Anchorage Devices
f o r Or t h o d o n t i c s
Bernard J. Costello, DMD, MD, FACSa,*,
Ramon L. Ruiz, DMD, MDb,c,
Joseph Petrone, DMD, MDS, MPHd,
Jacqueline Sohn, DMD, MDSe
Miniscrews Orthodontic mechanics
Skeletal anchorage Temporary anchorage devices
Those patients who have more significant discrepancies, however, require additional techniques.
This is most evident to the oral and maxillofacial
surgeon when one examines patients with
moderate to severe skeletal discrepancies.
Patients with occlusal discrepancies beyond
what can be managed with standard orthodontic
therapy are usually treated with techniques that
include growth modification or orthognathic
surgery in combination with comprehensive orthodontic therapy. Presently, patients with mild to
moderate discrepancies may benefit from skeletal
anchorage devices to compensate further for
malocclusions that were not previously correctable using conventional orthodontic mechanics.
Additionally, a variety of problems encountered
by the orthodontist on a regular basis are now
more efficiently treated with skeletal anchorage
as an adjunct to traditional mechanics.
This article discusses the recent advances and
basic concepts of skeletal anchorage devices of
various types and reviews the current literature
on their use. A primer on orthodontic mechanics
is required to treat patients with skeletal
anchorage devices adequately, and the reader is
encouraged to review principles of orthodontic
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, 3471 5th
Avenue, Suite 1112, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Arnold Palmer Childrens Hospital,
Orlando, FL, USA
University of Central Florida College of Medicine, Orlando, FL, USA
Department of Orthodontics, University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Private practice, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Costello et al
mechanics in conjunction with this article. Much
like the concepts introduced during the beginnings
of orthognathic dentofacial teams, treatment that
uses skeletal anchorage requires interdisciplinary
collaboration and planning with regular interaction,
continuing education, and a regular review of the
latest relevant literature. Additionally, frequent
communication between orthodontist and oral
and maxillofacial surgeon is necessary to achieve
superior results.
Costello et al
Fig. 2. An example of indirect anchorage using somewhat complicated palatal mechanics. The left first
molar is tied with a ligature wire to a temporary anchor
screw providing absolute anchorage. The right
segment is planned to move distally, so an elastic chain
is threaded from the hook behind the first bicuspid on
the transpalatal bar. The final result is distalization of
the entire right segment, a vector of force that is traditionally difficult or impossible to achieve with standard
mechanics. (Data from Anka G. In: Nanda R, editor.
Temporary anchorage devices in orthodontics. St Louis:
Elsevier; 2008. p. 199.)
typically is approximately 0.6 mm. The attachments come in a variety of designs. The authors
prefer an attachment that allows for placement of
a ligature, elastomer chain, or wire. Although
a number of entities manufacture screws, it is
important to consider the quality of the titanium
alloy used and the highly engineered aspects of
the screw. Poorly made devices are prone to fracture, and as such it is recommended that surgeons
use devices with proved use in these indications.
Devices should
Be designed for the purpose of skeletal
orthodontic anchorage
Have a very high quality of manufacturing
with standardized quality control
Have an appropriate pitch thread to ideally
engage bone
Have the appropriate core and external
diameter to withstand orthodontic forces
in maxillary and mandibular bone
Be designed well at the runout and shafthead interface to avoid fracture.
Screws that are smaller than 1.5 mm tend to fail
much more often, and are not recommended for
indications that require significant force. Additionally, screws with bracket-like head designs offer
little advantage to more simple attachments,
which tend to be more versatile. Bracket-like
attachments require specialized custom bending
of the orthodontic wire, and often fail with minimal
torque or a force that rotates the screw in the
counterclockwise direction, loosening it. The indications, success rates, and limitations of screws
used for skeletal anchorage are discussed later.
Clinical Indications
Skeletal anchorage devices may be used in many
different applications to provide absolute
anchorage and optimize the efficiency of tooth
movement. The authors prefer plates over screws
to provide anchorage using indirect mechanics
when possible. Direct anchorage techniques may
also be helpful for some indications. Some case
examples illustrating the use of skeletal anchorage
follow, and new applications are being investigated.
