Test Manual/Instructions: How To Make Mango Juice Materials
Test Manual/Instructions: How To Make Mango Juice Materials
Test Manual/Instructions: How To Make Mango Juice Materials
c. needle
d. Chemicals
c. Collar
d. Pocket
c. Check the result
d. Wet the shirt
11. Check the result and do it again if it is necessary. What is the synonym of the underlined word?
a. Trivial
c. Insignificant
b. Required
d. Minor
1. Do not store the phone in the hot areas. High temperature can damage batteries, and warp
on melt certain plastic
2. Do not store the phone in cold areas. When it warms up (to its normal temperature),
moisture can form inside, which may damage electronic circuit boards.
3. Do not drop the phone. Rough handling can break internal circuit boards.
4. Do not paint the phone. Paint can clog the moving parts and prevent proper operation.
12. The text above tells you about ... a mobile phone.
a. The tips to buy
b. The steps to activate
13. Which part will likely be broken if the mobile phone is dropped?
a. Electronic circuit boards
b. Internal circuit boards
14. Why shouldnt you keep your mobile phone in a cold place?
a. To set a broad network
b. To conserve the battery life
15. Paint can clog the moving parts and prevent proper operation.
What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
a. Stop
b. Preserve
The descriptions of
The procedures to maintain
Moving parts
The battery
To get a good connection with others
To maintain the electronic circuit boards.
Arrange these sentences into good paragraph by using connective words, such as: first, next, then, etc.
Clik the "Message" button, or click Application > Message > Create Message.
Enter the phone number or email address of the SMS recipient.
Type a SMS message. SMS message are typically 160 character or less. If you send many
characters, you send a speech :D