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The magazine for low-voltage power distribution and electrical

installation technology
12th edition, December, 4/2011

Safe Investment
at Lofty Heights
Protection for wind power stations

Contents 04-2011

Cover story

Power distribution

Safe Investment at Lofty Heights 4

Protection for wind power stations


High Quality with Maximum

Customer Proximity


Profitable business: switchgear

through a license model

A Safe Choice


Automation and switchgear

specialistrelies on 3NP1 fuse switch
Busbar trunking systems
Siemens AG

Cable Fires Prevented

Major Tasks in Offshore Wind

Power Generation

Safe power distribution in

high-rise buildings

Interview with Prof. Dr. Detlef Schulz,

Helmut Schmidt University / University
of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg

New products


Power Distribution
Made to Order


Sivacon 8PS busbar trunking systems

in a Pakistani office and commercial
high-rise building

Installation technology
Building control

Power management

Efficient and Safe

with Every Fiber


Integrated solution at the worlds

largest acrylic fiber manufacturer

More Comfort, Less Energy


Vario Images

Recording consumption data for the

Synco living home automation system

Certified Environmental
TV conformity certification for
Sentron measuring devices and
2 E-Installation | 04-2011


Fast Start


Siemens AG

300 charging stations for electric

vehicles in Portugal

Service and dialogue

New Releases


Cross-Media Corner


Trade Fair Preview 2012,

Training Courses, and Dates





Dear Readers:
Like solar energy, wind power is a major pillar on which the
market for renewable energy rests. Wind power capacity is
being expanded worldwide. And its urgently needed. As
noted in the Greenhouse Gas Bulletin published by the
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on November
21, 2011, greenhouse gas emissions are the highest they
have been since the beginning of industrialization. Carbon
dioxide (CO2) makes a major contribution to the
temperature increase and is the main culprit in climate
change. CO2 is released primarily through the combustion
of fossil fuels and the slash-and-burn method of clearing
forests. Accordingly, the increase in the CO2 concentration
in the atmosphere can only be brought under control
through the generation of power from alternative sources.
Siemens AG is the worlds largest provider of
environmentally friendly technologies, with the help of
which Siemens customers were able to avoid the release of
some 270 million tons of CO2 in 2011. Siemens is also
represented internationally in many regions with its wind
portfolio. For example, the company received an order for
a100 MW wind project in Puerto Rico in the first quarter of
this business year. The company also secured five other
orders with a total output of 570 MW in North America,
where it is number two in the wind market, with a total
installed capacity of 4,800 MW. In addition, Siemens is
developing momentum in South America. In 2012 and
2013, Siemens will be installing wind power plants of the
2.3 MW type in Brazil, with a total capacity of 312 MW.
Low-voltage circuit-breaker technology is crucial for the
reliability and availability of such plants, as shown in our
cover story on page 4. But with our systems for power
management in the manufacturing industry (p. 20), the
TV-certified energy monitoring software powermanager
for efficient operation of industrial and nonresidential
buildings, and the measuring devices from the Sentron line,
along with many other products, we also offer effective
leverage for more energy efficiency, lower emissions, and
ultimately lower energy costs from which our customers
along with the climate can also benefit.

Our service for

you: Go directly to
the E-Installation
home page on
your smartphone
using the QR code.

Andreas Matth
CEO, Low Voltage

E-Installation | 04-2011 3

Cover story

Protection for wind power stations

Safe Investment
at Lofty Heights

All photos: Siemens AG

The rotor diameters are getting bigger and bigger, the

hubs are hanging higher and higher, and the rated
outputs are increasing. Wind turbine systems and their
technology have undergone enormous development in
recent years. Companies are investing much expertise
and large amounts of money in this modern technology
an investment for which the protection of the plant is
becoming more and more important.

4 E-Installation | 04-2011

ne major danger for the plant is

fire in the nacelle at a great height.
If a fire develops here due to a
lightning strike, for example, the fire
department can find it difficult to intervene due to the exposed position. Once
the fire starts, it will find enough to feed
on due to the high fire load. But technical
defects in the electrical plants can also
cause fires. Due to the many electrical
and electronic components, there is an
especially high hazard potential.
Failure of circuit breakers or control
technologies, incorrectly dimensioned
components of the power electronics, or
an insufficient electrical protection concept that does not include insulation
error detection are only some of the
possible causes of fire.

primary electrical circuit. Control and

auxiliary electrical circuits also require
their own protective measures. And, last
but not least, the drives and motors of
the wind turbines also need to be protected from overvoltages, overloads, and
short circuits.
A comprehensive fire protection concept that provides for preventive fire protection as well as integrated fire detection
and extinguishing systems minimizes
the risks from and during fires. For operators of wind power plants, the experts
from Germanischer Lloyd and the independent test institute VdS have compiled
guidelines addressing fire protection. As
a provider of comprehensive, integrated
solutions for fire protection, Siemens
offers concepts and integrated products
that comply with these requirements.

Risk recognized, hazard averted

Another risk for wind turbines is the
extreme load on electrical equipment
from frequent switching due to fluctuating wind speeds. Fires can be caused by
the resulting overheating. Protective
devices and switchgear ensure safe distribution of the generated power in the

Circuit breaker

Preventive fire protection

To prevent fires, lightning and overvoltage protection adapted to the plant type
is required. For optimal protection, the
risk assessment needs to take into
account the possible paths of the lightning current, such as from the rotor

blade through the hub, nacelle, and

tower to the foundation. Lightning current arresters or surge arresters are
used to protect low-voltage systems
from overvoltages and high currents
due to direct lightning strikes.
Protective technology, including fuses
and circuit breakers as well as residual
current monitoring devices, is able to
detect faults selectively and immediately switch off or disconnect defective
parts of the network or individual pieces
of electrical equipment such as transformers, cables, or generators. In the
event of a fault, the protective systems
also need to ensure that the wind turbine system is shut down in a controlled
manner with all-pole disconnection.
Tiered protection concepts are used to
achieve optimal fire protection. The
dovetailing of protective devices of
neighboring equipment ensures reciprocal reserve protection.

Protective devices ensure high

In a comprehensive fire protection concept, a wide-ranging portfolio of moni-

Frequency converter

Busbar systems
Circuit breaker

Circuit breaker

For comprehensive fire protection, the drives and motors

of wind turbines also have effective protective devices

Flexible rotor blades adjust to wind conditions and produce more power
with the same service life

E-Installation | 04-2011 5

Cover story

Major Tasks in Offshore

Wind Power Generation
Where is the development in wind power leading and what requirements are
to be expected for the electrical engineering and particularly for protective
technology? We spoke with Prof. Dr. Detlef Schulz, a specialist in electrical
power systems at the Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Federal
Armed Forces Hamburg, and expert in sustainable power supply at the
Academy of Sciences in Hamburg, Germany.