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from the anterior segment.4,24,25 For example,
when an overretained primary first molar is extracted and the succedaneous permanent first
bicuspid is missing, the orthodontist may choose
to move the remaining posterior tooth or teeth to
the mesial to close the space of the primary first
molar (Fig. 5). This is often difficult because the
anterior segment of teeth have a tendency to
move to the posterior (distal), causing the incisors
to upright and changing the canine position to
class II. To maintain the position of the anterior
teeth including the class I canine, a skeletal anchor
may be placed to provide either indirect
anchorage with a rigid attachment to the anterior
segment or direct anchorage with and active
attachment to the molar segment. This allows for
more efficient movement of the posterior molars
to close the space, without loosing the position
of the canine or disrupting the overbite-overjet
relationship of the incisors. To improve a class II
relationship, a variety of tooth movements are
possible including distalizing the maxillary teeth.
By moving the maxillary molars distally, space
can be created to reduce the overjet and to
achieve a class I canine relationship (Figs. 6 and
Alternatively, if a patient presents with a class III
discrepancy, then the orthodontist may choose to
compensate by providing maximum anchorage to
the mandibular posterior teeth or to distalize
mandibular molar teeth.26 This allows the mandibular anterior dentition to be retracted and to close
the space while providing maximum anchorage to
the distal (posterior) segment of teeth. Without
Fig. 6. A patient with a significant class II relationship who is unwilling to undergo orthognathic surgery has
upper first premolar extractions, and lower second premolar extractions in preparation for orthodontic therapy.
The space in the maxilla is closed with the aid of anchor screws, which allow for closure of the space by bodily
moving the anterior centrals, laterals, and canines en mass. (AC) Preoperative occlusion photos. (D) Preoperative
lateral cephalometric radiograph. (E, F) Postoperative occlusion photos after 6 months of orthodontic therapy
with closure of the space and improvement of the class II relationship. The force is generated at the optimized
vector to allow for efficient movement.
closure of their open bites may be good candidates for this procedure, but retreatment does
come with additional risk, such as root resorption.
Orthodontists should be careful to not extrude the
anterior maxillary teeth, which likely decreases
long-term stability of the correction. Intrusion of
the posterior maxillary dentition is preferred and
has been shown to be effective. Patients should
be cautioned regarding the expectations of
outcome over the long-term. It is expected that
more data will become available to assess the
safety, efficacy, and long-term stability of this
treatment option.
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Fig. 7. A patient with Noonans syndrome who has a skeletal class II relationship. His behavioral issues and
bleeding disorder (both associated with this syndrome) make him a poor candidate for orthognathic or other
craniofacial procedures. His class II is compensated by distalizing the entire maxillary dentition with two skeletal
anchors placed in the posterior maxilla. Over time he develops a class I relationship. At the time of the anchor
placement, a genioplasty is performed to balance his facial profile. (A, B) Preoperative facial photographs. (C)
Cephalometric tracing showing a significant class II relationship that would typically be treated with orthognathic surgery. (D, E) Photographs of the anchors in place after several weeks with minimal inflammation.
(FH) Photographs of the progression of treatment over 9 months as the class II discrepancy improves. (I, J) Posttreatment facial photographs.
Fig. 8. A 21-year-old woman is shown with an asymmetric class III relationship, but without significant transverse
discrepancy. She was unwilling to consider an orthognathic surgery treatment option, so one skeletal anchor
plate was placed in the posterior right mandible to bring the entire mandibular dentition to her right. This allowed for distal movement of most of the mandibular arch of teeth, and establishment of a class I canine relationship. (AE) Pretreatment photographs. (F) Mandibular anchor plate in place with orthodontic anchorage
activated. (GK) Posttreatment photographs.
Costello et al
safety. Practitioners must be careful to avoid
developing tooth structures, and minimize surgical
procedures in this growing population so as not to
hamper tooth or bone growth. More literature is
necessary before the widespread use of this
Surgical Procedures
The application of temporary anchorage devices
for orthodontic treatment usually requires only
a minor surgical procedure. The exact type of
anchor (miniscrew or specialized anchor plate),
location, and angle of the device are determined
by the orthodontic treatment plan. Preoperative
planning requires a careful clinical examination;
at least a panoramic radiograph; and clear
communication between the orthodontist and
surgeon regarding positioning, activation, and
Bone plates used for anchorage during orthodontic treatment can be placed in a variety of
anatomic locations within the maxillary and
mandibular arches. These devices typically
consist of a bone plate with holes for screw placement and a transmucosal connecting arm that
extends from the plate to a specialized working
end. The working end of the appliance allows for
the attachment of wire, springs, elastics, and other
orthodontic constructs.
