrit) The sun has almost set. My superiors must be suspicious of what
I am doing. There will be a great scandal. I am an honest girl from a respectable
family. Your friend is fickle and restless. He is friendly to all the gopis. 0 M y
friend, I humbly beg you, please do not take Me to a secluded place.
Text 60
rahe 0
Ra d h a;j ane I k n o w ; ak k h a lidam un b r o k e n ;tu mha Yo u r ; sa di o f
chastity; vvadam vo w ; ta th e r e f o r e;alam wh a t i s t he use7;sa am p- e rsonally;
vikkhabidena wi t h r e p u t a tion.
Kundalata: Radha, I know Your vow of chastity has not been broken. Who
cares what others think7
Text 65
is a t t r a c ted.
Visakha: (with love mixed with jealousy) 0 K u n d a l a ta, what other girl is as
attracted as you are by the sound of (Krsna's) flute at morning, noon, and night7
Text 66
Text 67
(pravisya) krsnah:
saci locana ta-rangita -bhangivaguram iha vitatya mrgaksi
Krsna: (enters) Singing Her hunter's music and spreading the hunter's net of
the waves of Her crooked sidelong glances, doe-eyed Radha has trapped the deer of
My heart.
Text 68
the gu 24ja-necklace.
Text 69
(iti sanskrtena)
kathorangi kamamjagati vidita nirasataya
nigudhantas chidra tvam ati malina -casi vadane
tathapy uccair guAjavali viharase vaksasi harer
jananam dosam va na hi kam anuragah sthagayati
iti t h us; sanskrtena in S a n s krit;kathora ha r d ; an gi wi t h l i m b s ; k a mam
although; jagati i n
t h e w o r ld ; vidita is k n o w n ; n i r a s ataya wi t h d r y n e ss and
tastelessness; nigudha
hi d d e n ; an tah wi t h i n ; ch i d ra fa u l t ;at i i n t e n s e ;
bl a c k n e s s; ca a l s o;asi yo u a r e ;vadane in t h e f a c e;tatha api s t i l l ;
uccaih gr e atly; gunja of g u n j a ; avali 0 nec k l a c e viharase
you enjoy
pastimes; vaksasi on t he chest;hareh of L o r d K r s n a;j ananam o f p e o p l e ;
dosam fa ult; va o r ; na not ; hi in dee d ; ka m wh a t ~ ;an u r agah l o v e ;
co v e r s .
(in Sanskrit) 0 gu n j a - necklace, although the world knows that your body is
very hard, although dry tastelessness is hidden within you, and although your face
bears the fault of dark blackness, still you enjoy pastimes on the chest of Lord
Krsna. What fault will love not cover7
Text 70
kundalata: (nicaih) rahe tuha kadhora tha-na ma-ni vin-iddhuda ee-da ek-udo ettha
thari am -varagi enicaih in a low voice;
rahe 0 Radha; tuha of You;kadhora hard;thana
of the breasts; mani je w e l; viniddhuda e -divided; eda e -of this; kudo w h e r e 7 ;
ettha he r e; thari am -d a r k n e ss; varagi e -unfortunate.
Kundalata: (in a low voice) Radha, where is there hardness like that of the two
hard jewels of Your unfortunate breasts7
Text 71
danuj a daman-a vaksah -puska-re caru tara
A voice from behind the scenes: All glories to the unprecedented beautiful star
named Radha, which shines in the sky of the chest of Lord Krsna, the crusher of
demons, defeats the necklace of other stars, and with it's effulgence eclipses the
splendid sun and moon!
Text 72
Kundalata: (looks behind the scenes) 0 V r n da, because you describe the
eclipse of the sun and moon in this way, you do not know the real glory of this
star, which is more powerful than even the moon Krsna, who is the master of
hosts of stars and has defeated millions of suns.
Text 73
Two gopi-friends: 0 tricky girl, your smiling and laughter is all useless. Why do
you embarrass your dear friend (Radha) in this way7
Text 70
kundalata: (sanskrtena)
trapam tyaja kudungakam pravisa santu te mangalany
ananga s-amayangane parama s-amyugmabhava
vivasvad u-daye bhavad v-ij aya k-irti g-athavali
purah sakhi mura d-visah sahacaribhir udgiyatam
sanskrtena in S anskrit; trapam sh y n e s s;tyaj a ab a n d o n;kudungakam t h e
grove; pravisa enter; santu le t t h e re be;te of Y o u ; ma n galani au s p i c i o u s ness;
ananga of c up i d; samaya of t h e b a t t le;angane in t h e c o u r t yard;parama
supreme; samyugina lo c k e d in battle;bhava be c o m e;vivastat o f t h e s un ;
udaye in t he rising; bhavat of Y o u ; vija ya of v i c t o r y ;ki r ti of t h e g l o r i f i c a tion;
gatha of s ongs;avali a h o s t ;purah in t h e p r e s e nce;sakhi 0
fr i e n d ;mu ra o f
the Mura demon; dvisah of t he e nemy;sahacaribhih by Y o u r f r i e n d s;
udgiyatam i s s un g .
Kundalata: (in Sanskrit) 0 f r i e nd , abandon this shyness and enter the forestgrove. All auspiciousness to You. Fight in Kamadeva s battlefield. When the sun
rises in the morning Your friends will sing the glories of Your victory in the
presence of Lord Krsna.
Text 75
Krsna: (smiles) In this world when thirsty people drink a cool sweet nectar all
their thirst becomes vanquished. What is this flood of nectar beauty flowing from
the moon of Radha's face7 When one drinks this nectar his thirst increases at every
Text 76
Text 77
Text 78
th a t ; tt h a m hehi s t o p ;
Lalita: Stop the tinkling of the sankhacuda bracelets. Someone may guess (that
we are here).
Text 79
Sankhacuda: (enters and hides among the vines.) This girl on the jewelled
throne looks like the girl described by Govardhana-malla. I know that now is my
chance. Now I will do my work. (He stands in the forest-grove.)
Text 80
krsnah: priye ksanam alankriyatam mad uru ga-rutm-ata pithampriye be l o v e d; ksanam for a moment;alankriyatam may be decorated;
mat My ; ur u
o f t h e l a p ; garutmata sa p p h i r e;pitham c h a i r .
Krsnah: Beloved, please decorate the sapphire chair of My lap for a moment.
Text 81
radha: go u2a ju a r-a atum-h-a -disanam p-urisuttamanam na j uttam ku2a ba2i anam-
dhamma viddhamsanam .
go-ula of G o k u la; ju-a
y o u n g ; ra a -0 ki n g ; tu m ha d-isanam l i k e Y o u ;
purisuttamanam be st of men; na not; juttam p r o p er ; ku2a r e s p ectable; ba2i
anam of g ir l s; dhamma re l i g i o n; viddhamsanam b r e a k i n g .
Radha: 0 prince of Gokula, this is not proper for respectable girls and for the
best of men such as You. This breaks the rules of religion.
Text 82
A voice from behind the scenes: 0 grandaughter Radha, where have You gone
for such a long time7
Text 83
th i s ; m u k h a r a
Text 80
of the talking; ka
wh a t 7 ; kk hu
in d e e d ;da riddada p o v e r t y .
Text 85
of this;
Mukhara: (enters. looking at Radha-Krsna before her, she says to herself:) Ah!
A great misfortune! Why has this kalpa-lata creeper abandoned a sandal tree to
rest on this castor-oil plant7 (openly) My c h i ld , You have become a pet-doe for
this crest-j ewel of debauchees.
Text 86
2a2ita: (sa2ikam) ajje pekkha eso kanho mottimam amha vidamb-anam karodi
sa wi t h; a2ikam a t r i c k ; ajj e 0 no b l e l a d y; pekkha l o o k . ; e so t h i s ;
kanho Kr s n a; mottinam vi o l e n t l y;amha of u s ; vi d a mbanam m o c k e r y ;
karo(A does.
Lalita: (playing a trick) Noble lady, look. This Krsna has tricked us and is
making fun of us!
Text 87
Text 88
krsnah: (svagatam) kathoreyam j arati tad .aham antarhito bhaveyam (it.i tatha
svagatam as ide; kathora ha r s h ;iyam t h i s ;j a r a ti o l d l a d y ; t at t h e r e f o r e ;
aham I; a ntarhita d i s a p p e ared;bhaveyam s h a ll become; iti t h u s ; t a t ha i n
that way; sthitah s i t u a t ed.
Krsna: (aside) This old lady is very harsh. For this reason I will now hide. (He
does that.)
Text 89
La l i t a ;dh arehi
ch a s e ;dharehi
ch a se;
Text 90
now; kim w h y 7 ; tt i
i n t h i s w a y ; pa la esi Yo u-flee.
Text 91
mukhara: (dhavanti purah kunj am asadya sa ta-rj anam) ditthi a-laddhosi r.e
Mukhara: (running ahead, she reaches the grove. In a menacing tone she says:)
By good luck we have caught You! 0 snake (that attacks) the does (of the gopis),
by good luck we have caught You!
Text 91
Krsna: (frightened, He says to Himself) How will this almost-blind old lady see
Me in this dense darkness7
Text 92
Krsna: (aside) The old lady has seen a flower (floating) in the sky.
Text 93
certainly; eso
Text 90
mukhara: (anyato gatva) hum danim j evva 2addhosi ( nibha2ya sa sank-am)
re dhutta-a varaha nara-sihadi bahu -rubo-si tti saccam ponnamasi ekah-ijj asi jam.
imina bhanubhasurena bhisana-rubena mam bhisa-anto nikkamasi.
anyatah to another place;
gatva going; hum aha!; danim now;j evva
certainly; 2addhosi You are gotten;punah ag a i n;nibha2ya lo o k i n g ; sa w i t h ;
sankam doubt;re 0; dhutta-a rascal;varaha 0 Varaha;narasiha and
Nrsimha; adi be g i n n i ng wit h; bahu m a n y ; ru b o si Y o u h a v e forms; tti t h u s ;
tr u t h ; po nnamasi eb y - P a urnamasi;kahijj asi i s s a id; jam b e c a u s e ;
imina by t h is; bhanubha a s effulgent as the sun; asurena b y t he d emo n;
bhisana fr i g h t e ning; rubena b y t h e f o r m; mam m e ; b h i s a -anto f r i g h t e n i n g ;
n ikkamasi Yo u g o .
Mukhara: (going to another place) Aha! Now we've got You! ( l o o k ing again
she becomes frightened.) 0 rascal! Paurnamasi spoke the truth when she said You
could assume many forms like those of Nrsimha and Varaha. You have now
assumed the form of this terrifying demon as brilliant as the sun. This form
frightens me.
Text 95
(ity apasarpati ).
d itthi-a by g ood for t u ne; mutti
f o r m ; b h ud a m a n i f e s ted v i k k am a o f t h e
powerful; cakkava2assa of the mult i t u d e; ba2assa o f t he boy; ditthi t h e s i g h t ;
vancida is c heated; iti t h u s ; ap a sarpati sl i p s a wa y.
Text 96
wi t h ; tr a s am fe a r ;ajj e 0
All the gopis: (seeing the demon, theybecome frightened) N o ble lady, save
us! Save us!
Text 97
s a m a l a Sy a m a ;na
n o t ;j u t t a m
Text 98
Lalita: Fool! Do you think this terrible demon is Krsna (in disguise)7
Text 99
sankhacuda: suhittamassa kamsa bh-uba in-o kaman avanj ham kadum nam sa
sihasanamjevvapomini am -sireghettunana iss-am (i.ti tatha kurvan niskrantah.)
suhittamassa of my f r i e nd; kamsa Ka m s a ;bhuba ino -K i n g ; k amam t h e
desire; avanj ham un f u l f i l l e d; kadum to d o ; n am t h i s g i r l ; sa sih-asanam on a
throne; j evva ce rtainly; pomini am -l i k e a lot us flower; sire on t h e h e a d;
ghettuna gr abbing; na issa-m I shall take; iti t h u s ; ta t ha in t h a t w a y; ku r vah
acting; niskrantah e x i t s .
Text 100
wi t h; vyamoham pe r p l e x i t y;ha 0 ;
k a n h a Kr sn a ; ku d o si w h e r e a r e
Text 101
Krsna: (leaves the grove and laments:) Eager with hundreds of desires, I
brought You to this place deep in Vrndavana forest, filled with the sweet fragances
of this full-moon autumn night. 0 be a utiful one, why has cruel fate, appearing as
this tricky demon Sankhacuda, now carried You far away7
Text 102
lady; ma
I am.
(angrily walking about) N o ble lady, don't fear. I will rescue Her.
Text 103
Text 100
(iti niskrantah)
sa wi t h; atopam ch i v a l r o us pride;re 0 ; r e 0 ; du s t a w i ck e d d e m o n ;
radha to R adha; aparadhini an o f f e n d e r;muhuh re p e a t e d l y;tvayi t o y o u ;
na no t; sastim pu n i s h m e n t;saknomi I a m a b l e ;ka r t um to d o ; ak h i l am a l l ;
guruh heavy; esah th i s; khedah su f f e r i n g;sarva al l ; an g ina w i t h t h e b o d y ;
iyam th i s ; abhidhavati ru n s ; lu p ta lo s t ;dh a r ma na t u r e ;tv am a f t e r y o u ;
of l i b e r a tion; kala bl a c k ; raj ani ni g h t ; ba ta i n d e e d ; k im w h a t 7 ;
karisye sh a ll I do; iti t h u s ; ni s k r a ntah e x i t s .
Krsna: (with chivalrous pride) W i c ked demon offensive to Sri Radha, I feel
great pain because I cannot spend eternity torturing you. The wicked black night
of death now chases you, covering you with all it s limbs. How will I (t o r t ure you
forever if you merely die) 7 (He exits.)
Text 105
kunda2ata: 2a2ide
pekkha pekkha eso hadaso rahi am uj-j
hi a kan-henaj oddhum
2a2ide 0 La l it a; pekkha lo o k ! ; pe k kha lo o k ! ; e so H e ; ha da l o s t ;a s o
hope; rahi am
-Radha; ujj hi a ab-andoning; kanhena wi t h K r s n a;j oddhum
Kundalata: Lalita! Look! Look! (Sankhacuda) has abandoned Radha, and now
he is going to fight with Krsna.
Text 106
(nepathy e)
sthu2as ta2a bhuj onna-tir giri tati vaksa-h kv-a yaksadhamah
kvayam bala tamala k-andala -mrduh k-andarpa kantah si-suh
nasty anyah sahakarita patur iha -prani na janimahe
ha gosthesvari kidrg adya tapasam pakas tavonmilati
Text 107
Text 108
(nepathy e)
dor d-andatopa b-hangi v-ikata r-ipu v-apur g-hattana d-ardurudhah
kridann uddanda d-amstrankura k-utila t-atoccanda tu-ndantarasya
divyac c-andamsu b-imba p-ratibhatam atavi mandale danda k-otya
vyakarsan pincha cu-do harati mukutatah sankhacudasya ratnam
nepathye fr om b ehind the scenes;doh da-nda of t he arms; atopa o f
chivalrous pride; bhangi wa v e s;vikata hi d e o u s ;ripu of t h e e n e m y; vapuh o f
the form; ghattana at t a c k i n g; dardurudhah in s u r m o u n t a b le;kridan e n j o y i n g
transcendental pastimes; uddanda fi e r c e;damstra te e t h;ankura s p r o u t e d ;
cr o o k e d;tata su r f a c e;uccanda fe a r s ome;tunda mo u t h ; an t a rasya
within; divyat sh i n i n g ; camdamsu su n ; bi m ba di s c ;pr a t ibhatam ef f u l g e n c e;
atavi of t he forest;mandale in t h e c i r c l e;danda of b l o w s ; ko t ya w i t h
millions; vyakarsan
pu l l i n g ;pi n c ha cud-ah Lo r d K r s n a, who wears a peacockfeather crown; harati ta k e s ;mukutatah fr o m t h e c r o w n;sankhacudasya o f
Sankhacuda; ratnam th e j ewel.
A voice from behid the scenes: With the chivalrous strength of His arms,
powerful Krsna attacked the hideous form of the Sankhacuda demon, who had
fearsome curling fangs in his horrible mouth. In the middle of the forest Krsna,
who wears a peacock-feather in His hair, struck Sankhacuda with milli ons of
blows, killed him, and took from his crown a jewel as effulgent as the sun.
Text 109
Paurnamasi: On the pretext of pulling out the jewel, Lord Krsna is fortunately
pullied out Sankhacuda's life. Today there will certainly be a great feast for the
starving jackals of Vrndavana forest. (Looking again, she becomes delighted)
Look! Look! The demon has lost his protection. Now he has accepted his death.
Text 110
(punar nepathy e)
mustinaj hatiti punyaj ano 'yam
hanta papa vin-ivesita ce-tah
pundarika na-yanena sa kh-elam
dandi tah sakala jiv-i ta vi t -tam
punah ag ain; nepathye fr o m b e h i n d t he scenes;mustina with His fist;
j hatiti
at o n c e;punyaj anah ya k s a;ayam th i s ; ha n t a indeed; papa by sins;
en t e r e d;cetah wh o s e heart;pundarika nay-anena by L o rd K rs na, who
has lotus-eyes; sa wi t h; kh e2am pl a y f u l n e ss;danditah st r u c k; saka2a a l l ;
of t h e l i f e;vittam the treasure.
Again, a voice from behind the scenes: With His fist, lotus-eyed Lord Krsna
playfully struck the sinful-hearted yaksa and forcibly took from him the treasure of
his life-breath.
Text 111
Text 112
bha av-adi 0
al l ; saha ar-a
Visakha: Noble lady, look. Balarama and all of (Krsna's) friends have come
Text 113
Paurnamasi: The Supreme Personality of Godhead (Krsna) has now given the
beautiful regal jewel to Balarama.
Text 110
2a2ita: pekkha va assa u2a-m pa-tthavi aekkho j -evva mahavo rahi am anu-sappadi
pekkha lo o k ! ; va assa o- f friends;u2am th e m u l t i t u d e;patthavi a
dismissing; ekko al o n e;j evva ce r t a i nl y; mahavo Kr s n a ;ra hi am R a - d h a ;
anusappadi approaches.
Lalita: Look. After sending His friends away, Krsna, now alone, approaches
Text 115
Paurnamasi: 0 beautiful one, Look. Look. His face glistening with perspiration
and His peacock feather crown moving (in the breeze), Krsna now finds Himself
Text 116
Krsna: (enters as described) With eyes restless with fear, Radha called out in
distress, "0 Govinda (Krsna), 0 pr i n ce of Gokula whose eyes rebuke the lotus
flowers in the Yamuna, please protect Me!, please quickly protect Me!" I shall not
forget the way She was then..
Text 117
Text 118
wo r s h i p p i n g;vira
panibhyam wi t h b o th h a n d s;harim Krsna; nirmacchya
0 hero; arahi ap - l e a sing; de by Y o u; ra hi a R - a d h a ; ditthi-a b y g o o d f o r t u n e ;
pr o t e c t ed.
Mukhara: (With both hands wiping the perspiration from Krsna's brow) By the
will of providence, 0 hero, You have protected beautiful Radha.
Text 119
Madhumangala: (enters) 0 d ear friend, Balarama has now given the regal
jewel to Radha.
Text 120
Text 121
Text 122
(i ti ni.skrantah)
sna: Come, let us please My parents with (the news) of this victory over a
demon. (He exits.)
(All exit.)
Act Three
Scene 1 (viskambhaka)
Text 1
Note: The sarabha beast had four heads, eight eyes, and eight legs, and was so
gigantic it would devour elephants in a single gulp.
Text 2
Vrnda: I heard a great sound like the roaring from the depths of an agitated
ocean, and so I have quickly come here. Please tell me: What is it7
Text 3
Text 0
no b l e l a d y; kim w h a t 7 ; tat
th a t ; na ma
in d eed.
Text 5
Text 6
V rnda: (silent for a moment, and then with a long, warm, unhappy sigh) I f
Akrura takes Mukunda (Krsna) to (Mathura) City, then for what purpose shall I
beautify the new forest-grove7 For what reason shall I make a bed of flowers, or
make the fragrant vines blossom always, even after the blossoming season is past7
Text 7
Paurnamasi: (with anguish) Th eir lo tus eyes filled with anguish, the gopis have
stayed awake the entire night, crying with long wails, frightened because of
ecstatic love, and always angry at Akrura. Now that night is over as if it had been
only a single moment. Alas! Sad is the gopis' fate!
Text 8
vrnda: (sasram)
labdha bhrame-na harata hari sarvaris-am
viny asy ata ca vi raha k2ama k-a2akuta-m
ha gandini tanuj a m-andar-a bhudhar-ena
of G o k u l a; sagarah
oc e a n;ayam
Vrnda: (with tears) Alas! By churning the great ocean of Gokula, the Mandara
Mountain of Akrura has extracted the moon of Krsna, and created the kalakuta
poison of the vrajavasis anguished separation from Krsna.
Text 9
Paurnamasi: Child, let us go to the gate of the gopa-king Nanda. (walking, she
looks ahead, and then begins to shed tears) Nanda s wife, Yasoda, is so agitated
she forgot to offer suitable prayers for her son's safe journey. She is so perplexed
that she forgot to prepare a lunch for Him to take on the road. She simply
embraces Him again and again, cries, and muddies the dust on His body with the
stream of tears from her eyes.
Text 10
of Saibya;sakhi
is h e a rd; aryaya
by t h e n o b le lady.
Vrnda: Did the noble lady hear what Saibya said to her friend7
Text 11
0 daughter; kidrsam
li k e w h a t 7;idam
Text 12
na nirghosan manye nisamayasi ghosasya karunan
vimugdhe tvam dadhnam ihayad anubadhnasi mathanam
japan karnotsange sakhi kim api dutah ksiti patermukundam mandatma nagara gama-naya tvarayati
na no t; nirghosan th e w a i l i n g; manye I t h i n k ; ni s a mayasi y o u h e a r ;
ghosasya of Vraja; karunan pa t h e t i c;vimugdhe 0 be w i l d e r ed girl;tvam y o u ;
dadhnam of yogurt; iha here;
yat because;anubadhnasi you have become
absorbed; mathanam in c h u r n i n g;japan sp e a k i n g;karna of t h e e a r; utsange
in the lap; sakhi 0 fr i e n d ; k imapi so m e t h i n g ;dutah a m e s s e nger;ksiti patehof the king; mukundam Kr s n a ;manda atma -wicked; nagara
to the city;
gamanaya fo r g oi n g; tvarayati hurries.
Vrnda: She said, "0 bewildered girl, I think it is because you are so absorbed in
churning yogurt that you do not hear the pathetic wailing of Vraja Village. 0 my
friend, a wicked messenger of the king is now hurrying Muk u nda (Krsna) to
(Mathura) City."
Text 13
Paurnamasi: Child, because you were agitated by Saibya you could not hear
Syama's lament.
Text lk
th e t r u t h; bravisi
yo u s p e a k;tat etam
th a t ; va r naya
pl e ase
Text 15
bhanor bimbe tvaritam udaya prastha-tah prasthite 'sau
yatranandi pathati muditah syandane gandineyah
tavat turnam sphuta khura p-utaih -ksoni prstha-m khananto
yavan nami hrdaya bhavato ghotakah sphotakah syuh
bhanoh of t he sun; bimbe in t h e c i r c l e;tvaritam qu i c k l y ;ud aya r i s i n g ;
prasthatah from thejourney; prasthite si t u a t ed for the j o u r n e y;asau H e ;
fo r t he jou r n e y;nandi au s p i c i o us verses;
pathati re c i t e s;muditah
jubilant; syandane on t he chariot;gandineyah Ak r u r a , t he son of Gandim-devi;
tavat in t h at way; turnam at o n c e ; sphuta ma n i f e s t ed;k hura putaih - w i t h
hooves; ksoni of t he earth;prstham th e b a c k; khanantah di g g i n g;yavat i n
that way; na no t ; ami th e s e ;hr daya 0 he a r t ;bh a vatah of y o u ; gh o takah
horses; sphotakah ma n i f e sted;syuh a r e .
She said, "The sun has now risen and Gandini-devi's son Akrura stands on the
chariot happily reciting prayers for a safe journey. Alas, when the horses begin to
gallop, they will break only the earth with their hooves, and not you, o my heart."
Text 16
Bh adra.
Text 17
(nepathy e)
tuvaranto tuha da idosa anga -nida-m puro samaruha i
tahabi na parana sa un-ehadanga nidam -paricca asi-
A voice from behind the scenes: 0 bird of my life-breath, even though in your
presence your beloved (Krsna) hastily climbed aboard the chariot, still you refuse
to abandon this slain body that has become your nest.
Text 18
Text 19
(nepathy e)
ajj harudho raham iha pura sanga ran-gi
A voice from behind the scenes: Even though Krsna, who carries the Sudarsana
cakra, and who is very affectionate to His associates, has alredy climbed the
chariot, you are still intent on stringing this flower garland. 0 fi c kle, deaf
Candravali, has the deep, sustained, tumultuous wailing of the gopis not entered
your ears7
Text 20
Paurnamasi: (anguished) Hearing from her friend the unpleasant news (of Lord
Krsna's departure for Mathura), Candravali, alas, became overwhelmed. The halfstrung flower-garland slipped from her hand, and she at once fainted as if dead.
Text 21
pasya lo o k !; pasya lo o k ! ; vi v a sam o v e r w h e l m e d; eva c e r t a i n l y ;
candravalim Candravali;
syandana agratah approaching;nidhaya placing;
socati la m e nts;padma P a d m a .
Text 22
kkhanam avadhehi hadase
ti2am bi na ananca-2am pa asehihanta tuvare itura a-m
nikkaruno gandini putto
A voice from behind the scenes: 0 girl who has lost all hope, try to understand
for a moment. Look a little from the corner of your eye. Merciless Akrura, the son
of Gandim, is quickly bringing the horse.
Text 23
Text 20
Vrnda: (looking to the right) Alas! Alas! Look! Look! Visakha and the other
gopis cannot bear to either tell or not tell Radha the news of Krsna's departure for
(Mathura) City. They are completely stunned. They stand together, ear-to-ear, as if
they have lost all sense.
Text 25
Text 26
vrnda: pasya pasya samastad akasmikena ko2aha2ena kurangiva tarangita drstiresa bahir vithim asasada radha
lo o k ! ; samasatat co m p l e t e ly;akasmikena s u d d e n l y ;
ko2aha2ena by the tumult; kurangi a d o e ;iva li k e ; ta r a n gita mo v i n g r e s t lessly
like waves; drstih wh o s e eyes;esa Sh e; bahih ou t s i d e ;vithim t h e p a t h ;
asasada attained; radha R a d h a .
Vrnda: Look! Look! The tumult ous sounds (of the gopis' crying) has made
restless-eyed Radha run from the path as a (frightened) doe.
Text 27
Note: In Radha's words (in the next verse) the first two lines are in Prakrit and
the second two lines are in Sanskrit.
Text 28
(nepathy e)
va a na-ra-ba i na-nd-anam sa bandhum
raha pava-robari pekkhi app-hurantam
skhalati mama vapuh katham dharitri
bhramati kutah kim ami natanti nipah
nepathye fr om b ehind the scenes;va ao - f Vr a ja; narabi ao - f t h e k i n d ;
nandanam th e son; sa bandhum wi t h H i s b r o t h e r;raha ch a r i o t ;pr avara
excellent; ubari ab o v e;pekkhi as e - e i ng; pphurantam ma n i f e s ted; skhalati
trips and fall; mama My ; va p uh bo d y ; k a t h am w h y 7 ; dh a r i t ri t h e e a r t h ;
bhramati m o v es; kutah wh y 7 ; k im w h y 7 ;ap i al s o ;n a t a ti d a n c e s ; nipah
the kadamba trees.
A voice from behind the scenes: Now that I see Vraja's prince Krsna standing
on the chariot with His brother and uncle, who do I stumble and fall to the
ground7 Why does the earth move about like this7 Why are the kadamba trees
Text 29
le t us listen; kim w h a t 7 ; a h a
Text 30
A voice from behind the scenes: Krsna is now beginning on the path around
Govardhana Hill. 0 fr iend Radha, please do not lament.
Text 31
sh o u ld be heard;vatsayah
of t he g ir l; vyahrtih
the words.
Text 32
(nepathy e)
sahacari parij natam sadyah samastam idam maya
patima patalais -tvam nihnotum kiyat prabhavisyasi
virama krpane bhavi nayam harer viraha klamomama kim abhavan kanthe prana muhur nirapatrapah
nephathye fr om b e hind the scenes;sahacari 0
fr i e n d ;pa rij natam k n o w n ;
sadyah no w; samastam al l ; id am th i s ;ma ya by M e ; pa t i ma of c l e v e r n e ss;
patalaih wi t h an a bundance;tvam yo u ; ni h n o tum to conceal; kiyat h o w
much; prabhavisyasi wi l l y ou be able;virama st o p ; kr p a ne 0 w r e t c h e d g ir l ;
bhavi wi l l b e; na no t ; ay a m th i s ;vi r a ha of s e p a r a tion;klamah di s t r e s s;
mama of M e; kim wh y 7 ; ab h a vat wa s ; ka n t he in t h e t h r o a t; pranah l i f e - a i r s ;
muhuh re p e atedly;nirapatrapah sh a m e l e ss.
A voice from behind the scenes: Now I know everything. My friend, what will
you cleverly hide from Me7 Wretched girl, stop! I will not be unhappy when Krsna
is gone. Why does this shameless breathing again and again move in My throat7
Text 33
wi s h i n g to speak;iva
as i f; vi sakha
Text 30
(nepathy e)
tam viddhamsi akam-sam
ratti muhe -tuha melissa ippan-a i
sahl pla ghaplpla vllakkha
kkhamavadlnam dhurlnasi
A voice from behind the scenes: After He kills Kamsa, Krsna will again meet
You in the middle of the night. My friend, You are the most patient and tolerant of
all the gopis. Please don't be upset.
Text 35
li s t e n; vara varnini
of t h e e l o q u e nt gopi;varnitam
Text 36
(nepathy e)
nasvasanam viracaya tvam idam hatase
susyan mu-khi mama gunam parikirtayanti
durad amardava bhr-to pi muhuh ksamayah
kuksim vidarayati pasya rathanga nem-ih
nepathye fr om b ehind the scenes;na do n o t ; asvasanam co n s o l a tion;
do ; tv am Yo u ; id a m thi s ; ha t a de s t r o y e d;ase wh o s e hope ;
susyat dr y i ng up; mukhi mo u t h ; ma ma my ; gu n a m qu a l i t i e sparikirtayanti
describing; durat fr o m f ar a way;amardava ha r n e s s;bhrtah po s s e ssing;api
even; muhuh re p e atedly;ksamayah of t h e e arth;kuksim th e b e l l y; vidarayati
rips apart; pasya lo o k ; ra t ha of t h e c h a r i o t; anga of t h e w h e e l;nemin t h e
A voice from behind the scenes: Don't console Me. Hopeless girl, your mouth
is dry praising Me. Far away, the wheel of Krsna s chariot again and again breaks
the belly of the hard earth.
Text 37
paurnamasi: ahaha raj iva netra ya-tra vi-trasita -cetah ka-m apy adhairya dilksamuri cakara -cakoraksi
ahaha ah a !; rajiva lo t u s ;ne tra wh o s e e yes;yatra o f t h e j o u r n e y ;
fr i g h t e n e d;cetah at h e a r t; kam api so m e t h i n g;adhairya o f
restlessness; diksam im t i a t i o n; uri cakara -a c c epted; cakora li k e a c akora bird;
aksi wh o se eyes.
Paurnamasi: Ah. Her heart afraid of lotus-eyed Krsna's journey, Radha, whose
eyes are like cakora birds, has become restless.
Text 38
ksanam vikrosanti viluthati satangasya puratah
ksanam baspa gr-astam kirati kila drstim hari m-ukhe
ksanam ramasyagre patati dasanottambhita trn-a
na radheyam kam va ksipati karunambhodhi ku-hare
a fr om no t; priya th e b e l o v e d;darsan se e i n g; jah p r o d u c e d;yatha j u s t
as; tatra he r e; eva ce r t a i n l y;ksanam on e m o m e n t; vikrosanti c r y i n g ;
ro l l i n g a bout;satangasya of t he c hariot;puratah be f o r e ;ksanam o n e
moment; baspa by t e a rs;grastam sw a l l o w e d;kirati sc a t t e r i n g;drstim g l a n c e ;
of L o rd K r s n a;mukhe in t h e f a c e;ksanam an o t h er mo m e nt;ramasya O f
Balarama; agre in t he p resence;patati fa l l s ; dasana by t e e t h;uttambhita h e l d ;
trna a bla de of grass;na no t ; ra d ha 0 Ra d h a ;iy am Sh e ;ka m wh o m 7 ;v a
or; ksipati th r o w s ; ka runa of c o m p a s sion;ambhodhi kuha-re in t o t he ocean.
Vrnda: One moment She cries bitterly, the next moment She rolls about on the
ground before the chariot, the next moment Her tear-filled eyes gaze on Krsna's
face, the next moment She places a blade of grass between Her teeth and bows
down before Lord Balarama and begs Him not to leave Vrndavana. Is there any
person Radha will not throw into the ocean of intense compassion for Her7
Text 39
Text 00
(punar nirupya)
rathinah pathi pasyatah sa khe-dam
bata radha vad-anam murantakasya
kirato nayane ghanasru bind-un
aravinde makarandavat kramena
punah ag ain; nirupya de s c r i b i n g;rathinah riding on the chariot; pathi o n
the path; pasyatah lo o k i n g; sa wi t h ; kh e d am an g u i s h;bata in d e e d ;ra dha
Of Radha; vadanam at t he face;mura antak-asya of K r s n a, the killer of Mura;
ho w m u c h 7 ; nayane in t h e e ye s;ghana th i c k ; as ru of t e a r s;bindun
drops; aravinde in a l o t us flowe r;makaranda ho n e y ;yat li k e ; kr a m e na i n
As Krsna rides on the chariot, gazing at Radha s anguished face, how many
thick tears appear in His eyes like drops of honey on a lotus flower7
Text Wl
Vrnda: Noble lady, the gopis' life-breath will now follow their master Krsna.
Text 02
Paurnamasi: Look! Look! Here comes someone bearing a message from Krsna.
The message says: "0 beautiful, pious gopis, some anguished nights you may see
before you again attain My auspicious company7" In this way Krsna, the killer of
Aghasura, with ropes of hope tightly bound the deer of the lotus-eyed gopis lifebreath.
Text 03
Text 00
Text 00
Vrnda: Alas! Alas! The pain of separation from Muk u nda has unsettled Radha's
mind. Sometimes She runs about and sometimes She stands still like a painted
picture. Sometimes She laughs and sometimes She weeps bitterly. Sometimes She
is very talkative and sometimes She is silent.
Text 05
(nepathy e)
kva nanda ku2a -cand-ramah kva sikhi
kva mandra mura-li rava-h
kva nu surendra nila -dyutih
kva rasa rasa -tanda-vi kva sakhi jiva raksa-usadhir
nidhir mama suhrttamah kva bata hanta ha dhig-vidhim
nepathye from behind the scenes;
kva where; nanda kula -candr-amah
Krsna, who has risen like the moon in the ocean of the dynasty of Nanda
Maharaja; kv wh e r e ; sikhi candra-ka alankr-tihK r s n a , wh o se head is decorated
with a peacock feather; kva wh e r e ; mandramural-i ravah-K r s n a , who se flute
produces a deep sound;kva where;na certainly;
surendra nila dy-utih- Krsna,
whose bodily luster is like the jewel called indranila; kva wh e r e ; ra sa rasa
Kr s n a, who is expert in dancing in the rasa dance;kva wh e r e ;s akhi 0
My dear friend;jiva ra ksa a-usadh-ih Kr s na, who is the medicine that can save
one's life; nidhih
treasure; mama My ; su h rt tamah- b e s t of f r i e nds; kva
where; bata I am so sorry; hanta al a s ;ha oh ; d h i k - v i d him c o n d e m n a t i on to
Vidhi, the maker of my destiny.
A voice from behind the scenes: My dear friend, where is Krsna, who is like the
moon rising from the ocean of Maharaja Nanda's dynasty7 Where is Krsna, His
head decorated with a peacock feather7 Where is He7 Where is Krsna whose flute
produces such a deep sound7 Oh, where is Krsna, whose bodily luster is like the
luster of the blue indranila jewe17 Where is Krsna, who is expert in rasa dancing7
Oh, where is He who can save My life7 Kindly tell Me where to find Krsna, the
treasure of My life and best of My friends. Feeling separation from Him, I hereby
condemn Providence, the shaper of My destiny.*
Text 06
Paurnamasi: Alas! Alas! This body is now overwhelmed with pity. I must go at
Text 07
Scene 2
Text I
radha: (sakrandam)
nipita na svairam sruti-putikaya narma b-hanitir
na drsta nihsankam sumukhi mukha p-ankeruha r-ucah
harer vaksah p-itham na ki2a ghanam a2ingitam abhud
iti dhyayam dhyayam sphutati 2uthad antar mama manah
tatah th en; pravisati en t e r ; sakhibhyam b y t w o g o p i - f r i e nds;asvasyamana
consoled; radha Ra d h a;sa wi t h ; ak r a n d am cr y i n g ; n ip i ta d r u n k ; na n ot ;
to M y h e a r t s c o n t e nt; sruti-putikaya b y M y e a r s ; na r ma j o k i n g ;
bhanitih w o r d s; na no t ; dr s ta ob s e r v e d;nihsankam fr e e f r om fear; sumukhi
0 beautiful-faced girl; mukha o f
t h e f ace;pankeruha of t h e l o t us flower;rucah
the slendor; hareh of L o r d K r s n a;vaksah pith-am th e c hest;na n o t ; k i l a
certainly; ghanam fi r m l y ; a li ngitam e m b r a c e d; abhut w a s ; i ti t h u s ; dh y a ya m
dhyayam r e p e atedly remembering; sphutati m a n i f e s ted; 2uthat t r e m b l i ng w i t h
anxiety; antah wi t h i n ; ma ma My ; ma n a h h e a r t .
Text 2
Visakha: Ah. Why, even though You know of Krsna s message promising His
return, do You still torture Your friends by plunging Yourself into this blazing fire
of grief.
Text 3
Radha: (in Sanskrit) 0 M y f r i e nd , the gopis, who all have beautiful curved
eyebrows, may be convinced that Krsna's heart is flooded with waves of
compassion for this downtrodden person. Still, My cruel enemy, the pain of being
separated from Krsna, is intent on cutting My heart to pieces. That enemy will not
for a moment allow Me to celebrate a festival of auspicious happiness.
Text 0
th u s ; art im su f f e r i n g;natayanti re p r e s e nting dramatically;atha n o w ;
vyadhih di s e ase;yatha ju s t a s;tatra in t h a t b o o k; eva ce r t a i n l y;uttapi
distressing; puta pakatah t- han thep o i s o n p u t a - paka;api ev e n ;garala o f
poison; gramat than a strong dose; api ev e n; ksobhanah mo r e a gitating;
dambholeh th an Ind r a 's thunderbolt; api ev e n ;du hsahah mo r e i n t o l e rable;
sh a r p; a2am gr e a t l y;hrt in t h e h e a r t; magna pl u n g e d;sa2yat th a n a
spear; api ev e n; tivrah ha r s h ;pr a udha fu l l y d e v e l o ped;visucika nicayata-h
than cholera; api ve n ; uc caih gr e a t l y;mama of M e ; ay am th i s ; b a l i
powerful; marmahi th e v i t al o rgans;adya now; bhinatti br e a k s;gokula o f
(in agony)
The blazing fire of separation from Lord Krsna, the king of Gokula, has broken
My heart. That fire is more painful than the puta-paka fire, more troubling than a
strong doses of poison, more intolerable than Indra's thunderbolt, more sharp than
a spear plunged into the heart, and more horrifying than the last stage of cholera.
(cries without any inhibition.)
Text 5
adya prana para-rdhato pi dayite duram prayate harau
A voice from behind the scenes: Krsna is many millions of times more dear to
Radha than Her own life. Now that He has gone far away, Her heart has become
wounded by many sharp javelins of unbearable grief. She has become emanciated.
She may roll about on the ground, and She may scream in pain. 0 noble, pious
(Mukhara), please don't try to stop Her. Please don't try to stop Her.
Text 6
Lalita: (glancing at the area behind the scenes) Vrnda, well done! Well done!
You stopped Mukhara, who was very eager to intervene.
Text 7
Radha: (again seeing a cakravaki bird, She makes the following request) 0
cakravaki bird, because you have come here from the east you must have seen
Krsna. Please tell Me the news of His activities. Has someone acted to relieve the
Lord's fatigue travelling on the highway in the chariot7 Has someone decorated
Him with leaves, fresh sprouts, and other forest-ornaments7
Text 8
0 dear; sahi
fr i e n d; vi o ini
se p - a-rated;
Lalita: Dear friend, look at the king of crows sitting on top of this kadamba tree.
He seems to be a relative of us gopis suffering in separation from our beloved. He
seems to be yearning to go to Mathura City.
Text 9
Radha: (praising the crow) 0 b r o t h er, 0 c r ow n of all youths, after you leave
Vrajabhumi please go to Vrndavana s king Krsna, offer respectful obeisances to
Him, and speak to Him the following message on My behalf: "0 moon of all
amorous heroes, the flames of separation from You are now beginning to burn the
animal of My life-breath in the house of My body. Please unbolt the firm lock of
hope that keeps that animal in the burning building."
Text 10
(seeing a female parrot on the left) 0 pa r r o t - f r i e nd, I did not know you were a
messenger from Krsna. Tell Me the news. Has Krsna crushed the sharp thorns of
His enemies7 Is He now surrounded by His friends7 Does He call for a chariot (to
come here) 7 Is He now eager to travel west (to the land of Vraja) 7
Text 11
(frightened and crying) W hat w ill My sup eriors say now7 Now wh ere will (I
be able to hear) the nectar sound of Krsna's flute7 I do not hear any words that will
drive away My grief. I cannot be peaceful for even a moment. Alas! Where is the
Lord of My life now7 0 mi s erable life, please run out of My throat at once! No
longer can I see Krsna!
Text 12
visakha: (apavarya) 2a2ide turi a-m kuna kampi ubanam j ena eso parana v-iddohi
pi a -sa-hi e-ve an-a ta-rango kkhanam bi sidhi2i a-di.
pr i v a t e ly; 2a2ide 0 La l i t a; turi am -q u i c k l y ; k una pl e a s e make;
kam pi
so m e; ubanam re m e d y;j ena by w h i c h ; eso th i s ; pa r a na o f t h e l i f e ;
th e e nemy;pi a -d e a r; sahi e -of the friend; ve an-a o f t o r m e n t ;
tarango th e waves;kkhanam fo r a m o m e n t;bi ev e n ;si d hili ad-i m a y b e
Text 13
Text lk
we l l d o n e ; saccam in t r u t h ; v i
Text 15
tan .mrgayemahi
Text 16
(After walking some distance, She sees some does. With tears in Her eyes, She
Text 17
Note: Peacocks and peahens are pleased by the monsoon rains. The sound of
thunder is, therefore, a sound especially welcome to them.
Text 18
Visakha: (eagerly craning her neck) I can see a gunja-necklace in the grove by
Text 19
Radha: (with great awe She picks up the gunja-necklace, smells it, and
trembles) Reflecting the splendor of the king of jewels, you were once on the
chest of Krsna, the enemy of the demons. 0 gunja-necklace friend, why do you,
overwhelmed, now roll about on the ground of this forest-path7
Text 20
Text 21
radha: ha priya sa-khi candravali (ity autsukyam abhiniya) visakhe tam adrsta
purvam va22abhita ba-22avendra n-andanam candrava2im drastum icchami.
Ca n d r a v a h;iti t h u s ;
ea g erness;abhiniya re p r e s enting dramatically;visakhe 0 V i s a k h a ;
tam he r; adrsta no t s e e n;purvam be f o r e ;va22abhita de a r; ba22ava o f t he
gopas; indra of the king; nandanam to t he s on; candravalim Ca n d r a v a h;
to s ee;icchami I w i s h .
ha 0; priya
the gopas.
Text 22
Visakha: Confined to the house by (her grandmother) Karala she has been
wasting away in grief.
Text 23
Radha: I shall go now and pray to Govardhana Hill. (She takes a few steps, and
with jealous rivalry says) 0 V i s akha, why do you cheat Me in this way7
Candravalk is here!
Text 20
Text 25
(Hearing the mountain cave echo Her words, She becomes uneasy.) Why does
Govardhana Hill cry the same question back at Me7 (Bewildered, She goes close to
the cave.)
Text 26
0 beautiful Candravah, suffering Radha can see how Your body has become
auspicious from Krsna's many tight embraces. Please embrace Me with Your arms
fragrant from the touch of Krsna's flower-earrings.
(She tries to embrace her.)
Text 27
2a2ita: ha2a phadi a -si2a p-ad-ibim-bida esa tumam j evva na kkhu .canda a2i
ce rtainly; na
Text 28
radha: (nirupya) natathyam bravisi (iti puro gatva so22asam nihasya ) .2a2ite
distyaham amukta vi-grahadya samvrtta p.asya pasya (ity angulya darsayanti)
cl o s e ly examining;na no t ; at a t h yam un t r u t h f u l l y ;br avisi y o u
speak; iti t h u s ; pu rah ah e a d ;gatva go i n g ; sa wi t h ; u2 2asam ha p p i n e ss;
vihasya la u g h i n g; 2a2ite 0 La l i t a ;distya by g o o d f o r t u n e;aham I a m ;
amukta no t s eparated;vigraha fo r m ; ad ya no w ; sa m v r t ta be c o m e ;pasya
look.; pasya lo o k . ; i ti t h u s ;an g u k ya wi t h a f i n g e r; darsayanti p o i n t i n g .
Radha: (closely examining it) You aren t lying. (looks ahead and happily
l aughs) Lalita, I am fortunate. Now I shall not give up My body. Look! Look !
Text 29
No. I think it is not Krsna. It is only a raincloud, lightning, and rainbow resting
on Govardhana Hill.
(She faints.)
Text 30
bo th girls; hala
Text 31
Radha: (becomes revied. She says with great respect:) 0 G o v ardhana Hill, 0
king of mountains, you are the best of the affectionate servants of Lord Krsna. I
think that Lord Krsna always remains on your lap. (with plaintive words) Please
be kind. Please open the entrance of one of your caves and let Me glimpse Krsna
within. Please do this and stop the unbearable endless waves of My suffering.
Text 32
(punar nibhalya) katham esa j hatkara k-ari v-ari n-irj harayita m-ahasru p-uro
maunam evavalambate
Text 33
Text 30
(walking a little ahead) 0 r e stless-eyed friend, is this not the same kadamba
tree under which Krsna placed a peacock-feather crown in My hair7
Text 35
Text 36
(distressed) I saw all the forests. I looked in all of Vrndavana forest. I carefully
searched dense Bhandiravana forest. I looked in every part of Govardhana Hill. 0
Lalita, alas! I have not found even the faintest scent of Your friend Krsna
Text 37
Lalita: How many times have You searched for Krsna in the forest-groves and
not found Him7 Don't be depressed.
Text 38
Radha: (Beginning to run, She says in Sanskrit) Well said, lalita. Well said.
Well said! Look! There in the distance are Krsna and Akrura riding on a chariot. I
will grab Krsna by the neck and drag Him down.
Text 39
(iti murchati)
iti t h us; tat th a t ;ab h yaranam ne a r ;asadya at t a i n i n g;sa w i t h ;
vyatham di s t r e ss;gireh of G o v a r d h a na Hill;srngam th e p e a k; svarna g o l d e n ;
fi l l e d w i th flo w e r s;idam th i s ; ha n ta in d e e d ;na no t ; ra t h ah a
chariot; tama2ah a tamala tree;asau th i s ; ni2a d a r k ; dy u t ih c o l o r ;i ha h e r e ;
na no t; gopi ratigur-uh Kr s n a, the lover of the gopis; ba2i po w e r f u l; sardulah
tiger; ayam th i s ; na no t ; hi in d e e d ;nr p a ti of t h e k i n g ; du tah th e m e s s enger;
sakhi 0
fr i e n d ;purah in t h e p r e s e nce;vidhatuh of t h e c re ator Brahma;
vamatvat be c a use of the contrariness;katham ho w i s i t 7;itaratha o t h e r w i s e ;
sarvam ev e rything; udabhut w a s m a n i f e sted; iti t h u s .
(approaching nearer, She becomes unhappy) This is not a chariot, but a hill
covered with golden flowers. This is not the gopis' lover Krsna, but a dark tamala
tree. This is not the king s messenger Akrura, but a powerful tiger. 0 friend, why
has the unfriendly creator Brahma made everything wrong7 (She faints.)
Text 00
Visakha: (alarmed) Lalita, fan Radha with the edge of your garment while I go
to get lotus petals, (She runs off.)
Text Wl
(nepathy e)
viraha bhar-am udirnam preksya radhati dainy-am
sphutam akhilam asusyan manasi hanta ganga
ahaha ravi turan-gaj
ivya srnga-gra durvah
sata bhuj a -mitir -asid esa govardhano pi
nepathye fr om b ehind the scenes;viraha of s e p aration;bharam a n
abundance; udirnam ar i s e n;preksya se e i n g;radha of R a d h a;ati dainy-am t h e
very pathetic situation; sphutam ma n i f e s ted;akhilam en t i r e ;asusyat d r i e d u p ;
manasi ma n a sa;akhilam en t i r e ;asusyat dr i e d u p;ma nasi ma n a s a s;hanta
indeed; ganga Ga n g a;ahaha ah . ; ra vi of t h e s u n - g o d;turanga fo r t h e h o r s es;
fo o d ; srnga of t h e s u m m i t;agra on t h e t o p ; du r v ah th e d u r v a g rass;
sata 10 0; bhuja bh u j a s ; mitih i n m e a s u r e me nt;asit be c a m e;esah t h i s ;
govardhanah Govardhana Hill;
api even.
A voice from behind the scenes: Seeing Radha's intense suffering in separation
from Krsna, the Manasa-ganga has completely dried up, and Govardhana Hill,
which was so tall that the sun-god's horses would eat the durva grass at it's
summit, has shrunk to the height of 100 arms.
Text 02
prabudhya be c o mi ng conscious;sa wi t h ; pr a n aya of l o v e ;ir s yam t h e
anger;ha2a ah.;rahi Radha; munca abandon; a2i a -false; mana pride;
du22a2idattanam mi s c h ief.
Radha: (Regains consciousness and says, in the anger of love) 0 Radha, give up
the wickedness of this false-pride.
Text 03
Text 00
hala 0 ; r ahi
Ra d h a ; e so H e ;pa a o f - t h e fe e t; sadda th e s o u n d; dinna
placed; kanno on th e ears; keli o f
t r a n s cendental pastimes; kudunge in the
grove; pavisadi
Radha: 0 Radha. The sound of Krsna s footsteps has come to My ear. Krsna is
now entering this grove of transcendental pastimes.
Text 05
(She falls down at the edge of Lalita's feet.) Krsna has come to this forest-grove
bordered by jasmine flowers. The smiling vines and the buzzing of these bees
make you run there. Madwoman, get up! Don't hit the friend that touches your
feet! Because of your foolishness we are losing a rare and precious opportunity!
Text 06
Lalita: Alas! Terrible fate has killed me! (She cries and wails.)
Text 07
ap p r o a c hing;lalide 0 L a l i t a ; k im w h a t 7 ;
ca l m ; ho hi pl e a s e become.
Text 08
Text 09
wi t h; gadgadam a c h o k ed voice;adha
th e n ; im
w ha t 7
Text 50
radha: ammahe saccam bhanadi. jam aham rahamhi. (samastad vilokya) nunam
vana ma2i -a pup-ph-a im vi -edum -ettha pattamhi. ta kanhassa kanna pura -kide m-a22i a
tthava am genh-issam
ammahe ah !; saccam th e t r u t h; bhanadi sh e s p e aks; jam b e c a u s e;aham
I; raha Ra d h a;amhi am ; sa m astat in a l l d i r e c t i o ns;vilokya lo o k i n g ; nu nam
is it not so7; vana in t he f o r e st;mali af o r- a garland;puppha im fl- o w e r s;vi
edum to collect; ettha he r e ;patta co m e ; am hi I h a v e ;ta th e n ;ka n h a ssa o f
Krsna; kanna pura -of earrings; kide fo r t he sake;ma22i a a ja-smine; tthava
am flo w e r s; genhissam I s h a ll take.
Radha: Ah! She speaks the truth. I am Radha. (She looks around) I have come
here to pick forest-flowers for a garland. I will pick jasmine flowers to make
earrings for Krsna.
Text 51
(She anxiously enters a flower-garden) Why are the jasmine buds falling7 Why
are the kadamba blossoms breaking into pieces7 Why are the jati buds black7
What has happened to Krsna's Vrndavana forest7
Text 52
ubhe: nunam maha davag-gi ja2a v-i2idh-a esa vana tha2i.nunam i s i t n o t7; maha gr e a t ;davaggi of a f o r e stfire;ja2a
vi2idha li c k e d; esa Sh e ;vana i n t h e f o r e s t; tha2i s t a y i n g .
by t h e f la me s ;
Both Lalita and Visakha: The forest must have been licked by the flames of a
great fire.
Text 53
radha: 2a2ide najane tikkha davana2-a ki2a vi2i-dham -vi akisa aj-ja me cittam
padibhadi ta ditthi .metta m-ahida -pa anda -da-va ma-nda2a-m de va assam a-nusaremha
2a2ide 0 La l it a; na do n o t ;j ane I k n o w ; t i k k ha s h a r p ; da v ana2a o f t h e
forest-fire; ki2a by the sporting; ajj a no w ; me o f M e ; c i t t am t h e h e a r t ;
padibhadi is manifested; ta th e r e f o re; ditthi b y a g l a n c e;metta o n l y ;
mahida ag i t ated;pa anda fi - e rce;dava mandala-m fo r e st-fire; de of y o u ; v a
assam fr i e ndship; anusaremha we s eek.
Radha: 0 Lalita, I don t know why a great forest-fire playfully licks My heart.
Let s find your friend, whose glance extinguishes great fires.
Text 50
ma y c o me here;pi a -d e a r; sahi
Text 55
radha: (sa hars-am) nadi dure -go u2ind-a nand-ano bhave jam .esa go man-da2i
Radha: (jubilant) I can see the surabhi cows! Krsna can't be far away! (She
begins to run.)
Text 56
al a s !;hari al a s ! ;ha reh of K r s n a ;dhenu of c o w s ; sreni
param gr e a tly;pathi on t h e p a t h; siryate is devastated.
Why do the cows, their eyes flooded with tears, refuse to eat the grass before
them7 Why, overwhelmed with emotion, do they not lick the calves near their
mouths7 Why do they break the directions with their lament7 Alas! Alas! Krsna's
surabhi cows on this path are on the verge of death.
