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Clans L5R

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Major Clans

The Crab Clan

The Defenders
Capital: Kyuden Hida
Population: 4 610 000 (approx)
Military: 258 000 samurai
Imports: Jade, Rice
Exports: Iron, Tea, Raw Materials
The Crab Clan was charged with the defense of the Empire. To the south of the Empire is a
dark and twisted land known as the Shadowlands. From this evil place all manner of
abomination spews forth: undead, goblins, oni, ogres, and any number of other vile creatures.
The Crab are faced with the task of combating these nightmares on a daily basis. Life is hard
for the Crab, as each day can easily be their last. Should the claw of an oni not take their life,
the risk of exposure to the Shadowlands taint is a constant threat, waiting to turn them against
their comrades.
Because of their hard life, the Crab Clan have taken on an attitude of rough pragmatism.
Victory is more important than always following the tenets of Bushido, for if the Crab fall, so
falls the Empire. This is not to say the Crab are without honor, far from it. They simply know
their duty is important enough to have to make the hard choices.

The Hida are the lords of the clan and among the greatest warriors in the land.
The Hiruma are the scouts and guardians of the Crab, gathering vital information.
The Kaiu are the greatest engineers and siege masters, maintaining the Wall.
The Kuni are the clans sinister shugenja, understanding a darkness no one else can.
The Toritaka, once the Falcon Clan, are the hunters of spirits and ghosts.
The Yasuki are the merchant lords, ensuring that the never-ending war is paid for.

+1 Strength
+1 Agility
+1 Intelligence
+1 Intelligence
+1 Perception
+1 Awarness



Hida Bushi
Hida Pragmatist
Hiruma Bushi
Hiruma Scout
Kaiu Engineer
Kuni Shugenja
Kuni Witch-Hunter
Yasuki Courtier


Emerald Empire
Imperial Histories
Great Clans
Great Clans


The Crane Clan

The Artisans

Capital: Kyuden Doji

Population: 3,820,000 (approx)
Military: 213,000 samurai
Imports: Raw materials, metals, exotic goods
Exports: Fine goods, rice, fish

The Crane Clan was given the task of developing the culture and art of the Empire. The Crane
took their duty to heart, determined to take every part of Rokugani culture to perfection and to
set an example for the other Clans. They view the sword of a duelist and the words of a
courtier as forms of art. And their art can be deadly in either form.
The Crane have cultivated their political strength into something of legend. There are very
few Crane who are not owed favors by someone, and this has helped the Clan grow a
considerable fortune. The Crane curry favor with the Emperor, whoever it may be at the time,
and use that favor to keep their enemies at bay. For who would dare attack a Clan the Emperor
has favor with? While this political acumen has gained the Crane much, it has also created
enemies among those who are jealous, or find pretty words to be outside the realm of the

The Doji are the lords of the clan, the masters of court.
The Kakita serve their lords as yojimbo and peerless duelists.
The Daidoji fill the ranks of the clans armies and scout the lands of enemies.
The Asahina maintain the clans spirituality and its vast network of temples.

+1 Intelligence
+1 Stamina
+1 Awareness
+1 Agility



Asahina Shugenja
Doji Courtier
Doji Magistrate
Daidoji Iron Warriors
Daidoji Scout
Kakita Artisans
Kakita Bushi


Emerald Empire
Great Clans
Great Clans


The Dragon Clan

The Mystics

Capital: Shiro Mirumoto

Population: 1 830 000 (approx)
Military: 101 000 samurai
Imports: Fine Goods
Exports: Gold, Minerals

The Dragon Clan was not given a task by Hantei I. Instead, his brother Togashi, chose to
withdraw his people to the mountains, his reasons known only to Hantei. There they stayed
for centuries, interacting with the outside world as little as possible.
In their mountains the Dragon studied the ways of the elements. Their meditations led them to
greater understanding of the universe and the powers that control it. They tuned their bodies
into lethal fighting machines, yet avoided violence whenever possible. Their strange tattoos,
inked with the blood of Togashi himself, grants them supernatural powers. They speak in
riddles, answer questions with questions, and are as inscrutable as the creatures from whom
they take their name.

The Mirumoto are the lords of the clan and the practitioners of the two-blade style.
The Kitsuki represent the clan in court and serve as its magistrates.
The monks of the Togashi order are the sensei and philosophers of the clan.
The Tamori serve as priests of the kami and guide the clans spirit.
The Agasha family (The remainder of the Agasha family is now a part of the Phoenix Clan)
Togashi Order

+1 Awareness
+1 Agility
+1 Willpower
+1 Reflexes



Kitsuki Investigator
Hitomi Kikage Zumi
Hoshi Tsurui Zumi
Mirumoto Bushi
Mirumoto Taoist
Tamori Shugenja
Togashi Tattooed Order


Imperial Histories
Imperial Histories
Emerald Empire


The Lion Clan

The Warriors

Capital: Kyuden Ikoma

Population: 5 280 000 (approx)
Military: 292 000 samurai
Imports: Raw Materials
Exports: Copper

The Lion Clan is the right hand of the Emperor. Their founder, Akodo, pledged his life and the
life of his people to the defense of the Emperor and his sacred bloodline. They are the
Emperors army, his fist, and his law.
The Lion truly became one with their duty. Each Lion lives for war. They study it daily, from
the basic techniques of weaponry to the tactics of large scale war. A Lion tactician is truly to
be feared by an enemy general, for whatever tactic you may have planned, the Lion has
already developed a dozen ways to defeat it. The Lion live Bushido. Many would say the Lion
define Bushido. For the Lion there is no greater honor than to serve the divine Emperor, and
no greater glory than to die in his name.

The sons of Akodo produce the greatest officers and commanders in the Empire.
The daughters of Matsu supply the ranks of Rokugans most numerous armies.
The scions of Ikoma serve as scouts and diplomats who sing the clans praises.
The heirs of Kitsu commune with the sacred ancestors of the Lion for guidance.
The Shimizu family is now defunct.

+1 Agility
+1 Awareness
+1 Intelligence
+1 Strength



Akodo Bushi
Ikoma Bard
Ikoma Lion's Shadow
Kitsu Shugenja
Lion Elite Spearmen
Matsu Beastmaster
Matsu Berserker


Emerald Empire
Naishou Province
Great Clans


The Mantis Clan

The Seafarers

Capital: Kyuden Gotei

Population: 1,110,000 (approx)
Military: 66,000 samurai
Imports: Raw Materials
Exports: Silk, Spices, Exotic Goods

The Mantis Clan is unique among the Great Clans of Rokugan, for they were not in existence
at the founding of the Empire. In fact, the Mantis are still newly a Great Clan, and their
position has not entirely been accepted by the others of the Empire, though few would say so
The Mantis was once a minor clan, one of many that serve as vassals to the Great Clans.
However, a daimyo of the Mantis known as Yoritomo had larger dreams. The Mantis has the
largest fleet of kobune in the Empire, as they live and operate from a chain of islands off the
eastern coast of the Empire. Their considerable trading power has garnered them vast stores of
koku, which they used to bulk up their armies with ronin. Yoritomo forged alliances with the
Wasp and the Centipede, two other minor clans, and fought in the great war against Fu Leng.
For his determination, Emperor Toturi I awarded the Mantis the title of Great Clan.

