Haccp Crab
Haccp Crab
Haccp Crab
FuGP-H-97-002 C3
Frank Lawlor
Bob Fisher
Mike Oesterling
December 1997
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
IV. Questions and Answers for Soft Crab Processing Operations .................19
I. Introduction
In December of 1995, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued new seafood
regulations based on the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
to ensure the safe processing and importing of fish and fishery products. All wholesale
seafood firms and importers of seafood products that are intended for human consumption
must comply with these regulations. This includes firms established to produce soft shell
crab for the wholesale marketplace.
What is HACCP?
HACCP is a management tool used to protect consumers from biological, chemical and
physical hazards in seafood products. As a food processor, blue crab shedding operations
are required to develop a HACCP plan for their product, keep the plan on file, adhere to the
elements of their individual plan, explain and defend their plan to regulators and keep records
that indicate all elements of their plan were followed. While this may appear to be time
consuming and hard to comply with, HACCP is actually a common sense approach to ensure
the safety of your soft crab shedding operation.
This list may seem confusing and difficult to achieve, however, the enclosed example of a
model HACCP plan that has been designed for the soft shell crab processing industry should
be easy to follow and put you well on your way to developing your own HACCP plan to
meet food safety and regulatory requirements.
2. Develop and implement a written HACCP plan whenever a hazard analysis reveals
that a safety hazard exists.
The following chart diagrams the receiving, handling (holding), processing, packing and -
shipping used in a typical blue crab shedding operation. Remember, your location and
process may be different and require modifications to meet your firm’s and regulatory
agencies’concerns. -
Hazard Analysis Worksheets for
Typical Soft Crab Shedding Operations
Bacterial Pathogens Yes -Raw crabs can be a source of -For frozen crabs, pathogens No
pathogens. may not be affected by freezing.
However, product to be properly
cooked by consumer.
Environmental No No documented history of food -Proper cooking destroys
Contamination safety problems in soft crabs from pathogens.
identified chemical hazards.
None -Obtain peelers from licensed
Bacterial Pathogens No -Crabs are live.
None -Cooking by consumer kills
None -Water source either directly from
harvesting water or from a potable
water source.
Bacterial Pathogens No -Performed on a regular schedule.
None -All mortalities. empty shells and
debris are removed from the
holding water.
None -Live animal.
Firm Address:
Method of Storage and Distribution: Refrigerated/frozen
Intended Use and Consumer: Thaw frozen product: fully cook before consumption:
Signature: general public
Hazard Analysis Worksheets for
Typical Soft Crab Shedding Operations
Pathogen Contamination No -Pathogens can be SSOP
introduced from handling.
soft crab trimming) Pathogen Contamination No -Pathogens can be SSOP
Pathogen Growth No introduced from handling.
Bacterial Contamination No Product is assumed to be
cooked according to SSOP
Bacterial Growth No -Not likely to occur due to
rapid freezing rate.
-Controlled by SSOP.
You will notice that this hazard analysis does not identify any critical control points for soft shell
blue crab production. While this will lessen your recordkeeping requirements in your HACCP plan,
you will also note that the following section dealing with SSOP has recordkeeping requirements that
must be followed to ensure your compliance with the current HACCP regulations.
III. Model SSOP (Standard Sanitation Operating Procedure) for Soft shell
Blue Crab Operations
This section details the procedure your firm should follow in determining the safety hazards and the
methods used to prevent these hazards from occurring in your operation. It also outlines several
suggested recordkeeping procedures, forms, frequency and record retention that the FDA requires
under the HACCP regulation.
Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures for Soft Crabs, Inc., a company producing fresh and
frozen soft shell blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). Soft shell blue crabs have no documented history
of health or human safety problems stemming from identified chemical hazards. Additionally, soft
shell blue crabs are a product that is to be fully cooked prior to consumption; there are no known
- instances of raw consumption. The proper cooking of crabs destroys bacterial pathogens naturally
associated with blue crabs. The introductionof bacterial pathogens and/or viruses during processing
will be controlled by the following sanitation controls. The owner/operator of Soft Crabs, Inc.
assumes all responsibility for quality assurance, facility maintenance and production.
1. GOAL: Water that comes into direct contact with soft shell crabs, or is used in the shedding
system, or is used in the manufacturing of ice, is derived from a safe and approved
PROCEDURE: For the production of soft shell blue crabs, Soft Crabs, Inc. will use water in the
shedding tanks or floats obtained from a source open for the direct harvest of
blue crabs. Other water used in the operation that could come in contact with
soft shell blue crabs will be potable obtained either from an approved well or
city/county system. Ice manufactured on-site will be made from potable water
obtained from either an approved well or city/county system. Ice not
manufactured on-site will be obtained from a source that uses potable water.
2. GOAL: There is no cross-contamination between the potable water system and any
nonpotable system.
