John Keel - The Complete Guide To Mysterious Beings

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This book is dedicated to the memory of

Otto Binder, Charles Bowen, Alex Jackinson,

Coral and Jim Lorenzen, Ivan T. Sanderson
and all the others who spent their lives
pursuing the unknown and the unknowable.

1. A World Filled with Ambling Nightmares

2. ”The Uglies and the Nasties”
3. Demon Dogs and Phantom Cats
4. Flying Felines
5. The Incomprehensibles
6. Giants in the Earth or ”Marvelous Big Men and Great Enmity”
7. The Hairy Ones
8. Meanwhile in Russia
9. Big Feet and Little Brains
10. Creatures from the Black Lagoon
11. Those Silly ”Flying Saucer” People
12. The Big Joke from Outer Space
13. Cattle Rustlers from the Skies
14. The Grinning Man
15. Cherubs, Angels, and Greys
16. The Bedroom Invaders
17. Winged Weirdos
18. The Man-Birds
19. West Virginia's ”Mothman”
20. Unidentified Swimming Objects
21. Scoliophis Atlanticus
22. The Great Sea Serpent of Silver Lake, New York
23. The Yellow Submarine Caper
24. Something Else...
Afterword: 2002


No matter where you live on this planet, someone within two hundred miles of your home has had a
direct confrontation with a frightening apparition or inexplicable ”monster” within the last
generation. Perhaps it was even your cousin or your next-door neighbor. There is a chance – a very
good one – that sometime in the next few years you will actually come face to face with a giant
hair-covered humanoid or a little man with bulging eyes, surrounded by a ghostly greenish glow.
An almost infinite variety of known and unknown creatures thrive on this mudball and appear
regularly year after year, century after century. Uncounted millions of people have been terrified by
their unexpected appearances in isolated forests, deserted highways, and even in the quiet back
streets of heavily populated cities. Whole counties have been seized by ”monster mania,” with
every available man joining armed posses to beat the bushes in search for the unbelievable
somethings that have killed herds of cows and slaughtered dogs and horses.
Over the past hundred years, thousands of intriguing human interest items have appeared in
newspapers all over the world, describing incredible encounters with awesome creatures unknown
to science. Can all these items be hoaxes and journalistic jokes? Can we believe that the major wire
services, whose very existence depends on their reliability, employ men to concoct and circulate
irresponsible tales about hairy giants and helmed pygmies stepping from circular flying machines?
Can we conclude that the millions of badly frightened people who have reported such encounters to
the local police and authorities are merely pathological liars and lunatics?
We know that our little planet is infested with remarkable animals and insects that defy common
sense. Have you ever considered the total absurdity of the giraffe? Or that inane rodent, the
lemming, swarms of which periodically march across miles of ice in the Arctic to drown themselves
in the sea?
Scientists had a good laugh in 1856, when Paul du Chaillu returned from the Congo and described
his encounter with a hairy giant. ”He stood about a dozen yards from us, and was a sight I think I
shall never forget,” du Chaillu reported. ”Nearly six feet high, with immense body, huge chest, and
great muscular arms, with fiercely glaring large deep gray eyes... he stood there and beat his breast
with his huge fists till it resounded like an immense bass drum.”
We know now that du Chaillu was the first white man to meet a gorilla in Africa. Gorillas did not
exist in 1856 simply because the desk-bound scientists of London and Paris said they did not exist.
People are still seeing things that do not exist scientifically. They are seeing them in Nebraska, in
England, in Siberia, in South East Asia, and in national parks everywhere.
A Reuters dispatch from Malaysia on August 15, 1966, reported that an ape twenty-five feet tall was
on the loose. Residents of the little village of Segamat were quoted in the Malay Mail as describing
a shy, harmless giant who blundered about in the bushes, leaving huge eighteen-inch footprints in
his wake. The report speculated that perhaps the giant ape was on the move because of the pressure
of advancing civilization and the loss of feeding grounds.
An ape twenty-five feet tall is a biological impossibility. But that does not mean that one cannot
Berwick, Nova Scotia, sounds exotic and faraway. Actually it is on the Canadian peninsula lying
just off the coast of Maine. In April 1969 a giant eighteen-foot-tall figure was seen by many
residents on the outskirts of that little town in the Annapolis valley, according to the Evening News.
It was allegedly a ”tall, very dark form” seen striding about the landscape at a speed of about twenty
miles per hour. After the initial witnesses reported the ”Phantom,” as it became known, local police
had to assign two cars to the area to control the bumper-to-bumper traffic.
People in Nova Scotia have been seeing all kinds of oddities for years. Giant luminous snakes that
appeared suddenly and melted away mysteriously were reported there in 1967.
These things are ”erratics” and ”anomalies.” They have been entertaining us for years, and their
appearances have spawned all kinds of cults and ”crackpot-ologies” ranging from ”Angelology”
(the study of the frequent appearances of angels) to UFOlogo (the study of flying saucers). Since
1896 a spectacular assortment of weird apparitions have been dropping out of the sky to plague us.
A nude giant paid a visit to Michigan in 1897, according to the newspapers of the period, and when
a farmer tried to move in for a closer look, the creature lashed out with his giant foot and broke the
poor man's ribs.
For the past twenty years South America has been infested with beings ranging from eight-foot
giants with single eyes in the middle of their foreheads to little man-shaped things only two feet tall.
Cyclopean giants have also reportedly been seen in the state of Oregon, and a radio announcer in
Minnesota claims he ran into a group of tiny animated tin cans only six inches tall. Other creatures
ranging from fifteen to twenty feet in height have scared the daylights out of people in such
scattered places as Mexico and Argentina.
In West Virginia more than one hundred sober, God-fearing people have seen some sort of tall, gray
human-like figure with wings since 1966. It has glowing red eyes and is known locally as
”Mothman.” A similar creature horrified four teenagers in Kent, England, back in 1963.
These are only a few of the examples in our lexicon of monsters and ambling nightmares. There are
hundreds more and we will try to give a comprehensive, documented account of each one as we go
along. Unfortunately there is very little scientific evidence that any of these things really exist. In
many cases unusual footprints were found on the ground afterwards and plaster casts were made of
them. In some instances witnesses were clawed or went into a state of shock and required medical
attention. Over and over again police officers and sheriffs have thought enough of the witnesses'
credibility to organize posses and search parties to scour the area for some trace of these elusive
beasts, always without success.
You are, of course, familiar with the giant footprints of the celebrated Abominable Snowman
(ABSM) of the Himalayas, which have been seen and photographed by numerous mountain-
climbing expeditions. But did you know that the same kind of tall, hairy creature has frequently
been seen throughout the United States? He – or it – turns up almost annually in such places as
California, Michigan, Florida, and New York. Hundreds of people have seen these ABSMs in the
past hundred years. All of their descriptions tally. The reliability of most of these people is beyond
We have personally investigated many of the cases in this book and have talked to the witnesses for
hours on end, probing for discrepancies in their stories and trying to uncover emotional or
psychological aberrations. It is our studied conclusion that the great majority of these people are
telling the truth. Any one of them would make an acceptable and credible witness in a court of law
if called upon to testify about a more mundane matter. We are not dealing with wild-eyed crackpots
and publicity seekers. These are people very much like yourself and, contrary to the hardboiled
cynicism of New York editors, most people are honest and they are particularly truthful when trying
to describe an unusual but possibly important event to police officers, newsmen, and scientific
Many of these witnesses will be named in this book. They are real people, they exist, and you can
check them out if you wish, although by now most of them are weary of the ridicule and nonsense
that usually follows the act of reporting an unusual event.
Skeptics who have had no newspaper experience usually try to make an issue out of the reliability
of newspaper reports. We grew up in the newspaper business and have been involved in journalism
all our life. Newsmen are trained in a hard school and total objectivity becomes a part of their
lifestyle. Most newspaper reports are very reliable. We personally have had the opportunity to check
out many newspaper clippings by visiting the scene and talking directly to the witnesses. Often we
found that the local newspapers had actually protected the witness by playing down or deleting
altogether the more incredible aspects of his story. This means that many of the newspaper accounts
offer only a superficial description of the event and an in-depth, on-the-spot investigation is
necessary to uncover all the details.
So we are not going to dwell on the false issues of reliability in this book. Rather, we are going to
try to assemble and present the available facts on these bizarre situations. As you go along, you will
begin to note that there are striking correlations and similarities in many of these stories, no matter
where or when they occurred. The smaller details become the most significant. Identical happenings
have been reported in France, Brazil, and Ohio. Yet few, if any, of these stories have been widely
circulated beyond the area of origin. If all these people are liars, then we had better launch a
psychiatric program to determine how so many far-flung liars are able to come up with the same
significant, correlating details in their lies.
On the other hand, there exists a large and vocal group of men who are unreliable and often
irresponsible. Over the past several years our work has brought us into almost constant contact with
this group. They call themselves ”scientists” and they usually put a Ph.D. after their names. Science
has become a sacred cow in this generation but that term is a misnomer. The gender is wrong.
Science, by and large, is a lot of bull.
Hardly a month passes that yet another scientist is not caught in the act of faking his statistical
material or cheating in his experiments. In recent years such scientific swindles as ”poly water” and
”cold fusion” have stirred up headlines in the daily newspapers and bogus claims of new scientific
discoveries have become commonplace. The once-rigid standards of academia have been replaced
by overinflated egos, continual personality conflicts, cheats, frauds and fakers of every description,
and a complete absence of ethics in the mad pursuit for fat government grants. Science has become
a major disgrace and scientists now rank close to politicians in terms of credibility.
In all fairness, we must admit that there are two kinds of scientists. Type A works for a large
corporation or an important government agency. He is a proven producer. He has helped develop
new soaps and toothpastes and atomic engines. He is rarely quoted in the press. In his spare time he
writes scholarly papers that make a contribution to his chosen field. While he can have a large ego
and other human failings, he does not seek publicity and his rare public statements are carefully
worded and often make good sense.
Type B is not a producer. He is usually a teacher at some university or small college. He is caught
up in the vicious ”publish or perish” atmosphere of our educational system and so he also grinds out
reams of books and papers, generally based on a systematic plagianism of the works of Type A. He
seeks publicity and is frequently seen placing his foot in his mouth. It is a common practice for
newspapermen to call upon the nearest available ”authority” when an unusual event occurs. If, for
example, a meteor flashes across the local skies, the reporter will phone the professor of astronomy
at the nearest school. This professor will either talk off the top of his head or he will scurry to his
bookshelf and quote from the works of a Type A scientist.
Much of the scientific rubbish you read in your daily newspapers comes from the mouths of Type
B. Type A is usually too busy, too inaccessible, and too smart to pontificate for the press.
For years Type B scientists have been telling us that the Abominable Snowman did not exist. None
of these men had ever ventured closer than three thousand miles to the Himalayas. Their conclusion
was based upon the fact that no scientific literature existed on the subject. Similarly, a number of
college professors, without bothering to talk to a single witness, identified West Virginia's
”Mothman” as a kind of ordinary bird.
Back in 1938 some fishermen in South Africa found a very odd specimen in their nets. It turned out
to be a coelacanth fish which had been considered extinct for many thousands of years. Then the
fun began. Recently Ivan T. Sanderson, a biologist and one of the world's leading authorities on
animal oddities, commented on the coelacanth fracas:

A certain Doctor of Piscology, i.e. Ichtyology, stated for the record, and to none less than the
Associated Press, on the hearing of the initial announcement of such a fishy thing having
been obtained by a Dr. Latimer of the Port Elizabeth Museum in South Africa, that it was
impossible, because ”we all know” that all coelacanths have been totally extinct for some
70-million years. That was in August, 1938. In August 1948, the same great expert stated,
and to AP again, plainly, clearly and categorically that: ”This is probably the greatest
zoological discovery of all time, but we [who are these wes?] have always expected it
because it is, after all, a shallow-water fish.”
The coelacanth is a deepwater fish.
There are very few genuine scientific authorities on the subjects to be discussed in this book. That
is, authorities who have personally investigated and studied these various phenomena. These will be
quoted along the way, and from time to time, Type B scientists will also be quoted without
comment. The discriminating reader can draw his own conclusions.
There is only one acceptable group of authorities for our monster stories – the witnesses themselves.
Our only evidence is testimonial; the same kind of evidence used in court of law. Too many honest,
reliable people have seen these things to discount them. Too many newspapers have been publishing
too many of these stories for too many years. The question is not: Did these people see anything?
Rather, it is: What did these people see?
Man once explored the moon at a cost of approximately four billion dollars a year, even though
four-fifths of the planet Earth has not been adequately explored or even surveyed. Within a few
years we will undoubtedly know more about our satellite than we know about our home base. When
our space program was launched, its publicly avowed purpose was the ”search for extraterrestrial
life.” A dramatic and imaginative challenge, to be sure, but this planet is teeming with all kinds of
life forms that we know nothing about.
You have seen the tiny insect known as the silverfish. It seems to live in the bindings of books; a
tiny white bug that eats glue. At last report, no scientist had yet bothered to study the silverfish and
learn its life cycle. We don't know a damned thing about the bugs crawling around on our
bookshelves but we are searching for life outside this planet!

We have a theory. It is not very scientific but it is based upon the known facts. These creatures and
strange events tend to recur in the same areas year after year, even century after century. This, in
itself, indicates that the creatures somehow live in those areas which we call ”windows.” West
Virginia had many unusual creature reports before ”Mothman” appeared in 1966. Either everyone in
West Virginia is slap-happy, a theory we vehemently contest since we have visited that state several
times or else there is some place in the back hills where these things are hiding out.
Our next fact makes the ”hide out” theory untenable. Posses, experienced hunters, and even
helicopters have searched for these monsters immediately after some of these events and have failed
to find any trace of a hiding place. So where did they go?
Mundane explanations do not seem to fit the known facts. We have to stretch our minds a bit and
extend our imaginations into the paranormal. The sudden appearances and disappearances of these
wild, unknown creatures all over the world, even in densely populated areas, suggests that they have
some means of transportation or else they are deliberately dumped here and retrieved by some form
of transportation. Although unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are frequently seen in these same
”windows” areas, they, too, manage to appear and disappear before the bewildered eyes of Air
Force fighter pilots.
Obviously, something far more complicated is involved. Some specialists are now toying with
theories involving concepts of the fourth dimension. Researchers such as Allen Greenfield of
Atlanta, Georgia, and Brinsley Le Poer Trench, a well-known British author, have considered ideas
involving ”interpenetration.” They speculate that another world exists outside our space-time
continuum and that these myriad objects and creatures have found doors from their world to ours in
these ”window” sectors. Admittedly it is a far-fetched idea, yet much of the data supports it.
No matter what the source, something strange is engulfing our planet. It does not matter if these
Unbelievables are coming from some distant star or from the fourth dimension. They are here. They
have been seen by many. Perhaps one day the Bronx Zoo will have a ”Mothman” and an
Abominable Snowman in cages next to the Komodo dragon. But until that day arrives, we must
consider every possibility and every explanation.


Approximately one million head of cattle die each year from the bites of vampire bats in Central
and South America, according to a research project financed by the United Nations and the Mexican
government. The little bats carry and spread rabies, and it is believed that at least sixty human
beings have suffered from the disease in the last fifteen years because of the creatures' nocturnal
blood lapping.
Vampire bats are among the more mundane monsters in our catalog of Unbelievables. They're little
fellows, rarely measuring over three inches long, with an average wingspread of eight inches. They
look something like deformed mice with wings, and they have a set of tiny, razor-sharp teeth so
well-honed they can make a deft incision into human flesh without their victim even being aware of
it. Since their throats are too small to swallow solid particles of food, they are obliged to live on
When it strikes, the little bat settles on the neck or flank of a cow, makes a small, expert incision
into the animal's flesh, and proceeds to lick up the blood that flows forth. It does not such the blood.
Scientists believe that the bat's saliva contains an anticoagulant, which keeps the blood flowing
even after the nasty little fellow has had his dinner. (Various types of leeches also apply an
anticoagulant for this purpose, and the tiny lesions they create can bleed for hours afterwards.) The
vampire bat is a greedy character and will lap up blood until his small body is nearly spherical.
Then he clumsily spreads his wings and flutters off to his cave to sleep it off.
Human victims are nearly always bitten in the toes. Explorers and peasants in the back hills of
Central America frequently wake up in the morning to find their feet, which had been sticking out
from under the sheets – if they were using sheets – covered with blood. It is very rare for the victim
to actually feel the bat's presence. Usually the wound is completely painless. Occasionally the bats
will take a nip out of other exposed parts of the body – the arms, the legs. But they very seldom
attack the human neck or face.
Unconfirmed (uninvestigated) rumors appear from time to time claiming that swarms of rabid bats
have openly attacked villages and plantations, swarming over people like locusts and killing them
or driving them mad.
Well-known scientists and explorers, such as the late Dr. Raymond Lee Ditmars of the American
Museum of Natural History, have invaded the caves of vampire bats and brought back live
specimens for study. So we know these things definitely exist. Some Type B scientists speculated
that the many vampire legends of central Europe may have been spawned by an influx of vampire
bats in the Middle Ages. However, those legends seem to be completely unrelated to the tiny bats
and deserve separate study.
Some five thousand feet below the surface of the oceans there lurks another tiny creature with a
vampirish reputation. In their infinite wisdom, scientists have labeled it Vampyrotouthis infernalis,
the vampire of hell. This is a little black monstrosity about two inches long with red eyes an inch in
diameter, a mouthful of sharp white teeth, ten squirming tentacles, and hundreds of glowing lights
all over its minute body. It is a mollusk, distant relative of the fearsome octopus. Since it lives in the
tremendous pressures of the great depths, we do not know too much about its life cycle and habits,
but it is clearly a miniature carnivore which probably gobbles up anything of comparable size that
comes its way. Hundreds of these creatures have been caught by appalled fishermen, and Yale's
Bingham Oceanographic Laboratory has studied them.
The Vampyrotouthis infernalis is a minor example of the strange and infinite variety of life forms
which exist hidden away from us at the bottoms of the oceans.

