LIBRO. Uskali Mäki (2009), The Methodology of Positive Economics
LIBRO. Uskali Mäki (2009), The Methodology of Positive Economics
LIBRO. Uskali Mäki (2009), The Methodology of Positive Economics
Milton Friedmans 1953 essay The methodology of positive economics remains the most cited, influential, and controversial piece of methodological writing in twentieth-century economics. Since its appearance,
the essay has shaped the image of economics as a scientific discipline,
both within and outside academia. At the same time, there has been an
ongoing controversy over the proper interpretation and normative evaluation of the essay. Perceptions have been sharply divided, with some
viewing economics as a scientific success thanks to its adherence to
Friedmans principles, others taking it as a failure for the same reason.
In this book, a team of world-renowned experts in the methodology of
economics cast new light on Friedmans methodological arguments and
practices from a variety of perspectives. It provides the twenty-firstcentury reader with an invaluable assessment of the impact and contemporary significance of Friedmans seminal work.
Uskali Mki is Academy Professor at the Academy of Finland. He has
written extensively on the philosophy and methodology of economics
and is editor of a number of books, including The Economic World View
(Cambridge University Press, 2001), Fact and Fiction in Economics
(Cambridge University Press, 2002), and Handbook of the Philosophy of
Economics (2009).
Uskali Mki
eBook (EBL)
List of figures
List of tables
page ix
Part 4
Part 5
Concluding perspectives
Final word
milton friedman
List of contributors
List of contributors
List of contributors
List of contributors
Papers for the conference were commissioned from what was close to
the best possible team of scholars on the theme. They were asked to highlight a number of well-circumscribed issues that are contained in F53 or
that F53 has given rise to. The assignment given to the contributors was
broad and simple. They were asked to put themselves in the shoes of a
twenty-first-century reader wishing to check by himself or herself what to
make of F53: in the light of (1) the text of the essay, (2) the historical
and intellectual context of the essay, and (3) the later developments of
economics and its methodology what is the twenty-first-century reader
advised to think of the contents of F53 and their descriptive and prescriptive
adequacy? The assignment was indeed broad, but each contributor was
invited to approach it from a separate limited angle. Taken together, the
responses, reported in the chapters of the present book, provide a rather
comprehensive account of F53 for the twenty-first-century reader.
The harvest is no doubt thus far the most ambitious collective attempt
to examine and assess F53 in its various contexts. The flow of commentaries, criticisms, utilizations, and debates over the credentials of F53 has
continued for half a century now. I dare claim that the volume youre
holding in your hands makes significant progress towards a deeper understanding of F53 and the difficult issues that it set out to address in the mid
twentieth century and that economists and their critics keep arguing about
half a century later.
I invited Milton Friedman to join us in Rotterdam, but at the age of 91, he
was not eager to travel. Revealing his enduring interest in methodological
issues, he did read the contributions and wrote a brief note that is included
at the end of this volume. To my knowledge, this is the first time that he has
publicly spelled out his views about what others have written about his
essay, but unsurprisingly perhaps, he keeps his statement very general and
polite (while in private correspondence and conversations, he has been
active in reacting to various criticisms and suggestions in more substantive
ways). He had decided to stick to his old private rule according to which
he will let the essay live its own life. It remains a challenge to the rest of us to
live our academic lives together with the methodological essay that he left
behind. This is the challenge the current volume sets out to meet.
Special thanks go to Frank Hindriks, Caterina Marchionni, and
Giorgos Papadopoulos for great help in preparing and running the conference, and to Samuli Pyhnen for splendid assistance in preparing the
We would also like to thank the University of Chicago Press for allowing
us to reproduce F53 in its full and original form.
u s ka l i m k i
Part 1
Essays in Positive Economics
the source of continuous and extensive controversy and the occasion for frequent legislation. Self-proclaimed "experts" speak
with many voices and can hardly all be regarded as disinterested;
in any event, on questions that matter so much, "expert" opinion
could hardly be accepted solely on faith even if the "experts"
were nearly unanimous and clearly disinterested.2 The conclusions of positive economics seem to be, and are, immediately
relevant to important normative problems, to questions of what
ought to be done and how any given goal can be attained. Laymen and experts alike are inevitably tempted to shape positive
conclusions to fit strongly held normative preconceptions and to
reject positive conclusions if their normative implicationsor
what are said to be their normative implicationsare unpalatable.
Positive economics is in principle independent of any particular
ethical position or normative judgments. As Keynes says, it
deals with "what is," not with "what ought to be." Its task is to
provide a system of generalizations that can be used to make
correct predictions about the consequences of any change in
circumstances. Its performance is to be judged by the precision,
scope, and conformity with experience of the predictions it
yields. In short, positive economics is, or can be, an "objective"
science, in precisely the same sense as any of the physical sciences. Of course, the fact that economics deals with the interrelations of human beings, and that the investigator is himself
part of the subject matter being investigated in a more intimate
sense than in the physical sciences, raises special difficulties in
achieving objectivity at the same time that it provides the social
scientist with a class of data not available to the physical sci2. Social science or economics is by no means peculiar in this respectwitness
the importance of personal beliefs and of "home" remedies in medicine wherever
obviously convincing evidence for "expert" opinion is lacking. The current prestige and acceptance of the views of physical scientists in their fields of specializationand, all too often, in other fields as wellderives, not from faith alone,
but from the evidence of their works, the success of their predictions, and the dramatic achievements from applying their results. When economics seemed to provide
such evidence of its worth, in Great Britain in the first half of the nineteenth century, the prestige and acceptance of "scientific economics" rivaled the current prestige of the physical sciences.
entist. But neither the one nor the other is, in my view, a fundamental distinction between the two groups of sciences.3
Normative economics and the art of economics, on the other
hand, cannot be independent of positive economics. Any policy
conclusion necessarily rests on a prediction about the consequences of doing one thing rather than another, a prediction
that must be basedimplicitly or explicitlyon positive economics. There is not, of course, a one-to-one relation between policy
conclusions and the conclusions of positive economics; if there
were, there would be no separate normative science. Two individuals may agree on the consequences of a particular piece
of legislation. One may regard them as desirable on balance and
so favor the legislation; the other, as undesirable and so oppose
the legislation.
I venture the judgment, however, that currently in the Western world, and especially in the United States, differences about
economic policy among disinterested citizens derive predominantly from different predictions about the economic consequences of
taking actiondifferences that in principle can be eliminated by
the progress of positive economicsrather than from fundamental differences in basic values, differences about which men
can ultimately only fight. An obvious and not unimportant example is minimum-wage legislation. Underneath the welter of
arguments offered for and against such legislation there is an
underlying consensus on the objective of achieving a "living
wage" for all, to use the ambiguous phrase so common in such
discussions. The difference of opinion is largely grounded on an
implicit or explicit difference in predictions about the efficacy
of this particular means in furthering the agreed-on end. Proponents believe (predict) that legal minimum wages diminish
poverty by raising the wages of those receiving less than the
minimum wage as well as of some receiving more than the
3. The interaction between the observer and the process observed that is so prominent a feature of the social sciences, besides its more obvious parallel in the physical
sciences, has a more subtle counterpart in the indeterminacy principle arising out of
the interaction between the process of measurement and the phenomena being measured. And both have a counterpart in pure logic in Godel's theorem, asserting the
impossibility of a comprehensive self-contained logic. It is an open question whether
all three can be regarded as different formulations of an even more general principle.
tinguishing positive economics sharply from normative economics is precisely the contribution that can thereby be made to
agreement about policy.
hypothesis is to be consistent may rule out some of these possibilities; it can never reduce them to a single possibility alone
capable of being consistent with the finite evidence. The choice
among alternative hypotheses equally consistent with the available evidence must to some extent be arbitrary, though there
is general agreement that relevant considerations are suggested
by the criteria "simplicity" and "fruitfulness," themselves notions that defy completely objective specification. A theory is
"simpler" the less the initial knowledge needed to make a prediction within a given field of phenomena; it is more "fruitful"
the more precise the resulting prediction, the wider the area within which the theory yields predictions, and the more additional
lines for further research it suggests. Logical completeness and
consistency are relevant but play a subsidiary role; their function is to assure that the hypothesis says what it is intended
to say and does so alike for all usersthey play the same role
here as checks for arithmetical accuracy do in statistical computations.
Unfortunately, we can seldom test particular predictions in the
social sciences by experiments explicitly designed to eliminate
what are judged to be the most important disturbing influences.
Generally, we must rely on evidence cast up by the "experiments" that happen to occur. The inability to conduct so-called
"controlled experiments" does not, in my view, reflect a basic
difference between the social and physical sciences both because
it is not peculiar to the social scienceswitness astronomy
and because the distinction between a controlled experiment and
uncontrolled experience is at best one of degree. No experiment
can be completely controlled, and every experience is partly controlled, in the sense that some disturbing influences are relatively constant in the course of it.
Evidence cast up by experience is abundant and frequently
as conclusive as that from contrived experiments; thus the
inability to conduct experiments is not a fundamental obstacle
to testing hypotheses by the success of their predictions. But
such evidence is far more difficult to interpret. It is frequently
complex and always indirect and incomplete. Its collection is
often arduous, and its interpretation generally requires subtle
takes account of, and accounts for, none of the many other
attendant circumstances, since its very success shows them to
be irrelevant for the phenomena to be explained.
To put this point less paradoxically, the relevant question to
ask about the "assumptions" of a theory is not whether they
are descriptively "realistic," for they never are, but whether they
are sufficiently good approximations for the purpose in hand.
And this question can be answered only by seeing whether the
theory works, which means whether it yields sufficiently accurate
predictions. The two supposedly independent tests thus reduce
to one test.
The theory of monopolistic and imperfect competition is one
example of the neglect in economic theory of these propositions.
The development of this analysis was explicitly motivated, and
its wide acceptance and approval largely explained, by the belief that the assumptions of "perfect competition" or "perfect
monopoly" said to underlie neoclassical economic theory are a
false image of reality. And this belief was itself based almost
entirely on the directly perceived descriptive inaccuracy of the
assumptions rather than on any recognized contradiction of
predictions derived from neoclassical economic theory. The
lengthy discussion on marginal analysis in the American Economic Review some years ago is an even clearer, though much less
important, example. The articles on both sides of the controversy
largely neglect what seems to me clearly the main issue-the
conformity to experience of the implications of the marginal
analysisand concentrate on the largely irrelevant question
whether businessmen do or do not in fact reach their decisions
by consulting schedules, or curves, or multivariable functions
showing marginal cost and marginal revenue.13 Perhaps these
13. See R. A. Lester, "Shortcomings of Marginal Analysis for Wage-Employment Problems," American Economic Review, XXXVI (March, 1946), 62-82;
Fritz Machlup, "Marginal Analysis and Empirical Research," American Economic
Review, XXXVI (September, 1946), 519-54; R. A. Lester, "Marginalism, Minimum Wages, and Labor Markets," American Economic Review, XXXVII (March,
1947), 135-48; Fritz Machlup, "Rejoinder to an Antimarginalist," American
Economic Review, XXXVII (March, 1947), 148-54; G. J. Stigler, "Professor
Lester and the Marginalists," American Economic Review, XXXVII (March,
1947), 154-57; H. M. Oliver, Jr., "Marginal Theory and Business Behavior,"
American Economic Review, XXXVII (June, 1947), 375-83; R. A. Gordon,
two examples, and the many others they readily suggest, will serve
to justify a more extensive discussion of the methodological
principles involved than might otherwise seem appropriate.
We may start with a simple physical example, the law of falling bodies. It is an accepted hypothesis that the acceleration of
a body dropped in a vacuum is a constantg, or approximately
32 feet per second per second on the earthand is independent
of the shape of the body, the manner of dropping it, etc. This
implies that the distance traveled by a falling body in any specified time is given by the formula s = % gt2, where s is the distance traveled in feet and t is time in seconds. The application
of this formula to a compact ball dropped from the roof of a
building is equivalent to saying that a ball so dropped behaves
as if it were falling in a vacuum. Testing this hypothesis by its
assumptions presumably means measuring the actual air pressure and deciding whether it is close enough to zero. At sea level
the air pressure is about 15 pounds per square inch. Is 15 sufficiently close to zero for the difference to be judged insignificant?
Apparently it is, since the actual time taken by a compact ball to
fall from the roof of a building to the ground is very close to the
time given by the formula. Suppose, however, that a feather is
"Short-Period Price Determination in Theory and Practice," American Economic
Review, XXXVIII (June, 1948), 265-88.
It should be noted that, along with much material purportedly bearing on the
validity of the "assumptions" of marginal theory, Lester does refer to evidence on the conformity of experience with the implications of the theory, citing
the reactions of employment in Germany to the Papen plan and in the United
States to changes in minimum-wage legislation as examples of lack of conformity.
However, Stigler's brief comment is the only one of the other papers that refers
to this evidence. It should also be noted that Machlup's thorough and careful
exposition of the logical structure and meaning of marginal analysis is called
for by the misunderstandings on this score that mar Lester's paper and almost
conceal the evidence he presents that is relevant to the key issue he raises. But,
in Machlup's emphasis on the logical structure, he comes perilously close to presenting the theory as a pure tautology, though it is evident at a number of
points that he is aware of this danger and anxious to avoid it. The papers by
Oliver and Gordon are the most extreme in the exclusive concentration on the
conformity of the behavior of businessmen with the "assumptions" of the theory.
is one, but only one, of the variables that define these circumstances; the shape of the body, the velocity attained, and still
other variables are relevant as well. One way of interpreting the
variables other than air pressure is to regard them as determining
whether a particular departure from the "assumption" of a
vacuum is or is not significant. For example, the difference in
shape of the body can be said to make 15 pounds per square inch
significantly different from zero for a feather but not for a
compact ball dropped a moderate distance. Such a statement
must, however, be sharply distinguished from the very different
statement that the theory does not work for a feather because
its assumptions are false. The relevant relation runs the other
way: the assumptions are false for a feather because the theory
does not work. This point needs emphasis, because the entirely
valid use of "assumptions" in specifying the circumstances for
which a theory holds is frequently, and erroneously, interpreted
to mean that the assumptions can be used to determine the circumstances for which a theory holds, and has, in this way, been
an important source of the belief that a theory can be tested
by its assumptions.
Let us turn now to another example, this time a constructed one
designed to be an analogue of many hypotheses in the social
sciences. Consider the density of leaves around a tree. I suggest
the hypothesis that the leaves are positioned as if each leaf deliberately sought to maximize the amount of sunlight it receives,
given the position of its neighbors, as if it knew the physical laws
determining the amount of sunlight that would be received in
various positions and could move rapidly or instantaneously from
any one position to any other desired and unoccupied position.14
Now some of the more obvious implications of this hypothesis
are clearly consistent with experience: for example, leaves are in
general denser on the south than on the north side of trees but,
as the hypothesis implies, less so or not at all on the northern
14. This example, and some of the subsequent discussion, though independent
in origin, is similar to and in much the same spirit as an example and the approach in an important paper by Armen A. Alchian, "Uncertainty, Evolution,
and Economic Theory," Journal of Political Economy, LVIII (June, 1950),
The example of the leaves illustrates the first role of assumptions. Instead of saying that leaves seek to maximize the sunlight they receive, we could state the equivalent hypothesis, without any apparent assumptions, in the form of a list of rules for
predicting the density of leaves: if a tree stands in a level field
with no other trees or other bodies obstructing the rays of the
sun, then the density of leaves will tend to be such and such; if
a tree is on the northern slope of a hill in the midst of a forest
of similar trees, then . . . ; etc. This is clearly a far less economical
presentation of the hypothesis than the statement that leaves
seek to maximize the sunlight each receives. The latter statement
is, in effect, a simple summary of the rules in the above list, even
if the list were indefinitely extended, since it indicates both how
to determine the features of the environment that are important
for the particular problem and how to evaluate their effects. It
is more compact and at the same time no less comprehensive.
More generally, a hypothesis or theory consists of an assertion
that certain forces are, and by implication others are not, important for a particular class of phenomena and a specification
of the manner of action of the forces it asserts to be important.
We can regard the hypothesis as consisting of two parts: first,
a conceptual world or abstract model simpler than the "real
world" and containing only the forces that the hypothesis asserts
to be important; second, a set of rules defining the class of
phenomena for which the "model" can be taken to be an adequate
representation of the "real world" and specifying the correspondence between the variables or entities in the model and observable phenomena.
These two parts are very different in character. The model is
abstract and complete; it is an "algebra" or "logic." Mathematics
and formal logic come into their own in checking its consistency
and completeness and exploring its implications. There is no place
in the model for, and no function to be served by, vagueness,
maybe's, or approximations. The air pressure is zero, not "small,"
for a vacuum; the demand curve for the product of a competitive
an abstract model implies the possibility of interchanging "implications" and "assumptions" in the substantive hypothesis
corresponding to the abstract model, which is not to say that
any implication can be interchanged with any assumption but
only that there may be more than one set of statements that
imply the rest.
For example, consider a particular proposition in the theory
of oligopolistic behavior. If we assume (a) that entrepreneurs
seek to maximize their returns by any means including acquiring
or extending monopoly power, this will imply (b) that, when demand for a "product" is geographically unstable, transportation
costs are significant, explicit price agreements illegal, and the
number of producers of the product relatively small, they will
tend to establish basing-point pricing systems.17 The assertion
(a) is regarded as an assumption and (b) as an implication because we accept the prediction of market behavior as the purpose
of the analysis. We shall regard the assumption as acceptable if
we find that the conditions specified in (b) are generally associated with basing-point pricing, and conversely. Let us now
change our purpose to deciding what cases to prosecute under
the Sherman Antitrust Law's prohibition of a "conspiracy in restraint of trade." If we now assume (c) that basing-point pricing
is a deliberate construction to facilitate collusion under the conditions specified in (b), this will imply (d) that entrepreneurs
who participate in basing-point pricing are engaged in a "conspiracy in restraint of trade." What was formerly an assumption
now becomes an implication, and conversely. We shall now regard the assumption (c) as valid if we find that, when entrepreneurs participate in basing-point pricing, there generally
tends to be other evidence, in the form of letters, memorandums,
or the like, of what courts regard as a "conspiracy in restraint
of trade."
Suppose the hypothesis works for the first purpose, namely,
the prediction of market behavior. It clearly does not follow that
it will work for the second purpose, namely, predicting whether
there is enough evidence of a "conspiracy in restraint of trade"
17. See George J. Stigler, "A Theory of Delivered Price Systems," American
Economic Review, XXXIX (December, 1949), 1143-57.
so far met with dramatic success. If a class of "economic phenomena" appears varied and complex, it is, we must suppose, because we have no adequate theory to explain them. Known facts
cannot be set on one side; a theory to apply "closely to reality,"
on the other. A theory is the way we perceive "facts," and we
cannot perceive "facts" without a theory. Any assertion that
economic phenomena are varied and complex denies the tentative
state of knowledge that alone makes scientific activity meaningful; it is in a class with John Stuart Mill's justly ridiculed statement that "happily, there is nothing in the laws of value which
remains [1848] for the present or any future writer to clear up;
the theory of the subject is complete."27
The confusion between descriptive accuracy and analytical
relevance has led not only to criticisms of economic theory on
largely irrelevant grounds but also to misunderstanding of
economic theory and misdirection of efforts to repair supposed defects. "Ideal types" in the abstract model developed by economic
theorists have been regarded as strictly descriptive categories
intended to correspond directly and fully to entities in the real
world independently of the purpose for which the model is being
used. The obvious discrepancies have led to necessarily unsuccessful attempts to construct theories on the basis of categories
intended to be fully descriptive.
This tendency is perhaps most clearly illustrated by the interpretation given to the concepts of "perfect competition" and
"monopoly" and the development of the theory of "monopolistic"
or "imperfect competition." Marshall, it is said, assumed "perfect competition"; perhaps there once was such a thing. But
clearly there is no longer, and we must therefore discard his
theories. The reader will search long and hardand I predict
unsuccessfullyto find in Marshall any explicit assumption about
perfect competition or any assertion that in a descriptive sense
the world is composed of atomistic firms engaged in perfect
competition. Rather, he will find Marshall saying: "At one
extreme are world markets in which competition acts directly
from all parts of the globe; and at the other those secluded
27. Principles of Political Economy
p. 436.
as a "small" air pressure. In one connection Chamberlin implicitly defines an industry as a group of firms having identical cost
and demand curves.35 But this, too, is logically meaningless so
long as differentiation of product is, as claimed, essential and not
to be put aside. What does it mean to say that the cost and demand curves of a firm producing bulldozers are identical with
those of a firm producing hairpins?36 And if it is meaningless for
bulldozers and hairpins, it is meaningless also for two brands
of toothpasteso long as it is insisted that the difference between
the two brands is fundamentally important.
The theory of monopolistic competition offers no tools for the
analysis of an industry and so no stopping place between the
firm at one extreme and general equilibrium at the other.37 It is
therefore incompetent to contribute to the analysis of a host of
important problems: the one extreme is too narrow to be of
great interest; the other, too broad to permit meaningful generalizations.38
Economics as a positive science is a body of tentatively accepted generalizations about economic phenomena that can be
used to predict the consequences of changes in circumstances.
34. See R. L. Bishop, "Elasticities, Cross-elasticities, and Market Relationships," American Economic Review, XLII (December, 1952), 779-803, for a
recent attempt to construct a rigorous classification of market relationships
along these lines. Despite its ingenuity and sophistication, the result seems to
me thoroughly unsatisfactory. It rests basically on certain numbers being
classified as "large" or "small," yet there is no discussion at all of how to
decide whether a particular number is "large" or "small," as of course there
cannot be on a purely abstract level.
35. Op. cit., p. 82.
36. There always exists a transformation of quantities that will make either
the cost curves or the demand curves identical; this transformation need not,
however, be linear, in which case it will involve different-sized units of one
product at different levels of output. There does not necessarily exist a transformation that will make both pairs of curves identical.
37. See Robert Triffin, Monopolistic Competition and General Equilibrium Theory
(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1940), esp. pp. 188-89.
38. For a detailed critique see George J. Stigler, "Monopolistic Competition
in Retrospect," in Five Lectures on Economic Problems (London: Macmillan & Co.,
1949), pp. 12-24.
some of its implications that can be readily checked with observation or by bringing out its connection with other hypotheses
dealing with related phenomena; and similar considerations.
Such a theory cannot be tested by comparing its "assumptions"
directly with "reality." Indeed, there is no meaningful way in
which this can be done. Complete "realism" is clearly unattainable, and the question whether a theory is realistic "enough"
can be settled only by seeing whether it yields predictions that
are good enough for the purpose in hand or that are better than
predictions from alternative theories. Yet the belief that a theory
can be tested by the realism of its assumptions independently of
the accuracy of its predictions is widespread and the source of
much of the perennial criticism of economic theory as unrealistic.
Such criticism is largely irrelevant, and, in consequence, most
attempts to reform economic theory that it has stimulated have
been unsuccessful.
The irrelevance of so much criticism of economic theory does
not of course imply that existing economic theory deserves any
high degree of confidence. These criticisms may miss the target,
yet there may be a target for criticism. In a trivial sense, of
course, there obviously is. Any theory is necessarily provisional
and subject to change with the advance of knowledge. To go
beyond this platitude, it is necessary to be more specific about
the content of "existing economic theory" and to distinguish
among its different branches; some parts of economic theory
clearly deserve more confidence than others. A comprehensive
evaluation of the present state of positive economics, summary
of the evidence bearing on its validity, and assessment of the
relative confidence that each part deserves is clearly a task for
a treatise or a set of treatises, if it be possible at all, not for a
brief paper on methodology.
About all that is possible here is the cursory expression of a
personal view. Existing relative price theory, which is designed
to explain the allocation of resources among alternative ends
and the division of the product among the co-operating resources
and which reached almost its present form in Marshall's Principles of Economics, seems to me both extremely fruitful and
deserving of much confidence for the kind of economic system
Part 2
Even outrageously unrealistic assumptions are just fine insofar as the theory
or model involving them performs well in predicting phenomena of interest. Most economists and many non-economists will attribute this principle
to Milton Friedman. Many will consider the principle itself outrageous,
while others praise Friedman for having formulated it so persuasively.
Friedmans The methodology of positive economics was published
in 1953 as the opening chapter of his Essays in Positive Economics. There is
no doubt that this short essay of forty pages became the most cited, the most
influential, and the most controversial piece of methodological writing in
twentieth-century economics. The power and diversity of its impact and
reception are evident. The essay (henceforth F53) has helped shape
many economists conceptions of how to do good economics and how to
defend certain ways of doing economics. It has also provoked many others
to voice their disagreement with the claims of the essay, to argue that
the view of science suggested by F53 is deeply flawed, even dangerous
for the cognitive aspirations and social responsibilities of economics.
These disagreements have not diminished in the course of the years
since the publication of F53. Whenever someone makes reference to
Friedmans methodological view (perhaps using other expressions
such as Friedmans as-if methodology or Friedmans instrumentalism), the context typically reveals that the expression is used either
approvingly or disapprovingly, and often uncompromisingly so.
The legacy of F53 has led a double life. In the last half a century, F53
has prompted numerous scholarly commentaries and criticisms in an
attempt to understand and (mostly) to resist its message. But the influence
of F53 evidently reaches far beyond such explicit commentaries. In fact its
effective impact may have flown along its own separate ways, uninfluenced by the various criticisms that have been leveled against the
essay. There has been a popular legacy of F53, based on a vague understanding of its key ideas, sustained and transmitted without any detailed
analysis or reflection on the text of the essay, often without citation or
Uskali Mki
Uskali Mki
The first dimension has to do with the foci and functions of reading F53,
ranging from examining it to using it. At one end, one may approach F53
as itself the primary target of study, examining and explaining it, analyzing
and scrutinizing it, contextualizing and criticizing it, and so on. At the
other end of the spectrum, the reader of F53 may take it as a source or
means of information and inspiration, of persuasive argument and authoritative judgment, of reproach and ridicule. Here, without examining F53
itself, one may quote or cite it, and then proceed to focus on other things,
such as the nature of economic models, contemporary debates in economic theory and method, issues around the public image of economics,
or challenges of economics education.
There is no dichotomy here, but rather a continuum of foci along this
dimension. For example, many reflective readers of F53 nowadays examine the text of the essay in order to use the findings as evidence for an
account of the methodological outlook of the author of F53 more broadly.
Uskali Mki
In this case, one examines F53 without drawing conclusions about F53
only, but may use the outcome of such investigations together with other
sources of evidence for portraying Milton Friedmans methodology of
doing economic research. This strategy appears in several studies, including the book on Friedman by Abraham Hirsch and Neil De Marchi
(1990), Daniel Hammonds and Thomas Mayers various works, as well
as the chapter below by Kevin Hoover.
This observation gives us an important distinction between examining
F53 in order to understand it, and examining F53 in order to understand
Friedmans economics and its methodology. It is important to be explicit
about the difference between the two goals of reading, given that they are
not always kept distinct. Both are legitimate tasks, but they require different standards to be appropriately assessed. For example, in considering an
interpretive attempt to understand F53 alone, one should not judge the
attempt straightforwardly in terms of its success or failure to provide
understanding of Friedmans economics. A good account of F53 may
not be a good account of Friedmans methodology, in some cases not even
part of it. Indeed, Friedmans methodology and the methodology of F53 are
not one and the same thing, even though the two are likely to be connected. That they are not the same thing is exemplified, among other
things, by incongruences between the dictates of F53 and Friedmans
statements and practices elsewhere, such as unrealisticness of assumptions considered irrelevant here, but relevant there. It is notable that prior
to the 1980s, virtually all commentary on F53 focused on F53 without any
interest in Friedmans methodology. The situation has since then
changed, perhaps due to the changes in Milton Friedmans status within
economics: next to straight F53 studies, we now also have studies of
Friedmans methodology.
Given that all the other dimensions on my map lean towards the
examination side of the first dimension, I will not say more about this
here, but will instead focus on the use side. The popular legacy of F53 is a
matter of use without examination. As an example in this category, textbook authors sometimes make reference to F53 when explaining to the
students why they should not worry about unrealistic assumptions.
In the present volume, all contributions are within the reflective legacy,
but in some of them the use component is more pronounced than the
examination component.
Melvin Reders chapter deals with the role of visions or general
frames in economic theorizing, offering an extensive discussion of
contemporary debates over involuntary unemployment and sticky
wages and other methodological issues concerned with what qualifies as
evidence in economics. In these parts of Reders chapter, F53 is not so
much examined itself as used for launching the broader discussion. Also
dealing with issues of evidence, the focus of Chris Starmers chapter is on
the articles on expected utility jointly authored by Friedman and Savage,
published in the neighborhood of F53, namely in 1948 and 1952.
Pointing out parallels and incongruences between the methodological
positions revealed in these articles and F53, Starmer raises critical questions about using normative appeal as indirect evidence in support of the
expected-utility hypothesis. Starmer puts his observations also in the
context of current debates over the assumptions of rationality.
The mixture of examination and use is similar in Oliver Williamsons
chapter, which discusses some key ideas of F53 in the context of the post1953 developments away from the neoclassical theory of the firm
defended by F53. These developments lead away from just one theory
toward many theories, and from the unrealistic image of theories as
production functions with profit maximization toward increasing realisticness in motivation, then in process. Jack Vromens chapter can be seen
as a combination of examination and use: tracing various pre-F53 and
post-F53 versions of the evolutionary argument as designed and used by
various economists, he manages to help us see the distinct characteristics
of the argument as presented in F53 itself while at the same time
informing us about the variety of such arguments available in economics.
The second dimension on my map consists of a range of internal characteristics of F53 noticed by the reader, namely what F53 itself is taken to say
about economic theories and scientific reasoning, and how it says it. The
accounts of F53 here focus on interpreting and assessing its stated or
implied view of economics as a scientific discipline. The text of F53 serves
as the main source of evidence for these accounts, while the goal is to
identify and examine the claims and arguments of the essay. Given the
richness of the internal characteristics of F53, any reading is bound to be
somewhat selective among them some more, some less and there are
many ways of making ones selections.
At one end, readers may focus narrowly on just how F53 deals with
assumptions, predictive implications and data as well as their logical
relationships in economic theorizing. Most commentaries from the 1950s to
the 1970s were largely constrained by this perspective, from Rotwein
(1959) through Samuelson (1963) and Simon (1963) to Melitz (1965),
Bear and Orr (1967), Brunner (1969), Wong (1973), and Boland (1979).
F53 was read as stating that the truth of the assumptions of economic
theories is irrelevant, and their falsehood is just fine, thus it makes no sense
Uskali Mki
to try to test them against empirical data, while the assumptions entail
predictive implications that are to be checked against the data, and this
constitutes an appropriate test of the theory itself. Commentators then
critically examined the logic of this argument about the logic of testing
economic theory. Some of them recognized the ambiguity of assumption in F53 and elsewhere, and checked the consequences with alternative specifications of the meaning of the term. Among the premises
shared by many such narrowly logical accounts of F53 were the ideas that
unrealisticness (of an assumption, or model) amounts to falsehood; that
the falsehood of its assumptions amounts to the falsehood of a theory or
model; and that assumptions are considered mainly from the point of view
of their role in yielding predictions. Obviously, these premises enable
creating a very limited image of F53.
The portrayal of F53 can then be enriched by adding a mixed variety of
further characteristics to its description, including how F53 depicts the
ontological, semantic, and social aspects of scientific reasoning. As for the
ontological aspects, what does F53 suggest regarding what is presupposed
about the constitution of economic reality in economic theorizing? For
example, does the profit maximization assumption presuppose something
about the deliberations and purposeful activities of business managers or
owners, or rather about the real pressures of the selection mechanisms of
competitive markets? How is one to interpret Friedmans suggestion that
the assumption of profit maximization summarizes the conditions of firm
survival through natural selection in the competitive market? These questions have been discussed since Koopmans (1957) and Winter (1964).
Jack Vromens chapter below joins this tradition in his extended analysis
of Friedmans selection argument in support of the maximization assumption. Chris Starmer devotes a section to this sort of argument in his
chapter on expected utility. Kevin Hoovers discussion below on
Friedmans poorly articulated attitudes towards real-world causation is
another example of addressing ontological issues. Mere logical relations
between sentences in a model are insufficient for capturing real causal
Moreover, rather than just taking the truth-values of assumptions and
predictions as given, and then examining their logical relationships, we
may ask: what does F53 suggest regarding what it is for a theory and its
assumptions to be true, or fail to be so? What functions do true and false
assumptions serve in a model? How should we interpret the as-if formulation from the point of view of truth and falsehood, and what epistemic
purpose is being served? What other ways are there for a theory or model
to be realistic or unrealistic? These questions require attention to the
precise claims about the world that theories and their components are
used for making. For example, an assumption may appear false when
formulated as a straightforward assertion about the world (the air pressure
is nil, the market is perfect), but may have a chance of being true when
rephrased as a claim about the negligibly small effect of some factor (the
air pressure is negligibly small, the deviation from market perfection is
negligible). This is a theme that was not perfectly lucid in F53, but was
later introduced by Alan Musgrave (1981) and followed up in Mki
(2000). There is another important idea that was not explicitly developed
by F53, but on generous interpretation may be viewed as compatible with
it. This is the idea that a model may appear false due to its narrowness and
its containment of false assumptions, yet it may be used for making true
claims about some significant facts about the world (Mki 1992). This
idea is further developed in my second chapter to this volume, as are the
semantics and ontology of the as-if locution. Furthermore, next to truth
and falsehood, there are other kinds of realisticness and unrealisticness
that play important implicit roles in F53s reasoning, such as those related
to observationality and partiality.
As to the social aspect of economic theorizing, what does F53 say or
imply about the ways in which theorizing is shaped by various social
factors within academia and outside it? These factors range from the
enabling and constraining roles of academic communities and conventions to the pressures from economic policy and ideology. This has been a
strikingly neglected theme in the legacy of F53, both popular and reflective. The chapter by Teira and Zamora in this volume looks at one aspect
of F53 from the point of view of a contract between the agents (economists) and principals (consumers) of economic knowledge. My own
work has stressed the central role of social shaping of economics in the
reasoning of F53 and combines this with the rest of the spectrum, namely
the logical, ontological, epistemological, and semantic perspectives (e.g.
Mki 1986, 1992, 2000).
Uskali Mki
science, and one may examine its later impact on these developments.
Most of the systematic commentary on F53, when paying attention to
external contexts at all, has thus far focused on such more narrowly
academic contexts. This is also the case in the present volume, even
though observations about the economist expert (by Teira and Zamora)
and free market ideology (by Reder) reach beyond the narrow academic
Let us make the discussion on external context more focused by drawing a distinction between the context of production and the context of
consumption. At one end, the focus is put on the context of writing: the
intellectual challenges and inspirations that provoked and shaped the production of F53 such as the marginalist controversy triggering the textual
production of F53, and the Marshallian tradition guiding it, as well as
Friedmans own work as an economist and as a policy adviser. A prime
example of these accounts is the book on Friedmans economics by
Abraham Hirsch and Neil De Marchi (1990). Among other things, they
suggest ways in which Wesley Mitchells methodological views may have
influenced those of Friedman while at the NBER, and they point out what
they claim to be close affinities between Friedmans methodology and
John Deweys pragmatist account of inquiry. Daniel Hammonds extensive work on Friedmans methodology and its origins is another major
example in this category (e.g. Hammond 1996; on the idea of contexts,
see Hammond 1992b).
These authors have been driven by the ambition of identifying
Friedmans authentic convictions in economic methodology. They
believe the internal characteristics of F53 alone do not suffice as evidence
for those convictions, and that only when combined with lots of other
evidence related to Friedmans work in economics and his broader intellectual background can reliable conclusions be drawn about Friedmans
real methodological beliefs. Hammonds contribution to the present volume, tracing the development of the early drafts of F53, examines the
context of writing in almost as fine detail as it can get. Roger Backhouses
chapter examines the well-known role of the marginalist controversy in
the context of writing F53. Complementing Hammonds story,
Backhouse offers new information on the peculiar characteristics of F53
as a statement on theories of the firm and market structure by consulting
the correspondence between Friedman and Don Patinkin in the late
1940s. Michel De Vroeys chapter deals with Friedmans convictions in
relation to the Marshallian and Walrasian traditions. Chris Starmer casts
new illumination on the methodological issues in Friedman and Savages
joint work on expected utility and its role in inspiring some of the arguments in F53 such as the use of as if in formulating assumptions and
the use of predictive tests in assessing theories. Teira and Zamora argue
that the first section of F53 on the positivenormative distinction was
motivated by Friedmans experience with policy advice. Painting with a
broader brush, Melvin Reders chapter situates F53 in the long tradition
of the frame of the Invisible Hand of the free market.
At the other end, the focus is on the context of reading: of consumption
rather than production, of ex post influence and reception rather than ex
ante inspiration and creation. The context is that of the career of F53 once
it was born. There are weak and strong versions of these consumptionist
accounts. The weak versions deal with the (actual, possible, desirable,
inadvisable) reception and influence while at the same time keeping an
eye on the authors beliefs and intentions. The strong versions bracket the
authors attitudes entirely. Thomas Mayers and Wade Handss chapters
below are largely in the weak consumptionist category. Their main interest lies in the reception and influence of F53, but they contrast this with
what they view as Friedmans true beliefs and intentions. They raise
questions about whether F53 has been read appropriately, whether its
reception and influence are justified from the point of view of Friedmans
authentic methodological convictions. For example, one may ask whether
F53 licensed the formalist revolution as Wade Hands does and then
answers in the negative (whereas a section in my second chapter suggests
that F53 itself encouraged a torso version of its overall message, and
that the torso version can easily be used for licensing formalism).
On the other hand, the strong consumptionist is only interested in the
readers reception rather than the authors intention. The goal is to read a
methodological text from the point of view of its (actual or possible)
reception by the relevant audiences, including its (actual or possible)
interpretations and influences while completely ignoring questions
about the authors beliefs and goals. This is what I call reception methodology in analogy with reception aesthetics. My own second chapter
purports to be a more or less pure exercise in reception methodology.
The important difference between my chapter and those of Mayer and
Hands lies in the fact that Mayer and Hands provide a role for the
authentic beliefs and intentions of the author of F53, while I am bracketing them off altogether and discussing the text of F53 only. A further
difference is that Mayer and Hands write about the actual reception by
others in historical terms, while I am offering my own novel reading of the
essay. Theirs is a project of contrasting some other peoples readings of
F53 with their own reading of it, where their own reading is supposed to
yield access to the views that the author of F53 really held. My project
cannot be contrastive in that way since here I pay no attention to
Friedmans true beliefs and intentions.
Uskali Mki
has not been practiced yet (not at least systematically), but that is not only
a possible approach but also one that I anticipate will be attempted in the
near future. This is based on recognizing a larger societal context in which
the production and consumption of F53 have taken place. This larger
context has to do with the overall transformations in the social sciences
(and the philosophy of science) that took place in the 1950s and that have
been linked with the broader sociopolitical conditions of the time, including the Cold War and the role of powerful funding agencies and research
institutes (for examples, see Amadae 2003; Mirowski 2002; Reisch 2005).
Cold War history of science is already a major stream of scholarly work,
and it will not be surprising if there is another small current of it within the
flow of F53 studies.
The fourth dimension of my map has to do with whether F53 is being read
from a normative or from an explanatory perspective. At one end, one sets
out to evaluate the soundness of the claims and arguments put forth in the
essay. Most evaluations in the reflective legacy have been critical of the
contents of F53. These include commentaries such as those by Koopmans
(1957), Rotwein (1959), Samuelson (1963), Melitz (1965), Caldwell
(1980), Blaug (1980), and Hausman (1992a).
Many of these criticize F53 for failing to see that good science not only
pursues predictive success but also asks and answers explanatory whyquestions about the phenomena investigated and in answering such
questions, the assumptions cannot be too much off the mark. Others
point out that even an economist interested in reliable predictions should
prefer realistic assumptions. Some question the objectivity of the reliance
on the predictive performance of economic theories without spelling out
very precise standards in terms of which to measure such performance.
