Imperialism, Colonialism and Cartography
Imperialism, Colonialism and Cartography
Imperialism, Colonialism and Cartography
continent. The freedom was for Europeans to compete blank spaces as early as 1666 by Vossius (Randles,
for trade, not for Africans to obstruct it (Hargreaves,
1956), while the Ptolemaic tradition of Africa was
1984) and the imperial relationship was essentially itself replete with blank spaces and the use of the
international in character, being based on mutuality word incognita.
Sixteenth and seventeenth century cartography
of interests among European powers. The European
international imperialism which was promoted in employed such contemporary sources as were availBerlin in 1884 is equally evident in the founding of able and made significant changes in the depiction of
the International African Association at the Brussels Africa (Ouwinga, 1975) in the same way that James
Geographical Conference in 1876 (Bridges, 1980) and MacQueen (1856) made substantial changes to the
indeed it is a relationship which can be traced back map of Central Africa in the nineteenth century, albeit
through at least four centuries. By contrast, the period with different subject matter and quality of data. Just
of direct European colonial rule which began never- as Almeida was critical of previous depictions of
theless in the 1890s and which is differentiated by Ethiopia in the seventeenth century (Skelton, 1958),
parochial European nationalism and exclusivity, can so eighteenth century cartographers reacted to the
be regarded as an abnormal and brief but influential work of their predecessors, given new sources to
interlude in the imperial relationship between Africa hand. There is methodological continuity linking
and Europe. The relatively ephemeral nature of eighteenth century and both earlier and later
colonialism by contrast with imperialism in Africa is cartographers,
The critical circumstances for methodological conemphasized by projecting forward to the postcolonial period, for example to the successive tinuity in the mapping of Africa over four centuries by
negotiations of the Lome Conventions between the cartographers from several European countries was
EEC and the largely African ACP states. Only tiny movement of information about Africa within Europe.
residuals of European colonialism remain in Africa Certainly, commercial competition meant that the
but the very long standing imperial relationship is navigational information of the Dutch, for example,
arguably evolving. European imperialism in Africa is remained secret (Ouwinga, 1975). Nevertheless, origcharacterized by collaborative internationalism and inal information about Africa did disseminate within
historical continuity, whereas colonialism was a Europe under the commercial impetus of publication.
relatively brief assertion of competitive European Perhaps the most striking example, which challenges
nationalism. The difference has great significance the conception of the eighteenth century French
in understanding the cartographic evolution of school as innovatory in its critical attitudes or its
sources, and also demonstrates the manner in which
Pre-colonial cartography of the interior of Africa information disseminated for commercial gain, is the
has long been seen as dividing into two distinct
1665 Portuguese Atlas of Africa by Joao Teixeira
phases, which are of debatable validity and which Albernaz II. The atlas was commissioned by a
obscure the reality of the forces operative. The earlier Frenchman and together with other Portuguese
source material, it was used to transform previous
phase is characterized by its use of Ptolemaic conceptions, particularly for the source of the Nile, and is depictions of the Zambezi basin by Jaillot (1678) a
Frenchman, by Berry (1680) an Englishman and by
epitomized by the eight-sheet map of Africa of 1564
Coronelli (168.3) a Venetion, in their maps of Africa,
by Gastaldi whose subsequent influence is apparent in
before inspiring De LIsle and dAnville (Corteso
the depictions of Africa by Ortelius (1570), Speed
(1627), Blaeu (1642) and others. Supposedly, the and da Mota, 1960). In the past, the commercial and
strategic divisions within Europe have been stressed
turning point in the cartography of Africa is located in
in seeking to comprehend the evolving early carthe Age of Reason, in the maps of the French school,
tography of Africa, but it is the facility with which
notably De LIsle (1700) and dAnville (1727) (Tooley,
1969). A scientific approach lead to the removal of Portuguese information disseminated throughout
Europe in the form of the printed map which is
many legends and assumptions by the innovators
striking. This is understandable, given the essentially
who achieved marked gains in accuracy and were
collaborative nature of European imperialism towards
famous for their blank spaces (Lane-Poole, 1950;
Klemp, 1968; Tooley, Bricker and Crone, 1976;
The pre-colonial cartographic depiction of Africa
Wallis, 1986) which are allegedly indicative of a
represents evolution not transformation. The concept
scientific attitude of mind. But contemporary wisdom
about the interior of Africa was set aside in favour of of an eighteenth century reformation derives from
