MindStorms Papert
MindStorms Papert
MindStorms Papert
Children, Computers,
and Powerful Ideas
7 6 5 4 3 2
I. Title.
The Gears of
My Childhood
BEFORE I WAS two years old I had developed an intense involvement with automobiles. The names of car parts made up a very
substantial portion of my vocabulary: I was particularly proud of
knowing about the parts of the transmission system, the gearbox,
and most especially the differential. It was, of course, many years
later before I understood how gears work; but once I did, playing
with gears became a favorite pastime. I loved rotating circular objects against one another in gearlike motions and, naturally, my
first "erector set" project was a crude gear system.
I became adept at turning wheels in my head and at making
chains of cause and effect: "This one turns this way so that must
turn that way s o . . . " I found particular pleasure in such systems as
the differential gear, which does not follow a simple linear chain of
causality since the motion in the transmission shaft can be distributed in many different ways to the two wheels depending on what
resistance they encounter. I remember quite vividly my excitement
at discovering that a system could be lawful and completely comprehensible without being rigidly deterministic.
I believe that working with differentials did more for my mathematical development than anything I was taught in elementary
school. Gears, serving as models, carried many otherwise abstract
ideas into my head. I clearly remember two examples from school
math. I saw multiplication tables as gears, and my first brush with
equations in two variables (e.g., 3x + 4y = 10) immediately evoked
the differential. By the time I had made a mental gear model of the
relation between x and y, figuring how many teeth each gear needed, the equation had become a comfortable friend.
Many years later when I read Piaget this incident served me as a
model for his notion of assimilation, except I was immediately
struck by the fact that his discussion does not do full justice to his
own idea. He talks almost entirely about cognitive aspects of assimilation. But there is also an affective component. Assimilating
equations to gears certainly is a powerful way to bring old knowledge to bear on a new object. But it does more as well. I am sure
that such assimilations helped to endow mathematics, for me, with
a positive affective tone that can be traced back to my infantile experiences with cars. I believe Piaget really agrees. As I came to
know him personally I understood that his neglect of the affective
comes more from a modest sense that little is known about it than
from an arrogant sense of its irrelevance. But let me return to my
One day I was surprised to discover that some adults---even most
adults---did not understand or even care about the magic of the
gears. I no longer think much about gears, but I have never turned
away from the questions that started with that discovery: How
could what was so simple for me be incomprehensible to other people? My proud father suggested "being clever" as an explanation.
But I was painfully aware that some people who could not understand the differential could easily do things I found much more difficult. Slowly I began to formulate what I still consider the fundamental fact about learning: Anything is easy if you can assimilate
it to your collection of models. If you can't, anything can be painfully difficult. Here too I was developing a way of thinking that
would be resonant with Piaget's. The understanding of learning
must be genetic. It must refer to the genesis of knowledge. What an
individual can learn, and how he learns it, depends on what models
he has available. This raises, recursively, the question of how he
learned these models. Thus the "laws of learning" must be about
how intellectual structures grow out of one another and about how,
in the process, they acquire both logical and emotional form.
This book is an exercise in an applied genetic epistemology expanded beyond Piaget's cognitive emphasis to include a concern
with the affective. It develops a new perspective for education revii
search focused on creating the conditions under which intellectual
models will take root. For the last two decades this is what I have
been trying to do. And in doing so I find myself frequently reminded of several aspects of my encounter with the differential gear.
First, I remember that no one told me to learn about differential
gears. Second, I remember that there was feeling, love, as well as
understanding in my relationship with gears. Third, I remember
that my first encounter with them was in my second year. If any
"scientific" educational psychologist had tried to "measure" the effects of this encounter, he would probably have failed. It had profound consequences but, I conjecture, only very many years later.
A "pre- and post-" test at age two would have missed them.
Piaget's work gave me a new framework for looking at the gears
of my childhood. The gear can be used to illustrate many powerful
"advanced" mathematical ideas, such as groups or relative motion.
But it does more than this. As well as connecting with the formal
knowledge of mathematics, it also connects with the "body knowledge," the sensorimotor schemata of a child. You can be the gear,
you can understand how it turns by projecting yourself into its
place and turning with it. It is this double relationship~both abstract and sensory~that gives the gear the power to carry powerful
mathematics into the mind. In a terminology I shall develop in later chapters, the gear acts here as a transitional object.
A modern-day Montessori might propose, if convinced by my
story, to create a gear set for children. Thus every child might have
the experience I had. But to hope for this would be to miss the essence of the story. I fell in love with the gears. This is something
that cannot be reduced to purely "cognitive" terms. Something
very personal happened, and one cannot assume that it would be
repeated for other children in exactly the same form.
My thesis could be summarized as: What the gears cannot do the
computer might. The computer is the Proteus of machines. Its essence is its universality, its power to simulate. Because it can take
on a thousand forms and can serve a thousand functions, it can appeal to a thousand tastes. This book is the result of my own attempts over the past decade to turn computers into instruments
flexible enough so that many children can each create for themselves something like what the gears were for me.
Computers for
JUST A FEW YEARS AGO people thought of computers as expensive and exotic devices. Their commercial and industrial uses
affected ordinary people, but hardly anyone expected computers to
become part of day-to-day life. This view has changed dramatically
and rapidly as the public has come to accept the reality of the personal computer, small and inexpensive enough to take its place in
every living room or even in every breast pocket. The appearance of
the first rather primitive machines in this class was enough to catch
the imagination of journalists and produce a rash of speculative articles about life in the computer-rich world to come. The main subject of these articles was what people will be able to do with their
computers. Most writers emphasized using computers for games,
entertainment, income tax, electronic mail, shopping, and banking.
A few talked about the computer as a teaching machine.
This book too poses the question of what will be done with personal computers, but in a very different way. I shall be talking
about how computers may affect the way people think and learn. I
begin to characterize my perspective by noting a distinction between two ways computers might enhance thinking and change
patterns of access to knowledge.
Instrumental uses of the computer to help people think have
been dramatized in science fiction. For example, as millions of
"Star Trek" fans know, the starship Enterprise has a computer
that gives rapid and accurate answers to complex questions posed
to it. But no attempt is made in "Star Trek" to suggest that the human characters aboard think in ways very different from the manner in which people in the twentieth century think. Contact with
the computer has not, as far as we are allowed to see in these episodes, changed how these people think about themselves or how
they approach problems. In this book I discuss ways in which the
computer presence could contribute to mental processes not only
instrumentally but in more essential, conceptual ways, influencing
how people think even when they are far removed from physical
contact with a computer (just as the gears shaped my understanding of algebra although they were not physically present in the
math class). It is about an end to the culture that makes science
and technology alien to the vast majority of people. Many cultural
barriers impede children from making scientific knowledge their
own. Among these barriers the most visible are the physically brutal effects of deprivation and isolation. Other barriers are more political. Many children who grow up in our cities are surrounded by
the artifacts of science but have good reason to see them as belonging to "the others"; in many cases they are perceived as belonging
to the social enemy. Still other obstacles are more abstract, though
ultimately of the same nature. Most branches of the most sophisticated modern culture of Europe and the United States are so deeply "mathophobic" that many privileged children are as effectively
(if more gently) kept from appropriating science as their own. In
my vision, space-age objects, in the form of small computers, will
cross these cultural barriers to enter the private worlds of children
everywhere. They will do so not as mere physical objects. This book
is about how computers can be carriers of powerful ideas and of the
seeds of cultural change, how they can help people form new relationships with knowledge that cut across the traditional lines separating humanities from sciences and knowledge of the self from
both of these. It is about using computers to challenge current beliefs about who can understand what and at what age. It is about
using computers to question standard assumptions in developmen-
tal psychology and in the psychology of aptitudes and attitudes. It
is about whether personal computers and the cultures in which they
are used will continue to be the creatures of "engineers" alone or
whether we can construct intellectual environments in which people
who today think of themselves as "humanists" will feel part of, not
alienated from, the process of constructing computational cultures.
But there is a world of difference between what computers can
do and what society will choose to do with them. Society has many
ways to resist fundamental and threatening change. Thus, this
book is about facing choices that are ultimately political. It looks at
some of the forces of change and of reaction to those forces that are
called into play as the computer presence begins to enter the politically charged world of education.
Much of the book is devoted to building up images of the role of
the computer very different from current stereotypes. All of us,
professionals as well as laymen, must consciously break the habits
we bring to thinking about the computer. Computation is in its infancy. It is hard to think about computers of the future without
projecting onto them the properties and the limitations of those we
think we know today. And nowhere is this more true than in imagining how computers can enter the world of education. It is not true
to say that the image of a child's relationship with a computer I
shall develop here goes far beyond what is common in today's
schools. My image does not go beyond: It goes in the opposite
In many schools today, the phrase "computer-aided instruction"
means making the computer teach the child. One might say the
computer is being used to program the child. In my vision, the
child programs the computer and, in doing so, both acquires a
sense of mastery over a piece of the most modern and powerful
technology and establishes an intimate contact with some of the
deepest ideas from science, from mathematics, and from the art of
intellectual model building.
I shall describe learning paths that have led hundreds of children
to becoming quite sophisticated programmers. Once programming
is seen in the proper perspective, there is nothing very surprising
about the fact that this should happen. Programming a computer
means nothing more or less than communicating to it in a language
that it and the human user can both "understand." And learning
languages is one of the things children do best. Every normal child
learns to talk. Why then should a child not learn to "talk" to a
There are many reasons why someone might expect it to be difficult. For example, although babies learn to speak their native language with spectacular ease, most children have great difficulty
learning foreign languages in schools and, indeed, often learn the
written version of their own language none too successfully. Isn't
learning a computer language more like the difficult process of
learning a foreign written language than the easy one of learning to
speak one's own language? And isn't the problem further compounded by all the difficulties most people encounter learning
Two fundamental ideas run through this book. The first is that it
is possible to design computers so that learning to communicate
with them can be a natural process, more like learning French by
living in France than like trying to learn it through the unnatural
process of American foreign-language instruction in classrooms.
Second, learning to communicate with a computer may change the
way other learning takes place. The computer can be a mathematics-speaking and an alphabetic-speaking entity. We are learning
how to make computers with which children love to communicate.
When this communication occurs, children learn mathematics as a
living language. Moreover, mathematical communication and alphabetic communication are thereby both transformed from the
alien and therefore difficult things they are for most children into
natural and therefore easy ones. The idea of "talking mathematics"
to a computer can be generalized to a view of learning mathematics
in "Mathland"; that is to say, in a context which is to learning
mathematics what living in France is to learning French.
In this book the Mathland metaphor will be used to question
deeply engrained assumptions about human abilities. It is generally
assumed that children cannot learn formal geometry until well into
their school years and that most cannot learn it too well even then.
But we can quickly see that these assumptions are based on ex-
tremely weak evidence by asking analogous questions about the
ability of children to learn French. If we had to base our opinions
on observation of how poorly children learned French in American
schools, we would have to conclude that most people were incapable of mastering it. But we know that all normal children would
learn it very easily if they lived in France. My conjecture is that
much of what we now see as too "formal" or "too mathematical"
will be learned just as easily when children grow up in the computer-rich world of the very near future.
I use the examination of our relationship with mathematics as a
thematic example of how technological and social processes interact in the construction of ideas about human capacities. And mathematical examples will also help to describe a theory of how learning works and of how it goes wrong.
I take from Jean Piaget ~ a model of children as builders of their
own intellectual structures. Children seem to be innately gifted
learners, acquiring long before they go to school a vast quantity of
knowledge by a process I call "Piagetian learning," or "learning
without being taught." For example, children learn to speak, learn
the intuitive geometry needed to get around in space, and learn
enough of logic and rhetorics to get around parents~all this without being "taught." We must ask why some learning takes place so
early and spontaneously while some is delayed many years or does
not happen at all without deliberately imposed formal instruction.
If we really look at the "child as builder" we are on our way to
an answer. All builders need materials to build with. Where I am
at variance with Piaget is in the role I attribute to the surrounding
cultures as a source of these materials. In some cases the culture
supplies them in abundance, thus facilitating constructive Piagetian learning. For example, the fact that so many important things
(knives and forks, mothers and fathers, shoes and socks) come in
pairs is a "material" for the construction of an intuitive sense of
number. But in many cases where Piaget would explain the slower
development of a particular concept by its greater complexity or
formality, I see the critical factor as the relative poverty of the culture in those materials that would make the concept simple and
concrete. In yet other cases the culture may provide materials but
block their use. In the case of formal mathematics, there is both a
shortage of formal materials and a cultural block as well. The
mathophobia endemic in contemporary culture blocks many people
from learning anything they recognize as "math," although they
may have no trouble with mathematical knowledge they do not perceive as such.
We shall see again and again that the consequences of mathophobia go far beyond obstructing the learning of mathematics and
science. They interact with other endemic "cultural toxins," for example, with popular theories of aptitudes, to contaminate peoples'
images of themselves as learners. Difficulty with school math is often the first step of an invasive intellectual process that leads us all
to define ourselves as bundles of aptitudes and ineptitudes, as being
"mathematical" or "not mathematical,' ' " artistic" or "not artistic," "musical" or "not musical," "profound" or "superficial," "intelligent" or "dumb." Thus deficiency becomes identity and learning is transformed from the early child's free exploration of the
world to a chore beset by insecurities and self-imposed restrictions.
Two major themes~that children can learn to use computers in
a masterful way, and that learning to use computers can change
the way they learn everything else~have shaped my research
agenda on computers and education. Over the past ten years I have
had the good fortune to work with a group of colleagues and students at MIT (the LOGO 2 group in the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) to create environments in which children can learn to
communicate with computers. The metaphor of imitating the way
the child learns to talk has been constantly with us in this work and
has led to a vision of education and of education research very different from the traditional ones. For people in the teaching professions, the word "education" tends to evoke "teaching," particularly
classroom teaching. The goal of education research tends therefore
to be focused on how to improve classroom teaching. But if, as I
have stressed here, the model of successful learning is the way a
child learns to talk, a process that takes place without deliberate
and organized teaching, the goal set is very different. I see the
classroom as an artificial and inefficient learning environment that
society has been forced to invent because its informal environments
fail in certain essential learning domains, such as writing or gram-
mar or school math. I believe that the computer presence will enable us to so modify the learning environment outside the classrooms that much if not all the knowledge schools presently try to
teach with such pain and expense and such limited success will be
learned, as the child learns to talk, painlessly, successfully, and
without organized instruction. This obviously implies that schools
as we know them today will have no place in the future. But it is an
open question whether they will adapt by transforming themselves
into something new or wither away and be replaced.
Although technology will play an essential role in the realization
of my vision of the future of education, my central focus is not on
the machine but on the mind, and particularly on the way in which
intellectual movements and cultures define themselves and grow.
Indeed, the role I give to the computer is that of a carrier of cultural "germs" or "seeds" whose intellectual products will not need
technological support once they take root in an actively growing
mind. Many if not all the children who grow up with a love and aptitude for mathematics owe this feeling, at least in part, to the fact
that they happened to acquire "germs" of the "math culture" from
adults, who, one might say, knew how to speak mathematics, even
if only in the way that Moliere had M. Jourdain speak prose without knowing it. These "math-speaking" adults do not necessarily
know how to solve equations; rather, they are marked by a turn of
mind that shows up in the logic of their arguments and in the fact
that for them to play is often to play with such things as puzzles,
puns, and paradoxes. Those children who prove recalcitrant to
math and science education include many whose environments
happened to be relatively poor in math-speaking adults. Such children come to school lacking elements necessary for the easy learning of school math. School has been unable to supply these missing
elements, and, by forcing the children into learning situations
doomed in advance, it generates powerful negative feelings about
mathematics and perhaps about learning in general. Thus is set up
a vicious self-perpetuating cycle. For these same children will one
day be parents and will not only fail to pass on mathematical germs
but will almost certainly infect their children with the opposing and
intellectually destructive germs of mathophobia.
Fortunately it is sufficient to break the self-perpetuating cycle at
one point for it to remain broken forever. I shall show how computers might enable us to do this, thereby breaking the vicious cycle
without creating a dependence on machines. My discussion differs
from most arguments about "nature versus nurture" in two ways. I
shall be much more specific both about what kinds of nurturance
are needed for intellectual growth and about what can be done to
create such nurturance in the home as well as in the wider social
Thus this book is really about how a culture, a way of thinking,
an idea comes to inhabit a young mind. I am suspicious of thinking
about such problems too abstractly, and I shall write here with particular restricted focus. I shall in fact concentrate on those ways of
thinking that I know best. I begin by looking at what I know about
my own development. I do this in all humility, without any implication that what I have become is what everyone should become. But
I think that the best way to understand learning is first to understand specific, well-chosen cases and then to worry afterward about
how to generalize from this understanding. You can't think seriously about thinking without thinking about thinking about something. And the something I know best how to think about is mathematics. When in this book I write of mathematics, I do not think
of myself as writing for an audience of mathematicians interested
in mathematical thinking for its own sake. My interest is in universal issues of how people think and how they learn to think.
When I trace how I came to be a mathematician, I see much that
was idiosyncratic, much that could not be duplicated as part of a
generalized vision of education reform. And I certainly don't think
that we would want everyone to become a mathematician. But I
think that the kind of pleasure I take in mathematics should be
part of a general vision of what education should be about. If we
can grasp the essence of one person's experiences, we may be able
to replicate its consequences in other ways, and in particular this
consequence of finding beauty in abstract things. And so I shall be
writing quite a bit about mathematics. I give my apologies to readers who hate mathematics, but I couple that apology with an offer
to help them learn to like it a little b e t t e r ~ o r at least to change
their image of what "speaking mathematics" can be all about.
In the Foreword of this book I described how gears helped mathematical ideas to enter my life. Several qualities contributed to
their effectiveness. First, they were part of my natural "landscape,"
embedded in the culture around me. This made it possible for me to
find them myself and relate to them in my own fashion. Second,
gears were part of the world of adults around me and through them
I could relate to these people. Third, I could use my body to think
about the gears. I could feel how gears turn by imagining by body
turning. This made it possible for me to draw on my "body knowledge" to think about gear systems. And finally, because, in a very
real sense, the relationship between gears contains a great deal of
mathematical information, I could use the gears to think about formal systems. I have described the way in which the gears served as
an "object-to-think-with." I made them that for myself in my own
development as a mathematician. The gears have also served me as
an object-to-think-with in my work as an educational researcher.
My goal has been the design of other objects that children can
make theirs for themselves and in their own ways. Much of this
book will describe my path through this kind of research. I begin
by describing one example of a constructed computational "objectto-think-with." This is the "Turtle. ''3
The central role of the Turtle in this book should not be taken to
mean that I propose it as a panacea for all educational problems. I
see it as a valuable educational object, but its principal role here is
to serve as a model for other objects, yet to be invented. My interest is in the process of invention of "objects-to-think-with," objects
in which there is an intersection of cultural presence, embedded
knowledge, and the possibility for personal identification.
The Turtle is a computer-controlled cybernetic animal. It exists
within the cognitive minicultures of the "LOGO environment,"
LOGO being the computer language in which communication with
the Turtle takes place. The Turtle serves no other purpose than of
being good to program and good to think with. Some Turtles are
abstract objects that live on computer screens. Others, like the
floor Turtles shown in the frontispiece are physical objects that can
be picked up like any mechanical toy. A first encounter often begins by showing the child how a Turtle can be made to move by
typing commands at a keyboard. F O R W A R D 100 makes the Turtle move in a straight line a distance of 100 Turtle steps of about a
millimeter each. Typing R I G H T 90 causes the Turtle to pivot in
place through 90 degrees. Typing P E N D O W N causes the Turtle to
lower a pen so as to leave a visible trace of its path while P E N U P
instructs it to raise the pen. Of course the child needs to explore a
great deal before gaining mastery of what the numbers mean. But
the task is engaging enough to carry most children through this
learning process.
The idea of programming is introduced through the metaphor of
teaching the Turtle a new word. This is simply done, and children
often begin their programming experience by programming the
Turtle to respond to new commands invented by the child such as
S Q U A R E or T R I A N G L E or SQ or TRI or whatever the child
wishes, by drawing the appropriate shapes. New commands once
defined can be used to define others. For example just as the house
in Figure 1 is built out of a triangle and a square, the program for
drawing it is built out of the commands for drawing a square and a
triangle. Figure 1 shows four steps in the evolution of this program.
From these simple drawings the young programmer can go on in
many different directions. Some work on more complex drawings,
either figural or abstract. Some abandon the use of the Turtle as a
drawing instrument and learn to use its touch sensors to program it
to seek out or avoid objects. 4 Later children learn that the computer can be programmed to make music as well as move Turtles and
combine the two activities by programming Turtles to dance. Or
they can move on from floor Turtles to "screen Turtles," which
they program to draw moving pictures in bright colors. The examples are infinitely varied, but in each the child is learning how to
exercise control over an exceptionally rich and sophisticated "micro-world."
Readers who have never seen an interactive computer display
might find it hard to imagine where this can lead. As a mental exercise they might like to imagine an electronic sketchpad, a computer graphics display of the not-too-distant future. This is a television screen that can display moving pictures in color. You can also
"draw" on it, giving it instructions, perhaps by typing, perhaps by
speaking, or perhaps by pointing with a wand. On request, a palette
of colors could appear on the screen. You can choose a color by
pointing at it with the wand. Until you change your choice, the
wand draws in that color. Up to this point the distinction from traditional art materials may seem slight, but the distinction becomes
very real when you begin to think about editing the drawing. You
can "talk to your drawing" in computer language. You can "tell" it
to replace this color with that. Or set a drawing in motion. Or make
two copies and set them in counterrotating motion. Or replace the
color palette with a sound palette and "draw" a piece of music.
You can file your work in computer memory and retrieve it at your
pleasure, or have it delivered into the memory of any of the many
millions of other computers linked to the central communication
network for the pleasure of your friends.
That all this would be fun needs no argument. But it is more
than fun. Very powerful kinds of learning are taking place. Children working with an electronic sketchpad are learning a language
for talking about shapes and fluxes of shapes, about velocities and
rates of change, about processes and procedures. They are learning
to speak mathematics, and acquiring a new image of themselves as
In my description of children working with Turtles, I implied
that children can learn to program. For some readers this might be
tantamount to the suspension of disbelief required when we enter a
theater to watch a play. For them programming is a complex and
marketable skill acquired by some mathematically gifted adults.
But my experience is very different. I have seen hundreds of elementary school children learn very easily to program, and evidence
is accumulating to indicate that much younger children could do so
as well. The children in these studies are not exceptional, or rather,
they are exceptional in every conceivable way. Some of the children
were highly successful in school, some were diagnosed as emotionally or cognitively disabled. Some of the children were so severely
afflicted by cerebral palsy that they had never purposefully manipulated physical objects. Some of them had expressed their talents
in "mathematical" forms, some in "verbal" forms, and some in artistically "visual" or in "musical" forms.
Figure I
A Plan
- " ~ .~ , ' ~
.' % ' ,~. ~
'w " , , , : ~ , 7 1 ~ , : ~ , ~
..... ~.~
.' , . ~ ' ~
, , ' ~ , ~ '~ - ~ ~ ' ~
" ~ ....
-~,., ,~. . . . . ,,..'~t" ,~ .: ,~"~ ":. . . .
.,,,. ~.~.~,"",".'<~." ;
. . .
And a Compromise
Of course these children did not achieve a fluency in programming that came close to matching their use of spoken language. If
we take the Mathland metaphor seriously, their computer experience was more like learning French by spending a week or two on
vacation in France than like living there. But like children who
have spent a vacation with foreign-speaking cousins, they were
clearly on their way to "speaking computer."
When I have thought about what these studies mean I am left
with two clear impressions. First, that all children will, under the
right conditions, acquire a proficiency with programming that will
make it one of their more advanced intellectual accomplishments.
Second, that the "right conditions" are very different from the kind
of access to computers that is now becoming established as the
norm in schools. The conditions necessary for the kind of relationships with a computer that I will be writing about in this book require more and freer access to the computer than educational planners currently anticipate. And they require a kind of computer
language and a learning environment around that language very
different from those the schools are now providing. They even require a kind of computer rather different from those that the
schools are currently buying.
It will take most of this book for me to convey some sense of the
choices among computers, computer languages, and more generally, among computer cultures, that influence how well children will
learn from working with computation and what benefits they will
get from doing so. But the question of the economic feasibility of
free access to computers for every child can be dealt with immediately. In doing so I hope to remove any doubts readers may have
about the "economic realism" of the "vision of education" I have
been talking about.