The Yoritomo lead the clan in the name of their founder, the peerless hero.
The Moshi guide the clans spirit, embracing their ways and forging one path.
The Tsuruchi lend their bows and their skill at hunting to the familys pursuits.
The Kitsune lend their magic and their respect in the courts to the clans work.
The Gusai family has been removed in 510

+1 Awareness
+1 Intelligence
+1 Perception
+1 Stamina



Mantis Brawler
Moshi Shugenja
Tsuruchi Archer
Tsuruchi Bounty Hunter
Yoritomo Bushi
Yoritomo Courtier
Yoritomo Shugenja


Great Clans
Great Clans
Great Clans


The Phoenix Clan

The Shugenja

Capital: Kyuden Isawa

Population: 1 590 000 (approx)
Military: 88 000 samurai
Imports: Exotic Goods
Exports: Silver, Lumber

The Phoenix members are the scholars of Rokugan. While the Dragon seek to understand the
Universe, the Phoenix seek to unlock it. Their incredible devotion to knowledge has made the
Phoenix the most powerful magic users in the Empire. Their shugenja, or priests, can call the
power of the elements to bear like no other. One shugenja of the Phoenix can easily equal a
squad of samurai. But for all their power, the Phoenix are highly pacifistic, seeing war as a
last resort.Since the dawn of the Empire, the knowledge of the Phoenix has found new ways
to banish darkness, but even in their power the Phoenix are oft-tempted. The Phoenix Clan is
often courted by darker powers, and not all Phoenix are strong enough to resist. But the Clan,
like its namesake, renews itself in the end, burning away corruption and arrogance. The
Phoenix inevitably rises anew from the ashes, a symbol of light and hope in the Empire.
Unlike other Clans, the Phoenix are not truly led by a Champion, but by the Elemental
Masters, a council of the five most powerful shugenja in the land.

The noble Shiba take up steel in defense of the clan and the other families.
The powerful Isawa rule the clan and delve into the mysteries of the elements.
The monastic Asako enforce the purity of the clan in the face of great temptation.
The versatile Agasha, once vassals of the Dragon, explore new methods of magic.

+1 Perception
+1 Awareness
+1 Willpower
+1 Perception



Agasha Shugenja
Asako Henshin
Asako Loremaster
Isawa Shugenja
Shiba Artisans
Shiba Bushi


Great Clans
Emerald Empire


The Scorpion Clan

The Underhand

Capital: Kyuden Bayushi

Population: 1,810,000 (approx)
Military: 102,000 samurai
Imports: Raw Materials
Exports: Information

When the Kami first established their place in the Empire, they held a tournament. Hantei was
victorious and claimed the title of Emperor. His brother Bayushi however was easily defeated.
The other siblings thought him weak for his loss. This was exactly what Bayushi wished.
The Scorpion are a Clan of deceit and misdirection, blackmail and lies. The Scorpion will use
any tactic to discredit his enemies, draw them into dishonor, and use their shame to destroy
them. However, they do it as part of their duty. Hantei I charged his brother Bayushi with
protecting the Empire from the threats the other Clans cannot see: conspiracies, cults, plots
against the throne. The Scorpion do their duty with ruthless efficiency. Their shadow war
against the unseen forces of evil have afforded them the ability to spy on the other Clans, and
use their knowledge as weapon against potential rivals.
If you carry a shameful secret, there is likely at least one Scorpion who already knows it.

The Bayushi are the lords, the soldiers, and the courtiers of the clan.
The Shosuro are the scouts, assassins, and infiltrators of the clan.
The Soshi are the magistrates and one shugenja family in service of the Scorpion.
The Yogo are the inquisitors and the second shugenja family of the clan.

+1 Agility
+1 Awareness
+1 Intelligence
+1 Willpower



Bayushi Bushi
Bayushi Courtier
Soshi Magistrate
Soshi Shugenja
Shosuro Actor
Shosuro Infiltrator
Yogo Wardmasters


Emerald Empire
Great Clans
Great Clans


The Spider Clan

The Unknown
Capital: A city within Shinomen Mori after the City of the
Lost in the Shadowlands was abandoned by order of
Population: Unknown
Military: Unknown
Imports: None currently
Exports: None currently
The youngest of the Great Clans, the Spider Clan is despised by virtually everyone, with only
the most corrupt and manipulative of the samurai caste finding any real value in their ranks.
Perhaps this is understandable, given the questionable nature of the Spiders ascension to the
ranks of the Great Clans. For more than a thousand years, those corrupted by the touch of
Jigoku, the spiritual Realm of Evil, have been the enemies of the Emerald Empire. It was not
until the leadership of a man called Daigotsu that the corrupt were shaped into the self-styled
Spider Clan, and during the Destroyer War, the Spider fought alongside the other clans in an
attempt to save the Empire from absolute destruction at the hands of the Destroyer goddess,
Kali-Ma. While the other clans sought to protect their homes, however, Daigotsu and his
legions fought to preserve the Empire so that they could in time claim it for their own.
At the conclusion of the Destroyer War, Daigotsu ascended to assume control over the Realm
of Evil, and as a divine being, he sued for peace with the Empress of Rokugan. In exchange
for halting the spread of the Shadowlands Taint, the touch of evil in the mortal world, the
Empress would grant Daigotsus vassals the title of Spider Clan, an official Great Clan under
the rule of his son, Kanpeki. So it was that two decades ago, the Spider became a Great Clan
In the wake of the Destroyer War, the Empress banished the Spider Clan to the distant Ivory
Kingdoms, with orders to conquer that land in her name.

The scions of Daigotsu are the lords and masters of the Spider Clan.
The monks of the Order of the Spider represent the clans interests in Rokugan.
The Goju and Ninube families, servants of Daigotsus ally the Shadow Dragon, remain a
secret even from the other clans, and serve the Spider in the darkness.
The Kokujin family is defunct since the death of Kokujin in 1169
Spider Monks

+1 Intelligence
+1 Stamina
+1 Agility
+1 Reflexes
+1 Awareness

Imperial Histories 2


Chuda Shugenja
Daigotsu Bushi
Daigotsu Courtier
Dark Moto Cavalry
Goju Ninja
Ninube Shugenja
Order of the Spider Monks


Enemies of the Empire
Great Clans
Great Clans


The Unicorn Clan

The Explorers

Capital: Shiro Moto

Population: 3,650,000 (approx)
Military: 203,000 samurai
Imports: Finished Goods
Exports: Exotic Goods, Horses

The Empire of Rokugan has largely been a xenophobic people. Outsiders are rarely allowed
entry into the Empire. However, Hantei I knew that to rule effectively, the Emperor would
need knowledge of the peoples and potential threats outside the borders of his Empire. He
charged his sister Shinjo with exploring the world beyond. Shinjo took her people, the Ki-Rin
Clan, and rode off to explore.
Nearly 800 years later, a group of warriors mounted on war horses the like Rokugan had
never seen came thundering back to the Empire. After storming over both Crab and Lion
defenses, these people calling themselves the Unicorn Clan said they had returned to claim
their ancestral lands. After much debate, it was determined that these were the children of
Shinjo, and the lands of the Ki-Rin were now the Unicorn.
The Unicorn are still very much outsiders. Their travels changed them, incorporating foreign
words, food, habits, and even speech. Most of the Empire find them to be barbarians
unworthy of honor, but their massive cavalry forces earn them much respect.

