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Kings of War - Fantasy Battles With The Mantic Warhost

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Kings of War
Fantasy Battles with the Mantic Warhost

*Disclaimer, this is in no way, shape or form relating to anything

Mantic will put out. I mean, not even the slightest, not a little incy
wincy bit, it’s me having a bit of fun with the figures my company

It is an age of battles, of
mighty heroes, foul
creatures and darkest
The armies of the most powerful races go to war in great
sorcery. The heavens
bands known as Warhosts. These formations each have a
resound to the clash of
specific role in the army, and they are often engaged in
swords and the screams of
skirmishes along country borders, or banding together with
the dying, and the ground
heroes of legend.
shakes as epic armies march
to war. The world is caught
Most recently, Elven Warhosts have been hard pressed and
in endless struggle between
increasingly under pressure fighting back the legions of
the many different armies
Undead. Mhorgoth, greatest of the necromancers, drives his
and the Kings who lead
forces into sacred lands, enraged with a bitter hatred of life
them... On whose side will
and seeking cold revenge…
you stand?
A fate worse than death now awaits the Elves should they
fail in driving off the Undead, and which side you choose will THE ELVES
ultimately shape the future of the known universe. The Elves are peerless
warriors, skilled with bow,
Pick up your swords, ready your shields; the time of war is sword and spear, and their
upon us. mastery of magic is beyond
compare. Few can stand
THE ARMIES against the Elves when their
armies march to war, and
This set of rules is designed to allow a gamer to fight a none who threaten their
battle with the figures found in a Warhost. It is a tabletop ancestral homelands can
combat game first and foremost, fun and quick, whilst expect any clemency or
furious and bloodthirsty, with added emphasis on fighting mercy.
your opponent tooth and nail the entire game, all the while
being engaging and absorbing with an innovative combat THE UNDEAD
system. Necromancy is the most
abhorrent of sorcery, and all
A Warhost contains all of the figures you need to start who practise it are hated
playing out epic battles, with a tape measure, dice, an and feared in equal
opponent and a table the only additional components measure. In violation of
required. Each Warhost includes: natural law, Necromancers
are able to use their power
ELVEN WARHOST UNDEAD WARHOST to defy death itself,
20 Spearmen 20 Skeletons extending their own lives
20 Archers 20 Revenants virtually indefinitely.
10 Scouts 10 Ghouls
1 Bolt Thrower 1 Balefire Catapult


A Warhost contains different types of units that have

various uses on the tabletop. The three types are: SKIRMISHERS
Elf Scouts and Undead
- Ranked Infantry Ghouls count as Skirmishers,
- Skirmishers either hiding amongst the
- Warmachines shadows, or too bestial to
stay in organised groups for
Ranked Infantry: too long, these troops are
Elf Spearmen and Bowmen as well as Undead Skeletons and agile and quick across the
Revenants all count as ranked infantry. These troops have battlefield.
the greatest staying power, able to absorb many casualties
and still keep pushing the enemy back, whilst defending These warriors fight in a
their battle-brothers to the end. loose formation, giving them
greater manoeuvrability.
These troops line up in ranks; they move, shoot and fight in Their bases do not need to
close formation as one solid unit. touch but the unit must stay
together, within an inch of
20 Elf Spearmen; Command and Troop each other.
S S S S S When charged, these units
S S S S S rank up as per ranked
S S S S S infantry.

Ranked infantry units are found in two types; Command and
Warmachines include the Elf
Troop. Command troop are made up of the units leader,
Bolt Thrower and Undead
standard bearer and musician, along with 7 additional
Balefire Catapult, each a
warriors. A Troop contains 10 warriors.
powerful weapon in their
own right. Two crewmen
There may only be one Command troop in a unit, but as
man each weapon, loading,
many troops as you like. A Command is placed at the very
aiming and firing against the
front, but a Troop may be attached either behind, forming a
enemy, decimating ranks of
unit with four ranks, or either side of the Command troop,
troops with heated shot or
forming a unit with 2 ranks, ten figures wide.
deadly bolts.

A Warmachine consists of
the weapon and two crew
members. The crew must
remain within an inch of the
machine in order for it to

When charged, the crew are

ranked up in front of the

Units in a Warhost have differing fighting styles and carry a

wide assortment of weaponry; many are of a different skill
level and units often function differently on a battlefield to
Hit Points represents a
each other as a result. Whereas Elf Spearmen confront their
models health. A unit will
enemy face on in ranks of glittering armour, there
have a number of Hit Points
shadowkin brothers scout ahead, hiding in the shadows,
equal to the sum of the HP
carefully choosing their targets.
of every model in a unit.
In order to represent this on the battlefield, each unit is
listed in the Appendices (Elf Page 7, Undead Page 11) with a CASUALTIES
profile card - a list of statistics that details a model’s A units health is reduced the
characteristics. more hit points the unit
loses. Put simply, no models
A card contains the statistics for the Command, Troop and are removed until the units
Individual models abilities, as well as weaponry, armour, Hit Points equals 0. If a unit
morale and additional rules. Each characteristic is explained reaches 50% of their hit
below. points, then the amount of
Attack Dice they generate is
An example Spearman Troop profile: reduced by half, odd
MOVE ATTACK DEFEND HP numbers rounded down.
Troop 6 10 10 20
A unit is destroyed when HP
reaches 0.
Morale: Elite
Armour: Elven Plate
Weapon: Spear (Melee) RECORDING DAMAGE
Equipment: Shield Hit points can be recorded
by using a D100 system
placing the dice next to the
casualty markers included on
the sprue. Two D10s; the
first representing the first
digit and the second D10
representing the second
digit, can be counted down
the lower the hit points get.

