LLax Procedures - Proposed Changes 4-5-10

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The name, purpose, appropriate member behavior, appropriate suspension or

expulsion procedures and dissolution of this club shall be determined by the
parent organization, the Leander Lacrosse Club (LLC).


Membership dues to the club are part of the player’s club registration. When a
player’s dues to the club and to US Lacrosse are paid in full and all forms are on
file, she and her parents/guardians become members in good standing and are
eligible to vote. When the coach’s (head and assistants) US Lacrosse dues are
paid in full, they are members in good standing. Dues are non-refundable.

Elected Officers:

Member parents are eligible to hold office. Officers shall consist of a President,
Chair of Membership/Recruitment, Chair of Fund-Raising, Secretary,/ Treasurer,
and TGHSLL (Texas Girls High School Lacrosse League/LLC (Leander Lacrosse
Club) Board Liaison. The officers and coaches as a whole shall be referred to as
the Executive Committee.

Officers shall be elected for a term of one year. The term of office will coincide
with the fiscal year.

Between regularly called club meetings, the Executive Committee will perform
the administrative responsibilities of the club.


A majority of the members present at a regularly called (i.e. a meeting date and
time communicated to the members at least one week in advance) Executive
Committee or full member meeting shall constitute a quorum.

The officers and the budget will be voted on at a regularly called meeting of the
full membership. Budget amendments (excluding the amount of dues) may be
made by the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee may call for an electronic vote of the membership on a
single issue. In that case, the President (or designee) shall email the
membership on the issue and make paper copies of the responses to document
the vote. A majority of the members responding to the call for an electronic vote
by the deadline shall constitute a quorum.
Duties of Officers:

• Call and preside over all meetings.
• Have primary responsibility for communicating with the parents.
• Appoint special committees.
• Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.
• Assist Treasurer in budget development.
• Sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer.
• Track dues payments.
• Keep the player and parent member roster current and available to all

Keep meeting minutes.
Circulate minutes to members within one week of meeting.
• Work with President to develop budget.
• Keep custody of all funds.
• Keep books of accounts and records for five (5) years.
• Make deposits and disbursements in accordance with the budget.
• Sign on bank accounts.
• Present a financial statement at meetings.
• Submit books for audit as requested.
• File any necessary tax reports.

• Keep meeting minutes.
• Research information to complete player and parent roster.
• Keep the roster current and available to members.
• Develop and distribute player and parent information packet.
• File required league forms.

TGHSLL / LLC Board Liaison

• Attend every meeting of the TGHSLL and LLC.
• Report discussions and decisions of the TGHSLL and LLC to the
membership within one week of each meeting.
• File any necessary league forms.
Chair of Fund-raising
• Coordinate fund raising activities to meet budget demands.
• Support the coordination of an end-of-year club celebration.
• Acknowledge sponsors formally.

Chair of Membership/Recruitment
• Organize presence at appropriate events such as school open houses.
• Coordinate other recruitment activities to maximize girls’ involvement at
elementary, middle and high school levels.
• Work with President to monitor electronic membership sign-up and to
keep the roster current.
• Develop and distribute player and parent information packet.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year shall be October 1 – September 30.

Adopted: Nov. 27, 2009

Proposed revisions: Apr. 5, 2010

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