If the charge warning light is on, it means your charging system is not
producing enough current to meet
running on
borrowed time off the battery alone. You can keep on driving as long as the
battery has enough juice left in it to keep the ignition system, fuel injectors, fuel
pump and other electrical accessories working. But sooner or later, the battery
will run down and your engine will die. How long this might take is anyones
guess. If youre driving during the daytime and arent listening to the radio or
running the air conditioner, the battery alone might keep you going for a few
hours. On the other hand, if its nighttime and you have the lights on, the heater
or air conditioner and radio, you might run the battery dead in an hour or two.
A warning light should not be ignored. It usually means something has failed
and needs to be fixed the sooner the better in this case.
Sometimes the alternator warning light will come on, (or the amp or voltage
gauge will show discharge) when nothing is really wrong with the charging
system. Its a gauge or light problem. One way to tell is to turn on the headlights.
If the headlights shine with normal intensity and do not change as you rev the
engine, alls well with the charging system and the problem is in the warning light
or gauge circuit. But if the lights are dim or get brighter as you rev the engine,
you have a charging system problem that requires further diagnosis. Bills Auto
can provide a free auto consultation and diagnosis call 801.484.8211 if this
warning light continues.
Any of a number of problems can cause the alternator warning lamp to come on.
If the alternator drive belt is slipping, has broken or flipped itself off the pulley,
the alternator will cease to produce current and the warning light will come on. If
the regulator that controls the alternators output has failed, the warning light will
come on. And if theres a wiring problem in the charging circuit, the light will
come on.
We should now have the engine running, so it is time to get the battery
charging. To do this we need to connect the alternator.
Alternator Makes
The vast majority of alternators readily available today follow
the same basic design:Three generating coils (phases) star
Current Regulator
Any generating system needs the two main electrical units
controlled:- current and voltage.
Current control or regulation is for the benefit of the generator. Its
sole aim is to prevent the generator (alternator in our case) burning
itself out by producing too high a current. Fortunately modern
alternators are self-regulating for current so we do not need to use a
current regulator. The self-regulation stems from the fact that ac
current is generated, which produces a pulsing magnetic field around
the generating coils. This pulsing magnetic field produces a "back
voltage" that gets higher as the current flow increases. The result of
this is that the higher the output, the lower the maximum voltage the
alternator can produce.
As the alternator output gets to maximum the voltage it produces will
be down to about 12 volts (not enough to charge a serviceable
battery) so the current that the voltage can push round the system
falls as the output voltage falls.
Never believe people who tell you that Advanced Alternator
Controllers can burn out alternators the above shows they can not.
People who do not ensure a cool air supply for the alternator do burn
them out!
Voltage Regulation
The voltage regulation prevents damage to the batteries and the electrical
equipment on the boat, so the alternators are equipped with a voltage
regulator. Nowadays they are electronic and are built into the alternator
itself. The brushes and their holder are often mounted on modern voltage
If the brushes are not mounted on the regulator you are likely to have a
number of wires running to it Always draw a picture of where these wires
go to BEFORE disconnecting them. It is very likely that you will need to
remove at least some of these wires if you need to change the brushes.
The brushes mounted on the regulator are far easier to change.
These are typical of the internal voltage regulators found on the LUCAS ACR
series of alternators.
Do not take any notice of the number or colours of the wires. These vary
from two to about six.
If you are going to do anything with these regulators (like disconnect some
of the wires to get at the brushes) DRAW A DIAGRAM first.
Most up to date alternators have the voltage regulator fitted to the slip ring
end bracket and visible externally. They usually have the brushes and brush
holders mounted at the back and the whole thing, brushes & regulator is
supplied as one unit. Some of these are illustrated on the next page.
If we put all the parts together we get the exploded view shown on the
next page.
Note the alternative positions for the voltage regulator and also the surge quench
9mm male blade
Main positive output connection going TO THE
BATTERY (master switch)
- B- E Gnd Bat-
The main output terminals will be about 6 to 8mm diameter studs or 9mm male
blades (note that they may well be imperial or BA sizes, but the 6 to 8mm should
help identify them).
There may well be no negative terminals, in this situation the alternator case itself
is the main negative "terminal".
The other terminals will be about 4mm diameter or a 6mm male blade.
If you have a Lucas ACR alternator (large plastic cap on back end) and the original
fitter knew what he was doing, the alternator just might be battery sense (see
later). If this is the case we can only use one of the two large blades, if it is not the
case we can use either, so first we must check.
Set the meter to buzz or diode check. Connect the red wire to the alternator case
and touch the black wire to each of the large terminals in turn.