The Moto rule the family and serve as the bulk of its armies.
The Shinjo are the scouts and tacticians who guide the clans armies to victory.
The Utaku are the most elite cavalry force in the Empire, feared by all.
The Iuchi master the many forms of magic the clan encountered while traveling.
The Ide represent the Unicorns interests in the various courts of Rokugan.

+1 Willpower
+1 Perception
+1 Intelligence
+1 Agility
+1 Reflexes
+1 Stamina



Moto Death Priest
Hiruma Scout
Iuchi Shugenja
Ide Emissary
Meishodo/Horiuchi Shugenja
Moto Bushi
Moto Vindicator
Shinjo Bushi
Utaku Battle Maiden
Utaku Mounted Infantry


Imperial Histories
Imperial Histories
Great Clans
Great Clans
Emerald Empire
Imperial Histories 2


Minor Clans
The Badger Clan
The Northern Defender

+1 Strength



History says that when the first Hantei watched the Ki-Rin Clan depart through the
uninhabited northern mountains, he was worried that a foreign invader could enter unnoticed
into his young Empire. While he died shortly after, his son and successor Hantei Genji shared
his worry, so he made sure that the region remained populated by the followers of Shinjo that
remained behind. With time, however, they were pushed out of these lands by the Lion, and
were relocated elsewhere as the Fox Clan. Because the Lion didn't know the lay of the land,
Genji worried again and decided to hold a tournament to create a new minor clan to guard this
Hantei Genji believed that it would need to be a strong clan, so the challenge would be a test
of strength. The test was a wrestling match between the two contenders for the position, Hida
Domogu of the Crab Clan and Shinjo Mako of the Ki-Rin. Domogu won and Mako became
his first retainer. Genji awarded Domogu the Ichiro name and made him the first daimyo of
the Badger Clan, independent of the Crab, and tasked him with guarding the northern passes
of the Empire.
And so, in 110 IC, the Badger Clan was born. However, a discovery by Asahina Hira in the
middle of the twelfth century suggested that the true reason why the Badger was charged with
the protection of these lands was because it was holy ground, containing the tomb of

Ichiro Bushi




The Tiger Clan

The Governors of Otosan Ushi

+1 Intelligence

Imperial Histories


The Tiger are descended from the Yotsu, a ronin family created during the eleventh century.
The daughters of the family founder were appointed as governors of city districts in the
Imperial capital, Otosan Uchi, and after the destruction of the city by the Dark Lord Daigotsu
during the Four Winds era the growing family assumed responsibility for the ruins.
The clan colors of the Tiger Clan are yellow and black.

Yotsu Bushi


Imperial Histories


The Sparrow Clan

The Storytellers

+1 Awareness



The Sparrow Clan is a minor clan founded in the year 400. They reside in a small, barren
patch of hills between the vast provinces of the Crane and Crab Clans. There, the tenacious
samurai of the Sparrow have carved out an honorable, though difficult existence. They are
known chiefly by the rest of the Empire for their long-winded storytellers, who are generally
avoided or used as distractions in court. They are a small clan, who have very little, and lead
their lives of Honorable Poverty in service of necessity. The clan colors are dun brown and
Doji Onegano was ousted from the Crane Clan because of a errant comment made by his son
in open court regarding the wealth of the Crane. The Crane Clan Champion believed Onegano
had instigated the comment and was outraged. He ordered Onegano leave the clan and found
his own minor clan. The Emperor gave Onegano new lands taken from the Crab and Crane.
Onegano retired to a monastery leaving his son, Doji Suzume, the lands. Suzume's aunt, Doji
Masako, an elderly Crane, joined him and with her wisdom and his charisma the Sparrow
Clan was formed.
The Sparrow follow a code of honorable poverty rigorously. Living in the Suzume Hills gives
them little other choice due to its terrain. Samurai work beside peasants and everyone knows
everyone. There are no secrets.
The Suzume family still have the keen oratory skills and natural good looks of their Doji
ancestors. The are adept public speakers and are often mistaken for members of the Crane
Clan. That is, until they start speaking about their philosophies. They are long winded and let
little detail escape when telling a story.

Suzume Bushi




The Tortoise Clan

The Smugglers

+1 Perception



The Tortoise Clan is a minor clan with a reputation as smugglers and pirates. They carry more
political weight than most minor clans due to their position as the representatives of the minor
clans in the Imperial Court. Their clan colors are blue-black and gold.
The Tortoise were founded in 442 after the Battle of White Stag and Battle of Raging Seas.
The Emperor Hantei Muhaki assumed the throne after the death of his niece, Hantei
Yugozohime who was killed by the gaijin during the battle of White Stag. He bestowed minor
clan status on Agasha Kasuga and his followers despite the fact that they apparently helped
the gaijin leaders to escape from Otosan Uchi. To this date the reasons for the Emperor
granting this status are known only to Kasuga and Muhaki.
Kasuga Smuggler




The Dragonfly Clan

Emissaries of the Dragon

+1 Awareness



The Dragonfly Clan was a minor clan residing immediately to the south of Dragon Clan
lands. The clan has historically been close to the Dragon and Phoenix Clans, and served as an
intermediary to anyone who wished to visit with the very private Dragon. Guests had to wait
at Kyuden Tonbo until they were granted an audience. The clan colors are jewel tones in a
rainbow of color, but these were more recently been toned down to a blue-gold-brown color
The Dragonfly Clan was founded in 704 when the Phoenix shugenja Isawa Maroko married
her true love, Mirumoto Asijin. The Lion bushi engaged to be married to Maroko, Akodo
Yokutsu was enraged. As the couple settled in the plains south of the Dragon Clan, Yokutsu
led an army of 5,000 Lion against them, only to find both the Dragon and the Phoenix armies
standing in his way. Yokutsu's retreat was prevented by shugenja and the general was forced
to swear to never again attack the new minor clan.
As emissaries of of the Dragon Clan it is the Dragonfly's job to turn away those the Dragon do
not wish to meet with. The Dragonfly rarely flat-out turn people away. Those who choose to
wait are given lodgings and treated well. No one from the Dragonfly will deny the Phoenix
Clan an audience with the Dragon.

Tonbo Shugenja




The Hare Clan

Enemies of the Kolat

+1 Awareness
+1 Agility



The Hare Clan is a minor clan noted for their persistence in fighting Bloodspeakers and other
maho users. There are the hunters of dark creatures. After their destruction at the hands of the
Scorpion Clan thanks to the manipulations of the Kolat and the Clan's subsequent rebuilding,
they have been noted as fierce enemies of the Kolat as well. Their clan colors are red and
The Hare Clan was founded in 750 when the ronin Reichin was granted the Usagi family
name and minor clan status for his efforts against Iuchiban.
In 1123, when Soshi Yukio attacked the Hare and was killed by Usagi Ozaki, the Scorpion
sent an army led by Bayushi Tomaru to attack Shiro Usagi. The castle was destroyed and the
Champion, Usagi Oda, was killed. The daughter of Oda, Usagi Tomoe was captured by
Tomaru, but his son, Ozaki, escaped with Kenno, the Ancestral Sword of the Hare. The
Emperor disbanded the Hare Clan upon hearing sworn testimony from four sources of the
clan practicing maho. After the heroic efforts of Ozaki in 1125 to clear the soiled name of the
Hare Clan, the Emperor declared them once again a minor clan, and the slow process of
rebuilding their clan began.