Professor Schulz, how is the market

particularly in China, the United States,
for wind power plants developing
and India. Canada will be catching up in
nationally and internationally?
the offshore area. Offshore plants are
Prof. Dr. Detlef Schulz: Like Den- mainly high-tech, high-output plants
mark, Germany is a typical wind that need to be constructed with mature
country. One can assume that the technologies with proven availability
amendment of Germanys Renewable and low susceptibility to failures.
Energies Act will mean that development in offshore wind power genera- What challenges do you see here for
tion will also be picking up steam. protective technology?
Developers may be more reticent in Schulz: A lot still needs to be done in
the near future in Spain and Italy after offshore wind power generation, parstrong expansion in 2011, but Great ticularly to increase availability. In
Britain will be making major invest- addition, the maintenance costs for offments in offshore production. In addi- shore plants are so high that higher
tion to growth in Germany and Spain, investment in protective technology is
well see major growth worldwide, justified. The tasks to be accomplished

take on whole new dimensions when a

large offshore wind farm with up to 200
units of 5 MW each is involved. You
quickly get into the range of 1,000 MW.
In wind farms like this, you need to control residual currents and a wide variety
of internal sources of failure, but also
possible faults in the coupling with the
high-voltage direct current transmission system or other types of transmission. Thats a very difficult task that is
not comparable with conventional
power plant connections. The very long
stretches of cable can produce high
residual currents, and that is a major
challenge for the protective technology
in particular.

toring and protective devices is used to cuit. Like air circuit breakers, they are
ensure high availability of the wind used to protect from excessive cable
power plant. Air circuit breakers are heating caused by overloads and enable
used for switching and protecting the the output of alarms.
primary electrical circuit in the wind
Semiconductor fuses prevent fires
turbine system. They also enable the from occurring when power semicondisconnection of the plant from the grid, ductors such as IGBTs fail in an unconfor safely carrying out maintenance trolled manner. They also protect highwork, for example. In their fire protec- value devices such as frequency
tion function, they prevent fires caused converters and soft starters from the
by overloads and short-circuit currents, effects of a short circuit.
as well as protecting the plant from
Residual current monitoring devices
excessive cable heating caused by over- detect ground faults in the electrical
loads. Air circuit breakers also provide installation by indicating the presence
alarm signals for integration into the of residual currents. When such an indifire management system.
cation is present, preventive mainteMolded-case circuit breakers switch nance can be carried out before the
and protect the peripheral electrical cir- residual current can cause a fire.

Measuring devices for energy monitoring enable the measurement of the

feed-in quality of the wind turbines and
allow the electrical variables of the generator circuit to be monitored. In this
way, overloads and malfunctions can be
detected at an early point in time so that
damage can be prevented.
Residual current protective devices are
of crucial importance for the safety of
the maintenance personnel, since they
provide protection against shock currents in the case of direct and indirect
contact. Protective devices detect residual currents caused by insulation faults,
for example. They cause the affected
electrical circuit to be shut down, thus
preventing fires from starting.

6 E-Installation | 04-2011

A lot still needs to be

done in offshore power
production, particularly


to increase availability.
Prof. Dr. Detlef Schulz

Can you give an example of where

What options for risk minimization
there is particular need for action?
are there?
Schulz: In my opinion, not enough Schulz: In offshore production, saline
attention is being paid to overvoltage mist must be kept away from the plants.
protection of plant components in Some systems additionally operate with
the medium-voltage range. With the overpressure, others with improved corrotrend toward higher capacities, sion protection. Here the problem is
everything is developing in the direc- solved locally in the components whether
tion of higher voltage levels. But if they are molded, encapsulated, or speyou use medium-voltage generators cially sealed. For example, transformers
and put the whole system on the with hermetically sealed designs can be
medium-voltage level, overvoltage used. If they are filled with ester fluids,
protection is suddenly in another cat- their fire load is reduced. After all, you can
egory. Here I see a whole new class of only reduce the fire load by reducing the
protective technology that still needs fire risk of the individual components.
to be greatly expanded for wind
power applications.
Thank you for speaking with us.

Bus bars can also make an effective contribution to fire protection and can be
installed in place of cables in wind turbine
systems. They offer crucial advantages:
compared to PVC-insulated cables, the
sheet-steel enclosures of the bus bars have
a much lower fire load. Depending on the
construction of the wind turbines and the
requirements of the operator, further
monitoring and protective devices that
detect critical system states and enable
preventive intervention can also be used.

Fire detection and extinguishing

systems for emergencies
If a fire occurs despite preventive measures, highly sensitive smoke, heat, and

fire detectors quickly and effectively

detect the source of the fire. Modern
automatic extinguishing systems such
as the Sinorix systems from Siemens
use natural extinguishing gases or
water mist to reliably extinguish any
fire. This method reduces damage to
electronics and shortens downtimes. +



[email protected]
E-Installation | 04-2011 7

New products

SIVACON 8MR for air-conditioning of cabinets

An Excellent Climate
They are used in wet spaces as well as in spaces
contaminated with emulsions, dust, or chemical
substances. Air-to-air heat exchangers are used in
the same areas. Like cooling devices, they operate
on the basis of a dual-circuit cooling system, but
without the use of coolant, relying instead on the
counter flow principle.


All photos: Siemens AG

If the temperature increases in control cabinets

due to power losses of installed components, the
service life and reliability of these devices can be
greatly reduced. As a solution to this problem,
Siemens offers devices and accessory components
of the Sivacon 8 MR series for system air-conditioning, enabling targeted ventilation and air-conditioning of the control cabinets. Filter fans and
exhaust filters, for example, generate overpressure in the cabinet and are suited for spaces subject to low contaminant loads. Roof fans and roof
exhausters are used in wet spaces subject to low
contaminant loads. They ensure optimal airflow in
the control cabinet. The temperature in the cabinet can be optimally controlled using cooling devices, which are also available for roof installation.

devices enable
targeted ventilation
and air-conditioning
of control cabinets

5TT34 voltage relay

The 5TT34 undervoltage relay monitors
three-phase systems for undervoltage
without a separate auxiliary voltage and
is suited for systems categorized as
DIN VDE 0100-718 (structural works for
accommodating large numbers of people) and DIN VDE 0108-100 (safety lighting). The internal auxiliary voltage is
generated from the measurement voltage of all three phases. When a fault is
detected, the system switches to the
safety power supply. 5TT34 undervoltage relays also have a fixed reaction time
in accordance with the requirements of
DIN VDE 0100-718, as well as a defined

E-Installation | 04-2011

delay and release time. That makes

them particularly suitable for special
applications such as in hospitals or
public buildings. The function of the
relay is checked using a test push button integrated into the device. The undervoltage relays have an option for
one- and three-phase connection, require very little space (1 MW (modular
width)), and are easy to install, since
no separate power supply is required.


Space saving and easy to install:

the 5TT34 undervoltage relay

5TT5 0 Insta contactors

With AC/DC Control Voltage

5TT5 0 Insta contactors for industry, nonresidential buildings,
and charging infrastructure for
electric vehicles are designed for
24 V, 110 V, and 230 V AC/DC
control voltages. In addition to
the basic functions, they can
also be used to switch onephase and three-phase electric
motors on and off. The contactors correspond to EN 60947
and are approved in accordance
with UL 508. The product range
includes devices from 20 A to
63 A with NO contacts, with NC
5TT5 0 Insta contactors
contacts, and with both NO confor industry and
tacts and NC contacts. The easynonresidential buildings
to-see switching position indicator allows quick identification of
the operating state and provides certainty when checking
the system. The 20 A and 25 A types are available with or
without automatic mode, that is, they have a manual operating button for switching the automatic mode on and off
locally, thus enabling testing of the system without connecting a control voltage. The Insta contactors function reliably at operating temperatures from 15C to +55C and
guarantee a long service life of up to three million switching operations. They can later be equipped with auxiliary
switches for contact signaling or with spacers for better
heat dissipation between the Insta contactors. To protect
against improper use, the terminals can be secured with
sealable terminal covers.

5SD7 type 1 overvoltage protection devices

Based on Varistor
5SD7 type 1 lightning arresters protect low-voltage systems from overvoltages and power surges caused by direct
or indirect lightning strikes. As an inexpensive alternative,
Siemens offers the type 1 surge arrester now based on varistor technology. Compared to spark gaps, the surge protection devices (SPDs) have a reduced discharge capacity
and correspond to lightning protection level III and IV. The
N-PE section continues to consist of a spark gap.


Perfect protection
from lightning and
power surges


5TT4 1 remote control switch

Easy Management of High-End Control Tasks

Remote control switches are
used in buildings and in switchgear engineering. They switch
in the event of power surges
or impulses and save the
switching position electromechanically. Devices
with direct current control voltage can be used
in special applications
such as battery-powered
systems. Remote control
switches in conjunction
with push buttons simplify the electrical installation. For example, light

Ideal for residential

buildings: the 5TT4 1
remote control switch

from several locations can be

switched without complex cross
and two-way switching. With
the push-button impulse, the
remote control switch changes
its contact position from OFF
to ON and back again. In the
event of a power failure, the
last switching position remains

mechanically saved. With special functions such as central, group, and series
control, or blinds contact sequences,
high-end control tasks can easily be accomplished as required. 5TT4 1 remote
control switches all have VDE certification marks. Switching is especially quiet
and adapted to the requirements of residential buildings. The devices have a
switching position indicator and are
operated manually. They can later be
equipped with an auxiliary switch,
which increases the flexibility of the


E-Installation | 04-2011 9

SIVACON S8 device combinations with forced ventilation

Installation of Frequency Converters in Draw-Out Technology

The new Sivacon S8 sections in universal installation technology with
forced ventilation have an additional
100 mm wide ventilation duct. The
total width of the section is not
affected by this; the sections are
available in standard widths of
1,000 or 1,200 mm. The sections
with forced ventilation are used for
seating device combinations with
high power losses, such as frequency converters. Additional fans
integrated directly into the withdrawable unit enable compact installation in proven technology. Device combinations with forced
ventilation are equipped with
branch-oriented fans. They are con-

3VL compact circuit breaker

with new LCD ETU

With its LCD, the new electronic overcurrent release of the 3VL compact circuit breaker offers
not only the ability to precisely adjust the current values to be monitored but also a clear representation of all current measurement data,
states, and indications. The LI/LS/LSI-N-G tripping characteristics can be selected individually.
Due to the linking of the COM20 and COM21
modules starting with release 2, all ETU versions
(with and without LCD) can communicate via
Profibus DP or Modbus RTU on a standardized
basis. The preparation of the communication
(an auxiliary switch and an alarm switch) is already integrated into the left accessory compartment with all LCD ETUs. The new electronic
overcurrent releases meet the IEC and CCC inter+
national standards.

Clear and precisely
adjustable: the new

trolled based on the temperature

using a controller installed in the
withdrawable unit. The controller
parameters are already set at the

factory for each fan type. If one fan

fails, a second fan ensures that the
required heat dissipation is provided. A corresponding fault indication
can optionally be outputted. For
Sivacon S8, withdrawable units with
Sinamics G120 frequency converters
up to 45 kW are available.


The new Sivacon S8 sections are
equipped with an additional
ventilation duct
1 Fan (2 ), 2 Fan controller
3 Main switch, 4 Output reactor
5 Frequency converter with line filter
or line reactor
6 Operator panel for frequency

Energy monitoring software powermanager version 3.0

Monitoring of Electrical Characteristics

across Locations
Powermanager energy monitoring
software supports industrial companies and operators of nonresidential buildings in effectively
increasing energy efficiency. Together with Sentron 7KT/7KM PAC
measuring devices and 3WL und
3VL circuit breakers, the software
enables easy and user-friendly detection, monitoring, and archiving
of electrical characteristics such
as voltages, currents, outputs,
energy values, and frequency.
The new 3.0 version of the TVtested software for operational
The new version of powermanager
energy management in accoroffers new and improved functions
dance with EN 16001 and ISO
50001 offers improved scalability,
new and enhanced report templates, reaction plans, mass parameterization, and virtual measurement points for the calculation of company-specific characteristics, among other features. Load monitoring,
which allows the specified output limits for user-definable periods to
be monitored, is also new. If it appears that the limit values will be
exceeded, the system issues appropriate switching recommendations
and also enables remote control of circuit breakers. With the functional enhancements, the software is now even easier to operate. In the
new version, powermanager also supports the Windows Server 2008
and Windows 7 operating systems, has the device data of the 7KT
PAC1500 measuring device preinstalled, and has been expanded to
include the Spanish and Portuguese languages.



E-Installation | 04-2011

All photos: Siemens AG

New products

Building control

Installation technology

Recording consumption data for the Synco living home automation system

More Comfort, Less

Energy Consumption
The new central control units of the Synco living home automation system record
consumption data for energy and water. This offers benefits particularly to owners
and managers of rental apartments in apartment buildings.

Siemens AG

Synco living Highlights

The new central apartment units now also record the consumption data of
cooling and heating systems, hot and cold water, gas, and electrical power

hrough intelligent control of heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC), as well as lighting
and shading, energy consumption in
apartments can be reduced by up to 30
percent without requiring sacrifices in
terms of ease and comfort. The new
QAX903 und QAX913 central apartment
units of the home automation system
Synco living now also record the consumption data of cooling and heating
systems, hot and cold water, gas, and
electricity. Either M-Bus or pulse counters can be used for this.

Less work for billing

Landlords and managers thus need to
do less work to record consumption
data, as the information can be read
over the Internet and further processed
with ease. Bills issued upon change of
tenant and the annual accounting for
service charges are more easily created,

Energy and cost savings of up to

30 percent through high
control quality and intelligent

Synco living is at home in every

existing building, new building,
or rental apartment thanks to
its very high degree of flexibility

More comfort through optimal

control of heating and

More convenience through

incorporation of lighting,
shading, and electrical devices

Increased security through

centralized monitoring of door
and window contacts

since it is no longer necessary to read tions such as individually adjustable

the data on-site.
time programs and set-point adjustIf all that is needed is HVAC control ment, along with the absence function.
and consumption data acquisition, the The system thus meets the requireQAX903 central apartment unit is a ments of efficiency class A for residencost-effective solution. The QAX913 tial buildings according to European
central apartment unit has additional standard 15232.
functions for safety and comfort: correSince the central apartment units
sponding contacts allow doors and win- communicate with the peripheral
dows to be monitored, as well as devices using the KNX radio communienabling the integration of smoke and cation standard, and most of these
water detectors. The QAX913 also allows devices are operated with batteries, very
residents to conveniently and automat- little cabling is needed for installation
ically control the shutters/blinds and and operation of the system. This allows
lights with preprogrammed scenarios, Synco living to be expanded on a flexioccupancy simulation, and floodlights. ble basis and to be adapted to changing
needs in an uncomplicated manner. +

Up to 30 percent less energy

Synco living allows the energy consumption in apartments to be reduced
by up to 30 percent through highly precise and need-based individual room
control, as well as energy-saving func-



[email protected]
E-Installation | 04-2011 11

High Quality with Maximum

Customer Proximity


Power distribution

Profitable business: switchgear through a license model

Providing high-quality, need-based power distribution in a cost-effective manner

and on a tight schedule those are the requirements with which switchgear
engineers and electrical installation companies are confronted on a daily basis.
Companies that obtain such systems through a license model are at an advantage.

