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Technology in

M i c ro v a s c u l a r S u r g e r y
Alessandro Cusano, DDS, MD,
Rui Fernandes, DMD, MD, FACS*
 Free-tissue transfer  Microvascular surgery


The emergence of microvascular surgery as
a distinct surgical discipline can be regarded as
a culmination of achievement in vascular surgery.
John Benjamin Murphy, an American surgeon, is
credited with performing the first vascular anastomosis in 1896, when he successfully repaired
a femoral artery that had been severed in a gunshot
wound.5 Although a monumental achievement,
illustrating that vascular repair was indeed

possible, his success was limited by patency rates

that were less than ideal.
Alexis Carrel, a French surgeon, improved on
Murphys work, reporting a reliable and reproducible method of vascular anastomosis in his
description in 1902 of the triangulation of vessel
technique.6 Using this technique, he and Guthrie,
an American vascular surgeon, went on to devise
methods for whole-organ transplantation7; in
1912, in recognition of his work, Carrel was
awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and
The concept of microscopic vascular surgery
was not introduced until 1960, when Jacobson
and Suarez, recognizing the need for improvement
in small-vessel surgery, pioneered the use of the
operating microscope8:
The great success in vascular surgery during
the last decade is most remarkable in surgery
of large vessels. It is less striking in the intermediate sizes, and virtually stops in the small
vessels. This communication briefly describes
a new technique, called microvascular
surgery, which promises the same success
with small vessel surgery as that obtained in
large vessels.
The significance of this achievement was immediately recognized by Bunke, who envisioned its
usefulness in tissue replantation and transplantation. With his 1965 report on experimental digital
amputation and replantation he demonstrated
that these procedures were indeed possible in
the animal model.9 A year later he reported a rabbit
ear replant, which was the first successful

Section of Head Neck Surgery, Division of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Divison of Surgical Oncology, Department
of Surgery, University of Florida College of Medicine Jacksonville, 653-1 West 8th Street, Jacksonville, FL
32209, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 22 (2010) 7390
1042-3699/10/$ see front matter 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc.

With the refinement of microvascular technique,

free-tissue transfer has emerged as the standard
of care in head and neck reconstruction. Success
rates in the 90% to 99% range14 and significant
reductions in operative time have reduced flap
take from being the marker of reconstructive
success to being an expectation. Interest has
shifted to improvement of technique, with surgeons
placing increasing importance on factors such as
donor site morbidity, quality of tissue harvested,
and esthetic and functional outcomes.
Much of the recent success can be attributed to
technological advances; directly, through improvement in instrumentation and technique, and indirectly, through enhanced understanding of flap
physiology and anatomy. This article reviews
some of the recent advances and how they have
affected microvascular surgery from preoperative,
operative, and postoperative standpoints. To gain
a deeper appreciation of recent achievements,
the first section examines microvascular surgery
from a historical perspective.


Cusano & Fernandes

reattachment of an amputated body part using
blood vessels of submillimeter size.10 With these
2 landmark publications, the value of microvascular surgery was quickly becoming evident. In
1968, Komatsu and Tamai were the first to report
successful replantation of a human thumb,11 and
in 1972, Bunke and MacLean followed with their
report of the first successful microvascular freetissue transplant using omentum for coverage of
a scalp defect.12
It was more than a decade, however, before
these achievements garnered any significant
enthusiasm in the head and neck community. In
head and neck reconstruction, surgeons
continued to struggle with the inherent limitations
of random-pattern skin flaps. These randompattern flaps were raised without regard for
a known blood supply, and because of this, they
were restricted to rigid length/width ratios to
ensure viability.
It was not until McGregors description of the
forehead flap in 196313 and Bakamjians deltopectoral flap in 196514 that it was realized that it was
possible to transfer significantly larger areas of
cutaneous tissue without strict adherence to
dogmatic ratios, as long as the flaps were oriented
along the axis of a vascular pathway. This finding
is what McGregor and Morgan later referred to
as an axial-pattern blood supply,15 and it was the
impetus for what, over the next several decades,
evolved into a comprehensive understanding of
the vascular anatomy of flaps.
The 1970s saw the resurgence of the musculocutaneous flap. Although use of such flaps had
been reported several decades earlier, it was Orticochea in 1972,16 and later McCraw and Dibbell in
1977,17 who illustrated the beneficial effect of
incorporating muscle in flaps secondary to its
significant contribution to the cutaneous circulation. This improved knowledge of vascular
anatomy led to Mathes and Nahais classification
of the vascular anatomy of muscle, and to their
description of the clinical implications for musculocutaneous flaps.1820
Numerous reports on musculocutaneous flaps
followed; perhaps the most significant was the pedicled pectoralis major flap. Although it was initially
described for chest-wall defects,21 Ariyan was the
first to report its use in the head and neck.22 Its
potential was soon recognized, as it enabled
single-stage transfer of large areas of well-vascularized skin for virtually any defect of the aerodigestive
tract, face, and skull base. This development revolutionized head and neck surgery, and is arguably
the main reason why the usefulness of free-tissue
transfer was not immediately recognized from
a head and neck perspective.