PROCEDURE: Soft Crabs, Inc. will perform an inspection prior to each run (at least twice
annually) to determine that no cross-contamination exists between potable and
- waste systems. Back-flow prevention valves will be checked for proper
functioning on a monthly basis during periods of operation. The results of the
inspections will be recorded on the production sanitation log.
3. GOAL: Source areas for peeler crabs are identified to insure compliance with any existing
harvesting restrictions because of sanitation concerns.
PROCEDURE: Fishermen selling peeler crabs to Soft Crabs, Inc. will be legally licensed by the
State of Florida to harvest peeler crabs and will fill out trip tickets telling the
owner/operator where the peelers were harvested, prior to the owner/operator
accepting the peelers. Peelers harvested by Soft Crabs, Inc. will not come from
any crab harvesting restricted areas. A file of any state or federally
implemented harvesting restrictions or regulations will be maintained for
reference throughout the production season. An annual fishing vessel HACCP
training record will be maintained for each vessel.
4. GOAL: All soft shell crab contact surfaces and equipment for ice production and storage are
designed of such material and workmanship to be easily cleaned and maintained in
a sanitary manner. All such surfaces are designed to withstand the environment of
its intended use.
PROCEDURE: All shedding facility equipment and utensils will meet any current
recommended state and federal standards for their intended use. Soft Crabs,
Inc. will evaluate the condition of the shedding facility and associated
equipment monthly. The results of these evaluations will be recorded on a
production sanitation maintenance log.
5. GOAL: All utensils and surfaces of equipment that contact soft shell crabs during “fish-up “,
grading and/or packaging are cleaned daily and sanitized after each “fish-up ” and
subsequent processing. (“Fish-up ” is the physical removal of soft shell blue crabs
from the shedding tanks or floats.)
PROCEDURE: All soft shell crab grading/packaging surfaces and utensils will be cleaned and
sanitized. Before each fish-up all soft shell crab carrying trays will be cleaned -
of any debris. Following each fish-up soft shell crab carrying trays will be
washed in a food-grade or commercial detergent, sanitized and stored properly.
Grading and packaging areas will be free of debris prior to any -
grading/packaging event. Following grading/packaging, the area will be swept
clean of debris and washed with food-grade or commercial detergent.
Following each fish-up, grading and/or packaging event, the entire production -
area will be cleaned of debris. These results will be recorded on the production
sanitation maintenance log.
6. GOAL: The hands of employees are kept clean and sanitary when handling soft shell crabs.
- All utensils used for grading and/or packaging are kept clean and sanitary.
PROCEDURE: Prior to fish-up, all employees will wash their hands with an approved soap.
- Anti-bacterial “green” soap is easily available in most locations, and works
well. This soap will clean and sanitize. An alternative is for employees to wash
their hands, then use a hand-dip station near the grading/processing area to
- sanitize their hands prior to grading or processing crabs. Sanitizing dips will be
either a chlorine-based solution or an Iodophor of sufficient concentration to
assure sanitation. Hand dips utilizing chlorine will be made-up fresh prior to
fish-up to a concentration of 100 ppm. Iodine-based hand dips will be made
up once daily and maintained (visually) at a concentrationof approximately 25
ppm. Both Chlorine and Iodine based dips may be monitored by paper
indicator strips to assure proper concentrations. A dip station for utensils must
be maintained at the grading/packaging area. All utensils will be washed and
sanitized following grading/packaging events and dipped again prior to use.
Employees will be provided periodic training on sanitation procedures and
personal hygiene, with records of training retained in the employee training
- file.
- 7. GOAL: Any employee of Soft Crabs, Inc. who has or may have, by medical examination or
owner/operator observation, an illness, infected wound, an open lesion such as a boil
or sore, or any other problem that might contaminate live soft shell blue crabs, soft
crab contact surfaces or packaging materials, shall be excluded from any operations
until the condition is healed or corrected.
PROCEDURE: It is the responsibility of the owner/operator of Soft Crabs, Inc. to observe the
apparent well-being of all personnel on a daily basis. At any indication of
injury or illness that may compromise live soft shell blue crabs due to
contamination, the owner/operator will remove that person from the production
facility. Observations will be recorded on the production sanitation
maintenance log. Periodic employee training on safe handling of all hazardous
materials used will be conducted and entered into the employee training file.
Safety data sheets will be kept on file for all hazardous material involved with
the production of soft crabs.
8. GOAL: Soft shell crabs, soft shell crab contact surfaces and packaging materials shall be
protected from contamination resulting from lubricants, fuel, pesticides, cleaning
compounds, sanitizing agents or other chemical or physical contaminants.
PROCEDURE: All cleaning compounds and sanitizing agents, lubricants, fuel or pesticides _
will be clearly identified and stored away from the soft shell crab production
area or grading and packaging area. The production and grading/packaging
areas will be inspected for possible contamination sources and to make sure
toxic compounds are adequately labeled and stored properly. The results will
be documented on the production sanitation maintenance log.
9. GOAL: Live soft shell blue crabs will be physically separated from incoming peelers during
refrigerated storage.