Usagi Bushi




The Monkey Clan

The Farmers

+1 Stamina
+1 Perception



In 1129 the position of Captain of the Imperial Guard was offered to Toku from the Emperor
Toturi as a reward for his actions in the Clan War. Toku declined the offer and revealed to
Toturi that he was in fact not a samurai, but a heimin who had been impersonating one. Toku
offered to commit seppuku as his final act as a samurai, but Toturi pardoned Toku for his
crime and offered the position a second time, as well as minor clan status for Toku and his
followers. In this way the Monkey Clan was founded. Shortly thereafter, Fuzake Garou,
founder of the clanless Fuzake family, swore fealty to Toku and joined the Monkey Clan
along with his small family.
The Monkey Lands are very small, and nestled to the east of the Scorpion provinces. They are
fertile lands, and that which is not farmlands is covered by light untamed forests. The fertility
of the Monkey lands is such that often they produce more rice than is required for their own
meager needs. Traditionally, the excess is sold at no profit to the other Minor Clans.
At the heart of Monkey lands lies Toku Torid-e, the Vigilant Keep of the Monkey. The
Vigilant Keep of the Monkey has twice fallen to enemy forces. Once it fell to the Living
Shadow and the other time to the forces of Hantei XVI. Both times the keep was quickly
rebuilt larger and better defended then before. This shows the Monkey resilience which is
their hallmark. This is Toku's lesson and his students have learned well.
The Keep itself is a small building, barely looking like the center of a clan's territory. Only the
large village around it gives an indication of its importance. Inside the main courtyard, the
Monkey have recently installed a shrine to Toku as the Fortune of Virtue, at which all who
pass by stop and offer their prayers.

Fuzake Shugenja
Toku Bushi


Secrets of the Empire



The Ox Clan
Born from an ambition

+1 Stamina



In 1131 Shinjo Morito was a young samurai whose ambition to carve out a destiny of his own caused
him to gather up a group of like minded bushi, including his brother Tokei, and stake a claim to land
formerly owned by the Phoenix. Morito claimed that since the Phoenix could no longer protect the
land he could take them. The Phoenix protested, but Morito constructed such a good defense they
decided not to pursue the matter.After the Unicorn Clan Champion Shinjo Yokatsu was cast out for
being a kolat, many Shinjo joined Morito hoping to begin a new life. Morito had given those
operatives he knew about prior warning, and Doji Akae helped to smuggle them to safety.
In 1145 Morito was rewarded by Toturi for his efforts against Lion spirit armies attacking Shiro Iuchi
by having his claims to the land he was occupying validated. Morito immediately sends several
expensive gaijin artifacts to the Phoenix Clan as a gesture of friendship to cushion the loss of part of
their land. In 1158 he was finally granted the minor clan status and founded the Ox Clan, naming the
clan after the nickname his ronin followers had given him

Morito Bushi




The Bat Clan

The Summoners

+1 Intelligence



The Bat Clan is one of the newest minor clans, founded in 1165 by the order of Emperor
Toturi III. Its founding member, Yoritomo Komori, is a half-spirit shugenja, his father a
koumori. He was able to privately summon the spirit of the emperor's deceased sister, Toturi
Tsudao. As a boon for his services and discretion, Komori was awarded that day with the title
of Bat Clan Champion.
In the brief time since, Komori has been gathering followers and building his clan. Their
primary goal at this time is to create a school for the clan. It has not been revealed what duty
the Righteous Emperor laid upon the Bat Clan, but it is likely, because of the profession and
nature of its founder, that the Bat Clan's shugenja will serve the Empire by either summoning
kami directly or researching the spirit realms. Komori has also devoted a great deal of time to
the study of magic that can be used to transport samurai over great distances, and the school
he eventually founds may incorporate this as well

Komori Shugenja




Old Clans
The Fox Clan
Old Unicorn relatives

+1 Willpower



When Shinjo took the Ki-Rin Clan to explore for threats beyond the borders of the Empire
there were a small number of the clan that, for one reason or another, chose to remain within
the Empire. The Emperor declared to Shinjo that he would see to the welfare of these people,
and when the Ki-Rin departed and the remaining people were kicked out of their lands by the
Lion he declared that this remnant were the Fox Clan - the first minor clan recognized by the
Emperor. In 90, he granted them lands of Kitsune Mori, closer to Otosan Uchi than the
original Ki-Rin lands in order to keep the children of his sister Shinjo close to him. The Fox
took the Ki-Rin's place at court and represented that clan's interests while it was abroad. The
Emperor also forbade anyone from declaring war on them. Over the centuries, the Fox clan
evolved into a clan distinct from the Ki-Rin, with close ties to the Kitsune shape-changers
native to the haunted forests within their lands. When the Ki-Rin returned as the Unicorn
Clan, both the Fox and the Unicorn agreed that they were different enough that they could no
longer be considered the same clan, and no attempt was made to reabsorb the Fox into the
Unicorn Clan.
The Fox Clan were members of the Three Man Alliance of minor clans, and during the Clan
War they had very close ties to Yoritomo's Alliance, but they fiercely maintained their
independent existence as a Minor Clan. When approached by Yoritomo to join the Mantis
Clan at the end of the Clan War, Fox Clan Champion Kitsune Ryosei refused. However, In
1169, 40 years after Yoritomo's initial proposal, a prophet was discovered by the Fox Clan,
living amongst them. The prophet prophesied the downfall of the Fox Clan, and the Fox Clan
Champion Kitsune Ryukan decided to ask the Tsuruchi family of the Mantis Clan for aid.
Following the aid of the Mantis Clan, the Fox Clan were absorbed into the Mantis Clan,
becoming the Kitsune family. The clan colors were red-brown and silver.

Kitsune Shugenja




The Snake Clan

Corrupted by dark forces

+1 Strength



The Snake Clan was once a proud and prosperous family, the descendants of the Imperial
Magistrate Isawa Chuda who had saved the Emperor's life from the deadly threat of a maho
cult. The Emperor proclaimed Chuda the first daimyo. They made their home on the Dragon
Heart Plain, making comfortable lives for their small family through trade with the lands to
their south. They were an unremarkable family in all save their complete loyalty to Rokugan.
But even this, in the end, could not save them from a dark fate.
When the small family settled the lands given them, they found them haunted. An ancient
spirit would appear at their castle the first evening of every month, screaming and begging the
family to hear its pleas. For generations, the Chuda ignored the spirit's pleas, until finally, the
young son of the Snake Champion answered the spirit. At that point, the haunting seemed to
A short time later, the daimyo of the Snake died, and seven days later, his son became
Champion. The son, with the help of the spirit -- a Shuten Doji -- conceived of a plot to gain
immortality and power through the use of dark forces. The Shuten Doji began possessing
every living thing in the Snake Clan lands, and the daimyo began his quest for power.
Only through the intervention of the Fortunes, the Phoenix Clan discovered the plot and the
evil brewing among the family on their border. The Elemental Masters were outraged at the
young daimyo's actions, and terrified at the implications. They mobilized the armies of the
Phoenix and marched upon Snake lands in what became known as the Five Nights of Shame,
killing every living thing within the Dragon Heart Plain. Once finished, the Phoenix believed
that not a soul of the Snake Clan remained living.
Unknown to the Council of Five, a few powerful maho-tsukai among the family survived the
assault, using their power to remain free of the Shuten Doji's influence. They believed that
with time they could restore the souls of their brethren, and this may have been the case if not
been for the intervention of the Isawa family. They ultimately continued the Chuda bloodline
by marrying largely into the Asako family, passing their dark secret down through each
After several centuries, Asako Mishime, an Asako Inquisitor of Snake Clan descent, restored
the Chuda family name in the City of the Lost. After the creation of the Spider Clan, the
Chuda served Daigotsu as a family of maho tsukai. Their clan colors were silver, black and