My vision of a new kind of learning environment demands free
contact between children and computers. This could happen because the child's family buys one or a child's friends have one. For
purposes of discussion here (and to extend our discussion to all social groups) let us assume that it happens because schools give every one of their students his or her own powerful personal computer. Most "practical" people (including parents, teachers, school
principals, and foundation administrators) react to this idea in
much the same way: "Even if computers could have all the effects
you talk about, it would still be impossible to put your ideas into
action. Where would the money come from?"
What these people are saying needs to be faced squarely. They
are wrong. Let's consider the cohort of children who will enter kindergarten in the year 1987, the "Class of 2000," and let's do some
arithmetic. The direct public cost of schooling a child for thirteen
years, from kindergarten through twelfth grade is over $20,000 today (and for the class of 2000, it may be closer to $30,000). A conservatively high estimate of the cost of supplying each of these children with a personal computer with enough power for it to serve
the kinds of educational ends described in this book, and of upgrading, repairing, and replacing it when necessary would be about
$1,000 per student, distributed over thirteen years in school. Thus,
"computer costs" for the class of 2,000 would represent only about
5 percent of the total public expenditure on education, and this
would be the case even if nothing else in the structure of educational costs changed because of the computer presence. But in fact
computers in education stand a good chance of making other aspects of education cheaper. Schools might be able to reduce their
cycle from thirteen years to twelve years; they might be able to
take advantage of the greater autonomy the computer gives students and increase the size of classes by one or two students without decreasing the personal attention each student is given. Either
of these two moves would "recuperate" the computer cost.
My goal is not educational economies: It is not to use computation to shave a year off the time a child spends in an otherwise unchanged school or to push an extra child into an elementary school
classroom. The point of this little exercise in educational "budget
balancing" is to do something to the state of mind of my readers as
they turn to the first chapter of this book. I have described myself
as an educational utopian~not because I have projected a future
of education in which children are surrounded by high technology,
but because I believe that certain uses of very powerful computational technology and computational ideas can provide children
with new possibilities for learning, thinking, and growing emotion17
ally as well as cognitively. In the chapters that follow I shall try to
give you some idea of these possibilities, many of which are dependent on a computer-rich future, a future where a computer will be
a significant part of every child's life. But I want my readers to be
very clear that what is "utopian" in my vision and in this book is a
particular way of using computers, of forging new relationships between computers and people~that the computer will be there to be
used is simply a conservative premise.
Chapter I
and Computer
IN MOST contemporary educational situations where children
come into contact with computers the computer is used to put children through their paces, to provide exercises of an appropriate level of difficulty, to provide feedback, and to dispense information.
The computer programming the child. In the LOGO environment
the relationship is reversed: The child, even at preschool ages, is in
control: The child programs the computer. And in teaching the
computer how to think, children embark on an exploration about
how they themselves think. The experience can be heady: Thinking
about thinking turns the child into an epistemologist, an experience
not even shared by most adults.
This powerful image of child as epistemologist caught my imagination while I was working with Piaget. in 1964, after five years at
Piaget's Center for Genetic Epistemology in Geneva, I came away
impressed by his way of looking at children as the active builders of
their own intellectual structures. But to say that intellectual structures are built by the learner rather than taught by a teacher does
not mean that they are built from nothing. On the contrary: Like
other builders, children appropriate to their own use materials they
find about them, most saliently the models and metaphors suggested by the surrounding culture.
Piaget writes about the order in which the child develops different intellectual abilities. I give more weight than he does to the influence of the materials a particular culture provides in determining that order. For example, our culture is very rich in materials
useful for the child's construction of certain components of numerical and logical thinking. Children learn to count; they learn that
the result of counting is independent of order and special arrangement; they extend this "conservation" to thinking about the properties of liquids as they are poured and of solids which change their
shape. Children develop these components of thinking preconsciously and "spontaneously," that is to say without deliberate
teaching. Other components of knowledge, such as the skills involved in doing permutations and combinations, develop more slowly, or do not develop at all without formal schooling. Taken as a
whole this book is an argument that in many important cases this
developmental difference can be attributed to our culture's relative
poverty in materials from which the apparently "more advanced"
intellectual structures can be built. This argument will be very different from cultural interpretations of Piaget that look for differences between city children in Europe or the United States and tribal children in African jungles. When I speak here of "our" culture
I mean something less parochial. I am not trying to contrast New
York with Chad. I am interested in the difference between precomputer cultures (whether in American cities or African tribes) and
the "computer cultures" that may develop everywhere in the next
I have already indicated one reason for my belief that the computer presence might have more fundamental effects on intellectual
development than did other new technologies, including television
and even printing. The metaphor of computer as mathematicsspeaking entity puts the learner in a qualitatively new kind of relationship to an important domain of knowledge. Even the best of
educational television is limited to offering quantitative improvements in the kinds of learning that existed without it. "Sesame
Street" might offer better and more engaging explanations than a
child can get from some parents or nursery school teachers, but the
child is still in the position of listening to explanations. By contrast,
In a typical experiment in combinatorial thinking, children are
asked to form all the possible combinations (or "families") of
beads of assorted colors. It really is quite remarkable that most
children are unable to do this systematically and accurately until
they are in the fifth or sixth grades. Why should this be? Why does
this task seem to be so much more difficult than the intellectual
feats accomplished by seven and eight year old children? Is its logical structure essentially more complex? Can it possibly require a
neurological mechanism that does not mature until the approach of
puberty? I think that a more likely explanation is provided by looking at the nature of the culture. The task of making the families of
beads can be looked at as constructing and executing a program, a
very common sort of program, in which two loops are nested: Fix a
first color and run through all the possible second colors, then repeat until all possible first colors have been run through. For someone who is thoroughly used to computers and programming there is
nothing "formal" or abstract about this task. For a child in a computer culture it would be as concrete as matching up knives and
forks at the dinner table. Even the common "bug" of including
some families twice (for example, red-blue and blue-red) would be
well-known. Our culture is rich in pairs, couples, and one-to-one
correspondences of all sorts, and it is rich in language for talking
about such things. This richness provides both the incentive and a
supply of models and tools for children to build ways to think about
such issues as whether three large pieces of candy are more or less
than four much smaller pieces. For such problems our children acquire an excellent intuitive sense of quantity. But our culture is relatively poor in models of systematic procedures. Until recently
there was not even a name in popular language for programming,
let alone for the ideas needed to do so successfully. There is no
word for "nested loops" and no word for the double-counting bug.
Indeed, there are no words for the powerful ideas computerists refer to as "bug" and "debugging."
Without the incentive or the materials to build powerful, concrete ways to think about problems involving systematicity, children are forced to approach such problems in a groping, abstract
fashion. Thus cultural factors that are common to both the Ameri22
pie's lives. That this will happen there can be no doubt. The calculator, the electronic game, and the digital watch were brought to us
by a technical revolution that rapidly lowered prices for electronics
in a period when all others were rising with inflation. That same
technological revolution, brought about by the integrated circuit, is
now bringing us the personal computer. Large computers used to
cost millions of dollars because they were assembled out of millions
of physically distinct parts. In the new technology a complex circuit
is not assembled but made as a whole, solid entity~hence the term
"integrated circuit." The effect of integrated circuit technology on
cost can be understood by comparing it to printing. The main expenditure in making a book occurs long before the press begins to
roll. It goes into writing, editing, and typesetting. Other costs occur
after the printing" binding, distributing, and marketing. The actual
cost per copy for printing itself is negligible. And the same is true
for a powerful as for a trivial book. So, too, most of the cost of an
integrated circuit goes into a preparatory process; the actual cost of
making an individual circuit becomes negligible, provided enough
are sold to spread the costs of development. The consequences of
this technology for the cost of computation are dramatic. Computers that would have cost hundreds of thousands in the 1960s and
tens of thousands in the early 1970s can now be made for less than
a dollar. The only limiting factor is whether the particular circuit
can fit onto what corresponds to a " p a g e " - - t h a t is to say the "silicon chips" on which the circuits are etched.
But each year in a regular and predictable fashion the art of
etching circuits on silicon chips is becoming more refined. More
and more complex circuitry can be squeezed onto a chip, and the
computer power that can be produced for less than a dollar increases. I predict that long before the end of the century, people
will buy children toys with as much computer power as the great
IBM computers currently selling for millions of dollars. And as for
computers to be used as such, the main cost of these machines will
be the peripheral devices, such as the keyboard. Even if these do
not fall in price, it is likely that a supercomputer will be equivalent
in price to a typewriter and a television set.
There really is no disagreement among experts that the cost of
surveillance and thought control. Critics also draw attention to potential mental health hazards of computer penetration. Some of
these hazards are magnified forms of problems already worrying
many observers of contemporary life; others are problems of an essentially new kind. A typical example of the former kind is that our
grave ignorance of the psychological impact of television becomes
even more serious when we contemplate an epoch of super TV. The
holding power and the psychological impact of the television show
could be increased by the computer in at least two ways. The content might be varied to suit the tastes of each individual viewer,
and the show might become interactive, drawing the "viewer" into
the action. Such things belong to the future, but people who are
worried about the impact of the computer on people already cite
cases of students spending sleepless nights riveted to the computer
terminal, coming to neglect both studies and social contact. Some
parents have been reminded of these stories when they observe a
special quality of fascination in their own children's reaction to
playing with the still rudimentary electronic games.
In the category of problems that are new rather than aggravated
versions of old ones, critics have pointed to the influence of the allegedly mechanized thought processes of computers on how people
think. Marshall McCluhan's dictum that "the medium is the message" might apply here: If the medium is an interactive system that
takes in words and speaks back like a person, it is easy to get the
message that machines are like people and that people are like machines. What this might do to the development of values and selfimage in growing children is hard to assess. But it is not hard to see
reasons for worry.
Despite these concerns I am essentially optimistic~some might
say utopian~about the effect of computers on society. I do not dismiss the arguments of the critics. On the contrary, I too see the
computer presence as a potent influence on the human mind. I am
very much aware of the holding power of an interactive computer
and of how taking the computer as a model can influence the way
we think about ourselves. In fact the work on LOGO to which I
have devoted much of the past ten years consists precisely of developing such forces in positive directions. For example, the critic is
tures are poor in opportunities to bring their thinking about thinking into the open, to learn to talk about it and to test their ideas by
externalizing them. Access to computers can dramatically change
this situation. Even the simplest Turtle work can open new opportunities for sharpening one's thinking about thinking: Programming the Turtle starts by making one reflect on how one does oneself what one would like the Turtle to do. Thus teaching the Turtle
to act or to "think" can lead one to reflect on one's own actions and
thinking. And as children move on, they program the computer to
make more complex decisions and find themselves engaged in reflecting on more complex aspects of their own thinking.
In short, while the critic and I share the belief that working with
computers can have a powerful influence on how people think, I
have turned my attention to exploring how this influence could be
turned in positive directions.
I see two kinds of counterarguments to my arguments against
the critics. The first kind challenges my belief that it is a good
thing for children to be epistemologists. Many people will argue
that overly analytic, verbalized thinking is counterproductive even
if it is deliberately chosen. The second kind of objection challenges
my suggestion that computers are likely to lead to more reflective
self-conscious thinking. Many people will argue that work with
computers usually has the opposite effect. These two kinds of objections call for different kinds of analysis and cannot be discussed
simultaneously. The first kind raises technical questions about the
psychology of learning which will be discussed in chapters 4 and 6.
The second kind of objection is most directly answered by saying
that there is absolutely no inevitability that computers will have the
effects I hope to see. Not all computer systems do. Most in use today do not. In LOGO environments I have seen children engaged
in animated conversations about their own personal knowledge as
they try to capture it in a program to make a Turtle carry out an
action that they themselves know very well how to do. But of
course the physical presence of a computer is not enough to insure
that such conversations will come about. Far from it. In thousands
of schools and in tens of thousands of private homes children are
right now living through very different computer experiences. In
the kind of computer activities and the kind of environments created around them.
As an example, we consider an activity which may not occur to
most people when they think of computers and children: the use of
a computer as a writing instrument. For me, writing means making
a rough draft and refining it over a considerable period of time. My
image of myself as a writer includes the expectation of an "unacceptable" first draft that will develop with successive editing into
presentable form. But I would not be able to afford this image if I
were a third grader. The physical act of writing would be slow and
laborious. I would have no secretary. For most children rewriting a
text is so laborious that the first draft is the final copy, and the skill
of rereading with a critical eye is never acquired. This changes dramatically when children have access to computers capable of manipulating text. The first draft is composed at the keyboard. Corrections are made easily. The current copy is always neat and tidy.
I have seen a child move from total rejection of writing to an intense involvement (accompanied by rapid improvement of quality)
within a few weeks of beginning to write with a computer. Even
more dramatic changes are seen when the child has physical handicaps that make writing by hand more than usually difficult or even
This use of computers is rapidly becoming adopted wherever
adults write for a living. Most newspapers now provide their staff
with "word processing" computer systems. Many writers who work
at home are acquiring their own computers, and the computer terminal is steadily displacing the typewriter as the secretary's basic
tool. The image of children using the computer as a writing instrument is a particularly good example of my general thesis that what
is good for professionals is good for children. But this image of how
the computer might contribute to children's mastery of language is
dramatically opposed to the one that is taking root in most elementary schools. There the computer is seen as a teaching instrument.
It gives children practice in distinguishing between verbs and
nouns, in spelling, and in answering multiple-choice questions
about the meaning of pieces of text. As I see it, this difference is
not a matter of a small and technical choice between two teaching
supporting children as they build their own intellectual structures
with materials drawn from the surrounding culture. In this model,
educational intervention means changing the culture, planting new
constructive elements in it and eliminating noxious ones. This is a
more ambitious undertaking than introducing a curriculum
change, but one which is feasible under conditions now emerging.
Suppose that thirty years ago an educator had decided that the
way to solve the problem of mathematics education was to arrange
for a significant fraction of the population to become fluent in (and
enthusiastic about) a new mathematical language. The idea might
have been good in principle, but in practice it would have been absurd. No one had the power to implement it. Now things are different. Many millions of people are learning programming languages
for reasons that have nothing to do with the education of children.
Therefore, it becomes a practical proposition to influence the form
of the languages they learn and the likelihood that their children
will pick up these languages.
The educator must be an anthropologist. The educator as anthropologist must work to understand which cultural materials are
relevant to intellectual development. Then, he or she needs to understand which trends are taking place in the culture. Meaningful
intervention must take the form of working with these trends. In
my role of educator as anthropologist I see new needs being generated by the penetration of the computer into personal lives. People
who have computers at home or who use them at work will want to
be able to talk about them to their children. They will want to be
able to teach their children to use the machines. Thus there could
be a cultural demand for something like Turtle graphics in a way
there never was, and perhaps never could be, a cultural demand for
the New Math.
Throughout the course of this chapter I have been talking about
the ways in which choices made by educators, foundations, governments, and private individuals can affect the potentially revolutionary changes in how children learn. But making good choices is not
always easy, in part because past choices can often haunt us. There
is a tendency for the first usable, but still primitive, product of a
new technology to dig itself in. I have called this phenomenon the
QWERTY phenomenon.
argue in detail that the issue is consequential. A programming language is like a natural, human language in that it favors certain
metaphors, images, and ways of thinking. The language used
strongly colors the computer culture. It would seem to follow that
educators interested in using computers and sensitive to cultural influences would pay particular attention to the choice of language.
But nothing of the sort has happened. On the contrary, educators,
too timid in technological matters or too ignorant to attempt to influence the languages offered by computer manufacturers, have accepted certain programming languages in much the same way as
they accepted the Q W E R T Y keyboard. An informative example is
the way in which the programming language BASIC 3 has established itself as the obvious language to use in teaching American
children how to program computers. The relevant technical information is this: A very small computer can be made to understand
BASIC, while other languages demand more from the computer.
Thus, in the early days when computer power was extremely expensive, there was a genuine technical reason for the use of BASIC, particularly in schools where budgets were always tight. Today, and in fact for several years now, the cost of computer
memory has fallen to the point where any remaining economic advantages of using BASIC are insignificant. Yet in most high
schools, the language remains almost synonymous with programming, despite the existence of other computer languages that are
demonstrably easier to learn and are richer in the intellectual benefits that can come from learning them. The situation is paradoxical. The computer revolution has scarcely begun, but is already
breeding its own conservatism. Looking more closely at BASIC
provides a window on how a conservative social system appropriates and tries to neutralize a potentially revolutionary instrument.
BASIC is to computation what Q W E R T Y is to typing. Many
teachers have learned BASIC, many books have been written about
it, many computers have been built in such a way that BASIC is
"hardwired" into them. In the case of the typewriter, we noted how
people invent "rationalizations" to justify the status quo. In the
case of BASIC, the phenomenon has gone much further, to the
point where it resembles ideology formation. Complex arguments
students who are most like that subculture. The process is tacit, unintentional" It has never been publicly articulated, let alone evaluated. In all of these ways, the social embedding of BASIC has far
more serious consequences than the "digging in" of QWERTY.
There are many other ways in which the attributes of the subcultures involved with computers are being projected onto the world of
education. For example, the idea of the computer as an instrument
for drill and practice that appeals to teachers because it resembles
traditional teaching methods also appeals to the engineers who design computer systems: Drill and practice applications are predictable, simple to describe, efficient in use of the machine's resources.
So the best engineering talent goes into the development of computer systems that are biased to favor this kind of application. The
bias operates subtly. The machine designers do not actually decide
what will be done in the classrooms. That is done by teachers and
occasionally even by carefully controlled comparative research experiments. But there is an irony in these controlled experiments.
They are very good at telling whether the small effects seen in best
scores are real or due to chance. But they have no way to measure
the undoubtedly real (and probably more massive) effects of the biases built into the machines.
We have already noted that the conservative bias being built into
the use of computers in education has also been built into other
new technologies. The first use of the new technology is quite naturally to do in a slightly different way what had been done before
without it. It took years before designers of automobiles accepted
the idea that they were cars, not "horseless carriages," and the precursors of modern motion pictures were plays acted as if before a
live audience but actually in front of a camera. A whole generation
was needed for the new art of motion pictures to emerge as something quite different from a linear mix of theater plus photography.
Most of what has been done up to now under the name of "educational technology" or "computers in education" is still at the stage
of the linear mix of old instructional methods with new technologies. The topics I shall be discussing are some of the first probings
toward a more organic interaction of fundamental educational
principles and new methods for translating them into reality.
We are at a point in the history of education when radical
Chapter 2
The Fear of
our culture, fear of learning is no less endemic (although more frequently disguised) than fear of mathematics. Children begin their
lives as eager and competent learners. They have to learn to have
trouble with learning in general and mathematics in particular. In
both senses of "math" there is a shift from mathophile to mathophobe, from lover of mathematics and of learning to a person fearful of both. We shall look at how this shift occurs and develop some
idea of how the computer presence could serve to counteract it. Let
me begin with some reflections on what it is like to learn as a child.
That children learn a great deal seems so obvious to most people
that they believe it is scarcely worth documenting. One area in
which a high rate of learning is very plain is the acquisition of a
spoken vocabulary. At age two very few children have more than a
few hundred words. By the time they enter first grade, four years
later, they know thousands of words. They are evidently learning
many new words every day.
While we can "see" that children learn words, it is not quite as
easy to see that they are learning mathematics at a similar or
greater rate. But this is precisely what has been shown by Piaget's
life-long study of the genesis of knowledge in children. One of the
more subtle consequences of his discoveries is the revelation that
adults fail to appreciate the extent and the nature of what children
are learning, because knowledge structures we take for granted
have rendered much of that learning invisible. We see this most
clearly in what have come to be known as Piagetian "conservations" (see Figure 2).
2 Units
1 Unit I
2 Units
FiEure 2
2 Units
1 Unit
world and then moves toward more adultlike views. And all this is
done through what I have called Piagetian learning, a learning process that has many features the schools should envy: It is effective
(all the children get there), it is inexpensive (it seems to require
neither teacher nor curriculum development), and it is humane
(the children seem to do it in a carefree spirit without explicit external rewards and punishments).
The extent to which adults in our society have lost the child's
positive stance toward learning varies from individual to individual.
An unknown but certainly significant proportion of the population
has almost completely given up on learning. These people seldom,
if ever, engage in deliberate learning and see themselves as neither
competent at it nor likely to enjoy it. The social and personal cost is
enormous: Mathophobia can, culturally and materially, limit people's lives. Many more people have not completely given up on
learning but are still severely hampered by entrenched negative beliefs about their capacities. Deficiency becomes identity: "I can't
learn French, I don't have an ear for languages;" "I could never be
a businessman, I don't have a head for figures;" "I can't get the
hang of parallel skiing, I never was coordinated." These beliefs are
often repeated ritualistically, like superstitions. And, like superstitions, they create a world of taboos; in this case, taboos on learning.
In this chapter and chapter 3, we discuss experiments that demonstrate that these self-images often correspond to a very limited reality~usually to a person's "school reality." In a learning environment with the proper emotional and intellectual support, the
"uncoOrdinated" can learn circus arts like juggling and those with
"no head for figures" learn not only that they can do mathematics
but that they can enjoy it as well.
Although these negative self-images can be overcome, in the life
of an individual they are extremely robust and powerfully self-reinforcing. If people believe firmly enough that they cannot do math,
they will usually succeed in preventing themselves from doing
whatever they recognize as math. The consequences of such selfsabotage is personal failure, and each failure reinforces the original
belief. And such beliefs may be most insidious when held not only
by individuals, but by our entire culture.
ous methods of psychology we could get some "harder" data on the
problem of the true ceilings of competence attainable by individuals. But this is not so: The paradigm in use by contemporary educational psychology is focused on investigations of how children
learn or (more usually) don't learn mathematics in the "anti-Mathland" in which we all live. The direction of such research has an
analogy in the following parable:
Imagine someone living in the nineteenth century who felt the need to
improve methods of transportation. He was persuaded that the route to
new methods started with a deep understanding of the existing problems. So he began a careful study of the differences among horsedrawn carriages. He carefully documented by the most refined methods
how speed varied with the form and substance of various kinds of axles,
bearings, and harnessing techniques.
In retrospect, we know that the road that led from nineteenth-century transportation was quite different. The invention of the automobile and the airplane did not come from a detailed study of how
their predecessors, such as horse-drawn carriages, worked or did
not work. Yet, this is the model for contemporary educational research. The standard paradigms for education research take the existing classroom or extracurricular culture as the primary object of
study. There are many studies concerning the poor notions of math
or science students acquire from today's schooling. There is even a
very prevalent "humanistic" argument that "good" pedagogy
should take these poor ways of thinking as its starting point. It is
easy to sympathize with the humane intent. Nevertheless I think
that the strategy implies a commitment to preserving the traditional system. It is analogous to improving the axle of the horse-drawn
cart. But the real question, one might say, is whether we can invent
the "educational automobile." Since this question (the central
theme of this book) has not been addressed by educational psychology, we must conclude that the "scientific" basis for beliefs about
aptitudes is really very shaky. But these beliefs are institutionalized
in schools, in testing systems, and in college admissions criteria and
consequently, their social basis is as firm as their scientific basis is
From kindergarten on, children are tested for verbal and quanti44
could be mobilized to serve his formal mathematical development
instead of opposing it, and the other child's love for logic could be
recruited to serve the development of interest in linguistics.
The concept of mobilizing a child's multiple strengths to serve all
domains of intellectual activity is an answer to the suggestion that
differing aptitudes may reflect actual differences in brain development. It has become commonplace to talk as if there are separate
brains, or separate "organs" in the brain, for mathematics and for
language. According to this way of thinking, children split into the
verbally and the mathematically apt depending on which brain organs are strongest. But the argument from anatomy to intellect reflects a set of epistemological assumptions. It assumes, for example, that there is only one route to mathematics and that if this
route is "anatomically blocked," the child cannot get to the destination. Now, in fact, for most children in contemporary societies
there may indeed be only one route into "advanced" mathematics,
the route via school math. But even if further research in brain biology confirms that this route depends on anatomical brain organs
that might be missing in some children, it would not follow that
mathematics itself is dependent on these brain organs. Rather, it
would follow that we should seek out other routes. Since this book
is an argument that alternate routes do exist, it can be read as
showing how the dependency of function on brain is itself a social
Let us grant, for the sake of argument, that there is a special
part of the brain especially good at performing the mental manipulations of numbers we teach children in school, and let's call it the
MAD, or "math acquisition device. ''2 On this assumption it would
make sense that in the course of history humankind would have
evolved methods of doing and of teaching arithmetic that take full
advantage of the MAD. But while these methods would work for
most of us, and so for society as a whole, reliance on them would be
catastrophic for an individual whose MAD happened to be damaged or inaccessible for some other (perhaps "neurotic") reason.