Text 57
damsah kamsa nrp-asya vaksasi rusa krsnoragenarpyatam
dure gostha tada-ga
jivanam itoyenopajahre harih
ha dhik kah saranam bhaven mrdi 2uthad gatriyam antah k2am-ad
abhiri saph-ari tatih -sithilita svas-ormir ami2ati
(radha sotkampam ghurnanti murchati.)
nepathye fr om b ehind the scenes;damsah th e b i t e; kamsa o f K a m s a ;
nrpasya of t he kin g; vaksasi on t h e c h e st;rusa wi t h a n g e r;krsna o f L o r d
Krsna; uragena by t he serpent;arpyatam pl a c e d;dure fa r a w a y; gostha i n
Vraja; tadaga of t he po n d ; j i v a n am th e l i f e ; i tah t h u s ; ye na b y w h o m ;
upaj ahre br o u g ht; harih Lo r d K r s n a ; ha al a s ! ;dh ik fi e ! ;ka h w h o 7 ;
saranam th e shelter;bhavet ma y b e; mrdi o n t h e g r o u n d; luthat r o l l i n g
about; gatri wh o s e l im b s;iyam sh e ; an t ah in h e r h e a r t; klamat be c a u se of
the suffering; abhiri of t h e g o p i s;saphari o f t h e s aphari fish; tatih t h e h o s t ;
sithi2ita lo o sened; svasa of s ig hs;urmih th e w a v e ; ami2ati c l o s e s;radha
Radha; sa wi t h; ut kampam tr e m b l i n g ;ghurnanti be c o m e s agitated; murchati
A voice from behind the scenes: May a black snake angrily bite the chest of
King Kamsa, who took away the moon of Krsna, which gives life to the pond of
Vraja Village. Alas. The saphari fish of the gopis are rolling on the dry ground in
agony. The waves of their life-breath are stopping. What will give them shelter
(Trembling with agitation, Radha faints.)
Text 58
Text 59
op e n i n g;nabhah to t h e s k y;vi2okayanti l o o k i n g ;
su n - g o d ;na masyati of f e r s respectful obeisances;
pl e a se fulfill;abhistam th e d e s ire.
Radha: (opens Her eyes and looks to the sky) 0 su n-god, Radha offers Her
respectful obeisances unto you. Please fulfill Her desire.
Text 60
wi t h r a ys of light;
Text 61
no t h e a ring; abhiniya r e p r e s e nting dramatically; hanta a h . ; h a n t a
ah.; visucinaih s p r ead everywhere; nita b r o u g h t ; madhurima
w i t h s w e e t ness;
filled; madhu-bhidah o f K r s na, the killer of the Madhu demon; padaih
by the footprints; vailaksanyam in a u s p i c iousness; kimapi a c e r t a i n; jagati o f
the entire world; locana th e e ye s;haram en c h a n t i n g;iyam th i s ; t i r a
ksauni s h o re; taranai ta-ranayah of t he Yamuna River, the daughter of the sungod; sakhi 0 friend; drsoh of t he e yes;vrajanti g o i n g ; p anthanam o n t h e
pathway; mama of M e ; ka r ana vr-ttih th e s e nses;
ca u s es to burn with
Radha: (not hearing Visakha s words) Alas! Alas! Its scattered sweet Krsnafootprints enchanting the world's eyes and making them wretched, the Yamuna's
shore now walks on the pathway of My eyes and makes My senses burn with pain.
Text 62
Lalita: Ah! On this riverbank let us worship the sun-god and pray to him for
the fulfillment of our desire.
Text 63
Radha: (rolls about on the river-bank) 0 l o t u s-eyed one, on this Yamuna shore,
where again and again You splashed us with waves of pleasure deep with love, why
do You not now embrace us who are tormented with pain7
Text 60
Text 65
radha: (sanskrtena)
yad aj ani mani harmya -spardhi -kunj an-uviddham
tava sakhi navarodhas tasya 2i2avarodhah
(iti murchati)
sanskrtena i n Sanskrit; yat wh i c h ; aj ani w a s m a n i f e st; mani j e w e l l e d ;
pa l a ces;spardhi ri v a l l i n g; kunja w i t h g r o v e s;anuviddham f i l l e d ;
tava of you; sakhi 0 f r i e n d ;na va ne w ; ro d h ah sh o r e ;ta sya o f H i m ; 2 i2a o f
pastimes; avarodhah t he home; iti t h u s ; m u r chati
Radha: (in Sanskrit) Fr i e nd, your ever-new shores are filled with forest groves
that rival jewel palaces and that were once the home of Krsna's pastimes. (She
Text 66
visakha: 2a2ide vana m-a2ino nimma22a m-a2am nasa si-hare appehi (i.ty ubhe tatha
2a2ide 0 La l it a; vana ma-2ino of K rs na, who wears a garland of forest-flowers;
nimma22a once-used; ma2am flo w er garland;nasa of t h e n o s e;sihare a t t h e
tip; appehi pl e a se place; iti t h u s ; ub he bo t h g o p i s; tatha i n t h a t w a y ;
Visakha: Lalita, Krsna once wore this garland. Place it on Radha s nose. (They
both do that)
Text 67
drstah ko 'pi
bhayankarah sakhi maya svapno ba2iyan abhud
etasmin api me pratiti racan-aj agrad dasety -udgata
dutah ko pi duragrahah ksiti pater a-gatya vrndatavim
krsnam hanta rathena (ity ardhokte) santam ahaha ksemam vraje tisthatu
tad aham duhsvapna vipaka -santay-e kalinda nandin-yam krtabhisekamukundam
cirat af t er a long time;prabudhya be c o m i ng conscious;sanskrtena i n
Sanskrit; 2a2ite 0 L a l i ta; samakrnaya pl e a se listen;drstah se e n;kah api
something; bhayankarah
fr i g h t e n i n g;sakhi 0 fr i e n d ;ma ya by M e ; sv a pnah
a dream; baliyan ve r y v i v i d; abhut wa s ; et asmin in t h i s ;api al s o ;me o f M e ;
be l i e f; racana cr e a t i n g;
j agrat wa k e f u l n e ss;dasa o f t he c ond it io n;
iti t h u s; udgata is m a n i f e s ted;dutah me s s e n g er;kah api a c e r t a i n ;
wi c k e d; ksiti pateh -of the king; agatya arriving; vrnda atavim -at
Vrndavana; krsnam Kr s n a; hanta in d e e d ;ra then by c h a r i o t; iti t h u s ; a r d h a
half; ukte i n th e statement; santam pe a c e;ahaha ah ! ; ks e mam ha p p i n e ss and
auspiciousness; vraje in V r a j a; tisthatu m a y b e ; t at t h e r e f o r e;aham I ;
duhsvapa bad dream;vipaka of t h e f u ll m a n i f estation;santaye f o r q u e l l i n g ;
kalinda nandinya-m in t he Yamuna River, the daughter of Mount Kalinda; krta
Krsna; pasyeyam I m ay see.
performed; abhiseka bath;mukundam
Radha: (after a long time She regains consciousness and says in Sanskrit)
Lalita, listen. I saw a frightening dream. It was so vivid I thought I was awake. In
this dream a wicked messenger of King Kamsa came to Vrndavana and with a
chariot Krsna. . (She leaves the sentence unfinished.) I pray there will be peace
and prosperity in Vraja. Now in order to become free from the ill effects of this bad
dream I will bathe in the Yamuna and then go to see Krsna.
Text 68
visakha: ha2a khe2a-tittham gacchamha sada ma und-o khe2adi. (iti sarvah
parikramanti ) .
ha2a 0; kh e2a-tittham to K h e l a - t irt ham; gacchamha le t us go; jahim
where; sada et e rnally; ma und-o Kr s n a; khe2adi en j o ys transcendental pastimes;
iti t h u s; sarvah al l ; pa r i k r a manti w a l k .
Text 69
th e n; pravisati
en t e r s;vrnda
Vr n d a ; mu k h ara
Mu k h a r a ;ca
Text 70
ch i l d; k im w h a t 7 ; ka r e di
is d o i n g ; ra ha
Text 71
Vi s a k h a;saha
Vrnda: 0 noble lady, I will see. She is bathing in the waters of Khela-tirtha with
Text 72
radha: (tungam taranga sobh-am vi2okya) visakhe sadhu sadhu, yad adya khe2a
tirtham upanitasmi pasy.a ni2ambuja-vani-ni2inas tava sakha vistrta bhuj -argalah
tungam fa l l; taranga of w a v e s;sobham sp l e n d o r;vilokya se e i n g;visakhe
0 Visakha; sadhu we l l d o n e;sadhu we l l d o n e;yat be c a u s e;adya no w ; k h e l a
Kh e l a - t irt ha;upanita at t a i n e d;asmi I h a v e ;pasya l o o k ; n i la b l u e ;
ambuj a of lotus flowers; vani in t h e f o r e s t; nilinah h i d d e n ; ta va y o u r ;
sakha fr i e n d; vistrta br o a d ;bhuj a of a r m s ; arga2ah bo l t s ; khe2ati e n j o y
Radha: (gazes at the beauty of the tall waves) 0 V i s akha, well done. Well
done! Now I will enter the waters of Khela-tirtha. Look! There is Your friend
Krsna. He is hiding among the blue lotus flowers. He is playfully waving His arms.
Text 73
th e n; odarehi
Text 70
Lalita: (looking on, she becomes grief-stricken) Alas! Alas! Now I am dead! I
am dead. My dear friend Radha has drowned in the deep river waters with
Visakha. She will never again rise from those waters. These two have drowned, and
now I will become the third. (She enters the water.)
Text 75
d e v v a fa t e ;ha
0 ; d e v v a fat e ; k im
w h y .;
Mukhara: (in tears) Fate! Fate! Why h ave you done this7
Text 76
vrnda: (sankrandanam) dhik keyam gatir upasthita. (ity artim natayanti) arye
manyunavatitzrsum tarasa dharaya 2a2itam. (ity ubhe tatha kurutah.)
sa wi t h; akrandanam cr y i n g ; dhik a l a s ! ; ka wh a t 7 ;iy am th i s ;g a t i h
destination; upasthita i s a t t ained; iti
t h u s ; ar t im su f f e r i n g natayanti
representing dramatically; arye 0 no b l e l a d y; manyuna wi t h g r i e f; avatitirsum
desiring to enter the water; tarasa at o n c e;dharaya ho l d ; 2 a2itam L a l i t a ; iti
thus; ubhe
t h ey both; kurutah d o t h a t .
Vrnda: (crying) Alas! What will happen to Her now7 (suffering) Noble lady,
Lalita is grief-stricken. Now she also wants to drown in the water.Stop her at once!
Text 77
Lalita: (seeing this, she says to herself) Alas! Alas! Here is a great obstacle. By
some trick I will escape from this place, and, because of separation from my dear
friends I will jump from the top of Govardhana Hill and on the rocks at the
mountain's base I will crush this hard-as-stone body that would not break from
not being able to see its dear friend, (hiding her grief, she openly says:) Noble
lady, let go of me! I must go and tell this strange news to noble Paurnamasi and
her friends. (She exits.)
Text 78
prabhur bhavati kah krti mahima-puram asyah param
A voice from the sky: What great person in this world is able to describe the
splendid flood of this beautiful-eyebrowed gopi's glory7 As splendid as new
lightning, She and Her friend have now entered the sun-planet, which even the
great sages cannot attain.
Text 79
arye 0
no b l e l ady;sruyatam it s h o u l d be heard;radhikayah o f R a d h a ;
siddhih th e perfection; amibhih b y
t h e se;megha t h e c l o u d s; antaritah w i t h i n ;
Vrnda: Noble lady, listen. The siddha demigods in the clouds are glorifying
Radha's atainment of perfection.
Text 80
Text 81
Text 82
(punar akase)
pranay a mani k-arand-i ka murareh
siva sivajivitam eva radhikayah
iyam api 2a2ita drutam sa khedasikharadati sikharad gireh papata
punah ag ain; akase fr o m t he sky;pranaya of l o v e ;mani of t h ej e w e l s ;
th e c ase;mura areh o-f Krsna, the enemy of the Mura demon;siva
ah.; siva ah . ; ji v i t am th e l i f e a nd soul;eva ce r t a i n l y;radhikayah o f R a d h a ;
iyam sh e; api ev e n ;2a2ita La l i t a; drutam im m e d i a t e l y;sa wi t h ; k h e d a
grief; sikharadati the ruby; sikharat fr o m t h e s um m i t; gireh of G o v a r d h a na
A voice from the sky: Grief-stricken Lalita, whose teeth are beautiful as
pomegranate seeds, who is a jewelry-chest of love for Krsna, and who is the life
and soul of Radha, and has now jumped from the top of (Govardhana) Hill.
Text 83
Mukhara: Lalita, why have you left us. ( She becomes very agitated.) Vrnda,
Now I will enter the Yamuna and cool this body burning in the flames of grief.
(She begins to enter the water.)
Text 80
A voice from the sky: Elderly one, don't do it! It is not right.
Text 85
Vrnda: 0 no b le lady, this order descending from the realm of the sun is not to
be disobeyed.
Text 86
Text 87
ag ain; api
a deep;dhvanih
Text 88
Mukhara: Child, I could not clearly hear it. What did the demigods say.
Text 89
nirvyajam kuru karnayoh kama2ini k2anti cch-idadha-rminah
koka stri priya -san-gama -pratibhuv-e devasya divya girah
Vrnda: Without dupli city please place in your ears these splendid words of the
sun-god, who removes the fatigue of the lotus flowers and witnesses the cakravaki
birds' meeting with their lovers. The sun-god said: "0 Mu k h a ra, don't commit this
reckless act of drowing yourself in the water of the Yamuna. In the future you will
enjoy a festival of the nectar of transcendental bliss."
(They both exit. Everyone exits.)
Act Four
Scene I
Text I
(Uddhava enters)
Uddhava: Krsna allows Himself to come under the control of His affectionate
devotees' love. Controlled by their love, even though He is the master of all
omniscient sages, He becomes bewildered. Even though He is the crest-jewel of all
omnipotent deities, still He becomes stunned and powerless. Even though His
nature is eternal transcendental bliss, still He becomes filled with anguish.
Text 2
(puro vilokya) katham iyam atra gargi (ity u.pasrtya) arye pranamami
purah ah e a d;vilokya lo o k i n g ;ka t ham ho w i s i t 7 ; iyam sh e ;at ra h e r e ;
gargi Gargi; iti th u s ; upasrtya ap p r o a c h i n g;arye 0 no b l e l a d y; pranamami
I offer my respectful obeisances.
(looking ahead) Why is Gargi here7 (He approaches her) Noble lady, I offer
my respectful obeisances to you.
Text 3
th e e arth.
Gargi: (enters) 0 c o u n selor, please always flood the world with the nectar of
devotional service.
Text 0
uddhavah: nunam yadu raj -abhiseka ka-utuke tatra bha-vatya rohinya saha gokulad
atrayatam aryaya
nunam is it not so7;yadu of t h e Y adus;raja of t h e k i n g ; abhiseka o f t h e
coronation; kautuke in t h e f e stival;tatra bha-vatya th e n o b le lady;rohinya
Rohini; saha wi t h ; go k ulat fr o m G o k u l a ; at ra he r e ;ay a tam ar r i v e d ;aryaya
Uddhava: To see the coronation of the king of the Yadus the noble lady must
have come with Rohini from Gokula.
Text 5
gargi: nahu nahu. kintu donnam rama kanha-nam vvada bandh-a mahu-save ahuda
e e go uleser-i esadd-ham sama adamnahu no ; nahu no ; ki n t u how e v e r ;do nnam of t h e t w o ; ra ma B a l a r a m a ;
kanhanam and Krsna;
vvada bandha -sacred-thread ceremony; mahusave in the
great festival; ahuda eb e i - ng called; go ulesari -et h e -queen of Gokula;
saddham wi t h; sama adam -has arrived.
Gargi: No. Not at all. I came with the queen of Gokula, who was called to see
the great festival of the sacred-thread ceremony of Krsna and Balarama.
Text 6
ex t - r aordinary;devasya
o f t he L o r d ;
ranga s-tha2a
pa s t i mes;aryaya
by t h e n o b le lady.
Uddhava: The noble lady did not see the Lord's extraordinary pastimes in the
Text 7
li k e w h a t 7;sa
th e y ; ka hijj a u- l e t it be said.
Text 8
uddhavah: sruyatam
krsnarkah sadhu cakro-tsava rabha-sa krti r-akta 2okah -kha2a2i
kuva2ayapida of Kuvalayapida;gambhira
Text 9
th e n; tado
Text 10
uddhavah: tatas ca
dvipa rudh-ira mad-a sram-oda bind-u
cchala ghus-rnaguru cand-anaih paritah
j aratha dasa-na dand-a mand-itamso
harir iha ranga dhar-antare cukurda
tatah th e n; ca al s o ;dv ipa of t h e e l e phants;rudhira wi t h b l o o d ; ma da
and ichor; srama uda -of perspiration; bindu wi t h d r o p s ;chala a m u l t i t u d e ;
ghusrna ku n k u m a ; aguru ag u r u ;ca ndanaih wi t h s a n d a lwo od paste;paritah
of t h e o ld e lephant;dasana of t he t u s k; danda w i t h t h e c l u b ;
mandita de c o rated;amsah wh o s e shoulder;harih Kr s n a ;iha he r e ;ra n ga o f
the arena; dhara th e g ro u n d; antare wi t h i n ; cu k u rda pl a y s a nd leaps.
Uddhava: His shoulder decorated with a club that was the old elephant's tusk,
and His body anointed with sandalwood paste, aguru, kunkuma, perspiration, and
blood and ichor from the elephant, Krsna leaps and dances in the arena.
Text 11
tatas ca tatha vidha ves-o dasa -vidhair e-sa dasadhanvabhavi tatha hi.
daityacaryas tadasye vikrtim arunatam ma22a varyah s-akhayo
gandaunnatyam khalesah pralayam rsi gana dhy-anam usnasrum amba
romancam samyuginah kam api nava camatkar-am antah surendra
lasyam dasah kataksam yayur asita drsah prek-sya range mukundam
The pwople saw Krsna in ten ways. Seeing Krsna in the arena, the demoniac
priests curled their lips in distaste, the great wrestlers become red (with anger),
Krsna's friends smiled broadly, the great demons become devastated, the sages
become rapt in meditation, His mother wept warm tears, the chivalrous fighters
become excited, the hairs on their bodies standing up, the leaders of the demigods
become struck with wonder, the menial servants danced, and the girls gazed at
Krsna from the corners of their black eyes.
Note: In this verse the ten rasas: I.bibhatsa (loathing), 2. raudra (anger), 3.
Text 12
tatas ca
vara kesara -malaya-ncitas
cala canura -camuru -mardan-ah
kutukoccala dhir ad-idarad
Decorated with a garland of nagakesara flowers and having just then crushed
Canura's army of fleeing wrestlers, (Krsna) the lion of the Yadu dynasty, eagerly
tore apart (Kamsa) the wicked elephant of the Bhojas.
Text 13
gargi: ditthi-a ditthantam gado sahu jananam maha vu-kka su-lo. (ity abhinandam
abhiniya) amacca dhanna ponnamasi j a kanhassa sangam amuncati ranga kil-adi
koduhalam pckkha-l.
ditthi-a by g ood for t u ne; ditthantam d e a th; gado at t a i n e d;sahu jananam
of the saintly devotees; maha a gr eat; vukka
p l u n g e d i nto the chest;sulo a
lance; iti t h u s ; abhinandam bl i s s ;abhinya re p r e s e nting dramatically;amacca
0 friend; dhanna fo r t u n a t e;ponnamasi Pa u r n a m asi;
j a wh o ; ka n h assa o f
Krsna; sangam th e association;amuncati ne v e r abandoning;ranga i n t h e
arena; ki2a pastimes; adi be g i n n i ng wi t h; koduha2am e agerness;
Gargi: By good fortunate he who was a great spear plunged into the chests of
the saintly devotees is dead. (She becomes blissful) 0 c o u n selor, Paurnamasi,
who, never losing Krsna s association, directly saw the wrestling-arena pastimes, is
very fortunate.
Text lk
uddhavah: kim etad ucyate yasyah .prasangad evaj agad guror -api gururbabhuva
kim w h a t7; etat th i s ; uc yate is s a i d;yasyah of w h o m ; pr a s angat b y t h e
association; eva c e r t ainly ;j a ga t
o f t h e e n t ire wor ld; guroh of t h e m a s ter; api
even; guruh th e s pirit ual master; babhuva b e c a me;sandipanih S a n d i p a ni.
Text 15
gargi: (sanskrtena)
kamam sarvabhista k-andam mukundam
y a ni rbandhat prahinod indhanay a
acaryani sa karoti sma panyam
pinyakartham hanta cintamanmdram
sanskrtena in S anskrit; kamam at w i l l ; sa r va of a l l ; ab h i s ta w i s h e s ;
kandam th e source;mukundam Kr s n a ;ya wh o ; ni r b a n d hat wi t h a r e q u e st;
se n t; indhanaya fo r f i r e w o o d; acaryani th e g u r u ' s wif e;sa s h e ;
karoti sma made; panyam
pinyaka art-ham for crushed sesame seeds;
hanta in d e e d; cintamani of c i n t a m a ni jewels;indram t h e k i n g .
Text 16
Uddhava: Krsna's was teaching how the disciple should act. Sandipani's wife
did not commit an offense.
Text 17
dakkhini kido.
r emuneration; kido w a s .
Gargi: I heard that Krsna brought Madhumangala from the abode of Yamaraja
and gave Him to Sandipani Muni as guru-daksina.
Note: Madhumangala is Sandipani Muni's son.
Text 18
Text 19
Text 20
atha k im c e r t a inly.
Uddhava: Yes.
Text 21
Gargi: Why7
Text 22
C a n d r a v ah devi; anetum to b r i n g .
Text 23
t h u s ; es a s h e ; n a nit a w a s b r o u g h t .
Text 20
Uddhava: (with a tear) Ru kmi t ook her from Gok ula to Kun d ina again.
Text 25
gargi: kudo suda imina. go u2e -canda a2ikudo fr om w h e r e7; suda he a r d; imina b y h i m ; go u 2e -in Go k u l a; canda
ali C a n d r avali.
Text 26
Uddhava: (He heard it) from the mouth of his friend Sisupala.
Text 27
al s o ;ku do
fr o m w h e r e 7;suda
Text 28
st a ying there;srutasravasah
of S ru t asrava;mukhat
from the
Text 29
Gargi: When her brother Vasudeva was released fro prison she went to see him
at her father's house. Then I unknowingly told her all the secrets of Gokula.
Text 30
uddhavah: arye kim atra te dusanam mad vi.dhesu -vidhir eva pratibandhi.
arye 0
no b l e l ady; kim w h a t 7 ; at ra he r e ;te of y o u ; du s anam t h e f a u l t ;
mat vidhesu -for those like me; vidhih fa t e r;eva ce r t a i n l y;pratibandhi
Uddhava: 0 no b le lady, what faults is there on your part7 Fate always places
these obstacles in the path of people like myself.
Text 31
gargi: bhippha a -n-andane canda a-lim nedum pa u-tte kaham na kobi padibandhi
samvut to.
bhippha of M a h a raja Bhismaka;nandane wh e n t he son;canda al-im
Candravali; nedum to t a ke away;pa utt-e was engaged;kaham wh y 7 ; n a
kobi an y o n e;padibandhi ob s t r u c t i n g;samvutto wa s e ngaged.
Gargi: Why did no one try to stop Maharaja Bhismaka's son when he took
Text 32
paryaye govardhane ko
'nyah pratibadhniyat
in M a t h u r a; asthite st a y i n g;ciram fo r a l o n g t i e m;sa w i t h ;
bandhave His relatives;gokula of G o k u l a ;indre wh e n t h e k i n g; hate w h e n
killed; ca al s o; tosala as T o s a la;apara parya-ye al so known; govardhane w h e n
Govardhana; kah wh o 7 ; an y ah el s e ;pr a tibadhniyat wo u l d o p p o se him.
Uddhava: At that time Krsna and His relatives were in Mathura City for a long
time and (Candravals s husband) Govardhana, also known as Tosala, had just died.
Who else was there to oppose Bhismaka's son7
Text 33
bho 0; somma
gi r ls; cadukam
no ble one;
pa uma P-adma;pahudi beginning with;kanna
fo u r ; ki sa ho w 7 ; na n i d am we r e t a k en away.
Gargi: Noble friend, why didn't he take the four girls led by Padma7
Text 30
padma nagnajitah suta narapater madresituh syamala
bhadra kekaya ca-kra m-astaka m-aneh saibyaysya saibya tatha
jnatva hanta cirac caturbhir abhito vina pr-avinan muner
ebhir gopa pa-tim prasadya vinayaih kanyas tato ninyire
of N a g n a jit;suta th e d a u g h t e r;narapateh o f t h e
king; madra of M a d r a; isituh of t h e k i n g ; syamala Sy a m a l a;bhadra B h a d r a ;
kekaya of K e k a ya;cakra ma-staka ma-neh of the king; saibyasya of S a ibya;
saibya Sa ibya;tatha in t h e s ame way;
j natva kn o w i n g ; ha nta in d e e d ;cirat
for a long time; caturbhih by t h e f o u r; abhitah ac c o m p a n i e d;vina pra-vinat
expert at playing the vina; muneh fr o m t he sage;ebhih wi t h t h e m; gopa o f t h e
cowherds; patim th e k i n g ; prasadya re q u e s ting;vinayah wi t h g e n t l e ma nly
propriety; kanyah the girls; tatah th e n ; ninyire t o o k a w a y .
Text 35
Gargi: Are the girls of Gokula who so devotedly observed the vow of
Text 36
stavam kamakhyayah kam api vidadhante taranijatatante sambhuyajvarita hrdayani klama b-haraih
sahasrany uddanda p-rakrtir aciram sodasa hathat
kumarinam tasam aharata satadhyani danujah
sa wi t h; baspam te a r s;stavam pr a y e r s;kama Ka m a ; ak h yayah n a m e d ;
kam api so m e; vidadhante of f e r; taranij a of t h e Y amuna River;tata an-te o n
the shore; sambhuya be i n g;jvarita
bu r n i n g ;hr d a yani he a r t s ;kl ama o f
distress; bharaih wi t h a g re at burden;sahasrani th o u s a n d s;uddanda f i e r c e ;
by n a t u r e; aciram qu i c k l y ;sodasa si x t e e n;hathat violently;
of t he g ir ls;tasam of t h e m ; ah arata to o k a w a y;sata a h u n d r e d ;
adhyani plus;danujah
a demon.
Uddhava: (with tears) Th eir hearts burning with pain, 16,100 gopis offered
prayers to the goddess Kama (for Krsna's return). As they were praying on the
Yamuna's shore, a very ferocious demon violently kidnapped them all.
Text 37
pe r h a ps;idam
wa s heard.
th i s ; vu t t am
ne w s ; tu m ha
of y o u ; pa h u na
by the
Text 38
ce r t a i n l y;kintu
ho w e v e r ;badham
Text 38
ce r t a i n l y;avisistam
l i k e w h a t 7; tam t h a t .
Text 39
Text 00
Text Wl
uddhavah: arye tathyam attha. tata eva badham vyagraya bhagavatya nirmito sti
ko 'pi devasya mano vinodenop-ayah
arye 0
no b l e l ady; tathyam th e t r u t h ; at t ha yo u s p e a k;tatah t h e r e f o r e ;
eva certainly;
indeed;vyagraya earnest;
bhagavatya by the noble
lady; nirmitah
cr e a t e d;asti is ; de vasya of t h e L o r d; manah o f t h e h e a rt ;
vinoda for p l e asing;upayah a m e t h o d .
Uddhava: Noble lady, you speak the truth. For this reason noble, earnest
(Paurnamasi) has created a diversion to soothe the Lord's heart.
Text 02
li ke w ha t7; sa
Text 03
Uddhava: After praying to Bharata Muni, the founder of the art of music, she
composed a new musical-drama. Narada Muni sent it in Tumbu r u's hand and
Tumburu taught it to the Gandharvas.
Text 00
gargi: danim kebi divva purisa tattha hodt e -ponnamasi e saddham alabanta ma e
dittha. ta ede gandhavva hubissanti.
danim no w ; k ebi s o m e ; di v va p-urisa de m i g o d s;tattha h-odi e -the noble
lady; ponnamasi e -Paurnamasi; saddham wi t h ; al a banta ta l k i n g ;ma e -by m e ;
dittha are seen;ta th e r e f o r e;ede th e y ; gandharva th e a c t o rs;hubissanti w i l l
Gargi: I see some demigods talking with noble Paurnamasi. They must be
Text 05
Text 06
Text 07
wi t h ; na t an
th e a ctors;
Text 08
Scene 2
Text 1
Krsna: 0 playful girl, 0 girl w h ose eyes are cakora birds, 0 moon-faced one, 0
girl whose lips are bimba fruits, 0 best of all virtuous girls, 0 crowned queen of all
the girls of Vraja, whose eyes are khanjana birds, 0 Radha, why have the wicked
actions of fate brought You to this terrible end7
Text 2
Madhumangala: Dear friend, from this spot it is very difficult for me to see
Text 3
Krsna: Friend, I am now tortured by hope. When suffering Mukhara was about
to drown herself, a voice from the sun planet mercifully told her (that Radha had
already entered the celestial world.) The nectar of those words has now sprouted a
single grass-blade of the hope to again meet Radha. That blade of grass is now
violently piercing My heart.
Text 0
(After a moment's silence, He calls out) Akrura held the horse's reins, about to
drive away. Radha s heart trembled with unsteadiness. She cried loudly and tried
to climb onto the chariot, but Her friends stopped Her. She cast a tear-filled glance
at Me. And I was so cruel at heart that I paused for a moment, and then rode away.
A las! Alas! I did not take that beautiful girl with Me !
Text 5
th i s ;d i v y a
Text 7
Krsna: Sutradhara, let the music, singing, and dancing begin at once.
Text 6
Text 8
nij a madhu-rima mudra-mlapitendivara srir
j ayati parama jaitrah -ko pi radha kataks-ah
tri bhuvan-a jaya laksmi -varyay-a datta dama
madhu ripur a-pi yena kridaya nirjito bhut
ow n ; ma d hurima of s w e e t n ess;mudra by t h e c h a cteristics;amlapita
wilted; indivara of t h e l o t us flowe r;srih th e be a u t y ; j a y a ti a l l g l o r i e s ;
parama the supreme;
j aitra conqueror; kah api a certain;radha of Radha;
kata aksah -sidelong glance; tri th e t h r e e;bhuvana in t h e w o r l d s;j aya o f
victory; laksmi of g o d d e sses;
varyaya by t h e b est;datta gi v e n ;dama a
garland; madhu of Madhu; ripuh the enemy; api ev e n;yena b y w h i c h ;
Text 9
Text 10
Text 11
Text 12
rasika si-romani ra-manah
su2abho goku2a nz-vasznam eva
Sutradhara: All glories to this play filled with all good qualities, pleasing to
Lord Krsna, the crest-jewel of those expert at relishing transcendental mellows,
happy for the residents of Gokula, and bearing the name "The Meeting With
Radha." Let the auspicious introduction now be sung!
Text 13
wh a t 7 ; ri d um
se a s o n;olambi ai n
r - e l a t ion;ga
Text lk
Sutradhara: Noble lady, look! Look! Leaving the kunda flowers, beauty enters
the malika flowers in the forest. The cuckoos struggle to remember their longneglected skill in singing the fifth note. Pale leaves fall from the banyan tree. A
splendid (spring) time tremblies with eargerness.
Text 15
iha here;
j hampida covered;bi also;parido everywhere;sami lada e-by -a
sami vine; phudam ma n i f e s ted;katora eh a r d - ; mahubena by t he b um b l e -bee;
ho ii s ;
la -huna sl i g h t l y; na no t ; ma h a vi sp r i n g ;an u nida pl e a s e d;tthava a
Nati: Even though it is covered with harsh sami-vines, is it not true that this
tiny bumble-bee still loves this cluster of madhavi flowers7
Text 16
Sutradhara: (with pleasure) No ble girl, well done! Well done! You have
spoken the introduction very well. The meaning of your words is: Even though
old Jatila continually tries to stop Them, Krsna eternally pleases Radha with
transcendental pastimes. (They both exit.)
Text 17
2aksmivan iha daksinani2a sakhah -saksan madhur modate
madyad bhrnga -vihang-a hari
vih-asaty atrapi vrndavanam
radhayady abhisaram atra kurute so 'yam mahan eva me
(Madhava enters.)
Madhava: Accompanied by it's friend, the southern breeze, beautiful
springtime is happy. Charming with jubilant bees and birds, Vrndavana forest
smiles. If Radha were to meet Me here, I would be plunged into the crashing waves
of the ocean of intensely blissful pastimes.
Text 18
madhumangala: (vihasya) hi hi dasi ep-utta ehi-m surinda pur-i bha-ndehim dudi ome pl a v-a -ass-o paccakkhl kad-o
la u g h i n g; hi
ha ; hi
Text 19
Uddhava: (astonished) His new flute like a swan in the beautiful lotus flower
of His hand, the wonderful beauty of His gunja-necklace eclipsing the splendor of
rubies, and the tip of His peacock-feather crown moving in the gentle breeze, this
Text 20
Krsna: (the hairs of His body standing up with excitement) My d ear friend,
this dramatic actor appears like a second form of My own self. Like a picture, He
displays My pastimes as a cowherd boy overflowing with wonderfully attractive
sweetness and fragance, which are so dear to the damsels of Vraja. When I see such
a display, My heart becomes greatly excited. I long for such pastimes and desire a
form exactly like the damsels of Vraja.*
Text 21
tad adya bhavantam prcchami katham .anenaviskrta mamapi mano harini s-a kapi
rupa candri k-a
tad therefore;
adya now; bhavantam of you;
prcchami I ask;katham
is it7; anena by h i m; av iskrta ma n i f e s t e d;mama of M e ; api ev e n ;ma n ah t h e
heart; harini en c h a n t i n g;sa th i s ; ka api ce r t a i n ;ru pa of t h e f o r m; ca ndrika
the moonlight.
Now I shall ask this question of you: How can this actor enchant even My
heart with the moonlight of this form7
Text 22
Text 23
krsnah: (sascaryam)
prapadya natatam natan kim ayam asmi ranga sthalesadasy atha sa dasyat-am kim upalabhya pasyami va
iti sphuta vinirn-aye kim api samvidhanam purah
samiksya paramadbhutam nimisam apy aham na ksamah
sa wi t h; ascaryam wo n d e r ; pr a padya at t a i n i n g;natatam th e s t a te of being
an actor; natan ac t i n g; kim w h e t e r 7 ; ayam he ; as mi I a m ; r a n g a sthale -on
the stage; sadasi in t he audience;atha th e n ; sadasyatam th e s t a te ofbe ing a
member of the audience; kim w h e t h e r7; upalabhya at t a i n i n g;pasyami I s e e ;
va or; iti th u s ;sp h u ta ma n i f e s t e d;vinirnaye in t h e c o n c l u sion; kim api
something; samvidhanam ar r a n g ement;purah in t h e p r e s ence;samiksya
seeing; parama su p r e m e;adbhutam wo n d e r ; nim isma bl i n k i n g ; api e v e n ;
aham I; na no t ; ks a m ah a m a b l e .
Text 20
matir aghurnata sardham ali v-raj air
dhrtir abhun madhubhih saha vicyuta
Madhava: Now that I am separated from My beloved, these buzzing bees make
My head spin. This scent of honey robs Me of all peacefulness, and these budding
flowers fill Me with longing (to meet Her again.)
Text 25
of t h e m u s i c; samj naya
Text 26
(placing the flute to His lips) 0 L a l i ta, 0 girl splendid as the eastern horizon,
please bring before My eyes your friend, the splendid young sun that is
Vrsabhanu's beautiful daughter Radha. Krsna, who holds the cakra, who is your
best friend, who is like a cakravaka, the best of birds, tormented by separation
from Her, begs you with thousands of plaintive words.
Text 27
Text 28
madhavah: (sa harsam-) katham nati dure m-ano harina -harini s-aiveyam manj u
manjira-sinjita-kakali. tad aham madhavi mandap-am pravisami (iti nis.krantah)
sa wi t h; harsam ha p p i n e s s; katham i n d e e d;na no t ; a t i v e r y ;du r e f a r
away; manah of t he heart;harina th e d e e r; harini e n c h a n t i n g; sa th i s ;e v a
certainly; iyam th i s ; manj u ch a r m i n g ;manjira o f a n k l e - b e lls; sinjita t i k l i n g ;
kakali s o ft ; ta t
t h e r e f o re;aham I; ma d h a vi of m a d h a vi v i n e;mandapam t h e
cottage; pravisami
I s h a ll enter; iti t h u s ; ni s k r a ntah e x i t s .
Madhava: (with happiness) Ah! Not far away is ankle-bell tinkling that charms
the deer of My heart. I will enter the cottage of madhavi vines. (He exits.)
Text 29
radha: (sautsukyam puro drstva) ha2a 2a2ide pekkha pekkha d.hanna esa
taranga2eha ja .kkhu seva2ava22i ni-badddha pa -am -nam hamsi am -mo av-edi ta.
phudam bhisini pa-ttantaridena kalamsena sanghadissadi
tatah th e n; pravisati en t e r s;2a2itaya by L a l i t a; anugamyamana f o l l o w e d ;
radha Ra d ha; sa wi t h ; au t s ukyam ea g e r n e ss;
purah ah e a d;drstva l o o k i n g ;
ha2a 0; 2a2ide
Text 30
2a2ita: (smitva) bho hamsz hamsa ba ino -pak-kha badena -cce-a uddhura esa tumam
kaddhadi ummi ma2a. ta -visaddha kantam ahisara
smitva sm i l i n g; bho 0 ; h a m s i fem a l e s wa n; hamsa ba ino -fo-r the king of
swans;pakkha badena -with love; cce-a certainly;uddhura
unrestricted; esa
this; tumam Yo u ; ka ddhadi pu l l s ; u mmi o f w a v e s ;mala th e g a r l a n d;ta
therefore; visaddha tr u s t i n g; kantam th e l o v e r; abhisara g o t o m e e t .
Lalita: (smiling) 0 f e m ale swan, this garland of waves has great love for the
king of swans. That is why these waves pull You in this way. Have faith, and go
meet Your lover.
Text 31
krsnah: (sotkantham)
uccair abhud ananubhuta ca-ri dasa me
yasyas cirena viraha jvara
ha hanta seyam iyam ami yam avirasin
mac ci t -ta ha-msa sar-asi sarasiruhaksi
(ity simhasanad utthaya bhujabhyam grahitum parikramati ) .
sa wi t h; utkantham lo n g i n g ;uccaih gr e a t l y; abhut i s ; an a n ubhuta car-i
unprecedented; dasa co n d i t i o n; me of M e ; ya s yah of w h o m ; ci r e na f o r a l o n g
time; viraha of s e p a r a tion;jv a ra b y t h e fla m e s ; ja r ja r a sya to r m e n t e d;ha
alas!; hanta al a s !; sa iyam Sh e ;ami ye s ;iy am Sh e ;av i r a sit ap p e a r e d; mat
of Me; citta of t he h eart;hamsa fo r t he s wan;sarasi a l a k e ;sarasiruha aksilotus-eyed Radha; iti t h u s ; simha asan-at fr o m t he thr o n e; utthaya r i s i n g ;
bhuj abhyam wi t h b o th arms; grahitum to g r a s p;parikramati g o e s .
Krsna: (with longing) N o on e has suffered as I. For a long time I have been
tormented by the flames of separation from Radha. Now lotus-eyed Radha, who is
a lake where the swan of My heart enjoys pastimes, has appeared before Me. (He
rises from the throne and goes to embrace the player.)
Text 32
Lo r d ; natya
fo r t h e p l a y; pranitah
Text 33
pr e s e n t e d;ayam
th i s ; ar t h a h
Krsna: (embaressed and sober) Her face is so beautiful it stops poets from
glorifying the autumn moon. Her restless glance has a sweetness sought by the
most charming passionate does. Her eyebrow is like Kama s bow. This charming
actress destroys My peacefulness just as Radha does.
Text 30
gr a n d d a u g h t e r;rahi eR a - d h a; ji asi
Y- o u a re alive;
Text 35
Text 36
mukhara: (sasram) bha av-adi sura m-anda2am bhettana 2o an-taram gada rahi
saggalehim gandhavvehim anidatti takkemi.
sa wi t h; asram te a r s ;bha av-adi 0 no b l e l a d y;sura m-andalam t h e s un planet; bhettana br e a k i ng through; lo an-taram an o t h er planet;gada a t t a i n e d ;
rahi Radha;saggalehim on Svargaloka;
by the Gandharvas;
a nidatti b r o u gh t h ere; takkemi I
Mukhara: (in tears) 0 no b l e lady, (I think) Radha must have left the sunplanet and gone somewhere else. i think the Gandharvas in Svargaloka have now
brought Her to this place (and She now stands before us).
Text 37
radha: ha2a 2a2ide pupphaharana kodu-ha2assa ni edad-o tu-e anijjanti aham abi
nama kim ajja emuh-ara editt-hamhi.
ha2a 0; 2a2ide 0
Radha, 0 Lalita, did noble Mukhara see Me as you brought Me from home to
pick these flowers7
Text 38
o- n l y;ajj a en o b l - e; muhara eb y
M - u k h a r a;
j adi2a e
Lalita: Noble Mukhara was not the only one to see. Jatila also saw You.
Text 39
Text 00
li k e; bukkasi ba r ks.
Madhumangala: (with anger) Old demonness, do not now put on this false
show of love. Whenever you saw me near the boundary of the garden by your
house you would bark at me as you
if had become a dog.
Text Wl
mukhara: ajj a mahumangala kim karissam appa as.ida ra-hassa -evancid-amhi bha
ajja 0
no b l e o n e;mahumangala Ma d h u m a n g a la; kim w h a t 7 ; ka r issam
shall I do; appa asida u- n manifested;rahassa es e c r e-t; vancidamhi I w a s
cheated;bha avadi e-by no-ble Paurnamasi.
Mukhara: Noble Madhumangala, what could I have done7 I did not know your
Text 02
radha: halaja
th e n ; uba am -a c o u n t e r -
Text 03
Lalita: Slowly walking Radha, let s leave this open road and run on the
kadamba-forest path by the Yamuna shore7 (They both walk.)
Text 00
Radha: Why should I wear these ankle-bells7 They are traitors (announcing My
presence to others).
Text 05
Text 06
Jatila: (enters. She looks ahead) Why has Radha, the daughtger of Maharaja
Vrsabhanu, not yet appeared on the path of my eyes7 Where will I search for Her7
(She looks at the ground and becomes happy) I see the girl's footprints. I know
they are Her footprints because they bear the auspicious mark of Her ankle-bells. I
will search for Her on this path.
Text 07
Text 08
f r i e n d; kim w h a t 7 ; t am w a s t h a t .
Text 09
radha: lavanga kudu-nge puppham aharanti tumam vrnda ana -vasi-namattakalahindena a adu -aha-tthena gahida hatth-asi samvutta tado .sambhamena
ghummanti-e tuha hadhena ottha pa22a -am d-amsantenatina vame tthava-ammi
phuranta-tikkha-kamakusam kara pukk-haram (ity .ardhokte sa roma-ncam anamra
mukhi bhavati ) .
lavanga of clove vines;
in the grove;
a flower;
taking; tumam y o u ; vr n da ana - of Vr n d a vana;vasina by a c e rtain resident;
matta m ad; ka lahi of e l e p h a n t s;indena by t h e k i n g; a adu a-w - i th t he gait;
hatthena wi t h a hand; gahida ta k e n ;ha ttha ha n d ; asi yo u a r e ; samvutta
happened; tado th e n; sambhamena qu i c k l y; ghummanti-e s t r u g g l i ng to escape;
tuha of you; hadhena vi o l e n t l y; ottha of t h e l i p s; pa22a am t- he blossom;
damsantena bi t i n g; tina b y H i m ; va me on t h e l e f t; tthava-ammi c l u s t e r of
flowers; phuranta ma n i f e s ting; tikkha s h a r p ; ka ma of c u p i d ;an k usam
elephant-goad; kara ha n d ; p ukkharam l o t u s f lo w e r; iti t h u s ; ar d ha h a l f ;
ukte in th e statement; sa wi t h ; ro m a ncam ha i r s s tanding up;anamra b e n t
downwards; mukhi w h o s e face; bhavati i s .
Text 50
2a2ita: (smitva) a i-sara2e tujj ha hi a -e-katthuri a -p-atta b-hangam 2ihantz e-ma epaccakkhi k-ido sibina sa-ngi n-a a-ra k-unj ara vi-bbhamasi t.a phudam kadhehi. ta i -aj ana sa-ngaj ogge tassim maha os-are diha su-tta nivi sa-ha ar-i jj hatti nikkanta na ve tti.
smitva sm i l i n g; a i - 0; sarale honest girl; tujjha of y o u ; hi a -e -in t h e
heart; katthuri a -m u s k; patta bh-angam de s igns and pictures;l ihanti e -dr a w i n g ;
ma e -by me; paccakkhi kid-o ma n i f e st;sibina in a d r e a m;sangi me e t i n g;na
ara he r o. kunjara w i t h a n e l e p hant;vibbhama en j o y i ng pastimes;asi Y o u
are; ta th a t; phudam cl e a r l y;kadhehi pl e a se tell;ta i a- -a t hird;jana p e r s o n ;
sanga co m pany; aj ogge un s u i t a ble; tassim in t h a t ; ma ha gr e a t ;osare
opportunity; diha lo n g ; su tta st r i n g ;ni vi be l t ;sah ari frie-nd;
jj hatti
at once;
de p a r t ed;na no t ; ve o r ; t t i th u s.
Text 51
Radha: (aside) How has this rascal guessed the truth7 (openly, knitting Her
Text 52
j ati2a: nunam ne ura sadd-ena-addhida
dha anti. ta va-hudi anadi du-re huvi-ssadi
nunam is it not so7;ne ura of a n k l e - b ells;saddena by t he sound;a addhida at t r a cted;ede th e s e;hamsa sw a n s; hamsa n-andini of t he Yamuna
River, the daughter of the sun-god;jalado fr o m t h e w a t e rs;vane in t o t he f o r est;
dha a-nti ru n; ta th e r e f o r e;vahudi a -t he gi r l; na no t ; ad i ver y ; du r e f a r
away; huvissadi m u s t b e .
Jatila: Those swans are running from the waters of the Yamuna into the forest.
They must be attracted by the tinkling of ankle-bells. The girl cannot be very far
Text 53
na m e d ;api
al t h o u g h ;buddhi
Text 50
Text 55
Text 56
krsnah: (paurnamasim aveksya) hanta vatsale guror api gurvi tvam eva sarvada
mam vinodayitum kovidasi yad ad.ya natya ka2a c-cha2e-na dur2abhe tatra goku2a
vilase punah pravesito smi.
paurnamasim at P aurnamasi;aveksya gl a n c i n g; hanta 0; vatsale
affectionate one; guroh th a n y o ur spirit ual master;api ev e n ;gurvi m o r e ;
tvam yo u; eva ce r t a i n l y;sarvada in a l l r e s pects;mam Me ; vi n o dayitum t o
please; kovida ex p e r t; asi yo u a r e ;yat be c a u s e;adya now; natya o f d r a m a ;
ka2a of the art; cha2ena by t he tric k; dur2abhe di f f i c u lt to attain; tatra t h e r e ;
gokula of Gokula;vilase into the pastimes; punah ag a i n;pravesitah e n t e r e d ;
asmi I a m.
Text 57
Radha: (seeing Madhava, She becomes filled with bliss. She says to Herself:) 0
My Lord, 0 raincloud of transcendental bliss, the cakora-bird of My eyes has
performed great austerities, longing to attain You. Please allow that cakora-bird to
drink for a moment the difficult-to-attain effulgence of the shining moon of Your
face. (knitting Her eyebrows, She openly says:) Lalita, this is right7 This is right7 I
am an honest girl. You have cheated Me! (She blows Her nose and pretends to
Text 58
2a2ita: ha2a kim tti mam uba2ahesi.devva sanghad-idam kkhu edam kim karissam
hala 0; ki m w h y 7 ;t t i th us ; ma m a me ; u b a 2 ahesi do Y ou b l a m e;devva
by destiny; sanghadidam do n e ; kkhu i n d e e d ; edam t h i s ;k im w h a t 7 ;
karissam sh a ll I do.
Lalita: Why blame me7 This is the work of destiny. What can I do7
Text 59
Radha's body.
Text 60
2a2ita: (sanskrtena)
j anghadhas tata san-gi d-aksina -padam -kincid vibhugna trikamsaci stambhi-ta kandha-ram sakhi tirah sancari -netranc-alam
vamsim kutma2ite dadhanam adhare 2o2angu2z sangata-m
ringad bhru bh-rama-ram varangi paramanandam purah svikuru
sanskrtena in S anskrit;j angha of t he s hin; adhah tata at -t helower border;
sangi co n n e cted; daksina padam -teh right foot; kincit s l i g h t y ; v ibhugnatrikam
th e m i d d le of the body bent in three places;saci stumbhit-a kandhara-m
whose neck is fixed in a curve to the side; sakhi 0
fr i e n d ;t i r ah sancari -r o a m i n g
sideways; netra anca2am -whose border of the eyes; vamsim flu t e ; k u t ma2ite
shut like a flower bud; dadhanam pl a c i n g; adhare on t h e l i p s;2o2a angu2i
sangatam jo i n ed with fin gers moving here and there;ringat bhru wh - o se slowly
Text 61
Text 62
2a2ita: (sa sankam -atma gatam) h-addhi haddhi da ini eada-hin-a pa idi e-
Lalita: (frightened, she says to herself:) Alas! Alas! I am burned by this wicked
old witch. (openly) 0 no b le lady, Gargi said that if we worshiped the sun-god with
madhavi flowers he would bestow on us million of surabhi cows. For this reason I
brought Radha to this bower of madhavi flowers. Be kind to us! Be kind!
Text 63
j ati2a: (apavarya sa2ika sneh-am) a iva-cche sada mam pa2ohi a2a-2ida ahisaredi tti
maha puttassa purado vahudi aal-i am j -evva tumam dusedi ta tti lahavam sahesi
co n c e aling her real intentions;sa wi t h ; al i ka p r e t e n d e d ;
sneham af fection; a i 0 - ; vacche child; sada al w a y s;mam Me ; pa l o hi a
enticing; 2a2ida La l i ta; ahisaredi br i n g s to a rendezvous with Krsna;tti t h u s ;
maha of m e; puttassa of t he son;purado in t h e p r e s ence;vahudi a t - h e g ir l ;
ali am -falsely; j evva in d e ed; tumam yo u ; du s edi defames; ta th e r e fore;
kim w h e t h er; tti th u s ; la h a vam th e o f f e n s e;sahesi yo u w i l l f o r g i v e .
Jatila: (concealing her real intention, she says with pretended affection:) My
child, this girl Radha tells my son that you encourage Her to meet with Krsna. She
continually defames you in this way. Will you forgive Her offense7
Text 60
as ide;ammahe
Text 65
Ja -tila.
madhavah: (svagatam)
yatrasango manasah
sphurati gariyan gari/yaso 'py uccaih
niyato vastuni vighnas
tasminn iti nanrto vadah
(iti drg an-tena radham pasyann upasarpati ).
svagatam as ide;yatra wh e r e ;asangah at t a c h m e nt;manasah of t he h e art;
is m a n i f e st;gariyan mo r e i n t e n s e;gariyasah th a n t he most intense;
api ev e n; uccaih gr e a t l y;niyatah co n t i n u a l;vastuni in t h i s ;vi g hnah
obstacle; tasmin in t h i s ; iti t h u s ; na no t ; an r t a h un t r u e ;va d ah s t a t e m e n t ;
iti t h u s; drk of t h e e y e s;antena wi t h t h e c o r n e r;radham at R a d h a;pasyan
looking; upasarpati ap p r o a c hes.
Madhava: (aside) When the heart yearns for something many great obstacles
will stand in its way. That is not a lie. (Glancing at Radha from the corner of His
Text 66
j ati2a: (nasikagre tarj anim vinyasya siro dhunvati sascaryam) are ba2i a bhu -a-ngakam damsidum ettha bhammasi.
nasika of t he nose;agre on t h e t i p; tarjanim th e f o r e f i n g er;vinyasya
placing; sirah th e h e a d; dhunvati sh a k i n g ;sa wi t h ; as c aryam a s t o n i s h m e nt;
are 0; bali a o f
y-oung girls;
bhu anga -0 debauchee snake;kam
to b i t e; ettha
he r e ;bhammasi Yo u h a ve come.
Jatila: (placing her forefinger on bthe tip of her nose and shaing her head in
astonishment) 0 debauchee-snake fond of attacking young girls, whom have You
come here to bite7
Text 67
fa t; osthi
o f V r a j a bhumi;
th e w i t c h; uddhavah Ud d h a v a;smitam
a s m i l e ;ka roti
Madhava: Fat-lips, I have come here to bite you, the witch of Vraja.
(Uddhava smiles.)
Text 68
goku2a ku2-a jaratinam
parusa vag api yatha pramodayati
stutir api maha mun-mam
madhura pad-a mam sakhe na tatha
goku2a of Gokula; ku2a of t he co m m u n i t y ; j a r a t i n am of t h e o ld l a d i e s;
parusa ha r s h; vak wo r d s ; api al t h o u g h ;ya t h a in that way; pramodayati
delights; stutih pr a y e r s;api ev e n ;ma ha gr e a t ;muninam of t h e s ages;
madhura sw e e t;pada wi t h w o r d s ; mam Me ; sa k he 0 fr i e n d ;na no t ; t a t h a
in that way.
Krsna: My friend, the sweetly worded prayers of the great sages do not please
Me as much as these harsh words of the old ladies of Gokula.
Text 69
you place.
V rnda: Elderly lady, why do you accuse this Krsna-moon, wh ich with t h e
moonlight of His nectar-pastimes sustains the cakora birds of all religious
principles, of being a debauchee7
Text 70
Jatila: (laughs ironically and then says in Sanskrit) Who does not know how
the glories of Prince Krsna's adulterous pastimes with other's wives have so nicely
decorated the earth planet. This debauchee Krsna stops chaste girls on the road
and violently scratches their budding breasts with His fingernails. Om. Obeisances
to Lord Visnu!
Text 71
Radha: (aside) 0 wretched fate, how has this Radha offended you7
Text 72
Jatila: 0 beautiful, bewildered girl, a single crooked sharp glance from this
black snake Krsna has the power to shatter thunderbolts to pieces with it's touch.
You are an austere, chaste girl as delicate as a malika flower. Why stay here with
this Krsna7 Let's quickly go home. (Accompanied by Lalita and Radha, Jatila
Text 73
Text 70
Text 75
(sighs) I will go to the garden of patah flowers near Jatila's house to find
Visakha. (He walks) Why is Abhim anyu in the courtyard of the house7 I will hide
here for a moment. (He exits.)
Text 76
(pravisya) abhimanyuh:
Abhimanyu: (enters) From h ome I will take gold to purchase 3QQ cows.
