Riba and Islamic Banking and Finance
Riba and Islamic Banking and Finance
Riba and Islamic Banking and Finance
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The history of riba was dated to about 4000-3000 years B.C. as evidenced from
Bottomry Contract that was prevalent amongst the Babylonians. They used to
lend money to the merchants in consideration for a certain percentage of usury.
It was this contract that was later known as the Bottomry Contract. The origin of
riba in the medieval period could be linked to the origin of banking itself. The
origin of both was mainly influenced by the role of goldsmiths.
allowed the public to keep its gold and silver coins in their safes, possibly
charging a fee for the service provided. Naturally, the goldsmiths issued receipts
acknowledging the exact amount of gold and silver coins that were handed for
them for safekeeping. These receipts enabled the holders to claim and redeem
their money at any time.
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deposited the gold or silver coins. This was done relying on the principle of
fractional reserves i.e. only a fraction of the cash deposited is being kept as
reserves to meet individual withdrawal demands from the customers/depositors.
When goldsmiths/ bankers began to give loans to deficit units, their function as
financial intermediaries can be seen to be complete. Banks collect excess funds
from units that do not need them currently and then channel the funds to deficit
units. More importantly, banks are able now to grant loans that are far in excess
of the deposits they have collected.
Having said that, interest paid to depositors and interest charged upon fund
users is rather a new institution. For centuries ago, interest charges were illegal
in England. One of the reasons that led to the expulsion of the Jews from
England at that time was the issue of interest charges. They were alleged to
have imposed very high lending rates. Only in the year 1545 was the imposition
of interest charges legalised in England. The 1545 Act, however, tried to ensure
that interest charges were not excessive, by fixing the rate at 10 percent per
On the other hand, the issue of riba was an old religious issue not only in Islam
but also in Judaism and Christianity. The position of riba was condemned by all
these religions which are Divine in origin. Therefore, it is not surprising that the
religious sentiment against the practice of riba has been negative from the very
beginning. In Islam, riba was categorically prohibited through both the Quran and
the Sunnah of the Prophet leaving no room for any contrary or reverse opinion.
These Quranic and Sunnah injunctions, as will be later discussed are clear and
definite on the prohibition of riba. The final and ultimate prohibition of riba took
place during the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH) and therefore, it was dated back
to 6th century of the Christian calendar.
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Interestingly enough, the prohibition of riba in Islam during the lifetime of the
Prophet (PBUH) passed over four different phases and stages. The manner of
this Divine prohibition was precisely similar to the manner where the wine
drinking was ultimately prohibited.
inferred from this phenomenon was that the practice of both wine drinking and
taking and charging riba was so deeply rooted in the pre-Islamic period that it
needed a kind of gradualism to prepare the people to accept the final prohibition.
The first revelation was in Mecca which emphasized that, while riba deprived
wealth of Allahs blessings, charity (sadaqah) raised it manifolds. The verse (alRum : 39) reads to the effect; That which you give as interest to increase the
peoples wealth increases not with Allah ; but that which you give in charity,
seeking the countenance of Allah, multiplies manifold. The second revelation,
which was revealed in the early Medinan period, severely disapproved of riba, in
line with its prohibition in the previous scriptures. It placed those who took riba in
juxtaposition with those who wrongfully appropriated other peoples property and
threatened both with severe punishment from Allah. Verse 161 of the Chapter of
al-Nisa reads to the effect; And for their taking interest even though it was
forbidden for them, and their wrongful appropriation of other peoples property,
we have prepared for those among them who reject faith a grievous punishment.