Many critics also complain about the apologetic and complacent attitude
endorsed by F53: its arguments seek to justify a dogmatic commitment to
perfect competition and profit maximization against empirical challenges.
Another class of criticisms claims to identify mistaken statements in F53
(such as claiming that the Walrasian rendering of monopolistic competition theory is motivated by photographic accuracy). Yet another set of
complaints (my favorite) points out the strategic function of ambiguities
and inconsistencies in the reasoning of F53, as well as incompatibilities
between F53 and Friedmans practice as an economist (such as defending
unrealistic assumptions in some situations and criticizing them in other
contexts; suggesting reliance on the objectivity of predictive tests while
Uskali Mki
In his final word at the end of this volume, Milton Friedman exercises some playful selfcriticism, saying that had F53 been more lucid, commentators would have silenced by
now. This contrasts with his spoken statement, conveyed via a telephone connection at the
panel discussion on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of F53 at the ASSA Meetings (in
Washington, DC, January 2003). He said he recently reread F53 and found its claims
basically right. Had he been a perfect receptionist about F53 himself, he would have said
neither of these things.
It is only natural that the message of a complex text such as F53 will be
simplified in terms of supposedly informative labels that help classify and
characterize its message as distinctive. Since the 1970s, labeling the
message of F53 has been a major task undertaken by its reflective readers.
The labels have mostly come from extra-economic sources, namely philosophy: F53 has been classified as exemplifying this or that particular
position in the philosophy of science. A few others have characterized
Friedmans position as Marshallian, using an intra-economic label.
And there are other possibilities. This is the final dimension on my map.
Uskali Mki
Uskali Mki
That the task would not be easy is revealed by Hammonds (1992a) interview with
Friedman on the latters methodology: the interview is revealing in that it manages to
reveal so little, suggesting that perhaps there is little more there to be revealed concerning
the essence of Friedmans consciously held methodology.
Uskali Mki
Amadae, S. M. (2003). Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy. The Cold War Origins of
Rational Choice Liberalism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Bear, D. V. T. and Daniel Orr (1967). Logic and expediency in economic
theorizing. Journal of Political Economy, 75, 18896
Blaug, Mark (1980). The Methodology of Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press
Boland, Larry (1979). A critique of Friedmans critics. Journal of Economic
Literature, 17, 50322
Brunner, Karl (1969). Assumptions and the cognitive quality of theories.
Synthese, 20, 50125
Caldwell, Bruce J. (1980). A critique of Friedmans methodological instrumentalism. Southern Economic Journal, 47, 36674
(1992). Friedmans predictivist methodological instrumentalism a modification. Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 10, 11928
Friedman, Milton (1953). The methodology of positive economics. In Essays in
Positive Economics. Chicago: Chicago University Press, pp. 343
Hammond, J. Daniel (1992a). An interview with Milton Friedman on methodology. Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 10,
(1992b). The problem of context for Friedmans methodology. Research in the
History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 10, 12947
(1996). Theory and Measurement: Causality Issues in Milton Friedmans Monetary
Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Hausman, Daniel (1992). Why look under the hood? In Essays in Philosophy and
Economic Methodology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Hirsch, Abraham and De Marchi, Neil (1990). Milton Friedman: Economics in
Theory and Practice. Hertfordshire: Harvester Wheatsheaf
Koopmans, Tjalling C. (1957). Three Essays on the State of Economic Science. New
York: McGraw-Hill
A few examples from the voluminous literature will suffice. Wong (1973) was the first of a
number of readers including Boland (1979) and Caldwell (1980, 1982, 1992) who interpreted Friedmans methodology as instrumentalism. Alan Walters (1987) claims that
Friedman introduced Poppers philosophy of science to economists. McCloskey (1983,
1985) tags the essay as one of the main texts of modernism, for which he uses the
Chicago school as a primary exemplar. See Hammond (1992b) for more on the various
My contributions to this include Hammond (1992b) and (1996) See also Hirsch and De
Marchi (1990).
making of the essay, is important for our understanding of the text in the
narrow sense and Friedmans methodology in the broader sense. In the
Friedman Papers at the Hoover Institution are two preliminary drafts of
the essay along with other unpublished documents that shed considerable
light on why Friedman wrote the essay and what he intended the message
to be. The remainder of this chapter sketches the evolution of the essay
through the two preliminary drafts into the final published version. This
history of the essays making helps us see not only from whence the essay
came but also what was central and what peripheral in Friedmans argument as presented in Essays in Positive Economics.
The earliest draft of Friedmans methodology essay that I have been able
to identify (which I will label draft one) has the title Descriptive validity
vs. analytical relevance in economic theory. To judge from the citations
and from Friedmans correspondence it would appear that he began
writing it in late 1947 or early 1948 and finished in the summer of
1948.3 The paper is twenty-four typescript pages. Friedman opens with
the remark that theories are often judged by two criteria: the validity of
their assumptions and the validity of their implications. Neoclassical theory
that assumes perfect competition is judged unrealistic by the first criterion, and business cycle theories are rejected by the second. Friedman says
he will demonstrate that this view is fundamentally wrong and is productive of much mischief (Descrip, 1). He explains what he means in a
manner that has become familiar to readers of the 1953 essay, that the
two tests, when examined critically, reduce to one, since the only relevant
criterion for judging whether the assumptions are sufficiently good
approximations for the purpose in hand is whether they lead to valid
conclusions (Descrip, 1). He distinguishes between mere validity of
a theory, and significance or importance, arguing that significant theories
have assumptions that are inaccurate representations of reality. This is
The paper contains a reference to R. A. Gordons June 1948 American Economic Review
article, Short-period price determination in theory and practice. There is, on the other
hand no reference to A. G. Harts paper for the 1948 American Economic Association
meeting. As a discussant, Friedman criticized Harts suggestion that economists should
use survey evidence. This dating of draft one is also suggested by the fact that Friedman
wrote to George Stigler in November 1947, I have gotten involved for various irrelevant
reasons in a number of discussions of scientific methodology related to the kind of thing
you are talking about. In the course of these I have been led to go further than I had before
in distinguishing between description and analysis (MF to GS, November 19, 1947).
J. Daniel Hammond
In the November 19, 1947 letter to Stigler Friedman used the distance formula to
introduce Stigler to his idea that the only way to determine how closely assumptions
correspond to reality is by checking the theorys predictions. The main purpose of this
letter was to respond to a draft of Stiglers essay on Chamberlin (1949). Friedman says,
I thoroughly agree with you The main additional point I would like to make is that you
do not really go at all far enough (MF to GS, November 19, 1947).
J. Daniel Hammond
firms from the outside. For any given firm there will likely be aberrations,
but across firms these should cancel out, so that the hypothesis will work
best for industries.5
Friedman then shifts to the other issue at stake in the debates over
monopolistic competition and Marshalls industry analysis. This is the
assumption of perfect competition. He claims that critics are wrong in
attributing to Marshall the assumption that real-world industries in fact
are perfectly competitive. With several page citations from Principles he
claims that Marshall took the world as it was, he sought to construct an
engine to analyze it, not a photographic reproduction of it (Descrip,
13). Marshall used perfect competition in the as if mode, and then only
for situations in which the common forces from outside such as changes in
demand for firms product are dominant. For this kind of analysis it is not
possible to once and for all divide firms into industries by measures such
as cross-elasticity. Quoting Marshall, The question where the lines of
division between different commodities (i.e. industries) should be drawn
must be settled by convenience of the particular discussion (Descrip, 14;
Marshall 1920, 100).
Friedman uses examples of a Federal cigarette tax (where perfect competition is appropriate) and war-time price controls on cigarettes (where
it is not) to illustrate how everything depends on the problem; and there
is no inconsistency in regarding firms as if they were perfect competitors
for one problem, and perfect monopolists for another (Descrip, 14). In
the first case Friedman speculates that the firms will respond as if they
produced identical products in perfect competition. For the second there
was evidence from World War II that firms increased rather than reduced
production, presumably in order to maintain market share.
Friedman acknowledges that it would be desirable to have a general
theory of which perfect competition is a special case. But the standards for
this theory are that it have content and substance; it must have implications; and it must have some capable of empirical contradiction and some
of substantive interest and importance (Descrip, 17). The theory of
monopolistic competition might be thought of as a general theory, but it
has none of the essential features. It is based on the presumption that good
theories are realistic representations of reality in their assumptions and
that the differences between firms and their products are of essential
importance. Thus any attempt to apply this theory in the domain of the
real problems of the world, where common forces influence groups of
firms, requires that the theory be scuttled. Disciples of Chamberlin and
The usefulness of Marshallian industries was the central issue in Friedmans 1941 review
of Triffins Monopolistic Competition and General Equilibrium Theory.
Friedman says that this passage indicates that Gordon is on a dead-end trail,
for it presumes that we can directly examine the validity of a theorys
assumptions, and it takes descriptive accuracy and comprehensiveness as a
standard for theory choice. Friedman makes his point by invoking the notion
of a completely representative theory of the wheat market. This would have
to account for a multitude of non-essential features such as the types of
money and credit used in trading, the color of hair and eyes of traders, as
well as their education, the type of soil on which the wheat is grown, and so
on. So the converse of Gordons statement, that if the assumptions are
slavishly realistic the theory is not useful, is closer to the truth.
What Gordon has failed to do is to test for the importance of the unreality of the assumptions in terms of how the theorys implications accord
with reality, and in comparison with an alternative theory. That is, in terms
of the example given earlier, Gordon is checking with the billiards player to
see how much math he knows. He is not observing his game. Gordons view
that theory is a description of what businessmen actually do is thoroughly
false. A sophisticated view of theory is that however businessmen may
make their decisions for a wide class of problems, the results are what they
would be if businessmen engaged in rational and informed profit maximization (Descrip, 21; emphasis his). Friedman strings together a number of
quotations from Gordons paper to show the argument. One of these is,
There is an irresistible tendency to price on the basis of average total cost
for some normal level of output. This is the yardstick, the short-cut, that
businessmen and accountants use, and their aim is more to earn satisfactory
profits and play safe than to maximize profits (Descrip, 22; Gordon 1948,
J. Daniel Hammond
275). Friedman remarks in a footnote that he has never been able to understand this kind of argument, that behavior is the outcome of an irresistible
tendency, in the face of observable and clearly false implications. His interpretation of how economists such as Gordon deal with this situation is that
they either eliminate all content from their theory, making it tautological, or
interpret it in a way that makes it de facto equivalent to the usual theory.
Friedman concludes his paper with a response to Gordons closing section,
which has the title The need for greater realism. The main point Friedman
makes here is that he has no dispute with Gordons account of the lack of
descriptive realism in standard theory. His quarrel is over implications.
Gordon thinks greater realism would make theory more useful; Friedman
does not. But Gordon offers no evidence that a more realistic theory is more
useful. In the absence of such evidence the greater complexity is a burden
with no counterweight. Friedman tries to make clear that he is not arguing
that marginal theory is useful, though he thinks it is. He is arguing over the
grounds for determining this. In his final statement Friedman suggests an
appropriate role for descriptive studies of business behavior. This is in deriving new hypotheses, an activity which is distinct from testing existing hypotheses. Construction of new hypotheses depends on intuition, inspiration,
and invention, and is not subject to formal methodological analysis.6
This became a point of dispute between Friedman and George Stigler and Arthur Burns.
In September 1948 Stigler wrote to Friedman:
Personally I would like to see it published (in part because Ive paraphrased the argument
in two paragraphs of my Chamberlin essay, and would like to give a more specific
reference). But I keep feeling that you arouse skepticism and opposition by stopping
where you do. Because surely in some sense an assumption can be more promising than
another It is surely possible to say something about some assumptions being more
promising than others, and yet not to take back any of the things you are saying at present.
If you can pierce this muddy frontier of your article, it would be a great improvement. (GS
to MF, September 1948)
Friedman responded:
I think part of the difficulty you have on the methodology problem arises out of the fact that
the issues it deals with pertain only to one small part of all work in economics. One might, I
suppose, separate out four kinds of things that economists and other scientists do: first, the
collection of data to provide something to generalize from; second, the derivation of
hypotheses to generalize the empirical uniformities discovered in the data; third, the
testing of these hypotheses; and fourth, the utilization of them. My strictures apply only
to the third of these steps The real problem that you raise arises, I take it, when
somebody proposes a theory which we havent as yet been able to test, and the question
arises, shall we use it instead of some alternative. Its at this point that one is most likely to
say that he is judging the theory by its assumptions and to say that he will have some
confidence in it if the assumptions are reasonable, and he will not if they are not. This is the
kind of point Arthur was raising most strenuously this summer against it. (MF to GS,
October 4, 1948)
The next draft has a different title, The relevance of economic analysis to
prediction and policy, and considerable new content. At forty-seven
pages, it is almost exactly twice as long as the first. The manuscript is
undated, but we can place it in the fall of 1952. The copy that I am
working from has a holographic note on the first page from Friedman to
Arthur Burns identifying this as the piece I spoke of, and Burns wrote a
November 26, 1952 letter in reaction to the paper.7 Also, the paper opens
with a footnote explaining that I have incorporated bodily in this article
without special reference most of my brief Comment (1952a) in A Survey
of Contemporary Economics, which was published in 1952.
Friedman opens with what is now familiar to readers of the published
version of The methodology of positive economics, a reference to
J. N. Keyness admirable book on The Scope and Method of Political
Economy, which Friedman uses to distinguish positive from normative
science and to make the point that there is confusion between the two.
Friedman claims that this confusion will arise so long as there are selfproclaimed experts with their own agendas.8 He writes of the distinctions
between positive and normative economics and of the influence which
properly runs one way, from positive to normative economics. He identifies
the task of positive economics as to make correct predictions about the
consequences of any change in circumstances, and claims that its performance is to be judged by the precision, scope, and conformity with experience of the predictions it yields (Friedman 1952b, 2). He judges that most
disputes over economic policy are the result of differences on positive
Burns wrote, In accepting the heart of your argument, I do not, however, accept the
details of your exposition. I have made perhaps four or five comments on the margin,
whereas forty of four hundred are probably called for (AB to MF, November 26, 1952).
Burns thought that Friedman had not explored sufficiently the bases on which confidence
rests in not yet tested theories. Thus he criticized Friedman for not making, or not making
clearly enough, the very sort of distinction that Friedman began to make in his letter to
Stigler about draft one, and which he attempted in draft two.
Burns also thought the illustrations from economic theory were too sketchy, that none
were presented with the precision required for scientific testing. He suggested that the
proper time for stating precisely the circumstances under which the hypothesis is expected
to hold is before its testing.
I have come across several pages of text that seem to have been intended as part of a draft of
Friedmans essay, in which he reproduces Keyness quotation from F. A. Walker that gives
the ubiquity of quackery as reason for concern with economic methodology. Friedman
indicates more faith than Keynes in the publics ability to discriminate genuine science
from quackery. He contends that the more important reason methodology is valuable is the
special difficulty in economics of producing clear-cut evidence for or against theories.
J. Daniel Hammond
In 1946 the University of Chicago received a grant from the Volker Fund to initiate a
Program of Factual Research into Questions Basic to the Formulation of a Liberal
Economic Policy (Free Market Study), with Aaron Director as director of the study.
Friedman was a member of the Executive Committee. The prospectus for the program
indicates the goal of modeling the studies after the experimental natural sciences. Studies
such as these are of the nature of experiments in the physical sciences, most of which are
unsuccessful (University of Chicago, A Program, 5). It also is based on the same
presumption that Friedman stated in the methodology essay, that Disagreement about
the appropriate economic policy for the United States arises in considerable measure from
disagreement about facts rather than from differences in objectives (A Program, 1).
By new to draft two I mean the material is not in draft one. Friedman had made similar
arguments elsewhere, as indicated by his references to Lange on price flexibility and
employment (1946), The Marshallian demand curve (1949), and Friedman and
Savages The expected-utility hypothesis and the measurability of utility (1952).
J. Daniel Hammond
These appear to be in response to Burnss criticism in the November 26, 1952 letter.
the specification Friedman is concerned with here and the use of assumptions to determine the circumstances for which the hypothesis holds.
Friedman then moves to the example of the positioning of leaves
around a tree, which is not in draft one. The text is the same as that in
the published version. Explanation is given in a footnote that Friedmans
use of the example is though independent in origin, similar to and in
much the same spirit as that used by Armen Alchian in his June 1950
Journal of Political Economy article.12 The comparison is drawn between a
simple hypothesis that leaves are positioned as if they sought out and
maximized the amount of sunlight they receive, and the more general
theory that sunlight contributes to growth and survivability of leaves. The
choice between these theories rests, once again, not in a comparison of
assumptions with reality but in their ability to predict accurately over a
wide variety of circumstances.
The billiards player example, originally in Friedman and Savage
(1948), is rewritten from the first draft, and identical to the published
version through the examples end in draft two. The point is made that our
confidence in the hypothesis that the expert billiards player makes shots as
if he could calculate angles and solve the mathematical formulas that
describe the optimal shot comes from the fact that unless he can achieve
roughly the same result he will not in fact be an expert billiards player. We
judge the formula on the basis of how well it predicts his shots, not on how
he says he makes his shots.
Thereafter the published version has material that is pulled forward
from further into draft two (section 6, The present state of positive
economics) and rewritten. This is the final two paragraphs of section 3
in the published version. Here Friedman returns to the maximization of
returns hypothesis to draw the parallel between the examples from outside
economics and the economic issue; natural selection ensures that successful (surviving) businessmens behavior is as if they maximized returns.
The second paragraph that Friedman pulls forward points to the difficulty
of documenting the success of the maximization of returns hypothesis
since the experience from countless applications of the hypothesis to
specific problems is scattered in numerous memorandums, articles,
and monographs concerned primarily with specific concrete problems
rather than with submitting the hypothesis to test (F53, 223).
Section IV of draft two has the same title (The significance and role of
the assumptions of a theory) and subsections as the published version.
The essential content is the same, though there are a number of changes
Friedman read and criticized several drafts of Alchians paper in 1949 and 1950 before it
was accepted for the Journal of Political Economy.
J. Daniel Hammond
and additions to the published version. But in relation to draft one this
section is wholly new. The discussion is Friedmans attempt to identify
some constructive use for assumptions, given the strong tendency we
all have to speak of the assumptions of a theory and to compare the
assumptions of alternative theories (Friedman 1952b, 20), and in
response to the criticisms of Stigler and Burns. Friedman warns, however,
that he is less confident in the positive comments that follow than he is in
the negative comments that make up much of the rest of the essay.
He identifies three positive roles for assumptions: (1) economical
presentation of a theory; (2) facilitation of indirect tests of the hypothesis
by its implications; and (3) specification of conditions under which
the hypothesis is expected to hold. As the third has been covered in
earlier parts of the essay, Friedman devotes the balance of this section to
the first two.
The beginning of the discussion of the role of assumptions in stating a
theory is identical in draft two and the published version. The assumptions sort out in a short-hand manner factors that are expected to influence the phenomenon under explanation into those that are more and
those that are less important. A hypothesis has two parts, the abstract
model and the rules which define the class of phenomena for which the
model is taken to be an adequate representation and which specify the
correspondence between variables in the model and observable phenomena. The model is abstract and complete; the rules are concrete and
necessarily incomplete. In the two paragraphs where Friedman lays out
these differences between the parts of hypotheses (pp. 245 in F53) there
are several changes made between draft two and the final. A sentence, At
this stage (the abstract model), such qualifications (e.g. that air pressure is
small, not zero) are signs of sloppiness and fuzzy-mindedness, not of
practicality or realism, is dropped. This would appear to be the result of
Arthur Burnss marginal notation, to me! Friedman also adds a sentence stressing the importance of making the rules explicit in the interest
of making science as objective as possible.
The example of Euclidian geometry as an abstract model with pure but
unrealistic lines and the application of this model with a chalk mark on a
blackboard is the same in this draft as in the final. So is the final paragraph
in the subsection, which sums up the use of assumptions for stating key
elements of the abstract model.
The next subsection discusses the use of assumptions as an indirect test
of a theory.13 The first three paragraphs of the published version are not in
Friedman sketched the outlines of this argument in his October 4, 1948 letter to George
Stigler. Stigler responded, I like your general position but want you to enlarge it,
draft two, which starts off by directly pointing out that assignment of parts
of a theory into assumptions and implications is a matter of convention. Implications can be treated as assumptions and vice versa. The
evidential value of this reversibility is limited, however, when the assumptions refer to a class of phenomena different from those the theory is
intended to explain. Here a brief elaboration in draft two is cut for the
A second and closely related way in which assumptions can facilitate
indirect testing is when the kinship of two hypotheses can be demonstrated by restating them in terms of the same assumption, and evidence for
the implications of one provides indirect support for the other. Friedman
gives as an example the use of the self-interest assumption along with
market power to explain different degrees of racial discrimination across
industries or regions. Here the economists expectation that this economic hypothesis will account for the discrimination is based on success
in using it to explain other behavior. Friedmans changes here between
draft two and the final again bear the mark of Arthur Burnss comments.
The section concludes with observations on the choice of hypotheses in
the absence of a crucial test of the implications, and the role of the
scientists background in influencing the amount of evidence he requires
before making a judgment for or against a hypothesis. Here two sentences
are added to the published version that roughly double the length of the
final paragraph. They point out the frequent need for a conclusion in
advance of a satisfactory test and the impossibility of completely objective choice among hypotheses.
In section V, Some implications for economic issues, Friedman turns
to the methodologically charged economic issues that dominate the first
draft but in draft two are encountered twenty-six pages into the manuscript (twenty-seven pages into the published version). Section V shows
considerable editing and rearranging between draft two and the published
version, including the folding in of material from section VI, a section
which is dropped in the final.
Friedman quotes Veblen and H. M. Oliver to put the unrealistic
assumptions before his readers. He immediately thereafter pulls material
forward from section VI of draft two for the published version. This is the
comparison of criticism of orthodox theory on the basis of survey
evidence (e.g. Hall and Hitch 1939) with asking octogenarians how they
precisely as you are enlarging it in your letter to me. While some elaboration along these
lines will take some of the paradox out of your thesis (and in a certain sense weaken its
message unless you write very carefully), it will create sympathy for and receptiveness to
your thesis and make the paper much more influential (GS to MF, undated [October
J. Daniel Hammond
account for long life. The first two references in footnote 22 of the
published version are added to the corresponding footnote in draft two.
Friedman recalls from earlier discussion of the distance formula
(s = gt2) that complete realism as demanded by the critics is impossible,
a point he illustrates here with another example indicating the absurdity of
a realistic theory of the wheat market. This example is taken from p. 19
of draft one. Friedman admits that he is attacking a straw man, since no
reasonable critic would demand a thoroughly realistic theory of business
behavior, but he argues that the critics themselves offer no basis for
stopping short of the straw man. They must either go all the way or fall
back on predictive accuracy as the test of how much realism is enough.
An allusion to the purported complexity of business cycle phenomena
dictating a complex theory is found at this point in draft two, as it is in the
final version. This and a reference to Sydney Alexanders 1951 AER paper
are new in draft two, but the shadow of draft ones title is found in the
opening sentence of this (and the next) paragraph, where Friedman refers
to the confusion between descriptive accuracy and analytical relevance.
Friedman next argues that the misguided effort to make abstract models descriptively accurate is illustrated clearly in the charge that Marshall
assumed the world was made up of perfectly competitive industries.
Friedman challenges Marshalls critics to find in Principles an assumption
that industries are perfectly competitive. What they will find, according to
Friedman, is that Marshall took the world as it is. This discussion is
taken with minor changes from draft one, beginning on p. 12. Marshalls
view as interpreted by Friedman is that grouping firms into industries
cannot be done once and for all. It is contingent on their being subject to a
common external stimulus and on the analytical purpose at hand. The
most prominent change in Friedmans explanation from draft one to draft
two (and the published version) is his use of the distinction between the
abstract model, in which there are the ideal types of perfect competition,
infinitely elastic demand curves for identical products, etc., and the rules
for classification in real-world applications. Otherwise Friedmans interpretation of Marshall is the same as in draft one.
The critics mistake is to suppose that finding the abstract models ideal
types in the real world is necessary for applications. Friedman draws on
the distance formula and chalk mark examples to emphasize the error in
this supposition. He also appeals to the example used in draft one to
illustrate how the cigarette industry can be treated as competitive or
monopolistic, depending on the problem at hand.
Friedman leads into his criticism of the theory of monopolistic competition by granting that it would be desirable to have a theory more
general than Marshalls. But to be useful it must have implications
In draft one Friedman says, I have real doubts that it will succeed. In draft two his
prognosis is, It may not succeed in furnishing a fruitful construction within which the
Marshallian analysis can find its place as a special case
In the Friedman Papers at the Hoover Institution there are fragments of two early drafts of
Friedmans review of Mitchells contributions to economics (1950). In a section of one
draft entitled The present state of economic theory, the same title as section VI of draft
two of the methodology essay, Friedman writes:
Finally, Mitchell was not only a great scientific worker, but he also was a distinguished
essayist. His numerous essays are always well organized and beautifully written, but they are
on a different level from his fundamental scientific work. They are far less profound and
often implicitly at variance with his own work. In particular, I feel that the remarks on
methodology in his essays are, to say the least, unfortunate; and have been the source of
much misunderstanding his scientific instincts, incorporated in his own work, are sounder
than his rationalizations of them. (Friedman Papers, Box 53, folder unlabeled)
The paragraph concludes with, Section 5 discusses briefly this point. In the margin there
is the holographic notation, Have not written such a section. Should I?
J. Daniel Hammond
J. Daniel Hammond
These tendencies have not been wholly without beneficial results, but
have impeded the testing of hypotheses. Alfred Marshalls emphasis
on the construction of an engine for the discovery of concrete truth has
tended to be submerged under the urge for descriptive realism
(Friedman 1952b, 47).
There are at least eleven sets of notes for lectures in the Milton Friedman Papers and in his
personal files. Some are dated and identified as to the place of the lecture and others are
not. The earliest that is dated is March 22, 1950 at Vanderbilt University and the latest is
April 23, 1957 at Purdue University.
By derivation Friedman means something other than logical derivation from a set of
axioms. For him theory derivation is making use of existing theory and data to come up
with new hypotheses.
J. Daniel Hammond
Alchian, Armen A. (1950). Uncertainty, evolution, and economic theory. Journal
of Political Economy. 58, 21121
Alexander, S. (1951). Issues in business cycle theory raised by Mr. Hicks.
American Economic Review, 41, 86178
Boland, Lawrence (1979). A critique of Friedmans critics. Journal of Economic
Literature, 17, 50322
Burns, A. F. (1952). Letter to Milton Friedman, November 26, Box 43, Milton
Friedman Papers, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Caldwell, Bruce J. (1980). A critique of Friedmans methodological instrumentalism. Southern Economic Journal, 47, 36674
(1982). Beyond Positivism. London: Allen and Unwin
(1992). Friedmans predictivist methodological instrumentalism a modification. In W. J. Samuels (ed.), Research in the History of Economic Thought and
Methodology, vol. 10. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 11928
Friedman, Milton (1941). Review of Monopolistic Competition and General
Equilibrium Theory by Robert Triffin. Journal of Farm Economics, 23, 38990
(1946). Lange on price flexibility and employment. American Economic Review.
36, 61331
(1947). Letter to G. J. Stigler, November 19. In Hammond and Hammond (2006)
(1948a). Descriptive validity vs. analytical relevance in economic theory, mimeo,
undated [1948], Box 43, Milton Friedman Papers, Hoover Institution,
Stanford University
(1948b). Letter to G. J. Stigler, October 4. In Hammond and Hammond (2006)
(1949). The Marshallian demand curve. Journal of Political Economy, 57, 46395
(1950). Wesley C. Mitchell as an economic theorist. Journal of Political Economy,
58, 46593
(1952a). Comment. In B. F Haley (ed.), A Survey of Contemporary Economics,
Chicago: Richard D. Irwin, 4557
(1952b). The relevance of economic analysis to prediction and policy, mimeo,
undated, Box 43, Milton Friedman Papers, Hoover Institution, Stanford
able to find in F53 their own selection of ideas that they will endorse or
Second, the flexibility and malleability of the textual material creates room
for alternative readings of F53 that challenge its current reified textbook
image. In particular, it is possible to develop non-traditional interpretations
that might bring many former friends and foes of F53 or, more precisely, of
what has been believed to be the message of F53 closer to one another, if
not unite them entirely. In what follows, I will remove some unnecessary
confusions and ambiguities in F53, and by doing so, hope to pave the
way for a new sensible reading that will be found much less objectionable
by many more readers, practitioners and methodologists alike. To the
extent that my rereading fails to be a matter of unbiased discovery of what
is already there, hidden in the text of F53, it can also be taken as a project
of rewriting the essay. It is a matter of rewriting by selection and correction so as to eliminate its flaws and to make it more agreeable to a variety
of audiences. On this rereading (or rewriting) F53 emerges as a realist
(rather than instrumentalist) manifesto with strong fallibilist and social
constructivist sensitivities (in contrast to standard textbook positivism).1
One might object by saying that my rereading F53 as a realist and social
constructivist statement amounts to a reformulation beyond recognition,
or at least to a forced interpretation that does not come naturally. In
contrast, my conviction is that what I am about to offer is an obvious
interpretation that does come very naturally indeed. My interpretation is
more forced when ignoring parts of what F53 seems to be saying, while it
is less forced when based just on highlighting elements in F53 that have
been overlooked by other readers. But I must grant there is a possible
source of bias: the image of economics that emerges in F53 as it is being
reread and rewritten here is one that I myself endorse. I am rebuilding F53
as a statement that captures and conveys this rebuilders own methodological convictions.
A remark is needed on the strategy and motivation of this chapter by
way of locating it on the map of the various readings of F53 (the map was
outlined in chapter 1 above). First, mine is primarily an examination of
F53 itself rather than explicitly using F53 for some other purpose (though
I think it wonderfully serves other useful purposes). Second, my reading
goes beyond the narrow logical accounts (in terms of the relationship
between assumptions and predictions) and incorporates ontological,
semantic, and social ingredients in the image that F53 conveys of
This chapter follows the line of, and draws on, earlier work such as Mki 1986, 1989, 1992,
2000, 2003. These papers document my career in the F53 exegesis as one of swimming
against the stream.
Uskali Mki
economics. Third, the reading combines normative and descriptive perspectives in that it suggests remedying some flaws of F53 so as to identify
and reconstruct its sensible core ideas. Fourth, it attaches extra-economic
labels to F53, borrowed from philosophy and science studies. Finally, and
importantly, my reading is an exercise in what I called reception methodology: the focus lies on the context of consumption of F53 rather than its
production by its author. The context is that of the readers reception
rather than that of the authors intention. Reception methodology here
amounts to reading F53 from the point of view of its actual and possible
interpretations and influences among the relevant audiences.
It is part of my receptionist reading of the essay that I make no claims
about the authors intentions: I am not after Friedmans authentic convictions or anything related to what Friedman really meant (in fact I am
not convinced there are such things there to be discovered, at least in
F53 alone).2 The focus here is on the text of F53 while the authors
intentions and beliefs are bracketed. As a technical expression of this
I am not referring to the author but rather to the text: I am not saying
here Friedman argues but rather, F53 claims; not Friedmans
opinion seems to be but rather, F53 can be read as, and so on. My
attempt to rewrite F53 so as to make it more acceptable to various
audiences is also independent of anything that Milton Friedman the
author might have believed or intended, or of whether he would accept
the rewritten version of F53 as sound (even though I believe he would
have ample reason to accept it).
Let it be added that the receptionist reading of F53 is also consistent with,
and supported by, Milton Friedmans personal strategy in relation to F53, as
repeated in his statement at the end of this volume: he has chosen not to
respond to any commentaries on F53 by others, but has rather let the text
live its own life in the intellectual realm, at the mercy of its readers, as it were.
The only way to determine what Friedmans possible authentic methodological convictions are is to read F53 together with his other methodological remarks conjoined
with a scrutiny of the implicit methodology of his work in economics. This is a very
legitimate historical and analytical project, but it does not lie at the heart of my reception
for complaint or worry about the theory. The methodological advice given to
economists by F53 appears simple: when assessing a theory, dont pay
separate attention to its assumptions, instead focus on the predictions it
yields. As the much-cited statement puts it, the only relevant test of the
validity of a hypothesis is comparison of its predictions with experience.
The hypothesis is rejected if its predictions are contradicted (frequently
or more often than predictions from an alternative hypothesis); it is
accepted if its predictions are not contradicted (F53, 89). This passage
makes three important points about testing scientific theories: testing is by
predictive implications, not by assumptions; failed predictions play a key
role: acceptances are just failures to be rejected; and testing is comparative: what matters is the predictive performance of a theory relative to that
of alternative theories.3
It is clear that the main focus of attention of the text of F53 is on
assumptions, not on predictions. The historical context of F53 essentially
contained various attacks against some of the key assumptions of marginalist theory, blaming them for harmful unrealisticness. F53 sets out to
convince the skeptical or hesitant reader that unrealistic assumptions are
just fine, and the arguments of F53 revolve around this idea. Yet, in some
cases the reader would expect to be shown the full force of the basic thesis
in its entirety, including the role of comparative predictive performance.
Consider the treatment of Edward Chamberlins theory of monopolistic competition. F53 does not hide its hostility towards Chamberlins
theory an inferior theory that economics does not need at all in addition
to the superior simple models of perfect competition and perfect monopoly. The argument of F53 is straightforward: the creation of the theory of
monopolistic competition was explicitly motivated, and its wide acceptance and approval largely explained, by the belief that the assumptions of
perfect competition or perfect monopoly said to underlie neoclassical
economic theory are a false image of reality (15), and it is this misguided
motivation and flawed basis of acceptance that speaks against the theory.
What is noteworthy is that there is no appeal here to the superior predictive capacity of Friedmans favorite theories in contrast to the predictive
failures of Chamberlins theory. The realisticness or unrealisticness of
assumptions was not supposed to matter, but it seems they do, after all.
The key thesis of F53 is thereby turned into a modified non-predictivist
In these formulations, one may choose to hear echoes of Poppers doctrine of refutation
based on failed predictions as well as Lakatoss doctrine of comparative and dynamic
predictive performance. The English translation of Poppers Logik der Forschung appeared
in 1959 (Popper 1959), while Lakatoss relevant essays were published a decade or so later
(e.g. Lakatos 1970). Friedman had learnt about Poppers falsificationist views when
personally meeting him in the late 1940s.
Uskali Mki
On closer scrutiny, it appears that F53 does not subscribe to either of the
above versions of the thesis consistently or without qualifications. Indeed,
the truth of assumptions appears as a relevant issue after all. F53 indicates
an interest in truth when suggesting that truth is something to be estimated: indeed, predictive tests serve as indirect tests of the approximate
truth of assumptions. The required degree of approximation is not simply
to be maximized (or minimized!) but is relative to the purposes that the
theory is supposed to serve: the relevant question to ask about the
assumptions of a theory is whether they are sufficiently good approximations for the purpose at hand (15). So there is a relevant question to
ask about assumptions, and the question is about their approximate truth.
The way to measure whether the required degree of approximation has
been achieved is to put the theory to the predictive test:
Complete realism [realisticness] is clearly unattainable, and the question
whether a theory is realistic enough can be settled only by seeing whether it
yields predictions that are good enough for the purpose in hand or that are better
than predictions from alternative theories. (41)
Uskali Mki
F53 itself, and indeed most of the commentators on the issue, draw a
distinction between testing a theory by its assumptions and testing it by its
predictions. Accordingly, the participants in the debate are classified as
the assumptionists and the predictivists, the latter often also called
instrumentalists (Ill come back to the uses and abuses of this label later).
The assumptionists are supposed to test the assumptions directly and
thereby to test the theory, while the predictivists test the theory indirectly via its predictive implications.
Without qualifications, this is a misleading distinction. No direct
testing of assumptions is available. This should be easy to see: when one
seeks to test an assumption, one has to construe an argument in which that
assumption serves as one of the major premises and which entails a
predictive implication that one then compares with evidence. When testing the assumption of transitive preferences, one conjoins it with several
Uskali Mki
Many qualifications would have to be added to the two claims about avoidability.
irrelevant for a problem at hand. These are some of the ways in which
good theories may be unrealistic. More about this in a moment.
Here is another limitation of the logical accounts: they miss a relevant and
sufficiently rich idea of sentence role. In the logical accounts, the only
conceivable roles of sentences are those of premises and conclusions in
logical arguments. In order to understand economic theorizing, we need
to have a more qualified notion of role.
One of F53s famous examples is Galileos law of freely falling bodies.
In the formulation used, the law states that s = 1/2 gt2. One of the
assumptions behind the law is that of a vacuum:
[1] Air pressure = 0
F53 argues that for many purposes (such as predicting the fall of a cannon
ball) it does not matter even if the vacuum assumption is false. It then uses
this as an analogy in its defense of the maximization assumption:
[2] Producers and traders pursue maximum expected returns.
F53 argues that just as, in many cases, it does not matter if the vacuum
assumption is false, it does not matter even if the maximization assumption is false. This argument exploits a mistaken analogy, based on ignoring
the roles that these two assumptions [1] and [2] are supposed to play
within their home theories.
The purpose that assumption [1] serves is similar to that of [3]:
[3] All forces other than gravitation = 0
Uskali Mki
If the analogy between [2] and [5] were to be adequate in relevant respects,
one might argue that nothing follows from the acceptability, believability, or
truth of [4] for the respective attributes of [2] in analogy with the similar
connection between [1]&[3] and [5]. One might then say that agents may be
profit maximizers even though this is not the only thing that motivates them
in business transactions: [2] might be true even if [4] is false. Obviously, this
is not at all evident, and certainly would invite a lot of further qualifications.5
Anyway, the point relates to the important distinction to be made next.
Most commentaries of F53 are based on the presumption that one can
determine the truth-value of a theory or model by way of checking the
truth-values of its assumptions. This is because the truth-value of a theory
is a function of the truth-value of its assumptions, such as the truth-value of a
theory being equal to the truth-value of the conjunction of its assumptions.
On this view, the falsehood of assumptions can be taken to imply the falsehood of the theory. F53 admits that many of the central assumptions of the
economic theories challenged by their critics are false. This has been interpreted by later commentators as implying a commitment to a special kind
of instrumentalist view of theory: economic theories and models are false
instruments of prediction (e.g. Wong 1973; Boland 1979; Caldwell 1992).
F53 itself performs better, and we can see this if we look a bit more
carefully at the relevant formulations. F53 uses expressions such as a theory
being descriptively false in its assumptions (14). We are not compelled to
read this as admitting that theories with false assumptions are false. Indeed, it
has been my contention that theories with false assumptions may be true,
and that realism (as a theory of theories) is perfectly comfortable with
unrealistic assumptions (e.g. Mki 1992). The truth-value of a theory
cannot be read off the truth-values of its assumptions. The key to understanding the gap between the two is to ask the question: what is the theory
about, what claim does it make about the world, if any? A theory may be
true about the functioning of some important causal factor while making
false assumptions about the existence and functioning of other factors.
Galileos law is true about, well, what it is about: namely the causal role of
gravity in shaping the behavior of falling bodies. The core assertions of the
The argument in the text about profit maximization and its analogues is in terms of
motives. Qualifications would be needed if other versions of the profit maximization
assumption were employed, such as one in terms of deliberate marginal calculations and
their implementations in maximizing behavior; and another in terms of behavior that ends
up with maximizing the profits of a firm regardless of the motives and mental operations of
its managers.
Uskali Mki
law are not about air pressure, magnetic forces, or the shape of the Earth,
but about the gravitational field of the Earth in relation to freely falling
bodies. False assumptions about factors other than gravity imply nothing
about the truth-value of the law statement itself.
