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Self-Assembly and Self-Organization

Michael F. Geer and Linda S. Shimizu

University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA

1 Introduction
2 Key Players in Self-Assembly
3 Assembly in Solution to Yield Discrete Structures
4 Summary and Conclusions



Physicists, biologists, chemists, and material scientists have

all observed the ability of small units to self-organize into
larger defined entities long before this process was officially
named. Self-assembly describes the formation of discrete
architectures from building blocks that can range in size
from atoms and molecules up to macroscopic units without
help or guidance from an exterior source.1 The formation
of a more ordered ensemble from less ordered components seems counterintuitive from an entropy perspective.
Yet, atoms, molecules, and parts of macromolecules do
self-assemble into discrete soluble architectures including
folded structures, dimers, trimers, and so on. These small
assemblies may further associate into monolayers, films,
and polymers up to macroscopic structures such as vesicles,2 liquid crystals,3 and crystals.4 On the macroscale,
spontaneous assembly has been humorously visualized on
YouTube by a pile of Legos miraculously assembling
into the Millennium Falcon through the magic of stopaction photography. In this case, we are fooled and the

guiding source is an unseen person; however, even children can observe self-assembly in every day life as they
grow rock candy crystals and watch the formation of soap
Supramolecular structures have the potential to extend
to very complex extended structures. Nature has provided inspirational examples of functional assemblies.
In the tobacco mosaic virus, 2130 identical protein
units self-assemble around an RNA strand to form the
300 nm 18 nm rod structure (Figure 1).5 Amazingly,
this structure can be dismantled, isolated as its component parts, and reconstituted in vitro to afford the intact
assembled virus.6 Early work distinguished the terms
self-assembly and self-organization by thermodynamics,
with self-assembly implying a spontaneous, reversible
process that reaches equilibrium while self-organization
required energy to afford a nonequilibrium state.7, 8 The
tobacco mosaic virus is an example of a spontaneous selfassembling system. Most people now use these terms interchangeably, although Lehn9 and others typically reserve
self-organization for multistable dynamic systems and this
term is most often encountered in the biological area.10, 11
Since no outside force is required for this spontaneous
assembly, the directions and driving force must be embedded in the building blocks themselves and influenced by the
surrounding environment. We are still far from elucidating
general rules that guide self-assembly at size scales that
range eight orders of magnitude from angstroms to centimeters. The rules governing pattern formation over this
huge range appear to be similar but not identical.1214 For
example, the balance of the forces that guide molecules into
three-dimensional crystals versus two-dimensional films
may have different relative strengths and contributions at
these different length scales.15, 16 Researchers often refer
to three distinct size ranges that include the molecular,

Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials, Online 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470661345.smc012


Protein building block

Building blocks

Discrete structures

Self assembly

Viral RNA strand

Figure 1 Cartoon representation of the assembly of the tobacco

mosaic virus from its protein building blocks that self-assemble
around the strand of viral RNA.5

nanoscale, and macroscopic. This chapter focuses primarily

on identifying variables that are important to the assembly
process in all ranges and examines some simple molecular
examples of self-assembly.


Our conceptualization of the self-assembly/self-organization

process requires us to consider all the components of the
system that could influence the formation of ordered ensembles. Here, we take a closer look at these components,
which include: (i) the molecular structure and physical
properties of the building blocks, (ii) the strength, directionality, and reversibility of the intra- and intermolecular
forces or bonds, and (iii) the solvent or solid interfaces in
the surrounding environment.


