Calatayud Et Al.,2014 (Bench Press and Push-Ups at Comparable EMG Levels Strength Gains)

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Laboratory of Physical Activity and Health, Department of Physical Education and Sports, University of Valencia, Valencia,
Spain; and 2National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark



Calatayud, J, Borreani, S, Colado, JC, Martin, F, Tella, V, and

Andersen, LL. Bench press and push-up at comparable levels of
muscle activity results in similar strength gains. J Strength Cond
Res 29(1): 246253, 2015Electromyography (EMG) exercise
evaluation is commonly used to measure the intensity of muscle
contraction. Although researchers assume that biomechanically
comparable resistance exercises with similar high EMG levels will
produce similar strength gains over the long term, no studies have
actually corroborated this hypothesis. This study evaluated EMG
levels during 6 repetition maximum (6RM) bench press and pushup, and subsequently performed a 5-week training period where
subjects were randomly divided into 3 groups (i.e., 6RM bench
press group, 6RM elastic band push-up group, or control group)
to evaluate muscle strength gains. Thirty university students with
advanced resistance training experience participated in the 2-part
study. During the training period, exercises were performed using
the same loads and variables that were used during the EMG
data collection. At baseline, EMG amplitude showed no significant difference between 6RM bench press and band push-up.
Significant differences among the groups were found for percent
change (D) between pretest and posttest for 6RM (p = 0.017)
and for 1 repetition maximum (1RM) (p , 0.001). Six repetition
maximum bench press group and 6RM elastic band push-up
group improved their 1RM and 6RM (D ranging from 13.65 to
22.21) tests significantly with similar gains, whereas control
group remains unchanged. Thus, when the EMG values are comparable and the same conditions are reproduced, the aforementioned exercises can provide similar muscle strength gains.

KEY WORDS electromyography, elastic bands, intensity,

resistance training, 6RM

Address correspondence to Juan C. Colado, [email protected].

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
2015 National Strength and Conditioning Association



he bench press and the push-up are 2 classic push

exercises for strengthening the upper body (7,18) also
used to asses maximal muscular strength (7) or muscular endurance (2,20,24), respectively. In addition,
the biomechanical similarities between these exercises have been
established several years ago (8). Although the bench press usually requires expensive equipment, the push-up can be performed
anywhere. The advantage of bench press is the possibility for
low, moderate, and high training intensities, whereas load during
traditional push-up is determined by body weight (8).
Intensity is cardinal in training progressions (18), and high
intensities (.80% of 1 repetition maximum [1RM]) are recommended to maximize muscular strength gains in advanced
lifters (3). Performing push-ups with bodyweight only is
unlikely to provide sufficient training stimulus in advanced
trainees. Thus, added resistance may be needed for push-ups
to be effective beyond the initial training stage. Because of
their low cost, adaptability, and portability (26), elastic resistance has become a feasible alternative to traditional resistance training (31). Furthermore, elastic resistance proved
effective in inducing comparable electromyography (EMG)
levels as those achieved with free weights or training machines during lower-body (22,23,26) and upper-extremity
resistance exercises (1,4). Hence, added elastic resistance
may be sufficient for effective high-intensity push-up training.
Electromyography exercise evaluation is frequently used
to examine the intensity of muscular activity (4,5,27) and
consequently estimate the effectiveness of different exercises.
Heavy resistance exercise induces relatively high levels of
muscle activity (5,27), which over a training period induce
muscle strength gains (27) and may improve athletic performance, musculoskeletal health, and alter body aesthetics
(19). Thus, researchers generally assume that exercises with
higher EMG levels provide greater muscle strength gains
during a training period (5,6,16). Indeed, despite the percentage of maximal activity is influenced by several variables (14),
it is considered that the level of EMG activation should reach
60% to induce muscle strength and structural adaptation (5).
This assumption has been used during years in several articles


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Figure 1. Study scheme. 1RM = 1 repetition maximum; 6RM = 6 repetition maximum; EMG = electromyography.

