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Horoscope SMOKING
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Pub Review
Best Smoothies Ever
And Many More!!
How To Get In Good
Watch out, the summer is
Of course you cannot forget healthy eating all the time. Now is good time to
switch chips, burgers and candies, which is most likely the unhealthiest food on
earth, for carrots, smoothies and salads.
You don’t want to end up like one of the fat fast-food-loving Americans, do you?
Summer, as you know, is the season of grill parties, friends and campfires. So
why not enjoy it all and forget work, problems and worries.
Don’t let them track you down or anything. Just be positive and look out for
yourself and feel pretty!
Take care,
Editorial staff:
Table of Contents
2 - editorial
6 - Pub Review
10 - Best Smoothies
13 - Horoscope
15 - Red Lipstick
17 - SuDoku
17 - Crossword
Healthy Eating and the
„eatwell“ plate
Every health magazine writes about what you eat should come from each
healthy eating, dieting and sport. But food group. This includes everything
that IS the most important thing what you eat during the day, including
young girls and women want to read snacks.
about. As we know the world is filled Recommendable:
with girls who are not happy with Plenty of fruit and vegetables
their bodies and they are always Plenty of bread, rice, potatoes,
looking for new outputs. Not that pasta and other starchy foods –
there is much new to discover. choose wholegrain varieties
Scientist come out with a new theory whenever you can
about right eating at least twice a Some milk and dairy foods
week, but there is one thing that is Some meat, fish, eggs, beans
true (so far) - eatwell plate. and other non-dairy sources of
Eating healthy and dieting is not as Just a small amount of foods
hard as at looks like. If you just follow and drinks high in fat and/or
the eatwell plate rule everything sugar
would be really simple. The eatwell Try to choose options that are lower
plate makes healthy eating easier to in fat, salt and sugar when you can.
understand by showing how much of
Eating is one big part of our lives. Be active. Physical activity is a good
Therefore we should follow some way of using up extra calories, and
simple rules. helps control our weight. But this
Don’t skip breakfast or any kind of doesn't mean you need to join a gym.
meal. Breakfast gives us energy we Just try to get active every day and
need to face the stressful day. The build up the amount you do. For
thought that skipping meals will help example, you could try to fit in as
them lose weight isn’t good at all. We much walking as you can into your
can miss out on essential nutrients daily routine. Try to walk at a good
and instead of losing weight our body pace.
tries to avoid staving by storing even Base your meals on starchy foods.
unnecessary nutrients. Bread, cereals, rice, pasta and
Drink plenty of water. Normal water potatoes are important part of
or other fluid amount is about 1.2 dieting. Most of us should eat more
liters a day, which stops us getting starchy foods - try to include at least
dehydrated. one starchy food with each of your
Occasional alcohol is good for your main meals. So you could start the
health. There is nothing wrong in day with a wholegrain breakfast
occasional drinking, but too much cereal, have a sandwich for lunch,
drinking can already cause problems. and potatoes, pasta or rice with your
For good health, it's a good idea to evening meal.
spread your drinking throughout the Eat fish. Fish contains much protein,
week and avoid binge drinking. vitamins and minerals, which are
Drinking heavily over a long period of good for your health. But remember
time can damage the liver. that every fish is different and may
contain different nutrients.
Pub Review
10 Reasons to
Quit Smoking
Without Smoking:
How to Get In Good
3. Action sphere: arm muscles.
5. Action sphere:
abdominalis stretch.
Good luck!
Best Smoothies
2 1/2 cups strawberries
1/2 cup strawberry nectar
1 pitted peach
1 cup low-fat plain or strawberry
yogurt if you don’t have the
2 cups ice
Vitamin C Smoothie
Ingredients: Ingredients:
3 cups of 2 cups cran-apple juice
watermelon 1 1/2 cups of limeade
1 cup cantaloupe 1/4 cup lime juice
1/2 cup 2 scoops lime sherbet
strawberries 1 cup ice
1 cup low-fat plain
yogurt Blend and really
2 cups of ice enjoy.
Banana Breakfast Smoothie
1-1/2 cups fat free milk
1 peeled and sliced medium
banana, frozen – wrap sliced
banana in plastic wrap or place
in a freezer storage bag – freeze
several hours or overnight.