Building blocks

The building blocks used by chemists, which are also

referred to as construction units or tectons,17 are typically
molecules. The size, shape, functional groups, and physical
properties (solubility, melting point, etc.) of these building
blocks must be considered. Obviously, the size and shape
of these building blocks have a marked effect on how
they may assemble into more ordered structures. Shape
complementarity is an important design consideration in
self-assembling systems. Figure 2 shows the schematic selfassembly of identical molecular building blocks that are
wedges, L-shapes, or disks to give cyclic hexamers, blocks,
or columnar structures. Although seemingly simple, there
are many examples of these assembly patterns that give rise
to functional systems for practical applications. In slightly

Figure 2 Schematic assembly of building blocks with various

shapes to form discrete supramolecular structures.

more complex systems two different building blocks could

assemble. For example, melamine and barbituric acid
derivatives form cyclic hexamers that are also called
Complexity builds quickly. A combination of organic
and inorganic building blocks can be used to construct two
and three-dimensional networks that yield interpenetrated or
porous coordination polymers or metal organic frameworks
(MOFs).19, 20 Small geometric changes in the relative size
and shape of the building block are amplified in the
assembly process and ultimately control the size and shape
of the final complex pattern that emerges.2124 Block
copolymers2528 and dendrimers29, 30 also self-assemble into
micelles, lamellar sheets, and microtubules. Alternatively,
these interactions may drive intramolecular associations and
cause the macromolecule, polymer, or peptide to fold into
a more ordered complex structure, which usually endows
Other molecular attributes also influence this organization including the type and position of functional groups
within these molecular building blocks. These functional
groups (carboxylates, carboxylic acids, amides, amines,
ammonium salts, halogens, etc.) may form strong directional interactions that are discussed in the next section.
Thus, their location, geometry, and orientation within the
assembly unit have a major impact on the inter- and
intramolecular contacts that are both possible and accessible. The physical properties of these building blocks
are also important as these molecules need to interact with themselves and with other building blocks during the assembly process. For example, melting points
and solubility help govern their ability to mix freely
in a melt or solution. Mobility is also a requirement
for assembly. A physical chemist or material scientist might discuss this in terms of mass transport and

Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials, Online 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470661345.smc012

Self-assembly and self-organization


Intra- and intermolecular forces: strength

and directionality

Inter- and intramolecular interactions have been used to

guide self-assembly. There are three key issues to consider
in the use of a specific covalent or noncovalent interaction
for supramolecular assembly: (i) strength; (ii) reversibility;
and (iii) directionality. Noncovalent forces range in strength
from weak interactions (040 kcal mol1 ) that include
van der Waals,32 hydrophobic interactions,33 close packing,34 hydrogen bonding,18, 3537 halogen bonding,38, 39 arylstacking,40, 41 dipoledipole,42 iondipole, and donor
acceptor interactions up to strong ionion interactions43, 44
and dative bonds that are similar in strength to covalent bonds (60190 kcal mol1 ). The strengths of these
interactions span a considerable range, and many can be
context dependent. Individual hydrogen bonds, for example,
are stronger in the gas phase or in nonpolar solvents,
ranging from 540 kcal1 ; however, in solvents that compete for hydrogen bonds such as water, they are very
weak 0 kcal mol1 .35 In systems with multiple hydrogen bond donors and acceptors, the number, positioning, and separation distance can modulate the strengths of
these interactions over several orders of magnitude.4547 A
quadruple hydrogen bond array in 2-ureido-4-pyrimidone
derivatives from Sijbesma et al. displays association constants of Kdim 6 107 L mol1 in CHCl3 .48 The energetics, geometric features, and relative contributions of some
of these interactions is still under debate. For example,
the origins, strengths, and geometries of aryl-stacking
interactions are still a very active area of fundamental
research.4951 For a complete discussion of these interactions see Chirality, Concepts.