The understanding of vascular anatomy of the

integument continued to progress when Ponten,
with his series of 23 superflaps of the lower leg,
demonstrated that the inclusion of the deep fascia
in a skin flap gave an advantage to its reliability.23
This produced the concept of the fasciocutaneous
flap, and led Cormack and Lamberty to devise
a classification system based on the various
patterns of vascularization.24 About the same
time, large series of fasciocutaneous free flaps
were being reported from China. Yangs 1981
report on 60 forearm free-skin transplantations
with only 1 failure25 was immediately followed by
an equally impressive series of forearm flaps by
Song.26 A couple of years later, Song described
a new free flap from the thigh based on the
concept of the septocutaneous artery.27 These 2
fasciocutaneous flaps, known today as the radial
forearm flap and the anterolateral thigh flap,
remain the flaps of choice for soft-tissue reconstruction in the head and neck.
Osseous defects, however, continued to
present significant challenges for the head and
neck surgeon, particularly the composite defect
of the anterior mandible. The development of the
mandibular reconstruction plate in the mid1970s28 was a partial solution to the problem,
enabling the reestablishment of mandibular
contour and, in the process, dispensing with the
infamous Andy Gump deformity. Wound breakdown and plate exposure were inevitable,
however, without a reliable means of restoring
the tissue deficit. The pectoralis major flap,
because of its bulk and reliability, was well suited
for this purpose, but it did not address the issue
of missing bone.
Until the introduction of the osteocutaneous free
flap, various osteocutaneous and osteomyocutaneous pedicled flaps had been described, but
outcomes were marginal at best.2932 Failure was
frequent secondary to a tenuous vascular supply
and a lack of maneuverability of the osseous
component. Osteocutaneous free-tissue transfer
was the answer, and for this Taylor deserves
much of the credit.33,34
Taylor reported the first free vascularized bone
graft, when in 1975 he described the use of a vascularized segment of fibula for reconstruction of
a traumatic tibial defect.33 It was Taylor again, in
1978, who described the first vascularized iliac
crest transfer using it, along with vascularized
groin skin, for single-stage repair of compound
defects of the lower extremity.34 One year later,
he and Sanders independently recognized the
deep inferior epigastric artery as the principal
blood supply to the iliac crest,35,36 giving rise to
what is known as the deep circumflex iliac artery

Technology in Microvascular Surgery

(DCIA) flap; and it was Taylor again, in 1982, who
first reported use of the DCIA flap for reconstruction of mandibular defects.37
Reports of other osteocutaneous free flaps soon
followed. Soutar was first to describe the osteocutaneous radial forearm flap in 1983.38 Gilbert and
Teot are credited with the free scapular flap in
1982,39 although it was Silverberg and
colleagues40 in 1985 and Swartz and colleagues41
in 1986 who popularized its use for maxillomandibular reconstruction. In 1989, Hidalgos revolutionary application of the free fibula flap for
reconstruction of the near-total mandibular
defect42 established free-tissue transfer as an
accepted and reliable tool in head and neck
Microvascular surgeons now had at their
disposal all that they needed to reconstruct virtually any defect in the head and neck. Soft-tissue
defects were addressed with either the radial forearm free flap or the anterolateral thigh flap, and
composite defects were reconstructed with the
vascularized fibula, scapula, or iliac crest. As
experience with these flaps grew and success
rates increased to the 90% to 99% range, flap
take was no longer sufficient to constitute
a successful outcome. Surgeons were now more
interested in maximizing tissue quality, minimizing
donor-site morbidity, and improving function and
In search of the ideal flap, surgeons sought once
again to further their understanding of vascular
anatomy. The concept that skin overlying certain
muscles could be transferred reliably as musculocutaneous flaps had been well documented. In
1989, Koshima recognized that these muscles
served only as passive carriers, and that if the
musculocutaneous perforating vessels could be
dissected free of the muscle, a skin flap devoid
of muscle could be raised, preserving donor site
function.43,44 This was an exciting discovery, as
these so-called perforator flaps combined the reliable blood supply of the musculocutaneous flap
with the reduced bulk and donor site morbidity of
the skin flap. In essence, the same skin territories
could be transferred as before, but in a more
elegant manner.45
The perforator flap, and its descendant, the freestyle free flap, represent the latest genre of reconstructive tissue transfer. Surgeons can now
uniquely tailor flaps to specific defects by selecting
tissue that maximizes function and esthetics and
minimizes donor site morbidity. This evolution,
however, has not occurred overnight. Rather, it
represents the culmination of decades of
discovery and rediscovery in flap surgery and

Endemic with any new development is technological advance, and microvascular surgery is no
exception. The next section investigates some of
the current technology in microvascular surgery,
focusing on imaging assessment, anastomotic
technique, and flap monitoring as selective examples in the preoperative, operative, and postoperative settings, respectively.