Our splendid planet is seething with all kinds of strange animals and plants in dire need of a good
press agent. Some, like the redoubtable gooney birds of the Pacific, cannot quite make up their
mind what they are. The gooney would like to be a bird but often, after much fluttering of wings
and running back and forth, it will fall flat on its face instead of taking off. There are birds that can't
fly at all, such as the ostrich and the penguin, and there are animals that can. The flying squirrel
glides from tree to tree by spreading a membrane it has conveniently grown between its legs.
Throughout Asia there exists the Opisthoglypha, a flying snake. This character is about three feet
long and has the ability to flatten its ribs. It hides in a tree and when a delicious-looking lizard
strolls by underneath, it soars into space and spirals downward for dinner. It can glide a
considerable distance.
There are many other kinds of legendary snakes that do not actually exist, yet new stories about
them crop up in every generation. One is the hoop snake which, according to folklore, catches its
tail in its mouth to form a circle or hoop and rolls away from its enemies. Another popular
nonexistent snake is the milk snake. This one is supposed to sneak up on cows and attach itself to
the animal's udders to drink its fill. A Latin book, The Bestiary, written in the twelfth century,
describes both of these. The hoop snake was called the Amphivena and the milk snake was
identified as an Italian boa. Flying snakes were known in even earlier times and were labeled the
Dr. Ditmars, one of the world's greatest herpetologists, believed that the hoop snake myth was
centered around the common mud snake, which has a habit of lying in a half-coiled position in
shallow water. ”I have sometimes mistaken these snakes for a bicycle tire thrown into a watery
ditch,” he noted in his definitive Snakes of the World.
Farmers in North America, lacking an Italian boa, have labeled a species of the common and
harmless king snake the milk snake.
Several years ago we returned from an Abominable Snowman hunting expedition in India with a
live, ”two-headed snake” among our souvenirs, somewhat to the consternation of the neighbors in
our New York apartment building. The snake was a small sand boa, thick and blunt on both ends.
The eyes and mouth were so ill-defined that it was very difficult to judge which was the head and
which was the tail. The natives of India actually believe that type of snake has a head on both ends
and can travel in either direction. This particular specimen was very lethargic, as most boas are, and
a gentle, almost lovable, creature. Snakes, incidently, are not slimy to the touch; they are very dry.
The sand boa's skin was almost like crinkly cellophane. One hot summer day it expired suddenly in
its glass cage and received a funeral befitting the only ”two-headed snake” in America.
India, of course, is filled with snake legends... and snakes. Cobras are responsible for the deaths of
over one thousand people every year in Bombay alone. Like all snakes, cobras are deaf and pick up
vibrations from the ground with an auditory nerve that runs the length of their bodies. The ancient
art of snake-charming is based on showmanship and courage (or stupidity). The snake charmer's
flute is just a gimmick, and the inept way most charmers play the instrument makes a snake bite
justifiable. The charmer waves the long flute back and forth as he puffs into it and the cobra sways
with it, actually trying to get the charmer's bare hands in a striking position. If the charmer pauses in
his movements, the snake will lash out.
What a way to make a living.

The roster of nasties and uglies in the animal kingdom would not be complete without some
mention of the arachnids: spiders and scorpions. Nearly everybody hates arachnids, even though
most of them are harmless to human beings. There is something repugnant about little crawly multi-
legged insects that drives most housewives up the wall.
A number of pseudoscientists have suggested that our fear of arachnids stems from some buried
racial memory, from some dark time when giant arachnids roamed the earth and menaced human
beings. The Bible warns us in Revelations (9:10) of fearsome scorpion-like beings rising up from
the bowels of the earth: ”And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails:
and their power was to hurt men five months.”
For whatever reason, the fear of these little insects runs deep and has always been with us.
We have sat in outdoor cafes in Cairo, Egypt, and watched scorpions scramble around the walls of
nearby buildings, pursuing insects. Their wavering tails are tipped with a poisonous barb that
paralyzes their prey. Their sting has been known to kill men. In the little village of Abu Rawash, not
far from the Great Pyramid of Gizah, we met a family of snake hunters who were so adept at
handling these loathsome creatures that they even put scorpions on their faces and let them crawl
around while we took pictures.
When you travel through scorpion country it becomes a habit to shake out your shoes every
morning in case one of the little monsters has staked out a claim in the toe and is lying in wait to
give you a new kind of hotfoot.
Fossils and other evidence dating back 350 million years indicate that giant scorpions or euripterids
ranging from five to nine feet long were once plentiful on this planet. Maybe they were the source
of the ”racial memory” which still haunts us.
There are spiders on this planet so big that they prey upon birds and snakes. While boa constrictors
crush all the bones of their victims before swallowing them whole, spiders discharge a very potent
fluid over their trapped prey. This fluid liquifies the victim, for spiders cannot eat solid food.
Lizards, snakes, and fish have been killed by giant spiders and liquified in a matter of hours.
Nature works in complex ways. All kinds of animals and insects have developed weird and even
ridiculous digestive systems. We have sponges that pump water through their cells to extract
whatever food particles might exist. There are fish that climb trees, snakes that can glide, birds that
can't fly, bats that can't land, microscopic forms of life that live on stone and even lead.
We have trees and plants that feast upon insects and living things. There are even animals that are
cunningly disguised as plants, such as crinoids: brilliantly colored things with featherlike arms
which can exude a paralyzing poison. Not so long ago there were myths of a man-eating plant on
Madagascar but these eventually proved to be without foundation.
The famous Venus's-flytrap, a bug-consuming plant, has been found growing naturally in only one
spot on the earth. That spot is an ancient meteor crater in North Carolina. Colonial Governor Arthur
Dobbs discovered the flytrap in 1760, and there has been much speculation since then that the plant
was somehow introduced to our world by a crashing meteor.
When we try to assess these wonders, we are forced to ask ourselves how many other marvels may
exist with us without our knowledge? The gorilla was considered a mere myth for many years, as
was the okapi, a crazy combination of horse and zebra which was first captured in Africa in the
early 1900s. A ferocious giant lizard, the Komodo dragon, remained folklore until the 1930s when
an American expedition visited Indonesia and brought one back alive.
A world that can produce vampire bats, flying snakes, and nine-foot scorpions might well be able to
serve as the nesting place for fifteen-foot-tall apes and giant birds. The Abominable Snowman is no
more impossible than a fifteen-foot-tall penguin and, believe it or not, there is some evidence (but
not much – see Chapter 5) that such a breed of penguins exists. There is also considerable evidence,
which we will review later on, that ten-foot-tall giant men once roamed this little mudball of ours.
The Type B scientists sit in their campus ivory towers and scoff while men like Dr. Ditmars poke
around inhospitable jungles and caves reeking with bat guano. In any given year the back pages of
your own local newspaper carries dozens of small ”human interest” items about new sightings of
sea serpents, ABSMs, and the funny folk who ride around in flying saucers. Are all these things
journalistic put-ons? Are we still wallowing in the myths and nonsense of the Middle Ages?


Huge dogs and cats of unknown origin have appeared and reappeared frequently all over the world,
spreading terror and nurtuing superstition in their wake. There are numerous documented accounts
of these apparitions in medieval histories. But such events continue to persist to this day. England
has suffered periodic outbreaks of these monsters, but so have the civilized, sophisticated climes of
Connecticut and Michigan. In many of these incidents, the creatures somehow materialized during
violent thunder storms.
In 856 A.D. a church in Trier, Prussia, was suddenly invaded by ”a dog of immense size” during a
storm which filled the place with such darkness that members of the congregation could hardly see
each other. The floor seemed to open, according to the account in Annales Francorum Regum, and
the huge beast rose up to run back and forth to the altar. Another ancient text, Chronicon Saxonicus,
relates a similar incident eleven years later in 867 A.D.
A gigantic pig-like thing reportedly appeared in the church at Andover, Hants, England, on
Christmas Eve, 1171. It dashed around the altar just as the priest was struck by lightning from
within the church and killed. Incredible though it may seem, these monstrous ”pigs” have been
reported again and again in a long series of perplexing cases.
Lightning often accompanies these manifestations. A Tudor historian named John Stowe recorded
the following in the sixteenth century: ”In the reign of King John thunder and lightning killed many
men and women, and children, burnt cornfields, and fishes of strange shape, armed with helmets
and shields, like armed men were caught, only they were much bigger...”
Giant fish clad in armor! There's an Unbelievable for you.
On August 4, 1577, lightning struck the church in Bliborough, Suffolk, killing two people and
injuring several others. That same day ”a thing like a black dog” materialized in a church in
Bungay, England, causing some parishioners to die instantly. Meanwhile, seven miles away in the
church at Blythburgh, a similar giant dog killed two men and a boy. The Bungay monster allegedly
left behind deep clawmarks in the church masonry. There are numerous historical records of this
frightening Sunday.
Freakish footprints have a way of turning up during these outlandish events. According to the
Chronicles of Abbot Ralph of Essex, following a horrible electric storm in England on July 29,
1205, ”monstrous tracks were seen in several places, and of a kind never seen before. Men said they
were the prints of demons.”
Enormous prints were supposedly left behind by the huge flying black horse that thundered across
York, England, during a lightning storm in 1065. Abbot Ralph's account indicates that York
experienced another rash of strange footprints in the years 1189-99: ”In the time of King Richard I,
of England, there appeared in a certain grassy, flat ground human footprints of extraordinary length;
and everywhere the footprints were impressed the grass remained as if scorched by fire.”
Flying horses and smoldering footprints only mark the beginning of our narrative. Those were the
centuries of dragons and assorted monsters of every description. Most of the records of the times
were kept by no-nonsense priests and clergymen who played down the sensational aspects of many
of these events, making it necessary to check and cross check many different records before the full
story can be assembled.
Perhaps the ”burning man” of Germany, circa 1125, had some remote connection with the scorched
footprints of York. In the old book Deutsche Sagen this strange report appears:

In this year, A.D. 1125, a fiery man was haunting the mountains like an apparition. It was
just at midnight and the Man went from one birchtree to another, and set it ablaze. The
Watchman said he was like a glowing fire. He did that for three nights, and then no more.
Georg Miltenberger, living in a hopfield near Railbach in the district of Freinstein,
explained, 'On the first appearance on Sunday night, between eleven and twelve o'clock, far
from my house, I saw a Man burning all over with fire. One could count all the ribs on his
stomach. He continued his way from one landmark to another until after midnight he
suddenly vanished. Many people were fearstricken by his appearance because through his
nose and mouth he belched fire while dashing hither and thither in all directions.' [Deutsche
Sagen, Vol. 1, p. 229.]

Another Unbelievable had the poor taste to show up uninvited at the wedding dance of King
Alexander of Scotland in 1293. This poor fellow was not afire, he was simply stark naked. Worse
still, he had neglected to wear any flesh. He appeared in nothing but his bare bones, according to the
court records, and managed to put quite a damper on the wedding festivities.
Five hundred years before this Black Period ”a plague of frightening and terrible animals” swept
over the Middle East, killing many people in Armenia and Assyria. The Chronicon of Denys de
Tell-Mahre describes them thus: ”...their muzzle was small and long, and they had great ears, like
those of horses. The skin on their dorsal spine resembled the bristles of pigs, and stuck straight up.”
It was said that these fearsome beasts easily outwitted and killed many men. They raided villages
and carried off children. For some reason, dogs did not bark at them. Whole herds of goats and
sheep were devoured by them. They ravaged hundreds of square miles of villages before they
vanished forever.
In Germany during this same period, some huge black animal was prowling the dark forests near
Darmstadt, killing people off like flies. Finally, a local baron fought the beast. He managed to kill it
but during the fight he suffered a wound which led to his death. A statue was erected to him in the
tomb of his castle, both of which are still standing.
He was the Baron of Frankenstein and the first Frankenstein monster movie was actually filmed in
the ruins of the old castle.
Hairy beasts and spectral dogs have always held a prominent place in occult lore. It is hard to find a
book on psychic phenomena that does not mention at least one or two dog stories. England and
France have yielded many. A phantom donkey with shaggy hair and ”eyes like saucers” is supposed
to have haunted Leeds, England, for many years and earned the nickname ”Padfoot.” It was said to
have been missing one, possibly two legs.
Tring, Hartford, England, was visited frequently by a spectral dog in the nineteenth century. It was
said to have been connected somehow with a lady who was drowned as a witch in 1751. Here is one
description of the animal from the Book of Days, published in the 1800s:

I was returning home late at night in a gig with the person who was driving. When we came
near the spot where a portion of the gibbet had lately stood, we saw on the bank of the
roadside a flame of fire as large as a man's hat. 'What's that?' I exclaimed. 'Hush!' said my
companion, and suddenly pulling in his horse, came to a dead stop. I then saw an immense
black dog just in front of our horse, the strangest looking creature I ever beheld. He was as
big as a Newfoundland, but very gaunt, shaggy, with long ears and tail, eyes like balls of
fire, and large, long teeth, for he opened his mouth and seemed to grin at us. In a few
minutes the dog disappeared, seeming to vanish like a shadow, or to sink into the earth, and
we drove on over the spot where he had lain.

White and black phantom horses have also appeared and disappeared mysteriously throughout
history, their heavy hoof-beats resounding late at night across dozens of countries. Often they carry
eerie riders dressed in black capes with hoods drawn over their heads.
Something wicked this way comes...
Every century has produced almost countless monster tales. The nineteenth century was no
exception. Something was busy killing sheep and cattle along the border between Scotland and
England in 1810. Whatever it was, it nipped the animals ' jugular veins and sucked out their blood,
killing eight or ten animals a night. Mobs of angry farmers took up arms and searched the area
without success. But that September a dog was shot in a cornfield and the killings reportedly
A vampire dog? But wait, there's more.
Charles Fort, the late and much maligned researcher into the deliberately forgotten past, unearthed
various other accounts of blood-sucking sheep killers in the files of the British Museum in London.
In his mind-dazzling book, LO!, he discusses the wave of vampirism that overtook Ireland in 1872.
[See Chap. 13.]