Subsequently, around the second or third year of Hijrah, the third revelation was
revealed enjoining Muslims to keep away from riba if they desired their safety
and prosperity in both this world and Hereafter. The third revelation which is
consisted of three verses (130-131) from the Chapter of al-Imran read as
follows; O believers, take not double and redoubled interest, and fear Allah so
that you may prosper. Fear the fire which has been prepared for those who reject
faith, and obey Allah and the Prophet so that you may receive mercy. Ultimately,
the final revelation concerning riba was revealed just before the demise of the
Prophet (PBUH).
severely censured those who take riba, established a clear distinction between
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trade and riba, and required Muslims to annul all outstanding riba, instructing
them to take only the principal amount, and forego even this in case of the
borrowers hardship. These meanings are extracted from verses 275-281 of the
Chapter of al-Baqarah that read to the effect: Those benefit from riba shall be
raised like those who have been driven to madness by the touch of the Devil; this
is because they say: Trade is like interest while Allah has permitted trade and
forbidden riba. Hence, those who have received the admonition from their Lord
and desist, shall be pardoned for the past; their case is to Allah (to judge) but
those who repeat (the offence) are companions of the fire and they will abide
therein for ever. (275) Allah will deprive riba of all blessing, but will give
increase for deeds of charity for he loves not the ungrateful sinner. (276) Those
who believe, perform good deeds, establish prayer and pay the zakat, their
reward is with their Lord; neither should they have any fear, nor shall they
grieve. (277) O believers, fear Allah, and give up the riba that remains
outstanding if you are believers. (278) If you do not so, then be sure of being at
war with Allah and His Messenger.
principal. Neither should you commit injustice nor should you be subjected to it
(279) If the debtor is in difficulty, grant him time till it is easy for him to repay.
But if you remit it by way of charity, that is best for you if you realise. (280) And
fear the Day when you shall be returned to the Lord and every soul shall be paid
in full what it has earned and no one shall be wronged. (281)
As for the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH), there are numerous hadiths pertaining to the
prohibition and condemnation of riba. There is, inter alia, a hadith recorded on the
authority of Jabir that the Prophet (PBUH) cursed the receiver and the payer of interest,
the one who records it and the two witnesses to the transaction and said: They are all
alike (in sin). In another hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) has been reported to have said
Riba has seventy segments, the least serious being equivalent to a man committing
adultery with his own mother.
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Literally, riba means increase, addition, expansion or growth. It is to be noted
however that not every increase or growth is prohibited in Islam. The basis of the
prohibition is related to the manner through which an addition is gained.
Therefore, it was the task of the Prophet (PBUH) to explain how riba could take
place in commercial matters because otherwise, the Quranic injunctions that
were previously quoted would be meaningless as the explanation of riba was
never provided in the Quran. Before we proceed further, it is relevant to note that
many contemporary books and articles on riba have misled readers on the
meaning of riba. Most of the books or articles simply define riba as the premium
that must be paid by the borrower to the lender along with the principal amount
as a condition for the loan or for an extension in its maturity. Equally popular is
an attempt to define riba as an excessive rate of premium imposed on the
borrower in loan transaction.
The above attempts are not totally wrong but they lack the precise definition of
riba, a fact that might likely mislead the readers to infer something which is
baseless from Islamic law perspective. For example, one may induce that riba is
only limited or confined to loan transaction i.e. money which is exchanged for
money for an extra counter value or consideration. Likewise, one may infer from
the qualification of an excessive rate that a fair or a reasonable rate of premium
or additional payment may be deemed lawful because it is not excessive.
The right approach however, is to look at the source from which riba originated.
As riba was widely practised in the time of the Prophet (PBUH), the explanatory
reports of the Prophet (PBUH) will be of paramount importance and relevance.
The most comprehensive report on this matter is the hadith reported on the
authority of Ubadah b. al-Samit that is, Gold for gold, silver for silver, wheat for
wheat, barley for barley, dates for dates and salt for salt, like for like, equal for
equal, and hand-to-hand. If the commodities differ, then you (may) sell as you
wish provided that (the exchange) is hand-to-hand. This hadith, it is respectfully
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submitted, offers a very precise and accurate definition of riba that is easy to
understand and appreciate. It will be shown later that the criterion is not related
to any specific rate or manner of extra payment because otherwise the
understanding on riba would be uncertain, as the rate and manner of riba are
open to variation.
Islamic legal theory perspective, qualify to constitute the illah i.e. cause or
reason of a ruling (known as ratio decidendi in English common law). These two
elements are gap or deferment in the time of exchange and different counter
values in the exchange of two similar ribawi items. Put it differently, these two
elements are time factor as well as the quantity factor.