Preoperative: Imaging Assessment
The reconstructive process, regardless of the
reconstructive modality selected, begins with
a preoperative assessment of the defect. If one
subscribes to the principle of replacing like with
like, then the nature of the defect, to a certain
degree, dictates flap selection. Ultimate flap
choice, however, depends on several factors, not
the least of which is whether or not the flap is
feasible from a vascular perspective.
In conventional free-flap surgery, this point holds
true for the radial forearm free flap and fibula free
flap. With these flaps, uneventful sacrifice of 1 principal blood supplier to the respective extremity
depends on whether the in situ vessels can pick
up the slack. In these cases, preoperative donor
site evaluation is crucial in preventing a catastrophic outcome. Although the Allen test is often
all that is required for safe harvest of the radial forearm free flap, most would agree that harvest of the
fibula necessitates some form of preoperative
In perforator flap surgery, and certainly in freestyle free flap surgery, preoperative donor site
evaluation also plays an integral role. The identification of perforating vessels preoperatively, as
opposed to relying on intraoperative identification,
facilitates skin-paddle design. It may also help to
prevent raising a flap with no substantial perforator, forcing the surgeon to change design
considerably or abort the harvest altogether.
Preoperative assessment of the recipient site is
also of paramount importance. With the reconstructive surgeon becoming more adept at freetissue transfer, the challenges are becoming
more complex. Complicated, three-dimensional
defects of the facial skeleton, once primarily
addressed with prostheses, are now being
addressed with free flaps. Similarly, reconstruction
of defects in the irradiated vessel-depleted neck is
not uncommon. In either case, thorough preoperative planning is critical to success, and often
necessitates the use of various imaging



Cusano & Fernandes

Donor Site Assessment
In conventional free-flap surgery, harvest of either
the radial forearm free flap or the fibula free flap
places the respective extremity at risk for ischemic
complications. The Allen test is often all that is
required for safe harvest of the radial forearm
free flap. Safe harvest of the fibula, however, is
often the subject of much debate. Most would
agree that some form of routine preoperative
imaging of the lower extremity vasculature is warranted when harvest of the fibula is anticipated.
However, there are those who would argue against
it, suggesting that it is unnecessary.47
The argument against was perhaps more valid
when the only reliable means of imaging the
vasculature of a lower extremity was with conventional angiography (Fig. 1). Although still the gold
standard, conventional angiography is an invasive
procedure requiring intra-arterial cannulation, and
as a result, it carries substantial risk for the
patient.48 The newer, noninvasive imaging modalities have removed much of the inherent risk,
significantly tipping the risk/benefit ratio in favor
of preoperative imaging. The more commonly
used noninvasive vascular imaging modalities
include color duplex ultrasonography (CD-US),

magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), and

computed tomographic angiography (CTA).
US typically refers to gray-scale ultrasound. Grayscale US provides extensive information regarding
the topography and morphology of blood vessels,
but not function.49 Continuous-wave Doppler
sonography, on the other hand, provides information regarding the function of the vascular system,
because there is a change in the frequency of the
emitted sound waves when the distance between
the sound source (ie, the US transducer) and the
reflecting object (ie, the red blood cell) changes.49
The combination of gray-scale US and Doppler
sonography is referred to as duplex US, and
provides an integral assessment of all 3 measures:
topography, morphology, and function.49
Color duplex US is perhaps the most informative
of the US techniques (Fig. 2). In color duplex US all
stationary soft tissues are imaged in different grayscale values. Flowing blood, in contrast, is demonstrated in blue or red, depending on the direction
of flow in relation to the transducer.49 Although
color duplex US has been proposed as a noninvasive alternative to conventional angiography, its

Fig. 1. Conventional intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography (DSA). (AD) DSA bilateral lower extremities
from renal arteries to runoff. (E) Left lower extremity with clear depiction of the trifurcation and 3-vessel runoff.