Beginning in January of that year, something killed as many as thirty sheep a night in Cavan,
Ireland, making incisions in their throats and sucking out their blood. No flesh was eaten. The
monster left behind elongated tracks, dog-like, yet larger and more powerful than a dog's. The
menace spread to other communities and counties, while angry armed men scoured the countryside,
blasting away at stray dogs.
By April 1874 the beast was prowling around Limerick, one hundred miles from Cavan, and several
people were reportedly attacked and bitten by it. The Cavan Weekly News for April 17, stated that
several of the victims had been placed in an insane asylum because they were ”laboring under
strange symptoms of insanity.”
Damn the dearth of details in the Irish and British press! Journalists of that period had a frustrating
way of writing ambling essays which only hinted of the facts. Could those victims in Limerick have
been suffering from hydrophobia... rabies? Louis Pasteur did not develop his cure of inoculation
until ten years later, in 1884.
One of the great ”classics” of vampirism took place at Croglin Hall, an estate in Cumberland,
England, in the summer of 1875. Miss Amelia Cranswell was awake in bed when an eerie, skeleton-
like figure broke open her window and barged into her boudoir. Her screams alerted her two
brothers, Edward and Michael, who broke down a locked door to reach her. They found her
unconscious with blood pouring from wounds in her throat and shoulders. They saw the figure
loping across the lawn outside and pursued it, but it got away.
Other women in the neighborhood reported similar attacks by a grisly, bony apparition. The
senseless wave of sheep killings also took place in Cumberland County and was repeated
throughout England years later.
In 1905 the mysterious marauders were on the prowl again, this time near Badminton, England.
Dogs were shot. The sheep killing continued sporadically. Posses of irate farmers were formed,
ready to blast anything that moved near their grazing fields. By December a total of thirty sheep had
fallen prey to the blood-sucker near Gravesend alone.
A police sergeant in Gloucestershire, talking to a reporter from the London Daily Mail, remarked, ”I
have seen two of the carcasses myself and can say definitely that it is impossible for it to be the
work of a dog. Dogs are not vampires, and do not suck the blood of a sheep, and leave the flesh
almost untouched.”
Not a dog? What was it, then? A bat? But animal and human victims of the tiny vampire bats do not
die immediately, even when infected with rabies. And the little bats can hardly drink them dry of
blood. Furthermore, there were no known vampire bats in Europe. As for wolves, the last known
wolf was killed in 1712 in Ireland.
Then, as in all the previous cases, the killings stopped and the monster simply vanished. This is an
important characteristic of these incidents. These monsters appear for only a short time, are seen by
many people, commit all kinds of outrageous acts, and then vanish without a trace.
In March of 1906 something was prowling around Windsor Castle, attacking sheep. Seventeen
miles away, near Guildford, the mystery monster slaughtered fifty-one sheep in a single night.
Another kind of monster turned up in Russia in 1893, terrorizing the district of Orel, south of
Moscow. It chose to attack women and children, killing several. Surviving victims described it as
being a long, black creature with a blunt muzzle, round, stand-up ears, and a long, smooth tail. The
army was sent out to track it down, beating the bushes and covering every square inch of ground in
the affected area. It left behind enormous dog-like footprints. Nothing more.
October 1925, Edale, Derbyshire, England. Herds of sheep were being destroyed by a huge black
animal that ripped its prey to shreds. This one was not a bloodsucker. The usual armed bands
launched a search. The killer was never caught or identified.
On August 1, 1966, the Associated Press reported that a frightening animal was loose in Jessore,
East Pakistan. It killed a baby girl, mauled a rickshaw driver and a woman, and destroyed a number
of cattle. The town lived in terror for several days while police and soldiers conducted a fruitless
search. According to the police the creature appeared only at night and ”vanished” immediately
after attacking people. Apparently it was not a tiger or any other known animal.
Packs of ferocious wild dogs still inhabit the deep bush in India, although their numbers have been
thinning in modern times. They have reddish brown hair and look exactly like what they are: mean
dogs. They have been known to attack cattle and even human beings. Generally speaking, however,
they regard man as their natural enemy, as do most wild animals, and try to steer clear of them. It is
unlikely that a pack of these dogs could have traversed the almost impassable Himalaya Mountains
into Russia in 1893, and then could have swum to England to feast upon the king's sheep.
No. Something else is abroad here. Something that kills by making almost surgical-like incisions
and then drains off the blood. Once the deed is done, the perpetrators vanish into thin air.
For over twenty-five years there has been a continuous wave of these vampiric attacks throughout
the world, particularly in the thinly populated states of Colorado, Wyoming, and Texas. Thousands
of animals have met sudden death in inexplicable ways, perplexing the authorities and keeping
assorted cultists in constant turmoil. This mystery will be discussed further in Chapter 13.
In West Virginia and Ohio, where UFOs and monsters have also been active, cattle and dogs have
met a sudden and enigmatic end. One cow was sliced neatly in half, as if by a giant pair of scissors,
in Ohio in December 1967. Numerous dogs have been found with their blood gone and no trace of
injury on their corpses.
Probably events of this sort have been occurring regularly throughout history, but only those which
inspire large panics have received any notoriety and been recorded in the newspapers and history
books. We can assume that for each published incident there may have been scores of others that
have passed unnoticed and are now totally forgotten. The history and folklore of almost every
country in the world, extending back to ancient times, are filled with stories of monstrous hairy
creatures who attacked and slaughtered domestic animals and human beings and then managed to
elude armies of pursuers. These incidents undoubtedly contributed to the massive, unscientific
literature on werewolves – animals which were actually evil human beings in magical disguises.
There have been so many cases of this sort of thing that we even have a word for it: lycanthropy.
Most languages have a definitive term for werewolf. In France they are loup-garou; in Spanish, lob
ambre; in Portugese, lob omem. Wolves are nasties in any language. Fortunately, they are now
extinct, or almost extinct. Fearsome packs of the marauding beasts are now quite rare, except for
remote regions of northern Canada and obscure sections of Russia. But occasionally a wolf still
turns up in the United States. Mr. Marvin Meade shot one in March 1967, near Gorham, Illinois.
His kill was so unusual that it was discussed in the local newspapers and he was paid a fifteen-
dollar bounty by the government of Jackson County.
The werewolf, on the other hand, can presumably pop up anywhere and skillfully elude hunters,
since it possesses human rather than animal cunning, being, according to folklore, a black magician
in league with the devil.
Could some men somehow transform themselves into fiendish hairy monsters which prowl when
the moon is full? If this were even remotely possible we might have a bizarre explanation for the
horrifying animals which seem to appear and disappear so easily. It is ridiculous, of course, but
remember that we are attempting to deal with the ridiculous and the unbelievable. Werewolves
might properly belong in the ranks of the milk and hoop snakes. Then again....
Controversial religious texts dating back two thousand years tell how Christ ordered his followers to
stone a pitiful beggar. They were taken aback but obeyed, and as their stones fell upon the wretch he
slowly changed into a loathsome hairy beast with fiery red eyes, having been the devil in disguise.
For twenty-five years a gentleman named Peter Stubb allegedly terrorized the countryside of
sixteenth century Germany by donning a magical belt made of wolfskin given to him by the devil
(who was apparently one of his few friends) and transforming himself into a giant wolf. He
specialized in killing hapless females, although he occasionally knocked off a cow or sheep just to
keep his hand in. His own daughter had a child by him, adding incest to his long list of crimes. And
during one dull season he killed and ate his own son.
Finally, the agitated populace turned out with guns and dogs and tracked the monstrous wolf down.
When they had it cornered at last, Herr Stubb appeared miraculously before their eyes. He was
given a fair trial. But first he was closely questioned by the authorities, and during that interrogation
his fingernails were accidently pulled out, and a few of his bones were broken. Perhaps these
proceedings convinced him that it might be wise to confess openly. Following his fair trial, he was
tortured a bit more, and then his heas was mounted on a pole outside the village of Bedburg to warn
away other werewolves, no doubt.
His magical wolfskin belt was never recovered.
Among the classics of lycanthropy is the well-documented story of the werewolf of Le Gevaudan,
France, circa 1764-67. This beast walked like a man but was covered with hair, had a snout like a
pig, and pointed ears. It killed many people tearing out hearts and drinking blood with wild
abandon. Children from several villages fell prey to it. A peasant farmer named Jean-Pierre
Pourcher was among the first to actually shoot at it in September 1764. He said he saw it sneaking
up on his house so he grabbed his rifle and blasted away, apparently without effect. The beast ran
off. M. Pourcher described it as being the size of a donkey, covered with hair, and having something
like horseshoes on its feet. It left behind the kind of hoofprints so often associated with the devil.
A few months later the monster attacked a group of children near the village of Chanaleilles and
they fought back with knives and pitchforks, finally driving it off but not before it had mauled and
killed two of their number.
King Louis XV heard the reports and dispatched a company of cavalry to the scene. The soldiers
found the tracks and followed them. They even caught a glimpse of the Unbelievable and fired at it.
But, as usual, it got away.
As the killings continued the usual army of farmers spread out to hunt the demon down. In the end,
a man named Jean Chastel won a place in French history by shooting it. He had loaded his rifle with
silver bullets (it being a well-established superstition that only silver bullets can kill werewolves
and vampires) and was nervously reading a prayer book when the monster stomped out of the
woods and headed straight for him. He fired point blank, hitting it in the chest and terminating its
three-year career of horror. The huge body was paraded triumphantly through the villages and then
was supposedly shipped to Versailles so the king could see it. We say ”supposedly” because it
apparently disappeared along the way or was buried when the stench got to be too much for its
transporters. The ending of the otherwise detailed report is unaccountably hazy, raising some
speculation that the authorities were trying to hide something about its identity or final description.
But what? Was the creature actually more like a man than an animal? We will never know.
There are many books on lycanthropy, a number of which go to the trouble of explaining just how
you can turn yourself into a werewolf. The great flaw in most of these formulas is that you must
smear yourself with a special ”witches' salve” composed of almost unobtainable ingredients. And
most of the werewolf stories seem of dubious origin, handed down from generation to generation in
cheap pamphlets and little-known ”secret” books. Some of these seem to have been based on
tenuous letters passing along local rumors and gossip, which may have been founded on the
enigmatic appearance of mystery beasts rather than the provable existence of a genuine werewolf.
One puzzling werewolf story which is possibly of that type appears word-for-word in two different
American paperback books published in recent years by two different companies and credited to
two different authors. It is very neatly vague. The time is ”about fifty years ago.” The place is a
county in Wales called Merionethshire. A woman identified only as Miss St. Denis was walking
away from a railway station somewhere in Merionethshire when she became aware of a figure
behind her. She turned and faced an erect creature covered with hair, a head like a wolf, blazing
eyes, and dripping white fangs. Showing great presence of mind, Miss St. Denis whipped out a
flashlight (we can question whether flashlights existed and were in use in Wales fifty years ago) and
directed the beam at the monster. It instantly faded away into thin air.
While the werewolf legends are open to debate, there are many authentic cases of human
vampirism; some of them occurred as recently as the last decade. In his book Sex and the
Supernatural Brad Steiger discusses several celebrated cases in which demented men and women
found sexual gratification in acts of brutal murder, which included drinking their victims' blood.
There have been numerous ghoulish affairs in which the pseudovampires dug up fresh graves and
mutilated the corpses or even ate them. In their way, these unfortunate characters seem to have been
obsessed with the same frightening appetites that drove the Leopard Men to terrorize whole
generations in West Africa. Appetites that would have sickened even the Marquis De Sade.
The Leopard Cult plagued Guinea and Senegal for many centuries, but during the last decade the
authorities have made a serious effort to wipe them out. Leopard Men don leopard skins, grip razor-
sharp, claw-like instruments in their hands, and crawl about the bush trying to imitate in act and
appearance the animal after which the cult was named. Their victims, who are supposed to number
in the thousands, look as if they had been savagely mauled by a leopard.
In case you have never seen the animal kill, the leopard, like most of the big cats, attacks by
gripping the human prey about the head and shoulders while its hind claws raise up and rake away
at the stomach, disemboweling the victim. Man-eating tigers, who are usually injured or lame and
thus unable to go after ordinary prey, prefer to pounce from behind, seizing the head and snapping
the spine in a single quick frenzy of movement.
The African Leopard Men share the commonly held primitive belief that they can draw upon the
strength and spirit of wild animals by wearing their hides. The cult is also cannibalistic and one of
the initiation rites requires that the plebe must produce a member of his own family for dinner after
the ceremony. What a way to get rid of your mother-in-law!
The Leopard Cult was last heard from in the early 1960s. There have since been many changes in
the countries affected by the cult, and perhaps they are no longer roasting their mother-in-law but
are sitting home and watching television instead.
It is not very likely that the Leopard Cult ever existed in England or France, nor would such a cult
ruthlessly massacre fifty cattle or sheep in a single night. The real culprits are still at large.

Every so often some newspaper describes how a tame, polite little house cat suddenly turned into a
ferocious monster and successfully drove off an unwary burglar who dared to invade its home
grounds. Cats are odd little beasts and have managed to surround themselves with all kinds of
legend and folklore.
Cat cemeteries have been found in ancient Egypt. Beautiful, lovingly carved cat statues have been
discovered in ancient tombs. Winged cats are depicted in the ancient hieroglyphics. The cat was
even deified and worshipped.
During the Dark Ages, the cat acquired a somewhat more sinister reputation. Practitioners of
witchcraft were alleged to have used the animals as ”familiars.” The cat became a spy, sent to peer
into windows and report back to the witch. It is said that witches could call upon the little beasts to
perform all kinds of foul and ugly deeds.
One of the most fascinating of these tales involves a lady who practiced vampirism in her spare
time. Her name was Countess Elizabeth Bathory. She lived in a charming old castle in Csejthe,
Hungary, in the early 1600s. Life was dull in Csejthe so the countess developed a quiet little hobby.
She would invite local peasant girls to the castle and entertain herself by stringing them up in the
dining room, slicing open their arteries, and drinking their blood. After a few years of this, the local
townspeople became rather annoyed and grumbled to the authorities. On New Year's Eve 1610, a
group of soldiers and policemen, led by the local governor, assaulted the castle and caught the
countess and a few of her select friends in the act of celebrating the New Year by lapping up the
blood of a very unhappy young girl.
Upset by the intrusion, the countess is supposed to have uttered an extravagant curse, calling upon
ninety-nine cats to come to her rescue. Shortly afterwards, by a most curious coincidence, the local
priest who accompanied the raiders was climbing a staircase in the castle when six cats suddenly
pounced upon him, badly scratching and biting him. The soldiers chased the animals but they
seemed to vanish into thin air.
The countess became the subject of a sensational trial and, because she was of royal lineage, she
was condemned to a life in solitary confinement. There are extensive records of this incredible
affair and you can find a carefully documented summary in William Seabrook's Witchcraft.
Events of this type were seemingly common up until the eighteenth century and undoubtedly
contributed to the folklore surrounding witches and their evil cats.

There is another kind of phantom cat which occasionally appears and disappears suddenly, even in
heavily populated areas. This one is huge in size, resembling somewhat a lithe black panther. It has
turned up in many places where panthers were, and are, unknown. Pantherless England has had a
number of sightings of this beast over the years.
In the fall of 1967 our giant mystery ”panther” caused considerable consternation when he took a
stroll along the quiet streets in Connecticut. A bus driver in West Rock could hardly believe his eyes
when the great beast ambled past him and turned a corner on Valley Street. Hordes of policemen
descended on the area and searched for what was described as ”a baby tiger.” No circus or zoo was
missing such a beast. No trace of it was found. Had the driver been mistaken?
Soon afterwards, Connecticut State Senator Lucy T. Hammer and her husband Thorvald were sitting
down to breakfast when a huge animal strolled past their home near Branford.
”My husband went out and watched him walking in a most stately manner down our path,” Senator
Hammer said. ”The animal went around a bend and my husband lost sight of him. He must have
gone into the woods.”
Police and game wardens searched the Hammers' forty-acre estate. All they found was the carcass
of a dead squirrel.
It was sliced in half.


A cat named Thomas was a nationwide sensation in 1959. His picture was published from coast to
coast and he starred on several television shows. He was about the only interesting thing that ever
happened to the little town of Pinesville, West Virginia, and its seven hundred hard-working
inhabitants. Thomas was no ordinary cat. He possessed a pair of ”wings” and whenever he got
angry he would flutter them up and down like a grounded gooney bird.
Unfortunately he could not really fly. But that didn't seem to matter much to the long lines of open-
mouthed West Virginians who happily paid ten cents a head to glimpse this wonder.
Young Douglas Shelton, fifteen, had captured the cat early in May 1959, while hunting in the hills.
”My dog treed it,” he explained later. ”I almost took a shot at it with my .22, but then I saw it was a
cat so I shinnied up the tree and caught it.”
He quickly realized that he had a most unusual prize. The animal had two peculiar lumps growing
out of its back. Wings, without a doubt.
”It wasn't wild,” Doug said. ”It acted like it was used to people. And its manners were pretty good
until you pulled those wings. Then it would get mad and start clawing.”
He carried the cat home triumphantly and it adopted his family. Word soon flashed across the hills
that a marvelous winged cat had been found and the stampede started. A reporter from the Beckley,
West Virginia, Post-Herald, Fern Miniacs, was one of the first to examine the animal with an
objective eye. Although Doug had named the cat Thomas, Miniacs discovered it was really a
female. The name stuck anyway.
”It's thirty inches long,” Miniacs reported, ”has a tail like a squirrel, and two perfectly shaped
wings, one on each side. The wings are boneless but evidently have gristles in them. Each wing is
about nine inches long.”
Thomas looked like a Persian cat and had long, beautiful hair. Her feet were slightly oversized and
she was considered somewhat larger overall than the average cat. The wings were furry and soft,
but felt gritty near the body. A local conservation officer inspected the animal and said he thought it
was just shedding its coat, much to the annoyance of the growing cult of ”winged cat” believers in
An anonymous veterinarian traveled from Baltimore, Maryland, to look Thomas over. ”I thought at
first,” he said sagely, ”that the wings were the result of a freak of nature... an attempt to grow an
extra pair of legs. But now I don't know what they are.”
Stories of Doug Shelton's amazing find reached New York City and Dave Garroway, then the M.C.
of NBC's Today show, invited Thomas and owner to the big town. Though it was obviously beneath
the dignity of a winged cat, Doug's mother insisted that he and Thomas travel to the city by train.
She was afraid to let them fly.
On June 8, 1959, Thomas confronted the NBC cameras like a bored pro while Doug shyly told his
story to millions. Jack Lescoulie was acting M.C. that day, and Doug admitted that he had been
offered as much as four hundred dollars for the animal, but he was not tempted to sell her. Thomas
apparently was not very interested in the furor surrounding her, but fame gave her expensive eating
habits. She preferred fresh meat and mackerel fish over ordinary canned cat foods.
Pinesville now had a real honest-to-goodness celebrity in its midst. People traveled for miles along
the treacherous mountain roads to look at the animal, and the Shelton family realized they had a
good thing going. Doug hauled in the dimes and Mrs. Shelton charged reporters a nominal sum if
they wanted to take pictures of Thomas.
”Folks around here estimated that Douglas took in over two thousand dollars with that cat,” one
resident observed.
Doug, however, claimed that ”about a thousand people” paid ten cents apiece to gape at the feline.
That would have netted him around one hundred dollars; hardly enough to keep the winged wonder
in fresh fish.
As the lines continued to form and townspeople began to mumble about all the money Doug was
making, a new drama unfolded. Mrs. Charles Hicks, a softspoken gray-haired widow on the
Pinesville-Baileysville road, announced that Thomas really belonged to her.
”I don't want to cause any trouble,” she noted gently. ”I just want my cat back.”
According to her story the cat had been given to her by a friend who had purchased it in a pet shop
in California for twenty-five dollars. She had named it Mitzi and she said that her family, friends,
and neighbors were used to seeing its wings and could verify her claims.
”One day I put some drops in Mitzi's ears,” Mrs. Hicks told reporters, ”and she ran away. That
Shelton boy found her four days later.”
Douglas, still busy raking in the dimes, refused to turn Thomas over to her. So she sued.
On October 5, 1959, Thomas had his day in court. The circuit judge listened soberly to Mrs. Hicks'
claim of ownership. Then Doug Shelton entered the courtroom with Exhibit A, a beautiful oversized
Persian cat, under one arm and Exhibit B, a shoe box, under the other. A surprised murmur rose
from the crowd as Thomas studied the courtroom with haughty disdain. Something was missing.
Thomas' wings were gone.
”She shed her wings in July,” Doug Shelton admitted in embarrassed tones. ”There they are, Your
Honor.” He opened the shoe box and displayed two large balls of fur.
”That is not my Mitzi,” Mrs. Hicks snapped icily.
The Judge awarded Mrs. Hicks one dollar in damages ”for her trouble.” Doug Shelton was given
full custody of the now rather ordinary cat.
We happened to pass through Pinesville in 1966, and we stopped and tried to locate, without
success, the principals in this case. We can only assume that Thomas lived out her life in obscurity,
surrounded by scrapbooks recounting her past glories. To hear the townspeople tell it, she was at
least the richest cat in Pinesville.

Winged cats are not as rare as you might think. In June 1966 a large black feline with apparently
workable wings reportedly terrorized farm animals and family pets around the little community of
Alfred, Ontario, in Canada.
Ontario seems to have had an epidemic of winged cats that year. According to a UPI dispatch, one
had been shot near the village of Lachute, about twenty-four miles north of Montreal, and another
had been killed near Ottawa. Details on these two incidents were skimpy and efforts to uncover
more complete reports have been in vain.
On Friday, June 24, 1966, a confectioner named Jean J. Revers heard a noise outside his home in
Alfred, and he saw something ”looking like a big black cat – but with hairy wings on its back”
sailing after a neighbor's cat, a pet owned by the Arthur Lavole family.
”It screamed like hell,” Revers said. ”And it tried to get away by making gliding jumps of fifty or
sixty feet – wings extended – after a good running start. It could stay a foot or so above the ground.”
Revers grabbed his rifle and blazed away, pumping five bullets into the howling, fluttering animal.
”I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the thing,” Ontario Police Constable Terence Argall
remarked. Revers and Lavole had called the police immediately after shooting it. ”Its head
resembled a cat's, but a pair of needle sharp fangs five-eights of an inch long protruded from the
mouth, measurements showed,” Agrall continued. ”It had a cat's whiskers, tail, and ears, and its
eyes were dark, greenish and glassy. I never saw anything like it before in my life.”
The animal's pelt was sleek black and it had a wing span of fourteen inches. It weighed about ten
After newspaper photographers took pictures of it, the carcass was buried in Rever's backyard.
But, like the Pinesville winged wonder, this story had a disppointing ending. A few days later the
animal was exhumed and shipped off to the veterinary lab at Kemptville Agricultural School where
an autopsy was performed.
”The bat-like wings protruding from its back were found to be growths of thick, matted fur,” the lab
technicians announced. ”It was just an ordinary black cat.”
The explanation did not sit well with the townspeople who had been terrorized by the thing for
weeks and claimed they had actually seen it on the wing.
Our scholarly conclusion is that three or more large black cats with ”growths of thick, matted fur”
and vampire-bat-type fangs visited Ontario in 1966.
One of these days some of their relatives may come back.