Chuda Shugenja




The Wasp Clan

The Avengers

+1 Perception



In 1109, Tsuruchi, born of a Scorpion and a Lion and betrayed by both clans, retook the castle
that had been his birthright from his uncle, slaughtering all within. In the ensuing uproar,
Tsuruchi presented his case to Emerald Champion Doji Satsume, a Crane with a distaste for
both clans. Tsuruchi was declared innocent of any wrong doing and was given leave to create
his own minor clan. Tsuruchi's followers had long since given him the nickname "Little
Wasp," so there was little debate over the name for their new clan. Thus, the Wasp Clan was
The Wasp under Tsuruchi developed their own code of honor, which was not entirely in
accord with the code of Bushido. The Wasp code was not adopted completely by the younger
generations of the clan due to contradictions in its works. Its main precepts are Honesty,
Loyalty, Mercy, Justice, Brotherhood and Judgment. The Tsuruchi family are now a part of
the Mantis Clan Their clan colors were black and gold.

Tsuruchi Archer
Tsuruchi Bounty Hunter


Great Clans


The Centipede Clan

The Matriarchal devotes to Amaterasu

+1 Intelligence



The Moshi family line bears mostly female children, the first Moshi had eleven daughters
and no sons, and has become matriarchal because of it. The Moshi have a deep devotion to the
Sun goddess Amaterasu and continue to honor 'Lady Sun' even after her death.
The Centipede clan was founded in 347 when the sensei of a modest shugenja school of the
Phoenix Clan had become isolated from the Phoenix east of Kiken Roka in the Mountains of
Regret. The area is called Tani Senshio. The Otomo pointed out to the Emperor that it would
be easier to record their events and tax peasants if they were a separate minor clan, so the
sensei was given lands and the title of a minor clan.
In 580 the Lion Clan made claim to the lands of the Centipede and sent an army to try and
take them by military force. The attempt failed, turned back by Moshi magic combined with
the difficulty of the terrain until diplomatic pressure permanently halted the attempt.
Since joining the Mantis Clan in 1128, the formerly isolated Moshi have been forced to
interact with Empire far more than the family has been used to. Since then the Moshi family
has increased dramatically in size, primarily through marriage, and the Moshi family has
spread holdings throughout the lands of Mantis Clan and beyond. The Moshi family is a
matriarchy with a continuing devotion to Amaterasu, even after the goddess had passed from
divine life. The Moshi are known for their conservative nature and love of tradition, which
often conflicts with what is seen as the Mantis way of doing things. The clan colors were
orange, black, and brown and are still widely worn by the older Moshi.

Moshi Shugenja




The Falcon Clan

The Students of supernatural

+1 Perception



The Falcon Clan was founded in 834 when the Emperor granted the Toritaka province to the
son of Hayabusa, who saved the life of an imperial adviser from an assassin. Hayabusa's son,
Yotogi, quickly uncovered that the assassin was a peasant maddened by the possession of an
evil spirit. The Falcon found their meaning in life, studying the nature of ghosts and other
supernatural occurrences, which lead to a high demand for their services, especially among
the Crab, with whom they quickly became allies.
In 1125 an unknown maho ritual opened a rift to the spirit world releasing the Shuten Doji.
Many of the Falcon were possessed and even though the ritual was reversed many Falcon and
peasants had been killed. With the clan's lands in disarray the Emperor gave the Crab Clan
authorization to absorb the minor clan. With the blessing of the Falcon Clan Champion, the
Falcon became the Toritaka family of the Crab.
Since their absorption into the Crab the Falcon have gained resources that were unavailable
before and greatly improved the techniques of their dojo. They served mostly as eyes for the
Crab, searching for threats from other Spirit Realms beyond just Jigoku.
The lands of the Toritaka were west of the Shinomen Mori and north of the Twilight
Mountains. In these lands rested small farms and a single castle. Tani Hitokage was a rich and
fertile valley. Their clan colors were dark gray and forest green.

Toritaka Bushi




The Boar Clan

The Discredited

+1 Awareness



The Boar had been held captive by the Shakoki Dogu, powerful spirits that guarded the site
where the First Oni had died. After sixty years the Crab finally convinced the Shakoki Dogu
to release them, and in return they would aid in guarding the Twilight Mountains
Upon their reappearance into Rokugan in 447, their leader, Heichi, gave three tons worth of
jade and iron to Emperor Hantei Muhaki, claiming they were back taxes. When the Crab
wanted Heichi to return to the clan, his followers refused. The Emperor, amazed by the stories
of Heichi's adventures, made them a minor clan, and granted the family name "Heichi" . Their
colors were dark blue and green.
The Boar Clan came into trouble in 500 when Heichi Shizugai, heir to the fifth Boar
Champion Heichi Batsuda, witnessed rikugunshokan Matsu Dainoku murder Dainoku's taisa,
Mirumoto Chorude during an illegal duel in Otosan Uchi. Shizugai reported the crime to his
father, who in turn presented the account to Emerald Champion Doji Shioden. Shizugai and
an attendant of the Emerald Champion's wife were the only witnesses to the crime, and the
other witness died under mysterious violent circumstances. Without the testimony of two
witnesses, the end of the matter depended upon a duel between Dainoku and Batsuda.
Dainoku won, killing Batsuda. Shizugai, now the Boar Daimyo, vowed to bring Dainoku to
Six months later it was reported that Shizugai was withholding the Boar's imperial taxes in
protest of Dainoku's actions. The Emerald Champion set out with his legion to destroy the
Boar for their disobedience, but sent ambassadors ahead of himself to offer the Boar
forgiveness on the condition that Shizugai commit seppuku. When the ambassadors arrived in
501, they found that the entire clan had been exterminated. None knew, but the Boar had been
absorbed into the Shakoki Dogu after Agasha Ryuden and Asahina Yajinden had begun
sacrificing them to create the Anvil of Despair.
The Emperor declared that the Boar had been destroyed and since then only a few individuals
have claimed Boar heritage. While not every Boar was present at Shiro Heichi when the clan
was slaughtered, the Boar's tenuous legal position and the Emperor's proclamation caused the
Emerald Magistrates to actively discourage the Boar survivors and their descendants from
claiming their heritage. This rule was mostly heeded until the twelfth century when Heichi
Chokei set about on his campaign to restore the Boar despite the fact that the Emerald
Magistrates had declared the last Boar descendant dead after the Battle of Three Stone River,
a conflict between the Lion Clan and Phoenix Clan.