The strength of these interactions covers a huge range

from very weak, as compared to thermal energies, to intermediate strength but reversible dative interactions to a
special set of strong covalent bonds. These interactions
can be used alone or in concert to afford assemblies.
In general, a stronger the association constant is usually
indicative of a less reversible process. Like a contractor
building a house, one would assume that the stronger mortar would afford a more stable assembled structure; however, since the molecular structure builds itself, it must be
allowed to equilibrate and find the thermodynamic minimum. Figure 3 compares a reversible process with an irreversible one. In a reversible process, the molecules associate
and dissociate in a dynamic equilibrium. This reversibility
allows the individual building blocks to adjust their position
and orientation and to eventually find the thermodynamic
ordered structure. The dynamic nature of these systems
allows for error checking, which is a controlled disassembly of thermodynamically unstable structures that endows
the process with inherent self-correction. Potentially, the
assembly/disassembly equilibrium allows for these structures to respond to their environment.52 For example, a
dynamic and reversible metallosupramolecular assembly
could be postmodified by addition of a new ligand or a
template.53, 54 In the case of an irreversible interaction,
such as the formation of a CC bond or an irreversible
dative bond, the individual components cannot adjust or
reorganize their structures to form the most stable lattices
(Figure 3). Strong but poorly labile metalligand interactions, such as complexes of Cr(III), Ru(II), Os(II), Pd(II),
Pt(II) often form local but not global order. The formation
of these complexes is kinetically controlled and often results
in noncrystalline solids and glasses. It is conceivable that an

More complex

Structure can

Error checking


Figure 3

Comparison of reversible and irreversible steps and their effects on the supramolecular assembly.

Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials, Online 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470661345.smc012


irreversible interaction can drive the kinetic self-assembly

to afford discrete structures. Like a cascade reaction, all
bonds must form correctly as there is no way to correct
a mistake.
In comparison to abundant examples of noncovalent
supramolecular assemblies,5558 relatively few structures
have been built with strong covalent bonds. This is
due to the fact that normal covalent bonds are not
easily broken and reformed. One can manipulate the
temperature and conditions so that the formation of
stable imines,59, 60 esters,6164 disulfides,65 hydrazones,66
and boronate esters67 is reversible. Some examples of
these covalent self-assembled systems include disulfide
hosts68, 69 and covalent organic frameworks.66, 7073
The chapter Supramolecular Information/Programming
from a Boolean Perspective, Concepts delves deeper into
the reversible covalent bond toolbox. The equilibration of
these strong covalent bonds, often referred to as dynamic
covalent chemistry,74 is kinetically slower in comparison to
weaker noncovalent interactions and often requires a catalyst. An extreme example might also include the formation
of carbon nanotubes and fullerenes. While not spontaneous
at room temperature, carbon vapor at high temperature does
assemble to form these intricate and beautiful structures.
In addition to the strength of these individual interactions, one must also consider their directionality. Like a
covalent single bond, in which the shared electrons are
localized between the two atoms, some of the noncovalent interactions are directional in nature including dative
bonds, hydrogen bonding, halogen bonding, iondipole,
donoracceptor, and ionion interactions. In the design
step, directional interactions are important for programming
a building block to adopt a specific assembly. Section 3
highlights a number of examples of designed building
blocks that assemble into discrete structures using directional interactions. However, many individual forces and
effects contribute to the stability of the final complex assembly. Challenges remain in identifying each of these forces
and weighing their individual contributions for assembly at
atomic to macroscale sizes.


Surrounding environment

In solution, the process of spontaneous self-assembly is

thought to follow a thermodynamic model where the building blocks form an aggregate in solution that gives rise to
initial intermolecular interactions (nucleation) followed by
growth.75 The nucleation step is typically thermodynamically unfavorable and an entropy deficit must be overcome. In a cooperative process, the formation of many
small favorable associations during the growth phase work
to overcome this initial deficit. Molecular motion is a

requirement for these nucleation and growth processes.

