Noise Pollution in Pakistan
Noise Pollution in Pakistan
Noise Pollution in Pakistan
ROLL #: 19
CLASS : M.COM (previous)
(2) Measurement:-
A decibel is the standard for the measurement of noise. The zero
on a decibel scale is at the threshold of hearing, the lowest sound
pressure that can be heard, on the scale acc. To smith, 20 db is
whisper, 40 db the noise in a quiet office. 60 db is normal
conversation, 80 db is the level at which sound becomes physically
Broadly speaking , the noise pollution has two sources, i.e. industrial
and non- industrial. The industrial source includes the noise from
various industries and big machines working at a very high speed
and high noise intensity. Non- industrial source of noise includes the
noise created by transport/vehicular traffic and the neighborhood
noise generated by various noise pollution can also be divided in the
categories , namely, natural and manmade. Most leading noise
sources will fall into the following categories: roads traffic, aircraft,
railroads, construction, industry, noise in buildings, and consumer
Construction Noise:-
The noise from the construction of highways , city streets , and
buildings is a major contributor to the urban scene . Construction
noise sources include pneumatic hammers, air compressors,
bulldozers, loaders, dump trucks (and their back-up signals), and
pavement breakers.
Noise in Industry: -
Although industrial noise is one of the less prevalent community
noise problems, neighbors of noisy manufacturing plants can be
disturbed by sources such as fans, motors, and compressors
mounted on the outside of buildings Interior noise can also be
transmitted to the community through open windows and doors, and
even through building walls. These interior noise sources have
significant impacts on industrial workers, among whom noise-
induced hearing loss is unfortunately common.
Noise in building: -
Apartment dwellers are often annoyed by noise in their homes,
especially when the building is not well designed and constructed. In
this case, internal building noise from plumbing, boilers, generators,
air conditioners, and fans, can be audible and annoying. Improperly
insulated walls and ceilings can reveal the sound of-amplified music,
voices, footfalls and noisy activities from neighboring units. External
noise from emergency vehicles, traffic, refuse collection, and other
city noises can be a problem for urban residents, especially when
windows are open or insufficiently glazed.
(4) Harmful Effects:
On Human Being, Animal and Property: Noise has always been with
the human civilization but it was never so obvious, so intense, so
varied & so pervasive as it is seen in the last of this century. Noise
pollution makes men more irritable. The effect of noise pollution is
multifaceted & inter related. The effects of Noise Pollution on Human
Being, Animal and property are as follows:
the already existing tensions of modern living. These tensions result
in certain disease like blood pressure or mental illness etc.
Exposure to excessively loud noise over long periods can also lead
to partial deafness. Approximately 10 percent of people living in
industrialized areas have substantial hearing loss and youngsters in
the USA have an impaired hearing rate 250% higher than their
parents and grandparents.
Noise has also been showing to have a detrimental effect
on the growth of some plants.
reducing noise
shelter and food for animals (if they can tolerate the din) and also
play a part in greenhouse gas reduction.
Outside bedrooms Sleep 45 8 60
window open
(outdoor values)
School classrooms and Speech 35 During class -
pre-schools indoors intelligibility,
disturbance of
Pre-school bedrooms, Sleep disturbance 30 Sleeping time 45
School, playground Annoyance 55 During play -
outdoor (external source)
Hospitals, ward rooms, Sleep 30 8 40
indoors disturbance,
disturbance, 30 16 -
daytime and
Hospitals, treatment Interference with No.1
rooms, indoors rest and recovery
Industrial commercial, Hearing 70 24 110
shopping and traffic impairment
areas, indoors and
Ceremonies festivals Hearing 100 4 110
and entertainment impairment
Public addresses, Hearing 85 1 110
indoors and outdoors impairment
Music through Hearing 85 no.1 1 110
headphones/earphone impairment (free-
s field value)
Impulse sounds from Hearing - - 140 no.2
toys, fireworks and impairment
firearms. (adults).
impairment - - 140 no.2
Outdoors in parkland Disruption of No. 3
and conservation areas tranquility
No.1) as low as possible
No.2) peak sound pressure (not LA max, fast),measured 100mm from
the ear.
No.3) existing quiet outdoor areas should be preserved and the ratio
of intruding noise to natural background sound should be kept low.
No.4) under headphones, adapted to free-field values.
(7) Noise standards in Pakistan:-
In Pakistan there is no legislation to deal with noise emanating from
railway engines, air craft’s, airport or industrial or construction
activities. Public complaints on noise pollution are often received in
the federal and provincial environment protection agencies, but in
the absence of national standards for noise, these agencies are
handicapped to take any legal action. Aircraft noise is another
source of pollution which has so far remained unchecked (PEPC
draft report). In Pakistan where most major civil airports lie in heavily
populated areas, no such precautionary measures have been taken.
Airlines, other than PIA continue to operate old Russian commercial
aircrafts which are exceptionally noisy. Road traffic noise is another
most widespread source of noise nuisance in the urban areas of
Pakistan. The situation is getting alarming with increase in traffic
density on city roads, particularly in Karachi.
The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (PAK-EPA)
exercising its power under clause (d) of section 6(1) of the Pakistan
Environmental Protection Ordinance (PEPO), 1983 with approval of
the PEPC established National Environmental Quality Standards
(NEQS), inter alia, for motor vehicle exhaust and noise.
1 Smoke 40% or 2 on the To compared with
Ringelmann scale ringelmann chart at
during engine distance of 6 meters
acceleration mode. or more.
2 Carbon monoxide Emission standards: Under idling condition:
New Used Non dispersive in
Vehicle: Vehicle: infrared detection
4.5% 6% through gas analyzer.
3 noise 85 dB (A) Sound meter at 7.5
meters from the
At present there exist no national standards for prescribing noise limits for
residential areas, industrial areas, commercial areas or silence zones. Most
of the areas particularly to the urban side are subjected to unacceptable
noise conditions due to construction, manufacturing, traffic and
recreational activities. No national survey has been conducted to assess
noise level in cities. However, random tests in different cities showed that
the noise level in most of the areas was as high as 70-90 dB (A) which is
much higher than the acceptable limits.
In developing countries such as Pakistan the growth of their mega
cities such as Karachi had been unplanned and haphazard resulted
in many environmental hazards. One of the growing threats is noise
pollution, which is damaging human health like a silent killer.
Global , or strategic, noise planning tries to prevent noise issue
arising and to optimize the use of limited resources by mapping and
managing the noise environment of a large area such as a city.
By plantation:-
Steps should be taken to reduce the noise at source level. Industrial
areas, aerodromes and highways should be located outside the city
have made live living hell.