Fascinating Triangular Numbers
Fascinating Triangular Numbers
Fascinating Triangular Numbers
The numbers which can be arranged in a compact triangular pattern are termed as triangular numbers.
The triangular numbers are formed by partial sum of the series 1+2+3+4+5+6+7......+n. So
T1 = 1
T2 = 1 + 2 = 3
T3 = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6
T4 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
So the nth triangular number can be obtained as Tn = n*(n+1)/2, where n is any natural number.In other
words triangular numbers form the series 1,3,6,10,15,21,28.....
Flocks of birds often fly in this triangular formation. Even several airplanes when flying together
constitute this formation. The properties of such numbers were first studied by ancient Greek
mathematicians, particularly the Pythagoreans.
Have you heard of the following famous story about the famous mathematician Carl F. Gauss.
" The teacher asked everyone in the class to find the sum of all the numbers from 1 to 100. To
everybody's surprise, Gauss stood up with the answer 5050 immediately. The teacher asked him as to
how it was done. Gauss explained that instead of adding all the numbers from 1 to 100, add first and
last term i.e. 1 + 100 =101, then add second and second last term i.e. 2 + 99 =101 and so on. Every
pair sum is 101 and their will be 50 such pairs ( total 100 numbers in all to be added), so 101 * 50 =
5050 is the answer. So the sum of numbers from 1 to N is (N/2)*(N+1), where N/2 are the number of
pairs and N+1 is sum of each pair. This the famous formula for n th triangular number."
(AMRIK S NIMBRAN from Patna, Bihar submitted vide his email dated 21 Dec 2011 that "It took me some time
to locate the proof of the impossibility of any other square triangular number beside 1 and 36 which is square of a
triangular number, The source of proof is: L. J. Mordel, Diophantine Equations, 1969, Academic Press, London,
Theorem 7, pp. 268-269).
The numbers in the sequence 1, 11, 111, 1111, 11111,...etc. are all triangular numbers in base 9.
The only triangular number which is also a prime is 3.
Palindromic Triangular Numbers: Some of the many triangular numbers, which are also
palindromic ( i.e. reading the same forward as well as backward) are 1, 3, 6, 55, 66, 171, 595,
666, 3003, 5995, 8778, 15051, 66066, 617716, 828828, 1269621, 1680861, 3544453, 5073705,
5676765, 6295926, 351335153, 61477416, 178727871, 1264114621, 1634004361 etc. These
can be termed as palindromic triangular numbers. There are 28 Palindromic Triangular
numbers below 1010. For more on these numbers visit Patrick De Geest
Reversible Triangular Numbers: Some of the many triangular numbers, whose reversals are
also triangular numbers are
1264114621,1382301910,1634004361,1775275491,1945725771 etc. These can be termed
as Reversible triangular numbers. Note that all palindromic triangular numbers mentioned
above are special case of reversible triangular numbers.
Square Triangular Numbers: There are infinitely many triangular numbers, which are also
squares as given by the series 1, 36, 1225, 41616, 1413721, 48024900, 1631432881,
55420693056 etc. These can be termed as Square triangular(ST) numbers. The nth Square
Triangular number Kn can easily be obtained from the recursive formula
Kn = 34 * Kn-1 - Kn-2 + 2.
So knowing the first two ST numbers i.e. K1 = 1 and K2 = 36 , all other successive Square
Triangular numbers can be obtained , e.g.
K3 = 34 * K2 - K1 + 2 = 34 * 36 -1 + 2 = 1225
K4 = 34 * K3 - K2 + 2 = 34 * 1225 - 36 + 2 = 41616
The following non- recursive formula also gives n th Square Triangular number in terms of
variable n.
Kn = [{(1 + 2)2n - (1 - 2)2n}/(4*2)]2
It is interesting to note that digital root of all EVEN Square Triangular Numbers i.e. 36,
41616, 48024900, 55420693056 .. etc is always 9 and digital root of all ODD Square
Triangular Numbers i.e. 1, 1225, 1413721, 1631432881, ... etc is always 1. Also Square
Triangular Numbers can never end in 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 or 9.
There are pairs of triangular numbers such that the sum and difference of numbers in each pair
are also triangular numbers e.g. (15, 21), (105, 171), (378, 703), (780, 990), (1485, 4186),
(2145, 3741), (5460, 6786), (7875, 8778)... etc.:
21 + 15 = 36 = T8 : 21 - 15 = 6 = T3
171 + 105 = 276 = T23 : 171 - 105 = 66 = T11
703 + 378 = 1081 = T46 : 703 - 378 = 325 = T25
and so on.
76636, 78210, 79401, 79800, 80200,81810, 88410, 89676, 90100, 93096, 93528, 97020,
100128, 101025, 103740, 105111, 105570 etc.
Happy Triangular Numbers:
If you iterate the process of summing the squares of the decimal digits of a number and if
the process terminates in 1, then the original number is called a Happy number. For
example 7 -> 49 -> 97 -> 130 -> 10 -> 1.