If both large terminals give a buzz or a similar reading (not the "I" for infinity) both
are output terminals, otherwise you can only use the one that buzzed or gave a
reading probably the upper one.
The wiring diagram for battery sensing is shown further on.
The letters on the alternator are likely to be different on any particular alternator
these are only used to show the main and warning lamp terminals.
It is usual to wire the alternator to the main starter leads because this gets the
current into the large leads as quickly as possible, thus minimising voltdrop.
Do not use a cable size of less that 120/0.30 for the main leads and with high
output alternators you will need thicker cable!
If the alternator has no negative terminal omit the negative wire.
If the main negative is connected to the engine block it is quite in order to run the
negative alternator wire to any suitable nut or bolt on the engine that is closer to
the alternator than the starter do not loosen a cylinder head bolt!
The size of the warning lamp cable is not critical because it carries a very low
current. The warning lamp bulb will protect this cable in the event of damage, so
no fuse is required. Do not use an LED for the charge warning lamp, it will not
pass enough current. The minimum wattage should be about 2 watts.
If you are of an electrical bent, you can solder a 100 ohm, 5 watt resistor across
the warning lamp connections. This will supply the initial current to the alternator
if the bulb blows and keep the charging system working.
The main output cable is not normally fused in the interest of minimising voltdrop
and joints in high current cables (for reliability).
Alternator Service
1. Ensure a cool and plentiful supply of air for the fan.
2. Check all terminals and connections are clean, secure and tight.
3. Check the drive belt has about 10mm deflection in the centre of its
longest run it is vital that you do not over-tighten it if the belt also
drives an engine water pump, otherwise you will shorten the pump
bearings life.
Belts that do not drive a water-pump may be done a LITTLE tighter,
but you risk damaging the alternator bearings.
4. Check pulleys are in line.
5. Check that the belt is not sitting in the bottom of the pulley (V belts
even the many grooved polyV belts drive on the sides, not the bottom.
6. Check belt for condition.
7. Check there is no sign of black dust this is often a sign of slipping
or badly aligned pulleys.
Alternator faulty
Possible Fault
Loose drive belt
when engine
revved after
initial start
Charge light
stays on bright
Faulty alternator
Short circuit to negative between bulb
and alternator
Charge light
comes on
Charge light
glows dimly often
when engine is
Charge light
stays off
Blown bulb
Worn brushes or sliprings
Faulty rotor
Broken wire in warning lamp circuit
Black dust
around front of
Thwacking noise
from front of
Neither voltmeter should give a reading of much more than about 0.25
volt. If they do the circuit (positive for V1 and negative for V2) is
suffering from voltdrop. Start looking for loose and dirty connections
or undersize cables.
Turn off all loads.
You now need to get the battery fairly well charged so that the self
regulation or current does not give a false reading.
Rev the engine at a little above fast idle and note the readings on the
clammeter (A) and voltmeter V3.
When the clammeter is showing less than 10 amps (it might take
some time to drop that far) the voltmeter should be showing between
13.6 and 14.3 (exact figures depend upon make of alternator).
If an advanced alternator controller is in use expect up to 14.5 whilst it
is operating.
If the reading is too low either the voltage regulator or the alternator is
faulty (remove and have tested by a specialist).
If the reading is too high the voltage regulator is faulty, disconnect
any advanced controller and re-check BEFORE trying to change the
NOTE British (Lucas) alternators usually are set to between 13.8 & 14.2 volts.
Case studies
1. An alternator circuit has a diode splitter in use and the rest of the
circuit is in perfect condition.
Diodes always cause a voltdrop its inherent in the way they
work which traditionally has been quoted as 0.6 to 0.7 volts,
but even if we halve this and use 0.3 volts - see what happens
Battery sensed
These alternators have an extra connection so that an extra wire can
be run from the battery positive terminal (actually the master switch
output terminal for strict compliance with the BSS) back to the
alternators voltage regulator. This wire carries virtually zero current,
but it does allow the voltage regulator to measure the voltage at the
Battery sensing simply means that the regulator measures the battery
voltage and not the alternator output voltage.
In case study 1 the regulator would only see the 13.9 volts at the
battery and increase the alternator output to 14.5 volts, the 0.3 volts is
lost in the diodes, but the battery still receives 14.2 volts to push the
charging current through it.
In case study 2 the regulator sees 13.1 volts and increases the
alternator output voltage to 15.1 volts. This again ensures you get full
charging voltage at the battery.