Technology in Microvascular Surgery

Fig. 2. Arterial CD-US of the right lower extremity in a 70-year-old man with a history of a right popliteal artery
aneurysm. Transverse and longitudinal images of the right popliteal artery are displayed. Mild aneurysmal dilatation of the artery can be seen. Directional flow is readily appreciated by the contrasting red and blue colors.

inability to image the entire vascular tree in an

acceptable examination time, and the degree of
technical expertise it requires, limit its use in
many centers.49
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a powerful
external magnetic field to first align the nuclear
magnetization of hydrogen atoms in the body.
Then with the application of radiofrequency pulses
it sequentially changes their magnetization,
systematically altering the net magnetization
vector. The net magnetization vector is then detected by a receiver coil, thereby inducing
a voltage and producing the MR signal.50
MRA uses MRI techniques to visualize the
vascular system selectively. Contrast-enhanced

MRA is perhaps the most common method of

MRA image acquisition, and involves intravenous
administration of a contrast medium, typically via
the antecubital vein. The images are then acquired
during the first pass of the agent through the
vascular system. Correct timing of image acquisition relative to contrast injection is therefore critical, such that arterial opacification is ensured
and venous contamination is avoided, resulting in
high-quality images (Fig. 3).51
Gadolinium is 1 of the more commonly used
contrast agents in MRA. Because it is highly paramagnetic, it markedly reduces the T1 relaxation
time of water in blood; as a result, when used in
conjunction with a T1-weighted sequence, it effects
high-quality contrast separation between vessel
and surrounding tissue.51 Gadolinium has the



Cusano & Fernandes

Fig. 3. Preoperative MRA of the bilateral lower extremities in a 48-year-old woman with a squamous cell carcinoma of the right maxilla. (A) Thigh level image. (B) Lower leg level image. (C) Composed body shot. Good
3-vessel runoff is seen bilaterally. The patient went on to have uneventful resection and reconstruction with
an osteocutaneous free fibula flap. (D) Preoperative CT demonstrating tumor in the right maxilla. (E) Postablative
defect. (F) Osteocutaneous free fibula flap before pedicle ligation. (G) Flap inset. (H) Postoperative volumerendered three-dimensional CT reconstruction.

Technology in Microvascular Surgery

added advantage of being noniodine-based, with
minimal risk of nephropathy or hypersensitivity.51
Many reports in the literature advocate use of
MRA for imaging the vasculature of lower extremities, citing sensitivities and specificities that rival
if not surpass conventional angiography.51
Not unlike CD-US, however, MRA is also a
time-consuming process. In addition, there is
a group of patients for whom these studies are
contraindicated: patients with implantable defibrillators, permanent pacemakers, or intracranial
aneurysm clips are not suitable candidates.52
Claustrophobia is also a major issue, preventing
approximately 10% of patients from completing
the examination.52
CT images are graphical representations of the
radiographic density of a tissue at different points
in space.53 A radiograph source fires a beam of
radiographs that passes through the patient
before being picked up by a detector. The detectors compare the intensities of the transmitted
radiographs against the source intensities and,
using advanced mathematical algorithms,
construct a matrix of tissue densities from which
the images are generated.53
The present generation of CT scanners, multidetector CT scanners (or spiral CT scanners), is the
epitome of technological development, with incremental improvements in several technologies.
Seven generations ago, the first CT scanner used
only a thin pencil beam of radiographs and only 2
detectors. The 2 detectors were slowly translated
across the field of view, before being rotated by
a single degree. The process was repeated 180
times, for a total arc of rotation equal to 180 .53
Modern CT scanners, in contrast, use a fanlike
radiograph beam that encompasses the entire
patient and that continuously rotates about the
patient. Up to 16 detectors are set in several
parallel linear arrays, which are then arranged to
form a broad arc within the gantry. The detectors
remain constantly active while the patient is slid
continuously through the gantry under the rotating
radiograph beam.53 This technique has significantly shortened scan times, having the added
benefit of more efficient use of injected contrast
CTA uses CT technology to visualize the
vascular system preferentially. Like MRA, it
requires the use of a contrast medium, typically
administered via the antecubital vein. After a predetermined delay to select for arterial phase, scanning is initiated (Fig. 4).53
With the latest generation of multidetector row
CT scanners, CTA has overcome many of the

limitations of the other vascular imaging modalities. Complete noninvasive, angiographic visualization of the entire peripheral vascular tree from
abdominal aorta to distal lower extremities can
be completed in a single scan lasting less than
a minute.53 Unlike with MRA, patients with
implantable defibrillators, permanent pacemakers,
or intracranial aneurysm clips are not excluded;
and claustrophobia is almost not an issue. Furthermore, that CTA is less expensive, less user-dependent, and more widely available than the other
modalities, justifies its use in peripheral vascular
assessment.54 Radiation exposure and the use of
potentially nephrotoxic contrast agents deserve
consideration; however, the shortened scan times
with the new generation of scanners reduce the
level of risk.