A knot of students and teachers gathered on the snow-covered lawns of the campus of Cornell
University in New York State early one winter morning about eight decades ago. Spread out before
them in the freshly fallen snow was a long line of large, deep animal tracks.
”My God!” the professors cried in unison. ”It's a rhinoceros!”
They cautiously followed the huge imprints across the campus to the edge of Beebee Lake, the local
reservoir, which was frozen over at the time. The tracks continued on across the ice until they ended
in a gaping hole.
The professors stared at each other in amazement. Obviously a renegade rhinoceros had blundered
onto the quiet campus during the night and had blindly charged across the ice, meeting its doom in
the college reservoir! Everyone stopped drinking the tap water while hooks were lowered into the
lake to probe for the luckless rhino.
Years later, humorist H. Allen Smith finally let the rhino out of the bag in his book The Compleat
Practical Joker. A young man named Hugh Troy had taken a wastepaper basket fashioned out of a
rhino's foot (similar to the old elephant foot umbrella stands), filled it with scrap metal to weigh it
down, and tied two long ropes to it. Then he and friends had stayed up all night, manipulating the
foot from a distance with the ropes, raising and lowering it into the fresh snow. They carefully
planted rhino footprints at proper intervals all over the campus, their own footprints falling some
distance away. The hole in the ice was a final stroke of genius, you must admit.
Those of us who chase Unbelievables are always haunted by the realization that Hugh Troy is still
out there somewhere. But very few of our monsters can be explained as the work of industrious
practical jokers. Since such wits derive most of their pleasure from the reactions of their victims and
the resultant publicity, it is highly unlikely that they would bother to plant their prankish footprints
in remote, seldom-visited areas where they are not apt to be discovered. Nor would any sensible
joker risk repeating his gag night after night, week after week in the same area.
Was a practical joker on the loose in Australia back in 1890? A huge animal thirty feet long
instituted a brief reign of terror around the village of Euroe that year. It left behind gigantic
footprints to confirm its awesome size. Forty men turned out with nets and guns and made repeated
attempts to trap the animal. But, like Alice's Cheshire cat, our Incomprehensibles seem to melt away
leaving only a whimsical smile.
A Mr. Hoad of Adelaide, Australia, however, reportedly did find the body of one of our
Incomprehensibles in September 1883. It was described as having a headless, pig-like body, with an
appendage that looked like a lobster's tail. A few months earlier another unknown caused great
excitement in Masterton, New Zealand. People who saw it said that it was very large, with a broad
muzzle, short legs and curly hair. It killed dogs.
Australia has long been haunted by a giant cat-like creature which has killed many sheep and
frightened hundreds of people. Even though it is reportedly the size of a leopard and leaves behind
big footprints, no one has been able to catch it or shoot it – with one exception. A man named
George Sumner said that he shot one near Katanning back in 1905. It had gray and black stripes and
a cat-like head. ”I feel sure it was not a domestic cat gone wild,” he reported. ”Like a fool, I did not
remove the skin and send it to a museum.”
Another Australian, R. F. Brown, claimed that he caught one of the cats in a net but after a five
minute battle the fifty-to-sixty pound beast got away.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Simms were camping in Queensland, Australia, on June 5, 1957, when one of
these big cats terrified their dog. ”It looked rather like a leopard,” Mrs. Simms said. ”It was too big
for a domestic or wild cat, more the size of a dog. Only it had short legs, pricked, pointed ears, and
a long tail. My husband estimated its length to be approximately five feet from its nose to the tip of
its tail.”
The husband of another witness, Hugh Kennedy, described it this way: ”It was a large cat-like
animal, similar to a lynx. It was larger than my blue cattle dog, possibly eighteen to twenty inches
in height, tawny colored, with a long, smooth, cat-like tail. The body was long, narrow, and sleek.
”The most frightening part was the cat-like head, small pointed ears, and terrific fangs. It hissed like
a cat and used its front paws to keep off the dogs. Unfortunately, by the time the wife had returned
to the house to get a rifle, the animal had vanished. However, it was afraid neither of dogs nor
The town of Emmaville, Australia, was caught up in a routine monster panic in the early 1960s
when a beast killed seventy sheep, sometimes eating four in one night and leaving nothing but the
hides. Although many people saw the culprit, it was never caught or killed. One witness described
the thing that ran in front of his auto headlights as being about two feet high, with slender back legs,
smallish back paws, a heavy head, a long tail with a blunt end, and irregular, black and white stripes
on both body and tail.
In Furred Animals of Australia, author Ellis Troughton remarked:

Although such an animal has been reported on several occasions, no specimen has ever
reached any museum to verify the occurrence scientifically. There are often simple
explanations for such reports, but the consistency of the accounts suggests the possibility of
the presence of some large carnivorous marsupial of the dasyurid family (which includes the
In future, observers should make every effort to obtain both the skull and complete skin of a
specimen and ensure the preservation by heavy salting before forwarding the remains to the
local museum... The failure of observers to obtain any parts of the hide, hair, or skull, casts
much doubt over the reports of such an animal.

The thylacine, referred to above, is the Tasmanian tiger, a freakish and elusive beast found on the
island of Tasmania. It has been caught and caged. It looks something like a cross between a mongrel
dog and a hyena, has stripes on its back, and comes equipped with a kangaroo-like pouch in which
it carries its young. Before one of these animals was finally brought to bay, you can imagine the
kind of reaction Tasmanian witnesses got when they reported seeing a giant striped dog carrying its
young in a pouch.
Gippsland, Australia, has produced another Unbelievable. It is a giant earthworm which looks like a
garden hose and grows to as much as ten feet in length. It burrows deep in the earth and is hard to
catch because it can coat itself with a very slippery lubricating fluid. But it has been caught and
studied, as has another monstrous Australian worm known as the Megascolides. In the Bulletin of
the New York Zoological Society (March-April 1938), Charles Barrett announced, ”I have seen
many specimens extending seven feet when extended, and a number about two feet longer. My
record Megascolides was over ten feet.”
If you ever go fishing for a sea serpent you should probably use a Megascolides for bait. The trick
to catching one, according to the experts, is to tie it in a knot so it can't burrow into the ground and
get away from you. It can squirt its lubricating fluid a couple of feet, so wear old clothes.
Perhaps giant earthworms may account for some of the grotesque snake stories that have been
produced in nearly every state over the years. Enormous reptiles, sometimes described as being
twenty feet or more in length, are seen with astonishing frequency in the United States but, so far as
science knows, no snakes of such unusual size exist here at all. Minor constrictors such as the king
snake and the black snake are common enough and can grow to six or seven feet in length on a diet
of rodents and smaller snakes. But they avoid men. In fact, contrary to all the Hollywood jungle
movies, even the largest known boa constrictors will not wantonly attack anything they cannot
swallow – which, of course, includes man. In self-defense a boa will wrap itself around a man, bite
him, and hammer at his head with its bony snout, inspiring considerable discomfort. But there is
only one reasonably documented story about a boa attempting to swallow a human being. This is
supposed to have occurred in the jungles of Burma during World War II, when some Japanese
soldiers found the feet of one of their comrades sticking out from the mouth of a giant reptile.
Nevertheless, every now and then someone like Orland Packer of Kenton, Ohio, comes up with a
new snake story. Packer claimed that he was horseback riding near his home on June 9, 1946, when
a snake eight feet long and four inches in diameter appeared in his path. It bit through his boot,
breaking his ankle. Then it bit the horse for good measure and slithered off into the woods. This was
the beginning of a long nightmare for the Packers. According to Mrs. Packer, her husband had to
have part of his foot removed surgically. He was confined to his bed for over a year, suffering from
recurrent fever and other symptoms not normally related to snake bites. His neighbors formed a
search party and tried to find the snake without success.
In July of that same year, the Willard Tollinger family in Flat Rock, Indiana, reportedly saw a
twenty-foot snake coiled up in the shallow water of a river. Pigs and other small animals had been
disappearing mysteriously in the area that summer.
Some years ago when we were playing with two-headed sand boas and giving occasional lectures
on herpetology, several wild snake stories were brought to our attention. There was, for example, a
man who claimed that he communicated with rattlesnakes through mental telepathy. A claim we
were inclined to doubt since snakes are creatures of instinct rather than intelligence. About a dozen
years ago a man from Massachusetts approached us after a speech and soberly described how he
and a friend had encountered a gigantic serpent the year before. They had been hunting and were
riding a jeep along a rugged dirt road through a dense forest when a small animal darted in front of
them. It was either a fox or a dog. They were not sure which because it was traveling so fast.
Directly behind it there followed a huge brown and green reptile ”as big around as a truck tire.” It
slithered across the road very rapidly, but was so long that it took several seconds to pass. The men
were not inclined to stop and get out of their jeep for a closer look. They estimated that it must have
been at least twenty feet in length.
Could unknown snakes and varieties of the Tasmanian tiger have caused the waves of sheep killing
in England and Ireland? It is not very likely. Besides, everyone knows that St. Patrick drove all the
snakes out of Ireland (although a few harmless varieties remained behind). We can probably rule
out vampire bats, snakes, and known breeds of wildcats in those cases.
Pennsylvania also seems to be the habitat for an unidentified killer of livestock. In 1945-46 there
were numerous reports of a frightening Incomprehensible around Lebanon and Pottstown which
feasted on cattle and dogs. No one really got a good look at it but many heard its strange call. It
sounded something like a woman screaming or a baby crying. Store that little detail in the back of
your mind.
Back in the early 1930s sheep and small animals began to disappear with regularity around
Campbell Lake in South Dakota. Then, in 1934, a farmer reported that a giant four-legged, dragon-
like creature had forced his tractor off the road and upset his digestive system as it went scurrying
by. Huge tracks were discovered leading through the mud to Campbell Lake. Was Hugh Troy at it
A boy named Donald Neff next discovered some unusual bones in the mud of the nearby Elm River.
Professor James D. Bump of the Museum of the State School of Mines, in Rapid City, South
Dakota, took a look at the skeletal remains and identified them as belonging to a mosasaur, a
creature known to have been extinct for 130 million years. Had that anonymous farmer run smack
into a mosasaur? Would such bones survive the erosion of 130 million years?
Suppose you were walking along the bank of a river near your home and you came face to face with
a prehistoric monster? To whom would you report it, and do you think anyone would take you
seriously? This was the dilemma faced by the late Harold T. Wilkins, a scholarly researcher and
distinguished British author, who modestly claimed that he had personally encountered two
prehistoric amphibians in the waters of a quiet creek at East Looe, Cornwall, in England. At 11:30
A.M. Tuesday, July 5, 1949, Wilkins and a friend reportedly stumbled upon ”two remarkable
saurians” fifteen to twenty feet long. They resembled the ancient plesiosaur and Wilkins noted,
”What was amazing were their dorsal parts: ridged, serrated, and like the old Chinese pictures of
dragons. Gulls swooped down towards the one in the rear, which had a large piece of orange peel on
his dorsal parts.” Their heads were a ”bottle-green,” according to Wilkins' account in his book
Strange Mysteries of Time and Space.
A year earlier, beginning in February 1948, Florida was in an uproar over the sudden presence of a
giant Unbelievable which traipsed around the beaches near Clearwater and left big three-toed tracks
in its wake. The largest toe measured thirteen and a half inches, and it was possible to estimate the
weight from the indentations, according to excited engineers who studied the imprints. They
calculated the critter had to weigh somewhere in the neighborhood of three tons.
Mr. Ivan Sanderson was doing a television series for NBC at the time (he was a pioneer in
television), and he flew to Florida with a camera crew to make measurements and plaster casts and
to interview the many witnesses. Fishermen and residents of the area told of seeing something
fifteen or twenty feet tall waddling around the marshes and beaches on two legs. Four different
pilots operating in the area claimed they had seen something huge and black thrashing around the
riverbanks of the Suwannee:
One aviator lowered his voice and explained in embarrassed tones, ”Maybe I'm crazy... but that
damned thing looked like a giant penguin to me!”
Sanderson meticulously collected the many newspaper stories and grilled all the witnesses.
Scientists and engineers who examined all his data said that if the prints were a hoax, they had to
have been made by a huge machine weighing many tons. It was easier to believe in a giant penguin,
they noted, than in the existence of such a machine. So Ivan did his broadcasts and later wrote
authoritative articles on how giant penguins had swum up from the antarctic regions to frolic on
Florida beaches.
Forty years later, in June 1988, an elderly resident named Tony Signorini gave an interview to the
St. Petersburg Times, claiming that he and his old buddy Al Williams had faked the footprints using
iron feet attached to boots. They had preserved the feet and Tony demonstrated them for reporters.
”I would just swing my leg back and forth like this,” he explained, ”and give a big hop. The weight
of the feet would carry me about six feet. They were heavy enough to sink down in the sand. I'd put
the shoes on in the water and then walk a long way up the beach, maybe two miles, and then get
back in the boat.”
The local Chief of Police, Frank Daniels, told reporter Jan Kirby: ”We always suspected Williams
because he usually called in with reports of the monster.” Williams also had a reputation as the local
practical joker. He died in 1969, and the aging Signorini wanted to set the record straight. Ivan
Sanderson passed away in 1973, never knowing that one of his favorite monster cases was the
product of a couple of rambunctious Hugh Troy imitators.
Even a trained professional like Ivan Sanderson can be fooled occasionally. A very fine line
sometimes separates the Incomprehensibles and Unbelievables from the totally Inconsequential.
This funny little island in space seems to harbor all kinds of incomprehensible beasts still unknown
to science. But next week or next year Australia's mysterious cat may get himself caught. Then
some scientist will write a learned paper about it and brand it with a fancy Latin name. There may
even come a time when the Florida ”three-toes” will be cornered. Three-toed tracks almost identical
to those found in 1948 have reappeared in other places in recent years. A set of these tracks were
discovered along the banks of the Monongahela River in Pennsylvania in 1966.
The Unbelievables are more rare and less peripatetic. Sometimes they are seen only once and never
heard from again. But they can pop up almost anywhere – in Central Park or Disneyland, or in your
own backyard.
Consider the ”walking fir-cone” of Kent, England.
”The thing was covered with quills, had a long snout and a short tail. It was as big as an Alsatian
dog and had large claws. You might have thought it was a walking fir-cone.”
The witness who offered this incredible description was a policeman named S. Bishop. The thing
had meandered past him in Dumpton Park, Ramsgate, Kent, England, on April 16, 1954. He did
what anyone else would have done. He called the cops. Other police descended on the area and
searched every bush but the ”walking fir-cone” was gone. Constable Bishop had seen something
that does not exist.


Not so long ago, there lived upon this planet a race of human beings who were ten feet tall. They
inhabited Africa, Europe, North and South America, and the Aleutian Islands. We know a great deal
about them. We know that they had nasty, even evil dispositions. Some of them were different from
modern man only in that their huge jaws were graced with a double row of sharp teeth, somewhat
akin to the double teeth found in some reptiles and fish. We know that large numbers of this
fearsome race still existed into the seventeenth century.
We know all these things because giant human bones have been unearthed all over the world, and
the tales and legends of many Indian tribes offer extensive detail as to their nature and living habits.
But no scientist has ever bothered to collect and study the enormous amount of available data,
perhaps because such giants are supposed to be scientific impossibilities. Or perhaps because such a
study would explode too many beloved scientific theories. So scattered museums are filled with
giant bones, and fringe scholars are left to contemplate the meaning of it all. Were these giants a
race apart or were they an important but neglected part of mankind?
Although the ”giant myth” began in earliest times, we can begin with the biblical reference in
Genesis (6:4): ”There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of
God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty
men which were of old, men reknown.”
That verse, like many other parts of Genesis, was derived from The Book of the Secrets of Enoch.
Enoch claimed that angels conducted him on a tour of the universe and that he was ordered to write
down all that he saw and learned. Some flying saucer buffs, including the late Dr. Carl Sagan imply
that Enoch really went for a ride in a UFO. In any case, during a visit to the ”fifth heaven” (the fifth
planet, maybe, Jupiter) Enoch saw great giants with ”their faces withered, and the silence of their
mouths perpetual.” Far from being ”sons of God,” Enoch describes them as the ”Grigori” - ”fallen
angels.” In Chapter 18 he asserts that these Grigori ”broke through their vows on the shoulder of the
hill Ermon and saw the daughters of men how good they are, and took to themselves wives, and
befouled the earth with their deeds, who in all times of their age made lawlessness and mixing, and
giants were born and marvellous big men and great enmity.”
The legends of many isolated Indian tribes agree that the giants were evil-doers and that the world
is well rid of them. The Bible and many other ancient records suggest that the giants mated with
normal women and produced a half-breed race which was large in size and short in intelligence, just
as many large members of the animal kingdom, such as the dinosaur, seem to have had smallish
brains. If this is true, then it is understandable that the giant race would eventually become extinct,
wiped out by stupidity.
Up until the twentieth century, modern man remained relatively short in stature, averaging just a
trifle over five feet tall. The famed Watusi tribe in Africa, who range between six and seven feet tall,
must have seemed like enormous giants to the early European explorers. Today any American
basketball team can match the Watusi in size. The Watusi have an agrarian culture and are not
especially fierce or warlike. They prefer raising cattle to bashing in the heads of the diminutive
tribes around them.
England has always had extensive legends about giants, backed up by enormous structures of
unknown origin, such as Stonehenge, and huge designs carved into the ground and covering many
acres. Most of these designs are fully discernible only from the air. The Cerne Abbas giant, for
example, was carved into the British hills aeons ago and clearly depicts a huge human carrying a
club. England, Ireland, and North and South America contain thousands of great mounds,
artificially constructed of earth, which have apparently survived as the sole evidence of some
ancient, forgotten culture. Although Indians are often credited with the building of these mounds,
they have nothing in their ancient lore to account for them.
An old book titled History and Antiquities of Allerdale offers this undated description of a giant
found in Cumberland, England, sometime in the Middle Ages. It is supposed to be ”A True Report
of Hugh Hodson, of Thorneway.”

The said giant was buried four yards deep in the ground, which is now a corn field. He was
four yards and a half long, and was in complete armour: his sword and battle-axe lying by
him. His sword was two spans broad, and more than two yards long. The head of his battle-
axe a yard long, and the shaft of it all of iron, as thick as a man's thigh, and more than two
yards long.
His teeth were six inches long, and two inches broad; his forehead was more than two spans
and a half broad. His chin bone could contain three pecks of oatmeale. His armour, sword,
and battle-axe are at Mr. Sand's of Redington, and at Mr. Wyber's, at St. Bees.

