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Radome Test System

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Low Cost, Automated, RTCA/DO-213 Compliant - Radome Test System

John Wilber
MI Technologies
1125 Satellite Boulevard, Suite 100
Suwanee, GA 30024 USA
The commercial aviation industry faces several
issues in regard to servicing and maintaining the
radomes that abound in the aircraft fleet flying
today. The first issue is the historically high cost
of radome test systems. As a result of this, there
are limited numbers of test systems in operation
today and some geographic regions have
insufficient radome test capacity. Advances in
weather radar and increased reliance on them for
turbulence avoidance and more efficient route
planning around storm systems will increase the
importance of ensuring that weather radar
systems are performing well and consequently
that weather radar radomes are in good condition
and have been adequately tested. Because of the
potential consequence of flying with a bad radome
and the demands of new radar systems, its more
important than ever to ensure test systems in use
adhere to requirements and to spread awareness
of these challenges within the aviation
Recently, a design effort was conducted
specifically geared towards developing a system
concept for radome testing that would both
provide a robust test capability that fully meets
the RTCA-DO-213 after repair test requirements
and one that is much lower in cost than traditional
systems that are fielded today. This paper
describes the issues cited above and provides a
description of the low cost - compliant solution
Keywords: Low Cost Radome Measurement
System, Radome Measurements, RTCA/DO-213

1. Introduction
The term radome originated as a contraction of the
term radar dome the covering over a radar antenna
to protect it from environmental elements.
Presumably, the presence of the radome does not
prevent the radar from operating satisfactorily. The

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radome as part of the radar system is an

electromagnetic window, tuned to the operating
frequencies of the radar equipment within the radome.
When the radar is mounted on an aircraft the radome
surface typically serves additionally as an
aerodynamic surface, integrated into the design of the
airframe. Now that radar deployment has become
commonplace, the performance characteristics of
radomes have often been taken for granted by all but
the experts specialized in antenna design. [1]
Today, all commercial aircraft and many general
aviation aircraft carry weather avoidance radar
systems. The major parts of the aircraft weather radar
transmitter/receiver, display, antenna positioning
system and critical to the operation of the aircraft and
weather system, the radome.

2. Commercial Weather Radome Testing

Testing of commercial weather radomes is controlled
by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and is
documented in:

Performance Standards for Nose-Mounted
Radomes (commonly referred to as DO-213)

This specification was originally developed by the

Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA)
in response to the development of predictive
windshear weather radar systems. This document
specifies the tests to perform on both new and
repaired radomes. Testing for repaired radomes is
normally limited to Transmission Efficiency (TE) only.
New production radomes are additionally tested for
side lobe level and qualification testing further adds
requirements for incident reflection, beam width and
beam deflection.
Certain radar systems may require higher
performance from the radome to achieve the desired
system performance. Therefore, DO-213 defines

several radome classes as a function of TE to

accommodate system requirements in aircraft
installations. The classes of radomes are shown in
Table 1.

Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Class E

Transmission Efficiency

facility because the local facilities do not have radome

test capability.
Alternatively, increasing spare
radomes in stock can be done, but this is expensive.
If there is no spare radome available, then the aircraft
remains grounded until the radome is repaired. If the
distance to a facility that can do the repair is
significant, then the amount of time the aircraft is
grounded increases. As air travel has become routine
and has permeated all areas of the world, the demand
for after repair radome test has outgrown current
capacity and there is a need for a low cost yet
accurate and compliant test solution.

3.2. An improperly repaired radome

degrades the radar performance

Table 1 DO-213 radome class by TE level

Design and manufacturing of radomes is done by a
specialized segment of the aviation industry and there
is a good understanding and test practice within that
segment. Repair of radomes is often performed by
organizations with less understanding of the function
and importance of the radome and with less skill to
repair and test it properly. Often these organizations
are aircraft composite and structural repair
organizations and their expertise is in repairing
aircraft. Thus they have a lot of mechanical and
aircraft expertise, but often do not have the requisite
RF or electromagnetic expertise.
The causes of degradation of a radomes electrical
performance that will result in a need to repair the
radome are rain erosion, impact damage (hail, bird
strikes, and ground equipment), lightning strike
damage and static burns. Especially during the
thunderstorm season, damage and the need for repair
is frequent and common. [2]

