Testing Testing Testing
Testing Testing Testing
Testing Testing Testing
As the basic requirements, the framework should provide which is implicit in the current approach, is the integration
the following: of the developed control software with the system.
• Support for the formal specification of quality re-
quirements and constraints including the ones re- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
lated to energy consumption. The ideas presented in this paper are based on our work
• Architectural styles and a uniform notation that that has been carried out as a part of the OCTOPUS project
[3]. This project is managed by the Embedded Systems
enables the instantiation and specification of soft-
Institute and it is partially supported by the Netherlands
ware architectures.
Ministry of Economic Affairs.
• As a part of the notation, support for expressing
energy and quality related properties/semantics REFERENCES
used for automatic generation of formal models as [1] K. Deb, Multi-Objective Optimization using Evolu-
inputs for simulation and analysis tools. tionary Algorithms, Wiley, UK, 2001.
• Extensible artifacts enabling the incorporation of [2] A. de Roo, H. Sozer and M. Aksit, “An architectural
additional optimization and trade-off techniques, style for optimizing system qualities in adaptive em-
when needed. bedded systems using Multi-Objective Optimization”,
In Proceedings of the 8th Working IEEE/IFIP Confer-
FURTHER RESEARCH DIRECTIONS ence on Software Architecture, pages 349-352, Cam-
Each of the basic requirements, as indicated above, can be bridge, UK, 2009.
extended with sub-questions. For instance, the notation for [3] Octopus project, Embedded Systems Institute, [online]
specifying the architecture can support multiple views. http://www.esi.nl/projects/octopus, Eindhoven, The
Some of these views would require special annotations Netherlands, 2010.
and/or elements for energy consumption. Similarly, formal
models and analysis techniques needed to be extended for
the estimation of energy consumption. Another issue,