where exercises with EMG values over this threshold were

considered as effective to promote muscle strength adaptations
(6,16,32,33). Likewise, biomechanically comparable exercises
that yield similar EMG levels are assumed to be equally effective
and capable of producing similar strength gains (4,8). However,
previous studies have been conducted to analyze either EMG
values or to evaluate muscle strength gains after an exercise
program rather than integrating both pathways, so the effects
of applying an exercise with a certain percentage of maximum
voluntary isometric contraction (%MVIC) in the same subjects is
only an assumption. Hence, no studies have evaluated muscle
activity during a given exercise and subsequently performed
a training program to corroborate these hypotheses. Therefore,
the purpose of this study was twofold: (a) to evaluate the EMG
levels during 6 repetition maximum (6RM) bench press and
push-up and (b) to evaluate the strength gains after a training
period with either the bench press or push-ups with the same
loads and variables (i.e., intensity, volume, rest, exercise technique, and speed of movement) that were used during the data
collection. We hypothesized that the 6RM bench press and the
6RM push-ups would induce similar EMG levels. In addition,
we hypothesized that these exercises also would lead to similar
muscle strength gains after the training program.

exercises as a %MVIC, subjects took part in a repeated

measures design assessment. In the first 2 sessions, the
subjects were familiarized with the protocol; in the third
session, they performed a 1RM, and in the fourth session,
they performed two 6RM with EMG data collection.
Surface EMG signals were recorded from the muscles:
sternocostal head of the pectoralis major (PEC) and anterior
deltoid (ADELT). The data obtained were normalized by
using the mean root mean square (RMS) values during the
MVIC and expressed as a percentage of the maximum
EMG. Afterward, to examine the second aim of the study
and determine the effectiveness of the exercises that were
previously measured through EMG, subjects took part in
a randomized control trial, performing a 5-week training
program of either bench press or push-ups with the same loads
and variables that were used during the data collection. Finally,
the subjects performed 1RM and 6RM bench press tests in
separate sessions. The study design attempted to answer the
following research question: Do 2 biomechanically comparable exercisesthe push-up and bench pressperformed at the
same relative intensity, as defined by relative EMG amplitude,
result in similar strength gains? A visual of the design is presented in Figure 1.



Experimental Approach to the Problem

Thirty volunteers participated in a 2-part study. To examine

the first aim of the study and determine the intensity of the

Young university students (22 men and 8 women ranging from

19 to 27 years old) voluntarily participated in this study. Subject
characteristics are presented in Table 1. All subjects had


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Similar Muscle Activity, Similar Strength Gains

experience using the bench press or the push-up, and they had
experience in the use of elastic resistance during the push-up
exercise since they used this variation in a previous study conducted in the same laboratory. Before beginning with the
study, they were not involved in a training program using
6RM loads so they were not familiarized with such intensity.
However, participants training status was considered advanced
according to the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) classification, since they had a minimum of 1
year of resistance training experience, performing at least 3
sessions per week at moderate/high intensity, and they were
currently training (7). No significant differences between the
training status and the 1RM and 6RM baseline loads were
reported among the different groups (Table 1).
None of the participants were taking any medications or
anabolic steroids that could influence in the outcomes, and
none of the participants had musculoskeletal pain, neuromuscular disorders, or any form of joint or bone disease. All
participants signed an institutional informed consent form
before starting the protocol, and the institutions review
board approved the study. All procedures described in this
section comply with the requirements listed in the 1975
Declaration of Helsinki and its amendment in 2008.

activity more intense than daily activities 24 hours before the

exercises. They were instructed to sleep more than 8 hours
the night before data collection.
During the training period, all the subjects were asked to
maintain their normal diet and their usual sport practices,
avoiding additional activity or changes in the training program
that could influence the results so they had to maintain the
volume and the training intensity that were using before
beginning their participation in the study. In addition, the 2
intervention groups were asked to refrain from additional
training involving the PEC or pushing movements. In
addition, they were instructed to consume water ad lib during
the exercise performance to ensure hydration (28).
Familiarization Session. During the familiarization sessions, the
participants were familiarized with the different exercises,
movement amplitude, body position, and cadence of movement that would later be used during data collection.
Participants practiced the exercises until they felt confident,
and the researcher was satisfied with their technical execution.
Moreover, height (IP0955; Invicta Plastics Limited, Leicester,
England), body mass, body fat percentages (Tanita model BF350; Tanita, Tokyo, Japan), and biacromial width were obtained
according to the protocols used in previous studies (20).