A man fifteen feet tall, dressed in armor – a true Goliath! We have no way of knowing what
happened to this interesting find. The bones and armor may have been scattered eventually among
dozens of souvenir collectors.
In those early times the discovery of bones and fossils of prehistoric animals were often misjudged
to be the bones of giants. And there were Hugh Troys in those days who were quite willing to turn
mastodons into ancient giants. One such prankster appears to have been a physician named Dr.
Mazurier who wrote a remarkable pamphlet in 1613, claiming that the tomb of a giant had been
unearthed near the castle of Chaumont. The tomb contained a human skeleton over twenty-five feet
long, with shoulders ten feet wide.
A controversy soon raged over this discovery and other pseudoscientific pamphleteers accused Dr.
Mazurier of buying some big bones from some workmen and hoking up his giant. The bones still
exist in the Musée de Paléntologie in Paris as a part of their mastodon collection.
The best-known hoax of this type took place in Sussex, England, in 1908, when an amateur
archaeologist named Charles Dawson purportedly found fragments of bone near Piltdown. The
fragments seemed to be part of a ”dawn man” dating back hundreds of thousands of years.
Peleontologists at the British Museum of Natural History became quite excited over this ”Piltdown
Man” and it became one of science's most important artifacts. Dawson died in 1916, honored and
distinguished as the discoverer of a vital link to man's distant past.
Thirty-six years passed before a new generation of scientists took a second look at the ”Piltdown
Man's” illustrous skull. They subjected it to carbon fourteen radioactivity tests, and sprinkled it with
the magical chemicals that had been developed since Dawson's time. Their conclusions rocked the
scientific world. The jaw of the ”dawn man” belonged to an ape who had joined his ancestors
around 1900. Even worse, there was evidence that some highly skilled dentist had carefully and
lovingly filed away at the teeth and remodeled part of the bone structure. The ”Piltdown Man” was
a cunning fake!
Had Charles Dawson pulled the leg of science? Or was he, himself, the victim of a prank? If so,
who could have had the knowledge, skill, and motivations to execute such an elaborate hoax? The
discovery of the manipulation created a whole new mystery and raised questions which will
probably never be answered.
As soon as Europeans began to explore the distant reaches of South America, they encountered a
breed of giant men. The southernmost parts of Argentina and Chile were labeled Patagonia by
Magellan because the giants there wore leather moccasins and ”pata” is Spanish for ”hoof.” In June
1520 when Magellan's fleet anchored at Port San Julian on the Argentine coast, a giant appeared on
the beach. Pigafetta, a member of Magellan's staff, later wrote: ”This man was so tall that our heads
scarcely came up to his waist, and his voice was like that of a bull.”
Magellan's men managed to capture two of the giants, intending to take them back to Europe, but
they died in chains en route.
Next, the British explorer Drake docked in Port San Julian in 1578 and had a skirmish with ”men of
large stature” who towered at seven feet six inches tall. He lost two of his men in the battle.
Other later explorers came into contact with this race of giants and contributed to the growing
documentation. Anthony Knyvet passed through the Magellan Strait in 1592 and reported not only
having seen the huge Patagonians but having measured several dead bodies at Port Desire, all
ranging from ten and a half to twelve feet tall. In 1598 Sebald de Weert saw natives ten feet high in
the same area. Other captains and crews reported similar experiences.
Then the giants began to disappear. By 1670 some scholars began to view all the Patagonian giant
stories with distrust. Two French ships revived the controversy when they reported seeing groups of
giants mixing with men of more ordinary stature on the shores of Possession Bay. The giants may
have been thinning out or moving further inland to escape the encrouchment of the militant
However, Commodore Byron, skipper of the Dolphin, is supposed to have had a peaceful meeting
with the giant tribe in 1764. After anchoring in the Magellan Strait, the crew of the Dolphin saw
hundreds of natives, some of whom were on horseback, and Commodore Byron timidly approached
”One of them, who afterwards appeared to be a chief, came towards me: he was of gigantic stature,
and seemed to realize the tales of monsters in a human shape: he had the skin of some wild beast
thrown over his shoulders... I did not measure him, but if I may judge of his height by the
proportion of his stature to my own, it could not be much less than seven feet. When this frightful
Colossus came up, we muttered somewhat to each other as a salutation, and I then walked with him
towards his companions...”
One of Byron's officers wrote in the Annual Register, 1768, ”...some of them are certainly nine feet,
if they do not exceed it. The commodore, who is very near six feet, could just reach the top of one
of their heads, which he attempted, on tip-toe; and there were several taller than him on whom the
experiment was tried... The women, I think, bear much the same proportion to the men as our
Europeans do; there was hardly a man there less than eight feet, most of them considerably more;
the women, I believe, run from seven and a half to eight.”
In the nineteenth century the Patagonians began to shrink. Charles Darwin, originator of the theory
of evolution, visited the area and was unimpressed, according to his book, The Voyage of the
Beagle: ”During our first visit (in January), we had an interview at Cape Gregory with the famous
so-called gigantic Patagonians,” he wrote, ”who gave us a cordinal reception. Their height appears
greater than it really is, from their great guanaco mantles, their long flowing hair, and general
figure: on an average their height is six feet, with some men taller and only a few shorter; and the
women are also tall; altogether they are certainly the tallest race that we anywhere saw.”
Again, we might speculate that the giants had been busy crossbreeding with more normal races over
the centuries and gradually, generation after generation, they were reducing in size.
The British researcher and student of Unbelievables Rupert T. Gould offers the following in his
book Enigmas:

Believers in a living race of giants, if they are not satisfied with the Patagonians' average
height of six feet or a little over (which is considerably above that of any other race) may, if
they wish, still believe that the nine-foot men alleged to have been seen by Byron (or, for
that matter, Knyvet's men of ten to twelve feet) were stray members of a tribe of colossi still
surviving in the heart of Patagonia. It cannot definitely be said that such is an impossibility.
There are enormous areas in Southern Patagonia which are still quite unexplored. It may be
remembered that a considerable sensation was caused in 1897-98 by the discovery, in a cave
at Consuelo Cove, Last Hope Inlet, on the western coast of Patagonia, of what was,
apparently, some quite fresh skin of a Mylodon, or giant sloth – an animal hitherto supposed
to have been extinct since prehistoric times.

Nothing much has been heard from the Patagonian giants in recent years.
Stories of giant humans abound in other parts of South America. The Incas told tales of giants
descending from the sky and having sexual intercourse with Inca women. An early record by Bernal
Diaz del Castillo tells how the Spanish conqueror Captain Cortez shipped the thigh bones of a giant
back to the king of Spain.
”They said that their ancestors had told them that in times past there had lived among them men and
women of giant size with huge bones,” Castillo stated, ”and because they were a very bad people of
evil manners they fought with them and killed them and those which remained had died off. So that
we could see how high and tall these people were, they brought us the leg bone of one which was
very thick and the height of a man of ordinary stature and that was the bone from hip to knee. We
were all amazed at seeing these bones and felt sure that there must have been giants in this country.
Our Captain Cortez said to us that it might be well to send the bone to Castile so that his Majesty
might see it, so we sent it with the first of our agents who went there.”
Maybe the giants migrated to the impenetrable jungles of Brazil. On May 16, 1966, the London
Daily Mirror reported:

A ferocious band of savages more than seven feet tall are terrorizing neighbouring tribes in
the Amazon jungle.

The existance of the savages was revealed by a group of Brazilian air cadets who went on a
course of adventure-training in the jungle.

According to the cadets, the giants are known locally as the Krem-Akarore.

Peace-loving tribes of Indians on reservations in the Xingu region of the Matto Grasso live
in terror of them.

The cadets said they tried to make contact with the giants – but failed.

Members of the friendly Calapalos tribe living on the reservation told the cadets that their
tribe had captured a small Krem-Akarore boy who grew to be nearly seven and a half feet

But he became so strong and rebellious as he grew up that he was condemned to death by
the chief and executed.

Three Britons plan an expedition next year to the area in which the giants live, to study
different types of Indians.

The Britons, members of an Anglo-Brazilian scientific reconnaissance group, are Alistair

Mackenzie, Ian Bishop and David Hunt. They are already on their way to the Amazon basin.

As so often happens in these odd stories, the rest is silence.

In Italy archaeologists were baffled by the discovery of the bones of fifty tall men in the spring of
1969. Workmen excavating a factory site at Terracina, sixty miles south of Rome, uncovered fifty
tiled coffins which bore neither inscriptions nor designs. Each coffin contained the bones of a man
measuring from six to seven feet tall – very tall by Roman standards.
State archaeologist Dr. Luigi Cavallucci examined the remains and said they were all apparently
between the ages of thirty-five and forty. Their teeth, he noted, were in unusually good condition,
with little indication of decay. The date this mass burial took place was not immediately determined.
The only theory was that the tall men had been picked members of a special Roman military force
and had all died in battle. However, this idea was disputed because it was the practice to bury
warriors in full armor, with all the trappings. There was nothing in the coffins except the bones. So
the mystery remains. Where did fifty men from six to seven feet tall originate? How did they die,
and why did they all share a common grave?
There were giants in the state of Minnesota. Their bodies have been unearthed. There were giants in
California. More bodies have been found. There were giants in Arizona. There were giants....
A giant skull was found in a cliff dwelling thirty miles south of Winslow, Arizona. It was so big that
a size 7[E] Stetson was placed on it and ”looked like one of those tiny hats merrymakers wear on
New Year's,” according to Jesse J. Benton in his book, Cow by the Tail. It had a gold tooth. Did
Charles Dawson pay a visit to Arizona? Or shall we blame Hugh Troy?
Back to Charles Fort who found an interesting article in the American Journal of Science (3-26-139)
about footprints imbedded in a block of sandstone near Carson, Nevada. They were eighteen to
twenty inches long.
In Ohio a copper ax was found in a mound. It was twenty-two inches long and weighed thirty-eight
pounds. A mighty big ax. But a bigger one was found in Wisconsin. It was carved out of stone;
twenty-eight inches long, fourteen inches wide, and eleven inches thick. It weighed three hundred
pounds. What kind of men could swing such axes? Perhaps Paul Bunyan wasn't a myth, after all.
The Delaware Indians believe that their tribe once lived in the Wild West but migrated eastward. In
those days the land east of the Mississippi was inhabited by a race of giants who built mighty cities
and fortifications. They were called the Alligewi. Both the Allegheny River and Mountains were
supposedly named after them. The migrating Indians asked for permission to pass through the
Alligewi country. Permission was refused. The Indians went to war against the giants and
eventually drove them out. The Alligewi fled westward, down the Ohio River and up the
Mississippi into Minnesota. [See Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Vol. 12.]
The Sioux Indians have another legend. When they lived in Minnesota, a race of giants appeared
there and were exterminated by the Indians. [See the Ohio Historical and Archaeological Society,
Vol. 2.]
So we have two widely separated legends from two different tribes. One claims they successfully
drove the giants westward. The other claims they were on hand when the fleeing giants arrived.
Those giants left their bones in Minnesota to lend credence to the story. Volume I of the Minnesota
Geological Survey and Aborigines of Minnesota give the details of many finds of monstrous human
Mound diggers at La Crescent found a large copper skillet and ”bones of men of huge stature.”
Mounds seven miles southwest of Chatfield, Minnesota, yielded six skeleton of ”men of enormous
size.” The St. Paul Pioneer Press (June 29, 1888) reported that the remains of seven persons ”seven
of eight feet tall” were found in a mound. The skulls had receding foreheads and ”teeth were double
all the way around, not like those of the present race of men.”
According to the St. Paul Globe (August 12, 1896), the skeleton of a huge man was dug up on the
Beckley farm at Lake Koronis. At Moose Island Lake the remains of seven-foot-tall men were
discovered. Near Pine City several more outlandish skeletons were dug up. And at the lone mound
outside Warren, Minnesota, ten more bodies of gigantic size, both men and women, were produced
in 1882.
A slender link was found in the Grand Mound of Itasca County, Minnesota, when sea shells from
either California or the Gulf of Mexico were discovered amongst large skulls and bones. How did
California sea shells end up in a mound in the wilds of Minnesota? Obviously somebody must have
carried them there. And that somebody was, from the evidence, a giant. The McKinstry Mounds are
not far from the Grand Mound and it was there that one hundred more skeletons were found, some
of them representing men over ten feet tall.
Back in 1833 a group of soldiers at Lompock Rancho, California, dug up the remains of a man
twelve feet tall. He was surrounded by giant weapons, and carved sea shells. The skull disclosed a
double row of teeth.
Excavating workmen came upon another oddity in 1891, near Crittenden, Arizona, when their
shovels suddenly struck a huge stone coffin which apparently once held the body of a man twelve
feet tall. A carving on the granite case indicated that he had had six toes.
Six toes? Not far from the tiny hamlet of Braytown, Tennessee, there is a rock clearly impressed
with more giant footprints. They seem to have been made by someone whose heel was thirteen
inches across. Someone with six toes!
Prospectors near Eureka, Nevada, discovered the bones of a giant foot and foreleg in July 1877. The
leg measured thirty-nine inches from knee to ankle, according to the local newspapers.
What has happened to all these bones and relics? Some are packed away in the basements of local
museums. Most have moved, generation after generation, from living rooms to barns to garbage
dumps. Since science does not believe in giants, scientists are naturally not very interested in giant
human bones. No one can estimate how many hundreds or thousands of these finds have been made
over the years. The written records are sparse, and thousands of old newspapers and files must be
sifted before we can fully assemble the complete story of the giants.

In 1896-97 scores of mysterious airships appeared suddenly in the skies all over the United States.
The newspapers for the period were filled with incredible stories of the objects and their peculiar
occupants. One of the most amazing of these tales appeared in the Saginaw, Michigan Courier-
Herald (April 16, 1897). It seems that at 4:30 A.M. on Wednesday morning, April 14, a strange
flying contraption landed in a field near Howard City, Michigan, and a naked giant stepped from it.
”He is about nine and a half feet tall,” the report stated, ”and his talk, while musical, is not talk at
all, but seems to be a repetition of bellowing. One of the farmers who was somewhat braver,
attempted to go near him, and got a kick that will last him for some time, having got his hip broken.
Great excitement prevails here, and lots of people are flocking here from Morley and Howard City
to view the strange being at a distance, as no one dares to go near. He seems to be trying to talk to
There were no follow-up stories on this alleged incident.
Have our giants taken to the air?
Was a gentleman from Patagonia swooped up by a flying machine and deposited in Michigan in
1897? The report mentioned that piles of furry animal pelts were seen on board the object, and
Michigan in April might have been unpleasantly warm to a Patagonian used to the climate of the
Antarctic Circle.


Another kind of giant has seemingly always existed with us on this planet. He is shaped like a
human being but is covered with hair and prefers to live in the quiet, thinly populated forests of
Canada. However, he is something of a vagabond and has frequently been seen all over the United
States. Like most of our other monsters, he has the uncanny ability to disappear into thin air as soon
as the posses begin to close in. The natives of the far-off Himalayas are also very familiar with this
creature and long ago named it the Metoh-Kangmi which means ”the evil-smelling man of the
snows.” The British explorers took liberties with this phrase and dubbed the animal the Abominable
Snowman. ABSM for short.
There is now considerable evidence that the ABSM actually exists. What is more, there seem to be
several different types running rampant. They come in all sizes, ranging from stout three-footers to
giant hair-covered beasties ten feet tall. Some of them seem to be directly related to unidentified
flying objects. Others could be actual descendants of the prehistoric Neanderthal man. Like Hugh
Troy's rhinoceros, they are fond of scattering their giant footprints around the countryside, leaving
behind very little evidence of any other kind. In the redwood forests of California they have earned
the nickname ”Big Foot.”
The first published reference to the Himalayan ABSM appeared in 1899, in a book titled Among the
Himalayas by Major L. A. Waddell. He stated matter-of-factly that he had come across some giant
man-like tracks in the tiny kingdom of Sikkim in 1887. Successive expeditions to those mountains
reported regularly encountering similar tracks and, in several instances, large hair-covered
personages. Generations of Type B scientists, huddled comfortably amid their books on Ivy League
campuses, scoffed at the reports and presented a wide range of speculations. It was only a bear or an
ape, they announced periodically, and one group of scholars concluded that the tracks were spread
by naked Yogis wandering about the mountains in the sub-zero temperatures.
Three years before Major Waddell found those footprints in Sikkim, an actual ABSM-type creature
was reportedly captured in Canada. According to the Daily British Colonist (July 3, 1884), a group
of railroad workmen digging a tunnel outside of Yale, British Columbia, came upon what appeared
at first to be a man sleeping on the tracks. It proved to be a hairy ”half man, half beast” which was
captured alive after a five-minute chase. ”Jacko,” as he was named by his captors, was four feet
seven inches tall and weighed 127 pounds.
”He has long, black, strong hair and resembles a human being with one exception: his entire body,
excepting his hands (or paws) and feet are covered with glossy hair one inch long,” the account
stated. ”His fore arm is much longer than a man's fore arm...”
What happened to ”Jacko” is not known. As recently as 1946, a Canadian reporter interviewed an
elderly gentleman in Lytton, British Columbia, who claimed he had seen it. Others, including Mr.
Alexander Caulfield Anderson of the Hudson's Bay Company, claimed to have encountered these
animals as early as 1864.
The definitive work Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come To Life by Ivan T. Sanderson delves into
these early reports in detail and notes the many Indian legends and myths revolving around these
creatures in North America. There are several old Indian tales about women being abducted by the
ABSM and even having children by them. We might also mention that many other cultures have
produced identical stories. Scholars may one day discover that man has frequently crossbred with
these hairy beings throughout history. The Bible makes particular mention of this. In Genesis (25:
19-34) Esau was described as being born ”red, all over like a hairy garment.”
Early European literature contains numerous references to the ”Wild Men of the Woods” who were
supposed to have existed hidden away in the dense forests of England, France, Germany, and many
other countries. They were described as tall, hair-covered men of remarkable agility, able to leap
vast distances and out-run ordinary men. In Irish folklore, according to The Bestiary, these Homines
Sylvestris ”used to inhabit inelegant subterranean hovels, lived on vegetables, and refused to have
anything to do with other humans... However kindly they were treated, it was impossible to civilize
them, because they refused to recognize law and order... There were an almost infinite number of
them in Ireland.”
In the early literature the European ”Wild Men” purportedly had a lustful nature and would accost
lone human females passing through the forests, forcibly engaging them in sexual intercourse.
Perhaps these tales are the basis for the Satyr legends, and artists and Playboy cartoonists have
misrepresented the Satyrs by giving them cloven hooves. Since the American Indians have similar
stories it is possible that there is some fact to the tales.
Isolated tribes in South America also have legends of racial intermixing with the hairy ones. Some
nonscientific speculators have even suggested that the creatures can only reproduce through human
females. However, we have yet to uncover a claim that anyone was raped by a hairy monster,
although if such claims were ever made it is unlikely that they would get into print.
Even more incredible is the steadily accumulating evidence which strongly suggests that the hairy
ABSMs are connected in some peculiar way with the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects.
We will examine this material in another chapter. The funny flying saucers have produced all kinds
of intriguing monster reports, and we were not being entirely facetious when we proposed in
Chapter Six that a Patagonian giant might have been transplanted in Michigan in 1897. It almost
seems as if anomalous earthly creatures have somehow been enlisted (or drafted) into service by the
saucers to carry out some mysterious missions. The UFO evidence, which is now almost
overwhelming, indicates that the entire flying saucer phenomenon is an outrageous enterprise that
preys upon our gullibility and is meant to inspire a totally false belief in extraterrestrial
(interplanetary) visitants.
One of America's leading UFOlogists is Brad Steiger, author of many books on the subject. Mr.
Steiger has received an astonishing journal from James C. Wyatt of Memphis, Tennessee. The
journal was purportedly written by Mr. Wyatt's grandfather and discusses in detail an experience
with a ”Crazy Bear” in the year 1888. An Indian is supposed to have led Grandfather Wyatt to a
hidden cave in Tennessee where a hairy man-like creature was concealed. The Indians fed the
”Crazy Bear” at regular intervals, asserting that such creatures were ejected from ”moons” which
landed periodically in the valley.
The Indians told him that over the years there had been many ”Crazy Bears” left in the woods, and
many of their people had seen the ”skymen” put their ”Crazy Bears” out of their ”moons.”
So there is one solution to our mystery. The flying saucers are dumping hairy monsters all over the
landscape! Wyatt's ”Crazy Bear” is described as a short-necked, long-armed creature covered with
glossy black hair.
It is a curious fact that flying saucers have been repeatedly seen in ABSM-infested territories. A
mountain-climbing expedition to Everest in 1923-24, headed by General Bruce, not only came
across the classic giant footprints of the ABSM, but also reportedly saw ”a great, hairy, naked man
running across a snow-field below” at around seventeen thousand feet. Subsequent expeditions had
further encounters with the creature. During the 1933 Everest attempt, mountaineer F. S. Smythe
was climbing alone when he observed ”two curious-looking objects floating in the sky.” They
hovered motionless and seemed to pulsate slowly. Other Himalayan expeditions in the 1920s and
'30s reported variously seeing ”giant silver disks” and ”a flying teakettle.” The UFO controversy
did not exist in those days so most Type B scientists regarded these stories as hallucinations created
by the high altitude. Although the natives had plenty to say about the ABSM, or Yeti, they shrugged
off the aerial objects as religious manifestations. The disks had always flown regular routes over the
mountains. They belonged there, like the clouds, the natives explained to early explorers.
We visited India and the Himalayas in 1955-56 and heard many Yeti stories from the natives. These
mysterious animals are an accepted fact in the lives of the mountain people in the same way that
deer are an accepted fact to us. At the time of our visit only about four hundred white men had
visited those regions in all of history. Most of these had been religious missionaries more intent on
saving souls than chasing monsters. In many remote villages we were the very first white men ever
to be seen by the natives. Since then the tiny mountain kingdoms of Nepal, Bhutan, and Sikkim
have been opened up to limited tourism. But the Red Chinese had occupied Tibet completely, driven
out the Dalai Lama and his followers, and sealed off the mountain passes with troops and
fortifications. It was virtually impossible to obtain an accurate map of the Himalayan territories.
The area was strategically important to India, and it would have been easier to get a map of the
atomic installation at Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
In some places the Yeti is greatly feared and there are numerous accounts of the animals attacking
and killing human beings. In 1949 a Sherpa herdsman named Lakhpa Tensing was reportedly torn
apart by a Yeti in the bleak pass of Nanga Parbat, one of the highest passes in the world, far beyond
the reach of ordinary animals.
Mountain mothers deal with their misbehaving children by warning that the Yeti will get them if
they don't watch out. Hill farmers in some areas are afraid to work after dark because of this curtain
of superstition and fear. They believe that to look at a Yeti means death, and the only protection is to
cover your eyes and run downhill. The Yeti's feet are supposed to be mounted backwards to
facilitate mountain climbing, but that makes things damned awkward when it tries to run downhill.
This odd belief springs from an incident that allegedly happened back in the early 1900s when the
English were stretching a telegraph line from Kalimpong, India, to Lhasa, Tibet. It was a big job
and many hillmen were hired to work on it. Some of them were encamped at Chumbithang, three
miles from the Jelep-la pass, one of the gateways to Tibet. One morning a dozen workers went out
and failed to return. The next morning a squad of British soldiers went out to search for them.
They found, instead, a strange animal hiding under some giant boulders in the approaches to the
pass. They shot it and dragged it to the nearest dak bungalow (huts maintained for travelers). Later
Sir Charles Bell, then the British political officer of Sikkim, came and ordered the carcass packed
and shipped away, supposedly to England. It was never seen again and there is no trace of it.
This story has been lovingly repeated in several Indian books on mountain lore but it seems to be
based more on hearsay than fact. There is no mention of it in Sir Charle's papers. However, an old
man in Darjeeling, Bombahadur Chetri, claims he saw it with his own eyes when he was a boy. He
describes it as being ten feet tall and covered with shaggy hairs two or three inches long. Its
gruesome face was hairless, set with a mouthful of sharp yellow fangs and cold red eyes. Its feet
were backwards, he said. But this could be a false impression depending on how the carcass was
lying. Its feet could have been handlike, like an ape's, hanging down over the edge of the table.
It is significant that the Snowman legend persists throughout the Himalayan range from Kashmir in
the east, to Assam far to the west. Every tribe has stories about the creature, and every mountain
language (there are many) has a word for it. All of these stories contain essentially the same details,
and the basic descriptions are universally agreed upon. There are two main types. One is about four
feet tall and resembles a human dwarf covered with hair. The other is very tall, frequently reported
to be from to seven to ten feet. Neither resembles a bear or ape. Bears move about on all fours most
of the time, except when attacking. As for gorillas, anthropologists estimate that the total world
gorilla population is around four hundred, and they are found only in a small area deep within
Equatorial Africa.
Animals answering to the descriptions of the two Himalayan Yeti types have reportedly been seen
near grounded flying saucers in South America, and even in France. They will be discussed in
another chapter.
Tenzing Norgay, the Sherpa who, together with Sir Edmund Hillary, was the first to reach the
summit of Mount Everest on May 29, 1953, lives in the picturesque mountain village of Darjeeling,
India, in the Himalayan foothills. We were able to spend a considerable amount of time with this
remarkably simple and humble man during our visit to the region. Tenzing likes to tell about his
brother-in-law who was once an assistant to the great Sangay Rimboche, the late Grand Lama of the
Rongbuck monastery on the steep approach to Everest. He went with the Grand Lama on his annual
treks to meditate in the high, secret, holy places on the mountain. During one of these trips another
assistant lama found a dead Yeti and presented the skin to Sangay Rimboche. It looked like the skin
of a young bear, and the Grand Lama used it for years to sit on while meditating. It was probably
placed in his Chorten after his death.
Many of the mountain lamaseries cherish bits of Yeti hair and bones as sacred relics. They think
Yetis are devils posted around the mountains to guard the gods who supposedly live on the summits.
In the fall of 1954, a tribe of headhunters in Assam reportedly killed and ate a creature ten feet tall.
The bones and fur are supposed to have been carried off to a monastery.
Tenzing has never seen a Yeti personally but he does not question its existence. His father claims to
have once met one face to face and managed to escape. Tenzing said his father wasn't a liar or given
to making up wild tales. And his description correlates with the reports of other eyewitnesses.
Almost every expedition into the more remote sectors of the Himalayas in the past fifty years has
seen and photographed the huge ABSM footprints. Usually such prints are found in the snow at
high altitudes which are beyond the reach of most ordinary animals. After all, animals are not likely
to venture into areas where no food or prey can exist. Samples of Yeti droppings have also been
collected and studied and indicate that it lives on a small rodent known as the mouse-hare. A
number of expeditions have produced reliable reports of having seen the beast itself from a distance.
It has been seen digging up roots with a stick, something no ordinary animal would do. This use of
a tool puts it in a subhuman class.
What could it be? There is some evidence that it might actually be a survivor of the early
Neanderthal man. Footprints known to have been made by Neanderthalers have been discovered
and they are almost identical to the ABSM tracks. In 1948 an ancient cave, long sealed by volcanic
lava, was opened near Toirano, Italy, and it was found to contain all kinds of interesting artifacts,
including the footprints of modern-type men, giant bears, and Neanderthalers. The latter tracks were
immediately recognized as being almost exactly the same as the footprints photographed by the
various expeditions to Everest. Of equal interest was the fact that the discovery seemed to indicate
that modern man and the Neanderthalers existed in the same era. A fact which led the Type B
scientists to quickly shuffle the discovery into the back of their files.
In the 1950s an expedition in the Middle East unearthed relics which suggested that modern man,
Cro-Magnon man, and Neanderthal man had all existed at the same time. This, too, was quickly
swept under the carpet by the pro-evolution types. After all, if these various human and subhuman
personages all lived together in a single epoch then there is something radically wrong with our
long-accepted evolutionary scale.
The evidence we are summarising here opens a whole new anthropological bag. Could the ”Wild
Men of the Woods” of Europe have been stray survivors of some ancient time, gradually driven
further and further back into the forests and mountains, forced to mate with human females in order
to survive at all, and, finally, pressed into extinction when human females were no longer readily
accessible? Could these hairy beings have survived in the remote fastness of the Himalayas and the
deep jungles of Brazil and northern Canada?
We have seen the Yeti footprints for ourselves. We have even tried to track the animal down to his
lair. In Jadoo, this adventure was fully described. Here is a summary of that narrative: [Jadoo by
John A. Keel, published by Julian Messner, Inc., 1957. Out of print.]
While traveling through northern Sikkim with a native guide named Norbhu, we heard the Yeti's
distinctive call which ”sounded like a bird very near, short chirps with a slight warble. Similar to
monkey chatter but higher pitched and less defined.”
We were very close to the border of Tibet, and soon found definite Yeti tracks. ”The tracks were
clear and spaced at a leisurely pace. It was definitely not an ape or bear, and the prints were much
too big to have been made by a barefooted man... Then suddenly, from somewhere in front of us,
there was a sharp animal scream; brief, filled with tearing pain. Norbhu jumped a foot. Then there
was only silence and the drip of water on the leaves overhead.
”A little further on a group of natives appeared and led us to their village on the brink of a narrow
river. They'd heard the scream, too. It was a panther, they said. A dying panther.... They had found a
bloody spot surrounded by Yeti tracks. They were rushing back to their village when they bumped
into us.
”Could a Yeti kill a panther, I asked?
”It was one of the few things that could.
”Norbhu turned back to Dubdi, and I proceeded alone. The trail was easy to follow; too easy. The
Yeti was more agile and faster than a plodding white man. True to what the lamas had told me
repeatedly, the Yeti was picking the easiest route to wherever it was going, avoiding more difficult
jungle areas, picking the shallowest spots in rivers, etc. Sometimes it seemed as if I were right on
top of him. Other times I seemed to have no chance of finding it.
”I found villages and lamaseries in a state of alert and fear after having heard or seen my prey. All
the descriptions ran the same. It was three feet taller than myself (I'm six feet two inches), covered
with brown hair, with a hairless red face and a head that sloped up to a slight point.
”At a monastery above Changthang, the lamas were beating drums and blowing trumpets when I
arrived. They'd seen the Yeti only a few hours before, running along the trail I was following...
”Following the hot and cold Yeti trail, I arrived at last in the northern village of Lachen, 8,800 feet
above sea level, where the natives grabbed me excitedly and led me through the tortuous passes to a
marsh. A Yeti... my Yeti, no doubt... had been seen there by a group of children that very morning.
The place was crawling with tracks. As I stood there looking down at them an eerie screech drifted
down from the jutting rocks nearby. The effect on the natives was electric. They were stunned and
frightened; only my presence kept them from running. They watched my with alarmed curiosity,
wondering what I was going to do.
”I was wondering, too.
”Cautiously I moved forward, staggering up an inclined path strewn with giant boulders. Finally, I
emerged onto the edge of a sweeping cavity filled with water, where broken trees and decayed
bushes poked up like skeletons.
”That was where I saw it!
”Maybe it wasn't a Yeti, I wasn't close enough to be absolutely sure. But something was out there,
across the lake. Something big, breathtakingly big, and brown, and moving swiftly, splashing
through the shallow, icy waters toward a pile of boulders. As it neared them, another brown blur
moved out to meet it and together they disappeared beyond the debris of a landfall.
”I circled the lake and headed cautiously up through the rocks and landfalls. In a few minutes I
came to a narrow channel in the cliffs...
”Suddenly the high-pitched Yeti call sounded again and I froze. It was coming from the cliffs
overhead. The Yetis were up there somewhere, watching me, jeering me!
”I hugged the side of the channel and looked up. High above me there was a quick movement. A
flash of brown against the gray sky... The Yetis must have climbed straight up the sheer face of the
cliffs; something no bear or ape could do easily... I knew I couldn't climb those cliffs. I knew I
couldn't get near those clever, evasive animals alone. I stood there tensely for a long time... then I
slowly backed out of that channel.
”That was as close as I ever got to the Abominable Snowmen.”
After thousands of years of total isolation, the Himalayas were opened to tourists in the 1970s and
soon Karmandu, Nepal, was overrun with young hippies and camera-carrying Japanese. Depictions
of Yetis appeared on postage stamps while restaurants and dry cleaners bearing the word Yetis in
their names appeared everywhere. Hundreds of hardy souls now assault Mount Everest annually.
Business is so brisk that people anxious to climb that formidable rock pile must apply for expensive
permits ten years in advance! Several would-be Everest conquerors fall off the mountain every year
to their death.
With all this traffic you might expect a dramatic increase in ABSM sightings. Unfortunately, this
hasn't been true. There were a few scattered reports in the 1970s and '80s, and Yeti footprints have
been photographed occasionally but the creature himself remains as elusive as ever, providing the
natives with a profitable industry.
Tibet has also undergone some drastic, sad changes under Chinese rule. There is a five-hundred-
room Holiday Inn in Lhasa now. Yeti hunters lounge there in semisplendor as they plot their futile
expeditions. Sometimes during the long cold nights they say they can still hear a familiar sound far
out in the mountains... the cry of a sea gull.


Pity the poor Yeti. He doesn't exist but he doesn't have enough brains to realize it. The mystery of
the giant footprints has been solved many times by many Type B scientists. Back in 1958 a wire
story quoted an anthropologist from John Hopkins University, explaining that the Yeti footprints
were made by natives wearing sandals with their big toes sticking out. The natives of the Himalayas
apparently never read the story, and so they continue to wear heavy boots when they are wading
around in the mountain snows.
Somebody is always shooting at these hairy illusions, and there are a number of documented
accounts of the creatures having been shot dead, or captured and dying slowly in captivity. The real
myth seems to be the scientific allegation that the Abominable Snowman does not exist, has never
existed, and cannot possibly exist.
China has produced a considerable amount of ABSM lore and a good part of it correlates favorably
with the material from the Himalayas and even from Canada.
One story relates how a group of Chinese hunters came upon an ABSM in 1913, shot, and wounded
it, carrying it triumphantly to Patang in Sinkiang Province where it survived for some months. The
late Frank Edwards describes it in Stranger Than Science as ”a creature with a black monkey-like
face, covered with silvery yellow hair several inches long. It had exceptionally powerful hands and
had feet much like those of a human, rather than an ape. It grunted and made guttural sounds but
spent most of its time pursuing its lips and making loud whistling noises.”
In 1954 a Chinese official in the Yunnan Province told some visiting Russians that a hair-covered
race of sub-humans thrived in the mountains of Western Yunnan. One of them had even been
captured a few years earlier and brought to Kunming. The Chinese call them Gin-Sung or Bear-
Men. In other regions the Chinese speak of giant hairy animals known locally as Kra-Dhan and
Bec-Boc. It is well-known to the tribes of the Gobi Desert and the people of Mongolia, and ancient
Chinese literature frequently alludes to these ”hairy mountain men.” It would take a book twice the
length of this one just to list the many available literary references extant. Explorers and expeditions
to those far corners have returned with a wealth of information about these fascinating animals and
numerous accounts and descriptions have been published in random scientific journals over the
With the exception of the European stories and some of those reports from Canada, it seems that the
majority of these creatures are accompanied by a pungent, very unpleasant odor. This stink seems to
exceed normal animal smells and could, eventually, offer some kind of clue to the body chemistry
of the creatures. For now we can only conclude that the Abominable Snowman is using the wrong
kind of soap.
North of Tibet and west of China, Russia has several isolated ”pockets” where ABSM-types seem to
abound. Russian scientists have long had a special interest in the Yeti and have periodically sent out
expeditions to try to learn more about them. A number of well-documented reports have come from
Russia and have been collected and translated by Ivan T. Sanderson. A good part of the Yeti
literature in the United States is based entirely upon Mr. Sanderson's research and writings, usually
without mentioning his name at all. We are therefore going to give Mr. Sanderson full credit before
we proceed to steal some choice items from his work.
In Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come To Life Sanderson deals at length with the geographical
distribution of the ABSM stories and points out how unlikely it is for separate, isolated cultures to
come up with identical details, unless there was some definite truth underlying those details. Tribes
speaking entirely different languages, and remaining almost completely isolated from other tribes of
their own race, have managed to produce identical ABSM ”data.” Even in the United States, where
general communications are superb in comparison to the remote fastness of Tibet and China, the
many annual encounters with ABSM-types rarely receive any publicity beyond the areas where they
occurred. Monster stories, like flying saucer tales, are ”human interest” items and rarely receive
much notice in the national press. This dearth of published reports is in our favor since few
witnesses have even heard of these things before their own encounter. While most Americans have
now read random superficial items about both Yetis and UFOs, they have not been exposed to the
information necessary for the construction of a convincing false report. Russia could conceivably
capture a whole tribe of Yetis and we might never know it until they put them on display at the next
World's Fair. Material published in the Russian language rarely filters down to American monster
Whole states in the United States have been thrown into an uproar over ”monster mania” in recent
years, with armies of armed men, police dogs, and helicopters searching hundreds of square miles in
vain efforts to locate the unbelievable creatures which were reportedly slaughtering domestic
animals and terrifying farmers. But what causes headlines in the newspapers in one state is often
ignored altogether in the press of adjoining states. News of these monster panics rarely appear in the
New York Times or Time and Newsweek. We live in a world so filled with ”hard” news of war and
disaster that these more unusual events are reduced to the status of ”fillers” and ”human interest
items.” Collectors of esoterica tend to regard all this as some form of sinister censorship, and
circulate wild stories about how the government suppresses the news of such events.
In countries such as the former Soviet Union, where the press really is controlled and censored by
the government, there are certain to be even fewer published reports.
”There lives in Moscow today a scientist by the name of V. A. Khakhlov,” Sanderson writes, ”who
in 1913 submitted a full and detailed report on the east Asiatic ABSMs to the Russian Imperial
Academy of Sciences. This priceless material was shelved, he was denied funds to continue his
field investigations, and he was frankly told to shut up.”
In more recent years some maverick Russian scientists have begun to take more open interest in the
ABSM mystery, and a few papers on the subject have been circulated in limited numbers. A
geologist named B. M. Zdorick claims that he stumbled upon a sleeping creature in 1934 while
trekking along the Darwaz Ridge in the Pamirs.
”He was about a meter and a half in length [approximately four feet ten inches],” Zdorick reported.
”The head and the forward limbs could not be seen because they were hidden by a growth of wild
oats. The legs, however, could be seen. They had black naked soles, and were too long and graceful
to have belonged to a bear; his back was also too flat to be a bear's. The whole body of this animal
was covered with fur, more like the fur of a yak, than the rich fur of a bear. The color of the fur was
a grayish brown, somewhat more prominent brown than a bear's.”
His guide was badly frightened by this sight and the two men did not stay to study the creature more
closely. Legends of these creatures abound throughout the Pamir mountain range. A man in Chesh
Teb is supposed to have wrestled with one of them in 1939. He was out hunting around 4:00 P.M.
when the animal sprang him.
”Now this hunter wrestled with Gul-Biavan,” the story goes. ”The Gul-Biavan was covered with
short, soft wool and the man could not get hold of anything. On the face of this man there was also
short wool and there was a terrible odor coming from him. Finally, the hunter was able to throw the
Gul-Biavan to the ground, but at the same time he lost consciousness himself. The villagers came
upon the man and brought him home... the ground around him bore evidence of this wrestling
While camping near the head of the Jurmut River in Russia, Professor V. K. Leontiev repeatedly
obtained a brief glimpse of a Yeti type. It was August 1957 and the Professor's adventure began
when he heard an unusual cry. ”It wasn't like the yell of an animal – not any wild mammal or bird
known to me could make such a sound, and yet it couldn't be a human being either,” the Professor
wrote. Shortly afterwards he saw something moving across a field of snow about 150 feet away.
”He was walking on his feet, not touching the ground with his hands,” Leontiev continued. ”His
shoulders were usually wide. His body was covered with long dark hair. He was about 2.2 meters
[about 7 feet] tall.”
The Professor said he picked up his rifle and fired at the being. At the sound of the shot, the creature
took off at ”incredible speed” and disappeared into some high rocks beyond the snowfield. Large
footprints were left behind.
The Russian Information Service supplied Mr. Sanderson with a translation of the following
testimony from Lt. Colonel V. S. Karapetyan of the Medical Service of the Soviet Army:

From October to December of 1941 our infantry battalion was stationed some thirty
kilometers from the town of Buinaksk (in the Dagestan A.S.S.R.) One day the
representatives of the local authorities asked me to examine a man caught in the surrounding
mountains and brought to the district center. My medical advice was needed to establish
whether or not this curious creature was a disguised spy.
I entered a shed with two members of the local authorities. When I asked why I had to
examine the man in a cold shed and not in a warm room, I was told that the prisoner could
not be kept in a warm room. He had sweated in the house so profusely that they had to keep
him in the shed.
I can still see the creature as it stood before me, a male, naked and bare-footed. And it was
doubtlessly a man, because its entire shape was human. The chest, back and shoulders,
however, were covered with shaggy hair of a dark brown color. This fur of his was much
like that of a bear, and two to three centimeters long. The fur was thinner and softer below
the chest. His wrists were crude and sparsely covered with hair. The palms of his hands and
the soles of his feet were free of hair. But the hair on his head reached to his shoulders,
partly covering his forehead. The hair on his head, moreover, felt very rough to the hand. He
had no beard or mustache, though his face was completely covered with a light growth of
hair. The hair around his mouth was also short and sparse.
The man stood absolutely straight with his arms hanging and his height was above the
average – about 180 centimeters [about 70 inches]. He stood before me like a giant, his
mighty chest thrust forward. His fingers were thick, strong, and exceptionally large. On the
whole, he was considerably bigger than any of the local inhabitants.
His eyes told me nothing. They were dull and empty – the eyes of an animal. And he seemed
to me like an animal and nothing more.
As I learned, he had accepted no food or drink since he was caught.
He had asked for nothing and said nothing. When kept in a warm room he sweated
profusely. While I was there, some water and then some bread were brought up to his mouth;
and someone offered him a hand, but there was no reaction. I gave the verbal conclusion that
this was no disguised person, but a wild man of some kind. Then I returned to my unit and
never heard of him again.

Since Colonel Karapetyan makes no mention of the man's odor, despite his sweating, we assume he
was not a member of the smelly variety. There are many other accounts of captured Yeti types, some
at great variance with the others. Professor Khakhlov's 1913 report contains several of these cases.
He describes, for example, how a group of herdsmen captured one of the creatures in the mountains
of Iran-Kabirg. This one was one of the ”shorties.” Khakhlov wrote:

The ”wild man” was a male, below average height, covered with hair ”like a young camel.”
He had long arms, far below his knees, stooped, with shoulders hunched forward; his chest
was flat and narrow; the forehead sloping over the eyes with prominently arched brows.
Lower jaw was massive without any chin; nose was small with large nostrils. The ears were
large without any lobes, pointed back. On the back of his neck there was a rise. The skin on
the forehead, elbows and knees hard and tough. When he was captured he was standing with
his legs spread, slightly bent in the knees; when he was running he was spreading his feet
wide apart awkwardly swinging his arms. The instep of the ”wild man” resembled a human,
but at least twice the size with widely separated toes; the large toe being shorter than that of
humans, and widely separated from the others. The arm with long fingers was like a human
arm, and yet different.
When the ”wild man” at the insistence of the herders was allowed to go free, two men
followed him and discovered the place where he vanished; an indentation under a hanging
rock strewn with high grass. The local residents offered additional information about these
creatures: that they lived in pairs, seldom seen by people, and not at all dangerous to
A second witness stated that for several months he observed a ”wild man” in the regions of
the River Manass, or Dam. This creature of the female sex was sometimes chained to a small
mill but was also allowed to go free. The general description was the same as of the male:
hairy cover of skin, stooped, narrow chest, shoulders were inclined forward, long arms; bent
knees, flat insteps, spread out toes resembling a paw, the contact with the ground flat without
the instep. The head is described in the same fashion – absence of a chin and a rise in the
This creature seldom issued any sounds and usually was quiet and silent. Only when
approached she bared her teeth and screeched. She had a peculiar way of lying down, or
sleeping – like a camel, by squatting on the ground on its knees and elbows, resting the
forehead on the ground, and resting the wrists on the back of the head. This position
accounts for the unusually hard skin of the elbows and knees – like camel's soles. When
offered food, the female ate only raw meat, some vegetables and grain. She did not touch
cooked meat or bread, although later she was getting used to bread. Sometimes she would
catch and eat some insects. She would drink in animal fashion, by lapping water, or
sometimes she would dip her arm in water and lick the water. When she was allowed to go
free, she ran awkwardly swinging her arms, to the nearby reeds where she disappeared.

Some of the details in these accounts will turn up again in this book in other monster reports viewed
in an entirely different context. The long fingers are common in many of the descriptions of flying
saucer ”pilots” which we will examine further on. Some of the hairy creatures running around the
United States seem to conform to these general descriptions from Russia.
Ivan Sanderson's book Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come To Life is over five hundred pages long
and carefully presents all sides of the question. Obviously we cannot even begin to reduce such a
complicated subject to a few pages here. Sanderson has attempted to catalog all of the known
ABSM lore from many scattered geographical locations. After many years of investigation and
study he concludes, ”I think there are at least three main types of ultra-primitive men, and/or sub-
men, and/or subhominids, still alive today. These I would say are, first, sundry pigmy types of very
near-human or completely human composition; second, some remaining Neanderthaler types in
eastern Eurasia; and third, some very primitive and large creatures almost absolutely without any
'culture' in any sense of that term, in northwestern North and Central America, perhaps in South
America, the eastern Sino-Tibetan uplands, and in Indo-China. Then, I am even more sure that there
still remains something else.”
We agree. There still remains something else.


Vancouver Island, British Columbia, lies just across the Canadian border, north of Seattle,
Washington. Unidentified hairy beings live there. The Indians have always insisted that the heavily
forested sections of the island were inhabited by ”Wild Men of the Woods.” A lumberman named
Mike King reported stumbling across one of the creatures there in 1901. He said that he saw it
squatting by a creek, carefully washing off some roots and stacking them in two neat piles. He
started to raise his rifle but felt that he was looking at something human – too human to be shot at,
even though it was large and covered with reddish brown fur. It finally jumped up and ran off like a
”His arms were peculiarly long and used freely in climbing and bush-burning,” Mr. King observed.
After the thing had departed, King went down to the creek and looked at its tracks. He saw evidence
of a ”human foot but with phenomenally long and spreading toes.”
British Columbia has produced many ABSM reports (up in Canada the thing is called by the old
Indian name, ”Sasquatch”). Even Theodore Roosevelt, the great outdoorsman who later became
President, recorded a hairy monster story in a book he published in 1893, Wilderness Hunter.
Roosevelt repeated a tale told to him by a trapped named Bauman. Essentially, Bauman and another
man had been camping at the head of Wisdom River when something tall, walking on two legs, had
invaded their camp and smashed their gear. At night they could hear ”a harsh, grating, long-drawn
moan, a peculiarly sinister sound.” Bauman left the camp one day and when he returned he found
his friend dead.
”The body was still warm,” Roosevelt wrote, ”but the neck was broken, while there were four great
fang marks in the throat. The footprints of the unknown beast-creature, printed deep in the soft soil,
told the whole story... It had not eaten the body, but apparently had romped and gambolled round it
in uncouth, ferocious glee, occasionally rolling over and over it; and had then fled back into the
soundless depths of the woods.”
Fortunately there aren't too many stories of witnesses suffering physical harm from their meetings
with the hairy people. But there are too many to ignore. In the next chapter we will summarize a
large number of North American sightings, including incidents involving attacks and injuries.
In 1965 John W. Green, editor of the Agassiz, British Columbia Advance, compiled a list of 120
Sasquatch incidents ranging from sightings and attacks to the discovery of tracks and various
strange occurrences. In 1942, according to Green, a man in Katz, British Columbia, had his arm
broken by a hairy giant while picking berries. Going further back, there was a story that two
mountain hunters in British Columbia had been killed by something that ”walked on two legs” in
the early 1800s. Back in 1907 Indians at Bishop's Cove, British Columbia, were reportedly terrified
by a monkey-like wild man that dug clams at night and ”howled.” In 1945 a hairy giant chased one
Henry Charlie for nearly a mile near Harrison Mills, British Columbia.
Another member of our monster hunting brigade, Lee Trippett, an electronics engineer in Eugene,
Oregon, has collected forty-one ABSM incidents from the states of Washington, Oregon and
California, alone. In California the creature has been dubbed ”Big Foot” for obvious reasons.
So right there we have 161 events. Obviously we cannot list them all. A columnist for the San
Francisco Chronicle, George Draper, has written many articles about ”Big Foot,” and he, too, has
come up with more items for our grotesque glossary. Still another researcher, Roger Patterson of
Yakima, Washington, has built up an enormous file of little-known sightings and has acquired a
collection of plaster casts of ”Big Foot” footprints and other kinds of tangible evidence, including
photographs. An anthropologist in Illinois, Loren Coleman, has yet another collection of reports.
This mass of evidence contains all kinds of oddities, such as the following letter written in Katz,
British Columbia, on April 23, 1957, by someone who signed the name ”Mary Joe.” The letter was
mailed to the village clerk at Harrison Hot Springs in the heart of Sasquatch country. It was written
in a crude, almost illiterate style, apparently the work of an Indian lady. She says, in part:

Fifteen years ago my old daddy was hurt bad by Sasquatch man he met a mile from Katz...
One thing my daddy was good Catholic and he very little drink likker... What happens he
say was daddy was with momma picking berries when he went away from others for rest.
He say he only look at trees and sky, then big man over six foot comes running from rocks at
him, hit old daddy to ground, hit him on head and side arm, hit him hard and make grunts.
Daddy yell then others come and Sasquatch run away fast. They see Sasquatch running and
daddy blood on his head... Grandma say Sasquatch big nice man is catch little Indian woman
for make love to all they want. Old daddy scared of woods after, never go anywhere, just
stay home.

What intrigues us the most about the above is Mary Joe's repetition of what her grandmother had
told her: Sasquatch big nice man is catch little Indian woman for make love to all they want.
Biologists will argue that one species cannot successfully mate and produce offspring with another.
But we cannot say with certainty that the ABSM types are not at least partially human. They are
different, to be sure, but are they totally nonhuman? Could there be some element of truth to the
ancient legends from other lands that the ”Wild Men of the Woods” kidnap human females and
indulge in scandalous hanky-panky?
One flaw to this admittedly sensational speculation is the fact that the female Sasquatch has been
observed on a number of occasions. Or, at least, hairy humanoids with pendulant breasts have been
seen and it is generally assumed that they were female. Since the animals are naked, witnesses who
have been close enough to notice have reported upon their obvious masculinity or, in the cases of
the apparent females, their lack of it.
In a notarized affidavit, signed on August 26, 1957, William Roe stated:

My first impression was of a huge man about six feet tall, almost three feet wide, and
probably weighing somewhere near three hundred pounds. It was covered from head to foot
with dark brown, silver-tipped hair. But as it came closer I saw by its breasts that it was
And yet, its torso was not curved like a female's. Its broad frame was straight from shoulder
to hip. Its arms were much thicker than a man's arms and longer, reaching almost to its
knees. Its feet were broader proportionately than a man's, about five inches wide in the front
and tapering to much thinner heels. When it walked it placed the heel of its foot down first,
and I could see the gray-brown skin or hide on the soles of its feet.
The head was higher at the back than at the front. The nose was broad and flat. The lips and
chin protruded farther than its nose. But the hair that covered it, leaving bare only the parts
of its face around the mouth, nose and ears, made it resemble an animal as much as a human.
None of this hair, even on the back of its head, was longer than an inch, and that on its face
much shorter. Its ears were shaped like a human's ears. And its neck was also unhuman,
thicker and shorter than any man's I have ever seen.

Mr. Roe's studied description came from his encounter in October 1955 when he was climbing Mica
Mountain near Tete Jaune Cache, Alberta, Canada. The time was about three o'clock in the
afternoon. The report continued:

Finally, the wild thing must have gotten my scent, for it looked directly at me through an
opening in the brush. A look of amazement crossed its face. It looked so comical at that
moment I had to grin. Still in a crouched position, it backed up three or four steps, then
straightened up to its full height and started to walk rapidly back the way it had come. For a
moment it watched over its shoulder as it went, not exactly afraid, but as though it wanted
no contact with anything strange.
The thought came to me that if I shot it I would possibly have a specimen of great interest to
scientists the world over... I leveled my rifle. The creature was still walking rapidly away,
again turning its head in my direction. I lowered the rifle. Although I have called the
creature 'it,' I felt now that it was a human being, and I knew I would never forgive myself if
I killed it.
Just as it came to the other patch of brush it threw its head back and made a peculiar noise
that seemed to be half laugh and half language, and which I could only describe as a kind of
whinny. Then it walked from the small brush into a stand of lodge-pole pines.

In several similar stories armed hunters have declared that they could not bring themselves to fire
their weapons. The creatures seem too human to kill. ”It would be like shooting a man in cold
blood,” many have said.
In an article for the San Francisco Chronicle (December 7, 1965), George Draper discussed a hair-
raising story which added to the evidence that the ABSM may sometimes hunt human beings. Mr.
O. R. Edwards, owner of a lock and safe company in Fresno, California, testified that he had
encountered a man-animal in the southern Siskiyou Mountains during World War II:
”I saw a large man-like creature covered with brown hair,” Edwards stated. ”It was about seven feet
tall and it was carrying in its arms what seemed like a man. I could only see legs and shoes. It was
heading straight downhill on the run.
”I, of course, did not believe what I had just seen. So I closed my eyes and shook my head to sort of
clear things up.
”I looked down the hill again in time to see the back and shoulders and head of a man-like thing
covered with brown hair. It was disappearing into the brush some seventy to eighty yards below.”
Edwards also claimed that the creature emitted ”the damnedest whistling-scream I ever heard.”
Draper noted that ”other observers have described the man-animal's strange cry as 'a vibrating
sound' or like the sound of a steam locomotive whistle or the sound of metal tearing.” One witness,
a geologist named R. A. E. Morley, said the animal issued ”a vibrating wail, like a person in pain.”
Did Mr. Edwards actually see an ABSM kidnap a human? There are many tales to this effect, some
told by people who purportedly had been the victims of such events and had lived to tell the story.
The most celebrated is the elaborately detailed narrative of an elderly Canadian, Mr. Albert Ostman,
who claims that he was carried off by a tribe of Sasquatches in 1924 and held prisoner for several
days. He described males, females and ”children.” It would take several pages for us to recount his
whole story properly. He has repeated it in many interviews and on radio, and Ivan Sanderson gives
the full details in his book. The story is so incredible that it raises an element of doubt. But, then,
our years of experience in this field have taught us that the more bizarre a story is, the more likely it
is to be true. Liars who want to be taken seriously don't try to ”sell” absurdities.