A Happy Triangular Number is defined as a Triangular number which is also a Happy
number. For example, consider a triangular number 946, where 946 -> 133 -> 19 -> 82 ->
68 -> 100 -> 1. So 946 is a Happy triangular Number. Other examples of Happy
Triangular Numbers are :
1, 10, 28, 91, 190, 496, 820, 946, 1128, 1275, 2080, 2211, 2485, 3321, 4278, 8128, 8256, 8778,
9591, 9730, 11476, 12090, 12880, 13203, 13366, 13530, 15753, 16471, 17205, 17578, 20910,
21115, 21321, 22791, 24753, 25651, 27261, 29890, 30135, 31626, 33670, 35245, 36046,
41328, 43660, 43956, 44253, 46360, 47586, 48205, 50721, 53301, 53956, 54615, 55278,
56280, 56953, 58311, 61425, 62128, 66430, 69378, 69751, 70125, 75855, 76245, 77815,
79003, 80200, 81810, 82621, 84666, 87571, 90100, 90951, 93961, 99681, 100128, 101025,
102831, 103285, 105570, 107416, 110215, 117370, 119316, 122760, 123256, 123753, 126253,
127260, 129286, 130305 etc.
The only Fibonacci Numbers that are also triangular are 1, 3, 21 and 55.
The only triangular Numbers that are also repdigit are 55, 66 and 666.
3 is the only triangular Number that is also a Fermat Number.
Every Hexagonal number is a triangular number.
Every pentagonal number is one-third of a triangular number.
If M is a Mersenne prime then Mth triangular number is a perfect number.
The sum of reciprocals of triangular numbers converges to 2:
1 + 1/3 + 1/6 + 1/10 + 1/15 + 1/21 + 1/28 + 1/36 + 1/45 + ....= 2
There are many pairs of triangular numbers Ta and Tb (where Ta > 1 and Tb > and Ta is
not equal to Tb) such that their product Ta*Tb is a Perfect Square. For example:
T2 * T24 = 3 * 300 = 900 = 302
T2 * T242 = 3 * 29403 = 88209 = 2972
T3 * T48 = 6 * 1176 = 7056 = 842
T6 * T168 = 21 * 14196 = 298116 = 5462
T11 * T528 = 66 * 139656 = 9217296 = 30362
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1
1 9 36 84 126 126 84 36 9 1
One example of a Pythagorean triangle (a,b,c) where a, b, c are triangular numbers is
(8778, 10296, 13530)
87782 + 102962 = 135302
(T132)2 + (T143)2 = (T164)2
Can you find other examples ? For more visit Carlos Rivera.
T8 + T35 + T23 = T9 + T21 + T36
8 + 35 + 23 = 9 + 21 + 36
Sum of Consecutive Triangular Numbers:
T28 + T29 + T30 + ... + T34 = T83
T118 + T119 + T120 + ... + T128 = T322
T16 + T17 + T18 + T19 = 2*T25
T103 + T104 + T105 + T106 = 2*T148
Observe this pattern of infinite triangular numbers.
T10 = T5+5 = 55
T100 = T50+50 = 5050
T1000 = T500+500 = 500500
T10000 = T5000+5000 = 50005000
T100000 = T50000+50000 = 5000050000
and so on.
and so on.
93528,94830,96580,97020,98346 and 98790.
Numbers such that s(n), the sum of aliquot divisors of n, is less than n are called Deficient
numbers. If n is a triangular number then it can be termed as Deficient Triangular
Number . For example 21 is a triangular number and s(21) = 1 + 3 + 7 = 11, which is less
than 21. So 21 is a Deficient Triangular number.
All Deficient Triangular numbers below 105 are:
94395,95266,95703,96141,97461,97903,99235 and 99681.
Curious Sum of Two Triangular Numbers.
Take an example of a 10-digit Triangular number 1061444835. It can be seen that this
triangular number is the sum of the 10614th and 44835th triangular numbers. So the sum
of two triangular numbers is equal to the number formed from concatenation of index of
these two triangular numbers.
T10614 + T44835 = 1061444835
Other examples are:
T90 + T415 = 90415
T585 + T910 = 585910
T120 + T1545 = 1201545
T150 + T1726 = 1501726
T244 + T2196 = 2442196
T700 + T3676 = 7003676
and so on.
There are infinite number of pairs (a,b) of positive integers such that 2 * Ta=Tb where a
and b are integers and Tn is the nth triangular number.
2 * T2 = T3 = 6
2 * T14 = T20 = 210
2 * T84 = T119 = 7140
2 * T492 = T696 = 242556
2 * T2870 = T4059 = 8239770
2 * T16730 = T23660 = 279909630
2 * T97512 = T137903 = 9508687656
2 * T568344 = T803760 = 323015470680
2 * T3312554 = T4684659 = 10973017315470
2 * T19306982 = T27304196 = 372759573255306 etc.
With a0 = 0 and b0 = 0 , the following recursive equations can give further values of a and
an=3 * an-1 + 2 * bn-1 + 2
bn=4 * an-1 + 3 * bn-1 + 3
(submitted by Mr Roy Blatchford vide his email dated 17 Mar 2011).
Can anybody find similar recursive equations for pairs (a,b) of positive integers such that 3 *
Ta=Tb ?.
Cubes from Triangular Numbers :
6 * ( T1 + T2 + T3) + 4 = 43
6 * ( T1 + T2 + T3 + T4) + 5 = 53
6 * ( T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 + T5) + 6 = 63
6 * ( T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 + T5 + T6) + 7 = 73
6 * ( T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 + T5 + ...... + Tn-1) + n = n3
(submitted by Don Davis vide his email dated 20 June 2013).
If you find any new and interesting observation about triangular numbers,
please email me.
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