With the advent of neutron scattering and X-ray crystallography, people can now actively study the nucleation
process, work that will hopefully yield new insights.76, 77
Typically, the assembly is carried out in a solution or in a
melt to aid molecular motion. Thus, we need at the very
least to consider the solvent in this process and often a solid
interface as well. The solvent can have interactions with
the building blocks and can help or hinder the assembly
Solid interfaces can also aid or hinder assembly. Indeed,
the very process of nucleation and growth on a surface may
be different due to thermodynamics of adsorption, surface
diffusion, and chemical binding that may occur before or
at the same time as growth processes.7880 These environmental effects give rise to a range of new interactions to
consider: solvent/solvent, solvent/solute, solid/solvent, and
solid/solute. Perhaps these are the underlying causes for
the subtle differences between assembly on the molecular, nanoscale, and macroscopic size scales.15, 16 A good
example of the solid interface influencing assembly is the
differential growth of crystals in the presence of insoluble
polymers.81, 82 It could be argued that this is no longer a
case of spontaneous self-assembly as Matzger et al. propose and that the solid polymer aids in nucleation and may
selectively stabilize one polymorphic form of a pharmaceutical over another. However, this intriguing method for
discovering polymorphs highlights the difficulty in determining the role of the environment in guiding spontaneous self-assembly. Such processes are often referred to
as assisted or directed self-assembly. In biology, molecular
chaperones can assist the folding of a protein. In chemistry, there are many examples of such template-assisted
assembly8387 used to facilitate covalent bond formation.
One such example is in the synthesis of threaded and
interlocked linked compounds8890 such as the synthesis
of a rotaxane (Figure 4) through the clipping method. Selfassembly brings the open ring around the bar, which can
then be subsequently closed to complete the synthesis of
the rotaxane.
The dynamic nature of these structures can complicate
their characterization as the act of sample preparation for
different analytical techniques can promote disassembly.
For example, diluting a sample with a solvent might induce

Figure 4

Schematic synthesis of rotaxanes through the clipping

Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials, Online 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470661345.smc012

Self-assembly and self-organization

an equilibration of the material to afford an average smaller
assembly. In the case of supramolecular polymers, dilution
would be expected to lower the degree of polymerization.91
Section 2 in this volume focuses on the different techniques that have been used to probe these self-assembled



Self-assembly is used to organize molecules into amazing

and complex structures. Small molecular weight molecules
can be assembled into structures of varying degrees
from dimers and trimers all the way up to and including supramolecular polymers.1 Simple amphiphiles form
micelles and vesicles.92 Dendrimers, DNA-based materials, peptides, and peptides amphiphiles have been assembled into nanostructured fibrals reminiscent of the extracellular matrix.9396 Obviously, we cannot cover here even
a fraction of the creative and functional assembled systems reported. In this section, we highlight selected symmetrical self-assembled systems to illustrate how different

intermolecular interactions can be used cooperatively to

afford discrete structures that are of interest for molecular recognition, as nanoreactors, for sensing, and in light
harvesting applications. A minimalist would consider the
association of two identical molecules together to form
dimeric structures or capsules as a good model of selfassembly. While conceptually simple, a large number of
aesthetically pleasing and functional structures have been
synthesized that form dimers.


Dimeric structures and capsules

An early example from the Cram group takes advantage of

dipoledipole, van der Waals, and solvophobic interactions
to drive assembly of two identical units into dimers.97
These velcraplexes are cyclic aryl systems that incorporate
quinoxoline flaps in an equatorial position to the aryl
ring reminiscent of an octopus with four legs setting on the
ocean floor (Figure 5a). The dimers are formed from the
stacking of the faces (the bottom side of the analogous
octopus) of two of the monomers so that the axial facing
methyl groups on the inner aryl cycle sit toward the face




C3H11 C3H11

C3H11 C3H11



Ar H















Figure 5 Examples of self-complementary molecules that yield dimeric assemblies: (a) Cartoon representation of velcrand dimers that
assemble through CH-pi, arylaryl stacking, and entropic effects97, 98 ; (b) Rebeks softball dimers assembled through H-bonding99102 ;
(c) Noltes molecular clips assemble into dimers through aryl-stacking and entropic effects.103
Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials, Online 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470661345.smc012