Where has mother gone7
Text 77
(pravisya) Jatila: hanta hanta danim sari asu -assa -kaijj antam nihudam ma e
sudam jam .ahimannu vese-na mahavo enhim maha gharam upassappissadi ta g.adu a
pekkhissam (iti .parikramanti dvari durad abhimanyum alokya) avvo saccam cce a
eso dhutto a ado -ta g.adu apa-mani am j -anam anissam (iti .niskranta)
Jatila: (enters) Aha! Aha! In a secluded place I overheard a female parrot tell a
male parrot that Madhava (Krsna) will go to my house disguised as Abhimanyu. I
will go there and see Him. (She walks and from a distance sees Abhimanyu at the
door.) Aha! It is true! The rascal has actually come here. I will go now and bring
the real Abhimanyu. (She exits.)
Text 78
Text 79
(pravisya) 2a2ita: (svagatam) ettha kanham pesidum sari va -an-ena visaha gada
(prakasam 2ajjam abhiniya nicaih) suha a-ettha visaha natthi.
pravisya en t e r s;svagatam as i d e; ettha h e r e ; ka nham Krsna; pesidum t o
send; sari of t he female parrot;va an-ena by t he words; visaha Vi s a k h a;gada
has gone; prakasam op e n l y; lajj am em b a r r a ssment;abhinya re p r e s enting
dramatically; nicaih i n a lo w v o i ce; suha a -0 f ortunate son; ettha h e r e ;
visaha Vi s a kha; na n o t ; a t t hi i s .
Lalita: (enters, and says to herself) Hearing the words of the female parrot,
Visakha has gone to bring Krsna here. (Embarrassed, openly speaking out in a soft
voice) 0 fortunate one, Visakha is not here.
Text 80
Text 81
lo o k ; ap pano of y o u ; sa hi e o f
Jatila: Kundalata, see what a good person your friend (Radha) is.
th - e friend;
Text 82
Text 83
bharunda: ajje
gaggi pekkha pekkha paccakkho ahimannujevva esora e na-a-ro tuha kanho. ta a2i am n-aja2a ijad-ila me sahi
Bharunda: Noble Gargi, look! Look! Here is your debauchee Krsna disguised as
Abhimanyu. My friend Jatila will not be burned by this trick.
Text 80
-e. ta aggado
jatila: ajje gaggi ditthi adanim -sardham im patti a idam t-usannihijja e (iti p-rs.thatah parikramya purtrasya hastam akarsanti saksepam) re go
u2a kisori 2-ampad-a aare pa-ra ghara 2-unthan-a akanha -tumam pi appano puttam
mannissadi j adila (abhim.anyu sa 2ajj am m-ukham avrtya vyavartayati )
ajj e 0 no b le girl; gaggi 0 Ga r g i ;di t t hi ab y g o - o d f o r t u n e;
danim n o w ;
therefore; aggado in t he presence;
patti a idam -be-lieved; te eby y o u ; -ta
sannihujj a um a y - be brought; iti
th u s ;pr s t hatah fr o m b e h i n d; parikramya
walking; putrasya of t he s on; hastam th e h a n d; akarsanti pu l l i n g ; sa w i t h ;
aksepam co n t e mpt; re 0 ; g o u l a of G - o k u l a;kisori of t h e y o u ng girls ;
2ampada a0
de b -auchee;
are 0; p a r a of o t h e r ;gh a ra of t h e h o m e s;2unthana
th i e f; kanha Kr s n a ;tu mam yo u ; pi eve n ; ap p a no of m e ; pu t t am t h e
Jatila: 0 no ble Gargi, by good fortune now you understand the truth. The
fellow should be brought here at once. (She walks behind, drags her son there by
the hand, and begins to insult him) Debauchee that defiles the young girls of
Gokula! Thief that plunders the home of others! Krsna, does Jatila believe that you
are actually her son Abhimanyu7 (C overing his face in embarrasment, Abhimanyu
runs away.)
Text 85
j atila: are ra ahi -und-a aki-sa muham dhakkasi jam .de vijj a na vikka ida -(iti.
prasahy a sammukhayati.)
are 0; r a ahi -unda -a0 - d e b auchee; kisa
w h y 7 ; m uham t h e f a c e ;
dhakkasi do you cover;
j am because;de of you;vijja know-ledge; na not;
vikka ida -is sold; iti th u s ;pr a s ahya fo r c i b l y ;sammukhayati ma k e s h im f a c e
Jatila: Debauchee, why do you cover your face7 You can't sell us any of your
tricks. (She forces him to face her.)
Text 86
Abhimanyu: (aside) Alas! Alas! Mother has gone insane and she is
embarrassimg me with these insults. I should leave this place. (He goes.)
Text 87
jati2a: (dhavanti patanca2am akrsya) re cora eso diddham gahidosi k.aham pa2aCSL.
re 0; cora
Jatila: (runs after him and pulls the edge of his garment) Thief, I am holding
you very firmly. How can you run away?
Text 88
Text 89
al l; pratyabhij naya to m o c k ; sa
wi t h ; sa b d am a s o u n d ;ha santi
Text 90
pavasado putta o -cce a me sama ado .(iti sapatrapam uras tadayanti niskranta ).
mukham at t he face; nibhalya l o o k i n g ; svagatam as i d e;haddhi a l a s ! ;
haddhi alas!;
a madman; pamado a madman; kaham wh ether7;
pavasado from his distant journey; putta o -son; cce a -certainly; m e m y ;
sama a-do come; iti t h u s ; sa wi t h ; ap a t r a pam em b a r r a s sment;urah t h e
chest; tadayanti
s t r i k i n g ; niskranta e x i t s .
Jatila: (looks at Abhimanyu's face and then says to herself:) Alas! Alas! What a
madman! What a madman! I wonder if my son has returned yet from his far-away
journey. (Striking her chest without shame, she exits.)
Text 91
bharunda: vaccha saccam unmatta de amma jam .tumam cce am-ahavam mannedi.
vaccho 0
ch i l d ; saccam in t r u t h ; un m a tta a m a d w o m a n; de y o u r ; a m m a
mother; jam b e c a use; tumam yo u ; cce ac - e r t a i n l y; mahavam K r s n a ;
mannedi she thought.
Bharunda: Child, your mother has definitely gone mad. She thought you were
Madhava (Krsna).
Text 92
a s m i l e ;ka roti
(Abhimanyu smiles.)
Text 93
Text 90
mo t h e r ; jam b e c a u s e; turi-am
Text 95
2a2ita: (niskramya punah pravisya ca) vira tumha purado a-antum 2ajj edi ajj a
ex i t i n g; punah a g a i n; pravisya en t e r i n g;ca al s o ;v i r a
tuma of you; purado in t h e p r e s ence; a-antum to c o m e ; 2ajjedi i s
embarrassed; ajja th e n o ble lady.
0 hero;
Lalita: (exits and enters again) 0 h e ro, the noble lady is ashamed to come
before you.
Text 96
Abhimanyu: So be it. I will myself take the gold coins from the bag and go
about my business. (He exits.)
Text 97
Text 98
Text 99
Lalita: (afraid, she looks) What was terrible to see at first is now very
charming and handsome. This is actually Madhava (Krsna) disguised as
Text 100
vrnda: (nibhalya sanandam) kim nama radha sakh-inam dhiyam aksunnam. pasya
manda sandhya payo-da soda-ra rucih -saivabhimanyos tanur
vaktram hanta tadeva kharvata ghati -ghon-am vigadheksanam
vyasta saiva gatih karira kusum-a cchay-am tad evambaram
mudra kapi tathapy asau pisunayaty asya svarupa cchata-m
lo o k i n g; sa wi t h ; an a n dam bl i s s ;kim wh a t 7 ;na ma i n d e e d ;
radha of R adha;sakhinam of t h e f r i e n d s;dhiyam of t h e c o n s ciousness;
aksunnam ex p e rtness;pasya lo o k ! ; pasya lo o k ! ; ma n da ge n t l e ;sandhya o f
sunset; payoda cl o u d; sodara br o t h e r; ru c ih sp l e n d o r;sa t h i s ; ev i n d e e d ;
of A b h i m a n y u; tanuh th e f o r m ; va k t ram fa c e ;ha nta i n d e e d ;
tat th i s; eva c e r t a i n l y; kharvata ghati -avillage at the foot of a mountain;
ghonam nose; vigadha de e p; iksanam ey e s;vyasta gr a c e f ul;sa th i s ; e va
certainly; gatih ga i t ; ka r i ra ka r i r a ;ku s uma of t h e f lo w e r;chayam s p l e n d o r ;
tat th i s; eva c e r t a i n l y; ambaram ga r m e n t s;mudra si g n ;ka api a c e r t a i n ;
tatha api
st i l l; asau th i s ; pi s unayati in d i c a t e s;asya of H i m ; sv a rupa o f t h e
form; chatam th e s plendor.
Vrnda: (blissfully looking) Abhimanyu's face and form have become like the
splendid brother of a sunset raincloud. His nose is like the village at the foot of a
mountain. His eyes are deep, His movements graceful, and His garments the color
of a karira flower. His form is splendid.
Text 101
paritah parivartitam hriya
kali ta bh-ru ku-ti ku-nci teksanam
madhura dy-uti radhika mu-kham
Text 102
you; sakhi
(Looking ahead) Lalita, where is that girl, who in the disguise of being your
friend is actually the medicinal herb that sustains My life7
Text 103
hala 0 ; r ahe
Ra d h a ;ido
th e r e ;da va
Text 100
Radha: (She enters, shyly smiling, and says to Herself) I do not like to hear
that Abhimanyu has come, but now that this Abhimanyu is My lover Krsna, the
news delights Me. Why should goddess Gauri decline to enjoy pastimes with her
husband, Lord Siva, simply because he has drunk some poison7 (Why should I
decline to enjoy pastimes with Krsna, simply because He has disguised as
Text 100
of M e ; ma ha
Text 105
gr eat;
sh e; jakkhini t h e y a k s i n i; viggham
an o b s t a cle;na
do es not;
Text 106
Jatila: (enters, and says with jubilation) My dear girl, because, fortunately, You
are so intelligent, You have placed Yourself on the path that leads to my son's eyes.
Text 107
all; sambhramam
aw e ; n atayanti r e p r e s e nt dramatically.
Text 108
Jatila: Son Abhimanyu, I cannot see very well now that it is dusk.
Text 109
madhavah: (sa ha-rsa sm-itam) akka taha anj anam da iss-am ja.ha samggadama de
ditthi hohi.
sa wi t h; harsa pa s t i m e s;smitam sm i l i n g ; ak ka 0 mo t h e r ;ta ha o f y o u ;
anj anam an oint me nt; da iss-am I s ha ll give;j aha ju s t a s; samaggadama
perfect; de of y o u; ditthi v i s i o n ; h o hi w i l l b e .
Madhava: (happily smiling) Mother, I shall give you an ointment that will
enable you to see everything very perfectly.
Note: If the word "tama" is interpreted to mean darkness, then this statement
reveals the hidden meaning: I shall give you an ointment that will make you
Text 110
Text 111
sa wi t h; anandam bl i s s ;vaccha 0
I h a ve been called.
ch i l d ; ki sa
wh y 7 ; tu e
by Y o u ; a -
Text 112
Vrnda: Now that the evening is beginning He wants to go and worship the
goddess Gomangala. He begs your permission to depart.
Text 113
Madhava: Mother, your daughter-in-law does not want to go under the caitya
tree with Me.
Text 110
j atila: j ade rahi ekkam guru anassa m-e va anam pa-dibalehi tunnam j .ahi imina
kantena saddham
0 daughter; rahi Ra d h a ;ekkam on e ; gu ru anassa -of Your superior;
me of me; va anam t- he statement;padibalehi ob e y; tunnam at o n c e ;j ahi g o ;
Hi m ; ka n t ena Yo u r h u s b a n d;saddham w i t h .
j ade
Jatila: Daughter Radha, I am Your superior. You must obey my words. I order
You to go with Your husband at once.
Text 115
I am;
Radha: (aside) Ah. How wonderful are the workings of destiny. (openly)
Lalita, I am feeling ill. Please tell this to Jatila.
Text 116
by t h e h e a d;me
by m e ; sabidasi Y o u a r e
Text 117
Text 118
madhavah: 2a2ide kudungo manga2a r-anga ja a-ram ajj a tumhe karissamha t.a
candana g-andhobaharam sampadi a-2ambhehi. tattha pasahi a-m rahi a-m aham kira
padham sahemi (i.ti sarvabhih saha niskrantah.)
2a2ide 0 La l it a; kudunge in t h e f o r e st-grove;manga2a au s picious; ranga i n
the place; j a ar-am staying awake; tumhe we ; ka r i s samha sh a l l d o; ta t h a t ;
candana of sandalwood;
gandha fragance;
means;padi a l-am-bhehi
please bring; tattha th e r e ;pasahi am - nicelydecorated; rahi am -Radha; aham
I; kira in d eed;padham first; sahemi sh a ll meet;iti th u s ; sa r v abhih
everyone; saha wi t h ; ni s krantah H e e x i t s .
Madhava: Lalita, tonight we will stay awake all night in the auspicious temple
in the forest-grove. You bring the sandal perfume. When Radha is nicely decorated
I will meet Her there. (Madhava and all the others actors exit.)
Text 119
Text 120
to t he h o u s e;prayana jo u r n e y i n g; kaitavena on t h e p r e t e xt;
to K u n d i n a; upayasyami I s h a l l g o .
Paurnamasi: (aside) Now that the first part of the story is concluded, the part
describing Candravali will follow. Now, on th pretext of travelling to Sandipani
Muni's home, I will go to the city of Kundina.
Text 121
Act Five
Text 1
sarnginy alika parivad-a satarpan-ena
j atoru pataka m-alimasa -manasan-am
sey girisa giri gau-ravit-air nrpanam
dusyair vidarbha nagari p-aridusitasti
to L o r d K r s n a, who carries the Sarnga bow;a lika parivada -of e s ;
sata of hu n d r eds; arpanena
by o f f e r i n g; jata m a n i f e s t e d; uru g r e a t ; pataka
by sins' malimasa
po l l u t e d ;manasanam wh o s e hearts;saiyam
th i s ;g i r i s a
g r e at;
of V i d a r b h a;nagari
the city;
(Paurnamasi enters.)
Paurnamasi: Many kings, their hearts polluted with the great sin of speaking
hundreds of lies to Lord Krsna, have now defiled Vidarbha City by pitching
around it their tents, larger than Mount Kailasa.
Text 2
(nephaty e)
rddha siddhi vraj-a vija-yita satya dha-rma samadhir
brahmanando gurur api camatkarayaty eva tavat
yavat premnam madhu ripu -vasi-kara sidd-hausadhinam
gandho py antah kara-na sara-ni path-atam na prayati
nepathye fr om b ehind the scenes;rddha ex c e l l e nt;siddhi vraj a -of t h e
groups of material perfections of the yogis (anima, laghima, prapti and so son);
th e v i c t o r y; satya dharm-a th e r e ligious principles ofperfection (satya,
sama, titiksa and so on); samadhih th e y o g ic perfection of meditation; brahma
anandah the spiritual blissful life of the monist;guruh ve r y h i gh in m a t e rial
considerations; api
al t h o u g h ;camatkarayati th e y a p p e ar very important;eva
only; tavat th a t l o n g;yavat as l o n g as;premnam of l o v e of Krs na;madhu
ripu of K r s n a, the enemy of the Madhu demon;vasikara i n t h e c o n t r o l l i n g ;
siddha ausad-hinam wh i ch is like perfects herbs that can control snakes;
gandhah a lig ht fragance;api ev e n; antahk a r a na -sarani -pantha-tam a traveller
on the path of the heart; na prayati do e s n ot become.
A voice from behind the scenes: As long as there is not the slightest fragance of
pure love for Krsna, which is the perfected medicinal herb for controlling Lord
K rsna within the heart, the opulences of material perfection
3 ) k n o w n as the
siddhis, the brahminical perfections [satya, sama, titiksa and so on], the trance of
the yogis and the monistic bliss of Brahman
3 ) a l ls eem wo nderful for men.*
Text 3
Paurnamasi: (looking with joy) Ah! Ex p ert in chanting the Lord Krsna's
glories, his hand holding a vina, his matted hair reaching down to his shoulders,
a nd his complexion splendid as the autumn moon, here is Devarsi r a d a .
Text 0
thus; adi
Text 5
Text 6
of Krsna;
priyam b-havuki
Text 7
Kr s n a ;ma thuratah
Text 8
Text 9
Text 10
Text 11
prosperity; varta
news; api
Text 12
r a da: D a u ghter, your friends are not small people. Why should you fear
these enemies7
Text 13
paurnamasi: nitantam iyam harinojj hita samvrtta maha .kantis -casyah svasa
radhika vyatita tat kut.o na bhitih.
co m p l e t e ly;iyam sh e ; ha r i na by K r s n a ;ujj hita a b a n d o n e d ;
samvrtta wa s ; maha kantih -v e ry be autiful; ca al s o ;asyah of h e r ; svasa t h e
sister; radhika
Ra d h a ;vyatita di e d ;tat th e n ; ku t a h wh y 7 ; na no t ; b h i t i h
Paurnamasi: Krsna completely abandoned her, and then her beautiful sister
Radha died. How could one not be afraid7
Text lk
ev e n ;et am
he r ; ra d h i ka
bec a u s e of Radha;
Text 15
sh e ; ba ndhu to h e r r e l a t ive;vatsala
Text 16
wh y . ; iy am
sh e ;ru k m i ni
Ru k m i n i ;it i
thu s ; vi s r a v ita i s c a l l e d .
Text 17
of R u k m i ; ta tena by t h e f a t h e r.
Text 18
sangamanaya .tatraivacchadya pura ramanisu svabhedabhimanenavesita dirghasvapnaivasamyag anubhavayam babhuvire.yas tuddhava y-ana kuruksetra y-atrayor
vrtta v-aksyamana c-aritras tah. khalv astottaraika s-ata s-odasa s-ahasratas tasmad
anye eva tad alam tad r-ahasyodghatanena (prakasam) kim adhyavasitam
ksanam for a mome nt; pranidhaya re f le c t i n g;svagatam sp e a k i ng t o
himself; nanu is it n ot s o7; etah th e s e girls;pura th e c i t y; vraja a n d o f V r a j a ;
th e b eautiful girls;samana th e s ame; tattvah na t u r e ; api a l t h o u g h ;
vigraha bo d i e s; adi be g i n n i n g w i t h;bhinnah di f f e r e n t;eva ce r t a i n l y;yat
because; adya no w ; api al s o ;vr aj e in V r a j a ; eva ce r t a i n l y ;tah th e y ;vr aj a
of Vraja; ramanyah th e b e autiful girls;prema wi t h l o v e ; murchitah f a i n t e d ;
vartante are;kintu however;yogamayaya
by Yogamaya;eva certainly;
virpayoge in s eparation; api ev e n ;pr i ya of t h e i r b e l o v ed Krsna;sanga o f t h e
association; sukha th e h a p p i ness;sangamanaya fo r a t t a ining;tatra t h e r e ;
eva certainly; acchadya co v e r i n g;pura of t h e c i t y; ra manisu a m o n g t h e
beautiful girls; sva ow n ; ab h eda no t d i f f e r e nt;abhimanena w i t h t h e
conceptions; avesitah en t e r e d;dirgha a l o n g ; svapnah dr e a m;iva l i k e ;
samyak completely;
anubhavayam babhuvire
considered;yah who; uddhava
of Uddhava; yana th e j o u r n e y; kuruksetra to K u r u k s e t r a;yatrayoh a n d t h e
journey; vrtta
news; vaksyamana wi l l be spoken;caritah ac t i v i t i e s;tah t h e y ;
khalu in d e e d; asta ei g h t ; eka on e ; sa ta hu n d r e d ;sodasa s i x t e e n ;
sahasratah th o u s a nd; tasmat th e r e f o r e;anyah ot h e r s ;eva ce r t a i n l y;tat
then; alam wh a t is the need7;tat of t h i s ; ra h asya of t h e s ecret;udghatanena
of revealing; prakasam
op e n l y ;kim wh a t 7 ;ad h yavasitam wa s d e c ided;
bhismakasya by M a h a raja Bhismaka.
r a da: (reflecting for a moment, he says to himself) Are the girls of Dvaraka
City and the girls of Vraja Village not the same persons, although appearing in
different forms7 The girls of Vraja were overwhelmed with love for Krsna. To
please them by reuniting them with their beloved, Yogamaya transformed them
into the women of Dvaraka. They now think their previous existance in Vraja to be
like a long dream, and they think Uddhava s visit and their own journey to
Kuruksetra to be only stories. Aside from these 16,108 there are other gopis also.
Why should I reveal this secret7 (openly) Has King Bhismaka made his descision7
Text 19
of C a n d r a vali;
Text 20
th e n; kim w h y . ; i t i
th u s ; ak u l a
ag i t a t e d;asi
you are.
Text 21
he ; bh i s maka
Text 22
Text 23
of Cedi; pateh
of t h e k i n g; abhyarthita
th e d e s i r e;puranam
Paurnamasi: He wants to fulfill the desire of Cedi's King Sisupala (and give her
to him).
Text 20
th i s ; bh a vati is ; av a d haritam k n o w n .
Text 25
to Rukmini; padyasya
of a v erse;presanena by s ending.
Text 26
sh o u ld be read;idam
Text 27
Paurnamasi: May your love for youthful Sisupala, who is the best of kings, and
whose great virtues delight his father, Damaghosa, awaken.
Text 28
by here.
Text 29
Paurnamasi: She changed five words and sent the letter back. It now said: "I
have fallen in love with a young gopa who is the son of a cowherd. He is the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. Hearing of His transcendental qualities at once
fills the heart with transcendental bliss."
Text 30
th e n; tatah
Text 31
paurnamasi: tatas tad alokya sankita krsn-opasattina yuva raj en-a dusta raj an-ya
manda2e nimantrya kundinam anesyamane paryaku2aya vatsaya mam anumantrya
sunanda namn-a bhusurena mukundaya patrika harita
tatah th e n; tat th i s ;al o k ya se e i n g ;sankita fr i g h t e n e d;krsna o f K r s n a ;
upasattina of t he approach;yuva raj en-a by the prince; dusta w i c k e d ;
raj anya of k i n g s; mandale in t h e c i r c l e;nimantrya ad v i s i n g;kundinam t o
Kundina; anesyamane br o u g h t; paryakulaya di s t r a u g h t;vatsaya b y t h e g i r l ;
mam me ; anumantrya requested;
sunanda Sunanda;namna
by the name;
bhusurena a brahmana; mukundaya to M u k u n d a ; patrika a l e t t e r;harita w a s
Paurnamasi: Reading this letter, and afraid that Krsna might come, Prince
Sisupala brought many demonic kings to Kundina City. After consulting with me,
the distraught girl (Rukmini) sent a brahmana named Sunanda with a letter to
Text 32
narada: sa kim-vidha.
t h a t; kim-vidha l i k e w h a t 7
Text 33
aciram nirasya rasitaih
prati paksam raj ahamsa ni k-urambam
krsna gha-na svamrtais
trsitam candrakavatim sinca
aciram at o n c e;nirasya ch a s i ng away;rasitaih wi t h s o u n ds of thunde r;
pratipaksam inimical; raj ahamsa of r a jahamsa swans;nikurambam t h e f lo c k ;
krsna ghn-ana 0
da rk c lo ud of Krsna;sva ow n ; am r t a ih wi t h n e c t a r;trsitam
thirsty; candrakavatim pe a h e n;sinca pl e a se sprinkle.
Paurnamasi: 1678)O dark cloud of Krsna, with the sound of Your thunder
please quickly chase away these enemy rajahamsa swans and then sprinkle Your
nectar-rain on this thirsty candrakravati bird."
Text 30
Text 35
de s t i n y ;ru k m i n i
Text 36
naradah: (sa smi-tam) j agad asc-arya cat-uryayapi kim ity anulomitas tvaya na
sa wi t h; smitam a s m i l ej; agat th e e n t i re world; ascarya w o n d e r ;
wh o s e expertness;api ev e n; kim w h a t 7 ; iti thu s ; an u l o m itah
favored; tvaya by y o u; na no t ; ru k m i R uk m i .
r a da: ( s m i l es) Y our pow ers fill the entire world with wo n d er. Why did you
not make Rukmi favorable7
Text 37
Text 38
li k e w h a t 7;idam
Text 39
viracayan jananim ati vismi-tam
bhuj a catust-ayavan aj anista yah
sva bhagi-nim tava sura sutatm-aj o
gunavatim parinesyati rukminim
viracayan ma k i n g;j ananim Hi s m o t h e r; ati ve r y ;vi s m itan as t o n i s h e d;
bhuj a arms; catustayavan wi t h f o u r ; aj anista wa s b o r n;yah wh o ; sv a o w n ;
si s t e r;tava of y o u ; su ra of S u r a ;su ta of t h e s o n; atmajah t h e s o n ;
gunavatim virtuous; parinesyati wi l l m a r r y; ru k m inim R u k m i n i .
Paurnamasi: The goddess appeared before Rukmi and said: "Maharaja Sura's
grandson who, born with four arms filled His mother with wonder, will marry
your virtuous daughter Rukmini."
Text 00
naradah: (sa smitam) -prataritam eva tarakari jananya -durj anam janihi
sa wi t h; smitam a s m i l e ;prataritam ch e a t e d; eva c e r t a i n l y;ta raka ari of Kartitkeya, the enemy of the demon Taraka;jananya by t h e m o t h er (Parvati);
durj anam the demon;j anihi y o u s h o u ld k n o w .
r a da: (smiling) You should know that goddess Parvati cheated the wicked
Rukmi with these words.
Text Wl
Paurnamasi: Lord, how did she cheat him. Krsna is now far away, Garuda is on
the other side of the ocean, Kundina City is polluted by a host of demons, and
(Rukmini is surrounded by guards as ferocious as) snakes eager to bite anyone
who comes near.
Text 02
gr e a t l y ;adure n o t
pravisya en t e r i ng;bhagavati 0 noble lady; nirbharam
far away; eva certainly; vidarbha of V i d a r b h a;pure in t h e c i t y; dvaravati o f
Dvaraka; indrah t h e k i n g .
Sunanda: (enters) Noble lady, Krsna is not far from Vidarbha City.
Text 03
Text 00
Sunanda: What is the use of welcoming me7 Fate is blind to me. My messagecarrying is a failure.
Text 05
wi t h; sankam
fe a r ;ka tham ho w 7 ; iv a
Text 06
this; patrika
Text 07
narada: (vacayati)
nikhilah sikhinir nayann api
sukhani j atyasitapangih
ramayati krsnah su gh-ano
vrndavana gan-dhinir eva
vacayat re a ds;nikhilah al l ; s i k h i n ih t h e p e a - h e ns;nayan le a d i n g ;api
even; sukhani ha p p i n e sses;
j atya by n a t u r e;asita da r k ; ap a ngih w i t h
sidelong glances; ramayati de l i g h t s;krsnah Kr s n a ;su th e h a n d s o m e;ghanah
cloud; vrndavana of V r n d a v ana;gandhinih wi t h t h e f r a gance;eva c e r t a i nly.
Narada: (reads) "The black cloud of Krsna brings happiness to the sikhini
birds, who gaze at Him from the corners of their dark eyes. He delights the fragant
sikhini birds of Vrndavana forest."
Text 08
th u s ; na
no t ; ad h i g a t am
Text 09
by you;na
Text 50
wh o 7; kha2u in d e e d; candravali
is C a n d r a vah.
Text 51
Paurnamasi: Embarrassed before the demon kings, Rukmi hid the fact that his
sister had lived in Gokula Village and was named Candravali.
Text 52
sunandah: nunam suhrdam apy agocaro 'yam arthah. tatra mad-vidhasya ka
nunam i s i t no t so7; suhrdam by f r i e n d s;api ev e n ;ag ocarah u n k n o w n ;
ayam th i s; arthah fa c t ;ta t ra in t h i s ;mat v idhasy-a of s omeone like me;ka
what7; katha de s c ription.
Sunanda: Rukmi hid this from even his friends. How was a person like me to
know it7
Text 53
Paurnamasi: Then why does Krsna, the master of Garuda, now decorate
Vidarbha with His presence7
Text 50
Sunanda: Because of the beautiful invitation of the two devotees Kratha and
Text 55
by t wo k i n g s; kim
wh y 7 ; at ra
in t h i s m a t t e r;pravrttam
Text 56
Text 57
this; maya
Text 58
no b l e l a d y;nirvyudhah
co m p l e t e d;ayam
Text 59
li k e w h a t 7;esah t h a t .
Text 60
brmhisthe ratna simh-asana sira-si vare sannivistasya tustair
girbanaih parvatisa prab-hrtibhir abhitah stuyamanasya bhuyah
Sunanda: Lord Krsna, who is always victorious over the demons, sat on great,
beautiful jewelled throne. As Lord Siva and the other jubilant demigods repeatedly
glorified His with prayers, all the kings performed the ritual bathing-ceremony
with glistening waterpots. In this way Lord Krsna, who is always victorious over
the demons, was crowned the emperor of all kings.
Text 61
pe r f e ct;vindhyaya
gr a n t i ng t he benediction.
r a da: L ord Brahma answered Mount Vindhya's prayer (that Krsna become
his son-in-law).
Text 62
bodhanay a
bhagavan 0
Lo r d ; an usadhi pl e a s e instruct me;sadhayami I s h a ll a pproach;
madhavam Lo rd K r s n a; sadhistha art-ha bod-hanaya fo r a d v i s ing.
Paurnamasi: Lord, order me, and I will go to Krsna to learn thye truth.
Text 63
Kancuki: (tossing the curtain aside, she enters) Noble lady, the king of
Vidarbha sends this message: "I requested the two kings (Kratha and Kaisika) to
ask Lord Krsna, the king of all kings, to kidnap Rukmini. Today, along with you, I
wish to see the sacred feet of Lord Krsna."
Text 60
paurnamasi: bhagavan mama sadhyam siddham ivabhut. tad anujanihi mam. (iti
dvabhyam saha niskranta ).
bhagavan 0 lord;mama
byme; sadhyam to be done;
siddham completed;
iva as if; abhut is ; ta t tha t ; an u ja n ihi pl e a s e order;mam me ; it i t hu s ;
dvabhyam bo th of t he m; saha wi t h ; ni s k r a nta e x i t s .
Text 65
(nepathy e)
visrante visayakrtim parinatim hitva muninam api
svante nakramate yad angh-ri
nak-haropanta prab-hapy alpika
citram mad vidh-a pani -kudm-ala tati -sam-vahya pada-mbuj e
devah so 'yam a2ankaroti karunah ka2yana pa2y-ankikam
nepathye fr om b ehind the scenes;visrante re s t i n g;visaya akrti-m th e r a n g e
of perception; parinatim ob e i s a nces;hitva
ab a n d o n i n g;munmam of t h e s a ges;
api ev e n; svante in t h e h e a rt;na do e s n o t;akaramte go ; yat o f w h o m ;
of t he f eet;nakhara of t h e n a i l s;upanta of t h e t i p s;prabha t h e
effulgence; api ev e n; alpika sl i g h t ;ci t r am wo n d e r f u l ;mat me ; vi d h a of
someone like; pani of t h e h a n d; kudmala of t h e b u d; ta ti by t h e s u r f a c e;
samvahya to be massaged;pada fe e t; ambuj e lo t u s flo we rs; devah lo r d ; s a h
ayam th i s; a2ankaroti de c o r a t e s;
karunah me r c i f u l; ka2yana au s p i c i o us;
be d.
A voice from behind the scenes: Even in the hearts of the renounced sages the
Supreme Personality of Godhead will not place the slightest ray of light from the
tip of His toenails How wonderful it is that the merciful Lord decorates my
auspicious couch and allows a person like me to massage His lotus feet with
flower-bud hands!
Text 66
of K r a t h a; kaisikayoh
an d K a i s i k a;suktih
th e p r a y e r;iyam
Text 67
of a c on c h-shell;
Text 69
lo o k i n g ; sa wi t h ; ha r s am jo y ; ah a ha ah a . ;ka ra
by the pair;grhitam
of hands;
placing;vadana of the
mouth; ambuje on t he l o t us flower; dhaman bl o w i n g ; ka mbum t h e c o n c h shell; vraja of V r a j a; rajni of t h e q u e e n;stana th e b r e a st;pana d r i n k i n g ;
smarana re m e m bering; stimitah mo t i o n l e s s;harih Lo r d K r s n a ;j ayati a l l
Narada: (gazing with happiness) All glories to Lord Krsna who, grasping the
conchshell with both hands, placing it to His lotus mouth, blowing it, and
remembering how He once drank the breast-milk of mother Yasoda, becomes
stunned and motionless!
Text 69
parikramati .
punah ag ain; nirupya lo o k i n g ; k a t ham h o w i s i t 7 ; kr a t ha b y K r a t h a ;
kaisikabhyam an d K a i sika; anugamayamanah be i ng f ol lo we d; ayam H e ;
purastat in the presence; parikramati
Text 70
cancat-kaustubha-kaumudi-samudayah kaumodaki-cakrayoh
sakhyenojjva2itais tathaja2ajayor adhyas caturbhir bhujaih
divyalankaranena sankata tanu-h sangi vihangesitur
mam asmarayad esa kamsa vij a-yi vaikuntha gost-hi sriy-am
cancat m o v i n g; kaustubha of t h e K a u stubha gem; kaumudi o f t h e
moonlight; samudayah th e a ri sal; kaumodaki o f t h e K a u m o d a ki club;
and t he sudarsan cakra;sakhyena wi t h f r i e n d s hip; ujjvalitaih
in that way; jalajayoh
of t h e t wo o bje cts born from water (the
glistening; tatha
lotus flower and conch-shell); adhyah e n r i c h e d; caturbhih w i t h f o u r ;
alankaranena wi t h o r n a m e nts;sankata de c o r a ted; tanuh w h o s e b od y;sangi
accompanied; vihanga-isituh b y G a r u da, the king of birds; mam m e ;
asmarayat re m i n d e d; esah He ; ka m sa vijayi -L o r d Kr s n a, who defeated King
Kamsa; vaikuntha-gosthi o f V a i k u n t ha; sriyam th e o p u l e n ce and splendor.
The moonlight of the moving Kaustubha jewel shining, His four arms splendid
with the friendship of the Kaumodaki club, Sudarsana cakra, Pancajanya
conchshell, and lotus flower, and His form decorated with glistening ornaments,
Lord Krsna, who defeated Kamsa and who is now accompanied by Garuda,
reminds me of His opulence in Vaikuntha.
Text 71
Now I will ascend into the sky and watch the Lord's pastimes from there. (He
Text 72
Text 73
wi t h; prasrayam hu m b l e n e s s;ekasmin
in o n e ; i ha h e r e ; ro ma kupa
The two kings: (with humbleness) As many atoms pass through an open
window, so a great host of universes passes through a single pore of Your body. 0
Almighty Lord, how can we actually glorify You7 Our praises are like glorifying an
emperor by calling him a wonderful village-chief. Your glories fill us with wonder.
Text 70
I a m ; nij a
Krsna: 0 great kings, I am very pleased with you. Please ask some benediction
from Me.
Text 75
nrpau: deva rukmini sa tapasvini tapas tatha na cakara yena t.e dasya saubha-gya
bhagadheya bhajan-am bhaved iti
suparnad akarnitam. kintu tatha devenanugrhyatam
yatha kathavesena bhiru vesa na -syat
deva 0 Lo r d ; ru k m ini Ru k m i n i ; sa sh e ;ta p a svini as c e t i c;tapah
austerity; tatha in t h a t w a y;na no t ; ca k a ra pe r f o r m e dyena
by w h i c h ; te o f
You; dasya of s ervice;saubhagya of g o od fort u ne;bhagadheya a p o r t i o n ;
bhaj anam the object;bhavet ma y b e; iti th u s ;su p arnat f r o m G a r u d a ;
he a r d; kintu ho w e v e r ;ta t ha in t h a t w a y; deva 0 L o r d ;
pl e a se be kind;yatha ju s t a s; katha of t h i s s t a tement;avesena
with the entrance; bhiru fe a r s o me;vesa ap p e a rance;na no t ; sy at m a y b e .
The two kings: Lord, although we have heard from Garuda that poor Rukmini
has not performed any austerities to attain the good fortune of serving You
directly, please be merciful to her. Please don't be a cause of fear for her.
Text 76
Text 77
The two kings: Defeat Jarasandha and the other demon kings, and take her
from Kundina City. Do it today when she leaves the palace to worship goddess
Candrabhaga (Durga).
Text 78
I s h a l l t a k e; tat t h i s ;
Text 79
of f e r i ng respectful
(The two kings offer their respectful obeisances to Lord Krsna and then exit.)
Text 80
bhita rudram tyajati girija syamam apreksya kantham
subhram drstva ksipati vasanam vismito nila vasa-h
ksiram matva srapayati yami nira-m abhiritotka
gite damodarayasasi te vinaya naradena
bhita fr i g h t e ned;rudram Lo r d S i v a;tyaj ati ab a n d o n s;girij a Parvati;
syamam bl u e; apreksya no t s e e ing;kantham th e n e c k; subhram white;
drstva se eing;ksipati to s s e ss away;
vasanam ga r m e n t; vismitah astonished;
nila vasah -Balarama; ksiram
mi l k ; ma t va co n s i d e r i n g;srapayati churns;
of t he Yamuna River;niram th e w a t e r; abhirika g o p i ; u t k a eager; gite
when sung; damodara 0 Lo r d D a m o d a ra;yasasi th e g l o r y; te o f You; vinaya
with the vina; naradena by N a r a d a .
A voice from behind the scenes: 0 Krsna, when the great sage r a d a was
chanting Your glories and playing the vina, the bluish line on the neck of Lord
Siva disappeared. Upon seeing this, Gauri, the wife of Lord Siva, suspected Lord
Siva of being someone else disguised as her husband, and out of fear she
immediately left his company. Upon hearing the chanting of Krsna s name, Lord
Balarama saw that His dress had become white, although He was generally
accustomed to a bluish dress. And the cowherd girls saw all of the water of the
Yamuna River turn into milk, so they began to churn it into butter.*
Text 81
th i s; ambare
in t h e s k y; tumburuh N a r a d a ;staviti
of f e r s p ra yers.
Text 82
sakhe 0
ki n g ;pasya lo o k !; pasya l o o k ! ;
Text 83
Let my friend, the Sudarsana cakra, who burns like the great fire at the end of the
kalpa, stay far away. (I will take care of this myself.)
Text 80
kundina na-raba i p-u-tti
anuruba pundari a n-a -an-assa
taha eso sahi tissa
ha hada devv-am vl2omc
nepathye be h i nd the scenes;kundina of K u n d i n a ; naraba i pu-t-ti t h e
princess; anuruba a s ui t a ble match;punari a n-a -ana-ssa for lotus eyed Krsna;
taha in t h at way; eso H e ; sa hi 0 fr i e n d ;ti s sa of h e r ; ha al a s . ;ha d a
wretched; devvam f a te; vilome i h-as become contrary.
A voice from behind the scenes: Rukmini, the princess of Kundina, is a perfect
match for lotus-eyed Krsna. 0 friend, cruel fate is not friendly to her.
Text 85
Text 86
(punar nepathye)
kahi ruppini suruba
kahi damaghosassa nandano mando
A voice from behind the scenes: What is the dull-witted son of Maharaja
Damaghosa in comparison to beautiful Rukmin>7 A splendid garland of newlyblossomed malika flowers should not be placed around the neck of a donkey.
Text 87
Suparna: This forest-flower garland will decorate the neck that holds the
Kaustubha gem. It will decorate no other neck.
Text 88
(nepathy e)
jiyad uccair akhi2a taruni -manda-2akrsti vidyavaidagdhinam nidhiranavadhir yadavambhodhi candra-h
sangramantah pura bh-uvi p-uro hanta yam preksya durad
astri loko py -atanu cakitah -stri svarupa-m bibharti
nepathye be h i nd the scenes; jiyat a l l g l o r i e s; uccaih g r e a t l y; akhila o f a l l ;
yo u n g g ir l s; mandala th e c i r c l e;akrsti at t r a c t i o n;vidya k n o w l e d g e ;
of e x p e rtize; nidhih a t r e a s ure-house;anavadhih li m i t l e s s ;
yadava of the Yadu dynasty; ambhodhifrom the ocean; candrah t h e m o o n ;
sangrama antah pu-ra bhu-vi i-n the inner apartments of the palace;purah i n t h e
presence; hanta indeed;yam w h o m ; pr e k sya se e i n g;durat fr o m f a r a wa y;a
stri-lokah t h o s e who are not women; api even; atanu by c u p i d; cakitah
frightened; stri of w o m e n ; svarupam t h e f o r m s; bibharti m a n i f e s t .
A voice from behind the scenes: All glories to Lord Krsna, the splendid moon
risen from the ocean of the Yadu dynasty. He is a boundless treasure-house of the
art of attracting all young girls. When even soldiers in battle glimpse Him far away
in the palace, they tremble with amorous desire and become at once transformed
into women.
Text 89
bhogavalim pathati.
savyatah to t he left; vilokya lo o k i n g ; ka t ham wh e t h e r ;ayam t h i s ;
mauktikacudah M a u k t i k a c u da; nama na m e d ; ma thurah f ro m M a t h u r a ;
vandi th e p oe t;bhogavalim a v i r u d a v a li poem;pathati r e c i t e s .
Krsna: (glancing to the left) Is this the poet Mauktikacuda from Mathura
reciting a Bhogavals poem7
Text 90
(punas tatraiva)
sphuran manis-aradhikam nava tama2a -nz2am -harer
ududha ghana -kunkum-am j ayati hari vaksah sthalamudu stavaki-tam sada tadid udirna -2aksmi -bharamyad abhram iva 2$2aya sphutam adabhram udbhasate
punah ag ain; tatra there; eva ce r tainly; sphurat gl i s t e n i n g;mani o f
jewels; sara a n e c klace;adhikam more; nava yo u n g; tamala ta m a l a t re e;
da r k; ha reh of L o r d K r s n a; ududha bo r n e ; ghana th i c k ; k u n k u mam
kunkuma; j ayati
al l g l o r i e s;hari ch a r m i n g ;va ksah sthalam -che st; u du o f
stars; stavakitam wi t h b l o s s oms;sada et e r n a lly;tadit
li g h t n i n g u
; dirna
manifested; 2aksmi of b e auty;bharam ab u n d a n c e;yat wh i c h ; ab h r am a
cloud; iva
Again from behind the scenes: All glories to Krsna's handsome chest more
splendid than a necklace of glittering sapphires, dark as a young tamala tree,
decorated with thick kunk u ma, and playfully and eternally glistening as a
monsoon cloud decorated with bunches of blossoming stars and splendid with a
stationary lightning flash!
Text 91
Text 92
Text 93
Kr s n a; samasvasya be c o m i ng calm;nisvasiti
Text 90
(nepathy e)
dhatreyi ka-ra pu-ta sam-bhrtagra ha-sta
A voice from behind the scenes: Holding Dhatreyi by the hand, surrounded by
the excited elderly brahmana ladies, and also surrounded at some distance by
many soldiers, Rukmini, the princess of Vidarbha is now going to the temple of
goddess Parvati.
Text 95
krsnah: sakhe suparna hatasena rukmina durgamam krtam etad durgamandiram. tad ehi nata-vesenavam antah pravisavah. (iti niskrantau.)
sakhe 0 fr i e n d; suparna Ga r u d a ;hata asena -wicked; rukmina
Rukmi; durgamam th e c a refully guarded;krtam
do n e ;et at th i s ;gu r ga o f
goddess Durga; mandiram the temple; tat th e r e f o re;ehi co m e h e r e; nata o f
dances; vesena in t he disguise;avam Me ; an t ah wi t h i n ; pr a v i savah e n t e r ;
th u s ; niskrantau T h e y e x i t .
Krsna: 0 friend Suparna, the villain Rukmi has placed guards all around
Durga's temple. Come, let us enter the temple disguised as dancers. (They exit.)
Text 96
Text 97
Text 98
Candravali: (aside) I have heard of this deep lake of butter. Now I will go to
see it.
Text 99
af f e c t i o n a te;bi
th u s ; tu m an y o u ;
Madhavi: Princess, why did the Supreme Person, Lord Krsna, who loves you,
not ask to marry you7
Text 100
candravall: (sanskrtena)
saranam ihayo bhratus tasya pratlpa vidha-yita
hita krd a-pi ya devyas tasyah samagram upeksanam
gatir avikalayo me tasya priyasya ca vismrtir
bata hata vidha-u vame sarvam prayati viparyayan
sanskrtena in S anskrit; saranam iha -here; yah wh i c h; bhratuh of the
brother; tasya of h i m ; pr a t ipa th e o p p o s i t e;vidhayita gi v i n g ; h i t a
auspiciousness; krt gr a n t i n g;api
ev e n ;ya wh o ; de v y ah of t h e g o d d e ss;
tasyah of h e r; samagram co m p l e t e ;upeksanam ne g l e c t;gatih d e s t i n a t i o n;
au s p i c i o u s;yah wh o ; me of m e ; ta s ya of H i m ; pr i y a s ya t h e
beloved; ca al s o;vismrtih fo r g e t f u l n e ss;
bata al a s .;hata cr u e l ;vi d h au f a t e ;
vame cr o o ked; sarvam al l ; pr a ya ti att a i n s pa
; ryayam th e o p p o s i t e .
Text 101
th i s; pasadam
te m p l e ;pavisi
ha v i n g e nt e red;candabha am
go d - dess
Candrabhaga (Durga);
let us pray.
Madhavi: Let us enter the temple and pray to goddess Candrabhaga (Durga).
Text 102
candrava2i: ajj
e bhaggavi vandavehi candabha am -candi amajje 0 no b l e o ne;bhaggavi Bh a r g a vi;vandavehi of f e r r espectful obeisances;
candabha am -to goddess Durga;candi am -p a s s i o nate.
Text 103
devi 0 goddess;
please delingt;
th e p r i n c e ss of Vidarbha;parama
su p r e m e ;abhista varen-a w i t h
the desired benediction; iti th u s ; va n danam ob e i s a nces;karayati ca u s e s .
Note: The word "vara" may also mean husband". Interpreted in this way, the
phrase may read: by giving her the husband she desires."
Text 100
wi t h; upalambham ce n s u r e;sanskrtena
childhood; bhagavati 0
in S a n s krit;akaumaram
Text 105
as if; samvutta
be i n g ; ru d dani
fa v o r a b l e ;
Ru d r a n i , ( D u r g a ).
Text 106
Candravah: Noble Bhargavi, you stay here and pray to goddess Sarvani
(Durga), and I will go to the pond of butter and circumambulate the sacred fire.
Text 107
of d a n c e r s;vessau in t he d re ss;
Text 108
Krsna: When I was a cowherd boy I would often amuse Myself by dancing.
That art of dancing has now become the expert counselor who has taught us how
to enter this great fortress.
Text 109
Suparna: 0 Lo rd, our disguise as dancers covers the eyes of our enemies and
delights the eyes of all the women here.
Text 110
sakhe 0
manifests; bhavyani
au s p i c io us;sakunani
Krsna: Friend, greatest of all birds, look! There are many auspicious omens.
Text 111
nabhasi rabhasavadbhih slaghyamana munindrair
mahita kuva-layaksi kirti subhr-amsu vaktr-a
nrpa kulam -iha hitva cedi raj a p-radh-anam
mura dama-na gamisyaty utsuka tvam j aya srihnabhasi in t he sky; rabhasavadbhih wi t h e a g erness;slagghyamana g l o r i f i e d ;
muni of sages; indraih by t h e l e a ders;mahita gl o r i o u s; kuvalaya l o t u s f lo w e r ;
aksi wh o se eyes; kirti o f g l o r y ; subhra amsu -777; vaktra wh o s e f ace;nrpa o f
kings; kulam th e c o m m u n i t y; iha h e r e ; hi t va ab a n d o n i n g;cedi o f C e d i ;
th e k i ng (Sisupala);pradhanam wh o i s t he first;mura o f t h e M u r a
demon; damana 0 cr u s h e r;gamisyati wi l l g o ; u t s uka e a g e r;tvam t o Y o u ;
j aya of victory; srih th e g o d d e ss.
Suparna: The goddess of victory, whose face is like a glorious moon, whose
eyes are like beautiful lotus flowers, and who is earnestly glorified by the great
sages in the heavenly planets, has abandoned Cedi s King Sisupala and his royal
allies, and, 0 crusher of the Mura demon, is now very eager to approach You.
Text 112
Krsna: Friend, look! Look! The great heroes never defeated in battle roar as
lions. The singers and musicians make a great sound, and the best of the
brahmanas loudly recite many prayers. This city of Kundina is deafening the entire
Text 113
Suparna: (looking ahead) Rukm i ni, the daughter of the king of Kundina is
now leaving the temple of Mrdani (Durga).
Text 110
Krsna: This girl is the most beautiful. She eclipses the beauty of other girls.
They no longer seem beautiful in comparison to her. (turning His face) Friend,
bring this girl and the two kings (Kratha and Kaisika) here on the tip of your wing.
Text 115
Text 116
Krsna: Friend, it is so, but what does it matter. Krsna is not enchanted by mere
Text 117
by you;palanijj
o may be protected.
Candravali: Madhavi, I request you: Please take care of the young bakula tree I
planted with a seed from Vrndavana.
Note: Rukmini here hints that she wishes to commit suicide because she
cannot attain Krsna. She is concerned that he pet tree will be protected after she is
dead and can no longer care for it.
Text 118
madhavi: (sasram) bhatti dari e-pasid-a pasida padibalehi sunandam jam e.ttha
majj ha vattini -bha avadi -vihavari
wi t h; asram
p- r i n c ess;
be k i n d ; pasida b e
kind; padibalehi
Madhavi: Princess, calm down. Calm down. Wait for (the messenger) Sunanda.
Text 119
Candravali: Fool. By staying in the palace I cannot attain that auspicious nectar
lake of immortality.
Note: The lake of immortality here is the sacrificial fire. Rukmini wants to
commit suicide by jumping into that fire.
Text 120
(Shedding tears, she says in Sanskrit) I was never able really to understand
You. Still, You mercifully accepted me in Vrajabhumi. Why have You now given
up my company and gone to another country7 0 Krsna, 0 treasure-house of all
transcendental qualities, why have You forgotten me7
Text 121
Text 122
of t he city; strmam
of t h e w o m e n; autsukyam
ex c i t ement.
Text 123
Suparna: Lord, look! Look! Up th ere are the faces of doe-eyed women that
climbed to the palace roof to see You. Lotus-eyed one, Candravali is there among
Text 123
wi t h; utkantham
lo n g i n g ;ha 0 ;
ha 0; padma
of P a d m a ;sakhi fr i e n d ; ka t h am ho w i s i t 7 ; ka thorena h a r d hearted; maya by M e ; vismrta be e n f o r g o t ten;asi yo u h a v e;tat th e n ; a d y a
now; eva ce r t a inly; dvaravatim Dv a r a k a;asadya at t a i n i n g;tava o f y o u ;
uddesaya in r e lation; caran go i n g ; ac arisyami I s h a l l d o .
find you.
Text 120
Text 125
krsnah: (sasankam) sakhe katham anubhuta purve-va kapi sinjita saran-i prasarpya
mam ardri karotisa wi t h; asankam do u b t ; sa khe 0 fr i e n d ;ka t h am wh y 7 ; an u bhuta
experiencing; purva be f o r e;iva as i f ; ka api a c e r t a i n;sinjita o f t i n k l i n g
sounds; sarani st r e a m;prasarpya ap p r o a c h i n g;mam Me ; a r d r i k a r o t i moistens.
Text 126
suparnah: niveditam eva devasya yad atra.j agat traye 'py a-sya badham
anarghasya kumari ratnasya -pasyami nanyam arghya haram
Suparna: As I told You, my Lord, in all the three worlds I do not see anyone but
You who can purchase the priceless jewel of this beautiful girl.
Text 127
krsnah: tarhi drsa pariksaniyam (ity .apangam sa 29carayan) aye katham gokula
vilasini sad-harana mad-hurya mu-dra man-diteyam kumari hrdayam mamonmadayati
(punah sanuragam nirupya) hanta katham saiveyam me prana va22-abha
th e n; drsa wi t h a g l a n c e;pariksaniyam sh o u l d be seen;iti t h u s ;
apangam sancarayan
gl a n c i ng from the corner of His eye;aye 0; k a t h am h o w
is it7; goku2a in G o k u l a; vi2asini of t h e g ir ls who enjoy pastimes;sadharana
general; madhurya
of s w e e t n e s s;mudra wi t h t h e s ig n;mandita marked;
iyam sh e; kumari gi r l ; hr d a y am he a r t ;ma ma My ; un m a d a yati m a d d e n s ;
punah ag ain; sa wi t h ; an u r a gam love; nirupya
gl a n c e s;hanta i n d e e d ;
katham ho w is i t 7; sa sh e ; eva ce r t a i n l y;iyam sh e ;ma of M e ; pr a na a s
Krsna: Let Me look at her. (He looks from the corner of His eye.) Ah, how is it
that this girl is decorated with the same charming sweetness borne by the gopis
who enjoy pastimes in Gokula7 How is it that this girl maddens My heart7 (H e
again glances with love.) Ah! She is My beloved!
Text 128
(Agitated) This host of moons that melts the candrakanta jewel of My heart,
brings great tidal waves to the ocean of My love, makes the lotus flowers of My
eyes blossom with happiness, and makes the small plants of My body's hairs stand
up with joy, is Candravali! Today I have attained My Candravali!
Note: The moon makes candrakanta jewel melt, the ocean become filled with
turbulent waves, lotus flowers blossom, and small plants sprout.
Text 129
near;abhyupetya approaching;madhuryam
of h e r; paryalocayami I s h a l l s e e; iti t h u s ;
Text 130
madhavi: (krsnam vi2okya svagatam) kudo a ado eso -ti22o a sunda-ro -nacca a ra okrsnam Kr s n a; vilokya se e i n g;svagatam as i d e;kudo fr o m w h a t p l a c e7;a
ado co me; eso He ; ti 22oat h a n -the men in all the three worlds; sundaro m o r e
handsome; nacca ao f d- a ncers;ra o t
h e- k i n g .
Madhavi: (seeing Krsna, she says to herself:) From whence has this king of
dancers, who is more handsome than all the men in the three worlds, come7
Text 131
candravali: bha a-vam havva v-aha tassa kandappa k-odi su-ndarassa pa a-ravinda
j u a-lassa pase imam vahehi tad ekka sa-ranam j anam (.iti pavakam pranamya) ha
bha av-adi ponnamasi ettha osare kahim gadasi
bha av-am 0 Lo r d ; havva va-ha fi r e - g od;tassa of H i m ; ka n d appa o f c u p i d s ;
kodi th an m i l l i o n s; sundarassa mo r e beautiful; pa a -f e e t; aravinda l o t u s ; jualassa of the pair; pase to t he s ide;imam th i s ; va h ehi pl e a s e take;tad t h i s ;
ekka sar-anam co m p l e telly surrender;j anam pe r s o n;iti th u s ; pa v a kam t o t h e
sacred fire; pranamya bo w s to o ffer respects;ha 0; b h a a va-di n o b l e ;
ponnamasi Paurnamasi; ettha he r e; osare oc c a s ion;kahim on w h a t 7 ;gadasi
have you come.