B&C will both produce a very low, but permanent, current drain on the
battery, but no more than a cars machine sensed regulator does. If
you leave your boat for long periods A might be the best because the
master switch fully isolates the battery. If you decide to use method B
or C it is vital to ensure the cable is always kept well insulated and out
of harms way, and is also checked regularly for frays and chaffing.
Rover 825SD 800 Coupe 825i SD1 and Land Rover Web Site
supply its own field current. On Diesel 825 models a signal for the tachometer (rev counter) is
picked up from a connection from the back of one of these diodes, the ripple in the current
translates directly to the speed at which the alternator is turning, this signal is sent to the
dashboard instrument which converts this into an accurate indication of engine speed.
The rotating field coil 4, forms part of the rotor which is mounted on the shaft and spins inside
the stator coils 1, the weak magnetic field from the bulb current produces an output from the
alternator, some of this current is fed back to the field, reinforcing it and increasing the output
and thus again reinforcing the field current. As soon as the alternator is producing the required
output, and the voltage at the output of the field diodes is the same as the voltage at the ignition
switch side of the bulb there is no voltage difference across the bulb so it is extinguished,
showing that the alternator is charging.
The alternator is a pretty well self contained machine which automatically adjusts itself to the
needs of the electrical load on the car but things can go wrong with them, fortunately not very
A few things you should not do
Before electrical welding of any type. Always disconnect the battery and if possible remove
the wiring plug from the alternator before welding anything on the car.
Never disconnect the battery with the engine running. Doing a battery "hot swap" for
example, in theory the surge protection diode will stop any damage from occurring, however it is
very far from unknown for this diode to fail, if it does you will then need to replace the alternator.
It is not obvious from the electrical manual drawings if a surge protection diode is fitted on all
the alternators used on the 800 series, so be warned.
You should
Disconnect the battery leads, before using a high amperage charger on the battery.
When using jump-leads to start the car, follow the instructions in the car's handbook.
A few thing you might consider worthwhile
Keep battery terminals battery and earth leads and connections clean and tight. Copper grease
or silicone grease or Vaseline applied to the battery terminals will exclude moisture prevent
them from oxidising and maintain a good connection.
Check drive belts for wear and correct tension.
Some of the things that can go wrong
Don't overlook the obvious, many of these faults can be caused by a slipping or broken drive
belt. Faulty car batteries can also be a cause of some of these problems.
No charge to the battery at all. On the 800s in the engine compartment fuse box, there is a
100 amp fusible link protecting the alternator output. This can fail.
Warning light problems. First check 10 amp fuse in the dash fuse box, the bulb itself (if it does
not light) there is also a diode that has been known to fail in the instrument pack, in the wiring
from the ignition light to the alternator, which can cause some odd faults.
If the ignition lamp flickers when the engine is running, this can mean the slip ring brushes
are worn out and need replacing.
The ignition lamp does not go out. Rectifier stack or the field diodes faulty / burned out.
The ignition lamp stays on but at reduced brightness. This usually means that one or two of
the charge diodes or field diodes have failed (sometimes the alternator will still charge the
battery to some extent).
If the ignition lamp gets brighter when say the headlamps are turned on. Usually this again
means one or two of the rectifier stack diodes or field diodes have gone faulty. It can also be
some problem concerning the ignition switch or associated wiring .
If there is a problem with the battery discharging when the car is not running (say when parked
overnight) this can be due to faults in the rectifier pack on the alternator (which can sometimes
still charge the battery when the engine is running).
Basic test
Simple test that requires a voltmeter, a low priced multi-meter from somewhere like Maplins or
other electrical / electronic outlet will do the job. This test is a guide only, it is not intended to
give a definitive result, but is useful for a quick check.
The car should not have been running for about 15 minutes before this test is done.
Connect the meter set to D.C. voltage range across the battery terminals, it should show about
12 volts.
Start the engine and gradually increase the rpm, around 2,000 to 3,000 rpm should be enough.
The meter reading should rise from about 12 volts to more than 13.5 volts, typically 14.3 volts
depending on the accuracy of the multi-meter...
If this is what happens then things are looking good. To be a bit more sure, let the engine tick
over and turn on all the electrical load you have, main beam head lamps, fog lamps, heated
screen etc. Let the engine tick over for a few minutes like this, then without switching anything
off increase the engine rpm as in the first test, if the voltage rises to at least 13.5 volts then it is
almost certain the alternator is working correctly.
Less than this could mean a failed diode(s) in the rectifier stack, which results in the alternator
not being able to supply the high current needed.