an entropic process. The exchange of solvent guests for
larger molecules like adamantanes and ferrocene displays
stabilizing effects of approximately 13 kcal mol1 .100, 101
Symmetric molecular clips from the Nolte group rely
on size and shape complementarity and arylaryl stacking
interactions. These C-shaped clips are formed from a bisimidazolidine core decorated with four aryl groups.103
This molecule forms a C-shaped clip that dimerizes in
solution by interlocking the aryl groups (Figure 5c) through
arylaryl stacking, and what the Nolte group calls cavity
filling effects. Typically, these arylaryl interactions are
considered to be less directional. Yet, clips with long alkane
tails form well-ordered lamellar thin films and may have use
in liquid crystalline applications.106
Egg-shaped or spherical capsules can be formed by
the assembly of two halves or hemispheres. Like their
covalent carcerand and hemicarcerand counterparts,107 selfassembled capsules are of interest for drug delivery and
as containers for stabilizing reactive intermediates and
for inducing selectivity in reactions. Capsules have been

of the opposing aryl rings that are equatorial directed of the

second monomer. These dimers are held together by CHpi stacking, and the quinoline groups are offset from one
another in a typical arylaryl offset stack. The G values
for the formation of these dimers was shown to vary greatly
from <1 to >9 kcal mol1 . Polar solvents also help to
facilitate the formation of these dimers.98 See Introduction
to Surfactant Self-Assembly, Concepts for a discussion of
Examples of self-assembled dimers stabilized by hydrogen bonds are the baseballs, tennis balls, and softballs from the Rebek group. These are formed from
self-complementary curved pieces that are comprised of
two glycouril units separated by different spacers such as
durene,104 quinone,105 and triphenelene.99102 Figure 5(b)
illustrates the assembly of two long and curved polycyclic
units into large softballs, which are knit together with
eight pairs of hydrogen bonds. These systems have a wide
3 ,99102 and
range of internal volumes, from 60 to 300 A
have been shown to exchange their guest molecules through

















= SO3 Na
= C(NH2)2+Cl


Figure 6 Examples of self-assembled capsules: (a) Gibbs water-soluble cavitands forms a capsule in the presence of hydrophobic
3 130 ; (c) Cavitands from the Reinhoudt
molecules124, 125 ; (b) Atwood cavitand that forms a hexameric cavitand with a volume of 1400 A
group employ ionic interactions. (d) Rebeks cavitands take advantage of H bonds for self assembly.132, 133
Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials, Online 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470661345.smc012

Self-assembly and self-organization

assembled from dynamic covalent bonds,108112 and noncovalent interactions that include hydrogen bonds,113117
coordination chemistry,118121 ionic interactions,122, 123 and
solvophobic interactions. The Gibb group provides an
example that relies on solvophobic interactions. They synthesized cavitands based on resorcinarenes that were composed of 12 aryl systems that are functionalized with
eight carboxylic acids. The octa-acid groups enhanced
the solubility of these cavitand hosts in basic aqueous
solution, where they were monomeric and unassembled
(Figure 6a).124, 125 Upon addition of a guest that was small
and nonpolar, two of the octa-acid hemispheres dimerized
forming a capsule. Using isothermal titration calorimetery
Sun, Gibb, and Gibb found that the driving force for this
complexation125 was the expulsion of a hydrophobic guest
molecule from aqueous solution (solvophobic) as it was
taken up in the cavity of the capsule and shielded from
water.125 The guest therefore played an integral role in the
assembly process, and perhaps these are better viewed as
trimeric or larger assemblies depending on the number of
guests. Most interesting was the ability of these capsules
to open and close, thereby allowing exchange of guests or
enabling the expulsion of products upon completion of a
reaction. Gibbs and Ramamurthy demonstrated the utility
of these assembled systems as reaction vessels for selective oxidation,126 photochemistry,127129 and hydrocarbon
Other examples of capsules include the spherical molecular assemblies from Atwoods group.130 The spontaneous self-assembly of six identical calix[4]resorcinarenes
(Figure 6b) and eight water molecules gave a snub cube
3 .134, 135 A complex
with an internal volume of 1375 A
from the Reinhoudt group was formed from the 1:1 assembly of oppositely charged calix[4]arene building blocks
in a polar mixture of CH3 OH/H2 O (Figure 6c).131 This
entropy driven assembly displayed association constants
in the range of 106 M1 . The elongated capsules from
Rebek and coworkers were assembled from derivations of
calix[4]resorcinarene (Figure 6d) and use H-bond donors
and acceptors to form cylindrical capsules with cavities
3 . These capsules could accommodate molecules of
600 A
in length.132, 133 The study of the assembly of relup to 22 A
atively small organic capsules is advantageous as it allows
one to follow the assembly/disassembly process and in the
cases where guests are encapsulated, enables one to probe
the effects of this confinement on the physical properties
and chemical reactivity of the guests.