Recipient Site Assessment

Recipient site assessment is integral to the reconstructive process, from the perspective of the
defect to be reconstructed and the recipient
vessels on which to perform the anastomosis.
With respect to defect assessment, those defects
that warrant considerable investigation are, more
often than not, composite in nature with a substantial osseous component. CT is therefore the
preferred imaging modality; with volume-rendered
three-dimensional reconstructed imaging a threedimensional stereolithographic model can be
manufactured, greatly facilitating the reconstructive process (Fig. 5).
Preoperative imaging of recipient vessels for
anastomosis is also often advantageous, especially in the irradiated vessel-depleted neck
(Fig. 6). Like CT, CTA can use volume-rendered
three-dimensional imaging to provide a detailed
three-dimensional representation of the vascular
system. The image generated can then provide
the diagnostician with a clear and concise depiction of available recipient vessels in an otherwise
complex environment.
Stereolithography uses digital image data
acquired from CT or MRI to produce a physical
model. Specific software is required to reformat
the data, generating a three-dimensional image
with a series of internal and external reference
points. Based on these reference points, the stereolithographic apparatus then uses a laser beam
to selectively polymerize and solidify an ultraviolet
(UV)-sensitive photopolymerizing resin, generating
the three-dimensional model. The model is then
placed in a UV radiation bath for postcuring, which
covalently cross-links the resin, rendering it



Cusano & Fernandes

Fig. 4. CTA. (A) Selected axial cut at midcalf level demonstrating patency of all 3 runoff vessels. (B) Rotational
three-dimensional image of bilateral lower extremities (BLE) in the same patient, demonstrating good 3-vessel
runoff bilaterally. (C) Rotational three-dimensional image of BLE in a patient with poor visualization of all vessels
beyond mid leg, precluding use of a free fibula flap. (D) Volume-rendered rotational three-dimensional image of
BLE in another patient, allowing assessment of the vascular tree in relation to the surrounding bone. Poor 3vessel runoff is again seen. (E) Volume-rendered rotational three-dimensional image of right lower extremity,
demonstrating good 3-vessel runoff and clear visualization of the peroneal artery along the entire length of
the fibula.

resistant to heat deformation and allowing it to be

sterilized for intraoperative use.55
Stereolithography, by providing an enhanced
understanding of the complex three-dimensional
anatomic relationships, gives the surgeon the
practical advantage of preoperative simulation
surgery, which may then facilitate the ultimate
reconstruction, particularly for complex structural
defects of the facial skeleton (Fig. 7).
Three-dimensional spiral CTA
In the same way stereolithography uses volumerendered three-dimensional reconstructed CT
imaging to manufacture a three-dimensional
model of the facial skeleton, three-dimensional
spiral CTA uses the same process to generate
a three-dimensional image of the vascular system.
For imaging of the head and neck vasculature,
an intravenous contrast agent is administered
rapidly by a power injector, followed by contrastenhanced scanning in the arterial phase approximately 6 seconds after bolus tracking in the
common carotid artery.54 Spiral CT scans are
then obtained in the usual fashion, preferably using

1-mm slices. The CT data sets are then reformatted into a set of volume-rendered, rotational,
three-dimensional images, allowing visualization
of the cervical vasculature from multiple viewpoints (Fig. 8).54
The appeal of three-dimensional spiral CTA is
the simplicity of its interpretation. Full diagnostic
information is retained in the original set of axial
images, but by compiling the entire data set into
a single three-dimensional image, visual comprehension of the area of interest is enhanced.54 In
the same single image, CTA also allows the
assessment of the vasculature in relation to the
surrounding tissues, which may further benefit
preoperative planning.

Intraoperative: Anastomotic Technique

The fundamentals of vascular surgery were established by Alexis Carrel in 1902 when he described
the triangulation of vessel technique for vascular
anastomosis.7 The placement of 3 stay sutures
120 apart essentially triangulates the vessel,
thereby facilitating equidistant placement of

Technology in Microvascular Surgery

Fig. 5. A 32-year-old man referred for reconstructive evaluation several years after resection of an odontogenic
myxoma of the right maxilla. He presented with complaints of right midfacial deficit (A), persistent oronasal
fistula (B), and dissatisfaction with obturator. A three-dimensional stereolithographic model was obtained to
facilitate assessment of the defect and planning of the reconstruction (C). He went on to have uneventful reconstruction with an osteocutaneous free fibula flap (DF). (G) Postoperative volume-rendered three-dimensional CT

additional sutures in the intervening segments.