Candravali: 0 fi r e -god, please take this person, whose only shelter is Krsna, to
the two lotus feet of Krsna, who is more handsome than millions of cupids. (She
bows down to offer respects to the fire.) 0 no b le Paurnamasi, why have you come
Text 132
krsnah: (sa kheda-m atma gatam) -hanta satyam eva maha sahas-e krtadhyavasaya
seyam asu suksan-im pradaksini karoti -tad aham apetya bhuj abhyam avrnomi
sa wi t h; khedam gr i e f ; at ma gatam -to Himself; hanta
in d e e d ;satyam i n
truth; eva c e r t ainly; maha sahase -in suicide; krta do n e ;ad hyavasaya
determination; sa iyam sh e ; asu suksan-im th e f ir e;pradaksini .k a r o .ti.
circumambulates; tat
th e r e f o r e;aham I; up e t ya ap p r o a c h i n g;bhuj abhyam
with both arms; avrnomi s h a l l s ur r o u n d .
Krsna: (unhappily says to Himself) Al as, she has decided to commit suicide by
jumping into the fire. Now she is circumambulating the fire. I will go up to her
and stop her by holding her in My arms.
Text 133
Text 130
mandamhita ma a-ran-de
pa ara m-a a-ra k-ann-i a siri -s-aran-e
tassim cce-a muha pa um-ebhamara-u maha padibhavam na-anam
wi t h a g entle smile;ma arand-e wi th h o n e y; pa ara -beautiful;
kanni a ea-rrings; siri
ma ara
beauty; sarane th e shelter;
tassim in H i m; c ce-a i n d e e d; muha fa c e ;pa ume - in th e lot us flower;
bhamara um - ay wander; maha my ; pa d i b h a v am in t h e n e xt b i r t h; na anam-
I pray that birth after birth my eyes may attain Krsna's lotus face filled with the
honey of His gentle smile and decorated with the beauty of His graceful sharkshaped earrings.
Text 135
Krsna: (hastily embraces her on the neck) Do e-eyed girl, do not set the
universes on fire!
Text 136
madhavi: (sa ro-sam) re maha sa-hasi a-dhittha na-cca a j-u an-a munca nam maha
ra a p-ut-ti amsa wi t h; rosam an g e r;r e 0 ; m a h a very; sahasika vi o l e n t; dhitti a - b o l d ;
nacca a -dancer; yu ana -y o u ng; munca
let go;
ofher;maha great;
a of the king; putti am -t h e da u g h t e r.
Madhavi: (angry) Bold, impudent young dancer, let go of this great princess.
Text 137
krsnah: (sasram)
ayam kanthe lagnah sasimukhi janas te pranayavan
yad apraptya dhanyam tanum atanu rupam -trnayasi
prasidadya pranesvari virama masminn anugate
krthah patyav atyahitam idam uro me vidalati
sa wi t h; asram te a r s ;ayam th i s ;ka n t he on t h e n e c k; lagnah r e s t i n g ;
sasi mukhi -0 mo o n - f a ced girl;j anah pe r s o n; te yo u ; pr a n a yavan lo v e s ;yat
because; apraptya by n ot a tt aining;dhanyam go o d f o r t u n e;tanum b o d y ;
atanu of c up i d; rupam th e f o r m ; tr n a yasi yo u c o n s i d er insignificant as a blade
of grass; prasida be m e rciful; adya no w ; pr a na of l i f e ; is v ari 0 q u e e n ;
virama pl e as stop;ma do n o t ; as min he r e ;an ugate fo l l o w e d;kr t hah d o ;
fe a r ;id am th i s ;ur a h th e c h e s t;me o f M e ;
patyau to your lover; atyahitam
te a rs apart.
Krsna: (in tears) 0 m o o n - f aced girl, this person clinging to your neck loves
you. Unable to attain Him, you thought your beautiful body worthless as a blade of
grass. 0 queen of Myli fe, be merciful to Me! Please stop! Don't enter the fire! 1am
your lover. This tears My chest apart with fear.
Text 138
patati ).
no t h e a ring; abhiniya re p r e s e nting dramatically;mahavi 0
Madhavi; munca let go; munca let go; ma do not;kkhu indeed;dukkhabehi
make me unhappy; jam because;sambhavida manifested; bahu many;
th u s ; ni ja o w n ; a n g u l e h
paccuho ob s tacles; eso t h i s ; mu h utto moment; iti
of the finger; abharanam or n a m e n t;akrsya pu l l i n g ; h ala a h ! ; e sa t h i s ;r a
ana je w e l; muddi a -ring; j adha as; purisuttamassa of t he Supreme Personality
of Godhead; ditthi of t h e e yes; maggam t h e p a t h ; la hedhi at t a i n s;tadha t h e n ;
tu-e by you; kadavvam sh o u l d b e d o n e;iti th u s ; ha ri of K r s n a ;ha sta o f t h e
hand; angulau o n th e f i n ger; nivesayanti pl a c i n g; sa w i t h ; sa n k am d ou b t ;
atma-gatam to h e r self; kadham ho w i s i t 7; kadhino ha r d ; ha t t hassa o f t h e
hand; pphamso th e t o u c h;iti th u s ;as ru of t e a r s ;dharam a s t r e a m ;
wi p i n g ; pasyanti lo o k i n g ; sa w i t h ; ut k r o s am a c r y ;ka d h am h o w i s
it7; so He;j evva ce r t a i n l y; me o f m e ;ji v i da of t h e l i f e ; isaro t h e l o r d ;
mam m e ; pa r i r a mbhi a e m
- bracing; vaharadi sp e a k s;iti th u s ; an a n da i n
bliss; murcham f a i n t i ng; natayanti r e p r e s e nting dramatically; bhu o f t h e
ground; tale o n th e surface; patati
Candravah: (not hearing) Madhavi, let go! Let go! Don't make me suffer like
this! There are so many obstacles now. (She pulls a ring from her finger.) Place
this jewel ring on the pathway of the Supreme Person's eyes. (She places the ring
on Krsna s finger. Filled with doubt, she says to herself) This hand is very hard to
t he touch. (She wipes away streams of tears. She stares at Him and cries out) Th e
master of my life embraces me and speaks to me. (Fainting with happiness, she
falls to the ground.)
Text 139
madhavi: (sanandam)
n d - e r f u l;vihino
of fate;
Text 100
Text lkl
udancan madh-uryam vikasita nava-mbhoruha pada-m
nudantam santapan avihata ratha-nga pran-ayinam
aj ivan mohandha harim anusaranti vara tanuryathavaram puram stha2a vi2uth-ad angi s-apharika
udancat ri s i n g; madhuryam sw e e t n e ss;vikasita bl o s s o me d;nava n e w ;
ambhoruha lo t us flo we rs;padam fo o t ; nu d antam pu s h i n g a wa y;santapan
sufferings; avihata un c o n q u e rable;ratha anga -Krsna who holds the Sudarsana
disc; pranayinam
th e l o v e r; aj ivat li v e d ; mo ha wi t h f a i n t i n g;andha b l i n d e d ;
Kr s n a; anusaranti fo l l o w i n g ;vara be a u t i f u l;ta nuh w h o s ef o r m ;
yatha ju s t as; varam puram a r e s e rvoir of water;sthala
on t heground;
ro l l i n g a bout;angi wh o s e b o d y;sapharika a s a p h a rika fish.
like a sapharika fish wriggling on the dry land who has suddenly found a large
reservoir of water.
Text 102
Text 103
candravali: (puro drstva svagatam) kadham ettha tado me vidabbha nadh-o (iti.
lajjam abhiniya paurnamasim antara karoti )
purah ah e a d; drstva lo o k i n g ; svagatam to herself; kadham h o w is i t 7 ;
ettha he r e; tado fa t h e r;me my ; vi d a b bha of V i d a r b h a;nadho th e k i n g ; i t i
thus; lajjam em b a r r a ssment;abhiniya re p r e s e nting dramatically;paurnamasi
Paurnamasi; antara wi t h i n ; ka r o ti d o e s .
Candravali: (looks ahead, and then says to herself) Why has my father, the
king of Vidarbha, come here7 (embarrassed, she places Paurnamasi between her
father and herself.)
Text 100
no b l e l a d y; katham
Text 105
ho w 7 ; t v a m
moon; candravali of
Text 106
bhismakah: (sadaram)
aviditas tanayam anayan nayann
upakrtim krtavan mamajambavan
Text 107
Paurnamasi: 0 king of Ku n d i na, in truth you are the crest jewel of pious men.
Now Candravali, the moonlight that makes the lotus of your dynasty blossom with
glory, should be given to Lord Krsna, the king of kings.
Text 108
offend Radha.
Text 109
Bhismaka: (humbly) 0
h u s b and of the goddess of fortune, my girl's relatives
have a request that I will now place before You. Please agree that without my
daughter's permission You will not accept the hand of any other girl.
Text 150
Kr s n a; paurnamasi
Text 151
Paurnamasi: Krsna, of all the girls of Gokula, bungling fate has left only
Candravali alive. In making this promise what is the loss7
Text 152
ki n g ; t a t ha i n t h a t w a y; astu s o b e i t .
Text 153
Text 150
Text 155
krsnah: (sadaram angi krtya) r-aj ann anuj anihi. dvarakam prayami
parivaro niskrantah.)
(i ti s a .
Text 156
saptih sapti ratha iha rathah kunjarah kunjaro me
tunastuno dhanur uta dhanur bhoh krpani krpani
ka bhih ka bhir ayam ayam aham ha tvaradhvam tvaradhvam
rajnah putri bata hrta hrta -kamina ba22avena
nepathye fr om b ehind the scenes;saptih ho r s e;saptih ho r s e ;ra thah
chariot; iha h e r e; ra thah ch a r i o t ;kunj arah el e p h a n t;kunj arah e l e p h a n t ;
me my; tunah quiver;
quiver; dhanuh bow; uta indeed; dhanuh
bow; bhoh ah.; krpani sword; krpani sword; ka how; bhih terrible;
how; bhih t e r r i b l e ; ayam th i s ;ay am th i s ;ah am I; ha ah . ; tv a r a d h v am
hurry;rajnah of the king;
putri the daughter;bata
indeed; hrta
ki d n apped;kamina by a lusty;ba22avena
A voice from behind the scenes: Horses! Horses! Chariots! Chariots! Elephants!
E lephants! My quiver! My quiver! My b ow ! M y b o w !
M y s w o r d ! M y s w o rd ! H o w
terrible! How terrible! Hurry! Hu r ry! A lu sty cowherd has kidnapped her!
Kidnapped the princess!
Text 157
Bhismaka: Why are the kings running about and shouting7 (glances behind
the scenes) Why has Balarama come with the armies of the Yadu dynasty7
Text 158
ag ain; avadhaya
li s t e n i n g;sa
in deed;viliyire
wi t h ; sm i t am a s m i l e ;v i l e
in a hole;
Text 159
(punar nepathy e)
vikrosan dantavakrah ka2ita bhaya b-haro h-anta vakrah ki2aszt
pindi surah sr-gali skhalita ratha ga-tir ma-gadho vagadho bhut
durad aujjhan nrpanam kulam adhi samaram -niskrpanam krpanan
dhunvane sarnga dhanvan-y ari
nidhana -dharam -hasya rangena -sardham
punah a g a in; nepathye be h i n d t he scenes;vikrosan cr y i n g; dantavakrah
Dantavakra;kalita bhaya bh-arah -frightened; hanta indeed;vakrah crooked;
kila in d e e d; asit is ; pi n di surah c- o w h e r d, who is very brave when boasting at
home to his family members but frightened in the battlefield; srgali t h e j a c k a l ;
fa l l e n;ratha of t h e c h a r i o t; gatih th e m o v e m e n t;magadhah t h e k i n g
of Magadha garasandha);
abhut has become; durat from
a great distance;
aujjhan fleeing; nrpanam of the kings;kulam the community;
adhi s-amaram th e battle; miskrpanam me r c i l e s s;krpanan
wr e t ched;
dhunvane moving;sarnga d-hanvani the Sarnga bow;ari the enemies;nidhana
dharam de s t roying; hasya r-angena la u g h t e r;sardham w i t h .
Again a voice from behind the scenes: Crooked Dantavakra cries in fear. The
cowardly jackal Jarasandha is speechless. He turns his chariot and flees. Lord
Krsna raises His sarnga bow, laughs, and kills His enemies in a ferocious battle
with merciless kings.
Text 160
1fn 2
bhismakah: (sanandam) nivrtta-cinto 'smi samvrttah.
sa with; anandam
samv rt tah being.
bl i s s ;nivrtta
go n e ;ci n tah
an x i e t y ;asmi
I am;
Text 162
(nepathy e)
khanditena vinibaddha vasasapanditena rana ranga -karma-ni
kesavena racitardha munda-nah
suto vidambitah
A voice from behind the scenes: Binding him with torn cloth and half-shaving
his head, Krsna, who is expert in battle, mocks the prince of Kundina.
Text 163
Bhismaka: (anxious) T his son, who is the black-spot of our family, should
now be consoled so the proud fellow will not die of shame. (He exits.) (Exit all.)
Act Six
Scene I
Text I
of Lord Krsna;
(Uddhava enters.)
Uddhava: Even though Indra and the demigods pray to Him to become
unafraid of the demons, still Krsna builds a fort in the sea out of fear of
insignificant Jarasandha, and even though His great intelligence has masterminded
the entire universe, still Krsna approaches me for advice. Who can understand the
transcendental pastimes of inscrutable Lord Krsna7
Text 2
wi th ; ci n t e na a n x i e t y ;
to s e e;icchami I w i s h .
Text 3
Text 0
(pravisya) naradah:
uri-kartum damodara h-rdi navamoda 2a-harim
variyasyah premnam j agati vividhah santu gatayah
stumas tamyas tasam sphurati hrdi bhavasya garima
hrsikanam hanta prabhur api na yatra prabhavati
pravisya en t e r s;uri ka-rtum to a c c e pt;damodara of L o r d K r s n a;hrdi in
the heart; nava ne w ; amoda of b l i s s;laharim wa v e s ;variyasyah t h e b e s t ;
premnam of l o v e;j agati in the world; vividhah va r i o u s;santu m a y b e ;
gatayah mo v e m e nts; stumah we g l o r i f y; tam that; yah wh i c h ; ta sam o f
them; sphurati is m a n i f e sted;hrdi in t h e h e a r t; bh a vasya of e c s t atic love;
garima intensity; hrsikanam of t h e s enses;hanta in d e e d;prabhuh th e m a s t e r;
api ev e n; na no t ; ya t ra wh e r e ;pr a b havati h a s d o m i n i o n .
Narada: (enters) To taste the waves of ever-fresh bliss in Lord Krsna's heart, in
the world there many kinds of devotional love. Let us glorify the greatness of the
love in the gopis' hearts. Even Lord Krsna, the controller of everyone's senses does
not have the power to understand their love.
Text 5
He ; c a k r a
the cakra; adi be g i n n i ng wit h; anka ma r k i n g s ;sphurita ma n i f e s t e d;bhuja
mu2ah shoulder; ti2akavan be a r i ng tilaka markings;dadhat pl a c i n g; kanthe
on the neck; ma2am a garland; atu2a in c o m p a rable;tu2asi of t u l a s i;kastha
wood; manijam be a d s;hareh of L o r d K r s n a;sesam re m a i n i n g; ange o n t h e
body; sirasi on the head;sah he;vahan carrying;
as Uddhava;
gatah at t a ined; khyatim fame; bhakti of d e v o t i o n;prasarah a f lo o d i n g r i v e r;
iha he r e; murtah pe r s o n i f i e d;viharati en j o y s p astimes.
Text 6
Text 7
n arada: (subhasisa sabhaj ayan) mantri raj a -katham visanna iva viksyamano si .
subha auspicious; asisa wi t h a b e nediction;sabhaj ayan gr e e ting;mantri
of counselors; raj a 0 ki n g ; ka t h am wh y 7 ;vi s annah de j e c t e d;iva a s i f ;
v iksy amanah appear; asi y o u .
0 ki n g of c o u n selors,
Text 8
Text 9
naradah: usara bhumir a-si santatam aparadha b oasya d-aivad vi.rudham api tad
vindati sattam na govinde
Narada: You are a desert where the seed of offenses can never sprout. Even if,
by destiny, some offense sprouts there, Krsna will never take it seriously.
Text 10
Text 11
li k e w h a t 7;sa
Text 12
of t h e L o r d; artham
on behalf;
Text 13
wh a t; tat
to h i m ; ab h y a rthitam re q u e s t e d.
Text lk
da u g h t e r;ratnam je w e l ; ci n ta ratna-m
Uddhava: I asked that he give both his jewellike daughter and the syamantaka
gem to Lord Krsna.
Text 15
Text 16
on t h e o t h er hand; kasta
a c a l a m i t y;dam
Text 17
r a da: Even though he did not deny the request, still Satrajit was offensive to
Lord Krsna.
Text 18
When a person with a pure heart follows the instructions of the great devotees
in this world, he attains a host of good qualities, although a person with a sinful
heart will not at once attain the same result. If a doe-eyed young girl sprinkles a
bakula tree with nectar from her mouth, the tree will immedialtely sprout many
new buds. What will happen if she sprinkles an atarusaka plant7 (No new buds
will sprout. Even though Satrajit followed Lord Krsna's order, he remained an
Note: When a bakula tree is sprinkled with nectar from the mouth of a young
girl, the tree immediately sprouts many new buds.
Text 19
anarpitena ratnena
kany a ratne-na cacy ute
bhrataram sadhu vada-m ca
sa svakiyam aghatayat
no t o f f e nded;ratnena wi t h t h e j e w e l;kanya of t h e d a u g hter;
ratnena wi t h t h e j e w e l; ca al s o ;acyute to t h e i n f a l l i b le Supreme Personalityof
Godhead; bhrataram brother;
sadhu vadam -good reputation;ca and; sah he;
ow n ; ag hatayat de s t r o y e d.
Text 20
he ; di s ta antam -death;
Text 21
Text 22
Text 23
uddhavah: atha kim. yad esaj agat tamah -prama-thi caritr-a viroca-ne canura dvisikancit tamah -kalam -udirayati tenady.a khinno bhavattah khsemam asamse
atha kim ye s; yat wh i c h ; es ah th i s j; agat of t h e w o r l d; ta mah t h e
darkness; pramathi ch a s i ng away;caritra of w h o s e pastimes;virocane t h e s un ;
of C a n u r a;dvisi to t h e e ne my; kancit a c e r t a i n;t amah kalam -s i n ;
ar i s e s;tena fo r t h i s r eason;khinnah un h a p p y; bhavattah f r o m y o u ;
ksemam auspiciousness;asamse I re q uest.
Uddhava: I sinned against Lord Krsna, who is the enemy of Canura, and whose
transcendental pastimes are like a brilliant sun that chases away the darkness of
ignorance in this world. I am vey unhappy. I beg you, bless me and relieve me of
my sin.
Text 20
Text 25
uddhavah: bhagavananann
api kim mam mudha pralobhayasi yad ad.ya kenapi
soka sanku2-a sanku2-asya devasya kuto nava vrndav-anavagahane pi sambhavana
bhagavan 0
lo r d ;j anan un d e r s t a nding;api al t h o u g h;kim wh y 7 ;m a m
me; mudha us e lessly;pralobhayasi yo u t e m p t; yat be c a u s e;adya no w ; k e n a
api by s ome means;soka of g r i e f; sanku2a by t he arrows;sanku2asya pi e r c ed
by a multitude; devasya of t he L or d; kutah ho w i s i t p o s s ible7;nava a g a i n ;
vrndavana in t o V r n d a vana;avagahane in t he e ntrance;api e v e n ;
sambhavana po s sibility.
Uddhava: Lord, you know better, why do you uselessly tease me in this way7
Lord Krsna is now wounded by many arrows of grief. How is it possible for Him to
return to Vrndavana7
Text 26
wh a t; soka
of g r i e f; sankoh
of t h e a r r o w;upadhih
ca use.
Text 27
Note: Of the two sisters: Radha and Candravali, Radha is the younger.
Text 28
naradah: (vihasya)
apl 2abdhangu2l sangamyadi nasteti drstiman
mudram socati rocisnum
tatra kim karavamahe
vihasya la u g h i n g; api wh e t h e r 7 ;2abdha at t a i n e d;angu2i of t he f in g er;
sangam association; yadi if ; na s ta lo s t ;it i thu s ; dr s t i n am a p e r s on e ndowed
with sight; mudram a r i n g ; socati la m e n t s;rocisnum sp l e n d i d;tatra i n t h i s
matter; kim wh a t 7 ;karavamahe c a n we do.
Narada: (laughing) If a person who has the power to see cannot see the
glittering ring of his finger, thinks it lost, and laments for it, then what can we do
to help him7
Text 29
Uddhava: (with wonder and bliss) Lo rd, the blossoming vine of your words
agitates the bumble-bee of my mind. Tell me openly: Is the younger goddess still
Text 30
r a da: Alive7 What are you saying7 At this moment She decorates the city of
Text 31
ho w 7 ; iy am
Uddhava: (his hairs standing in ecstasy) How did She get there7
Text 32
aksmam vibhavam prajam ca paramam abhyarthya sarvatmana
kurvanaya nisevanam virahitapatyaya satyarcanah
sardham durdhara sa-nkhacuda ma-nina tam satyabhamakhyaya
vikhyatam pranayan dadau dinamanir mitraya satrajite
aksinam of the eyes;
the opulence;
praj am a daughter; ca also;
paramam su p r e m e;abhyarthya requesting; sarva wi t h a l l; at mana h i s h e a r t ;
fo r d o i n g; nisevanam se r v i c e;virahita wi t h o u t ; ap atyaya f o r a
child; satya tr u t h f u l ; ar c anah wo r s h i p ; sardham wi t h ; du r d h a ra
uncontrollable; sankhacuda of t he Sankhacuda demon;manina th e j e w e l; tam
Her; satyabhama
Satyabhama;akhyaya with the name;vikhyatam
pranayan br i n g i n g; dadau ga v e ;dinamanih th e s u n - g o d; mitraya t o h i s
friend; satrajite S a t r a jit.
Narada: To his friend, childless Satrajit who, praying for undying wealth and
the best child, worshiped him with all his heart, the sun-god gave two gifts: the
jewel of the invicible Sankhacuda demon, and the younger girl (Sri Radha), who is
now known by the name Satyabhama.
Text 33
jewel and it will give you eight bharas of gold every day."
Text 30
Text 35
Text 36
Text 37
moksaty adya tanum aniksita ha-rih sandhya m-ukhe te sakhi
turnam putri tatah samanaya mamabhyarne visirnam imam
ity ajnam pitur akalayya catura sa candadhamnah suta
sauram bimbam a2ambhayad vi2apitodgaradhikam radhikam
ab a n dons;adya no w ; ta n um bo d y ; an i k s ita no t s e e n;harih L o r d
Krsna; sandhya mu-khe at sunset;te of y o u ; sakhi th e f r i e n d; tu rnam a t o n c e ;
0 daughter; tatah th e n ; samanaya br i n g ; ma ma to m e ; ab h yarne n e a r ;
br o k e n; imam He r ; i t i t h us ; aj n a m th e o r d e r ;pi t uh o f h e r f a t h e r ;
he a r i n g; catura ex p e r t ;sa sh e ; ca ndadhamanah of t he s un-god;
suta the daughter (the Yamuna River); sauram to t h e s un;bimbam d i s c ;
a2ambhay at brought; vi 2api ta udg-ara adhi -kam greatly lamenting; radhi kam
r a da: Th e sun-god said to his daughter, the Yamuna River: "0 daughter,
because She is can not longer see Lord Krsna, your friend Radha has given up Her
body at sunset. Bring Her to me at once." Obeying her father's orders, the Yamuna
brought the grieving Radha to the sun-planet.
Text 38
of V i s a kha;ka
wh a t 7 ;va rta
is t he news.
Text 39
naradah: govindenasamam sambandhad atmanam purna kamam k-artu kamasyatamarasa bandhor -icchaya dharma raj anuj
ai-va gokule visakhakhyam avapa
wi t h ; sa mbandhat be c a u se of the
Narada: Desiring to establish a relationship with Lord Krsna, the sun-god sent
his daughter, Yamaraja s younger sister, the Yamuna River, to Gokula, where she
became known as Visakha.
Text 00
Text Wl
naradah: atha kim. samjnaya vijnapanad eva tat pitra sil-pacaryena nava
vrndavanam dvaravatyam aviskrtam tatha h.i
atha kim
ye s ; samjnayah of S a m j n a;vijnapanat be c a u se of the request;
eva certainly; tat of h e r ; pi t ra by t h e f a t h e r; silpa acaryen-a by V is vakarma,
the best ofarchitects; nava vrndava-nam Na va Vrndavana;dvaravatyam i n
Dvaraka; aviskrtam wa s c onstructed;tatha hi f u r t h e r m o r e .
r a da: Yes. It was by Samjna s request that her father Visvakarma, the best of
architects, constructed Nava Vrndavana at Dvaraka. She said to him:
Text 02
"0 architect that decorates the worlds, so the stream of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna's
sweetness may flow there, please build in Dvaraka another Vrndavana splendid
with bhandira trees, filled with many trees and vines, with the Yamuna nearby,
and decorated with the beauty of Govardhana Hill."
Text 03
of t h e k i n g ;nandini
th e d a u g h t e r;katham
Text 00
with an appeal.
Text 05
li k e w h a t 7;idam
Text 06
pasyanti pasupa2a man-da2a siro -ma2y-asya 2z2a stha-2zr
yatraham niravahayisyam abhitah svantasya santarpanam
sadyah pamara karm-ano hata vidh-er uddama visp-hurjitair
nirdhutasmi tato 'pi duram adhuna ha hanta vrndavanat
pasyanti se e ing;pasupa2a of t he cowherd boys;manda2a o f t he commun i t y ;
sirah at t he head;ma2yasya th e g arland; 2i2a of p astimes;stha2ih th e p l a ces;
yatra where; aham I; ni r a v ahayisyam wo u l d h a ve attained;abhitah
completely; sva antasy-a of the heart; santarpanam sa t i s faction;sadyah a t o n c e ;
pamara wretched; karmanah wh o s e activities;hata wr e t c h e d;vidheh o f f a t e ;
uddama visphu-rjitaih
by t h e v i o l e nt actions;nirdhuta ex p e l l e d;asmi I s h a l l b e ;
tatah th e n; api ev e n ;du r am fa r a w a y;adhuna no w ; ha al a s ! ;ha n ta a l a s ! ;
vrndavanat fr o m V r n d a v ana.
r a da: She said, "Alas! Alas! Sinful, wretched fate violently took Me far from
Vrndavana, where I would have satisfied my heart by seeing the places where
Krsna, the crowning garland of the gopas, enjoyed pastimes."
Text 07
uddhavah: devi distya raksitah smo vayam tri 2oki cakh-susa -mitrena yatah
devi 0
Ra d h a;distya by g o o d f o r t u n e;raksitah pr o t e c t e d;smah h a v e
been; vayam we ; tri th e t h r e e w o r l d s;caksusa th e e ye;mitrena b y t h e s un -
god; yatah
Uddhava: 0 Radha, fortunately the sun-god, whose eyes gaze at all the three
worlds, has protected us.
Text 08
alaghubhir abhavisyaj
jivanam durnibandham
katham api so m e h o w; nivasantyah re s i d i n g;tatra th e r e ;vr n davana o f
Vrndavana; anke in t he l a p;vismara et e r n a l ly expanding;hari o f L o r d K r s n a ;
2i2a of pastimes;pura
po s sessing;
0 Radha, would Your painful life have continued by building a sturdy bridge of
hopes to carry You across the ocean of Vrndavana filled with the deep and
eternally increasing waters of Lord Krsna's pastimes7
Text 09
tatas tatah.
th e n 7; tatah
Then7 Then7
Text 50
th e m o t h e r ( C h a ya);
Text 51
"0 Radha, 0 newly-blossoming-lotus-faced girl who fills the three worlds with
transcendental bliss, do not be unhappy. Your beloved Lord, who is the object of
the saintly devotees meditation, eternally resides in this sun-planet."
Text 52
wh e t h e r7; atra
no t ; u t t a r i t a m
Text 53
by er;
I s h a ll describe;samakarnaya
pl e a se listen.
r a da: Wh y sh o uld she not answer7 She laughed and said: "0 moth er
Suvarna, please listen, and I will tell you something.
Text 50
Text 55
Sa t rajit;
Text 56
Narada: Yes. I said to him: A lion w ill k il l Pr asena and take away the
Syamantaka jewel. Jambavan, the king of the Bhallukas will then defeat the
powerful lion. Eventually the supremely independent Lord Krsna will take your
valuable jewel. 0 Satrajit, you are sinful. You will drown in an ocean of suffering."
Text 57
th e n 7; tatah
Text 58
Narada: Then Satrajit said: "A person burning in a fire can be saved by the
intervention of the fire-god Agni. In the same way, although I have offended Lord
Krsna, I will be saved by taking shelter of Lord Krsna."
Text 59
th e n; kim w h a t 7 ; uk t am
wa s said.
Text 60
na yavad upasarpati pratibhatebha kanthi -ravahpinaki-mukha-nakibhir mukuti-tanusistir vibhuh
muda tad avarod-hane kutila-bhava tavad drutam
tvayadya kula-nandini cira dhrtadh-ir adhiyatam
na no t; yavat as l o n g as;upasarpati ap p r o a c hes;pratibhata ibha o- f a lion;
kanthi in th e t h r o at; ravah t h e s o u n d; pinaki b y L o r d S i v a; mukha h e a d e d ;
nakibhih by th e demigods; mukutita-anusistih c r o w n e d as supreme monarch;
vibhuh th e all-powerful Lord; muda ha p p i l y ; tat avarodha-ne in t he palace;
kutila-bhava 0 c r o o k e d - hearted one; tavat fo r t h a t t i m e; drutam q u i c k l y ;
tvaya by y o u; adya no w ; k u l a - n andini y o u r d a u g h t e r;cira f o r a l o n g t i m e ;
dhrta ob t a i n e d; adhih a n g u i s h; adhiyatam i s t a k e n .
demigods, does not come, 0 crooked-hearted Satrajit, then carefully keep your
long suffering daughter Satyabhama in the palace."
Text 61
Then he sent his mother to take Radha into the palace's inner apartments.
Text 62
Text 63
naradah: hanta sambhrta gambhi-ra soka su-2aya g-oku2am vraj antya nedam
asvadi tam paurnamasy a
hanta in d e e d; sambhrta he l d ; ga mbhira de e p ;soka of g r i e f ;sulaya
the lance; gokulam to G o k u l a; vraj antya go i n g ; na no t ; id a m t hi s ;
asvaditam re l i s hed;paurnamasya by P a u r n a masi.
Text 60
Text 65
he r e ;ab hirupam
Text 66
wh o 7; iyam
sh e ;pu n yavati
p i o u sg i r l .
Text 67
kusuma racana cu-ncur ni-skutanam akale
Text 68
of R a d h a;kanana
Uddhava: Does this goddess of the forest know the truth about Radha7
Text 69
narada: atha kim. yad iyam nava vrndeti -yathartha samjna -tatrapi .samjnaya
atha kim ye s; yat be c a u s e;iyam sh e ; na va vrnda -N a v a -vrnda; iti t h u s ;
yatha artha
a-ppropiate;samj na name; tatra api st i l l ; samj naya b y S a m jn a ;
nidesena by the instructions; anugrhita is i n d e b t e d.
Narada: Yes. "Nava-vrnda" is the perfect name for her. The sun-god's wife
Samjna was kind to her and told her all about Radha.
Text 70
li k e w h a t 7;esah th i s ; ni d esah i n s t r u c t i o n .
Text 71
preyasyah pasupalika viharato ya tatra vrndavane
th e r e;vrndavane in V r n d a v a na;laksmi fo r t h e g o d d ess of fortune;
dur2abha di f f i c ult to attain; citra wo n d e r f u l ;ke2i of p a s t i m e s;ka2ika o f t h e
bud; kandasya th e s tem; kamsa of K a m s a;dvisah th e e n e m y; radha R a d h a ;
th e r e;variyasi th e b e s t;iti th u s ; na g a rim in D v a r a k a C it y;tam t h i s ;
st a y ing;ya wh o ; ks i t au on t h i s e a r t h;sevam th e s e rvice;devi 0 p i o u s
girl; samasta all; mangala au s p i c iousness;karim do i n g ; as yah of H e r ; t v a m
you; angi kuru -pl e ase accept.
r a da: She said: "The gopis in Vrndavana are all very dear to Krsna, the first
bloom of the flower of wonderful pastimes even the goddess of fortune cannot
attain. Radha, who is best of the gopis, now stays in Dvaraka on the earth planet. 0
goddess, (go there) and serve Her, for service to Her is all auspicious."
Text 72
Uddhava: (with tears) Lord, when these young gopis enter my memory, my
thoughts burn with pain.
Text 73
Text 70
Text 75
r a da: Come, let us go to the Sudharma assembly house and wait for Lord
Krsna. (They both exit.)
(Thus ends the viskambhaka interlude)
Scene 2
Text 1
of S a t r a ji t;mataram
Text 2
the mother;
Radha: (turning to the sky, She says in Sanskrit) How m any girls are born in
the many different countries of the earth7 Among them all no one is as hardhearted as I, for even though I am separated from Krsna, I still remain alive. I say:
Shame on My futile hopes! Shame on My mind and heart! Shame on My lifebreath!
Text 3
turning; ajj e 0 no b l e l a d y;kisa wh y 7 ; eso th i s ;j ano p e r s o n ;
ettha he r e; ante ure -in the inner apartments of the palace; ni adi - has been
(turning to Vrddha) N o ble lady, why is this person brought here in the palace7
Note: By the words "this person", Radha refers to Herself.
Text 0
Text 5
radha: (sva ga-tam) so bha a-vadi e-acari o-amha siniddho tti suni ad-i. tado j evva
bha av-antena bhanuna tado sattajido tassa va an-e thabiso.
svagatam as ide;so he ; bha av-adi e -of the noble Paurnamasi;a cari o -th e
spiritual master; amha to u s; sinidho af f e c t i o nate;tti th u s ; su ni ad-i ha s b een
heard; tado th u s ;j evva ce r t a i n l y;bha av-antena b y t he noble; bhanuna s u n god; tado father; sattajido Sa t r a jit;tassa of h i m ; va a n-e in t he s tatement;
thabido is established.
Radha: (aside) I have heard that he (Narada) is the spiritual master of noble
Paurnamasi and he is affectionate to us also. It is by Narada s advice that the noble
sun-god made Satrajit My foster-father.
Text 6
Vrddha: Granddaughter, come here and I will place You in the hand of noble
Text 7
en t e r s;sa
wi t h ; pa r i ja na
as s o c i a tes;
Text 8
candravali: sahi mahavi samanta a -manim maggidum patthido ajj a u-tto kisa
v l lambe(A.
sahi 0
fr i e n d; mahavi Ma d h a v i ;samanta a -f or the syamantaka;manim
jewel; maggidum to search; patthido go n e ; ajja o f t h e n o b le man; utto t h e
son; kisa wh y 7 ; vilambedi i s .
Candravali: Friend Madhavi, why is the noble Lord gone so long in His search
for the syamantaka jewe17
Text 9
an o t h e r;pi al s o ;t a t t ha t h e r e ; kim pi
an o t h e r;huvissadi w i l l b e .
Text 10
Radha: (aside) The sun-god said to Me: "Child, until Lord Krsna ties the
syamantaka jewel on Your wrist, the secret of Your previous name (Radha) should
be hidden."
Text 11
candrava2i: (vi2okya) ha2a ka esajaradi muttimadi e-a u-ruva r-uba 2a-cchi e-samam
et tha a a-cchadi
vi2okya se eing; ha2a ah ! ; ka wh o 7 ;esa th i s j; aradi ol d l a d y ; mu t timadi
e personified; a ur-uva un p r e c e dented;ruba of b e a u t y;2acchi e -opulence;
samam wi t h; et tha he r e ; a ac-chadi c o m e s .
Candravali: (looking) Ah. Wh o is this old lady coming here with a girl like the
goddess of unprecedented beauty7
Text 12
radha: (candrava2im a2okya svagatam) sahu mahuri pura -bhar-ida esa ra indamahisi go ula -kiso-ri sora-bbham vi adh-aredi
candrava2im Ca n d ravah;a2ojya se e i n g;svagatam as i d e;sahu i n d e e d ;
of s w e etness;pura bhari-da a great flood;esa th i s ; ra i n da -mahi-si
queen; go ula -of Gokula; kisori of a young girl; sorabbham th e b eauty;vi a a s if; dharedi ma n i f e sts.
Radha: (seeing Candravah, She says to Herself) This queen is like a great flood
of charming sweetness! She is as beautiful as the young girls of Gokula!
Text 13
Text lk
Radha: (aside) The old lady may talk as she likes, it is only by the sun-god s
order that I have come here.
Text 15
candravali: ajj e dhannamhi j a eidis-o sahij ano ubatthido. ta tumam appano gharam
jahi aham .kkhusaccabhamam padibala issamajj e 0 no b le lady; dhannamhi I a m f o r t u n a t e;
j a eo f - w h o m; idiso l i k e
this; sahijano co m p a n i o n; ubatthido is m a n i f e s ted;ta th e r e f o r e;tumam y o u ;
appano own; gharam to the house;
j ahi please go;aham
I; kkhu indeed;
saccabhamam Satyabhama;padibala issam -shall protect.
Candravah: Noble lady, I am honored to have a friend like Her. You go home. I
will take care of Satyabhama.
Text 16
the qu-een.
Text 17
candravali: (janantikam) sahi mahavi pekkha pekkha eso ajja ut-tassa sacca
sankappida se-du vim-addano saccabhama es-undera pu-ro dhiram bi mam andoledi
j ana the person; antikam ne a r; sahi 0 fr i e n d ;ma h avi Ma d h a v i ;pe kkha
look!; pekkha lo o k ! ; eso th i s ; ajj a put-tassa of t he noble son; sacca
transcendental; sankappida of t he d esires;sedu th e b o u n d a ry;vimaddano
crushing; saccabhama e -of Satyabhama; sundera ofbeauty;puro the flood;
so b er and steady;bi ev e n ; mam m e ; an d o l edi ca u s e s to reel about.
Text 18
Madhavi: 0 queen, you speak the truth. This girl has certainly overwhelmed
Text 19
Note: In the previous text the word "vibbhamam" may mean either
"overwhelmed", or "beauty". Candravali assumed that Madhavi has intended the
second meaning, and had said: "This girl makes you seem all the more beautiful."
Text 20
(Looking again, she says in Sanskrit) Her eyes are peaceful. Her breathing
makes the redness of her flower blossom lips bow down to offer respects. Her two
cheeks kiss the beauty of the conchshell. The beauty of this girl fills me with
Text 21
madhavi: nunam kasi ra a ka-nna -a-amma -vi aesa ka-ssim bi purise baddha ra a
nunam is it not so7;kasi of K a s i; ra a o f th - e k i n g;kanna at h e d-aughter;
amma Am b a; vi al i ke -esa
S h e ; ka ssimbi fo r o n e ; purise man; baddha
bound; ra aw i t h - l o v e ; huvissadi w i l l b e c o m e .
Madhavi: This girl will fall in love with some man, just as Amba, the princess
of Kasi did.
Note: Amba wished to marry the brahmacari Bhisma, who rejected her. She
tried with great austerity to gain vengeance by killing him.
Text 22
candravali: (sanskrtena)
Candravah: (in Sanskrit) T hi s slender girl acts like one in love with Krsna and
separated from Him. 0 de ar friend, how is it that even Her sufferings enhance the
sweetness of Her beauty7
Text 23
ta ehi. parikkhamha se citta vuttim. -(ity upasrtya) sahi saccabhame esa appano
sabami edam t.ujjha sinijjhadi me hi a am.
Come here. Let us examine the contents of Her heart. (approaching Her)
friend Satyabhama, I swear, my heart feels great affection for You.
Text 20
radha: (svagatam) nasaccam bhanadi.j am maha bi cittam tadha (.prakasam) de itado dhannamhi.
svagatam as ide;na no t ; as a ccam un t r u t h f u l l y; bhanadi s h e s p e aks;yam
which; mama of M e ; bi a l s o ; c i t t am h e a r t ; ta d ha in t h a t w a y; prakasam
openly; de i -0 qu e e n; tado i n t h i s w a y; dhannamhi I a m h o n o r e d .
Radha: (aside) She does not speak a lie. My heart also feels the same affection
Text 25
wh y 7 ; tu m am Yo u ; du m m a na un h a p p y at heart;
2akkhi-asi appear.
Text 26
Text 27
Candravali: Don't be anxious. I will personally place You in the king's hand.
Text 28
radha: (sa dai-nyam) de isa-ccam j evva j a isi-niddhasi tad.o evvam savvadha puno
na kkhu vaharissasi (it.i kakubhir namasyati ) .
sa wi t h; dainyam hu m i l i t y ; de i -0 queen; saccam in t r u t h; ja-i if;
saccam in t r u t h; j evva in d e e d; truth;j evva in d e e d; ja-i if;siniddhasi y o u a r e
affectionate; tado th e n; evvam in t h i s w a y; savvadha in a ll r e s pects;puno
again; na no t ; k k hu i n d e e d ; va harissasi yo u w i l l s p e ak; iti t h u s ; k a k u b hi
with plaintive words; namasyati b o w s d o w n .
Text 29
w h e t h e r 7; ettha h e r e ;
Text 30
radha: de ijattha pu-sisa namam b-i na suni adi tattha-jevva esojano rakkhi-adu.
jadha tahim appano vvada sesam sa-mavedi
de i0
qu e - en; jattha w h e r e ;purisa of a m a n;na mam t h e n a m e ; bi e v e n ;
na no t; suni adi is h - eard; tattha t h e r e ;j evva ce r t a i n l y;eso th i s ;j ano
Radha: 0 queen, this person is safe only in a place where even the name of a
man is not heard. Let Me stay in such a place and keep My purity intact.
Text 31
candravali: (sanandam apavarya) mahavi amha ka-davvam ima ec-ce-a ditthi aabbhatthidam. ta gadu ad-inna pas-adam na a v-un-dam ettha anehi.
sa wi t h; anandam bl i s s ;apavarya co n c e l l i n g;mahavi 0 Ma d h a v i ;am h a
by us;kadavvam
to be done;
ima e -by Her; cce-a certainly; ditthi a -by good
fortune; abbhatthidam re q u e s ted;ta th e r e f o r e;gadu a -having gonel dinna
given; pasadam kindness;na a vu-n-dam Nava-vrnda;ettha here;anehi bring.
Text 32
Madhavi: (aside) This is good advice. the king will never enter Navavrndavana. I will not disclose this secret. I will faithfully execute the queen s order,
and I will bring Nava-vrnda. (exits)
Text 33
radha: (svagatam) kadham sa esa bahini canda a-livva i a-m de i-me padibhadi
kadham wh y is it7; sa sh e ; esa t h i s ; ba h ini si s t e r ;canda al-i Ca n d r a vah;
ivva li k e ; i am -t h i s ; de i - q u e e n; me to M e ; pa d ibhadi is m a n i f e s ted.
Radha: (aside) How is it that this queen is just like My sister Candravah7
Text 30
wi t h ; ma d havi
Text 35
q- u e e n;a ada
a-rrived; esa
Text 36
Text 37
Text 38
i ti
Text 39
Nava-vrnda: (aside) Alas! Alas! Alas! I have rashly given my promise! Now I
am doomed!
Text 00
radha: (sasram atma ga-tam) ammahe idam tam cce-a kim pi pidambaram (i.ti sa
vaik2avyam vi2okayati)
sa wi t h; asram te a r s ;atma gata-m to herself; ammahe ah ! ; id am this;
tam th i n g; cce-a c e r t a i n l y; kim pi s omething; pida ye l l o w; ambaram
garment; iti
th u s ; sa wi t h ; va i k l a y a m agitation; vilokayati s e e s .
Radha: (shedding tears, She says to Herself) Ah! Is this that y ellow garment7
(Gazing at the garment, She becomes agitated.)
Text Wl
Nava-vrnda: (aside) As Radha gazes for a long time at Lord Krsna s splendid
golden garment, She anxiously struggles to conceal the ecstatic love awakening in
Her heart.
Text 02
Text 03
nava vrnd-a:
dukule smin karta svar-a mah-asi vistarita drsovapuh kim te phu22air vahati tu2anam nipa-kusumaih
trutantibhih kim va sphatika-mani-ma2abhir upamam
labhante 'mi ksamodari nayanayos toya prsata-h
yatha ju s t as; va or ; 2a2ita madh-ave in Lalita-Madhava; duku2e in the silk
garment; karta svara -of go ld; mahasi wi t h t h e g l o r y;vistarita w i d e o p e n ;
drsah ey es;vapuh ca r r i e s;tulanam e q u a l; nipa-kusumaih w i t h k a d a m b a
flowers; turantibhih b r o k e n ; ki m
w h y 7 ; va or ; sp h a t i ka c r y s t a l; mani o f
t h e s e ;ksama
gems; ma2abhih garlands; upamam like; 2abhante attain; ami
slender; udari wa i s t; nayanayoh on t h e e ye s;toya of w a t e r;prsatah d r o p s .
Text 00
radha: (savahittham) na a vunde -m-aha bahini vi atumam -disasi tado pajj .ussu
sa wi t h; avahittham co n c e a l ment;na a vu nde 0 Na v a -vrnda;maha M y ;
bahini si st er; vi aa s i f ; - tumam y o u ; di s a si are seen; tado th e r e fore;pajj ussu
amhi I h ave become excited.
Text 05
Text 06
candravali: (radha hastam -adaya) na a vund-e -esa appano bahini. tuha hatthe
radha of Radha;hastam the hand;adaya taking;na a vund-e -0 Navavrnda; esa th is girl; appano of y o u ; b ahini t h e s i s t e r; tuha o f y o u ; ha t t he i n
Text 07
devi 0
I am.
Text 08
candravali: bahini saccejahi na a v-u-ndaes-amam appano ahi-ru-idam vasanti caus sa2-am tat.tha pupphobaharini me ba-u2a tumam paricarissadi
bahini 0 sister;
sacce Satyabhama; jahi go; na a v-un-dae -Nava-vrnda;
samam wi th; appano my ; a h i - r u - i dam f a v o r i t e ; vasanti of v a s a nti creepers;
ca us s-ala-m courtyard; tattha t h e r e ; puppha flo w e r s ; ubaharini b e a r i n g;me
my; ba-ula b a k ul a tree; tumam Y o u ; pa r i c arissadi w i l l s e r v e .
Text 09
Radha; sama-
Text 50
candrava2i: (sasankam)
O h ! ; kim
w h a t 7 ;b h a nidam h a s b e en
Text 51
radha: (satankam atma ga-tam) haddhi haddhi garu o-pamado (p.rakasam) de iarahi a-esa t ti.
sa wi t h; atankam an g u i s h;atma gat-am to H e r s elf;haddhi al a s .;haddhi
alas!; garu o -a grave; pamado bl u n d e r; prakasam op e n l y ;de i - Oqueen;
arahi a -worshipper; esa
Sh e ; tti t h u s .
Radha: (She anxiously says to Herself) Alas! Alas! A grave blunder! (openly) 0
queen, I said: "Please remember this unfortunate worshiper of you."
Text 52
Ra d h a;saha wi t h ; pa r i k r a manti wa l k i n g ;svagatam to h e r s e lf;
vasanti re s i d ing; suddhante in t h e i n n er apartments of the palace;madhurim
with sweetness; parita fi l l e d ; madhu ripoh - of Lo rd K rs na, the enemy of the
Madhu demon; iyam th i s ; ta n vi sl e n d e r g ir l;sadyah no w ; sv a yam p e r s o n a l l y ;
iha he r e; bhavitri wi l l b e ; ka ra in t h e h a n d ; gata go n e ;vr ta fi l l e d ;an g im
limbs; uttungaih gr e a t;avika2a co m p l e t e;madhu2i of h o n e y;parima2aih w i t h
the fragance; praphu22am blooming; ro2ambe in t he b um b l e -bee;nava f r e s h ;
lo t u s flo w e r s;kah wh o 7 ; ka t h ayati ca n d e s c ribe;iti t h u s ;
Ra d h a;saha wi t h ; ni s k r a nta e x i t s .
Nava-vrnda: (Walking with Radha, she says to herself:) This charming slender
girl will now live in Lord Krsna s palace. Soon She will be in His hands. Who tells
the bumblebee of a newly blossoming lotus flower filled with the sweet fragance of
(She exits with Radha.)
Text 53
Text 50
rakkhidum pahavedi
sahi 0
fr i e n d; ka wh a t 7 ;k k hu i n d e e d ; ka l avati p i o u s g i r l; bhattuno f o r
the husband; aradim wi t h o u t l o v e;pi ev e n ; j a n a nti k n o w i n g ;k a t h i nnam
hardness; rakkhidum t o m a i n t a in; pahavedi i s a b l e .
Candravah: Friend, what chaste wife can be callous and unloving to her
Text 55
(nepathy e)
A voice from behind the scenes: Decorate the sides of the path with plaintain
leaves. Sprinkle scented water in the courtyards. Have the beautiful women create
a charming atmosphere by showering flowers. Lord Krsna, the moon of the Vrsni
dynasty, the joy of the eyes of the world, has now come.
Text 56
madhavi: bhatti dari e-ditth-i avij a -adi du -arava-di nadho -ta ne.vaccha ghara-m
parisehi (iti n.iskrante)
bhatti dari e- 0 - q u een; ditthi ab y - g o o d f o r t u n e; vija adi -comes; du
aravadi of Dvaraka;
nadho the king;ta therefore;nevaccha ghara-m to the
dressing room; parisehi yo u s h o u ld enter;iti th u s ; ni s k r a nte t h e y e x i t .
Madhavi: 0 queen, by good fortune Lord Krsna, the king of Dvaraka, has
come. Go to your dressing room (and prepare to greet Him.) ( T hey both exit.)
Text 57
Text 58
Text 59
Text 60
krsnah: sakhe
anudisam ati na-mra kurvati purvam asit
pitr pa-ti pi-tur arghyam garga va-kyena radha
iti bahula-rucinam vicibhih samparitam
mani va-ram upaharam nunam asmai cakara
sakhe 0 fr i e n d; anudinam d a y a f t er day; ati v e r y ; na m ra m e e k a n d
humble; kurvati do i n g ;pu r vam pr e v i o u s l y;asit wa s ; pi tr p ati -o f Ya m a r aja,
the master of the pitas; pituh of t h e f a t her (the sun-god);arghyam of f e r i ng of
water; garga of G a r ga Muni; vakyena by t h e s ta tement;radha Ra d h a ; iti
thus; bahula g r e at; rucinam o f
e f f u l g ence; vicibhih w i t h w a v es;samparitam
filled; mani o f j e w e l s; varam th e b e s t ;upaharam a n o f f e r i n g; nunam i s i t n o t
so7; asmai to h i m; ca kara m a d e .
Text 61
Text 62
Krsna: Friend, this jewel is a person alive with intense transcendental bliss. It
is not ordinary or material. (He places the syamantaka jewel on His chest, shed
tears, and says:)
Text 63
This jewel is very fortunate. When I madly tugged at Radha s bodice, and She
tried to cover (Her breasts) in the thick forest-darkness, this jewel, understanding
My wishes, smiled and, sending out waves of light, embarrassed Radha.
Text 60
0 de-ar;va assa fr -iend;sudam it w a s heard;ma e b y m - e ;
j ambavantassa fr om Jambavan;sa asado n-ear; eso this; manindo gr e at jewel;
tu-e by You; laddho wa s o b t a ined.
pi a
Madhumangala: Dear friend, I heard that You got this great jewel from
J ambavan.
Text 65
Text 66
Text 67
krsnah: sakhe sa bha22uka ma22ah -sva vi2anta-re mam vi2oma cestam -vi2okya
sankita ratnap-aharah sampraharam arebhe
sakhe 0 fr i e n d; sah he ; bh a 22uka of t he bhallukas;ma22ah a wrestler;
sva ow n; vila ca v e ;an tare wi t h i n ; ma m Me ; vi l o m a opp o s i n g ;cestam
activities; vilokya se e i n g;sankita af r a i d;ra t na of t h e j e w e l; apaharah t a k i n g ;
sampraharam a fight;
arebhe began.
Krsna: Seeing Me as an enemy that entered his cave, and afraid that I would
take the syamantaka jewel from him, the bhalluka-wrestler Jambavan began to
fight with Me.
Text 68
th e n7; tado
Madhumangala: Then7 Th en 7
Text 69
krsnah: tatas ciraya mad vij n-anatah samapte tu tasmin maha san-grama tan-tre
yantritah sa mantri mam samodam avadit
kaccid bhime smarasi j aladhau setubandhanubandham
kaccit tvam va dasa muk-ha sirah -kand-ukotkhsepa kelimtad vismartum caritam athava nasi sakto yad esa
prancam ratnaharana misa-tah kinkaram sankarosi
tatah th e r e fore;ciraya fo r a l o ng t i m e; mat M e ; vi j nanatah f r o m
understanding; samapte co m p l e t e d;tu in d e e d ;tasmin in t h a t ;ma ha sang-rama
tantre in t he greatb atle;yantritah re s t r a i n e d;sah he ; ma n t ri w i s e ;m a m
Me; sa wi t h; amodam ha p p i n e s s;avadit sa i d ; ka ccit so m e t h i n g; bhime
terrible; smarasi Yo u re m e mber;ja l a dhau in t h e o c e an;setubandha o f t h e
bridge; anubandham th e c onstruction;kaccit so m e t h i n g;tvam Yo u ; va or ;
dasa mukh-a of the ten-headed demon (Ravana); sirah of t h e h e ads;kanduka
balls; utksepa to s sing; kelim p a s t i m e ; tat th a t ;vi s m artum to f o r g e t;caritam
pastimes; athava or ; n a not; asi Yo u a re;saktah a b l e ; y a t
bec a u s e; esa
this; prancam ol d ; ra t na of t h e j e w e l ;ah arana ta k i n g ;mi s atah o n t h e
pretext; kinkaram se r v a n t;sankarosi pl e a s e .
Krsna: After a long time wise Jambavan understood who I am. He stopped the
fierce battle and very happily said: "You must remember how We built a bridge
across the terrible ocean, and how We playfully tossed about the ten heads of the
demon Ravana. You cannot forget this pastimes. Your coming here to take away
this jewel is merely a trick to bring some happiness to Your old servant.
Text 70
th e n7; tado
Text 71
jewel produces. (That is the real reason.) Why would his daughter want to give up
h er life (over this jewel)7" The nurse then said: "No, my son. No! .