The explanation of the above theory is as follows. The Islamic law defines riba in
two perspectives that are riba by virtue of deferment in the time of exchange,
known as riba al-nasiah and riba by virtue of excess in terms of the quantity of
one of the countervalues, known as riba al-fadl. If gold is exchanged for gold,
then the exchange must comply with these two factors, namely it must be of spot
exchange and of equal quantity. Should the exchange lacks the first element, it
amounts to riba al-nasiah. However, if it lacks the second element, it falls under
the category of riba al-fadl.
transaction is lacking of these two conditions together, then both riba al-nasiah
and riba al-fadl would be jointly applicable. Having said that, the basis of riba in
Islam is still time of exchange and quantity considerations.
The same
explanation isrelevant to other commodities and items listed in the hadith if they
are exchanged for one another i.e. wheat for wheat and so on and so forth.
One may question the validity and the basis of the above theory. Therefore, it is
more than appropriate to shed some light on the mechanism of law finding
process in Islamic law to show that Islamic law has been always consistent,
logical and rational. To ensure the rationality as well as consistency of Islamic
law, Allah Almighty, the Lawgiver, has always furnished signs in the Quran and
the Sunnah from which the Muslim scholars might find guidance to understand
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and elaborate the laws intended by the Lawgiver. This applies to almost all
areas of law in Islam particularly in commercial transactions.
The central
Generally speaking, there are five features of a valid legal cause in Islamic law.
A cause in Islamic law must meet at least all of these five features before it could
qualify to constitute a legal cause of a particular ruling. In the case of riba, we
are already aware of the Divine ruling prescribed upon the practice of riba that is
forbidden (haram). However, at this stage at least, we are uncertain of what
actually renders the practice prohibited. Is it the rate of the premium or is it the
type of the commodity involved or is it the manner of imposing the premium or is
it simply the disunity in time of exchange or is it the inequality of two counter
values? Obviously, one or all of the above propositions could be relevant. Is
there any indication to help us to be more certain on the position of law in this
regard? The answer is in affirmative.
It is in this context that the features of a valid cause shall be helpful. These five
features are evident attribute, constant and regular attribute, extensible attribute,
an attribute that is co-extensive and an attribute that is co-exclusive. As for an
attribute that is evident, it should be ascertainable and perceivable through
human senses. Hidden considerations such as intention, consent, good will, just
and fair, etc., are not to be considered as an accurate legal cause since they are
not ascertainable. The legal cause for a valid contract, for example, is the offer
and acceptance (ijab wa qabul) rather than the buyers and sellers actual
consent, simply because consent is imperceptible.
acceptance are evident, they qualify to become the legal cause for a valid
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is inequality in one of the counter values. This definition takes into consideration
neither the purpose of loan nor the rate of interest imposed on borrowers. Thus,
the meaning and application of riba will be obvious, constant and fixed
throughout centuries. No one will find difficulty in ascertaining the concept and
meaning of riba as the determining point is very structured. This is the very
essence of the hadith of the Prophet (PBUH) that was quoted earlier. As such,
riba cannot be simply defined in one or two sentences, as its definition must
incorporate ribawi items, inequality of counter values and disunity in the time of
the exchange. Therefore, the most comprehensive definition, to the best of the
writers knowledge, is Nabil Salihs definition. He notes that Riba in its Shariah
context, can be defined, as generally agreed, as an unlawful gain derived from
the quantitative inequality of the counter values in any transaction purporting to
affect the exchange of two or more species which belong to the same genus and
are governed by the same legal cause. Deferred completion of the exchange of
such species, or even of species which belong to different genera but are
governed by the same illah (legal cause), is also riba, whether or not the
deferment is accompanied by an increase in any one of the exchanged counter
values. We may add that riba also includes both inequality of the counter values
and deferment in exchange together as in the case of modern riba. In modern
time, loan is lent out for an extra repayment to be settled sometime in the future.
Thus, it involves both quantity and time factors.