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon almond extract,
In a blender container combine
all ingredients, except
Blend until smooth, about 20
Pour into glasses and garnish
with a sprinkle of ground
cinnamon, if desired.
Ingredients: Ingredients:
1/2 cup orange juice 1 cup milk
1 banana 1⁄2 cup natural yogurt
6-7 frozen strawberries 1 cup raspberries
4-5 slices frozen peaches Sugar or honey to taste.
5-6 frozen blueberries Blend all ingredients on high until
6-7 ice cubes smooth. Pour into glasses.
Fresh mint (optional)
Dash of nutmeg (optional) Mango Smoothie
1 tsp. honey (optional)
Place all ingredients except ice cubes 1/2 cup pineapple juice
in blender. Puree until smooth. Add 1 cup orange sherbet
ice, and puree again. Pour into a 1 banana
glass and sprinkle nutmeg on top 2 cups mango, sliced
and garnish the some fresh mint. 2 cups ice
1 teaspoon lime juice
Did You Know?
serious health problems in Leo
Horoscope 2008, but that doesn't mean
they don't have to take care of
their health. Be moderate in
Leo natives are recommended
to lead a moderate life in 2008,
Aries anything you do! without experiences and
Because of Jupiter's presence in adventures that could threaten
Aries natives' the house of changes all year their health.
health is round in 2008, it's In 2008, Leo's health can be
influenced in recommendable to pay more influenced by three important
2008 by the attention to the digestive planets: Jupiter, Uranus and
presence of Saturn and Uranus apparatus and the excretory Pluto.
in the house of health, which one (the stomach, the Jupiter is responsible for
might become an alarm signal. intestines). everything that means
You'd better pay more attention Especially since May 2008 until chemical activity in the body,
to your cardiovascular system the middle of September, when oxygenation and blood
and cerebral activity. Even if Jupiter retrogrades, we advise regeneration. Jupiter also
you are very energetic and you you to be careful about what governs the liver, spleen and
feel you're capable of doing and how much you eat. Don't gall bladder so your
anything, stay calm regardless overdo it with alcohol and nourishment has to be
of what is happening around sweets, because your liver and balanced, without excesses,
you! As you generally tend to pancreas are more vulnerable! especially when it comes to
care for anything that happens alcohol. Pay attention to all this,
to you, in 2008 we advise you You just have to have a especially from May 2008 until
to be more detached. balanced diet and to avoid the middle of September, when
You should spare your nervous abuse. Don't forget our health Jupiter is in retrograde
system as well, especially in depends to a great extent on movement!
the latter half of March and what we eat and our food has Pluto, which governs the sexual
August 2008, when Venus is to be our medication at the organs, urges to moderation in
transiting the house of health! same time! this area as well, especially
between April and August 2008,
We advise you to make sure when it retrogrades.
you have the necessary dose of Cancer
vitamins and minerals to guard Uranus is the planet of changes
against possible skin and bones Because of Neptune's presence and it will be precisely in Leo's
ailments. in the house of changes house of changes in 2008. The
throughout 2008, Cancer nervous and cardiovascular
Taurus natives are advised to spare systems are more sensitive now
their nervous system. and they have to be spared.
You should avoid stress and Less stress, fewer stimulants
In 2008, it seems (coffee, cigarettes), more
that Taurus keep calm, especially between
June and exercise in the open air!
natives won't
have serious health problems. November 2008,
It's the right time to take when Neptune is
advantage of this period and to in retrograde
fortify your body. movement. The
You can try some treatments to same thing goes
maintain your good health or for the periods when Mercury is
some diets, maybe naturist in retrograde movement: in the
diets. We even recommend you former half of February and the
to take up more naturist eating former half of October 2008.
habits. You obviously can't take Attention to the use of
such an important step without medicines and to
knowing more about this chemotherapy! In 2008, drugs
domain, so we advise you to and poisons, even those which
start looking for information, are harmless in small doses,
and only after that put it into could have disastrous effects
practice. for Cancer natives. Therefore,
you have to follow the
recommended doses of your
You have to take special care of treatment and not exceed the
your nervous system and maximum doses.
breathing apparatus in
September and October 2008,
when Mercury is transiting your On the other hand, Mars warns
house of health, but especially you to beware of accidents,
in the former half of October especially in January-February
when Mercury is in retrograde 2008. The risk of vascular
movement. accidents is higher in this
period, and men are in danger
of having characteristically
male health problems.