Each participant took part in 16 sessions in the following

order: 2 familiarization sessions, a 1RM bench press test
session, two 6RM tests with EMG data collection, 10
training sessions, a post-1RM bench press estimation
session, and lastly a post-6RM bench press estimation
session. These sessions were performed at the same time
during the morning (i.e., between 9 AM and 1 PM), separated
by 2 days. The same investigators performed all measurements, and the procedures were always conducted in the
same facility at 208 C. The study was done during February
to March 2013.
Several restrictions were imposed on the volunteers before
the sessions: no food, drinks, or stimulants (e.g., caffeine) to
be consumed 3 hours before the sessions and no physical

One Repetition Maximum Strength Testing Sessions. Before the

1RM test, subjects performed mobility drills without ballistic
movements to warm up. The testing sessions were separated
by 2 days. The estimation of the 1RM during the bench
press in the Smith machine was performed according to the
NSCAs protocol (7). The same bench press technique was
used on all test and training sessions. Three to 5 attempts
were used to measure each 1RM to avoid fatigue and compromise the accuracy of the test (21). Subjects were positioned supine with the head and trunk supported by the
bench, the knees bent, the feet flat on the bench, the elbow
flexed 908, and the shoulder abducted 458. A standardized
grip width of biacromial width distance +50% was measured
(distance in centimeters between the tips of right and left

TABLE 1. Subjects characteristics.*

Elastic band
Bench press




7; F = 3
8; F = 2
7; F = 3
22; F = 8

Age (y)


Height (cm) Weight (kg) Body fat (%)










experience (y)


*Data are expressed as mean (SD).




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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

Figure 2. Six repetition maximum elastic-resisted push-up test.

third digits) and used in every session and condition. At the

same time, a researcher was located at the head end of the
bench during the test to help in raising the bar on a failed
attempt and to help the participant place the bar back on the
rack (21). After the 5-week training period, the 1RM test was
performed similarly to the pretraining test to examine the
strength gains.
Six Repetition Maximum Strength Testing Sessions and Electromyography Data Collection. The 2 pre-6RM estimations and
the EMG data collection were performed in the same
session. The protocol started with a light warm-up, where
each subject performed 5 minutes of mobility drills without
ballistic movements. Then, the protocol continued with the
preparation of participants skin, and followed by electrode
placement, MVIC collection, and exercise performance. Hair
was removed with a razor from the skin overlying the
muscles of interest, and the skin was then cleaned by rubbing
with cotton wool dipped in alcohol for the subsequent electrode placement, positioned according to the recommendations of Cram et al. (14) on the sternocostal head of the
pectoralis major (PEC) and anterior deltoid (ADELT), on
the dominant side of the body. Pregelled bipolar silver/silver
chloride surface electrodes (Blue Sensor M-00-S; Medicotest,
Olstykke, Denmark) were placed with an interelectrode distance of 25 mm. The reference electrode was placed approximately 10 cm from the electrode pair, according to the
manufacturers specifications. Participants then performed
1 standard push-up on the floor to check signal saturation.
All signals were acquired at a sampling frequency of 1 kHz,
amplified, and converted from analog to digital. All EMG
signals were stored on a hard drive for later analysis. To