This technique has withstood the test of time,
and continues to have application in vascular
and microvascular surgery.
In their original description of microvascular
surgery, Jacobson and Suarez reported that an
average 3-mm-diameter arterial anastomosis
required from 25 to 30 stitches, and that for an
endarterectomy incision of less than 2 cm, 62
stitches were used.8 This seems absurd in
comparison with todays standards in which
a typical arterial anastomosis contains only 8
stitches at best. Nevertheless, it is enlightening

to take a look back at the origin of surgical technique and to view its evolution to modern-day
Microvascular anastomosis continues to be the
most critical determinant of successful free-tissue
transfer, with technical errors occurring during
anastomosis accounting for most free-flap failures. Simple interrupted suture placement remains
the gold standard, although other methods have
been described, with the aim of simplifying anastomotic technique, reducing operative time, and
increasing patency rates. The most widely
accepted of these is the microvascular



Cusano & Fernandes

Fig. 6. A 47-year-old man with a history of laryngeal

cancer status post total laryngectomy and adjuvant
radiotherapy with pharyngocutaneous and tracheoesophageal fistulae. Proper assessment of the cervical
vasculature is critical in these patients if reconstruction with free-tissue transfer is anticipated.

anastomotic Coupler system (Synovis Micro

Companies Alliances Inc, Birmingham, AL, USA).
Microvascular anastomotic Coupler system
The prototype microvascular anastomotic device
was developed by Nakayama in 1962 and consisted of 2 metallic rings with 12 interlocking pins
and holes. The vessel ends were passed through
the rings, everted onto the pins, and then mechanically approximated.56 The Nakayama device was
later modified by Ostrup and Berggren in 1987,57
and their version in turn evolved into the presentday device.
Commercially available since 1990, the presentday coupler consists of 2 high-density polyethylene rings each with 6 stainless-steel pins that
interlock with holes on the opposite ring.58 Rings
with internal diameters ranging from 1.0 to 4.0
mm at 0.5-mm intervals are available, permitting
use of the device over a wide range of vessel sizes
(Fig. 9).
The present-day device functions in a similar
manner as the original Nakayama device. A
measuring gauge is used to determine the
correctly sized coupler, which is then loaded
onto the applicator. The vessel ends are then
passed through the rings, everted onto the pins,
and with a clockwise turn of the applicator handle,
brought into approximation. A hemostat is then
used to compress the opposing rings further,

and with an additional clockwise turn of the applicator handle the completed anastomosis is
ejected (Fig. 10).
Theoretically, the patency rates of coupled
anastomoses should compare favorably with
those that are hand-sewn. By achieving intimato-intima contact of the vessel ends without the
presence of intraluminal foreign material (ie,
suture), the coupler device should theoretically
reduce the risk of thrombosis. In addition, the
rigidity of the plastic rings has been suggested to
stent open the anastomosis, increasing luminal
diameter in a region that might otherwise be
slightly constricted.59 Furthermore, viewing the
lumen of both vessels in their entirety before their
apposition provides the surgeon with the added
confidence that a successful anastomosis will be
achieved. Nevertheless, with success rates of
free-tissue transfer now in the high 90% range irrespective of anastomotic method used, it might be
questioned whether the theoretic advantage has
translated into any clinically significant benefit. In
terms of patency, the question is valid. However,
if time is considered as an additional outcome variable, the argument might differ.
The biggest advantage of using the coupler
device rather than the traditional hand-sewn
method is the reduction in time taken to complete
the anastomosis. Anastomoses performed with
the coupler device are consistently completed in
less than 7 minutes,58 which is unattainable with
traditional methods. Another advantage of the
coupler is its ability to manage size discrepancy.58
By selecting a coupler with a ring size equal to the
diameter of the smaller vessel, and then pleating
the wall of the larger vessel evenly over the pins,
an anastomosis free of leakage is created, which
may not have occurred had it been hand-sewn.
The microvascular anastomotic Coupler system
continues to be most commonly used for veins,
and it has been approved for use in an end-toend and end-to-side fashion. Its use for arterial
anastomoses remains controversial. It has been
suggested that the inherent thickness of the arterial wall renders it impliable for eversion onto the
pins, complicating the procedure and significantly
reducing luminal diameter if indeed an intact anastomosis can be achieved.58
Recently, however, Chernichenko and colleagues60 reported a retrospective review of 127
free-tissue transfers in which a coupler device
was used for the arterial and venous anastomoses.
Their flap survival rate was 97.6% and they reported
only 4 complications related to arterial insufficiency. With these results they concluded that for
arterial anastomoses use of a coupler is a safe alternative to the traditional hand-sewn method.

Technology in Microvascular Surgery

Fig. 7. (A) Gunshot wound of the lower face with gross deficit of hard and soft tissue. (B) Volume-rendered threedimensional CT image of the defect. (C) Preoperative contouring of reconstruction plate to fit the stereolithographic model. (DF) Uneventful reconstruction with osteocutaneous free fibula flap. (G) Volume-rendered
three-dimensional CT image of the reconstruction. (H) Postoperative clinical photograph.

Although the numbers in this study are significant,

this is level III evidence, with its inherent
In summary, the microvascular anastomotic
Coupler system has proved to be an invaluable
tool, particularly for use in venous anastomosis.
Its main advantage is the significant decrease in
time taken to complete the anastomosis, thereby

reducing ischemia time of the flap. Although its

use for arterial anastomosis has also been reported, corroboratory literature is lacking.