Thanks to Andy Rybka for this:
If the voltage is higher than 15 volts when the engine is revved, and climbs even further the
higher the engine is revved, then the regulator is faulty and should be replaced as soon as
possible to prevent boiling the battery (in extreme circumstances it could explode!) and
damaging other electrical items. An early warning of a failed regulator is that the headlights
seem brighter than normal and get even brighter when the engine is revved hard.
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Understanding Alternators.
What is an Alternator Generator and How Does It
We'll start our tour of the alternator where it all starts in the alternator itself - at the
alternator rotor. The rotor consists of a coil of wire wrapped around an iron core.
Current through the wire coil - called "field" current - produces a magnetic field around
the core. The strength of the field current determines the strength of the magnetic
field. The field current is D/C, or direct current. In other words, the current flows in one
direction only, and is supplied to the wire coil by a set of brushes and slip rings. The
magnetic field produced has, as any magnet, a north and a south pole. The rotor is
driven by the alternator pulley, rotating as the engine runs, hence the name "rotor."
Surrounding the rotor is another set of coils, three in number, called the stator. The
stator is fixed to the shell of the alternator, and does not turn. As the rotor turns within
the stator windings, the magnetic field of the rotor sweeps through the stator
windings, producing an electrical current in the windings. Because of the rotation of
the rotor, an alternating current is produced. As, for example, the north pole of the
magnetic field approaches one of the stator windings, there is little coupling taking
place, and a weak current is produced, As the rotation continues, the magnetic field
moves to the center of the winding, where maximum coupling takes place, and the
induced current is at its peak. As the rotation continues to the point that the magnetic
field is leaving the stator winding, the induced current is small. By this time, the south
pole is approaching the winding, producing a weak current in the opposite direction.
As this continues, the current produced in each winding plotted against the angle of
rotation of the rotor has the form shown in figure 2. The three stator windings are
spaced inside the alternator 120 degrees apart, producing three separate sets, or
"phases," of output voltages, spaced 120 degrees apart, as shown in figure 3.
The diode trio consists, as the name suggests, of three diodes, one per phase, which
provides field current to the alternator regulator. This output will be discussed in more
detail later in the "field current supply" section.
The regulator has two inputs and one output. The inputs are the field current supply
and the control voltage input, and the output is the field current to the rotor. The
regulator uses the control voltage input to control the amount of field current input that
is allow to pass through to the rotor winding. If the battery voltage drops, the regulator
senses this, by means of the connection to the battery, and allows more of the field
current input to reach the rotor, which increases the magnetic field strength, which
ultimately increases the voltage output of the alternator. Conversely, if the battery
voltage goes up, less field current goes through the rotor windings, and the output
voltage is reduced.
This brings us back full circle to the starting point - the alternator warning lamp. As
can be seen from figure 5, a schematic for an actual alternator, there is a path to
ground from the field current supply input [1] to the regulator. As a result, when the
key is turned on, current flows through the warning lamp, through the resisters,
transistors, and field coil, and then to ground, causing the lamp to illuminate. Once
the alternator is at full output, voltage from the diode trio, also applied to [1], equals
the battery voltage. At this time, with 12 volts on both sides, the lamp is out.
If the alternator should fail, voltage from the diode trio would drop, and once again the
lamp would light from the battery voltage. If the alternator output is only a little low,
the lamp will be dimly lit. If the alternator fails completely, and the output voltage goes
to zero, the lamp will be lit at full brilliance. Conversely, if the battery should fail, and
the battery voltage drops, with the output voltage of the alternator on one side and the
low battery voltage on the other, the lamp will also light.
As stated earlier, if the light grows dimmer as the engine is revved up, it is because
the alternator voltage is rising with the RPM, producing more voltage on the alternator
side of the lamp. The closer the output voltage gets to the battery voltage, the dimmer
the bulb becomes. By the same way, if the light gets brighter with increasing RPM, it
is because as the alternator voltage increases, it is getting higher than the battery
voltage. The higher the voltage with respect to the battery voltage, the greater the
voltage difference across the lamp, and the brighter it gets.
In summary, then, we can say that field current through the rotor coils produces a
magnetic field, which is coupled over to the stator coils, producing an AC voltage.
This AC voltage is converted by the output diodes into pulsating DC voltage, which
charges the battery.
The field current is supplied from either the battery, via the warning lamp, or from the
diode trio. The amount of field current allowed to pass through the regulator to the
rotor, or field coil, is controlled by the voltage feedback from the battery.
And there you have it - the complete operation of an alternator in a nutshell. The next
time you see the little red light, you will know exactly what it is trying to tell you.
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