Such a person would fail at school and be diagnosed as a victim of
"dyscalculia." And as long as we insist on making children learn
arithmetic by the standard route, we will continue to "prove" by
The computer-based Mathland I propose extends the kind of
natural, Piagetian learning that accounts for children's learning a
first language to learning mathematics. Piagetian learning is typically deeply embedded in other activities. For example, the infant
does not have periods set aside for "learning talking." This model
of learning stands in opposition to dissociated learning, learning
that takes place in relative separation from other kinds of activities,
mental and physical. In our culture, the teaching of mathematics in
schools is paradigmatic of dissociated learning. For most people,
mathematics is taught and taken as medicine. In its dissociation of
mathematics, our culture comes closest to caricaturing its own
worst habits of epistemological alienation. In LOGO environments
we have done some blurring of boundaries: No particular computer
activities are set aside as "learning mathematics."
The problem of making mathematics "make sense" to the learner touches on the more general problem of making a language of
"formal description" make sense. So before turning to examples of
how the computer helps give meaning to mathematics, we shall
look at several examples where the computer helped give meaning
to a language of formal description in domains of knowledge that
people do not usually count as mathematics. In our first example
the domain is grammar, for many people a subject only a little less
threatening than math.
Well into a year-long study that put powerful computers in the
classrooms of a group of "average" seventh graders, the students
were at work on what they called "computer poetry." They were
using computer programs to generate sentences. They gave the
computer a syntactic structure within which to make random
choices from given lists of words. The result is the kind of concrete
poetry we see in the illustration that follows. One of the students, a
thirteen-year-old named Jenny, had deeply touched the project's
staff by asking on the first day of her computer work, "Why were
we chosen for this? We' re not the brains." The study had deliberately chosen children of "average" school performance. One day
Jenny came in very excited. She had made a discovery. "Now I
know why we have nouns and verbs," she said. For many years in
school Jenny had been drilled in grammatical categories. She had
grammatical classes. She understood the general idea that words
(like things) can be placed in different groups or sets, and that doing so could work for her. She not only "understood" grammar, she
changed her relationship to it. It was "hers," and during her year
with the computer, incidents like this helped Jenny change her image of herself. Her performance changed too; her previously low to
average grades became "straight A's" for her remaining years of
school. She learned that she could be "a brain" after all.
It is easy to understand why math and grammar fail to make
sense to children when they fail to make sense to everyone around
them and why helping children to make sense of them requires
more than a teacher making the right speech or putting the right
diagram on the board. I have asked many teachers and parents
what they thought mathematics to be and why it was important to
learn it. Few held a view of mathematics that was sufficiently coherent to justify devoting several thousand hours of a child's life to
learning it, and children sense this. When a teacher tells a student
that the reason for those many hours of arithmetic is to be able to
check the change at the supermarket, the teacher is simply not believed. Children see such "reasons" as one more example of adult
double talk. The same effect is produced when children are told
school math is "fun" when they are pretty sure that teachers who
say so spend their leisure hours on anything except this allegedly
fun-filled activity. Nor does it help to tell them that they need
math to become scientists~most children don't have such a plan.
The children can see perfectly well that the teacher does not like
math any more than they do and that the reason for doing it is simply that it has been inscribed into the curriculum. All of this erodes
children's confidence in the adult world and the process of education. And I think it introduces a deep element of dishonesty into
it. But we can now select this knowledge on coherent, rational
grounds. We can free ourselves from the tyranny of the superficial,
pragmatic considerations that dictated past choices about what
knowledge should be learned and at what age.
But utility was only one of the historical reasons for school math.
Others were of a mathetic nature. Mathetics is the set of guiding
principles that govern learning. Some of the historical reasons for
school math had to do with what was learnable and teachable in
the precomputer epoch. As I see it, a major factor that determined
what mathematics went into school math was what could be done
in the setting of school classrooms with the primitive technology of
pencil and paper. For example, children can draw graphs with pencil and paper. So it was decided to let children draw many graphs.
The same considerations influenced the emphasis on certain kinds
of geometry. For example, in school math "analytic geometry" has
become synonymous with the representation of curves by equations. As a result every educated person vaguely remembers that
y = x z is the equation of a parabola. And although most parents
have very little idea of why anyone should know this, they become
indignant when their children do not. They assume that there must
be a profound and objective reason known to those who better understand these things. Ironically, their mathophobia keeps most
people from trying to examine those reasons more deeply and thus
places them at the mercy of the self-appointed math specialists.
Very few people ever suspect that the reason for what is included
and what is not included in school math might be as crudely technological as the ease of production of parabolas with pencils! This
is what could change most profoundly in a computer-rich world:
The range of easily produced mathematical constructs will be vastly expanded.
Another mathetic factor in the social construction of school
math is the technology of grading. A living language is learned by
speaking and does not need a teacher to verify and grade each sentence. A dead language requires constant "feedback" from a teacher. The activity known as "sums" performs this feedback function
in school math. These absurd little repetitive exercises have only
one merit: They are easy to grade. But this merit has bought them
a firm place at the center of school math. In brief, I maintain that
mary design criterion was to be appropriable. Of course it had to
have serious mathematical content, but we shall see that appropriability and serious mathematic thinking are not at all incompatible.
On the contrary: We shall end up understanding that some of the
most personal knowledge is also the most profoundly mathematical. In many ways mathematics~for example the mathematics of
space and movement and repetitive patterns of action~is what
comes most naturally to children. It is into this mathematics that
we sink the tap-root of Turtle geometry. As my colleagues and I
have worked through these ideas, a number of principles have given
more structure to the concept of an appropriable mathematics.
First, there was the continuity principle: The mathematics must be
continuous with well-established personal knowledge from which it
can inherit a sense of warmth and value as well as "cognitive" competence. Then there was the power principle" It must empower the
learner to perform personally meaningful projects that could not be
done without it. Finally there was a principle of cultural resonance: The topic must make sense in terms of a larger social context. I have spoken of Turtle geometry making sense to children.
But it will not truly make sense to children unless it is accepted by
adults too. A dignified mathematics for children cannot be something we permit ourselves to inflict on children, like unpleasant
medicine, although we see no reason to take it ourselves.
Chapter 3
Turtle Geometry:
A Mathematics
Made for Learning
T U R T L E G E O M E T R Y is a different style of doing geometry, just
as Euclid's axiomatic style and Descartes's analytic style are different from one another. Euclid's is a logical style. Descartes's is an
algebraic style. Turtle geometry is a computational style of
Euclid built his geometry from a set of fundamental concepts,
one of which is the point. A point can be defined as an entity that
has a position but no other properties~it has no color, no size, no
shape. People who have not yet been initiated into formal mathematics, who have not yet been "mathematized," often find this notion difficult to grasp, and even bizarre. It is hard for them to relate it to anything else they know. Turtle geometry, too, has a
fundamental entity similar to Euclid's point. But this entity, which
I call a "Turtle," can be related to things people know because unlike Euclid's point, it is not stripped so totally of all properties, and
instead of being static it is dynamic. Besides position the Turtle has
one other important property: It has "heading." A Euclidean point
is at some p l a c e ~ i t has a position, and that is all you can say about
it. A Turtle is at some place~it, too, has a position~but it also
faces some direction~its heading. In this, the Turtle is like a pers o n ~ I am here and I am facing n o r t h ~ o r an animal or a boat.
And from these similarities comes the Turtle's special ability to
serve as a first representative of formal mathematics for a child.
Children can identify with the Turtle and are thus able to bring
their knowledge about their bodies and how they move into the
work of learning formal geometry.
To see how this happens we need to know one more thing about
Turtles: They are able to accept commands expressed in a language
called T U R T L E TALK. The command F O R W A R D causes the
Turtle to move in a straight line in the direction it is facing (see
Figure 3). To tell it how far to go, F O R W A R D must be followed
by a number: F O R W A R D 1 will cause a very small movement,
F O R W A R D 100 a larger one. In LOGO environments many children have been started on the road to Turtle geometry by introducing them to a mechanical turtle, a cybernetic robot, that will carry
out these commands when they are typed on a typewriter keyboard.
This "floor Turtle" has wheels, a dome shape, and a pen so that it
can draw a line as it moves. But its essential properties~position,
heading, and ability to obey T U R T L E TALK c o m m a n d s ~ a r e the
ones that matter for doing geometry. The child may later meet
these same three properties in another embodiment of the Turtle: a
"Light Turtle." This is a triangular-shaped object on a television
screen. It too has a position and a heading. And it too moves in response to the same T U R T L E TALK commands. Each kind of Turtle has its strong points: The floor Turtle can be used as a bulldozer
as well as a drawing instrument; the Light Turtle draws bright-colored lines faster than the eye can follow. Neither is better, but the
fact that there are two carries a powerful idea: Two physically different entities can be mathematically the same (or "isomorphic"). 1
The commands F O R W A R D and BACK cause a Turtle to move
in a straight line in the direction of its heading: Its position
changes, but its heading remains the same. Two other commands
change the heading without affecting the position" R I G H T and
LEFT cause a Turtle to "pivot," to change heading while remaining in the same place. Like F O R W A R D , a turning command also
needs to be given a n u m b e r ~ a n input message~to say how much
the Turtle should turn. An adult will quickly recognize these numbers as the measure of the turning angle in degrees. For most chil56
Figure 3
An Actual Transcript of a Child's Early Attempt at a Square
Since learning to control the Turtle is like learning to speak a
language it mobilizes the child's expertise and pleasure in speaking.
Since it is like being in command, it mobilizes the child's expertise
and pleasure in commanding. To make the Turtle trace a square
you walk in a square yourself and describe what you are doing in
TURTLE TALK. And so, working with the Turtle mobilizes the
child's expertise and pleasure in motion. It draws on the child's
well-established knowledge of "body-geometry" as a starting point
for the development of bridges into formal geometry.
The goal of children's first experiences in the Turtle learning environment is not to learn formal rules but to develop insights into
the way they move about in space. These insights are described in
TURTLE TALK and thereby become "programs" or "procedures" or "differential equations" for the Turtle. Let's look closely
at how a child, who has already learned to move the Turtle in
straight lines to draw squares, triangles, and rectangles, might
learn how to program it to draw a circle.
Let us imagine, then, as I have seen a hundred times, a child who
demands: How can I make the Turtle draw a circle? The instructor
in a LOGO environment does not provide answers to such questions but rather introduces the child to a method for solving not
only this problem but a large class of others as well. This method is
summed up in the phrase "play Turtle." The child is encouraged to
move his or her body as the Turtle on the screen must move in order to make the desired pattern. For the child who wanted to make
a circle, moving in a circle might lead to a description such as:
"When you walk in a circle you take a little step forward and you
turn a little. And you keep doing it." From this description it is
only a small step to a formal Turtle program.
Another child, perhaps less experienced in simple programming
and in the heuristics of "playing Turtle," might need help. But the
help would not consist primarily of teaching the child how to program the Turtle circle, but rather of teaching the child a method, a
heuristic procedure. This method (which includes the advice
RIGHT 1200
These alternative programs achieve almost the same effects but
informed readers will notice some differences. The most obvious
difference is in the fact that some of them allow figures to be
drawn with different sizes: In these cases the command to draw the
figure would have to be SQUARE 50 or SQUARE 100 rather than
simply SQUARE. A more subtle difference is in the fact that some
of them leave the Turtle in its original state. Programs written in
this clean style are much easier to understand and use in a variety
of contexts. And in noticing this difference children learn two kinds
of lessons. They learn a general "mathetic principle," making components to favor modularity. And they learn to use the very powerful idea of "state."
The same strategy of moving from the familiar to the unknown
brings the learner into touch with some powerful general ideas" for
example, the idea of hierarchical organization (of knowledge, of organizations, and of organisms), the idea of planning in carrying
through a project, and the idea of debugging.
One does not need a computer to draw a triangle or a square.
Pencil and paper would do. But once these programs have been
constructed they become building blocks that enable a child to create hierarchies of knowledge. Powerful intellectual skills are developed in the process~a point that is most clearly made by looking
at some projects children have set for themselves after a few sessions with the Turtle. Many children have spontaneously followed
the same path as Pamela. She began by teaching the computer
Flsure 4
The triangle came out inside the square instead of on top of it!
Typically in math class, a child's reaction to a wrong answer is to
try to forget it as fast as possible. But in the LOGO environment,
the child is not criticized for an error in drawing. The process of debugging is a normal part of the process of understanding a program. The programmer is encouraged to study the bug rather than
forget the error. And in the Turtle context there is a good reason to
study the bug. It will pay off.
There are many ways this bug can be fixed. Pamela found one of
them by playing Turtle. By walking along the Turtle's track she
saw that the triangle got inside the square because its first turning
move in starting the triangle was a right turn. So she could fix the
bug by making a left-turning triangle program. Another common
way to fix this bug is by inserting a R I G H T 30 between SQUARE
and TRIANGLE. In either case the amended procedure makes the
following picture (Figure 5).
Figure 5
The learner sees progress, and also sees that things are not often
either completely right or completely wrong but, rather, are on a
continuum. The house is better but still has a bug. With a little
more playing Turtle this final bug is pinned down and fixed by doing a R I G H T 90 as the first step in the program.
Some children use program building blocks to make concrete
drawings such as HOUSE. Others prefer more abstract effects. For
example, if you give the command SQUARE, pivot the Turtle with
a R I G H T 120, do SQUARE again, pivot the T U R T L E with RT
120 or with RT 10, do SQUARE once more and keep repeating,
you get the picture in Figure 6a. A smaller rotation gives the picture in Figure 6b.
Fisure 6a
deliberate use of problem-solving and mathetic strategies. Mathematician George Polya ~ has argued that general methods for solving problems should be taught. Some of the strategies used in Turtle geometry are special cases of Polya's suggestions. For example,
Polya recommends that whenever we approach a problem we
should run through a mental checklist of heuristic questions such
as: Can this problem be subdivided into simpler problems? Can this
problem be related to a problem I already know how to solve? Turtle geometry lends itself to this exercise. The key to finding out how
to make a Turtle draw a circle is to refer to a problem whose solution is known very well indeed--the problem of walking in a circle.
Turtle geometry provides excellent opportunities to practice the art
of splitting difficulties. For example, HOUSE was made by first
making SQUARE and TRIANGLE. In short, I believe that Turtle
geometry lends itself so well to Polya's principles that the best way
to explain Polya to students is to let them learn Turtle geometry.
Thus, Turtle geometry serves as a carrier for the general ideas of a
heuristic strategy.
Because of Polya's influence, it has often been suggested that
mathematics teachers pay explicit attention to heuristics or "process" as well as to content. The failure of this idea to take root in
the educational system can be explained partially by the paucity of
good situations in which simple and compelling models of heuristic
knowledge can be encountered and internalized by children. Turtle
geometry is not only particularly rich in such situations, it also
adds a new element to Polya's advice: To solve a problem look for
something like it that you already understand. The advice is abstract; Turtle geometry turns it into a concrete, procedural principle: Play Turtle. Do it yourself In Turtle work an almost inexhaustible source of "similar situations" is available because we
draw on our own behavior, our own bodies. So, when in trouble, we
can play Turtle. This brings Polya's adviCe down to earth. Turtle
geometry becomes a bridge to Polya. The child who has worked extensively with Turtles becomes deeply convinced of the value of
"looking for something like it" because the advice has often paid
off. From these successes comes the confidence and skill needed to
learn how to apply the principle in situations, such as most of those
Turtles. First, there is the body of knowledge "school math" that
has been explicitly selected (in my opinion largely by historical accident) as the core of basic mathematics that all citizens should
possess. Second, there is a body of knowledge (let me call it "protomath") that is presupposed by school math even though it is not explicitly mentioned in traditional curricula. Some of this knowledge
is of a general "social" nature: for example, knowledge that bears
on why we do mathematics at all and how we can make sense of
math. Other knowledge in this category is the kind of underlying
structure to which genetic epistemology has drawn the attention of
educators: deductive principles such as transitivity, the conservations, the intuitive logic of classifications, and so on. Finally, there
is a third category: knowledge that is neither included in nor presupposed by the school math but that ought to be considered for inclusion in the intellectual equipment of the educated citizen of the
I think that understanding the relations among the Euclidean,
the Cartesian, and the differential systems of geometry belongs to
this third category. For a student, drawing a Turtle circle is more
than a "common sense" way of drawing circles. It places the child
in contact with a cluster of ideas that lie at the heart of the calculus. This fact may be invisible to many readers whose only encounter with calculus was a high school or college course where "calculus" was equated with certain formal manipulations of symbols.
The child in the Turtle circle incident was not learning about the
formalism of calculus, for example that the derivative of x n is nx n-l,
but about its use and its meaning. In fact the Turtle circle program
leads to an alternative formalism for what is traditionally called a
"differential equation" and is a powerful carrier of the ideas behind the differential. This is why it is possible to understand so
many topics through the Turtle; the Turtle program is an intuitive
analog of the differential equation, a concept one finds in almost
every example of traditional applied mathematics.
Differential calculus derives much of its power from an ability to
describe growth by what is happening at the growing tip. This is
what made it such a good instrument for Newton's attempts to understand the motion of the planets. As the orbit is traced out, it is
though less precise in form, share the mathematical structure of
the differential equation with the laws of motion of planets turning
about the sun and with those of moths turning about a candle
flame. And the Turtle is nothing more or less than a reconstruction
in intuitive computational form of the qualitative core of this mathematical structure. When we return to these ideas in chapter 5, we
shall see how Turtle geometry opens the door to an intuitive grasp
of calculus, physics, and mathematical modeling as it is used in the
biological and social sciences.
The effect of work with Turtle geometry on some components of
school math is primarily relational or affective: Many children
have come to the LOGO lab hating numbers as alien objects and
have left loving them. In other cases work with the Turtle provides
specific intuitive models for complex mathematical concepts most
children find difficult. The use of numbers to measure angles is a
simple example. In the Turtle context children pick this ability up
almost unconsciously. Everyone~including the few first graders
and many third graders we have worked with~emerges from the
experience with a much better sense of what is meant by 45 degrees
or 10 degrees or 360 degrees than the majority of high school students ever acquire. Thus, they are prepared for all the many formal
topics~geometry, trigonometry, drafting, and so on--in which the
concept of angle plays a central part. But they are prepared for
something else as well, an aspect of the use of angular measure in
our society to which the school math is systematically blind.
One of the most widespread representations of the idea of angle
in the lives of contemporary Americans is in navigation. Many millions navigate boats or airplanes or read maps. For most there is a
total dissociation between these live activities and the dead school
math. We have stressed the fact that using the Turtle as metaphorical carrier for the idea of angle connects it firmly to body geometry. We have called this body syntonicity. Here we see a cultural syntonicity: The Turtle connects the idea of angle to
navigation, activity firmly and positively rooted in the extraschool
culture of many children. And as computers continue to spread into
the world, the cultural syntonicity of Turtle geometry will become
more and more powerful.
lIt 'l
Figure 7
Look, for example, at the coil spiral. Like the circle, it too can be
made according to the prescription: Go forward a little, turn a little. The difference between the two is that the circle is "the same
all the way" while the spiral gets flatter, "less curvy," as you move
out from the middle. The circle is a curve of constant curvature.
The curvature of the spiral decreases as it moves outward. To walk
in a spiral one could take a step, then turn, take a step, then turn,
each time turning a little less (or stepping a little more). To translate this into instructions for the Turtle, you need some way to express the fact that you are dealing with a variable quantity. In
principle you could describe this by a very long program (see Figure 8) that would specify precisely how much the Turtle should
turn on each step. This is tedious. A better method uses the concept
of symbolic naming through a variable, one of the most powerful
mathematical ideas ever invented.
R I G H T 90
R I G H T 90
R I G H T 90
R I G H T 90
R I G H T 90
R I G H T 90
R I G H T 90
R I G H T 90
R I G H T 90
R I G H T 90
R I G H T 90
R I G H T 90
* .95
* .95 * .95
* .95 * .95
* .95 * .95 * .95
* .95 * .95 * .95 * .95
* .95 * .95 * .95 * .95 * .95
* .95 * .95 * .95 * .95 * .95 * .95
* .95 * .95 * .95 * .95 * .95 * .95 * .95
Figure 8
How NOT to Draw Spirals
In TURTLE TALK, variables are presented as a means of communication. What we want to say to the Turtle is "go forward a little step, then turn a certain amount, but I can't tell you now how
much to turn because it will be different each time." To draw the
"squiral" we want to say "go forward a certain distance, which will
be different each time, and then turn 90." In mathematical language the trick for saying something like this is to invent a name
for the "amount I can't tell you." The name could be a letter, such
as X, or it could be a whole word, such as ANGLE OR DISTANCE. (One of the minor contributions of the computer culture
to mathematics is its habit of using mnemonic words instead of single letters as names for variables.) To put the idea of variable to
work, TURTLE TALK allows one to create a "procedure with an
input." This can be done by typing:
Figure 9a
Flsure 9b
think this is partly because the idea of going on forever touches on
every child's fantasies and partly because recursion itself has roots
in popular culture. For example, there is the recursion riddle: If
you have two wishes what is the second? (Two more wishes.) And
there is the evocative picture of a label with a picture of itself. By
opening the rich opportunities of playing with infinity the cluster of
ideas represented by the SPI procedure puts a child in touch with
something of what it is like to be a mathematician. Another aspect
of living a mathematical experience is illustrated by figure 9b
where we see how a curious mathematical phenomenon can be explored by varying the angle in the SPI procedure. Angles close to
90 produce a surprising emergent phenomenon: The arms of the
galaxy like twisted squirals were not actually programmed into the
procedure. They come as a shock and often motivate long explorations in which numerical and geometric thinking intertwines with
In the LOGO environment new ideas are often acquired as a
means of satisfying a personal need to do something one could not
do before. In a traditional school setting, the beginning student encounters the notion of variable in little problems such as:
5 + X = 8. What is X?
Few children see this as a personally relevant problem, and even
fewer experience the method of solution as a source of power. They
are right. In the context of, their lives, they can't do much with it.
In the LOGO encounter, the situation is very much different. Here
the child has a personal need: To make a spiral. In this context the
idea of a variable is a source of personal power, power to do something desired but inaccessible without this idea. Of course, many
children who encounter the not~ion of variable in a traditional setting do learn to use it effectively. But it seldom conveys a sense of
"mathpower," not even to the mathematically best and brightest.
And this is the point of greatest contrast between an encounter
with the idea of variables in the traditional school and in the
LOGO environment. In LOGO, the concept empowers the child,
and the child experiences what it is like for mathematics to enable
whole cultures to do what no one could do before.
If the use of a variable to make a spiral were introduced as an
ent in the two cases is whether our turning was done "in three
goes" or "in four goes." The mathematical content of this idea is as
powerful as it is simple. Priority goes to the notion of the total
trip--how much do you turn all the way around?
The amazing fact is that all total trips turn the same amount,
360 degrees. The four 90 degrees of the square make 360 degrees,
and since all the turning happens at the corner the three turns in a
triangle must each be 360 degrees divided by three. So the quantity
we called S O M E T H I N G is actually 120 degrees. This is the proposition of "The Total Turtle Trip Theorem."
If a Turtle takes a trip around the boundary of any area and ends up in
the state in which it started, then the sum of all turns will be 360
degrees. 5
Part and parcel of understanding this is learning a method of using
it to solve a well-defined class of problems. Thus the child's encounter with this theorem is different in several ways from memorizing its Euclidean counterpart" "The sum of the internal angles of
a triangle is 180 degrees."
First (at least in the context of LOGO computers), the Total
Turtle Trip Theorem is more powerful: The child can actually use
it. Second, it is more general: It applies to squares and curves as
well as to triangles. Third, it is more intelligible: Its proof is easy to
grasp. And it is more personal: You can "walk it through," and it is
a model for the general habit of relating mathematics to personal
We have seen children use the Total Turtle Trip Theorem to
draw an equilateral triangle. But what is exciting is to watch how
the theorem can accompany them from such simple projects to far
more advanced o n e s ~ t h e flowers in the boxes that are reproduced
in the center of the book show a project a little way along this path.