Alternatively, a units Hit

Points is recorded using
Move; How far a unit can move in inches. three dice. The first dice
represents the first digit.
Attack; Number of D6 that a model can roll for its attacks. Since it’s impossible to make
7, 8, 9, or 10 on one die, a
Defend; Number of D6 that a model can roll to counter an second and third can be
attack. used to represent the
second digit. In this case, any
two dice that add up to 10
4 also equal 0.

The turn is broken up into sequenced Phases. Both players

participate in all Phases before moving onto the next. The
turn is broken down into the following Phases: In the Movement phase, a
player may make a unit Run.
 Movement Ranked infantry and
 Shooting skirmishers (but not
 Combat warmachines and their crew)
may add +D6” to their
Players roll off against each other on a single D6 at the start movement.
of each turn to decide who goes first.
The next turn begins at the end of the Combat phase. Charging with a unit allows
Victory is achieved when the opponent’s army is wiped out. them to get into close
Units cross the battlefield in inches, represented by their A Player must declare which
“Move” value. unit they are charging before
moving any other unit. Once
All units can move in any direction, forwards, sideways, all charges are declared,
diagonally and backwards, without penalty. Units only move these units may move twice
in straight lines – no wheeling or turning can be made mid- their normal movement
movement except in notable cases such as when charging. rate, which is measured in
A unit must face the direction it is moving in. A player may
pivot the unit to face the correct direction in order to turn a If the enemy unit is within
unit left, right, diagonally or backwards. this range, the players unit is
moved into base contact and
All measurements are made from the corner of the base of is successful. Normally units
the miniature in the front rank furthest away to the point may only move in straight
they are moving too. lines – a charging unit
however may shift and align
a unit when in base to base
contact, bringing the
maximum number of models
to bear.

If the enemy unit is not

within range, then the player
has to move their unit D6”
towards the target unit.


Only Models in the front two ranks of a unit can shoot

provided a target is in Range and in Line of Sight. WEAPON VALUE
An item’s Weapon Value
Range; is calculated in inches and is indicated by the Range contributes to a unit’s base
value in the weapons’ profile. statistic. For example, a unit
of 10 models each carrying a
Line of Sight; Skirmishers and single models like weapon with Value 1, will
warmachine crew have a 360 degree line of sight. gain an additional 10 Attack

The number of armour saves
is equal to the amount that
the Attacker’s roll was
higher than the defenders

Line of sight for Ranked Infantry is calculated by drawing an The defender rolls the
imaginary line parallel with the front rank of the unit. indicated number of dice,
Anything in front of this line can be seen by the unit, with comparing each to the
the restrictions of terrain and units blocking line of sight. Armour value and discarding
any result that is higher.
Line of Sight
Any result that is lower
B B B B B causes Hit Point damage,
B B B B B and is multiplied by the
weapon’s Damage Rating.
Shooting is calculated through the following process:
Attack Roll; add any Weapon Values to a units Attack. An item’s Damage rating
multiplies any unsaved
Defend Roll; total each models Defend value. wounds by that value. A unit
causing one wound with a
Strike; players roll their dice before totalling the result. weapon of Damage 2 will
actually cause two wounds.
Compare; both players compare their dice rolls.
The Defending unit’s total hit
Results; if the defending unit’s roll is higher they have held points are then reduced
off the attack, sweeping aside the attackers weapons. accordingly.

If the Attackers roll is higher, then the enemy is wounded

and the Defender must take an Armour Save.


Units that successfully charged in the movement phase are

engaged in close combat. Only the front two ranks fight in FLANKING
close combat, and only their Combat and Defend values are A unit charging an enemy in
accounted for - except if circumstances dictate otherwise, the side rather than the
such as if the unit carried spears. front is said to have Flanked
the enemy. Combat is
performed as normal, except
only the one rank in base
contact with the charger
may make a Combat or
Defend rolls, rather than the
normal two.

An item’s Weapon Value
contributes to a unit’s base
Close combat is calculated through the following process: statistic. For example, a unit
of 10 models each carrying a
Attack Roll; add any Weapon Values to a units Attack. weapon with Value 1, will
gain an additional 10 Attack
Defend Roll; total each models Defend value. dice.

Strike; players roll their dice before totalling the result.