3. The importance of radome testing

A damaged or improperly repaired radome can cause

signal attenuation, refraction or distortion of the main
beam. As a result, the radar can have reduced range
from signal loss, underestimate the severity of
weather, paint false or inaccurate returns of weather
(i.e. a line of thunderstorms directly ahead may
appear to be off to the left or right), or have improper
maintenance and repair of the radome is critical to
achieve maximum signal strength from the radar
transmitter. It is very important to avoid putting more
coatings on than are necessary. A large buildup of
coatings will cause a loss of radar signal strength
through the radome itself.
One reputable FAA repair station reports, that they
see a lot of improper repairs that have been made on
radomes. These can include: using incorrect
materials, applying the materials incorrectly, not
controlling the thickness correctly or allowing moisture
to remain in the radome. [3]

3.1. Lack of test capacity can ground an


3.3. Modern radars transmit less power

and rely more on good radome TE

MI Technologies receives many requests per year

from companies that serve the aviation industry, most
of them in some sort of parts fabrication or repair
activity. A lot of them are composite repair houses
that repair any component of the aircraft made from
composite materials. Commonly, there is one notable
exception to their capability and that is the ability to
repair the composite radome for the weather radar
which is a high dollar value item for which there are
limited spares. Due to the historically high cost to
establish radome test capability, many facilities cannot
afford the investment.

dramatically in the last decade with multiple suppliers
developing and producing new generation devices.
technologies provide operational convenience and
features to the General Aviation community that was
previously available only to large air transport aircraft.
Now these new radars are both being installed on new
airframes and also being retrofitted onto older aircraft.

As a result of this, a common scenario is that an

aircraft can be grounded somewhere while the
radome has to be shipped to a more distant repair

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However, as the components and processing have

improved, another trend has been reduced transmit
power. While this is very beneficial for the airframe
and reduces the amount of power it has to supply to
the radar, it also means that the radar is more
susceptible to performance degradation due to
attenuation and the radome is a key source of

attenuation. Thus the radome TE test is more critical

with these newer systems. A recent incident as
reported in Aviation International News (AIN)
highlights the potential issue: a poor radome can
create. It was found that about 150 aircraft were fitted
with modern radar, but the radome performance was
not upgraded and its design dated to a time of higher
power weather radars. As a result, there were multiple
cases where experienced flight crews flew into
dangerous weather because it did not show up on the
radar screen. After investigation it was determined
that the radome TE was inadequate for the newer,
lower power radars. [4]

3.4. Turbulence avoidance and route

planning are increasing the importance
Sudden and unexpected severe turbulence is not that
uncommon and has injured countless passengers and
flight crew including some fatalities. It is estimated that
airlines are facing greater that $100 million in
turbulence-related costs annually, according to the
U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA). One key technology to
aid the situation is called the Enhanced Turbulence
(E-Turb) Mode Radar. This technology is a software
signal-processing upgrade to existing predictive
Doppler wind shear systems that are already on
airplanes. With it the aircrafts radar can provide flight
crews advance warning of turbulence, so that they
can avoid it altogether and keep themselves and their
passengers out of harms way. [5]

through gaps in storms, the importance of the weather

radar operating properly and thus having a good
radome is increased.

4. Key Requirements of RTCA/DO-213

The key requirements
summarized below:

Regions of adverse weather such as convective

activity, clear air turbulence, or mountain wave
activity, can effectively close off regions of airspace to
traffic. Without direct knowledge of the location and
severity of the turbulence, the restricted region may
be larger than necessary, placing an undue cost and
disruptive burden on controllers, operators, and the
traveling public. With forecasts of significant increases
in the demand for air travel over the next 20 years,
these capacity constraints appear likely only to
worsen with time. In such an environment, blocking
airspace in accordance with current practices on bad
weather days will not be a viable strategy. To keep the
system going, it is only natural that air traffic decision
makers will need to route more aircraft in closer
proximity to areas of weather currently deemed as
hazardous. Better tools to identify and pinpoint areas
of actual hazard will therefore be needed to safely
negotiate these weather systems. E-Turb will be a
contributor. [6]
As the industry relies more on the weather radar both
to avoid turbulence and to fly in closer to storms and

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Transmission efficiency is measured one way

through the radome. It is the amount of power
being passed completely through the radome
in the direction the radar main beam is
pointed compared to the amount of power
traveling the same path with the radome
The radome/antenna positioner must locate
the test antenna within the radome at the
same location as used in the aircraft
Gimbal sequence shall consider the order of
the actual antenna system in the aircraft
For indoor ranges, the minimum range
distance R, between the signal source and
receiving antenna shall be determined by D /2
where D is the diameter of the largest
antenna and is the free space wavelength at
the test frequency.
The test antenna must have the same size
and polarization with beamwidth and
sidelobes equal to or better than the antenna
for which the radome has been certified to
Good RF stability is required.
This is
repeatability. DO-213 requires system level
repeatability of +/-2% power or less than +/0.08 dB throughout the span of a radome test.
Data is taken at the following antenna gimbal
angle orientations:
o For El Angles: 0, +/-10, and +/-20 or
+/-25 degrees
o For Az Angles 0, +/-20, +/-40, +/-60,
and +/-80 degrees
wave tuning is utilized and measurements
are taken at max power and min power.
These are then averaged together to minimize
the affects of standing waves between the test
and system antennas. [2]

