(G.R. No. L-9276. October 23, 1956.) The Collector of Internal Revenue, Petitioner, vs. V. G. Sinco Educational Corporation, Respondent
(G.R. No. L-9276. October 23, 1956.) The Collector of Internal Revenue, Petitioner, vs. V. G. Sinco Educational Corporation, Respondent
(G.R. No. L-9276. October 23, 1956.) The Collector of Internal Revenue, Petitioner, vs. V. G. Sinco Educational Corporation, Respondent
corporation, and therefore the Appellee is not entitled to the exemption prescribed
by the law.
[G.R. No. L-9276. October 23, 1956.]
This is an appeal from a decision of the Court of Tax Appeals which orders the
Collector of Internal Revenue to refund to Respondent-Appellee the sum of
P5,364.77 representing income tax paid by said Appellee for the years 1950 and
In June, 1949, Vicente G. Sinco established and operated an educational institution
known as Foundation College of Dumaguete. Sinco would have continued operating
said college were it not for the requirement of the Department of Education that as
far as practicable schools and colleges recognized by the government should be
incorporated, and so on September 21, 1951, the V. G. Sinco Educational Institution
was organized. This corporation was non-stock and was capitalized by V. G. Sinco
and members of his immediate family. This corporation continued the operations of
Foundation College of Dumaguete. Since its operation, this college derived, by way
of tuition fees, the following yearly gross profits:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
Year Gross Receipt
1949 P32,684.70
1950 88,341.80
1951 114,499.35
1952 83,259.04
1953 97,907.18
The investigation conducted by an income tax examiner of the Bureau of Internal
Revenue revealed that the college realized a taxable net income for the year 1949 in
the sum of P3,098.06 and for the year 1950 in the sum of P17,038.59. For the years
1951 to 1953, inclusive, the income tax returns of the college have not as yet been
verified but it reported a taxable net profit of P26,868.60 for the year 1951; chan
roblesvirtualawlibrarya loss of P9,129.80 for the year 1952 and a profit of P223.56
for the year 1953. The Collector of Internal Revenue assessed against the college an
income tax for the years 1950 and 1951 in the aggregate sum of P5,364.77, which
was paid by the college. Two years thereafter, the corporation commenced an action
in the Court of First Instance of Negros Oriental for the refund of this amount
alleging that it is exempt from income tax under section 27 (e) of the National
Internal Revenue Code. Pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act 1125, the case
was remanded to the Court of Tax Appeals which, after due trial, decided the case in
favor of the corporation.
Invoking section 27 (e) of the National Internal Revenue Code, the Appellee claims
that it is exempt from the payment of the income tax because it is organized and
maintained exclusively for the educational purposes and no part of its net income
inures to the benefit of any private individual. On the other hand,
the Appellant maintains that part of the net income accumulated by
the Appellee inured to the benefit of V. G. Sinco, president and founder of the
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
Community Publishers, Inc. P20,751.95
Vicente G. Sinco, Personal 7,435.83
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
Vicente G. Sinco, Personal 12,669.07
Community Publishers, Inc. 32,135.50
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
Vicente G. Sinco, Personal
Cash Advanced P9,716.36
Accrued Salaries 7,599.71 P17,316.07
Community Publishers, Inc.
Cash Advanced P18,762.68
Printing Account 13,262.72 P32,025.40
Considering the above quoted entries, Appellant claims that a great portion of the
net profits realized by the corporation was channeled and redounded to the personal
benefit of V. G. Sinco, who was its founder and president. Another benefit that
accrued to Sinco according to Appellantis represented by the several amounts which
appear payable to the Community Publishers, Inc. because, being the biggest
stockholder of this entity, the money to be paid by the Appellee to that entity as
appearing in the above quoted entries would redound to the personal benefit of
Is it really correct to say that the Appellee is an educational institution in which part
of its income inures to the benefit of one of its stockholders as maintained
by Appellant? Considering that this claim is mainly predicated on certain entries
appearing in the balance sheets of the corporation for the years 1950 and 1951,
there is need to clarify the purposes for which said entries were made, particularly
those referring to the accounts payable to V. G. Sinco and the Community Publishers
clarification:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary He acted as president of the Foundation
College and as chairman of its Board of Directors; chan roblesvirtualawlibraryin 1949
he served as its teacher for a time; chan roblesvirtualawlibrarythe accountant of the
college suggested that a certain amount be set aside as his salary for purposes of
orderly and practical accounting; chan roblesvirtualawlibrarybut notwithstanding this
suggestion, he never collected his salary for which reason it was carried in the books
as accrued expenses. With regard to the account of the Community Publishers, Inc.,
Sinco said that this is a distinct and separate corporation although he is one of its
stockholders. The account represents payment for services rendered by this entity
to the college. These are two different entities and whatever relation there is
between the two is that the former merely extends help to the latter to enable it to
comply with the requirements of the law and to fill its needs for educational
purposes. This clarification made by Sinco stand undisputed.
Considering this explanation, it is indeed too sweeping if not unfair to conclude that
part of the income of the Appellee as an institution inured to the benefit of one of its
stockholders simply because part of the income was carried in its books as
accumulated salaries of its president and teacher. Much less can it be said that the
payments made by the college to the Community Publishers, Inc. redounded to the
personal benefit of Sinco simply because he is one of its stockholders. The fact is
that, as it has been established, the Appellee is a non-profit institution and since its
organization it has never distributed any dividend or profit to its stockholders. Of
course, part of its income went to the payment of its teachers or professors and to
the other expenses of the college incident to an educational institution but none of
the income has ever been channeled to the benefit of any individual stockholder.
The authorities are clear to the effect that whatever payment is made to those who
work for a school or college as a remuneration for their services is not considered as
distribution of profit as would make the school one conducted for profit. Thus, in the
case of Mayor and Common Council of Borough of Princeton vs. State Board of Taxes
& Assessments, et al., 115 Atl., 342, wherein the principal officer of the school was
formerly its owner and principal and such principal he was given a salary for his
services, the court held that school is not conducted for profit merely because
moderate salaries were paid to the principal and to the teachers.
Of course, it is not denied that the Appellee charges tuition fees and other fees for
the different services it renders to the students and in fact it is its only source of
income, but such fact does not in itself make the school a profit-making enterprise
that would place it beyond the purview of the law. In this connection, this Court
made the following comment:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
Needless to say, every responsible organization must be so run as to, at least,
insure its existence, by operating within the limits of its own resources, especially its
regular income. In other words, it should always strive, whenever possible, to have a
surplus. Upon the other hand,Appellants pretense would limit the benefits of the
exemption, under said section 27 (e), to institutions which do not hope, or propose,
to have such surplus. Under this view, the exemption would apply only to schools
which are on the verge of bankruptcy, for unlike the United States, where a
substantial number of institutions of learning are dependent upon voluntary
contributions and still enjoy economic stability, such as Harvard, the trust fund of
which has been steadily increasing with the years there are, and there have
always been, very few educational enterprises in the Philippines which are
supported by donations, and these organizations usually have a very precarious
existence. The final result of Appellants contention, if adopted, would be to
discourage the establishment of colleges in the Philippines, which is precisely the
opposite of the objective consistently sought by our laws.
Again, the amount of fees charged by a school, college or university depends,
ultimately, upon the policy and a given administration, at a particular time. It is not
conclusive of the purposes of the institution. Otherwise, such purpose would vary
with the particular persons in charge of the administration of the organization.
(Jesus Sacred Heart College vs. Collector of Internal Revenue, 95 Phil., 16)
Another point raised by Appellant to show that Appellee is not entitled to the
exemption of the law refers to the use made by it of part of its income in acquiring
additional buildings and equipment which, it is claimed would in the end redound to
the benefit of its stockholders.Appellant claims that By capitalizing its earnings in
the aforementioned manners, the value of the properties of the corporation was
enhanced and, therefore, such profits inured to the benefit of the stockholders or
members. The property of the corporation may be sold at any time and the profits
thereof divided among the stockholders or members.
This claim is too speculative. While the acquisition of additional facilities, may
redound to the benefit of the institution itself, it cannot be positively asserted that
the same will redound to the benefit of its stockholders, for no one can predict the
financial condition of the institution upon its dissolution. At any rate, it has been held
by several authorities that the mere provision for the distribution of its assets to the
stockholders upon dissolution does not remove the right of an educational institution
from tax exemption. Thus, in the case of U. S. vs. Picwick Electric Membership Corp.,
158 F. 2d 272, 277, it was held The fact that the members may receive some
benefit on dissolution upon distribution of the assets is a contingency too remote to
have any material bearing upon the question where the association is admittedly not
a scheme to avoid taxation and its good faith and honesty or purpose is not
With regard to the claim of Appellant that Appellee is not entitled to exemption
because it has not complied with the requirement of section 24, Regulation No. 2 of
the Department of Finance, we find correct the following observation of the Court of
Tax Appeals:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
And regarding the proof of exemption required by section 24, Regulation No. 2,
Department of Finance which, according to the Defendant, is a condition precedent
before an educational institution can avail itself of the exemption under
consideration, we understand that it was probably promulgated for the effective
enforcement of the provisions of the Tax Code pursuant to Section 338 of the
National Internal Revenue Code. Intended to relieve the taxpayer of the duty of filing
returns and paying the tax, it cannot be said that the failure to observe the
requirement called for therein constitutes a waiver of the right to enjoy the
exemption. To hold otherwise would be tantamount to incorporating into our tax laws
some legislative matter by administrative regulation.
Wherefore, the decision appealed from is affirmed, without pronouncement as to