Enertek exibly adapts the switchgear

assemblies to the requirements of
its customers also when it
comes to design

A diverse spectrum

ens A

industrial production plants.

nertek Energietechnik GmbH,
Its offerings cover all areas of
which was founded in 1999, spepower and distribution technology
cializes in electrical engineering
in the service of power supply compa- including the planning of electrical
nies, at industrial companies, and in system solutions as well as the assembuilding management systems. The bly, installation, and commissioning of
companys solutions can be found in medium- and low-voltage switchgear
hospitals and data centers as well as in assemblies.

E-Installation | 04-2011

In addition to its own

power distribution systems, Enertek relies on proven
standard components for lowvoltage power distribution and
decided in favor of collaboration with
Siemens years ago. As a Siemens Technology Partner, we can offer our customers high-quality solutions that meet
all the requirements of type-tested systems. In addition, we offer them the
advantages of a local provider. These
include faster response times, on-site
service, and favorable conditions, says
Carsten Naumann, sales manager at
Since 2009, Enertek has been installing Sivacon S8 switchgear assemblies as
well as Alpha distribution boards for the
main and subdistribution in infrastructure and industrial applications.
The partnership with Siemens provides valuable impetus for our busi-

Siemens AG

Sivacon switchgear
assemblies can be easily
and quickly mounted,
including the switching,
protective, and measuring
devices installed in them

ness, explains Naumann. For example,

Sivacon S8 allows us to quickly provide
our customers with a field-tested main
distribution board that meets all quality standards. The number of orders is
currently rising quickly, and this is a
crucial competitive advantage for us.
Among the more than 25 switchboard
sections that leave the assembly hall of
the 80-person operation each month,
there are also individually customized
systems. For a large German insurance
company, for example, control cabinets
that were matched to the customers
corporate colors were recently installed
and now adorn the companys control
rooms in blue, pink, yellow, and green.
According to Martin Jungbluth of
Enertek purchasing, this is nothing out
of the ordinary: Our customers today
are often also concerned with the design
of the systems. We can satisfy nearly all
requests with the Sivacon switchgear
assemblies. These requests range from
an interior that can be flexibly equipped
with all the required protective, switching, and measuring devices to original
color schemes.

Sivacon Technology Partners Advantages at a Glance

Proven, high-quality, and flexible Sivacon S8 switchgear

assemblies in exchange for a license fee, available in a variety of
levels as clone systems


SCFA configuration tool included


No investment for in-house development or type testing

Comprehensive training, technical support, and assistance with

marketing activities

Reduced manufacturing times

cept, and fixed-mounted or plug-in protective and switching devices, which

Enertek now also obtains from Siemens.
Siemens offers everything from a single
source, explains Jungbluth. That
makes the process easier for us and
ensures consistent, reliable solutions.
Enertek manufactures the copper
parts installed in the system itself,
using a CNC-controlled copper machining center. This keeps warehousing to a
minimum and improves lead times. The
company obtains the data required for
A high degree of safety and rapid
tailored production of copper parts
from Siemens, and this data can be
With Sivacon S8, Enertek customers get directly integrated into the machine
a safe and flexible low-voltage switch- control system.
gear assembly that meets the requirements of IEC 61439. Thanks to the qual- An all-inclusive package
ity of the design, the space-saving
system can be precisely integrated into Were a team. The motto of the Enertek
modern room concepts and can be flex- workforce also applies to the relationibly adapted to customer-specific ship with Siemens. As a Technology
requirements due to its modular struc- Partner, Enertek obtains the Sivacon S8
ture. Type-tested standard modules switchgear assemblies for low-voltage
ensure a high degree of plant safety, power distribution in a variety of levels
and the arc-fault-proof sealing system as clone systems. We acquired a virtual
guarantees the highest possible per- all-inclusive package with the license,
sonal safety. Sivacon S8 offers variable confirms Jungbluth. The support probusbar systems mounted above or in vided by Siemens is outstanding. With
the back, an effective ventilation con- the license, partners like Enertek also

receive the SCFA configuration tool for

quotation and order processing, as well
as production and installation drawings,
among other benefits. Comprehensive
training for the partner companies
employees on technology, configuration, and sales, along with technical
support and assistance with marketing
activities, completes the Siemens partner concept. The advantages for partner
companies are reflected in concrete
numbers: Investment costs for in-house
development work and type testing are
not incurred. Production times and the
effort and expense for processing are
also low. The excellent image of
Siemens and the well-established
Sivacon brand greatly facilitate sales
and give our customers the security of
knowing that they are using proven,
high-quality products, says Naumann,
summing up. All in all, a situation ben+
efiting everyone involved.



[email protected]
E-Installation | 04-2011 13

Building control


Automation and switchgear specialist relies on 3NP1 fuse switch disconnectors

A Safe Choice
When electrical power distribution is involved, adequate protective
devices are required. A company specializing in automation
technology and switchgear engineering relies on integrated,
coordinated fuse concepts using proven standard components to
protect its electrical engineering systems.

ith some 80 employees, Dressel Our customers want systems that they
GmbH in Unna, Germany, can rely on in all respects no matter
builds sophisticated control where they are used. Dressel provides
systems for production and engineer- the companies with all the electrical
ing processes. In addition to engineer- engineering from a single source.
ing, electrical, and automation solu- Whenever possible, the systems are
tions for industrial applications, the composed of standardized hardware
company also specializes in switching and software modules. This also applies
and distribution systems for the gen- to fuse components, which Dressel
eration of renewable energy. For CEO obtains from Siemens.
Dirk Fischer, what is crucial for Dressels success is first and foremost safety: All in one

3NP1 Highlights
++ High flexibility due to
modular structure and
standardized accessories

++ Quick and easy installation

++ Reduced costs and space
requirements due to compact

++ Fast and safe conversion to

cable outgoing feeder top/

++ Increased protection for

personnel and the plant

++ Flexible switching times for

the auxiliary switch

14 E-Installation | 04-2011

tomers are satisfied theres nothing

standing in the way of using it in other
The 3NP1 is in demand in industrial
production as well as in infrastructure
and buildings. Typical applications
include the safeguarding of frequency
converters in combination with semiconductor safety fuses, as well as the
safeguarding of machines, subdistribution boards, cables, and leads in distribution boards. It is also suitable for use
in renewable energy production. The
switch is particularly advantageous
here due to its compact design and high
degree of flexibility, as Gischel confirms: The 3NP1 needs only a small
amount of space in the control cabinet,
making it suitable for applications
where space is limited.
The fuse switch disconnectors can be
installed with particular ease if they can
just be snapped into busbar systems.
Flat, saddle, prism, or box terminals are
available for the cable outgoing feeder.
Box terminals enable direct connection
to insulated conductors, which further
accelerates the installation. Retrofitting
is also easy, allowing plant owners to
quickly and flexibly react to changing
operating requirements.

A new addition to the lineup is the 3NP1

compact fuse switch disconnector, a real
all-rounder. It combines the functions
of load switching and disconnection in
one system and makes it possible to
switch on, carry, and switch off the rated
current even when overloads occur.
The fuse switch disconnector can be
equipped with either electronic or electromechanical fuse monitoring. In addition, it can carry a certain short-circuit
current for a certain period of time.
Subordinate electrical devices are safely
disconnected from the system at all
poles and under load. The overload and
short-circuit protection is provided by
LV HRC fuses of size 000 to 3 (630 A) that
are moved out of the device during the
switching operation. The 3NP1 provides everything we need for our proj- Touch protection
ects, says Bernd Gischel, hardware
engineer at Dressel, taking stock after The main task of fuse switch disconnecthe first field installations. It is versa- tors is to reliably protect plants from
tile and can be easily installed. Our cus- overloads and short circuits, thus

The 3NP1 fuse switch connector combines the

functions of load switching and disconnection;
due to its compact design, it is suitable for
applications where space is limited

Even when the user (Bernd Gischel in this photo) is

accessing the rear side, touch protection prevents him or
her from touching live parts during installation of the 3NP1
in busbar systems

The 3NP1 provides

everything we need
for our projects.
All photos: Siemens AG

Bernd Gischel, hardware engineer at Dressel

Bernd Gischel (on the right) with Siemens

sales partner Klaus-Dieter Schler

ensuring their availability. Devices like selves upon actuation of the unlocking Time-tested collaboration
the 3NP1 offer additional features for shaft and sideways tilting.
The 3NP1 is unmatched in terms of Gischel emphasizes, With the 3NP1,
improved protection of personnel and
safety, says Gischel in praise of the our customers get a flexible and sturdy
Even when accessing the rear side, sophisticated protection concept. Auxil- device, and, even more important, they
touch protection included as standard iary switches with two installation posi- can be sure that their employees and
prevents the user from touching live tions in the basic housing indicate the plants are optimally protected. In addiparts during installation in busbar sys- switching position. Depending on the tion to the product features, the system
tems. Additional cable-connection cov- installation position, the auxiliary experts were persuaded by the excellent
ers further increase personal protection switch can switch simultaneously with collaboration with Siemens, as the CEO
by preventing contact with live conduc- the main contacts or on a leading basis. confirms: The product quality, good
tors. Thanks to large inspection win- This allows other switchgear and protec- delivery performance, and expert
dows, the type and state of the fuses in tive devices to be actuated before the advice are three good reasons to conuse can be easily seen, along with the 3NP1 opens or closes the main current tinue to work together with Siemens. +
isolating distances. This ensures easy paths. The fuse switch disconnectors
and safe maintenance. Since the fuse can also be equipped with electromeLINK TO THIS TOPIC:
links can reach extremely high temper- chanical or electronic fuse monitoring
atures if they melt, they need to be able and innovative grid monitoring funcCONTACT:
to be removed without being touched. tions such as for phase failure or under/
[email protected]
With the 3NP1, they fall out by them- overvoltages.
E-Installation | 04-2011 15

control systems


Safe power distribution in high-rise buildings

Cable Fires
A safe and reliable power supply is required
in residential and commercial high-rise
buildings. Standardized and communicationcapable busbar systems offer crucial
advantages in terms of planning, installation,
protection, and exibility.

n addition to 24/7 plant availability cables, busbar trunking systems also

and supply reliability over the lon- feature electromagnetic field emissions
gest possible period of time, power that are three times lower on average,
distribution in high-rise buildings giving them higher electromagnetic
requires a high level of flexibility for compatibility (EMC).
Further advantages: With the moducommissioning, operation, and expansion of the entire network. The high larly structured busbar trunking sysenergy volumes and numerous loads tem, the power distribution in large
present challenges in terms of fire pro- building complexes can be easily and
tection and efficiency in operation. For reliably planned and quickly installed.
high-rise buildings of 8 stories or Compared to cable solutions, busbar
higher, busbar trunking systems are trunking systems greatly reduce instalrecommended; for buildings over 20 lation times. This means higher revestories in city locations, they have nue for equal labor and greater added
become almost the only option.
value. Two installers can completely
install a 26-story building in one week,
for example. In operation, faults can
Busbars versus cables
then be found and rectified more
There are several convincing arguments quickly due to the clear installation.
for using busbar trunking systems Busbar trunking systems are also very
instead of cables. First, they have low flexible. If required, they can even be
space requirements. In high-rise build- modified, added to, and replaced while
ings, the supply systems are usually live (according to DIN EN 50110-1 / VDE
installed in very tight spaces. While 0105-1). Unlike with cables, such work
bending radii, bundling, installation does not lead to downtime.
type, and current carrying capacity lead
The Sivacon 8PS product family conto major space requirements, busbar sists of six busbar trunking systems to
trunking systems are compact and can meet a variety of requirements. The
be laid along the contour of the building CD-K and BD01 systems are designed for
supplying power to lighting installaIn contrast to cable solutions, the bus- tions and small loads in the range of 25
bars type-tested low-voltage switchgear A to 40 A or 40 A to 160 A. The BD2 busand controlgear assemblies meeting the bar trunking system is suitable for
IEC/EN 60439-1 and 2 standards ensure applications in the range of 160 A to
high operating safety, short-circuit 1,250 A with higher safety requirements,
strength, and a minimal fire load. That and the LD system (1,100 A to 5,000 A)
means a high degree of safety for peo- for use in exhibition halls, the automople and the building. Compared to tive industry, heavy manufacturing, and

E-Installation | 04-2011

Reliable, safe, efficient

in operation, and
exible in use the
advantages of Sivacon
8PS busbar trunking
systems compared to
conventional cable
installations speak for

Photos: Kai Ziegner

Sivacon 8PS Busbar Trunking


Low space requirements

High electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC)

Easy planning, quick



High flexibility

High degree of safety for

people and the building

High communication

ships. The LX system (800 A to 6,300 A) sumption point that is farthest from the
is designed for transmission of large service connection. This is usually the
quantities of power over long distances busbar outgoing feeder on the highest
in large buildings. Finally, the LR sys- floor of a high-rise building.
tem (400 A to 6,150 A) networks parts of
In a third step, the system is defined
buildings outdoors or is used for tunnel with the rated current of the busbar
supply. The communication capabilities enclosures, the degree of protection,
of all Sivacon 8PS systems also enable the firewall type (fire resistance class
their connection to industrial and build- S90 or S120), and the rated current and
ing automation systems. In this way number of outgoing feeder enclosures
they support the implementation of on the respective floors.
green buildings and represent energy
Precise configuration of the entire
efficiency, design quality, and sustain- vertical line follows. The firewalls are
calibrated in the process. In order for
them to be located in the center of the
fire ceilings later on, the room heights
Configuration in four steps
and the respective ceiling thicknesses
Labor-intensive calculations and costly need to be precisely calculated. If there
installation are a thing of the past for are no plans showing the planned standbusbar trunking systems. They are usu- pipe, a laser distance meter or tape meaally configured in four steps. The main sure with a length of at least 50 m can
conductors for apartments without be used to determine the precise geomelectric heating are assessed in accor- etry of the building on-site after the
dance with DIN 18015-1. This assess- clearing (coring) of the ceiling openment is based on effective output ings. The room height determines the
requirements in kilovolt-amperes. It is maximum length of the busbar enclo+
important whether the hot water is elec- sures.
trically heated, since this nearly doubles requirements.
The second measure consists of the
verification of the maximum permitted
voltage drop in the unmetered main
power supply system. The verification
can be easily carried out using planning
tools such as Simaris design, which can
take detailed data from the upstream
medium-voltage grid into account. The
[email protected]
voltage drop is calculated at the conE-Installation | 04-2011 17

Busbar trunking
control systems

Power distribution

Sivacon 8PS busbar trunking systems in a Pakistani office and

commercial high-rise building

Power Distribution
Made to Order
Reliability, safety, and efficiency: these are the areas in which
Sivacon 8PS busbar trunking systems set new standards for
power transport and distribution in high-rise buildings for
example, in the elegant 17-story Emerald Tower office and
commercial center in one of the most upscale districts of
Karachi in Pakistan.

he larger the building and the

more heterogeneous its use, the
more complex the requirements
are for a safe power supply. It was
already clear during the planning stage:
as one of the highest buildings in Pakistan, and with its mix of businesses and
offices, the prestigious Emerald Tower
also needed to meet the highest standards. Thats why particularly reliable
building technology solutions were
The construction company Landtek
Developers was quickly persuaded: In
November 2010, Siemens was able to
prevail over a direct competitor with a
combination of three Sivacon 8PS busbar trunking systems despite the fact
that the competitors offer would have
been less expensive in terms of the purchase cost.
The Sivacon 8PS systems were able to
score points with their superior fire protection, space efficiency, and operational
cost-efficiency, as well as flexibility and
adaptability in use. They are tailor made
to fulfill the wide spectrum of requirements in the complex building.


E-Installation | 04-2011

Solutions that meet the

The BD01 system (40 A to 160 A) ensures
a very easily and flexibly planned power
supply of small loads in the businesses
of the shopping plaza. The loads can be
clearly assigned using encoded outgoing
feeder points and enclosures. The reliable mechanical and electrical connection technology ensures fault-free installation. The guided fitting of the outgoing
feeders offers a great amount of protection for operating personnel the outgoing feeder points do not open automatically until the outgoing feeder enclosures
are fitted, and they close automatically
as soon as the outgoing feeder enclosures are removed. Other advantages:
the outgoing feeder enclosures can be
attached to all system sizes, and the
infeeds can be used as beginning, end, or
center infeeds. That simplifies the planning of the network structure and
reduces warehousing. Many components
for 3-D directional change also enable
the power supply to be adapted to all
building structures as required.

The communication-capable BD2 busbar trunking system increases this flexibility as well. When used to feed into
the smaller BD01 system, it flexibly
adapts to the building structure.
Designed for applications from 160 A to
1,250 A with heightened requirements
for safety and reliability, its tested firewall ensures that its function is maintained in the event of fire, thus fulfilling
the highest safety standards. The antitwist safeguard and the guided assembly
during installation, along with sealable
outgoing feeder points that protect
from unauthorized access, provide
additional safety. A terminal block with
integrated compensation for expansion
enables easy and fast installation of the
system. Due to its compact design, it
needs much less space than conventional cable solutions. The communication-capable system is also an excellent
solution in regard to the central requirement that operational transparency at
the Emerald Tower be improved. Detection of loads, remote control, remote
monitoring, and lighting control make
it easy to make this a reality. In this way,

The BD01 busbar trunking system ensures

a very easily and exibly planned power
supply of small loads in the businesses of
the shopping plaza

All photos: Siemens AG

The Emerald Tower in Pakistan sets

standards as a dynamic office and
business center and as an example
of advanced power distribution

The prestigious high-rise building in

one of the most upscale districts of
Karachi required an especially reliable
building management system

the BD2 busbar trunking system con- through minimized voltage losses,
tributes to energy-saving operation and quick and space-saving installation due
increased plant availability.
to the compact design, and safe and
The LX busbar trunking system (800 simple operation, as well as flexibility
A to 6,300 A) ultimately ensures power and adaptability to changing conditions
distribution spanning all floors of the such as future building expansions
Emerald Tower, where large quantities the system can grow with the requireof power need to be transmitted on a ments.
flexible basis over long distances. The
In the selection of the Sivacon 8PS
compact sandwich construction of the busbar trunking system, the strong
LX system provides for a low voltage presence and customer proximity of
drop and location-independent current Siemens Pakistan also played an imporcarrying capacity, allowing it to opti- tant role. The close collaboration
mize operational efficiency. Safety and between the customer and manufacfire protection also play a central role. turer allowed the optimal solution to be
Equipped with aluminum enclosures found for reliable, safe, and efficient
with a high degree of protection, the power distribution in the Emerald
system represents a low fire load, Tower a result that corresponds to the
ensures high corrosion resistance, and aspiration of the Emerald Tower to
is thus ideal for use in the subtropical become a new dynamic office and busiclimate of Karachi. Due to the conductor ness center. It can also point the way in
configurations with double N conduc- the region as a demonstration of what
tors and clean earth, it is also very suit- an advanced power distribution system
able for use for loads sensitive to inter- looks like.
ference and guarantees optimal plant

Many advantages
With the decision in favor of the modularly structured, standardized, and
communication-capable Sivacon 8PS
busbar trunking systems, Landtek
Developers is banking on a number of
advantages: maximum reliability of the
power supply, the highest degree of
safety (especially in case of fire protection), optimized operational efficiency



[email protected]
E-Installation | 04-2011 19

Power management

Power distribution

Integrated solution at the worlds largest acrylic fiber manufacturer

Efficient and Safe

with Every Fiber
With the implementation of a newly integrated energy management system,
the Aksa Group, the worlds largest acrylic fiber manufacturer, has responded
to increasing requirements for efficient production. Siemens accompanies
the textile producer through all phases of the optimization process.

he Turkish Aksa Group is the worlds

Manufacturers are to achieve these
largest producer of acrylic fibers. results using integrated systems and
Roughly 300,000 tons of fibers are solutions. To face these challenges,
produced in its plant near Yalova, a city Aksa decided in favor of Siemens. With
in western Turkey. These fibers are used Siemens we have a reliable partner on
throughout the world in carpets, blan- our side, one that offers integrated solukets, sweaters, and socks. The technical tions and a wide product range for comrequirements for production, with prehensive energy management, says
regard to reliability, quality, and energy Levent Arabacolu, project manager at
efficiency, are very high. Due to increas- Aksa Group.
ing prices for raw materials, energy represents a cost factor that is becoming Optimal interaction
more and more important. The internationally binding energy management In the plant in Yalova, reliable measurstandard ISO 50001, which will go into ing devices and intelligent software
effect starting in 2013, compels the interact in an optimal manner. During
manufacturing industry, of which Aksa the entire 24/7 operation, 425 7KM
is a part, to continuously improve oper- PAC3100 and 7KM PAC4200 measuring
ational energy efficiency.
devices detect the energy flows, provide

Siemens Technology
in the Aksa Plant

++ powermanager energy monitoring software

++ 28 measuring devices of type

7KM PAC4200

++ 397 measuring devices of

type 7KM PAC3100

++ 28 control cabinets
++ 11 Scalance Fiber
++ 10 UPS units
++ + Siemosyn energy-saving

20 E-Installation | 04-2011

Siemens AG

Siemens devices
ensure smooth

precise and reliable power consumption

data, and measure voltages, currents,
and outputs. The measurement results
are continuously recorded, saved, and
analyzed using the PC-based energy
monitoring software powermanager
from the Sentron product family.
In this way energy flows can be visualized, and the energy consumption of
the plant becomes transparent. This
allows Aksa to find potential for saving
energy and respond appropriately. The
use of the PCS7 process control system
and the WinCC SCADA system from the
Simatic product family enables optimal
process control and tracking of the
material flow.

