Foreign Exchange Transaction in Sonali Bank Limited.
Foreign Exchange Transaction in Sonali Bank Limited.
Foreign Exchange Transaction in Sonali Bank Limited.
Prepared By
Md. Shamim Ahamed
ID NO: 09364046
Brac University
May 16, 2013
Prepared By
Md. Shamim Ahamed
ID NO: 09364046
Internship Supervisor
Md. Fazley Elahi Chowdhury
Course Instructor, Business Administration Discipline
Brac University
Brac University
May 16, 2013
Dear Sir,
It is a great pleasure for me to submit the internship report, which is a requirement for the
MBA program
During the four months internship period, I was assigned to submit the report under the
topic of An Overview of Foreign Exchange Transaction in Sonali Bank Limited
(Local Office, Dhaka).
This report is submitted for partial fulfillment to obtaining the degree of Masters of
Business Administration (MBA) from Brac University, which was assigned to me by you.
It has been a fruitful experience for me to work in such an organization and prepare this
report. It would be my great pleasure if you find this report useful and informative.
Sincerely Yours,
Md. Shamim Ahamed
ID: 09364046
First of all I would like to thank Almighty Allah the merciful, the gracious who has given
me the ability, intelligence and energy to complete my Internship Report.
I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Md. Fazley Elahi Chowdhury for
his cooperation, suggestion, guidance and continuous encouragement throughout the
course of the study. His inspiration and careful observation are beneficial to reach at this
I note with great gratitude that the management of Sonali Bank Ltd. extended all types of
co-operation during my assignment. My also thanks go to other officers working in the
Bank during my data collection for their help in various related issues.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
1.4 Limitations
1.5 Methodology
2.3 Exchange Rate Management System
3.4 Commitments
4.1.5 Settlement
Sonali Bank Ltd is one of the recognized banks in our country. Banking sector in
Bangladesh has been pursuing the policy of expansion and growth of branches.
People and the government itself are very much dependent on the service provided by
the 57 banks in the financial markets. To know how well commercial banks perform
No country can do itself without interaction with other countries in any respect. The
main reason behind it is that no country is self sufficient with everything it requires to
provide its people. One country can be able to produce some item more in amount
than it needs. Given the situation, the item more than necessary needs to be exported
to some other country that cannot produce the same as per requirement and vice versa.
And this situation leads to international trade, which is executed maintaining some
procedures. Everybody though linked with international trade somehow in the
globalization era today, does not have a clear knowledge as to what these procedures
are like. This study has intended to serve that purpose of giving an overview of import
export procedures along with a highlight on foreign remittance and that from Sonali
Bank Limited, Local office perspective.
The study is almost all description. The study gives an insight into the procedures and
formalities maintained by Sonali Bank Limited in handling international tradeimport, export, along with foreign remittance. The study has been conducted largely
depending on secondary data sources such as manual, annual reports, bank parikrama
and other documents. It is mentioned here that no structured/written questionnaire was
used for the purpose to serve.
1.1 Background of the Study
As a business banking has had an evolution from pre historic period to the present
time. It has developed to this position phase by phase. Now it is in its extreme
organized form. It is an essential component of a sound economic system for smooth
functioning of fund mobilization. Frankly speaking, it is the mainstream that leads to
the economic position of a country. It is considered the lifeblood of an economy.
People of all profession are somehow getting benefit out of it.
Now days a sound banking system has become a sine-qua-non for the progress of a
country, especially in the arena of globalization today. International trade has peeped
to our everyday life. As for example jute produced in suburb areas of Bangladesh is
being used in far European countries in the form of bags for shopping. Again the
fertilizer and machinery that are being used to produce jute and other agro products
are imported from Japan. People working abroad are remitting money into
Bangladesh. Given this, close contact with foreign exchange has been a mast. But the
general public along with others most likely to get involved in foreign exchange does
not have a clear understanding thereof.
1.4 Limitations
Problems are generic to study. That is some shortcoming in report writing and this
one is also not exceptional. The study was focusing mainly on foreign exchange
practice. Sonali Bank Limited is doing foreign exchange trade through 29 authorized
dealers out of 101 branches across the country, one of, which is located in Khulna.
The internship was settled to Sonali Bank Limited, Local office for the purpose to
serve. The main problem posed during the internship was data unavailability. Due to
the secrecy, the bank could not provide information very much necessary for the
perfect completion of the report.
1.5 Methodology
Research method designs the entire works. An appropriate method has to be
developed for completing the work successfully. The core objectives of this study
were to know procedures and formalities of foreign exchange business and to find out
contribution of the bank in this regard. The study was based on papers and documents
evaluation of import and export trade and personal observation. For achieving the
core objective, the study was conducted on import and export trade of Sonali Bank
Two types of data source were identified for collecting necessary data- primary source
and secondary source.
After the identification of the data sources, all the relevant and pertinent data was
collected. To collect primary data about the foreign exchange business, the internee
observed the activities of the officers of foreign exchange department, discussed with
them about different aspects and steps of foreign exchange business.
This study was primarily based on secondary data available from foreign exchange
department of Sonali Bank Limited, Local office. In addition to these, other necessary
information has been collected from annual reports of Sonali Bank Limited, annual
Bank Parikhryama and other documents.
Data collected from various sources were processed further for the purpose of the
study. Necessary tables have been prepared on the basis of collected data. Analysis of
data was done mainly of two key variables- import trade and export trade of Sonali
Bank Limited along with a highlight on foreign remittance. The intern has intended to
find out the status of import and export trade along with foreign remittance of Sonali
Bank Limited on the basis of availability of information during the study.
2.1 International Trade and Foreign Exchange
International business is all transactions- private and government- involving two or
more countries. Private companies venture it for profit while government ones, for the
reason else.
Now days it is a vital issue comprising a large and growing portion of the world total
business. All companies- large or small are affected by international business
consisting of import and export. To operate it effectively, managers must understand
these modes of import and export. But there arises a question in what leads one to
venturing such undertakings. Companies get involved in import-export business or the
objectives shown below:
To Expand Sales
Higher sales in higher profit but sale depends on consumers interest in products or
services and consumers willingness and ability to buy them. The number of people
and amount of their purchasing power are higher for the world as a whole than for a
single country. Hence companies increase sales by defining a certain markets in
international terms. It is mentioned that many of the largest companies derive half of
their sales from outside their home country.
Acquire Resources
Sometimes companies running domestically get involved in foreign business for
acquiring capital technologies and information to be used at home with a hope of
increased profit margin or cost savings passed on to ultimate customers. Though the
underlying factor is profit maximization.
In fact foreign exchange is a part and parcel of international trade- import- export.
International traded is the process of movement of goods among countries whereas
foreign exchange is the mechanism that carries out the payment from one currency to
another. Basically all the instruments that are used for international payment are
termed as foreign exchange.
The main objectives of the act are to conserve the limited foreign exchange resources
and to ensure that the available foreign exchange is utilized only for priority
requirements in the economic and financial interests of Bangladesh and the
maintenance of the proper accounting of foreign exchange receipts and payments.
Bangladesh Bank is responsible for administration to regulation under the act
Bangladesh Bank reviews the exchange control measure from time to time and revises
the instruction on policy and measures, whenever necessary through different foreign
exchange circulars. Authorized dealers in foreign exchange are required to bring the
foreign exchange regulations to the notice of their customers in their day to day
dealings. Actually all the regulatory amendments or changes are implemented by the
authorized dealers at the levels where transactions with the customers take place. And
so authorized dealers are to ensure compliance with the regulations by the customers.
Bangladesh Bank issue licenses to deal in foreign exchange empowered by the foreign
exchange regulation act 1947. Central bank may issue general licenses or licenses
with authority to perform limited functions only. The authorized dealers must
maintain adequate and proper records of all foreign exchange transactions and furnish
such particulars in the prescribed returns for submission to the Bangladesh Bank.
Since 1976 a lot of reform measures have been undertaken in Bangladesh. On October
20, 1993 Bangladeshi Taka was declared convertible on current account transactions
and in April 1994 Bangladesh government has been awarded with the status of article
viii of ix. The major deregulatory measures and changes taken place during last few
years have been pointed out in the following paragraphs:
With the exceptions of a few reserved sectors, investors are free to make investment
in Bangladesh in industrial enterprises. Foreign investors are free to remit their posttax profits to their own country.
Non residents are free to invest in shares/securities, with foreign exchange sent or
brought into Bangladesh through banking channel. Foreign investors are free to remit
their dividend to their own country.
Foreign owned as well as joint venture industrial units located in Bangladesh might
freely borrow funds in foreign currency from abroad. Local banks may extend
working capital loans or term loans in local currency to foreign controller or owned
firms operating in Bangladesh.
Annual foreign exchange quota for business travel abroad for the new exporters has
been set at US $ 6000. Generally, merchandise exporters may retain 50% of realized
fob value of their exports in foreign currency accounts.
Importers and entitled for business travel quota @ of 1% of the imports settled during
the previous financial year, while the non exporting products are entitled for the
business travel quota @ of 1% of their turnover of the preceding financial year as
declared in the tax return.
Incoming passengers may bring in any amount of foreign exchange with declaration
in FMI form at the time of arrival. No declaration is necessary for amounts up to US $
Non-resident foreign currency deposit accounts may now be maintained as long as the
account holders desire. Bangladesh nationals having bank accounts abroad who were
opened while banking there may now maintain such accounts even after their return to
Persons ordinarily resident in Bangladesh may maintain foreign value added with
foreign exchange brought in at the time of their return to Bangladesh from visits
abroad. These accounts are termed as resident foreign currency deposit accounts.
Travel quota entitlement of Bangladesh nationals is set at US $ 3000 per year for
visits to countries other than SAARC member countries and Myanmar. Quota for
SAARC member countries and Myanmar is US $ 1000 for travel by air and US $ 500
for travel by land route.
Adjustable peg- it requires nations to periodically change per values when in balance
of payments disequilibrium.
Crawling peg- it changes per values by small amounts at frequent specified intervals
unit the equilibrium exchange rate is reached.
Exchanged Control
In order to maintain the value of the currency in terms of the other currency, a country
must endeavor to achieve a favorable balance of payments. So, if the imports and
capital outflow is higher than the exports and capital inflows then the excess will have
to be paid from its stock of foreign currencies. Exchange control is usually imposed to
restrict imports and capital outflows and encourages exports and capital inflows. By
definition it is the control of the dealing in foreign currency by the state through the
banking system. Residents alone concern it with controlling the purchase and sell of
currencies. A currency is not fully convertible when exchange control is operated.
Exchange control, which became common during and after World War II basically to
impose control on:
i. Current account transactions and
ii. Capital account transactions
An adequate level of reserve to face cyclical shortfalls in the BOP or temporary trade
Sound macro-economic policies, which involve the adoption of sound fiscal and
monetary policies to maintain a sustainable current account balance.
Incentives to the economic agents to respond to the market price. Domestic producers
should be well equipped to harness the benefit of the openness in the economy.
Convertibility of Taka
The financial authority of Bangladesh made the Taka convertible on current account
since October 20, 1993 and already awarded article .. status of international
monetary fund. The declaration means a commitment of the part of Bangladesh to
allow her citizens to convert Taka into foreign exchange to meet obligations falling
into the category of current account. The declaration did not come about all on a
sudden. Preparations for convertibility started a long time back in the seventies. Since
1976, a lot of economic reform measures were undertaken in Bangladesh. These
reform measures include: decentralization and privatization of industries and banks,
improvement in fiscal management, tariff rationalization, opening of trade regime etc.
these have paved the way to convertibility.
i. Cash in Advance
In this method of payment, the buyer places the funds at the disposal of seller prior to
shipment of goods in accordance with the sales contract, which is certainly to be
concluded between importer and exporter before the trade transactions. if the exporter
is not sure about the buyers credit or there are other circumstances, which cast doubt
on the certainty of getting paid, a last resort is to ask for cash in advance. This may be
acceptable to a first class buyer who trusts seller to deliver the goods. In the long run,
however, it may not be competitive and buyers will not want to continue importing
goods if they can turn to other suppliers offering better terms.
Since this method of payment is expensive and contains a lot of risks on the part of
buyer, they may not be willing to accept such terms. Thus it is rarely used in
Correspondent Relationship
No bank has its own branch network all over the world. To operate interSonali
Banking business, it must depend on other foreign banks in different countries
without establishing correspondent relationship, a bank cannot advise it import L/C to
the foreign beneficiaries, getting export L/Cs or run remittance business
Agency Agreement
The agreement under which correspondent relationship is to be established is called
agency agreement. Agency agreement may be formal or informal. In a formal
agreement, a schedule of agency agreement is to be prepared and signed by the both
banks. Many banks do not sign any schedule of agency agreement. They consider that
the correspondent relationship has been established when the control documents are
exchanged between the two banks.
Special Agreement
In case of need, special agreement is to be made for direct draft drawing arrangement
or telegraphic transfer arrangement for inward remittance, bill collection arrangement
ii. Authorized another bank to effect such payment, or to accept and pay such
bill of exchange (draft).
Revocable Credit
A revocable credit is a credit, which can be amended or cancelled by the issuing bank
at any time without prior notice of the seller.
Irrevocable Credit
An irrevocable credit is a credit, which cannot be amended or cancelled without
agreement of the concerned parties.
iii. Back to back credit- The back to back credit is a new credit opened on the
basis of an original credit in favor or another beneficiary. Under back to back concept
the seller as a beneficiary of the first credit offers it as security to the advising bank
for the issuance of the second credit. The beneficiary of the back to back credit may
be located inside or outside the original beneficiarys country.
iv. Anticipatory credit- The anticipatory credit makes provision for pre
shipment payment, to the beneficiary in anticipation of his effecting the shipment as
per L/C conditions.
v. Red clause- When the clause of the credit authorizing the negotiating bank
to provide pre-shipment advance to the beneficiary is printed in red, the credit is
called red clause letter of credit.
Under the above mentioned clauses, the opening bank is liable for the pre
shipment advances made by the negotiated bank, in case the beneficiary fails to repay
or deliver the documents for negotiation.
Corporate Profile
CEO and Managing
Company Secretary
Legal Status
Date of Incorporation
Date of Vendor's
: 15 November, 2007
Authorised Capital
Paid-up Capital
Number of Employee
: 21,839
Number of Branches
: 1200
: 88-02-9561410, 9552007
: [email protected]
Registered Office
Dedicated to extend a whole range of quality products that support divergent needs of
people aiming at enriching their lives, creating value for the stakeholders and
contributing towards socio-economic development of the country
Your trusted partner in innovating banking
3.4 Commitments
In Serving Customers
Credibility & secrecy
In Serving the Bank
Total commitment & dedication
(b) Upon discussion the exporter prepares a pro-forma invoice staring quality,
quantity, unit price, total value, transshipment or otherwise, and sends it to the
(c) The importer satisfied upon the terms and conditions, puts signature
mentioning accepted on the invoice, resulting in a contractual binding. Then the
importer applies to the bank for opening a L/C submitting invoice thereto.
(d) Banks make the compliance of the products imported with harmonized
system code. H.S.C matching, the bank issues LCAF for the importer to fill in the
bank also requires the importer to submit the following documents:
v. Trade license
ix. Upon receipt of the above mentioned documents the bank issues an L/C for
relative document charges and sends it to the advising bank in beneficiarys country
to pas the L/C to the beneficiary
x. Upon receipt of the L/C the exporter carries out all formalities required
exporting goods
xii. The shipping company issues bill of lading upon taking delivery of the
goods on board for necessary charges
Not accepted
Not Satisfied
Shipment of goods
Lodgment of documents by
issuing bank
Goods transferred to
importer upon full
Goods transferred to
banks custody
Necessary entries
into the register &
payment of bill
Release of documents to importer
upon payment
Exporter informs the importer about the shipment of goods along with an invoice, B/L
and packing list if any. On the other hand, he submits the following documents to the
negotiating bank are forwarded to the issuing bank, which performs lodgment upon
receipts of the documents forwarded. Upon arrival of the import documents from
negotiating bank, the dealing officer of the issuing bank sees whether the documents
are complied with L/C terms and conditions. If so, necessary entries are made in the
register to complete the lodgment. Before lodgment, the following documents are
i. Bill of exchange
v. Certificate of origin
Otherwise discrepancies are shown and informed to the negotiating bank for the
knowledge of the exporter within a certain/reasonable time. A list of discrepancies is
given in appendix-A. The payment is held up till then and the issuing bank can cut $
50 from the original bill the issuing bank makes payment to the negotiating bank after
correction through negotiating bank.
Import Bill
In case of failure of the importer to pay the bill the bank extends import bill loan
package but the goods are kept under the direct control of the bank. Bank terms it as
an investment in the form of partnership business under IB. the bank charges a profit
rate and it will charge profit only for as many days as the loan is used. Generally, loan
is sanctioned for the three months under this investment account.
Postal Import
Upon the failure of the importer to pay the bank yet, the IB is transferred to PI where
the investment can last for as long as one year. It requires approval from the head
office for the sanction. Profit in this case is charged the same way as in PI. In interest
based bank it is termed as LIM loan against import.
Cash Credit
Import finance is also sanctioned under this principal. In this case 100% collateral is
required for the importer to get loan inactive under this account. This investment
account is adjusted as the importer makes payment.
Pre-Shipment Finance
Pre-shipment is needed only when the importer is required to place with the
government before receiving permission.
The authorized dealers sell dollar to the customer at higher rate and buys from the
same at lower rate. A base rate is maintained on the inter bank market. This base rate
is in force in buying and selling of dollars among banks. While buying from the
customer a rate, a bit lesser than the base rate is used. The authorized dealers buy
from the customer at lower rates and adds a margin (transportation coasts, brokerage
fees, and profit) to make it in line with base rate in force in inter-bank. While selling
to the customer the AD sells at a rate higher than the base rate. This additional
includes transportation cost, profit and brokerage fees. Mentioned that this additional
charge varies depending upon the transaction size and the customer relationship with
Bangladesh Bank follows the pegging system of exchange of taka with a basket of
foreign currencies. The basket of foreign currencies is determined considering the
currencies of major trading partners of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Bank fixes the rate of
foreign currency exchange based on the calculation of nominal effective exchange
rate and real effective exchange rate.
Then it devalues or appreciates the exchange rate as and when necessary, which in
turn result in nominal exchange rate. Actually this is the rate dictated by Bangladesh
bank to apply. The commercial bank then adds or deducts as necessary to execute the
foreign exchange.
i) Issuing
ii) Advising
iii) Amendment
v) Settlement
Upon the request of the importer, the bank located in importers country generally
opens a L/C behalf of the importer and in favor of the exporter with requiring the
importer to submit necessary documents being satisfied with by the bank.
The issuing bank takes necessary steps to advise the exporter of the L/C through its
foreign correspondent known as advising bank generally located in the exporters
Amendment of Credit
Parties involved in a L/C, particularly the seller and the buyer may not always satisfy
the terms and conditions in full as expected due to some obvious and genuine reasons.
In such a situation, the credit should bb amended.
In case of revocable credit, it can be amended or cancelled by the issuing bank at any
moment and without prior notice to the beneficiary. But in case of irrevocable credit,
it can neither be amended nor cancelled without the agreement of the issuing bank,
the confirming bank (if any) and the beneficiary.
Presentation of Documents
The seller being satisfied with the terms and conditions of the credit proceeds to
dispatch the required goods to the buyers and after5 that, has to present the documents
evidencing dispatching of goods to the negotiating banks n or before the stipulated
expiry date of the credit. After receiving all the documents, the negotiating bank
checks the documents against the credit. If the documents are found in order, the bank
will pay, accept or negotiate to the issuing bank. The issuing bank also checks the
documents and if they are found as per requirement, either
i. Effects payment or
4.1.5 Settlement
It means fulfilling the commitment of issuing bank in regard to effecting payment
subject to satisfying the credit terms fully. This settlement may be done under threeseparate arrangement as stipulated in the credit. These are-
Settlement by Payment
Here the seller presents the documents to the paying bank and the bank then
scrutinizes the documents. If satisfied, the paying bank makes payment to the
beneficiary and in case this bank is other than the issuing bank, then sends the
documents to the issuing bank. If the issuing bank is satisfied with the requirements,
the paying bank from the issuing bank obtains payment.
Settlement by Acceptance
Under this arrangement, the seller submits the documents evidencing the shipment to
the accepting bank accompanied by the draft drawn on the bank (where credit is
available) at the specified tenor. After being satisfied with the documents, the bank
accepts the documents and the draft and if it is a bank other than the issuing bank,
then sends the documents to the issuing bank stating that it has accepted the draft and
at maturity the reimbursement will be obtain in the pre-agreed manner.
Settlement by Negotiation
This settlement procedure starts with the submission of documents by the seller to the
negotiating bank accompanied by a draft drawn on the buyer or any other drawer, at a
tenor or a sight, as specified in the credit. After scrutinizing that the documents meet
the credit requirements, the bank may negotiate the draft. This bank, if other than the
issuing bank, then sends the documents and the draft to the issuing bank. As usual,
reimbursement will be obtained in the pre-agreed manner.
Registration of Exporters
The export from Bangladesh is subject to export trade control exercised by the
ministry of commerce through chief controller of imports and exports (CCI & E). No
exporter is allowed to export to any commodities permissible for export from
Bangladesh unless he is registered with CCI & E and holds valid Export Registration
Certificate (ERC). The ERC is required to be renewed every year. The4 ERC number
is to be incorporated on EXP forms and other papers connected with exports.
On receipt of necessary advice from the offices of the controller/joint
controller/deputy controller/assistant controller of imports and exports, applicants for
export registration certificate are required to deposit requisite registration fee to the
government head of account 42-trade and commerce fees realized under the imports
and exports control act 1950 through Bangladesh Bank/Government Treasury/Sonali
Bank. Copies of treasury chalans showing payment of fees should be sent to the
concerned offices of the chief controller of imports and exports for enabling them to
issue export registration certificate. Once registered, exporters are required to make
annual payments for having their export registration certificate renewed.
iv. Shipment
vi. Inspection
vii. Arbitration
i. The terms of the L/C are in conformity with those of the contract.
ii. The L/C is an irrevocable one, preferably confined by the advising bank.
iii. The L/C allows sufficient time for shipment and a reasonable time for
iv. If the exporter wants the letter of credit to be transferable, divisible and
advisable, he should ensure that these stipulations are specifically mentioned in the
Shipment of Goods
The following are the documents normally involved at the stage of shipment:
i. EXP form (it must be certified by the bank first and then by the custom
iii. Invoice
v. Certificate of origin
x. GSPI certificate
At this stage the exporter submits documents for negotiation in order to get proceeds
Pre-Shipment Credit
Pre-shipment credit as the name suggests, is given to finance the activities of an
exporter prior to actual shipment of goods for export. The of such credit is to meet
working capital needs starting from the point of purchasing of raw materials to
transportation of goods for export to foreign country. Before allowing such credit to
the exporter the bank takes into consideration the credit worthiness, export
performance of the exporter, together with all other necessary information required
for sanctioning the credit in accordance with the existing rules and regulations, preshipment credit is given for the following purposes:
v. Inspection fees
An exporter can obtain credit facilities against lien on the irrevocable, confirmed,
unrestricted export letter of each.
merchandise in favor of the bank but neither the ownership nor the possession is
passed to it.
i. That of the actual supplier shall substitute name of the original beneficiary
ii. The credit amount shall normally be lower than that of the original letter of
credit. The differences being the amount of profit the exporter expects to earn from
the deal.
iii. The back to back letter of credit shall be made valid for shipment and
negotiation prior to expiry of the corresponding date.
The following documents are usually called for depending on the nature of the export
credit facilities to be provided at the pre shipment stage.
vi. Letter of disclaimer to the signed by the owner of the go-down in case of
rented go-down
xi. EPC/ERF duly certified by Bangladesh bank chance and other documents,
if any
well as other relevant documents connected with export in accordance with the rules
and regulations in force. Banks in our country extend post shipment credit to the
exporters through:
i. Export policy
ii. Promotional organs for export national committee for exports and export
Export Policy
Export policy of Bangladesh is formulated by the ministry of commerce to provide
the overall guideline and incentives for promotion of export. It has been dedicated to
formulate this policy to cover a 5-year period to make them contemporaneous with
the 5-year plans and to provide continuity top the policy regime. The existing export
policy (1997-2002) has come into effect from 1st July 1998 and remains in force till
30th June 2002. However, the policy is announced, if required. Government may
review the policy once in every year and may take decision as deemed fit. The policy
is formulated with the following objectives:
vii. To simplify the export procedure and rationalize the incentive structure to
Export Council
Consultative body comprising of chambers, exporters association and institutions of
public sector.
Export Incentives
To achieve the objectives of the export policy several incentives and facilities have
been made available to the exporters. Some of the incentives as offered are described
Convertibility of Taka
Taka has been made convertible in the current account from March 26, 1994 in lien
with the policy of export-led growth in the liberalized world market. Under this
arrangement, exporters are getting following facilities:
Fiscal Incentives
Duty draw back-exporters of manufactured products are entitled to draw back after
the export is effected the amount of custom duty and sales tax already paid at the time
of importing raw materials. Duty may be returned under any of the systems namely
actual drawback, national drawback and flat rate drawback.
Duty free Import of Raw Materials for Export Oriented Leather Industries
To encourage increase in production in finished leather and export at competitive
prices, customs duty and LCA fees livable on import of wet blue and pickled leather
by export oriented leather industries will be exempted.
Cash Incentives
Government used to give cash benefit in lieu of bonded warehouse facility or duty
drawback for export oriented domestic textile sector and RMG industries. At 25%
compensatory assistance in cash is admissible, in case of imported inputs, if the duty
drawback facility has not been utilized or if a garment cum manufacturer of fabrics
uses local inputs. For this purpose domestic handloom sector is admissible to get 10%
cash incentives. If the exporter is an intermediary buyer, the facility will go the
original producer of the import. For quick disbursement of cash incentives to the
exporter placement of fund in advance made by the Bangladesh Bank to the head
office authorized dealers bank. Cash incentive is also admissible against export of
artificial and natural flower, quilt, leather goods and jute goods at the rate of 10%
ii. The value added of these products could be 20% except in the case of
garments where it has to be 30% and above
iii. The loan should be utilized in the case of importing raw materials for
manufacturing the exportable products.\
vii. The exporter can borrow as many times as they likes in a year
ix. An exporter can borrow an amount not exceeding $500000 in a single case
but outstanding should not be over $1000000
As for banker, the EDF allows a spread between 2.5% for the established exporter and
3.5% for the new exporter for every loan for the client.
Other Incentives
i. Reduced airfreight for export of all crash program items including fruits and
ii. Special premium rebates are allowed on fire and marine insurance covers to
export oriented industries of nontraditional items.
iii. Local raw materials used as direct input for export products are regarded as
deemed export a quality for all export incentives and benefits.
As mark of national recognition 45 nationals trophies are awarded every year to the
mostly outstanding exporters in 15 product sectors. The trophy winning exporters are
given CIP.
Cable or telex instructions of payment along with a test number are called TT. Where
a foreign bank issues a TT in favor of someone in Bangladesh, it credits the amount,
received from the remitter to the Nostro account of its correspondent bank. On receipt
of the TT the paying bank in Bangladesh will make payment of the proceeds of the
TT in foreign currency or in equivalent Bangladeshi taka to the beneficiary. TT clean
purchase rate will be applied for the payment of TT.
Demand Draft
A DD is an instrument in writing containing an order of the issuing bank on the
drawee bank to pay a certain amount to the payee or to his order. There are two ways
to handle DD/cheque to give value to the beneficiary:
Money Transfer
Money transfer is an instrument issued by a remitting bank to the paying bank
advising in writing to make payment of certain amount to the specific beneficiary.
Travelers Cheque
It is an instrument issued by bank or company payable to the purchaser on
presentation after verifying purchasers signature.
Statement S-1
S-1 is for transactions in all currencies other than transactions with ACU member
Statement S-2
S-2 is for transactions in currencies of ACU member countries.
Statement S-6
S-6 is a foreign currency notes accounts.
There are many report are included in S-1, S-2, and S-6. these are given below by the
If the EXP form is included, then it will be reported in the A-1.
If the EXP form is not included, then it will be reported in the A-2.
When most of the people who live in a foreign country and they earn by wages or
savings, their list and amount will be entry in this form which is reported to the
Bangladesh Bank.
When most of the people whose earning way is different than wages or savings, then
their list and amount will be entry in this form which is reported to the Bangladesh
Bank. Amounts equivalent to below $2000 other than for exports. IRV-1 covers
purpose codes from 0001 to 5999.
When most of the people whose earning way is different than wages or savings, then
their list and amount will be entry in this form which is reported to the Bangladesh
Bank. Amounts equivalent to below $2000 other than for exports. IRV-1 covers
purpose code codes from 6001 to 9999.
When most of the people whose earning way are same like IRV-1 but amounts
equivalent to $2000 and above other than for exports. J-1 covers purpose codes from
0001 to 5999.
When most of the people whose earning way are same like IRV-1 but amounts
equivalent to $2000 and above other than for exports. J-2 covers purpose codes from
6001 to 9999.
This report is a important payment.
This report has an invisible payment. E3/P3 covers purpose codes from 0001 to 5999.
This report has a miscellaneous payment. E4/P4 covers purpose codes from 6001 to
x) List of Directors
The items imported include rice, wheat, maize, fertilizer, bran wheat, soybean cake,
oil cake, coconut oil, mustard, lentils, fruits-mango, grapes, orange, chilies, onion,
garlic, ginger, turmeric, readymade garments, parts accessories and reconditioned
truck, poultry feed, one-day-old chicken, papers, radio, cassette, machinery and toys.
The items exported include jute, shrimps and grind bone and the like.
SBL plays a very important role in the economic development of the country by
facilitating and providing support to exporters. Due to liberal credit to export sector
the bank has been able to handle export trading since its inception.
national economy, resulting in a high GNP growth rate, and for the contribution to
foreign trade remittance as well.
Above all, the bank is exposing on a positive indication in the banking sector towards
the improvement through providing banking service.
Banks have an additional responsibility of marketing for their raw materials as well as
for finished products that is to attract deposits on one hand and to attract borrowers
and users on the other. This double sided nature of banking business make marketing
problems that are more complex than those that are normally faced in commercial
concern. Furthermore bank deal in money, which is the classical, undifferentiated
product and the only way to secure any competitive edge, is through the range and
quality of service they offer.
To market service SBL finds out as much as possible on what and how it is selling. It
strongly believes that perfect delivery of badly conceived service is as disastrous as a
bad delivery of a perfectly designed service. It always tries to convey a well-designed
and desirable corporate image through a suitable channel to the target client to ensure
that they get the right message.
Banking can be considered as an industry whose service components are greater than
product components, and thus image is exceptionally valid in this trade. Already SBL
has been able to build up image in the market place because of its non-price
competition like quality of services, clientele atmosphere and branch layout.
SBL considers its customers as the heart of the organization. It always takes into
consideration customer interest. For this, it charges fees and commission low as much
as possible compared to other banks. Customers are getting service at lower price. In
case of import finance, it chares profit only for as many days as the loan is used and
the rest taken in advance is given back, which is known as rebate, but not available in
other bank. Again it simply charges profit. But in interest-based banks, compound
interest prevails, which is being, criticized everywhere even by the economists and
policy makers- national and international everywhere. SBL is one-step ahead in this
perspective. It strongly believes that maintaining good bank-customer relationship can
provide superior service. Before opening a L/C, a certain percentage of the L/C value
is deposited with the bank. This is known as L/C margin. This margin is determined
by bank-customer relationship.
SBL has been equipped with modern technology to facilities import and export. It has
also become a member of SWIFT. SWIFT is a member owned co-operative, which
provides a fast and accurate communication network for financial transactions such as
L/C, fund transfer etc.
From the analysis it is very obvious that the performance level of SBL is going
upward in this sector and that from absolute perspective. But in comparison to that of
others its performance is not close to competition. It is also lucid that its performance
is increasing on and it is a good indication and inspiration for the bank to that to
promote in the future, no doubt.
1. 100% L/C margin is a must for perishable goods meaning importers of
perishable goods are switching to other banks for opening L/C.
2. L/C margin varies from 10%-50% for non perishable goods depending upon
the relationship between customer and bank.
3. Rebate system is practiced. That is, the bank first charges profit for the
whole year at the beginning on the amount the bank has already sanctioned but adjusts
later only charging for as many days as the loan is used and refunds the rest.
4. It simply charges profit on the amount it sanctions unlike other banks that
charges compound interest rates.
7. Recommendation
Sonali Bank Ltd should improve the standard of their foreign exchange transection
although its current foreign exchange transection are moderately well as compared
with other banks within the industry. This bank follows the basic rules in formulating
their exchange process, Training and development of foreign exchange, and ensures
the sound foreign exchange operations of the bank.
[1] John D. Daniels Lee & Radebaugh, International Business, Eight Editions.
[6] N. Azizul Haque, A Brief Overview of Operational Problems, Bank ParikramaIslamic Banking in Bangladesh, volume-xxi, 1 & 2, March and June 1996.
[7] Foreign Exchange Policy Department Bangladesh Bank, Head Office, Dhaka.
Management Hierarchy of Sonali Bank Limited
Board of Directors
Sl No.
A.S.M Nayeem
Shekhar Dutta
Common Discrepancies Check List
Shipment effected from port other than that stipulated in the credit
Late shipment
Short shipment
endorsed correctly
documents presented