Premature Failures in Plate Bonded Strengthened RC Beams With An Emphasis On Premature Shear A Review PDF

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International Journal of the Physical Sciences Vol. 6(2), pp.

156-168, 18 January, 2011

Available online at
DOI: 10.5897/IJPS10.369
ISSN 1992 - 1950 2011 Academic Journals


Premature failures in plate bonded strengthened RC

beams with an emphasis on premature shear: A review
M. Z. Jumaat, M. A. Rahman*, M. A. Alam and M. M. Rahman
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Accepted 13 January, 2011

The aim of the present study is to review the performance of plate bonded flexurally strengthened
reinforced concrete beams. This paper also describes the methods and materials used for flexural and
shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams and weaknesses of plate bonded systems. The plate
bonding method often has some serious premature debonding failure which can be classified as plate
end debonding (end peeling), tension delamination and premature shear failure due to insufficient
shear reinforcement. Premature failures must be prevented in order to utilize the full flexural capacity of
flexural strengthened reinforced concrete beams. Premature shear failure is one of the major concerns
of the flexurally strengthened reinforced concrete (RC) beams. Hence, proper design of external shear
strengthening system is required for eliminating premature shear failure of flexurally strengthened RC
beams. The review focuses on the possible model and design guideline available in the literature for
eliminating premature failures. The paper also discusses a probable approach to eliminate premature
Key words: Premature shear, strengthening, CFRP, debonding, eliminating shears.
In general, reinforced concrete (RC) falls into two
categories: flexure and shear. In order to take full
advantage of the potential ductility of the RC members, it
is desirable to ensure that flexure rather than shear
govern ultimate strength because shear failure is sudden,
brittle and catastrophic in nature which occurs with no
advance warning of distress. Shear failure is more
dangerous than flexural failure. For this reason RC
beams must be designed to develop their full flexural

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].

Tel: +60102962838. Fax: +603-7967 5318.
Abbreviations: RC, Reinforced concrete; CFRP, carbon fibre
reinforced polymer; GFRP, glass fibre reinforced polymer; NSM,
near surface mounted; FRP, fibre reinforced polymers; CDC,
critical diagonal crack; IC debonding, intermediate crack

capacity and assure a ductile flexural failure mode under

extreme loading. However, if under-reinforced concrete
beams required flexural strengthening, there is possibility
of occurring shear deficiencies. From the practical point
of view under-reinforced designed beam can take more
loads due to flexural strengthening. Hence, shear failure
needs to be eliminated in order to utilize the full flexural
capacity. End anchorage system can be used to eliminate
end delamination. Many of the existing and flexural
strengthened RC beams have been found to be deficient
in shear strength and in need of shear strengthening.
Using ferrocement laminate
Ferrocement is a thin composite material which is
composed of cement mortar reinforced with uniformly

Jumaat et al.

distributed layers of continuous, relatively small diameter,

wire meshes. The report containing the design and
construction of ferrocement is published by the ACI
committee 549 (ACI549-88R; ACI549.1-88R, 1988).
Ferro-cement, being of the same cementitious material
as reinforced concrete (RC), is ideally suited as an
alternative strengthening component for the rehabilitation
of RC structures (Paramasivam et al., 1998). It
possesses higher tensile strength to weight ratio and a
degree of toughness, ductility, durability and cracking
resistance that is considerably greater than those found
in conventional cement based materials.
The use of ferrocement was first introduced by
Roumaldi (1987) and Iorns (1987) in the early 1980s. The
ferrocement was utilized for its toughness, cracking
resistance and ease of application to fit the difficult
contours of structures. Initial investigation for using
ferrocement laminate as strengthening components for
the repair and strengthening of RC beam was carried out
by Andrews and Sharma (1988).
Nassif et al. (1998) studied the behaviour of
ferrocement concrete composite beams and the required
area of steel mesh in the ferrocement layer to ensure
overall adequate flexural response in comparison with a
similar concrete section. For strengthening beams in
flexure pre-fabricated ferrocement reinforcements were
attached onto the beams tension face before the
ferrocement matrix was cast to complete the laminate. All
the beams strengthened without surface roughening
(Ong et al., 1992) and without using the mechanical
shear connectors (Paramasivam et al., 1994), exhibited
concrete/ferrocement interface and severe delamination
of the ferrocement at failure.
Using externally bonded plates
Externally bonded steel plates and polymer composites
are more significant materials regarding flexural
strengthening purpose. Primarily steel plates were used
for strengthening and repairing of RC members.
Pioneering research with epoxy-bonded steel plates was
carried out by L Hermite and Breson (1967). Until 2010,
many other researchers (Arslan et al., 2008; Macdonald
and Calder, 1982; Roberts and Haji-Kazemi, 1989) have
made several attempts to predict the behaviour and
ultimate strength of flexurally upgraded RC structures
and/or elements. The use of advanced composite fibre
materials as external flexural reinforcement of concrete
and other structures has progressed well in the past
decade in selective applications where cost disadvantage
is outweighed by a number of benefits such as corrosion
resistant, low maintenance requirement, impact resistant,
non conductive and non metallic, fire retardant, light
weight and long life span. The main fibre types used are


carbon (CFRP), glass (GFRP) and aramid (AFRP). There

are two types of fibre reinforced polymers (FRP)
materials currently available: plates and sheets (ISIS
Educational Model 4, 2004). Carbon fibre reinforced
polymer (CFRP) has relatively low modulus of elasticity
and linear stress strain relationship up to rupture with no
definite yield point (ISIS Educational Model 4, 2004).
Moreover, from literature it is found that 40% flexural
strength enhancement is possible for RC beams
strengthened with glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP)
and 200% in case of CFRP (Pendhari et al., 2008). Thus,
numerous research works are found for increasing
flexural strength (Sharif et al., 1994; Saadatmanesh and
Malek, 1998; Ashour et al., 2004; Chajes et al., 1994;
Challal et al., 1998; Buyukozturk et al., 2004; Pham and
Al-Mahaidi, 2004; Anania et al., 2005; Gao et al., 2005;
Toutanji et al., 2006; Yang et al., 2009; Esfahani et al.,
2007; Bogas and Gomes, 2008; Costa and Barros, 2010)
attaching GFRP/CFRP plates to the soffit/tension face of
the beams.
Using near surface mounted (NSM) slits/bars
The near surface mounted (NSM) reinforcement
technique consists of placing the FRP reinforcing bars or
strips into pre-sawn grooves in the concrete cover in the
tension region of the reinforced concrete members and
are bonded to the three sides of the groove using highstrength epoxy adhesive or cementitious grout (Tljsten
B. and Carolin A., 2001). This technique has attracted
extensive research in recent years (Lorenzis and Nanni,
2001; Lorenzis et al., 2002; Lorenzis and Nanni, 2002;
Lorenzis et al., 2004; Lorenzis, 2000, 2004; Novidis et al.,
2007; Lorenzis et al., 2000; Taljsten et al., 2003; ElHacha and Rizkalla, 2004; Lorenzis and Teng, 2007; AlMahmoud et al., 2007; Kreit et al., 2008).
Configuration of the FRP reinforcements used for the
NSM technique is controlled by the depth of the concrete
cover (El-Hacha and Rizkalla, 2004). After installation,
the NSM FRP reinforcements are protected against
mechanical damage, wear, impact, and vandalism. This
technique can also provide better fire resistance in the
event of a fire (El-Hacha and Rizkalla, 2004); therefore, it
could reduce the cost of fire protection measures.
Failure modes of plate bonded strengthened beams
Performance of flexurally strengthened RC beams are
affected by several factors such as concrete strength and
cover (Wu and Yoshizawa, 1999), level of loading (Shin
and Lee, 2003), loading condition (Bonacci and Maalej,
2000, 2001), modulus of elasticity of CFRP and its center
of gravity location relative to neutral axis (Heffernan and
Erki, 1996), CFRP configuration (Gangarao and Vijay,


Int. J. Phys. Sci.

Figure 1. Failure modes of RC beams flexurally-strengthened with FRP soffit plate (Teng et al., 2003).

Figure 2. Debonding failure modes of plated RC beams (Yao and Teng, 2007).

1998; Brena and Macri, 2004), number of CFRP layers

(Shahawy et al., 2001), width of laminate (Heffernan and
Erki, 1996), length of laminate (Ramana et al., 2000) etc.
A number of failure moods for RC beams strengthened
with FRP on tension faces have been observed in
numerous experimental studies to date (Garden et al.,
1998; Meier, 1995; Smith and Teng, 2003; Teng et al.,
2003; Triantafillou and Plevris, 1992).
Existing studies showed there are seven types of
failure modes of FRP plate bonded flexurally
strengthened beams (Figure 1). These typical failure
modes (Teng et al., 2003) are known as:
a) Flexural failure by FRP rupture


Flexural failure by concrete crushing

Shear failure
Concrete cover separation
Plate end interfacial debonding
Intermediate flexural crack induced inter-facial
debonding and
Intermediate flexural-shear crack interfacial
The load carrying capacity of CFRP flexurally
strengthened RC beams is often limited by the debonding
failure modes shown in Figure 2. Those observed modes
of debonding in FRP-plated beams can be broadly
divided into two groups (Teng et al., 2003).

Jumaat et al.

a) Those associated with high interface stresses near

the ends of the bonded plate (failure mode (d) and (e))
which are collectively referred as plate end debonding.
b) Those induced by a flexural or flexural shear crack
from plate ends debonding initiating in the high moment
region and propagate towards one of the plate ends
(failure modes (f) and (g) which are collectively referred
as intermediate crack-induced debonding (or simply
intermediate crack debonding or IC debonding). Similarly
where a flexural crack is emphasized, intermediate
flexural crack debonding is referred to as IFC debonding.
Plate end debonding may also occur in the form of critical
diagonal crack (CDC) debonding Figure 2(b) (Oehlers
and Seracino, 2004). A combination of CDC debonding
with concrete cover separation is also possible Figure
2(c) (Smith and Teng, 2003). CDC debonding is induced
by the formation of major shear crack intersecting the
plate near a plate end and propagates from the point of
intersection to the plate end along the plate- beam
interface. CDC debonding failure is caused by insufficient
shear reinforcement and is preceded by large shear
crack opening in the anchorage region (Piotr and Bjrn,
2009). Concrete cover separation failure shows tearingoff of the concrete cover along the level of the steel
tension reinforcement starting from a plate end. Plate end
interfacial debonding also starts at plate end and
propagates along the platebeam interface. In all those
debonding failure modes, failure occurs in the concrete,
either adjacent to the adhesive layer (interfacial
debonding) or at the level of the steel tension
reinforcement (cover separation), showing that the plate
is bonded to the beam in an appropriate manner with a
strong adhesive. When the plate end distance is very
small (distance between a plate end and the adjacent
beam support), governing CDC may form, causing a
CDC debonding failure Figure 2(b).
With the increase of the plate end distance, the CDC
may fall outside the plated region which leads to concrete
cover separation Figure 1(d). With these two modes,
another combined mode of CDC debonding and concrete
cover separation Figure. 2(c) may also occur. As the
plate end moves further away from the support, the cover
separation mode remains the controlling mode, and the
plate end crack becomes increasingly vertical (Smith and
Teng, 2003).
RC beams strengthened with a tension face steel plate,
due to the much greater stiffness of the steel plate, IC
debonding was not found in the laboratory test (Teng et
al., 2003). Thus for steel plated beams, plate end
debonding failures are much more likely to occur. In case
of FRP plates, strength to stiffness ratio is much higher
than that of steel plates. As a result, the FRP plate/sheet
used for a particular strengthening application is
generally much thinner or softer than corresponding steel
plate of equivalent total tensile capacity and is much


likely to debond at plate ends. The IC debonding failure

mode is believed to be particularly important for relatively
slender members and members strengthened with a
relatively thin FRP plate/sheet. The mechanism of IC
debonding is related to the formation of critical flexural
crack at the tensile side of the concrete elements
(Ombres, 2010). This critical flexural crack generally
occurs at the section of maximum bending moment or
where both the bending moment and shear force are
higher (Yao et al., 2005). When a critical flexural crack is
formed in the concrete, debonding initiates and
propagates toward plate end (Teng et al., 2003). The
tensile stresses released by the cracked concrete are
transferred to the FRP plate; consequently high local
interfacial stresses between the FRP plate and the
concrete are induced near the crack. Further increase of
the applied loading produces an increase both in the
tensile stress in the plate and in the shear stress at the
interface FRPto-concrete near the crack. When the
interfacial stress achieves the critical value, debonding
initiates and then it self-propagates away from the crack
(Sebastian, 2001).
There are two types of IC debonding failures, in the first
one debonding occurs in presence of a single flexural
crack; no other crack exists between the free end of the
FRP plate and the crack where debonding initiates. In the
second one the debonding occurs in presence of multiple
cracks. In this situation the debonding propagation from
the initiation crack to the adjacent crack is governed by
the FRP tensile force distribution at both cracked
sections. In addition, a succession of FRP plate
debonding between adjacent cracks can occurs
simultaneously with a sudden failure of the beams
(Ombres, 2010).
Experiments on RC beams bonded with steel plates
(Jones et al., 1982; Jones et al., 1988; Swamy et al.,
1989; Oehlers, 1992; Hussain et al., 1995) have revealed
that debonding of the soffits plate from the RC beam,
typically with the concrete cover attached to the plate, is
a common failure mode in these beams. This bonding
failure of strengthened RC beams has been known as a
typical case of brittle failure and indicates high interfacial
shear or normal stresses caused by transfer of the tensile
stresses from the bonded plate to the RC beam. The
determination of interfacial stresses has been researched
and several closed-form analytical solutions have been
proposed (Smith and Teng, 2001; Teng et al., 2002; Ye,
2001; Adhikary et al., 2000; Raoof et al., 2000).
MacDonald and Calder (1982) studied the behaviour of
concrete beams externally reinforced with steel plates
bonded to their tension flanges. Hamoush and Ahmad
(1990) used the finite element method to predict the
failure by interface debonding of the steel plate and the
adhesive layer as a result of interfacial shear stresses.
Swamy et al. (1987) investigated the effect of glued steel
plates on the first cracking load, cracking behaviour,


Int. J. Phys. Sci.

deformation, serviceability, and ultimate strength of RC

beams. Some researchers (Saadatmanesh and Ehsani,
1991; Almusallam and Al-Salloum, 2001; Sevuk
andArslan, 2005) indicated that bonded steel plates to
the beam web can substantially increase flexural
stiffness, reduce cracking and structural deformations at
all load levels and contribute to the ultimate flexural
capacity. It is the fact that gains in strength and stiffness
are usually associated with a decrease in ductility. The
ultimate and cracking load of the retrofitted RC beams
with bonded steel plate depend principally on the
compressive strength of concrete (f c), nominal strength of
web reinforcement, the yield strength of longitudinal bars,
the tensile reinforcement ratio, shear span to depth ratio
(a/d), the strength of steel plates, the area of steel plates,
the anchorage lengths of steel plates, mechanical
properties of epoxy adhesive and friction coefficient
between steel plate and concrete. The bonding of
continuous horizontal steel plates to the beam web is one
convenient and effective method of enhancing the
flexural strength of RC beams.
The plate bonding technique is becoming preferable for
strengthening due to several advantages such as easy
construction work, and minimum change in the overall
size of the structure after plate bonding. The
disadvantage of this method, however, is the danger of
corrosion at the adhesivesteel interface, which
adversely affects the bond strength (Sevuk and Arslan,
Methods of eliminating premature failures
Those failure modes previously discussed are
undesirable because the strength of FRP/steel plate
cannot be fully utilized; In addition, such premature
failures are generally associated with a reduction in
deformability of the strengthened members (Mander et
al., 1988).
Debonding failures depend largely on the interfacial
shear and normal stresses (Smith and Teng, 2001)
between the beam and bonded plate. The determination
of interfacial stresses has thus been researched for the
last decades for beam bonded with FRP or steel plates.
All of the solutions are based on the assumption that the
interfacial stresses do not vary across the adhesive layer
thickness. The solutions of Roberts (1989) and Malek et
al. (1998) which are generally in terms of loading are the
more appropriate among the available solutions and they
give results almost similar to each other. This solution
covers all the three common load cases (Single point
load, double point load and UDL), and is based on more
direct and simpler approach of deformation compatibility.
On the basis of observation, Yang et al. (2007) proposed
a simplified approximate solution by omitting some
numerically minor terms in the rigorous solution (Yang et

al., 2004). This simplified solution eliminates the

complexity of the original one and is suitable for
engineering applications with the aid of a portable
calculator. By comparing with the rigorous solution, other
approximate solutions and experimental results, the
simplified solutions provide satisfactory predictions to the
interfacial shear stress in the plated beams for symmetric
loads. In the final part of that paper, extensive parametric
studies were undertaken by using the simplified solution
for strengthened beams with various ratios of design
parameters. Observations were made based on the
numerical results concerning their possible implications to
practical designs. The simplified solution to the interfacial
shear stress in the FRP-plated RC beams can be further
exploited to develop a design method to predict the first
debonding crack load. To this end, appropriate
calibrations with adequate experimental results and field
test data should be carried out using the reliability
Shear-bending interaction in predicting plate end
debonding was first considered by Oehlers (1992) for
steel-plated RC beams using a linear interaction curve
which was later reviewed and assessed by Smith and
Teng (2002a; 2002b). In recent years, some additional
models have been published, Colotti et al. (2004) model
covering debonding as well as other failure modes, Gao
et al. (2005) model for concrete cover separation failures,
and Oehlers et al. (2005, 2004) model for CDC
debonding failures, which has classified all plate end
debonding failures in a high-shear low-moment region as
CDC debonding failures. This model should be
interpreted to cover the debonding failure of a plate end,
under the combination of a high shear force and a low
moment, in all three debonding modes shown in Figure
1(d) and 2(b)-(c). For this reason, this model is called
shear debonding strength model. Later Teng and Yao
(2007) developed an accurate plate end debonding
strength model for FRP-plated RC beams covering all
possible plate end debonding failure modes. This model
can be used for predicting debonding failure loads for the
following two extreme cases:
(a) Shear debonding and
(b) Flexural debonding.
Several analytical models for IC debonding have been
developed recently. Empirical models, which can be
found in ACI 440 (2002), Teng et al. (2003), Lu et al.
(2007) or Said and Wu (2007) provided solution straight
forward and very convenient to use due to their simplicity.
The design done according to these models leads to
reduction of allowable strain in the FRP to avoid
debonding which is simple to apply. By contrast, JSCE
(2001) limits the maximum stress gradient in the FRP
plate, but two key parameters including the fracture
energy and the crack width are incompletely defined and

Jumaat et al.








Figure 3. Strengthening scheme.

the method requires an involved iterative process of

analysis. fib Bulletin (2001) provides three alternative
approaches to avoid debonding failures by limiting (1) the
FRP strain, (2) the maximum stress gradient in FRP
plate, and (3) the shear force in the RC members (Figure
3). The first approach is similar to the strain limit
approach of ACI 440 (2002) and suggests a FRP strain
limit in the range of 0.0065-0.0085, which is much higher
than results obtained from existing test results: further no
specific value is suggested for a particular situation. The
second approach is similar to JSCE (2001) approach but
is more complicated for practical application. The third
approach is suitable for application in design in terms of
simplicity. Yao et al. (2005) assessed the above
mentioned model using own test data and concluded that
(1) IC debonding strength model of Teng et al. (2003)
generally provides safe prediction of the experimental
debonding strains but it becomes overly conservative and
the scatter of its prediction is large, (2) the models of ACI
440 (2002), JSCE (2001) and fib Bulletin (2001) are not
sufficiently safe for use in design. In addition, JSCE
(2001) suffers from the tediousness of an iterative
process of analysis.Teng et al., (2006) proposed a simple
model to investigate the behaviour of the FRP-toconcrete interface between two adjacent cracks in
flexurally strengthened reinforced concrete beams. It is
an analytical solution, in which a bi-linear local bond-slip
model is employed to predict the entire debonding
process under various load combinations.
Smith and Gravina (2007) proposed a local deformation
model for the analysis, considering local flexural
deformations in a determinate structural flexural member
at all stages of loading, from progressive formation of
individual cracks up to initiation of the IC debonding
failure. A simplified FRP-to-concrete bond-slip is used to
determine the onset of debonding. Debonding occurs
when a large slip has been reached such that minimal
bond stress is present over one cracked block region and
slip is predominantly in one direction. Wu and Niu (2000,
2007) have carried out several studies on the IC
debonding failure and proposed an analytical model for

predicting the debonding failure load assuming that

cracks are smeared over the whole beam (smeared crack
approach); consequently the debonding mechanism, in
presence of multiple cracks, is similar to that of a single
crack. The debonding failure load is assumed to be
reached once the difference in magnitude between the
FRP tensile forces over an equivalent transfer length
exceeds the maximum transferable force in pull-off tests.
The effectiveness of the Wu and Niu (2000, 2007) model
was recently validated by Said and Wu (2008). The
results demonstrate that debonding loads predicted by
the model are much closer with experimental ones. The
effects of variations in crack spacing and rate of change
of moment on the IC debonding of plated members have
been analysed by Liu et al. (2007). Rosenboom and
Rizkalla (2007) proposed an analytical model which
characterizes the interface shear stress based on two
distinct sources, the change in the applied moment along
the length of the member and stress concentrations at
the intermediate cracks. Ombres (2010) proposed a
theoretical non-linear model derived from a cracking
analysis, founded on slip and bond stresses (Aiello and
Ombres, 2004), and is adopted for the analysis of the
debonding induced from intermediate flexural cracks in
FRP-strengthened reinforced concrete beams. Analytical
relationships of the bond-slip laws at the interfaces FRPto-concrete and steel reinforcement-to-concrete are used.
Through the model the strains and stresses in the
concrete element for any loading level can be evaluated.
The IC debonding occurs when the strains and stresses
in the cracked element reach the values that correspond
to the failure condition at the interface FRP-to-concrete
that is the slip between the FRP and concrete reaches a
critical value which causes separation of the FRP from
the concrete. Through analysing the available
experimental data, it is found that the proposed model
furnishes good predictions of the intermediate debonding
In comparison with experimental data, intermediate
debonding FRP strain values predicted by the proposed
model are conservative; however, in some cases, they


Int. J. Phys. Sci.

are more accurate than that predicted by others models

usually adopted for the analysis of the IC debonding
failure. Results of a parametric study show that the
proposed model allows to take into account the influence
of several geometrical and mechanical parameters that
are not considered in some current models.
Materials and methods used for shear strengthening

For strengthening and repair works several types of

materials/methods can be used such as: Ferro-cement
laminate (Paramasivam et al., 1997; Roumaldi, 1987;
Iorns, 1987; Nassif and Najim, 2004), sprayed concrete
(Diab, 1998; Taljsten, 2003), steel plate (Adhikary and
Mutsuyoshi, 2006a,b; Adhikary et al., 2000; Costa and
Barros, 2010; Barnes et al., 2001; Sinan et al., 2005),
carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) laminate (Barros
et al., 2007; Ozgur, 2008; Taljsten, 2003; Taljsten and
Elfgren, 2000; Dias and Barros, 2010; Ozgur, 2006;
Omar et al., 2001) and glass fiber reinforced polymer
(GFRP) (Sundarraja and Rajamohan, 2009; Sundarraja
et al., 2008).
CFRP and steel plates/strips are the most popular
materials for strengthening. There have been a series of
studies in the past for shear strengthening of RC beams
using various techniques (Taljsten, 2003) such as
1) Sprayed concrete method. In this method existing
concrete on the top of the slab is removed, new stirrups
are mounted around the existing cross section and new
concrete is cast or sprayed onto the structure. If adhesion
between the new and old concrete can be assured, this
method is good from a technical standpoint. A new wider
section with the steel reinforcement anchored in the
compressive zone will give a higher shear capacity for
the structure. However, the method is both time
consuming and in many cases not cost effective.
2) Using steel tendons, either prestressed or non- prestressed. This method has also been used frequently for
shear strengthening in the past. This method is a little bit
easier to carryout than the previous method, but there is
a risk that the bending reinforcement is cut off during
drilling of the holes through the slab. Concrete casting
above the bolts on the slab may also be necessary.
3) Shotcreate with steel fiber. This method can be used
in the cases where a limited shear strengthening effect is
required for. A drawback with this method is that the
strengthening material is not anchored in the
compressive zone.
4) Using pre-stressed steel straps. In this method steel
straps have been wrapped around the section. Only a
small amount of damage is needed in the cross-section.
However, the straps are quite sensitive to impact loads or
vandalism. If no recess is made in the slab, concrete
casting or other overlays may be needed.

5) Using external bonded steel plates. Narrow, wide

with or without openings, L-shaped steel plates or straps
can be externally bonded with epoxy to increase the
shear capacity of beam. This method is highly effective if
roughening and cleaning of surface is ensured before the
application of epoxy resin.
6) Strengthening using carbon fibre reinforced polymer
(CFRP). Strengthening with CFRP materials can be used
in various manners and orientations like side bonding,
wrapping, U-jacketing and near surface mounted
techniques (NSM). NSM is one of the most recent and
promising strengthening techniques for concrete (RC)
structures. NSM is based on the use of circular or
rectangular cross section bars of carbon or glass fiber
reinforced polymer (CFRP or GFRP) materials installed
into pre-cut slits opened on the concrete cover of the
elements to strengthen. NSM requires no surface
preparation work and, after cutting the slit, requires
installation of CFRP rod or sheet. As previously stated
the major problem concerning this technique is making
uniform groove in the beam side and proper fixation of
CFRP rods or laminates into the grooves.

Previous work on enhancing shear capacity of

flexural strengthened RC beams

Shear strengthening often forms a key part to eliminate

premature shear failure of flexurally strengthen RC
beams. Previously very limited work was found for shear
strengthening to eliminate premature shear failure of
flexurally strengthened RC beams.
Aprile and Benedetti (2004) proposed coupled flexural
shear design of RC beams strengthened with FRP. It was
noted that increase in the external reinforcement area
does not always lead to the expected increase of the
beam load capacity, due to the interaction of flexural and
shear behaviour within the discontinuity regions of the
strengthened element. This paper includes theoretical
explanation of proposed truss model and comparison
with other researchers experimental results. Shear
strengthening strategy was considered with FRP strips
only two sides of the beam web.
To ensure flexural mode of failure it is desirable to
prevent the debonding of flexural plate attached to the
beam soffit. But using CFRP strips on the sides only may
leads to the debonding of soffit FRP plate which was not
taken into attention in this proposed model.
Toutanji et al. (2006) investigated the effect of multiple
layers of CFRP sheets on contribution of flexural strength
and different modes of failure. Beams strengthened with
CFRP sheets at tension face, had much higher flexural
capacity and were actually over reinforced. The design
restriction for shear was considered and 50 mm wide
CFRP strips were bonded at both sides oriented in 45C.
Due application of CFRP strips at sides only debonding

Jumaat et al.

failure was observed for the tension face CFRP plate.

Rasheed and Pervaiz (2003) compared experimental
results of other researchers and concluded that there is a
lower bound level for the FRP interfacial shear stress in
the yield beam region upon plate separation failure.
Externally U-wraps required preventing of premature
plate separation when the interfacial shear stress
exceeds this level.
Sundarraja and Rajamohan (2009) proved that for the
beams bonded with inclined GFRP U-strips flexural
failure was prominent than shear failure which avoids
catastrophic failure of beams.
Challal et al. (1998) proposed design approaches for
flexural and shear strengthening, but application and
experimental prove to eliminate premature shear failure is
seldom found.
Proposed design method for eliminating premature
shear failure of flexurally strengthened RC beams
using CFRP strips




This design guideline can be used for designing CFRP
strips to eliminate premature shear failure of flexurally
strengthened RC beams. A design example is worked out
in the appendix using these design recommendations
and BS8110-1 (1997).

The following design equations are proposed by ACI 440

(2002) for shear strengthening of RC beams:


(Alam, 2010)




The summary of the failure modes of flexurally

strengthened RC beams can be classified as:
(1) Premature debonding failure which can be plate end
debonding or end peeling (beams failed just after or after
reaching tensile reinforcements yield strength without
showing any ductility value)
(2) Tension delamination at midspan and
(3) Premature shear failure due to insufficient shear
End peeling occurs due to shear and normal stress at the
end of the plate which can be minimized by using proper
end anchor. Tension delamination occurs when a plate
spans across flexural or shear crack, it can be seen that
wherever a flexural crack touches the plate, a debonding
crack would form along the edge of the plate.
Researchers have found that debonding in the mid-span
can be minimized by controlling the strain of CFRP
laminate. Though researchers have found a solution to
eliminate end peeling using appropriate end anchor,
research on tension delamination and premature shear
failure of flexurally reinforced strengthened RC beams is
still limited.
In order to utilize the full flexural capacity of
strengthened beams all of the stated failure modes
should be prevented. Sometimes premature shear failure
becomes crucial when the shear reinforcement present is
no longer sufficient due to the increase in flexural
capacity which increases shear forces. Hence, this
excess shear must be accounted for to ensure that the
strengthened beam does not fail by premature shear
before attaining its full flexural capacity. A design
example is worked and given in the appendix.


Int. J. Phys. Sci.


The support of the Department of Civil Engineering,

Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP)
and University Malaya Research Grant (UMRGRG051/09AET) is gratefully appreciated for this work.
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Jumaat et al.

Material properties:

Main reinforcement

Shear reinforcement






0.67fc u


92.30 mm
250.7 mm


Let us consider a singly reinforced concrete beam of 125

mm wide and 250 mm deep, which is required to span
2.0 m between centers of supports. The longitudinal
reinforcement of the beam consisting of 212 mm and
the shear reinforcement consists of 6 mm-diameter links
at 160.0 mm c/c. The nominal cover was 37 mm. The
beam was originally designed to carry a moment of 24.0
kN-m. Now it is required to carry a moment of 58.0 kN-m.
To achieve this externally bonded CFRP plate will be
attached to the soffit of the beam. ACI 440.2R-02 (2002)
is used to design of external CFRP shear strips.
For flexural strengthening in literature maximum
allowable strain 0.006 (Arya et al., 2002) is suggested to
prevent FRP rupture and debonding where higher shear
force and bending moment are present. Here, maximum
allowable strain 0.006 is used for design.




Int. J. Phys. Sci.

Hence, internal stirrups are not sufficient for the shear

force on the strengthened beam
Design of CFRP strips based on ACI 440 (2002) to
eliminate premature shear failure:

According to design equation (1), Shear contribution

required by CFRP strips,

Hence, Total compressive force> Total Tensile force, ok

Shear capacity of the original beam:
Concrete shear stress of the original section

Stirrup contribution to the shear capacity of the original

6 mm diameter stirrup was used @160 mm c/c
Using Equation 2

>Maximum shear force on the original beam (37.0 kN)

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