acquire the surface EMG signals produced during exercise,

an ME6000P8 (Mega Electronics, Ltd., Kuopio, Finland) biosignal conditioner was used.
Before the test described
below, two 5-second MVICs
were performed for each muscle, and the trial with the highest EMG was selected (4).
Participants performed 1 practice trial to ensure that they
understood the task. Oneminute rest was given between
each MVIC, and standardized
verbal encouragement was
provided to motivate all participants to achieve maximal
muscle activation. Positions
for the MVICs were performed
according to standardized procedures, chosen based on commonly used muscle testing
positions for the (a) PEC (8,30) and (b) ADELT (17) and
were performed against a fixed immovable resistance (i.e.,
Smith machine). Specifically: (a) bench press with the previously mentioned technique and (b) shoulder flexion at 908
in a seated position, an erect posture with no back support.
At the end of the MVICs, subjects were rested during
3 minutes and were assigned to the 6RM push-up testing or
the 6RM bench press in a counterbalanced order. Both tests
were performed separated by 10 minutes of rest and were
performed with the aforementioned bench press technique.
In addition, a 2:2 ratio (i.e., 2-second rate for descent and 2second rate for ascent) was maintained by a 30-Hz
metronome (Ableton Live 6; Ableton AG, Berlin, Germany)
to standardize speed of movement. Visual and verbal
feedback was given to the participants to maintain the range
of movement and hand distance during the data collection.
A trial was discarded and repeated if participants were unable
to perform the exercise with the correct technique and
cadence. If this occurred, the last EMG recording was deleted.
The set when the 6RM was achieved was recorded to analyze
EMG data. The 6RM tests were determined in 35 attempts,
and rest periods between attempts were progressively increased
from 1 to 4 minutes according to an established 1RM bench
press protocol (7).
For the 6RM bench press testing, 3 warm-up sets were
performed on a stable bench in the Smith machine: (a) 20
repetitions at 25% of the previously estimated 1RM, (b) 10
repetitions at 50% of 1RM, and (c) 8 repetitions at 70% of
1RM (7). After these sets, load was estimated and adjusted
for the subjects to reach their 6RM. The rationale for using
the Smith machine was the absence of muscle activity differences for anterior deltoid and pectoralis major during the


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Similar Muscle Activity, Similar Strength Gains

the test was also used during
the training program by the
TABLE 2. Mean and peak muscle activation between conditions (n = 30).*
6RM bench press group. The
training program had a freMean (%MVIC)
Peak (%MVIC)
quency of 2 sessions per week,
conducted on Mondays and
Wednesdays with each session
Elastic bands
52.90 (2.55)
62.32 (2.87)
139.73 (6.87)
139.69 (6.10)
lasting approximately 25 miBench press
52.70 (1.85)
59.53 (3.54)
139.98 (6.66)
139.28 (7.70)
nutes. Each session comprised
*%MVIC = percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction; PEC = sternocostal
5 sets of 6 repetitions with the
head of the pectoralis major; DELT = anterior deltoid.
same load/resistance that was
Data are expressed as a mean (SEM) in percentage of the MVICs.
used to reach the 6RM during
the EMG session and was
maintained during all training
free weight bench and the Smith machine bench press,
sessions. Moreover, the same rest, speed of movement,
regardless of load or the experience level of the subjects (29).
exercise technique, and grip width than in the previous
For the 6RM push-up test, elastic resistance was prosessions were used. Rest between sets was maintained in
gressively increased by adding the required number of bands
4 minutes during all the training period to maintain the
until the subjects were able to perform only 6 reps. Therarequired number of repetitions on each set without reducBand elastic band (Hygenic Corporation, Akron, OH, USA)
tions in the established load/resistance (15). All the training
of the colors blue, silver, and gold were used and combined to
sessions were supervised by a certified strength and condireach the 6RM push-up. The elastic band grip was performed
tioning specialist accredited and a research assistant. The
at 0.70 m of the total band length. A research assistant helped
control group was instructed to perform their usual tasks
the participants placing the band behind their back with the
during the intervention period.
aforementioned length. Then, participants stretched the band
Statistical Analyses
to perform the exercise with the proper grip width (i.e.,
All surface EMG signal analyses were performed using
biacromial width distance +50%). During the 6RM push-up
Matlab 7.0 (Mathworks, Inc., Natick, MA, USA). Surface
testing, participants started the exercise in an extended arm
EMG signals related to isometric exercises were analyzed by
position with forearms and wrists pronated, feet at biacromial
using the 3 middle seconds of the 5-second isometric
(shoulder) width, and fingers flexed. Hip and spine were
contraction. The EMG signals of the dynamic exercises
maintained neutral during all the repetitions. Figure 2 shows
were analyzed by taking the average of the entire 6
the 6RM elastic-resisted push-up.
repetitions. All signals were bandpass filtered at a 20- to
After testing, subjects were randomly divided into 3
400-Hz cutoff frequency with a fourth-order Butterworth
groups (6RM bench press group, 6RM elastic band pushfilter. Surface EMG amplitude in the time domain was
up group, or control group) and initiated the 5-week training
quantified by using RMS and processed every 100 milliprogram.
seconds. Mean and peak RMS values were selected for every
trial and normalized to the maximum EMG (%MVIC).
Training Period. During the training period, all variables were
Mean values of the %MVIC of the ADELT and PEC were
established and controlled to exhaustively mimic the EMG
calculated and analyzed. Statistical analysis was accomsession. Thus, the same Smith machine that was used during
plished using SPSS version 19
(SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
All variables were found to be
TABLE 3. Bench press 6RM (kg) at baseline and after 5 weeks.*
normally distributed (ShapiroPretest
D (%)
p interaction
Wilk normality test) before
data analysis. Results are reControl 52.51 (20.49) 53.59 (19.87)
2.72 (0.08)
ported as mean 6 SE. StatistiElastic 53.20 (13.59) 62.57 (11.51)z 21.04 (0.22) ,0.001
cal comparisons for muscle
Bench 57.70 (18.45) 69.95 (21.07)z 22.21 (0.13) ,0.001
activation between the condipress
tions were performed using
paired sample t-tests. The
*6RM = 6 repetition maximum.
Data are expressed as mean (SD).
training-related effects were aszSignificant difference to baseline.
sessed using repeated measures
Different (p # 0.05) from control group.
2-way analysis of variance (factors: group and time). In




