All About Social Networking Sites
All About Social Networking Sites
All About Social Networking Sites
Networking Sites(SNS)
History ................................................................................................................................. 2
1) Advertising Model........................................................................................................... 5
References: .......................................................................................................................... 7
Social Networking has been constantly evolving in many forms for nearly a decade, but the
tremendous ballyhoo in past few years has raised the involvement substantially.
The entire concept of SNS revolves around the very basic attribute of human nature to form
groups. People tend to form small or big groups in personal and professional life, this
construct act as the keystone of SNS. SNS have germinated from being „fun‟ activity for
school/college kids to being host for a varied scoped activities ranging from people finding,
advertising, transacting, knowledge sharing, recruiting and various other business
applications. To many a people SNS are like a „Third place‟ other than office and home
where they can perform a whole range of activities which they only dreamt of in the real
SNS take many forms and there creation may be based out of different reasons like finding
friends to doing business, but in-spite of all these diversities there are a few attributes like
profile building, connecting and expressing emotions which remain common in all forms of
With the World Wide Web gaining public face in the 90‟s came into existence the concept of
online interactions. Bulletin Boards, Chat Rooms & Emails were the very first form of online
communities which people used to share personal information and knowledge. Along with
this came the technique of publishing the web page to make the internet users know about
you which heralded the blogs like WordPress, Blogger and many more. With
came the idea of virtual reunion. Then came which brought the concept of
profile building, inviting friends, organizing groups and surfing other people‟s profile. brought with it the concept of niche, demographic driven market. Within
few years of advent of 21st century came into existence the concept of „Circle of Friends‟ and
thus came into existence Friendster, LinkedIn, MySpace, Facebook , Orkut, Twitter etc.
Rising fame of SNS aroused the interest of Business community and thus started an era of
online advertising and various other business oriented features and sites came into existence.
Till now the basic attributes of SNS like profiles, identity building, community building,
network building, self publishing etc keep bringing lot of traffic to these sites and people are
enthralled by Web 2.0. Addition of Google Wave, Buzz etc proves the point that the field is
in growth phase and we can expect a lot of new features and concept related to Social
Networking like and many more coming to us in near future.
% of Users
SNS Type Prominent feature
Facebook All Generic Wall Post, Applications, Embedded
Videos and Photos, Chat.
MySpace All Generic Updates, Applications, Embedded Videos
and Photos, Chat, Celebrity Updates.
Twitter All Generic Micro blogging, Status updates in 140 or
less characters.
Orkut All Generic Scrap, Applications, Videos and Photos.
LinkedIn Working Niche Recommendations, Refer employee.
Bebo All Generic Personalized Homepage, Built-in Skype,
Video Sharing
Ning All Generic Create your SNS
Almost all of these SNS‟ are generic in nature. They provide personalized homepage, direct
ways to interact with friends (wall post, scrap), video sharing, photo sharing and various
applications. Personalized Homepages are the vivid example of Web 2.0. A user homepage is
determined by his/her friend‟s news feed, his interest and so it is dynamic in nature.
These are only the major players but there in only one ultimate player: You. Since you
created this (by using these SNS) and you play this (by providing content on regular basis),
no one can be the ultimate player except you.
Revenue Models
The Revenue models for SNS can be categorized into three types:
(1) Advertising model
(2) Subscription model
(3) Transaction model
1) Advertising Model
This model makes money from the companies who wish to advertise their products or
services on the website. The sites may either put up banners of these companies or redirect
the traffic to a particular website in which case they receive a referral fee or a percentage of
resulting revenue.
The existing users generally do not mind advertisements to a certain extent. They consider it
as a price they have to pay to get access to all the free content. To be profitable, these
websites need to have a large number of user bases. For this, increasing awareness through
advertisements is important. Another very prominent way to increase the user base is through
recommendations of the existing users.
In the U.S. alone, overall advertising spending on social networks as a proportion of total
online ad spending is expected to increase from about 2.14 percent last year to 6.82 percent in
2) Subscription Model
This Model generates revenue when users subscribe to a service or a product provided by the
site. In this model, user‟s willingness to pay is the most critical factor. This in turn depends
on the quality of the offering.
3) Transaction Model
In this model, a site earns revenue by carrying out various transactions for the user. The
transactions can be exogenous or endogenous. Endogenous transactions are the ones in which
a sites sells its own product or services. For example, Facebook sells small gifts online. Since
the contribution of each sale is not very high, the volume is required to generate enough
money. For this a large user base is important. Exogenous transaction is the one in which a
site sells third party product or services and earns a percentage of the sales.
A very important parameter in this model is the user‟s trust in the platform as well as the
peer. Enough privacy and security settings should be provided to the user to build the same.
Usually, no site uses a single revenue model. It is a combination of models in most cases.
Below is the list of popular networking sites and the models they use to generate revenue: