Scientific Style English

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Scientific Style in English

Marcelo Sampaio de Alencar

Institute for Advanced Studies in Communications (Iecom)
Department of Electrical Engineering
Federal University of Campina Grande


Style is a distinctive manner of expression, in writing or speech. The word evolved from Latin for
stilus spike, stem, stylus. It is the way in which something is said or done, as distinguished from
its substance. Style is also a convention with respect to spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and
typographic arrangement and display followed in writing or printing.

Scientific Writing

Good scientific writing

Good scientific writing must be scientifically accurate, concise, useful, clear, illustrated with visuals,
targeted to a specific audience, well organized, interesting, consistent, complete, correct in spelling,
punctuation and grammar.
Scientific precision Inaccurate statements destroy the author credibility. On the other hand,
the readers make decisions, operate equipment, and draw scientific conclusions based on the
information presented.
Concision It is important to avoid wordiness caused by:
modifiers: final outcome, completely finished;
coordinated synonyms: each and every, basic and fundamental;
excess qualification: perfectly clear, completely accurate;
expletives, relative pronouns, and relative adjectives: there are ... who ... which;
circumlocution: a long, indirect way to express the idea.
The author must also avoid repetition, pompous language, jargon, and consider that reducing
a document is hard work. Blaise Pascal once wrote, I have made this a long letter because I
havent the time to make it shorter.
The document must be useful People read a paper, technical report, or thesis because they
intend to use the information in some way. Therefore, each sentence must contain useful information.
Clearness Keep the writing short and simple by breaking the text into short sections, and
avoid jargon, because unknown terms is a cause of poor communication and also make the text
obscure to the readers. Present the story in a logical, orderly fashion, one step at a time. The use
of visuals is recommended, and may include: photographs, drawings, diagrams, graphs, tables,
and flowcharts.
Illustrate the manuscript with visuals Visuals make the document more interesting to the
reader. You can use photographs, drawings, diagrams, graphs, tables, and flowcharts.

photographs (show actual physical images of subjects).

drawings (depict real or imaginary objects, and internal parts).
diagrams (show how the components interact and are interrelated).
graphs (show trends and how one variable changes in relation to another).
tables (organize information systematically).
flowcharts (show the parts or steps in a process or system interact).
You should target an audience Write to the level of technical proficiency and understanding
of the audience.
Organize the document Plan, before writing, creating a rough outline that spells out the
contents and organization of your document.
Interest Your paper competes with many other communications and, therefore, must be lively
and lucid, to attract the reader, not dull and boring.
Consistency Inconsistencies confuse readers and convince them that your scientific work is
as sloppy as your prose. Avoid random and unnecessary capitalization, mixed sets of units of
measurement and indiscriminate use of abbreviations.
Completeness A complete document tells the readers all they need to know about the topic,
but not a word more. Make sure the specification is complete and that no key data is omitted.
Correction in spelling, punctuation and grammar This is a key characteristic of every good
paper or book.

Writing process

A successful writing involves several phases, which include preparation, research, organization, writing
and revision. It is important to follow the steps and to adhere to the scope of the work.

Establish the purpose of your document What should the readers know after they have finished
reading the document?
Assess the audience Who exactly is the reader or readers? Who needs to see the document?
What they do know about the subject?
Consider the context Context is the environment or circumstances in which writers produce
documents and within which readers interpret their meanings.
Determine the scope of the coverage The decisions on what to include and what not to include
in the writing define the scope.
Select the appropriate medium Decide in what journal or conference to publish your findings.

Research involves the question: What do you know about the subject? Then, you must conduct the
research (primary or secondary), create and use questionnaires, if appropriate, interview for information. In the next phase you summarize the information, take notes, document the sources and, of
course, avoid plagiarism.

Organization involves the choice of the best methods of development. Then you should outline your
notes and ideas, develop and integrate visuals. It it important to carefully consider the layout and

During the writing phase, select an appropriate point of view, and adopt a style and tone. Use
effective sentence construction. Construct effective paragraphs from the outline. Use quotations and
paraphrasing, if appropriate for your document. After that, write an introduction for the document,
then write an abstract, write a conclusion and choose a title.

Principles of technical communication

If possible, always use the active voice in your document and a plain rather than a complex language.
Delete words, sentences and phrases that do not add to your meaning and use specific and concrete
terms rather than vague generalities. Use terms your reader can picture. Use the past tense to describe
your experimental work and results, but, in most other writing, use the present tense. Break your
writing into short sections to facilitate the perusal of the document.

During the revision process, check for unity and coherence, verify sentence variety, emphasis, and
subordination, check for ambiguity, awkwardness, and verify logic errors:
lack of reason is when a statement is contrary to the readers common sense.
sweeping generalizations are statements too broad to be supportable.
non sequitur is a statement that does not logically follow a previous one.
false cause refers to the logic fallacy that because one event followed another one, the fist event
caused the second.
biased or suppressed evidence is both illogical and unethical.
facts, which are verifiable, versus opinion.
a loaded argument occurs when a conclusion is based on an opinion.
Aim at positive writing, consider ethics, copyright, avoid biased language and plagiarism. Verify
appropriate word choice, affectation and jargon, do not use vague words (real, nice, important, good,
bad), and cliches (last but not least). Minimize the problems with grammar. Review punctuation, abbreviations, capitalization, contractions, dates, italics, number and measurement units, proofreading,
and spelling.

Writing an Article

Parts of the document

Title, authors and affiliations Capitalize the initial letters of the words of the title, except
articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions (and, but), or prepositions (to, at, into) unless
they begin or end the title.
Abstract Highlight and summarize, in 50 to 200 words, the major points of an article. This is
the base for researchers to decide whether to read your article. It must be readable apart from
the the original document.

Keywords Three to five words related to the main theme of the article.
Introduction Point out the purpose of the paper, define the problem examined, and present
the scope of the article.
Methodology Discuss previous work in the field, the rationale of the approach to the problem
and the reason to reject alternative approaches.
Results This section contains the main results of the research.
Discussion An optional section with a discussion of the main results, commonly used in Medicine and Biomedical articles.
Conclusions This section interprets the results in relation to the purpose of the study and the
methods used to conduct it. The conclusion must depend entirely on the evidence found in the
References It is necessary to cite the references and list them at the end of the document.
Appendix Appendices are optional.

Writing a Formal Report

A formal report must include the front matter, the body and the back matter.

Front matter
Title, authors, organization, target institution, and date Capitalize the initial letters of the
words of the title.
Abstract Summarizes the major points of the report. Must be readable apart from the the
original document.
Table of contents List of main topics of the document.
List of figures All the figures must be in this list.
List of tables All the tables must be in this list.
Foreword An optional introductory statement that is written by, usually, an authority in the
field or executive of the organization sponsoring the project.
Preface An explanation of the purpose of the document, and a description of its contents.
List of abbreviations and symbols Mandatory for theses and books, and optional for papers.

Executive summary Provides a more complete overview of the report, stating its purpose,
scope, and gives background information. It also summarizes conclusions and recommendations.
Introduction Points out the purpose and defines the scope of the report, and examines the
Text Contains the details of the investigation, the alternatives explored, and visuals and tables
to clarify the explanation.
Conclusions This section interprets the results and must depend entirely on the evidence found.

Recommendations If necessary, recommendations are included in the document.

Explanatory notes If necessary, notes that explain details of the work are included in the

Back matter
References A list of works cited.
Appendices Contains additional material that can be useful to the reader to clarify or supplement the body.
Bibliography An alphabetical list of all sources that were consulted in researching the report.
Glossary An alphabetical list of specialized terms used in the report and their definitions.
Index An alphabetical list of specialized major topics discussed in the report, along with page
numbers. The index is always the final section of the report.

Submitting a Book Proposal

Preparation of an outline of a book to be submitted to an editor

A proposal is a document written to persuade someone to follow a plan of course to fulfill a need. A
book proposal is addressed to the publishing editor or director and includes a title, the author name
and affiliation, background information, a brief description of the book, the reasons for writing the
book, the book market and readership, the competition, a table of contents, manuscript information,
author information, a sample writing and the assessment process.
Title A clear and accurate title is important in marketing your book. As a general rule, the
main title should have no more than seven words. If the title looks like it will be longer than
that, then consider using a subtitle.
Author name and affiliation You should include your mailing address, e-mail, and phone and
fax numbers.
Background This should outline the general field, how it has evolved, where it is going, and
its commercial importance (if any).
Brief description of the book You should define, in a few paragraphs, what specifically the book
will be about. You should discuss the approach you intend to take, for example, the balance
between theory and practice, and any particular pedagogical or presentational features that will
characterize the book.
Reasons for writing the book State the reasons you think this book should be published and
how it will benefit the readers.
Market and readership Describe exactly who the book is aimed at, for example, graduate
students, researchers, practitioners in industry, and in what subjects they work or study, for
instance, electrical engineering, computer science, applied physics, mathematics. If the book
can be used as a textbook then you should describe the type of course for which it could be
adopted. In this section you should also describe the prerequisite knowledge that you expect of
your readers.
Competition Give details of the main competing books (author, title, publisher) and discuss
how your book will differ from them. Present the aspects that give your book an edge. This
analysis is particularly important if the book you are proposing is a textbook.

Table of contents This should give the chapter headings along with a sentence or two explaining
what each chapter will cover. You should also include the first level of subheadings. If you have
a more detailed table of contents then provide it.
Manuscript information This should include estimates for: how long you think the book will
be in printed pages, a delivery date for the finished manuscript the number of figures the book
will have.
Author, contributor information Provide a brief resume or curriculum vitae for each author.
If the book you are proposing is an edited volume then give names and affiliations of each of the
intended contributors.
Sample writing A detailed proposal of five pages is the minimum needed to get the assessment
procedure under way. If you have any sample sections or chapters then you should send those
as well.
The assessment process Once you have submitted the proposal it will be read by the appropriate
editor. If the editor feels that the proposal is adequate then it will be sent out to a number
of experts in the field. The feedback from these reviewers will be discussed with you. Their
constructive feedback results in a better final book.

Writing a Book

Initial information
The initial information includes the title, authors, organization, editor, and date. Always capitalize
the initial letters of the words of the title. The initial pages of a book also present information for
librarians, copyright information, dedication, acknowledgments, information about the author, a list
of figures, a list of tables, and a table of contents.
The foreword is an optional introductory statement that is written by an authority in the field.
The preface announces the book purpose, scope and context. It usually specifies the audience, contains
acknowledgments of those who helped in its preparation and cite permission obtained for the use of
copyrighted material. The section on organization of the text contains information on the contents of
the chapters and indicates the best way to read or present them to the students.

Body of the book

The manuscript contains the chapters, which may be divided in sections and subsections. It
usually includes visuals: photographs, drawings, diagrams, graphs, tables, and flowcharts, to
explain the subject to the intended audience.
Supplementary reading presents information about other books on related subjects, usually
including comments from the author.
The references form an optional list of works cited in the book.

Additional information
The appendices usually contains additional material that can be useful to the reader and clarifies
or supplements the body.
The list of abbreviations and symbols is essential in monographs, dissertations and theses.
The bibliography is an alphabetical list of all sources that were consulted in writing the book.
The glossary has an alphabetical list of specialized terms used in the book and their definitions.

The index presents an alphabetical list of specialized major topics discussed in the book, along
with page numbers. The index is the final section of the book.

Elements of Scientific Writing

In scientific writing some elements must be carefully considered. Most of the usual errors are related
to the usage of articles, punctuation and word division.

Articles are used to introduce nouns, and English often requires the use of articles
The indefinite article (a, an) is used when there is no need to be specific about a person or thing
An is used if the noun following begins with a vowel or sounds as a vowel (e.g., An analysis will
follow. Let me show you an SMS)
The is a definite article, used to identify a particular thing

The period (.)
The period is used to close sentences that make statements
It is also used to form abbreviations (Ph.D., Inc., Mr.)
The comma (,)
The comma is used to indicate pauses and to separate entries in lists
It is also used to set off a word, phrase, or clause that is in apposition to a noun and that
is nonrestrictive
The semi-colon (;)
The semi-colon separates closely-related ideas
In most cases a period should be used instead
When a list includes items that have commas within them, use a semi-colon to separate
the items
The colon (:)
The colon is used in headings, to announce that more is to follow
It is used to introduce a list of things (words, equations)
It introduces a quotation
When used between two clauses, it indicates that the second one provides an explanation
of what was said in the first
Never use the colon after the main verb in a sentence
The hyphen (-)
This mark may be used to separate two parts of a compound noun (e.g., light-year)
It is also used to break up words at the end of a line, and should always be placed between
syllables. Proper nouns should not be broken up by hyphens
Parentheses ( )

Parentheses are used to set off an interruption in the middle of a sentence, including references to pages, diagrams, illustrations, chapters
They are also used to make a point which is not part of the main flow of the sentence
Use them to enclose acronyms: Institute for Advanced Studies in Communications (Iecom).
The apostrophe ()
The apostrophe shows possession (e.g., Marcelos book on scientific style in English)
It shortens certain word combinations (e.g., cant, hes)
Contractions should be avoided in formal written work. (e.g., cannot, he is)
Brackets [ ]
Brackets are used for citations or to enclose a word inserted into a quotation
The diagonal or dash ()
A dash may be used in place of a colon, to set off a word or phrase at the end of a sentence,
or an appositive to be emphasized
A dash is used to summarize a thought added to the end of a sentence
Quotation marks ( )
The main use of quotation marks is to show that the exact words written are being repeated
They are also used to enclose titles of articles, chapter names, and short stories
Single quotation marks ( ) can be used within a quotation
A comma should precede a quotation and other punctuation should be placed inside the
quotation marks

Word division
A word should be divided only between syllables (computer). Dictionaries indicate how to
divide words at syllable breaks
If a vowel stands alone as a single syllable, it must remain on the same line as the first part of
the word (experiment)
A word is generally divided between double consonants (necessary), unless it means breaking
up the root of the word (processing)
If a word contains a natural hyphen, divide only at that point (sixty-five)
If a word contains a prefix or suffix, it is best to divide at that point (autocorrelation)
Do not divide one-syllable words (length), no matter how long the word may be
Do not divide a word in the first or last line on a page
Do not divide a word in the first line of a paragraph
Do not divide words on two consecutive lines
Do not divide a proper name or number (Kolmogorov, 1931)
Do not separate two letters from the rest of the word

Do not separate contractions or abbreviations (wouldnt, ATSC)

Do not use a hyphen to break a URL or an e-mail address
Do not use excessive word division
Do not separate the unit of measurement from the number (550 kHz)

Numbers, Units of Measurement and Symbols

There are strict rules for writing numbers, units of measurement and symbols. A technical manuscript
is certainly refused if those rules are not followed.

Rules for writing numbers

Write out all numbers below ten:
zero deviations from the expected value
nine devices to count for
The exception to this rule are numbers used with:
units of measurement (3 meters)
age (15 years old)
dates (October 11, 1957)
time (2 seconds)
page numbers (page 4)
percentages (5 percent)
money ($8)
proportions (30:1 or 30 to 1)
Write the numbers as numerals if two or more are in the same section:
the transmitter has 5 audio amplifiers, 2 pass-band filters and a net gain of 60 dB
Large numbers must be written in the form most familiar to the audience:
15, 3 106
fifteen million and three hundred thousand
Place a hyphen between a number and a unit of measurement when they modify a noun:
3-month-old experiment
Use the singular for fractions and decimals that are used as adjectives:
0.5 kilogram
0.1 centimeter
Write decimals and fractions as numerals:
zero point two five 0.25
Do not begin a sentence with numerals

Keep all units consistent

Chose one standard and stick with it
Use the correct units
There are two different versions of the metric system, cgs (centimeter, gram, second) and
SI (meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, candela)
When writing the units of measurement in word form they should never be capitalized:
hertz (Hz), ampere (A), tesla (T), ohm , henry (H)
Indicate multiplication by a raised dot () and division by a slash (/):
10 W/Hz
150 Vs


Complementary Material

It is common to misuse words and phrases in spoken English, but the scientific language is precise
and the usage of words must be correct, and redundancies must be avoided.

Commonly misused words and phrases

a large number of many
a lot of many
as a general rule like
as shown in Table 10 Table 10 shows
at this point in time at this time, now
be considered as as
by means of by
despite the fact that although, even though
during the course of during
exhibits the ability can
has been widely acknowledged is
has proved itself to be has proved, is
have discussion of discuss
in many cases often
in order to to
in some cases, in other cases sometimes
in the course of during
in the event that if

in the form of as
in the near future soon, or exact date
in the vicinity of near
is equipped with has, contains
it is clear that clearly
know-how skill, ability
kind of, sort of rather, somehow, somewhat
on an annual basis yearly
on the occasion of when
prior to that time before
start off start
subsequent to after
take action act
the reason why is that because
until such time as until
with reference to about
with the result that so that
deemed it necessary to eliminate
it has been shown that eliminate
it is found that eliminate
it is recognized that eliminate
it is worthy of note that eliminate
it may be mentioned that eliminate
it may me seen that eliminate
it must be remembered that eliminate
thanking you in advance for your cooperation eliminate
in fact that eliminate
what is known as eliminate
such (of this kind) it