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commodities that are used as money i.e. acts as medium of exchange, store and
measure of value, are to be treated as ribawi or usurious items. Therefore, they
must be treated on the basis of equal to equal and hand-to-hand when they are
exchanged for each other.
disagreed on the legal cause underlying these commodities. Briefly, the Shafiis
maintain that the last four items are usurious items because they are edible.
Unlike the Shafiis, the Hanafis contend that the legal cause is the quality of
those articles as being saleable by the measurement of weight or capacity. Yet
another view belongs to the Malikis suggests that the legal cause is the fact that
those items are main food and preservable. By applying analogy, the coverage
of usurious items will be extended to cover other items that share the common
legal cause according to respective schools of law.
The second question that is more interesting is the logic of the requirement of
equal to equal in the exchange of two similar ribawi counter values. On the
surface it appears hard to understand why anyone would want to exchange a
given quantity of gold or silver or any other commodity against its own
counterpart and that too will be transacted on spot basis. What is essentially
being required is justice and fairplay in spot transactions involving barter trading.
Anything that is received as extra by one of the two parties to the transaction is
riba al-fadl i.e. all excess in barter trading over what is justified by the counter
transactions and asked that a commodity meant for an exchange of the same
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commodity to be exchanged first against cash and the proceeds be used later to
buy the needed commodity.
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of riba started to upset the people. At that time, explanation of the evils of riba
would be irrelevant and useless, as the impact would be very damaging to the
society. It is in the light of this damaging effect of riba, Allah Almighty has
already warned the people to avoid practising riba because the opposite attitude
has been described by Allah Almighty as declaring a war against Allah and His
Messenger. Obviously, the outcome and aftermath of this phenomenon would
be unimaginable and beyond repair.
Having said that, it is still relevant to highlight on some of the evils of riba that
would inflict on a society that practices riba in its financial activities. The present
explanation is not meant to be exhaustive simply because the result of violating
the Divine prohibition of riba cannot be quantified. On this, one can clearly see
that Allah Himself did not prescribe any kind of specific punishment on both the
payers and receivers of riba as Allah did in the case of wine drinking and other
capital punishments in Islamic law.
submitted, is for Allah Almighty to take people by surprise should they continue
practising riba because the impact of riba is widespread and far-reaching. That
is to say that while other offences might subject a few people in the society to
suffer, riba would subject almost all people into some kind of crisis and problem.
Therefore, it is the duty of the public at large to prevent this before it occurs. The
people cannot blame except themselves should this problem renders their life
abhorrent and awful.
Before we proceed to discuss the rationale behind the prohibition of riba, it is
interesting to understand the philosophy of Islamic law with regard to the criterion
of considering a particular practice lawful or otherwise. Al-Shatibi, a great Muslim
jurist, has observed through induction process that the status of prohibition given
to a particular practice does not necessarily imply that the said practice is void of
any good and meaningful elements that are beneficial to mankind. Likewise,
what is permitted or made obligatory in the eyes of the religion does not
necessarily suggest that the permitted or obligatory practice is free from any bad
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things that might be harmful to mankind. However, the ultimate criterion is the
degree of each of good and bad elements embodied in a particular practice.
Should the good elements supersede and overwhelm the bad elements, the
practice is qualified as permitted or obligatory as the case may be. The reverse
phenomenon would render the practice to be deemed as either disliked or
forbidden as the case may be. An excellent example could be found in one of
the Quranic verses pertaining to the prohibition of wine drinking i.e. at an early
stage of its prohibition. The verse (al-Baqarah: 219) reads to the effect; They
ask you concerning wine and gambling. Say: In them is great sin and some
benefit but the sin is greater than the benefit. The wine was ultimately prohibited
although the wine, up to modern time, might have contained some benefits for
people as normally discussed in the discipline of medicine.
At this point, one may have a valid reason to question the logic of this philosophy
upheld by Islamic law. There are many answers that could be given to answer
this query. However, it is sufficient to note one interesting response given by alShatibi himself. He emphasised on the fact that people are created by Allah
Almighty to be tested whether they are obedient to Him Almighty or otherwise.