Text 72
"When this lotus-eyed girl saw the king of the bhallukas had brought this
jewel, whose brilliance rivalled the light of the sun, she became completely
overwhelmed. She lost all her peaceful composure."
Text 73
sampratam vatsa
khidyanti ghatikam kramena ghatayaty aksama vakhsoj-ayor
jighranti ca muhur muhurtam upari ghranasya vinyasyati
dhatte nisvasati ca nira kanika -kirnan-tayor netrayor
ittham bandhum iva syamantakam asau dhutangam alingati
no w ; va t sa th e c h i l d ; kh idyanti pr e s s i n g;ghatikam t h e j e w e l ;
kramena one after another;ghatayati br i n g s t o g ether;aksama l a r g e ;
vaksoj ayoh on t he breasts;jighranti
sm e l l i n g; ca a l s o ; m uhuh r e p e a t e dly;
fo r a m o m e n t; upari ab o v e ;ghranasya th e n o s e;vinyasyati p l a c e s ;
dhatte pl a c es;nisvasati si g h s; ca a l s o ; ni ra of w a t e r ;ka n ika d r o p s ;
sp r i n k l i n g; netrayoh on t h e e ye s;ittham in t h i s w a y; bandhum a
dear friend; iva as i f; syamantakam th e s y a mantaka jewel;asau sh e ; dhuta
trembling; angam li m b s ; alingati em b r a c e s .
"Even now the girl presses the syamantaka jewel to her large breasts, smells it,
placing it against her nose, sighs and places it to her tear-filled eyes, and, her limbs
trembling, embraces it as if it were her very dear friend."
Text 70
madhumangalah:tado tado
th e n7; tado
Text 75
krsnah: tatas ca kautukenaham akranta man-as tam avadisam dhatrike kim atra
karanam yad esa tatra ratne prajyam rajyati dhat.ri tata kas tad vij natum iste yatah.
tatah th e n; ca al s o ; k a utukena w i t h c u r i o s i t y;aham I; a k r a n t a
overcome; manah wh o s e heart; tam t o h e r ; av adisam sp o k e ; d hatrike 0
nurse; kim w h a t 7; atra he r e ;ka r a nam ca u s eyat
wh i c h ; esa sh e ; t a t r a
there; ratne to t h e j e w e l; prajyam gr e a t l y;rajyati is a t t a c h e d;dhatri t h e
nurse; tata 0
so n ; k ah w h o 7 ; ta t tha t ; vi j n a t um to k n o w ; is te i s a b l e ;
yatah be c a use.
Krsna: My mind then became overwhelmed with wonder and curiosity and I
said to her, "Mother, why is this girl so attached to the jewe17" The elderly nurse
replied, "Son, who knows7.
Text 76
mo o n ; av r t ya
co v e r i n g ;pata
of t he cloth;
"I asked her why she was so attached to the jewel. She replied by knitting her
eyebrows, repeatedly sighing, bursting into tears, and covering her moonlike face
with the edge ofher sari."
Text 77
happinesses; khe2anti
of tears;dharam
a f lo o d ; di n ani
da y a f t er day.
Then I asked her, "Mother, how does this girl pass her days7" The nurse then
replied: "The beautiful girl has fashioned a very splendid pair of Deities named
Radhika and Madhava. Day after day she speaks to these Deities, describing the
sweetness of the love They bear for each other, and happily convincing Them to
meet as lovers. She spends her days speaking like this and shedding a flood of
Text 78
As I heard this description My heart became filled with wonder, and I sweetly
said to her, "Mother, what are these Deities like7 I am very eager to see them." The
elderly nurse then said, "Son, of all handsome couples who are like crowns
decorating the universe, this couple is the most wonderful.
Text 79
"The male Deity looks like You. The sight of You makes that smiling male Diety
immediately enter the pathway of my memory. I do not know at what sacred
pilgrimage place that fortunate girl of that female Deity resides. Having seen that
Deity, its beautiful form always stay in my memory."
Text 80
th e n7; tado
Text 81
Then she entered the palace and excited Jambavati's heart by saying: "Child, of
your two Deities the dark-complexioned man is very playful. He has stepped out of
His Deity form and, accepting the form of a moving human being, is now sitting
on a throne. It is very wonderful. You should see Him."
Text 82
ity akarnya ca
radhayah pratimam mani pranayi-nim vinyasya dhatri kare
sa sadyas taruna tirohita tanur m-am viksya paryotsuka
krosanti sithili krta tra-pam -apadhvastanga varnon-natih
satankam nipapata mac caranay-or anke kurangeksana
(iti vaivasyam natayati )
th u s ; akarnya he a r i n g ;ca an d ; ra d h a yah of R a d h a;pratimam t h e
deity; mani of j e w e l s;pranayinim ma d e ;vi n yasya pl a c i n g;dhatri o f t h e
nurse; kare in t he h an d; sa sh e ; sadyah at o n c e ; taruna by a t r e e;tirohita
hidden; tanuh wh o s e form; mam at M e ; vi k s ya ga z i n g paryotsuka
ea ger;
cr y i n g; sithili krta sl a - c kened;
trapam sh y n e s s;apadhvasta
destroyed; anga of t he body;varna co l o r ; un n atih ex a l t e d;sa w i t h ;
atankam fe a r; nipapata fe l l ; mat of M e ; ca r a n ayoh of t h e f e e t; anke o n t h e
When she heard this, Jambavati placed the jeweled Radha-Deity in the nurse s
hand and at once hid behind a tree, stealthily gazing at Me with great eagerness.
Then, her complexion turned pale. Losing all shyness, and breaking into tears, that
Text 83
Madhumangala: (at once extends his hand) Dear friend, take my hand.
Text 80
Text 85
utkujan) bhoedam maha so-kkha vi-kkhohena papphuda em-e hi a -am -ta dharehi
hi 0 ; h i
0 ; p i a - d e a r ; v a ass-afr i e n d; eso t h i s ; k anji-am s o u r c e r e al;
pattha ant-assa of o ne who begs; siharini o f a m o u n t a i n ;la h o the attainment;
iti t h u s ; utkujan
l o u d l y ; bh o 0 ; ed a m thi s ; ma h a gr e a t ;sokkha o f
happiness; vikkhohena by th e agitation; papphuda i -trembles; me my ; h i- aam he a rt; ta th e r e f o r e;dharehi pl e a se hold up;mam m e .
Madhumangala: 0! 0 d ear friend! T h i s is like a man who begs for some sour
cereal and gets a priceless mountain instead. (raising his voice) Oh. My heart is
trembling with happiness. Please hold me up.
Text 86
Text 87
wi t h; dhairyam
pe a c e f ul composure;tado
th e n 7 ;tado
Text 88
krsnah: tatah santi-hetubhih koma2a2apa-madhurzbhih santvitapi su-kanthi muktakantham krandanti mam avadit
a2inde ka2indz-kama2a-surabhau kunj a va-sater
vasantim vasanti na-va pa-rimalodgari cik-uram
tvad uts-ange nidra-sukha-mukulitaksim punar imam
kadaham sev zsy e kisa2ay a ka-2apa vy -aganani
tatah th en; santi of p e a c e fulness; hetubhih w i t h t h e c auses;komala g e n t l e ;
alapa of w o r d s; madhuribhih w i t h t h e s we etness;
santvita pa c i f i e d;api e v e n ;
s u-kanthi th e girl w ih t the beautiful neck; mukta
w i d e o p en; kantham w i t h h e r
throat; krandanti cr y i n g ; mam t o M e ; av a d it sa i d ;al i n de in t h e c o u r t y a rd;
ka2indi of t he Yamuna River;kama2a of t he lot us flowers;surabhau w i t h t h e
fragance; kunja o f th e f o rest grove; vasateh of t he residence;vasantim o f
jasmine flowers; nava fr e s h;parimala of t h e f r a g ance;udgari manifesting;
wh o s e hair;tvat of Y o u ; ut s ange on t h e l a p;nidra w i t h s l e e p ;
mukulita c l o s ed; aksim wh o s e e yes;
punah ag a i n; imam H e r ; ka d a w h e n 7 ;
aham I; sevisye wi l l s e r v e;kisa2aya of n ew l eaves;ka2apa w i t h a bun c h ;
vyaj anani ho l d i ng a fan.
Krsna: Even though I tried to console her with many sweet words, beautifulnecked Jambavati cried with a wide-open throat and said to Me, "When will I again
serve Her7 When, Her hair decorated with fragant jasmine flowers, and Her eyes
closed in the happiness of sleep as She embraces You in the forest-cottage
courtyard scented with the lotus flowers of the Yamuna, will I again fan Her with a
fan of newly-sprouted leaves7"
Text 89
Text 90
th e n7; tado
Text 91
krsnah: tatas ca vij natakhila vrttanta-h saj ambavan sanandam tatragatya mam
sugriva pranitay-a muhuh samagram
karunyam mayi kurutesarojabandhuh
tasyaham tvaritam adharayam nidesam
nihsankam giri sikharad -imam patantim
tatah th e n; ca a l s o ; vi jn ata un d e r s t o o d;akhila th e e n t i r e;vrttantah
story; sah he ; j ambavan Ja m b a van;sa wi t h a n a n d am h a p p i n e s s;tatra
there; agatya ar r i v i n g; mam to M e ; ab r a vit sa i d ;su griva o f S u g r i v a ;
pranitaya by t he d ear friendship; muhuh repeatedly; samagram c o m p l e t e ;
karunyam me rcy;mayi to me; kurute does;
saroj abandhuh -the sun-god;
Text 92
Then Jambavan, the crowning garland of the bhallukas, placed both the
syamantak jewel, and his daughter Jambavati decorated with golden ornaments,
into My hand. Afraid of breaking the agreement I made with the king of Vidarbha,
I hid beautiful Jambavati in a cave of Mount Raivata. Please carefully conceal the
jewel of this great secret in the treasury of your heart. Do not let this secret ever
approach even the pathway of anyone's guessing.
Text 93
in t h is way; na
no t ; id a m
Text 90
Krsna: (agitated) As I was busy pleasing My friends, the fire of separation from
Radha remained subdued and peaceful, but now that I see Lalita s intense love for
Her, that fire has suddenly become a great conflagration.
Text 95
neck;muktva excepting;
j anaya please create;
with camphor;
dhavalatam wh i t e n e ss;hara of S i v a;bhrantya wi t h t h e m i s t a ke;bhitah
afraid; tadati st r i k e s;na no t ; ya t ha as ; ma m Me ; ma n a s ij ah c u p i d .
(He feels the pain of separation) Draw a flaming red eye in kunkuma on My
forehead. Make this necklace of pearls look like the king of serpents draped across
My chest. Except for My neck, make My entire body white by dusting it with
camphor powder. In this way Cupid will th ink I am Lord Siva. Then he will be
afraid and he will no longer attack Me in this way.
Text 96
madhumangalah: saccam garu okk-hu esosantavo ta ko ettha padi aro -tti na kkhu
saccam in t r u t h; garu oi - n t e n s e; kkhu i n d e e d ; eso t h i s ; santavo s u f f e r i n g ;
ta th e refore;ko wh a t 7 ;ettha in t h i s ;pa di aro -r e m e d y; tti th u s ; na n ot ;
kkhu indeed; odharemi I see.
Madhumangala: His suffering is great. I do not see any remedy to counteract it.
Text 97
Krsna: Aside from again seeing the forest of Vrndavana, which repeatedly
witnessed the pastimes I enjoyed with My beloved, there is no remedy. Give this
syamantaka jewel to Satrajit. I will now go inside the palace. (They both exit.
Everyone exits.)
Act Seven
Text I
radha: (sanskrtena)
mamasid dure ya dig api hari gand-ha pran-ayini
Text 2
baku2a: ha2a sacce sinihena na a vunda e vannida t-umha rahassamhi tadhavi kim
pi vinnavissam .
hala 0 ; s acce
Sa t y a bhama;sinihena wi t h a f f e ction;na a -v-unda e -by Navavrnda; vannida de s c ribed;tumha of Y o u ; ra h assa se c r e t;amhi I a m ;
st i l l; kim pi so m e t h i n g vinnavissam
I w o u l d l i k e to say.
Text 3
yo u m a y a sk.
Text 0
baku2a: amha ra indo s-undara sehar-o ti22o am as-edi taja ianav-esi tado de i e
ruppini evi pa-di ula bh-avi atass-a tumam vinnavemi.
Bakula: Our king is the crest jewel of all handsome men. He is the monarch
who controls all the three worlds. If You but say the word then, even if by doing it
I become the enemy of queen Rukmini, I will tell Him about You.
Text 5
radha: (sanskrtena)
Radha: (in Sanskrit) The king of Dvaraka may rule the three worlds, and He
may also be extremely handsome. Still, what is He to Us7 Please stop. Why do you
deliberately try to ignite the fire of My curse on you7 Even with the strength of
millions of clear logical arguments you will not give Me the power to pull Myself
from the lotus feet of the prince of Vraja.
Text 6
fr i e n d;puccha
pl e a se ask;hidam
wh a t is r i g h t; na a vund-a-m Na va-
Bakula: Friend, You should ask Nava-vrnda what is the right thing to do.
Text 7
Text 8
Bakula: The queen called her to the inner rooms of the palace.
Text 9
Radha: Alas. Wi cked destiny has placed Me under this person's control.
Text 10
nava vrnda: -sakhi satye ma visadam krthah. pasya pasya
pade nipatya badarim avalambamana
kantam rasalam anu vindati madhaviyam
pranesa sangam-a vidhau -vinivista citta
na para vasya k-adana-m manute hi sadhvi
Nava-vrnda: Friend Satyabhama, don't lament. Look! Look! This madhavI vine
first falls at the feet of this badarI bush and then, resting on that bush climbs to
embrace her lover, the mango tree. A chaste woman whose heart is determined to
meet the lord of her life does not find it painful to be dependent on someone else
in the course of attaining her goal;
Text 11
Text 12
Nava-vrnda: Indra's wife Sacs gave these celestial flower garlands, necklaces,
silken garments, and other gifts to our queen Rukmini, and Rukmini is now
dividing them among her friends. She will also give a portion to You.
Text 13
Radha: What is the use of these ornaments7 They are only fuel to feed the fire
of My suffering.
Text lk
in t he worship;
Text 15
Radha: The sun-god told Me: "Child, enter the new Vrndavana created in the
midst of Dvaraka City on the ocean's shore and enjoy pastimes with the Lord of
Your life."
Text 16
fa i l u r e;paracinani
ar e ; da ivata of t h e d e m i g o ds;varanam
of t h e g re at;
Nava-vrnda: 0 girl with beautiful eyes, the words of the great demigods never
go in vain.
Text 17
radha: (sanskrtena)
mathuram adhiraj ate harih
sakhi raj endra pur-e 'tra samvrta
nivasamy aham ity asambhavah
priya san-gah pratibhasate mama
sanskrtena in S anskrit; mathuram Ma t h u r a ;adhiraj ate r u l e s; harih K r s n a ;
sakhi 0 f r i e n d ; ra ja indr-a of t he g reat king;pure in t h e c i t y; atra h e r e ;
samvrta be i n g; nivasami re s i d e;aham I; i t i th u s ; as a m b havah im p o s s i b l e ;
priya with My beloved; sangah me e t i n g;pratibhasate is m a n i f e sted;mama
Radha: (in Sanskrit) Fr i e nd, Krsna now rules the city of Mathura, and I am a
prisoner in the emperor s capitol. It is not possible to meet My beloved.
Text 18
Note: Nava-vrnda hints that when the proper time comes Radha will meet Her
Text 19
Radha: As a khanjana bird does not like to stay where there is no lake or
stream, so a noble person does not like to stay in a prison, where he is not free.
Text 20
Nava-vrnda: (laughing) 0 bewildered girl, why do You think the king of Vraja
has lost His freedom7
Text 21
in -t he garden; makkadi
monkey; cittha
st o p ! ; cit tha
Text 22
th e k i n g ; eva
ce r t a i n l y;raj ind-ram t h e e m p e r o r;
Text 23
wi t h; autsukyam
ex c i t e m e n t;avi
wh e t h e r 7 ;saccam tr u e ; edam
Text 20
(openly) He is not only addressed as the emperor, they also call Him Ramacandra
and Upendra. They even call Him King of Vraja.
Text 25
Bakula: For this reason I say: Give up Your attachment for this other man and
just give all Your energy to please the emperor.
Text 26
radha (sanskrtena)
yasyottamsah sphurati cikure keki pucch-a prani-to
harah kanthe vi2uthati krtah sthu2a gunj a-va2ibhih
venur vaktre racayati rucim hanta cetas tato me
rupam visvottaram api harer nanyad angi karot-i
of whom; uttamsah th e c r o w n; sphurati is m a n i f e s ted;cikure i n t h e
hair; keki o f a
p e a c ock;puccha fe a t h e r;pranitah fa s h i o n e d;harah a n e c k l a c e;
kanthe on t he neck;vi2uthati is m a n i f e st;krtah fa s h i o n e d;sthu2a l a r g e ;
gunja of gunja berries; ava2ibhih wi t h a h o s t;venuh th e f lu t e ;vaktre o n t h e
mouth; racayati cr e a t e s;rucim pl e a s u r e;hanta in d e e d;cetah t h e h e a r t ;
tatah th e r e fore;me of M e ; ru p am th e f o r m ; vi s va in t h e u n i v e r s e;uttaram
supreme; api ev e n; hareh of K r s n a ; na no t ; an y at an o t h e r ;a n gi karoti -I
Radha: (in Sanskrit) Kr sna wears a peacock feather crown in His hair and a
large gunja necklace around His neck. The flute placed to His mouth bring us great
happiness. My heart will not accept any man except Krsna, the most handsome
man in the universe.
Text 27
Bakula: Friend, You are a fool. That is why You so deeply love this hardhearted man.
Text 28
Text 29
0 Ba k u l a;suvrata
th e r e fore;
sh o u ld be stopped.
Text 30
radha: (sanskrtena)
lata sre-ni seyam sahacari ciram sevita car-i
puras te mi bhuyo dhrta par-icayah kunj nica ayah
amus ta yamunyo muhur atit-a pur-vas tata bhu-vo
vyatham eva kruram vidadhati vina gokula pati-m
sanskrtena in S anskrit; lata of c r e e p e rs;sreni th e h o s t; sa iyam t h i s ;
sahacari 0
fr i e n d ; ciram fo r a l o n g t i m e; sevita cari -f r e q u e nted; purah i n t h e
presence; te of yo u; ami th e s e ;bhuyah ag a i n;dh rta pari-cayah frequented;
kunj a of forest-groves;nicayah th e h o s t; tah amuh th e s e ;yamunyah o f t h e
Yamuna; muhuh re p e a tedly;atita wa n d e r e d;purvah in t h e p a s t; tata bhuv-ah
banks; vyathanm pa i n ; eva ce r t a i n l y;kr u ram cr u e l ;vi d a dhati gi v e ;v i n a
without; gokula of G o k u l a ;patim t h e m a s t e r.
Radha: (in Sanskrit) No w t hat Kr sna, the master of Gokula, is no longer here,
these vines where I so long stayed, these forest groves where I walked, and these
shores of the Yamuna where in the past I spent so much time wandering, have all
combined to torture Me.
Text 31
nava vrnda: -baku2e vi2okyatam asya ba2iyah santapa manda2-am tad ady.a ka2indi
ku2ava2ambini kadamba mu2e na-2ini samvart-ikabhih ka2paya ta2pam
baku2e 0 Bakula;vilokyatan
Nava-vrnda: Bakula, see how much She suffers. Please go and make for Her a
bed of lotus petals under the kadamba tree by the Yamuna's shore.
Text 32
as; bhanadi
sp e a k s;pi a -d e a r; sahi
th u s ;ni s k ranta
Text 33
radha (sanskrtena)
sodha gostha bhuv-am viyoga janitah prana cchid-o
presthanam nija jivitad api maya tasam sakhinam api
seyam hanta na padma band-hava vaco -visrambha gamb-hiritam
kam va samprati mam asisahad iha k2esam durasava2i
sanskrtena in S anskrit; sodhah bo r n e ; gostha bhuva-m of t he residents of
Vraja; viyoga fr o m t he separation;janitah p r o d u c e d; prana li f e ; ch idah
breaking; vedanah su f f e rings;presthanam mo r e d ear;nij a ow n ; ji v i t at t h a n
life; api ev e n; maya by M e ; ta s am of t h e m ; sa khinam th e f r i e n d s;api e v e n ;
sa iyam th i s ; hanta in d e e d ;na no t ; pa d ma bandh-ava of t he sun-god; vacah
the words; visrambha tr u s t; gambhiritam pl a c e d;kam wh a t 7 ;va o r ;
no w ; mam Me ; as i s i h at ca u s e d to bear;
iha he r e ; kl e sam
sufferings; durasa ho p e - against-hope;avali s e r i e s .
Text 30
wh e r e .; te
Yo u r ; pr i ya
de a r ;sa k hi
fr i e n d ;vi s akha V i s a k h a .
Text 35
radha: sa kkhu kusa2inz pidaram apucchi ap-uhavi ta2-e a ad-atthi ke .a2a-m 2a2ida
Radha: After asking permission from her father, beautiful Visakha came to this
earth. Now it is only Lalita who torments Me. (She cries.)
Text 36
wh e r e 7 ;tvaya
Text 37
as c e nsion;sama ea t
t h e -time; khe-
Text 38
nava vr-nda: radhe tvayadya nisithe 2a2itam abhasya kim api svapnayitam
radhe 0
Ra d h a; tvaya by Y o u ; ad ya to d a y ;ni s ithe in t h e m i d d l e of the
night; 2a2itam to L a l i t a; abhasya sp e a king; kimapi so m e t h i n g;svapnayitam
in a dream.
Nava-vrnda: Radha, last night as You were sleeping You spoke to Lalita in a
Text 39
li k e w h a t 7; tam
Text 00
nava vrnda:-
svapha2keh sapha2i babhuv-a 2a2ite hr2 2a2asa -va22ariha dhik pasya murantako yam urari cakre r-atharohanam
ittham te karuna svara s-tavaki-tam svapnayitam srnvati
manye tanvi patat tusara ka-patac c-akrandayaminy api
svapha2ke of Akrur a, the son of Svaphalka; sapha2i fr u i t f u l; babhuva h a s
become; 2a2ite 0 La l i t a; hrt of t h e h e a r t; 2a2asa of t he yearning;va22ari t h e
creeper; ha al a s !; dhik fi e ! ; pa s ya lo o k ! ; mu ra a nt akah -K r s n a, the killer of
the Mura demon; ayam He ; ur a ri c ak re h- a s accepted;
ratha o n t h e c h a rio t;
arohanam cl i m b i n g; ittham in t h i s w a y; te of Y o u ; ka r u na pi t i f u l ; sv a ra
sounds; stavakitam a h o s t;svapnayitam wo r d s s po ken in a dream;srnvati
hearing; manye I t h i n k ; ta n vi 0 sl e n d e r g i r l;patat fa l l i n g ;tu sara o f r a i n ;
on t he pre text;cakranda cr i e s;yamini th e n i g h t ; api a l s o .
Nava-vrnda: You said, "0 Lalita, the vine of desires in Akrura's heart has now
borne it's fruit. Alas! Alas! Look! Krsna has climbed the chariot." 0 slender girl,
when I heard You say these pathetic words in Your sleep I thought the rain falling
outside was disguised tears of the weeping goddess of night.
Text Wl
Text 02
baku2a: ha2a nimmida sejj amhi -ta utthehi. (iti tisrah parikramanti )
pravisya en t e r i ng; hala
have; ta th e r e fore;utthehi
pari kramanti
Bakula: Ah! I hava made the bed. Come. (The three girls walk.)
Text 03
Nava-vrnda: (frightened) D o n't go there. Turn back this moment. Dear friend,
there is an asoka tree in front of You. 0 lo tus-faced girl, if Your foot touches it,
this tree will at once burst into flower, and this place will at once be filled with
villain bumblebees buzzing as Indra's thunderbolt.
Note: It is said that if a beautiful young girl kicks an asoka tree with her foot,
the tree will immediately bloom.
Text 00
Text 05
ah e a d;sejj a t h e b e d .
Text 06
Radha: (lies down on the bed and says to Herself) It is very difficult for Me to
remain alive in this Vrndavana. I must find some remedy. (openly) N a va-vrnda,
because I cannot perform My regular activities I have become very unhappy.
Text 07
w h a t . ; te
of Y o u ; ni t ya
re g u l a r ;ka r ma
ac t i v ities.
Text 08
radha: (sanskrtena)
khe2an man-j u2a venu -man-dita muk-hz saci bhr-ama2 2oca-na
mugdhe murdhni sikhandini dhrta vap-ur bhangi tray-angi krta-h
kaisore krta sang-atih sura mun-er aradhyate sasanad
asmabhih pitur a2ayeja2adhara syam-a dyut-ir devata
khe2at playing; manju2a ch a r m i n g; venu wi t h t h e f lu t e ;mandita de c o r a t e d;
mukhi w h o se mou th; saci be n t ; bh r a mat wa n d e r i n g;locana wh o s e e yes;
mugdhe 0 be a u t i f ul girl; murdhni on t h e h e a d; sikhandini p e a c o ck feather;
dhrta ma n i f e sted;vapuh fo r m ; b h a ngi b e n d i n g ; tr a ya in t h r e e p l a ces;
krtah ac c e pted;kaisore in t h e f u l l b l o o m o f y o u t h ; kr ta do n e ;sa n gatih
meeting; sura muneh -of Na rada, the sage among the demigods;aradhyate i s
worshipped; sasanat by t he o rd er; asmabhih by U s ; pit uh o f t h e f a t h e r;alaye
at the home; j aladhara a m o n s o on cloud;syama d a r k ; d yu t ih w h o s e
complexion; devata t h e d i e t y.
Text 09
nava vrnda: (-svagatam) vij natam asyah krsnakrti viksanay-a patavam tad adya
vrndavana2ankaraya mahendra si2pina ka-2pitam mahendranz2a mayim m-ukunda
murtim asyah samaksayami (prakasa.m) sakhi tvad istadevam -avirbhavayitum asau
as ide;vij natam
un d e r s t o od;asyah
of H e r ; kr s na
of Krsna;
th e f o r m; vi ksanaya fo r s e e ing;patavam ex p e r t n e ss; tat t h e r e f o r e ;
adya no w; vr n davana Vr n d a v a n a;alankaraya fo r t h e o r n a me nt;maha i-ndra
of Maharaja Indra; si2pina by t he expert sculptor;ka2pitam fa s h i o n e d;maha
great; indrani2a of sapphire; mayim co n s i s t i ng;mukunda o f L o r d K r s n a ;
murtim th e d i ety form; asyah of H e r ; samaksayami I s h a ll s ho w;prakasam
openly; sakhi 0
fr i e n d ;tv at of Y o u ; is t a devam th e w o r s h i p p able deity;
to r e v e al;asau Hi m ; pr a y a mi I s h a l l n ow g o; iti t h u s ;
niskrante e x i t s .
Nava-vrnda: (aside) I can understand She yearns to see Krsna's form. I will
show Her the sapphire Krsna-Deity Indra's sculptor Visvakarma made to decorate
the land of Vrndavana. (openly) Fr i end, now I will go (to bring) Your worshipable
Deity and show Him to You. (She exits.)
Text 50
Radha: (looking ahead, She says in Sankrit) These new karnikara flowers by
the Yamuna's shore, the same kind of flowers peacock-feather-crowned Krsna
placed in My hair when He left the arena of the rasa dance with Me, now make Me
burn with pain.
Text 51
nava vrnda: sa-khi turnam agatya pasya daivatam
at o n c e; agatya
ar r i v i n g ;pasya
Nava-vrnda: Friend, come at once and see the Deity.
Text 52
radha: na a v-un-de
aharehi kam pi sevovaharam
na a v-un-de 0 Nava-vrnda; aharehi
sevovaharam an o f f ering.
Text 53
nava vrnda-: baku2e vasanti grhad -anaya devya dattam divya ma2ya-mbaram
(baku2a niskranta)
bakule 0 B a k u la; vasanti of v a s a nti creepers;grhat fr o m t h e c o t t age;
anaya pl e a se bring; devya by t he q u e en;datta gi v e n ;divya ce l e s t i a l;malya
garland and cloth; bakula Bakula; niskranta e x i t s .
Nava-vrnda: Bakula, from the cottage of vasanti vines please bring the celestial
garland and cloth the queen gave us. (Bakula exits.)
Text 50
Text 55
Text 56
fr o m a d is tance;eva
ce r t a i n l y;vilokya
s e e i n g; sa w i t h ;
lo n g i n g; sanskrtena in S a n s krit;aj ani is m a n i f e s ted;sa phalah
fruitful; sah ayam th i s ; bhuyan ve r y m u c h ; ka l evara of t h e b o d y; dharane i n
the maintenance; sahacari 0
fr i e n d ;pa r ik lesah su f f e r i n g;yah wh a t ; a b h ut
has been; maya by M e; ki la in d e e d ;sevitah se r v e d;ahaha ah a . ;yat w h a t ;
imah th e y; syama sy-amah ve ry dark; purah in t h e p r e s ence;mama o f M e ;
ba22avi of the gopis; kumudini of t h e l o t us flowe rs; bandhoh o f t he m o o n
(friend); tah tah t h a t ; sphuranti is m a n i f e s ted;maricayah th e e f f u l g ence;
Radha: (fi22ed with intense 2onging, She gapes atthe Deity from a distance, and
then says in Sanskrit) Ah! Now the splendid very dark effulgence of this person, a
moon that is the friend of the 2otusgopis, shines in My presence No.w a22 thepain I
suffered to remain alive in this body has become worthwhile
Text 57
ap p r oaching;
(She walks up to the altar and says in a choked up voice) 0 mo o n - faced one,
My dear friend has again come to Me. My desire to see Him scorched My body and
wounded My heart with a monsoon of pain. My life-breath yearns to meet Krsna in
Vrndavana and enjoy pastimes with Him in a cottage by the Yamuna s shore.
Text 58
(Filled with love, She speaks to Krsna) Before You were so tender and
affectionate I thought You were My property. Now You are so harsh I dare not be
so proud to think I belong to You.
Text 59
Text 60
pair; sambhranmat
Text 61
nava vrnd-a: hala nagara dhu-rta dhu-rmanam mgudheyam narma catu-ri tad .enam
tvam ca drg a2+-ca2ena santarjayanti vakroktibhir upa2abhethah.
hala ah !; nagara lo v e r s ;dhurta of v i l l a i n s;dhurinanam of t h e b e st;
nigudha co n c ealed;narma of j o k e s; caturi ex p e r t i z e;tat th e r e f o r e;enam
Him; tvam Yo u ; ca al s o ;drk of t h e e y e s;ancalena wi t h t h e c or ne r;
santarj ayanti
re b u k i n g; vakra cr o o k e d ; uktibhih w i t h w o r d s ; upalabhethah
You should rebuke.
Text 62
Radha: (Staring at Him with crooked eyes, She says in Sanskrit) For so long
You have the company of this Kaustubha jewel, the friend of Indra's thunderbolt.
That is why this hardness has entered Your heart. This person is swallowed up by
a host of sufferings. You have the power to give Her relief. Why do You cheat Her
Text 63
(ity apavarya) ha2a pekkha aj uttam aj uttam j am nz2uppa2a kom-a2ovi vana ma2-i
kakkasam vamsi am -cce-a cumbadi. ta ido nam a add-hi age-nhissam
th u s ; apavarya co n c e a l ing;hala 0 ! ; pekkha lo o k; aj uttam improper;
aj uttam im p r o p e r;j am be c a u s e;ni2uppa2a as a blue lotus flower; komalovi a s
soft and gentle; vana ma2i -Krsna, who wears a garland of forest flowers;
kakkasam th e hard; vamsi am -flu t e; cce-a certainly; cumbadi ki s s e s;ta
therefore; ido fr o m H i m ; a a ddh-ia p - u l l i n g ; genhissam I shall take.
(aside to Nava-vrnda) Look! This is wrong! This is wrong! Even though Krsna,
who wears a garland of forest flowers, is as soft and gentle as a blue lotus flower,
H e still kisses this harsh, hard flute. I will take it from Him .
Text 60
Nava-vrnda: (aside) It will not be good for Her to pull away the flute. With a
trick I will teach Her the truth. (with a playful smile she openly says) 0 beautiful
bewildered girl, why do You uselessly say He is soft as a blue lotus flower7 You
should say that He is hard as sapphire. 0 girl with a lotus face, if You do not
believe my words, then just press Your breast against His broad chest.
Text 65
radha: (vaksasi panim arpayanti sa vyat-ham) kadham esa saccam j evva nilamanipadima (vim.rsya) haddhi haddhi gad.hukkantha esav-vam visumari apa-dimam cce a
paccakkham mahavam mannemi.
vaksasi on t he chest;panim a h a n d ; ar payanti pl a c i n g ;ka dham w h e t h e r 7 ;
esa this; saccam in t r u t h ; j e v va c e r t a i n l y; nil amani a s a p p h i r e;padima
deity; vimrsya re f le c t i n g;haddhi al a s ! ;haddhi al a s ! ;gadhu in t e n s e; ukkanthae wi th lon g ing; savva ev e r y t h i n g;visumari af o - r g e t t i n g; padimam a d e i t y ;
cce ai n - deed; paccakkham be f o re My eyes;mahavam K r s n a ; mannemi I
Radha: (She places a hand on the chest and at once becomes upset.) What7 It is
true. This is a Deity made of sapphire. (reflects) Alas! Alas! Overwhelmed by
intense longing I forgot everything. I thought this statue before Me was Krsna.
Text 66
baku2a: genha genha ima im ma2am-bara vi2evana -im
pravisya en t e r i ng;genha ta k e ;genha
ambara cl o t h; vilevana im oi n t - m e nts.
ta k e ; ima im
th e s - e;
ga r lands;
Bakula: Take, take this garland, cloth, and fragant ointment.
Text 67
Ra d ha; grhitva
ta k i n g ;pr a timam
th e d e i t y; alancikirsati
de s i r es to
(Radha takes them and shows a desire to decorate the Deity with them.)
Text 68
nava vrnd-a:
pranayinam samaya samaye gata
vahasi kanti dhura-m madhuram muda
na ki2a koki2a sanga-tim antara
sphurati sampad alam sakhi madhavi
the lover; samaya ne a r; samaye at t h i s t i m e; gata ap p r o a c h e d;
vahasi You carry; kanti of b e a u t y;dhuram ab u n d a n c e;madhuram sw e e t n e ss;
muda jo y f u l l y; na no t ; k i 2 a i n d e e d ; k oki2a t h e c u c k o o;sangatim t h e
association; antara wi t h o u t ; sphurati ma n i f e s t s;sampat th e o p u l e n c e;alam
greatly; sakhi 0 friend; madhavi o f S p r i n g t i m e .
Nava-vrnda: When You approach Your lover You become very charming and
beautiful. Friend, (You are like) the spring season, which cannot fully display its
glory without the company of the poetic cuckoo bird.
Text 69
madhavi: sacca epa uttim -vinn-adum bhatti dari a ep-esida-m-hi ta aggado
papphurantam na a vunda anam pavesissam .(iti parikramya) hanta nunam vundaanam pa i-ttho bhatta.jam ima i-m sankha c-akkadi 2-akkhida i-m pa a i-m 2akkhi anti. ta
patthudamnivvahi a-bhatti d-ari a-m anissam
Madhavi: Princess Rukmini sent me to learn how Satyabhama is doing. This is
New Vrndavana forest before me. Let me enter it. (She walks.) Ah! The Lord must
have entered this Vrndavana. I can see His footprints, marked with conch, disc,
and other symbols. I will finish the matter at hand and then bring princess
Rukmini to this place.
Text 70
(Trembling and shedding tears, Radha decorates the Deity of Lord Krsna.)
Text 71
madhavi: esa padima tassa ni2uppa2a ma2a dis-adi (iti adaya sa tvaram
madhavi: I see a garland of blue lotus flowers that fell from the Deity. (She
picks it up with Her hand. Agitated, She loudly calls) Friend Bakula, where are
Text 72
nava vrn-da: (sa sam-bhramam) satye sannihitasau madhavi ta.d itas turnam
prayanam ucitam.
sa wi t h; sambhramam an x i e t y;satye 0 Sa t y a b h a ma;sannihita n e a r b y ;
asau she; madhavi Ma d h a v i; tat t h e r e f o r e; itah f o r m h e r e ;turnam q u i c k l y ;
de p a r t ure; ucitam is proper.
Text 73
Text 70
th e t h r e e girls;parikramanti
Text 75
Text 76
Radha: (smelling the fragance, She says to Herself) From where has this sweet
fragance suddenly come7 It makes My heart tremble.
Text 77
th e f r a gance;mama of M e ; k sobhah a g i t a t i o n; ugran intense;
sapadi at once; bahih o u t s i d e; antah in s i d e ;pranayinah br i n g i n g ;balat
forcibly; anyah ot h e r; gandhah fr a g a n c e; katham h o w ; iv a a s i f ; v i d h a tum t o
place; prabhavati is able.
(Seeing the garland in Madhavi s hand, Radha says to Herself) This is the
glorious sweet fragance of the blue lotus garland worn by Krsna, the sun who is
the friend of the lotus flower gopis. What other fragance can violently agitate My
heart and senses in this way7
Text 78
Madhavi: (struck with wonder, she says in Sanskrit) As You smell the sweet
fragance of this garland of blue lotus flowers, why do You suddenly tremble7 Why
do the hairs on Your body stand up7 Why are You overwhelmed7
Text 79
radha: (svagatam) samvaranijj o eso attho. (prakasam) mahavi indivara malampekkhi-a ka2i a dahe d-itt-ham danim bhu anga a2im -sum-aranti bhidamhi.
svagatam as ide;samvarnijj o t o b e c oncealed; eso t h i s; attho a c t u a l
meaning; prakasam op e n l y; mahavi 0 Ma d h a v i ;in d ivara of b l u e l o t us flowe rs;
ma2am the garland; pekkhi-a seeing; ka2i a dahe -in -Kaliya Lake; dittham
seen; danim
remembering; bhidamhi
I b e c a me afraid.
Radha: (aside) I must conceal the the truth. (openly) M a d h avi, when I saw the
garland of blue lotuses I remembered the many snakes I saw today in Kaliya lake
and for a moment I was overcome with fear.
Text 80
as ide;sadhu
go o d ; samadhanam an s w e r;idam
Text 81
Radha: (aside) The garland must have been offered to this Deity.
Text 82
Text 83
th i s w a y ; pi a -d e a r; sahi
fr i e n d; iti
Text 80
Text 85
krsnah: (sodvegam)
ksanad eva ksunna bhavati vana ma2a m-a2ayaj a
dravalepah susyan nipatati raj ah sancay-a nibhahvisarpadbhirjvalair urasi ravikantakrtir asau
mamantah santapa-m kalayati param kaustubha manihsa wi t h; udvegam an x i e t y; ksanat in a m o m e n t; eva ce r t a i n l y;ksunna
wilted; bhavati is ; va na of f o r e s t flo we rs;ma2a th e g arland;ma2ayaja dravasandalwood paste; alepah oi n t m e n t; susyan dr y i n g ; ni patati fa l l s ;raj ah o f
dust; sa29caya an a b u n d a nce;nibhah li k e ; v i s arpadbhih m o v i n g ; j v a l a i h
with flames; urasi on t h e c he st;ravikanta of a s u r y a kanta jewel;akrtih t h e
form; asau th i s ; mama of M e ; an t ah in t h e h e a r t; santapam fire of suffering;
cr e a t es;param gr e a t l y;kaustubha manih - t he Kaustubha jewel.
of forest flowers has wilted and My sandalwood ointment dried and turned to dust.
Text 86
Text 87
madhumangala (sanskrtena)
sphutac catu2-a camp-aka prak-ara rocir -u22as-ini
madottara2a koki2-ava2i ka2a -svara-2apini
marala gati -salin-i kalaya krsnasaradhika (ity ardhokte)
sanskrtena in S anskrit; sphutat bl o s s o m i n g;catula be a u t i f u l;campaka o f
campaka flowers; prakara of t h e m u l t i t u d e;rocih wi t h t h e s p l e ndor;u22asini
shining; mada wi t h j o y ; ut t arala ag i t a t e d;koki2a of c u c k o o s;avali o f t h e
host; ka2a sweet; svara of t h e s ounds;a2apini sp e e c h;mara2a of t he swans;
gati the gait; sa2ini po s s essing;kalaya lo o k . ; kr s n asara wi t h b l a c k d eer;
adhika fi l l e d; iti th u s ;ar d ha in h a l f ;uk te of t h e s t a t e ment.
Madhumangala: (in Sanskrit) She has the splendor of many beautiful campaka
flowers. Her voice is filled with the sweet sounds of many jubilant cuckoos.
Within Her are the graceful motions of many swans. She is beautiful with many
black deer. Look at Her. (He is interrupted in the middle of his words.)
Text 88
Krsna: (bewildered and extremely eager) Friend, where is She7 Where is She7
Text 89
ah ead;
Text 90
krsnah: (sa vaiyag-ryam) vayasya naham pasyami tad as.u me darsaya kva
sa with; vaiyagryam be w i l d e r m e n t;vayasya 0 fr i e n d ;na no t ; ah a m I ;
pasyami se e; tat therefore;asau at once;me to Me;darsaya show; kva
where7; sa Sh e; me My ; ra d h i k a R a d h i k a .
Krsna: (bewildered) Fri end, I don't see Her. At once show Her to Me! Where
is My Radhika7
Text 91
th e f o r e st of Vrndavana.
Text 92
Krsna: (He reflects for a moment and then sighs.) Why is it that simply by
hearing the syllables of Her name I became overwhelmed with the desire to find
Text 93
puspair yasyah parimala bharod-garibhir gaura gatriagre seyam kusuma dhanus-ah pasya bha22ayamana
mam utphu22a praharati ruvad bhrnga -ma22ad-ya ma22I
sarva al l; anginam of t h e l i m b s;akuruta di d ; m u h uh r e p e a t e d ly; sa S h e ;
mama of M e; aka2pa of d e c o ration; 2aksmm t h e b e auty;puspaih w i t h f lo w e r s ;
yasyah of w h o m; parimala of t h e f r a g ance;bhara of t h e a bundance;
wi t h t he e manation;gaura go l d e n;gatri wh o s el i m b s; agre i n t h e
presence; sa iyam She; kusuma dhanusa-h of cupid, who carries a bow of flowers;
pasya lo o k !; bha22ayamana be c o me the wrestler; mam Me; utphu22a
blossomed; praharati
at t a c k s;ruvat bu z z i n g ;bhrnga be e s ; ma22a wr e t l e r;
adya no w; ma22i t he jasmine flower.
flowers have changed into dangerous wrestlers. Now both these arrows and
wrestlers are violently attacking Me.
Text 90
mihira du-hitus tiropante sphuranti nirantara
vratati nik-arair etas tas ta mahiruha raj-ayah
kisa2aya ku2-air yasam navyair a2abhyata radhika
sruti par-isare tadanka sri -vid-ambana cat-uri
wa l k i n g ; mih ira duh-ituh of t h e Y amuna river, the daughter of the
sun-god; tira upa-nte on the shore; sphuranti ar e m a n i f ested;nirantara t h i c k ;
of c r e e pers;nikaraih wi t h m u l t i t u d e s;etah t h e y ; t ah t h e y ;
of t r e e s;raj ayah mu l t i t u d e s;kisa2aya of b l o s soming twigs;ku2aih
with multitudes; yasam of w h i c h; navyaih ne w ; al a b hyata is a t t a i n e d;
of R a d hika;sruti pari-sare on t he ear;tadanka of t h e e arrings;sri o f
the beauty; vidambana im i t a t i o n; caturi s k i l l .
(walking) Covered by many blossoming vines and filled with newly budding
twigs, these trees on the Yamuna's shore expertly imitate the beauty of Radha's
Text 95
Madhumangala: (struck with wonder) F r i e nd, this spring season is now in its
youth. Why does it not show the signs of youth7
Text 96
Krsna: Friend, you speak the truth. The cuckoos and bees have taken a vow of
silence, the new sprouts on the mango trees have suddenly stopped, and the
blossoming buds on the asoka trees have also stopped. Has the goddess of spring
fallen asleep on the Yamuna's shore7
Text 97
Text 98
krsnah: nunam asyah prana raksanay-a sakhya vistambhiteyam vasanta laksmihnunam in d e ed;
of h e r ; pr a na
of t h e l i f e - b reath;aksanaya
for the
protection; sakhya
Krsna: Perhaps to save this girl's life one of her friends made the goddess of
spring unconscious.
Text 99
(Looking, He becomes filled with anguish.) Fashioned with many lotus flowers
and sprinkled with the nearby Yamuna's gentle waves, this empty bed sets My
limbs on fire. It tortures My heart and makes My thoughts tremble.
Text 100
th - e cottage;
Madhumangala: Now that You have glorified the bed You should praise the
forest-cottage ahead of us.
Text 101
Krsna: (He walks. He eagerly gazes and becomes filled with wonder.) Is this a
graceful Deity of Me decorated with forest flowers7 (He goes close to the Deity.)
This must be the art of Visvakarma, the master of all sculptors.
Text 102
Text 103
Krsna: Friend, your perception is good. This carelessly placed flower garland
proclaims that this girl was overwhelmed with emotion. This broken sandalwood
paste declares that She was crying a monsoon of tears. This crooked tilaka marking
states that Her hand was trembling. The way this slender girl worshiped the Deity
speaks of Her great love.
Text 100
th i s w a y;ido
th i s w a y; pi a
A voice from behind the scenes: This way, dear friend. This way.
Text 105
krsnah: sakhe nunam pratyasidanti murter upasikas tarunyah tad esa .mad arca
kunj antare nivesyatam mayasya.h susthu vesa madhuri-m uri krtya bim-bosthinam
bhava nistham n-istankayisyata vediyam adhistheya (ity ubh.autatha kurutah.)
sakhe 0 fr i e n d; nunam ce r t a i n l y;pratyasidanti re t u r n i n g ;mu rteh o f t h e
deity; upasikah wo r s h i p p e rs;tarunyah th e g i r l s; tat th e r e f o r e;esa th i s ; m a t
My; arca de i t y; kunj a th e f o r e st grove;antare wi t h i n ; ni v esyatam s h o u l d b e
placed;maya b y M e ;
as y ah of i t ; s u s t h u n icely;vesa o f t h e d e c o r a ti on ;
th e s we etness;uri krtya
ac c e p t i n g;bimba o-sthinam of t he gir ls who
have beautiful lips red as bimba fruits; bhava of l o v e; nistham t h e f a i t h ;
ob s e rving;vedi on t h e a l t a r;iyam th i s ;ad h istheya s h o u l d b e
stood; iti t h u s ; ub hau bo t h ; ta t ha in t h a t w a y; ku r u tah a c t .
Krsna: Friend, now the girls who worshiped this Deity are returning. Take the
Deity into the forest. I will assume the same charming decorations the Deity had. I
will stand on the altar as it did, and I will see the great love and faith of these girls
whose beautiful lips are red as bimba fruits. (They both act accordingly.)
Text 106
Text 107
Radha: (she looks ahead and the hairs of Her bodystand erect.) Ah! The Deity
is so sweetly handsome. It creates the same wonderful impression of directly
seeing Krsna.
Text 108
Bakula: (aside to Nava-vrnda) Nava-vrnda, look at how handsome the Deity is.
Text 109
nava vrn-da: (sa smi-tam) mugdhe nunam satyabhama pre-monmadas tvayy api
sancakrama ya .harim eva pratimam pratyesi
sa wi t h; smitam a s m i l e ;mugdhe 0 be w i l d e r ed girl;nunam c e r t a i n l y ;
satyabhama of S atyabhama;prema of l o v e;unmada th e m a d n e ss;tvayi i n
you; api even; sancakrama ha s entered;ya wh i c h ; ha r im Kr s n a ;e v a
certainly; pratimam th e d e i t y; pratyesi yo u b e l i e ve.
Text 110
Text 111
(iti sautsukyam)
hrdayantara sphurad a-manda v-edana
bhara vavaduka -vadanam-bhuj dyutih
(with great desire) Her teeth very beautiful, curling locks of black hair dancing
at the corners of Her eyes, and the beauty of Her lotus face eloquently proclaiming
the torment in Her heart, a very beautiful girl has entered the pathway of My eyes.
Text 112
(Looks again and becomes struck with wonder.) Ah ! Ah ! Is this Radha, who is
more dear to Me than My own life7 (Struggling to check a flood of tears, He
Text 113
wh e re7;
This girl must be an illusory Radha the celestial sculptor Visvakarma made to
bring Me some happiness in this beautiful Vrndavana. How is it possible for Radha
to pass the fortifications of Dvaraka City and then enter the inner rooms of My
Text 110
2+j a2im baddhva )a .ipa-dibimba avi kim tumha bimbassa amburuha 2o a-na-ssa
krsna of K r s na; mukha of t h e f a c e;indum th e m o o n ; avalokya g a z i n g ;
hanta ah !; hanta ah ! n i b b h a r g r e a t u
; k k a n thida w i t h y e a r n i n g;mama o f
Me; muddhattanam be w i l d e r me nt; jam b e c a u s e;go inda-ssa o Go v i nd a;
padimam the statue; j evva ce rtainly; go inda-m Go v i n d a; mannemi I c o n s i d e r ;
iti t h u s; sa wi t h ; as ru of t e a r s dharam
a f lo o d ;a 29j alim baddhva f o l d i n g
Her hands; a i 0 - ; padibimba reflection of Krsna; avi kim w h e t h e r 7; tumha o f
You; bimbassa of t he reflected object;amburuha lo an-ass-a of the lotus-eyed
Krsna; ka22anam happiness.
Text 115
krsnah; (so22asam) ayi maya yantra m-ayi ra-dhike satyam idanim eva krsnah
ksemi yad iya.m sarva mudray-a tam lokottaram anukurvati tvam asya ksemam
sa wi t h; u22asam ha p p i n ess;ayi 0 ; m a y a y a n t ra m-ayi 0 - i l l u s i oncr eated
by magic; radhike 0
Ra d h i k a ;satyam in t r u t h ; id a n im n o w ; e va c e r t a i n l y ;
krsnah Krsna;ksemi is happy;yat because;iya Her;sarva all;
with characteristics; tam H e r ; l o ka-uttaram
e x t r a o r d i n ary; anukurvati
imitating; tvam Yo u ; as ya of H i m ; ks e man th e w e l f a r e;prcchasi i n q u i r e .
Text 116
radha: (sa cam-atkaram) sahu na a v-u-nde sahu ja .es-ippa ka-2a ku-sa2a enimmida padimavi edam kim pi mahuram vaharedi
sa wi t h; camatkaram wo n d e r ; sahu we l l d o n e ! ; na a v-un-de Na va-vrnda;
sahu we ll done; sahu we l l d o n e;j a e -by which; sippa of sculpture; kala
artistry; kusala e -with expertness; nimmida created; padima a s tatue;vi e v e n ;
kim pi
so m e t h i n g; mahuram sw e e t ;vaharedi ma y s p e a k.
Radha: (struck with wonder) W el l d o ne, Nava-vrnda! Well done! Well done!
This statue is so expertly crafted it is even able to speak sweet words.
Text 117
Krsna: Ah. This magical mirage of Radha is very wonderful. Radha is clearly
reflected in this very place.
Text 118
Radha: (jubilant and struck with wonder) Th e sweet fragance of this statue
delights My nose. The splendid color of this statue, dark as a monsoon cloud,
attracts My eyes. The charming words spoken by this statue make My ears tremble
with happiness. Ah! This statue is exactly like Krsna Himself!
Text 119
(iti kakum kurvati )a i . k a n-ha padim-e esa cadu kodih-im bhikkkhedi. rahi evva.m
cce aj an-gami bhavi
-acira-m suhavehi santaba jajjaram dina elo a-namiti t h us; ka kum pl a i n t i v e w o r d s;kurvati do i n g ; a i 0 - ; k anhaof K rs na;
padime st a tue; esa th i s ; cadu of s w e et wor d s;kodihim w i t h m i l l i o n s ;
bhikkhedi b e gs; tahi
R a d h a ;evvam in t h i s w a y; cce-a c e r t a i n l y;j angami
moving; bhavi ab e - c o ming; ciram fo r a l o n g t i m e ; suhavehi pl e a se give
pleasure; santaba with pain; j ajj aram wo u n d e d; dina e o f - t h e po or girl; loanam the eyes.
(In a plaintive voice) 0 st a t ue of Krsna, this Radha begs You with millions of
sweet words: Please become a living, moving person and give some happiness to
the pain-filled eyes of this poor girl.
Text 120
krsnah: hanta vrndaraka vardhak-e distya samvardhito smi. (iti baspa dharamvitanoti.)
hanta 0 ; v r n d a raka
of t h e s t a t ue;vardhake 0 sc u l p t o r;d istya by goodfortune; samvardhitah
pr o s p e rous;asmi I have become; iti t h u s ; baspa o f
tears; dharam
a s tr eam;vitanoti
ma n i f e s t s .
Krsna: 0 sculptor, I have become very fortunate. (He cries a stream of tears.)
Text 121
Nava-vrnda: Friend, with the edge of Your sari You should wipe away the tears
from the lotus face of Your beloved.
Text 122
Ra d ha; sa
wi t h ; ap a t rapam sh y n e s s;tatha
in t h a t w a y;karoti
Text 123
Nava-vrnda: (aside) This statue of Krsna feels intense happiness by the touch
of Radha's body. The statue's eyes are filled with tears, and it now leans against the
kadamba tree behind it. How are these things possible7
Text 120
Radha: Oh! Oh! The statue has come to life. (She faints.)
Text 125
Text 126
Bakula: (agitated) Nava-vrnda, why are the peacocks fleeing and crying in fear7
Text 127
Nava-vrnda: Rukmini must have come to Vrndavana with her friends, who
wear tinkling bells on their ankles. Thinking the tinkling sounds are warblings of
the most graceful swans, the peacocks are now fleeing in fear and embarrassment.
Rukmini is coming. You must quickly take Satyabhama away from this place.
Text 128
bakula: sahu mantesi. (iti murchitam eva radham angi krtya -niskranta ) .
sahu we l l; mantesi yo u s p e a k;iti th u s ; mu r c h itam th e f a i n t e d;eva
certainly; radham Ra d h a;angi krtya -t a k i n g; niskranta e x i t s .
Bakula: You speak well. (She takes up the fainted Radha and exits.)
Text 129
madhumangalah: (nikunjan nihsrtya) accari am acc-ari am bh-opi .a va as-sasaccam cce apadim-a ruvosinikunjat f r o m th e f o rest; nihsrtya co m i n g ; accari am wonderful!; accari
am wo n d e rful!; bho 0 ; pi ad ear - ;va assa f- r i e nd;saccam in t r u t h; cce a
certainly; padima of a s tatue;ruvo th e f o r m; si Y o u a r e .