the members of the expedition. As a Swiss national,
Bertrand could have had little interest in promoting
colonialism by his native land. As a result of his visit
to the Paris Evangelical Missionary Society station at
Sefula during the expedition, he in fact devoted a great
deal of time and effort throughout the remaining
twenty-seven years of his life to raising financial and
moral support throughout Europe for the Barotseland
and Basutoland missions. The detailed map of The
Kingdom of the Marutse in his book (Fig. I), with its
many scientifically authentic latitudinal observations
inscribed on the map and its primary concern with
physical features (also mission stations) observed by
the travellers, is appropriate to the imperial (as
opposed to colonial) interests which Bertrand promoted throughout Europe so philanthropically and
The cartographic transition from imperialism to
colonialism tends to lag behind the legal transformation. Maps in the imperial mould continued to be
published into the colonial period, for example, maps
depicting the territory under the administration of the
British South Africa Company published by Edward
Stanford between 1895 and 1906. Although these
were compiled with the assistance of a company
who eventually came to govern all of Northern and
Southern Rhodesia, their function is primarily the
prosecution of commercial activities, as shown by the
many descriptive entries on the maps, extolling
the farming and ranching potential of various parts of
the country.
The great change to maps deriving from the colonial rather than the imperial function is contemporaneous with first efforts to establish administrations
on the ground, usually some short time after the
formal proclamation by the colonial authority. The
maps reflect the needs of the nascent administrative
systems, as is exemplified by the first District Officer
to be stationed in what was then the Balovale District
of northern Rhodesia, who refers to his first long
tour, as trying to make a census of the people and a
map of the country (Venning, 1955, p. 55). His map
has none of the instrumentally-derived precision of
the earlier travellers in the region. It is inaccurate
(Stone, 1977) and its subject matter is predominantly
the location of the local populace. It was a functional
administrative tool and an example of a great many
colonial district maps (Stone, 1982) which locate rural
settlement in unprecedented detail.
The usual reason why professional Colonial
Survey Officers frequently did not compile the maps
necessary for the imposition of colonial rule was
the prolonged and otherwise uninterrupted imperial
relationship between Europe and Africa, then sufficient time should have elapsed by now for evidence
of the traits of imperialism to be reasserting
themselves. Debatably, the evidence is present in
the negotiations between the EEC and its African
Associates in the context of the Lom Conventions.
Equally contentiously, there is cartographic evidence
deriving from the former Directorate of Overseas
Surveys (hereafter DOS), a colonial institution in
origin, which had assumed the broader role of an
agency for technical aid to overseas governments. As
McGrath (1983) demonstrates, there is continuity of
purpose in the relationship between DOS and firstly
the then dependencies of the UK, and eventually the
newly independent countries, continuity which was
in part a product of the local autonomy of the former
dependencies. Nevertheless, the changed nature of
the political relationship did bring about change in
the cartographic product, not unrelated to the reformation of British aid policy after the creation of a
Ministry of Overseas Development in 1964. In the
post-independence period, the Directorate has of
course been obliged to take account of UK government policy on aid in project selection. It is in this
context that changes in product must be seen, as for
example, in carrying out cadastral survey (once the
hallmark of colonial surveys and now of the surveys
of independent governments), most notably in
support of the scheme to resettle African small
holders on farms purchased from Europeans in the
Highlands of Kenya; or in the formation of the Land
Resources Division of DOS in 1964 to produce a
range of maps related to land use: or the successful
joint projects of DOS which were specifically
designed as vehicles for technology transfer. Then,
the extensive programmes of large scale topographic
mapping which were mounted by the Directorate
of Commonwealth Surveys (DCS) throughout large
parts of former British Africa in the years preceding
independence may be seen to have their origins in the
gradual reassertion of imperial policy over colonial
policy, to meet the needs of post-war Britain for
reliable sources of primary products in circumstances
of impending political change in Africa. It was this
writers experience that the colonial administrator on
the ground had little need of the topographic cover
which latterly became available. The significant
feature is not that one type of map is always to be
associated with colonialism or with imperialism,
(since neither function is static), but that change in
cartographic usage will occur in the transition from