Heichi Bushi




The Emperor

The Imperial Families are the families of the Emperor and his
+1 Reflexes
+1 Intelligence
+1 Agility
+1 Void
+1 Willpower

closest followers. The original Imperial line was founded by the Kami Hantei, and the families by his followers
Seppun and Otomo. Miya was granted a family at the beginning of the reign of Hantei Genji. Toturi became
emperor following the death of Hantei XXXIX during the Clan War and the end of the Hantei Dynasty
The Emperor of Rokugan is the title given to the ruler of the Empire of Rokugan. It is a hereditary monarchy that
passes, with only a few exceptions, from eldest son to eldest son. Three dynasties have held the title of emperor:
the Hantei family, under whom the title was established and held for over a thousand years, the Toturi family, the
last dynasty whose last blood member Toturi III died without an heir, throwing the succession into confusion.
Toturi III's wife Toturi Kurako acted as regent until her death in 1169, resulting in even more turmoil. Toturi III's
remaining living siblings were also killed in 1168, leaving no clear succession. Following the Celestial
Tournament in 1170, Iweko I became the first Empress of the new dynasty.
The position of emperor was created by the Kami Hantei, who was son of Amaterasu and Onnotangu and victor
of the Tournament of the Kami. After the Tournament, Hantei was declared ruler of all Rokugan, but this was not
truly so until the reign of his grandson, Hantei Ningi, when the Imperial Court and post of Emerald Champion
were officially established.
The Emperor of Rokugan is the highest authority in the Empire of Rokugan. Inherent in the position is absolute
administrative, judicial, religious and military control of the empire, although many of these roles are delegated
to trusted subordinates. The emperor can be referred to as tenno, or "Heavenly Sovereign". The heir apparent can
be referred to as kotaishi. The Emperor is not only the head ruler of Rokugan, but also the chief priest of
Shinseism. As such, the training of the Emperor's children (the prospective future Emperors) has a great focus on
the Tao of Shinsei as well as the religion of the Fortunes.
Since the time of Hantei X, the emperors of Rokugan upon their coronations have dropped their personal names
and keep only the name of their dynasty, to reaffirm their noble blood and right to rule. It also demonstrates their
ascendance within the Celestial Order over the rest of the empire, in that they have left behind the mortal world
in leaving behind their own names.
Imperial succession is generally inherited directly from father to eldest son. If an Emperor has no surviving son,
a daughter may claim the throne as Empress. If the Emperor has no surviving child, the Emperor's younger
brother or sister may be called to claim the throne. In the rare occasion when an Emperor dies without a clear
successor, the empire's historians will search through the histories of the Otomo and find the living person with
the closest blood ties to the ruling line.
Historically, the children of the emperor who do not ascend to the throne ritually abdicate their claims to the
throne upon the coronation of their eldest brother, abandon the dynastic name, and join either the Seppun or
Otomo family. The only people allowed to bear the Emperor's dynastic name are the Emperor, his wife and his
children. On the occasions when the Emperor's siblings are needed to claim the throne after he dies with no heir,
they are allowed to renounce their abdication.

Seppun Guardsman
Seppun Shugenja
Otomo Courtier
Miya Herald




The Brotherhood of Shinsei

The Brotherhood of Shinsei is a religious organization that governs and oversees the
thousands of temples, shrines and monasteries of Rokugan. It is named after Shinsei, the
monk who led the Seven Thunders to victory over Fu Leng at the dawn of the Empire. Devoted to the study of the Tao of
Shinsei, the worship of the kami no michi and the pursuit of enlightenment, the Brotherhood is the preeminent spiritual body
in the Empire.
The Brotherhood is not a single cohesive whole, but instead consists of numerous sects and orders. Traditionally, the Four
Temples of Kyuden Seppun acts as the "voice" of the Brotherhood of Shinsei when it acts as one or is represented in the
courts. The Brotherhood's primary goals are to foster spiritual enlightenment and cultural improvements, and the monks
eschew materialism or politics.
Monk schools are very different from traditional samurai schools. The schools are usually a network of temples or a specific
temple where the monk received induction into the monastic life: The Four Temples, The Shrine of the Seven Thunders, The
Temple of Kaimetsu-uo , The Temple of Osano-Wo, The Temples of the Thousand Fortunes
There are certain traditions that are nearly universal to all monks in Rokugan. The initiation process is almost always a series
of grueling physical labors, often for no apparent reason. This is done to prepare the mind for a journey undertaken by the
spirit. Asceticism is also very common amongst the clergy, as trappings of the mortal realm are viewed as a burden that
weighs down the soul. Even the most ostentatious monks in the service of Daikoku, the Fortune of Wealth, set aside their
personal wealth in pursuit of his doctrine. Most monks take vows of chastity and poverty, but these practices vary from sect
to sect. Their only goal in the physical realm is the pursuit of enlightenment, and helping others is a necessary step to
complete that goal. Purity of the physical body is also a common belief, and contaminating the body with worldly materials is
a barrier to the achievement of spiritual purity. Fasting, rigorous exercise, and consumption of only the bare essentials such as
rice and water are also common vows among the monks.
As a rule, the monks of the Brotherhood are not forthcoming about their past, and it is almost considered blasphemous to
even inquire about it. The monk has left their old life behind, and the fact that some of them were once peasants and others
samurai would make it difficult to interact with them, as one would not know what station should be afforded them.
Therefore they are mostly treated with respect and admiration, as to do otherwise could be an insult to a former daimyo. The
monks of Rokugan tend to fall into roles as advisers, teachers, and spiritual guardians. Even though most samurai outrank
them, they are always very much respected, and a samurai would never give an order to a monk, out of respect for Shinsei
and his teachings.
Worshiping the Fortunes is practically the oldest form of religion in Rokugan, predating the Fall of the Kami. The traditions
and mannerisms of monks of these orders vary incredibly from order to order, as they all depend on the fortune they worship.
The monks at a temple to Daikoku, the Fortune of Wealth, would urge others to make donations, while monks at a temple to
Osano-Wo, the Fortune of Fire and Thunder, spend their time developing their martial prowess. Fortune worship is also the
most popular religion among the peasants, as in their eyes the ancestors are not looking down upon them and the Tao is far
too complex for their liking. Inari, the Fortune of Rice, is very popular amongst peasants due to most of them working the
farms that feed all of Rokugan.
Studying the Tao of Shinsei is by far the most common practice among the monks, and is the first thing that comes to peoples
minds when they think about the Brotherhood. Every monk in Rokugan studies the Tao, and even the devotees of the most
militant Fortunes admit Shinsei truly was a prophet. Few dare malign it, but that does not mean it receives universal
reverence either. The most notable of the naysayers are the monks who were formerly samurai in service of the Lion Clan.
Their strong beliefs in ancestor worship as well as the Kami Akodo's infamous disagreements with Shinsei are the primary
reasons for a former lion not considering the Tao their primary pursuit.

