Private International Law
Private International Law
Private International Law
Broadly speaking substantive law is that branch of law which is
constitutive of rights and obligation and the procedural law is that branch
of law which provides methods and ways or enforcing rights and
obligation. No other principles are more well established in private
international law than the principle that all matters of procedure are
governed by the lex fori, and that all rules of procedure of foreign law
can be given effect.
Lex fori is a legal term used in conflict of laws to refer to laws of the
jurisdiction in which a legal action is brought.
The principle that all matters of procedure are governed by the lex fori
Is justice on the basis that since the law of procedure is the most technical
branch of any legal system, the machinery that will work most smoothly in
enforcing rights acquired elsewhere can be the one provided by lex fori,
therefore any person who chooses the forum for enforcing his rights must
accept the procedure as laid down by the lex fori. The greatest merits of
this principle is that it establishes certainty and equality.
1 Garner B.A, Black's Law Dictionary, Ninth Edition, WEST PUBUSHING CO. West, United States of
America, 2004.. page 1323
The part of the law that creates, defines, and regulates the
rights, duties, and powers of parties.
PROCEDURAL LAW. "SO far as the administration of justice is
concerned with the application of remedies to violated rights,
we may say that the substantive law defines the remedy and
the right, while the law of procedure defines the modes and
conditions of the application of the one to the other. 3
Procedural law deal with method and means by which
substantive law is made and administered. The time allowed for
one party to sue another and the rules of law governing the
process of the law suit is example of procedural laws.
Substantive law define crimes and punishment in criminal law
and in civil rights and responsibilities in civil law. It is codified in
legislated statute or can be enacted through the initiative
It is not always easy to distinguish substantive law and
procedural law, sometimes court deem the rules that seem
procedural to be substantive for example in Bolton v- Travelers
Insurance Co.
The Court held that a statute of limitation was substantive, but
the rules governing the time for answer and appearance were
Substantive law and procedural law on the recognition and
enforcement of foreign judgement can be confusing for two
reasons, first, while most states and federal court decision on
recognition of foreign judgment follow some version of U.S
Supreme Courts community analysis is in Hilton v- Guyot, this
area is considered largely to be governed by the state law.
While Substantive rules on recognition are generally uniform, in
some states they are found in statute and in other they remain
matter of common law.
." John Salmond, jurisprudence 476 (Glanville L. Williams ed., 10th ed.1947).
prevalence of perjury, and the natural fear of any court which lacks an
assured position lest some powerful member of the community should be
offended by its decision. Hence comes escape from the judgment of man
to that of God , the ordeal which has played such a great part in European
legal history.
In Modern times , proof is made by means of the production of evidence
which term as used in Judicial proceedings , means the facts, testimony
and documents which may be legally received in order to prove or
disprove the fact under inquiry.
Foreign judgment. A decree, judgment, or order of a court in a
state, country, or judicial system different from that where the
judgment or its effect is at issue. 5
Broadly speaking substantive law is that branch of law which is
constitutive of rights and obligation and the procedural law is that branch
of law which provides methods and ways or enforcing rights and
obligation. No other principles are more well established in private
international law than the principle that all matters of procedure are
governed by the lex fori, and that all rules of procedure of foreign law
can be given effect.
Lex fori is a legal term used in conflict of laws to refer to laws of the
jurisdiction in which a legal action is brought.
The principle that all matters of procedure are governed by the lex fori
Is justice on the basis that since the law of procedure is the most technical
branch of any legal system, the machinery that will work most smoothly in
enforcing rights acquired elsewhere can be the one provided by lex fori,
therefore any person who chooses the forum for enforcing his rights must
accept the procedure as laid down by the lex fori. The greatest merits of
this principle is that it establishes certainty and equality.
Foreign judgements is a judgement brought in from another state. A
foreign judgement cannot in the absence of an international agreement be
5 Ibid page 919
As with any claim involving foreign elements a court has to
have jurisdiction to adjudicate an action in order to enforce a
foreign judgement. A person who seeks to enforce a foreign
judgement must satisfy the enforcing court rules on jurisdiction
on international matters. In many instances this requirement
will not be difficult to meet because the defendant may have
assets or may be present or resident within the jurisdiction.
After the court has established jurisdiction it employs conditions
upon which a foreign judgement can be enforced.
The res judicata effect of foreign judgement
In addition to enforcing a foreign judgement a party can plead
the judgement as re judicata such a plea may relate to either
the cause of action as a whole or a specific issue decided by
the foreign curt in both instances the argument will be that the
cause of action or issue has been determined by the foreign
Conditions for enforcement of foreign judgement
Procedural requirements
The duty to recognize foreign judgements is usually excluded where
fundamental procedural requirements were violated in the rendering
The most important procedural requirements for recognition are:
If the judgement was based on fraud or abuse of process recognition will be denied.
(3) if proceedings between the same parties, based on the same facts and having
the same purpose
a) are pending before a court of the State addressed and those proceedings were the
first to be instituted, or
b)have resulted in a decision by a court of the State addressed, or
c)have resulted in a decision by a court of another State which would be entitled to
recognition and enforcement under the law of the State addressed
The term evidence is derived from the Latin word evidere
meaning to make clear to the sight. In common parlance,
evidence is what makes evidence something to someone in
law, evidence is that which makes evidence a fact to a judicial
tribunal it may be noted that a fact is not only the object of
perception, but also the subject of consciousness. Fact is thus
distinguished from opinion and law. An opinion as to what a
person is expected to say has no place in an inquiry as to the
fact of what words he actually spoke. And to give an opinion as
to the legal effect is the function not of a witness, but of the
tribunal. That which makes evidence a fact may be regarded
from different points of view and the term evidence is applied
to more than one conception.
The evidence of a fact may be other facts from which the main
fact is deduced, or inferred. Thus the evidence of the state of a
mans digestion may be the fact that pain regularly follows the
eating of one sort of food. Hence, best defined evidence as any
matter of fact, the effect, tendency or design of which, is to
produce in the mind a persuasion, affirmative or disaffirmative,
of the existence of some other matter of fact.
Garner B.A, Black's Law Dictionary, Ninth Edition, WEST PUBUSHING CO. West, United
States of America, 2004