ACB Nameplate

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Interpreting an ACB nameplate

IEC 60947 is the circuit breaker standard and covers the marking of breakers in detail. Any
manufacturer following this standard should comply with the markings.
Name Plate and Breaker Markings
The illustration shows a standard nameplate from a Schneider NSX circuit breaker. Other
manufacturers should have similar information on the breaker. The standard requires the
following by information to be identified and marked on the circuit breaker.
Visible and legible when breaker installed:

rated current (In)

suitability for isolation, if applicable

indication of the open and closed positions

Marked, but need not be visible when installed:

manufacturer's name or trade mark and circuit breaker type designation or serial

manufacturing standards the breaker complies with

utilization category

rated operational voltage (Ue)

rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)

rated frequency and/or the indication d.c.

rated service short-circuit breaking capacity (Ics) at corresponding rated voltage (Ue)

rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity (Icu) at corresponding rated voltage


rated short-time withstand current (Icw), and associated short-time delay (for
utilization category B)

line and load terminals (unless their connection is immaterial)

neutral pole terminal, if applicable ( by the letter N)

protective earth terminal, where applicable, by symbol

reference temperature for non-compensated thermal releases, if different from 30 C

Additional Circuit Breaker Information

In addition to the above the following should be either marked on the circuit breaker or made
available in technical documentation:

rated short-circuit making capacity (Icm)

rated insulation voltage (Ui),

pollution degree if other than 3

conventional enclosed thermal current (Ithe) if different from the rated current

IP Code, where applicable

minimum enclosure size and ventilation data (if any) to which marked ratings apply

details of minimum distance between circuit-breaker and earthed metal parts for
circuit breakers intended for use without enclosures

suitability for environment A or environment B, as applicable

r.m.s. sensing, if applicable

Auxiliary Devices
Any auxiliary devices should be marked or technical information provided with the

rated control circuit voltage and frequency of any closing

rated control circuit voltage and frequency of any shunt release and/or under-voltage

rated current of indirect over-current releases

number and type of auxiliary contacts and rated frequency

rated voltages of auxiliary switches (if different from those of the main circuit)

The standard identifies the following symbols in connection with circuit breaker markings:

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