PROCEDURE: Under normal conditions, live soft shell blue crabs are not stored in the same
cooler as peeler crabs waiting to be distributed to shedding tanks. Coolers will
be inspected to insure soft shell blue crabs are stored properly. This inspection
will be recorded on the production sanitation maintenance log. Additionally,
the temperatureof the soft shell crab storage equipment will be maintained to
provide protection from thermal abuse of the live animal. Temperature -
inspections will be recorded on the production sanitation maintenance log.
Temperature recording devices will be calibrated at the beginning of each soft
crab production season and recorded on a temperature equipment calibration
10. GOAL: Adequate, readily accessible toilet facilities that provide for proper sewage disposal
shall be available and maintained in a sanitary condition and in good repair.
PROCEDURE: Toilet facilities are provided for employees away from the production, grading
and packaging areas. Running water at suitable temperatures will be provided.
The condition of the toilet facilities will be inspected daily and results -
recorded on the production sanitation maintenance log.
12. GOAL: The production, grading and packaging areas of Soft Crabs, Inc. are designed to
minimize the risks of contamination of the live soft shell crabs, contact surfaces and
packaging material.
PROCEDURE: The owner/operator of Soft Crabs, Inc. will conduct a monthly review of the
shedding facility and grading/packaging area layout and physical structure to
ensure that contamination of any aspect of the production of live soft shell
blue crabs does not occur from internal or external sources. Observations will
be recorded on the production sanitation maintenance log.
13. GOAL: Live soft shell crab production areas, grading and packaging areas are free of waste and
PROCEDURE: The empty shells (exuviae) of shed crabs will be removed from all shedding
tanks at each “fish-up” and disposed of in a trash can. Any trash or debris
generated in the grading and/or packaging process will be cleaned up
immediately after these events and disposed of in the proper receptacle. Trash
receptacles will be removed from the property of Soft Crabs, Inc. in a timely
manner to prevent the generation of odors or attraction of pests and disposed
of properly. The condition of the trash area will be inspected and recorded on
the production sanitation maintenance log.
There are two sets of sample records included that you can use to monitor your SSOP that would be
in compliance with the HACCP regulations. The “A” set includes forms that you can use to monitor
everything in your SSOP. While this is a straight forward way to handle your record keeping
responsibilities, it includes many forms and requires a lot of paperwork. The “B” set of forms also
includes forms that can be used for HACCP compliance but has the advantage of keeping paperwork
to a minimum.
Crabville, FL
Production Sanitation Maintenance Log for (day/month/year) - / - / -
Daily Post-Op
Sanitation Condition Time Initial Time _ Initial
all chemicals stored properly
restrooms clean
Crabville, FL
Weekly Soft Shell Blue Crab Cooler and Freezer Storage Temperature Log
DAY Pre-Op / Post-Op Pre-Op / Post-Op
Monday Time / Time /
Temp / Temp /
Initial / Initial I
Crabville, FL
Production Sanitation Log for run (year)
Initial Evaluation
Crabville, FL
Temperature Equipment Calibration Log
Instrument type(s):
Instrument location(s):
Method of Calibration
Calibration Calibration
Date Results (temp) Results (temp) Employee
Calibrated Signature Comments
reference/instrument reference/instrument
1. All product should be handled to prevent any type of contamination (dirty ice, dirty
storage bin or containers, fuel, lubricants, used brine solutions, etc.)
3. The deck and baskets used to handle products should be cleaned between catches. All
baskets used should be color coded for use with this product.
4. Dockside and off-loading guidelines.
5. Others.
This information has been discussed or reviewed with:
Employee/Crew Date
Trainer Date
Form B-l
/ to /
-10° - 0° F
36 to 38 ° F Time / Temp.
irm: Date:
lo: Supervisor:
Problem or Discrepancy Solution or Corrective A
Date: Date:
Recall Procedures
All customer complaints are handled by the owner/operator of Soft Crabs, Inc. The owner/operator
decides if a recall should be initiated, whether it be from a customer complaint or an internal finding.
Once the decision for a recall is made, the owner/operator will identify the production dates to be
recalled, notify customers affected by the recall and have all recalled product returned to Soft Crabs,
If the recall is of a serious nature (i.e., illness, death or injury), the owner/operator will notify the
media and the local FDA district office of the recall. If the recall is of such a serious nature, the
product will be destroyed.
All product will be labeled with a production date and a lot number. The lot number is recorded on
file with the production date, source of product, purchase date, date sold, quantity shipped and to
which customer.
IV. Questions and Answers for Soft Crab Operations
Every wholesaler and importer of fishery products. If you only produce soft shell
- crabs for your own retail market or restaurant, you do not have to comply. However,
if you sell to other retailers, restaurants or wholesalers, you must comply.
December of 1997 is the date that has been established by the Food and Drug
One year for fresh fishery products and two years for frozen. This applies to all
records needed in your HACCP plan and your Standard Sanitation Operating
Contact your local Sea Grant Extension Agent for help or for information about
additional education materials.