For what is important when we give children a theorem to use is
not that they should memorize it. What matters most is that by
growing up with a few very powerful theorems one comes to appreciate how certain ideas can be used as tools to think with over a
lifetime. One learns to enjoy and to respect the power of powerful
ideas. One learns that the most powerful idea of all is the idea of
powerful ideas.
What follows is a hypothetical conversation between two children who are working and playing
with the computer. These and other experiments
can happen every day and they do.
~ ~:ti~~~-i
~ ~ ~:
..~iTi,-~i~ ~ ~i i ~ , : ~ . . ~
" ~/~,.:i>~ :.. " . . . .
,~ .... .~ . ~
~ ;.~ ,,~".t.- ~.
'. ~.~
~ .~
.,.-. . . . ~-~
~ :,~'~i~?,~
~-~.:'- ~
you have any programs we could use?
there's that quarter circle thing I made last week.
didn't work.
course! Two QCIRCLES make a semicircle.
~ W h a t ' s going on?
Try a right turn.
I ~
around is 360.
QCIRCLE turns it 90. That makes 180 for
altogether. Take away 180 for the QCIRCLES.
That leaves 180 for the pointy parts. 90 each.
we should do RIGHT 90 at each point.
I i
more like a propeller.
try ten.
all that ten times hurts my fingers.
can use REPEAT.
There it is!
it's too big.
All we have to do is change the 50 in PETAL.
Make it 25.
_ I .
ii ii
I I "
next project is a flock of birds.
we'll put the birds and flowers together.
a flock by doing BIRD SLIDE BIRD SLIDE.
want six birds, and I'm going to use REPEAT.
. .
not finished. Let's give the flock inputs and put several together.
,; f
. . A
Chapter 4
for Computers
and for People
The Centipede was happy quite
Until the toad in fun
Said, Pray which leg comes after which?
This wrought her mind to such a pitch
She lay distracted in a ditch
Considering how to run
cannot be described in words or grasped by conscious thought. The
idea was brought into recent curriculum reforms by advocates of
active learning and given theoretical support by J. S. Bruner's I influential classification of ways of knowing" Some knowledge is represented as action, some as image, and only the third category as
symbols. Bruner has asserted that "words and diagrams" are "impotent" to represent certain kinds of knowledge which are only representable as action. In this chapter I try to develop a more flexible perspective on these problems.
My perspective is more flexible because it rejects the idea of the
dichotomy verbalizable versus nonverbalizabl. No knowledge is
entirely reducible to words, and no knowledge is entirely ineffable.
My perspective is more flexible also in recognizing a historical dimension" An important component in the history of knowledge is
the development of techniques that increase the potency of "words
and diagrams." What is true historically is also true for the individual: An important part of becoming a good learner is learning how
to push out the frontier of what we can express with words. From
this point of view the question about the bicycle is not whether or
not one can "tell" someone "in full" how to ride but rather what
can be done to improve our ability to communicate with others
(and with ourselves in internal dialogues) just enough to make a
difference to learning to ride. The central theme of this chapter is
the development of descriptive languages for talking about learning. We shall focus particular attention on one of the kinds of
learning that many people believe to be best done by "just doing
i t " ~ t h e learning of physical skills. Our approach to this is the exact opposite of the way schools treat "physical education"~as a
nonintellectual subject. Our strategy is to make visible even to children the fact that learning a physical skill has much in common
with building a scientific theory.
With this realization comes many benefits. First, I know from
work in the LOGO laboratory that it means more effective learning of physical skills. 2 Without this direct benefit, seeking to "motivate" a scientific idea by drawing an analogy with a physical activity could easily degenerate into another example of "teacher's
double talk." But if we can find an honest place for scientific think96
choice between analytic and holistic modes of thinking, he gives
control to the learner. This is very different from what usually happens in curriculum design for schools. Curriculum reformers are
often concerned about the choice between verbal and nonverbal,
experimental learning. But their strategy is usually to make the
choice from above and build it into the curriculum. Gallwey's strategy is to help learners learn how to make the choice for themselves,
a perspective that is in line with the vision already suggested of the
child as epistemologist, where the child is encouraged to become
expert in recognizing and choosing among varying styles of
Taking Timothy Gallwey as an example is not an endorsement of
everything he says. Most of his ideas strike me as problematic. But
I think he is quite right in recognizing that people need more structured ways to talk and think about the learning of skills. Contemporary language is not sufficiently rich in this domain.
In a computer-rich world, computer languages that simultaneously provide a means of control over the computer and offer
new and powerful descriptive languages for thinking will undoubtedly be carried into the general culture. They will have a particular
effect on our language for describing ourselves and our learning.
To some extent this has already occurred. It is not uncommon for
people with no knowledge of computers to use such concepts as "input," "output," and "feedback" to describe their own mental processes. We shall give an example of this process by showing how
programming concepts can be used as a conceptual framework for
learning a particular physical skill, namely, juggling. Thus we look
at programming as a source of descriptive devices, that is to say as
a means of strengthening language.
Many scientific and mathematical advances have served a similar linguistic function by giving us words and concepts to describe
what had previously seemed too amorphous for systematic thought.
One of the most striking examples of the power of descriptive language is the genesis of analytic geometry, which played so decisive
a role in the development of modern science.
Legend has it that Descartes invented analytic geometry while
lying in bed late one morning observing a fly on the ceiling. We can
Figure tOa
His plan was to start with one foot and draw the Turtle strokes illustrated in the box SEQUENCE. In doing so he is using an image
familiar in his precomputational culture, where he has learned to
do connect-the-dots drawing and to describe his activities in a stepby-step way. So it is perfectly natural for him to adopt this method
here. The task seemed simple if somewhat tedious. He wrote (Figure 10b):
Fisure 10c
BuEEed Man
Only then can we make it happen on our terms. But in this situation Keith was unable to figure out what had happened. He had
written his program in such a way that it was extremely difficult to
pinpoint his error. Where was the bug in his program? What error
could cause such a wild transformation of what he had intended?
In order to understand his predicament we contrast his program
with a different strategy of programming known as "structured
programming." Our aim is to subdivide the program into natural
parts so that we can debug programs for each part separately. In
Keith's long, featureless set of instructions it is hard to see and trap
a bug. By working with small parts, however, bugs can be confined
and more easily trapped, figured out. In this case a natural subdivision is to make a program to draw a V-shaped entity to use for
arms and legs and another to draw a square for the head. Once
these "subprocedures" have been written and tested, it is extremely
easy to write the "superprocedure" to draw the stick figure itself.
We can write an extremely simple program to draw the stick
F O R W A R D 50
F O R W A R D 25
This procedure is simple enough to grasp as a whole. But of course
it achieves its simplicity only by making the assumption that the
commands VEE and HEAD are understood by the computer. If
they are not, the next step must be to define VEE and HEAD. We
can do this in the same style of always working with a procedure
we can understand as a whole. For example:
sisted it. The "straight-line" form of program corresponded more
closely to his familiar ways of doing things. He had experienced no
compelling need for structured programming until the day he could
not debug his M A N program. In L O G O environments we have
seen this happen time and again. When a child in this predicament
asks what to do, it is usually sufficient to say: "You know what to
do!" And often the child will say, sometimes triumphantly, sometimes sheepishly: "I guess I should turn it into subprocedures?"
The "right way" was not imposed on Keith; the computer gave him
enough flexibility and power so that his exploration could be genuine and his own.
These two styles of approaching the planning and working out of
a project are pervasive. They can be seen by observing styles of
learning "physical" as well as "intellectual" skills. Consider, for
example, the case of two fifth graders who learned both programming and physical skills in our children's learning laboratory.
Michael is strong, athletic, a "tough kid" in his own eyes. Paul is
more introverted, studious, slightly built. Michael does poorly at school
and Paul does well, so when Paul got on faster in work with the computer, moving quickly into quite complex structured programming procedures, neither one was surprised. After several weeks Michael was
still able to write programs only in the straight-line style. There was no
doubt that he possessed all the necessary concepts to write more elaborate programs, but he was held back by a classical and powerful resistance to using subprocedures.
At this time both began to work on stilt walking. Michael's strategy
was to fix in his mind a model of stilt walking in sequential form: "Foot
on the bar, raise yourself up, foot on the other bar, first foot forw a r d . . . " When attempting to do it led to a rapid crash, he would
bravely start again and again and again, confident that he would eventually succeed, which in fact he did. But, to the surprise of both of
them, Paul got there first.
Paul's strategy was different. He began in the same way but when he
found that he was not making progress he tried to isolate and correct
part of the process that was causing trouble: "the bug." When you step
forward you tend to leave the stilt behind. This bug, once identified, is
not hard to eradicate. One trick for doing so is to think of taking the
step with the stilt rather than with the foot and let the stilt "carry" the
foot. This is done by lifting the stilt with the arm against the foot. The
analogy with his approach to programming was so apparent to Paul
Figure 11
Two Forms of Juggling
is only one kind of toss: a long and high one. (See Figure 11.) Its
simplicity makes it a better route into juggling as well as a better
example for our argument. Our guiding question is this: Will someone who wishes to learn cascade juggling be helped or hindered by
a verbal, analytic description of how to do it? The answer is" It all
depends. It depends on what materials the learner has for making
analytic descriptions. We use cascade juggling to show how good
computational models can help construct "people procedures" that
improve performance of skills and how reflection on those people
procedures can help us learn to program and to do mathematics.
But, of course, s o m e verbal descriptions will confuse more than
they will help. Consider, for example, the description:
Start with balls 1 and 2 in the left hand and ball 3 in the right.
Throw ball 1 in a high parabola to the right hand.
When ball 1 is at the vertex throw ball 3 over to the left hand in a
similar high parabola, but take care to toss ball 3 under the trajectory of ball 1.
When ball 1 arrives at the right hand and ball 3 is at the vertex,
catch ball 1 and throw ball 2 in a trajectory under that of ball 3,
and so on.
MON." This is illustrated by the instruction: W H E N H U N G R Y
EAT. In one version of LOGO this would mean: Whenever the
condition called H U N G R Y happens, carry out the action called
EAT. The metaphor of a "demon" expresses the idea that the command creates an autonomous entity within the computer system,
one that remains dormant until a certain kind of event happens,
and then, like a demon, it pounces out to perform its action. The
juggling act will use two such W H E N DEMONS.
Their definitions will be something like:
W H E N something TOSSLEFT
W H E N something TOSSRIGHT
To fill the blanks, the "somethings," we describe two conditions,
or recognizable states of the system, that will trigger the tossing
At a key moment in the cycle the balls are disposed about like
this (Figure 12):
~~L ....
Left Hand
Right Hand
Figure 12
Figure 13a
Figure 13b
TOPRIGHT: The ball is at the top and is moving to the right
,ll ~ "
Figure 13c
TOPLEFT: The ball is at the top and is moving to the left
or even more simply:
which declares that when the state T O P R I G H T occurs, the right
hand should initiate a toss and when T O P L E F T occurs, the left
hand should initiate a toss. A little thought will show that this is a
complete description: The juggling process will continue in a selfperpetuating way since each toss creates a state of the system that
triggers the next toss.
How can this model that turned juggling into a people procedure
be applied as a teaching strategy? First, note that the model of juggling made several assumptions:
Figure 14
Cascade Juggling
child might fail or might succeed in making the computer draw the
picture. But this child has not yet succeeded in acquiring the strategy of debugging.
It is easy to empathize. The ethic of school has rubbed off too
well. What we see as a good program with a small bug, the child
sees as "wrong," "bad," "a mistake." School teaches that errors
are bad; the last thing one wants to do is to pore over them, dwell
on them, or think about them. The child is glad to take advantage
of the computer's ability to erase it all without any trace for anyone
to see. The debugging philosophy suggests an opposite attitude. Errors benefit us because they lead us to study what happened, to understand what went wrong, and, through understanding, to fix it.
Experience with computer programming leads children more effectively than any other activity to "believe in" debugging.
Contact with the LOGO environment gradually undermines
long-standing resistances to debugging and subprocedurizing.
Some people who observe the childrens' growing tolerance for their
"errors" attribute the change of attitude to the LOGO teachers
who are matter-of-fact and uncritical in the presence of programs
the child sees as "wrong." I think that there is something more fundamental going on. In the LOGO environment, children learn that
the teacher too is a learner, and that everyone learns from
A group of twelve fifth graders had had several hours a week of
LOGO experience since the beginning of the term in September.
Early in December the group decided on a collective project. A mechanical Turtle would be programmed to write "Merry Christmas"
on huge paper banners that would be strung in the school corridors.
An ideal project. The letters of the alphabet were divided up
among members of the group. Each would write programs for two
or three letters, for decorative drawings, and for whole messages,
using the letter programs as subprocedures.
But snowstorms and other disruptions delayed the work; and
when the last week of school arrived the banners had not yet been
made. The instructor in charge of the group decided to break a
general rule and to do some of the programming herself. She
worked at home without a Turtle so when she came in the next
We have discussed the program:
F O R W A R D 100
F O R W A R D 100
But this program contains a bug and draws the triangle inside the
square instead of on it. Why? It might seem mysterious at first to a
child. But you can figure out "why the Turtle did that dumb thing"
by following through on a already well-known piece of heuristic advice: Play Turtle. Do it yourself but pretend to be as dumb as the
Turtle. Finding out why the Turtle did it almost immediately suggests a way to fix it. For example, some say: "The Turtle turned
into the square because T R I A N G L E says RIGHT TURN." A
cure (one of several equally simple ones) is inherent in this diagnosis: Make a triangle procedure with left turns.
Similarly an adult who thought he could make the Turtle draw a
triangle by REPEAT [FORWARD 100 RIGHT TURN 60]
would be astonished to see a hexagon appear. But it is possible to
"get into" the program and see why this happens. Moreover, it is
possible to introspect and see how the bug came from a very superficial understanding of the most common statement of Euclid's triangle theorem: "The sum of the angles of a triangle is 180
A child (and, indeed, perhaps most adults) lives in a world in
The internal intelligibility of computer worlds offers children the
opportunity to carry out projects of greater complexity than is usually possible in the physical world. Many children imagine complex
structures they might build with an erector set or fantasize about
organizing their friends into complex enterprises. But when they
try to realize such projects, they too soon run into the unintelligible
limitations of matter and people. Because computer programs can
in principle be made to behave exactly as they are intended to, they
can be combined more safely into complex systems. Thus, children
are able to acquire a feel for complexity.
Modern science and engineering have created the opportunity
for achieving projects of a degree of complexity scarcely imaginable until recently. But science teaches us the power of simplicity
as well and I end the chapter with what I find to be a moving story
of a child who learned something of this in a particularly simple
but personally important experience.
Deborah, a sixth grader who had problems with school learning,
was introduced to the world of screen Turtles by being shown how
they could obey the commands FORWARD, LEFT and RIGHT.
Many children find the fact that these commands can be assigned
any number an exhilarating source of power and an exciting area
of exploration. Deborah found it frightening, the reaction she had
to most of what she did at school. In her first few hours of Turtle
work she developed a disturbing degree of dependence on the instructor, constantly asking for reassurance before taking the smallest exploratory step. A turning point came when Deborah decided
to restrict her Turtle commands, creating a microworld within the
microworld of Turtle commands. She allowed herself only one
turning command: RIGHT 30. To turn the Turtle through 90 degrees, she would repeat RIGHT 30 three times and would obtain
the effect of LEFT 30 by repeating it eleven times. To an onlooker
it might seem tedious to obtain simple effects in such complicated
ways. But for Deborah it was exciting to be able to construct her
own microworld and to discover how much she could do within its
rigid constraints. She no longer asked permission to explore. And
one day, when the teacher offered to show her a "simpler way" to
achieve an effect, she listened patiently and said, "I don't think I'll
Chapter 5
Incubators for
I HAVE D E F I N E D mathetics as being to learning as heuristics is
to problem solving: Principles of mathetics are ideas that illuminate
and facilitate the process of learning. In this chapter we focus on
two important mathetic principles that are part of most people's
common-sense knowledge about what to do when confronted with a
new gadget, a new dance step, a new idea, or a new word. First, relate what is new and to be learned to something you already know.
Second, take what is new and make it your own: Make something
new with it, play with it, build with it. So for example, to learn a
new word, we first look for a familiar "root" and then practice by
using the word in a sentence of our own construction.
We find this two-step dictum about how to learn in popular,
common-sense theories of learning: The procedure described for
learning a new word has been given to generations of elementary
schoolchildren by generations of parents and teachers. And it also
corresponds to the strategies used in the earliest processes of learning. Piaget has studied the spontaneous learning of children and
found both steps at w o r k ~ t h e child absorbs the new into the old in
a process that Piaget calls assimilation, and the child constructs his
knowledge in the course of actively working with it.
building block. Here we do for Newton what we did for Euclid.
Newton's laws are stated using the concept of "a particle," a mathematically abstract entity that is similar to a point in having no size
but that does have some other properties besides position: It has
m a s s and v e l o c i t y or, if one prefers to merge these two, it has m o m e n t u m . In this chapter we enlarge our concept of Turtle to include entities that behave like Newton's particles as well as those
we have already met that resemble Euclid's points. These new Turtles, which we call Dynaturtles, are more dynamic in the sense that
their state is taken to include two velocity components in addition
to the two geometric components, position and heading, of the previously discussed geometry Turtles. And having more parts to the
state leads to requiring a slightly richer command language: TURTLE TALK is extended to allow us to tell the Turtle to set itself
moving with a given velocity. This richer TURTLE TALK immediately opens up many perspectives besides the understanding of
physics. Dynaturtles can be put into patterns of motion for aesthetic, fanciful, or playful purposes in addition to simulating real or invented physical laws. The too narrowly focused physics teacher
might see all this as a waste of time: The real job is to understand
physics. But I wish to argue for a different philosophy of physics
education. It is my belief that learning physics consists of bringing
physics knowledge into contact with very diverse personal knowledge. And to do this we should allow the learner to construct and
work with transitional systems that the physicist may refuse to recognize as physics. ~
Most physics curricula are similar to the math curriculum in
that they force the learner into dissociated learning patterns and
defer the "interesting" material past the point where most students
can remain motivated enough to learn it. The powerful ideas and
the intellectual aesthetic of physics is lost in the perpetual learning
of "prerequisites." The learning of Newtonian physics can be taken
as an example of how mathetic strategies can become blocked and
unblocked. We shall describe a new "learning path" to Newton
that gets around the block: a computer-based interactive learning
environment where the prerequisites are built into the system and
where learners can become the active, constructing architects of
their own learning.
dent indirect and highly mathematical experiences of Newtonian
objects. There movement is learned by manipulating equations
rather than by manipulating the objects themselves. The experience, lacking immediacy, is slow to change the student's intuitions.
And it itself requires other formal prerequisites. The student must
first learn how to work with equations before using them to model
a Newtonian world. The simplest way in which our computer
microworld might help is by putting students in a simulated world
where they have direct access to Newtonian motion. This can be
done when they are young. It need not wait for their mastery of
equations. Quite the contrary: Instead of making students wait for
equations, it can motivate and facilitate their acquisition of equational skills by providing an intuitively well understood context for
their use.
Direct experience with Newtonian motion is a valuable asset for
the learning of Newtonian physics. But more is needed to understand it than an intuitive, seat-of-the-pants experience. The student
needs the means to conceptualize and "capture" this world. Indeed,
a central part of Newton's great contribution was the invention of a
formalism, a mathematics suited to this end. He called it "fluxions"; present-day students call it "differential calculus." The Dynaturtle on the computer screen allows the beginner to play with
Newtonian objects. The concept of the Dynaturtle allows the student to think about them. And programs governing the behavior of
Dynaturtles provide a formalism in which we can capture our otherwise too fleeting thoughts. In doing so it bypasses the long route
(arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, calculus) into the formalism
that has passed with only superficial modification from Newton's
own writing to the modern textbook. And I believe it brings the student in closer touch with what Newton must have thought before
he began writing equations.
The third prerequisite is somewhat more subtle. We shall soon
look directly at statements of what is usually known as Newton's
laws of motion. As we do, many readers will no doubt recall a sense
of unease evoked by the phrase "law of motion." What kind of a
thing is that? What other laws of motion are there besides Newton's? Few students can answer these questions when they first en124
As we have noted, children's access to these laws is blocked by
more than the recondite language used to state them. We analyze
these roadblocks in order to infer design criteria for our
microworld. A first block is that children do not know anything else
like these laws. Before being receptive to Newton's laws of motion,
they should know some other laws of motion. There must be a first
example of laws of motion, but it certainly does not have to be as
complex, subtle, and counterintuitive as Newton's laws. More sensible is to let the learner acquire the concept of laws of motion by
working with a very simple and accessible instance of a law of motion. This will be the first design criterion for our microworld. The
second block is that the laws, as stated, offer no footholds for learners who want to manipulate them. There is no use they can put
them to outside of end-of-chapter schoolbook exercises. And so, a
second design criterion for our microworlds is the possibility of activities, games, art, and so on, that make activity in the
microworlds matter. A third block is the fact that the Newtonian
laws use a number of concepts that are outside most people's experience, the concept of "state," for example. Our microworld will be
designed so that all needed concepts can be defined within the experience of that world.
As in the case of the geometry Turtle, the physics Turtle is an interactive being that can be manipulated by the learner, providing
an environment for active learning. But the learning is not "active"
simply in the sense of interactive. Learners in a physics microworld
are able to invent their own personal sets of assumptions about the
microworld and its laws and are able to make them come true.
They can shape the reality in which they will work for the day, they
can modify it and build alternatives. This is an effective way to
learn, paralleling the way in which each of us once did some of our
most effective learning. Piaget has demonstrated that children
learn fundamental mathematical ideas by first building their own,
very much different (for example, preconservationist) mathematics. And children learn language by first learning their own
("baby-talk") dialects. So, when we think of microworlds as incubators for powerful ideas, we are trying to draw upon this effective
strategy: We allow learners to learn the "official" physics by allow126
What have we gained in our understanding of Newtonian physics by this exercise? How can students who know Turtle geometry
(and can thus recognize its restatement in Turtle laws of motion)
now look at Newton's laws? They are in a position to formulate in
a qualitative and intuitive form the substance of Newton's first two
laws by comparing them with something they already know. They
know about states and state-change operators. In the Turtle world,
there is a state-change operator for each of the two components of
the state. The operator F O R W A R D changes the position. The operator T U R N changes the heading. In physics, there is only one
state-change operator, called force. The effect of force is to change
velocity (or, more precisely, momentum). Position changes by itself.
These contrasts lead students to a qualitative understanding of
Newton. Although there remains a gap between the Turtle laws
and the Newtonian laws of motion, children can appreciate the second through an understanding of the first. Such children are already a big step ahead in learning physics. But we can do more to
close the gap between Turtle and Newtonian worlds. We can design other Turtle microworlds in which the laws of motion move
toward a closer approximation of the Newtonian situation.
To do this we create a class of Turtle microworlds that differs in
the properties that constitute the state of the Turtle and in the operators that change these states. We have formally described the
geometry Turtle by saying that its state consists of position and velocity and that its state-change operators act independently of these
two components. But there is another way, perhaps a more powerful and intuitive way, to think about it. This is to see the Turtle as a
being that "understands" certain kinds of communication and not
others. So, the geometry Turtle understood the command to change
its position while keeping its heading and to change its heading
while keeping its position. In the same spirit, we could define a
Newtonian Turtle as a being that can accept only one kind of order, one that will change its momentum. These kinds of description
are in fact the ones we use in introducing children to microworlds.
Now let us turn to two Turtle microworlds that can be said to lie
between the geometry and Newtonian Turtles.
teractive entities~particles for Newton, Turtles for us. So let us
assume a microworld with many Turtles that we shall call TURTLE 1, T U R T L E 2, and so on. We can use T U R T L E TALK to
communicate with multiple Turtles if we give each of them a name.
So we can use commands such as: TELL T U R T L E 4 SETVELOCITY 20 (meaning "Tell Turtle number 4 to take on a velocity
of 20).
Newton's third law expresses a model of the universe, a way to
conceptualize the workings of physical reality as a self-perpetuating machine. In this vision of the universe, all actions are governed
by particles exerting forces on one another, with no intervention by
any outside agent. In order to model this in a Turtle microworld,
we need many Turtles interacting with each other. Here we shall
develop two models for thinking about interacting Turtles: linked
Turtles and linked Dynaturtles.
In the first model we think of the Turtles as giving commands to
one another rather than obeying commands from the outside. They
are linked Turtles. Of course, Turtles can be linked in many ways.