The meaning of this test cannot be achieved if all the practices are either good or
bad completely because people would then be naturally inclined to observe what
is good and to avoid what is bad. In other words, as there is no conflict of desire
and inclination, one cannot be tested. However, once a practice contains both
good and bad elements, one can now be tested whether to follow what is already
prescribed upon oneself or what is more appealing to ones whim and desire and
therefore rejecting the Divine order. This fact is relevant to all prescriptions in
Islamic law irrespective of whether they are of prohibitive or obligatory in nature.
As for interest, it does contain good elements because otherwise nobody would
be willing to practise riba. Obviously, it gives an advantage to people with
surplus of money to receive the premium on their money lent out to people faced
with deficit of money. This has been extensively discussed by the exponents of
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riba under a few theories such as preference theory, theory of rent of money
and the like. In a more specific financial analysis, interest has been deemed as
the most powerful factor in the process of flow of fund. It lubricates financial
intermediation in the process of fund flow. It is the interest rate that attracts and
encourages financially surplus units to hold their excess fund in the form of
financial instruments. Therefore, the interest rate is the primary incentive that
encourages savings with financial institutions. On the other hand, as costs of
funds, interest rate allocates the relatively scarce financial resources among the
deficit units. As cost of funds, it can be said that the interest rate system imposes
a form of financial discipline on entrepreneurs who borrow funds to finance their
projects. Interest charges forces entrepreneurs to be thrifty and to run their
business efficiently. Consequently, the entrepreneurs have to take all necessary
measures to ensure that their targeted profits can be achieved to be able to
repay the loan plus the interest charged on the principal sum of loan. This form
of financial discipline is similar to that of the market forces that reward those who
are efficient and successful.
Looking at the interest system from government or regulators point of view, it
may said that the interest rate is very much influential in many respects. First, as
to mobilise funds for national social economic development, the government
issues debt instruments and encourages the public, both individuals and
institutions to hold national debts. At the same time, through the Central Bank,
the government varies the interest rate as a means to control the level of liquidity
and supply of money. Through controlling the supply of money, it is hoped that
the level of economic activity in the country can be influenced and sustained. In
addition, the interest rate is also used to regulate commercial banks, especially
their abilities to create credit.
It is against this backdrop that we shall now present the Islamic perspective on
why riba is and shall be prohibited once and for all. In one of the Quranic verses
quoted earlier on the position of riba in Islam, Allah Almighty has commanded the
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riba receivers, upon their repentance, to take back the principal and to do away
with the interest or additional charges on the principal. By so doing, neither they
inflict injustice on riba payers nor riba payers being oppressed. This is the very
essence of verse 279 of al-Baqarah that is; But if you repent, you can have your
principal. Neither should you commit injustice nor should you be subjected to it.
Therefore, the central theme and rationale of the prohibition of riba is injustice.
However, the question may arise as in what sense riba in unjust? and does
justice really matter in commercial transaction because other lawful transactions
such as sale and lease contracts may have also contained the element of
injustice, for example, in pricing? These are some of peculiar questions that one
has to redress sufficiently otherwise the prohibition of riba would be always
susceptible to suspicion and perplexity.
We may begin by saying that the undesirable features of riba-based banking
system, looked at in the context of the operative principles that currently underlie
conventional banking practice, may be listed as follows:
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to pledge sufficient security. If they find that such avenues of lending are
not sufficient to absorb all their investible resources, they prefer to invest
in government securities with a guaranteed return. This exaggerated
security orientation acts as a great impediment to growth because it does
not allow flow of bank resources to a large number of potential
entrepreneurs who can add to the gross national product by their
productive endeavour but do not possess sufficient security to pledge with
banks to satisfy their criteria of creditworthiness. Oversupply of credit to
well established
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property whose title has been transferred by virtue of donation and grants
by the owner/donor such as in the contract of gratuity e.g. gift (hibah),
endowment (wakaf), will (wasiyyat) etc; and
This theory of transfer of property in Islamic law provides no room for lending
activities based on interest because interest is an income claimed outside the
legitimate framework of the Islamic theory of the transfer of property from one
hand to another. Therefore, income or yield earned from riba activities is nonhalal because Islamic law does not approve the mechanism of earning this
The writer however is much more inclined to elaborate the evils of riba from the
perspective of wealth creation and wealth transfer. The treatment of the rationale
of riba from this perspective, it is respectfully submitted, will satisfy both
economic and legal justifications on the prohibition of riba. The entire Islamic
commercial law aims at promoting the actual wealth creation instead of artificial
and bubble creation of wealth. On the other hand, wealth creation alone without
wealth transfer will not benefit the society at large. Likewise, wealth transfer
without wealth creation will not bring benefit to the society. If mankind were to
engage solely in wealth transfer processes, the stock of wealth could not be
maintained let alone increased. Wealth creation is therefore fundamental to the
survival of mankind. Therefore, one must be able to differentiate, for example,
the activities of gambling on one hand and farming on the other. Although both
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activities employ resources and people, it is farming that produces the food that
allows man to live whereas casinos simply transfer wealth from losers to winners
without creating new stock of wealth.