Postoperative Flap Monitoring

With the refinement of microvascular technique,
success rates of free-tissue transfer have



Cusano & Fernandes

Fig. 8. CTA of the neck. (A) Selected sagittal view. (B) Volume-rendered rotational three-dimensional image
(different patient) enhancing visualization of the cervical vasculature.

increased into the 90% to 99% range; salvage

rates, however, have not shared the same level
of success.4 The failure of flap salvage to
improve in parallel with flap transfer suggests
that the problem is not one of technical expertise, but rather delayed recognition of the failing
flap. Early intervention is the key to a successful
salvage attempt, emphasizing the need for
improved monitoring methodology.
Numerous methods have been described,
including intravenous fluorescein,61 optical spectroscopy,62 transcutaneous laser Doppler,63 photoplethysmography,64 and transcutaneous PO2
monitoring.65 All are based on assessment of
surface capillary blood flow, and as a result rely
on an externalized skin paddle. In this respect,

these techniques are no different from the traditional method of clinical examination, and they
have failed to demonstrate any significant benefit
in comparison.
Clinical examination is regarded as the gold
standard for postoperative monitoring of flap
perfusion. It typically entails frequent interval
assessment of flap color, capillary refill, turgor,
warmth, and bleeding to pinprick. Based on these
measures alone, the experienced observer is able
to ascertain the status of flap circulation. However,
it is rare that an experienced observer performs
the assessment. Most of the time, the welfare of
the flap is at the mercy of the inexperienced
discretion of the support clinicians and staff, who
may lack experience and judgment regarding the

Fig. 9. 1.5-mm microvascular anastomotic Coupler device. (A) Coupler as it appears on removal from the manufacturers packaging. The different-sized couplers are color-coded with a blue shaft denoting a 1.5-mm coupler.
(B) Coupler removed from plastic housing (for illustration purposes only). The Coupler is seen in its open position,
with clear visualization of polyethylene rings and stainless-steel spikes.

Technology in Microvascular Surgery

Fig. 10. Coupler instrumentation and technique. (A) Measuring gauge and applicator device. (B) Loaded applicator in open position (actual Coupler absent). (C) Loaded applicator in closed position following clockwise
turn of the applicator handle (actual Coupler absent). (D) Intraoperative photograph depicting 2 venous anastomoses completed with the microvascular anastomotic Coupler system. A hand-sewn arterial anastomosis is also

subtle changes seen with these flaps in the early

postoperative time period.
Observer experience aside, the issue of the
buried flap must be considered. The absence
of an externalized skin paddle precludes the
use of clinical examination or any other method
of assessment reliant on surface capillary
phenomena. Disa and colleagues66 proved this
to be a real problem. In their retrospective
review of 750 free flaps monitored with conventional methods, vascular compromise in nonburied flaps was identified early (generally <48
hours), prompting an urgent return to the operating room, and resulting in flap salvage in
77% of cases. Conversely, in buried flaps,
vascular compromise went unrecognized until it
manifested as a wound complication (generally

>7 days postoperatively), at which time reexploration was too late, resulting in a flap salvage
rate of 0%.
In 1988, Swartz and colleagues67 devised
a method of providing continuous real-time monitoring of flap perfusion that proved to be the solution to the problem of the buried flap.
Cook-Swartz Implantable Doppler
probe system
Swartzs original device consisted of a 1.0-mm
Doppler probe secured with a small amount of silicone to a polytetrafluoroethylene (Gore-Tex; WL
Gore and Associates, Flagstaff, AZ, USA) cuff
that was then wrapped around the flap vessel
and secured to itself by suture.67 It has since
evolved into the Cook-Swartz implantable Doppler



Cusano & Fernandes

Fig. 11. Implantable Doppler instrumentation and

technique. (A) Cook-Swartz implantable Doppler
probe as it appears in the manufacturers packaging.
(B) Cook Doppler blood-flow monitor, pole mount,
and extension cable.

flow system (Cook Vascular Inc, Vandergrift, PA,

USA), arguably todays standard of care for the
buried free flap.
The Cook-Swartz implantable Doppler flow
system consists of the Cook-Swartz implantable
Doppler probe, an extension cable for the probe,
a Doppler blood-flow monitor, an external power
supply, and a pole mount (Fig. 11). The probe
contains a 20-MHz ultrasonic Doppler crystal
that is attached to a silicone cuff (8  5 mm2)
that gets wrapped around the vessel and secured
on itself with a surgical clip. The probe exits the
wound as a thin wire (internal segment) that
converts itself into a cable (external segment)
before connecting to the extension cable that
attaches to the monitor. Retention tabs exist at
the junction of the internal and external segments
to secure the probe externally to the patients
skin (Fig. 12). The monitor is portable and can be
either battery or power operated. The thin wire
(internal segment) is designed to disengage from
the silicone cuff with only minimal tension, allowing
for safe removal of the device (silicone cuff left in
situ) when flap monitoring is complete.
The device was initially designed for use with the
venous anastomosis because of the superior
sensitivity of monitoring venous blood flow in detecting flap compromise.67 In his initial work,
Swartz found that venous probes detected