Trimers and larger functional assemblies

Because of their strength, directionality, and selectivity,

metalligand interactions are valuable for assembling large

functional structures.136, 137 One example is Wasielewskis

trimers formed from three chlorophyll derivatives connected by a phenyl triethynelene in a trefoil-like structure (Figure 7a).138 Two porphyrins from separate trefoils
assemble through dative bonds from zinc within the chlorophyll pieces to diazo bicyclooctane ligands that connect to
neighboring trimers. The dative bond directs the porphyrins
to stack one on top of another creating a pseudohexagonal
shaped center cavity. This assembly is being studied for
light harvesting capabilities and exhibits interesting dual
singletsinglet annihilation energy transfer processes that
suggest two separate time scale energy transfers within the
Self-assembled coordination cages provide a fascinating
and active research area with much promise for delivering
active and functional materials.22, 142 Stangs group has capitalized on the directionality and the selective interaction
of carboxylates with platinum to assemble neutral complexes.140 The size and shape of the resulting structures are
dependent on the geometries and bend angle of the platinum
pieces. For example, 3,6-bis-platinum phenanthrene takes
on a 90 geometry that restricts the options for the diacid
ligand and results in a tetragonal structure (Figure 7b).
Alternately, the 4,4 -bis-platinum benzophenone has a
geometry of 120 that opens the angles between the diacids
and results in a hexagonal structure (Figure 7c). Several
excellent reviews highlight the utility of these materials.141
A water-soluble coordination cage was assembled via
a tridentate tripyridyl-triazine ligand, and Pd salts.143 The
Fujita groups octahedral tetramer was formed from four
triazines and six palladium atoms to form an octahedral
tetramer with triazine panels, which occupied opposite
faces of the octahedron and created a hydrophobic cavity
(Figure 8a). This cage has been used to accelerate room
temperature DielsAlder reactions. The reactive substrates
appeared to be preorganized within the pocket, which
resulted in high stereoselectivity.144 More recently, Sun
et al. has demonstrated the self-assembly of 24 metals
and 48 ligands into amazingly large M24 L48 coordination
Hydrogen bonded guanosine tetramers (G-quartets) have
a rich biological and materials chemistry.146148 Upon
first inspection of guanosine derivatives, one notes the
self-complementary hydrogen bond donors and acceptors
and the aromatic surfaces. It is not surprising that these
units self-assemble into ribbons149 and tetrameric macrocycles.150 In the presence of metal cations, two tetramers can
assemble further into octomers, dodecamers, hexadecamers,
and higher ordered structures known as G-quadruplexes.151
By tuning the exterior functional groups on the tetramer to
control repulsive and attractive interactions discrete assembled systems can be stabilized. For example, the 8-aryl2 deoxyguanosine derivative from Rivera in Figure 8(b)

Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials, Online 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470661345.smc012