We can make Turtles that directly simulate Newtonian particles
linked by simulated gravity. This is commonly done in LOGO laboratories, where topics usually considered difficult in college physics
are translated into a form accessible to junior high school students.
Such simulations can serve as a springboard from an elementary
grasp of Newtonian mechanics to an understanding of the motion
of planets and of the guidance of spacecraft. They do this by making working with the Newtonian principles an active and personally
involving process. But to "own" the idea of interacting particles
or "linked T u r t l e s " ~ t h e learner needs to do more. It is never
enough to work within a given set of interactions. The learner needs
to know more than one example of laws of interaction and should
have experience inventing new ones. What are some other examples of linked Turtles?
A first is a microworld of linked Turtles called "mirror Turtles."
We begin with a "mirror Turtle" microworld containing two Turtles linked by the rules: Whenever either is given a F O R W A R D
(or BACK) command, the other does the same; whenever either is
given a R I G H T T U R N (or LEFT T U R N ) command, the other
lem?" and so on. They do not ask themselves: "Is this a 'law-of-motion' problem?" They do not think in terms of such a category. In
the mental worlds of most students, the concepts of conservation,
energy, lever-arm, and so on, have become tools to think with. They
are powerful ideas that organize thinking and problem solving. For
a student who has had experience in a "laws-of-motion"
microworld this is true of "law of motion." Thus this student will
not be blocked from asking the right question about the monkey
problem. It is a law-of-motion problem, but a student who sees
laws of motion only in terms of algebraic formulas will not even ask
the question. For those who pose the question, the answer comes
easily. And once one thinks of the monkey and the rock as linked
objects, similar to the ones we worked with in the Turtle
microworld, it is obvious that they must both undergo the same
changes in state. Since they start with the same velocity, namely
zero, they must therefore always have the same velocity. Thus, if
one goes up, the other goes up at the same speed. 2
We have presented microworlds as a response to a pedagogical
problem that arises from the structure of knowledge" the problem
of prerequisites. But microworlds are a response to another sort of
problem as well, one that is not embedded in knowledge but in the
individual. The problem has to do with finding a context for the
construction of "wrong" (or, rather, "transitional") theories. All of
us learn by constructing, exploring, and theory building, but most
of the theory building on which we cut our teeth resulted in theories we would have to give up later. As preconservationist children,
we learned how to build and use theories only because we were allowed to hold "deviant" views about quantities for many years.
Children do not follow a learning path that goes from one "true position" to another, more advanced "true position." Their natural
learning paths include "false theories" that teach as much about
theory building as true ones. But in school false theories are no
longer tolerated.
Our educational system rejects the "false theories" of children,
thereby rejecting the way children really learn. And it also rejects
discoveries that point to the importance of the false-theory learning
path. Piaget has shown that children hold false theories as a neces132
Both are learning what it is like to work with variables, to think in
terms of ratios of dissimilar qualities, to make appropriate approximations, and so on. They are learning mathematics and science in
an environment where true or false and right or wrong are not the
decisive criteria.
As in a good art class, the child is learning technical knowledge
as a m e a n s to get to a creative and personally defined end. There
will be a product. And the teacher as well as the child can be genuinely excited by it. In the arithmetic class the pleasure that the
teacher shows at the child's achievement is genuine, but it is hard
to imagine teacher and child showing delight over a product. In the
LOGO environment it happens often. The spiral made in the Turtle microworld is a new and exciting creation by the c h i l d ~ h e may
even have "invented" the way of linking Turtles on which it is
The teacher's genuine excitement about the product is communicated to children who know they are doing something consequential. And unlike in the arithmetic class, where they know that the
sums they are doing are just exercises, here they can take their
work seriously. If they have just produced a circle by commanding
the Turtle to take a long series of short forward steps and small
right turns, they are prepared to argue with a teacher that a circle
is really a polygon. No one who has overheard such a discussion in
fifth-grade LOGO classes walks away without being impressed by
the idea that the truth or falsity of theory is secondary to what it
contributes to learning.
Chapter 6
Powerful Ideas in
"I love your microworlds but is it physics? I
don't say it is not. But how can I decide?"
- - A teacher
this chapter we shall encounter a similar paradox in the domain of
science. We shall look at ways in which the thinking of children has
more in common with "real science" than "school science" has
with the thinking either of children or of scientists. And once more
we shall note a double paradox in the way computers enter into and
influence this state of affairs. The introduction of the computer can
provide a way out of the paradoxes, but it usually is used in ways
that exacerbate them by reinforcing the paradoxical ways of thinking about knowledge, of thinking about "school math" and "school
Mathetically sophisticated adults use certain metaphors to talk
about important learning experiences. They talk about getting to
know an idea, exploring an area of knowledge, and acquiring sensitivity to distinctions that seemed ungraspably subtle just a little
while ago.
I believe that these descriptions apply very accurately to the way
children learn. But when I asked students in grade schools to talk
about learning, they used a very different kind of language, referring mainly to facts they had learned and skills they had acquired.
It seems very clear that school gives students a particular model of
learning; I believe it does this not only through its way of talking
but also through its practices.
Skills and the discrete facts are easy to give out in controlled
doses. They are also easier to measure. And it is certainly easier to
enforce the learning of a skill than it is to check whether someone
has "gotten to know" an idea. It is not surprising that schools emphasize learning skills and facts and that students pick up an image
of learning as "learning that" and "learning how."
Working in Turtle microworlds is a model for what it is to get to
know an idea the way you get to know a person. Students who work
in these environments certainly do discover facts, make propositional generalizations, and learn skills. But the primary learning
experience is not one of memorizing facts or of practicing skills.
Rather, it is getting to know the Turtle, exploring what a Turtle
can and cannot do. It is similar to the child's everyday activities,
such as making mudpies and testing the limits of parental authority~all of which have a component of "getting to know." Teachers
working with Turtles is a good one. This strategy does not require
that all knowledge be "Turtle-ized" or "reduced" to computational
terms. The idea is that early experience with Turtles is a good way
to "get to know" what it is like to learn a formal subject by "getting to know" its powerful ideas. I made a similar point in chapter
2 when I suggested that Turtle geometry could be an excellent domain for introducing learners to Polya's ideas about heuristics.
This does not make heuristic thinking dependent on turtles or computers. Once Polya's ideas are thoroughly "known," they can be
applied to other domains (even arithmetic). Our discussion in chapter 4 suggested that theoretical physics may be a good carrier for
an important kind of meta-knowledge. If so, this would have important consequences for our cultural view of its role in the lives of
children. We might come to see it as a subject suitable for early acquistion not simply because it explicates the world of things but because it does so in a way that places children in better command of
their own learning processes.
For some people taking physics as a model for how to analyze
problems is synonymous with a highly quantitative, formalistic approach. And indeed, the story of what has happened when such disciplines as psychology and sociology have taken physics as a model
has often had unhappy endings. But there is a big difference in the
kind of physics used. The physics that had a bad influence on social
sciences stressed a positivistic philosophy of science. I am talking
about a kind of physics that places us in firm and sharp opposition
to the positivistic view of science as a set of true assertions of fact
and of "law." The propositional content of science is certainly very
important, but it constitutes only a part of a physicist's body of
knowledge. It is not the part that developed first historically, it is
not a part that can be understood first in the learning process, and
it is, of course, not the part I am proposing here as a model for reflection about our own thinking. We shall be interested in knowledge that is more qualitative, less completely specified, and seldom
stated in propositional form. If students are given such equations as
f = m a , E = I R , o r P V = R T as the primary models of the knowledge that constitutes physics, they are placed in a position where
nothing in their own heads is 1 kely to be recognized as "physics."
lowing the cookbook. Again, as in the case of arithmetic, the computer should be used to remove the fundamental problem. However, as things are today, the established image of school physics as
quantitative and the established image of the computer reinforce
each other. The computer is used to aggravate the already tooquantitative methodology of the physics classes. As in the case of
arithmetic drill and practice, this use of the computer undoubtedly
produces local improvements and therefore gets the stamp of approval of the educational testing community and of teachers who
have not had the opportunity to see something better. But throughout this book we have been developing the elements of a less quantitative approach to computers in education. Now we directly address the concerns this shift in direction must raise for a serious
teacher of physics.
The quotation at the beginning of this chapter was spoken in
some anguish by a teacher who manifestly liked working with Turtles but could not reconcile it with what she had come to define as
"doing physics". The situation reflects a permanent dilemma faced
by anyone who wishes to produce radical innovation in education,
Innovation needs new ideas. I have argued that we should be prepared to undertake far-reaching reconceptualizations of classical
domains of knowledge. But how far can this go? Education has a
responsibility to tradition. For example, the job of the community
of English teachers must be to guide their students to the language
and literature as it exists and as it developed historically. They
would be failing in their duty if instead they invented a new language, wrote their version of poetry, and passed on to the next generation these fabricated entities in the place of the traditional ones.
The concern of the teacher worried about whether working with
Turtles is "really learning physics" is very serious.
Is work with Turtles analogous to replacing Shakespeare by
"easier," made-up literature? Does it bring students into contact
with the intellectual products of Galileo, Newton, and Einstein or
merely with an idiosyncratic invention that is neither marked by
greatness nor tested by time? The question raises fundamental
problems, among them" What is physics? And what is the potential
influence of computation on understanding it?
slightest doubt
convey a sense
this assurance,
two imaginary
GAL: Look, your theory has got to be wrong. Here's a two-pound and a
one-pound ball. The two-pound ball takes two seconds to fall to the
ground. Tell me, how long do you think the one-pound ball would
ARI: I suppose it would take four seconds. Anyway, much more than
two seconds.
GAL: I thought you would say that. But now please answer another
question. I am about to drop two one-pounders simultaneously. How
long will the pair of them take to reach the ground?
ARI: That's not another question. I gave my opinion that one-pound
balls take four seconds. Two of them must do the same. Each falls
GAL: You are consistent with yourself if two bodies are two bodies, not
ARI: As they a r e . , , of course.
GAL: But now if I connect them by a gossamer t h r e a d . . , is this now
two bodies or one? Will it (or they) take two seconds or four to fall
to the ground?
ARI: I am truly confused. Let me think . . . . It's one body, but then it
should fall for four seconds before reaching the earth. But then this
would mean that a thread finer than silk could slow down a furiously
falling ball of iron. It seems impossible. But if I say it is two bodies
. . . I am in deep trouble. What is a body? How do I know when one
becomes two? And if I cannot know then how sure can I be of my
laws of falling bodies?
From a strictly logical point of view, G A L ' s a r g u m e n t is not absolutely compelling. One can imagine "fixes" for A R I ' s theory. For
example, he could propose that the time taken might depend on the
form as well as the weight of the body. This would allow him the
possibility that a two-pound body made of two cannonballs and
gossamer threads fall more slowly than a two-pound sphere of iron.
But in fact the kind of a r g u m e n t used by G A L is subversive of the
kind of theory expounded by ARI, and historically, it is highly
plausible that the great conversion from Aristotelian thinking was
fueled by such arguments. No single a r g u m e n t could by itself con142
knowledge seems to be acquired by adult physicists through a process of Piagetian learning, without, and often in spite of, deliberate
classroom teaching. Of course, my interest in recognizing the existence of these informally learned, powerful intuitive ideas is not to
remove them from the scope of Piagetian learning and place them
in a curriculum" There are other ways to facilitate their acquisition.
By recognizing their existence we should be able to create conditions that will foster their development, and we certainly can do a
lot to remove obstacles that block them in many traditional learning environments.
GAL's dialogue with ARI has something to teach us about one
of the most destructive blocks to learning: the use of formal reasoning to put down intuitions.
Everyone knows the unpleasant feeling evoked by running into a
counterintuitive phenomenon where we are forced, by observation
or by reason, to acknowledge that reality does not fit our expectations. Many people have this feeling when faced with the perpetual
motion of a Newtonian particle, with the way a rudder turns a
boat, or with the strange behavior of a toy gyroscope. In all these
cases intuition seems to betray us. Sometimes there is a simple
"fix"; we see that we made a superficial mistake. But the interesting cases are those where the conflict remains obstinately in place
however much we ponder the problem. These are the cases where
we are tempted to conclude that "intuition cannot be trusted." In
these situations we need to improve our intuition, to debug it, but
the pressure on us is to abandon intuition and rely on equations instead. Usually when a student in this plight goes to the physics
teacher saying, "I think the gyroscope should fall instead of standing upright," the teacher responds by writing an equation to prove
that the thing stands upright. But that is not what the student
needed. He already knew that it would stay upright, and this
knowledge hurt by conflicting with intuition. By proving that it will
stand upright the teacher rubs salt in the wound but does nothing
to heal it. What the student needs is something quite different: better understanding of himself, not of the gyroscope. He wants to
know why his intuition gave him a wrong expectation. He needs to
know how to work on his intuitions in order to change them. We
them until you feel more comfortable. When I did this, I found that
the Turtle model was extremely helpful in resolving some of the
conflicts. But my reaction is undoubtedly shaped by my positive
feelings about Turtles.
Imagine a string around the circumference of the earth, which
for this purpose we shall consider to be a perfectly smooth sphere,
four thousand miles in radius. Someone makes a proposal to place
the string on six-foot-high poles. Obviously this implies that the
string will have to be longer. A discussion arises about how much
longer it would have to be. Most people who have been through
high school know how to calculate the answer. But before doing so
or reading on try to guess" Is it about one thousand miles longer,
about a hundred, or about ten?
Figure 15
The figure shows a string around the earth supported by poles of
greatly exaggerated height. Call the radius of the earth R and the
height of the poles h. The problem is to estimate the difference in
length between the outer circumference and the true circumference.
This is easy to calculate from the formula:
$o the difference must be
2~(R'l'h) - 2 ~ R
Figure 16a
The string on poles is assumed to be at distance h from the square.
Along the edges the string is straight. As it goes around the corner it
follows a circle of radius h. The straight segments of the string have
the same length as the edges of the square. The extra length is all at
the corners, in the four quarter-circle pie slices. The four quarter circles make a whole circle of radius h. So the "extra string" is the circumference of this circle, that is to say 2~rh.
Figure 16b
Increasing the size of the square does not change the quarter-circle
pie slices. So the extra string needed to raise a string from the ground
to height h is the same for a very small square earth as for a very large
Figure 17
octagon, too, the "extra string" is all in the pie slices at the
If you put them together they form a circle of radius h. As in
of the square, this circle is the same whether the octagon is
big. What works for the square (4-gon) and for the octagon
(8-gon) works for the 100-gon and for the 1000-gon.
In the
the case
small or
between polygonal representation and circle can work at becoming
better acquainted with it, for example, by using it to think through
other problems.
The following problem is taken from Martin Gardner's book,
Mathematical Carnival:
'If one penny rolls around another penny without slipping how many
times will it rotate in making one revolution? One might guess the answer to be one, since the moving penny rolls along an edge equal to its
own circumference, but a quick experiment shows that the answer is
two; apparently the complete revolution of the moving penny adds an
extra rotation.' 1
Again there is a conflict between the intuitive guess (one revolution) and the result of more careful investigation. How can one
bring one's intuition into line?
The same strategy works here as for the string around the earth
problem. Roll a penny around a square without slipping. You will
n o t i c e t h a t it behaves quite differently as it rolls along the sides
than when it pivots around the corners. It is easy to see that the total rotation at the four corners combined is 360 . This remains true
for any polygon, however many sides it has and however big it is.
And once more, the crucial step becomes the passage from the
polygon to a Turtle circle to a true circle.
I am not suggesting that one more exercise will change your intuition of circularity. Here too, as in the case of Aristotle's physics,
the particular piece of knowledge is part of a large network of mutually supportive ways of thinking. I am suggesting that you keep
this new way of thinking in mind for awhile, looking for opportunities to use it as you might look for opportunities to introduce a new
friend to old ones. And even then, I have no way of knowing whether you want to change your intuition of circularity. But if it is to
change I think that the process I am suggesting here is the best,
perhaps the only, way whether it is adopted deliberately or simply
happens unconsciously.
I want you to go away from this book with a new sense of a
child's value as a thinker, even as an "epistemologist" with a notion
of the power of powerful ideas. But I also realize that these images
thought of as a branch of computer science. Difficulties experienced by children are not usually due to deficiencies in their notion
of number but in failing to appropriate the relevant algorithms.
Learning algorithms can be seen as a process of making, using, and
fixing programs. When one adds multidigit numbers one is in fact
acting as a computer in carrying through a procedure something
like the program in Figure 18.
1. Set out numbers following conventional format.
2. Focus attention on the rightmost column.
3. Add as for single digit numbers.
4. If result < 10 record results.
5. If result in rightmost column was equal to or greater than 10, then
record rightmost digit and enter rest in next column to left.
Focus attention one column to left.
Go to line 3.
Figure 18
To get better at this sort of activity one needs to know more
about, and feel more comfortable with, the ways of procedures.
And this, of course, is what a good computer experience allows.
These remarks should be put in the context of our earlier discussion about the difference between the New Math curriculum reform of the 1960s and the kind of enrichment the computer culture
can bring to mathematics. In chapter 2 we dealt with one important reason for the failure of the New Math: It did not ameliorate
our society's alienated relationship with number. On the contrary,
it aggravated it. We now see a second reason for the failure of the
New Math. It tried to root the teaching of math in number theory,
set theory, or logic instead of facing the conceptual stumbling
blocks that children really experience: Their lack of knowledge
about programming. Thus the authors of the New Math misunderstood the source of children's problems. This misunderstanding is
harmful in several ways. It is harmful insofar as it seeks to improve
the child's understanding of arithmetic by drill in irrelevant areas
of knowledge. It is also harmful insofar as it imparts an inappropriate value system into mathematics education. The pure mathematician sees the idea of number as valuable, powerful, and important.
far indeed from his awareness. The idea of procedures as things
that can be debugged is a powerful, difficult concept for many children, until they have accumulated experience in working with
I have seen children like Ken get over this kind of dimculty after
some experience writing programs in a LOGO environment. But
why don't children learn a procedural approach from daily life?
Everyone works with procedures in everyday life. Playing a game
or giving directions to a lost motorist are exercises in procedural
thinking. But in everyday life procedures are lived and used, they
are not necessarily reflected on. In the LOGO environment, a procedure becomes a thing that is named, manipulated, and recognized as the children come to acquire the idea of procedure. The effect of this for someone like Ken is that everyday-life experience of
procedures and programming now becomes a resource for doing
formal arithmetic in school. Newton's laws of motion came alive
when we used computational metaphor to tie them to more personal and conceptually powerful things. Geometry came alive when we
connected it to its precursors in the most fundamental human experience: the experience of one's body in space. Similarly, formal
arithmetic will come alive when we can develop links for the individual learner with its procedural precursors. And these precursors
do exist. The child does have procedural knowledge and he does use
it in many aspects of his life, whether in planning strategies for a
game of tic-tac-toe or in giving directions to a motorist who has lost
his way. But all too often the same child does not use it in school
The situation is exactly like the one we met in the dialog between
ARI and GAL and in the use of the Turtle circle model to change
the intuition of circularity brought to bear on the string and coin
problems. In all these cases, we are interested in how a powerful
idea is made part of intuitive thinking. I do not know a recipe for
developing a child's intuition about when and how to use procedural ideas, but I think that the best we can do is what is suggested by
the metaphor of getting to know a new person. As educators we can
help by creating the conditions for children to use procedural
thinking effectively and joyfully. And we can help by giving them
Chapter 7
Logo's Roots:
Piaget and A/
T H E R E A D E R has already met a variety of learning situations
'drawn together by a common set of ideas about what makes for effective learning. In this chapter we turn directly to these ideas and
to the theoretical sources by which they are informed. Of these we
focus on two: first, the Piagetian influence, and second, the influence of computational theory and artificial intelligence.
I have previously spoken of "Piagetian learning," the natural,
spontaneous learning of people in interaction with their environment, and contrasted it with the curriculum-driven learning characteristic of traditional schools. But Piaget's contribution to my
work has been much deeper, more theoretical and philosophical. In
this chapter I will present a Piaget very different from the one most
people have come to expect. There will be no talk of stages, no emphasis on what children at certain ages can or cannot learn to do.
Rather I shall be concerned with Piaget the epistemologist, as his
ideas have contributed toward the knowledge-based theory of
learning that I have been describing, a theory that does not divorce
the study of how mathematics is learned from the study of mathematics itself.
I think these epistemological aspects of Piaget's thought have
been underplayed because up until now they offered no possibilities
for action in the world of traditional education. But in a computerrich educational environment, the educational environment of the
about thinking that previously might have seemed abstract, even
metaphysical. It is this concretizing quality that has made ideas
from AI so attractive to many contemporary psychologists. We
propose to teach AI to children so that they, too, can think more
concretely about mental processes. While psychologists use ideas
from AI to build formal, scientific theories about mental processes,
children use the same ideas in a more informal and personal way to
think about themselves. And obviously I believe this to be a good
thing in that the ability to articulate the processes of thinking enables us to improve them.
Piaget has described himself as an epistemologist. What does he
mean by that? When he talks about the developing child, he is really talking as much about the development of knowledge. This statement leads us to a contrast between epistemological and psychological ways of understanding learning. In the psychological
perspective, the focus is on the laws that govern the learner rather
than on what is being learned. Behaviorists study reinforcement
schedules, motivation theorists study drive, gestalt theorists study
good form. For Piaget, the separation between the learning process
and what is being learned is a mistake. To understand how a child
learns number, we have to study number. And we have to study
number in a particular way: We have to study the structure of
number, a mathematically serious undertaking. This is why it is not
at all unusual to find Piaget referring in one and the same paragraph to the behavior of small children and to the concerns of theoretical mathematicians. To make more concrete the idea of studying learning by focusing on the structure of what is learned, we
look at a very concrete piece of learning from everyday life and see
how different it appears from a psychological and from an epistemological perspective.
We will consider learning to ride a bicycle. If we did not know
better riding a bicycle would seem to be a really remarkable thing.
What makes it possible? One could pursue this question by studying the rider to find out what special attributes (speed of reaction,
complexity of brain functioning, intensity of motivation) contribute
to his performance. This inquiry, interesting though it might be, is
irrelevant to the real solution to the problem. People can ride bicy158
other properties. The knowledge of how to work the world is, in
terms of the Bourbaki school, the mother structure of order. A second microworld allows relations of proximity, and this is the mother structure of topology. A third has to do with combining entities
to produce new entities; this is the algebraic microstructure. The
Bourbaki school's unification of mathematics is achieved by seeing
more complex structures, such as arithmetic, as combinations of
simpler structures of which the most important are the three mother structures. This school had no intention of making a theory of
learning. They intended their structural analysis to be a technical
tool for mathematicians to use in their day-to-day work. But the
theory of mother structures is a theory of learning. It is a theory of
how number is learnable. By showing how the structure of arithmetic can be decomposed into simpler, but still meaningful and coherent, structures, the mathematicians are showing a mathetic pathway into numerical knowledge. It is not surprising that Piaget, who
was explicitly searching for a theory of number that would explain
its development in children, developed a similar, parallel set of constructs, and then, upon "discovering" the Bourbaki school was able
to use its constructs to elaborate his own.
Piaget observed that children develop coherent intellectual structures that seemed to correspond very closely to the Bourbaki mother structures. For example, recall the Bourbaki structure of order;
indeed, from the earliest ages, children begin to develop expertise
in ordering things. The topological and algebraic mother structures
have similar developmental precursors. What makes them learnable? First of all, each represents a coherent activity in the child's
life that could in principle be learned and made sense of independent of the others.
Second, the knowledge structure of each has a kind of internal
simplicity that Piaget has elaborated in his theory of groupements,
and which will be discussed in slightly different terms later. Third,
although these mother structures are independent, the fact that
they are learned in parallel and that they share a common formalism are clues that they are mutually supportive; the learning of
each facilitates the learning of the others.
Piaget has used these ideas to give an account of the develop160
one-to-one correspondence. Much of what children see comes in
pairs: mothers and fathers, knives and forks, eggs and egg cups.
And they, too, are asked to be active constructors of pairs. They are
asked to sort socks, lay the table with one place setting for each
person, and distribute candies. When children focus attention on
pairs they are in a self-constructed microworld, a microworld of
pairs, in the same sense as we placed our students in the microworlds of geometry and physics Turtles. In both cases the relevant
microworld is stripped of complexity, is simple, graspable. In both
cases the child is allowed to play freely with its elements. Although
there are constraints on the materials, there are no constraints on
the exploration of combinations. And in both cases the power of the
environment is that it is "discovery rich."