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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research


also were transformed in comparable muscle strength gains

TABLE 4. Bench press 1RM (kg) at baseline and after 5 weeks.*
after a short-term resistance program. In addition, since EMG
D (%)
p interaction
levels below the threshold of
Control 64.45 (26.82) 65.57 (27.48)
1.68 (0.02)
60% MVIC has been considered
Elastic 66.75 (13.71) 75.33 (13.98)z 13.65 (0.14) ,0.001
ineffective to produce strength
adaptations (5), another relevant
Bench 70.64 (20.05) 83.70 (23.57)z 19.84 (0.20) ,0.001
and novel finding in our study is
that lower EMG values (i.e.,
*1RM = 1 repetition maximum.
52% MVIC) induced a highData are expressed as mean (SD).
zSignificant difference to baseline.
intensity stimulus, which were
Different (p # 0.05) from control group.
adequate to produce muscle
strength gains.
In line with our findings,
addition, 1-way independent analysis of variance was used to
Kraemer et al. (25) found that elastic bands were capable
of providing a heavy resistance stimulus during a training
assess percent change (D) differences among the 3 different
program. In the same vein, some studies were conducted
groups. Post hoc analysis with Bonferroni correction was
to compare adaptations between elastic vs. other resistance
used in the case of significant main effects. Significance
training methods. For instance, short-term training program
was accepted when p # 0.05.
showed the efficacy of elastic resistance to produce compaRESULTS
rable strength adaptations to those obtained from weight
machines among sedentary middle-aged woman (11). A
PEC (mean: p = 0.927; peak: p = 0.968) and DELT (mean:
resistance training program using elastic resistance or weight
p = 0.244; peak: p = 0.934) EMG values showed no significant
machines and free weights demonstrated also equivalent isodifference between the 6RM bench press and the 6RM pushmetric force improvements among fit young women (10).
up. Results are reported in Table 2. No significant differences
Moreover, Colado et al. (12) found comparable improvehave been found between groups at baseline. In regard of the
ments in body composition, physical fitness, and blood
intervention results, there were significant interactions in the
chemistry after 24 weeks in which middle-aged women were
6RM (p = 0.007) and 1RM (p , 0.001) tests. Significant differinvolved in elastic resistance training program or a waterences among the groups have been found for percent change
based strength training program. In this regard, we found
(D) for 6 RM (p = 0.017) and for 1 RM (p , 0.001). Six
that the elastic-resisted push-up group and the bench press
repetition maximum bench press group and 6RM elastic band
group improved their 6RM bench press test and their 1RM
push-up group improved their 1RM and 6RM tests signifibench press test to a similar extent.
cantly with similar gains, whereas control group remains
Our results show that biomechanically comparable exerunchanged. Results are reported in Tables 3 and 4.
cises yield similar EMG levels and muscle strength gains
when they are performed under the same conditions, that is,
intensity, volume, rest, exercise technique, and speed of
This is the first study combining EMG exercise evaluation with
movement. Greater strength improvements could be exa subsequent training period to compare strength gains between
pected due to a possible greater training transference in the
2 different resistance exercises performed with similar intensity,
bench press group since they were tested and trained in the
volume, rest, exercise technique, and speed of movement. Our
same exercise and the same Smith machine. In addition,
study shows that push-ups with added elastic resistance induces
there are some differences between the exercises that could
similar high levels of muscle activity and strength gains as the
have influenced the results. For example, the performance of
more popular Smith machine bench press.
the bench press in the Smith machine provides a stable
In our study, the 6RM bench press and the 6RM push-up
condition (29) and allows a less natural weight lifting than
induced equally activation for the PEC and DELT. In line with
nonguided variations (13). However, our results suggest that
this, elastic resistance and dumbbells showed comparable levels
these differences between the exercises seem to have less
of muscle activation during several assistance exercises that
importance than the biomechanical similarities. Indeed,
target neck, shoulder, forearm (4), biceps brachii (1), and quaddespite strength improvements are dependent of the specific
riceps (26) muscles. A relationship between similar muscle actiexercise that is performed (19), the biomechanical similarivation and similar muscle strength adaptations has been
ties during the both exercises that were performed in our
assumed for years in EMG studies (4,8), although their verifistudy (8) could explain the muscle strength transference that
cation through a resistance training intervention remained unwas achieved during the bench press test after an elasticinvestigated. Thus, the main finding in our study was that the
resisted push-up training program.
comparable levels of muscle activation during both exercises