Gemini natives
won't have
Virgo necessary, rich in vitamins and The only recommendation for
minerals, especially calcium. 2008 is to make less physical
effort in the period when the
Virgo natives Sun is in Gemini (the sign
have to learn in Saturn will be in the sign of
Virgo all year round, which opposite Sagittarius), to avoid
2008 that not possible heart problems.
all is gold that could slow down the nutrition
glitters. Because of Neptune's process. If you want to lose
presence in the house of weight at any cost, 2008 is the
health, you have to be very most appropriate for diets. But Capricorn
careful about anything that attention: in 2008, food low in
means noxious substances, minerals could cause Generally, Capricorn natives
drugs, poisons. Even dangerously high deficiencies! will have good health in 2008,
medicines, which normally have without any
benefic effects, can now have special problems.
unpleasant side effects if you Scorpio The only less
don't take the right dose. You favorable astral
could have the surprise for Scorpio natives are not predispositions
some substances, which you threatened by health problems regarding health
consider harmless or benefic, to in 2008. All you have to do is are related to sexuality, but
work against you. fortify your they will manifest only in
Of course you have to draw the body, enjoy your certain periods.
line between the real chemical good health and In January-February 2008,
effects and the effects you're focus your especially male Capricorns will
imagining. Hypochondriac as energy on other have to spare their
you are, self-suggestion could areas. reproductive apparatus and the
play tricks on you and make We signal to you though two excretory one. We recommend
you look for external causes of periods in which you should be you to lead a balanced life,
some imaginary effects. If you prudent: Mars' transit through without abuse, and to cut down
want to avoid some troubles one of the health houses, on stimulating nutriments.
regarding your health, especially in January-February Mars' transit through one of the
remember that we are what we 2008, and Mercury's retrograde houses of health predisposes to
think we are - especially in movement in the former half of small accidents, so beware!
April-October 2008, when June. Pluto's presence in one of the
Neptune is in retrograde Mars predisposes to problems houses of health in the former
movement. as regards the blood and half of January 2008, and then
muscles, as well as the head from the middle of July to the
In the former half of February area. Especially men have to end of 2008, asks for prudence
2008, when Mercury take care in the periods when regarding sexual life - not only
retrogrades in Virgo's house of Mars influences health, with from Capricorn men, but from
health, eAstrolog recommends special attention to male Capricorn women as well. Avoid
you to spare your nervous hormones and sexual organs. excesses and don't take useless
system and to avoid stress. Avoid sexual excesses! risks!
above enumeration we can Pisces You also have to pay attention
understand how important to anything that could have
Jupiter is and it is now in For Pisces effects on your direction sense
Aquarius' house of health. natives, Neptune and stability - especially for
It's absolutely necessary to is still in one of Pisces natives that drive
have a balanced life, with no the houses of vehicles or handle dangerous or
abuse, especially as regards health, asking for more delicate machines!
alcohol and nourishment. Pay attention when consuming In June-October 2008, when
attention when it comes to certain substances in 2008 as Neptune is in retrograde
consuming alcohol! well. movement, maximum prudence
The liver is also a filter for It's not about drugs and is recommended because
negative energies. That means poisons only, which are noxious retrograde Neptune makes
that all our troubles and stress under any circumstances, but noxious substances have
can solicit it more than normal. also about medicine, which maximum effects.
could have much stronger
All these alarm signals become effects than normal. Even some The nervous system could be
imperative when Jupiter is in slightly noxious substances or more sensitive in the former
retrograde movement: from the harmless in certain conditions half of February 2008, the
beginning of May 2008 to the can have unsuspected strong former half of June and the
middle of September. effects. We recommend more former half of October, when
careful dosing of any therapy or Mercury retrogrades.
and the look of a movie star is
guaranteed. All women love being in
the spotlight, why not use your lips to
get the attention needed and the
Good in
good feeling of being checked out in
the mall by some males. Luscious red
lips will draw attention on your face,
so if you love your lips – paint them
The summer is coming and it is time
to shine. Find out you’re reddest
lipstick and break out of the foggy
and rainy spring weather. A little red
on the lips, high heels and a miniskirt