Text 130
krsnah: (puro drstim praksipan ) .hanta hanta katham lina babhuva sadyas tvastri
silpamaya (.iti camatkaram abhiniya ) .navavrnde bhuyo pi kim iyam prastotum
Krsna: (looks ahead) Alas! Alas! Where has the magical statue created by
Visvakarma gone7 (He is filled with wonder.) N a v a-vrnda, can you bring back this
magical statue that filled the universe with wonder7
Text 131
th e n; kim
wh e ther7
Text 132
fr i e n d ;tu r n am
at once;
Text 133
nava v-rnda: devayato ham vidravanti cakravakiva bibhemi seyam sannikrsta devi
candrika (.iti niskranta ).
deva 0 Lo r d ; ya t ah fr o m w h o m ; ah am I; vi d r a v a n ti fle e i n g ;ca kravaki a
cakravakibird; iv a
l i k e ; bi b h emi I f e a r ;sa i y am sh e ;sa n niksrsta ne a r ; devi
queen; candrika moonlight; iti th u s ;ni s k rantah e x i t s .
Text 130
en t e r s;saha
wi t h ; pa r ij ana as s o c iates;candravali
Text 135
candrava2i: ha2a mahavi virahini evahin-z erahi -eso an-a2o a-jj avi me na nivvadi
hala 0 ; m a h avi
Ma d h a v i ;vi r a hini es e p - a rated; vahini es i s t - er; rahi e f o r Radha; so aof
g- rief;analo th e f i r e; ajja to d a y ;vi ev e n ;me of m e ; na n ot ;
ha s become extinguished.
Candravali: 0 Ma d h a vi, the fire of grief for my lost sister Radha has not
become extinguished even today. It still burns.
Text 136
af f e c t i o nate;asi
Text 137
candravali: sahi ajja ajja utte-na ha rahi ha rahi tti savvam cce ar-attim sivina
sahi 0
fr i e n d; ajj a to d a y ;ajj a utten-a by my h u s band; ha 0 ; r a h i R ad h a ;
ha 0; r ahi
Ra d h a ; t ti t h u s ; sa v v am th e w h o l e ; cce a -certainly; rattim
night; sivina idam -spo ke in His sleep.
"0 Ra d ha. 0
Text 138
Madhavi: His heart must be upset by something He saw in last night s dream.
He must have entered Vrndavana forest to cheer up His unhappy heart.
Text 139
Text 100
Text lkl
candrava2i: (saci samiksya )ha2.aj am vunda anevi -eso upphu22a aro v-i2o i adi -t-a.
takkemi a uruvv-am kim pi rasantaram 2addho
saci cr o o ke dly; samiksya lo o k i n g ; ha la O h ; j a m . b e c a u s e; vunda ane -in
Vrndavana; vi ev e n; eso H e ; up p hu22a bl o s soming with happiness;a aro
whose body; vilo i adi - -is seen; ta therefore; takkemi I m a y c o n j e cture;a
uruvvam un p r e c edented; kimpi so m e t h i n g;rasa sw e e t n e ss;antaram
another; /addho ha s attained.
Candravali: (gazing with crooked eyes) I can see that He is very happy in this
Vrndavana forest. I think He must have tasted some sweet nectar He did not know
Text 102
madhavi: (nibhalya)
lo o k i n g; bhatti-dari-e 0 p r i n c e s s;phudam
sa She; harini ch a r m i n g ;saccabhama Sa t y abhama.
cl e a r l y;sangada m e t ;
Text 103
candravali: sahi saccam saccam ja.m imassa ange sojevva ma e -pe-sido divva
pariccha o -ta .gadu a-tattam j anissam (i.ty upasrtya) j a ad-u j a ad-u ajj a ut-to
sahi 0
fr i e n d; saccam it i s t r u e;saccam it i s t r u e;j am be c a u s e;imassa o f
Him; ange on t he body;so t h i s ; j e v va ce r t a i n l y;ma e- b y m e n ; pesido s e n t ;
divva ce l estial;paricchado cl o t h ; ta th e r e f o r e;gadu a -g o i n g; tattam t h e
truth; j anissam I s ha ll.
Text 100
Krsna: (concealing His real feelings.) Beloved! How fortunate that you have
come to Vrndavana just at this time!
Text 105
at K r s na;pasyanti
ga z i n g;sa
wi t h ; as c aryam wo n d e r ;apavarya
Candravali: (gazing at Krsna, she become struck with wonder. She whispers to
Madhavi) Now that He is decorated with these forest-ornaments, Krsna shows
great waves of sweetness never seen in this world. Still, bitten by the snake of
jealous anger, my heart cannot become happy, even by gazing at the sweetness of
Text 106
(iti smitam krtva )de .ana-vina pana -ini s-ang-ama mah-usavena ditthi a
iti t h us ; smitam a
s m i l e ; kr t va do i n g ; de a0 - L o r d ; n a v i na ne w ; p a n a
ini of t he lover;sangama of t he association;mahusavena wi t h t he g reat
festival; ditthi ab - y g o od fortune; papphurasi Yo u a re trembling with happiness.
(smiling) Lord, You are very fortunate. Now You are trembling with happiness
by enjoying a great festival of association with Your new lover.
Text 107
la u g h i n g; priye 0
be l o v e d pracina
Text 108
ol d ; pr a n a yini
l o v e r ;i ti
wi t h; sankam
fe a r ;ka
wh o 7 ; k k h u
i n d e e d pa
; in-a ol d ; pa na in-i
Text 109
Krsna: Beloved, please don't be suspicious. These vines of Vrndavana forest are
my "old lover". It is nothing more.
Text 150
madhavi: saccam bhanadi bhattaj am vrnda ana k-appa -2ada e-uvan-ida esa ma2a
saccam the truth;
bhanadi speaks;bhatta the lord;
j am because; vuna
ana of Vrndavana;
kappa2 2ada e-by -the desire- creeper;uvanida brought;
esa this; ma2a ga r l a nd of flowers.
Madhavi: Your husband speaks the truth. The desire vine gave Him this flower
Text 151
madhavi 0
Ma d h a v i;ma
do n t ; mu d ha
us e l e s sly;sanka
of s u s p i c ious;
Text 152
Text 153
krsnah: (svagatam) nunam devya drsta purvo -yam paricchadah (prak.asam) devi
v ana devy -mamedam
upahari krtamsvagatam as ide; nunam i n d e e d; devya by t h e q u e e n;drsta se e n;purvah
paricchadah garment;prakasam
openly;devi 0 queen;
vana of t he forest;devya by t he g od dess;mama of M e ; id am th i s ; up a h ari
wa s given.
Krsna: (aside) My queen must have seen this garment before. (openly) My
queen, the goddess of this forest gave this cloth to Me.
Text 150
de a - 0 Lord; anujanihi
Madhavi: Lord, please give Your permission so the queen may return home.
Text 155
Text 156
Text 157
Text 158
Candravah: Krsna. (She stops in the middle of her words and then continues
in a much more timid fashion.) 0 no b l e h us band.
Text 159
krsnah: (sananda smita-n) priye distya sudha dhara-m payito smi. tad alam arya
putreti kupambuna.
sa with; ananda bl i s s ;smitam a s m i l e ;priye 0 be l o v e d ;distya b y g o o d
fortune; sudha of s w e e t n e c t a r; dharam a f lo o d ;pa yitah c a u s e d to drin k ;
asmi I a m; tat th e r e f o r e;alam wh a t i s t he use7;arya putra -0 no b l e h us band;
th u s ; ku pa of a w e l l ; am buna o f t h e w a t e r.
Krsna: (with a blissful smile) Beloved, you have already given Me a flood of
sweet nectar to drink. What is the use of giving Me this well-water of "0 n o b l e
Note: Krsna prefers Candravah's angry words, which He calls a flood of nectar,
to her sweet politeness, which He calls well-water.
Text 160
candrava2i: ajj
a u-tta na kkhu aham anahinna j am tujjha sokkha h-edu e-na ke2i
Candravali: I am not such a fool that Your blissful pastimes will make me
Text 162
tvad anga -sang-atair ebhis
tapto 'smi mihiratapaih
vindanti candana cchay-am
mam devi sisiri-kuru
tvat of Y ou; anga th e l i m b s ; sangataih to u c h i n g ;ebhih by t h e m ; ta p tah
burned; asmi Ia m ; mi h i ra of t h e s u n ; at apaih by t h e r a ys of the sun;vindanti
finding; candana of a s a n d al tree;chayam th e s h a de;mam Me ; de vi 0 q ue e n ;
sisiri-kuru p l e ase cool.
Krsna: I burn with pain because the harsh sunlight troubles your body. 0
queen, please bring Me to the shade of a sandal tree and make Me cool again.
Text 162
of w a t e r; ke2i sp o r t s;kundam
a pond;
Madhavi: My Lord, this princess has a very hard heart. She can easily bear any
great heat or any great suffering. Right before Your own eyes she thought the
blazing sacrificial fire in the temple of Candrabhaga was a pool of water for water
Text 163
Krsna: (aside) Well done!, Madhavi! Well done! Now you have shown your
love for her. Now you have acted as a true friend.
Text 160
Candravali: 0 no b le husband, now You may enjoy pastimes with this lover so
dear to Your heart. I am going into the palace. (Accompanied by her friend, she
Text 165
ha s f a l l e n;
Text 166
Madhumangala: Don't talk like that. I did not see that the queen was angry at
Text 167
an g e r;hi
in d e e d ;ma nasvinyah o f
Text 168
The sweet moonlight of her smile is not eclipsed and the sweetness of her
words has not turn bitter. Still, the warm sighs visible on the bodice that covers
her raised breasts proclaim the anger hidden in her heart.
Text 169
tad adya devi pras-adanam eva nij abhista sadh-anam (iti n.iskrantah sarve ) .
tat th er efore; adya no w ; de vi of t h e q u e e n;prasadanam th e s atisfaction;
eva certainly; nij a ow n ; ab h ista de s i r e d;sadhanam a c t i v i t y; iti t h u s ;
Th e y b o th exit. iti t h u s ; ni s k r a ntah ex i t s ;sarve a l l .
Now my wish is to please her and make her happy. (They both exit.)
(Everyone exits.)
Act Eight
Text 1
Text 2
dvaradhipaya ka2itanja2ibhih surendrair
antar viv-iksubhir avapta ba-hih pr-akostha
cittam haraty avasare pratiharyamana
rajiva sam-bhava ha-radya hareh puriyam
dvara at the doors; adhipaya to the guards; ka2ita placed; anja2ibhih with
respectfully folded palms; sura of the demigods; indraih by the kings; antah
within; vivisubhuih desiring to enter; avapta attained; bahih outside; prakostaat the doorstep; cittam the heart; harati enchants; avasare at the proper
moment; pratiharyamana; being a22owed to enter;
rajiva sam-bhava Lord Brahma,
who was born from the lotus flower of Garbhodakasayi Visnu; hara Lord Siva;
adya now; hareh of Lord Krsna; puri palace; iyam this.
Visvakarma: Lord Krsna's palace, where the leaders of the demigods, eager to
enter, beg the doorkeeper with respectfully folded hands, and where the
doorkeeper has them wait at the doorstep, and at the right moment allows Brahma
and Siva to enter, enchants my heart.
Text 3
(parsvato vilokya) vatse api nama gatah purusottame satyayah pratimeti vicitro
bhramah. tasyapi tasyam madiya mayeti -(smita.m krtva) athava bhrama eva sa na
bhavet yad vai.slesikanuragamrta vibhram-o yam
parsvatah at the side; vilokya looking; vatse 0 child; api nama - -perhaps;
gatah gone; purusa uttame f-or the Supreme Personality of Godhead; satyayah of
Satyabhama; pratima the statue; iti thus; vicitrah wonderful; bhramah
mistake; tasya of Him; api also; tasyam for Her; madiyam my; ayeti attains;
smitam a smile; krtva doing; athava or; bhramah a mistake; eva certainly; sah
this; na not; bhavet may be; yat because; vaislesika in separation; anuragaof transcendental love; amrta of the nectar; vibhramah mistake; ayam this.
(Glancing at his side) Child, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, was
bewildered into thinking that Satyabhama was a statue, and Satyabhama was
Herself bewildered into thinking Krsna was a statue. Their bewilderment was My
work. (smiles) Then again, They were not bewildered. They were only
overwhemed by the nectar of Their love-in-separation.
Text 0
Text 5
Visvakarma: Then7 Th en 7
Text 6
Nava vr-nda: tatas ca devi hr-daya jna madhavi praha deva tat kim nama bhuvane
yad adbhutam vastu mahavarodhane ki2atra nasti. kintu gagane gacchato mara2asya
cancu pu-tad idam adrsta ca-ram aravindam vibhrastam ta.d da-ma gu-mphana
kameyam abhud bhartr da-rika iti.
tata then; ca also; devi of the queen; hrdaya the heart;jna understanding;
madhavi Madhavi; praha said; deva 0 Lord; tat therefore; kim what7; namaindeed; bhuvane in the world; yat what; adbhutam is wonderful; vastusubstance; maha great; avarodhane in the palace; kila indeed; atra here; nanot; asti is; kintu however; gagane in the sky; gacchatah going; maralasya os
swan; cancu of the beak; putat from the opening; idam this; adrsta cara-munprecedented; aravinda lotus flower; vibhrastam fell; tat of these lotuses;
dama of a garland; gamphana to string; kama desiring; iyam she; abhut
became; bhartr darik-a the princess; iti thus.
Text 7
visvakarma: vatse am j ane sura sa.ugan-dhikam nama tat pankaj am ahartum man
mukhad eva grhitoddesah pundarikaksah khandava prastha-m pratasthe
vatse 0 child; am yes; j ane I know; sura among the demigods;
saugandhikam fragant; nama named; tat that; pankajam lotus flower; ahartum
to take; mat of me; mukhat from the mouth; eva certainly; grhita taken;
uddesah information; pundarika aksah l-otus-eyed Krsna; khandhva prastham -for
the Khandava forest; pratasthe set out.
Visvakarma: Yes, my child. I know. I told Him to collect the lotus flowers
named Sura-saugandhika. Accepting this advice from my mouth, lotus-eyed Krsna
Text 8
Nava-vrnda: Lord Krsna then collected these lotus flowers and placed them in
the hands of Madhumangala, who gave them to Madhavi. Now, on the pretext of
some other business, Krsna has entered the palace to beg a favor from His queen.
Text 9
Text 10
Text 11
Visvakarma: Why7
Text 12
Text 13
Visvakarma: Not only for Queen Rukmini, but I also made them for
Text lk
Text 15
visvakarma: putri sankam ma kuru. tan maya devyam aveditam asti tath.a hi
devi naptri bha-ved
bhanu sam-bandhato mama
tad artha-m api tenaham
racayisyami mandanam
tad ehi. tat karandika yuga-m bhavatyam arpayami (iti n.iskrantau.)
(viskambhakah ) .
putri 0 daughter; sankam anxiety; ma do not; kuru do; tat therefore;
maya by me; devyam to the queen; aveditam explained; asti is; tatha hifurthermore; devi 0queen; naptri bhave -
has become the granddaughter; bhama
Satyabhama; bhanu fo the sun-god; sambandhatah from the relationship; mamawith me; tat artham -for this reason; api also; tena by this; aham I; racayisyami
shall fashion; mandanam ornaments; tat therefore; ehi come; tat this;
karanditah jewelry boxes; yugam pair; bhavatyam to you; arpayami I shall
give; iti thus; niskrantau they exit; viskambhakah the viskambhaka interlude.
Text 16
(Krsna enters.)
Krsna: Because of the pain of separation from My beloved Radha, My eyes
bathe My chest in tears, moistening the fragant sandal paste ointment there.
Burning with the pain of separation from My beloved Radha, My chest then dries
that moistened sandal paste. In this way My eyes and chest are engaged in a fierce
battle over that sandal paste, Alas! Even in hundreds of dreams I cannot attain the
rare festival of the sight of My beloved. One day will My Radha unexpectedly come
here and surprise Me with an embrace7
Text 17
Text 18
Text 19
krsnah: (upasrtya)
tvam paksa pata v-aicitr-yad
ekapy akramya sarvatah
devi mac ci t ta k-asareraj a hamsi-v a raj asi
upasrtya approaching; tvam you; paksa of the wings; pata falling; vaicitryat
from the wonder; eka alone; api even; akramya arriving; sarvatah in all
respects; devi 0 queen; mat of Me; citta of the heart; kasare in the lake; raja
hamsi a regal swan; iva like; raj asi you are splendidly manifest.
Text 20
candravali: (sakutam) m a h avi j uttam vi bhanidam suni akim tti k-ida smidasisa with; akutam feeling; mahavi 0 Madhavi;juttam proper; vi indeed;
bhanidam words spoken; suni a hearing; kim why7; tti thus; kida made;
smida a smile; asi you are.
Text 21
Madhavi: Princess, I smile to think of the duck that also stays in that lake.
Text 22
krsnah: hanta ka2i kand-u2a tunda -matra -sarva-sve tamo mayi -madhavike
viramyatam tvayo.paranjayitum asakyeyam candravali
hanta indeed; ka2i for a quarrel; kandu2a itching; tunda beak; matra sole;
sarvasve treasure; tamah mayi - -0 ignorant girl; madhavika 0Madhavi;
viramyatam stop; tvaya by you; uparanjayitum to change; asakya unable; iyam
this; candravali Candravah.
Krsna: Ignorant Madhavi whose only wealth is a beak that itches for a quarrel,
stop! You cannot change Candravah's love.
Note: If the word "tamo-mayi" is interpreted to mean "0 Rahu-planet", and the
word "upara 24jayitum" to mean "is eclipsed", then the statement may be
understood to mean:
"0 Rahu-planet Madhavi whose only wealth is a beak that itches for a quarrel,
stop! You have no power to eclipse the many moons of Srimati Candravali."
Text 23
Text 20
Text 25
Candravali: (takes the garland) No ble husband, may this garland become the
wife of Your Kaustubha jewel. (She places the garland on His chest.)
Text 26
sundarangi bhavadiya m-andire
medure mad ur-asi sraj am vina
tathyam eva bhavitum na kalpate
kaustubhena saha va-sini para
her head.
Krsna: 0 beautiful girl, My broad chest is a palatial home for you. In the palace
of My chest the Kaustubha jewel resides with your garland as his wife. In truth, he
can take no other wife. (Embarrassed Candravah bows her head.)
Text 27
Krsna: (with love and respect He touches her hand) To day I have promised to
visit a certain ascetic woman, who is continually engaged in meditation on the
Supreme Lord. Please give Me permission to visit her today. 0 girl who se
complexion is as fair as kunkuma, please allow Me to keep My promise to her.
Text 28
Text 29
Krsna: (aside) The obstacle is broken. Now I will go to New Vrndavana. (He
Text 30
nava vrnda: -devi
tad idam mandana karandi-kayor yugman etayoh prathamam
prathitena devyas cihnenanugatam. dvitiyam tu satyabhamayah
pravisya entering; devi 0 queen; tat idam this; mandana of ornaments;
karandikayoh of the boxes; yugmam the pair; etayoh of the pair; prathamamthe first; prathitena manifested; devyah of the queen; cihnena with a mark;
anugatam followed; dvitiyam the second; tu indeed; satyabhamayah of
Nava-vrnda: My queen, here are two boxes of ornaments. The first one is for
the queen. It bears this special mark. The second is for Satyabhama.
Text 31
karoti ).
svagatam aside; attano of the self; nattini the granddaughter; kide for the
sake; niccidam certainly; savvuttamam the best; kidam fashioned; huvissadiwill be; ta therefore; parivattam exchanged; kadu a - -having done; bhatti
dari am - the princess; dudi ena -with the second; alankarissam I will decorate;
prakasam openly; na a vu-n-de 0Nava-vrnda; duve both; cce a c-ertainly; mama
to me; samuppehi give; aham I; kira indeed; sacca e t-o Satyabhama; pesa
issam I will send; nava vrnd-a
Nava-vrnda; tatha in that way; karoti does.
Madhavi: (aside) He must have made better ornaments for his own
granddaughter. I will switch the boxes and decorate princess Rukmini with th e
ornaments of the second box. (openly) Nava-vrnda, give me both boxes. I will
have the second box sent to Satyabhama. (Nava-vrnda does that.)
Text 32
Text 33
nava vrnda: vrndatavim abhisecayitum sampratam rtu rajo maya datta s-ubhamuhurto sti, tatas tatra gacchami .(iti parikramati ).
vrndatavim Vrndavana forest; abhiseccayitum to crown; sampratanm now;
srtu of seasons; rajah the monarch (spring); maya by me; datta given; subha
auspicious; muhurtah moment; asti is; tatah therefore; tatra there; gacchami I
shall go; iti thus; parikramati walks.
Nava-vrnda: This is the auspicious time for me to have springtime, the king of
seasons, crown the forest of Vrndavana. For this purpose I will go there. (She
Text 30
(nepathy e)
kridotsavaya nivide vana pusp-a vapr-e
sa prey-asim pada viha-ram iharpayantam
A voice from behind the scenes: Seeing the Lord enjoying pastimes by happily
walking with His beloved in the forestgarden filled with flowers, all the seasons became happy and, bringing all their
opulences, at once appeared at that place.
Text 35
Nava-vrnda: Why, decorated with forest flowers, and making Vrndavana forest
all-perfect by His presence, does Lord Krsna, who enchants the entire world, now
follow beautifully decorated Radha7
Text 36
(Looking again, she becomes struck with wonder.) Their sweet words the
cooing of cuckoo birds on its branches, Their handsomeness its trunk, Their
amorous desires its many new shoots, Their perspiration it s pearl fruits, Their
tears it s honey, and Their pastimes the birds that make it tremble even though it
never moves, the desire tree of Sri Radha-Krsna s transcendental bliss shines with
great splendor.
Text 37
tatah then; pravistah enter; yatha as; nirdistau described; radha Radha;
madhavau and Krsna.
Text 38
tavatra parimrgyata kim api laksma saksad iyam
maya tvam upasadita nikhi2a 2ok-a 2ak-smzr asi
yatha j agati cancate canaka mu-sti sam-pattaye
janena patita purah kanaka vrs-tir asadyate
tava of You; atra here; parimrgyata searching; kim api something; laksmaa sign; saksat directly; iyam this; maya by Me; tvam You; upasadita found;
nikhi2a of all; 2oka the worlds; 2aksmzh
the supreme goddess of fortune; asiYou are; yatha just as; j agati in the world; cancata wandering; canaka of
chick-peas; musti for a handful; sampattaye for the wealth; j anena by a person;
patita fallen; purah in the presence; kanaka of gold; vrstih a shower; asadyateis manifested.
Krsna: I was searching for some sign of You, and now I have found You
Yourself, the supreme goddess of fortune of all the worlds. I was like a person who
wanders over the entire universe in search of a handful of chick-peas, and finds a
monsoon-shower of gold instead.
Text 39
Nava-vrnda: (seeing Radha) Ah! Ah ! Her eyes filled with tears, She is not able
to see lotus-eyes Krsna. The vines of Her arms completely stunned, She has no
power to embrace Him. Her voice choked-up, She cannot speak. Although doeeyed Radha has finally met Krsna after a very long time, these obstacles still remain
to separate Her from Him.
Text 00
Krsna: (comes close to Radha) One moment My heart burns in the flames of
separation, and the next moment it is aroused by the kiss of amorous desire. 0 girl
whose breasts are like waterpots, please throw on Me Your glance filled with the
flowers of ever-new playfulness, flowing with nectar, and flooded with waves of
the dancing of Your restless, graceful eyebrows.
Text Wl
radha: (sa trapam) -na a vunde -ni-ccidam eso vi sivinojevva jam vara.m varam
evvam sokkha sa are kk-ha-nam nimajji apuro pu-no
pabudha eketti am-ma e-mukkakantham na kkhu kandidam atthi.
certainly; eso this; vi indeed; sivino is a dream; j evva certainly; jam because;
varam varam again and again; evvam in this way; sokkha of happiness; sa arein the ocean; kkhanam one moment; nimajji a - plunging; puno again; puno and
again; pabuddha e
- awakened; ketti a-m how much7; ma e -by Me; mukka with
wide open; kantham throat; na not; kkhu indeed; kandidam crying; asti is.
Text 02
Nava-vrnda: Dear friend, You have just awakened from a terrible nightmare.
Listen. In this forest of New Vrndavana there are many trees, who all feel a great
festival of happiness to be watered by many hundreds of glistening streams created
by mountains of candrakanta jewels melting in the moonlight. With the playful
humming of many swarms ofbum bl ebees blinded by the sweet fragance of the
blooming lotus flowers, this forest of New Vrndavana seems to be calling out to us.
Note: The candrakanta jewel is said to melt when exposed to the moonlight.
Text 03
krsnah: nava vrnde sadhu sadhu sphutam abhuta purvas tositapratisvika parivaranam rtunam sannipatah ka/pitah.
navavrnde 0 Nava-vrnda; sadhu well done!; sadhu well done!; sphutam
clearly; abhuta p-urvah unprecedented; tosita pleased; pratisvika own;
parivaranam companion; rtunam of the seasons; sannipatah union; ka/pitah is
Text 00
Nava-vrnda: Friend Radha, look! Look at this tree growing in the lap of this
hill. Even though it has no branches, the beauty of its many flowers eclipses the
stars and fills the peacocks with happiness.
Note: If the word "nilakantha" is taken to mean "Lord Siva", if "sumanah" is
taken to mean "a happy heart", if " t araka" means "the demon named Taraka", if
"saila-bhuvah" means "the goddess Parvati", and if "visakhayate" means "become
like the demigod Karttikeya", then this verse reveals the following alternate
"Friend Radha, look. Look at this tree. It is like the demigod Karttikeya, who
sits on Parvati s lap, who delights Lord Siva, and who with a cheerful heart killed
the demon Taraka."
Text 05
Radha: (filling with longing, She says to Herself) Alas. Where is My dear friend
Note: The word "visakhayate" in the previous speech reminded Radha of Her
friend Visakha.
Text 06
Krsna: (aside) The words of Nava-vrnda reminded Her of Her friend Visakha,
That made Her unhappy at heart. I will describe Visakha to Her. (openly) Beloved,
listen for a moment to this wonderful news. Today, carrying a sura-saugandhika
flower, and accompanied by Arjuna, the son of Pandu, I entered the Khandava
forest. As Arjuna was hunting deer with his Gandiva bow, two birds were taken
away by two eagles. The first bird said: 0 p a r rot friend, I will never again taste the
delicious moonlike lotus roots offered in Radha's kanda-satra sacrifice." The
second parrot then said: "0 friend, I will never again enjoy the oranges that look
like so many red mars planets in Radha's phala-satra sacrifice."
Text 07
Text 08
krsnah: tatas tad akarn-anad utsukena maya paksinau vimoksya paryatata kacit
prasantakrtir j arati drsta prsta ca hanta ka tvam asi iti. tayoktam patatribhyah satri
krteyam ya tapah prabha-vad avirbhutena sugandhina sura saugan-dhika vrnden-a
purna dirghika sudha .mrsten-a susthu pha2a manda-2ena vatika ca. tayoh pa2ikasmi
pu2indi. tatas caham a/prccham kena satram krtam idam sa pra.ha kayacit tapo
dhanaya ya samapitodavasa vrata ra-dhabhista
sadhanam nama vanya vratam -arabdhavati
tat then; tat akarnan-at from hearing this; utsukena eagerly; maya by Me;
paksinau the two birds; vimoksya being released; paryata walking; kacit a
certain; prasanta peaceful; akrtih whose form; jarati elderly lady; drsta was
seen; prsta was asked; ca also; hanta ah!; ka who7; tvam you; asi are; iti
thus; taya by her; uktam said; patatribhyah for the birds; satri krta per-formed
a sacrifice; iyam she; ya who; tapah of austerities; prabhavat from the power;
avirbhutena appeared; sugandhina fragant; sura saugand-hika of surasaugandhika flowers; vrndena with the multitude; purna filled; dirghika the
lake; sudha with nectar; mrstena filled; susthu nicely; pha2a of fruit; manda2ena
by the multitude; vatika a garden; ca and; tayoh in both these places; pa2ikathe protectress; asmi I am; pulindi a Pulindi; tatah then; ca also; aham I;
aprccham asked; kena by whom7; satram sacrifice; krtam is performed; idamthis; sa she; praha said; kayacit by a certain girl; tapah in austerities; dhanaya
rich; ya who; khalu indeed; samapita completed; uda in the water; vasa of
residence; vrata the vow; radha Radha; abhista desire; sadhanam method for
attaining; nama named; vanya living in the forest; vratam a vow; arabdhavatihas started.
Krsna: Hearing this, I eagerly released the two birds. Then I began wandering in
the forest, where I met a very peaceful old lady. I asked her, "Who are you7" She
replied, "This lake was created for the birds by the performance of a sacrifice. It is
filled with fragant sura-saugandhika lotus flowers created by severe austerities.
Here is also a garden filled with nectar-sweet fruits. I am a Pulinda woman. I am
the protectoress of these two places." I asked her, "Who performed the sacrifice
that created this lake7 She answered, "A girl who possesses great wealth is
austerity. She followed a vow to live submerged in the water of that lake. Now that
vow is completed, she has begun a vow to live in the forest. The name of this vow
is "Radhabhista-sadhana (The vow to attain the desire of meeting Radha)."
Text 09
Text 50
kara hand; ambuje in the lotus; mama of Me; nayanayoh of the eyes; kacit a
certain girl; avapa vithin the path; avapa attained; tapasvini ascetic.
Krsna: Then that old lady told Me of the mountain cave where the girl stayed. I
went there and the girl, engaged in practising austerities, her complexion spotted,
her body covered with dust and clothed in tree-bark, her hair matted, and her
lotus hand holding a string of rubies, entered the pathway of My eyes.
Text 51
wailing; arabdha
begun; rodana crying; lupta elipsed; varna pada-m syllables;
avadit said; ha 0; gokula of Gokula; indra of the king; nagari of the town;
yuvaraja prince; 2i2a
pastimes; ha 0; ba22avi of the gopis; hrdaya in the heart;
pankaja lotus flowers; cancarika 0 black bee; ha 0; radhika of Radha; kucaon the breasts; kuranga mada -angar-aga 0musk; bhuyah again; api even; mama
of Me; gatah attained; asi You have.
She also saw Me, and at once began to loudly cry. Speaking with broken words,
she said, "0 playful prince who enjoys pastimes in the city of Gokula's king
Nanda, 0 black bee who at once flies into the lotus flowers of the gopis' hearts, 0
dark musk anointing Radha's breasts, again You have entered the pathway of my
Text 52
atas ca susthu vismitena maya kasi iti gadgadam prstaya tayoktam ha natha
kinkari te hatasa visakhasmi iti.
atah then; ca also; susthu completely; vismitena astonished; maya by Me;
ka who7; asi are you; iti thus; gadgadam with a choked voice; prstaya asked;
taya by her; uktam said; ha 0; natha Lord; kinkari maidservant; te Your;
hata asa unfor-tunate; visakha Visakha; asmi I am; iti thus.
I was struck with wonder. I asked her, "Who are you7" In a choked voice she
said, "0 Lord, I am Your unfortunate maidservant Visakha."
Text 53
Text 50
usnais tusarais ca drg ambu -purai-h
sincann aham kincana pita celamksanam visakharpita purva -kayahsunyantarah sthanur ivavatasthe
usnaih hot; tusaraih cold; ca and; drk from the eyes; ambu of water;
puraih with streams; sincan sprinkling; aham I; kincana something; pitayellow; celam garment; ksanam for a moment; visakha Visakha; arpita placed;
purva kayam -upper portion of the body; sunya antarah
- the heart being
overwhelmed; sthanuh
motionless; iva as if; avatasthe was.
Krsna: Streams of hot and cold tears simultaneously flowed from My eyes into
My yellow garment.Stunned and motionless, I leaned for a moment on Visakha s
Text 55
tatas ca
Wishing to please her, I made her happy by telling the good news of Your
arrival. The now beautifully dressed slender Visakha I then happily brought to
Dvaraka City.
Text 56
Radha: (eager) 0 ha n dsome one, I bow down to offer respects to You. Please
let Me see Visakha.
Text 57
Text 58
nava vrnda: sakhi varnitam me visakha hanta tatasya nidesena hatasmi. yena tavat
syamantaka v-iprayogam priya s-akhyah preksanaya nisiddhasmi. tan nija nirjharam
eva visami iti.
Nava-vrnda: Visakha said to me, t Alas! My father s words have killed me! He
said that as long as my dear friend Radha was separated from the syamantaka
jewel, I would not be allowed to see Her. That is why I entered the waters of the
mountain stream."
Text 59
radha: saccam saccam amma esan-na evi m-e kadhidam vacche rahi samanta amm-i
tuha hattham gade savvahittha siddh-i huvissadi tti.
saccam in truth; saccam in truth; amma e by-My mother; sanna evi - -Samjna;
me to Me; kadhidam spoken; vacche 0 child; rahi Radha; samanta ammiwhen the Syamantaka jewel; tuha Your; hattham in the hand; gade has gone;
savva all; ahittha of desires; siddhi the fulfillment; huvissadi will be; tti thus.
Radha: It is true. It is true. Mother Samjna said to Me: "Child Radha, when
the syamantaka jewel is placed in Your hand, all Your desires will be fulfilled."
Text 60
Nava-vrnda: My Lord, look! Look! The jasmine flowers are smiling. The sirisa
flowers are blossoming. The kadamba flowers have opened wide. The jati flowers
seem to be laughing. 0 Krsna, look! the parnasa flowers have appeared. The
priyangu flowers are beginning to bloom. The opulence of all the seasons have
become manifest all at the same time.
Note: These flowers bloom during different seasons. At this time, however, they
were all in bloom simultaneously. Ordinarily, of course, that would never happen.
Text 61
Text 62
Nava-vrnda: Lord, look! Look! Blowing past the Malaya sandalwood forests
filled with sharp-fanged snakes, and dipping into the lotus filled waters of the
Pampa river, a breeze has now entered Vrndavana forest to render service to You,
the master of Garuda.
Text 63
Krsna: (glances at the tree) 0 k a damba trees, is everything well for you7 0
priyangu vines, are you happy now7 0 pilu tr ees, is everything good for you now7
0 mango trees, have you become prosperous now7 0 madhavi vines, have you
become fortunate now7 At last Radha's friend Krsna now enters among you and
follows your path.
Text 60
Nava-vrnda: Lord, now that its cave has become a palace for Your meeting with
Radha, Nandisvara Hill has become very happy.
Text 65
Text 66
Radha: How could I not recognize her7 This is My dear friend, the doe named
Text 67
adhyasya yam muhur a2okl mayavlsa2a
Text 68
radha: na a vunde
-k-oeso pupphehim na a kesara -tt-hava a-m vidam-bedi
na a vunde -- -0 Nava-vrnda; ko what7; eso this; pupphehim with flowers;
a kesara -ofnavakesara; tthava am bunc-hes of flowers; vidambedi mocks.
Radha: Nava-vrnda, what is this tree7 With its beautiful flowers it seems to
mock the flowers of the nagakesara tree.
Text 69
Text 70
radha: (puspa stav-akam uddhrtya pasyanti) haddhi haddhi ettha lmo dutthabhamaro citthadi.
puspa of flowers; stavakam a cluster; uddhrtya picking; pasyanti looking;
haddhi alas!; haddhi alas!; ettha here; lino hiding; duttha wicked; bhamarobee; citthadi stays.
Radha: (picks a cluster of flowers and gazes at it.) Ah! Ah ! A d emon bee is
hiding here.
Text 71
cakita kurang-ama nayanevimunca bhrngena sangatam vitapam
Krsna: 0 girl whose eyes are like the frightened eyes of a doe, let go of the twig
that holds this bee. 0 girl with the beautiful eyebrows, in this world kubja trees
are famous as places of
Text 72
Nava-vrnda: (aside) As Radha listens to the words of Her Lord, She also
glances at me from the corner of Her crooked, smiling eyes. (openly) Friend, You
should ask lotus-eyed Krsna Yourself.
Text 73
Krsna: Nava-vrnda, don't be afraid. You tell Me what your friend wants to say.
Text 70
Nava-vrnda: She wants to say, "My Lord, the touch of these kubja flowers
brings great pleasure to this bumble-bee. Why should I be afraid7"
Note: If the word "madhusudana" is interpreted to mean "Lord Krsna, the
killer of the Madhu demon" , and the word "kubja" to mean "crooked girl", then
the statement may be interpreted to mean:
"My Lord, this crooked girl brings great pleasure to Lord Krsna. Why should I
be afraid7"
Text 75
krsnah: (smitan) navavrnde mrsa san-kini tava sakhi pas.ya kubj a san-gam anandi
kurvann ayam anana mod-a vasi-ta
kan-anam enam eva dhavati
sa with; smitam a smile; navavrnde 0 Nava-vrnda; mrsa needlessly; sankini
frightened; tava your; sakhi friend; pasya look; kubja the kubja flowers;
sangam touching; anandi kurv-an not accepting; ayam he; anana of the face;
amoda by the sweet fragance; vasita scented; kananam the forest; enam to Her;
eva certainly; dhavati flies.
Krsna: (smiling) Your friend is frightened for no good reason. Look. The
Krsna-bumblebee is not staying with the crooked girl after all. He has left her and
now He flies into the fragrant forest of Radha's face.
Text 76
radha: (sa bhayam-) hanta hanta canca2a ca 2+ca-ri acittha -cittha esa 2i2a
kamalena tademi tumam dhittham.
sa with; bhayam fear; hanta Oh!; hanta Oh!; canca2a restless; cancari abee; cittha stop!; cittha stop!; esa this; 2i2a
toy; kama2ena with the lotus
flower; tademi I shall strike; tumam you; dhittham insolent.
Radha: (frightened) 0, 0, restless bumblebee, stop! Stop! Bold rake, I will hit
you with this toy lotus.
Text 77
Krsna: Look! Look! This bumble bee is no longer pleased with the palasa
flower. Now he thinks the priyangu flower is useless. He will not stay in the
vasanti flower. He is not happy with the kumuda flower. He will not go to the
lavali flower. The fragance of Your face has made him blind with the most intense
kind of happiness.
Text 78
Nava-vrnda: Presenting to Lord Krsna the pitchers of water that are its flowing
streams, the parasols that are its trees, the resting places that are the sphatika
stones, the ornaments that are its glistenings mineral pigments, and the mirrors
that are its many jewels, this king of mountains, the hill named Govardhana, is
now splendidly manifest before us.
Text 79
vi2asati ki2a so 'yam pasya matto mayurah
sikhara bhu-vi nivistas tanvi govardhanasya
muhur amala sikh-andam tandava vyaj-atas te
vyakirad upaharan yah karna puro-tsavaya
vi2asati enjoying pastimes; ki2a indeed; sah ayam this; pasya look!; mattah
jubilant; mayurah peacock; sikhara bhuv-i on the summit; nivistah entered; tanvi
0 slender girl; govardhanasya of Govardhana Hill; muhuh repeatedly; amalasplendid; sikhandam a feather; tandava of enthusiastic dancing; vyajatha on the
pretext; te to You; vyakirat scattered; upaharan offering; yah who; karna purautsavaya as an earring.
Krsna: 0 slender one, look at the jubilant intoxicated peacock playing on the
top of Govardhana Hill. On the pretext of very enthusiastic dancing that peacock
would sometimes drop a feather that was actually intended as the gift of an earornament to You.
Text 80
Text 81
Krsna: Beloved, do You remember the path from Govardhana Hill to the
Text 82
Radha: How could I not remember7 (in Sanskrit) Th e circle of campaka trees
ahead of Us leads to a row of punnaga trees. Next is a grove of jambu trees, and
then a great kadamba forest. In this way there is a broad path, lined with many
many beautiful trees, leading from the slope of Govardhana Hill to the Yamuna
Text 83
krsnah: (smitva) tad ehi. patanga tanayam a-naya padavya prayamah (iti sarve.
tatha kurvanti.)
smitva smiling; tat then; ehi come; patanga t-anayam to the Yamuna River,
the daughter of the sun-god; anaya by this; padavya path; prayamah let Us go;
iti thus; sarve everyone; tatha in that way; kurvanti acts.
Krsna: (smiles) Come. Let Us go the Yamuna by this path. (Everyone does
Text 80
nava vrn-da:
Nava-vrnda: Its gracefully moving waters filled with lotus flowers, the splendid
Yamuna River, the sister of the demigod Yama, makes my eyes dance with joy.
Text 85
pritya kunda2itah ku2ena marutam ruddhah sikhandotkarair
esa spardhita netra sa-nda r-ucibhir -bhandira sakhi pu-rah
bibhranah sata koti ma-ndita -maha sa-kha b-huj odd-andatam
ka2indi-tata-manda2e vitapinam akhanda2atvam yayau
pritya with pleasure; kunda2itah bending; ku2ena with the host; marutam of
breezes;ruddhah stopped; sikhanda of peacock feathers; utkaraih by a
multitude; esah this; spardhita rivalled; netra of eyes; sanda of a multitude;
rucibhih with the beauty; bhandira bhandira; sakhi tree; purah in the presence;
bibhranah manifesting; sata hundreds; koti of millions mandita decorated;
Krsna: The Bhandira tree before us happily bends in the breeze, tts leaves
defeating all peacock feather rivals. With hundreds and millions of very great
branches, it the king of all trees on the Yamuna's shore.
Text 86
radha: (sanskrtena)
baddha tara-2a ro2a-mba
visarina hari gan-dha visa-rena
koma2a ma2-2l puBJ-a
manju2a-kusuma haranti me cittam
sankrtena in Sanskrit; baddha bound; tara2a restless; ro2amba with bees;
visarina spreading; hari charming; gandha fragance; visarena with the
extension; koma2a
delicate; ma22i of jasmine vines; punjah the multitudes; ma
29jula beautiful; kusumah with flowers; haranti enchants; me of Me; cittam
the heart.
Text 87
krsnah Krsna; tat then; eva certainly; baddha tarala -thewords "baddhatarala"; iti thus; adi the verse beginning with; pathati recites.
Text 88
nava v-rnda: ha2a tava hara s-angharsanena mukunda v-aksasah skha2itam sura
saugandhika sr-aj am marali cancu p-utenadaya pasyoddadina
hala ah!; tava of You; hara of the necklace; sangharsanena by the rubbing;
mukunda of Krsna; vaksasah from the chest; skhalitam fallen; sura sa-ugandhika
of sura-saugandhika lotus flowers; sraj am the garland; marali a female swan;
cancu of the beak; putena with the opening; adaya taking; pasya look!;
Nava-vrnda: Ah! By rubbing against Your necklace, the garland of surasaugandhika flowers has now fallen form Krsna's chest. Look! A swan has picked it
up in her beak and is flying away with it.
Text 89
Text 90
Nava-vrnda: Even a liberated soul free from all material desires cannot
renounce the happiness of yearning to live in Vrndavana. What then can be said of
other creatures not so exalted as this7 They must all long to stay in Vrndavana.
Note: If the word "ati-mukta" is taken to mean "the vine named atimukta",
then the verse may be interpreted in the following way:
"Even the exalted atimukta vine cannot renounce the happiness of yearning to
live in Vrndavana. What then can be said of other creatures not so exalted7 They
must all long to stay in Vrndavana."
Text 91
Krsna: Beloved, never before have atimukta and malati flowers bloomed in
such a beautiful way. When I was in the home of My guru I learned the art of
making crowns of flowers. I will pick some of these flowers and make for You a
crown of flowers more beautiful than any crown ever made. (He walks for some
distance and then becomes struck with wonder.) W ha t is this on the jeweled wall
that enchants My heart with its sweetness7 (He looks again) Ah! How have I
become reflected here7
Text 92
aparikalita p-urvah kas camatkara k-ari
sphuratu mama gariyan esa madhurya p-urah
Text 93
(puro nihsrtya)
ni rnimeseksanakara
sa bhrnga -stavak-a dyutihma2aty am2ana -puspeya-m
bhuvi deviva divyati
purah ahead; nihsrtya going; nirnimesa iksana -of a demigod (who has no
need to blink); akara the form; sa with; bhrnga a bumble-bee; stavaka a
cluster of flowers; dyutih the splendor; ma2ati a malati; am2ana unwilting;
puspa flower; iyam this; bhuvi in the world; devi a demigoddess; iva like;
divyati is splendidly manifests.
(Goes ahead) With bumblebees as its unblinking eyes, this splendid, unfading
malati flower is like a beautiful demigoddess come to earth.
Note: Unlike ordinary mortals, the demigods and demigoddesses have no need
ever to blink their eyes.
Text 90
devi: mahavi niccidam ido vunda an-ado esa hamsi e-nida sura so -an-dhi a -m-ala
pravisya enters; devi Queen Rukmini; mahavi 0Madhavi; niccidamcertainly; ido from this; vunda an-ado
Vrndavana; esa this; hamsi e --by a swan;
nida brought; sura o a-n-dhi a -of sura-saugandhika lotus flowers; mala garland.
Candravali: Madhavi, surely a swan brought this garland of Sura-saugandhika
flowers from Vrndavana.
Text 95
Madhavi: Yes, I thought this garland brought the sweet fragance of a girl's
meeting with her lover. That is why I brought you here.
Text 96
Text 97
Text 98
Text 99
Madhavi: That is not your husband ahead. It is only the reflection of Him on
that wall of sapphires.
Text 100
karoti ).
ammahe ah!; cammakkidi of wonder; karida the cause; padibimbassa of the
reflection; iti thus; puro ahead; anusrtya approaching; ha2a
ah!; ma2adi am - a
malati flower; ocinnanto picking; eso He; pekkhi ad-u may be seen; ajja ut-to my
noble husband; ta therefore; ekki a -alone;cce-a certainly; gamissam I shall
approach; iti thus; tatha in that way; karoti does.
Candravali: Ah! This reflection is so wonderful! (She walks ahead) Ah! I see
my noble husband picking flowers. I will approach Him alone. (She does that.)
Text 101
Krsna: (Seeing Candravah, He becomes blissful and says to Himself) Why has
Radha, the queen of My life, come here7 (openly) Beloved, why have You come
here from so far away7
Text 102
birds; hrdi in the heart; samsayisthah have any doubt; kurvan doing; bravimi I
speak; avitatham not false; sapatham an oath; gurubhyah for the superiors; ekaalone; priyankarana v-idhih dearmost; asi are; tvam You; eva certainly; pranaof the life-breath; avalambana of maintaining; vidhau in the activity; paramasupreme; ausadhih medicinal herb; me for Me.
(He glances at her and the hairs on His body stand up) 0 girl w h ose restless
eyes are like two restless khanjana birds, please have no doubt in your heart. I vow
before all My elders that I speak to You the truth. You alone are My beloved. You
alone are the medicinal herb that sustains My life.
Text 103
candravali: (sa har-sam atma gata-m) tadhavi tunhi bha-vi aaudaml akkheml.
sa with; harsam joy; atma gatam -to herself; tadhavi nevertheless; tunhi
silent; bhavi a b-ecoming; a udam -the desire; lakkhemi I shall see.
Candravali: (happily says to herself) By remaining silent I will observe the His
real feelings.
Text 100
nava vrnda: -(latantare sthttva) hanta katham angi krta ra-dha -prasad-hana
deviyam upalabdha tad esa .madhavo yavad enam radhtkam pratitya na pramadam
adadhati tavad e.vaham padyam ekam haritena harayami (iti ket.aki patre vi-likhya
nepathye ksipati ) ( p u n .ar vilokya sanandam )di sty.a harir esa haritena kare
ksiptam padyam alokayati tad aha.m pracchannabhaveyam (iti nis.kranta )
lata the vines; antare within; sthitva becoming situated; hanta ah!; katham
how is it7; angi krta ac-cepted; radha of Radha; prasadhana the garments and
ornaments; devi Queen Rukmini; iyam she; upalabdha has come; tat therefore;
esah He; madhavah Krsna; yavat as long as; enam her; radhika Radha;
pratitya believing to be; na not; pramadam mistake; adadhati accepts; tavatthen;eva certainly; aham I;padyam verse; ekam one; haritena by a parrot;
harayami I shall give; iti thus; ketaki ketaki; pa-tre on a leaf; vilikhya writing;
nepathye behind the scenes; ksipati tosses; punah again; vilokya looking; sa
with; anandam bliss; distya by good fortune; harih Krsna; esah He; haritenaby the parrot; kare in the hand; ksiptam tossed; padyam the verse; alokayati-
sees; tat therefore; aham I; pracchanna hidden; bhaveyam let me become; itithus; niskranta exits.
Text 105
Text 106
service; prapanca the creation; asi you are; prakasam openly; devi 0 queen;
katham why7; udasina indifferent; iva as if; tisthanti standing; na not; antah
in the heart; prasada of the mercy; sudha of the nectar; vicim the waves;
sucayati you show;
(Glances at Candravali and then says to Himself) W ell do ne, Nava-vrnda! Well
done! At the perfect time you have rendered the perfect service. No one has served
Me this well before. (openly) 0 Queen, why are you so indifferent7 Why do you
not splash Me with waves of mercy from your heart7
Text 107
(He respectfully gazes at her) With the opulences of your coolness and your
sweet fragance you eclipse both candras (the moon and the camphor). 0
Candravali, please use your opulences to make the limbs of My body happy.
Text 108
lata the vines; antare within; sthitva staying; sa with; harsam happiness;
atma gatam to-herself; nunam certainly; vissakamma of Visvakarma; pasahanaof the garments and ornaments; pahavo potency; eso this; sohagga of good
fortune; mahuri of the sweetness; laho the attainment.
Madhavi: (Staying within the vines, she becomes very happy and says to
herself) The garments and ornaments fashioned by Visvakarma have brought the
sweetness of her good fortune.
Text 109
krsnah: priye tad an-ga sa-ngamaya tarangita ra-ngam svayam angi ku-ru suhrj
j anam (i.ti sanuragam ivopasarpan salika sa-nkam )d.hik kastam aj n.ana vib-hramena
krta ma-haparadho smi. yad iyam devi na bhavet kin.tu kacid anya kumari. (iti
vimarsam abhiniya) am vij natam visvakarmano naptri bhavisyati ya .mama
duratas tenadya pra.desinya pradarsita
priye 0 beloved; tat therefore; anga of the body; sangamaya for embracing;
tarangita tossed about by waves; rangam of amorous happiness; svayampersonally; angi kur-u please accept; suhrt janam this friend; iti thus; sa with;
anuragam love; iva as if; apasarpan withdrawing; sa with; alika feigned;
sankam fear; dhik alas!; kastam how terrible!; ajnana vibh-ramena by mistake;
krta committed; maha great; aparadhah offense; asmi I am; yat because; iyam
this girl; devi My queen; na not; bhavet is; kintu however; kacit some; anya
other; kumari girl; iti thus; vimarsam reflection; abhiniya representing
dramatically; am yes!; vijnatam I know; sa iyam she; visvakarmanah of
Visvakarma; naptri the granddaughter; bhavisyati must be; ya who; mama of
Me; duratah from a distance; tena by him; adya today; pradesinya with his
forefinger; pradarsita indicated.
Krsna: 0 beloved, please embrace your friend who is now tossed by waves of
amorous desire. (At first He is affectionate, but then He suddenly shrinks back
with feigned fear) Alas! How horrible! By mistake I have commited a great
offense. This is not My queen. This is some other girl. (He reflects) Yes. I know.
This must be the granddaughter of Visvakarma. Today he pointed Her out to Me
from far away.
Text 110
Text 111
krsnah: (svagatam) hanta hamsi k-rto yam anarthah (p.rakasam) citram citram
idam y.amuna jhara jhatkarena hrta me sura sa-ugandhika m-a2a katham etaya 2abdha
tad aham suddhantam asadya sarvam idam apurva vr-ttam svayam eva devyam
avedayami ya.tha naparadha ka-2anka sa-nka 2a-vankuro pi mam kataksayati (it.i
svagata aside; hantah ah!; hamsi by the swan; krtah done; ayam this;
anarthah useless; prakasam openly; citram wonderful; citram wonderful; idam
this; yamuna of the Yamuna jhara of the water; khatkarena by the stream; hrta
taken; me of Me; sura sau-gandhika of surasaugandhika flowers; mala garland;
katham how is it7; etaya by her; 2abdha obtained; tat therefore; aha I;
suddhantam within the palace; asadya going; sarvam everything; idam this;
apurva unprecedented; vrttam occurance; svayam personally; eva certainly;
devyam to My queen; avedayami I shall inform; yatha as; aparadha of an
offense; ka2anka the stain; sanka the doubt; 2ava
of a fragment; ankurah the
beginning of a sprout; api even; mam Me; kataksayati will glance from the
corner of the eye; iti thus; niskrantah exits.
Krsna: (aside) Ah! This calamity was createdby that swan. (openly)
Wonderful! This is wonderful! How has this girl obtained the sura-saugandhika
garland I lost by the Yamuna River7 Now I will go into the palace and tell this
unprecedented story to My queen. Now even the slightest bud of the fraction of a
stain of an offense will no longer even glance at Me from the corner of its eye. (He
Text 112
Text 113
Text 110
Text 115
Candravali: (She glances at Radha, becomes agitated, and then says in Sanskrit)
The symptoms of a great calamity that were formerly present in this girl have now
disappeared. The satisfaction on Her face bears witness to the happiness hidden in
Her heart. Her glittering eyes move to and fro. This beautiful girl shows all the
symptoms of having attained the great treasure that is the association of Lord
Text 116
radha: (samiksya sa khe-dam atma gata-m) hanta kadham indivare rahangi esangamidum ahinandite macchara ka2ahamsi mi2ida.
samiksya glancing; sa with; khedam unhappiness; atma gatam -to Herself;
hanta alas!; kadham how is it7; indivare in the blue lotus flower; rahangi e b-y
a cakravaka bird;
sangamidum to meet; ahinandide was approached; maccharaenvious; ka2ahamsi swan; mi2ida met.
Radha: (Looking, She becomes unhappy, and says to Herself) Alas! This
cakravaka bird is about to meet Her blue lotus flower. Why has this envious swan
Text 117
candrava2i: (smitam krtva) sahi sacce saccam kahehi assim sudidhe ba2amodi a
bhu a dand-a -pidena -so kkhu suvutto kotthuho majj hattho asi na va tti.
Candravali: (smiles) Fri end Satyabhama, tell the truth. When Krsna presses
You to Him with His strong arms does the Kaustubha jewel still stay between You7
Text 118
Text 119
madhavi: (sa khe-dam atma gata-m) ima esu-ra dar-angini ela-vannami avibbhama 2ah-ari tara-nge ogadho so purisa kun-j aro attana am -cce-a na sumeredi kim.
una bhatti dar-i a di-hi with; khedam unhappiness; atma gatam -to herself; ima e o-f this; suracelestial; darangini e o-f the river; lavanna ofbeauty; ami a o-fnectar; vibbhama
restless; lahari tara-nge in the waves; ogadho plunged; so He; purisa of the
male; kunjaro the elephant; attana am - -His own; self; cce-a indeed; na not;
sumeredi remembers; kim what7; una again; bhatti dari -e a - -of -princess
Rukmini; dihi am - -the placid little pond.