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Similar Muscle Activity, Similar Strength Gains

A previous study failed to report improvements in the
1RM bench press and the push-up endurance muscular test
after a push-up training program (9). Nevertheless, in that
study, the training intensity may not have been high enough
to produce strength adaptations in advanced lifters. Our
study demonstrated that the push-up may reach an adequate
intensity to induce muscle strength adaptations with the use
of additional elastic resistance in advanced participants.
The data provided may not be extrapolated to other
populations, with other exercises involving different conditions or muscles. Furthermore, the use of a periodization
fashion could lead to different results, despite we considered
that for our purpose, the performance of the same variables
during all the training program was needed to mimic the
EMG test session. Additionally, it should be taken into
account that the %MVIC is influenced by several variables
like the normalization technique that is used for the MVICs
(14,17) and thus, it is difficult to use a concrete muscle activation threshold and establish comparisons between muscle
activation levels across different studies.
The 5 weeks of training was sufficient to induce strength
improvements likely due to neurological adaptations (3,19).
Nevertheless, Future studies should compare the effectiveness of the 2 training methods, especially in longer training
programs and should investigate the relationship between
EMG and strength adaptations to improve the practical
application of the EMG studies. However, to the best of
our knowledge, this is the first study aiming to estimate
the muscle strength adaptations by integrating and applying
the EMG measurements with a subsequent training program. Importantly, our study validates the use of EMG to
select effective resistance exercises to promote strength gains
in trained individuals.

Elastic-resisted push-ups induce similar muscle activations levels
and strength gains as the bench press when these exercises are
performed under the same conditions (i.e., intensity, volume,
rest, exercise technique, and speed of movement). Hence, when
the same conditions are reproduced and the aforementioned
exercises reach the required intensity, comparable EMG values
result in comparable muscle strength gains.
The push-up exercise with added elastic resistance provide a feasible and cost-effective option that may be
performed anywhere and may be used as an alternative to
traditional bench press exercise to provide a high-intensity
stimulus in the prime movers involved in the action and
produce maximal strength adaptations. Physical therapists
and strength and conditioning specialists may use this
information to select or include one of the both exercises
performed during a resistance training program. Practitioners must be aware that even EMG values below 60%
MVIC can produce a high-intensity stimulus and the
assumption of this threshold could lead to under/overestimate the results and thus provide wrong conclusions.



These data provide information that may have direct

implications in athletic performance and musculoskeletal
health and contribute to improve the criterion to select
optimal exercises when only EMG data are available.

The authors gratefully thank the participants for their
contribution and their great enthusiasm during the study.
The authors did not receive financial support for this study,
they have no professional relationship with the equipment
used during this study, and there are no known conflicts of
interest associated with this publication that could have
influenced its outcome. The results of this study do not
constitute endorsement of the device by the authors or the
National Strength and Conditioning Association.

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