Falsehood is a friend of truth. Not only does the concept of truth require
that of falsehood: what is not true is false. Not only does truth often
emerge as false beliefs are rejected and replaced by true ones. My somewhat radical statement is that one may claim to have identified significant
truths about the world by using a theory with false assumptions. In such
cases one characteristically uses those idealizing assumptions to eliminate
from consideration some less significant factors and thereby isolates, and
helps focus on, what are believed to be the most significant causes and
relationships. This is an important feature of the methodological image of
theory and method held by many practicing economists. This is part of the
realism I am reading in, or writing into, F53.
The previous section suggested that a model with false assumptions may
be true. Let us next develop another way of reconciling truth and falsehood by reconsidering the falsehood of assumptions from a different
perspective. This is based on Alan Musgraves contribution (Musgrave
1981) and my suggested modifications and elaborations (Mki 2000).
The trick is to relocate truth claims by paraphrasing assumptions. The point
is this: one should not criticize what appears as a false assumption without
understanding what assertion is intended when using it. The previous
section focused on the truth claims made by means of models, while here
the focus lies on the truth claims intended in making assumptions.
On a correct understanding of what claims are intended when putting
forth this or that assumption, assumptions taken as such claims should be
true. If needed, one uses a paraphrase to determine the intended claim
when making an assumption. When suitably paraphrased, the assumptions of a theory had better be true. Such paraphrasings include turning
an assumption into an assertion of the negligibility of a factor or of the
applicability of a model to a domain of phenomena. The vacuum assumption in connection to predicting the behavior of a freely falling cannon ball
can be paraphrased as the statement that the impact of actual air pressure
is negligible, given ones purposes (while it is not negligible in the case of a
falling feather): the deviation from the truth is negligibly small, or the
degree of approximation to the truth is sufficiently close. Such statements
about negligibility (the causal significance of deviations from the vacuum
Uskali Mki
Two kinds of as if
The difference between the two is striking and has important philosophical implications. Of the two, (a) is in the spirit of realism, while (b)
invites a fictionalist and instrumentalist reading. Formulation (a) says that
the behavior of certain phenomena is shaped by a real force isolated by the
theory, and that it is to be treated without considering the role of other
factors, suggesting that those phenomena behave as if the theoretical
isolation were materialized also in the real world. This is what F53 is
effectively saying in one of its general passages:
A meaningful scientific hypothesis or theory typically asserts that certain forces
are, and other forces are not, important in understanding a particular class of
phenomena. It is frequently convenient to present such a hypothesis by stating that
the phenomena it is desired to predict behave in the world of observation as if they
occurred in a hypothetical and highly simplified world containing only the forces
that the hypothesis asserts to be important. (40)
That this is in line with (a) should be evident. There are a number of
causally relevant forces in the world. But they are not equally relevant,
thus the economist proceeds by assuming that it is just the most powerful
forces that shape the explanandum phenomenon, that they function in
isolation from all other forces: the phenomenon occurs as if nothing but
those powerful forces were in operation. The reality of none of these forces
is denied. If one wants to identify a fiction here, it is the isolation that is a
fiction, not the isolated forces (Mki 1992, 2004).
In its concrete illustrations, on the other hand, F53 is closer to formulation (b). The imaginative hypothesis of the leaves of a tree is the most
striking of its examples. F53 suggests the hypothesis that the leaves
[around a tree] are positioned as if each leaf deliberately sought to maximize the amount of sunlight it receives, given the position of its neighbors,
as if it knew the physical laws determining the amount of sunlight that
would be received in various positions and could move rapidly or instantaneously from any one position to any other desired and unoccupied
position (19). However, so far as we know, leaves do not deliberate
or consciously seek, have not been at school and learned the relevant laws
of science or the mathematics required to calculate the optimum position,
and cannot move from position to position (20). In contrast to the general
statement cited above, this suggests that the forces cited after as if are not
real: we are fully aware of the fictionality of the forces postulated, and this
awareness is expressed in terms of the as if. This represents a fictionalist
use of as if. Our realist rereading of F53 will ignore this passage.
Note that the fictionalist use of the as if rules out yet another way of
using the as if, namely its epistemological use in expressing uncertainty.
In this case, what follows an as if is a hypothesis describing one possible
Uskali Mki
In line with the realist use of the as if, F53 contains passages suggesting
that theory construction is a matter of theoretical isolation whereby economists abstract essential features of complex reality (7). This is a widely
endorsed idea in economics and elsewhere: the real world is complex,
therefore we need to build simple models that theoretically isolate causally
significant aspects of the world. This general idea also provides justification for the employment of false assumptions in such models. The simplest version of Galileos law isolates the significant impact of gravity on
the falling body. It excludes the impact of other forces by false idealizations such as those of vacuum, absence of magnetic forces, flatness of
the earth. On this picture, it is the task of false assumptions to help isolate
major causal factors.
F53s remarks about these matters seem to be ontologically motivated.
The economist is supposed to theoretically isolate essential features of
complex reality which suggests that it is a (higher-order) feature of
reality itself that some of its features are essential. The same idea is
conveyed by another important passage in F53. This one introduces the
realist notions of deceptive appearances and ontologically grounded
explanatory unification:
A fundamental hypothesis of science is that appearances are deceptive and that
there is a way of looking at or interpreting or organizing the evidence that will
reveal superficially disconnected and diverse phenomena to be manifestations of a
more fundamental and relatively simple structure. (33)
One is invited to read this roughly as follows. The world is, really, not as it
appears to be: appearances are deceptive manifestations of more fundamental structures. Scientific theories are required to capture those fundamental
structures. This suggests a distinction between reality and appearance. To
this the passage adds the notion of explanatory unification, the idea of
theoretically describing what appears diverse as really constituting a unity.
A theory unifies apparently disconnected phenomena by showing them to be
manifestations of the same fundamental structure. Unification amounts to
showing that those phenomena are really connected and only apparently
disconnected, and this is accomplished by successfully representing how
things are related in the way the world works. This is a matter of ontological
In the philosophy of science, the current interest in explanatory unification started evolving
after Michael Friedmans 1974 article and Philip Kitchers articles in 1976 and 1981.
Uskali Mki
The two classical statements of the underdetermination issue were published at about the
same time as F53. Quines Two dogmas of empiricism had appeared in 1951, while the
English translation of Duhems book was to be published in 1954 (the French original
appeared in 1904).
completely objective specification Logical completeness and consistency are relevant but play a subsidiary role (10) Note that the list of
favorite theoretical virtues includes, foremost, simplicity and fruitfulness
(F53s name for unifying power). The Walrasian virtues of logical
completeness and consistency are ranked lower, while mathematical elegance, another popular theoretical virtue, is not mentioned at all.
F53 thus conforms to the popular solution to the underdetermination
conundrum: it cites theoretical virtues as the remedy. Because empirical
evidence is insufficient for deciding which theories to accept and reject, we
need to supplement empirical virtues with theoretical virtues. When choosing between empirically equivalent theories, we choose the one that is theoretically more virtuous. Arbitrariness becomes eliminated or at least reduced.
This invites two observations. First, the argument from theoretical
virtues is a standard move amongst realists against those anti-realists
who infer from observational equivalence to epistemic equivalence and
arbitrariness. F53 would hence seem to stand in the realist camp on this
issue, the point being that of all the observationally equivalent theories, we
are to believe the one that is simplest and has maximum unifying power.
On the other hand, an instrumentalist may argue that such theoretical
virtues are epistemically irrelevant and thus fail to be of help in guiding the
allocation of belief, in driving theory choice towards the most truthlike
theory. It might therefore seem that in matters of underdetermination,
F53 holds an indeterminate position between realism and instrumentalism. I can think of one insight in F53 that might be used for making the
position more determinate: we have seen that F53 contains the realist idea
of ontological unification (in contrast to the instrumentalist idea of mere
derivational unification). Since F53 cites unification (or fruitfulness) as a
major theoretical virtue, we may conclude that it might be, after all,
inclined toward a realist solution to the underdetermination challenge.
The second observation about the position taken by F53 is this: even
though the conundrum of underdetermination can be alleviated by means
of an appeal to theoretical virtues, theory appraisal will not thereby turn
into a fully objective rule-governed affair. As we saw, simplicity and
fruitfulness are notions that defy completely objective specification
and cannot therefore completely eliminate all arbitrariness involved in
theory choice. As we will see next, this is a prominent theme in F53 even
though it has been overlooked by most readers.
Uskali Mki
and be widely accepted, is strong indirect testimony to its worth. The evidence for a
hypothesis always consists of its repeated failure to be contradicted, continues to
accumulate so long as the hypothesis is used, and by its very nature is difficult to
document at all comprehensively. It tends to become part of the tradition and
folklore of a science revealed in the tenacity with which hypotheses are held rather
than in any textbook list of instances in which the hypothesis has failed to be
contradicted. (223; emphases added)
These are ideas that would be made more widely known by Thomas Kuhn in his 1962
book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. On rules of application, F53 anticipates Kuhns
idea: the rules of application are socially shaped, linguistically inexplicable, and embedded
in previous archetypical concrete examples of scientific practice. The orthodox positivist
idea of correspondence rules as explicit components of a theory governing its use is
replaced by Kuhn by the notion of a concrete exemplar whose implicit guidance of theory
application is brought into scientists awareness only through the socialization process of
scientific education. I first pointed out the Kuhnian features of the account given by F53 in
Mki 1986 (of which an earlier version was published as a discussion paper in 1981).
Uskali Mki
Whatever label one may wish to use for these ideas pragmatism, collective conventionalism, or social constructivism it is obvious that they
reflect, and resonate with, the practitioners actual experience that cannot
be easily corrupted by positivist or falsificationist textbook teachings about
the scientific method. These statements convey highly agreeable insights
into the imperfect yet perfectly human reality of scientific work. But
this has a price: tensions emerge with some other ingredients of the image
of economics argued by F53. In my rereading, the above valuable observations about the social and institutional nature of economic inquiry will
be given precedence.
I keep admiring F53 for its insightfulness and its capacity to give rise to
intriguing questions and to suggest challenging answers. F53 is a rich
source of issues and observations that may help us understand important
aspects of the intellectual endeavor of economics in its institutional setting. As I have indicated in the footnotes, F53 was ahead of its time in
regard to many issues: falsification, comparative testing, unification,
underdetermination, pragmatics of theorizing, social shaping of scientific
reasoning.9 At the same time, it appears to share the old methodological
wisdom in economics: theories seek to isolate what are believed to be
causally significant aspects of social reality.
If we take the F-mix to be based on ambiguities, inconsistencies and
confusions in F53, and if we have a taste for a coherent and defensible
account of economic methodology, then the task will be to remove such
flaws in F53 and to develop its more promising ingredients into a coherent
methodology of economics. This is a project of elimination, reinterpretation,
Based on this observation, I would take partial departure from the conventional claim that
F53 is an example of amateur philosophy of science. My qualified judgment is that F53
contains a set of amazingly sophisticated philosophical insights about scientific theorizing,
while at the same time failing to put them together in the form of a coherent system.
Rewriting is required precisely in order to remedy this failure.
and amendment: one of rereading and rewriting F53. I believe a solid and
sensible methodology will emerge as a result of such an exercise. A rewritten
F53 will also create new common ground for many participants in the
controversies over F53 itself and over economics and its methodology
more generally. Within such a shared framework, the remaining disagreements can then be debated in a more focused manner.
I have reread F53 by focusing on a selected set of ambiguities that
open up opportunities for reinterpretation. I have exploited these opportunities by highlighting the partly hidden realism in F53s conception of
economic science. On this basis, F53 could be rewritten as an unambiguous
and consistent realist manifesto. It conveys a methodology of economics
that conforms to the tradition of viewing theories or models as partial
but potentially true descriptions of causally significant mechanisms. Their
primary service is to convey explanatory understanding (answers to whyand how-questions) and only secondarily to yield predictions (answers to
what-, when-, and where-questions). The tradition runs from Senior, Mill,
and Cairnes to Menger, Marshall, and Robbins up to present-day economics. In regard to this matter, the often-heard claim about a radical rupture
from the Robbinsian to the Friedmanian regime in mainline economic
methodology seems exaggerated. What does change is the sophistication
with which it is now possible to put some of the key ideas such as the
For the purposes of pursuing significant truths by theory, many of its
assumptions are allowed to be false. More strongly, false assumptions are
required for true theories. The best theories are simple thus violate
comprehensive truth and unify large classes of apparently diverse phenomena. Such phenomena are ontologically unified by explaining them as
manifestations of the same simple causal structures. So much for the
ontological underpinnings and veristic ambitions of economic theorizing.
Another set of sophistications pertains to epistemological concerns, the
issues related to assessing theory candidates. One is supposed to test
theory candidates by their comparative predictive and explanatory performance, but this will never yield conclusive results. Theory choices are
underdetermined by evidence, and they are shaped but not fully determined by theoretical virtues, thus room is created for various subjective
judgments as well as social constraints that reflect the institutional structure of economic inquiry. The recognition of this requires a social epistemology involving a strong fallibilism. Of these, fallibilism recommends
modesty and awareness of the possibility of being mistaken, while social
epistemology recommends critically assessing and redesigning the institutions of economic inquiry so as to improve their capacity in facilitating
the acquisition of significant truths about economic reality.
Uskali Mki
The outcome of this exercise in brief is this: the rewritten F53 = realism +
fallibilism + social epistemology. According to this methodology, excellent economists are epistemically ambitious in seeking deep truths about
underlying causal structures, and at the same time epistemically modest in
acknowledging the possibility of error and the shaping of inquiry by
academic and other institutions and again epistemically ambitious in
demanding the design and implementation of institutions that are
adequate for enhancing the acquisition of significant truths. This combination is not easy to keep in balance. For perfectly sound reasons,
therefore, F53 claims: More than other scientists, social scientists need
to be self-conscious about their methodology (40).
Even though the foregoing has been an exercise in reception methodology, a final speculation may be permitted about how all this might relate
to the intentions and beliefs of the author of F53. I have argued that F53
fails to unambiguously express any coherent set of beliefs and intentions
about economic methodology. The unavailability of a single coherent
methodology in F53 is consistent with two possibilities concerning
Milton Friedmans beliefs and intentions. The first possibility is that
Friedman did not have a coherent methodology in mind and that F53
reflects this fact accurately (for a rhetorical account of this option, see
Mki 1986). The second possibility is that Friedman had a coherent
methodology in mind but just failed to convey it in F53 due to flaws in
textual production.
Whatever the case, the ambiguities and inconsistencies in F53 have
enabled multiple receptions and mutually incompatible interpretations in
the long series of commentaries. In a special sense, we might say that any
such interpretation is underdetermined by textual evidence: the textual
evidence does not fix any of the interpretations as the correct one.
However, this is not a situation of underdetermination in precisely the
same sense that was recognized by F53 itself as discussed above: namely
that an infinite number of theories are consistent with the same set of data.
Here, various interpretations of F53 rely on reading selected passages
rather than the textual data in its entirety: the selected sets of evidence
overlap but are not identical (for example, most of the instrumentalist
interpretations of F53 have neglected those passages that are crucial for
my realist and social constructivist readings). This is bound to be so as no
interpretation is possibly consistent with the textual data as a whole. What
I am envisaging here is not exactly the same idea as the standard argument
Boland, Lawrence A. (1979). A critique of Friedmans critics. Journal of Economic
Literature, 17, 50322
Caldwell, Bruce J. (1992). Friedmans methodological instrumentalism: a
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Duhem, Pierre (1954). The Structure of Physical Theory. Princeton: Princeton
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Friedman, Michael (1974). Explanation and scientific understanding. Journal of
Philosophy, 71, 519
Friedman, Milton (1953). The methodology of positive economics. In Essays in
Positive Economics. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 343
Hands, D. Wade (2003). Did Milton Friedmans methodology license the formalist revolution? Journal of Economic Methodology, 10, 50720
Hindriks, Frank (2005). Unobservability, tractability, and the battle of assumptions. Journal of Economic Methodology, 12, 383406
Hirsch, Abraham. and Neil De Marchi (1990). Milton Friedman: Economics in
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(1992). Friedman and realism. Research in the History of Economic Thought and
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Part 3
Many leading methodologists have described the central role that Milton
Friedmans 1953 essay (henceforth referred to as F53) has played in
methodological discussions. (See, for instance, Hammond 1998;
Hoover 2001; Backhouse 2002.) Yet Friedman himself did not intend
his essay to be a contribution to methodology about which he did not
claim any expertise but only a description of the approach he found
useful in his practice. However, it does not necessarily follow from
Friedmans intention that his essay has had a great influence on the
practice of economics. Practicing economists pay little attention to freestanding discussions of methodology. At best they learn their methodology by seeing it put to work on substantive problems.1 Arguably,
Friedman and Schwartzs (1963) A Monetary History of the United States
has had more influence on the methodology of practicing economists than
did F53. The most pervasive methodological influence in macroeconomics in the last thirty years has been the insistence of new classical economists on reducing macroeconomics to microeconomics, and in this they
paid no attention to the debate about reductionism among philosophers of
science. All the same, I will go along with Friedmans intention, and deal
only with F53s effect on its intended audience, practicing economists.
And here I will look almost only at mainstream economists. Heterodox
economists have been highly critical of F53, so that it is unlikely to have
had much influence on them. I also omit its influence on econometrics
(for that see Hoover, 2004) and on government and business economists,
since their work is almost invisible to other economists. Several other
essays in the book containing F53 also discuss methodology. If these
discussions relate to ideas discussed in F53 I treat them as part of it, but
refer only occasionally to methodological claims that Friedman made in
other publications.
Partha Dasgupta (2002, 57) remarked that he knows no contemporary practicing economist whose investigations have been aided by the writings of professional methodologists.
Thomas Mayer
Before seeing how F53 has influenced economics we need to look at its
message (section I), at some difficulties in evaluating its influence (section
II), and at the reviews it initially received (section III). Due to limitations
of space and knowledge I limit the discussion to a survey of (a) three
general trends in economics: formal modeling, game theory, and econometric testing (section IV); (b) Nobel lectures (section V); and (c) certain
topics in macroeconomics (section VI). This emphasis on macroeconomics is not based on any deep principle, but only on my greater familiarity
with it. I end the discussion of macroeconomics with the new classical
counter-revolution, because the further one goes beyond 1953, the
greater is the probability that a change advocated in F53 is due to some
other influence. But I discuss Nobel prizes up to 2002 because of the lag
until work is recognized by the Nobel committee.2
Friedmans themes
F53 has one general and six specific themes. The former is the desirability
of combining theoretical and empirical work, and thus to heal the split
between theorists and institutionalists, to whom Friedman is closer than is
often appreciated (see Friedman 1949, 1950). He was, of course, not the
only one who attempted this. It was a general trend that would eventually
have prevailed even in his absence. In any case, what has dominated the
discussion is F53s specific theme that hypotheses should be not be tested
by the realisticness of their assumptions. A second theme of F53 is the
superiority of Marshallian over what Friedman calls Walrasian economics. This creates a terminological problem. As Hutchison (1954)
pointed out, the latter does not represent Walrass own views on methodology. Nor does it necessarily represent the methodology of those using a
general equilibrium approach; we now have computable general equilibrium models. But Friedmans terminology has caught on, so rather than
I do not consider the number of citations to F53 in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI).
On the one hand, a citation count may understate a papers influence, since its influence
may be indirect via another paper that is cited instead of the original one. Indeed, once an
idea becomes well known, it no longer requires citation. Moreover, a paper may exert a
strong negating influence that does not generate a single citation: no citation appears if F53
prevented an economist from writing a paper criticizing a theory for its unrealistic assumptions. It is even possible for a papers influence to be inversely related to the frequency of its
citations. If it criticizes a research program convincingly, it may terminate work on that
topic and therefore not be cited. Another problem is that the SSCI ignores citations in
books. On the other hand, a citation count may overstate a papers influence. Many
citations are just hat-tipping references, made to show that the author is familiar with the
paper, or they may be from a paper that criticizes the cited paper. Moreover, an economist
may cite F53 as a justification for an unrealistic assumption he or she would have made in
any case.
use the more appropriate term formalistic I will use Friedmans term,
but with a lower-case W to mark the misuse of Walrass name. The third
theme is the rejection of introspection and other forms of casual empiricism, and the fourth is the distinction between normative and positive
economics. A fifth theme, relating to the context of discovery, is the
benefit of a continual interplay of attention to data and to theory construction. A final theme is the need for modesty about what economic
theory can accomplish. This theme (which deserves a paper of its own,
since it underlies most of Friedmans other themes and some of his
substantive work) is not well articulated and usually ignored, so, I, too,
will ignore it.3
Realisticness of assumptions
Friedmans claim that hypotheses should not be judged by the realisticness of their assumptions but by the predictive success of their implications does not seem so startling once one recognizes that F53 still allowed
testing by the realisticness of critical assumptions, since these can be
rephrased as implications (see Baumol 1954; Mayer 1995, ch. 7).4 If
Friedmans objection to testing hypotheses by the realisticness of their
assumptions is so much less startling than it appears at first glance why did
it almost monopolize the discussion? Likely reasons include the fact that
he stated it with much elan and at much greater length than his other
themes, its wide scope, and its seeming conflict with intuition. Moreover,
it was seen as a massive salvo in the ongoing battle about neoclassical
theory. And, while practicing economists might applaud Friedmans
deep insight into how economists work, for methodologists Friedmans
Thomas Mayer
F53 claimed that the normative/positive distinction has received inadequate attention, and conjectured that disagreements on economic policy
among disinterested people in the West are primarily disagreements about
positive issues. In stressing the positivenormative distinction Friedman
Friedman, like many economists of his generation, became an economist because of the
suffering he saw during the Great Depression (see Snowdon and Vane 1999, 1245). That
may explain his emphasis on practicality.
Hirsch and De Marchi (1990, 19) argue that it is Friedmans rejection of introspection that
distinguishes his methodology from the traditional one. They also call confidence in
introspection undoubtedly a major reason that methodologists argue on the basis of
realistic assumptions (1990, 56).
Some assumptions, such as rational behavior, are hard to formulate as testable hypotheses,
and many others, such as a closed economy, are obviously not intended to be realistic, and
hence not something anyone would want to test.
Thomas Mayer
An example of this is the treatment of Gurley and Shaws Money in a Theory of Finance
(1960). It was savaged when it appeared, but over the years some of its ideas became
influential without acknowledgments.
Note: + denotes influence in the direction of F53, denotes influence in the opposite
direction, ? denotes direction unknown, and a superscripted ? some doubt about the
Likely but not certain direction.
Thomas Mayer
It did, however, also facilitate the use of questionnaires, but probably not by as much as
time-series data, particularly since it did not reduce the cost of interviewing, or mailing,
and editing surveys.
and increased pressure to publish, it is not clear that this ratio has risen.
The net effect on Marshallian versus walrasian economics is therefore
Increased resources have reduced the need for casual empiricism and
introspection. But their effect on the interplay of theorizing and data
analysis is unclear. On the one hand, they have facilitated the use of
statistical data, but on the other, increased professionalization has
reduced the use of observations in the form of the reality checks provided
by personal every-day experience, which could now be dismissed as mere
The greater role that economists now play in policy-making may perhaps have led them to stress predictive success more than realisticness of
assumptions, and it surely led them to prefer Marshallian to walrasian
theory. But, given the lack of information required for many policy issues,
and the pressure to come up with answers (and sometimes with answers
pleasing to policy-makers), it may have increased reliance on casual
empiricism. Also, it has probably increased the interplay of data and
theory since that is helpful in dealing with applied problems. In the period
following Friedmans paper the prestige of the Chicago economics department rose as its members gathered a disproportionate share of Clark
medals and Nobel prizes (see Reder 1982), and as more of their substantive work appeared. That economists tended to view markets more favorably also helped. This probably enhanced the standing of all of Friedmans
work, including F53. This leaves the higher intellectual caliber of entrants
into the profession. Supporters of Friedmans themes surely believe that
this facilitated their acceptance, while their opponents believe the
Table 4.1 summarizes these influences. Only on the assumptions/predictions issue (and perhaps on the casual empiricism issue) did all the
changes, with the possible exception of the increased quality of economists, favor F53. On the other issues it is unclear whether the prevailing
winds favored or hindered the acceptance of F53. Hence, it is possible that
its apparent success was due less to its persuasive power than to good luck.
But one also cannot just dismiss the opposite idea that, except on the issue
of realisticness of assumptions, its successes were won in the face of strong
headwinds. This is an unsatisfactory conclusion, but when dealing with
causality unsatisfactory conclusions are hardly rare.
A final issue on causality is overdetermination. Were Friedmans
themes in the air at the time? There is no evidence for this, neither in
the reviews of F53 nor in the initial responses of methodologists. While
Terence Hutchison and Fritz Machlup shared some of Friedmans ideas,
Thomas Mayer
that is not the same as these ideas being in the air, particularly since
Hutchison and Machlup lacked Friedmans persuasive power.
Reviews of F53
At the time both the Journal of Political Economy and the American Economic Review
reviewed books, The Journal of Economic Literature not yet having appeared. The Journal
of the American Statistical Association reviewed some economics books, but not this one.
Such a short review was unusual for this journal, but in the same issue Schneider also
reviewed in just two paragraphs the second edition of Michael Kaleckis Theory of
Economic Dynamics.
Thomas Mayer
suggests that many economists treated F53 as an apologetic for neoclassical price theory, none of the reviewers took that line.
An overview
some model for its unrealistic assumptions, they may still (perhaps unconsciously) be unwilling to accept it for that reason. And much more
seriously, Friedmans stricture that the implications of models need
tough-minded testing is often ignored. Tests of implications are often
perfunctory, playing tennis with the net down (Blaug 1980, 256; Mayer
Friedman has been much less persuasive on the superiority of
Marshallian economics. While most empirical work is Marshallian, within
theory the walrasian approach has become more common since 1953. But
only a small proportion of papers are purely theoretical, so that the
vaunted victory of walrasian economics is more a matter of Sunday
dress than workday dress. But it is to the professions Sunday dress that
many (most?) economists point with pride.
Casual empiricism is a pejorative term and, in principle, few economists
would now explicitly defend it, but few would have done so in 1953 either.
Whether the indifference curve between using casual empiricism and
admitting ignorance has changed is hard to say. What has changed massively is the budget constraint due to increased research funding and the
computer revolution. Friedman has, however, been more successful in
combating the Robbinsian emphasis on introspection, though it probably
still plays a significant implicit role by excluding certain models that do
not make intuitive sense. It is hard to say whether the surveys of motives
and beliefs that Friedman criticized are less frequent now than before
While postmodernism has had virtually no influence on mainstream
practicing economists, so that Friedmans dictum to separate normative
from positive statements still holds sway, there is little reason to think that
it is obeyed any better or worse now than before 1953. It is, however, likely
that in theory construction there is now more interplay of theorizing and
data analysis than before 1953.
F53s discussion of surveys is perfunctory, but in a paper cited in F53 Friedman (1949)
had already set out his criticisms of surveys that ask agents to reveal their motives or
thinking. In that paper he did not criticize surveys of factual information, indeed he
himself (Friedman and Kuznets 1945) had used such evidence. As Boulier and
Goldfarb (1998) show, survey information now pervades empirical economics, but
most of it comes from objective questions, not questions about opinions and motives.
Thomas Mayer
These six are: Kantorovich, Kuznets, Meade, Miller, Stigler, and Stone.
I exclude the normative/positive distinction because economics has changed little in that
Assumptions vs.
Interplay of theory
and data
Tinbergen, 1969
Samuelson, 1970
Arrow, 1972
Leontief, 1973
Hayek, 1974
Simon, 1978
Shultz, 1979
Debreu, 1983
Buchanan, 1986
Solow, 1987
Allais, 1988
Haavelmo, 1989
Coase, 1991
Becker, 1992
North, 1993
Harsanyi, 1994
Mirrlees, 1996
Scholes, 1997
Sen, 1998
McFadden, 2000
Akerlof, 2001
Smith, 2002
Note: + denotes consistent with F53, denotes inconsistent with F53, 0 unrelated to F53
with respect to that criterion, and ? hard to say.
This table does not cover all Nobel lectures; for the reasons some were excluded see the text.
Samuelson does not discuss this issue in his lecture, but has elsewhere strongly rejected
Friedmans stricture against testing by the realism of assumption.
Arrows advocacy of minimizing assumptions is in principle consistent with F53, but points
in a different direction.
Leontief uses a general equilibrium model, but is Marshallian in paying attention to the
details of specific industries.
This is not explicit in Hayeks lecture, but is inherent in his general position.
In his lecture Simon strongly criticizes Friedmans essay, but the substance of his lecture is
consistent with it, at least if it is given a soft reading.
Based on the general tenor of Schultzs lecture rather than on an explicit statement.
There is little empiricism in Buchanans lecture, but it plays a large role in the work of his
No data are discussed in Buchanans lecture, but in the work of his school there may well be
an interplay of theory and data.
Coase does not criticize Friedman on this score on this lecture, but does so elsewhere.
Applicability of assumptions determines domain of theory.
There is casual empiricism, but at this stage of the development of the model one cannot
expect anything more.
By implication.
Thomas Mayer
This sections deals with the three major macro research programs,
Keynesian, monetarist, and new classical. It omits the Austrian and postKeynesian programs because they are heterodox, and new Keynesian
theory, and endogenous growth theory, because they came too late.
Modigliani and Ando developed the theory initially like a ray of light while on a car trip.
Although Modigliani in developing the relative income theory had previously analyzed
consumption data, he had then neglected the problem until his conversation with Ando
(Modigliani 2001, 59).
Investment In the two decades after 1953 the two most notable
developments here were Dale Jorgensons neoclassical theory and James
Tobins q theory. The former is based on two insights: that earlier work on
investment had confounded the capital stock and investment (its first derivative), and on the need to pay attention to the institutional details of the tax
treatment of investment. The latter is based on the gap between the market
price of new capital and its costs of production. Neither is easy to trace to
F53. Jorgensons theory appeared fourteen years after F53. Its attention to
the distinction between capital and investment is a clarification of the internal
logic of the theory, and hence unrelated to F53. The inclusion of tax variables
may seem to show concern about the realisticness of assumptions. But
Friedman did not object to adding realistic details if they improve predictive
success. Tobins q theory, too, appeared only long after F53. Since it does
not attempt to explain the firms equity price, it is more a tool for predicting
investment than an explanatory theory. An instrumentalist reading of F53
would therefore make it seem Friedmanian, but, as the chapters by Mki and
Hoover in this volume show, such a reading is mistaken. Both theories are
Marshallian in that they focus on a concrete problem rather than on elegant
formulations. Developing them may well have involved a close interplay of
theory and data; no information on this is available.
Monetary and portfolio theories The most influential Keynesian
monetary theory is that of Tobin and his Yale school. It takes account of the
complexity of the financial system, with money being just one asset in a
continuum of liquid assets. Such an approach rejects F53. It seeks to give a
realistic picture of the financial system, and does not stress prediction. It is also
walrasian. And Tobin gives the impression that he relied on broadly based
observations (akin to casual empiricism), such as Treasury bills having characteristics similar to money, rather than on a close interplay of theory and data.
Econometric models of the economy Although F53 was not published until three years after Lawrence Kleins (1950) model it could have
influenced subsequent models. Or, if these models follow the methodology recommended in F53, that could account for their popularity, and
hence document the influence of F53.
Predictive success, not the realisticness of their assumptions, is the
main criterion by which these models ask to be judged.16 But that does
Predictive success is, however, not the only important criterion. Even if it predicts
accurately, we would reject a theory that explains the US price level by the league standing
of Manchester United. Friedman himself rejects large econometric models because he
believes that they require much more knowledge than we have.
Thomas Mayer
Clearly, these models are contrary to F53. Whether Hahn and Matthews
were influenced by F53 (which they did not cite) is hard to say, as is
whether the apparently widespread acceptance of their conclusion owes
much to F53.
F53 provided monetarists with a battering ram for their assault on the
prevailing Keynesian orthodoxy. At that time the wealth effect of falling
interest rates on consumption was little known, and with exchange rates
being more or less fixed, the claim that changes in the money supply could
substantially affect income appeared to require an (at that time) seemingly
implausibly high interest elasticity of investment. Friedman responded that
while it would be desirable to trace the channels by which money affects
income, this is not necessary. Instead, one can document numerous cases
in which changes in nominal income have followed exogenous changes in
money, and combine this fact with the general explanation from price
theory, that when there is an exogenous increase in the supply of one
asset (money) the demand for the other asset (goods) increases. The other
leading variant of US monetarism, the work of Brunner and Meltzer, too,
emphasized testing by implications, even though they provided a fairly
elaborate theoretical discussion.17
Without the focus on prediction that F53 advocated monetarism would
not have achieved its popularity. Most economists would then have agreed
with Frank Hahns (1971, 61) objection that: Friedman neither has nor
claims to have a monetary theory. His strong and influential views are not
founded on an understanding of how money works, but on what his
empirical studies have led him to believe to have been the course of
monetary history. In principle, it is obvious that the demand for
money, and hence its velocity, depends upon the expected yields of all
competing assets. Yet, unlike the Yale school, Friedman disregarded
them because he believed that including them did little to improve the
theorys predictions.
The monetarists case is also bound up with their rejection of the
mixture of introspection and casual empiricism that was a prominent
part of then prevailing Keynesian thinking. Examples are Keyness consumption function, his intuition that the main factors generating changes
in GDP are changing expenditure motives rather than changes in the
money supply, and the empirical significance of the speculative demand
for money. To successfully challenge Keynesian theory monetarists had to
show that what seemed commonsensical and intuitively obvious was an
insufficient basis for macroeconomics.18
The need to distinguish sharply between normative and positive elements played little role in the debate. Although normative issues permeated
policy discussions, both sides failed to draw sufficiently clear distinctions
between normative and positive issues. Still another Friedmanian theme,
the need for interplay between theoretical and empirical work, may have
played a substantial role in the rise of monetarism, since it was well suited to
Thomas Mayer
Sources of influence
Since 1953 economics has changed along the lines F53 recommended.
However, other factors could also have accounted for these changes,
particularly for the shift away from testing by the realisticness of assumptions. At the same time, some of these factors could also explain why
Friedman seems to have failed in his opposition to walrasian economics.
But it is certainly possible that without F53 the walrasian tide might have
been stronger, so that even on this issue F53 may have been influential.
How much of the observed changes in economics one attributes to F53
and how much to these other factors depends, in part, on ones acceptance
of the Stiglerian and postmodernist view that economists theory choice is
governed by their self-interest. But even if it is, F53 could still have been
influential by providing a convenient rationalization for, and thus accelerating, the changes that occurred. To what extent it did so is a matter of
intuitive appraisal rather than of solid evidence, and I feel qualified to
make such an appraisal only with respect to macroeconomics.
Although the immediate inspiration for, and the examples given in, F53
are microeconomic, F53 seems to have been more influential in macroeconomics since so much of modern microeconomics consists of building
Thomas Mayer
Allen, Clark (1954). Review of Milton Friedman Essays in Positive Economics.
Southern Economic Journal, 10, January, 3949
Backhouse, Roger (2002). Economic models and the role of informal scientific
methods. In Uskali Mki (ed.), Fact and Fiction in Economics. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 20213
Baumol, William (1954). Review of Milton Friedman Essays in Positive Economics.
Review of Economics and Statistics, 36, November, 4625
Blaug, Mark (1980). The Methodology of Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press
Boulier, Brian and Robert Goldfarb (1998). On the use and nonuse of surveys in
economics. Journal of Economic Methodology, 5, June, 122
Brunner, Karl (1969). Assumptions and the cognitive quality of theories.
Synthese, 20, 50125
Colander, David (1991). The lost art of economics. Journal of Economic
Perspectives, 6, Summer, 1918
Dasgupta, Partha (2002). Modern economics and its critics. In Uskali Mki (ed.),
Fact and Fiction in Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 5789
Duesenberry, James (1949). Income, Saving and the Theory of Consumer Behavior.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Figlio, David (1994). Trends in the publication of empirical economics. Journal of
Economic Perspectives, 4, Summer, 17987
Friedman, Milton (1949). Discussion. American Economic Review, 39, May, 1969
(1950). Wesley C. Mitchell as an economic theorist. Journal of Political Economy,
58, December, 46395
(1953). Essays in Positive Economics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
(1957). A Theory of the Consumption Function. Princeton: Princeton University
Friedman, Milton and Simon Kuznets (1945). Income from Independent Professional
Practices. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research
Friedman, Milton and Anna Schwartz (1963). A Monetary History of the United
States. Princeton: Princeton University Press
Gurley, Jack and Edward Shaw (1960). Money in a Theory of Finance. Washington,
DC: Brookings
Hahn, Frank (1971). Professor Friedmans views on money. Economica n.s., 39,
February, 6180
Hahn, Frank and Robin Matthews (1964). The theory of economic growth: a
survey. Economic Journal, 74, December , 779902
Hammond, J. Daniel (1990). McCloskeys modernism and Friedmans methodology: A case study with new evidence. Review of Social Economy, 48,
Summer, 15871
(1996). Theory and Measurement. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
(1998). Friedman, Milton. In J. Davis, D. W. Hands and U. Mki (eds.),
Handbook of Economic Methodology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Harsanyi, John (1995). Games with incomplete information. American Economic
Review, 85, June, 291393
Hayek, Friedrich von (1992). The pretence of knowledge. In Assar Lindbeck (ed.),
Nobel Lectures, Economic Sciences, 19691980. Singapore: World Scientific
Hirsch, Abraham and Neil De Marchi (1990). Milton Friedman. New York:
Harvester Wheatsheaf
Hoover, Kevin (2001). The Methodology of Empirical Macroeconomics. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press
(2004). Lost causes. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 26(2), 14964
Hutchison, Terence (1954). Review of Milton Friedman Essays in Positive
Economics. Economic Journal, 64, December, 7969
Keynes, John M. (1936). The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.
New York: Prentice Hall
Keynes, John N. (1963). The Scope and Method of Political Economy. New York:
Augustus Kelly
Klein, Lawrence (1950). Economic Fluctuations in the United States, 19211941.
New York: Wiley
Leontief, Wassily (1992). Structure of the world economy. In Assar Lindbeck
(ed.), Nobel Lectures, Economic Sciences, 19691980. Singapore: World
Lerner, Abba (1944). The Economics of Control. London: Macmillan
Thomas Mayer
A man who has a burning interest in pressing issues of public policy, who
has a strong desire to learn how the economic system really works in
order that that knowledge may be used, is not likely to stay within the
bounds of a method of analysis that denies him the knowledge he seeks.
He will escape the shackles of formalism, A far better way is to try to
derive theoretical generalizations to fit as full and comprehensive set of
related facts about the real world as it is possible to get.
(Friedman 1946, 631)
Earlier versions of this paper were presented in Milton Friedmans Methodology Paper
after 50 Years at the ASSA meetings in Washington, DC, January 2003 and in the
Philosophy Department Colloquium at the University of Quebec at Montreal, April
2003, as well as at the EIPE conference Positive Economics: Milton Friedmans Essay
at 50 in Rotterdam, December 2003. A shortened version, with the title Did Milton
Friedmans methodology license the formalist revolution? was published in Journal of
Economic Methodology, 10 (2003), 50720. I would like to thank Roger Backhouse, Robert
Leonard, Uskali Mki, Tom Mayer, Robert Nadeau, and numerous other attendees of the
above presentations for helpful comments. Errors and omissions are of course solely my
There are numerous summaries available in the secondary literature, including Blaug
1980/1992, Caldwell 1982/1994, Hands 2001, and Hausman 1992.