Compare; both players compare their dice rolls. An item’s Damage rating
multiplies any unsaved
wounds by that value. A unit
Results; if the defending unit’s roll is higher they have held
off the attack, sweeping aside the attackers weapons. causing one wound with a
weapon of Damage 2 will
actually cause two wounds.
If the Attackers roll is higher, then the enemy is wounded
and the Defender must take an Armour Save (See Shooting,
Morale checks are taken by
Counter Attack; if the Defender still has Hit Points rolling 3D6, subtracting the
remaining, the roles are reversed and the Defender units Morale Value and
becomes the Attacker and the combat is replayed. comparing against the units
HP. If the roll is above the
Once both combats have played, both players must decide number of remaining Hit
who has won the combat. The player that wins the combat Points, then the unit has
is the player who has dealt the most Hit Point damage. The failed and flees.
play taking the most amount of Hit Point damage has lost
the combat and must take a Morale check. A fleeing unit moves directly
away from the unit causing
This ends the turn. the morale check double its
full movement value.



Elf Warrior
Morale Value: 4

Armour value: 4

+1 to a Defend roll and +1 to
an Armour Value.
Command (10) 6 12 10 20 WEAPONS
Troop (10) 6 10 10 20
Spearman 6 1 1 2
Weapon Value: 1
Damage: 1
Morale: Elite
Armour: Elven Plate (AV4)
Weapon: A unit of Elf Warriors may be armed either
with Spears (Melee) or Bows (Ranged). Range: 18”
Rules: Standard, Musician, Shield Ranged Value: 1
Damage: 1
Elves Scouts
Weapon Value: 1
Damage: 2
The third rank may add their
attacks to the Combat Roll.

A unit’s standard counts as
MOVE ATTACK DEFEND HP +1 wound when calculating
Troop (10) 6 10 10 20 the winner of a combat.
Scout 6 1 1 2
Morale: Elite Musicians add +1 to a unit’s
Armour: Elven Plate (AV4) morale value.
Weapon: Bow (Ranged), Extra hand weapon (Melee)
Rules: Skirmishers


Elves Bolt Thrower

Range: 18”
Weapon Value: x
Damage: Special
Special: Bolt Thrower
Elven Bolt Throwers shoot
large harpoon like missiles,
designed to penetrate ranks
and pierce armour.
Bolt Thrower x 50
The weapon value of a bolt
Crew 6 1 1 2
thrower is equal to the
number of ranks the target
Morale: Elite
unit has.
Armour: Elven Plate (AV4)
Weapon: Hand Weapons (Melee)
No armour saves allowed.
Rules: Warmachine: Bolt Thrower



Undead Skeletons
Morale Value: 6

Armour value: 4

Command 4 12 10 10
Troop 4 10 10 10 WEAPONS
Skeletons 4 1 1 1 CURSED BLADES
Weapon Value: 1
Morale: Undead Damage: 2
Armour: Light Armour (AV5) Special:
Weapon: A unit of Skeletons may be armed either with No armour saves allowed
Spears (Melee) or Hand Weapons (Melee).
Rules: Champion, Standard, Musician, Shields HAND WEAPON
Weapon Value: x
Undead Revenants Damage: 1
Special: Parry
A model may make an
attempt to parry if wounded,
made before armour saves
are taken. Player rolls a D6:
any 6s are discarded and do
not count as wounds.

Weapon Value: 1
Command (10) 4 22 20 40 Special:
Troop (10) 4 20 20 40 The third rank may add their
Revenants 4 2 2 4 attacks to the Combat Roll.

Morale: Undead EQUIPMENT

Armour: Heavy Armour (AV4) STANDARD
Weapon: Cursed Blades (Melee) A unit’s standard counts as
Rules: Champion, Standard, Musician, Shields +1 wound when calculating
the winner of a combat.

12 Musicians add +1 to a unit’s
morale value.

Undead Ghouls
Weapon Value: x
Damage: 1
Special: Poison
If a unit is wounded by a
Ghoul troop, at the end of
the phase both players roll a
MOVE ATTACK DEFEND HP D6. The elf player suffers
Troop (10) 4 10 10 20 causalities for every point
Troop (10) 4 1 1 2 the ghoul player’s roll is
higher, with no armour saves
Morale: Undead allowed. Nothing happens if
Armour: None the Elf player rolls higher.
Weapon: Teeth and Claws (Melee)
Rules: Skirmish WARMACHINES
Range: 24”
Undead Balefire Catapult Weapon Value: x
Damage: Special
Special: Balefire Catapult

Undead Balefire Catapults

hurl enchanted skulls that
explode into rings of magical
energy, killing those
unfortunate enough to be
caught in the blast.

To fire the Catapult, mark a

target that is in line of sight
and within 24”. The player
must roll a D6 (2D6 if this is
MOVE ATTACK DEFEND HP the first turn firing it) and
Catapult x 75 move the point directly
Skeleton Crew 6 1 1 2 forwards this distance in
inches. This represents the
Morale: Undead unpredictable forward force
Armour: None on the catapult.
Weapon: Hand Weapons (Melee)
Rules: Warmachine: Balefire Catapult Place a large circular
template the size of a CD,
with the central hole at the
target point. Everything
13 under this template is hit
and must take an armour
save, even friendly troops.

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