Energy efficient and robust

The manufacture of acrylic fibers
requires above all heat and movement,
and both need an enormous amount of
energy. From granules to finished acrylic
threads, the first step at the Aksa plant
involves an extruder. The granules are
subjected to high temperatures and
melted there. Then movement comes
into play. The molten mass is transported to the spinning area, where high
pressure is used to press the liquid granulate through small nozzles, where it
then solidifies into threads through air
cooling. In the last step, the finished
acrylic threads are wound onto coils for
further processing. These complex processes require efficient drive technology.
Downtime would lead to dire consequences both for the bottom line of
the operator and for the energy balance
of the plant. When production stops
occur, the spinning nozzles can dry out,

Siemens accompanies us step by step

on the way to greater energy efciency,
making an important contribution to
increasing our productivity.
Levent Arabacolu, project manager at Aksa Group

Acrylic fibers are the basis for textile

products such as carpets, blankets,
sweaters, and socks



[email protected]

Ritterbach / vario Images

The use of Siemens technology in the

requiring that they be cleaned or even
replaced, which can result in loss of pro- Aksa plant thus makes a crucial contriduction, wasted time, and high costs. To bution to efficient and safe acrylic fiber
prevent this, Aksa depends on Siemens manufacturing in Turkey and to 11 perSiemosyn energy-saving motors, com- cent of worldwide production.
bined with Sinamics inverters on a
direct current busbar with an infeed
unit on the input. This ensures continuous operation even in the event of voltage drops and minimizes the risk of
downtime. Thanks to the motors in use
from the Simotics family, which correspond to the international efficiency
standard IE2, the machines in the Aksa
plant operate 25 to 30 percent more efficiently than conventional drives in textile fiber production.
The robustness and long service life
of the machines was a decisive factor.
In spite of extremely high temperatures
and the aggressive environment in the
plant, the machines must not
decline in performance or
lose efficiency. Energysaving motors of the
efficiency classes IE2
and IE3 from Siemens
fulfill these requirements and reduce
signs of wear or failure to a minimum.

E-Installation | 04-2011 21

Power management

Power distribution

TV conformity certification for Sentron measuring devices and powermanager

Certified Environmental
The DIN EN 16001 and ISO 50001 energy-saving standards define compulsory
criteria for sustainable energy management. With its Sentron measuring
devices and powermanager software, Siemens is the worlds first provider to
offer products for an energy management system that have been certified
according to both standards by TV Rheinland.

nergy efficiency, lower energy costs,

and reduced CO2 emissions, resulting in reduced stress on the environment those are the great challenges
of the future. This also applies to companies that want to continue to be successful on the market. European standard
DIN EN 16001 and the internationally
applicable standard ISO 50001 define
compulsory criteria for companies to
continuously optimize their energy use
and improve their energy efficiency on
an ongoing basis.
To meet both standards, it is necessary
to implement a sustainable and professional energy management system that
makes it possible to use software to
detect energy flows in all production
plants on a detailed basis, as well as to
analyze and evaluate energy consumption. The goal is to assist companies in
setting up systems and processes for
long-term optimization of energy efficiency, thus reducing their energy costs.

Standard compliance
With measuring devices and software
from the Sentron product family,
Siemens offers the optimal technical
basis for standard energy management.
With the 7KT PAC1500 and 7KM


E-Installation | 04-2011

Siemens AG

The basis for standard energy

management: Sentron measuring
devices and powermanager
software from Siemens

Benefits of Energy Management Systems in Enterprises


Cost reduction through optimization of energy efficiency

Competitive advantages on the European level through

DIN EN 16001 and ISO 50001 certification

Greater transparency and reliability of the power supply

Long-term environmental protection through energy savings
Energy and electrical power tax abatements granted by the
government starting in 2013

Siemens AG

With its Sentron measuring devices

and powermanager software tool,
Siemens was the worlds first
provider to receive conformity
certification from TV Rheinland

specific requirements on a flexible basis

and expanded with option packages at
any time.
In the future, legal easements will create additional incentives for enterprises.
Starting in 2013, an energy management
DIN EN 16001 will be required to receive
energy and electrical power tax abatements. In addition, DIN EN 16001 and
ISO 50001 certification offers competitive advantages on the European level,
since ecological requirements are playing an ever-larger role in tenders.

PAC3100/3200/4200 Sentron measuring period. Professional energy manage- Lasting environmental protection
devices, as well as powermanager, the ment saves money, increases profits,
corresponding energy monitoring soft- and protects the environment at the In the future, energy-efficient work will
ware, Siemens was the worlds first pro- same time.
increasingly be required for a company
vider to receive conformity certification
to be successful. The introduction of an
energy management system based on
from TV Rheinland. This certification Greater transparency and reliability
confirms that the products from the
DIN EN 16001 and ISO 50001 is a central
Sentron portfolio are suitable for pro- Systematic power management offers instrument in the pursuit of this goal.
viding support to companies in the the opportunity for greater transpar- Sentron 7KT/KM PAC measuring devices
introduction, documentation, and ency and reliability of the energy sup- and the powermanager energy monitormaintenance of an energy management ply. The basis for this is the PAC digital ing software from Siemens are optimal
system in accordance with the require- Sentron measuring devices and the aids in implementing an efficient and
ments of the DIN EN 16001 and ISO powermanager software for coordina- sustainable internal company energy
50001 standards.
tion and fine-tuning. The easy-to-oper- policy that will help reduce CO 2 emisThe introduction of a standard energy ate measuring devices provide precise, sions and protect the environment. +
management system has a number of reliable, and verifiable information
advantages for companies. Unnecessary about energy values, the plant state,
energy consumption can be located on and the grid quality. In this way the sava targeted basis, allowing energy effi- ings potential can be determined and
ciency to be further optimized. Invest- the availability of the power supply can
ments in energy monitoring technolo- be ensured at all times. The Sentron
gies pay for themselves within just a few 7KT/KM PAC measuring devices and the
years and can reduce energy consump- powermanager energy monitoring [email protected]
tion by up to 30 percent in the same ware can also be adjusted to customerE-Installation | 04-2011 23

Power distribution


300 charging stations for electric vehicles in Portugal

Fast Start
A major order from southern Europe: 300 Charge CP700A charging stations are being
delivered to the Portuguese customer Intelli. At these stations, which have a charging
capacity of up to 22 kW, electric cars can be safely charged in just one hour.


E-Installation | 04-2011




[email protected]

The Charge CP700A charging

station charges electric cars
with a standard battery
capacity within an hour

Siemens AG

ntelli ordered the first 100 charging 22 kW. With this new model, the stanstations from the framework con- dard charging time is reduced to only
tract shortly after the start of series one hour. Siemens has set a mediumproduction. Intelli is the coordinator of term goal of developing quick charging
the Portuguese program for the promo- systems with a charging time of less
tion of electromobility (MOBI.E). The than 15 minutes.
company is constructing a network of
The Charge CP700A charging station
charging infrastructure and will be is safe and easy to operate, works with
installing the charging stations in 25 AC voltage, and can be easily integrated
cities by 2012, including installations into common European city power grids.
on public parking lots and near shop- It is prepared for integration into an
ping centers, hotels, and airports, intelligent electrical network the
among other locations.
smart grid and supports functions
such as remote control of the charging
output to guard against grid bottleFast charging technology in demand
necks and to enable targeted
There is major interest in fast charging charging with electrical
technology. The modularly structured power from renewable
Charge CP700A charging station intro- energy sources.
duced to the market last spring can
charge electric vehicles with a variety of A comprehenoutputs. In the fastest operating mode, sive portfolio
the vehicle is supplied with three-phase
AC voltage at 32 A current strength and Siemens offers a
charged accordingly with an output of comprehensive
portfolio of products for electromobility. Based on
Standard Solution Packages
the charging outfor Charging Stations
put, the ambient
conditions, and the
+ Sustainable and integrated
installation locatechnologies for the
tion of the charging
electromobility of tomorrow
stations, appropriate
+ Comprehensive product
portfolio and specific
components are
solutions for all requirements
used. RCCBs, auxilof the charging infrastructure
iary switches, minia+ Simple planning, installation,
ture circuit breakers, and
and operation through
the Insta contactor in the
modular components for the
Charge CP700A are coordiDIN rail
nated so that they offer the
highest possible safety. The
+ The highest possible safety
charging stations fulfill the
using proven, high-quality
applicable standards for
protective, switching,
safe charging of electric
measuring, and monitoring
such as standard
IEC 61851.