D. Wade Hands
philosophy of science, literature;2 (3) make the case for a particular interpretation of key words like assumptions, realism, prediction, etc;3 (4)
try to reconcile (or critique) the relationship between Friedmans methodological advice and his actual scientific practice;4 (5) evaluate the adequacy
of Friedmans stated methodology as an economic methodology. What
follows is broadly concerned with F53, but it will not address any of the
traditional methodological questions associated with Friedmans famous
What I will do is summarize and evaluate two conflicting interpretations
of F53 that have emerged within the recent methodological literature;
in particular, I will address a disagreement regarding the relationship
between the advice contained in Friedmans essay and the ascent of
formalism in economics. I will not take any substantive (new or existing)
position on Friedmans essay, but I will take a position on the role that F53
played in licensing the so-called formalist revolution. I will leave the
debate over whether one ought to do economics in the way suggested by
Friedmans essay, as well as various questions about the true essence of
Friedmans position, to methodologists with greater expertise in such
subjects. I will focus on the more naturalistically inclined question of the
role that Friedmans ideas played in the ascendancy of a particular set of
socially held beliefs about the (only) acceptable way to do research within
the science of economics.
I will focus my discussion on three influential contributors to this
ongoing debate: Mark Blaug, Terence Hutchison, and Thomas Mayer.
Blaug and Hutchison have argued repeatedly that F53 did in fact license
the formalist revolution, while Mayer has argued precisely the opposite;
the formalist revolution was (at least in part) a result of not following
Friedmans methodological advice. Juxtaposition of the views of these
two sets of authors on the question of Friedmans essay raises important
questions about the relationship between how one interprets F53 and how
one views its impact on the profession. For as we will see, all three parties
agree about essentially every methodological issue surrounding the
famous essay they have fundamentally the same conception of formalism; they all agree that it became the dominant approach to economic
Although Bolands (1979) instrumentalist reading is the most popular of such philosophical reconstructions, Mki (1989, 1992, 2000, this volume) and Hoover (2004 this
volume) offer persuasive realist interpretations. A realist reading is also supported by
Friedmans emphasis on the importance of novel facts.
Although I consider Mkis (1989, 1992) suggestion that we replace Friedmans realism
with realisticness to be a good one.
Although I would admit that I find the most detailed of such efforts Hirsch and De
Marchi (1990) to be relatively unpersuasive.
theorizing in the post-World War II era and that it was generally a bad
thing; they agree in principle that the right way to do economics involves
less mathematical abstraction, more and more serious empirical testing,
increased focus on the real facts of economic life, and a greater emphasis
on economic policy and yet they disagree sharply about the impact of
Friedmans essay on the rise of formalism.
Hutchison (2000, 16) seems to give Benjamin Ward (1972) credit for initially discussing
formalism in economics, but the Friedman quote at the beginning of this chapter shows
that it goes back far beyond the early 1970s.
This literature includes Backhouse (1998), Golland (1996), Mirowski (1986, 2002),
Punzo (1991), Weintraub and Mirowski (1994), and Weintraub (2002).
D. Wade Hands
Even though mathematics is neither necessary nor sufficient for formalism, the rise of mathematical economics, and particularly ArrowDebreu
general equilibrium theory, during the 1950s and 1960s clearly represented the high-water mark for formalism in economics and it set the tone
for the most prestigious economic theorizing during the latter half of the
twentieth century. All three authors have very negative things to say about
the impact of Walrasian general equilibrium theory; Mayer is not quite as
harsh as Blaug and Hutchison, but he still considers it an example of
formalism rather than his preferred empirical-science economics. They
all agree that economics took a seriously wrong turn and Arrow and
Debreu (1954) pointed the way. A few of their remarks are worth quoting
in detail.
If we can date the onset of the illness at all, it is the publication in 1954 of the
famous paper by Nobel laureates Kenneth Arrow and Gerard Debreu; it is this
paper that marks the beginning of what has since become a cancerous growth in
the very centre of microeconomics. (Blaug, 1997, 3)
If there is such a thing as original sin in economic methodology, it is the worship
of the idol of mathematical rigour, more or less invented by Arrow and Debreu
(1954) and then canonized by Debreu (1959) in his Theory of Value five years later,
probably the most arid and pointless book in the entire literature of economics.
(Blaug 2002, 27)
In the 1950s and 1960s the formalist revolution met with very little critical
resistance. In fact, the high confidence of leading mathematical abstractionists
and formalizers in the impregnability of their achievements continued unabated
through the 1970s and much of the 1980s, especially with regard to their flagship,
D. Wade Hands
Backhouse (1998) lists three types of formalism in economics axiomatization, mathematization, and methodological. The formalism that concerns these authors undoubtedly
involves all three of Backhouses categories, but the first, axiomatization, is clearly the main
In addition to these similar views about the proper scientific method, there
also seems to be agreement about which economists best characterize this
good empirical practice. They all point to Alfred Marshall as an exemplar of
the right, non-formalist, way to do economics. Hutchison claims that
Marshall had very subtle but incisive methodological views (Hutchison
2000, 4) and doubts that any other leading economist has ever had quite
such broad and penetrating insights on fundamental methodological issues
as the nature of economic theorizing (2000, 290), while Mayer argues that
his distinction between formalist and empirical science economics is quite
similar to the distinction between Marshallian and Walrasian economics,
since Marshallians are much more in the empirical science camp than are
Walrasians (Mayer 1993, 35). They also consider Keynes and a few others
to be methodological exemplars, but the Marshallian focus on economics as
a practical tool for solving policy problems in the ordinary business of life
makes his approach the paradigm case of non-formalist economic theorizing. It is useful to note that Friedman has also consistently cited Marshall
as an (perhaps the best) example of the proper methodological approach,
and that Friedmans Marshallianism is supported by many later methodological commentators (Hoover, this volume, for example).
Finally, there is the fact that all three of these authors praise the other
two for their methodological insights. While this is not surprising for
Blaug and Hutchison who have, and agree that they have, essentially the
same methodological position, it also seems to be true for Mayer as well.
Mayer praises both Blaug and Hutchison (1992, 3943) for their analysis
of formalism and general equilibrium theory, and Hutchison (2000, 21)
returns the favor. Blaug even goes so far as to say that his view and Mayers
I will not summarize the well-known positions of Hutchison and Blaug. The interested
reader can examine Hutchison (1938, 1992, 2000) and Blaug (1980/1992) or the summaries in secondary sources such as Caldwell (1982/1994) or Hands (2001).
D. Wade Hands
are essentially the same; Mayer relies less on the philosophical literature,
but the final result seems to be the same.
Thomas Mayer (1993) has recently published a study of Truth versus Precision in
Economics. He eschews all discussion of formal methodology but he also denies
that an invisible hand always impels economists to develop the best kind of
economics; in general, he argues for an empirically oriented economics against a
formalistic one. As far as I am concerned, he is on the side of the angels and his
book is full of illuminating illustrations of how many modern economists have
sacrificed relevance for rigour, technique for substance. (Blaug 1994, 131)
Friedmanic license
There is of course much more to Friedmans essay than this one simple sentence, but it is
the key, and generally agreed upon, message. See Friedman (1953) or the secondary
sources cited in note 1 for more details.
cat was out of the methodological bag, the profession was free to go speeding
down the formalist road.
The tendency with regard to abstraction towards anything goes was further
encouraged by the doctrine, none to clearly expounded in Milton Friedmans
famous essay The methodology of positive economics, according to which the
unrealism of assumptions need, and should, not be questioned, provided the
conclusions or predictions were tested. (Hutchison 2000, 193)
What runs through all this is the licence that Friedmans methodology of positive
economics gave economists to make any and all unrealistic assumptions, provided only that their theories yielded verifiable implications. But even if one grants
for the sake of argument that assumptions do not need to be descriptively accurate,
Friedman failed to insist that they do need to be robust, that is, capable of being
relaxed without fatal damage to the model they underpin. (Blaug 2002, 30)
D. Wade Hands
If these differing views about whether F53 licensed the formalist revolution do not stem from different interpretations of Friedmans essay, the
formalist revolution, or even the proper way to do scientific economics,
then what is the source of the disagreement? I would like to suggest
the difference stems from fundamentally different views regarding the
function and role of methodological inquiry. Crudely put, Blaug and
Hutchison approach economic methodology more from the viewpoint
of, and with the values of, professional philosophers of science; while
Mayer approaches it more from the perspective of a practicing economist.
Since this is a relatively strong statement that conflicts with how the
authors themselves view the situation, it will require some elaboration.
Let me begin with Mayers case since it is not quite as controversial, and
then move on to Blaug and Hutchison where my interpretation is diametrically opposed to the way the authors view their own positions.
Mayer grounds his interpretation of the rise of formalism, and the
corresponding demise of good policy-driven economics, in what is essentially an economic analysis of the behavior of those within the economics
profession during the post-World War II period. Mayers most explicit
statement of the causes of the formalist turn are contained in chapter 2 of
Mayer (1993); the chapter is titled Economists as economic agents:
towards a positive theory of methodology. In this chapter he does not
Although one might criticize the details of Mayers public choice story, my
purpose here is neither to challenge the adequacy of his narrative nor to
speculate about how the story would be different if it were told from a
different explanatory perspective within the social sciences. The issue here
is not the details of Mayers particular story, but the general tack or style to
methodological questions his approach exhibits. His style is grounded in a
particular social science public choice theory and for that reason it is far
less likely to blame an observed set of methodological practices on bad, or
easily misinterpreted, methodological rules. The behavior of the profession, the choices that were made rather than others that were not made,
can be explained, but from Mayers point of view they are to be explained
in essentially the same way that one would try to explain any other set of
social behaviors/choices. Looked at from the perspective of public choice
theory, a social organization that is based on the self-interested behavior of
individual agents is very likely to be inefficient (epistemically or economically) when those choices are not constrained by the forces of a competitive market. In particular, if there is imperfect competition in the
market and suppliers determine demand, then inefficiency will be the
D. Wade Hands
(perfectly understandable) consequence. The profession had other available choices they could have listened to what Friedman had to say about
methodology but they chose not to for good (good in the sense of being
able to be explained by social science) reasons. The onus of the inquiry is
to explain the path that was taken, explain the observed social behavior,
rather than fret about finding the perfect set of rules. This is not to say that
social scientists are never interested in what appears on a particular tablet
of rules; it is just not one of the first explanatory issues that come to mind.
The more obvious issues requiring social explanation seem to be why the
rules were or were not accepted by the crowd, and what were the social
consequences of those actions. Friedmans essay does not provide a very
good explanation in this sense: that is, it does not provide a very good
social explanation of the causes and consequences of the social phenomenon of the formalist revolution.10
My claim is that neither Blaug nor Hutchison would be particularly
troubled by the fact that Friedmans essay is not a very good social
explanation for the rise of formalism, because they are not really interested
in social explanations the explanation of why, or how, or for what
interests, certain methodological rules came to be accepted they are
more interested in the philosophical question of whether the rules are true
or right. The priority is on the content of the tablet, not on the social
explanation of its acceptance, rejection, or revision. The implicit presumption is that if it is true, if the methodological tablet contains the
correct rules, then they will be accepted. This is essentially a philosophers approach to questions of either epistemology or ethics. Let the
philosophers write the rules correctly what exactly is the true, the
good, and the beautiful? and the really important job is done. The rest
is mere mundane social explanation; leave it to the pocket-protector
It is important to emphasize that neither Blaug nor Hutchison would
endorse such an attitude if the issue were economic policy. For good
It is useful to note that social explanation-based approaches are increasingly becoming the
norm, rather than the exception, in the methodological literature on formalism in economics. This is true of Weintraub (2002), but there are many others as well. For example, both
Tony Lawson and Deirdre McCloskey, two economists who hold quite different views
about both methodology and economics, have recently examined the question of the
formalist revolution: Lawson (2003, ch. 10) and McCloskey (1994, chs. 10 and 11). Both
of them offer social explanations of the phenomenon (rather than philosophical homilies)
and both couch their explanations in the same type of explanatory framework they would
employ in the explanation of any other social phenomena. In this sense in their general
approach to the question of formalism (not the answers they provide) both Lawson and
McCloskey approach formalism more like Mayer than like Blaug and Hutchison.
economic policy they both argue that one should take into consideration
the behavior of those conducting the policy, the response of the agents that
will react to it, and the fact that such responses can never be worked out
in formalist-inspired detail; actual economic science should be situationsensitive and will generally not produce universal results. There is no
good policy independent of the context of its intended, perhaps messy,
economic application. This is the local, small-scale, applied, Marshallian
focus that Blaug and Hutchison both advocate in economics: the empirical, case-by-case method of the leading authorities from Adam Smith
onwards (Hutchison 2000, 333). Positing abstract and universal economic theories that are not based on the real economic context is precisely
the problem with Walrasian formalism. Hutchison, in particular, argues
that effective policy can never be based on pristine optimization, but
will always be imprecise, rule-of-thumb, and conditional. Such policydriven economics is still serious science; even though it is obviously
remote from the Utopian, fantasy levels, traditionally assumed to obtain
throughout the economy by pure theorists in their blackboard exercises
about optimal or maximizing equilibria (which have provided such a
seriously misleading basis for the discussion of real-world policy making)
(Hutchison, 2000, 21516). So when one is doing economics, the notion
of the right rules is not independent of context, agency, and collective
response; in fact the whole idea of a right rule does not even make sense
independently of the relevant social context. On the other hand, when
Blaug and Hutchison are doing methodology the emphasis is entirely
reversed. No longer are things messy, rule-of-thumb, and contextsensitive; in the domain of methodology, the only worthwhile results are
abstract, universal, and context-transcendent rules for differentiating
legitimate science from illegitimate non-science/nonsense; contextspecific rules are necessary for economic policy, but epistemic policy
requires exceptionless universal norms.
This attitude, the attitude that methodology is about finding universal,
epistemically correct, rules for scientific inquiry, and not about the more
social science-based questions of how rules in fact become socially operative epistemic norms or how the norms change from one research site to
another is precisely (or at least has been until recently) the dominant
attitude of mainstream philosophers of natural science. According to
this view, there exists a special philosophical method, not grounded in
the social science or science generally, that can evaluate and pass judgment on the epistemic virtues or cognitive significance of various domains
of scientific knowledge. Once the rules for the epistemically proper
scientific method had been found they were not of course, but that is a
separate story then proper/good scientists would follow them and
D. Wade Hands
bad/non-scientists would not. The only role for social explanation in this
view of science is negative. If scientists did not follow the proper scientific
method, their failure could be explained by social forces. So the Lysenkoinspired period in Soviet biology is to be explained solely by social forces,
while Watson and Crick were just following the proper scientific method.
The BlaugHutchison way of doing methodology is a page right out of
the philosophy of science textbook.
It is important to emphasize that this philosophers-way characterization of the BlaugHutchison position is not at all how they would characterize their own view. In fact they characterize it in just the opposite way.
According to their interpretation of their own view, they are taking a
position that is closer to economics, and those who focus on more
descriptive or explanatory methodological issues are letting the philosophical piper play the tune. Although they would not put Mayer in this camp,
they spend a lot of time criticizing methodologists who take a more
contextual or sociological approach as opposed to searching for universally correct rules for being under the spell of avant-garde philosophy.
In Hutchisons words: With no respect for the history and objectives of
economics, valuable and vital distinctions are rejected by comprehensive
academic-philosophical decree, regardless of the special characteristics and
problems of economics and political economy, and of the job which
economists want to get done (Hutchison 2000, 205). As Blaug and
Hutchison see it, those who want to describe and/or explain how methodological rules become dominant, get reinforced, or emerge from the
self-interested actions of scientific agents are acting like philosophers,
while those (such as themselves) who want to proscribe abstract universal
rules of the one true scientific method are respecting the history and
objectives of economics. Frankly, I just do not get it; I just do not see how
they could possibly believe this to be the case. It seems so obvious that
philosophers have generally sought abstract universal truths, while economists (at least non-formalist economists) have acted like dutiful social
scientists and sought the best available answers to context-specific social
questions. While Marshall would undoubtedly agree with what Blaug and
Hutchison have to say about economics, he is surely spinning violently in
his grave when they talk about methodology.
Both Blaug and Hutchison are very critical of the argument offered
by Arrow, Debreu, Hahn, and others that abstract general equilibrium
theory, particularly the first and second fundamental theorems of welfare
economics, provides a formalization, and thus a defense, of the free
market and/or Adam Smiths invisible hand. They both poke fun at the
notion that somehow no one understood, or could defend, the free
market until Arrow and Debreu offered us their formal theorems based
D. Wade Hands
D. Wade Hands
most obvious approach, taking ones cues from philosophical interpretations of the natural sciences, would be to empirically test the theory that
appears at the end of the theoretical process. That is, start with a theory of
demand based on some version of individual optimization, aggregate over
the relevant individual agents, deduce various empirical implications of
the theory, and then finally test those implications against accepted empirical evidence. The problem was that this straightforward approach to
the empirical grounding of demand theory proved to be extremely problematic (see Hands and Mirowski 1998; Mirowski and Hands 1998).
An alternative approach and one that proved to be less problematic
involved putting the empirical in at the very front of the process. By
using Samuelsons weak axiom of revealed preference to empirically
ground the individual preferences that constituted the primitives of the
theory, the theorizing could go on happily without ever needing to test
the results at the end of the theoretical process. Once the empiricism
was in at the beginning, one was entirely free to deduce whatever
formal results one desired, never again confront these deduced results
with the evidence, and yet still remain on perfectly firm epistemic ground.
Samuelsons operationalism thus conveniently provided just the empirical
licensing that the formalist revolution needed. Friedmans methodology
does not work so neatly; Friedman would keep asking those pesky questions
about testing the theory at the end of the process. Is it any wonder that
Arrow and Hahn (1971) and other key formalist texts did repeatedly cite
Samuelsons theory of revealed preference and never cited Friedmans
essay. It should also be noted that the weak axiom played a key role in
many of the most important theorems about the uniqueness and stability of
Walrasian competitive equilibrium. Taken as an ensemble, Samuelsons
methodology and his revealed preference theory neatly solved (or at least
seemed to solve at the time) a myriad of problems associated with Walrasian
formalism. Clearly if any methodology provided a license for formalism, it
was Samuelsons, not Friedmans.
I would also note that similar remarks can be made about other methodological positions in the literature at the time. While it is hard to make the
case that a strict falsificationist reading of Karl Poppers philosophy of
science would license formalist theorizing in economics (falsificationism
has its own problems, but turning economics into existence theorems is not
one of them), it is important to recognize that the most self-consciously
Popperian authors of the day were Klappholz and Aggasi (1959) and their
critical rationalist and non-falsificationist brand of Popperian methodology
would allow for various types of non-empirical, including perhaps purely
mathematical, criticism. I believe the case for Samuelsons operationalist
methodology is much stronger, but the point is simply that there were any
D. Wade Hands
one has an explanation for the belief. This answer will undoubtedly be less
persuasive among those outside the community of economists, those who
explain the emergence of socially held beliefs in other ways, but down here
on the ground in day-to-day professional life that is not really a problem.
Such a vision, or any vision grounded in social science, will be far less
likely to blame the licenser. Methodological rules matter if they are
grounded in the disciplinary form of life, but such rules are only one
small piece of any explanation of why the particular social result occurred.
For Mayer, Friedmans methodological ideas were grounded in his activities as an economist and those that engaged in formalist economics did so
for reasons, but those reasons had much more to do with the social
conditions and constraints the relevant economic theorists faced than
with any of the particular words in Friedmans methodological essay.
Thus Mayer is less likely to view F53 (or for that matter any other essay
on methodology) as licensing formalism than Blaug and Hutchisons
more philosophy-driven view.
I would like to close by admitting that I have probably overstated
my case: both the case that Blaug and Hutchison are examples of
methodology-as-viewed-from-philosophy, and also that Mayer has a
naturalistic and context-specific approach to methodological questions.
Blaug and Hutchison do discuss various sociological, and even economic,
forces that contributed to the professions change in theoretical style; and
Mayer does defend Friedmans methodology philosophically as a properly
scientific way of doing economics. But while there are certain ways in
which both views leak a bit in the opposite direction, I contend that the
main point remains; even with their occasional nod to social forces, Blaug
and Hutchison are doing methodology in the spirit of the philosophy of
science; and Mayer, while retaining the philosophical high ground for
Friedmans methodology, is conducting his methodological inquiry primarily as applied social science. And I claim these differences provide the
best explanation for their difference of opinion about whether Friedmans
methodology did or did not license the formalist revolution.
Arrow, Kenneth J. and Gerard Debreu (1954). Existence of an equilibrium for a
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that economics must be informal too. The Economic Journal, 108, 184858
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Klappholz, Kurt and Joseph Agassi (1959). Methodological prescriptions in economics. Economica, 26, 6074
Lange, Oskar (1944). Price Flexibility and Employment. Bloomington, IN: Principia
Lawson, Tony (2003). Reorienting Economics. London: Routledge
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Kyklos, 53, 30322
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Mayer, Thomas (1993). Truth versus Precision in Economics. Aldershot: Edward Elgar
(1995). Doing Economic Research: Essays on the Applied Methodology of Economics.
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(2009). The influence of Friedmans methodological essay. This volume
McCloskey, D. N. (1994). Knowledge and Persuasion in Economics. Cambridge:
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Mirowski, Philip (1986). Mathematical formalism and economic explanation. In
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(2002). Machine Dreams. Economics Becomes a Cyborg Science. Cambridge:
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stabilization of American neoclassical demand theory. In M. S. Morgan and
M. Rutherford (eds.), From Interwar Pluralism to Postwar Neoclassicism [supplement to HOPE vol. 30]. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 26992
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Samuelson, Paul A. (1938). A note on the pure theory of consumers behaviour.
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Ward, Benjamin (1972). Whats Wrong with Economics? New York: Basic Books
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Bourbakism comes to mathematical economics. Science in Context, 7,
Melvin W. Reder
The concept of a frame is used in the sense of Tversky and Kahneman (1974) from whom
the concept has been borrowed.
The term industry refers generally to aggregates of independent decision entities whose
productive activity reflects the impact of common forces (e.g. geographic areas, use of
common inputs) and is not restricted to producers of a common product.
Melvin W. Reder
competitive theory. For a time roughly two decades the failure of the
competitive theory to allow for the possibility that observed behavior
might reflect exploitation of the aforementioned tradeoffs was sufficient
to make it generally unacceptable. It was as an attempt to buttress this
rejection that testimony of economic actors (e.g. business managers) was
introduced as support for the claim of unrealism of the assumptions of the
competitive theory. In large part, F53s attack on the relevance of such
testimony to appraisal of the competitive theory was in the nature of a
Briefly to review F53s attack, consider an economic analyst attempting
to choose between two explanations of price setting and output determination among a group of firms assumed to be competitors in the sale of
output and the purchase, hire or rent of inputs. Let one of these explanations be the competitive theory and the alternative any member of a class
of theories whose common characteristic is that they permit tradeoffs
among prices, quantities, qualities, and contract terms. The competitive
theory is similar to, though not identical with, the theory of an idealized
competitive industry as presented in contemporary textbooks.
In the idealized competitive industry inputs and outputs are homogeneous: this is consilient with the notion that as of any given time all units
are bought or sold at a single price with the identity of the transacting
parties a matter of indifference to all concerned. Moreover, the characteristics of the constituent firms are irrelevant to the analysis of their
pricequantity behavior so that the firm is a convenience of speech; a
redundant notion without independent function. However, for realworld application it is necessary to recognize that both firms and competitive industries have differentiating characteristics that somehow must
be taken into account. Organized exchanges aside, the output of a realworld competitive industry is a congeries of differing products, sold on a
variety of contract terms, delivered in various ways, etc. An analogous
remark applies to each of its constituent firms.
To apply the conceptual structure of an idealized competitive industry
to measurement of such a collection of heterogeneous products and
contract terms requires decisions of classification and weighting as discussed below. Deferring discussion of details, the result of such statistical
editing is the production of price and quantity numbers referring to an
entity called an industry that are designed to reflect the impact of the
forces usually operating through costs that bear similarly upon (most
of) the constituent firms.
The argument of F53 was designed to focus attention upon the operation of these common forces: i.e. the intent was to apply the competitive
model of the idealized industry to the analysis of (real-world) relations
Melvin W. Reder
Melvin W. Reder
However, this effort has been only partially successful. The success is
reflected in the continuing search for relations among aggregate variables,
with observations on individual entities (e.g. firms) serving as data points.
Often empirical workers engaged in such search are disdainful of detailed
accounts of the behavior and intentions of particular individuals.
Nevertheless the theory of the firm, an imperiled embryo in 1953, has
since become a vigorous and independent branch of economics.
Although always present among reflective businessmen, interest in
explaining the behavior of firms had long been repressed among economic
theorists by the unchallenged assumption that competitors must be pricetakers. While the Monopolistic Competition Revolution freed them of
their inhibitions on this point, it offered little guidance beyond the insight
that the implications of pure competition were unrealistic and entailed
drastic oversimplifications of the problems faced by the management of a
competitive firm.
While theoretical analysis of such problems begins with Coases (1937)
seminal paper, The nature of the firm, the subject did not take hold
among economists until the 1970s with the development of theories about
transaction costs, incentive payments, etc. As these ideas were symbiotic
with new developments in game theory they had the effect of marginalizing the theory of monopolistic competition among students of firm
behavior. Another, and more important effect, was greatly to increase the
interest of (many) economists in obtaining detailed information about
individual firms.
The best often the only possible source of such information is the
manager(s) of these firms. The most important and difficult questions
concern not so much the details of behavior as the strategies, intentions
and objectives that motivate the behavior. Managers can and do discourse
at length on these subjective matters, sometimes persuasively.
Notoriously, the problem of accepting their statements at face value is
that they reflect the preconceptions of the speakers and the effects that the
speakers desire their statements to have upon auditors. Nevertheless,
because of the paucity of alternative sources, such statements (often
embellished with self-serving accounts of pertinent events) get factored
into the histories of firms.
To the sceptical suggestion ignore the talk, just look at the record of
behavior (aka the facts), the answer lies in the need for consilience as
discussed in section II. The importance of consilience, especially between
accounts of the behavior of aggregates and the alleged intentions of
component individuals, is rooted in the immanent objective of all economics to relate the intentions of individual actors to their (often unintended) consequences.
Although not the only criterion of theoretical merit that it recognizes, F53
places great stress upon capability of making correct predictions (including retrodictions). This view is consilient with its argument that the
validity of an economic theory depends upon the conformity of its implications with the observed behavior of prices and quantities to which the
realism (descriptive accuracy) of its assumptions is irrelevant. But while it
is generally accepted that predictive capability is an important criterion for
judging the merit of any theory, there has been considerable dissent as to
its importance relative to other criteria. As the reader may surmise,
opinions about how the evidence offered in support of a theory should
be appraised is closely related to the criteria by which the merit of the
theory is to be judged.
While I shall not attempt a general discussion of the criteria to use in
appraising theories, our topic requires that we consider some criteria other
than predictive capability. Though logical consistency is an obvious candidate, I have little to say about it beyond pointing to its obvious importance.
The criterion that I shall stress is, I think, underemphasized in F53: consilience of a theory with other beliefs, especially those associated with other
theories, that have wide acceptance. (Other beliefs include the oftmentioned beliefs that arise from intuition and/or introspection.) In
Consilience, E. O. Wilson (1998) argues strongly for contribution to the
unity of knowledge as an evaluative criterion for theories in any subject.
Wilson is especially critical of the failure of economics, especially the
theory of individual choice, to establish proper connections with theories
in psychology covering the same subject. However, after some strong
though not altogether accurate criticism of its procedures, Wilson concedes that We are better off if the economists speak than if they remain
silent (1998, 197). While it is obvious that the implied subject of such
allegedly beneficial speech is public policy, Wilson does not offer any
explicit rationale for this concession.
I submit that the implicit rationale for the concession is belief that
general knowledge of relevant facts about the behavior of economies and
of the ideas present and past about their functioning, together with
their visible efforts to advance this knowledge, makes economists a source
of valuable information. However, Wilsons concession is weak: i.e. economists should be invited to speak but in competition with other speakers,
and not necessarily to be believed.
An important reason for the weakness of the concession, though surely
not the only one, is lack of consilience of what economists say about
choice behavior with the dicta of psychology and, indirectly, with biology
Melvin W. Reder
Melvin W. Reder
Another interesting and painstaking effort to obtain information from economic actors about
thought processes relevant to their price-making behavior is reported in Blinder et al. (1998).
Although the findings in the report are germane to the argument of this chapter, they raise so
many collateral issues that (reluctantly) I have decided not to comment upon it.
Melvin W. Reder
In essence, The General Theory sought to frame fluctuations in employment as resulting from fluctuations in effective demand with above normal non-employment identified as involuntary unemployment: possible
fluctuations in labor supply were ignored. In contrast, Lucas and Rapping
sought to frame fluctuations in employment as the result of fluctuations in
labor supply, sometimes (but not always) caused by fluctuations in aggregate effective demand. While the Keynesian conception of unemployment
is single period with no attention paid to intertemporal relations of labor
supply, Lucas and Rapping consider individuals to be multiperiod utility
maximizers, whose plans allow for the possibility of interperiod substitution of labor supply.
In any given period decisions about labor supply are conditional upon
the state of current employment opportunities (real wage rate).6 Should
current employment opportunities be less favorable than an individual
had anticipated, he or she might find it advantageous to substitute further
education, a vacation, engaging in home repair, etc., for current gainful
employment. Such intertemporal substitution of employment would be
coordinated with intertemporal deviations from an asset accumulation
plan: e.g. drawing down of savings, increased borrowing, reduction of
current consumption. Conversely, regardless of the current state of
employment opportunities, previous periods in which labor market states
had been more favorable than anticipated would lead an individual to
work less and/or reduce his or her rate of asset accumulation in order to
increase his or her rate of consumption. Still further, in multiperson
households, shock-induced deviations from an intertemporal household
plan might induce crossperson as well as intertemporal substitutions of
time. However, because the costs of exercising options to alter intertemporal plans of labor supply may appear excessive, some workers may avoid
them by accepting lower wages and/or inferior jobs.
Implicit in the LucasRapping story is the assumption that shockcaused deviations from intertemporal plans may be anticipated and
planned for. Indeed, the implicit self-insurance that such plans envisage
might conceivably be supplemented by purchased insurance as proposed
by Robert Shiller (2003). But the uncertainty associated with intertemporal plans cannot be insured against. Occurrence of a shock always raises
questions as to whether the regime upon whose continuation such plans
Lucas and Rapping use real wage rate as a synonym for net advantages of employment.
So defined, the real wage rate covers fringes of all kinds, especially the prospect of an
increased probability of future employment as a result of present employment. While this
definition presents problems, a discussion of them would take us far afield.
Melvin W. Reder
were based might have undergone an adverse change, and if so what the
new regime might be and what reformulation of such plans it would entail.
The psychic cost of the entailed uncertainty is greatly enhanced by the
fact that because an individuals life cycle is finite and affected by hysteresis it is often infeasible to defer study or adventures of one kind or
another for later realization. To this should be added the high cost of
overcoming the moral hazard associated with lending to an impecunious
loan seeker. Together, these obstacles to intertemporal substitution of
labor supply can provide a rationale for rejecting the new classical viewpoint as a frame for viewing involuntary unemployment.7
But The General Theory nowhere invokes such psychic costs as a rationale for deploring involuntary unemployment. Left implicit, although
clearly present, is the claim that involuntary unemployment is the obverse
side of unused productive capacity and that the potential output of such
capacity (valued at market prices) can serve as a measure of the resulting
loss. For the sake of argument, assume that while this claim might hold for
a short period window (say six months), as the window lengthens to two
years the effect of intertemporal substitution of employment would begin
to affect the level of potential output: i.e. initial subnormal employment
would be (at least partially) offset by later supernormal employment.
Thus, viewed through a sufficiently long window, lost output due to a
major depression might be offset more or less by the effects of a
supernormal supply of labor from workers struggling to make up for the
potential earnings previously lost. Conversely, an unusually large or prolonged boom might lead to earlier retirements, longer vacations, etc. by
workers who had already earned and saved enough to satisfy the aspirations embedded in their multiperiod supply plans.
I conjecture that in viewing the economic history of the past century
most economists would agree that during particular short periods where
aggregate output and employment fell below their respective potentials
the shortfalls were partly (or even wholly) offset by unusually large supplies of productive services, earlier or later. Moreover, they would also
agree that because measuring the relevant magnitudes is very difficult,
summary characterizations should be tentative. However, in choosing a
frame for viewing the normal state of a capitalist economy, many of them
would desert the ranks of the tentative and become more or less committed adherents to either the Invisible Hand frame or the frame of the
The reader will note the relation of the above remarks to Frank Knights (1921) distinction
between risk and uncertainty.
Melvin W. Reder
unemployment constitutes an important first step forward in rebuilding the foundations of Keynesian economics. (2002, 415).8
The idea of a job applicant having identical ability with a current job holder raises
methodological problems about the notion of specific human capital. While such problems
are not always trivial, I shall refrain from discussing them here.
that the proposal of a (temporary) wage cut would not have provoked an
immediate quit. Yet such cuts were rarely proposed when circumstances
required a reduction in payroll: the typical response was to lay off
workers, or dismiss them, but only rarely to reduce their rates of pay
and even less frequently to give workers an option of some combination
of shorter hours and reduced rates of pay.
The striking feature of the interviews was the failure of most managers
to invoke labor market considerations as an explanation of their wagesetting behavior. While the reasons given for their behavior included a
variety of considerations (e.g. fairness to the employees, avoidance of
worker resentment that might cause future shirking or quits when labor
market conditions became more favorable to employees, maintenance of a
pleasant atmosphere in the workplace). Only rarely did the expressed
sentiments make reference to conditions in the labor market. As Bewley
points out, the reasons for wage decisions given by managers run strongly
parallel to the views expressed by personnel experts, social psychologists,
sociologists, and other academic non-economists.9
Bewley summarizes the reasons given for not reducing wages under the
rubric of employer desire to maintain morale: i.e. wages dont fall during
recessions because employers dont wish to damage employee morale.
Worker and/or trade union resistance is not invoked as a causal factor in
explaining the failure of employers to exploit excess labor supply to reduce
wages. This implies that in a recession most employed workers cannot
reduce their probability of being laid off or dismissed by accepting a wage
cut because their employers do not wish to lower wages for fear of
adversely affecting morale. For the same reason, employers would not
respond to offers by unemployed workers to accept lower wages than
those paid to current job holders of equal productivity. In short, unemployed workers cannot use the tools of a competitive market accepting
lower wages to increase their probability of finding (or retaining) a job
and therefore their unemployment should be considered involuntary.
This state of affairs would seem to be inconsistent with the idea that
employers seek to maximize expected profits and Bewley so interprets it,
constructing a theory alternative to profit maximization in which
employer wage-setting behavior is made subject to a morale-maintenance
constraint. (While the details of this theory are of substantive interest, they
have no direct bearing on the present discussion so I shall refrain from
While Bewley does not stress the point, his interviews reveal a tendency (frequently
remarked elsewhere) toward enhanced employer willingness to exploit excess labor supply
to reduce wages when pressed to improve cash flow (e.g. threatened action by creditors), as
well as lessened resistance of workers to such exploitation.
Melvin W. Reder
A critical reader might object to the concept of a market for specific human capital. While I
believe that I could defend use of the concept, I recognize the difficulty but eschew the
lengthy diversion that such a defence would entail.
In seeking to influence the views of other people, economists and other
social scientists attempt to induce them to think in a particular way about
whole classes of problems, many of which cannot be specified in advance.
Many of the most important problems concern public policy. Although far
from the whole of the matter, the frame that one uses is an important
element of ones method of thinking about a particular class of problems. In addition to the frame (or frames) that an individual uses, he or she
usually has one or more theories and/or prejudices.
Neoclassical economics is associated with a variety of theories and
(possibly) a plurality of frames. However, in this article I have been
concerned with one particular neoclassical frame, the Invisible Hand,
which is embedded in F53 and exhibited in most of Friedmans other
writings as well. As reiterated here, and innumerable times in the literature for well over half a century, that frame presents economic problems
as involving choices or decisions made by individuals who are subject to
constraints of endowed resources and seek to maximize some objective
function which (loosely) can be identified as expected utility. In the
process of maximization, individuals engage in mutually agreeable transactions with others in which the terms of trade (prices) are determined by
competitive markets and are accepted as givens by all parties concerned.
The competitive market and the associated method of price determination are very important characteristics of this frame: it is these properties that lead to the identification of market-determined prices
with alternative marginal costs. This identification generates many of
the non-intuitive implications of neoclassical theories that make the
Invisible Hand frame intellectually appealing, and motivates efforts to
encourage its adoption and utilization.
Melvin W. Reder
As stated in section I, Friedman is noted (inter alia) for his insistence that
a major determinant of the quality of a theory is the extent to which it
facilitates useful predictions. But what he urges (in F53 and elsewhere) is
not the collection of unrelated theories, each possessing great power to
make useful predictions, but adoption of a specific frame for a set of theories
that share certain important characteristics. In effect he is telling economists that (in non-monopoly situations) the best way to find successful
theories is to restrict search to theories that are compatible with the Invisible
Hand frame. By implication Friedman holds that it is members of this class
of theories that have the best chance of yielding useful predictions.
As already indicated, economics has no salient criterion for theory
selection that is alternative to what is proposed in F53. However, during
the past half century there has been increasing emphasis on the importance of achieving consilience between the implications of theories accepted in economics and those accepted in psychology and/or sociology that
purport to explain the actions of individuals and firms by allowing for the
possibility of non-rational behavior.
But to achieve consilience with such theories entails abandonment, or
at least drastic alteration, of the Invisible Hand frame. A striking example
of attempts to compel such alteration is provided by the Nobel lectures of
Akerlof and Stiglitz, discussed in section III. The arguments of these
lectures dovetail nicely with the findings of Bewleys interviews with
wage setters in the 1990s, which are strikingly similar both in style and
results to the empirical research that F53 sought to discredit.
At first blush, the combined effect of the arguments of Akerlof and
Stiglitz and the reports of Bewleys interviews with wage setters would
seem to limit the applicability of the Invisible Hand framework. However,
as argued in section III, the contrast between that framework and the
opposing Keynesian vision is very much blurred when intertemporal
substitution of labor is considered. Indeed, the issues involved in interpreting a given spell of aggregate unemployment as an irreparable loss of
potential output rather than an intertemporal substitution of labor involve
so much conjecture on both sides that it is hard to understand the intensity
with which this, and similar disputes, are pursued.
The explanation lies in the importance attached to maintaining the
intellectual viability of the alternative frames for viewing a competitive
economy that are associated with alternative interpretations of unemployment. The importance attached to maintaining the viability of a frame
is due to the influence that its acceptance is believed to exercise on the
views that individuals take of the propriety of governmental intervention
in the functioning of an economy. Over the decades Friedman has many
times insisted upon the separation of his views on positive economics (as
Akerlof, George A. (2002). Behavioral macroeconomics and macroeconomic
behavior. American Economic Review, 92, 41133
Bewley, Truman (1999). Why Wages Dont Fall During a Recession. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press
While I do not say that economists typically choose theories, frames, etc. to rationalize
preconceived policy conclusions, I believe that, varying from one economist to another,
theory may inspire policy, and vice versa. Careful sorting out of the positive from the
normative comes at the stage of presentation sometimes consciously, sometimes not
but after the stage of inspiration.
Melvin W. Reder
Blinder, Alan S. et al. (1998). Asking About Prices. New York: Russell Sage
Coase, Ronald H. (1937). The nature of the firm. Economica, 4, 386405
Hoover, Kevin D. (1988). The New Classical Macroeconomics: A Sceptical Inquiry.
Oxford: Blackwell
Kahneman, Daniel (2002). Maps of bounded rationality: psychology for behavioral economics. American Economic Review, 93, 144975
Keynes, John Maynard (1936). The General Theory of Employment, Interest and
Money. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company
Lucas, Robert E. and Leonard A. Rapping (1969). Real wages, employment and
inflation. Journal of Political Economy, 77, 72154
Schumpeter, Joseph A. (1954). History of Economic Analysis. New York: Oxford
University Press
Shiller, Robert J. (2003). The New Financial Order. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press
Simon, Herbert A. (1947). Administrative Behavior. New York: Macmillan
Stiglitz, Joseph E. (2002). Globalization and its Discontents. New York: W. W.