Working with computers can make it more apparent that children construct their own personal microworlds. The story of Deborah at the end of chapter 4 is a good example. LOGO gave her the
opportunity to construct a particularly tidy microworld, her
" R I G H T 30 world." But she might have done something like this
in her head without a computer. For example, she might have decided to understand directions in the real world in terms of a simple
set of operations. Such intellectual events are not usually visible to
observers, any more than my algebra teachers knew that I used
gears to think about equations. But they can be seen if one looks
closely enough. Robert Lawler, a member of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology LOGO group, demonstrated this most clearly
in his doctoral research. Lawler set out to observe everything a sixyear-old child, his daughter Miriam, did during a six-month period.
The wealth of information he obtained allowed him to piece together a picture of the microstructure of Miriam's growing abilities.
For example, during this period Miriam learned to add, and Lawler
was able to show that this did not consist of acquiring one logically
uniform procedure. A better model of her learning to add is that
she brought into a working relationship a number of idiosyncratic
microworlds, each of which could be traced to identifiable, previous
I have said that Piaget is an epistemologist, but have not elaborated on what kind. Epistemology is the theory of knowledge. The
tween the structures of knowledge and the structures of the mind
that come into being to grasp this knowledge. Bourbaki's mother
structures are not simply the elements that underly the concept of
number; rather, homologies are found in the mind as it constructs
number for itself. Thus, the importance of studying the structure of
knowledge is not just to better understand the knowledge itself, but
to understand the person.
Research on the structure of this dialectical process translates
into the belief that neither people nor knowledge~including mathe m a t i c s ~ c a n be fully grasped separately from the other, a belief
that was eloquently expressed by Warren McCulloch, who, together with Norbert Wiener, should have credit for founding cybernetics. When asked, as a youth, what question would guide his scientific life, McCulloch answered: "What is a man so made that he
can understand number and what is number so made that a man
can understand it?"
For McCulloch as for Piaget, the study of people and the study
of what they learn and think are inseparable. Perhaps paradoxically for some, research on the nature of that inseparable relationship
has been advanced by the study of machines and the knowledge
they can embody. And it is to this research methodology, that of
artificial intelligence, that we now turn.
In artificial intelligence, researchers use computational models
to gain insight into human psychology as well as reflect on human
psychology as a source of ideas about how to make mechanisms
emulate human intelligence. This enterprise strikes many as illogical: Even when the performance looks identical, is there any reason
to think that underlying processes are the same? Others find it illicit: The line between man and machine is seen as immutable by
both theology and mythology. There is a fear that we will dehumanize what is essentially human by inappropriate analogies between our "judgments" and those computer "calculations." I take
these objections very seriously, but feel that they are based on a
view of artificial intelligence that is more reductionist that anything I myself am interested in. A brief parable and some only halfhumored reasoning by analogy express my own views on the
Aristotle succeeded in formulating the deductive rules for a small
corner of human thinking in such simple syllogisms as "If all men
are mortal and Socrates is a man, then Socrates is mortal." In the
nineteenth century, mathematicians were able to extend this kind
of reasoning to a somewhat larger but still restricted area. But only
in the context of computational methods has there been a serious
attempt to extend deductive logic to cover all forms of reasoning,
including common-sense reasoning and reasoning by analogy.
Working with this kind of deductive model was very popular in the
early days of AI. In recent years, however, many workers in the
field have adopted an almost diametrically opposed strategy. Instead of seeking powerful deductive methods that would enable surprising conclusions to be drawn from general principles, the new
approach assumes that people are able to think only because they
can draw on larger pools of specific, particular knowledge. More
often than we realize, we solve problems by "almost knowing the
answer" already. Some researchers try to make programs be intelligent by giving them such quantities of knowledge that the greater
part of solving a problem becomes its retrieval from somewhere in
the memory.
Given my background as a mathematician and Piagetian psychologist, I naturally became most interested in the kinds of computational models that might lead me to better thinking about powerful developmental processes: the acquisition of spatial thinking
and the ability to deal with size and quantity. The rival approaches~deductive and knowledge based~tended to address performance of a given intellectual system whose structure, if not
whose content, remained static. The kind of developmental questions I was interested in needed a dynamic model for how intellectual structures themselves could come into being and change. I believe that these are the kind of models that are most relevant to
The best way I know to characterize this approach is to give a
sample of a theory heavily influenced by ideas from computation
that can help us understand a specific psychological phenomenon:
Piagetian conservation. We recall that children up until the age of
six or seven believe that a quantity of liquid can increase or de166
no understanding and would say the quantity is the same even if
some had indeed been added.
In the experiment with the preconservationist child, each of the
three agents makes its own "decision" and clamors for it to be
adopted. As we know, A ~o,,~,'s voice speaks the loudest. But this
changes as the child moves on to the next stage.
There are three ways, given our assumption of the presence of
agents, for this change to take place. A~o~, and A ~ could become
more "sophisticated," so that, for example, A ~oi~,would disqualify
itself except when all other things are equal. This would mean that
A h~ght would only step forward to judge by height those things that
have equal cross sections. Second, there could be a change in "seniority," in prerogative: A ~,~,o~,could become the dominant voice.
Neither of these two modes of change is impossible. But there is a
third mode that produces the same effect in a simpler way. Its key
idea is that A~o~, and Awidth neutralize one another by giving contradictory opinions. The idea is attractive (and close to Piaget's own
concept of grouplike compositions of operations) but raises some
problems. Why do all three agents not neutralize one another so
that the child would have no opinion at all? The question is answered by a further postulate (which has much in common with
Piaget's idea that intellectual operators be organized into groupements). The principle of neutralization becomes workable if
enough structure is imposed on the agents for A~o~,, and A width to be
in a special relationship with one another but not with A,~to~y. We
have seen that the technique of creating a new entity works powerfully in programming systems. And this is the process we postulate
here. A new entity, a new agent comes into being. This is A gom,
which acts as the supervisor for A ~o,~, and A~,,~. In cases where
A ~o,,,tand A~t~ agree, A,oompasses on their message with great "authority." But if they disagree, A~oo~is undermined and the voices of
the underlings are neutralized. It must be emphasized that A~oomis
not meant to "understand" the reasons for decision making by
A,o,,~, and A~dt h. Ag~om knows nothing except whether they agree and,
if so, in which direction.
This model is absurdly oversimplified in suggesting that even so
simple a piece of a child's thinking (such as this conservation) can
The "mathetic paradox" lies in the fact that this reflection must be
from within the child's current intellectual system.
Despite its oversimplified, almost metaphorical status, the fouragent account of conservation captures an element of the paradox.
A mathematical logician might like to impose on A ho~t and A w~dt~a
superior agent capable of calculating, or at least estimating, volume from height and cross-section. Many educators might like to
impose such a formula on the child. But this would be introducing
an element alien to the pre-conservationist child's intellectual system. Our A,oombelongs firmly in the child's system. It might even be
derived from the model of a father not quite succeeding in imposing order on the family. It is possible to speculate, though I have no
evidence, that the emergence of conservation is related to the
child's oedipal crisis through the salience it gives to this model. I
feel on firmer ground in guessing that something like A,~omcan become important because it so strongly has the two-sided relationship that was used to conceive the Turtle: It is related both to structures that are firmly in place, such as the child's representation of
authority figures, and to germs of important mathematical ideas,
such as the idea of "cancellation."
Readers who are familiar with Piaget's technical writings will
recognize this concept germ as one of the principles in his "groupments." They may therefore see our model as not very different
from Piaget's. In a fundamental sense they would be right. But a
new element is introduced in giving a special role to computational
structures: The theme of this book has been the idea of exploiting
this special role by giving children access to computational cultures. If, and only if, these have the right structure they may greatly enhance children's ability to represent the structures-in-place in
ways that will mobilize their conceptual potential.
To recapitulate our reinterpretation of Piaget's theory makes
three points. First, it provides a specific psychological theory, highly competitive in its parsimony and explanatory power with others
in the field. Second, it shows us the power of a specific computational principle, in this case the theory of pure procedures, that is,
procedures that can be closed off and used in a modular way.
Third, it concretizes my argument about how different languages
tion between constructed entities. By restating Newton's laws as
assertions about how particles (or "Newtonian Turtles") communicate with one another, we give it a handle that can be more easily
grabbed by a child or by a poet.
Consider another example of how our images of knowledge can
subvert our sense of ourselves as intellectual agents. Educators
sometimes hold up an ideal of knowledge as having the kind of
coherence defined by formal logic. But these ideals bear little
resemblance to the way in which most people experience themselves. The subjective experience of knowledge is more similar to
the chaos and controversy of competing agents than to the certitude and orderliness of p's implying q's. The discrepancy between
our experience of ourselves and our idealizations of knowledge has
an effect" It intimidates us, it lessens the sense of our own competence, and it leads us into counterproductive strategies for learning
and thinking.
Many older students have been intimidated to the point of dropping out, and what is true for adults is doubly true for children. We
have already seen that despite their experience of themselves as
theory builders, children are not respected as such. And these contradictions are compounded by holding out an ideal of knowledge
to which no one's thinking conforms. Many children and college
students who decide "I can never be a mathematician or a scientist" are reflecting a discrepancy between the way they are led to
believe the mathematician must think and the way they know they
do. In fact the truth is otherwise: Their own thinking is much more
like the mathematician's than either is like the logical ideal.
I have spoken of the importance of powerful ideas in grasping
the world. But we could hardly ever learn a new idea if every time
we did we had to totally reorganize our cognitive structures in order to use it or if we even had to insure that no inconsistencies had
been introduced. Although powerful ideas have the capacity to help
us organize our way of thinking about a particular class of problems (such as physics problems), we don't have to reorganize ourselves in order to use them. We put our skills and heuristic strategies into a kind of tool box--and while their interaction can, in the
course of time, give rise to global changes, the act of learning is itself a local event.
what is now non-Piagetian learning to the Piagetian side, we have
to be able to act in good faith. We have to feel that we are not denaturing knowledge in the process.
I end this chapter on cognitive theory and people with a conjecture. Earlier I said that I would not present Piaget as a theorist of
stages. But thinking about Piagetian stages does provide a context
in which to make an important point about a possible impact of a
computational culture on people. Piaget sees his stages of cognitive
development as invariable, and numerous cross-cultural investigations have seemed to confirm the validity of his belief. In society
after society, children seem to develop cognitive capacities in the
same order. In particular, his stage of concrete operations, to which
the conservations typically belong, begins four or more years earlier than the next and final stage, the stage of formal operations. The
construct of a stage of concrete operations is supported by the observation that, typically, children in our society at six or seven
make a breakthrough in many realms, and seemingly all at once.
They are able to use units of numbers, space, and time; to reason
by transitivity; to build up classificatory systems. But there are
things they cannot do. In particular, they flounder in situations
that call for thinking not about how things are but about all the
ways they could be. Let us consider the following example, which I
anticipated in the introduction.
A child is given a collection of beads of different colors, say
green, red, blue, and black, and is asked to construct all the possible pairs of colors: green-blue, green-red, green-black, and then the
triplets and so on. Just as children do not acquire conservation until
their seventh year, children around the world are unable to carry
out such combinatorial tasks before their eleventh or twelfth year.
Indeed, many adults who are "intelligent" enough to live normal
lives never acquire this ability.
What is the nature of the difference between the so-called "concrete" operations involved in conservation and the so-called "formal" operations involved in the combinatorial task? The names
given them by Piaget and the empirical data suggest a deep and essential difference. But looking at the problem through the prism of
the ideas developed here gives a much different impression.
sented than programming knowledge. It is not hard to invent plausible explanations of such a cognitive-social universal. But things
may be different in the computer-rich cultures of the future. If
computers and programming become a part of the daily life of children, the conservation-combinatorial gap will surely close and
could conceivably be reversed: Children may learn to be systematic
before they learn to be quantitative!
Chapter 8
Images of the
Learning Society
THE VISION I HAVE P R E S E N T E D is of a particular computer
culture, a mathetic one, that is, one that helps us not only to learn
but to learn about learning. I have shown how this culture can humanize learning by permitting more personal, less alienating relationships with knowledge and have given some examples of how it
can improve relationships with other people encountered in the
learning process: fellow students and teachers. But I have made
only passing remarks about the social context in which this learning might take place. It is time to face (though I cannot answer) a
question that must be in many readers' minds: Will this context be
The suggestion that there might come a day when schools no
longer exist elicits strong response from many people. There are
many obstacles to thinking clearly about a world without schools.
Some are highly personal. Most of us spent a larger fraction of our
lives going to school than we care to think about. For example, I
am over fifty and yet the number of my postschool years has
barely caught up with my preschool and school years. The concept
of a world without school is highly dissonant with out experiences
of our own lives. Other obstacles are more conceptual. One cannot
define such a world negatively, that is by simply removing school
and putting nothing in its place. Doing so leaves a thought vacuum
that the mind has to fill one way or another, often with vague but
scary images of children "running wild," "drugging themselves,"
or "making life impossible for their parents." Thinking seriously
about a world without schools calls for elaborated models of the
nonschool activities in which children would engage.
For me, collecting such models has become an important part of
thinking about the future of children. I recently found an excellent
model during a summer spent in Brazil. For example, at the core of
the famous carnival in Rio de Janeiro is a twelve-hour-long procession of song, dance, and street theater. One troop of players after
another presents its piece. Usually the piece is a dramatization
through music and dance of a historical event or folk tale. The lyrics, the choreography, the costumes are new and original. The level
of technical achievement is professional, the effect breathtaking.
Although the reference may be mythological, the processions are
charged with contemporary political meaning.
The processions are not spontaneous. Preparing them as well as
performing in them are important parts of Brazilian life. Each
group prepares separately~and competitiveiy~in its own learning
environment, which is called a samba school. These are not schools
as we know them; they are social clubs with memberships that may
range from a few hundred to many thousands. Each club owns a
building, a place for dancing and getting together. Members of a
samba school go there most weekend evenings to dance, to drink, to
meet their friends.
During the year each samba school chooses its theme for the
next carnival, the stars are selected, the lyrics are written and rewritten, the dance is choreographed and practiced. Members of the
school range in age from children to grandparents and in ability
from novice to professional. But they dance together and as they
dance everyone is learning and teaching as well as dancing. Even
the stars are there to learn their difficult parts.
Every American disco is a place for learning as well as for dancing. But the samba schools are very different. There is a greater social cohesion, a sense of belonging to a group, and a sense of common purpose. Much of the teaching, although it takes place in a
natural environment, is deliberate. For example, an expert dancer
gathers a group of children around. For five or for twenty minutes
tions when they are excited about what they are doing. The LOGO
environment is like the samba school also in the fact that the flow
of ideas and even of instructions is not a one-way street. The environment is designed to foster richer and deeper interactions than
are commonly seen in schools today in connection with anything
mathematical. Children create programs that produce pleasing
graphics, funny pictures, sound effects, music, and computer jokes.
They start interacting mathematically because the product of their
mathemetical work belongs to them and belongs to real life. Part of
the fun is sharing, posting graphics on the walls, modifying and experimenting with each other's work, and bringing the "new" products back to the original inventors. Although the work at the computer is usually private it increases the children's desire for
interaction. These children want to get together with others engaged in similar activities because they have a lot to talk about.
And what they have to say to one another is not limited to talking
about their products: LOGO is designed to make it easy to tell
about the process of making them.
By building LOGO in such a way that structured thinking becomes powerful thinking, we convey a cognitive style, one aspect of
which is to facilitate talking about the process of thinking. LOGO's
emphasis on debugging goes in the same direction. Students' bugs
become topics of conversation; as a result they develop an articulate and focused language to use in asking for help when it is needed. And when the need for help can be articulated clearly, the helper does not necessarily have to be a specially trained professional in
order to give it. In this way the LOGO culture enriches and facilitates the interaction between all participants and offers opportunities for more articulate, effective, and honest teaching relationships. It is a step toward a situation in which the line between
learners and teachers can fade.
Despite these similarities, LOGO environments are not samba
schools. The differences are quite fundamental. They are reflected
superficially in the fact that the teachers are professionals and are
in charge even when they refrain from exerting authority. The students are a transitory population and seldom stay long enough to
make LOGO's long-term goals their own. Ultimately the differ180
in a way that would be good for children, for parents, and for learning. This is through the construction of educationally powerful
computational environments that will provide alternatives to traditional classrooms and traditional instruction. I do not present
LOGO environments as my proposal for this. They are too primitive, too limited by the technology of the 1970s. The role I hope
they fill is that of a model. By now the reader must anticipate that
I shall say an object-to-think-with, that will contribute to the essentially social process of constructing the education of the future.
LOGO environments are not samba schools, but they are useful
for imagining what it would be like to have a "samba school for
mathematics." Such a thing was simply not conceivable until very
recently. The computer brings it into the realm of the possible by
providing mathematically rich activities which could, in principle,
be truly engaging for novice and expert, young and old. I have no
doubt that in the next few years we shall see the formation of some
computational environments that deserve to be called "samba
schools for computation." There have already been attempts in this
direction by people engaged in computer hobbyist clubs and in running computer "drop-in centers."
In most cases, although the experiments have been interesting
and exciting, they have failed to make it because they were too
primitive. Their computers simply did not have the power needed
for the most engaging and shareable kinds of activities. Their visions of how to integrate computational thinking into everyday life
was insufficiently developed. But there will be more tries, and more
and more. And eventually, somewhere, all the pieces will come together and it will "catch." One can be confident of this because
such attempts will not be isolated experiments operated by researchers who may run out of funds or simply become disillusioned
and quit. They will be manifestations of a social movement of people interested in personal computation, interested in their own children, and interested in education.
There are problems with the image of samba schools as the locus
of education. I am sure that a computational samba school will
catch on somewhere. But the first one will almost certainly happen
in a community of a particular kind, probably one with a high den182
juggling as structured programming can build a bridge between
those who have a fine mathetic sense of physical skills and those
who know how to go about organizing the task of writing an essay
on history.
Juggling and writing an essay seem to have little in common if
one looks at the product. But the processes of learning both skills
have much in common. By creating an intellectual environment in
which the emphasis is on process we give people with different
skills and interests something to talk about. By developing expressive languages for talking about process and by recasting old
knowledge in these new languages we can hope to make transparent the barriers separating disciplines. In the schools math is math
and history is history and juggling is outside the intellectual pale.
Time will tell whether schools can adapt themselves. What is more
important is understanding the recasting of knowledge into new
In this book we have seen complex interactions between new
technologies and the recasting of the subject matters. When we discussed the use of the computer to facilitate learning Newton's laws
of motion, we did not attempt to "computerize" the equations as
they are found in a classical textbook. We developed a new conceptual framework for thinking about motion. For example, the concept of Turtle enabled us to formulate a qualitative component of
Newtonian physics. The resulting reconceptualizing would be valid
without a computer; its relation to the ,computer is not at all reductionist. But it is able to take advantage of the computer in ways in
which other conceptualizations of physics could not, and thus gain
in mathetic power. Thus, the whole process involves a dialectical
interaction between new technologies and new ways of doing physics. The logic of these interactions is seen very clearly by looking at
another item from my collection of good models for thinking about
Twenty years ago, parallel skiing was thought to be a skill attainable only after many years of training and practice. Today, it is
routinely achieved during the course of a single skiing season.
Some of the factors that contributed to this change are of a kind
that fit into the traditional paradigms for educational innovation.
revolutionaries, the presence of the computer will in itself produce
momentous change: Teaching machines in the homes and computer
networks will make school (as we know it) obsolete; reconceptualizations of physics are the furthest things from their minds. For the
reformists, the computer will not abolish schools but will serve
them. The computer is seen as an engine that can be harnessed to
existing structures in order to solve, in local and incremental measures, the problems that face schools as they exist today. The reformist is no more inclined than the revolutionary to think in terms
of reconceptualizing subject domains.
Our philosophy, both implicit and explicit, tries to avoid the two
common traps: commitment to technological inevitability and commitment to strategies of incremental change. The technology itself
will not draw us forward in any direction I can believe in either
educationally or socially. The price of the education community's
reactive posture will be educational mediocrity and social rigidity.
And experimenting with incremental changes will not even put us
in a position to understand where the technology is leading.
My own philosophy is revolutionary rather than reformist in its
concept of change. But the revolution I envision is of ideas, not of
technology. It consists of new understandings of specific subject domains and in new understandings of the process of learning itself. It
consists of a new and much more ambitious setting of the sights of
educational aspiration.
I am talking about a revolution in ideas that is no more reducible
to technologies than physics and molecular biology are reducible to
the technological tools used in the laboratories or poetry to the
printing press. In my vision, technology has two roles. One is heuristic: The computer presence has catalyzed the emergence of
ideas. The other is instrumental: The computer will carry ideas into
a world larger than the research centers where they have incubated
up to now.
I have suggested that the absence of a suitable technology has
been a principle cause of the past stagnation of thinking about education. The emergence first of large computers and now of the microcomputer has removed this cause of stagnation. But there is another, secondary cause that grew like algae on a stagnant pond. We
what I see as the essential remaining problem in regard to the future of computers and education: the problem of the supply of people who will develop these prerequisites.
This problem goes deeper than a mere short supply of such people. The fact that in the past there was no role for such people has
been cast into social and institutional concrete; now there is a role
but there is no place for them. In current professional definitions
physicists think about how to do physics, educators think about
how to teach it. There is no recognized place for people whose research is really physics, but physics oriented in directions that will
be educationally meaningful. Such people are not particularly welcome in a physics department; their education goals serve to
trivalize their work in the eyes of other physicists. Nor are they
welcome in the education school~there, their highly technical language is not understood and their research criteria are out of step.
In the world of education a new theorem for a Turtle microworld,
for example, would be judged by whether it produced a "measurable" improvement in a particular physics course. Our hypothetical
physicists will see their work very differently, as a theoretical contribution to physics that in the long run will make knowledge of the
physical universe more accessible, but which in the short run would
not be expected to improve performance of students in a physics
course. Perhaps, on the contrary, it would even harm the student if
injected as a local change into an educational process based on a
different theoretical approach.
This point about what kind of discourse is welcome in schools of
education and in physics departments is true more generally also.
Funding agencies as well as universities do not offer a place for any
research too deeply involved with the ideas of science for it to fall
under the heading of education and too deeply engaged in an educational perspective for it to fall under the heading of science. It
seems to be nobody's business to think in a fundamental way about
science in relation to the way people think and learn it. Although
lip service has been paid to the importance of science and society,
the underlying methodology is like that of traditional education:
one of delivering elements of ready-made science to a special audience. The concept of a serious enterprise of making science for the
people is quite alien.
The Mathematical
R E P R I N T E D H E R E as an epilogue is my first discussion, written a few years ago, o f an idea that developed into a central theme
of this book." My rejection o f the dichotomy opposing a stereotypically "'disembodied" mathematics to activities engaging a full
range o f human sensitivities.* In the book I discuss this theme in
the context of Turtle geometry. In the following pages the reader
will find this theme embedded in reflections on the sources of
mathematical pleasure.
evant, perhaps even quite urgent, for psychologists, educators, and
others. For example, if Poincar6's model turned out to contain elements of a true account of ordinary mathematical thinking, it could
follow that mathematical education as practiced today is totally
misguided and even self-defeating. If mathematical aesthetics gets
any attention in the schools, it is as an epiphenomenon, an icing on
the mathematical cake, rather than as the driving force which
makes mathematical thinking function. Certainly the widely practiced theories of the psychology of mathematical development
(such as Piaget's) totally ignore the aesthetic, or even the intuitive,
and concentrate on structural analysis of the logical facet of mathematical thought.
The destructive consequences of contemporary mathematics
teaching can also be seen as a minor paradox for Poincar6. The fact
that schools, and our culture generally, are so far from being nurturant of nascent mathematical aesthetic sense in children causes
Poincar~'s major thesis about the importance of aesthetics to undermine the grounds for believing in his minor thesis, which asserts
the innateness of such sensibilities. If Poincar6 is right about aesthetics, it becomes only too easy to see how the apparent rareness
of mathematical talent could be explained without appeal to
These remarks are enough to suggest that the mundane transformation of Poincar6's theory might be a rich prize for educators
even if it lost all touch with the processes at work in big mathematics. But perhaps we can have the best of both worlds. By adopting,
as we shall, a more experiential mode of discussion through which
theories about mathematical thinking can be immediately confronted with the reader's own mental processes, we do not, of
course, renounce the possibility that the mathematical elite share
similar experiences. On the contrary, that part of Poincar6's thinking which will emerge as most clearly valid in the ordinary context
resonates strongly with modern trends which, in my view, constitute a paradigm shift in thinking about the foundations of mathematics. The concluding paragraphs of my essay will illustrate this
resonance in the case of the Bourbaki theory of the structure of
calls into question the separation within psychology of cognitive
functions, defined by their opposition to considerations of affect, of
feeling, of sense of beauty.