N Zn

N Zn












33 Pt





Figure 7 Examples of dative directed assemblies: (a) Wasielewski porphyrin trefoil that uses diazo-bicyclic octane to form a trimer
with a hexagonal center cavity138 ; (b) Stangs tetrameric structures are formed by the assembly of two bis-platinum phenanthrenes and
2 disodium carboxylates140 ; (c) Three bis-platinum benzophenone units and three disodium carboxylates organize to form hexagonal

exhibits selective stabilization of a dodecamer (94%) upon

titration with 0.7 equivalent of KI in CD3 CN.152 Assembled
guanosine derivatives are of interest as anticancer agents,153
gelators,154, 155 and for molecular electronics.156


Disk shaped building blocks

Natural tubular assemblies show remarkable biological

functions. For example, tubular shaped channels aid the
transport of materials in and out of cells. Given that simple self-assembling macrocycles and disks form assemblies
reminiscent of these biological structures, it is not surprising
that they have been a very active area of research.157162
The stacking of macrocycles ureas, such as the bis-urea
in Figure 9(a), quickly generates tubular shaped structures
with homogeneous channels.163 The macrocycles are relatively flat with the ureas preorganized perpendicular to the
plane of the macrocycles, a conformation that aids columnar assembly (Figure 9a). The size, shape, and interior
functionality of the channels are controlled by the single macrocyclic unit used in their construction.164 These

straw-shaped columns formed via the three-centered urea

hydrogen bonding motif pack together to generate crystals with permanent porosity.165 Such homogeneous porous
solids can be used to facilitate selective photocycloadditions.166, 167
Cyclic peptides with alternating D- and L-amino acids,171
such as the example from Ghadiri and coworkers
(Figure 9b), assembled into robust columnar structures via
amide hydrogen bonds.168 The spontaneous assembly process could be triggered by controlled acidification of a basic
solution of the peptides to afford needle like crystals.172
Temperature studies in chloroform gave an estimated association constants of 2500 M1 .173 Cyclic peptides have
been made from a wide range of natural and unnatural
amino acids. Like the bis-ureas macrocycles, cyclic peptides that can adopt flat structures with the amide oriented perpendicular to the macrocycles readily assemble
into tubular structures.174, 175 Columnar and nanotubular
peptide structures show promise as functional bionanomaterials with potential applications as sensors, electronics,
drug delivery, ion transport, and tissue engineering.176, 177

Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials, Online 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470661345.smc012

Self-assembly and self-organization














































Figure 8 Coordination driven assembly to discrete structures: (a) Fujita groups assembly with four tridentate ligands and six palladium
atoms forms a tetrameric cage143 ; (b) Guanine derivatives assemble into planar tetramers that can use a metal coordinate to stack into
more complex structures.152

As the demand for smaller and smaller electronic

devices grows, the need for one-dimensional electronically
active materials also expands. The macrocyclic columnar
structures such as arylene ethynylene macrocycles (AEMs)
from Moores group (Figure 9b) are potentially simple
building blocks for controlled one-dimensional assembly.
These systems can be cyclized in high yield through an
alkyne metathesis process.169 Casting of AEMs with linear alkyl side chains on carbon films afforded entangled
nanofibrils via aryl-stacking interactions and side chain
interdigitation.178 These fibrils showed polarized emission
parallel to the aryl-stacking of the cycles, which indicated
an intermolecular delocalization of the clouds. The delocalization led to long range fluorescence quenching. This
together with the electron donating capability of the AEM
and the porous structure of the nanofibrils deposited on a

surface enabled the detection of oxidative molecules (such

as TNT, trinitrotoluene) at the part-per-trillion scale.179
Frischmann et al. synthesized a neutral macrocyclic
complex (Figure 9d) with the goal of forming columnar structures through metalmetal interactions.170 This
platinumSchiff base complex was synthesized in a onepot reaction with salicylaldimine proligands in basic DMSO
(dimethyl sulfoxide). The ligands assembled in a head-totail manner to yield cyclic structures. These macrocyclic
systems displayed liquid crystalline phases in seven different solvents. They also showed birefringence and an
uncommon aggregation in solution of concentrations even
as low as 106 mol L1 . Because of their aggregation properties and possible PtPt interactions these structures are
being probed for the possible liquid crystal applications and
conductive nanotubes.

Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials, Online 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470661345.smc012





















C14H29, C(O)OC13H27


Figure 9 Examples of self-assembling stacking macrocycles: (a) bis-ureas from Shimizu et al.163 ; (b) cyclic peptides of Ghadiri
et al.168 ; (c) carbazole arylene ethynylene macrocycle (AEM) of Moore et al.169 ; and (d) MacLachlans Pt4 rings.170


Specificity in the assembly process

In nature, some assemblies form preferentially in the

presence of mixtures of many other competitors. Consider,
for example, a simple mixture with two assembly units (A
and B). Each of these units has some preference to selfassemble and form homodimers (AA and BB) (Figure 10).
They may also have some propensity to form heterodimers
(AB) in a mixture. From a thermodynamic standpoint,
selective self-assembly to afford exclusively homodimers
is governed by the three equilibrium constants (KAA , KBB ,
and KAB ), concentration, temperature, and the presence
of competitors. This selectivity for a component is often
referred to as self-sorting, which has been described by
Lyle Isaacs as the high-fidelity recognition of self from
One can imagine the homodimers continuing to grow
selective and finally yield a crystal containing only As and
a separate crystal containing only Bs. Perhaps an extreme
example of such a self-assembly process is the formation
of enantiopure crystals from a racemic solution. This spontaneous resolution of enantiomers was first observed in
1848 with Louis Pasteurs physical separation of hemihedral crystals of two types of enantiopure tartaric acid.181





Figure 10 Comparison of an assembly process that could afford

both heterodimers (AA and BB) and homodimers (AB).

The reasons for this preference are still under debate and
the process is not yet predictable.182 But spontaneous resolution can also afford chiral liquid crystals, monolayers,
and supramolecular polymers and is likely controlled by
subtle noncovalent interactions including crystal packing
forces and crystallization kinetics. Obviously, it would be
both fascinating and extremely useful to be able to predict
and control this process.

Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials, Online 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470661345.smc012

Self-assembly and self-organization

Biological systems offer a lot of inspiration for chemists
and do not solely rely on high-fidelity spontaneous selfassembly. Depending on the situation, nature employs both
covalent and noncovalent templates, helpers, or chaperones
to mediate assembly. Cells can also physically separate
the building blocks that are needed for the assembly from
other competing functionality by sequestering the assembly units within organelles. For supramolecular chemists,
the next challenge is to understand and rationally influence
the selectivity of this process for practical applications. In
some cases, high-fidelity assembly of one unit in the presence of a complex mixture may be extremely important. For
example, highly selective self-assembly can be of practical
use in synthesis, in self-replicating systems179, 183, 184 and
in kinetic resolution.185 Alternatively, a less selective and
more promiscuous process can rapidly generate libraries of
hetero and homodimers from a relatively small number of
building blocks. The templated formation of a molecular
host using dynamic covalent chemistry77 relies on a sampling of many different possible self-assembled receptors
before a single structure is selected by the template as an
optimal thermodynamic sink.


Although this chapter has focused on molecular selfassembly, manipulation of matter on the larger scale may be
of greater practical and commercial importance.186 We are
challenged to combine dynamic covalent and noncovalent
interactions in complex mixtures to yield functional selfassembled materials through both spontaneous and assisted
assembly. Such controlled self-assembly will have practical applications in a larger range of fields from medicine
to electronics. For example, organic-based semiconductors
have promising applications in electronic and optoelectronic
devices but are not nearly as developed as their inorganic
counterparts.187 Basic issues of how structure, both molecular and supramolecular architectures, influence electronic
and optical properties are still being explored. The goal
of fabricating useful commercial electronics, batteries, and
light harvesting devices will require not only the control
of assembled structures but also the regulation of their
ordering and registration within heterogeneous solids and
interfaces. This means that there is much work ahead for
the supramolecular chemist.


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Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials, Online 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470661345.smc012

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