New releases

GAMMA Building Management Systems Catalog 2012

Future-Proof Electrical Installations

he new GAMMA Building Management Systems Catalog for

2012 is now available. It provides a
clear overview of a great deal of information about all building control
products. New in this catalog are the
KNX room thermostats for flush
mounting and surface mounting,
presence detectors with and without
constant light level control, room
controllers for fan coils, cooling ceilings, and radiators, as well as the
electrothermal actuator series, for
example. Another highlight in the
catalog is the home automation
portfolio from Synco living, which
can be easily connected with Gamma wave. The new Flexcon section
covers the easily commissioned sys-

tem for light control with Dali. Also

added to the catalog are the gateway and energy-self-sufficient room
control units with EnOcean radio
technology and a variety of physical
sensors without communication,
such as temperature, humidity, and
air quality sensors, as well as room
humidity switches.
The GAMMA Building Management Systems Catalog is available as a
complete download or as an e-book
with a practical page-turning function
directly online at www.siemens.com/
gamma. It can also be obtained as a
paper version directly from your
Siemens contact.

Siemens Industry Mall

Order Online

he Siemens Industry Mall is a comprehensive

electronic information and ordering platform
for all products of industry automation, drive
technology, building management systems, and
power distribution. From selection of products

and ordering to online access and current delivery

status, customers can handle their entire purchase through the Industry Mall online from
anywhere and at any time. Users can register online and immediately use the innovative and convenient user interface. The online marketplace offers extensive information with all
important product information, querying of
individual customer prices, an availability
check, and online ordering options using the
shopping cart function, as well as order
tracking and an order overview. A help function on the page clearly explains the most
important functions and offers useful assis+
The Siemens Industry Mall can be found at:

E-Installation | 04-2011 25

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these platform
rms and tools
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operation of
explained in
shor t video cl
+++ NEW! Lo
w Voltage Dis

Check it out!

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Paths to electrical
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You can find your regional contact
person at www.siemens.com/

Tel.: +41 (0)848 822-844
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E-Installation | 04-2011

+ [email protected]

Service and dialogue

Trade fair preview 2012: two important trade fairs announced for spring

Hot Topic: Energy Efficiency

ith Light+Building, the worlds

Light+Building 2012 will emphasize the
largest trade fair for light and digitalization of light and buildings, as
smart buildings, and the Han- well as the building as a green power plant.
nover Messe, two important trade fairs Digitalization means more comfort and
innovative solutions for creative design as
are scheduled for spring 2012.
Energy efficiency will be the most well as safety in residential and nonresiimportant topic at both events. In the dential buildings and all while attaining
modern world, sustainable use of enormous savings on the energy cost side.
energy is moving increasingly to center Hannover Messe is putting the newest
stage. For years, Siemens has been industry know-how on display. For 60
offering solutions and products that years, it has been the leading marketplace
allow energy to be saved and used more for pioneering technologies, materials,
efficiently, particularly in the area of and ideas. The core themes of 2012 include
electrical installation in buildings as metropolitan solutions and energy efficiency in industrial processes.
well as in industry.

Published by
Siemens AG
Infrastructure & Cities Sector
Low and Medium Voltage Division
Low Voltage Distribution
P.O. Box 110 09 53
93009 Regensburg
Responsibility under press laws
Boris Tolkien
Responsible for technical content
and design
Susanne Kraus

Trade fair schedule 2012

light + building


Apr. 15 20, 2012

Hannover Messe


Apr. 23 27, .2012

Training courses and dates

IP Basics & KNXnet/IP ET-IPB

May 08 09, 2012




KNX Basic Course ET-KNXBK


Feb. 02 17, 2012

Apr. 23 27, 2012
Jul. 02 06, 2012
Jul. 16 20, 2012

KNX Advanced Course ET-KNXA1


Mar. 26 30, 2012

Jul. 23 27, 2012



KNX Diagnostics/Troubleshooting ET-KNXD

Mar. 13 14, 2012


KNX Trainer Course LV-KNXT

Apr. 17 19, 2012


Network Planning Basics LV-NP1GL


Mar. 26 27, 2012

Apr. 23 24, 2012



SENTRON Circuit Breakers

Basics, Planning, and Maintenance


Jul. 10 11, 2012

Jul. 12 13, 2012



Communication with SENTRON Circuit Breakers



Feb. 14 15, 2012

Feb. 16 17, 2012



Communication with SENTRON Circuit Breakers

Diagnostics LV-SENCOM2


Feb. 20 21, 2012

Feb. 22 23, 2012



SIVACON 8PS Busbar Trunking Systems

25 A to 1250 A LV-SI250

Feb. 07, 2012


SIVACON 8PS Busbar trunking systems

800 A bis 6300 A LV-SIBAS

Feb. 01, 2012


SIVACON 8PS Busbar Trunking Systems

800 A to 6300 A LV-SIBAS

Mar. 06 07, 2012

Cover picture: zentilia / Fotolia


Installation, Commissioning, and Interfaces of

Busbar Trunking Systems LV-SIN


Feb. 02, 2012

Feb. 09, 2012







Mar. 28, 2012

Apr. 25, 2012

Service and Maintenance of SENTRON Circuit



May 22 23, 2012

May, 24 25, 2012





Feb. 21 23, 2012

Mar. 21 23, 2012



Energy Management Basics and Standards


Mar. 13 14, 2012


Business Area Overview Training I BT LV


Jun. 19 21, 2012

Jun. 26 28, 2012


Publishing House
Publicis Publishing
P.O. Box 32 40
91050 Erlangen
Tel.: +49 9131 / 9192-5 01
Fax: +49 9131 / 9192-5 94
[email protected]
Editors: Dr. Beate Bellinghausen,
Gerd Frstenberger, Heiko Jahr,
Christian Stiegler
Layout: Nadine Wachter
Final editing:
Sabine Zingelmann
DTP: Mario Willms
E-Installation appears
four times per year.
2011 by Siemens
Aktiengesellschaft Munich and Berlin.
All rights reserved.
The following products are
registered trademarks of
Siemens AG:
If there is no special mention of
trademarks, trade names, technical
solutions, or similar items, this does
not mean that these items are not
The information in this magazine only contains general descriptions and
performance features which do not
always apply in the described form in
the actual application or which may
be subject to change in the course of
further development of the product.
The specific performance features are
only binding if they were agreed expressly in the contract.


Training on the SENTRON Product Group of the

Load Break Systems LV-SENLBS


Jun. 12 13, 2012

Jun. 14 15, 2012



(G = training in German; E = training in English)

+ www.siemens.com/lowvoltage/training
E-Installation | 04-2011 27

Busbar trunking systems

The busbar for lighting systems and small consumers

The CD-K busbar trunking system is ideally

suited for the efficient power supply of
lighting systems and small consumers.
The expandable system stands for flexible
planning from 25 A to 2 x 40 A.

ment stores, supermarkets or furniture

stores, for example. The CD-K busbar
trunking system is notable for maximized
flexibility and particularly easy installation
and dismantling if requirements change.

The light grey painted CD-K system provides

an emergency and mains power supply in
one single enclosure. Thanks to its attractive design, it is used wherever good looks
are important, in office buildings, depart-

Integrated communication solutions for

intelligent networking with the building
management by Siemens ensure an
extremely energy-efficient future.

Answers for infrastructure.

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