Madhavi: Plunged into the turbulent nectar waves of the celestial river of this
girl's beauty, the elephant that is the Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot
remember even His own self. How can He remember the placid little lake that is
Princess Rukmin>7
Note: If the word "suradarangini-e" is divided "sura-rangini-e-", then it may
be interpreted to mean "of the amorous girl". In this way the statement may be
"Plunged into the violent nectarean waves of the beauty of this amorous girl,
the elephant that is the Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot remember even
His own self. How can He remember the placid little lake that is princess Rukmin>7
Text 120
atam ni -a
friend; kisa why7; mam me; anaminti a without advising; tam this; nija Your;
maha great; vvadam vow; tu-e by You; sutthu nicely; patthidam is established.
Text 121
Radha: 0 queen, this person has taken shelter of you. Instead of protecting
Her, you simply mock Her. For a superior is this right.
Text 122
(iti sanskrtena)
kanya bandhu janair bhavet paravati dattasmi yusmad grhetair asminn ati cancalo -grha patih s-adhvi vrata d-hvam-sanah
bhavyasminn abhibhavika na vasati pramaniki casrame
nistaraya tavadya devi karuna naur ev-a
iti thus; sanskrtena in Sanskrit; kanya girl; bandhu janaih by relatives;
bhavet may be; paravati dependent; datta given; asmi I am; yusmat of you;
grhe in the house; taih by them; asmin in this; ati very; cancalah restless;
grha of the house; patih the master; sadhvi of a chaste girl; vrata the vow;
dhvamsanah destroying; bhavya may be; asmin in this; abhibhavika victory; na
does not; vasati reside; pramaniki evidence; ca also; asrame in the shelter;
nistaraya for crossing beyond; tava of you; adya now; devi 0 queen; karunaof mercy; nauh the boat; eva certainly; dhaureyika for carrying.
destroy the chastity of pious girls. I will certainly not survive in this place. 0
queen, please give to Me the boat of your mercy so I will be able to cross beyond
this danger.
Text 123
kim te danim
svagatam aside;jahattham the truth; vaharedi She speaks; prakasamopenly; sahi 0 friend; kim what7; te of You; danim now; ahimadam the
Candravali: (aside) She speaks the truth. (openly) M y f r i e nd, what do You
Text 120
radha: de ij ava
-samanta ena va-dujj avanam karemi tava rakkhehi mam.
de i 0 -queen;java as long; samanta ena v-adujj-avanam the completion of the
vow; karemi I do; tava till then; rakkhehi please protect; mam Me.
Text 125
candrava2i: sahi visaddha hohi. puno cha2ena mam va 2+cedum eso na pahavissadi
j am savvada me pasa vattini vi -akkhana -mahavi
sahi 0 friend; visaddha trusting; hohi please become; puno again; chalenaby a trick; mam me; vancedum to cheat; eso He; na not; pahavissadi will
become able; j am because; savvada always; me of me; pasa vattini st-aying at
the side; vi akkhana -clever; mahavi Madhavi.
Text 126
I shall give.
Madhavi: Beautiful one, I will send the box of ornaments Visvakarma intended
to give to You.
Text 127
candravali: sahi j ahi mahavi mand-avam aham .vi mahavi j tta anta uram -j ami
niskranta )( i ti .niskrantah sarve )
( iti.
sahi 0 friend; jahi please go; mahavi of madhavi vines; mandavam to the
into the
pavillion; aham I; vi -also; mahavi Madhavi;jutta with; anta uram -
palace;jami shall go; iti thus; niskranta exits; iti thus; niskrantah exit; sarve-
Act Nine
Text 1
(Nava-vrnda enters.)
Nava-vrnda: (looks ahead and says with joy) Pu r i f y ing the waters of the
streams and lakes, expertly revealing the sweetness of the moon, and filling the
regal swans with happiness, Sarat, the goddess of autumn, who is like goddess
Bhakti-devi herself, has now come before us.
Note: If the word "bhuvana" is interpreted to mean "the world", "vidhu" to
mean "Lord Krsna", and "paramahamsa" to mean "the swanlike devotees," the
verse may be interpreted in the following way:
"Purifying the world, expertly revealing the sweetness of Lord Krsna, and filling
the swanlike devotees with happiness, goddess Bhakti-devi, appearing as the
autumn season, has now come before us."
Text 2
sarat: sahi na-a-vunde kahim gadasi.
pravisya enters; sahi 0 friend; na-a-vunde Nava-vrnda; kahim where7;
gadasi have you been.
Sarat: Friend Nava-vrnda, where have you been7
Text 3
Text 0
Sarat: Why7
Text 5
Text 6
Text 7
Text 8
Text 9
jagad-vighnam nighnann apagata-nayam ksauni-tanayam
hrtany antar gosthat kapata-kalina tena balina
sahasrany asrah-valayita-drsam pankaja-drsam
satadhyani krida-gurur udaharat sodasa harih
jagat for the earth; vighnam trouble; nighnam killing; apagata without;
nayam civilized behaviour; ksauni of the earth goddess; tanayam the son;
hrtani abducted;antah within; gosthat from Vrdavana; kapata feigned; kalina
by a quarrel; tena by him; balina powerful; sahasrani thousands; asra of
tears; ali with an abundance; valayita filled; drsam whose eyes; pankaja-drsam
of lotus-eyed girls; sata by a hundred; adhyani increased; krida of
transcendental pastimes; guruh the master; udaharat rescued; sodasa 16; harih
village of Vrndavana. Lord Krsna, the master of all transcendental pastimes, then
killed that uncivilized demon, who had troubled the entire universe. In this way
the Lord rescued those girls, whose eyes were all filled with tears.
Text 10
Text 11
Nava-vrnda: How can there be any doubt7 Even a small shrub of the faint
reflection of devotion to Krsna is never without fruit. What then of the
unprecedented festival of bliss that is the immortal tree of the gopis' love7
Text 12
kaham why7; ra-a of kings; kanna-o the daughters;tti thus; pasiddhifame; suvva-i is heard.
Sarat: Then why did we hear that these girls are the daughter of various kings7
Text 13
nava-vrnda: kayapi kumarinam madhurya-madhu-dharaya mohitena mahisununa kamakhya-prataranaya tasam danava-kumarebhyah pratipadanam mrsaiva
visravya raja-sutatvena vikhyatir udbhavita.
kaya api by a certain; kumarinam of the girls; madhurya of the sweetness;
madhu of the honey; dharaya by the flooding stream; mohitena enchanted;
mahi of the earth goddess;sununa by the son; kama Kama; akhya the goddess
who bears the name; prataranaya for deceiving; tasam of them; danava of the
demons; kumarebhyah to the elegible young men; pratipadanam giving; mrsafalsely; eva certainly; visravya causing to be heard; raja-sutatvena as the
daughters of kings; vikhyaih the fame; udbhavita became manifested.
Text lk
Sarat: That is true. That is true. Kama-devi wanted to take all the gopis to
Dvaraka City.
Text 15
Text 16
sarat: hala savvanam go-ula-kumarinam ettha sangamo samvutto. ke-alam pauma-pamuham cce-a kanna-a-ca-ukkam parisittham.
hala ah!; savvanam of all of them; go-ula of Gokula; kumarinam of the
girls; ettha here; sangamo the meeting; samvutto ocurred; ke-alam only; pauma by Padma; pamuham headed; cce-a indeed; kanna-a of girls; ca-ukkamgroup of four; parisittham remains.
Sarat: Ah! All the girls of Gokula have met in this place. Only four other girls,
headed by Padma, remain.
Note: The four girls are Padma, Saibya, Bhadra and Syama.
Text 17
Text 18
Text 19
hlayaiva pasupala-pungavah
stambhayan sapadi sapta-pungavan
magna-drstim anuraga-sagare
nagnajid-duhitaram samaharat
lilayah with playful ease; pasupala of the gopas; pungavah the best;
stambhayan subduing; sapadi simultaneously; sapta seven; pungavan bulls;
magna plunged; drstim whose glance; anuraga oflove; sagare in the ocean;
nagnajit of Maharaja Nagnajit; duhitaram the daughter; samaharat married.
Nava-vrnda: Krsna, the best of the gopas, playfully subdued seven powerful
bulls in a single moment and then married Maharaja Nagnajit s daughter (Padma,
Mitravinda), whose eyes were plunged in an ocean of love for Him.
Text 20
kim ca
saibyam ghana-pranaya-ghurnana-ghora-trsnam
kandarpa-sarpa-garala-glapitam ca bhadram
smeravaloka-sudhaya kila sangamayya
ranga-sthalan muraharas tarasa jahara
kim ca furthermore; ghana intense; pranaya love; ghurnana agitation;
ghora terrible; trsnam thirst;kandarpa of amorous desires; sarpa of the snake;
garala by the poison; glapitam stricken; ca also; bhadram Bhadra;smera-
smiling; avaloka of the glance; sudhaya by the nectar; kila indeed; sangamayya
meeting; ranga-sthanlat from the arena; mura-harah Lord Krsna, the killer of
the Mura demon; tarasa quickly; jahara abducted.
Saibya was overcome with the intense thirst that was her love for Krsna, and
Bhadra was stricken with poison from the snake of her desire to enjoy amorous
pastimes with Krsna. Meeting them with the nectar of His smiling glance, Krsna
abducted them both from the svayamvara-ranga.
Text 21
apl ca
minasya pratibimbam ambhasi vara-stambhasya mularpite
pasyan bimbam alaksayan bhramarika-cakre bhramantam muhuh
utksiptena sih-mukhena sakah-krtya pramodad amum
madradhisvara-nandinim punar asau lebhe subhadragrajah
api ca furthermore; minasya of the fish; pratibimbam the reflection;
ambhasi in the water; vara excellent;stambhasya of a pillar; mula at the base;
arpite placed;pasyan looking; bimbam at the reflection; alaksayan not seeing
directly; bhramarika moving; muhuh repeatedly; utksiptena shot;sili-mukhena
with an arrow; sakali-krtya cutting apart; pramodat with happiness; amumher; madra of Madra; adhisvara of the king; nandinim the daughter; punahagain; asau He;lebhe obtained; subhadra-agrajah Lord Krsna, the elder brother
of Subhadra.
Standing at the base of the lofty pillar, and gazing at the reflection in water of a
fish moving in a circle, even without directly seeing the fish, Krsna easily cut it
apart with a single arrow, and attained King Matsya s daughter (Syama) as His
Text 22
Sarat: (joyful) By the kin d ness of fate I will again see the happiness of Gokula.
Text 23
Nava-vrnda: Friend, now please decorate Vrndavana forest with the beauty of
spring. Look! Krsna and Radha are coming here.
Text 20
Sarat: How did Krsna get Queen Rukmini to allow Him to come here7
Text 25
madhavi-virahitam madhuvirah
kundinesvara-sutam nisamayya
nandayan sphurad-amanda-vilasair
hasa-kandala-lasan-mukham aha
madhavi Madhavi; virahitam without; madhu-virah Lord Krsna, the hero
who crushed the Madhu demon; kundina of Kundina; isvara of the king; sutam
the daughter; nisamayya hearing; nandayan pleasing; sphurat manifested;
amanda great;vilasaih with pastimes; hasa of a smile; kandala with the
Nava-vrnda: Learning that Queen Rukmini was for that moment not attended
by Madhavi, Krsna approached her, pleased her with many charming pastimes,
and when a smile blossomed on her shining face, said:
Text 26
satyakhyasya vilokaya
pratisthasur aham devi
tatranujna vidhiyatam
satya Satya; akhyasya named; vilokasya for seeing; lokasya of the planet;
atma-bhuva by Brahma; arthitah requested; pratisthasuh desiring to go; ahamI am; devi 0 queen; tatra in this matter; anujna permission;vidhiyatam-
should be given.
Text 27
Text 28
Text 29
Sarat: Madhavi sent the Kinnari named Sukanthi, who is a disciple of Devarsi
Narada, to bring the box of ornaments to Radha.
Note: Sarat fears Sukanthi will see Krsna's secret rendezvous with Radha and
later inform Madhavi of it.
Text 30
Text 31
Text 32
Text 33
nirdhutamrta-madhuri-parimalah kalyani bimbadharo
vaktram pankaja-saurabham kuharita-slaghabhidhas te girah
angas candana-sitalas tanur iyam saundarya-sarvasva-bhak
tvam asadaya mamedam indriya-kulam radhe muhur modate
nirdhuta eclipsed; amrta of nectar; madhuri the sweetness; parimalah the
fragance; kalyani 0 beautiful girl; bimba bimba fruit; adharah lips; vaktramface; pankaja ofa lotus flower; saurabham the sweet fragance; kuhurita of the
cuckoos; slagha the praise; abhidhah names; te of You; girah the speech;
angah limbs; candana as sandalwood;sitalah cold; tanuh body; iyam this;
saundarya of beauty; sarvasya the great treasure; bhak possessing; tvamYou;asadya approaching; mama of Me; idam this; indriya of senses; kulamthehost; radhe 0 Radha; muhuh repeatedly; modate pleases.
Krsna: 0 beautiful one, Your bimba fruit lips have eclipsed the sweetness of
nectar. Your face is like a fragant lotus flower. The sweet sound of Your voice has
crushed the pride of the cuckoos. Your limbs are cooling as sandalwood. You are
the wealthy owner of a great treasure-house of transcendental beauty. 0 Radha,
when I approach You, all My sense become filled with bliss.
Text 30
(samantad alokya)
laksmih kairava-kananesu paritah suddhesu vidyotate
san-marga-druhi sarva-sarvara-kule pronmilati ksinata
naksatresu kilodbhavaty apacitih ksudratmasu prayiki
sanke sankara-maulir abhyudayate raja purastad disi
samantat in all directions; alokya looking; laksmih beauty; kairava of
white lotus flowers; kananesu in the forests; paritah everywhere; suddhesusplendid; vidyotate shines; sat of the saintly devotees; marga of the path;druhi
the enemy; sarva all; sarvara of the darkness of the night; kule in the
abundance; pronmilati arises; ksinata diminution; naksatresu among the stars;
kila indeed; udbhavati arises; apacitih loss; ksudra-atmasu small; prayikiusual;sanke I think; sankara of Lord Siva; maulih the crown;abhyudayaterises; raja the king; purastat form the east; disi in the direction.
(Looking in all directions) Among these splendid white lotus flowers a great
beauty has come. In the darkness of night, which is the enemy of the devotees,
defeat has appeared. Among the small stars fading has come. I think that the
moon, which is Siva s regal crown, must now be rising on the eastern horizon.
Text 35
nava-vrnda: (upasrtya)
hrta-bhuvana-tamah kramad viragah
kalaya kalanidhi-vaisnavo visuddhah
rucim amrtamayim ksipan vidure
pravisati visnu-pada-prapatti-vithim
upasrtya approaching; hrta removed; bhuvana of theworld; tamah the
darkness; kramat step by step; viragah free from red; kalaya look!; kalanidhiof the moon; vaisnavah the Vaisnava; visuddhah splendid; rucim beauty;
amrta-mayim nectarean; ksipan casting; vidure far away;pravisati enters;
visnu-pada-prapatti-vitthim the pathway of the sky.
Text 36
krsnah: sakhe kaustubha so yam vilasini-vislesa-labdhasokah kokaviti koka-gramanis tad vistaraya mayukha-lekham.
sakhe 0 friend; kaustubha Kaustubha; sah ayam this;
vilasini of his beloved; vislesa separation; labdha obtained; sokah grief;
kokavi crying "kokavi"; iti thus; koka of cakravaka birds; gramanih the best;
tat therefore;vistaraya please expand; mayukha of light; lekham the rays.
Krsna: Grieving in separation from his beloved, this exalted cakravaka bird
calls out, "0 my beloved Kokavati!" 0 fr i end Kaustubha jewel, spread your rays of
Text 37
Text 38
Krsna: Look! Look! With its effulgence bright as the midday sun, the
Kaustubha jewel licks up the flood of darkness on the Yamuna's farther shore.
Even though it is night, the male cakravaka bird thinks it is day. Overcome by
deep yearnings of love, he meets his beloved.
Text 39
Text 00
kunda-danti drsor dvandvam
candrakanta-mayam tava
udite hari-vaktrendau
syandate katham anyatha
kunda-danti 0 girl whose teeth are as beautiful as jasmine flowers; drsoh of
eyes; dvandvam the pair; candrakantamayam made of candrakanta jewels; tavaof You; udite when rising; hari of Krsna; vaktra of the face; indau the
moon;syandate melts; katham how7; anyatha otherwise.
Nava-vrnda: 0 girl wh ose teeth are beautiful as jasmine flowers, Your eyes are
made of two candrakanta jewels. When the moon of Krsna's face begins to rise,
these two jewels melt into tears. How could it be any other way7
Note: The candrakanta jewel melts when exposed to the moonlight. Radha's
eyes are here compared to these jewels because Her eyes melt into tears when the
moonlike face of Krsna appears before Her.
Text Wl
sa with; ascaryam wonder; kadham why7; ettha here; pa-uma-are in the
lake; canda of the moon; aloe in the sight;vi even; pa-uma-im the lotus
flowers; papphulla-im are blooming.
Radha: (struck with wonder) Why are the padma lotuses blooming in the
Note: Padma lotuses bloom during the day and close their petals at night.
Text 02
suddha-kaca-sthali pasya
purah padmakarayate
padmani padmaragani
yatra phullany ahar-nisam
suddha pure; kaca of crystal; sthali place;pasya look; purah ahead;
padmakarayate has become a pond of lotus flowers; padmani the lotuses;
padmaragani are rubies; yatra where; phullani blooming; ahar day; nisamand night.
Krsna: The crystal palace before Us has become like a great pond, and the
rubies there have become like lotus flowers that bloom day and night.
Text 03
vrndavane sphuraty esa
madhavi sumanasvim (ity ardhokte.)
nepathye from behind the scenes; vrndavane in Vrndavana; sphurati is
manifested; esa she; madhavi Madhavi;sumanasvini very intelligent; iti thus;
ardha half; ukte spoken.
A voice from behind the scenes: Intelligent Madhavi has now entered
Vrndavana forest. . (the statement is interrupted in the middle.)
Text 00
krsnah: (sa-sambhramam) hanta devi pratyasidati. tad asmakam asmadapakramah sreyan. (iti sarve sarvato niskrantah.)
sa with; sambhramam agitation; hanta ah!; devi the queen; pratyasidati-
approaches; tat therefore; asmakam ofus; asmat from her; apakramah flight;
sreyan is best;iti thus; sarve everyone; sarvatah in all directions; niskrantahexits.
Krsna: (agitated) Ah! Queen Rukmini is coming! It is best we flee from her.
(They all exit in different directions.)
Text 05
(punar nepathye)
bhavati stavako yasya
punah again; nepathye behind the scenes; bhavati is; stavakah bunch of
flowers; yasya of which; jagat of the universe; bhusana for the ornament;
bhusanam an ornament.
Note: These two lines complete the verse begun in Text 43. They affirm the
interpretation that the verse as a whole refers to spring and not Candravah's friend
Madhavi. Radha and Krsna fled needlessly.
Text 06
Sukanthi: Alas! Alas! The regal Kamarupa parrot in Madhumangala's hand has
made a disturbance. Satyabhama has entered a cave. I will follow Her. (She does
Text 07
radha: hanta hanta kadham ditthamhi. jam ka vi ppavisadi.
pravisya enters; hanta ah7; hanta ah!;kadham how7; dittha seen; amhi I
am; jam because; ka vi some girl; ppavisadi enters.
Radha: Ah! Ah! Someone has seen Me! Some girlis coming here!
Text 08
Text 09
Text 50
Text 51
amhi I fell.
Text 52
Text 53
Radha: Look. There is some kind of picture on this stone wall. Do something
Text 50
Sukanthi: I will go outside and find some way for You to see it.
Text 55
Radha: And I will remove these wet garments. (She takes some dry garments
and exits.)
Text 56
Sukanthi: (as she exits) Is that Lord Krsna and Madhumangala over the~
Text 57
(Krsna enters)
Krsna: Where is the trouble-making parrot that was in your hand7
Text 58
Text 59
Krsna: Come. Let us search for My beloved, who is more dear to Me than life.
Text 60
iti thus; marutam the breeze; upalabhya perceiving; bhajasi you have; nanot; hi indeed; rajastvam thecondition of having dust; dhira 0 saintly one;
daksinya-caryam coming from the south; anusarasi you follow; vidhatse you
do; madhavasya of spring; anuvrttim obedience; iti thus;malaya from the
Malaya Hills; samira 0 breeze; tvam you; sakhe 0 friend; prarthaye beg;
aham I; kathaya please tell;kuvalaya lotus flowers; aksi whose eyes; kutrawhere7; me My; radhika Radhika; asti is.
(He feels the breeze.) 0 saintly breeze, you carry no dust. You come from the
south. You carry out the orders of the spring season. 0 friend, 0 breeze from the
Malaya Hills, I beg you, tell Me: Where is My lotus-eyed Radha7
Note: If the word "rajas" is interpreted to mean "passion", then the first
sentence may be interpreted to mean "0 saintly breeze, you are not influenced by
the mode of passion." If the word d aksinya-caryam" is interpreted to mean
"kindness", then the second sentence may be interpreted to mean "You are always
very kind and gentle." If the word m a d h avasya" is interpreted to mean "of Krsna",
then the third sentence may be interpreted to mean "You carry out the orders of
Lord Krsna." In this way the entire verse may be interpreted to mean:
"0 saintly breeze, you are not influended by the mode of passion. You are
always very kind and gentle. You carry out the orders of Lord Krsna. 0 friend, 0
breeze from the Malaya Hills, I beg you, tell Me: Where is My lotus-eyed Radha7"
Text 61
Text 62
krsnah: (parikramya)
labdha kurangi nava-jangama-hema-valli
ramya sphutam vipina-simani radhikatra
asyas tvaya sakhi guror yad iyam grhita
Krsna: (walks) 0 d oe, the walking young vine that is the beautiful girl Radha
must have passed through this forest because, 0 friend, I see you have accepted
Her as your guru and taken initiation from Her in the art of playful, sweet, restless
Text 63
(Sees the pomegranate tree ahead.) 0 parr ot, in this part of the forest have you
seen a girl with a beautiful golden complexion and eyes like the eyes of a doe7
Today I am searching for Her.
Text 60
Madhumangala: Friend, by repeating Your question, the parrot has given You
his answer.
Note: Lord Krsna's statement is ambiguous and can also be interpreted to mean
what Madhumangala said was the parrot's reply when it repeated Lord Krsna's
"0 Krsna dressed in yewllow garments, in this part of the forest you have been
searching for a girl with a beautiful golden complexion and eyes like the eyes of a
doe7 Today I have seen Her."
Text 65
Text 66
Text 67
Text 68
Text 69
Text 70
Text 71
sukanthi: jam kim pi di t t ham tam gadu-a de-i-e nivedissam. (iti parikramati.)
jam what; kim pi something; dittham seen;tam that; gadu-a going; de-i-e
to the queen; nivedissam I shall tell; iti thus; parikramati walks.
Sukanthi: I will tell Queen Rukmini what I have seen. (She begins to walk.)
Text 72
Text 73
Sukanthi: By the mercy of Queen Rukmini, the celestial singers and musicians
of Parvati already worship my feet. What use is Your boon to Me7
Text 70
abhistam is desired.
Text 75
Text 76
Text 77
Text 78
krsnah: (smitva parikraman) sakhe kaustubha ratnamandah-murdhabhisikta sadhu sadhu yad anukto pi me manorathamkarosi.
smitva smiling; parikraman walking; sakhe 0 friend; kaustubhaKaustubha; ratna of jewels; mandali of the circle; murdha-abhisikta crowned
as the monarch; sadhu well done!; sadhu well done!; yat what; anuktahunspoken; api even; me My; manoratham desire; karosi you do.
Krsna: (smiles and begins to walk) Friend Kaustubha, 0 king of jewels, well
done! Well done! Even without My asking you have fulfilled My desire.
Text 79
Text 80
(Radha enters.)
Radha: (looking at Herself) Why did Madhavi send Me Queen Rukmini's
Text 81
Radha: (walks, and then sees Krsna.) This little saphari fishwished only a small
handful of water. Still, this new cloud voluntarily showers it with monsoon rains.
Text 82
Text 83
Text 80
Text 85
Krsna: (looks, and then becomes agitated) How did Queen Rukmini come
Text 86
svagatam aside; haddhi alas!; haddhi alas!; kandare in the cave; vi even;
de-i Queen Rukmini; pa-ittha hasentered; iti thus; antarita hidden; bhavatibecomes.
Radha: (aside) Alas! Alas! Queen Rukmini has entered the cave. (Shehides.)
Text 87
Text 88
nicaih in a whisper; hadase wretched; kinnari Kinnari; pi-a dear; va-asseto the friend; vi indeed; tujjha byyou; jutta proper; erisi like this; ni-idideception.
Text 89
sukanthi: (svagatam) gahida-de-i-nevaccham saccabhamam cce-a de-im takkia bha-edi eso. ta gadu-a vinnavemi. (ity upasrtya janantikam) samim evvam
svagatam aside; gahida taken; de-i of Queen Rukmini; nepathyam the
garments and ornaments; saccabhamam Satyabhama; cce-a indeed; de-imQueen Rukmini; takki-a thinking; bhaedi frightened; eso He is; ta therefore;
gadu-a going;vinnavemi I shall inform; iti thus; upasrtya approaching;
janaantikam only to Her; samini 0 mistress; evvam in this way; nedam it
Text 90
Text 91
Text 92
Text 93
keep prisoner.
Sukanthi: She said: "This so-called brahmana Madhumangala dared enter the
inner rooms of the palace. For this reason I will now bind him w it h r o pes and put
him in prison."
Text 90
madhumangalah: (sa-bhayam) bho sahe danim vi thambho vi-a
sa with; bhayam fear; bho 0; sahe friend;danim now; vi even; thambho
a pillar; vi-a like; gambhirosi You have become grave and silent.
Text 95
krsnah: sakhe vismayena stambhito smi. yad iyam daksina naisargikim api
dhiratam avadhiritavati.
sakhe 0 friend; vismayena with wonder; stambhitah stunned; asmi I am;
yat because; iyam she;daksina peaceful, gentle, and submissive girl;
naisargikim natural; api even;
dhiratam gentleness; avadhiritavati has abandoned.
Krsna: Friend, I am struck with wonder because this nice girl hasabandoned
her natural gentleness.
Text 96
(vimrsya) athava
dhirah prakrtyapi janah kadacid
dhatte vikaram samayanurodhat
ksantim hi muktva balavac calanti
(He reflects) A naturally gentle person may sometimes become angry. Even the
all-tolerating earth may sometimes give up its tolerance and become agitated.
Text 97
Sukanthi: (aside) W hat is the use of this arrogance before Lord Krsna7 I will
tell Him the truth. (openly) 0 n o b l e sir, th e girl was Satyabhama. It was not
Queen Rukmini.
Text 98
Madhumangala: The words You have heard from this foul-mouthed girl are the
ultimate in sarcasm.
Text 99
Krsna: Sukanthi, because Queen Rukmini loves you so dearly, you are now
glowing with pride. Why are these words you have spoken so poor in sense7
Text 100
madhumangalah: (sanskrtena)
asi visa-kanthi kathine
kim iti sukanthiti bhanyase ceti
athava kamam asasta
bhadrety abhidhiyate vistih
sankrtena in Sanskrit; asi You are; visa poison;kanthi with a throat;
kathine-0 harsh girl; kim why7;iti thus; su-kanthi Sukanthi (she who has a
sweet throat) iti thus; bhanyase You are called; ceti 0 servant girl; athava or;
kamam deliberately; asasta miscalled; bhadra auspicious;iti thus; abhidhiyate
is called; vistih something abominable.
Text 101
Krsna: (walks and tries to pacify Radha) 0 Q u e en, please be kind to Me. Please
be kind.
Text 102
Text 103
Krsna: (happy) Sukanthi, I am not able to give you a sufficient reward for this
Text 100
Madhumangala: You low-class horse-mouthed girl, did you learn this crooked
a rt of deceiving others from Devarsi r a d a 7
Text 105
Text 106
Text 107
nava-vrnda: sakhi samiksyatam vicitram idam citram yatranukramiki mathuri
sadhu-ritir hla-mandali.
pravisya entering; sakhi 0 friend; samiksyatam may beseen; vicitramwonderful; idam this; citram picture; yatra where; anukramiki in proper
sequence; mathuri in the district of Mathura; sadhu-ritih with great beauty; lila
of pastimes; mandali the multitude.
Nava-vrnda: Friend, look at this wonderful picture. Here, one after another, are
the beautiful pastimes of Mathura-mandala.
Text 108
Text 109
ksepane nava-nitanam
citra-balasya ceksaya
uhuh sneha-bharam sandram
bahir antas ca ballavah
ksepane in the throwing; nava-nitanam of fresh butter; citra wonderful;
balasya of the child; ca also; iksaya bythe sight; uhuh bore; sneha of love;
bharam an abundance; sandram intense; bahih without; antah within; caalso; ballavah the cowherd people.
Text 110
(Pointing with her forefinger) W hat pu r e-hearted saint is able to attain the
same fate as the witch Putana7 Lord Krsna became like a sapphire necklace on her
Text 111
mat-padanguli-dalena khandite
bhanda-bhaji sakate kuti-jusi
catvare pitaram arti-kataram
mataram ca nitaram smaramy aham
mat My; pada-anguli of the toe; dalena with the flower petal; khanditebroken; bhanda pots; bhaji with;sakate when the cart; kuti-jusi tilting;
catvare in the courtyard;pitaram father; arti with pain; kataram tormented;
mataram mother; ca and; nitaram continually; smarami remember; aham I.
Krsna: When I broke the pot-laden cart with My flow er-petal toe, mother and
father in the courtyard nearby became overwhelmed with anxiety. I always
remember them in that way.
Text 112
Text 113
samacestata nisthuram vraje
sa tatha dusta-samiranasurah
tamasi bata yena nirmite
pidadhate suhrdam mano-drsau
samacestata acted; nisthuram cruelly; vraje in Vraja;
sah he; tatha in that way; dusta wicked;samirana whirlwind; asurah the
demon; tamasi darkness; bata indeed; yena bywhom; nirmite created;
pidadhate covered; suhrdam of My friends; manah the hearts; drsau and eyes.
Krsna: The wicked whirlwind demon cruelly covered the eyes and hearts of My
friends in Vraja with a blinding darkness.
Text 110
Text 115
Text 116
krsnah: (sa-karunam)
kadarthanad apy uru-balya-capalair
utsarpata prema-bharena viklavam
vilokyamanasya mamadya mataram
havir-bilayam hrdayam vihyate
sa with; karunam pathos; kadarthanat because of trouble; api even; urugreat; balya childish; capalaih withmischief; utsarpata attaining; prema of
love; bharena with an abundance; viklavam anxiety; vilokamanasya seeing;
mama by Me;adya now; mataram mother; havih ofbutter; bilayam a pool;
viliyate melts.
Text 117
devi, 0 queen of Vraja, the same all-powerful Lord Krsna who binds the demigod
Brahma and all other living entities in the three worlds with the three unbreakable
ropes of the modes of nature, you have bound with a few slender ropes. How can I
describe the great power you possess7"
Text 118
Text 119
Nava-vrnda: Why did the two guhyaka demigods leave without untying Krsna
from the mortar7
Text 120
krsnah: (sasram)
vatsalya-mandala-mayena mamoru-damna
yah ko pi bandha-garima niramayi matra
tan-muktaye parama-bandha-vimoksano 'pi
naham ksame sakhi parasya tu ka kathatra
sa with; asram tears; vatsalya-mandala-mayena made of great parental love;
mama of Me; uru great; damna by therope; yah who; kah api someone;
Krsna: (with tears) My m o t her tightly bound Me with the strong rope of
maternal love. Although I can release all living entities from the bonds of repeated
birth and death, still I have no power to untie My mother's ropes. If I have no
power, what can be said of the power of others to untie these ropes7
Text 121
tvam vatsamrta-dayi
yuktam vatsamrtatvam acarasi
vidadhad amitrabakatam
mitrabakatam katham tanuse
tvam You; vatsa to the calves; amrta nectar;dayi give. yuktam
appropriate; vatsa the calf demon Vatsasura; amrtatvam liberation; acarasigive; vidadhat giving; amitra amongYour enemies; avakatam the condition fo
being without the demon Baka; mitra of Your friends; avakatam the condition of
being the protector; katham why; tanuse do You accept.
Nava-vrnda: You are the giver of amrta (mectar) to the vatsas (calves). It is
proper, therefore, that You give amrta (liberation) to a vatsa pv'atsasura). Why
then are You both the mitrabaka (protector of Your friends) and amitrabaka (He
who removes Bakasura from the enemies.
Note: The author here plays with the Sanskrit language. The argument is:
Because You are the giver of vastamrta, therefore it is right that You give amrta to a
vatsa. Why, then, are You both mitrabaka and not mitrabaka (a-mitrabakata)>
Text 122
sakhibhir alaghunati-vahitebhyas
tata-bhuvi tarnaka-caranotsavena
gurum iha kurute mamadya tebhyah
sasimukhi cittam aho sprham ahobhyah
radham at Radha; aveksya glancing; sakhibhih with friends; alaghunagreat; ati-vahitebhyah carrying a great burden; tata-bhuvi on the shore; tarnaka
the calves;carana of herding; utsavena with a festival; gurum intense; ihainthis; kurute does; mama My; adya now; tebhyah for them;sasi-mukhi 0
moon-faced girl; cittam heart; aho ah!; sprham desire; ahobhyah for the days.
Text 123
tasam padavalim aviratam ballavinam gavam ca
nyancat-kaya vayam iha namaskurmahe sarma-hetoh
yasam antah-pranaya-madhura-ksira-panaya lubdho
dugdhambhodheh patir api muda putra-bhavam babhara
tasam of them; pada-avalim to the feet; aviratm withoutcessation;
ballavinam of the gopis; gavam of the surabhi cows; ca also; nyancat bowing
down; kayah our bodies;vayam we; iha here; namaskurmahe offer our
respectful obeisances; sarma auspiciousness; hetoh the cause; yasam of whom;
antah inthe heart; pranaya of the love; madhura the sweet;ksira milk; panaya
Nava-vrnda: For our owb benefit again and again we bow down before the
lotus feet of the surabhi cows and gopis. Even though He is the master of an ocean
of milk, Krsna, became greedy to drink the sweet milk of the love in their hearts.
He happily accepted the position of their son.
Text 120
Krsna: Here You may gaze on the dead body of the serpent Agha, which is like
a great mountain cave that is a playground for the cowherd boys. Even though the
serpent is dead, the air still enters its mouth, and inflates it (making seem alive).
Text 125
Nava-vrnda: Look! Look! W ith the best verses of the four Vedas coming from
his four mouths, the demigod Brahma offers prayers to his father, Krsna, whom all
living entities yearn to see with their own eyes.
Text 126
Text 127
Text 128
Krsna: This is a sacrificial altar under a banyan tree. Displaying His great
prowess, noble Balarama killed the sacrificial animal named Pralambasura on this
Text 129
Text 130
munjatavi sphurati manjula-kanthi seyam
yatra ksanad anusarantam isika-tulaih
Krsna: 0 girl with the beautiful voice, this is the forest of tall munja grasses. In
this place the tips of the grasses one time became suddenly lit by the flames of a
forest fire. Seeing this the cowherd boys pathetically huddled around Me,
appearing like a garland of lotus flowers I wore at that moment.
Text 131
Nava-vrnda: This is the place where Krsna stole the gopis' garments.
Text 132
Krsna: Beloved, who is this girl standing behind Visakha and placing folded
hands over Her head7 I do not recognize Her.
Text 133
Text 130
Text 135
Radha: (with jealous anger) Why m ust You show off in this way7
Text 136
sirasi kuruta pani-dvandvam adatta mugdhah
sicayam iti mad-uktya bhugna-drsti-sthitayah
sphurad-adharam udancan-manda-hasyam tavasyam
sa-ruditam anubandha-bhru-vibhedam smarami
sirasi on the head; kuruta please do; pani of hands; dvandam the pair;
adatta please take; mugdhah 0 beautiful girls; sicayam garments; iti thus;
mat of Me;uktya by the words; bhugna crooked; drsti glances;sthitayahsituated; sphurat trembling; adharam lips; udancat rising; manda gentle;
hasyam smile; tava of You; asyam theface; sa with; ruditam crying;
anubandha in relation; bhru of the eyebrows; vibhedam knitting; smarami I
Krsna: When I said, "0 beautiful girls, please place both hands over your heads
and take back your garments." You stared at Me with crooked eyes, Your lips
trembled, You slightly smiled, You knitted Your eyebrows, and You cried. I
remember Your face.
Text 137
Radha: Who are these women carrying earthen pots on their heads7
Text 138
Text 139
manda-smitam prakrti-siddham api vyudastam
sangopitas ca sahajo 'pi drsos tarangah
dhumayite dvija-vadhu-gana-raga-vahnavahnaya kapi gatir ankuritam ayasit
manda gentle; smitam smile; prakrti by nature;siddham perfect; apialthough; vyudastam cast far away;sangopitah concealed; ca also; sahajahnatural; api even;drsoh of the eyes; tarangah waves; dhumayite filled with
smoke;dvija of the brahmanas; vadhu of the wives; gana of the multitude;raga
of love; vahna-vhnaya for the fire; ka api something; gatih destination;
ankuritam the stage of sprouting into manifestation; ayasit attained.
Krsna: I threw My naturally charming gentle smile far away and I carefully
concealed the waves of restless glances in My eyes. Still, the wives of the
brahmanas burned in a smoke-filled fire of love for Me.
Text 100
Text lkl
Text 102
radha: (sanskrtena)
sikhari-bhara-vitarkatah prataptam
sa-maham ahar-nisam iksaya priyasya
hrdayam iha samasta-ballavinam
Radha: (in Sanskrit) The hearts of all the gopis burned with pain in the
thought that Krsna was carrying the heavy burden of Govardhana Hill, and at the
same time they became filled with a great festival of happiness by seeing their
beloved Krsna day and night. In this way two contradictory emotions were
simultaneously present in the gopis' hearts.
Text 103
Text 100
Text 105
Radha: (She looks ahead and becomes embarrassed) In this picture why do We
not wear necklaces as We sit on the summit of Govardhana Hi117
Text 106
katham idam vismrtam bhavatya
sakhi tava kunda-tati-nikunja-dhamni
rati-parimala-labdha-nidrayor nau
yad avahita lalita jahara harau
katham how is it7; idam this; vismrtam is forgotten; bhavatya by You;
sakhi 0 friend; tava of You; kunda of the lake; tati on the shore; nikunja of
the grove; dhamni inthe abode; rati of amorous pastimes; parimala of the
fragance; labdha attained; nidrayoh sleep; nau of Us;yat because; avahitaattentive; lalita Lalita; jahara took; harau thetwo necklaces.
Krsna: Have You forgotten7 0 friend, after enjoying many amorous pastimes
Text 107
yair viksyase vipaksan
api tan bhava-bandhato vimoksayasi
varuna-bandhan nandam
moksayatas te kim ascaryam
yaih by whom; viskyase seen; vipaksan enemies;api even; tan them;
bhava of repeated birth and death; bandhatah from the bondage; vimoksayasiYou deliver; varuna of Varuna; bandhat from the bondage; nanadam Nanda
Maharaja; moksayatah who delivers; te for You; kim what7; ascaryamiswonderful.
Nava-vrnda: From the bonds of repeated birth and death You rescue even Your
enemies, if only they have the opportunity to see You directly. Why, then, should
it be considered surprising that You rescued Nanda Maharaja from the bonds of
Text 108
(ity agrato darsayanti)
(She points ahead) On this earth planet the best place is Bharata-varsa. In
Bharata-varsa the best district is Mathura Puri. In Mathura Puri the best place is
Vrndavana forest. In Vrndavana forest the best place is along the shore of the
Yamuna. On the shore of the Yamuna the best place is the arena of the rasa dance.
The rasa-dance arena is filled with dust that touched the two feet of Lord Krsna,
the lover of the gopis. The great sage r ad a w o r ships those particles of dust with
all his heart.
Text 109
Radha: (struck with wonder) Oh ! Oh ! I can hear the sweetness that is the
sound of the flute.
Text 150
(ity udghurnate.)
iti thus; ananda of bliss; bhara by a great abundance; avesenaoverwhelmed; katicit some; padani steps;gatva going; sa with; unmadammadness; vamsim the flute; matah Omother; vana of the forest; bhuvi in the
place; jagat the entire world; mohayantim enchanting; nisamya hearing;
prodyat rising;. ghurna of agitation; bhara with an abundance;taralatrembling; dhih whose heart; gantum to go; asmi I am; pravrta engaged; dvari
in the doorway; sthulam a great;nihitam placed; acirat gradually; argalam a
bolt; cet if; tvaya by you; agre in your presence; kena by what7; idam this;
va or; mat My; asu of the life-breath; padavi of the path;simni on the
boundary; sakyam able; nidhatum to place; iti thus; udghurnate becomes
(Overwhelmed with bliss, She takes a few steps and then becomes mad.)
Mother, I hear the flute in the forest. It enchants the entire world. My heart is
trembling. I will leave now. Even if you carefully latch the door with a great bolt,
how will you block the path I take to make My life-breath leave this body7 (She
becomes overwhelmed.)
Text 151
krsnah: (sautsukyam)
nimajjati nimajjati pranaya-keli-sindhau mano
vighurnati vighurnati pramada-cakra-kirnam sirah
aho kim idam avayoh sapadi rasa-namaksaradvayi-janusi nisvane sravana-vithim arohati
sa with; autsukyam agitation; nimajjati plunges; nimajjati plunges;
pranaya of love; keli of pastimes;sindhau in the ocean; manah the heart;
vighurnati staggers about; vighurnati staggers about; pramada of bliss; cakrakirnam in the whirlpool; sirah the head; aho ah!; kim what7;idam this;
avayoh of Us both; sapadi simultaneously; rasa - "rasa";nama-aksara the
syllables; dvayi two; janusi creating;nisvane in the sound; sravana of the ears;
vithim the pathway;arohati enters.
Krsna: (agitated) Ah! By entering the pathway of Our ears, the two syllables
"ra-sa" plunge Our hearts in the ocean of amorous pastimes and make Our heads
spin in the whirlpool of transcendental bliss.
Text 152
Nava-vrnda: Friend, although this is only a picture, for You it is the real rasa
Text 153
Text 150
nava-madana-vinodaih keli-kunj esu radhe
nimisavad uparamam kamam asedusinam
smarasi kim iva tasam saradinam ksapanam
nava new; madana amorous; vinodaih with pastimes;keli pastime; kunjesu
in the groves; radhe 0 Radha; nimisa a moment; vat like; uparamamending; kamam to Your heart's content; asedusinam attained; upacitaincreased;paritosa by happiness; prosita sent away; apatrapanam whose
shyness; smarasi You remember; kim whether7; iva as if; tasam ofthem;
Text 155
(He trembles) We spent so many days enjoying a great festival of pastimes with
Your friends in the gardens by the Yamuna. 0 Radha, will those incomparably
Text 156
vidyotate tasya sudarsanasya
prasada-tirtham vanam ambikayah
mtas tanum kundalinim harir yam
vimoksayan kundali-kayato 'pi
vidyotate is beautifully pictured; tasya of him;sudarsanasya of Sudarsana;
prasada of mercy; tirtham the holy place; vanam the forest; ambikayah of
Ambika (Durga);nitah brought; tanum to the body; kundalinam of a
demigod;harih Krsna; yam whom; vimoksayan liberating; kundali of
aserpent; kayatah from the body; api even.
Text 157
Text 158
Text 159
krsnah: (parirambha-sukham abhiniya) sadhu re bhratah sankhacudasamrambhad unmathito 'pi me tvam alabdha-purvam pramodam eva krtavan.
parirambha of the embrace; sukham the happiness;abhiniya representing
dramatically; sadhu well done!; re 0; bhratah brother; sankhacudaSankhacuda; samrambhat violently; unmathitah killed; api even; me by Me;
tvam you;alabdha-purvam unprecedented; pramodam happiness; evacertainly; krtavan did.
Krsna: (enjoying the embrace) Well done, brother Sankhacuda! Even though I
violently killed you, you still arranged this unprecedented pleasure for Me.
Text 160
Nava-vrnda: Look! Look! When Aristasura playfully shook his head, Siva
became frightened and hid his own bull Nandi in a cave of Mount Mandara. Look
at this wonderful event! Lord Krsna playfully killed the bull-demon Arista.
Text 161
(punah pradarsya)
skandhesv indivaraksinam
yah kilendivarayate
citram bhujah sa te kesi-
bhidayam bhidurayate
punah again; pradarsya pointing; skandhesu on the shoulders; indivaraaksinam of the lotus-eyed gopis;yah which; kila indeed; indivarayate became
like a lotus flower; citram wonderful; bhujah the arm; sah that; te of You;kesi
of Kesi; bhidayam of breaking apart; bhiduryate became a thunderbolt.
Text 162
Text 163
Text 160
Text 165
Krsna: (with respect, fear, and haste, He embraces Her) 0 d e l i cate one, don't
be unhappy. It's only a picture.
Text 166
radha: (savahittham) avvo darunada pasangassa. jo hi cittagadovi santavedi.
sa with; avahittham disimulation; avvo alas!;darunada the cruelty and
suffering; pasangassa of the occasion; jo which; hi indeed; citta in a picture;
gado gone;vi even; santavedi torments.
Radha: (controlling Her feelings) Ah! The suffering I felt! Though it's only a
picture, it brings Me pain.
Text 167
Text 168
viramatu nava-vrnde gandineyasya yatravivrtir anusaremam agrimalekhya-laksmim
smrti-patham adhirudhair bhuribhis taih priyayah
karuna-vilapitair me visphutaty antaratma
viramatu may stop; navavrnde 0 Nava-vrnda; gandineyasya of Akrura;
yatra of the journey; vivirtih the manifestation; anusara just follow; imamthis; agrima excellent;alekhya of the picture; laksmin the beauty; smrti of the
memory;patham the pathway; adhirudhaih entering; bhuribhih by many; taih-
Krsna: Nava-vrnda, let us stop looking at this picture of Akrura s journey. Let
us look at the wonderful beauty of the next picture. When the painful crying of
My beloved walks on the pathway of My memory, My heart breaks.
Text 169
vayaka-vara-dayakam devam
sudama-dayitam namasyami
hata killed; rajakiya of the king; rajakam the washerman; vayaka to the
weaver; vara a benediction; dayakam granting; devam to the Lord; dhrtaheld; damanaka of the florist; damanam a garland; sudama of Sudama; dayitam
the object of love; namasyami I offer my respectful obeisances.
Text 170
Krsna: (smiles) Beloved, look! Look at the red betelnuts. I am both pleased
and stained red by them.
Note: The word "ranjitah" means either "reddened" or "pleased". Ubhayatah"
means "in both ways". Krsna here says that He is "ranjitah" in both ways.
Text 171
Text 172
Krsna: (aside) Why was I not able to hide this picture7 Now She is looking at
the servant-girl Kubja.
Text 173
na-a-vunde 0 Nava-vrnda; ka who7; esa is this girl;ra-a on the royal;
magge road; go-ula of Gokula; nahassa of the Lord; pida yellow; amsu-a of
the garment; ancalam the edge; a-addhadi tugs.
Radha: Nava-vrnda, who is this girl tugging at the edge of Krsna s yellow
garment in the middle of the royal road7
Text 170
Text 175
Text 176
Radha: The universes are filled with Your glories. What can You hide from Me7
Text 177
Nava-vrnda: Look! Look! Th i n k ing the Lord s service their first duty, the
bumblebees leave the great regal elephant Kuvalayapida, who fed them with a
flood of dana, and worship Krsna's flower garland.
Text 178
Aha! Look! Although the dark raincloud of Krsna removes the painful heat of
the summer's day, it also frightens the swans that are the wrestlers of Kamsa.
Although this cloud brings life to the entire world, it does not bring any good to
Text 179
Radha: Who is this person Krsna dragged by the hair from the throne7
Text 180
Text 181
Text 182
Krsna: There are no longer any shadows. The first part of evening must now be
over. Let us go to the shore of the Yamuna.
Text 183
Text 180
Krsna: Nearby is the pedestal where My statue stood, and near that is the
forest-cottage between a mango tree and tamala tree. That cottage is the ideal place
for Our pastimes.
Text 185
(savyato vilokya)
manikya-kuttima-tatesu kalindajayah
pure ca kaustubha-manav api bimbitena
ekena candramukhi te mukha-mandalena
Text 186
Text 187
madhavi: bhatti-dari-e sudam me-e suha kkhane patthanam kadu-a idha jevva
kahim vi citthadi bhatta na kkhu enhim vi ido bamha-lo-am patthido.
bhatti-dari-e 0 princess; sudam heard; ma-e by me;suha auspicious;
kkhane at the moment; patthanam the journey;kadu-a doing; idha here;
jevva certainly; kahim somewhere; vi indeed; citthadi stays; bhatta Lord
Krsna; na not; kkhu indeed; enhim now; vi indeed; ido from here; bamhaloam to Brahmaloka; patthido has departed.
Madhavi: Princess, I have heard although Lord Krsna began His journey at an
auspicious moment, He has not yet left this planet for Brahmaloka. He is still here,
somewhere in this place.
Text 188
candravah: sahi saccam bhanasi. jam edam tassa sorabbham pasaredi. ta ettha
cce-a huvissadi.
sahi 0 friend; saccam the truth; bhanasi you speak;jam because; edamthis; tassa of Him; sorabbham thefragance; pasaredi expands; ta therefore;
ettha here; ccea certainly; huvissadi He must be.
Candravali: Friend, you speak the truth. His fragance is here. He must be here.
Text 189
Krsna: (approaching the entrance to the forest grove) Beloved, come quickly.
In a moment We will taste the happiness of rest.
Text 190
nava-vrnda: (svagatam) pranayabhyasuyaya bhruvau bhanguri-krtya namramukhi katham rasalantarsta babhuva radha.
svagatam aside; pranaya of love; abhyasuyaya with jealousanger; bhruvauthe eyebrows; bhanguri-krtya knitting; namra bowed down; mukhi whose
face; katham why7; rasala the mango tree; antarita hiding behind; babhuvahas become;radha Radha.
Text 191
Text 192
atra bhavi niratankam
arame ramanam mama
sphuraty ante kusasthalya
Krsna: In this garden I will now enjoy pastimes without any fear. Queen
Rukmini, the daughter of king of Vidarbha, is far away in Dvaraka City.
Text 193
Candravali: Madhavi, He must have seen me. He said, Rukmini, the daughter
Text 190
Madhavi: You are hiding in the vines. How can He see you7 He yearns to be
with you. At this moment He must be gazing at you in a meditative trance. Slip up
to Him unobserved. Surprise Him and give Him some happiness.
Text 195
ucita hrdayarpanaya gauri
taralaloka-mayi gunojjvalatma
nava-hara-lateva rukmini me
kim iyam kantha-tate na sannidhatte
ucita proper; hrdaya over the heart; arpanaya for placing; gauri golden;
tarala-alokya-mayi with a splendid central jewel; guna with a string; ujjvalasplendid;atma by nature; nava anew; hara necklace; lata creeper;iva as if;
rukmini golden; me of Me; kim whether7; iyam this;kantha of the neck; tate
on the surface; na not; sannidhate isplaced.
Krsna: Is it not proper that this splendid golden necklace rest like a new vine
around My neck and heart7
Note: If the word "tarala" is interpreted to mean "restless", "aloka" to mean
glances", "mays" to mean "consisting of", "guna" to mean "qualities", and
rukmini" to mean "the golden-complexioned girl", t hen the verse may be
interpreted in the following way:
"Is it not proper that restless-eyed, virtuous, golden-complexioned Radha rest
like a golden vine aroung My neck and heart7"
If the word "rukmini" is interpreted to mean "Queen Rukmini", then the verse
may be interpreted in this way:
"Is it not proper that restless-eyed, virtuous, golden-complexioned Rukmini
rest like a golden vine around My neck and heart7"
Text 196
(Candravali approaches Krsna, gazes at Him from the corner of her eye, and
then stands before Him.)
Text 197
sa with; vismaya wonder; anandam and bliss;aho ah!; rasala the mango;
taruna tree; tirodhaya hiding; katham how is it7; tamala of the tamala tree;
mulat from the base; approached; asi you have.
Krsna: (with joy and wonder) Ah . You hid behind that mango tree. How did
you come from behind the roots of this tamala tree7
Text 198
Text 199
Text 200
Krsna: Nava-vrnda, not only is she dressed like her, but she also is silent and
grave, just as she is.
Text 201
Text 202
krsnah: (nava-vrndam aveksya) satyabhama mayi katham. (ity ar d h o kte navavrnda drsam kunayati.)
nava-vrnda at Nava-vrnda; aveksya glancing; satyabhama Satyabhama; mayi
in Me; katham why7; iti thus;ardha halfway; ukte in the spoken words;
nava-vrnda Nava-vrnda;drsam eyes; kunayati closes.
Text 203
Text 200
Krnsa: (looks at her and then says to Himself) Ah ! Is this Queen Rukmin>7 It
is. I will try to cover what I said.
Text 205
sati katham abhama me
devi nadya prasidati
nidanam avidat sadyah
khidyate hrdayam mama
prakasam openly; sati the chaste girl; katham why7; abhama gentle; meMy; devi queen; na not;adya now; prasidati is pleased; nidanam the cause;
avidat not knowing; sadyah at once; khidyate becomes tormented; hrdayamheart;
mama My.
Why is the chaste and gentle-hearted Queen Rukmini displeased with Me now7
Unaware of the reason, My heart is filled with pain.
Text 206
Text 207
Text 208
Text 209
Madhavi: Princess, look at your double at the root of this mango tree!
Text 210
Candravali: (looks at Her with crooked eyes) You are right. (She bows her
head in embarrassment.)
Text 211
Krsna: (aside) My fri end the mango tree does not help. So be it. I will enlist
deception into My cause.
Text 212
tundam unnamaya tandavikaksam
lajjatam divi kuranga-kalankah
mlanatam tava samiksya viduye
(openly) Lift up your face with its dancing eyes. The moon in the sky is
embarrassed when he sees your face. When I see you are wilting before Me I
become racked with pain. You are moredear to Me than My own life.
Text 213
Madhavi: My Lord, You should know it's not proper for You to speak to this
girl with these soft words of love. After all, she is not Satyabhama.
Note: If the word "sacca" is interpreted to mean "real", instead of being a
shortened form of Satyabhama's name, then these words may be interpreted in the
following way:
"My Lord, You should know it's not proper for You to speak to this girl with
these soft words of love. After all, this girl is not real."
Here Madhavi intends the first meaning and Lord Krsna interprets the words in
the second way.
Text 210
krsnah: sadhu madhavike sadhu madiya-hrdayasanka tvaya nirasta. tadindrajalabhijnaya nava-vrndayaiva nirmiteyam mayiki devi. rasala-mula-vartim
khalu satya. (iti sa-sambhramenamram upetya sanunayam.)