First Dawn Scholars
Fudoist Order
Fukurokujin's Eyes
Tengokus fist
The Four Temples
The Order of Heroes
The Order of the Nameless Gift
The Order of Peaceful Repose
The Order of Rebirth
The Order of The Five Rings
The Order of the Wind
Shinmaki Order
The Shrine of the Seven Thunders
The Temple of Kaimetsu-uo
The Temple of Osano-Wo
The Temple of the Heavenly Wisdom
The Temple of the Persistence
The Temples of the Thousand Fortunes
Wind's Grace Order


Imperial Histories 2
Imperial Histories 2
Book of Air
Book of Fire
Book of Earth
Secrets of the Empire
Book of Fire
Imperial Histories 2
Book of Air
Emerald Empire
Book of Fire
Book of Earth
Book of Air


Other Civilisations
The Nezumi

Nezumi were one of the other races that walked Ningen-do after the Naga entered their slumber and
before the fall of the Kami. The Nezumi had a vast empire, conquering the kingdom of the Ogres and
occupying most of the area currently taken by the Shadowlands. Most of the Nezumi civilization was
destroyed when Fu Leng fell from Tengoku.
In 314 a twelve year old named Hiruma Kazuma developed a strange rapport with the Ratlings and
forged bonds of trust with them. This resulted in the Nezumi - Crab Alliance.

Nezumi Culture

Nezumi culture is divided into several tribes, each with their own distinct power structure. The most
important members of a Tribe are the shaman, the Rememberer, and the Chieftain. The Rememberer is
the tribe's storyteller, and must remember and tell the great tales of the tribe's past. As guardian of
powerful name magic, the shaman keeps the spiritual well-being of the tribe in hand. The Chieftain,
meanwhile, functions much like a daimyo in any other clan. He is first in war and politics, just as the
shaman is the tribe's chief priest. Much of this structure remains within the newly-unified One Tribe.

Nezumi Burrows
Most Nezumi tribes live underground in burrows. This originates from, or so the tale suggests, an
event where a Dragon from the Celestial Heavens came down to rescue what he thought to be a human
lost in the Shadowlands. The Nezumi the Dragon picked up hoped to steal some of the Dragon's
treasure, and pretended to be one of the Emperor's sons. The Dragon asked the Nezumi if he knew of
Otosan Uchi, and the Ratling replied he was one of his closest friends. The Dragon was outraged at
this blatant lie, and threw down the Nezumi. The Ratling burrowed deep underground to avoid further
punishment, and to this day they believe they must live underground in burrows to avoid the wrath of
the Heavens.
It is also worth noting that in such a harsh environment as the Shadowlands there are few other places
the Nezumi could survive but underground.

Nezumi Speech
The Nezumi believe that time is somewhat immaterial. As such, death is known as "Tomorrow," and
any time in the past might be referred to as "Yesterday." The repetition of words is also a common
characteristic of Nezumi speech. It is rare that a Nezumi will repeat adjectives or adverbs, instead
generally repeating nouns and verbs. For example, an old Nezumi who as a child had a brush with
death might say "I saw-saw Tomorrow, many Yesterdays ago, and I ran-ran." This shows up in many
other incarnations, as Daigotsu or any great Oni might be called Tomorrow due to their deadliness.
However, many of these impracticalities disappear when a skilled speaker utilizes the Nezumi's native
tongue. Few Rokugani would debase themselves to speaking in squeaks and chitters, though, and so
this crude approximation of Nezumi speech is what is most often seen by Rokugani contacts with the

Nezumi Religion and Magic

The Nezumi do not worship Kami and Fortunes as do the Rokugani. Their religion is mostly based
around the idea that life is a great dream, and that death is an awakening from that dream. This leads to
their relatively strange perceptions of time, as exhibited by their speech. Within the dream, Names
have great power. The Nezumi utilize the power of names and dreams to perform most of their magic.
Dreams are where the Nezumi shamans find their visions of the future and guidance. Names can be
used to identify a person's status or past deeds, or wipe them out completely. A powerful Nezumi can
remove one's Name, totally severing a person from their former deeds and life. Omen underwent this
process, though other sources claim that the Nametakers, as these powerful Nezumi were called, are

Current Events

The Nezumi currently hold a very strong position. The tribes stand united as the One Tribe under the
leadership of Kan'ok'ticheck. They have defeated the Tsuno and the Tomorrow Chieftain. They are
being aided by Nintai, an ancient Kitsu spirit who is helping the Nezumi rediscover the ancient magics
that gained them their lost empire.
Sometime after a wondrous blade, called Asatte, made its way to the Nezumi in 1167, the nezumi went
into Yume-do to confront Tomorrow.
The following are the former tribes of the Nezumi:
Blazing Gullet Tribe (destroyed)
Broken Shinbone Tribe
Crimson Paw Tribe
Crippled Bone Tribe
Chipped Tooth Tribe
Grasping Paw Tribe
Green-Green-White Tribe
The One Tribe
Shadow Runners Tribe (destroyed)
Squeaky Eyeball Tribe
Stained Paw Tribe (formerly corrupted)
Tattered Ear Tribe
Third Whisker Tribe




Enemies of
Enemies of
Enemies of
Enemies of

the Empire
the Empire
the Empire
the Empire


The Naga

The naga were an ancient race of serpent-men that existed before the rise of Man and the fall of the
Kami. They were the oldest of the civilizations, spanning the far west of the modern Rokugan. Before
the fall of the Kami, the naga entered an enchanted slumber in an attempt to preserve their dying race.

Naga physiology
The naga are large quasi-humanoids with human-like torsos and snake like lower bodies. They were
typically scaly and reptilian in appearance, with a greenish tint being the most common, though some
browns and other shades were occasionally present. The tail of a naga could be anywhere in the range
of 10-20 foot long. Typically, the tails of the Constrictors were normally the longest, while the
Greensnakes tend to be smaller and more agile. An upright naga can range from four to seven feet tall
normally, but they can raise themselves up even higher. Naga move with the same general pace and
endurance of a man, but the tail gives them an advantage that allows them to move just as fast in
nearly any terrain. Unfortunately, they do tend to leave a distinct trail marking their passage. Unless
trained to accept them, horses tend to avoid naga, presumably due to smelling similar to snake.

Mutations and 'Abominations'

Some naga, especially the magically talented Cobra Bloodline, have features veering further from the
'human' norm. This appears to be a result the closeness some eggs have to the magical pearls in their
hatcheries. Typically these naga have a much more snakelike appearance, to include such features as
cobra hoods and heavily scaled torsos. Many other naga are noticeably unsettled by the more extreme
variations. Another mutation grants some naga the ability to breathe underwater. While normally only
air breathers, some naga are hatched with gills in their necks or torsos. In some more extreme cases,
the naga have mutated to the point that they cannot breathe air at all. These mutations tend to be
ignored by most naga. Once a generation, a naga is hatched with such severe mutations that it is
declared to be an 'Abomination' and is cast out to live on it's own. Most do not survive this, but those
who do, and who return, are often some of the greatest heroes of the naga.

Female Nagas
At puberty, female naga gain the ability to alter their form, taking on a typical bipedal nature, though
they are still obviously not human unless they take efforts to conceal their features. This ability
involves five hours of ritual mediation, followed by the shedding of the skin to reveal the other lower
torso. Due to the lack of use, female naga tails tend to be shorter than most males, and many have
some minor difficulties utilizing some of the advantages the male naga enjoy. In addition, physical
skills take twice as much effort as they must learn how to do such actions with and without tails.

Naga history
Over the years, the naga have affected and been affected by many events unfolding in Rokugan.

