Air Con
Air Con
Air Con
For building air conditioning system, there are basically 2 types of them which are :
1. Direct Expansion ( DX )
2. Chilled Water
Both of them can be of air-cooled or water-cooled type of heat rejection mechanism. A
DX system involves refrigerant where as chilled water obviouly uses water as the cooling
agent. For the office proposed system, DX air-cooled will not be considered as it would
not be able to met the high load demand of the office use and from the imprcaticality of
the system. It requires a large area for the air cooled unit located at every floor for the air
to cooled the coil and at the same place, rejecting the hot air at every level.
The major components in a DX system are :
Compression equipments consist of compressor and condenser ( which
can be of air or water-cooled )
Air Handling Unit ( AHU ) which is composed of Direct Expansion Coil
and the blower fan.
On the other hand, the major components in a chilled water system are :
Chilled water
Cooling Coil
Blower fan
Heat Rejection ( Air or Water-Cooled )
Heat Exchanger Room
Having the refrigeration equipment all over the building makes the maintenance
task a lot more diffilcult to control. The water-cooled refrigeration equipment
requires regular cleaning of the condenser tubes to remove scaling. When this is
being carried out, the affected package will have to be shutdown. The same
applies when any repair on the unit is being carried out, the affected floor is likely
to be without air conditioning. If there are all 26 nos. of package units in the tower
block, it means there 52 compressors and the chances of any one of them to fail
are quite high. The downtime is very much dependent on the availability of the
parts and the time for dismantling and fixing it back. It is also expensive to install
a standby in the event of machine breakdown.
2. Central Chilled Water System
Central chilled water system is depicted in the diagram shown above. The central
plant comprising chillers, pumps, electrical switchboard and the cooling towers is
to maintain the chilled water, leaving the plant at a predetermined temperature,
say 42 0 F. The chilled water is being circulated to all the cooling coils of the
AHUs located at each floor. Air is circulated through the cooling coil and ducted
to the various parts of the floor. Heat rejection is similar to that of the watercooled package system, i.e. via cooling towers. To maximize the use of the plant,
both the podium and the tower can be served by a single plant.
Space Requirements
The main plant room is required to house the main air conditioning equipment
such as chillers and pumps. Cooling towers can be located near or above the plant
room. At least one AHU room is required for each floor and a riser shaft for the
chilled water pipe.
Advantages of Central Chilled Water System
Central chilled water system provides the design egineer with the liberty and
flexibility ti optise the plant size in accordance with the building load profile.
Chillers can be tailored to suit the building load thus avoiding the unnecessary
oversizing as in the case of factory preengineered package units. However, the
initial capital will be slightly higher than those of the preengineered type.
All the load diversity can be applied to the central plant reducing the air
conditioning equipment appreciably. If the equipment is designed such that at part
load operation, one full set of equipment can be totally switched off, then a full
realisation of energy saving on the load reduction is possible. It simply means
that, when the load reduces to 70%, 30% of the refrigeration equipment will be
With the comparison above, the most economical solution for the air conditioning
system would be the central chilled water system even the initial capital is higher,
it gives the client :
More flexibility in the event that one of the tower is for sale. The client
will be able to generate business with the future owner of the other tower
as they will require chilled water for their air conditioning.
Easy maintenance for the centralised chiller plant.
Since there will be several chillers, machine brokedown will have minimal
impact as the balance units are able to meet the load demand.