Based on the current state of the radome test

environment in the commercial aircraft industry today
coupled with the increasing need for good radomes
and accurate test, as described above, MI
Technologies undertook an effort to develop a low
cost, high quality and accurate radome test system
that fully meets the requirements for DO-213 after

repair testing. The resulting solution is robust and

sets a new threshold in affordability.

5. Design Aspects
There are three fundamental approaches that could
be considered for the system, compact range, near
field and far field. The compact range can provide
excellent results and can be set up without requiring
as much facility space; however, you have the added
cost of the reflector to consider which is not required
for the far field system. The near field approach can
also provide excellent results, but because
significantly more data has to be taken to make the
necessary measurements, test time on a per radome
basis will be significantly longer than either compact
range or far field and this is not suitable for a large
aircraft repair facility that is handling significant
quantities or radomes. The far field range is very
affordable, provides excellent results and lends itself
to automation and ease of use. For this reason, a far
field approach was chosen.

5.1. Radome Test Range Design

The radome test range design is shown in Figure 1.
The size of the test room was determined by
considering the range length as well as providing
adequate room for the positioner and radome
handling space. The example shown below will test
radome up to and including the Boeing 747 radome.
The room dimensions are nominally 5.5 M height x 5.5
M width x 14.5M Length (18' H x 18'W x 48' L). The
range antenna and the system antenna are precisely
and permanently aligned with each other and do not
move during the measurements.
The range antenna is transmitting and all testing is
performed at the single frequency of operation of the
weather radar which is typically within 9.3 to 9.5 GHz.
A narrow band filter is used on the input of the
measurement device to filter out any out of band
Because the two directive antennas stay precisely
aligned to each other throughout the test and because
the filtering rejects any out of band signals, the
measurement is largely impervious to off axis or out of
band stray signals. As a result of this, the
requirements for the test room are significantly
reduced. Provided that there is not a significant
source of in band stray radiation near by, a full fledged
shielded anechoic chamber is not required. Eight (8)
inch absorber is only needed on the end walls to
knock down potential mutual coupling.

Figure 1 Radome Test Range Design

5.2. Positioning System

The overall positioning system is comprised of three
positioner subsystems; the radome test positioner, the
system antenna positioner and the range antenna
positioner. A transmit source antenna (range antenna
which illuminates the radome and system antenna) is
mounted to the range antenna positioner located at
the far end of the range. The radome test positioner
supports and rotates the radome about a fixed
antenna (system antenna) located inside the radome.
The system antenna receives the transmitted signal
and is supported by the system antenna positioner.
The individual positioner subsystems, and their
orientation to each other, are illustrated in Figure 1.
The range antenna is mounted on a fixed post that
does not move after it is precisely aligned with the
range axis. The range antenna positioner incorporates
a linear slide that allows the range length to be varied
between two predefined locations typically one quarter
wavelength apart. The system antenna is mounted on
a fixed boom over post and does not move after it is
precisely aligned with the range axis.
The radome positioner and system antenna positioner
are shown in Figure 2. The radome positioner is a roll
over azimuth configuration. This configuration can
simulate either the az over el or el over az gimbal
configuration of the radar system in a single
positioner. The antenna boom enters radome aperture
at an angle. This coupled with the roll over azimuth
configuration provides maximum azimuth travel to all
areas of the radome without interference with the
antenna boom. The antenna boom contains pressure
automatically disconnect power to the motor is a
collision is imminent.
Both radome roll and az axes utilize tape encoders
and achieve the following specifications:

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Position accuracy
Repeatability 0.1
Velocity 0.75 RPM
Radome capacity 300 pounds