The Naga Empire

Thousands of years before the Fall of the Kami and the creation of Rokugan, the Empire of the Naga
was a thriving culture dedicated to arts and science. They became complacent, and some did not heed
prophecies and warnings of a Great Sleep to come. Others had become complacent due to their biggest
threat, the Ashalan, having been dealt a society-crumbling blow. Some believed they had to enter the
great sleep to preserve their culture, and some hoped to defeat an enemy they knew to come, known as
the Foul.

Great Sleep
Time took a greater toll on the naga then expected, and unforeseen tampering by the nezumi and
humans dealt a great amount of damage.

Initial Awakenings
In 815, after the Return of the Ki-Rin, a small group of Shadowlands creatures broke through the
defenses of the Crab Clan and entered the Shinomen Mori. These creatures destroyed a large cluster of
naga eggs. This disturbance to the Akasha caused many naga to awaken, and they quickly crushed the
Shadowlands force, leaving nothing but a foul, Tainted marsh in its place.

Naga ruins

In 925, on a mapping expedition of the outer reaches of the Shinomen Mori on behalf of the imperial
cartographers, Shinjo Fujimaka and Ikoma Gohesu discovered the ruins of a great naga city. There had
been naga ruins discovered before this event, but none of this size, which indicated a major naga
settlement. Many scholars believe that this intrusion into the naga lands caused the initiation of their
slow awakening process.

More Awakenings
The naga scouts had been awakening for centuries, but in 1124 they awoke in significant numbers. It
was a slow process, requiring months or, in some cases, years. During the Clan War, sometime before
the Battle of Beiden Pass in 1127, the awaking Naga were approached by humans. Their leader,
Mirumoto Daini, explained that he had been sent by his leader Toturi to ask for aid from the Naga in
defeating the Foul and the Crab Clan who had allied with them. The Naga agreed to join forces with
Toturi, in exchange for the Black Lion's promise that he would not seek to take the Emerald Throne for

Naga and the Crab

In 1129, after the Clan War, the Kaiu family needed to repair the Kaiu Kabe, which had been severely
damaged. The Crab and naga allied and resolved to move against the Shadowlands to end its threat
forever. The Qamar of the naga pledged that every able naga would strike out against the Shadowlands
with their new Crab allies once the Crab were ready. With the rebuilding taking priority, the assault
was scheduled for the following spring. In the spring of 1130, as planned, the Crab and naga marched
into the Shadowlands. Early on, there were nearly no casualties for the naga and Crab. The beasts of
the Shadowlands seemed unprepared for such a large, bold invasion. During this time, Hiruma Castle
was finally reclaimed following its destruction four centuries prior, in 716.
Shortly after the retaking of Kyuden Hiruma, there was an apparent shift in the attitudes of the naga.
They quickly and silently withdrew, leaving the Crab stranded in the Shadowlands. The Crab could
only watch helplessly as their allies abandoned them. Scouts were quickly deployed to the Kaiu Kabe
for more soldiers and supplies, but none of the messengers survived the journey.
The naga returned in 1132 to help the Crab, but found they were too late to fight. To atone for their
abandonment, Shashakar used an artifact known as the Black Pearl to restore life to the recentlydeceased Crab Clan Champion, Hida Yakamo. This merged Yakamo's soul with the Akasha and his
mind with Shashakar. Unfortunately, the Taint that was present in Yakamo seeped into the Akasha,
causing the Naga great pain and forcing them into another hibernation.

Naga and Hitomi

In 1131, the Qamar's son, Kazaq, left the Shinomen Mori and climbed the mountains of the Dragon
Clan to Kyuden Hitomi. Hitomi greeted him with open arms as if he were an expected guest. Soon
after, Kazaq emerged from Kyuden Hitomi bearing the mystical tattoos of the Dragon, severed from
the Akasha forever.
In 1131, the naga, led by the Qamar laid siege to the Dragon provinces. It was unknown to most why
the naga attacked the Dragon. Their rampage destroyed three minor strongholds of the Dragon until
they were suddenly halted by the appearance of the monks of the Brotherhood of Shinsei. Many
believed the Brotherhood were there to parley with the Naga to end hostilities, but when the
Brotherhood, mostly former Togashi family Ise Zumi led by Hoshi, joined forces with the Naga, many
were taken aback. Hitomi's own brother, Mirumoto Daini, also chose to side with the Naga. It became
clear within weeks that Hoshi has also mastered the art of making tattooed men himself, and many of
the Brotherhood swore fealty to the newly-established Hoshi name.
At the same time, the naga finally reached the base of Hitomi's mountain. During their attack, the
power from Hitomi's Obsidian Hand inadvertently freed Shosuro from her crystal prison beneath the
former Kyuden Togashi. Also during the chaos, the renegade Ise Zumi Kokujin stole the daisho of
In 1132, Toturi sent the Monkey Clan, lead by the Captain of the Imperial Guard, Toku, to end the
fighting by attacking the naga. The naga revealed to Toku that Hitomi had been warped by the Lying
Darkness. When she had corrupted Kazaq with the Lying Darkness, it had sent a revelation through the
Akasha about what and where The Foul really was. Unfortunately, by the time the Naga explained this,
Shosuro had been freed and Hitomi had ascended. With their immortal enemy eluding them once
more, the naga returned to the aid of their Crab allies.

Naga and the Unicorn

In 1135, as the naga prepared to re-enter hibernation, they gave to the Unicorn Clan a great golden
pearl. In return, the Unicorn swore to defend the Shinomen Mori during the naga's sleep.
The golden pearl was a secretion of the Akasha, meant to aid in the cleansing of the race. After most of
the naga had returned to their slumber, the pearl hatched into a fully grown human woman with all the
memories of The Akasha. The woman declared that her name was Akasha. The Unicorn Clan adopted
her into their clan, seeing her as an eternal link between them and the sleeping naga.

Naga Jakla
Naga Scout
Naga Vedic
Naga Warrior


Enemies of
Enemies of
Enemies of
Enemies of

the Empire
the Empire
the Empire
the Empire


Enemies of the Empire

The Shadowlands
The Evil
When the Kami fell from the heavens to earth, one sibling fell away from the rest. Fu Leng,
the youngest brother, fell far to the south of the Empire, crashing deep into the earth. His fall
had broken a hole into the realm of Jigoku, the realm of torture and evil. Over the time he lay
stranded there, the forces of Jigoku corrupted his mind and soul. Being a Kami however, Fu
Leng quickly exerted his divine powers and took control of the realm becoming its god.
While Fu Leng lay in Jigoku, the other siblings went about establishing their Empire. Only his
sister Shinjo showed any concern for Fu Leng, though she was unable to find him. When Fu
Leng rose back to the mortal realm, he saw that his siblings had gone about their lives with no
concern for him. He was furious. They had held their tournament to divide the Empire, but he
had not been allowed his turn, and they would pay.
Fu Leng has since marshaled the evil of the world to his banner. Undead, goblins, ogres,
trolls, ghosts, humans fallen to the tainted whispers of evil, and the powerful oni all fight to
destroy the Empire Fu Leng so deeply hates. They will never stop until every being in
Rokugan is dead or one of them.

Free Ogre Bushi
Ogre Mage


Enemies of the Empire

Enemies of the Empire


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