The above argument applies to lending activities with a stipulated rate of interest.
Riba activities do not create new stock of wealth. Instead, they lead to the
transfer of the wealth from one party to another i.e. from borrower to lender. No
direct new stock of wealth is created in that process. Islamic law has been
always emphasising on both wealth creation and wealth transfer. In Islam, a
growth in wealth cannot always be inferred from the making of an accounting
profit, and that an accounting profit does not always arise from a growth in
wealth. The existence of one does not necessarily signify the existence of the
other. Obviously, this is no direct wealth creation and wealth transfer in ribabased lending activities. If there is any, it is solely for the benefit of the lenders or
One may argue that riba- based lending activities have actually benefited the
society, both individuals and institutions.
lending activities have not only benefited the lenders but also the borrowers in
meeting their financial needs. Also, profit earned by financial institutions is in part
used to pay salaries and thereby allow employees to enjoy life. As for the
shareholders of the banks, they will also benefit of the income earned. Surely
then, one may further argue, that the riba-based lending activities cannot be zero
value-added. This argument is again dubious as riba-based lending activities
always guarantee fixed income to the lenders. Not only that, the lenders bear no
risk whatsoever in this process. Ironically, this situation is more ugly and sinful
than gambling simply because in the latter activity, both the winners and the
losers are equally exposed to chance and risk. In other words, interest is a zerosum game, where one person gains at the expense of another.
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To conclude, we must reiterate that Islam always looks at both wealth creation
and wealth transfer as fundamental issue to the development of the society.
Actual wealth creation and wealth transfer will necessarily benefit the large
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segment of the society if not the whole society. Trading activities, for example,
may benefit not only the buyers and suppliers or sellers but also other sectors
related to business activities such as transportation, marketing, storage,
packaging, advertisement, legal personals, etc. Interestingly enough, each of
these sectors will be expanded to cover many other related activities. Therefore,
transportation for example, may involve workforce such as drivers and assistant
drivers, vehicle for transportation, road tax of the vehicle, vehicle maintenance
and so on and so forth. The need for vehicle will later create demand on vehicle
production. The sequence of needs and accessories will never end to the extent
that ultimately, each and every individual in the society will be benefiting from this
wealth creation and wealth transfer. Perhaps, the Gross Domestic Products
(GDP) of this society will now be reflecting the actual value of new wealth
produced in the domestic economy over a given period of time.
On the other hand, we can easily observe that it is the trend of modern government
to raise the fund from the public by issuing notes and bonds. The holders of the
notes and bonds are promised with a fixed return that is based on interest rate.
Unfortunately enough is that the majority of the expiring debts are paid with the issue
of new debt instruments. In this situation, there is wealth transfer but new wealth is
never created to replace the old wealth. As a result of interest payment, most
governments are forever in debt. This may lead to two worrying possibilities. First,
long-term government debts burden the future generations of the society.
If a
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equity financing along with debt financing. The area of equity financing is an area
that conventional banking have been declined to enter. Perhaps, if the Islamic
banking were to venture into mudarabah and musharakah financing with some
modifications necessary to minimise the risk on the part of the bank, it will create
a new chapter in the history of banking.