a venous problem immediately and detected an

arterial problem on average with only a 6-minute
delay. Arterial probes, however, detected an arterial occlusion immediately, but for up to 6 hours
after venous occlusion continued to record an
arterial pulsation. The device was therefore designed to be used on venous anastomosis with
the rationale that, whereas the presence of
a venous signal confirms venous and arterial
flow, the converse is not necessarily true.
Over the years, numerous studies have demonstrated the positive effect the device has had on
flap salvage. Kind and colleagues4 in 1998 reported a 100% salvage rate of 20 ischemic flaps
(147 flaps total), De la Torre and colleagues68 in
2003 reported an 83% salvage rate of 8 ischemic
flaps (118 flaps total), and Pryor and colleagues69
in 2006 reported a 66.7% salvage rate of 3
ischemic flaps (24 flaps total). In each of the
studies the number of false-negatives was zero;
however, false-positives were encountered 4, 6,
and 3 times, respectively. This finding suggests
that although it is unlikely that the device fails to
recognize a compromised flap when it is compromised, it will on occasion overshoot and indicate
that a flap is compromised when it is not. The
question then becomes what is the significance
of this overshoot?
With nonburied flaps, the answer is probably
nothing. The presence of an externalized skin
paddle in instances of conflicting data allows
one to rely on conventional clinical examination
to prevent a needless intervention. With buried
flaps, however, an overshoot of the device
translates into an unnecessary return to the
operating room, which places the patient at
risk of an additional invasive procedure, and is
often regarded as the principal weakness of
the device.
Recently, in their retrospective review of 369 free
flaps, Guillemaud and colleagues70 found that of
the 7 false-positives that occurred in the presence
of an altered Doppler signal, 5 were from probes
placed on the venous pedicle. These investigators
concluded by stating that use of the probe on the
venous pedicle was unreliable in their experience,
and that if used on the arterial pedicle, a lower incidence of false-positives would result.
The implantable Doppler has proven to be a valuable tool for the monitoring of free flaps, with significant improvements in rates of salvage. Its use is
perhaps most warranted and beneficial with buried
flaps, in which case lack of an externalized skin
paddle precludes clinical evaluation. It may be
argued, however, that its use is equally justified in
the nonburied flap, in which its continuous, realtime signal is easily interpreted by the novice

Technology in Microvascular Surgery

Fig. 12. A 57-year-old man with squamous cell carcinoma of the left mandible treated with segmental mandibular
resection, ipsilateral neck dissection, and reconstruction with osteocutaneous free fibula flap. (A) Harvested free
fibula flap before pedicle ligation. (B) Pedicle ligated and fibula osteotomized according to defect dimensions.
(C) Osseous component of flap inset. (D) Hand-sewn arterial anastomosis and coupled venous anastomosis complete
with implantable Doppler placed on the venous pedicle. (E) Cook-Swartz implantable Doppler probe in position
with internal segment, retention tabs, and external segment clearly visualized. (F) Postoperative volume-rendered
three-dimensional CT image of the reconstruction.



Cusano & Fernandes

practitioner and is not subject to the delay of interval
assessment. Placing the probe on the arterial anastomosis has recently been suggested to decrease
the incidence of false-positives, reducing the
number of unnecessary reexplorations.



The quality and sophistication of head and neck
reconstruction have increased exponentially in
recent decades. The progression from randompattern skin flaps to axial-pattern skin flaps to
musculocutaneous and osteomusculocutaneous
composite flaps reflected the need at that time to
incorporate more bulk of tissue into the reconstruction. By doing so, surgeons were able to
better address the larger, more complex defects
while maintaining a robust blood supply to the flap.
The advent of microvascular surgery freed the
surgeon from the constraints of locoregional tissue
and prompted the exploration of distant tissue as
new potential donor sites. The evolution of musculocutaneous flaps to fasciocutaneous flaps to
perforator flaps to free-style free flaps reflects
a second wave of progression, which in contrast
to the first is dominated by the desire to reduce
tissue bulk.
With free-style free flaps being essentially skin
flaps raised from potentially any site with a Dopplerable perforator, the development has come
full circle. The distinction, however, is that the
development has come through the knowledge
and experience that have been afforded by technological advance.
Technological development has been integral to
the refinement of microvascular technique. This
article has reviewed several tools that have simplified practice and improved performance. As the
complexity and sophistication of this technical
surgical art develop, advancement in technology
will remain a key to progress in the field.

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