Tversky, Amos and Daniel Kahneman (1974). Judgment under uncertainty:
heuristics and biases. Science, 185, 112430.
Wilson, Edward O. (1998). Consilience. New York: Alfred A. Knopf
On the introduction of mathematical statistics in the USA in 1933, see Stigler (1996). The
use of mathematical statistics by Federal agencies in that same year is discussed in Duncan
and Shelton (1992, 321). For an overview of the development of sampling techniques, see
Seng (1951) and Desrosieres et al. (2001). For an extended discussion of the methodological challenges herein involved as Friedman could have met them, see Teira (2007).
Cf. Neyman (1938, 328). On the context, see Reid (1998, 1378) Friedmans contribution is mentioned in p. 148. For an extended discussion, see Teira (2007).
Even if the calculations involved in planning were out of the reach of any
statistical economist, the policy-maker could still benefit from concrete
Together with Emile Despres, Albert Hart, and Paul Samuelson. The committee had been
appointed in 1947.
The case for this proposal was thoroughly presented two years later in
The effects of a full-employment policy on economic stability: a formal
analysis (Friedman 1951). Full-employment policies were usually analyzed on the basis of a four-variable model: consumption (C), income (Y),
investment (I), and government expense (G).
C f Y
The income level Y0 that will bring about full employment depends
directly on government expense, which must counterbalance I. Stability
is therefore the stability of income Y. The discussion of the effects of
discretional government action proceeds in a way inspired by the theory
of statistics rather than economic theory (Friedman [1948] 1953a, 121),
more precisely by the statistical analysis of variance.5 Income at t Z(t) is
decomposed into two variables, the first one X(t) measuring the level
Friedman (1949, 951), from which the idea evolved (Friedman [1948] 1953a, 121n.)
attained without a full-employment policy, the effects of which are measured by the second one Y(t). The analysis of income stability would thus
work analogously to that of variance:
For X or Z the variance measures the fluctuations in income in the absence or
presence of a countercyclical policy. For Y the variance may be regarded as
measuring the magnitude of the countercyclical action taken. (Friedman [1948]
1953a, 123)
Yet, although unmentioned in F53, attention should also be paid to the fact that professional
consensus among economists on the most convenient policies is required for any general consensus to be reached (Friedman [1948] 1953a; Despres et al. 1950). Or conversely, as Rose
Friedman put it: It is not difficult to see why different layman might have different
predictions about the economic consequences of certain actions when the experts disagree (Friedman and Friedman 1998, 217). For laymen and experts alike, the way to
attain consensus is the same one: predicting. This topic will be taken up again in section 4.
For further details, see Friedman and Friedman (1998, 6776, 12547).
In this respect, an extension of Galton and Pearsons approach, also adopted by Hotelling
later on. Allen Wallis still used it in his 1956 manual (Wallis and Roberts 1956). For a
superb analysis of this intellectual tradition, see Armatte (1995).
Friedman and Kuznets was at most conjectural, they did not hesitate in
blaming the difference observed in the average income between medicine
and dentistry on the medical licenses.9 Conversely, if policy conclusions
were always to rest on a prediction, Walrasian approaches were inherently
useless for the policy-maker, as Friedman often pointed out.10
Irrespective of its purported precision as a demarcation criterion, prediction proves to be extremely discriminating when it comes to the political
efficiency of an economic theory.
However, in the aftermath of the science wars, the mere claim that such
a criterion may pick out theories being at once positive and politically
useful is clearly suspicious. Friedmans definitional strategy called into
question a central claim in our methodological received view: theoreticity.
In order to guarantee that each theoretical term had a clear empirical
(positive) counterpart, rigorous definitions were called for. From this point
of view, it is not strange that Walrasian axiomatizations have been so often
appreciated by philosophers of science. However, when rigor in definitions is relinquished with a view to facilitating predictions, the sociological
challenge to the neutrality of scientific classifications seems most threatening. According to a tradition dating back to Durkheim and Mauss,11
our most basic classifications of sense-data are inescapably biased by
social interests, since the concepts we use to this effect are rooted in our
daily practice. There is no disinterested ground on which to base scientific
concepts. Now, in our opinion, even those who disagree with David Bloor
should concede that Friedmans methodology does not provide such a
disinterested ground. Quite the contrary: for those economists whose
daily practice consists in obtaining predictions with a political view, it is
essential that the definition of theoretical concepts is loosened so that the
data they are provided with can be classified and predictions follow. Yet,
once the rigor of the definition is relaxed, who could guarantee that it will
not be manipulated in order to obtain interested predictions?
By way of example, let us recall that the conclusions of Friedman
and Kuznetss analysis were called into question by the American
Medical Association. Apart from a few years delay, it took a Directors
The analysis is necessarily conjectural and our quantitative results are only a rough
approximation. But the problem is real, and a rough approximation seems better than
none (Friedman and Kuznets 1945, viii).
E.g. Friedman ([1946] 1953a, 300; [1947] 1953a, 316)
After all, categorization is a central concern in many a sociological approach to science: the
starting point was E. Durkheim and Marcel Mausss 1903 essay Primitive classification.
Bloor (1982) vindicated its relevance for the Strong program. Philip Mirowski introduced this
tradition in the sociology of economic knowledge in his More Heat than Light (1989, 412).
consensus among the profession.12 A reexamination of F53 in a contractarian light might provide several clues to achieving it.
For further details about our discussion of Friedmans methodology, see Teira 2004.
E.g.: There is no satisfactory solution to the dilemma posed by the propositions: (1) there
is a body of positive economics that can yield reliable predictions of the consequences of
change; (2) there are experts in positive economics; (3) differences about the desirability
Friedman rewritten?
fact that economics deals with the interrelations of human beings, and that
the investigator is himself part of the subject matter being investigated in a
more intimate sense than in the physical sciences, raises special difficulties
in achieving objectivity at the same time that it provides the social scientist
with a class of data not available to the physical scientist. But, after all,
surely neither the one nor the other makes a fundamental distinction
between the goals and methods of the two groups of sciences.
More importantly, normative economics cannot be independent of
positive economics. Any policy conclusion necessarily rests on a prediction about the consequences of doing one thing rather than another, a
prediction that must be based on positive economics. Governments wanting to improve the living conditions of their citizens, or wanting at least to
maximize the chances of being re-elected by favoring a majority of their
constituency, need to be confident about the likely consequences of the
policies that experts are recommending. It is then both in the interest of
the economist and of the politician to have a corpus of substantive
hypotheses that are successful when judged by its predictive power. On
this basis, the judgment has been ventured that currently in the Western
world differences about economic policy among citizens who try to be
disinterested derive predominantly from different predictions about the
economic consequences of taking action differences that could perhaps
be eliminated by the progress of positive economics rather than from
fundamental differences in basic values, differences about which individuals ultimately face a choice between fighting or showing tolerance. For
example, in the debate about the so called basic income, no one seems
to deny that the ultimate goal is to attain an acceptable standard of living
for all, but strong differences arise when predictions on whether this goal
would be attained or not with the application of that policy, and at what
costs, begin to be drawn. The same takes place in numerous other examples. Hence, the argument follows, achieving consensus about the relevant consequences of each economic policy would reduce to a high extent
the dissensus existing about alternative courses of political action.
This is, of course, a positive statement to be accepted or rejected just
on the basis of empirical evidence, but this evidence could only be
achieved if positive economics advanced as much as to generate a
degree of consensus on empirical predictions much higher than what
has been attained until now. On the other hand, an apparent consensus
about economic predictions can derive either from an appropriate
scientific methodology, or from any political strategy to silence those
making different predictions, and the same dilemma arises regarding a
possible consensus about the normative implications of those predictions.
If this judgment is valid, it means that the normative relevance of positive
economics (i.e. the usefulness of its empirical predictions for the fostering
of our social values) can only be assessed through an analysis of the
conditions under which economic knowledge is generated, discussed,
and applied, in order to understand whether the actual conditions can be
expected to generate a corpus of predictively useful generalizations about
economic phenomena, or whether some amendments of those conditions
are both desirable and feasible.
Positivist economics Any normative judgment presupposes some
particular values, for there is no such thing as an absolutely impartial
evaluation. When we describe someone as disinterested, we simply
mean that, in the assessment of positive as well as of normative propositions, he is adopting a moral perspective which does not only take into
account his own private interest and opinions, but also the welfare and the
opinions of other people. However, since different individuals may obviously have different moral values, the judgments of disinterested evaluators need not coincide, although a higher degree of agreement can be
expected than in the case of interested agents. The first essential point
in making any normative pronouncement as experts is, then, to openly
declare the moral values which underlie that judgment. In the argument
elaborated here, these values reduce to the following: the point of view that
must be adopted in order to evaluate the methodological practices of economists is
essentially the point of view of the citizens. After all, policy-makers have to use
the best available economic knowledge in order to promote the welfare of
the members of the political community. Under a democratic regime, this
demand transforms easily into a necessity, for those parties most capable
of putting into use the right economic knowledge will tend to be the
winners in the political competition. The task left for us, economists, is
then that of supplying those theories, models or hypotheses which can
be most efficient in the formulation of right economic policies, i.e.
policies that actually promote the interests of the citizens of a democratic
As a methodological ideal, the positivist conception of science is certainly more appropriate for orienting the practice of economics toward
that goal than the methods which, according to a common interpretation,
are customarily employed in our discipline. Committing surely a blatant
oversimplification, current economics is usually described as divided into
two camps: on the one hand, mainstream economics would basically be
organized as a kind of disguised mathematics, in which the production of
theorems is seen as a much more important and praiseworthy job than the
discovery of regularities about the empirical world. Of course, the formal
models those theorems are about are usually devised as abstract
In this situation, the economists/agents are forced, if they want to gain the
principals trust, to establish the contract as an agreement among themselves, as a disciplinary contract, so to speak, and to use this consensus as a
signal of the quality of their output. Unfortunately, this also opens the
door for moral hazard problems: since the consensus among experts is
often the only signal that users may have of the quality of a researcher or of
the knowledge produced by her, the losers in the race for a discovery
could simply deny that real knowledge has been attained by other colleagues, preventing as a result the constitution of that consensus. The
possibility also exists that a majority of the agents sign a contract which
is efficient for them, but not for the citizens. In principle, the interests of the
economists may be incompatible with those of the citizens for two reasons
at least: first, scientists may sometimes have an opportunity to attain their
goals without producing real discoveries (for example, by inventing their
data), and second, they can devote their effort to fields or problems which
are of no obvious value for the people supporting science (for example, by
looking just for elegant equilibrium solutions). The disciplinary contract of scientific research has to be seen, then, as a set of norms which
would ideally make researchers behave in an honest way toward the
citizens (producing useful knowledge) and toward their colleagues (e.g.
acknowledging their discoveries when it is due).
I want to suggest that a good task for future economists will be to devise
some alternative, hypothetical disciplinary contracts for the practice of
economics, exploring their properties both analytically (by way of game
theory, economics of information, social and public choice, etc.) and, as far
as possible, empirically (by way of institutional and experimental economics,
as well as history of economics), and subjecting these proposals to serious
discussion and criticism not only by the economists themselves, but also by
political or civilian organizations. To some extent, the result of this discussion
would count as an empirical test of the positive predictions of those hypothetical contracts about the normative judgments they would induce. Many
economists will certainly doubt that this task is necessary at all, for they are
persuaded that, in the long run, academic competition leads by itself to the
adoption of a right disciplinary contract, as much as political competition
tends to select those parties who choose the right economic advisers. But
the progress experienced during the last fifty years in our knowledge of how
to efficiently solve peoples main economic problems has been so tiny, and
the reasons are so clear namely that, realistically, both academic and
political competition can lead to stagnation rather than to progress that it
would be worth the effort to devise a new disciplinary contract for economics.
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Part 4
The marginalist controversy of the 1940s was arguably one of the debates
through which modern microeconomic theory that underlying Paul
Samuelsons neoclassical synthesis was established (Backhouse 2003).
Milton Friedmans The methodology of positive economics (1953)1
played a major role in the resolution of that controversy and many of the
ideas on which the essay was based arose out of it. The marginalist controversy, narrowly defined, took place in 19467, sparked by the challenge
to marginal theory made by Richard Lester, a labor economist. Section 2
outlines this controversy, picking out aspects that are relevant to understanding Friedmans essay. However, this controversy formed part of a
much broader, more complicated debate over price theory and the theory
of the firm, drawing on and responding to the full-cost pricing debates of
the 1930s (see Lee 1984; Lee and Irving-Lessman 1992; Mongin 1992;
Hausman and Mongin 1997). It also fed into further debates on the theory
of the firm that took place in the first half of the 1950s. These are discussed
in sections 3 to 5. Section 6 then considers the way in which Friedman
responded to the challenge posed by this controversy, drawing on his
correspondence with Don Patinkin over the period 1948 to 1950. This
leads, in section 7, into a discussion of F53 in relation to these controversies.
Roger E. Backhouse
Roger E. Backhouse
that they should be tested. Their contention was that Machlup was
defending marginalism by interpreting it so broadly that it was irrefutable,
and that Stigler was simply ignoring evidence.
Stigler (1947, 1545) accused Lester of being confused about what he
meant by marginal analysis. Did he mean that the logical structure of
formal theory was invalid, or did he just question the theorys empirical
content? Use of the phrase marginal analysis, he contended, suggested
the former. More serious (given that any reader of Lester would know he
was criticizing the empirical relevance of marginalism) was a confusion
over whether or not perfect competition was being assumed. Stigler
(1947, 155) took Lester to task for claiming that marginal productivity
theory depended on the assumptions that agents were price-takers
and that monopoly power was absent. Yet, rather than citing Robinson
(1933) or Chamberlin (1933), surely standard works by that time, to draw
attention to the issue of imperfect competition, he poured scorn on Lester
for criticizing the stupid assumption, that no economist had ever held,
that an employer in an imperfect market would reduce his price to
increase his sales if it increased his short-run profit. The result was that
the issues of profit maximization and perfect competition were not clearly
This exchange provides the immediate background to F53, which later
took up several of Machlups arguments. Though it concerned the relevance of profit maximization, many other issues were involved, such as
attitudes toward imperfect competition and the criteria by which theories
should be appraised. These can be understood only by considering earlier
debates. Because of their variety, they have to be considered separately,
though there were, of course overlaps.
To understand developments in the theory of the firm and market structure from the 1920s to the 1950s, it is essential to start with Alfred
Marshalls theory, as developed in his Principles of Economics ([1890]
1920) and Industry and Trade (1919).3 The most important feature of
his theory was that it was not an equilibrium theory: it was an attempt to
analyze a world in which technical progress led to continuous change; in
which knowledge was limited and organizational forms were changing
(see Raffaelli 2003, 2004). He criticized the use of static mechanical
analogies, preferring the use of biological ones, such as that of the trees
OBrien (1984) provides the best discussion of this. See also OBrien (1983 and 1990).
in the forest. Every tree in a forest was changing, but the forest might
remain the same (cf. Marshall [1898] 1925).
Confusion has arisen because although Marshall used mathematical arguments, he did not confine himself to things that he could
express using mathematics. Exact but limited knowledge needed to be
combined with broader estimates that rest on uncertain foundations
(Marshall 1919, 676). He drew an analogy with navigating a ship in waters
with uncertain currents: knowing the ships precise location was impossible, but it was important to ensure that further errors were not introduced. In his theory of the firm and the market, profit maximization
provided the exact theory of the firm, and competitive supply and demand
provided the theory of price. However, these did not constitute his theory,
for they were merely the skeleton around which he hung a more realistic
theory that encompassed many factors that were not covered by the
mathematics. On the demand side, these factors included changes in
human character; on the supply side, the effects of time, imperfect knowledge, technical change, and pricing policy.
Marshalls firms were unable to sell as much as they wished at the
prevailing market price (competition was not perfect) but neither did
they face a given demand curve: they engaged in marketing, which
might account for a large proportion of total costs and of capital, and
they might use temporary price cuts as a way to shift the demand curve
outwards. Increasing returns to scale were widespread and were hard to
distinguish from technical progress: returns to scale might not be reversible, with the result that cost curves depended on time as well as on
output. In addition, firms were continuously evolving, changing the way
they were organized and the shape of their cost curves. Even if the industry
were in equilibrium (in the sense that its price and output were not
changing) individual firms would typically not be in equilibrium: they
would be entering, exiting, and changing the scale of their operations. The
representative firm was not the average firm but the firm that was relevant
in a particular context. Supply and demand were used as conceptual tools
even though Marshall did not confine himself to competitive equilibrium
analysis. For Marshall (1919, 512), general propositions in regard
to either competition or monopoly are full of snares: the most extreme
forms of competition aimed to undermine competition and had to be
Faced with Marshalls industrial analysis, economists moved, during
the 1920s and 1930s, in different directions. Though the labels are an
oversimplification, the main ones that need to be considered can be called
the Cambridge, Harvard, institutionalist, and Oxford approaches. There
were also many other writers whose work fits into none of these categories,
Roger E. Backhouse
The marginal revenue curve (e.g. Harrod 1930) and the theory of imperfect competition (Robinson 1932, 1933) emerged out of this destruction of
Marshallian price theory. Marginal revenue was implicit in Marshalls (and
Cournots) first-order conditions for equilibrium under monopoly, but
around 1930, economists introduced the label, enabling it to be placed
against marginal cost. They also noted the point (known to Cournot) that if
the demand curve were not horizontal, there would be no supply curve:
supply would depend on the elasticity of demand as well as on price. The
geometry of marginal revenue, marginal cost, average revenue, and average
cost was provided by Robinson, establishing the theory of the firm found in
modern introductory textbooks. She labeled the general case, encompassing both monopoly and competition, imperfect competition. Firms
faced downward-sloping demand curves and faced a large number of
competitors, but freedom of entry and exit eliminated monopoly profits,
pushing the firm to a point where its demand curve was tangential to the
downward-sloping portion of its average cost curve. On the assumption that
downward-sloping demand curves were the result of advertising, not substantive differences between products, she drew conclusions about the
waste and inefficiency caused by having output lower than that at which
average cost was minimized, and about the exploitation of labor caused by
the real wage being less than labors marginal product. In this sense she was
working in the Pigovian welfare economics tradition.
The central figure in the Harvard approach to the theory of the market
structure is Edward Chamberlin. Though his work has often been bracketed with Robinsons, its content and background were very different.
Frank Knights Risk, Uncertainty and Profit (1921) had provided a very
strict definition of perfect competition, involving perfect information.
John Maurice Clarks The Economics of Overhead Costs (1923) had explored
the implications of overhead costs for business decision-making. There
was also the influence of Allyn Young, his PhD supervisor at Harvard.
Chamberlin, in the thesis that became The Economics of Monopolistic
Competition (1933), was concerned not to repair or replace Marshallian
theory but to extend it to encompass features of business life that were
barely developed when Marshall wrote his Principles in the 1880s, notably
advertising and product differentiation. His firms chose not just price and
output, but also advertising (selling costs) and the degree of product
differentiation. He also devoted considerable attention to oligopoly.
Chamberlin did not think, like Robinson, in terms of monopoly versus
competition. His operated with a far richer menu of market structures,
classifying them in at least three dimensions: product differentiation;
advertising expenditure; and the number of firms. Monopolistic competition was simply one of many market structures in a range that included
Roger E. Backhouse
industrial production in the late 1920s and early 1930s (Means 1936, 27).
His policy conclusion was not that businesses should be broken up to
make prices more flexible (this would drastically reduce wealth), but that
monetary policy should be used to keep (flexible) market prices in line
with those prices that were more stable.
Meanss work was part of a much broader interest in pricing policies
in the United States. The National Recovery Act (1933) led to the production of much statistical data, generating a wide range of responses to
what was discovered.6 Inflexibility of prices was believed to be important
and Roosevelt established a Cabinet committee on price policy in 1934.
Walter Hamilton undertook a series of investigations on prices, and Means
continued his work after 1935 as Director of the National Resources
Committee. Price policy was very much in the air in the 1930s. Most of
the empirical work was very much in the institutionalist tradition, which
spurned thinking about abstract individuals in favor of grounding theory
firmly in empirical data (cf. Rutherford 1999).
In Britain, parallel work was done by the Oxford Economists Research
Group (OERG). Harrod (1939, 12) introduced this by pointing out that
the theory of the firm presumed full knowledge, an assumption that was
formally incorrect. There was thus scope for empirical work to establish
whether or not firms short-run behavior deviated systematically from
short-run profit maximization. He wanted to establish the principle that
there was scope for the method of direct question (1939, 3). The OERG
set out to question businessmen about their knowledge of costs and
demand, and the methods by which they set prices in the short run.
The results of these surveys, described by Hall and Hitch (1939, 18)
was that businessmen overwhelmingly followed what they called fullcost pricing.
An overwhelming majority of the entrepreneurs thought that a price based on full
average cost (including a conventional allowance for profit) was the right price,
the one which ought to be charged.
The reasons why Hall and Hitch believed that firms followed this policy
were that they did not have the information needed to maximize short-run
profits and, more important, that many markets were oligopolistic. In
such markets, understandings about prices might have evolved (some
trade bodies published price lists that could be followed) or they might
involve basing prices on the full-costs of a dominant firm. Firms feared to
lower price below full-cost because they feared competitors would cut
their prices too, or because they believed demand to be very inelastic.
See Lee (1984, 1109ff) for a discussion of this evidence and responses to it.
Roger E. Backhouse
They did not raise prices because they expected competitors would take
business away from them. They formalized these beliefs in the kinked
demand curve, the origins of which can be found in the work of
Chamberlin and Robinson.
Full-cost pricing, as presented by Harrod, Hall, and Hitch, presented
only a limited challenge to conventional theory, taken to be the Chamberlin
model of monopolistic competition. They were aware that full-cost pricing
was consistent with profit maximization if the mark-up bore the appropriate
relationship to firms perceived elasticities of demand. More important,
they did not question that profit maximization was an appropriate assumption for the long run. Harrod (1939, 3) wrote that the profit motive was
securely grounded: Any one seeking seriously to challenge this would be
regarded as a hopeless sentimentalist.7 Phrases such as taking goodwill
into account when setting prices implied concern for longer-run profits
(Hall and Hitch 1939, 18). Moreover, even in the short-run, they were very
circumspect in their treatment of theoretical results derived from profit
maximization and seeing themselves, to some extent, as filling the gaps.
For example, under oligopoly, all theory could say was that price would be
somewhere between the pure polypoly price (taking no account of other
firms responses) and maximization of joint profits (Hall and Hitch 1939,
30). Empirical work was needed to establish whether the assumption of
perfect knowledge, known to be incorrect, led to results that were systematically wrong.
(Mason 1939, 61). The Harvard approach, which sought to relate price
policies to specific indicators of market structure, lay in between these
On Harvards second front, Mason (1939, 62) was critical of theorists
in what I have called the Cambridge approach: The extent to which the
monopoly theorists refrain from an empirical application of their formulae is rather striking.8 In a footnote to this sentence, he added,
presumably alluding to Robinson (1933, 1),
Some theorists, pursuing their analysis on a high plane, refer to their work as tool
making rather than tool using. A toolmaker, however, who constructs tools
which no tool user can use is making a contribution of limited significance.
Some knowledge of the use of tools is probably indispensable to their effective
(This is a remark that one could easily imagine coming from Marshalls
pen.9) When confronted with theory, he looks with favor towards
The theory of oligopoly has been aptly described as a ticket of admission to
institutional economics. It is to be regretted that more theorists have not availed
themselves of this privilege. (Mason 1939, 645)
Harrods remarks, cited above, fit into this same general category, of
economists seeking to establish the legitimacy of empirical research to
augment the results of theoretical inquiry.
After the near simultaneous publication of The Economics of Imperfect
Competition and The Economics of Monopolistic Competition, there were
debates over definitions of concepts and how monopoly power might be
measured. Machlup (1937, 1939) was a contributor to these, seeking to
establish consistent terminology. He supported neither the Cambridge
nor the Harvard approaches; citing John Hicks in support, he argued that
monopolistic competition was less important than was generally thought.
However, he defended the theory against empirical attack. He dismissed
the value of questionnaire evidence, citing his own experience in business
(Machlup 1939, 2334). He argued that his partners, who were ignorant
of economic theory, did not reach conclusions that were significantly
different from his. His partners, he contended, behaved as sensible
economists suppose them to act even though they often rationalized
their decisions in a misleading way. The result was that an investigator
using questionnaires would have reached mistaken conclusions. He went
so far as to refer to an average-cost superstition, explicitly leaving it
Roger E. Backhouse
Roger E. Backhouse
reason to do so (1955, 3835). This suggested that there was no inconsistency between full-cost pricing and marginalism.
Heflebower saw merit in full-cost pricing under some circumstances.
Under oligopoly, where rationality did not define a unique price, full-cost
pricing was persuasive and there was evidence that firms had followed
such policies during the 1930s. Full-cost pricing also made sense in
industries where price decisions had to be made very frequently, as in
industries such as metal casting, metal stamping and forging. In these, it
was important to have a formula that could be used to calculate prices that
might vary from one order to the next. Similar considerations applied in
retailing, though here he noted that the same retailer might charge very
different margins on different products. Margins on products were not the
same as overall margins. He accepted Harrods point that full-cost pricing
might be a way to achieve long-term profit maximization.
However, despite accepting many of the full-costers claims, in the last
resort he came down against full-cost pricing being important. In the
tradition of Chamberlin, Mason, and Bain, he emphasized the need to
take account of the peculiar circumstances of individual markets, expressing skepticism about any general rule. Good theories, he believed, had to
be historically situated and they needed to be dynamic. But rather than
seeing full-cost theories as a way of dealing with dynamics, he emphasized
the need to explain pricing in terms of the evolution of market structures.
A satisfactory theory must go beyond explaining the cost-price output relations for
a given product and must be prepared to appraise the conditions of choice among
other variables and the economic results of that choice. This requirement, like the
others set forth here, is not introduced for the sake of descriptive realism but
because it is essential for better prediction. (1954, 122)
had been a PhD student at Chicago, but left in 1948 to take a position
at the University of Illinois, after which he moved to Jerusalem. Their
correspondence, therefore, begins in 1948.11 In this correspondence,
Patinkin repeatedly criticizes Friedman for not following his own empiricist methodology and Friedman responded to Patinkin in much more
detail than he responded to Lester. This means that Friedmans letters to
Patinkin show clearly how he responded to empiricist claims such as
Lester and others were making.12
In the first letter, after some paragraphs on debt and Friedmans political philosophy, Patinkin turned to methodology.
Now too, some questions on your insistence that our theory should consist only of
statements that people act as if. You once used this argument to explain to me
that you felt the criticism made of the Chamberlin analysis of imperfect competition (viz. that the business man does not know the shape of the curves postulated
by the theory) was invalid, since all that has to be shown is that the business man
acts as if he knows these curves. On this I agree with you insofar as you restrict
yourself to the implication of the as if hypothesis which can be checked up
without referring to the assumption. For example, one such implication of the
theory is that profits are zero. This can be checked. But what about the implication
that the businessman will operate at the point where marginal costs and revenues
are equal? I see no way of checking up on this implication. The same problem
holds also for the position which substitutes subjective curves for objective
ones. (Patinkin to Friedman, October 25, 1948).13
For a broader perspective on this correspondence, see Leeson (1998) and Backhouse
(2002). See also Hammond (1996) and Hirsch and De Marchi (1990).
Lester is rarely mentioned by name, but there is no doubt that they are discussing this
controversy. In one letter, Patinkin even offered Friedman a specimen examination
question, based on data on motives for saving, that exactly parallels Lesters questionnaire
on what determined employment.
All quotations from the FriedmanPatinkin correspondence are taken from the Don
Patinkin Papers, held in the Economists Papers Project, Duke University.
Roger E. Backhouse
entrepreneur will operate at the point at which marginal costs and revenues are
equal, one can infer that a change which is known to have increased his costs but not
to have increased his revenues will tend to reduce output. Thats an empirical
implication that one can check, and so on. Again, by substituting subjective curves
for objective ones, it is possible to take all the content out of a hypothesis and make it
not a hypothesis at all but a pure tautology. For example, if one says that he behaves
in such a way as to equate marginal costs and marginal revenue for subjective curves
which are subject to change at any time, then of course no observable phenomena
would be inconsistent with that hypothesis, hence the hypothesis has no content and
is of no interest. (Friedman to Patinkin, November 8, 1948)
Similarly with respect to your point about physical sciences and social sciences. It seems to me that the two are fundamentally essential so far as methodology is concerned. The existence of human beings does not change any of the
fundamental methodological principles. It has two rather different effects. The
first of these is that it provides a new source of information namely, introspective observation. This information is extremely important and relevant and is
the one important advantage we get out of the fact that our science deals with
human beings. It seems to me the role this additional information can play is in
suggesting fruitful hypotheses, that is, it enters at the stage of deriving hypotheses. The second way that the existence of human beings affects our science is
that it introduces a fundamental element of indeterminateness. This is a point
that Knight has always made and I think quite correctly. In the physical sciences
the observer and the thing observed are separable and distinct. In the social
sciences they are the same. Thus in the social sciences the enunciation of a
result or a law for predicting the stock market perfectly may make that law
invalid. For example, if one were to state a technique for predicting the stock
market perfectly, you know that if that technique were believed in it would then
become wrong. Thats the real difficulty raised by human beings. (Friedman to
Patinkin, January 18, 1949)
Roger E. Backhouse
What I was going to say is that one thing Stigler said in that marginal productivity argument sent shudders through me. That was his statement on the bottom
of p. 156 (AER, March 1947) that even he would not accept a certain result even
if Lester obtains it from 6,000 metal working firms. A similar statement is at
the bottom of p. 99, first column, in Stiglers review of Survey of Contemporary
Economics (JPE, April, 1949) where Stigler summarily dismisses an observation
of Reynolds on wage differentials. I dont know whos right or wrong on this; but it
does seem to me that Stigler must present some empirical evidence before sounding off like that. And in this respect I completely agree with Lester; we have had
some experience already on minimum wage legislation. Isnt it a sad reflection on
the sad state of economics that Stigler can write a straight textbook analysis of
minimum wage legislation without even feeling himself obligated to make any
empirical surveys. Stigler is just an example of what everyone does including
yours truly. I am merely bemoaning the type of training we receive that doesnt
make us horrified at casual empiricism. Thats all for the moment, though Id
like to get your reaction.
like trying to figure out causes of longevity by asking old people to what factors they
attribute their longevity. (Friedman to Patinkin, March 31, 1950, handwritten)
Roger E. Backhouse
evidence but his main focus was on the desire for a realistic theory rather
than one that predicted better than an alternative theory for as wide a
range of phenomena. One would not guess from this dismissal of this work
that behind the controversy lay the goal of explaining the large amount of
evidence on the behavior of prices during the 1930s and 1940s. In this
literature was much work that could be construed as finding a theory that
could predict firms price policies (understood to refer to the prices set by
firms in relation to relevant circumstances). Full-costers claimed that fullcost pricing had predictive power, whereas their opponents claimed it had
not. Friedman is not explicitly dismissing full-cost so much as rejecting
one (but only one) of the arguments used to support it.
However, although Friedman motivated F53 in this way, it was both
more and less than an attack on the full-cost pricing literature. It was more
in that he had other targets; it was less in that he addressed only a few fullcost arguments. Another important target, arguably his main one, was the
theory of monopolistic competition. He objected to the claim made by
Chamberlin (1957) and Triffin (1940)16 that monopolistic competition
might prove the basis for a more general theory of value. The theory,
he claimed, possesses none of the attributes that would make it a truly
useful general theory (F53, 38). It was useful in that it refined Marshalls
theory, thereby enrich[ing] the vocabulary available for describing industrial experience. His most substantial criticism was that whilst it might be
useful in analyzing firms or even the economy as a whole, it could not offer
any analysis of the industry. Once one admitted product differentiation,
every firm produced a unique product.
The theory of monopolistic competition offers no tolls for the analysis of an
industry and so no stopping place between the firm at one extreme and general
equilibrium at the other. It is therefore incompetent to contribute to the analysis of
a host of important problems: the one extreme is too narrow to be of great interest;
the other, too broad to permit meaningful generalizations. (F53, 39)
And to some extent Robinson (1933) in her last chapter, A world of monopolies.
Thus he judges the Cambridge and Harvard approaches both to be misconceived. The Cambridge economists were wrong to suggest that in
exposing logical inconsistencies in the theory of competitive equilibrium,
they were exposing problems with Marshalls theory, for he did not
assume perfect competition. The Harvard economists were wrong to
assume that because product differentiation, advertising expenditure, and
so on were more realistic, their theories were better than Marshalls
theory. Thus Friedman was rejecting both branches of the new establishment in value theory, without claiming that the world was perfectly
Hausman and Mongin (1997, 266) suggest that full-cost theories
aroused controversy because the exact interpretation of fundamental
theory was not yet settled. This is correct, though arguably it understates
the variety of theoretical and empirical approaches that existed. From the
1920s and 1940s, economists engaged in wide-ranging discussions
about the theory of the firm and market structure, approaching the problem from different angles. Some developments were theoretically driven,
resolving apparent inconsistencies in Marshalls theory. Others were
driven by observations about business practices and institutional details,
supplemented very extensively by statistical investigations. The result
was a complex variety of approaches, with debates across many of these.
Imperfect/monopolistic competition was seen very differently in Cambridge
and Harvard. Full-cost ideas and price stickiness were discussed by exponents of this new establishment in value theory, who saw it as filling a gap in
the theory of oligopoly, as well as by institutionalists (Means and Hamilton),
and by Marshallians (Andrews). The distinction between Marshallian
theory and perfect competition was rarely spelled out.18
Against this mixture of approaches, some compatible with each other
and others not, Friedman was defending an almost unique position. He
did not accept either the Cambridge or the Harvard version on imperfect/
monopolistic competition (though he accepted that their formal analysis
of monopoly was useful for certain problems) or the theoretical arguments
used to defend full-cost pricing. On the empirical front, he was skeptical
about the relevance of most of the evidence being accumulated for
administered and full-cost pricing, and about the Harvard economists
Roger E. Backhouse
Andrews, P. W. S. (1949a). Manufacturing Business. London: Macmillan
(1949b). A reconsideration of the theory of the individual business. Oxford
Economic Papers 1, 5489
Backhouse, Roger E. (2002). Don Patinkin: interpreter of the Keynesian revolution. European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 9(2), 186204
(2003). The stabilization of price theory, 192055. In Warren J. Samuels, Jeff
E. Biddle, and John B. Davis (eds.), A Companion to The History of Economic
Thought. Oxford: Blackwell
Backhouse, Roger E. and David Laidler (2004). What was lost with ISLM.
History of Political Economy 36, annual supplement, The History of ISLM,
ed. M. de Vroey and K. D. Hoover, 2556
Bain, Joe S. (1942). Market classification in modern price theory. Quarterly
Journal of Economics, 56, 56074
(1956). Barriers to New Competition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Chamberlin, Edward (1933). The Theory of Monopolistic Competition. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press
(1957). Toward a More General Theory of Value. New York
Clark, John Maurice (1923). The Economics of Overhead Costs. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press
Clapham, J. H. (1922). Of empty economic boxes. Economic Journal, 32(127),
Eiteman, Wilford J. (1945). The equilibrium of the firm in multi-process industries. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 59(2), 2806
(1947). Factors determining the location of the least-cost point. American
Economic Review, 37(5), 91018
(1948). The least-cost point, capacity and marginal analysis: rejoinder.
American Economic Review, 38(5), 899904
A similar narrowing took place in macroeconomics. See Backhouse and Laidler (2004).
Eiteman, Wilford J. and Glenn E. Guthrie (1952). The shape of the average cost
curve. American Economic Review, 42(5), 8328
Friedman, Milton (1953). The methodology of positive economics. In Essays on
Positive Economics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 343
Hamilton, Walton (1938). Price and Price Policies. New York: McGraw Hill
Hammond J. Daniel (1996). Theory and Measurement: Causality Issues in Milton
Friedmans Monetary Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Harrod, Roy (1930). Notes on supply. Economic Journal, 40, 23241
(1939). Price and cost in entrepreneurs policy. Oxford Economic Papers 2 (old
series), 111
Hausman, Daniel M. and Phillippe Mongin (1997). Economists responses to
anomalies: full-cost pricing versus preference reversals. History of Political
Economy, 29 (annual supplement), 25572
Heflebower, Richard B. (1954). Toward a theory of industrial markets and prices
American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 44(2), 12139
(1955). Full cost, cost changes and prices. In G. J. Stigler (ed.), Business
Concentration and Price Policy. Princeton: Princeton University Press
Hirsch, Abraham and Neil De Marchi (1990). Milton Friedman: Economics in
Theory and Practice. Brighton: Harvester Wheatsheaf
Knight, Frank Hyndman (1921). Risk, Uncertainty and Profit. Boston: Houghton
Lee, Frederic S. (1984). The marginalist controversy and the demise of full-cost
pricing. Journal of Economic Issues, 18(4), 110732
Lee, Frederic S. and Peter Earl (eds.) (1993). The Economics of Competitive
Enterprise: Selected Essays of P. W. S. Andrews. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Lee, Frederic S. and J. Irving-Lessman (1992). The fate of an errant hypothesis: the
doctrine of normal-cost prices. History of Political Economy, 24(2), 273309
Leeson, Robert (1998). The early PatinkinFriedman correspondence. Journal of
the History of Economic Thought, 20(4), 43348
Lester, Richard A. (1946). Shortcomings of marginal analysis for wageemplyment problems. American Economic Review, 36, 6382
(1947). Marginalism, minimum wages, and labor markets. American Economic
Review, 37(1), 13548
Machlup, Fritz (1937). Monopoly and competition: a classification of market
positions. American Economic Review, 27(3), 44551
(1939). Evaluation of the practical significance of the theory of monopolistic
competition. American Economic Review, 29(2), 22736
(1946). Marginal analysis and empirical research. American Economic Review,
36(4), 51954
(1947). Rejoinder to an antimarginalist. American Economic Review, 37(1),
Marshall, Alfred ([1890] 1920). Principles of Economics, 8th edition. London:
(1925). Mechanical and biological analogies in economics. In A. C. Pigou (ed.),
Memorials of Alfred Marshall. London: Macmillan. Originally published in
Distribution and exchange. Economic Journal, 8 (1898), 3759
(1919). Industry and Trade. London: Macmillan
Roger E. Backhouse
Inasmuch as all theories, not just the neoclassical, start with the existence
of firms (Arrow 1999, vi), since the theory of the firm figures prominently
in both Milton Friedmans essay on The methodology of positive economics (F53) and my own research agenda, and since we are all closet
methodologists, I responded with alacrity to the invitation to prepare a
paper on F53 as it relates to the theory of the firm. My remarks are
organized in four parts.
I begin with what I take to be the main message of the essay: most
economists are and should be engaged in the study of positive economics.
What I regard as overreaching parts of the essay are discussed in section 2.
Post-1953 developments in the theory of the firm are sketched in section 3.
Concluding remarks follow.