I shall, on the whole, side with Poincar6 against the possibility of
a "purely cognitive" theory of mathematical thinking but express
reservations about the high degree of specificity he attributes to
the mathematical. But first I must introduce another of the themes
of Poincar6's theory. This is the role and the nature of the
As the aesthetic versus the logical leads us to confront Poincar6
with cognitive psychology, so the unconscious versus the conscious
leads to a confrontation with Freud. Poincar6 is close to Freud in
clearly postulating two minds (the conscious and the unconscious)
each governed by its own dynamic laws, each able to carry out different functions with severely limited access to the other's activities. As we shall see, Poincar~ is greatly impressed by the way in
which the solution to a problem on which one has been working at
an earlier time often comes into consciousness unannounced, and
almost ready-made, as if produced by a hidden part of the mind.
But Poincar~'s unconscious is very different from Freud's. Far
from being the site of prelogical, sexually charged, primary processes, it is rather like an emotionally neutral, supremely logical,
combinatoric machine.
The confrontation of these images of the unconscious brings us
back to our questions about the nature of mathematics itself. The
logical view of mathematics is definitionally discorporate, detached
from the body and molded only by an internal logic of purity and
truth. Such a view would be concordant with Poincar6's neutral unconscious rather than with Freud's highly charged, instinct-ridden
dynamics. But Poincar6 himself, as I have already remarked, rejects this view of mathematics; even if it could be maintained
(which is already dubious) as an image of the finished mathematical product, it is totally inadequate as an account of the productive
process through which mathematical truths and structures emerge.
In its most naive form the logical image of mathematics is a deductive system in which new truths are derived from previously derived
truths by means of rigorously reliable rules of inference. Although
never, according to Poincar~, yield the solution. Its role is to create
the elements out of which the solution will be constructed. A stage
of unconscious work, which might appear to the mathmatician as
temporarily abandoning the task or leaving the problem to incubate, has to intervene. Poincar~ postulates a mechanism for the incubation. The phenomenological view of abandonment is totally
false. On the contrary, the problem has been turned over to a very
active unconscious which relentlessly begins to combine the elements supplied to it by the first, conscious state of the work. The
unconscious mind is not assumed to have any remarkable powers
except concentration, systematic operation, and imperviousness to
boredom, distractions, or changes of goal. The product of the unconscious work is delivered back to the conscious mind at a moment which has no relation to what the latter is doing. This time
the phenomenological view is even more misleading since the finished piece of work might appear in consciousness at the most surprising times, in apparent relation to quite fortuitous events.
How does the unconscious mind know what to pass back to the
conscious mind? It is here where Poincar6 sees the role of the aesthetic. He believes, as a matter of empirical observation, that ideas
passed back are not necessarily correct solutions to the original
problem. So he concludes that the unconscious is not able to rigorously determine whether an idea is correct. But the ideas passed up
do always have the stamp of mathematical beauty. The function of
the third stage of the work is to consciously and rigorously examine
the results obtained from the unconscious. They might be accepted,
modified, or rejected. In the last case the unconscious might once
more be called into action. We observe that the model postulates a
third agent in addition to the conscious and unconscious minds.
This agent is somewhat akin to a Freudian censor; its job is to scan
the changing kaleidoscope of Unconscious patterns allowing only
those which satisfy its aesthetic criteria to pass through the portal
between the minds.
Poincar~ is describing the highest level of mathematical creativity, and one cannot assume that more elementary mathematical
work follows the same dynamic processes. But in our own striving
toward a theory of mathematical thinking we should not assume
The M a t h e m a t i c a l Unconscious
the contrary either, and so it is encouraging to see even very limited
structural resemblances between the process as described by Poincar6 and patterns displayed by nonmathematicians whom we asked
to work on mathematical problems in what has come, at MIT, to
be called "Loud Thinking," a collection of techniques designed to
elicit productive thought (often in domains, such as mathematics,
they would normally avoid) and make as much of it as possible explicit. The example that follows illustrates aspects of what the very
simplest kind of aesthetic guidance of thought might be. The subjects in the experiment clearly proceed by a combinatoric, such as
that which Poincar6 postulates in his second stage, until a result is
obtained which is satisfactory On grounds that have at least as
much claim to be called aesthetic as logical. The process does differ
from Poincar~'s description in that it remains on the conscious level. This could be reconciled with Poincar6's theory in many ways:
One might argue that the number of combinatorial actions needed
to generate the acceptable result is too small to require passing the
problem to the unconscious level, or that these nonmathematicians
lack the ability to do such work unconsciously. In any case, the
point of the example (indeed, of this essay as a whole) is not to defend Poincar6 in detail but to illustrate the concept of aesthetic
The problem on which the subjects were asked to work was the
proof that the square root of 2 is irrational. The choice is particularly appropriate here because this theorem was selected by the
English mathematician G. H. Hardy as a prime example of mathematical beauty, and consequently it is interesting, in the context of
a nonelitist discussion of mathematical aesthetics, to discover that
many people with very little mathematical knowledge are able to
discover the proof if emotionally supportive working conditions encourage them to keep going despite mathematical reticence. The
following paragraphs describe an episode through which almost all
the subjects in our investigation passed. To project ourselves into
this episode, let us suppose that we have set up the equation:
k/ 2 = p/q
Let us also suppose that we do not really believe that X/~ can
be so expressed. To prove this, we seek to reveal something bizarre,
in fact contradictory, behind the impenetrably innocent surface impression of the equation. We clearly have to do with an interplay of
latent and manifest contents. What steps help in such cases?
Almost as if they had read Freud, many subjects engage in a
process of mathematical "free association," trying in turn various
transformations associated with equations of this sort. Those who
are more sophisticated mathematically need a smaller number of
tries, but none of the subjects seem to be guided by a prevision of
where the work will go. Here are some examples of transformations
in the order they were produced by one subject:
= p/q
2 = if~q2
f f = 2q 2
All subjects who have become more than very superficially involved in the problem show unmistakable signs of excitement and
pleasure when they hit on the last equation. This pleasure is not dependent on knowing (at least consciously) where the process is
leading. It happens before the subjects are able to say what they
will do next, and, in fact, it happens even in cases where no further
progress is made at all. And the reaction to p2 = 2q2 is not merely
affective; once this has been seen, the subjects scarcely ever look
back at any of the earlier transformations or even at the original
equations. Thus there is something very special about p2 = 2q2.
What is it? We first concentrate on the fact that it undoubtedly has
a pleasurable charge and speculate about the sources of the charge.
What is the role of pleasure in mathematics?
Pleasure is, of course, often experienced in mathematical work,
as if one were rewarding oneself when one achieves a desired goal
after arduous struggle. But it is highly implausible that this actual
equation was anticipated here as a preset goal. If the pleasure was
that of goal achievement, the goal was of a very different, less for198
effectiveness of wit. The attractiveness and plausibility of this suggestion comes from the possibility of seeing condensation in very
many mathematical situations. Indeed, the very central idea of
abstract mathematics could be seen as condensation: The "abstract" description simultaneously signifies very different "concrete" things. Does this allow us to conjecture that mathematics
shares more with jokes, dreams, and hysteria than is commonly
It is of course dangerous to go too far in the direction of presenting the merits of p2 = 2q2 in isolation from its role in achieving the
original purpose, which was not to titillate the mathematical pleasure senses but to prove that 2 is irrational. The statement of the
previous two paragraphs needs to be melded with an understanding
of how the work comes to focus on p2 = 2q2 through a process not
totally independent of recognizing it as a subgoal of the supergoal
of proving the theorem. How do we integrate the functional with
the aesthetic? The simplest gesture in this direction for those who
see the eminently functional subgoal system as the prime mover is
to enlarge the universe of discourse in which subgoals can be formulated. Promoting a subordinate character (that is, p) on the
problem scene to a principal role is, within an appropriate system
of situation frames, as well-defined a subgoal as, say, finding the
numerical solution of an equation. But we are now talking about
goals which have lost their mathematical specificity and may be
shared with nonmathematical situations of life or literature. Taken
to its extreme, this line of thinking leads us to see mathematics,
even in its detail, as an acting out of something else: The actors
may be mathematical objects, but the plot is spelled out in other
terms. Even in its less extreme forms this shows how the aesthetic
and the functional can enter into a symbiotic relationship of, so to
speak, mutual exploitation. The mathematically functional goal is
achieved through a play of subgoals formulated in another, nonmathematical discourse, drawing on corresponding extramathematical knowledge. Thus the functional exploits the aesthetic. But to
the extent we see (here in a very Freudian spirit) the mathematical
process itself as acting out premathematical processes, the reverse
is also true.
4r 2
4r 2 remember: p2 = 2q2(!)
2r ~
and we deduce that q is also even. But this at last really is manifestly bizarre since we chose p and q in the first place and could, had
we wished, have made sure that they had no common factor. So
there is a contradiction.
Before commenting on the aesthetics of this process, we look at
the "flash" version of the proof. It depends on having a certain perception of whole numbers, namely, as unique collections of prime
factors: 6 = 3 2 and 36 = 3 3 2 2. If you solidly possess
this frame for perceiving numbers, you probably have a sense of
immediate perception of a perfect square (36 or p2 or q2) as an
even set. If you do not possess it, we might have to use step-by-step
arguments (such as let p = pap2.., p~, so that p 2 = p~p~p2p2...
p~p~), and this proof then becomes even more atomistic and certainly less pleasing than the classical form. But if you do see (or train
yourself to see) p2 and q2 as even sets, you will also see p2 = 2q2 as
making the absurd assertion that an even set (pZ) is equal to an odd
set (q2 and one additional factor: 2). Thus given the right frames
for perceiving numbers, p2 = 2q2 is (or so it appears phenomenologically) directly perceived as absurd.
Although there is much to say about the comparative aesthetics
of these two little proofs, I shall concentrate on just one facet of
beauty and pleasure found by some subjects in our experiments.
Many people are impressed by the brilliance of the second proof.
But if this latter attracts by its cleverness and immediacy, it does
not at all follow that the first loses by being (as I see it) essentially
serial. On the contrary, there is something very powerful in the way
one is captured and carried inexorably through the serial process. I
do not merely mean that the proof is rhetorically compelling when
presented well by another person, although this is an important factor in the spectator sport aspect of mathematics. I mean rather that
you need very little mathematical knowledge for the steps to be
forced moves, so that once you start on the track you will find that
you generate the whole proof.
One can experience the process of inevitability in very different
ways with very different kinds of affect. One can experience it as
being taken over in a relationship of temporary submission. One
can experience this as surrender to mathematics, or to another person, or of one part of oneself to another. One can experience it not
as submission but as the exercise of an exhilarating power. Any of
Sutherland's reaction would be without consequence for our
problem if it showed stupidity, ignorance, or an idiosyncratic quirk
about ad hoc solutions to repair problems. But it goes deeper than
any of these. Pirsig's accomplishment is to show us the coherence in
many such incidents. This accomplishment is quite impressive. Pirsig presents us with materials so rich that we can use them to appreciate kinds of coherence implicit in the incidents which are rather different from the one advanced by Pirsig himself. Here I want
to touch briefly on two analogies between the story of Sutherland
and the shim stock and issues we have discussed about mathematics" first, the relationship between aesthetics and logic in thinking
about mathematics as well as motorcycles, and second, the lines of
continuity and discontinuity between mathematics or motorcycles
and everything else.
It is clear from the shim stock incident itself, and much more so
from the rest of the book, that the continuity between man, machine, and natural environment is very different for each of Pirsig's
characters and that these differences deeply affect their aesthetic
appreciation. For the narrator, the motorcycle is continuous with
the world not only of beer cans but more generally the world of
metals (taken as substance). In this world, the metal's identity is
not reducible to a particular embodiment of the metal in a motorcycle or in a beer can. Nor can any identity be reduced to a particular instance of it. For Sutherland, on the contrary, this continuity is not merely invisible, but he has a strong investment in
maintaining the boundaries between what the narrator sees as superficial manifestations of the same substance.
For Sutherland, the motorcycle is not only in a world apart from
beer cans; it is even in a world apart from other machines, a fact
that enables him to relate without conflict to this piece of technology as a means to escape from technology. We could deepen the
analysis of the investments of these two characters in their respective positions by noting their very different involvements in work
and society. The narrator is part of industrial society (he works for
a computer company) and is forced to seek his own identity (as he
seeks the identity of metal) in a sense of his substance which lies
beyond the particular form into which he has been molded. Like
context for mathematical work where the aesthetic dimension
(even in its narrowest sense of "the pretty") is continually placed in
the forefront.
We shall give a single example which illuminates both of these
aspects: an example of a typical problem that arises when a child is
learning Turtle geometry. The child has already learned how to
command the Turtle to move forward in the direction that it is facing and to pivot around its axis, that is, to turn the number of degrees right or left that the child has commanded. With these commands the child has written programs which cause the Turtle to
draw straight line figures. Sooner or later the child poses the question: "How can I make the Turtle draw a circle?" In LOGO we do
not provide "answers," but encourage learners to use their own
bodies to find a solution. The child begins to walk in circles and discovers how to make a circle by going forward a little and turning a
little, by going forward a little and turning a little. Now the child
knows how to make the Turtle draw a circle: Simply give the Turtle
the same commands one would give oneself. Expressing "go forward a little, turn a little" comes out in Turtle language as REPEAT [ F O R W A R D 1 R I G H T T U R N 1]. Thus we see a process
of geometrical reasoning that is both ego syntonic and body syntonic. And once the child knows how to place circles on the screen
with the speed of light, an unlimited palette of shapes, forms, and
motion has been opened. Thus the discovery of the circle (and, of
course, the curve) is a turning point in the child's ability to achieve
a direct aesthetic experience through mathematics.
In the above paragraph it sounds as though ego-syntonic mathematics was recently invented. This is certainly not the case and,
indeed, would contradict the point made repeatedly in this essay
that the mathematics of the mathematician is profoundly personal.
It is also not the case that we have invented ego syntonic mathematics for children. We have merely given children a way to reappropriate what was always theirs. Most people feel that they have
no "personal" involvement with mathematics, yet as children they
constructed it for themselves. Jean Piaget's work on genetic epistemology teaches us that from the first days of life a child is engaged
in an enterprise of extracting mathematical knowledge from the in206
Afterword and
IN 1964 I moved from one world to another. For the previous five
years I had lived in Alpine villages near Geneva, Switzerland,
where I worked with Jean Piaget. The focus of my attention was on
children, on the nature of thinking, and on how children become
thinkers. I moved to MIT into an urban world of cybernetics and
computers. My attention was still focused on the nature of thinking, but now my immediate concerns were with the problem of Artificial Intelligence: How to make machines that think?
Two worlds could hardly be more different. But I made the transition because I believed that my new world of machines could provide a perspective that might lead to solutions to problems that had
eluded us in the old world of children. Looking back I see that the
cross-fertilization has brought benefits in both directions. For several years now Marvin Minsky and I have been working on a general theory of intelligence (called "The Society Theory of Mind")
which has emerged from a strategy of thinking simultaneously
about how children do and how computers might think.
Minsky and I, of course, are not the only workers to have drawn
on the theory of computation (or information processing) as a
source of models to be used in explaining psychological phenomena. On the contrary, this approach has been taken by such people
as Warren McCulloch, Allen Newell, Herbert Simon, Alan Turing, Norbert Wiener, and quite a number of younger people. But
the point of departure of this book is a point of view~first articulated jointly with Minsky~that separates us quite sharply from
most other members of this company: that is to say, seeing ideas
from computer science not only as instruments of explanation of
that I first learned that computation could be more than a theoretical science and a practical art" It can also be the material from
which to fashion a powerful and personal vision of the world. I have
since encountered several people who have done this successfully
and in an inspirational way. Of these, one who stands out because
he has so consistently turned his personal computational vision to
thinking about children is Alan Kay. During the whole decade of
the 1970s, Kay's research group at the Xerox Palo Alto Research
Center and our group at MIT were the only American workers on
computers for children who made a clear decision that significant
research could not be based on the primitive computers that were
then becoming available in schools, resource centers, and education
research laboratories. For me, the phrase "computer as pencil"
evokes the kind of uses I imagine children of the future making of
computers. Pencils are used for scribbling as well as writing, doodling as well as drawing, for illicit notes as well as for official assignments. Kay and I have shared a vision in which the computer
would be used as casually and as personally for an even greater diversity of purposes. But neither the school computer terminal of
1970 nor the Radio ' Shack home computer of 1980 have the power
and flexibility to provide even an approximation of this vision. In
order to do so, a computer must offer far better graphics and a far
more flexible language than computers of the 1970s can provide at
a price schools and individuals can afford.
In 1967, before the children's laboratory at MIT had been officially formed, I began thinking about designing a computer language that would be suitable for children. This did not mean that it
should be a "toy" language. On the contrary, I wanted it to have
the power of professional programming languages, but I also wanted it to have easy entry routes for nonmathematical beginners.
Wallace Feurzeig, head of the Educational Technology Group at
the research firm of Bolt Beranek and Newman, quickly recognized the merit of the idea and found funding for the first implementation and trial of the language. The name LOGO was chosen
for the new language to suggest the fact that it is primarily symbolic and only secondarily quantitative. My original design of the language was greatly improved in the course of discussions with Dan210
one occasion left-right reversing glasses, on the other a rather complex prismatic distortion of the visual field). Part of what I found
so attractive about the Artificial Intelligence community was a
shared interest in this approach to using one's self as a source of insight into psychological processes and a particular interest in observing oneself engaged in skilled activities. Here again I owe debts
to many people and am able to single out only those whose contributions were most salient: Howard Austin, Jeanne Bamberger, Ira
Goldstein, Bob Lawler, Gerald Sussman, and the graduate students
who took part in my "loud thinking seminars" where such methods
were explored. My approach to "loud thinking" acquired greater
sophistication during a period of collaboration with Donald Schon
and Benson Snyder and in interaction with a number of psychologists including Edith Ackermann, Daniel Bobrow, Howard Gruber,
Annette Karmiloff-Smith, and Donald Norman.
All these influences entered into the emergence of a learning/
teaching methodology in the computational environments we were
building for children. The person closest to me in this work was
Cynthia Solomon. As in the case of Marvin Minsky, my collaboration with her was so close over so long a period that I find it impossible to enumerate the substantial contributions she made. Solomon
was also the first to develop an intellectually coherent methodology
for training teachers to introduce children to computers and is still
one of the few people to have approached this problem with the seriousness it deserves.
Many people contributed ideas about teaching children LOGO.
Ira Goldstein undertook the difficult problem of developing a theoretical framework for the instructional process and was followed in
this work by Mark Miller. Others approached teaching in a more
pragmatic spirit. Special contributions have been made by Howard
Austin, Paul Goldenberg, Gerianne Goldstein, Virginia Grammar,
Andree Green, Ellen Hildreth, Kiyoko Okumura, Neil Rowe, and
Dan Watt. Jeanne Bamberger developed methods for using LOGO
in musical learning and in increasing teachers' sensitivity to their
own thinking.
A central idea behind our learning environments was that children would be able to use powerful ideas from mathematics and
data for a general intellectual position that underlies this book: The
best learning takes place when the learner takes charge. Edwina
Michner's Ph.D. thesis was a learning study of a very different sort,
an attempt to characterize some of the mathematical knowledge
that the mathematical culture does not write down in its books.
I have acknowledged intellectual obligations to many people. I
have to thank most of them for something else as well: for support
and for patience with my too often disorganized working style. I
am deeply grateful to everyone who put up with me, especially
Gregory Gargarian who had the very difficult jobs of maintaining
the organization of the LOGO Laboratory and of entering and updating many successive versions of this book in the computer files.
In addition to his competence and professionalism, his friendship
and support have made easier many moments in the writing of this
MIT has provided a highly stimulating intellectual environment.
Its administrative environment is also very special in allowing outof-the-ordinary projects to flourish. Many people have helped in an
administrative capacity: Jerome Wiesner, Walter Rosenblith, Michael Dertouzo s, Ted Martin, Benson Snyder, Patrick Winston,
Barbara Nelson, Eva Kampits, Jim McCarthy, Gordon Oro, and
George Wallace come to mind but I am sure there are many others.
Of these I owe a very special debt to Eva Kampits who was once
my secretary and is now Dr. Kampits.
The LOGO project could not have happened without support of
a different kind than I have mentioned until now. The National
Science Foundation has supported the work on LOGO since its inception. I want also to mention some of the Foundation's individuals whose imaginative understanding made it possible for us to do
our work: Dorothy Derringer, Andrew Molnar, and Milton Rose.
The value of the support given by such people is moral as well as
material, and I would include in this category Marjorie Martus at
the Ford Foundation, Arthur Melmed at the National Institute of
Education, Alan Ditman at the Bureau for the Education of the
Handicapped, and Alfred Riccomi ofTexas Instruments. I would
also most especially include three individuals who have given us
moral and material support: Ida Green, Erik Jonsson, and Cecil
Green all from Dallas, Texas. It has been a particularly rich expe214
tell us about how to create conditions for more knowledge to be acquired by children through this marvelous process of "Piagetian
learning." I saw the popular idea of designing a "Piagetian Curriculum" as standing Piaget on his head" Piaget is par excellence
the theorist of learning without curriculum. As a consequence, I
began to formulate two ideas that run through this book: (1) significant change in patterns of intellectual development will come
about through cultural change, and (2) the most likely bearer of
potentially relevant cultural change in the near future is the increasingly pervasive computer presence. Although these perspectives had informed the LOGO project from its inception, for a long
time I could not see how to give them a theoretical framework.
I was helped in this, as in many other ways, by my wife Sherry
Turkle. Without her, this book could not have been written. Ideas
borrowed from Sherry turned out to be missing links in my attempts to develop ways of thinking about computers and cultures.
Sherry is a sociologist whose particular concerns center on the interaction of ideas and culture formation, in particular how complexes of ideas are adopted by and articulated throughout cultural
groups. When I met her she had recently completed an investigation of a new French psychoanalytic culture, of how psychoanalysis
had "colonized" France, a country that had fiercely resisted Freudian influence. She had turned her attention to computer cultures
and was thinking about how people's relationships with computation influence their language, their ideas about politics, and their
views of themselves. Listening to her talk about both projects
helped me to formulate my own approach and to achieve a sufficient sense of closure in my ideas to embark on this writing project.
Over the years Sherry has given me every kind of support. When
the writing would not work out she gave me hours of conversation
and editorial help. But her support was most decisive on the many
occasions when I fell out of love with the book or when my confidence in my resolution to write it flagged. Then, her commitment
to the project kept it alive and her love for me helped me find my
way back to being in love with the work.
Cambridge, Massachusetts
April 1980
1. Piaget is at the center of the concerns of this book. I make a slightly unorthodox interpretation of his theoretical position and a very unorthodox interpretation of the implications
of his theory for education. The reader who would like to return to the source needs some
guidance because Piaget has written a large number of books, most of which discuss particular aspects of children's development, assuming that the others have been read as a theoretical preface. The best short book about Piaget is M. Boden's Piaget (London: Harvester
Press, 1979). A good starting place for reading Piaget's own texts is with H. E. Gruber and
J. J. Voneche, eds., The Essential Piaget: An Interpretive Reference and Guide (New York:
Basic Books, 1977). My own "short list" of books by Piaget that are most readable and provide the best philosophical overview of his ideas are: The Child's Conception of the World
(New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1929); The Child's Conception of Physical Causality
(New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1932); The Psychology of Intelligence, trans. Malcolm Piercy and D. E. Berlyne (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1950); The Origins of
Intelligence in Children, trans. Margaret Cook (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul); Introduction ~ l'Epist#mologie G~n#tique (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1950); Insights and Illusions in Philosophy, trans. Wolfe Mays (New York: The World Publishing
Co., 1971); The Grasp of Consciousness, trans. Susan Wedgwood (Cambridge: Harvard
University Press, 1976). For a critique of the "Piaget Curriculum Developers," of whom I
have said that they are "standing Piaget on his head," see G. Groen, "The Theoretical Ideas
of Piaget and Educational Practice," The Impact of Research on Education, ed. P. Suppes
(Washington D. C.: The National Academy of Education, 1978).