The overall layout is simple, inexpensive and yet very

rigid and accurate. There are no moving RF cables
which significantly reduces errors caused by flexing
cables. The large radome roll ring when coupled with
radome mounting adapters allows both very small and
very large radomes to be tested on the same
positioner. The large azimuth rail provides much
better stiffness and stability than a smaller azimuth
stage couple with an offset arm. Additionally, the
vertical load is transferred directly into the rail. Both
radome roll and lower az axes are implemented
without the use of large bearings significantly reducing
cost. The az axis is very low profile providing better
range RF performance and increased volume for
radome handling during load and unload operations.
The axis alignment and stability is such that the
roll/azimuth intersection is stable to within a sphere
of 0.64 cm (0.25) diameter

specific software modules include the MI-3047

Radome software coupled with the basic acquisition
and analysis software which provides capabilities to
perform radome acquisition and analysis. The
analysis functions available far exceed the TE
requirements of DO-213 and also include beam
deflection, boresight error and sidelobe levels. DO213 specifications and parameters can be easily
applied as thresholds to the measurement results.
Custom thresholds are also supported. Additionally,
measured radome results can be plotted over the
radome surface, see example in Figure 4, to help
repair personnel quickly isolate the damaged portion
of the radome.

Figure 3 Control and Instrumentation Diagram

Figure 2 Radome and System Antenna Positioner

5.3. Control and Instrumentation

The control and instrumentation approach are shown
in Figure 3. Control and instrumentation includes
position control, RF instrumentation and control and
processing software. The heart of the system is the
the MI-3003 Data Acquisition and Analysis
Workstation. The MI-3003 provides state of the art
control of antenna, microwave component, radome
and RCS measurement equipment. When coupled
with the MI-3000 Family of software packages it
supports highly efficient range operations, data
management, data presentation and analysis. The

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Figure 4 Radome Test Results Plotted over Radome

The RF system is based around a commercially
available precision dual channel power meter. Modern
power meters have excellent linearity and stability. To

this a narrow - band pass filter tuned to the weather

radar single frequency is added eliminating out of
band noise sources. One channel is used for the
radiated signal, the second channel is used as a
reference channel and is cabled directly to the source
so that drift can be eliminated by ratioing the radiatied
channel with the reference channel in post
processing. Use of the power meter is considerably
less expensive than a tradition VNA or Receiver
approach. The RF source is a single frequency
synthesized source module. To keep the cost low,
there is no control panel or display and control over
the module is provided through the MI-3003 Data
Acquisition and Analysis Workstation. The control
interface is limited to RF on and RF off commands.
Position Control functions are handled with the MI-710
Position Controller. This state of the art positioner
controller integrates all control functions and the
power amplifiers for the motors into a single package
that is significantly less expensive than the prior
generation of controllers that involved separate control
and power amplifier boxes and the associated cabling
between the units. Traditional data collection strategy
for measurements is to perform a step and scan
operation. This method moves a particular axis while
holding all other axes in a fixed location. The MI-710
allows coordinated motion where in the radome roll
and lower azimuth axes are moved together in a
synchronized arrangement during the measurement
so that a desired relationship among the axes
position is maintained while the axes are in motion.
This relationship is defined so that the radome passes
through the measurement points and the data is taken
during a continuous scan. This significantly reduces
test time and test expense. Further, if polarization
sensitive radomes are to be tested, the coordinated
motion feature allows an easy upgrade with range and
system antenna roll positioners to maintain
radome/antenna polarization orientation during scans.
The control and measurement system is greatly
simplified and designed specifically to do the TE
measurement. It has minimal components and the
cabling and all control is over robust and straight
forward Ethernet interfaces. The system has a built in
scripting function and testing can be fully automated.
With upgrade kits the system can easily be upgraded
to also do production and qualification testing.

6. Summary
Limited radome test capacity as a result of the
historically high cost of test systems can result in the
grounding of aircraft while a radome is shipped to a
remote site for repair and test. Additionally, the
importance of radome test is growing because

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modern weather radars often transmit lower power,

and good radar performance is becoming more
important as it is used increasingly for avoiding
turbulence and for more efficient route planning that
may take aircraft closer in to potentially severe
MI Technologies has developed a simple, cost
effective Radome test system that is fully compliant
with the after repair test requirements of RTCA/DO213 to address this need.
[1] Electromagnetic Radome Measurements: A review
of Automated Systems, D. Hess, R. Luna, J.
McKenna. AMTA Proceedings
[2] RTCA/DO-213, RTCA Incorporated, Minimum
Operational Performance Standard for Nose-Mounted
Radomes (Authors: Many)
[3] Radome Repair, Atlanta Aerospace Composites
Web-site June 30, 2011
[4] Aviation International News, Flaws cited in Hawker
weather-radar radome, David A. Lombardo, August 1,
[5] NASA, Office of the Chief Technologies, Steering
Aircraft Clear of Choppy Air, Spinoff 2006
[6] Using Airborne Turbulence Detection & Reporting
Technologies to Increase Airspace Utilization,
AeroTech Research, Inc., Paul A. Robinson, July

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