The first ten pages of the F53 contain the main message. Specifically, the
task of positive economics is to provide a system of generalizations that
can be used to make correct predictions about the consequences of any
change in circumstances. Its performance is to be judged by the precision,
scope, and conformity with experience of the predictions it yields
(F53, 4). Additionally, simplicity and fruitfulness are important criteria
in evaluating alternative theories (F53, 10). As Friedman subsequently
remarks, Most phenomena are driven by a very few central forces. What a
good theory does is to simplify, it pulls out the central forces and gets rid
of the rest (Snowdon and Vane 1997, 196). Indeed, a fundamental
hypothesis of science is that appearances are deceptive and that there is a
way of looking at or interpreting or organizing the evidence that will reveal
superficially disconnected and diverse phenomena to be manifestations of
Comments on earlier versions by Jack Letiche and Robert Solow, by participants at
the Friedman (1953) conference in Rotterdam, and by Claude Menard are gratefully
Oliver E. Williamson
Wildly inaccurate? Unrealism is a virtue? To be sure, Friedman subsequently observes that the relevant question to ask about the assumptions of a theory is not whether they are descriptively realistic, for they
never are, but whether they are sufficiently good approximations for
the purpose at hand (F53, 15), with which few would disagree. And
he further admits to a tradeoff if confronted with a theory that is known
to yield better predictions but only at a greater cost (F53, 17). If, for
example, the more fine-grained predictions of a theory that works out of
less extreme assumptions imposes added data collection costs, the gains
may be worthwhile for only a subset of circumstances. Indeed, one of
the challenges to extreme assumptions such as perfect gas laws or zero
transaction costs is to specify the circumstances under which these can
be presumed to work (F53, 18). Who could disagree? But if that is the
argument, why the bombastic introduction?
Alternative theories
But why the insistence on wide range? What if a rival theory provides
better predictions only for some phenomena? What if it calls our attention to new phenomena? As posed by Friedman, the contest between
textbook orthodoxy, which is the product of many years of development,
and upstart contenders, which have not had the benefit of successive
extensions, applications, and refinements, is needlessly protective of the
former. (As Thomas Kuhn observes, the early versions of most new
paradigms are crude [1970, 156], often heuristic models [1970, 184].
Clumsiness [is] inevitable in a first venture [1970, 33]. Successive refinements thereafter take shape, sometimes with the benefit of a new
Thus although Friedman subsequently takes the position that Science
in general advances primarily by unsuccessful experiments that clear the
ground (Snowdon and Vane 1997, 296), F53 has a much narrower view
of the enterprise. As previously remarked, he speaks of a way and a simple
structure, both in the singular (F53, 33).
Even more restrictive would be an insistence that rival theories yield better predictions for
the same range of phenomena.
Oliver E. Williamson
The 1930s witnessed the appearance of Chamberlins theory of monopolistic competition, which aspired to close a gap between Marshalls polar
cases of monopoly and perfect competition. On Melvin Reders reading of
F53, monopolistic competition theory, with its emphasis on descriptive
realism, posed a serious threat to the neoclassical theory of firm and
markets. Rather than defend neoclassical theory by affirming the descriptive accuracy of the perfect competition model, Friedman argued that
the primary criterion for judging the merit of any model is its capacity for
generating correct and substantively important predictions (Reder 2003,
528). Restoring confidence in the validity of neoclassical theory [was]
high among Friedmans objectives (Reder 2003, 528).
Friedman took the position that not only was monopolistic competition theory lacking in tools (F53, 39), but Marshallian theory which
worked out of two ideal types of firms: atomistically competitive firms,
grouped into industries, and monopolistic firms (F53, 35) was altogether adequate.2 Everything depends on the problem; there is no
inconsistency in regarding the same firm as if it were a perfect competitor
for one problem, and a monopolist for another (F53, 36). Earlier he
explains that Each occurrence has some features peculiarly its own
The capacity to judge that these are or are not to be disregarded can be
learned but only by experience and exposure in the right scientific
atmosphere, not by rote (F53, 25). Again, by referring to the right
scientific atmosphere, Friedman appears to scant the possible benefits
of pluralism.
Friedmans efforts to buttress the neoclassical theory of the firm by
invoking economic natural selection are also instructive. His famous as
if arguments on the positioning of leaves on trees as if each leaf sought
to maximize the amount of sunlight it receives (p. 19); and that an expert
billiard player makes shots as if he knew the complicated mathematical
formulas that would give the optimum (F53, 21; emphasis in original)
are introduced to support the hypothesis that under a wide range of
circumstances individual firms behave as if they were seeking rationally
to maximize their expected returns (F53, 21; emphasis in original), since
otherwise they will not be viable (F53, 22).
Correct as far as it goes. But why not name the circumstances under
which the maximization of expected returns hypothesis is problematic, as
recommended by Tjalling Koopmans (1957, 141):
Chamberlin versus Chicago issues have been addressed at length elsewhere. See George
C. Archibald (1961, 1987), Robert Kuenne (1967), and Richard Lipsey (2001).
Such a change in the basis of economic analysis would seem to represent a gain in
realism attributable to a concern with the directly perceived descriptive accuracy of
the postulates. It would lead us to expect profit maximization to be most clearly
exhibited in industries where entry is easiest and where the struggle for survival is
keenest, and would present us with the further challenge to analyze what circumstances give to an industry that character. It would also prevent us, for purposes of
explanatory theory, from getting bogged down in those refinements of profit
maximization theory which endow the decision makers with analytical and computational abilities and assume them to have information-gathering opportunities
such as are unlikely to exist or be applied in current practice. It seems that nothing
is lost, and much may be gained, in thus broadening the postulational basis of
economic theory.
The atmospherics
The idea that success in the social sciences would be realized by the
mathematization of everything was in the air.3
Interestingly, Simon subsequently revised his views and recommended that the economics
profession be more attentive to the needs of the many students who view mathematical
tools with distrust and deplore the necessity of devoting their research time to formalisms
Oliver E. Williamson
The argument is not that the orthodoxy lens of choice is wrong but that
it is not all-purpose. There are other instructive perspectives. As Avinash
Dixit has recently put it (1996, 9):
the neoclassical theory of production and supply viewed the firm as a profitmaximizing black box. While some useful insights follow from this, it leaves some
very important gaps in our understanding and gives us some very misleading ideas
about the possibilities of beneficial policy intervention. Economists studying business and industrial organization have long recognized the inadequacy of the neoclassical view of the firm and have developed richer paradigms and models based
on the concepts of various kinds of transaction costs. Policy analysis stands to
benefit from opening the black box and examining the actual workings of the
mechanism inside.
The large size of modern firms has often resulted in diffuse ownership. Is it
reasonable under such circumstances to assume that the managers of a
modern corporation will choose to operate it in the interests of the owners
(Berle and Means 1932, 121)? Or might the management operate such
corporations in a fashion that sometimes compromised ownership interests?
The obvious way to respond to this possibility was to take exception
with the assumption of profit maximization. If managers had the latitude
to tilt the operations of the firm in pursuit of managerial purposes, then
restate the objective function of the firm to reflect these added purposes.
That simple change aside, the firm would still be described as a production function and the same marginal apparatus could be employed. Upon
postulating a different (more realistic) objective function to which managerial purposes were ascribed, the ramifications of managerialism could
be derived and contrasted with those of profit maximization.
Albeit a topic of ongoing discussion, models of managerial discretion did
not appear until almost thirty years after Berle and Means highlighted the
separation of ownership from control issue in 1932. The first of these was
William Baumols model (1959) postulating that large firms maximize revenues subject to a minimum profit constraint. Robin Marris (1964) shortly
thereafter advanced a growth maximization hypothesis. And I expressed the
objective function of the firm as a utility function in which managerial
staff and emoluments as well as profits appeared (Williamson 1964).
Because all three of these models described the firm as a production
function, all remained within the resource allocation tradition. Greater
realism for size preference (Baumol), growth preference (Marris), and
expense preference (Williamson) notwithstanding, few novel ramifications for public policy emerged. To be sure, competition in product and
Oliver E. Williamson
capital markets were both viewed as good, in that these served as a check
upon managerial discretion, but such competition was also desired for
standard resource allocation reasons. Also, although lump-sum taxes
induced changes in factor proportions in the expense preference model
that differed from neoclassical predictions and it could further be shown
that the intertemporal management of slack had business cycle ramifications (Williamson 1968), qualitative responses by firms to changes
in tax rates, interest rates, wages, investment subsidies and the like
[turned out to be] pretty much the same, regardless of what firms are
assumed to maximize (Solow 1971, 319). Thus even though firms with
different objectives [will differ quantitatively], if their qualitative response
is more or less insensitive within limits, then objective function differences do not much affect the research agenda (Solow 1971, 319).
Put differently, so long as the firm is described as a production function,
it does not matter much, at least qualitatively, which of several plausible
objective functions is chosen. In that event, considerations of parsimony
support continued use of the profit maximization setup.
The behavioral theory of the firm (Cyert and March 1963) took a
different tack. Rather than emphasize realism in motivation (as in the
managerial theories), behavioral theory focused on realism in process.
The purpose was to explain (predict) price and output decisions of the
firm with process-oriented models in which internal decision rules and
routines were featured. Albeit successful at a very microanalytic level of
analysis (e.g. predicting department store pricing to the penny (Cyert
and March 1963, ch. 7)), the theory did not engage issues of resource
allocation more generally. Also, although the behavioral theory of the firm
devotes two pages (2956) to antitrust policy, the discussion focuses
entirely on uncertainty avoidance, is wholly devoid of specific applications, and has had no discernible impact on antitrust enforcement.
Evolutionary economic theory aside, which also adopted the routine as
the unit of analysis (Nelson and Winter 1982), the main influence of
behavioral theory has been in the field of organization theory where it
has been massive rather than economics.
long time (Condillac 1776). It was not, however, until the 1970s that
operationalization got under way in a concerted fashion.
The lens of contract approach to economic organization was prefigured
by John R. Commons, who had long contested the all-purpose reliance on
the efficient resource allocation paradigm. But there was more than mere
criticism in Commons. As against simple market exchange between faceless buyers and sellers who meet for an instant to exchange standardized
goods and services at equilibrium prices (Ben-Porath 1980, 4), Commons
had an abiding interest in going concerns and reformulated the problem
of economic organization as follows: the ultimate unit of activity must
contain in itself the three principles of conflict, mutuality, and order. This
unit is a transaction (1932, 4). Not only does Commons move to a more
microanalytic unit of analysis (the transaction), but his three principles
prefigure the concept of governance in that governance is the means by
which to infuse order, thereby to mitigate conflict and realize mutual gain.
This latter turns out to be a recurrent theme in the evolving contractual
account of the purposes served by complex contract and organization.
Coases classic paper, On the nature of the firm (1937), also raised
related concerns. Three lapses in the orthodox theory of firm and market
organization are especially noteworthy: (1) the distribution of transactions
between firm and market were taken as given, whereas these should be
derived; (2) going beyond production costs, there was a need to recognize
that transaction cost differences were often responsible for the choice of
one mode rather than another; and (3) orthodoxy had no good answers for
the puzzle of what is responsible for limits to firm size.
Coases subsequent critique of the market failure literature in his
equally famous paper on The problem of social cost (1960) identified
additional lapses of logic. Upon reformulating the tort problem (or, more
generally, the externality problem) as a problem of contract, he showed
that externalities vanished when the logic of zero transaction costs is
pushed to completion. As Coase put it in his Nobel Prize lecture (1992,
717; emphasis added):
Pigous conclusion and that of most economists using standard economic theory
was that some kind of government action (usually the imposition of taxes) was
required to restrain those whose actions had harmful effects on others (often
termed negative externalities). What I showed was that in a regime of zero
transaction costs, an assumption of standard economic theory, negotiations between
the parties would lead to those arrangements being made which would maximize
wealth and this irrespective of the initial assignment of property rights.
Oliver E. Williamson
Science of
scarcity and
resource allocation
Constitutional economics
Science of
Ex ante
incentive alignment
Ex post
Oliver E. Williamson
features the ex post governance of contractual relations (contract implementation, with emphasis on the mitigation of contractual hazards).
Interestingly, Chester Barnards book on The Functions of the Executive
(1938) is prominently featured in both the ex ante incentive alignment
and ex post governance approaches to economic organization. Thus the
recent book by Jean-Jacques Laffont and David Martimort on The Theory
of Incentives credits Barnard with being the first [to] attempt to define a
general theory of incentives in management (2002, 11). Even more important, in my judgment, is Barnards insistence that adaptation is the central
problem of economic organization, where the adaptations to which Barnard
had reference were those of a conscious, deliberate, purposeful kind
(1938, 4) accomplished through administration. Taken together with the
autonomous adaptations to changes in relative prices to which Friedrich
Hayek (1945) gave prominence, the stage was set, as it were, for the
combined study of markets (autonomous adaptations) and hierarchies
(cooperative adaptations).
The incentive branch has been principally concerned with the employment relation whereas the paradigm problem for the governance branch is
vertical integration. The latter is the make-or-buy decision in intermediate
product markets. The manner in which this is decided has obvious
ramifications for the boundary of the firm. More generally, a large number
of contractual phenomena turn out to be variations on the very same
transaction-cost economizing themes that surface when vertical integration
is examined in comparative contracting terms. Vertical market restrictions
(customer, territorial, and franchise restrictions), hybrid modes of organization, the organization of labor, the choice between debt and equity, the
assessment of regulation/deregulation, the use of public bureaus, and the
like are all matters to which the logic of transaction-cost economizing has
been usefully applied. Not only do many of the predictions of transactioncost economics differ from orthodoxy, but the data have been broadly
Whereas the conceptual framework out of which transaction-cost economics works differs from orthodoxy (in that it is a contractual construction with emphasis on ex post governance), it is nevertheless in agreement
with F53 that predictions attended by empirical testing are the cutting
edge. The key message of the methodology of positive economics thus
reaches beyond orthodoxy. Yet the methodology to which transactioncost economics subscribes is even closer to that of Robert Solow (2001).
Describing himself as a native informant rather than as a methodologist,
Solows terse description of what one economist thinks he is doing
(2001, 111) takes the form of three injunctions: keep it simple; get it
right; make it plausible.
He observes with reference to the first that the very complexity of real
life [is what] makes simple models so necessary (2001, 111). Keeping
it simple entails stripping away the inessentials and going for the jugular.
The object is not to explain everything but to narrow the focus to central
features and key regularities (some of which may previously have been
scanted). Getting it right includes translating economic concepts into
accurate mathematics (or diagrams, or words) and making sure that further
logical operations are correctly performed and verified (Solow 2001, 112).
But there is more to it than that. A model can be right mechanically yet be
unenlightening because it is imperfectly suited to the subject matter. It can
obscure the key interactions, instead of spotlighting them (Solow 2001, 112;
emphasis added). If maintaining meaningful contact with the key phenomena of interest (contractual or otherwise) is valued, then rigor that sacrifices
meaningful contact poses a tradeoff, especially if more veridical models
yield refutable implications that are congruent with the data.
This last brings me to a fourth injunction: derive refutable implications to
which the relevant (often microanalytic) data are brought to bear. Nicholas
Georgescu-Roegen had a felicitous way of putting it: The purpose of
science in general is not prediction, but knowledge for its own sake, yet
prediction is the touchstone of scientific knowledge (1971, 37). There is a
need to sort the sheep from the goats when rival theories are at an impasse.4
Inasmuch, however, as the immediate prospect for a unified, allpurpose theory of the firm is very doubtful, there may be several sheep
from which to choose depending on the specific problems for which
good answers are wanting. In the event, pluralism has much to recommend it. As Simon puts it, I am a great believer in pluralism in science.
Any direction you go has a very high a priori probability of being wrong, so
it is good if other people are exploring in other directions perhaps one of
them will be on the right track (1992, 21) to which I would add that
several investigators might be on rights tracks (plural).
Very few books, and even fewer papers, are celebrated on their fiftieth
anniversary. There is no question but that F53 was and remains influential mainly because the central message, at least among pragmatically
oriented economists, is fundamentally correct. Would-be theories, in
The fruitfulness to which F53 (33) refers is also pertinent in comparing theories: theories
that have wide application, in that many phenomena turn out to be variations on a theme,
are to be preferred to theories of narrow scope, ceteris paribus.
Oliver E. Williamson
Archibald, George C. (1961). Chamberlin versus Chicago. Review of Economic
Studies, 29(1), 228
(1987). Monopolistic competition. In J. Eatwell et al. (eds.), The New Palgrave
Dictionary of Economics, vol.3. London: Macmillan, 5314
Arrow, Kenneth J. (1951a). Social Choice and Individual Values. New York: John
(1951b). An extension of the basic theorems of classical welfare economics.
In Jersey Neyman (ed.), Proceedings of the Second Berkeley Symposium on
Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Berkeley, CA: University of California
Press, 50732
(1969). The organization of economic activity: issues pertinent to the choice of
market versus nonmarket allocation. In The Analysis and Evaluation of Public
Expenditure: The PPB System, vol. 1. US Joint Economic Committee, 91st
Congress, 1st Session. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office,
(1999). Forward. In Glenn Carroll and David Teece (eds.), Firms, Markets, and
Hierarchies. New York: Oxford University Press, viiviii
Bain, Joe (1956). Barriers to New Competition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Barnard, Chester (1938). The Functions of the Executive. Cambridge: Harvard
University Press (fifteenth printing, 1962)
Baumol, W. J. (1959). Business Behavior, Value and Growth. New York: Macmillan
Ben-Porath, Yoram (1980). The F-connection: families, friends, and firms and
the organization of exchange. Population and Development Review, 6 (March),
Berle, Adolph A. and Gardner C. Means, Jr. (1932). The Modern Corporation and
Private Property. New York: Macmillan
To be sure there were lags. By the year 2000, however, there were over 600 published
empirical papers in transaction-cost economics alone (Boerner and Macher 2001).
Oliver E. Williamson
Jack Vromen
Presumably Friedman was the first to have developed this type of selection
argument in defense of the theory of the firm. Although a similar argument appeared earlier in Alchian (1950), it seems that the first draft of
Friedmans essay (which already contained the selection argument) was
The full footnote (14) reads: This example, and some of the subsequent discussion,
though independent in origin, is similar to and in much the same spirit as an example and
the approach in an important paper by Armen A. Alchian, Uncertainty, Evolution, and
Economic Theory, Journal of Political Economy, LVIII (June, 1950), 21121.
Jack Vromen
attempt; as if, that is, they knew the relevant cost and demand functions, calculated
marginal cost and marginal revenue from all actions open to them, and pushed
each line of action to the point at which the relevant marginal cost and marginal
revenue were equal given natural selection, acceptance of the hypothesis can be
based largely on the judgment that it summarizes appropriately the conditions for
survival. (F53, 212; emphasis added)
Jack Vromen
Satz and Ferejohn do not cite empirical support for this claim. There does seem to be some
experimental support for the claim that rational choice theory does better in competitive
environments. See, for example, Smith (1991).
Jack Vromen
the theory of the firm has been a far more productive explanatory theory
than the theory of consumer behavior, Satz and Ferejohn argue, because
consumers face less competitive environments than firms. Rationalchoice explanations are argued to gain their explanatory power from
features of the agents environment rather than from the mental states or
the psychological make-up of agents. This leads Satz and Ferejohn to
plead for a radical reinterpretation of rational-choice theory.
The received interpretation is that rational-choice theory is a psychological theory, dealing with what is going on internal to agents, consistent
with methodological individualism. By contrast, the interpretation Satz
and Ferejohn favor is one in which rational-choice theory appears as an
external-structuralist theory that is about external pressures that environments impose on agents. Satz and Ferejohn remark that evolutionary
biology, which views nature as a selective structure, provides the crucial
paradigm for their discussion (Satz and Ferejohn 1994, 81). They believe
that there are social analogues to natural selection acting as powerful
selective mechanisms. One such analogue is an environment of competitive capital markets acting as a selector on firms (1994, 79). On Satz and
Ferejohns reinterpretation, rational-choice theory carries no a priori
commitments to a particular mental causal mechanism internal to agents
(1994, 86). The assumed psychology of the agent is rather an entirely
imputed one: preferences are derived on the basis of an agents location
in a social structure. This is why the interest of maximizing profits can be
imputed to firms in competitive markets. Even though there can be many
different motives and deliberations behind pursuing and attaining maximum profits (1994, 79), given their position in a competitive market it
makes sense to ascribe the motive to make maximum profits to firms.
Binmore: memes as immediate determinants of behavior
A similar evolutionary reinterpretation of expected-utility theory is advocated by Binmore (1994). Binmore argues that leading utility theorists
have long abandoned a literal interpretation of their theory. Utility theory
does not explain observable behavior by referring to antecedently and
independently identified preferences (or utility functions), expectations,
and risk profiles of the agents in question. It is rather the other way
around. Preferences, expectations, and risk profiles of agents are inferred
from their observable choice behavior. In doing so, by identifying the
agents revealed preferences, expectations, and risk profiles, and by
assuming that the agents maximize their expected utility, their observable
behavior is rationalized. The assumption really is that agents behave, as
Binmore puts it, as though they maximize their expected utilities thus
derived. This of course is very much in line with Friedman and Savage
(1948), for example, and with Savages influential subjective interpretation of expected-utility theory in general.
Binmore goes one considerable step further by suggesting not only that
what agents do, how they behave, is the outcome of processes of sociocultural evolution, but also that the latter view reflects the currently
dominant or prevailing interpretation of expected-utility theory.
Stigler seems to me a windmill at which it is pointless to tilt. Not even in Chicago
are such views given credence any more. I suspect that this is largely because a
paradigm is now available that preserves optimization as the underlying mechanism, but no longer sees economic agents as omniscient mathematical prodigies.
The new paradigm regards evolutionary forces, biological, social, and economic,
as being responsible for getting things maximized
mechanisms exist which could lead to behavior on the part of homo sapiens
which mimics that of homo economicus, without requiring that homo sapiens necessarily thinks the same thoughts as those attributed to homo economicus. At his
fireside, homo sapiens will tell different stories from homo economicus, and neither
type of story need correlate very well with the actual reasons that the species came
to behave the way it does. (Binmore 1994, 1920)
The issue at hand here is whether homo economicus provides a useful model
to social phenomena. Stiglers stance was that where self-interest (narrowly conceived) and ethical values conflict, self-interest prevails.
Binmore argues that it is no longer assumed that homo economicus, current
economic theorys depiction of human agents, is solely preoccupied with
his own interests narrowly conceived. Modern homo economicus is an
individual that is consistent in seeking to attain whatever his goals may
be. Binmore maintains that nowadays most proponents of (and commentators on) expected-utility theory hold that sociocultural evolution sees to
it that inconsistencies in human behavior are eventually weeded out. It is
this belief, Binmore argues, that is behind the retention of homo economicus
in current economic theory.
Binmores contention that it is not omniscience of agents, but evolutionary forces that are responsible for getting things maximized is in line
with Friedmans selection argument. But his further suggestion that the
actual reasons for people to behave the way they do are memes is not in line
with Friedmans argument. Following Dawkins (1976),4 Binmore thinks
Jack Vromen
A more integral comparison between Friedman and Aumann would be interesting but has
to await for another occasion. Suffice it to say here that although Aumann favors a type of
formalistic economic modeling that Friedman presumably disavows, and although
Aumanns predictive accuracy of models should be subordinate to the comprehension
that they yield, Aumann is remarkably close to Friedmans methodology on other points.
Aumann also holds that assumptions do not have to be correct, that the usefulness rather
than the truth of theories is important, and that one can tell the usefulness of some solution
concept, for example, from the extent to what it is actually used by economists.
do with each other. Or, one can look for a deeper meaning. In my view, its a
mistake to write off the relationship as an accident.
In fact, the evolutionary interpretation should be considered the fundamental
one. Rationality Homo Sapiens, if you will is a product of evolution. We have
become used to thinking of the fundamental interpretation as the cognitive
rationalistic one, and of evolution as an as if story, but thats probably less
Of course, the evolutionary interpretation is historically subsequent to the
rationalistic one. But that doesnt mean that the rationalistic interpretation is the
more basic. On the contrary, in science we usually progress, in time, from
the superficial to the fundamental. The historically subsequent theory is quite
likely to encompass the earlier ones. (Aumann 1997, 18)
Aumann seems to be wrong in suggesting that the evolutionary story is often treated as the
more facile, as if one. In all the invocations of natural selection, or evolutionary forces,
we have come across thus far the cognitive rationalistic interpretation provides the as if
Jack Vromen
Aumann does not argue that we always engage in conscious rational utility maximization:
to the extent that we do calculate, it may be a result of evolution (Aumann 1997, 32).
Friedman would approve of the license that the evolutionary reinterpretations provide for
continued use of equilibrium analysis. But he presumably would have less sympathy for
formalistic uses of (Nash) equilibrium analysis in game theory.
Thus far it has been tacitly assumed that the evolutionary processes
envisaged in the reinterpretations indeed do lead to the results and outcomes that standard economic theory predicts. Is this assumption warranted? Let us first look once again at the relevant crucial passage in
Friedmans argument.
given natural selection, acceptance of the hypothesis can be based largely on the
judgment that it summarizes appropriately the conditions for survival. (F53, 22;
emphasis added)
Friedman suggests that the evidence that natural selection in competitive markets provides for the continued use of the maximization-ofreturns hinges crucially on the judgment that the assumption at least
roughly gets the conditions for survival right. If firms that do not attain
maximum returns can survive natural selection, then the argument
breaks down.
So the judgment that the maximization-of-returns assumption summarizes approximately the conditions for survival must be correct for the
selection argument to carry any weight in favor of the assumption. Is it
correct? Friedman apparently believed that no further argument or examination is needed to see that the judgment is correct. Others saw this
differently. Friedmans selection argument incited many attempts to
examine and scrutinize this judgment critically. Not surprisingly, different
examiners with different persuasions came to different conclusions. The
disagreement here is not only due to differences in persuasion, predilections, and the like of the examiners, however. It is also due to the fact that
it is not perfectly clear what the judgment is actually about. What exactly is
claimed? Note, for example, that the conditions for survival is ambiguous. Are the conditions necessary or sufficient? Is it claimed that attaining
maximum returns is necessary for firms to survive? Or is the claim that
attaining maximum returns is sufficient for firms to survive? The former
claim is stronger than the latter. The former claim rules out a possibility
that the latter claim leaves open: firms earning less than maximum returns
may survive. Most examiners seem to assume that Friedman is making the
stronger claim that only firms earning maximum returns can survive.9
Many commentators have rightly observed that what Friedman is really
arguing is not that the theory of the firm gets phenomena at the level of
I think there is some textual evidence favoring this interpretation, as Friedman argues that
firms that happen not to earn maximum returns will tend to disappear.
Jack Vromen
individual firms right, but that the theory gets phenomena at the aggregate
level of markets and industries right. An example of the type of ultimate
claim Friedman is making is presented by Alchian (1950): the average
labor/capital ratio in some industry rises if the (relative real) price of labor
falls ceteris paribus. This suggests that the claim that only firms earning
maximum returns survive is just an intermediary step in making and
substantiating the latter ultimate claim (Langlois 1986; Vromen 1995).
Sometimes the intermediate claim Friedman is making is discussed under
the label of as-if rationality, or of as-if maximizing (Kandori 1997). The
ultimate claim Friedman is making is sometimes discussed under the label
of as-if optimality. As Alchians example makes clear, what is at stake is
whether competitive markets lead to productive efficiency. More generally, what is at issue, it seems, is whether competitive markets lead to
In order to examine or scrutinize Friedmans claims systematically,
some formal structure is needed to model natural selection explicitly.
This again leaves room for different approaches. What formal structures
or techniques to apply? Several structures and techniques have been
applied (Matthews 1984; Witt 1986; Hansen and Samuelson 1988;
Schaffer 1989; Hodgson 1999, to mention just a few). Of all the attempts
made to scrutinize Friedmans claims systematically, two stand out in
terms of perseverance and faithfulness to his selection argument, I think:
those by Sidney Winter (1964, 1971, 1975) and by Lawrence Blume and
David Easley (1992, 1995, 1998). For reasons that will become apparent,
I shall devote a whole section (section 5) to Winters (and Nelson and
Winters) work. In their examination of Friedmans selection argument,
Blume and Easley adopt an evolutionary general equilibrium model. In
their model, if factor demands and supply evolves, prices (the firms
environment) also change.11 Blume and Easley show that although natural selection in markets favors profit maximization, equilibria need not
converge to competitive (Pareto-optimal) equilibria. They argue that
The weak link in the natural selection justification for the normative
properties of competitive markets is not the behavioral hypothesis of profit
maximization but the implication from profit maximization to Pareto
Note that although Friedmans essay is about positive economics, these are normative
Blume and Easley note that this allowance for endogenous price change differentiates
their approach from that of Nelson and Winter (1982). In passing, it is interesting to see
that in their examinations many mainstream economists (such as Blume and Easley)
refer to the work of the heterodox economists Nelson and Winter. This suggests that the
neglect of heterodox economists by orthodox ones may not be as massive as is sometimes argued.
optimality (Blume and Easley 1998, 2). Blume and Easley furthermore
argue that if capital markets are added, natural selection does not favor
profit maximization. Introducing capital markets in the picture may disturb the process in which the growth rate of firms is determined solely by
the portion of their revenues (earnings) that are invested in them. The
latter process, Blume and Easley argue, is the one Friedman has in mind
when referring to natural selection. Firms have to earn their own
resources and the higher their relative revenues, the more they invest
and expand.
Are Pareto-optimal Nash equilibria invariably selected?
The conclusion that there is more support for Friedmans intermediate
claim than there is for his ultimate claim seems to be drawn also in
evolutionary game theory.12 Arguably, evolutionary game theory has
become the prevailing modeling strategy to scrutinize claims and
arguments like the one Friedman is advancing (for useful overviews, see
Weibull 1995 and Kandori 1997). Apparently, many believe that evolutionary game theory naturally lends itself for such examinations. There
nowadays seems to be a consensus among game theorists that evolutionary game theory by and large supports Friedmans selection
argument. This might explain why many game theorists seem to believe
that Binmore and Aumann have a point in their proposals to reinterpret
standard economic theory along evolutionary lines. But before we conclude prematurely that evolutionary game theory supports Friedmans
argument and claims, let us have a closer look at what exactly it is that
evolutionary game theory does and does not establish.
Let us concentrate on George J. Mailaths (1998) Do people play Nash
equilibrium? Lessons from evolutionary game theory, since that paper
provides an accessible and (at that time) comprehensive overview of the
sorts of results obtained in evolutionary game theory that bear on
Friedmans selection argument. In the Introduction Mailath remarks
that a common informal argument is that any agent not optimizing in
particular, any firm not maximizing profits will be driven out by market
forces (1998, 1347). Mailath argues that evolutionary game theory is
suitable both to render the argument formal and to check its validity. One
of the things Mailath sets out to do in his overview is to find out to what
extent evolutionary game theory supports the claim made in the argument. For Mailath this claim, properly understood, is that agents
In Vromen (1995) I argued that Friedmans intermediate claim, if true, would validate his
ultimate claim. The work discussed here calls this into question.
Jack Vromen
In his unpublished PhD dissertation, Nash (1950) himself suggested a populationstatistical interpretation of his own equilibrium concept (Leonard 1994).
See also Cressman (2003) who reports that this is dubbed the Folk Theorem of Evolutionary
Game Theory by Hofbauer and Sigmund (1998).
The replicator dynamic basically says that the growth rate of a strategys share in some
population is proportional to the degree in which it does better than the populations
average. What is said here also holds for more general dynamics such as monotone
means that some (and perhaps all) agents would have been better off
(without there being someone who is worse off) had they all played their
parts in the other Nash equilibrium that did not materialize. So the fact
that in (symmetrical) games evolutionary dynamics produce Nash equilibria does not imply that agents will eventually be best off. In general it
may crucially depend on the initial state of the population what asymptotically stable rest point some evolutionary process will converge on. If the
evolutionary process starts in the basin of attraction of a Paretodominated equilibrium, it may remain locked into it. The fact that evolutionary game theory can account for this phenomenon of path dependence
is generally welcomed by evolutionary game theorists as one more important and attractive feature of their theory (see Mailath 1998, 1360 and
Thus evolutionary game theory seems to lend more support to
Friedmans intermediate claim than to his ultimate claim. If evolutionary
processes converge to enduring, stable rest points then these are Nash
equilibria. This is taken to support Friedmans intermediate claim that
only rational, optimizing behavior survives. Friedmans ultimate claim,
that productive efficiency and Pareto-optimality are thereby safeguarded,
is in general not supported. Asymptotically stable rest points that the
enduring states evolutionary processes converge on may be Paretodominated Nash equilibria.
See also Young (1996). It has to be noted, however, that the evolutionary game theorists
who embrace path dependence have also tried to show that at least in some games with
strict equilibria, path dependence need not be forthcoming in the ultra-long run (see
Foster and Young 1990; Kandori, Mailath, and Rob 1993).
Jack Vromen
rational way. Evolutionary game theory is about individuals and populations, not about firms and industries. This difference in mechanisms stipulated should not be exaggerated, however. The monotone dynamics mostly
posited in evolutionary game theory seems to be compatible with
Friedmans rudimentary ideas about the nuts and bolts of natural selection. In both the central idea is that the share or frequency of some type of
individual (whether it is a firm or a human agent) tends to be proportional
to its relative performance.
The differences with respect to the other two aspects, conditions and
results, may be less reconcilable. As to conditions, Friedman seems to
have competitive markets in mind. Competitive markets refer to a
parametric setting or context in which the behavior of the one firm (or
individual) does not affect the profitability (or the payoffs) of others.17
The profitability of each firm depends only on its own activities (Hansen
and Samuelson 1988). By contrast, game theory by definition deals with
strategic settings in which the payoffs obtainable by the one individual at
least partly depend on the behavior displayed by others. Like theories
about perfect competition, evolutionary game theory deals with large
populations. Populations are so large that the share of each individual in
the population is negligible. But mostly the assumption is that interactions
are pairwise. What the opponent does directly affects the payoffs that one
can obtain. For some evolutionary game theorists this is sufficient reason
to call the sorts of situations they are analyzing non-competitive (Banerjee
and Weibull 1995).
Friedmans intermediate claim is that the result or outcome of natural
selection is that eventually only firms survive that earn maximum
returns. The only survivors display behavior that can be said to be rational
in the sense that it coincides with the choices that a fully informed,
faultlessly calculating maximizer would make. Evolutionary game theory
points out that, with a few exceptions, evolutionary processes tend to
converge to Nash equilibria. Do individuals display optimal behavior
when they play a Nash equilibrium? The definition of Nash equilibrium
implies that they display optimal behavior if other individuals play their
parts in the equilibrium. If other players do not play their parts in the
equilibrium, the optimal behavior of an individual may also well be not to
play his or her part in the equilibrium. It is possible that individuals would
be better off in out-of-equilibrium situations. Furthermore, as Kandori
argues One prominent reason why irrational behavior may survive is that
To put it more accurately, the profitability of some firm does not depend directly on the
behavior of others. The behavior of others can affect the profitability of the firm indirectly,
however, via changed prices.
It is clear that other economists working in this area, such as Nobel laureate Reinhard
Selten, have other aims in mind, such as a greater realisticness of game theory.
Jack Vromen
The emphasis is here put on the fact that Friedman argues that certain
results of natural selection obtain, no matter what apparent (or actual)
immediate determinants of firm behavior there are. Immediate determinants of firm behavior are argued to be non-consequential for selection
outcomes. Following Nelson and Winter (1982), evolutionary economists believe that this part of the argument is flawed. Immediate determinants of firm behavior do make a difference. What decision procedures
firms follow matters a great deal for what outcomes are selected.
Winter (1964) is well known as one of the first and one of the most
systematic and profound examinations of the selection argument. The
conclusion Winter arrives at is that to the extent that selection considerations support the use of traditional economic theory, they do so only under
special circumstances and for a restricted range of applications (Winter
1964, 268).19 In other words, what Winter establishes is that the support
that evolutionary considerations lend to traditional economic theory, and
notably the theory of the firm, is quite limited. Winter discusses several
circumstances under which selection considerations do not support
traditional economic theory. For example, he argues that a theory of the
firm, which is to yield refutable predictions about the behavior of individual
firms or aggregates of firms, should be distinguished from a theory of entry
and exit, which is to yield refutable predictions about the appearance and
disappearance of firms. When it comes to assessing the selection argument,
a theory of the firm should be supplemented by a theory of entry and exit.
Thus if an industry initially consists of profit-maximizing firms, these firms
may nevertheless be outcompeted by non-profit-maximizing firms that
have the compensating benefit of increasing returns to scale.20 The result
may be a mixed industry rather than an industry consisting only of profitmaximizing firms. Another condition to be met for evolution to produce an
industry solely consisting of profit-maximizing firms is that differential
profitability of firms should translate into a proportional differential growth
rate. If this condition is not met, if relatively profitable firms rest content
with paying out their extra profits in higher dividends while remaining at
the same scale of operation, for example, then less profitable firms will not
be driven out of business (Winter 1964, 244).
Winter furthermore argues that if information may be imperfect and
costly to gather, profit-maximizing firms need not be the ones surviving
natural selection: If such a situation obtains, reliance on rules of
thumb may, in a restricted range of normal situations, be more viable
See also The preceding section provides examples of combinations of initial conditions
and sets of possible organization forms for which this conclusion is not valid (248).
See Hodgson (1999) for a further discussion of this condition.
Jack Vromen
Friedmans example of the expert billiard player. Like the expert billiard
player, businessmen just figure out what to do. There is not much
deliberate choice involved in this. Routines are like genes also in another
respect. Just like genes, routines embody wisdom or knowledge acquired
and accumulated in the past.21 The type of knowledge involved here is
tacit knowledge. Moreover, it is know-how rather than knowing-that
that can be fully articulated.
A second cornerstone of Nelson and Winters evolutionary theory is
natural selection. Already in Winter (1964) it is clear that he does not
examine the workings and consequences of natural selection just to see
whether Friedmans argument is valid. Winter takes natural selection to
be one of the crucial forces working in competitive markets that determine
what firms and what industry structure prevail. In passing, we already
came across what Winter believes natural selection amounts to: firms
expand proportional to their profitability. Nelson and Winter set out to
model this process explicitly. In doing so they put into practice what Enke
(1951) and Koopmans (1957) pleaded for. Enke (1951) advances a
selection argument similar to Alchian (1950). But he draws a conclusion
from the argument opposite to the one Alchian draws: marginalism
should give way to what Enke called viability analysis. Arguably this is
exactly what Nelson and Winter want to develop. Koopmans (1957)
argues that if market selection is indeed the basis for the belief in profit
maximization, as Friedman argues, then that basis should be postulated
and not profit maximization, which it is said to imply in certain circumstances. In their evolutionary theory, Nelson and Winter follow up on this.
Nelson and Winter are clearly realists about their own evolutionary
economic theory.22 Or alternatively we can say that their preference for
an explicit evolutionary economic theory is ontologically grounded. They
prefer modeling selection processes in which routine-following firms are
involved explicitly over using equilibrium analysis in which maximizing
agents figure, because they believe that that gives a more adequate representation of what is actually going on in market economies. This longing
for realism (or realisticness) also shows in the third cornerstone in their
evolutionary theory. Following Schumpeter, Nelson and Winter argue
that endogenously engendered innovations are characteristic of capitalist
economies. They posit that firms are induced to search for better routines
in the face of adversity. Innovations are argued to be similar to mutations
To the extent that present circumstances differ markedly from the one in which routines
evolved, the resulting behavior can well be maladaptive.
For a more detailed discussion of this, see Vromen (2001).
Jack Vromen
in evolutionary biology. At first sight this seems to conflict with their belief
that firm behavior is routine. Routines as genes seems to imply that
mutations can only emerge as copying errors, or something of the sort.
But Nelson and Winter stress that rigid routines do not necessarily make
for rigid behavior. Routines may have a conditional structure allowing for
different behavior in different circumstances. Furthermore, firms may
engage in efforts to search for better routines if extant ones cease to
yield satisfactory results.
