Gray Hoverman Antenna
Gray Hoverman Antenna
Gray Hoverman Antenna
2008 and are free: you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
of the License, or (at our option) any later version.
These designs, schematics, and diagrams are distributed in the hope that they will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
For your complete copy of the GNU General Public License to go along with the designs,
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The directions that follow will guide you through building your own
single-bay Gray-Hoverman UHF panel antenna, using materials
commonly available at most home improvement or hardware stores.
While the skills needed are not particularly difficult, please read the
instructions carefully: there are important details that will make
assembly much easier if you understand them clearly before the glue
There are also some pointers on safety you will want to observe. We
want this project to go smoothly and uneventfully so that you can use
your new antenna to watch the news... and not become an accidental
news story yourself!
With reasonable care and attention to detail, you will end up with an
antenna that will provide years of excellent performance at a reasonably
modest cost... and you will have the added satisfaction of having done it
Happy building!
-- Jeff
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way into its fitting until it hits the end stop. You
need to work quickly, as the cement will bond in
a matter of seconds. When its time to install the
other end, apply the cement and slide the fitting
on over the drawing, so that the section matches
up exactly with the design. If you just slide the
fitting on all the way, changes are that section
will wind up about a sixteenth of an inch too
short. Use the template to make things line up!
Finally... cleanliness. The primer and cement
are going to drip all over the place, especially
from joints you have just pressed together.
Disposable rags are very handy to keep the stuff
cleaned up. You especially want to avoid
having cement on your hands for one thing, if
you get it on the ends of other pipes, it will make
them very hard to assemble later. Clean up drips
as they happen, and when after each joint has
bonded, wipe away the excess cement.
Ready to start? Great! Grab two tees (B), two
crosses (C), two 3.000 pipes (F), and one
1.375 pipe (D), and line them up on the
template so you have a feel for the order theyll
go in.
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As it happens, I used a torch, and got the lefthand wire a bit too hot the insulation melted a
little bit, but not enough to be a problem. Notice
how the solder forms a nice smooth joint
without being globby or having a crystalline
appearance (those are signs that the joint wasnt
quite hot enough for the solder to completely
Once the joints have cooled, slide them so that
the bends are centered in the two support pipes.
We will be forming the element wires one at a
time, and if you line the frame up over the
template drawing you will see that the wire will
wind up over the green lines in the drawing (yes,
you got it printed in black-and-white, but you
can still see it in color on your computer, right?)
Lets start forming the element closest to you.
With the center feed-point joints centered up in
the middle supports, use your pliers to create a
90 bend directly over the next tee, like this:
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At this point you have an antenna with a biradial pattern that is, it will pick up stations to
the front and to the rear equally well, and reject
signals to the sides. This isnt terribly useful, as
we want to reject potentially interfering stuff
from the backside. So we install the piece of
hardware cloth both to act as a screen to block
signals from the backside, and also to form the
reflector that reinforces the signal coming from
the front. To be technical, this gives the antenna
a good share of its gain as well as its high frontto-back ratio, both highly desirable qualities.
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45 '
4 45 '
4 46
45 '
4 46 '
45 '
4 46 '
45 '
4 46 '
9 '
75 '
7 46 '
5 '
46 '
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Electrical department:
Solid copper wire, #8 gauge
Plastic wire ties (black with metal tabs is best)
300 ohm to 75 ohm matching transformer (balun)
Note: the transformer is also available at electronics
stores like Radio Shack (their stock number is 15-1140)
10 feet
About 25
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