Krsna: Well done, Madhavi, well done! You have now dispelled the fear in My
heart. This Queen Rukmini is merely an illusion created by the magician Navavrnda. The real girl is sitting at the root of this mango tree. (He reverentially
approaches the mango tree and speaks the following words of consolation.)
Text 215
Washed by the flood of the nectar of kindness in your heart, you have left the
palace and come here of your own accord. 0 Rukm i ni, 0 d a u g h ter of the king of
Kundina, why, so suddenly, and for no reason, have you become so angry with
Text 216
Text 217
Krsna: Nava-vrnda, then is this girl under the mango tree the illusion7
Text 218
Nava-vrnda: She is not an illusion. She is a friend of Queen Rukmini. Her name
is Satyabhama.
Text 219
krsnah: aho gabhirata devi-karunya-nirjharanam yair alijane 'pi sarupyamrtam praniya badham bhramito 'smi.
aho ah!; gabhirata gravity; devi of the queen;karunya of mercy;
nirjharanam of the many waterfalls; yaih by which; ali-jane in the friend; apieven; sarupya of possessing the same king of form; amrta nectar; praniyabringing;badham certainly; bhramitah bewildered; asmi I am.
Krsna: Ah! How great are the flooding streams of Queen Rukmini's kindness!
She is so kind she gives to her friends the nectar of possessing a form as beautiful
Text 220
Text 221
candravah: (sotprasa-smitam)
palla-asonujjalam ma-undassa
gunja-phalam vva aharam
mahavi datthuna nandemi
sa with; utprasa sarcasm; smitam a smile; kajjala mascara; samala black;
majjham in the middle; palla-a of a flower; son red; ujjvalam splendid; maundassa of Mukunda (Krsna); gunja-phalam a kunja berry; vva like; aharamlips; mahavi 0 Madhavi; datthuna seeing; nandemi I
become happy.
Text 222
Text 223
Candravali: My Lord, I have carefully studied this subject since early childhood.
Why take so much trouble to teach me7
Text 220
Madhavi: Princess, the time for worshiping the demigods is now passing. We
must go. Please ask the king of Dvaraka to forgive us for leaving so soon.
Text 225
Krsna: Madhavi, you are strange. Although your heart is free from guile. Your
actions are not at all like those of a respectable girl.
Note: If the word "jihmagi" is interpreted to mean "snake", and the word "na
kulinam" is considered to be the single word "nakulinam" (of mongoose), this
statement of Lord Krsna may be interpreted in the following way:
"Madhavi, you are strange. Although your heart is like the heart of a snake,
your actions are like the actions of a mongoose."
The snake and mongoose are bitter enemies. Both, however, are extremely
Text 226
(He folds His hands in prayer) 0 q u een more dear to Me than My own li f e,
please be kind. The darkness of Rahu cannot touch the moon. 0 Candravah, how
can the darkness of anger touch you7
Text 227
Madhavi: What is the need of speaking so many nice words7 After all, this girl
is not Satyabhama.
Text 228
Krsna: Friend, you speak the truth. Queen Rukmini is not an angry person at
Note: In the previous text Madhavi said that Rukmini is not Satyabhama. Krsna
interprets the word "satyabhama" here not as a personal name but as an adjective
describing Rukmini. "Satya" means "nature", and bhama" means "angry" or
"passionate". Krsna here affirms thatRukmini is certainly not "satyabhama" (angry
by nature.)
Text 229
Text 230
Krsna: Queen Rukmini has gone to the palace. Let Us also go.
Text 231
radha mad-anana-tarangad-apanga-kotih
devim vilokya sahasa namitottamanga
makanda-gudha-tanur asrayate mano me
(iti niskrantah.)
radha Radha; mat of Me; anana to the face;tarangat become like waves;
apanga of sidelong glances;kotih millions; krida pastimes; prasanga in
relation; bhara the multitude; bhanga the breaking; vivarna silent, or pale;
vaktra voice or face; devim Queen Rukmini; vilokya seeing; sahasa atonce;
namita bowed down; uttamanga whose head; makanda behind the mango tree;
gudha hidden; tanuh whose body; asrayate takes
shelter; manah the heart; me of Me; iti thus;niskrantah He exits.
Casting millions of waves of sidelong glances at My face, Her face pale and Her
voice silent as She saw that Her pastimes with Me would be interrupted, and
bowing Her head and hiding Her transcedental form behind a mango tree when
She saw Queen Rukmini, Radha has entered My heart. (He exits.)
Text 232
(Everyone exits.)
Act Ten
Text 1
Text 2
Tulasi: Friend Malati, has the good news entered the pathway of your ears7
Text 3
Text 0
Tulasi: With her relatives and Nanda, the king of Vraja, noble Paurnamasi has
come to Saurastra province.
Text 5
Text 6
Text 7
Text 8
Tulasi: On the day Radha and Krsna looked at pictures, Queen Rukmini
noticed signs of conjugal pastimes on Radha s body. Rukmini brought her into the
palace and cruelly teased Her.
Text 9
Text 10
Tulasi: She said, "I think these wounds on Your breasts and lips were made by
parrots that thought Your breasts pomegranates and Your lips bimba fruits. I think
Your jewel necklace must have been broken by peacocks who thought it a snake.
0 sister, Your staying in the forest brings great pain to my heart."
Text 11
Malati: Let her laugh. Satyabhama may be in a subordinate position. Still, She
is more fortunate.
Text 12
thousands of rays of light; parah-sahasraih with thousands of rays of light; ihahere; kaustubhasya of the Kaustubha jewel; sangaya for meeting; yuktim the
purpose; harih Krsna; adya now; tasyah of Her; kurvan doing; asau this;
tisthati stands;saudha of the palace; prsthe in the back.
Tulasi: You speak the truth. Look! Look! The thousand rays of light from His
Kaustubha jewel eclipsing the thousand rays of the sun, Lord Krsna stands in the
rear of the palace. He plans a meeting with Radha.
Text 13
Text lk
viskambhakah thus ends the viskambhaka interlude.
Text 15
Text 16
krsnah: (sotkantham)
snehena diptapi tamah priya me
hartum vidarbhendra-sutoparuddha
saktim na dhatte kalasi-parita
pradipa-rekheva niketanasya
sa with; utkantham yearning; snehena with love;dipta inflamed; apieven; tamah the darkness; priya beloved; me My; hartum to remove;
vidarbha-suta by Queen Rukmini, the daughter of the king of Vidarbha;
uparuddha imprisoned; saktim the power; na does not; dhatte manifest;
kalasi by a pot; parita covered; pradipa of lamp; rekha the rays of light; ivalike; niketanasya of the house.
Krsna: (filled with longings) A l t h o ugh She is inflamed with love for Me,
because She is imprisoned by Queen Rukmini, My beloved cannot dispel the
darkness of My heart. She is like a burning lamp covered by a pot, and thus unable
to light up the house.
Text 17
Text 18
Text 19
nava-vrnda: deva devya presitasmi.
pravisya entering; deva 0 Lord; devya by Queen Rukmini; presita sent;
asmi I am.
Nava-vrnda: My Lord, Queen Rukmini has sent me.
Text 20
Text 21
Text 22
Text 23
Text 20
Text 25
Text 26
madhumangalah: himanahe saccam taralo eso kotthuho jam nivarido hammaputthim vijj odedi.
himanahe wonderful!; saccam in truth; taralo restless; eso this; kohutthoKaustubha jewel; jam because;nivaridovi even though restrained; hammaputthim the palace; vijjodedi illuminates.
Text 27
Krsna: Friend, this is not the effulgence of the Kaustubha jewel. Why rebuke
Text 28
Text 29
pingala: (krsnam drstva sa-trapam) de-a samina sattajidena bhatti-dari-a-e
sacca-e pesido eso manindo.
pravisya entering; krsnam Krsna; drstva seeing;sa with; trapam shyness;
de-a 0 Lord; samina by the king;sattajidena Satrajit; bhatti-dari-a-e to
princess; sacca-e Satybhama; pesido is sent; eso this; mani of jewels; indotheking;
Pingala: (shyly glances at Krsna) My Lo rd, King Satrajit sends this regal jewel
to Princess Satyabhama.
Text 30
krsnah: (manim hrdaye nidhaya sanandam) hanta priyaparivarasya asya tasyah sangamaya labdha-tirtho 'smi.
manim the jewel; hrdaye over the heart; nidhaya placing; sa with;
anandam bliss; hanta ah!; priya of Mybeloved; parivarasya of the associates;
sangamat form the association; asya of him; tasyah of Her; sangamaya for the
association; ladbha attained; tirthah the means; asmi I am.
K rsna: (places the jewel over His heart and becomes joyful) Ah ! No w t h e
touch of the friend of My beloved gives Me the way to meet Her.
Text 31
Text 32
pingalam anusrto mani-sangi
sangato yuvati-vesa-kalabhih
adarad anumato nisi devya
tam aham ramayitasmi mrgaksim
pingalam Pingala; anusrtah following; mani of thejewel; sangi in
company; sangatah accompanied; yuvati of a girl; vesa-kalabhih in the
disguise; adarat from the respectful prayer; anumatah permitted; nisi at night;
devya by Queen Rukmini; tam Her; aham I; ramaita asmi shall delight; mrgaaksim the doe-eyed Radha.
Krsna: I will disguise Myself as a girl and carry the jewel, walking behind
Pingala. I will worship Queen Rukmini, and with her permission I will spend the
night giving pleasure to doe-eyed Radha.
Text 33
nava-vrnda: satyam durlaksyo 'yam vidhih.
satyam in truth; durlaksyah difficult to be understood; ayam this; vidhiharrangement.
Nava-vrnda: In truth, it will be very difficult for her to understand this trick.
Text 30
Krsna: Nava-vrnda, it is almost sunset. You go to the inner rooms of the palace.
I will go to a secluded place and disguise Myself as a woman. (Accompanied by the
two of them, He exits.)
Text 35
Text 36
Text 37
Text 38
Text 39
Text 00
Text Wl
Candravals: Servant, make the king of parrots happy with pomegranate fruit.
Text 02
Text 03
madhumangalah: (parikramya) de-i sattajidena sacca-e samanta-am dadum
pahida esa itthi-a-ju-ali.
tatah then; pravisati enters; pramada of a woman;vesa the garments;
dharina wearing; krsnena by Krsna;pingalaya and Pingala; ca also;
anugamyamanah followed;madhumangalah Madhumangala; parikramyawalking; de-i 0 queen;sattajidena by King Satrajit; sacca-e to Satyabhama;
samanta-am this Syamantaka jewel; dadum to give; pahida sent; esa this;
itthi-a of girls; ju-ali pair.
Text 00
Candravals: (looks at Krsna, and says to herself) How beautiful She is.
(openly) Who is this beautiful dark-complexioned girl whose splendor makes this
entrance way seem to be made of sapphires7
Text 05
Text 06
Text 07
madhavi: ajja mahumangala esa samala sutthu ogunthida na-a-vahu vi-a anteure vi kisa lajjedi.
ajja 0 noble sir; mahumangala Madhumangala; esa this girl; samala darkcomplexioned; sutthu nicely; ogunthida covered with a veil; na-a-vahu young
girl; vi-a even; anteure in the inner rooms of the palace; vi indeed; kisa why7;
Text 08
Text 09
shy; vaktum to speak;asau she; sakhi the friend; rathangi Rathangi;tattherefore; imam her; priya-loka of the dear friend; sanga thecompany; kamam
desiring; prahisu please send; svarna golden;niketanaya to the apartment;
bhamam Satyabhama.
Text 50
Text 51
radha: (smitva) jadha anavedi de-i. (iti krsnena samam sa-parivara niskranta.)
smitva smiling; jadha as; anavedi orders; de-i the queen; iti thus; krsnena
Krsna; samam with;sa with; parivara associates; niskranta exits.
Radha: (smiles) As the queen orders. (Accompanied by both Lord Krsna and
Her own associates, She exits.)
Text 52
rahi-a-e Radha; vi also; ra-i of thesun; bimba the circle; sariccham like; mani
of jewels; raanam the jewel; asi is.
Candravals: Madhavi, I heard that my sister Radha has a great jewel brilliant as
the sun.
Text 53
A voice From Behind the Scenes: (quoting Krsna's speech in Text 16)
"Although She is inflamed with love for Me, because She is imprisoned by Queen
Rukmini, My beloved cannot dispel the darkness of My heart. She is like a burning
lamp covered by a pot, and thus unable to light up the house."
Text 50
Candravali: (glancing in the direction of behind the scenes) Listen. What is the
parrot saying7
Text 55
A Voice From Behind the Scenes: (quoting Krsna's speech in Text 24) " My
beloved Radha is known as in this palace as Satyabhama, the daughter of King
Satrajit. Her limbs are splendid, beautiful and fragant. Her cheeks are illumined by
the splendor of Her earrings. 0 Nava-vrnda, My heart yearns to see Her."
Text 56
Text 57
Again From Behind the Scenes: (quoting Krsna's speech in Text 32) "I will
disguise Myself as a girl and carry the jewel, walking behind Pingala. I will worship
Queen Rukmini, and with her permission I will spend the night giving pleasure to
doe-eyed Radha."
Text 58
Text 59
Text 60
ante-urammi sacca
j a - i v a s a-i suham tado kahim sahi me
a-i nam kundina-va-ino
pahinomi ghare uva-ena
ante-urammi in the palace; sacca Satyabhama; ja-i if; vasa-i lives; suhamauspiciousness; tado then;kahim where7; sahi 0 friend; me my; a-i ah!; nam
Her; kundina ofKundina; va-ino of the king; pahinomi I shall send; ghare to
the house; uva-ena by a plan.
Candravali: As long as Satyabhama stays in this palace how can there be any
good for me7 Ah! By some intrigue I must send Her to the palace of the king of
Text 61
Text 62
Candravali: Ah. This is great skill in the art of deception. Even though we are
not easily deceived, still we were deceived. Come. Let us go to the golden palace.
(She exits.)
Text 63
Text 60
krsnah: (sanandam)
sutanu kincid udancaya locane
smita-sudham ca sudhakara-madhurividhurata-vidhaye 'dya dhurandharam
sa with; anandam bliss; sutanu 0 beautiful one;kincit a little; udancayaplease raise; locane Your eyes; cala restless; cakora of cakora birds; camatkrtithe sense of wonder; cumbini kissing; smita of the smile; sudham the nectar;
ca also; sudhakara of the moon;madhuri sweetness; vidhurata-vidhaye for
distressing; adya now; dhurandharam very great.
Krsna: (blissful) 0 b e a u t i ful one, open these eyes that fill restless cakora birds
with wonder. Give Me the nectar of this smile that eclipses the sweetness of the
Text 65
Radha: (embarrassed) My handsome one, why speak these words7 Your love
exists only in Your mouth.
Text 66
(iti sanskrtena)
datto me deva yas tvaya
sa mukah sampratam vrttah
iti thus; sanskrtena in Sanskrit; jagat of the universe; karna the ears;
camatkari with wonder; dattah given;me Of Me; deva 0 Lord; yah which;
tvaya by You;sah that; mukah-sampratam now; virttah is engaged; prema of
love;uddamara great; dindimah dindima drum.
(In Sanskrit) The great dindima drum of Your love for Me used to fill the
entire world with wonder. Now that same drum is silent.
Text 67
Text 68
My dear girl with the fascinating eyes, even if I am attacked by many beautifuleyebrowed girls who are expert archers with their restless, crooked sidelong
glances, How can I find happiness for even a moment without You7 I cannot. I am
like the sky. Even if the moonlight and all the stars try to illuminate the sky, it
never becomes really bright until it is filled with sunlight. In the same way it is not
possible for Me to become bright with happiness without You.
Note: The word "vrsabhanuja" means both "sunlight" and "Radha, the
daughter of Maharaja Vrsabhanu". (,sy Somabha" means both "star" and the gopi
named Tara". For this reason that last two lines of this stanza contain a hidden
meaning. They may also be interpreted:
"Neither Candravah, Tara, nor their intimate friends can make Me happy
without the presence of Radha, the beautiful daughter of Maharaja Vrsabhanu."
Text 69
Nava-vrnda: Girl with the beautiful face, this is not empty flattery.
Text 70
Text 71
The lotus flower is not worthy to be placed at Your feet. The jewel mirror is not
equal to the nail of Your big toe. 0 passionate one, even a splendid host of moons
is not qualified to perform arati to Your face.
Note: If the word "candravah" is interpreted to be a proper name, the last
sentence of this verse may be understood to mean:
"0 passionate one, even beautiful Candravali is not qualified to perform arati to
Your face."
This reference to Candravali is a harbinger that announces her appearance in
the next moment.
Text 72
Text 73
Madhavi: Yes.
Text 70
Krsna: (looking ahead) Lo ok! Lo ok! Qu een Rukmini is not far away!
Text 75
Text 76
Text 77
(Nava-vrnda takes the jewel from Krsna's hand and shows it to Candravah.)
Text 78
sudam heard; ma-e by me; mani of jewels; indo theking; eso this; ciraof milk; sa-ara of the ocean; manthane inthe churning; samuppanno became
Candravali: I heard this king of jewels appeared form the churning of the milk
Text 79
Text 80
Text 81
Text 82
Candravali: When the demigods forcibly took the pot of nectar from
Dhanvantari's hand, my noble husband appeared in the unprecedented form
famous by the name Mohim.
Text 83
Krsna: (aside) Queen Rukmini recognized Me. That is why she is suddenly
talking about Mohini.
Text 80
Candravali: The word "mohi ni" m eans enchanting". Her name is very
appropiate, for She completely enchanted even Lord Siva, the king of the yogis. If
She enchanted him, then how can we describe Her power to enchant us7
Text 85
Text 86
candravah: (sa-smitam) sahi saccabhama kim so uva-o atthi. jena amhe vi tam
sa with; smitam a smile; sahi 0 friend; saccabhama Satyabhama; kimwhether7; so this; uva-o method;atthi there is; jena by which; amhe we; vieven; tam that formof Mohini-murti; pekkhamha may see.
Candravali: (with a smile) F r i end Satyabhama, is there some way we can see
this form of Mohin>7
Text 87
Text 88
Krsna: (aside) In tr u th, these words of deception are now useless. (openly)
My queen, in order to test whether you would recognize Me or not I wore this
dlsguls e.
Text 89
Text 90
Text 91
ajja noble;
mahumangala Madhumangala; kala black;bhu-anga by a
snake; datthe someone who has been bitten; kulisa of Indra's thunderbolt;
ppaharo the blow; eso this.
Text 92
am pibehi.
muddhe 0 foolish; mahavi Madhavi; mahusave in this great festive
occasion; vi indeed; kisa why7; khijjasi are you unhappy; nam this; dullaham
difficult to attain; ruba ofthe transcendental forms; ami-am the nectar; pibehiplease drink.
Candravali: Foolish Madhavi, why are you so unhappy7 This is a great festive
occasion. You should drink the sweet nectar that is the handsomeness of Lord
Text 93
Radha: (aside) Alas! Alas! Now I must taste the suffering ofbeing under the
control of Queen Rukmini.
Text 90
Text 95
Text 96
A Voice From Behind the Scenes: (quoting Candravali's speech in Text 56)
Aha! I have heard exactly what I need to hear!
Text 97
Text 98
Text 99
Again the Voice From Behind the Scenes: (quoting Candravali's speech in Text
60) "As long as Satyabhama stays in this palace how can there be any good for me7
Ah! By some intrigue I must send Her to the palace of the king of Kundina."
Text 100
Radha: (unhappily sighs and says to Herself) Well done, 0 parrot! Well done!
Well done. I am indebted to you. Now I will enter Kaliya Lake, which fulfills even
the most difficult desires, and there I will immediately present My body as a
sacrificial offering to the snakes there. (Accompanied by Nava-vrnda and Pingala,
She exits.)
Text 101
Text 102
Text 103
de-a 0 Lord; tumha of You; vilasa of the transcendental pastimes;
sokkhanam of the happiness; vahadena by an obstacle; kida performed; mahagreat; aparaha offenses; amhi Iam; ta therefore; karunnena with mercy;
anabehi please order;jadha as; gottha of Vrajabhumi; bahino of the king
(Nanda Maharaja); gottham the town of Vrajabhumi; vasanti residing; tumamYou; suhinam happy; karomi I shall make.
Text 100
esa ksipram madhuripu-parisvanga-rangaya lubdho
gosthadhisah kanaka-sakati-prstha-palyanka-sangi
bandhu-sreni-vrta-parisarah paurnamasi-yasodapurnabhyasah pravisati muda dvaraka-dvara-vithim
nepathye behind the scenes; esah he; ksipram quickly; madhuripu of
Krsna, the enemy of the Mura demon; parisvanga of the embrace; rangaya for
the happiness; lubdhah greedy;gostha-adhisah Nanda Maharaja, the king of
Vrajabhumi; kanaka golden; sakati of a cart; prstha in the back; palyanka on
a seat; sangi seated; bandhu of friends and relatives; sreni by a host; vrtasurrounded; parisarah vicinity; paurnamasi Paurnamasi; yasoda and Yasoda;
purna-abhyasah on hisleft and right; pravisati enters; muda with happiness;
dvaraka of Dvaraka; dvara to the gate; vithim the path.
A Voice From Behind the Scenes: Riding in the comfortable seat in the rear of a
golden cart, surrounded by friends and relatives, with Yasoda and Rohini at his
right and left, and greedy to immediately embrace Krsna, Nanda Maharaja, the
king of Vraja, now enters the path that leads to the gates of Dvaraka City.
Text 105
Text 106
Text 107
iyam uddisyamanadhva
paurnamasya vraj esvari
parlta parivarella
rohini-mandiram yayau
nepathye behind the scenes; iyam she; uddisyamana being shown; adhvathe path; paurnamasya by Paurnamasi; vrajaisvari Yasoda, the queen of
Vrajabhumi; parita surrounded; parivarena by her associates; rohini of Rohini;
mandiram to thepalace; yayau has gone.
A Voice From Behind the Scenes: Surrounded by friends, and with Paurnamasi
showing the way, Vraja's queen Yasoda went to Rohini's palace,.
Text 108
Madhavi: How fortunate! How fortunate! Saintly Rohini has heard of your
Text 109
Candravali: Let us go and offer respects to our elders. (They walk.) These are
the inner rooms of Queen Rohini's palace.
Text 110
nayanayoh stanayor api yugmatah
paripatadbhir asau payasam jharaih
ahaha ballava-raja-vilasini
sva-tanayam pranayad abhisincati
nepathye behind the scenes; nayanayoh of the eyes; stanayoh of the breasts;
api also; yugmatah both; paripatadbhih falling; asau this; payasam of
liquids;jharaih with the streams; ahaha aha!; ballava of the cowherd men; raja
of the king; vilasini the beautiful wife; sva own; tanayam son; pranayat out
of love; abhisincati bathes.
A Voice From Behind the Scenes: Ah! With the two streams flowing from both
her eyes and breasts, Yasoda-devi, the beautiful wife of the king of the cowherds,
lovingly bathes her son.
Text 111
Text 112
Text 113
Yasoda: (smelling Krsna's head and shedding tears) 0 my s on, You have
forgotten me. For such a long time I have not seen You.
Text 110
krsnah: (sa-baspam) amba katham evam vyaharanti lajjitam api mam lajjayasi.
sa with; baspam tears; amba 0 mother; katham why7; evam in this way;
vyaharanti speaking; lajjitam embarrassed; api even; mam Me; lajjayasi you
Krsna: (with tears) M o t h er, why do you speak in this way7 I am already
embarrassed. Why embarrass Me more7
Text 115
Mukhara: 0 no ble Paurnamasi, even though I heard from you He is the master
of millions of universes, still, for me Krsna is the cowherd people s hero.
Text 116
Krsna: (smiles) Noble Muk h ara, your words go to My heart. Please bless Me
so that again I will be happy.
Text 117
Paurnamasi: After a long time the seed of my good fortune has finally
sprouted. Today I have seen Lord Krsna seated on the lap of Mother Yasoda.
Text 118
Krsna: Mother, do the animals and birds I used to feed and protect bring
happiness to you now7
Text 119
Paurnamasi: Krsna, why do You speak the word happiness", when the word
You should speak is "pain"7
Text 120
yasoda: (sanskrtena)
yah pariparivahitena kapila-ksirena khinnas tvaya
pustah prema-bharad vinasta-janani-sangah kurangi-sisuh
tvam apreksya sa katarah prati disam muktarta-nadas tudan
marmani vraja-vasinam vitanute sardula-vikriditam
sanskrtena in Sanscrit; yah who; pari the milk bucket; narivahitenao verflowing; kapila of the cow named Kapila; ksirena with the milk; khinnah suffering; tvaya by You; pustah fed; prema of love; bharat out of great
abundance; vinasta destroyed; janani of the mother; sangah association;
kurangi-sisuh a fawn; tvam You; apreksya not seeing;sah he; katarahunhappy; prati in every direction; mukta opened;arta pain; nadah the sound;
tudan stricking; marmani the hearts; vraja of Vraja; vasinam of the residents;
vitanute manifests; sardula of a tiger; vikriditam the pastimes.
Yasoda: (in Sanskrit) You used to affectionately feed an orphaned fawn with
overflowing pails of milk from the surabhi cow Kapila. Unable to see You now,
this deer is filled with anguish. He cries in all directions and His sounds are like a
tiger's roar striking the hearts of the people of Vraja.
Text 121
kas tan pasyan bhavad-upahrta-snigdha-picchavatamsan
kamsarate na khalu sikhinah khidyate gostha-vasi
unmilantam nava-jaladharam n>lam adyapi matva
ye tvam antar-mudita-matayas tanvate tandavani
kah who7; tan them; pasyan seeing; bhavat byYou; upahrta brought;
snigdha glistening; piccha of peacock feathers; avatamsan crown; kamsa-arate
0 enemy of Kamsa;na not; khalu indeed; sikhinah peacocks; khidyate-
isdistressed; gostha in Vraja; vasi resident; unmilantam manifesting;navanew; jaladharam cloud; nilam blue; adya now;api also; matva considering;
ye who; tvam You; antah in the heart; mudita jubilant; matayah thoughts;
tanvate do;tandavam enthusiastic dancing.
Text 122
ksanam for a moment; tusnim silent; sthitva becoming; bhagavati 0 noble
lady; kaccit whether7; ami they; svastimantah happy; mama My; vayasyahfriends.
Krsna: (after a moment's silence) 0 n o ble lady, are My friends well and
Text 123
Paurnamasi: Longing to see You, they have gone with Vraja s king Nanda to
the Sudharma assembly house. Please quickly go to them and fulfill all their
Text 120
K rsna: As the noble lady orders. (He walks and then says to Himself) Lali t a
and Padma will certainly come here to offer respects to Mother Yasoda. (He exits.)
Text 125
Text 126
bhujabhyam avrnoti.)
sa with; harsam happiness; gostha of Vraja;isvari 0 queen; purastat in
the presence; iyam she; candravah Candravali; iti thus; upasadyaapproaching;bhujabhyam with both arms; avrnoti embraces.
Text 127
sa with; sneham affection; utthaya lifting up;vacche 0 child; ditthi-a by
good fortune; puno again;vi also; dittha seen; asi you are; iti thus; kantheon the neck;grhnati grasps.
Yasoda: (affectionately) My child, by my good fortune I can see you again. (She
places her arm around her neck.)
Text 128
Text 129
Text 130
candravah: amma madu-kodi-siniddha-o jahim tumhe vasedha tatthavatthanakallanam ka nama pamari vi na sumaredi.
amma 0 mother; madu of mothers; kodi of millions; siniddha with the
love; jahim where; tumhe you; vasedha reside; tattha in that way; avatthanaof the place;kallanam the auspiciousness; ka what7; nama indeed; pamariwretched girl; vi indeed; na does not; sumaredi remember.
Text 131
Mukhara: (embracmg Candravali) 0 R a d ha, I have not seen You for such a
long time! (She cries with an open throat.)
Text 132
Yasoda: 0 mother, why do you speak these two syllables ra-dha". These
syllables are two bolts that unlock the great city of suffering.
Text 133
Text 130
Rohini: 0 ch i ld, 0 m ost beautiful girl in the three worlds, where did You go.
Text 135
Text 136
mukki-a asasi-adu.
sa with; dhairyam peaceful composure; pi-a dear;sahi 0 friend; jaso-eYasoda; tappa-i is grief-stricken;badham indeed; canda-ali Candravali; tatherefore; soam grief; mukki-a abandoning; asasi-adu she should be consoled.
Text 137
Text 138
tatah then; pravisati enters; kancukinau two servants; anusarantyaufollowing; viyukte separated; lalita Lalita; padme and Padma.
(Two servants enter, and then, after a moment, Lalita and Padma enter.)
Text 139
savyatah to the left; preksya glancing; sa with; ascaryam wonder; kawho7; esa she; auruvva unprecedented; rubba beauty; dittha seen; puvvabefore; tti thus;padibhadi is manifested; iti thus; upasrtya approaching; sawith; asram tears; sundari 0 beautiful one; tumam you; pekkhi-a seeing; pi-a
dear; sahim friend; lalidam Lalita;sumaranti remembering; pemma with
love; ghummida overwhelmed; amhi I become.
Padma: (glancing to the left, she becomes filled with wonder) Who is this gir17
I have not seen anyone beautiful as she. I feel I have seen her before. (She
approaches and begins to shed tears.) 0 beautiful one, seeing you, I remember my
dear friend Lalita, and I am overcome with love.
Text 100
Text lkl
Padma: (with emotion) Oh ! Ar e you Lalita7 (She embraces her with both
Text 102
sahi friend; canda-ali Candravah; kisa how7; de from you; vijutta separated.
Lalita: (firmly embraces her and shed tears.) Why was our dear friend
Candravali separated from you7
Text 103
Text 100
Servant: This is noble Rohini's palace. The two noble ladies may enter here.
Text 105
Text 106
Rohini: Noble lady, who is this girl. She looks exactly like Lalita.
Text 107
Text 108
Text 109
lalita: ammahe kadham go-ulesari-pamuham edam savvam jevva go-ulabandhu-ulam. (iti vikrosanti sarvam padantesu patati.)
ammahe ah!; kadham how7; go-ula of Gokula; isari the queen; pamuham
headed by; eda this; savvam everyone;jevva indeed; go-ula of Gokula;
bandhu of friends; ulam the community; iti thus; vikrosanti crying; sarvasam
Lalita: Ah! How have Gokula's queen Yasoda and all my other friends from
Gokula come here7 (Crying, she falls at the tips of everyone's feet.)
Text 150
Text 151
Candravals: 0 friend Lalita, you are still alive. (She embraces her.)
Text 152
lalita: (sa-harsadbhutam) kadham pi-a-sahi canda-ali. (ity alingya) eso ami-asa-are divva-cintamani-laho. jo kkhu go-ula-kudumbeso tumha-sangamo.
sa with; harsa joy; adbhuta and wonder;kadham whether7; pi-a dear;
sahi friend; canda-ali Candravah;iti thus; alingya embracing; eso this; ami-a
of nectar; sa-are inan oeean; divva transcendental; cintamani of a cintamani
jewel; laho the attainment; jo which; kkhu indeed; go-ula ofGokula;
kudumbesu among the friends and relatives; tumha of you; sangamo the
Lalita: (with joy and wonder) Is this my friend Candravali7 (she embraces
her.) Meeting you with my friends and relatives from Gokula, is finding a splendid
cintamani jewel in an ocean of nectar.
Text 153
Text 150
alingya roditi.)
ha 0; sahi friend; rahe Radha; tumam You;cce-a indeed; dullahadifficult; damsana to see; samvutta are;iti thus; mukharam Mukhara; alingya
embracing; roditi cries.
Lalita: 0 friend Radha, I will no longer see You. (She embraces Mukhara and
Text 155
Text 156
Text 157
sa with; vismayam wonder; bha-avadi 0 noble lady; pia dear; sahi friend;
canda-ali Candravali;jevva indeed; kim whether7; kkhu indeed; ruppiniRukmini; tti thus;suni-adi is heard.
Lalita: (struck with wonder) N o bl e lady, I have heard that Rukmini is in truth
my dear friend Candravali. Is it true7
Text 158
Paurnamasi: Yes.
Text 159
Lalita: Why did the sun-god send the girl named Satyabhama here7 Her
sufferings are known to everyone.
Text 160
Text 161
Yasoda: Child, you stand in place of Radha. Why should you be unhappy in
our presence7
Text 162
Text 163
pravisya entering; sambhranta hastily; bakula Bakula;de-i 0 queen; ma-eby me; puno again; puno and again;nivarida checked;
abi although; sappawith snakes;bhisanam fearful; kali-a-daham the Kaliya-daha lake; sappadigoes; sacca Satyabhama.
Text 160
distya by good fortune; padmini of the lotus flowers; hrt theheart; uttapika
bringing pain; sita the cold; vata of winds; avali host; vyalanam of the
snakes; anana of the mouths; bile in the opening; vilina has entered.
Paurnamasi: Fortunately the strong winds that bring pain to the lotus flowers
have now entered the mouths of the snakes. The snakes are stopped.
Text 165
Bakula: I saw what happened. Nava-vrnda told Krsna. Filled with anguish,
Krsna follows Her.
Text 166
Everyone: Why must we delay any longer7 Let us go to this lake that is the
home of snakes. (Stumbling as they walk, they exit.)
Text 167
Text 168
radha: (sanskrtena)
paratantrataya samantato
mama rangaya na sarngi-sangamah
Text 169
Text 170
radha: (savajnam)
ali kali-a-dahena ditthino
ranjanam ghana-taranga-bhangina
samalujjala-bhu-anga-mandalisangina maha cirena kijja-i
sa with; avajnam contempt; ali 0 friend; kali-adahena by this Kaliya-daha
lake; ditthino of the eyes; ranjanam delight; ghana great; taranga with
Radha: (with contempt) F r i e nd, tossed by great waves, and filled with
venemous, glistening black snakes, this Kaliya lake eternally brings pleasure to My
Text 171
( Her left eye trembles. She speaks the following rebuke in Sanskrit) T h e
wretched spider of My left eye trembles. That spider is now weaving a web of hope
to trap the insect of My life.
Text 172
asanna manifested; mangala of auspiciousness; samsi proclaiming; edamthis; ta therefore; muhuttam for amoment; padibalehi please continue to
protect Your life.
Pingala: This is a sign proclaiming all will be well. Please wait and stay alive a
little longer.
Note: For a woman, trembling of the left side of the body is considered a
harbinger of good fortune.
Text 173
Radha: Why should I trust these sweet words of hope spoken by the monkey of
My eyes7 (She descends into the water.)
Text 170
mercy; lavam a small fragment; api even; iti thus; hrada into the lake;
avagaham plunging; abhinayati represents dramatically.
Text 175
Text 176
Radha: Alas! Alas! Even the snakes refuse to bite this wretched person! (She
follows the snakes.)
Text 177
Krsna: (hastily approaching) Reckless girl, why have You done this
inauspicious act7 (From behind He places both arms around Her neck.)
Text 178
Radha: (Overwhelmed with grief, She does not hear Krsna's words. She
suddenly becomes joyful.) Now I am fo r t u n ate. Now two snakes have wrapped
themselves around Me. (She becomes pleased by the touch of the "snakes".) At
the right time even the most harmful danger can be very pleasing. The touch of
these snakes bring Me great pleasure.
Text 179
krsna-bhujangam itaham
vidhinabhimatam kilanukulena
cira-ratraya krteyam
yatra mama yatanavalibhih
krsna black; bhujangam snakes; ita attained;aham I was; vidhina by
destiny; abhimatam pleased; kila indeed;anukulena with favor; cira endless;
ratraya for night; krta done; iyam this; yatra journey; mama of Me;yatanasufferings; avalibhih by the multitude.
Now I touch the poisonous black snake. Now destiny is kind to Me. Now all
My sufferings will begin their journey to endless night.
Note: If the word "krsna" is interpreted to mean "Lord Krsna", the verse may be
"Now I touch Lord Krsna. Now destiny is kind to Me. Now all My sufferings
will begin their journey to endless night."
Text 180
Text 181
radha: (drsam daronmilya) avvo mani-kanti-kimm i r i d a-mattha-o vi eso bhuango mam na damsadi.
drsam eyed; dara slightly; unmilya opening; avvo wonderful!; mani of a
jewel; kanti with the splendor; kimmirida with various colors; mattha-o the
head; vi although; eso this; bhu-ango snake; mam me; na does not;damsadi
Radha: (slightly opening Her eyes.) This is strange. This snake, which has a
head decorated with colorful jewels, refuses to bite Me.
Text 182
krsna-bhujagasya subhage
krsna-bhujasya ca gato bhedah
cakra in a circle (or with the Sudarsana cakra);ankitasya marked; nirmalapure (or splendid); malayaja the breeze from the Malaya Hills (or sandlawood
paste from the Malaya Hills); parisilinah touching; manim a jewel; dadhatahmanifesting; krsna of the black; bhujagasya snake; subhage 0 beautiful girl;
krsna of Krsna; bhujasya of the arm;ca and; gatah attained; bhedahdifference.
Text 183
trasitendiram amanda-madhurikandalair vapur apurvam ujjhati
bandhurangi jagad eva kim vrtha
bandhya-netram asi kartum udyata
trasita frightened; indiram Laksmi-devi; amanda great; madhuri of
sweetness; kandalaih wiht the manifestation; vapuh body; apurvamunprecedented; ujjhati abandons; bandhuraangi 0 girl with the beautiful limbs;
jagat the world; eva certainly; kim why7; vrtha for no good reason; bandhyauseless;netram eyes; asi You are; kartum to make; udyata endeavoring.
Krsna: Beautiful one, why do You try to make the eyes of the entire world
barren and useless by giving up this incomparably beautiful body, which frightens
goddess Laksmi with its boundless sweetness7
Text 180
Radha: (She tilts Her neck and gazes at Krsna) Alas! Alas! I have died once,
and now I am dying a second time. For the sake of this worthless person, You have
thrown Lord Krsna, who delights the three worlds, into this lake of serpents.
Text 185
(Arriving on the shore, Krsna places the jewel in Radha s hand, and rebukes
Her with a smile of reproach.) Merciless girl, Voluntarily, and with great love, You
offered many benedictions to these serpents. Why do You refuse to offer any
benedictions to this one serpent who is passionately in love with You7 Come. Let
Text 186
Text 187
Text 188
Everyone: (their voices become choked) Well done! Well done! (They become
Text 189
tribhuvana-gurum agre-krtya rajiva-yonim
kalayitum adhi-maulim sa-tvarah satvatanam
visati puram aparna-purna-parsvah purastad
vrsa-varam adhirudhah khanda-sitamsu-cudah
nepathye behind the scenes; tribhuvana of the three worlds; gurum the
spiritual master; agre in front; krtya placing; rajiva-yonim the demigod
Brahma, who was born from the lotus navel of Garbhodakasayi Visnu; kalayotum to see; adhi-maulim the king; sa with; tvarah haste; satvatanam of the Satvata
dynasty; visati enters; puram the city;aparna with Parvati; purna-parsvah at
his side; purastat in thepresence; vrsa of bulls; varam the best; adhirudhahriding; khanda crescent; sitamsu moon; cudah crown.
A Voice From Behind the Scenes: There is the demigod Brahma, who was born
from a lotus flower, and who is the spiritual master of the three worlds. Following
behind him is Lord Siva, who is crowned with a crescent moon, and who rides his
powerful bull Nandi with goddess Parvati by his side. Siva now enters Dvaraka
City to see Lord Krsna, the king of the Satvatas.
Text 190
Nava-vrnda: Look! Look! Lord Krsna has come to please Parvati's husband,
Text 191
Text 192
Text 193
Text 190
Text 195
Text 196
Text 197
Text 198
Radha: Alas! I am not able even to die! (She covers Her face and weeps.)
Text 199
(mukhara duratah preksya sa-camatkaram paravartate.)
mukhara Mukhara; duratah from a distance;preksya seeing; sa with;
camatkaram astonishment; paravartate returns.
(Mukhara gazes at Radha from a distance, becomes struck with wonder, and
then returns.)
Text 200
Text 201
Mukhara: Noble lady, there is something I wish to tell you, but I am afraid to
Text 202
Text 203
Text 200
sa with; upalambham a rebuke; pralapini- 0 woman who speaks
Text 205
Text 206
Text 207
Text 208
Paurnamasi: Fool! I know. I kn ow. The syamantaka jewel has cast a spell on
you and turned into a fool.
Text 209
Text 210
Text 211
Text 212
(Everyone walks.)
Text 213
Text 210
Lalita: (she approaches and says in a choked voice) 0 sl ender girl, why are
You crying7
Text 215
Radha: (She removes the edge of Her sari form Her face. She suddenly calls
out.) Oh! Oh! Is this My dear friend Lalita7 Oh! Is this affectionate Paurnamasi7
Oh! Is this noble Mukhara7 (Overcome with happiness, She falls to the ground.)
Text 216
(Lalita utters an inarticulate sound of joy, embraces Radha, and then faints in
Text 217
Text 218
Mukhara: Granddaughter, I have found You again! (She becomes mad with
Text 219
yasoda: (rohinya saha dhavanti sa-gadgadam.) ha vacche jiasi. (iti mukham cumbati.)
rohinya Rohini; saha with; dhavanti running;sa with; gadgadam a
choked up voice; ha 0!; vacche child; jiasi You are alive; iti thus; mukhamHer face; cumbati she kisses.
Yasoda: (Accompanied by Rohini, she runs there and says with a choked voice)
0 child, You are alive! (She kisses Her face.)
Text 220
Radha's neck.)
Text 221
Text 222
Radha: (She offers respectful obeisances to everyone's feet, and eagerly says) Is
My sister Candravali we117
Text 223
Text 220
Radha: (with bliss and reverence She falls ather feet) Ah! Ah ! W r e t ched fate is
mocking Me!
Text 225
(Krsna enters.)
Krsna: (joyful) A f ter such a long time, now again I can think of Myself as a
resident of Gokula. Now I am overcome with happiness.
Text 226
Yasoda: (touching Krsna) My son, it is very fortunate that You and this girl
Text 227
Text 228
Text 229
Text 230
Text 231
(All the women approach Visakha and embrace her. Visakha offers respectful
obeisances to the feet ofher superiors. She then embraces Radha.)
Text 232
Text 233
Text 230
Text 235
Paurnamasi: My child, of all gentle, kind, and sincere girls, you are the best.
Please listen. When you place Radha in Lord Krsna's hand, then your pure
transcendental fame will be estabhished eternally. At the wedding ceremony of
Radha and Krsna the shower of jewels and the ringing of bells proclaiming the
auspiciousness of Their love will delight the entire world.
Text 236
Candravali: (jubilant) 0
n o b l e l a dy, that is my desire also. You and Gokula s
queen Yasoda please arrange that it be done.
Text 237
Text 238
Text 239
Krsna: Mother, tell Me. What desire of her's will I now fulfi117
Text 200
Text 201
Krsna: As My mother orders. (She comes close and whispers something in His
ear.) My queen, this burden is very heavy. I cannot carry it. Please give Me a
different order.
Text 202
candravah: (sa-pranayersyam) thane vijjhasi. jam laddhakandosi. (iti radham kare dhrtva.) pu n d arikakkha esa me bahini amha-sa-asado vi
tu-e pa-ura-pemmena sambha-anijja. (iti krsnapanau samarpayati.)
sa with; pranaya of love; irsyam the anger; thane proper; vijjhasi You are
afraid; jam because;laddha obtained; kando the opportunity; si You are; itithus;radham Radha; kare in the hand; dhrtva holding; pundarika-akkha 0
lotus-eyed Krnsa, esa this girl; ma of me; bahini the sister; amha of
us; sa-asado in the presence; vi even; tu-e by You;pa-ura with great;
pemmena love; sambha-anijja should be accepted;
iti thus; krsna of Krsna; panau in the hand;samarpayati places.
Candravals: (with the anger of love) In t his situation it is good for You to be
timid. (She takes Radha's hand.) 0 Lotus-eyed Krsna, in front of all of us, please
accept this girl, my sister, Radha, and please love Her very dearly. (She places
Radha's hand in Krsna's.)
Text 203
Krsna: (in a soft voice) My qu een, what person would not yearn to attain your
good wishes7 (He reverentially accepts Radha.)
Text 200
uddisyamana-saranir nanu raivatena
govardhanasya kara-sambhrta-vama-panih
bhalluka-malla-vadanad upalabhya vartam
vindhyo mukunda-nagarim naga-rad upaiti
nepathye behind the scenes; uddisyamana being indicated; saranih the
pathway; nanu certainly; raivatena by the king of the Raivata Mountain;
govardhanasya of King Govardhana; kara in the hand; sambhrta taken; vamathe left; panih hand; bhallukamalla of Jambavan, the powerful king of the Bhallukas; vadanat from the
mouth; upalabhya learning; vartam the news;vindhyah Vindhyah; mukundaof Lord Krsna; nagarim to the city;naga of the mountains; rat the king; upaitiwent.
A Voice From Behind the Scenes: Guided on the path by King Raivata, and his
left hand placed in the hand of the King of Govardhana, the king of the Vindhya
Hills, who heard the news from the mouth of Jambavan, now enters the city of
Lord Krsna.
Text 205
Paurnamasi: Look! Look! Hol d ing Balarama's hand, and accompanied by the
heroes of the Vrsni dynasty, Maharaja Vasudeva enters the extraordinary wedding
arena. Attended by the beautiful ladies of the Yadu dynasty, and with great respect
bringing Revati with her, Queen Devaki also enters the arena.
Text 206
Nava-vrnda: Look! Look! Hol d ing Bhadra's right hand and Saibya's left, eager
Syama has come.
Text 207
vinite radhayah parinaya-vidhananumatibhih
svayam devya tasmin pitur iha nibandhe muditaya
kumarinam tasam ayam upanayan sodasa krti
sahasrani smerah pravisati satadhyani garudah
nepathye behind the scenes; vinite removed; radhayah of Radha; parinayavidhana for the weeding; anumatibhih by permission; svayam personally;
devya by Queen Rukmini;tasmin when this; pituh of her father; iha here;
nibandhe in the
restriction; muditaya jubilant; kumarinam of unmarried girls; tasam of them;
ayam he; upanayan bringing;sodasa sixteen; krti expert; sahasranithousand; smerah smiling;pravisati enters; sata a hundred; adhyani plus;
garudah Garuda.
Text 208
Text 209
pravisaty ayam agrato nandah
pasyata look!; pasyata look!; daksinatah on theright; sridama by Sridama;
valitah accompanied; subalena by Subala; savyatah on the left; sphuratamanifested; upacita increased; parama transcendental; anandah whose
bliss;pravisati enters; ayam he; agratah in the presence; nandah Maharaja
Paurnamasi: Look. Look. With Sridama at his right and Subala at his left,
jubilant Nanda Maharaja enters.
Text 250
Text 251
(With Paurnamasi between them, the two sisters offer respectful obeisances to
Text 252
Nanda: Children, You are both devoted to Krsna, and You both consider Him
more dear than Your own life's breath. May You both be blessed with all good
Text 253
nikhila-satinam vrndair
arundhatiyam nirundhati padavim
lopamudrapy asau milati
nikhila all; satinam of chaste ladies; vrndaih with multitudes; arundhatiArundhati; iyam she; nirundhati blocking; padavim the path; anavapta not
attained;vrata of vows; lopa transgression; lopamudra Lopamudra;api also;
asau she; milati meets.
Text 250
girbanadhipatih puloma-tanayam rddhim sakha dhurjater
Nava-vrnda: Indra, the king of the demigods, bringing his wife Sacs, the
daughter of Puloma, Siva's friend Kuvera, bringing his wife ERddhi, Surya's son
Yamaraja, bringing his wife Dhumorna, Varuna, the king of waters, bringing his
wife Gauri, Surya, bringing his wife Samjna, the daughter of Visvakarma, Marut,
bringing his wife Siva, Agni, bringing his wife Svaha, and Candra, bringing his wife
Rohini, have all come to Dvaraka.
Text 255
sairindhriyam sugandhan pranayati vividhan angaraga-prabandhan
d amany agre sudama mudita-matir asau bhuriso nirmimi t e
bhangibhir vayako 'yam rucim iha racayaty ambaranam varanam
nepathye behind the scenes; sairindhri Kubja; iyam she; sugandhanfragant; pranayati fashions; vividhan various; angaraga-prabandhan cosmetics;
damani flower garlands; agre in the presence; sudama the florist Sudama;
mudita happy;matih at heart; asau he; bhurisah many; nirmimite fashions;
bhangibhih with many waves; vayakah the tailor; ayam he; rucim splendor;
iha here; racayati creates; ambaranam of garments; varanam beautiful; purna
full; ananda withbliss; abhighurnat becoming overwhelmed; parijana with
people;gahana thick; dvaraka Dvaraka; ullalasi splendid; iti thus.
A Voice From Behing the Scenes: Kubja, made many scented cosmetics. Happy
at heart, the florist Sudama made many flower garlands. By making many beautiful
garments, the tailor created a very charming scene. Filled with people overcome
with perfect happiness, the city of Dvaraka has become very splendid and glorious.
Text 256
Lalita: Visakha, by seeing the reunion of the divine couple, your life is now allsuccessful and all perfect.
Text 257
paurnamasi: yasoda-matah. upasthito yam sarvabhisekasambharah. tad alankrityatam prathamam radhaya saha parvavedi. tatah kramena kumaribhis ca.
yasoda-matah 0 Krsna, whose mother is Yasoda; upasthitah arrived; ayamthis; sarva all; abhiseka for the abhiseka ceremony; sambharah the
paraphernalia; tat therefore; alankriyatam may be decorated; prathamamfirst;radhaya Radha; saha with; para-vedi the arena of the marriage
ceremony;tatah then; kramena one by one; kumaribhih with the girls; ca and.
Paurnamasi: Son of Yasoda, we have all the ingredients for the abhiseka
ceremony. Now the wedding arena may be decorated. Decorate it first with Radha,
and then with the other girls, one by one.
Text 258
Text 259
Radha: (blissful, She says in Sanskrit) In t his forest of Vrndavana I have found
My beautiful, charming, and affectionate gopi friends, I have found My sister
Candravali, and all her friends. I have obtained Yasoda-devi, the queen of Vraja as
My mother-in-law, and I have also attained Your company, which brings Me the
greatest happiness. What can be more pleasing to Me than all these things7
Text 260
tathapidam astu
cirad asa-matram tvayi viracayantah sthira-dhiyo
vidadhyur ye vasam madhurima-gabhire madhu-pure
dadhanah kaisore vayasi sakhitam gokula-pate
prapadyethas tesam paricayam avasyam nayanayoh
tatha api still; cirat after a long time; sa-matram yearning; tvayi for You;
viracayantah doing;sthira steady; dhiyah with intelligence; vidadhyuh do; ye
those who;vasam residence; madhura with sweetness; gabhire deep;
Still, please grant this one benediction. To those persons who reside in the
profoundly sweet land of Vrndavana and who for a long time yearn with a steady
heart to someday attain You, please 0 master of Gokula, appear before their eyes
as their youthful friend.
Text 261
kim ca
ya te lila-pada-parimalodgari-vanya-parita
dhanya ksauni vilasati vrta mathuri madhuribhih
tatrasmabhis catula-pasupi-bhava-mugdhantarabhih
samvitam tvam kalaya vadanollasi-venur viharam
kim ca furthermore; ya which; te of You; lila of transcendental pastimes;
pada places; parimala fragance; udgari emitting; vanya with forests; paritafilled;dhanya auspicious; ksauni place; vilasati splendid;vrta endowed;
mathuri the district of Mathura; madhuribhih with multitudes of sweetnessess;
tatra there; asmabhih with us;catula beautiful; pasupi gopis; bhava by love;
mugdha overwhelmed;antarabhih whose hearts; samvitah accompanied; tvam
You;kalaya please manifest; vadana at the mouth; ullasi splendid; venuh the
flute; viharam pastimes.
0 Lord who places the glistening flute to Your handsome mouth, please also
grant this benediction. In the district of Mathura, where the many forests bear the
sweet fragance of places where You enjoy pastimes, and which is auspicious,
splendid, and endowed with all kinds of sweetness, please always enjoy
transcendental pastimes with Us gopis, whose hearts are overcome with love for
Text 262
Text 263
Radha: How will that be7 (K r sna casts a concealed glance to the right.)
Note: In the preceding verse Radha asked that Krsna enjoy pastimes with Her
in Mathura (Vrndavana). Krsna immediately agreed. In this statement Radha asks:
"We are now in Dvaraka. How will we go to Vrndavana from here7"
Text 260
within Your heart. Please understand that You are in Vrndavana and Your Krsna is
standing by Your side.
Text 265
Gargi: (aside) Now the words I heard from my father's mouth have borne
Text 266
Text 267
Text 268
Radha: (smiles) Unseen by outsiders, let Us both decorate this land of Gokula
(Vrndavana) in Our original transcendental forms.
Text 269
Krsna: Beloved, so be it. Come. Let Us arrange that Your sister Candravah's
request will not have been spoken in vain. (Accompanied by everyone, They exit.)
(Everyone Exits.)
Text 1
In this play the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the hero. More handsome
than cupid, His transcendental pastimes make Him the most charming and playful
Text 2
purnam kala-catuh-sastya
laksanair bhusanair api
bhajantu srita-gandharvam
dhira lalita-madhavam
purnam filled; kala of arts; catuh-sastya with 64; laksanaih with puns;
bhusanaih and literary ornaments; api also; bhajantu may worship; sritaattained;gandharvam musical poetry; dhirah those who are intelligent and
learned; lalita-madhava Lalita-madhava.
This Lalita-Madhava is filled with the 64 arts, with puns, with various literary
ornaments, and with musical poetry. They who are learned and intelligent will
worship this Lalita-Madhava.
Text 3
sukrasya masasya tithau caturthyam
dine dinesasya harim pranamya
samapayam bhadra-vane prabandham
nanda 9; isu 5; veda 4; indu 1;mite measured; saka saka; abde year;
sukrasya May-tune; masasya of themonth; tithau day; caturthyam on the
14th; dine on the day; dinesasya of the sun; harim to Krsna; pranamyabowing; samapayam I have finished; bhadra-vane in Bhadravana; prabandhamthis book.
In the Saka year 1459 (A.D. 1537), in the month of Sukra (May-june), on
Sunday, the 14th day of the moon, after offering my respectful obeisances to Lord
Krsna, I have completed this book in the forest of Bhadravana.
Text 0
tata-sthenapi gambhire
rasa-srotasi yan maya
sarvato-mukham akirnam
tat ksamadhvam manisinah
tata on the shore; sthena staying; gambhire in the deep; rasa of nectar;
srotasi river; yat because; maya by me; sarvatah-mukham everywhere;
akirnam scattered; tat therefore; ksamadhvam may forgive; manisinah the
Standing on the shore, in all directions I have freely sprinkled the nectar water
of the stream of transcendental mellows. I pray the exalted devotees will forgive