Nelson and Winter argue that their own evolutionary theory is superior
to orthodox theory. Their theory is superior not just because of its
alleged greater realism (or realisticness). They argue their evolutionary
theory is superior also because of its greater generality. Nelson and Winter
believe that their own evolutionary theory is more general than orthodox
theory in several respects. In its own domain of application, they argue,
orthodox theory demonstrably only covers limiting cases. Orthodox
theory correctly predicts what happens at the aggregate industry level
only under restricted conditions. Nelson and Winters evolutionary
theory is also argued to cover more ground than orthodox theory. It
addresses phenomena that fall outside the purview of orthodox theory,
such as Schumpeterian competition, technological innovation, and disequilibrium phenomena and processes. On top of that it is also more
general in that it aims at descriptive accuracy not just at the aggregate
level of industries and markets, but also at the level of individual firm
behavior. Friedman argues that a theory of the firm should only be concerned about empirical accuracy at the aggregate level of industries and
markets. Winter, by contrast, argues that ideally a satisfactory theory of
the firm should also be descriptively accurate about individual firm behavior. From a methodological point of view it is interesting to see that Winter
defends the superiority of a more general theory in this sense on Popperian
grounds. Winter explicitly refers to Poppers Logic of Scientific Discovery in
his argument that Friedmans auxiliary hypothesis is unacceptable that
the theory of the firm should only be tested against market phenomena,
and not against phenomena that pertain to the level of individual firms
(Winter 1964, 232). The empirical content of the theory of the firm would
be increased if testing against the latter type of phenomena were taken
seriously: We would certainly prefer a theory which predicted the market
behavior of firms and the results of direct study of their decision processes
to one which predicted only the former (1964, 233).
Nelson and Winter took up the challenge posed by Friedmans selection
argument, ran away with it, and ended up with something that seems to be
the opposite of what Friedman intended. Winter (1982) makes it abundantly clear that he rejects the use that Friedman wanted to make of his
selection argument.23 Instead of licensing the continued use of the maximization postulate, Winter argues that taking natural selection seriously
implies both that evolutionary processes in economies should be modeled
explicitly and that observed decision procedures should not always be
rationalized as instances of maximizing behavior. With their explicitly evolutionary theory Nelson and Winter appear as allies of the antimarginalists.
They seem to provide the sort of evolutionary underpinning of decision
rules such as the full-cost pricing rule that Harrod (1939) was hinting at.24
Furthermore, Nelson and Winter take realism (or realisticness) to be a
legitimate criterion for theory appraisal. They insist in particular on the
realisticness of behavioral assumptions in a satisfactory economic theory. In
all this Nelson and Winter seem to move away further from Friedmans
intentions than any of the other authors discussed in this chapter.
Winter prefers an interpretation that he names after Armen A. Alchian in which evolutionary processes, rather than maximization postulates are treated as fundamental. Winter
is trying to drive a wedge between Alchian and Friedman here that I think is not actually
there. Given his intervention in the roundtable discussion Alchian seems to agree.
Remarkably, Nelson and Winter (1982) do not mention Harrod (1939) in their list of
Jack Vromen
Alchian, Armen A. (1950). Uncertainty, evolution and economic theory. Journal
of Political Economy, 58, 21122
Aumann, R. (1985). What is game theory trying to accomplish? In K. J. Arrow and
S. Honkapohja (eds.), Frontiers of Economics. Oxford: Blackwell
(1997). On the state of the art in game theory: an interview with Robert Aumann
(taken by Eric van Damme). In W. Albers, W. Gth, P. Hammerstein,
B. Moldovonu and E. van Damme (eds.), Understanding Strategic Interaction:
Essays in Honor of Reinhard Selten. Berlin, etc.: Springer Verlag, 834
Banerjee, Abhijit and Jrgen Weibull (1995). Evolutionary selection and rational
behavior. In Alan Kirman and Mark Salmon (eds.), Learning and Rationality
in Economics. Oxford: Blackwell, 34363
Baumol, W. J. (1983). Book review of Nelson, R. R. and Winter, S. G. (1982).
Journal of Economic Literature, 21, 5801
Becker, Gary S. (1962). Irrational behavior and economic theory. Journal of
Political Economy, 70, 113
Binmore, Ken (1994). Game Theory and the Social Contract, vol. I: Playing Fair.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Blume, Lawrence E. and David Easley (1992). Evolution and market behavior,
Journal of Economic Theory, 58, 940
(1995). Evolution and rationality in competitive markets. In Alan Kirman and
Mark Salmon (eds.), Learning and Rationality in Economics. Oxford:
Blackwell, 32462
Jack Vromen
Chris Starmer
evidence and I illustrate this with a particular example in the contemporary theoretical literature on risk.
Continuity requires that for all prospects q, r, s, where q > r and r > s, there exists some
probability p such that there is indifference between the middle ranked consequence r and
the prospect (q, p; s, 1p).
V(.) represents preferences in the sense that V(p) V(q) if, and only if, prospect q is not
preferred to p.
Whenever I refer to independence principles later in this chapter, note that I have in
mind Expected Utility Independence conditions and not other types of independence
condition that feature elsewhere in economic theory.
More formally, the independence axiom of EUT entails that for all prospects q, r, s: if q >
r then (q, p; s, 1p) > (r, p; s, 1p), for all p.
Chris Starmer
conceded that the outcomes associated with tails can be ignored, it then
seems plain that an agent should choose between the compound prospects
on the basis of their ordering over the simple prospects q and r.
The argument for ignoring the tails outcome, and for (EUT) independence more generally, turns on the proposition that there can be no (rationally justifiable) complimentarity between the outcomes within a prospect
because they are mutually exclusive. If this is conceded, and independence
is accepted as an implication of rationality, then EUT has much more
significance than simply being just one amongst many possible models of
risk preference; EUT then has a claim to be interpreted as the logical
extension of rational economic analysis to the realm of risk. Whether or
not individual axioms of EUT can be defended as requirements of rationality has, of course, been a matter of much debate.9 Fortunately, we need
not enter these tricky debates because my primary concern will be to
examine what follows granting, for the purpose of the argument, that the
axioms of EUT can be taken as appealing principles of rationality.
To the extent that its axioms can be justified as sound principles of
rational choice to which any reasonable person would subscribe, the
axioms provide grounds for interpreting EUT normatively; that is as a
model of how people ought to choose. Some writings have placed emphasis on this normative interpretation of EUT. For example, Savage (1954)
presents what has become one of the most celebrated derivations of EUT
explicitly as an attempt to extend logical reasoning to situations of uncertainty. His primary aim is not to provide an empirical theory for predicting
human behavior, but instead to develop logical tools for deciding between
alternative courses of action:
Decisions made in the face of uncertainty pervade the life of every individual and
organisation. Even animals might be said continually to make such decisions, and the
psychological mechanisms by which men decide may have much in common with
those by which animals do so. But formal reasoning presumably plays no role in the
decisions of animals, little in those of children, and less than might be wished in those
of men. It may be said to be the purpose of this book, and indeed of statistics generally,
to discuss the implications of reasoning for the making of decisions. (Savage 1954, 6)
That said, Savage does accept that EUT may also have some potential
as a simple if crude empirical theory for predicting human behavior,
albeit in a suitably limited domain.10 It is to the interpretation of EUT
as an empirical theory that I now turn.
For the reader wishing to explore these debates a good place to start is Sugden (1991).
[EUT] can be interpreted as a crude and shallow empirical theory predicting the
behavior of people making decisions. This theory is practical in suitably limited domains,
and everyone in fact makes use of at least some aspects of it in predicting the behavior of
others (1954, 20).
They also suggest as an aside that Coherence with rest of economic theory (FS52, 466)
may count as indirect evidence for EUT.
Chris Starmer
As I read it, this part of the FS52 paper essentially asserts that because P1
holds, P2 is likely. But while P1 and P2 are not inconsistent, in the absence
of further premises, P2 is not implied by P1. P1 is a proposition about
normative judgments, while P2 is a proposition about behavior. In order
to generate the implication suggested by FS52 it is necessary to introduce
some premise linking normative beliefs with behavior. For example:
While in FS52 Friedman and Savage discuss each of the EU axioms, a key part of their
argument is concerned with justifying the independence axiom. This seems natural given
that this was and continues to be the most controversial element of the EUT system: it is
also the assumption that gives EUT most of its empirical content.
Although the claim here seems a moderate one given the qualification that normative
appeal is just some reason, I take it there is meant to be a substantive claim here given
that the main argument of the paper seeks precisely to use normative appeal as a source of
Chris Starmer
(P3) agents rarely behave in contradiction with principles they believe they would
not deliberately violate
Notice, however, that it is not enough just to assume P3: for it to do the job
of converting normative appeal to evidence, it has to be empirically valid
or at least plausible. How would one assess whether this is an empirically
plausible claim? I can think of at least two possibilities. One would be to
refer to a theory of the choosing mind. If one could point to some model of
human mental processes which implied that normative beliefs govern
choice behavior, and show that there is satisfactory empirical support for
it, that would be one way to motivate a principle like P3. This strategy,
however, would involve a major departure from the as-if methodology
famously set out in F53.
It is clear that Friedman and Savage do favor an as-if interpretation of
EUT. For instance, F48 provides this methodological aside with respect
to evaluation of EUT:
An objection to the hypothesis just presented that is likely to be raised by many, if
not most, readers is that it conflicts with the way human beings actually behave and
choose. Is it not patently unrealistic to suppose that individuals consult a wiggly
utility curve before gambling or buying insurance, that they know the odds
involved in the gambles or insurance plans open to them, that they can compute
the expected utility of a gamble or insurance plan, and that they base their decision
on the size of the expected utility?
While entirely natural and understandable, this objection is not strictly relevant.
The hypothesis does not assert that individuals explicitly or consciously calculate
and compare expected utilities. Indeed it is not at all clear what such an assertion
would mean or how it could be tested. The hypothesis asserts rather that, in
making a particular class of decisions, individuals behave as if they calculated
and compared expected utilities and as if they knew the odds. The validity of this
assertion does not depend on whether individuals know the precise odds, much
less on whether they say that they calculate and compare expected utilities or think
that they do, or whether psychologists can uncover any evidence that they do, but
solely on whether it yields sufficiently accurate predictions about the class of
decisions with which the hypothesis deals. Stated differently, the test by results is
the only possible method of determining whether the as if statement is or is not a
sufficiently good approximation to reality for the purpose at hand. (FS48, 298)
This clearly has a great deal of resonance with the methodological position
Friedman sets out in F53: we should not count it against EUT that its
assumptions appear unrealistic; EUT is not to be interpreted as a model
of conscious human decision processes but as an as-if model with the
purpose of predicting behavior; as such, the only relevant test of the theory
is taken to be its predictive performance, though note the important caveat
that predictive performance is to be judged relative to the theorys domain
of application.
Choice 1
Choice 2
Chris Starmer
with pairs of choices with this general structure choose g1 over g2 and g4
over g3 in violation of independence.
It is a matter of historical interest that Savage himself, in chapter 5 of
Foundations, conceded that he also violated independence when first
confronted with the Allais paradox. He reports that having once recognized the inconsistency, he reflected upon the situation and came to the
conclusion that his belief in the normative appeal of independence was
unshaken. Consequently, he determined that he must have made some
error in one of his initial choices. Re-examining the choices, Savage
applies independence, hence reducing both decisions to the choice
(0.11 chance of 500) vs. (01. chance of 2500). Then, Finally, consulting
my purely personal taste, I find that I would prefer the gift of $500,000
and, accordingly, that I prefer Gamble 1 to Gamble 2 and (contrary to my
initial reaction) Gamble 3 to Gamble 4 (Savage 1954, 103). On Savages
own account, his initial choice of g4 over g3 was an error which the
application of normative reasoning allowed him to detect and correct.
This account seems unproblematic in relation to the argument of S54.
In that context, Savage is explicitly concerned with developing a normative theory which may be used to police decisions. The fact that real
decisions may depart from the normative is a prerequisite for there to be
any interesting policing role for his axioms. However, the example provides a counterargument to the proposition that being normatively committed to a decision principle implies conforming behavior, and the
example seems especially compelling when the person concerned is an
eminent decision theorist violating a principle which is the most important
in his own normative theory.
Framing effects
Each group then faced a choice between two policy options. One group
chose between A and B:
If program A is adopted, 200 people will be saved.
If program B is adopted, there is a 1/3 probability that 600 people will be saved,
and a 2/3 probability that no people will be saved.
The two pairs of options are stochastically equivalent. The only difference
is that the group I description presents the information in terms of lives
saved while the information presented to group II is in terms of lives lost.
Tversky and Kahneman found a very striking difference in responses to
these two presentations: 72 percent of subjects preferred option A to
option B, while only 22 percent of subjects preferred C to D. It seems
hard to deny that different behavior in the two problems is normatively
unsound. Yet similar patterns of response were found amongst groups of
undergraduate students, university faculty, and practicing physicians.
Real people it seems, do not in general behave consistently with normative
principles, even those that find very common assent.
Taken at face value, the evidence from simple choice experiments seems
to tell against the FS-twist. Yet, one might accept that it is possible to
construct experimental situations where people violate normative principles, but raise doubts about whether such violations would be common
features of the wider world. One reason for such doubt might be connected with Friedmans famous natural selection argument. In F53, he
Chris Starmer
argues that part of what may explain the success of the profit maximization
hypothesis is that market forces will promote the survival (demise) of firms
using strategies closest to (furthest from) profit maximization. The predictive success of the theory of profit maximization then relies partly on
features of market processes, not explicitly modeled in the economic
theories of firms and markets.
Analogous arguments could be constructed to suggest that EUT might
have better predictive success in a marketplace, relative to laboratory tests,
perhaps by virtue of the existence of market mechanisms that punish
deviations from it. Indeed, widely rehearsed money pump arguments
seem to have just this character. Such arguments typically work by suggesting that agents who fail to satisfy normative decision principles lay
themselves open to exploitation. Consider, for example, an agent who has
non-transitive preferences of the form q >r, r > s and s > q. Suppose
they are initially endowed with q. Repeatedly trading according to these
binary preferences could lead them to: (i) pay to swap q for s; (ii) pay to
swap s for r; and (iii) pay to swap r for q, and so on. This agent has then
been money pumped because they have paid for several trades only to find
themselves returned to their original endowment (minus some cash).
One might argue that if agents were exploitable in this way, we should
expect to see other people exploiting them. The lack of evidence of money
pumps in operation in the world might then be taken as evidence that on
the whole people must have preferences conforming at least roughly with
normative presumptions most of the time. I think these arguments are
unconvincing as attempts to suggest empirical support for EUT axioms
not least because careful theoretical analysis seems to defeat the claim
central to money-pump arguments that agents will be money-pumpable
unless their preferences satisfy EUT. Contrary to this view, Cubitt and
Sugden (2001) show that agents can have preferences which satisfy few, if
any, of the standard normative criteria, yet still be money-pump proof.
But even if money-pump arguments fail as a convincing blanket defense
of EUT, it is not entirely unreasonable to suppose that some market
mechanisms might actually promote conformity with EUT. While it is
currently hard to find much direct support for that conjecture, there is
evidence that at least some preference anomalies do appear to decay in the
context of some market mechanisms. One of the clearest examples relates
to contingent valuation methodology: a standard methodology for assigning money values to non-marketed goods. The two most widely used
valuation measures are willingness to pay (WTP) and willingness to
accept (WTA). Standard preference theory based on indifference curve
analysis implies that these two measures should generate similar valuations, but in practice WTA is typically much bigger than WTP. But
further research has shown that the gap between WTP and WTA tends to
be eroded as a consequence of exposure to some market mechanisms,
particularly the second-price variant of the Vickrey auction (see, for
example, List and Shogren 1999; Shogren et al. 2001).
While the existing literature suggests that more than one causal mechanism may lie behind the convergence of WTA and WTP in repeated
auctions, there is some basis for thinking that part of the explanation
involves subjects learning to behave more consistently with principles of
rationality. For example, one factor sometimes cited as a possible account
of the WTA/WTP disparity is that bidders may approach a market with a
tendency to behave cautiously by underbidding when buying and overasking when selling relative to their true values. Such a tendency may be
rationally justified in some market contexts, for instance in markets where
prices are negotiated through some process of haggling. In Vickrey auctions, however, revealing true value is a weakly dominant strategy and
bidders operating cautiously may miss valuable opportunities to trade
(e.g. by asking too high and then failing to sell at a price which is above
their value). A possible explanation of the convergence of WTP and WTA
is that missed opportunities of this sort cause agents to reflect on their
behavior and consequently adjust towards the optimal bidding strategy.
Some support for this explanation of convergence has been found in a
study conducted by Loomes, Starmer, and Sugden (2003).
In principle, then, selection reasoning is a genre of argument that might
work to forge, what seems to me, a missing link in the FS-twist argument
of FS52 by giving some account of how normatively appealing principles
may come to be manifest in market behavior even though they are widely
violated in simple choice experiments. While Friedmans use of this kind
of reasoning in F53 suggests that he may have been sympathetic to this
strategy, the text of FS52 provides no obvious indication that Friedman
and Savage had such a link in mind in this context. Even if they did, the
link would remain weak in the absence of more explicit (theoretical and/or
empirical) support for selection processes in markets specifically promoting behavior consistent with EUT.
Let us take stock. In FS52 Friedman and Savage seek to argue that
because EUT can be restated in terms of normatively appealing axioms,
this provides a source of indirect support for the model as an empirical
theory of behavior. This is what I have called the FS-twist. I think that is a
questionable claim for at least three sets of reasons. First, the connection
from norm to decision, at least in FS52, seems mysterious. Second, while
Chris Starmer
For example, in Payne, Bettman, and Johnsons (1993) model, agents may draw on a wide
variety of heuristics based on tradeoffs between accuracy and effort. But while here
there is an economizing motive, there is no reason to expect the degree of coherence in
choice implied by EUT. Similarly, in Gigerenzer and Selten (2000), agents are conceived
of as adopting fast and frugal heuristics.
I review some of these developments in Starmer (2000).
Chris Starmer
The simple fact that economics in action (that is the business of constructing and evaluating theories of economic behavior) turns out to be
more complex and messy than Positive Economics la F53 need not
necessarily undermine faith in its key methodological assertions. All must
surely accept that theorizing necessarily involves simplification and
abstraction from complex reality whether it be theory about the ideal
behavior of an economy, or theory about the ideal behavior of economists,
or whatever. Yet the persuasiveness of Friedmans methodology might be
reduced to the extent that his own economics in action were plainly at
odds with the prescriptions of F53.
An obvious question then is whether the FS-twist ultimately coheres
with the Positive Economics of F53? One difficulty in assessing this
arises from the fact that the FS-twist is not fully articulated in FS52:
that is, the paper does not provide a clear account of why we should
expect behavior to conform with normatively appealing axioms. I have
argued that there may be different ways of forging such a link and I have
discussed two particular possibilities: one way would be to develop a
theory of choosing mind, another would be to invoke a theory of
selection. I have suggested that the second of these routes would provide
a reading of FS52 which coheres much more naturally with F53. On this
reading, does the FS-twist then provide a satisfactory empirical defense
of EUT? I think not as it stands, because it begs a further question about
whether there are, in fact, selection mechanisms which operate in
domains of interest to promote conformity between behavior and
normative decision principles. I take it that this, in turn, is a question
susceptible to positive economic analysis and not something simply to
be taken on faith.
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Chris Starmer
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The philosopher Bas Van Fraassen opens his Terry Lectures (published
as The Empirical Stance) with an anecdote: When Pascal died, a scrap
of paper was found in the lining of his coat. On it was written The God
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not the God of the philosophers (Van
Fraassen 2002, 1). Pascals God talks and wrestles with men; Descartess
God is a creature of metaphysics. Analogously, with respect to the
Methodology of positive economics (F53) there are two Friedmans.
Most of the gallons of ink spilled in interpreting Friedmans essay have
treated it as a philosophical work. This is true, for example, for those
who have interpreted it as an exemplar of instrumentalism, Popperian
falsificationism, conventionalism, positivism, and so forth. And it is
even true for those critics, such as Samuelson (1963), whose credentials
as an economist are otherwise secure. Mayer (1993a, 1995, 2003) and
Hands (2003) remind us that Friedman was philosophically unsophisticated, and in the essay Friedman tried a fall with other economists, not
with philosophers. The origin of the essay was the quotidian practice of
economics, not abstract epistemology. To know the Friedman of the
economists, I propose to read the essay in light of Friedman (and
Schwartzs) A Monetary History of the United States, 18671960 (1963a)
and Money and business cycles (1963b), perhaps his most characteristic economic investigations.
My point is not that there is a particular philosophers position that
can be contrasted with a particular economists (or even Friedmans)
I thank Uskali Mki, Thomas Mayer, and the participants in the F53 Conference at the
Erasmus Institute of Philosophy and Economics, Rotterdam, December 1213, 2003 for
comments on an earlier draft. I also thank Ryan Brady for research assistance. J. Daniel
Hammond (1996) wrote an important book that examines Friedmans economic thought
from a causal perspective. While I intentionally did not reread that book in trying to
develop my own views somewhat independently, I could not help but be influenced by it.
Kevin D. Hoover
position. After all, Pascal surely recognized that there were a variety of
views of God among the philosophers. Nor would I suggest that philosophy has nothing valuable to say about, or learn from, Friedmans essay
nor Friedman about or from philosophy. It is rather a matter of approach.
Friedman cares most about doing economics and is largely innocent
of the interests of philosophers and, equally, of the distinctions and
nuances that philosophers routinely employ. If we either as economists
or philosophers insist on reading the essay as a philosophical work
addressed to philosophers, we must misread it.
The most infamous passage in Friedmans essay runs: Truly important and significant hypotheses will be found to have assumptions that
are wildly inaccurate descriptive representations of reality, and, in general,
the more significant the theory, the more unrealistic the assumptions (in
this sense) (14).2 Samuelson (1963, 2323) sees this as the extreme
version of Friedmans general proposition that [a] theory is vindicated
if (some of) its consequences are empirically valid to a useful degree of
approximation; the (empirical) realism of the theory itself, or of its
assumptions, is quite irrelevant to its validity and worth, which he
stigmatizes with the shorthand F-twist.3
The view that Friedman does not care about the truth of the assumptions faces a serious difficulty. After recounting the detailed evidence
on the cyclical behavior of money and the real economy, Friedman and
Schwartz (1963b, 21314) raise the question, how we can be sure about
the direction of influence?
It might be, so far as we know, that one could marshal a similar body of evidence
demonstrating that the production of dressmakers pins has displayed over the past
nine decades a regular cyclical pattern; that the pin pattern reaches a peak well
before the reference peak and a trough well before the reference trough; that its
amplitude is highly correlated with the amplitude of the movements in general
business. It might even be demonstrated that the simple correlation between the
production of pins and consumption is higher than the simple correlation between
autonomous expenditures and consumption; that the partial correlation between
pins and consumption holding autonomous expenditure constant is as high
Except where context would render it ambiguous, references to F53 will be referred to
hereinafter by page numbers only.
Replacing Friedman by his initial is an indication that Samuelson (1963, 232) is aware that
the F-twist may be a misinterpretation of [Friedmans] intention. While Samuelson rails
against Friedmans apparent abandonment of truth and realism, Frazier and Boland
(1983) turn it into a positive virtue. They interpret Friedman as an instrumentalist and
defend instrumentalism as a logically sound doctrine. My suggestion here is that they have
misinterpreted Friedman he is not an instrumentalist and my suggestion in Hoover
(1984) is that Frazer and Bolands version of instrumentalism is not sound doctrine.
as the simple correlation; and that the correlation between consumption and
autonomous expenditures holding the production of pins constant is on the
average zero [B]ut even if [these statements] were demonstrated beyond a
shadow of a doubt, they would persuade neither us nor our readers to adopt a
pin theory of the cycle.
But why not? In Friedman and Schwartzs thought experiment, the pin
theory of the cycle has implications that are confirmed facts. Why should
the same variety of evidence that supports a monetary theory not equally
well support a pin theory? Primarily, the difference is that we have other
kinds of evidence (Friedman and Schwartz 1963b, 214): (i) pins are a
trifling element in the economy, and [w]e expect the effect to be in rough
proportion to the cause, but money is pervasive in economies that
experience business cycles; (ii) with money we can, and with pins we
cannot, conceive of channels through which large autonomous changes
in them might affect the economy; (iii) in contrast to a monetary theory,
no serious student of business cycles has ever seriously suggested a pin
It is not good enough for Friedman that a pin theory implies the facts.
His criticisms are based on evidence relevant to the truth of its assumptions. The Monetary History can be seen as a detailed marshalling, not only
of the facts implied by Friedmans monetary theory, but of the evidence
for the truth of its underlying mechanisms and initial conditions: its
assumptions. A partisan for the assumptions-dont-matter interpretation
of Friedmans essay might argue that there is a flat contradiction between
his rejection of the pin theory and his methodological position. That
would be too easy and too lazy. To say that Friedman does not care
about the truth of the assumptions is wrong. On the contrary,
Friedmans methodological stance in the essay is best described as causal
realism, which can be defined as the view that the object of scientific
inquiry is the discovery through empirical investigation of the true causal
mechanisms underlying observable phenomena.
One object of this chapter is to support this controversial claim. To do
so, I propose to read Friedmans essay charitably not as the work of an
amateur philosopher but as the work of an economist, one whose methodological reflections are consistent with his intellectual antecedents and
with his own empirical practice. Friedmans most important intellectual
antecedent is Alfred Marshall. Marshalls writings are Friedmans economic Bible. When, after a long and illustrious life, Friedman finally
passes on, he may well leave a scrap of paper pinned to the lining of his
coat on which will be written: The Methodology of Marshall, not the
Methodology of the philosophers.
Kevin D. Hoover
In describing Friedmans intellectual relationship to Marshall, the metaphor of the Bible was not chosen lightly. Methodologically Friedman is
like a fundamentalist Christian who constructs his theological position
by direct quotation from scripture. Once one has read Marshalls essay,
My count is as accurate as I could make it on a single reading of the text, but I cannot
warranty that I have caught every instance. Causal language would be exceedingly uncommon in the Monetary History even if I had shortened the count by half a dozen instances.
The present position of economics (1885), the methodological antecedents of Friedmans essay and his other well-known methodological
work, The Marshallian demand curve (1949b), are obvious and fairly
complete. The word in Cambridge used to be Its all in Marshall. This
appears to have been true in Chicago as well.
I take the identity of Friedmans and Marshalls methodological positions as a postulate. In juxtaposing arguments from their two essays, I do
not aim to persuade anyone of that identity. Rather I explicate what I take
to be their commonly held views.
Kevin D. Hoover
Table 12.2 Examples of synonyms for causal language from Friedman and
Schwartzs Monetary History of the United States, 18671960
[The Monetary History] traces changes in the stock of money for nearly a century, from just
after the Civil War to 1960, examines the factors that accounted for changes, and analyzes
the reflex influence that the stock of money exerted on the course of events. [p. 3]
That outcome was widely regarded as, at least partly, a delayed reaction to the large
wartime increases in the stock of money. [p. 13]
As a matter of economics, there can be little doubt that [the contrast between a rise of
1.1 per cent per year in the money stock and a decline of 3.5 per cent per year in prices]
reflects primarily a rise in output. [p. 34]
On this interpretation the chain of influence ran from the attempted deflation to the
economic stagnation. [p. 41]
Not only did [the deflation of 50 percent in the decade and a half after 1865] not produce
stagnation; on the contrary it was accompanied and produced by a rapid rise in real
income. [p. 41]
the amount of high-powered money is a dependent rather than an independent
variable, and is not subject to governmental determination. [p. 52]
Such shifting expectations could affect the price of gold only as they affected the demand
for and supply of foreign exchange [p. 58]
the government did succeed in bringing about a minor reduction in the stock of highpowered money [p. 81]
The major channel of influence was from the stock of money to the level of money
income to the level of prices, and thence to the rate of exchange between the dollar and
other currencies, though undoubtedly some influences ran in the other direction. [p. 89]
These measures, in turn however, had offsetting effects, since debt redemption reduced
the amount and raised the price of bonds available to serve as backing for national bank
notes, and so led to a reduction in national bank notes from a peak of some $350 million
in 1882 to a trough of some $160 million in 1891. [p. 128]
there was no evidence on the length of the lag between action and effect. [p. 239]
the decline in the stock of money and the near-collapse of the banking system can be
regarded as a consequence of nonmonetary forces in the United States, and monetary
and nonmonetary forces in the rest of the world. [p. 300]
if it did initiate a worldwide disturbance, it would inevitably be affected in turn by reflex
influences from the rest of the world.
the rapid rise in the money stock certainly promoted and facilitated the concurrent
economic expansion. [p. 544]
Notes: emphasis in bold type added; page numbers in square brackets.
stance as the requirement that, to know anything, one must know everything. A theory must articulate a structure that can accommodate every
economic actor in its full particularity. The Walrasian economist recognizes the impracticality of doing this completely. Instead, the Walrasian
offers the perfect general-equilibrium model as a transcendent ideal from
which one can criticize the compromised and inconsistent realities of
applied economics. Walrass is truly the Methodology of the philosophers.
The Walrasian approach suggests viewing the whole economy from an
Olympian height. But Friedman denies that there is any such standpoint
or that anyone could grasp the economy in its totality. Marshall argues
that [t]here is no use in waiting idly for [a unified social science]; we must
do what we can with our present resources. He goes on, common sense
does not deal with a complex problem as a whole. Its first step is to break
the problem into its several parts the human mind has no other method
of inquiry than this (Marshall [1885] 1925, 164).5 For Friedman knowledge is the product of sweaty labor among gritty facts. Marshall (p. 171; cf.
Friedman [1949] 1953b, 90) writes that the economist must stand by the
more laborious plan of interrogating the facts in order to learn the manner
of action of causes singly and in combination. Friedmans and Marshalls
object, then, is the acquisition of causal truth. The barrier is the complexity. Marshall (157) writes that economic causes often lie below the surface
and are likely to be overlooked by the ordinary observer. Similarly, in his
essay Friedman (33) writes:
A fundamental hypothesis of science is that appearances are deceptive and that
there is a way of looking at or interpreting or organizing the evidence that will
reveal superficially disconnected and diverse phenomena to be manifestations of a
more fundamental and relatively simple structure.
The Monetary History can be seen as an attempt to put that hypothesis to the
test. In the Summing up at the end of the book, Friedman and Schwartz
(1963a, 676) echo the Marshallian methodological conclusion: In monetary
matters, appearances are deceiving; the important relationships are often
precisely the reverse of those that strike the eye.
Opposed to a naive empiricism, Friedman and Marshall give theory a
special role. [F]acts by themselves, writes Marshall, are silent. Observation
discovers nothing directly of the action of causes, but only sequences
in time (166) [T]he most reckless and treacherous of all theorists is
he who professes to let the facts and figures speak for themselves (168;
Except where context would render it ambiguous, references to Marshall ([1885] 1925)
will be referred to hereinafter by page numbers without dates.
Kevin D. Hoover
Friedman subscribes both to Russells claim that axioms are often not
obvious (appearances are deceiving) and that they are supported by
indirect evidence. In dismissing as futile Walrasian criticism of the
realism of assumptions, Friedman is attacking naive theoreticism the idea
that a theory should (or must) mirror casually parsed facts about the world.
Instead, Friedman argues that a theory needs to get to the essence of the
matter. Generally, that requires the creation of categories of entities that
are not directly observable, governed by rules that omit irrelevant details,
whose success is to be judged holistically.
In his monetary analysis, Friedman illustrates this strategy. The velocity
of circulation of money, for instance, is a theoretical construct that can
be observed only indirectly ( = nominal GDP/money or = 1/money holdings
expressed as a number of weeks income). Friedman treats velocity as a causally
significant, real category. But the evidence that he offers for its causal and
ontological significance (in the Monetary History or in Friedman 1959,
1966, or Friedman and Schwartz 1982) is the general empirical stability of
Kevin D. Hoover
the entire analytical schema of which it is but one part.6 What is more,
Friedman treats velocity as a variable that measured in one context can
be transferred to another context.
Permanent income provides another and perhaps more compelling
example. Like velocity, permanent income is not directly observable, but
is indirectly measured and validated in the context of the consumption
function. Permanent income is not only a causally significant category
in this context, but Friedman regards it as sufficiently freestanding and
independent of its original context, that he routinely uses the measured
quantity in other contexts. For example, Friedman takes permanent
income to be a causal determinant of the demand for money (i.e. permanent velocity = permanent income/money).
Critics who hold that Friedman does not care about the truth of
assumptions or even positively endorses their falsehood in some unqualified sense overlook Friedmans claims about the import of indirect
evidence. In a famous example (F53, 20), Friedman talks about leaves
of a tree arranging themselves as if they were maximizing received light.
Since trees do not maximize, this is often taken to mean that the truth
of the assumption does not matter. But Friedman goes on to say that
we should prefer an explanation in terms of the mechanisms that make
the tree behave as if (counterfactually) it were a conscious maximizer.
Finding and elaborating such mechanisms is useful. First, a theory that
encompasses those mechanisms will be more general and, therefore,
more fruitful in making predictions about a wider variety of phenomena. Second, evidence for the predictive power of such a theory in
other domains lends indirect evidence in favor of the prediction based
on the assumption that trees act as if they maximized received light.
The assumptions underlying such a theory may also be unrealistic in
Friedmans peculiar sense of not giving us a photographically accurate
description of reality, but that does not make them untrue. And, just as
for Russell, the more accessible implications of a theory lend support
to the logically more primitive, but inaccessible assumptions.
As an economist, Friedman does not think or write explicitly in these metaphysical terms.
Friedman (F53, 9) is clear that by prediction he means the inference of the unobserved
from the observed, and not only forecasts of the future from the past.
Kevin D. Hoover
and more secure. In this process, we can tolerate a large lack of realism in
another sense. Predictions based on theoretical assumptions that are only
approximate and, therefore, unrealistic may be as accurate as we can use
given our ability to measure or as accurate as we need for some practical
purposes (F53, 1517).
Lack of realism in all the senses just discussed is perfectly compatible
with the project of a constructive causal realism that is, with the project
of seeking to identify the true mechanisms underlying observed phenomena. Friedmans implicit commitment to such a project is clear in his
empirical practice as a monetary economist. Most obviously, what would
be the point of Friedman and Schwartzs massive historical project, not
only of the Monetary History, but of its sister volumes, Monetary Statistics of
the United States (1970) and Monetary Trends in the United States and the
United Kingdom 18671975 (1982), if somehow it were possible to be
unconcerned about the accuracy of the antecedents of economic inferences? One might think of history as just a giant testbed for Friedmanian
models with unrealistic assumptions, but that would miss the modus
operandi of Friedman and Schwartz as historians: far from merely collecting data on which to test predictions, they seek detailed accounts of the
institutions and even the sociological or psychological bases for the
actions of particular actors; in other words, they seek to describe the actual
mechanisms that generated the behavior of the economy accurately and
In Friedmans Marshallian methodology, it is possible to have causal
knowledge without knowing all of the links, yet filling in the gaps is a
positive virtue. In his essay (42), Friedman argues that the static monetary
theory is satisfactory, but that we are largely ignorant of dynamic monetary theory. One of the promises of detailed empirical investigations is to
seek new generalizations to amplify theory. His point is not merely methodological. In Friedman and Schwartz (1963b, 222) it is elaborated:
We have little confidence in our knowledge of the transmission mechanism, except
in such broad and vague terms as to constitute little more than an impressionistic
blueprint. Indeed, this is the challenge our evidence poses: to pin down the transmission mechanism in specific enough detail that we can hope to make reasonably
accurate predictions of the course of a wide variety of economic variables on the
basis of information about monetary disturbances. (Cf. Friedman and Schwartz
1963a, 6789.)
The dual call for realistic elaboration of the assumptions of the theory and,
simultaneously, for securing breadth of generalization could not be clearer.
In principle, any theoretical propositions are at risk of being overthrown
in the face of predictive failure. Although the collapse of a bridge might be
Friedman and Schwartz practice what they preach. The Monetary History
provides numerous examples of counterfactual analysis, the most famous
example of which is their extended analysis of how the US economy might
not have collapsed so deeply in the early 1930s had Benjamin Strong,
Kevin D. Hoover
This interpretation is drawn from Hoover 2004, which concerns the use of causal language
in econometrics in the postwar period.
See Hammond (1992, 93) for Friedmans own criticisms of the rational-expectations
Kevin D. Hoover
Friedman's positivism in causal context
(right scale)
Causal language
(left scale)
Blaug, Mark (2002a). Ugly currents in modern economics. In Uskali Mki (ed.)
Fact and Fiction in Economics: Models, Realism, and Social Construction.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
(2002b). Is there really progress in economics? In S. Boehm, C. Gehrke,
H. D. Kurz, and R. Sturn (eds.), Is There Progress in Economics? Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar
Cartwright, Nancy (1999). The Dappled World. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Frazer, William J., Jr. and Lawrence A. Boland (1983). An essay on the foundations
of Friedmans methodology. American Economic Review, 73(1), 12944
Friedman, Milton (1949). The Marshallian demand curve. In Essays in Positive
Economics (1953b), 4799
(1953a). The methodology of positive economics. In Essays in Positive Economics
(1953b), 343
(1953b). Essays in Positive Economics. Chicago: Chicago University Press
(1959). The demand for money: some empirical and theoretical results. In
Milton Friedman, The Optimum Quantity of Money and Other Essays (1969).
Chicago: Aldine, 11140
(1966). Interest rates and the demand for money. In Milton Friedman,
The Optimum Quantity of Money and Other Essays (1969). Chicago: Aldine,
(1970). Comment on Tobin. Quarterly Journal of Economics 82(2), 31827
Friedman, Milton and Anna J. Schwartz (1963a). A Monetary History of the United
States, 18671960. Princeton: Princeton University Press
(1963b). Money and business cycles. Review of Economics and Statistics 45(1,
part 2: supplement). Reprinted in Milton Friedman, The Optimum Quantity of
Money and Other Essays. Chicago: Aldine, 189236
(1970). Monetary Statistics of the United States: Estimates, Sources, Methods. New
York: Columbia University Press
Kevin D. Hoover
(1982). Monetary Trends in the United States and the United Kingdom: Their Relation
to Income, Prices and Interest Rates 18671975. Chicago: University of Chicago
Hammond, J. Daniel (1992). An interview with Milton Friedman on methodology. In W. J. Samuels (ed.), Research in the History of Economic Thought and
Methodology, vol. 10, 91118. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press
(1996). Theory and Measurement: Causality Issues in Milton Friedmans Monetary
Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Hands, D. Wade (2003). Did Milton Friedmans methodology license the formalist revolution. Journal of Economic Methodology, 10(4), 50720
Holland, Paul W. (1986). Statistics and causal inference [with discussion]. Journal
of the American Statistical Association 81(396), 94560
Hoover, Kevin D. (1994). Six queries about idealization in an empirical context.
Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of Science and the Humanities, 38, 4353
(2004). Lost causes. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 26(2), 14964
Hutchison, Terence (1992). Changing Aims in Economics. Oxford: Blackwell
(2000). On the Methodology of Economics and the Formalist Revolution. Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar
Marshall, Alfred ([1885] 1925). The present position of economics. In
A. C. Pigou (ed.), Memorials of Alfred Marshall. London: Macmillan, 15274
Mayer, Thomas (1993). Truth versus Precision in Economics. Aldershot: Edward Elgar
(1995). Doing Economic Research: Essays on the Applied Methodology of Economics.
Aldershot: Edward Elgar
(2003). Fifty years of Friedmans The methodology of positive economics.
Journal of Economic Methodology 10(4), 4934
Nowak, L. (1980). The Structure of Idealization: Towards a Systematic Interpretation
of the Marxian Idea of Science. Dordrecht: Reidell
Russell, Bertrand ([1918] 1972). The Philosophy of Logical Atomism, ed. David Pears.
London: Fontana
Samuelson, Paul A. (1963). Discussion. American Economic Review, 53(2), 2316
Tobin, James (1970). Money and income: Post hoc ergo propter hoc? Quarterly
Journal of Economics, 82(2), 30117
Van Fraassen, Bas C. (2002). The Empirical Stance. New Haven: Yale University
This work was supported by the Belgian French-speaking Community (Grant ARC 03/08302) and the Belgian Federal Governement (Grant PAI P5/10). The author is grateful to
Mark Blaug, Milton Friedman, Dan Hausman, Dan Hammond, Kevin Hoover, Robert
Leeson, Tom Mayer, Ivan Moscati, and Roy Weintraub as well as to the participants at the
Duke Workshop on the History of Political Economy for their comments on an earlier
version of this chapter.