Redundancies that should be avoided

absolutely essential essential
actual experience experience
adding together adding
advance plan plan
an honor and a privilege an honor
any and all any
balance against one another balance
by means of by
cancel out cancel
consecutive in a row consecutive
continue on - continue
current status status
different varieties varieties
equally as well equally
final outcome outcome
first and foremost first
first introduction introduction
first priority priority
goals and objectives goals
in close proximity close
joined together joined
mixed together mixed
mutual cooperation cooperation
necessary requisite requisite
one and the same the same
overall plan plan
past history history
personal opinion opinion
physical size size
point in time time
reason why reason

refer back to refer to

repeat again repeat
small in size small
take action act
this particular instance this instance
this particular time now
triangular in shape triangular
true facts facts
uniformly consistent consistent
whether or not whether
you may or may not know you may know
where (after an equation) in which

Latin terms and abbreviations

ca. circa (about, approximately)
cf. confer (compare)
e.g. exempli gratia (for example)
et al. et alii, et aliae, et alia (and others)
etc. et cetera (and other things, and so on)
et seq. et sequientes (and the following)
f.v. folio verso (on the back of the page)
ibid. ibidem (in the same place)
id. idem (the same)
i.e. id est (that is)
inf. infra (below)
loc. cit. loco citato (in the place cited)
n.b. nota bene (note well)
op. cit. opere citato (in the work cited)
Q.E.D. quod erat demonstrandum (which was to be proved)
q.v. quod vide (which see, a reference to another part of a published work)
sic sic (so, thus, inserted in brackets)
sup. supra (above)
s.v. sub verbo, sub voce (under the word)

ut sup. ut supra (as above)

v. or vs. versus
viz. videlicet (namely)
vs. versus (inverted, against)


Reference Material

Periodicals and handbooks

IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication
Published since 1958 to improve professional communication among the IEEE members
The Elements of Style, by Strunk and White (Macmillan, 1979)
A good reference for a quick tutorial. Everybody should read this book, which tells about
English prose writing in general
A Handbook for Scholars by Mary-Claire van Leunen (Knopf, 1978).
This well-written book is a real pleasure to read, in spite of its unexciting title. It explains
the use of footnotes, references and quotations, instead of the old-fashioned op. cit. way
Writing Mathematics Well by Leonard Gillman. Mathematical Association of America
Gillmans book refers to the three previous classics in the field:
An article by Harley Flanders, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1971, pp. 1-10
Another by R. P. Boas in the same journal, 1981, pp. 727-731.
Theres also a nice booklet called How to Write Mathematics, published by the American Mathematical Society in 1973, especially the essay by Paul R. Halmos on pp. 1948
Mathematical Writing, by Donald E. Knuth, Tracy Larrabee, Paul M. Roberts. Mathematical
Association of America, 1989
This book is based on a course given by Donald Knuth at Stanford University. It discusses technical writing and presentation of mathematics and computer science, including
preparation of theses, papers, and books

Reference books
Handbook of Technical Writing, Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. Brusaw, Walter. E. Oliu. St.
Martins Press, New York, 2006
Highly recommended; complete handbook on technical writing; entries arranged in alphabetical order; excellent index; English as a second language guidance; includes succinct guide
to the writing process. Supporting material at
An Outline of Scientific Writing: For Researchers With English as a Foreign Language, J. T.
Yang. World Scientific, 1995
May be especially useful to English as a second language writers
MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication, J. G. Paradis and M. L. Zimmerman.
MIT, Cambridge, 2002

Discusses all types of technical communication and includes a list of 27 guidelines for style
and usage
Scientific Style in English, Marcelo S. Alencar. To be published in 2011.
Discusses scientific, mathematical and technical reading an writing and includes essential
information on preparation of books and oral presentation. The book also explains the use

Popular words and spelling

The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.
Instead of the historical words found in the previously mentioned dictionaries, this one has
the popular words explained in very simple English
Websters New Word Speller Divider.
People who do not spell well find this book to be quite useful
Rogets Thesaurus.
This book is a synonym dictionary. Use it if you know that a word exists but you have
forgotten it or when you want to avoid repetition, to define a new technical term or a new
name for a paper
The Secretarys Quick Reference Handbook, by Sheryl L. Lindsell. Arco, 1989, New York
This is a simplified and easy-to-use manual to correct writing.