2. LOGO is the name of a philosophy of education in a growing family of computer languages that goes with it. Characteristic features of the LOGO family of languages include
procedural definitions with local variables to permit recursion. Thus, in LOGO it is possible
to define new commands and functions which then can be used exactly like primitive ones.
LOGO is an interpretive language. This means that it can be used interactively. The modern
LOGO systems have full list structure, that is to say, the language can operate on lists whose
members can themselves be lists, lists of lists, and so forth.
Some versions have elements of parallel processing and of message passing in order to facilitate graphics programming. An example of a powerful use of list structure is the representation of LOGO procedures themselves as lists of lists so that LOGO procedures can construct, modify, and run other LOGO procedures. Thus LOGO is not a "toy," a language
only for children. The examples of simple uses of LOGO in this book do however illustrate
some ways in which LOGO is special in that it is designed to provide very early and easy entry routes into programming for beginners with no prior mathematical knowledge. The subset of LOGO containing Turtle commands, the most used "entry route" for beginners, is referred to in this book as "TURTLE TALK" to take account of the fact that other computer
languages, for example SMALLTALK and PASCAL, have implemented Turtles on their
systems using commands originally developed in the LOGO language. The TURTLE TALK
subset of LOGO is easily transportable to other languages.
It should be carefully remembered that LOGO is never conceived as a final product or
offered as "the definitive language." Here I present it as a sample to show that something
better is possible.
Precisely because LOGO is not a toy, but a powerful computer language, it requires considerably larger memory than less powerful languages such as BASIC. This has meant that
until recently LOGO was only to be implemented on relatively large computers. With the
lowering cost of memory this situation is rapidly changing. As this book goes to press, prototypes of LOGO systems are running on a 48K Apple II system and on a TI 99/4 with extended memory. Readers who would like to be kept informed of the status of LOGO implementations can write to me at LOGO project, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laborary, 545
Technology Square, Cambridge, Mass. 02139. See S. Papert et al., LOGO: A Language For
Learning (Morristown, N.J.: Creative Computing Press, forthcoming, Summer 1980).
3. The history of the Turtle in the LOGO project is as follows. In 1968-1969, the first
class of twelve "average" seventh-grade students at the Muzzy Junior High School in Lexington, Massachusetts, worked with LOGO through the whole school year in place of their
normal mathematics curriculum. At that time the LOGO system had no graphics. The students wrote programs that could translate English to "Pig Latin," programs that could play
games of strategy, and programs to generate concrete poetry. This was the first confirmation
that LOGO was a learnable language for computer "novices." However, I wanted to see the
demonstration extended to fifth graders, third graders, and ultimately to preschool children.
It seemed obvious that even if the LOGO language was learnable at these ages, the programming topics would not be. I proposed the Turtle as a programming domain that could
be interesting to people at all ages. This expectation has subsequently been borne out by experience, and the Turtle as a learning device has been widely adopted. Pioneer work in using
the Turtle to teach very young children was done by Radia Perlman who demonstrated,
while she was a student at MIT, that four-year-old children could learn to control mechanical Turtles. Cynthia Solomon used screen Turtles in the first demonstration that first graders could learn to program. At the other end of the age spectrum, it is encouraging to see
that Turtle programming is being used at a college level to teach PASCAL. See Kenneth L.
Bowles, Problem Solving Using PASCAL (New York: Springer-Verlag, 1977). Controlling
Turtles has proven to be an engaging activity for retarded children, for autistic children, and
for children with a variety of "learning disorders." See for example, Paul Goldenberg, Special Technology for Special Children (Baltimore: University Park Press, 1979). Turtles have
been incorporated into the SMALLTALK computer system at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. See Alan Kay and Adele Goldberg, "Personal Dynamic Media" (Palo Alto,
Calif.: Xerox, Palo Alto Research Center, 1976).
4. Touch Sensor Turtle. The simplest touch sensor program in LOGO is as follows:
This means repeat all the individual steps
The turtle keeps moving
It checks whether it has run into something
If so, it does an about turn
This will make the Turtle turn about when it encounters an object. A more subtle and
more instructive program using the Touch Sensor Turtle is as follows:
Check: Is it touching?
It thinks it's too
close and turns away
It thinks it might
lose the object so it turns toward
This program will cause the Turtle to circumnavigate an object of any shape, provided
that it starts with its left side in contact with the object (and provided that the object and
any irregularities in its contour are large compared to the Turtle).
It is a very instructive project for a group of students to develop this (or an equivalent)
program from first principles by acting out how they think they would use touch to get
around an object and by translating their strategies into Turtle commands.
Chapter 1
1. The program FOLLOW (See Introduction, note 4) is a very simple example of how a
powerful cybernetic idea (control by negative feedback) can be used to elucidate a biological
or psychological phenomenon. Simple as it is, the example helps bridge the gap between
physical models of "causal mechanism" and psychological phenomenon such as "purpose."
Theoretical psychologists have used more complex programs in the same spirit to construet models of practically every known psychological phenomenon. A bold formulation of
the spirit of such inquiry is found in Herbert A. Simon, Sciences of the Artificial (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1969).
2. The critics and skeptics referred to here are distillations from years of public and private debates. These attitudes are widely held, but, unfortunately, seldom published and
therefore seldom discussed with any semblance of rigor. One critic who has set a good example by publishing his views is Joseph Weizenbaum in Computer Power and Human Reason:
From Judgment to Calculations (San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1976).
Unfortunately Weizenbaum's book discusses two separate (though related) questions:
whether computers harm the way people think and whether computers themselves can think.
Most critical reviews of Weizenbaum have focused on the latter question, on which he joins
company with Hubert L. Dreyfus, What Computers Can't Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason (New York: Harper & Row, 1972).
A lively description of some of the principal participants in the debate about whether
computers can or cannot think is found in Pamela McCorduck, Machines Who Think (San
Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1979).
There is little published data on whether computers actually affect how people think.
This question is being studied presently by S. Turkle.
3. Many versions of BASIC would allow a program to produce a shape like that made by
the LOGO program HOUSE. The simplest example would look something like this:
Writing such a program falls short of the LOGO program as a beginning programming experience in many ways. It demands more of the beginner, in particular, it demands knowledge of cartesian coordinates. This demand would be less serious if the program, once written, could become a powerful tool for other projects. The LOGO programs SQ, TRI, and
HOUSE can be used to draw squares, triangles, and houses in any position and orientation
on the screen. The BASIC program allows one particular house to be drawn in one position.
In order to make a BASIC program that will draw houses in many positions, it is necessary
to use algebraic variables as in PLOT (x, y), PLOT (x + 100, y), and so on. As for defining
new commands, such as SQ, TRI, and HOUSE, the commonly used versions of BASIC either do not allow this at all or, at best, allow something akin to it to be achieved through the
use of advanced technical programming methods. Advocates of BASIC" might reply-that: (1)
these objections refer only to a beginner's experience and (2) these deficiencies of BASIC
could be fixed. The first argument is simply not true: The intellectual and practical primitivity of BASIC extends all along the line up to the most advanced programming. The second
misses the point of my complaint. Of course one could turn BASIC into LOGO or SMALLTALK or anything else and still call it "BASIC." My complaint is that what is being foisted
on the education world has not been so "fixed." Moreover, doing so would be a little like "remodelling" a wooden house to become a skyscraper.
Chapter 2
1. "Gedanken experiments" have played an important role in science, particularly in
physics. These experiments would encourage more critical attitudes if used more often in
thinking about education.
2. There is a joke here. Readers who are not familiar with Noam Chomsky's recent work
may not get it. Noam Chomsky believes that we have a language acquisition device. I don't:
the MAD seems no more improbable than the LAD. See N. Chomsky, Reflections on Language (New York: Pantheon, 1976) for his view of the brain as made up of specialized neurological organs matched to specific intellectual functions. I think that the fundamental
question for the future of education is not whether the brain is "a general purpose computer"
or a collection of specialized devices, but whether our intellectual functions are reducible in a
one-to-one fashion to neurologically given structures.
It seems to be beyond doubt that the brain has numerous inborn "gadgets." But surely
these "gadgets" are much more primitive than is suggested by names like LAD and MAD. I
see learning language or learning mathematics as harnessing to this purpose numerous "gadgets" whose original purpose bears no resemblance to the complex intellectual functions they
come to serve.
Chapter 3
1. Since this book is written for readers who may not know much mathematics, references to specific mathematics are as restrained as possible. The following remarks will flesh
out the discussion for mathematically sophisticated readers.
The isomorphism of different Turtle systems is one of many examples of "advanced"
mathematical ideas that come up in Turtle geometry in forms that are both concrete and
useful. Among these, concepts from "calculus" are especially important.
Example 1: Integration. Turtle geometry prepares the way for the concept of line integral by
the frequent occurrence of situations where the Turtle has to integrate some quantity as it
goes along. Often the first case encountered by children comes from the need to have the
Turtle keep track of how much it has turned or of how far it has moved. An excellent Turtle
project is simulating tropisms that would cause an animal to seek such conditions as warmth,
or light, or nutrient concentration represented as a field in the form of a numerical function
of position. It is natural to think of comparing two algorithms by integrating the field quantity along the Turtle's path. A simple version is achieved by inserting into a program a single
line such as: CALL (:TOTAL + FIELD) "TOTAL", which means: take the quantity previously called "TOTAL," add to it the quantity FIELD and call the result "TOTAL." This
version has a "bug" if the steps taken by the Turtle are too large or of variable size. By debugging when such problems are encountered the student moves in a meaningful progression
to a more sophisticated concept of integral.
The early introduction of simple version of integration along a path illustrates a frequent
phenomenon of reversal of what seemed to be "natural" pedagogic ordering. In the tradi-
tional curriculum, line integration is an advanced topic to which students come after having
been encouraged for several years to think of the definite integral as the area under a curve,
a concept that seemed to be more concrete in a mathematical world of pencil and paper technology. But the effect is to develop a misleading image of integration that leaves many students with a sense of being lost when they encounter integrals for which the representation
as area under a curve is quite inappropriate.
Example 2: Differential Equation. "Touch Sensor Turtle" (See introduction, note 4) used a
method that strikes many children as excitingly powerful. A typical first approach to programming a Turtle to circumnavigate an object is to measure the object and build its dimensions into the program. Thus if the object is a square with side 150 Turtle steps, the program
will include the instruction FORWARD 150. Even if it works (which it usually does not)
this approach lacks generality. The program cited in the earlier note works by taking tiny
steps that depend only on conditions in the Turtle's immediate vicinity. Instead of the "global" operation FORWARD 150 it uses only "local" operations such as FORWARD 1. In
doing so it captures an essential core of the notion of differential equation. I have seen elementary school children who understand clearly why differential equations are the natural
form of laws of motion. Here we see another dramatic pedagogic reversal: The power of the
differential equation is understood before the analytic formalism of calculus. Much of what
is known about Turtle versions of mathematical ideas is brought together in H. Abelson and
A. diSessa, Turtle Geometry: Computation as a Medium for Exploring Mathematics
(Cambridge: MIT Press, in press).
Example 3: Topological Invariant. Let a Turtle crawl around an object "totalizing" its
turns as it goes: right turns counting as positive, left turns as negative. The result will be
360 whatever the shape of the object. We shall see that this Total Turtle Trip Theorem is
useful as well as wonderful.
2. The phrase "ego-syntonic" is used by Freud. It is a "term used to describe instincts or
ideas that are acceptable to the ego: i.e., compatible with the ego's integrity and with its demands." (See J. Laplanche and J-B. Pontalis, The Language of Psycho-analysis (New
York: Norton, 1973.)
3. G. Polya, How to Solve It (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday-Anchor, 1954); Induction
and Analogy in Mathematics (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1954); and Patterns of Plausible Inference (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton, 1969).
4. Usual definitions of curvature look more complex but are equivalent to this one. Thus
we have another example of an "advanced" concept in graspable form.
5. If turns can be right or left, one direction must be treated as negative. "Boundary of
(connected) area" is a simple way of saying "simple closed curve." If the restriction is lifted,
the sum of turns must still be an integral multiple of 360.
Chapter 4
1. Here I am picking a little quarrel with Jerry Bruner. But I share much of what he
thinks, and this is true not only about language and action, but also about the relationship to
learning of cultural materials and of teaching.
The systematic difference betweeen us is seen most clearly by comparing our approaches
to mathematics education. Bruner, as a psychologist, takes mathematics as a given entity
and considers, in his particular rich way, the processes of teaching it and learning it. I try to
make a learnable mathematics. I think that something of the same sort separates us in regard to language and to culture and leads us to different paradigms for a "theory of learning." See J.S. Bruner, Toward a Theory of Instruction (Cambridge: Harvard University
Press, 1966) and J.S. Bruner et al., Studies in Cognitive Growth (New York: John Wiley,
2. The most systematic study is in H. Austin, "A Computational Theory of Physical
Skill" (Ph.D. thesis, MIT, 1976).
3. These procedures introduce a further expansion in our image of programming. They
are capable of running simultaneously, "in parallel." An image of programming that fails to
include this expansion is quite out of touch with the modern world of computation. And a
child who is restricted to serial programming is deprived of a source of practical and of conceptual power. This deprivation is felt as soon as the child tries to introduce motion into a
Suppose, for example, that a child wishes to create a movie on the computer screen with
three separate moving objects. The "natural" way to do this would be to create a separate
procedure for each object and set the three going. "Serial" computer systems force a less
logical way to do this. Typically, the motions of each object would be broken up into steps
and a procedure created to run a step of each motion in cyclic order.
The example shows two reasons why a computer system for children should allow parallel
computation or "multi-processing." First, from an instrumental point of view, multi-processing makes programming complex systems easier and conceptually clearer. Serial programming breaks up procedural entities that ought to have their own integrity. Second, as a model of learning serial programming does something worse: It betrays the principle of
modularity and precludes truly structured programming. The child ought to be able to construct each motion separately, try it out, debug it, and know that it will work (or almost
work) as a part of the larger system.
Multi-processing is more demanding of computational resources than simple serial processing. None of the computers commonly found in schools and homes are powerful enough
to allow it. Early LOGO systems were "purely serial." More recent ones allow restricted
forms of multi-processing (such as the WHEN DEMONS described later in this chapter)
tailored for purposes of programming dynamic graphics, games, and music. The development of a much less restrictive multi-processing language for children is a major research
goal of the MIT LOGO Group at the time of writing this book. In the work we draw heavily
on ideas that have been developed in Alan Kay's SMALLTALK language, on Carl Hewitt's
concepts of "ACTOR" languages and on the Minsky-Papert "Society Theory of Mind." But
the technical problems inherent in such systems are not fully understood and much more research may be needed before a concensus emerges about the right way (or set of ways) to
achieve a really good multi-processing system suitable for children.
Chapter 5
1. The most prolific contributor to the development of such systems is Andrea diSessa,
who is responsible, among many other things, for the term "Dynaturtle." H. Abelson and A.
diSessa, Turtle Geometry: Computation as a Medium for Exploring Mathematics (Cambridge: MIT Press, in press).
2. The discussion of the Monkey Problem uses a computational model. However this
model is very far from fitting the notion of computation as algorithmic programming built
into most programming languages. Making this model consists of creating a collection of objects and setting up interactions between them. This image of computation, which has come
to be known as "object-oriented" or "message-passing" programming, was first developed as
a technical method for simulation programs and implemented as a language called SIMULA. Recently it has drawn much broader interest and, in particular, has become a focus
of attention in Artificial Intelligence research where it has been most extensively developed
by Carl Hewitt and his students. Alan Kay has for a long time been the most active advocate
of object-oriented languages in education.
Chapter 6
1. Martin Gardner, Mathematical Carnival (New York: Random House, 1977).
Chapter 7
1. For remarks by Piaget on Bourbaki see "Logique et connaissance scientifique," ed. J.
Piaget, Encyclopidie de la Pleide, vol. 22 (Paris: Gallimard, 1967).
2. C. L~vi-Strauss, Structural Anthropology, 2 vols. (New York: Basic Books, 1963-76).
3. L6vi-Strauss uses the word bricolage as a technical term for the tinkering-like process
we have been discussing. Bricoleur is the word for someone who engages in bricolage. These
concepts have been developed in a computational context in Robert Lawler, "One Child's
Learning: An Intimate Study" (Ph.D. thesis, MIT, 1979).
4. Of course our culture provides everyone with plenty of occasions to practice particular
systematic procedures. Its poverty is in materials for thinking about and talking about procedures. When children come to LOGO they often have trouble recognizing a procedure as
an entity. Coming to do so, is, in my view, analogous to the process of formation of permanent objects in infancy and of all the Piagetionly-conserved entities such as number, weight,
and length. In LOGO, procedures are manipulable entities. They can be named, stored
away, retrieved, changed, used as building blocks for superprocedures and analyzed into subprocedures. In this process they are assimilated to schematic or frames of more familiar entities. Thus they acquire the quality of "being entities." They inherit "concreteness." They
also inherit specific knowledge.
Computer(s), (continued)
thinking like, 155
as writing instrument, 30-31
Computer cultures, 19-37
debugging and, 23
LOGO, see LOGO environment(s)
programming language and, 34
"Computer revolution," 185-186
Computer science, change and, 208-209
Condensation, idea of, 199-200
Conservation, Piagetian, 166-167
Conservation of volume, 20, 41
four-agent account of, 167-169, 170
Continuity principle, 54, 63
learning, 20
number versus, 41
language influence on, 170-171
LOGO computer, see LOGO
math, 9
mathophobic, 4
precomputer, 20, 22-23
as source of building materials, 7-8
surrounding samba schools and LOGO
environments, 181
Curriculum, learning without, 31-32; see
also Piagetian learning
Curvature, definitions of, 67, 221n 4
of mathematics, 39
as strategy for learning, 65
Dynaturtles, 122, 124
linked, 130
Dyscalculia, 46; see also Mathophobia
of drawing, 13
of text, 31
computer use in, 53
conservatism in, 34-37
stagnation of thinking about, 186-187
Educator as anthropologist, 32, 181
Ego-syntonicity, 63, 68, 205-206
Freud's concept of, 221n 2
Electronic sketchpad, 12-13
Epistemological modularity, 171
child as, 19, 23, 27-28, 98
Piaget as, 156-159, 162-163
Epistemology, genetic, vii-viii, 163, 206207
Euclid, 55, 66-67
Grading, technology of, and school math,
Graduated Length Method, 185
Grammar, 48-50
Groupements, Piaget's theory of, 160, 168,
"Heading" as property, 55
Heuristics, 58-59, 64-65
Human relationships in LOGO environments and in samba schools, 179-180
"Humanities" versus "science," 38
computer and, 38-39
Identification, 55-56, 63
Integrated circuit technology, 24
Integration, Turtle geometry and, 220221n 1 (Ch. 3)
Intellectual abilities, development of, 20
Intermediates, looking for, 148-149
Intrinsic differential geometry, 67
Intuition, debugging of, 144-146, 147-150
computer, see Programming languages
Law(s) of motion, 124-125
idea of, 131
Newtonian, see Newtonian law(s) of
computational procedures and, 113
dissociated versus syntonic, 63
fear of, 38-54, 39-40
genetic understanding of, vii
of grammar, 48-50
local nature Of, 172-173
mathematics made for, 55-95
of physical skills, 96-100
teaching versus, 7, 8
theory of mother structures and, 160
trial and error, 113-114
ways of, 136-137, 154-155
Learning environments, 8-9; see also
LOGO environment(s)
Learning pathways:
into aerodynamics, 123
into Newtonian motion, 123
into numerical knowledge, 160
Learning society, images of, 177-189
L~vi-Strauss, Claude, 173, 223n 3
LISP, 33
Local-global relationship, 161
learning and, 172
LOGO, roots of: Piaget and AI, 156-176
LOGO environment(s), 11
child-computer relationship in, 19
culture surrounding, 181
debugging in, 61-62
debugging philosophy and, 114
"learning mathematics" and, 114
as objects-to-think-with, 182
personal need in, 74
samba schools and, 179-I 83
teacher-child interaction in, 134
thinking and talking about procedures
in, 223n 4
thinking of children in, 28-29
LOGO language(s), 11
development of, 210-211
family of, 217n 2
"Loud Thinking," 197, 212
Mathematics (continued)
principles of appropriable, 54
remembering roots of, 163-164, 207
samba school for, 182
school math versus, 51
Mathetic, defined, 39
Mathetic knowledge, 63-65
Mathetic principle(s), 52, 120, 129
structured programming as, 105
Mathland, 6-7, 43-46
learning in, 47-48
"speaking computer" and, 16
Turtle, 59
Mathophobia, 8, 9, 38-54
Mathophobic cultures, 4
"Mathpower," 74-75
McCulloch, Warren, 164, 207
Mechanical thinking, 27
Memory and dissociation, 65
Microworld(s), 120-134
child as builder of, 118-119, 162
complexity and simplicity in, 117-118
designing series of, 125-127
internal intelligibility of, 117-118
of pairing, 161-162
Turtle, learning and, 137-138
Mind-size bites:
benefits of knowledge in, 171
powerful ideas in, 135-155
procedures in, 103
Mirror Turtles, 130-131
Modularity, 171, 173
epistemological, 171
Momentum, 122
Monkey Problem, 131-132
Mother structures, 159-160
Aristotelian idea of, 123
idea of law of, 131
laws of, various, 124-125
Newtonian, experiences of, 123-124
Newton's laws of, see Newtonian law(s)
of motion
Turtle laws of, 127
Motivation, 96-97
Multi-processing, 222n 3
Nested loops, 22
New Math, 53, 152
Newtonian law(s) of motion, 121-122, 184
blocks to access to, 126
experiences of, 123-124
reconceptualizing, 184
stated, 125
third, 129-131
"Objects-to-think-with," 11
computers as, 23
LOGO environments as, 182
Order, mother structure of, 160
Pirsig, Robert, mathematical aesthetic and,
Play Turtle, 58-59, 64
debugging and, 116
Polya's principles and, 75-76
Poincar6, Raymond, 190-197, 201,203
mathematical unconscious of, 190-197,
Polya, George, 64, 127
play Turtle and, 75-76
Power principle, 54, 63
Powerful ideas:
in mind-size bites, 135-155
power of, 76, 212-213
relation of, to teaching basic skills, 151155
Prerequisites, problem of, 123-124, 132
Procedural knowledge, 135
computer experience and, 152-155
idea of, 154-155, 175
programming languages and, 171
thinking and talking about, 223n 4
"straight-line," 104
structured, 102-104, 105, 107
"Programming computers" as teaching
Turtle, 12, 59-60
Programming language(s):
BASIC, 33-36
cost of, 34
descriptive, 96, 98-100
Propositional knowledge, 135
Recursion, 71, 74
Roots of mathematics, remembering, 163164, 207
Russell, Bertrand, 193
of basic skills, powerful ideas and, 151155
learning without, 7, 9; see a l s o Piagetian
Teaching Turtle, programming as, 12, 5960
Theory builder, child as, 132-134, 172
combinatorial, 21-22, 174-176, 197
concrete versus formal, 21-22
intuitive, 154
about knowledge, 171-172
linear, 201
mechanical, 27
procedural, 155
self-referential, 21-22, 109, 171-172
stagnation of, 186-187
styles of, 27
Thinking about thinking, 21-22, 27-28,
computational-method theory, 167-169
deductive and knowledge-based, 165-166
Topological invariant, Turtle and, 221n 1
(Ch. 3)
Topology, mother structure of, 160
"Total Turtle Trip Theorem," 76, 221n 1
(Ch. 3)
Touch sensor Turtles, 12, 218-219n 4
differential equation and, 221n 1 (Ch. 3)
Transitional object, viii, 161
Transitional theories, 132
Trial and error learning, 113-114
Turtle(s), 11, 56
acceleration, 128
Dynaturtles, 122, 124
history of, 218n 3
mirror, 130--131
multiple, 130-131
Newtonian, 128
physics, 126
touch sensor, 12, 218-219n 4, 221 n 1
mathematical: 190-207
role and nature of (Poincar6), 194, 196197
(Ch. 3)
velocity, 128, 131
Turtle geometry, 53-54, 55-93, 129
computer use in, 53
differential equation and, 221n 1 (Ch. 4)
as differential geometry, 66-67
goal of, 53-54
as heuristic idea carrier, 64
integration and, 220-221n 1 (Ch. 3)
momentum and, 128
person-mathematics relationship and,
Polya's principles and, 64