Nonetheless the prevailing view, which can be traced back to Hicks, is that the Marshallian
and Walrasian approaches are complementary. Cf. De Vroey (2009).
Michel De Vroey
The aim of this chapter is to assess the validity of Friedmans claim, first
by studying the argument offered in section V of his 1949 article and, second,
by comparing it with his other contemporary methodological papers his
reviews of Robert Triffins Monopolistic Competition and General Equilibrium
(Friedman 1941) and Oscar Langes Price Flexibility and Employment
(Friedman ([1946] 1953), his comment on Christs assessment of
Lawrence Kleins econometric model (1951), his famous Methodology
of Positive Economics essay (F53) and finally his review of William Jaffs
translation of Walrass Elements dconomie pure (Friedman [1955] 1993).
Most of these papers pursued a critical aim. As will be seen, Friedman
had many foes at the time the concept of indifference curves, Hicksian
demand analysis, Henry Schultzs, work aiming at measuring interrelated
demands, macro-econometric models la Klein, monopolistic competition, Keynesianism la Lange. To Friedman, the common thread in all
these disliked models was their connection to Walrasian theory. Hence
his attack on the latter and the commentators difficulty in assessing
whether his target was Walrasian theory per se or the models he associated
with it. His positive hero was Marshall, whose insights, he felt, had been
unduly discarded, and his indictment of the Walrasian models rested
on their alleged departure from the Marshallian agenda.
The questions that I wish to address in this chapter ensue from these
observations. Was Friedman right in wanting to draw a contrast between
the Marshallian and the Walrasian approaches? Did he characterize it in
an apposite way? Should we follow him when he claims that the
Marshallian program was good and the Walrasian bad instead of simply
opposing them as alternatives? What did he actually understand by the
Walrasian modifier? Why was he so strongly anti-Walrasian in his 1949
article and less so in his 1955 piece?
A complete discussion of these issues must evolve at two levels, concerned respectively with the politics underlying Friedmans stance and
the contents of his arguments. The first is a tale of a group of Chicago
economists (Milton Friedman, George Stigler, W. Allen Wallis, and
Aaron Director) gradually taking the reins of the University of Chicago
community of economists, with the aim of implementing a defence of freemarket economic liberalisms agenda.2 A twofold offensive, external and
internal, was implied. The external fight opposed Chicago and Harvard
and concerned the relevance or otherwise of the monopolistic competition
theory put forward by Chamberlin.3 On the internal front, one enemy was
Walrasian theory as upheld within the Department first by Henry Schultz
(who died in 1938) and later by Oscar Lange. Adhesion to the Walrasian
approach was also the hallmark of some prominent economists (such as
Tjalling Koopmans, Jacob Marschak, and Lawrence Klein) on the Cowles
Commission (which had been relocated in Chicago in 1939). While they
were only residents in the Universitys Department of Economics, their
presence might be viewed as a threat to the laissez-faire agenda since, in the
wake of the debate on the possibility of socialism, Walrasian theory was
associated with collectivism, or at least with social democracy. So, when
studying what was going on in Chicago in the 1940s and 1950s at the level
of ideology and politics, a possible shorthand answer to the question What
did Friedman mean by Walrasian? is socialism.4
While, for all its bluntness, I may sympathize with this interpretation, it
does not provide a complete assessment of the issue. Whatever Friedmans
motivation for entering into the fray and attacking Walrasian theory, his
objections ended up being expressed as theoretical statements whose intrinsic validity needs to be examined. The shortcoming of Mirowski and Handss
work (Mirowski 2002, Mirowski and Hands 1998), which provides vivid
narratives of the contextual-historical dimension, is that they fail to discuss
this validity. The aim of this chapter is complementary to their work, in that
its exclusive concern is an assessment of Friedmans theoretical arguments.
Michel De Vroey
The aim of Langes (1944) book, whose inspiration was Hickss Value and
Capital (1939; 2nd edition 1946), was to examine the Keynesian issue of
whether a decrease in the money wage could restore full employment in
the face of involuntary unemployment. Langes interest lay in the persistence of underemployment, rather than in the study of the logical existence of a state of equilibrium with involuntary unemployment. Not
surprisingly, his conclusion was that Keynes had been right:
Only under very special conditions does price flexibility result in the automatic
maintenance or restoration of equilibrium of demand for and supply of factors of
production. (Lange 1944, 83)
277). He concluded that Lange was just enumerating theoretical possibilities, not describing the real world ([1946] 1953, 271) and that his work
lacked any empirical anchorage no fact-gathering at the initial stage of the
inquiry, no refutable predictions at its end stage.
Lange largely dispenses with the initial step a full and comprehensive set of
observed and related facts to be generalized and in the main reaches conclusions
no observed facts can contradict. His emphasis is on the formal structure of the
theory, the logical interrelations of the parts. He considers it largely unnecessary to
test the validity of his theoretical structure except for conformity to the canons of
formal logic. His categories are selected primarily to facilitate logical analysis, not
empirical application or test. (Friedman [1946] 1953, 283)
This was the very criticism that Friedman was later to address to the
Walrasian approach. Yet at this juncture, no reference was made to Walras.
A further, yet less emphasized, reason for Friedmans dissatisfaction
with Langes work concerned its policy conclusion. In Langes paper,
general equilibrium theory was used as a vehicle for making a Keynesian
case. That general equilibrium might serve the purpose of dismissing the
working of the invisible hand did not bode well for it in Friedmans eyes.
While some readers may be at a loss to see who Friedman had in mind
when speaking of the current interpretation, his target was actually well
This theme is also visible in Friedmans lecture notes for his 1940s Economics courses at
the University of Chicago (Hammond 1996, 31).
Michel De Vroey
For a study of the relationship between these authors, see Chipman and Lenfant (2002)
and Moscati (2004).
Hammond (1992, 223) gives a vivid account of Friedmans opinion of Schultz. See also
Stigler (1994, 1200).
Knight introduced his paper as follows: The objective of this paper is largely negative to
criticize certain recent innovations in the treatment of demand which have been generally
hailed as representing an advance but which, in the writers opinion, constitute a movement in a backward direction. The particular reference is to the treatment of demand and
utility by J. R. Hicks, pioneered by E. Slutsky, and also followed, and more or less
independently worked out, by Henry Schultz and many others (1944, 289).
Whenever a change in the price of the good considered occurs, the average
level of prices of unrelated goods needs to be changed in such a way as to
freeze the purchasing power of money. Adopting Friedmans stance amounts
to eliminating the income effect, thus leaving only the substitution effect to be
active. Therefore, the Marshallian demand curve la Friedman is necessarily
negatively sloped, which is untrue for the Hicksian demand curve.
Friedman was critical of the indifference curve apparatus in general, but
his precise target was its use by Hicks, i.e. employing the substitution effect
while keeping utility constant that is, consumers are compensated by
just enough money to bring them back to their initial indifference curve.
Friedman dismissed this view on the grounds that indifference curves were
not an observable phenomenon. In contrast, he endorsed Slutskys formulation, where the substitution effect gives the agent enough money to get
back to his or her initial level of consumption. Slutsky was thereby tilted
towards Marshalls side.9
In defence of his interpretation, Friedman claimed that it was more
modest (because it does not try to take account of all prices in the system,
not even by keeping them constant (Yeager 1960, 54)) and more useful than its rival when it came to practical problems.
A demand function containing as separate variables the prices of a rigidly defined and
exhaustive list of commodities, all on the same footing, seems largely foreign to this
[Marshallian] approach. It may be a useful expository device to bring home the mutual
interdependence of economic phenomena; it cannot form part of Marshalls engine
for the discovery of concrete truth. The analyst who attacks a concrete problem can
take explicit account of only a limited number of factors; he will inevitably separate
commodities that are closely related to the one immediately under study from
commodities that are more distantly related. (Friedman [1949] 1953, 57)10
Friedman went to great lengths to convince his readers that his interpretation was more faithful to Marshall than the Hicksian one. In effect, most
of the paper is devoted to this task. While I doubt that Friedman was able
to make the point, I will refrain from entering into this issue, and turn at
once to the papers penultimate section.11
Michel De Vroey
For all its brevity, section V develops several distinct themes. Instead of
trying to paraphrase what Friedman wrote, I find it preferable to quote at
length from this section.
(c) It eliminates the industry notion and takes the monopolistic competition line, a blind alley:
From the Walrasian viewpoint, to take another example from recent
developments in economic theory, it is a gain to eliminate the concept of an
industry, to take the individual firm as the unit of analysis, to treat each firm
as a monopoly, to confine all analysis to either the economics of the individual
firm or to the general equilibrium analysis of the economy as a whole. From
as a topic for historians of economic thought. Its bold thesis and its detailed attention to
what Marshall really meant were provocative. It set a pattern: the subject text is tortured
until a confession is produced that can be corroborated by modern theory (1996, 212).
Praising Keynes
Section V ends with Friedman praising Keynes on the ground that he was
a real Marshallian:
Of course, it would be an overstatement to characterize all modern economic
theory as Walrasian in this sense. For example, Keyness theory of employment,
whatever its merits or demerits on other grounds, is Marshallian in method. It is a
general equilibrium theory containing important empirical content and constructed to facilitate meaningful prediction. (Friedman [1949] 1953, 92)
Michel De Vroey
a process [of constructing a model for the economy as a whole] will yield a
meaningful result seems to me almost negligible (Friedman 1951, 113).
Instead, his proposed line was to return to the study of industries:
The direction of work that seems to me to offer most hope for laying a foundation
for a workable theory of change is the analysis of parts of the economy in the hope
that we can find bits of order here and there and gradually combine these bits into a
systematic picture of the whole. In the language of model builders, I believe our
chief hope is to study the sections covered by individual structural equations
separately and independently of the economy. (Friedman 1951, 114)
Friedman might aptly have evoked the names of Walras and Marshall in
this discussion. In effect, studying the individual structural equations
separately was nothing other than doing Marshallian industry analysis,
while Kleins attempt at grasping the economy as a whole suggested a
Walrasian affiliation. Yet he did not do so.
Friedmans tone regarding Walrasian theory was more positive here than in
his Marshallian demand curve article, as witnessed by the following statement: The Elements is a great work which marked an important step
forward in the development of economics as a science (Friedman [1955]
1993, 19). His review started with the recognition that Walras was pursuing
an aim different from Marshalls to give a birds eye-view of the economic system as a whole instead of trying to solve concrete issues yet of
no lesser importance.
Walras solved a different, though no less important, problem. He emptied
Cournots problem of its empirical content and produced a complete and
rigorous solution in principle, making no pretence that it could be used
directly in numerical calculations. His problem is a problem of form, not of
content: of displaying an idealised picture of the economic system, not of
constructing an engine for analysing concrete problems. His achievement
cannot but impress the reader with its beauty, its grandeur, its architectonic
structure; it would verge on the ludicrous to describe it as a demonstration of how
to calculate the numerical solution to a numerically specified set of equations.
([1955] 1993, 234)13
Walras was thus to be credited with having given economists a framework for organizing their ideas. Nonetheless, it was time, Friedman
claimed, to return to the more serious business of meaningful theory
([1955] 1993, 27).
Substantive hypotheses about economic phenomena of the kind that were the goal
of Cournot are an essential ingredient of a fruitful and meaningful economic
theory. Walras has little to contribute in this direction; for this we must turn to
other economists, notably, of course, Alfred Marshall All these [factors] have
combined to favor the Walrasian emphasis on form, to make it seem not only an
essential part of a full-blown economic theory, but that economic theory itself.
This conception or misconception of economic theory has helped to produce
an economics that is far better equipped in respect of form than substance. In
consequence, the major work that needs now to be done is Marshallian rather
than Walrasian in character itself a tribute to Walrass impact. (Friedman [1955]
1993, 27)
The same more balanced view is to be found in his Debate with his Critics (Friedman 1974,
Michel De Vroey
Indeed the general equilibrium theory has contributed little to economic analysis
beyond an emphasis on mutual dependence of economic phenomena: the problems are far too complicated to be grasped in toto. Yet this particular theory
describing the nature of general equilibrium was essential: such an idea had to
appear before rigorous study could proceed. It was Walrass greatest contribution
one of the few times in the history of post-Smithian economics that a fundamentally new idea has emerged. (Stigler 1941, 242)
Note finally that, in spite of his praise to Walras, Friedman still stuck to his
empty tautologies indictment, as the following excerpt makes clear:
In his final sentence, Jaff speaks like a true Walrasian in methodology. One first
constructs a pure theory, somehow on purely formal considerations without
introducing any empirical content; one then turns to the real world, fills up
the empty boxes, assigning numerical values to constants, and neglects secondorder effects at this stage. As I have argued extensively elsewhere, this seems to
me a basically false view. ([1955] 1993, 29 note 6)
Two main claims were made in Friedmans 1949 article, first that there
existed a better alternative to Hickss account of demand theory, second,
that the Marshallian and the Walrasian approaches were poles apart. Since
Friedman continued to contribute to economic theory for almost a century, it is worth raising the question as to whether he stuck to his earlier
views. The answer is yes.
As to demand theory, it suffices to turn to the first chapter of his Price
Theory essay (1976, second edition; first edition 1962). It starts with the
exposition of the old Marshallian conception of demand and includes
the different concepts which Hicks wished to ban. As in the 1949
article, the ordinary demand function is criticized because changes
in real income are not rigorously excluded and contrasted with a
favored alternative in which the real income, in the sense of money
income divided by the purchasing power of income, is held constant
(1976, 29).
A concession to orthodoxy, Friedman broaches the notion of indifference curves an apparatus fiercely criticized in Wallis and Friedman
(1942) on the grounds of its separating preferences from prices and
income. Yet when it comes to deriving demand functions from indifference curves, he falls back on the wedge between Slutsky and Hicks, with
the former being the good and the latter the bad guy! Thereby, the
earlier contrast between a conception of demand that is somewhat loose
yet lends itself to empirical work and another, which for all its possible
higher rigor fails to do so, turns up again:
The advantage of the Slutsky measure, even though in one sense it is an approximation which the Hicks measure is not, is that it can be computed directly from
observable market phenomena and behavior, namely prices and quantities purchased. The Hicks measure cannot; it requires knowledge of the indifference
curves. (1976, 50)
Unfortunately, when asked to delve into the reasons why he endorsed the Marshall
Walras divide, Friedmans testimony has been of little help, as the following extract from
Hammonds interview makes clear:
Hammond: In The Marshallian demand curve you echo Marshalls description of
economic theory as an engine for the discovery of concrete truth. You
compare the Marshallian conception of economic theory with the Walrasian
conception of what theory should be and should do Do you have a sense of
how you first came to make this distinction and how or why you saw it as
Friedman: I dont really have the sense of how I first came to make the distinction or why
I said it was important. I havent thought about the question, and offhand, in
thinking about it, I really dont know. It is a distinction I made fairly early
Hammond: You made it early, and Ive come to think that it may be one of the keys to
your methodology and perhaps
Friedman: I suspect that came from Burns. Thats my guess; but I really couldnt
document it because he was so imbued with Marshall. You see, he was
very much a disciple of Marshall on the one hand, and Wesley Mitchell
on the other. And Wesley Mitchell would have impelled in him aversion
to the pure abstract Walrasian, while Marshall would have impelled in
him his problem-seeking approach. I suspect that thats where it comes
from, but I really cant say. Thats just pure rationalization. (Hammond
1992, 226)
Michel De Vroey
Their aim, which could not but have looked odd to Walras, was to render
the Walrasian conceptual apparatus statistically operational. Thus, their
perspective was poles apart from the line pursued by Arrow, Debreu, and
Mackenzie, which I for one view as being more faithful to Walrass own
methodological precepts. It is also true that Friedman was in direct
contact with some of the few Walrasian American economists and
enjoyed many opportunities to confront them with his views when
attending seminars at the Cowles Commission.
Yet, all in all, these economists were a definite minority in the profession. Therefore, Friedmans image is totally inappropriate. At the time,
the majority of economists were not walking with Walras.
Michel De Vroey
Michel De Vroey
(1) Walrasian theory aims at discovering fundamental principles governing abstract economies.
(2) Walrasian models comprise theoretical concepts that have no direct
measurable counterparts.
(3) Empirical measurement and prediction-making and testing are no
part of the research program.
(4) Walrasian models are concerned with the economy as a whole rather
than with a part of it, such as an industry.
(5) The Walrasian approach is formalized; whenever necessary, relevance
will be sacrificed to rigour.15
On all these points, the Marshallian approach is supposed to stand in
sharp contrast to the Walrasian. Moreover, to Friedman, bringing out a
contrast between the Marshallian and the Walrasian approaches was
tantamount to pleading for the superiority of the former over the latter.
So all the above features were considered by Friedman as flaws and
reasons to condemn any model which adopted them.
The question must be asked as to whether such a characterization stands
up to a retrospective test would a present-day defender of the Marshall
Walras divide agree with Friedmans way of putting the issue? As expected,
the answer is not clear cut. Positively, Friedmans characterization of the
scope and aim of Walrasian theory is acceptable. Negatively, three critical
observations come to mind. First, Friedman insists too much on broad
methodological traits such as those above, failing to realize that the contrast
between the two approaches is also a matter of narrower methodological
choices, the effect of which is to put the theoretical construction on divergent
tracks. These bear on the notion of equilibrium that is adopted, the role of
money, the trade organization and information assumptions, the treatment
of time, etc.16 Second, the fifth criterion, on which Friedman insisted, has
failed to pass the test of time. Accepting that game-theoretical and industrial
organization models can be considered neo-Marshallian, it has turned
out that the Walrasian approach no longer has a monopoly over formalization. Finally, Friedmans manicheist stance must also be questioned. In
my opinion, no one approach should be considered superior to another.
They are rather alternative research programs, each having its pros and cons.
In order to qualify as Walrasian, a given model must abide by the above
criteria.17 Let me then ask whether there are good reasons to consider
Some further traits mentioned in section V of Friedman ([1949] 1953), such as the
monopolistic nature of Walrasian theory, have been dropped because they are patently
On this, see De Vroey (1999a, 1999b, 2003).
Henceforth, I will consider only the first four conditions, eliminating the fifth one.
Michel De Vroey
Schultz was an author who claimed to be part of the WalrasPareto lineage
while pursuing the aim of making Walrasian concepts statistically measurable, a project that Walras would have refused to consider as his. Be
that as it may, Schultz cannot be considered Walrasian according to
Friedmans criteria. His agenda fails to abide by conditions (1) and (3),
and possibly also condition (2). Friedman might have been expected to
credit Schultz with having breached the Walrasian reluctance to enter into
empirical work, but this was not the case. In Friedmans eyes, something
more than merely engaging in empirical work was needed, namely that the
empirical results exerted a feedback on the theoretical structure.20
Moreover, Schultzs work shows that there is many a slip twixt cup and
lip. To achieve his aim of measuring Walrasian concepts, Schultz had to
go through many twists as, to give just one example, his transmogrification
of the Walrasian notion of endowment into the Marshallian notion of
monetary income witnesses. While the theoretical and empirical parts of
Schultzs paper and article are excellent contributions on their own, the
link between them is virtually non-existent.21
To conclude, there is more to Friedmans dislike of Schultzs work than
its Walrasian character. Moreover, Schultz should not be considered a
fully fledged Walrasian economist.
This is evidenced in a letter that Friedman wrote to Edwin Wilson in 1946 in which he
criticized Schultz in the following terms: Schultz took the theory as fixed and given, and
tried to measure what he thought were essential functions in the theory. He imposed
extremely high standards of care and thoroughness on the measurement process but he
nowhere attempted what seems to me the fundamental important task of reformulating
the theory so that it would really generalize the observable data; he also tried to wrench the
data into a pre-existing theoretical scheme, no matter how much of a wrench was
required (Stigler 1994, 1200).
This has led Mirowski and Hands to conclude that it is seldom recognized that
[Schultzs] book is essentially a swan song for Walrasian economics: Schultz bravely
reported the empirical debacle in detail and then produced a litany of excuses why things
had not worked out as hoped (1998, 264).
Price Flexibility and Employment was an attempt to combine Walras and
Keynes, two authors to whom Friedman was strongly opposed. Was there
then some domino process at work, Friedmans dislike of Keynes spilling
over to Walras? Actually, the matter is more complicated than that. Recall
Friedmans hailing of Keynes as a genuine Marshallian in section V of the
1949 article. In other words, while Friedman was opposed to Walrasian
theory because of its methodological principles, his opposition to Keynes
had no such groundings. Keynesian theory was to be rejected, not, like
Walrasian theory, because of its faulty methodological basis, but rather
because it had been contradicted by empirical evidence.22 So, Friedmans
target in his criticism of Langes book is less the Keynesian than the
Walrasian element of the proposed KeynesWalras alliance.
The irony here is that, while Walrass name does not appear in
Friedmans review of Lange, of all the authors attacked by Friedman he
was the only one who really deserved the Walrasian label. And, in effect,
his theory abides by the criteria set up to this effect.
Two reasons may explain Friedmans hostility to Triffins project. First, it
amounted to shelving the study of industries. The second objection has a
more ideological nature. Triffin claimed that a deep affinity linked imperfect competition and Walrasian general equilibrium, to the effect that a
synthesis between them was within reach. This could not but displease
Friedman on the ground of a bedfellows argument any friend of any
enemy must also be an enemy. Friedman did not question Triffins cooptation of Walrasian theory. Saddled with such a bedfellow, Walrasian
The following extract from Friedmans Theoretical Framework for Monetary Analysis makes
this clear: Keynes was no Walrasian seeking, like Patinkin and to a lesser extent Tobin,
a general and abstract system of all-embracing simultaneous equations. He was a
Marshallian, an empirical scientist seeking a simple, fruitful hypothesis. And his was a
new, bold, and imaginative hypothesis, whose virtue was precisely how much it could say
about major problems on the basis of so little. Of course, his assumptions were not in
literal correspondence with reality. If they had been, he would have been condemned to
pedestrian description; his whole theory would have lost its power. Of course, he could be
wrong. There is no point to any scientific theory that cannot be. The greater the range of
evidence that, if observed, would contradict a theory, the more precise are its predictions
and the better a theory is provided it is not, in fact, contradicted. I believe that Keynes
theory is the right kind of theory in its simplicity, its concentration on a few key magnitudes, its potential fruitfulness. I have been led to reject it, not on these grounds, but
because I believe that it has been contradicted by evidence: its predictions have not been
confirmed by experience. The failure suggests that it has not isolated what are really the
key factors in short-run economic change (Friedman 1974, 134).
Michel De Vroey
theory could hardly look congenial to him. However, what he failed to see
was that the synthesis between Chamberlin and Walras evoked by Triffin
was just wishful thinking. Triffins thesis hardly took the first step toward
constructing such a synthesis. If the MarshallWalras divide makes sense,
it would be better to put monopolistic competition on Marshalls side
(as argued in De Vroey 2004).
The general lesson to be drawn from this quick assessment is that, with
the exception of Lange, the reasons for Friedmans dissatisfaction with the
models he rejects actually have little to do with their alleged Walrasian
Finally, let me compare the 1949 article with the 1955 review. While the
former is virulent, the latter, although still dismissive, is milder in tone. In
particular, the Jaff review improves on the 1949 article by bringing out
the difference in purpose between Marshall and Walras more satisfactorily. Walras is no longer assessed through a Marshallian lens. The specificity of his project is recognized.
Two factors may be evoked to explain the difference between the 1949
and the 1955 articles. A first one is the bad company explanation. Yet,
as seen, it played only for the imperfect competition / Walrasian theory
connection. In 1949, Friedman might still have believed that Triffin was
right in arguing that Walrasian theory and imperfect competition were
compatible.23 At the time, he had only an indirect knowledge of Walrasian
theory, while the works against which he felt it necessary to react were
claiming a Walrasian affiliation. Professor Blaugs testimony can be called
in support of this view, as he has written to me that Friedman told him that
the first time he read Walras was when he reviewed Jaffes translation.24
Once Walrass Elements became available in English, Friedman realized
that Walrasian theory did not carry the associations which Triffin and
Lange had wanted to impose upon it. It was still not his cup of tea, but at
least he recognized its specificity and was ready to give it due credit.
An extract from Hammond (2003) is worth quoting in this respect for it reveals that
Friedmans mistake is still being made: So the impetus of Friedmans discussion of
methodology with George Stigler was the challenge posed by Walrasian monopolistic
competition to Marshallian industry analysis (2003, 16; my emphasis). Treading in
Friedmans footsteps, Hammond wrongly takes it for granted that Walrasian monopolistic competition existed and raised a challenge to Marshallians.
This point was confirmed to me by Professor Friedman in private correspondence.
The second factor relates to the political dimension evoked in the introduction. On the one hand, the Cowles Commission had left Chicago. On
the other hand, the socialist debate had petered out, and on reading
Walrass Elements, Friedman must quite rightly have discovered that no
plea in favor of socialism was to be found in it.
Concluding remarks
My aim in this chapter has been to assess the validity of Friedmans claim,
made in his 1949 article, as to the existence of a MarshallWalras divide.
I have shown that Friedmans arguments in favor of it stand up to scrutiny
only partially. I have also put forward the view that when he criticized
specific models for their Walrasian flaws he might have had in mind other
targets for which the Walrasian label served as a proxy. The change in tone,
from a vehement to a softer anti-Walrasian stance, between Friedmans
1949 article and his 1955 review of Jaffs translation of Walrass Elements of
Pure Economics has also been brought out. While keeping his Marshallian
affiliation, he followed Stigler to a position combining praise for Walrass
achievement with the conviction that it was not the right line to take. Thus,
to my mind, the 1955 article is a better embodiment of Friedmans definitive view as to the relationship between Marshall and Walras than the 1949
My judgment that Friedmans justification of the MarshallWalras
divide was unsatisfactory should not be taken as meaning that he was
wrong in believing that the two approaches were poles apart. On the
contrary, he should be credited for having blazed the trail for the recognition of this divide, which in my opinion constitutes a clue for understanding the development of economic theory over the last century. He
was right in perceiving the need to draw the MarshallWalras divide yet
unable to give a solid argumentation as to its grounding. The task ahead is
to fill in this lacuna.
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Part 5
Concluding perspectives
Mark Blaug
Boland modestly announced that he was the first to realize that Friedman was an instrumentalist while everyone else had pictured him as a sort of positivist. He also claimed to be
one of the few methodologists who understood that Popper was no falsificationist but
only a critical rationalist, that is, one who believes that everything can be criticized
including reason itself (Boland 2003, 268, 26878).
Vromen shows that Friedmans own presentation of the argument was made independently of Arman Alchian but it was credited to Alchian in F53.
Mark Blaug
Arrow, Kenneth J. (1983). An extension of the basic theorems of welfare economics (1951). In Collected Papers of Kenneth J. Arrow. Oxford: Blackwell, ch. 2
Blaug, Mark (1997a). Economic Theory in Retrospect, 5th edition. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press
(1997b). Competition as an end-state and competition as a process. In Not Only
an Economist. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Boland, Lawrence A. (1979). A critique of Friedmans critics. Journal of Economic
Literature, 17, 50322
(1997). Critical Economic Methodology: A Personal Odyssey. London: Routledge
(2003). Methodological criticism as ideology and hypocrisy. Journal of Economic
Literature, 10(4), 151226
Friedman, Milton (1953). Essays in Positive Economics. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press
Mark Blaug
Final word
Milton Friedman
I have somewhat mixed feelings about the splendid conference that Uskali
Mki organized on my ancient methodology article. On the one hand, it is
a source of great satisfaction that an article I wrote more than fifty years
ago should still be regarded as worth extensive scholarly discussion. On
the other hand, that very fact is a severe condemnation of the essay.
Surely, if the essay had been really lucid, scholars should not today still
be having different opinions about what it says.
I have myself added to the confusion by early on adopting a policy of not
replying to critiques of the article. I decided that I had a choice: I could
spend my time discussing how economics should be done a worthy
cause; or I could spend my time doing economics in my opinion, if not a
more worthy, a more attractive cause. That act of self-denial has quite
unintentionally been a plus for the discussion of methodology. It has left
the field open for all comers, and they have all come and produced a broad
stream of commentary. The articles at this conference are a good example.
I have read them all and I am impressed with their high quality and
intellectual seriousness. I would not have thought that my modest essay
would have relevance to so many issues. I feel like a proud father who has a
large brood of bright children all of them right, all of them wrong, and all
entitled to his or her own views. Yet I am also impressed that there is a
common thread that runs through them.
I would like to close by offering my personal thanks to the authors of the
chapters in this collection, for how responsibly you have taken your task of
commenting on my essay. I have learned much from your essays about my
own as well as about other ideas on methodology. I am sure other readers
of the book will have the same experience.
Milton Friedman, February 19, 2004
choice behavior 1734
Christ, C. 322, 32930
cigarette tax example 367, 72, 82
Clapham, John 222
Clark, John Bates 329, 337
Clark, John Maurice 223
Clark medals 127, 128
Coase, Ronald H. 172, 249
collectivism 323
Commons, John R. 249
consilience 1726, 186
conspiracy in restraint of trade 278
consumption function 134, 137,
140, 193
contingency tables 198
controlled experiments 1011, 76
cost controversy 222
Cournot, A. A. 223, 331
Cowles Commission 323, 335, 343
cross-elasticities 36, 38, 72
Cubitt, R. 296
Dawkins, Richard 265
De Marchi, Neil 52, 56, 159, 321
Debreu, Gerard 132, 1478, 1569, 335
demand curves 24, 356, 39, 123, 3259
demand theory 78, 15960, 196, 197
Descartes, Ren 303
description invariance 2945, 298
descriptive accuracy 334, 82
descriptive validity 73
Descriptive validity vs. analytical relevance
in economic theory (Friedman) 69
De Vroey, Michel 56, 64
Dewey, John 56
Director, Aaron 192, 322
discrimination 29, 81
distance formula see law of falling bodies
Dixit, Avinash 247
dominance heuristic 299
Duesenberry, James 130
Durkheim, E. 199
Easley, David 2701
econometrics 119, 130, 1356, 318
economic methodology 16587; see also F53
and the theory of the firm; F53 as a
realist statement; Friedmans
positive methodology and the
formalist revolution
economic policy 1545, 189
economic research 1267, 153, 18990, 208
economics 1734
early drafts of F53 68, 70, 76, 87
in F53 35, 18, 2931, 3940
F53 and the marginalist controversy 219
F53 as a realist statement 110, 11213
Friedmans positive methodology and the
formalist revolution 1445, 14650,
153, 155, 156, 1589, 161
influence of F53 119, 125, 126, 130,
1312, 139
map of multiple perspectives 47, 48, 53,
55, 58, 60, 63
politics of positivism 193, 202, 20410
economies of scale 6, 222
efficiency wages 182
Eiteman, Wilfred 228
elasticity of demand 356, 218, 223
Enke, S. 279
epistemic equivalence 1089
Euclidean geometry 256, 36, 80
EUT see expected utility theory
evidence 49, 16587, 28995
early drafts of F53 76, 77
in F53 1011, 1214, 23, 289, 31, 31, 33
F53 as a realist statement 109, 113
Friedmans positive methodology and the
formalist revolution 1489, 151, 159
Friedmans risky methodology 2856
politics of positivism 205
underdetermination of theory 1079
evolutionary economics 104, 248, 257,
25968, 26981, 2812, 351
expected utility theory (EUT) 56, 2645,
285, 2868, 28995, 2959, 301
experiments 1011, 49, 76, 174
explanatory unification 1067
F-mix 90, 112
F-twist 90, 304, 30612
F53 (The methodology of positive
economics, Friedman)
appraisal of evidence in economic
methodology 1656, 168, 1713,
1756, 1867
as a realist statement 110, 11213
early drafts 6888
external contexts 56
F53 and the marginalist controversy
F53 in and out of context 34953
Friedman and the theory of the firm
1712, 241, 24254
Friedman on the MarshallWalras
divide 330
Friedmans original essay 37, 343, 3,
716, 1623, 2330, 309, 3943
Friedmans positive methodology and the
formalist revolution 14362
Friedmans selection argument 25782
evolutionary economics 257, 27581
evolutionary game theory 26975
evolutionary reinterpretations of
economic theory 2608
methodology of causal realism 30319
absence of causal talk 306
effects, not causes 31617
F-twist in the light of Marshall 30612
Friedmans anti-realism reconsidered
Friedmans causal legacy 31719
the God of Abraham; the methodology
of Marshall 3035
politics of positivism
Friedman rewritten? 20410
how to disagree on predictions 196200
making the contract explicit 2013, 204
politics in F53 18990
predicting for the policy makers 1905
see also F53 and other individual works
Friedman, Rose D. 200, 351
fruitfulness 10, 77, 108, 109, 241
FS-twist 289, 291, 2957, 301
FS48 (The utility analysis of choices
involving risk) (Friedman and
Savage) 285, 286, 289, 2923, 300
FS52 (Friedman and Savage) 285, 28992,
2978, 3001
full-cost pricing 217, 2256, 228, 230,
2356, 237, 258, 277
full employment 1945
Hands, Wade 57, 63, 161, 303, 317, 323, 353
Harrod, Roy 225, 226, 227, 228, 25960,
277, 281
Harsanyi, John 132
Harvard approach 2212, 2234, 2268,
230, 237, 246, 322
Hausman, Daniel 143, 237
Hayek, Friedrich 222, 252
Heflebower, Richard 22930
Hicks, John R. 222, 227, 324, 3267,
332, 334, 33940
Hirsch, Abraham 52, 56, 159, 321
Hirshleifer, Jack 259
Hitch, C. J. 97, 2256, 228, 258
Hitler, Adolf 193
Holland, Paul 317
homo economicus 265
Hoover, Kevin 54, 63, 92, 321, 333
Hotelling, Harold 191, 196, 198, 334
Hume, David 42
Hutchison, Terence 7, 915, 1623, 234,
2630, 31, 335, 401, 423, 702,
747, 7881, 846, 93, 108, 11011,
112, 1201, 127, 129, 144, 1459,
1501, 152, 1547, 158, 159, 161,
162, 175, 2078, 317, 353
imperfect competition, 15, 34, 38, 70, 167,
169, 220, 223, 315, 330
implications 268, 69, 77, 81, 92, 121
indifference curves 3323
indirect evidence, 2830, 40, 85, 104, 111,
209, 289
industries 356, 38, 39, 72, 82, 87, 16671,
224, 236, 280, 324, 328, 336
inflation 11, 76, 193
institutionalism 130, 139, 152, 166, 193,
2212, 2246, 227
instrumentalism 47, 623, 90, 91, 96, 101,
103, 105, 109, 114, 350, 352
insurance 289, 292
introspection 123, 126, 127, 131, 137,
173, 207
investment 135
invisible hand 57, 150, 156, 157, 165,
1669, 171, 176, 1801, 1857, 325
Nagel, Ernest 62
Nash equilibrium 2668, 2723, 2745
National Recovery Act (1933) 225
National Resources Committee (NRC)
191, 201
natural selection 22, 71, 79, 84, 88, 104,
244, 25782, 295, 298, 34950, 351,
352 see also evolutionary economics;
F53: Friedmans selection argument
Nelson, Richard R. 260, 276, 27881
neoclassical theory 15, 69, 93, 121, 130,
135, 1656, 167, 169, 1746, 1778,
181, 185, 187, 217, 244, 2467
new classical theory 138, 140, 148, 151,
1656, 178, 180, 184
New Deal 1902
Newman, Peter 128
Neyman, Jerzy 191
Nobel Prizes 120, 127, 1312, 174, 175,
178, 181
normative economics 35, 67, 40, 57,
756, 88, 111, 1234, 137, 187, 192,
195, 2046, 210, 242, 246, 297300
Nowak, L. 310
Noyes, Carl 200
NRC see National Resources Committee
objectivity 25, 30, 40, 801, 110; see also
F53: map of multiple perspectives
observational equivalence 1089
oligopoly 27, 224, 226, 227
Oliver, H. M. 81, 219, 231
ontological unification 1067, 109, 113
organization theory 248
Oxford approach 2212, 2246
Oxford Economists Research Group
(OERG) 225, 228
Pareto optimality 270, 2723, 281, 340
Pascal, Blaise 3034
path dependence 273
Patinkin, Don 56, 2305, 334
perfect competition 15, 348, 69, 72, 82, 87,
93, 220, 222, 224, 2367, 352
perfect monopoly 15
permanent income theory (PIT) 134, 140, 312
philosophy 63, 3034
philosophy of science 55, 59, 61, 64, 68,
155, 158, 160, 162, 199, 203
Pigou, A. C. 222, 223, 249
pin theory 3045
PIT see permanent income theory
pluralism 253
policy-making 127, 1905, 205, 206
Popper, Karl 130, 148, 158, 160, 280, 351
portfolio theories 135
positive economics 37, 716, 41, 42, 57,
756, 86, 88, 110, 111, 1234, 137,
186, 189, 195, 2046, 210, 2412,
3001, 318
positivism 62, 63, 91, 109, 112, 130, 152
politics of positivism 18995, 196203,
postmodernism 124, 131, 139
predictions 2412, 253, 260, 31213
in F53 910, 12, 1415, 17, 18, 201, 33,
40, 41, 77
in testing 93, 957, 110
neutrality of 18990, 195
policy relevance of 1945
see also F53: influence of; map of multiple
perspectives; politics of positivism;
rereading and rewriting F53 as a
realist statement
predictivism 656, 93, 967, 110
price policy 2257
price theory 217, 222, 315
Principles of Economics (Marshall) 72, 82, 84,
87, 165, 167, 220, 223
products 35, 38, 39
professions 1967, 199
profit maximization 213, 27, 31, 49, 54, 59,
712, 73, 79, 846, 87, 95, 97, 99101,
104, 1667, 171, 1834, 21921,
2256, 228, 232, 2445, 247, 258,
2613, 269, 2768,
296, 351
psychology 30, 60, 1734
public choice theory 140, 153, 158
q theory 135
quantity theory of money 42, 84
Quiggin, J. 299
Rapping, Leonard A. 1789, 184
rational choice theory 2634, 267
rational expectations theory 138, 140,
148, 151
evolutionary economics 281
in F53 1415, 1623, 313, 41, 42, 74,
77, 82, 87
see also under F53: Friedman and the
theory of the firm; influence of F53;
map of multiple perspectives;
methodology of causal realism;
politics of positivism; rereading and
rewriting F53 as a realist statement
470; invisible hand and validity of
velocity of circulation of money 31112
vertical integration 250, 252
viability analysis 279
Vickrey auctions 297
Vickrey, William 128
von Neumann, John 73, 83, 245, 286
Vromen, Jack 534, 351
wages 175, 186
wage behavior and involuntary
unemployment 17685
F53 and the marginalist controversy
21719, 223, 234
Wallis, W. Allen 197, 322, 326, 332
Walrasian economics 1201
and F53 64, 86, 109, 353
Friedmans positive methodology and the
formalist revolution 147, 149, 155,
158, 159, 160
Friedmans selection argument 275
influence of F53, 1203, 125, 1267, 131,
132, 134, 135, 138, 139
map of multiple perspectives 56,
59, 64
methodology of causal realism 3089
politics of positivism 190, 1979
see also Friedman on the MarshallWalras
Weber, Max 129
Weintraub, Roy 145
welfare economics 156, 223, 245
wheat market example 37, 73, 82, 978
Williamson, O. E. 41, 53, 60, 66, 2478
Wilson, E. B. 196
Wilson, E. O. 173, 175
Winter, Sidney G. 54, 260, 270,
27681, 350
WTA (willingness to accept) 2967
WTP (willingness to pay) 2967
Yale school 135, 137
Young, Allyn 223
Zamora Bonilla, Jess 556, 58