Dictionaries and a book to be read

Websters Dictionary of English Usage, 1989
A dictionary is always a wonderful resource. This edition goes well beyond the American
Heritage usage notes. It is filled with choice examples
Websters Standard American Style Manual. Merrian-Webster Inc. 1985, Springfield, United
A practical guide to the conventions of the English language, which offers concise and comprehensive descriptions of the rules to prepare documentation that is clear and consistent.
English for Electrical Engineers, by James MacAllister and Giorgio Madama. Longman, 1976.
The book presents and analyzes interesting texts, in increasing order of difficulty, along
with language tips and grammar

The TEX and LATEX reference books

The TEXbook (Computers & Typesetting), by Donald E. Knuth. Addison-Wesley Professional.
1984, New York, United States.
This is the reference book on TEX
LATEX A Document Preparation System (2nd Edition), by Leslie Lamport Addison-Wesley Series
on Tools and Techniques for Computer T, 1994, New York, United States.
This is the reference book on LATEX

The Oxford English Dictionary (usually called the OED).
This is a useful reference book
The OED Supplement.
The supplement brings the OED up to date. The supplement comes in four volumes
The American Heritage Dictionary
This dictionary contains usage notes and an appendix with Indo-European root words
Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus, can be found at
Useful, gives etymology and pronunciation of words
Wordsmyth Dictionary and Thesaurus, can be found at
Very useful, although definitions are brief, it identifies parts of speech

Dictionaries and grammars

The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Style and Usage, by Mary A. DeVries. Berkley Books, 1999,
New York, United States
A compact dictionary, with cross-references in place of a traditional subject index.
The Oxford English Dictionary of English Grammar, by Sylvia Chalker and Edmund Weiner.
Oxford University Press. 1994, London, United Kingdom
This is a very useful reference book
Modern Grammar, by Paul Roberts. Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. 1968, New York, United
This book presents the sentence-producing mechanism and examines the skeleton of the
English sentence

Recommended guides to writing

The Elements of Technical Writing. Gary Blake and Robert W. Bly. Macmillan. 1993. United
A concise reference text with useful information on clear writing and punctuation
The Canadian Style A Guide to Writing and Editing, by Dundurn Press Limited in cooperation
with Public Works and Government Services Canada. 1997, Toronto, Canada
A reference text with useful information for public servants on standards, recommendations
and information to ensure quality in their writing
The Broadview Pocket Guide to Writing. Doug Babington and Don LePan. Broadview Press,
2002. Canada
This book addresses the specialized writing problems of professionals, including information
on units of measurement, equations and symbols, principles of technical communication,
and how to write proposals, articles, reports and manuals

Recommended online writing guides

Mayfield Handbook of Technical and Scientific Writing. L. C. Perelman, J. Paradis, and E.
Recommended as a complete guide to technical writing from MIT; concise explanation of
most aspects of technical writing. It gives English as a Second Language (ESL) pointers
Online Writing Lab (OWL).
Guide to effective writing at college level. Includes grammar and punctuation with exercises
and ESL
Supporting material for Handbook of Technical Writing. Alred et al.;
Grammar, Punctuation, and Capitalization: A Handbook for Technical Writers and Editors.
NASA Report. Hypertext or PDF. Includes rules for technical writing
AIP Style Manual. Style 4thed.html
American Institute of Physics gives stylistic guidance, especially relevant to physics articles
LATEX Style Guide for the Journal of Integer Sequences Version 1.10

Writing references
Bartleby Classic Online Books
A good collection of writers aids, that includes the American Heritage Dictionary, Rogets
Thesaurus, quotations, and more:
American Heritage Dictionary.
Elements of Style., classic handbook, written by William Strunk
in 1918
Kings English., by H. W. Fowler (1908), another classic
Writing Research Papers A Complete Guide, by James D. Lester. Scott, Foresman and Company, 1984, Glenview, United States
A guide for college and university students inexperienced in research paper writing
How to Edit a Scientific Journal, by Claude T. Bishop. ISI Press, 1984, Philadelphia, United


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