Theme 2: Thyroid Diseases: Study Goals
Theme 2: Thyroid Diseases: Study Goals
Theme 2: Thyroid Diseases: Study Goals
Thyroid gland consists of two lobes (right and left) one on either side of the
trachea and isthmus which connects them together in the front of the neck
The thyroid gland produces three hormones: triiodothyronine (T 3), thyroxine
(T4) and thyrocalcitonin (calcitonin, TCT). Iodine is necessary in the thyroid hormone
synthesis. Adequate iodine intake should be 150-200 g per day.
Thyroid hormones are involved in the regulation of the following physiological
Growth and development
Thermoregulation, calorigenesis
Cardiovascular effect
Metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids
The secretion of T3 and T4 are under the control of thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH), which is in turn under thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH).
Iodine (organic and inorganic) is absorbed in gastrointestinal tract in the form of
iodide. Iodide following active transport enters the thyroid gland. The trapped iodide
is oxidised by peroxidase system to active iodine. Active iodine iodinates the tyrosine
residue of glycoprotein and forms monoiodotyrosine (MIT) and diiodotyrosine (DIT).
This process is called iodide organification. Two molecules of DIT form T4. whereas
MIT with DIT produces T3 (condensation process).
20 % of T3 volume comes from thyroid gland secretion. Another 80% are
derived from T4 deiodination in peripheral tissues (liver, kidneys). Normal T3 is three
to five times more potent than T4. Thats why T4 is considered as prohormone, while
T3 as hormone.
Treatment approach
1. Medicamentous therapy (pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment ).
2. Radioiodine therapy (radical treatment).
3. Subtotal thyroidectomy (surgery).
Medicamentous therapy
Pathogenetic treatment
Agents that inhibit iodide trapping
Potassium perchlorate and other monovalent anions such as pertechnetate, nitrate,
and thiocyanate in the different drug compositions
Monovalent anions (perchlorate, pertechnetate, nitrate, thiocyanate) in the
different drug compositions competitively inhibit accumulation of iodide. Effect of
their action is reversible. Drugs abolition causes immediate surge in T 3 and T4 with
aggravation of clinical status. These drugs are now obsolete and mostly no longer
used, except Potassium perchlorate that may be administered in the treatment of
Iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis. Cabbages contain thiocyanate and is called goitrogenic
Potassium perchlorate. Dosage: 0.5-1 g per day q.i.d.
Adverse effects
Aplastic anaemia which may be fatal is the main side effect. Discontinuation of
potassium perchlorate worsen thyrotoxicosis. Used only if other treatment are
Agents that inhibit the synthesis of thyroid hormones
Thiamazole (Mercazolilum)
Propylthiouracil (Propacil)
In order to inhibit synthesis, thionamides (Thiamazole and Propylthiouracil)
suppress iodide organification and condensation. They decrease the synthesis of T3
and T4
blocking iodide into tyrosine incorporation and condensation of
monoiodotyrosine and diiodotyrosine. It is suggested that both of them are able to
inhibit synthesis of TSI. Propylthiouracil additionally inhibit peripheral T 4 conversion
into T3 or activate T4 transformation into inactive reverse T3. Onset of thionamides
effect takes within 3-4 weeks until the thyroid stores of T3 and T4 become depleted.
Propylthiouracil. Dosage: 300-600 mg per day q.i.d.
Thiamazole. Dosage: 30-60 mg per day t.i.d. or once a day in the morning.
Adverse effects
The usual side effects include fever, skin rash, myalgia, arthralgia, nausea,
jaundice. The most common problem is hypothyroidism as a result of long-lasting
Radioiodine therapy
Radical treatment
Radioactive iodide I131 (Iodotope)
Radioactive iodide behaves like dietary iodide and accumulates in the storage
follicles. It emits gamma (X-rays) and beta rays. X-rays alter thyroid growth and
activity, while beta-radiation destroys overactive tissue. I 131 should be given only to
people beyond their reproductive years, because of the potential carcinogenic effect
in young adults and children.
Radioiodine-131. Dosage: usually 4-10 mCi (millicurie) in the correspondence
to the following calculation 60-80 Ci/g of the thyroid estimated weight.
Adverse effects
I131 therapy causes acute release of thyroid hormones usually about 5-10 days
after ingestion as a result of ablation of thyroid tissue. Another problem is
hypothyroidism which develops at the rate of 10-15% in the first year after I 131
Subtotal thyroidectomy
Surgery treatment should be considered in cases that suggest possible malignancy
(nodule, hoarseness, pain, rapid growth of the goiter), when Graves disease is
accompanied by advancing ophthalmopathy, in a pregnant patients with serious
contraindications to other therapy.
Thyroid crisis
Clinical features are delirium, fever, tachycardia, dehydration and diarrhoea. It is
a medical emergency. Treat with: rehydration, intravenous beta-blocker, potassium
iodide, carbimazole and dexamethasone.
Treatment is directed at replacement of the thyroid hormone deficiency. Two
preparations are available: thyroxine (T4) and tri-iodothyronine (T3), although the
latter is rarely used.
These preparations provide replacement therapy by stimulation of metabolism,
growth and maturation.
Both T4 and T3 are adequately absorbed following oral administration. T4 has a
half-life of about a week and T3 of about 2 days. Both undergo liver conjugation and
enterohepatic circulation.
Adverse effects. These are related to physiological and pharmacological actions
of thyroid hormone.
Elderly patients or those known to have ischaemic heart disease must receive
low initial doses with slow increments since angina, infarction, tachyarrhythmias or
heart failure can be precipitated. Excess dosage produces the features of
Thyroxine: Starting dose is 0.05 mg/day (0.025 mg/day if old or with heart
disease) with dose increments every 2-3 weeks depending on thyroid function.
After studying this chapter you should know the following terms, meanings and
explanations given below in the order of their appearance:
Thyroid gland, Adequate iodine intake, Thyroid hormones, Physiological processes,
TSH, TRH, Organification, Condensation, Deiodination in peripheral tissues,
Prohormone, TBG.
Graves disease, Goiter, Exophthalmos, Pretibial myxedema, Thyrotoxicosis,
Iatrogenic hyperthyroidism, Iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis, Aetiology, Pathogenesis,
Clinical picture, Diagnosis, Medicamentous therapy, Pathogenetic treatment, Agents
that inhibit iodide trapping, Agents that inhibit the synthesis of thyroid hormones,
Agents that decrease thyroid hormone release, Symptomatic treatment, Radioiodine
therapy, Radical treatment, Subtotal thyroidectomy.
Cretinism, Myxedema, Hypothyroidism, Aetiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical picture,