Within the maxillary arch, the anchor plate is
typically placed within one of the vertical
buttresses of the midface (eg, zygomaticomaxillary buttress or piriform buttress) where the
bone thickness allows for adequate mechanical
stability using monocortical screws. Monocortical
screws are preferred for fixation of the plate. The
mid-anterior maxillary wall is avoided because of
the thin cortical bone that is present directly over
the maxillary sinuses and the proximity of the infraorbital neurovascular bundle. These considerations are reminiscent of the rationale applied
when placing maxillary bone plates within the
piriform and zygomatic buttresses during orthognathic surgery and the repair of mid-face
The procedure is easy to perform for most
patients (Figs. 9 and 10). First, a vertical incision,
approximately 8 to 10 mm in length, is created
from the mucogingival junction superiorly into the
maxillary vestibule. A small horizontal releasing
incision is usually added along the mucogingival
line to improve direct visualization and minimize
retraction-related trauma to the soft tissues during
Fig. 9. (AC) Maxillary anchor plate procedure. A small L-shaped incision is used at the mucogingival junction to
allow for placement of an anchor plate. Three screws or more are placed with appropriate positioning for the
indicated orthodontic mechanics. Closure is achieved with resorbable suture.
Postoperative Regimen
Postoperative radiographs may be obtained to
confirm the position of the skeletal anchorage
devices relative to the surrounding anatomic
structures. A panoramic radiograph is usually
adequate. In cases where miniscrews are placed
in between teeth, periapical radiographs may be
useful in examining the proximity of adjacent tooth
Costello et al
Fig. 10. (AD) Mandibular anchor plate procedure. A small linear or L-shaped incision is used to position the plate
in a manner ideal for orthodontic mechanics of the specific case. The incision is placed at or near the mucogingival junction if possible to avoid inflammation. Closure is achieved with resorbable suture.
Pain and discomfort following miniscrew placement is generally minimal. Patients undergoing
anchor plate placement may require a short
course of analgesic coverage because the procedure involves the creation of an incision and
greater soft tissue dissection. Patients may also
report cheek irritation, which tends to peak at
approximately 10 days following surgery before
Because temporary anchorage devices require
primary mechanical stability, and not osseointegration, they may be used for orthodontic
Costello et al
placement of the device to avoid the need for additional surgery.
One area requiring special attention is that of
root damage from either placement of a screw or
the drilling process. Surgeons who are comfortable with the anatomy of these regions typically
do not have issues with root damage, but this
may still occur because of anatomic variation or
other causes. Thankfully, roots have excellent
recuperative power that allows for recuperation if
a minimal insult occurs. If a device has been
placed and the screw is in contact with the root
of a viable tooth, then the patient typically experiences discomfort during mastication. Moving the
root away from the implant typically relieves this
discomfort, or the device can be replaced in
a new location.
A number of patient-related complications also
can occur. Patients must have good-quality bone
to accept the devices and have reasonable
hygiene. Quality cortical bone is a necessity for
long-term stability of the anchors. Patients who
have systemic disorders that affect bone or
mucosal healing are not good candidates for these
procedures. Likewise, those patients who have
undergone radiation therapy in the region or are
taking bisphosphonate medications are not good
candidates. Those patients who smoke are also
prone to mucosal breakdown, infection, and failure
of the devices.
Skeletal anchorage devices allow orthodontic
movements that were previously thought to be
difficult if not impossible. The devices do not
accelerate tooth movement, but do provide the
greatest amount of anchorage in a manner that is
bone-borne, creating more efficient mechanics
for moving teeth while avoiding unwanted (reciprocal) tooth movement in a number of challenging
clinical situations. Additionally, unwanted reciprocal tooth movements are minimized or avoided
altogether. An additional advantage is the use of
mechanics for which the success is not based on
compliance factors, such as with headgear or
elastic band therapy that requires patient placement and removal. Multiple applications, devices,
and technique innovations are evolving. Caution is
warranted for some applications because longterm data are not available at this time. It is hoped
that additional data will become prevalent and
help decide how skeletal anchorage fits in best
with the armamentarium of treatment choices for
significant skeletal and dental discrepancies.
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