The California ”Big Foot” surfaced in the 1950s and created a sensation of several years' duration,
particularly in northern California close to the Oregon border. Oregon has also had its share of
ABSM sightings, as has the state of Washington, still farther north. Apparently the creatures have
been moving up and down the western mountain ranges from Canada, and when the many sightings
are laid out on a map they seem to follow a definite mountain route. In addition to the hundreds of
physical sightings there have also been hundreds of ”footprints” discoveries throughout that region.
From time to time local authorities and Type B scientists have tried to quell the ”monster mania” by
denouncing the tracks as the work of practical jokers. This would mean that some hardy soul has
gone through the trouble of constructing a special pair of giant shoes which can leave imprints so
convincing that zoologists and anthropologists could be fooled by them. Said hoaxster would then
have to trek thousands of miles through very rugged areas, scattering his tracks in places where the
chance of anyone ever finding them would be almost zero. And he would have to be very persistent,
stomping up and down the mountains year after year for almost two decades.
”Big Foot” is now an integral part of California folklore. The Humboldt State College Library at
Arcata, California, has compiled one of the world's most complete collections of Abominable
Snowman literature and lore. A man in Oakland, California, Mr. George F. Haas, periodically
publishes a newsletter, The Bigfoot Bulletin, for monster collectors. Up in Yakima, Washington, the
Abominable Snowmen Club of America thrives, selling phonograph records of eyewitness
testimony and offering an ornate membership certificate to those who wish to prove their devotion
to the subject.
In a number of instances ”Big Foot” has displayed superhuman strength by angrily throwing heavy
objects such as metal drums filled with gasoline, and hurling huge tractor tires great distances,
somewhat to the consternation of construction workers and lumberers in the remote ”Big Foot”
haunts. This tire-throwing feature seems to be a peculiar ABSM habit and has turned up in a number
of reports.
On the one hand, part of our testimonial evidence suggests that the ABSM is abysmally stupid,
more animal than human. Some have been tempted to jump to the conclusion that he has big feet
and a small brain. Yet, there are contradictory reports which indicate that the animal is keenly alert,
even sensitive, and is able to easily outsmart and elude his pursuers. Perhaps we are trying to cope
with several entirely different animals. The ten-foot giants may have only a tenuous relationship to
the smaller ABSM. Some may be more human than animal, and vice versa. Some may be part of
another phenomenon altogether, more psychic or hallucinatory than real. We will deal with that
aspect further on.
There is now substantial physical evidence proving the existence of genuine man-like animals. First
of all, we have plaster casts of giant footprints collected from many continents – from the remote
borderlands of Tibet to the pastoral hills of Indiana. Many of these casts match! Scientists have spun
fanciful theories about the Earth's ancient past from a single piece of bone or a single fossil
fragment. The ABSM evidence is far more substantial than the fragmentary evidence which has
been accepted as support for many anthropological theories.
Second, unique animal droppings have been found at many of the monster sites and analyzed by
qualified men. These materials indicate that the animals are vegetarians in some areas, and live on
small rodents and wildlife in others. There is now enough of this evidence so we can reach some
general scientific conclusions if only we could collect the materials together in a single place for
comparative studies.
Third, we now have photographic evidence of a high order. Motion pictures have been made of one
of the creatures.
The first alleged ABSM photo is admittedly very flimsy. It was published in the San Francisco
Chronicle on December 7, 1965, and depicts a black human-like figure between some trees. The
figure is quite indistinct and the story behind the photo is even more vague. It seems that a man
identifying himself as Zack Hamilton dropped off a film for developing at the Brooks camera store
in San Francisco around 1960. He told manager Dick Russell an eerie tale about being stalked by a
hairy monster in central Oregon, and he said he had taken some pictures of it. Hamilton never
returned for his finished photos, and Mr. Russell, when he first examined them, said, ”I got prickly
all over when I realized they were the pictures the oldtimer said he had taken in the brush. I never
saw anything like them.” Russell filed them away and forgot about them until he read some of the
Chronicle's ”Big Foot” stories. About all we can say about the photo is that the figure does look
broad – much broader than a man – and it doesn't appear to be walking like a bear or any other
known animal.
The motion picture is another story. It created quite a sensation in 1968 and has been carefully
studied by a variety of scientists and government officials. Some believe it to be absolutely
authentic. Others are bewildered and dubious. We have it on good authority that the man who took
it has not made a nickel on it. He has, in fact, been denounced as a hoaxter in some Type B circles.
If the film had been taken by a vacationing school teacher, a minister, or even a teenaged hunter, it
might have had somewhat more impact. Unfortunately, it was taken by one of America's leading
monster hunters and ABSM authorities, Mr. Roger Patterson.
Mr. Patterson was first attracted to this subject in 1959 when he read an article by Ivan T.
Sanderson. He began making field investigations in his home state of Washington and interviewing
witnesses who had claimed to have glimpsed old ”Big Foot.” In his treks about the state he
discovered a number of the classic foot tracks and dutifully made plaster casts of them. He
established the Abominable Snowmen Club of America in the early 1960s, and spent all of his spare
time and money traveling and investigating new cases.
On October 20, 1967, Patterson and Bob Gimlin were exploring the ”Big Foot” country northeast of
Eureka, California on horseback. They rounded a bend and came upon a small creek. On the other
side, about a hundred feet away, there stood a huge, furry creature. At first they thought it was a
bear but then it stood upright and started to walk away. Their horses became terrified and threw
them. Patterson managed to grab his loaded movie camera and he ran after the animal. It was a
female. He excitedly cranked off several feet of film while she strolled into the brush and
”She was about seven feet tall, and from examination of her tracks later, we estimated her to weigh
in the neighborhood of three hundred pounds,” Patterson said. ”She was covered with short, shiny
black hair, even on her big, droopy breasts. She seemed to have a sort of peak on the back of her
head, but whether this was more hair or not I don't know.
”Anyway, hair came right down her forehead to meet her eyebrows, if she had any; and it came up
to just under her cheekbones. And she had no neck. What I mean is that the bottom of her head just
seemed to broaden out onto her big muscular shoulders.
”She walked like a man – a big man in a hurry... the soles of her feet were definitely light in color.”
Among those who viewed the film was Dr. John R. Napier, Director of Primate Biology at the
Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. He later stated, ”I observed nothing that, on scientific
grounds, would point conclusively to a hoax. I am satisfied that the walk of the creature shown in
the film was consistent with the bipedal striding gait of a man.
”The bodily proportions of the creature, as far as could be seen, appeared to be within the normal
limits for man. The appearance of the high crest on top of the skull is unknown, but given a creature
as heavily built as the subject, such a bio-chemical adaption to an exclusively fibrous raw vegetable
diet is not impossible.”
But Roger Patterson had not solved the mystery. He had only compounded it.
Now we had a seemingly authentic movie of an ABSM female. All we needed to clinch our case
was a body of one of the creatures. The final amazing chapter to this epic was written in December
1968, when a body turned up and was examined by Ivan Sanderson and Dr. Bernard Heuvelmans,
the great European authority. This should have settled the matter once and for all. But it didn't. The
discovery was given a big play in the press but when reporters went to view the remains they
discovered only a wax replica. So new stories were published denouncing the whole affair as a
hoax. Could two experienced authorities like Sanderson and Heuvelmans have made such a
On May 3, 1967, the corpus delecti went on exhibit in a refrigerated van attached to a traveling
show in the Midwest. Thousands of people paid thirty-five cents for the privilege of trooping
through the van that season and the next. The barker outside made no effort to identify the creature,
merely classifying it as another of nature's mysteries. The body was deeply entombed in a huge
cake of ice with soft lights focused on it. People entered the van not knowing what they were going
to see and left not knowing what they had seen. Finally, a herpetologist from Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, Mr. Terry Cullen, paid his thirty-five cents, wandered into the exhibit, and then rushed
to a telephone to call Ivan T. Sanderson long distance. Sanderson, long hardened from constant
exposure to hoaxes and the almost endless nonsense that revolved around the study of monsters,
was wary at first. But Cullen's credentials were respectable, and his description of the frozen animal
was detailed enough to excite his interest.
In December 1968 Sanderson and Heuvelmans descended upon the little village of Rolling Stone,
Minnesota, where the refrigerated van was kept during the winter under the care of Frank Hansen.
The scientists worked methodically in the freezing cold, setting up lights and cameras to photograph
the cake of ice from all angles, making careful measurements and drawings. They knew that if they
tried to free the body from the ice the decay would be accelerated and the specimen would quickly
be reduced to a heap of bones and rotting flesh.
It was shaped like an adult human male, six feet tall and covered with dark brown hair three to four
inches long. Visible portions of the skin were a pale white. The hands were almost human except for
thumbs which were excessively long. The feet measured eight inches wide across the toes; the little
toes were almost as big as the others. Thick hair covered the feet. The hands and feet were more
human than apelike, the scientists noted.
The left arm was twisted awkwardly upward, and was visibly fractured midway between the wrist
and the elbow, giving the appearance of a ”sawdust doll.” The right arm was twisted also, with the
open palm spread flat against the abdomen.
Somebody had apparently shot it in the right eye, and the eye was dangling out of the socket. It also
seemed to have been shot in the chest, and Heuvelmans speculated that the creature may have been
hit in the left arm when it attempted to defend itself. Its face had a large pug nose, more like that of
a Pekingese dog than a gorilla, with large, circular nostrils pointing straight forward. The mouth
was wide with no visible lips, and some small teeth were exposed. These were in no way similar to
the teeth of chimps or gorillas.
”To me – at least – the most interesting features of all are some folds and wrinkle lines around the
mouth just below the cheeks,” Sanderson wrote in Argosy (May 1969). ”These are absolutely
human, and are like those seen in a heavy jowled, older white man.”
The neck was so short that it hardly was a neck at all. The face and forehead were hairless.
Sanderson was of the opinion that the being had been killed somewhere on the North American
Continent very recently. Another member of the team, geologist Jack Ullrich, concurred. ”It can be
stated categorically that this corpse is only a few years old,” he said.
Dr. Heuvelmans prepared a scientific paper on the find, comparing the corpse with the known
characteristics of the supposedly extinct Neanderthal man. He gave the creature a scientific label:
Homo pongoides (”Ape-like man”).
What happened next is best told in Ivan Sanderson's own words, in a statement published in Pursuit
(July 1969), the journal he edits:

Mr. Hansen told us that he was not the owner; that he did not know what the thing was; and
that he didn't want to know as it was a better exhibit for fairs and midways when advertised
as a mystery. Later, he told us that he had been led to it, in a deep-freeze plant in Hong
Kong, and had subsequently bought it, on the request of the owner. He refused to say who
this person was or how the object was imported into the country. He further told us that said
owner had had a copy made in Hollywood by a professional model-maker (for film makers
and wax museums) ”just in case something like this happened.” The 'this' was the possibility
that a scientist of Heuvelmans' stature, who happens to have spent over twenty years
investigating the possibility of such ultra-primitive hominids still existing, examining it, and
then publishing a scientific paper on it – which he did in the Bulletin of the Royal Institute of
Natural Sciences of Belgium in February of this year.
As a result of this publication, the world press became alerted, and many scientists and
notably the Smithsonian Institution became interested and the latter formally requested
permission to inspect and X-ray the specimen. This request was flatly refused by Mr. Hansen
in a letter in which he also stated that the specimen which we have inspected had been
removed by the owner and would never again be exhibited, while a manmade copy was
being prepared for the coming show season. Why such was needed when a copy was
allegedly already on hand is not clear. However, the Smithsonian was led to a professional
model-maker who stated that he had made just such a copy in April of 1967. Meantime, we
had traced to another professional model-maker who stated just as categorically, and for the
record, that he had made another in April of this year. Both parties asked that their names not
be divulged, but our man did say that he had been so requested by Frank Hansen! Hansen
then turned up with the new model on exhibit in St. Paul, Minnesota, with a new truck
containing a 'something' on ice. This, however, did not resemble the thing we saw, and in
five essential points. Further, the new signs on the trailer called the exhibit 'SIBERSKOYA
CREATURE – A Manmade Allusion' (sic); and it had a large notice saying 'As investigated
by the FBI.'
Incidently, the FBI did not investigate the matter since, as they stated officially to the
Smithsonian, they had no grounds for doing so. In view of these facts, the Smithsonian
decided to drop the matter; and in this we heartily concurred because there would be no use
in examining a wax or latex-rubber model clothed in bear fur and stuffed with sawdust!
However, there are a number of points left up in the air, and we can almost guarantee that
you have not heard the last of this case by a long shot.

So the find of the century turned into the hoax of the decade. What happened to the specimen Dr.
Heuvelmans and Ivan Sanderson originally examined? And why would the mysterious owner go
through the trouble and expense of constructing two – possibly even three – fake models (such
models do not come cheap)? He will have to sell a lot of thirty-five-cent-tickets to recover his
investment. If the original body was real, who shot it and where?
This promising bit of physical evidence collapsed before our eyes. But we still have another kind of
solid evidence – the corroborative testimony of hundreds of eyewitnesses from all over the world.
There may be no ABSM encased in a block of ice in Minnesota, but there seem to be plenty of live
specimens dashing about all over the world.


A hunter is splashing alone through a swamp. Suddenly his dog begins to howl, flips his tail
between his legs, and runs off. The brush ahead of the startled hunter stirs and a great hoary shadow
rises up, uttering an unearthly screech. It towers above the man by two or three feet. He is too
surprised and too paralyzed with fear to raise his rifle. The thing shuffles off into the blackness of
the swamp.
This drama has been acted so many times over the years that the basic job of simply cataloging such
incidents is almost impossible. The swamp creature is not necessarily a special breed of monster,
though. In most cases the descriptions are very similar to our mountaineering Abominable
Snowman. We shall call him the Abominable Swamp Slob, or A.S.S., for short. While the ABSM
thrives in forests and high places, the A.S.S. prefers low-level marshes and bayous. There's hardly a
respectable swamp in the Deep South that does not boast at least one A.S.S. As usual, our local
historical experts, the Indians, have many legends and stories about the swamp creatures. It would
seem that all wet, dark, forbidding places are inhabited by unspeakable monsters of some sort.
Frequently our Swamp Slobs blunder onto highways, dripping with water and an ungodly stench,
and try to flag down passing motorists. Perhaps one of these Slobs served as the original inspiration
for the popular horror movie of some years ago, The Creature from the Black Lagoon.
Swamps have also provided a strange attraction for flying saucers. There have been some
spectacular sightings in and around swamps in recent years. The ABSM episodes discussed in the
previous chapters may appear to have little or no relationship to unidentified flying objects, but as
we move along you may receive some rude shocks. UFOs have a habit of chasing automobiles like
naughty puppies. So do our hairy humanoids. UFOs like to sneak up on and scare lovers parked in
isolated places. So do our ABSM and A.S.S. UFOs seem to be able to cause power failures, auto
stallings, and radio interference. So, incredibly, do our smelly freaks!
On Sunday evening, May 18, 1969, the lights went out in a small area outside of Rising Sun,
Indiana (Ohio County). The home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kaiser was without power for two hours.
They thought nothing of the incident at the time, although strange lights and weird flying objects
had occasionally been sighted along a nearby ridge.
At 7:30 P.M. on the following evening, May 19, young George Kaiser was walking towards a
tractor on the farm when his dog began to growl and bark. He looked up and saw a grotesque figure
standing about twenty-five feet away. Whatever it was, it was the size of a man and covered with
black fur.
”I watched it for about two minutes before it saw me,” young Kaiser told investigator Bonnie
Roman. ”It stood in a fairly upright position although it was bent over about in the middle of its
back, with arms about the same length as a normal human being... I'd say it was about five feet
seven or eight, in between there, and it had a very muscular structure. The head sat directly on the
shoulders and the face was dark black, with hair which stuck out on the back of its head; had eyes
set close together and a very short forehead. It was all covered with hair except for the back of the
hands and the face. The hands looked like normal hands, not claws.”
George was transfixed with shock and fright for a moment, then he made a move to get into the
family automobile parked nearby. The creature made ”a strange grunting sound,” turned, jumped
over a ditch, and ran down the road at high speed, quickly disappearing out of sight. Footprints were
found in the dirt by the ditch. They showed three toes plus a big toe. Plaster casts were later made of
these prints.
A neighbor of the Kaisers', Mr. Charles Rolfing, reportedly watched an unidentified flying object
for about eight minutes, shortly after 10:15 P.M. on May 20. He studied it through binoculars and
described it as being a glowing greenish-white.
So here we have a sequence of interesting coincidences. A local power failure on May 18; a creature
sighting on May 19; and a UFO sighting on May 20. As Ian Fleming's Goldfinger remarked, ”Once
is happenstance; twice is coincidence; three times is enemy action.” If you read the rest of this book
carefully you will become aware of many coincidences. As they mount up they become
correlations. The correlations, in turn, mount to become evidence. The only way to feed you all the
evidence is to bury you in the data. We intend to give you enough data so that you may draw your
own conclusions. Imagine that you are sitting on a jury and we are lawyers parading our witnesses
before you.
Type B scientists, the villains of this book, have a pat explanation for each type of anomalous
occurrence. Their standard answer to the local United States ABSM sightings is that an ape or a
gorilla has ”escaped from a zoo or circus.” They have wheeled this one out in scores of events,
despite the fact that energic reporters and police carefully checked all known zoos and circuses and
always learned that no such escape was at large. But if a group of people should see a hairy
humanoid near your hometown tomorrow you can almost be certain that the next day some college
professor or self-styled ”expert” will sagely announce that ”obvisouly a gorilla has escaped from the
zoo” - even if there is no zoo in your area, or, if there is, it has never had a resident gorilla. As we
stated earlier, real experts have estimated that the entire gorilla population worldwide – including
those in zoos – is four hundred. The Type B scientists have got them outnumbered.
Back in 1931 an ”escaped ape” (”obviously”) was running around Long Island, only a few minutes
from New York City. In June of that year half a dozen persons at Lewis & Valentine's nursery near
Mineola, Long Island, excitedly reported the sudden appearance and disappearance of a fleet-footed
”ape-like animal, hairy creature – about four feet tall.” ”Monster mania” struck Long Island. The
police received so many alarmed calls that the Nassau County Police Department sent out ape-
hunting details armed with shotguns. No circus was in town. A head count was taken of the gorillas
in the nearest zoos. Nobody was missing. Still, the hairy little fellow kept pouncing out of bushes,
scaring Long Islanders half do death. On June 29, Captain Earle Cornstock organized a dozen
heavily armed police patrols. They were joined by twenty hardy citizens armed with pitchforks and
other weapons. The-four-foot-tall hairy thing must have seen the mob coming, and all the monster
busters found were a lot of footprints: ”The prints seemed to be solely those of the hind feet and
were about the size and shape of a man's hand, though the thumb was set further back than would
be the case with a man's hand.”
Just to keep the police on their toes, Mrs. E. H. Tandy of Malverne, Long Island, reported seeing a
lion in her back yard! It took the police three hours to locate a lion gun, so by the time they reached
the Tandys' the animal had ambled off, never to be seen again.
The ”ape's” final appearance were in the middle of July. A nurseryman named Stockman reported
that his family had seen a gorilla trashing about in the shrubbery near Huntington. Soon afterwards
a farmer three miles away called in to report seeing the thing. Police found tracks at both places and
tried to follow them, losing the trail in the nearby woods. That was supposedly the end of the Long
Island ”ape.”
Or was it? This particular section of Long Island, with Huntington in the north, Mineola in the east,
and Babylon in the south, constitutes a very interesting UFO ”window.” We have spent many days
there in the past three years, talking to flying saucer witnesses and collecting some very odd
information. There have been numerous monster sightings in a rather desolate hilly and wooden
section south of Huntington since 1966. Neckers parked in an area known, appropriately enough, as
Mount Misery claim to have been terrified by a giant seven-foot, human-shaped something. It turns
up periodically in a place where many low-flying, glowing, saucer-shaped and cigar-shaped objects
have been seen. The leading expert in Mount Misery is a young lady named Jaye P. Paro. Miss Paro
is a reporter and radio broadcaster and has been studying the history of the area for years. She had
made efficient and responsible investigations into many of the UFO and creature sightings, and in
January 1969 she succeeded in photographing a very unusual being in the secluded woods on the
top of the Mount. Fortunately she had a witness with her and he signed the following statement:

At 8 A.M. on Sunday, January 12, 1969, I drove with Jaye P. Paro and Barbara LaMonica of
Huntington, New York, to the area of Mount Misery for the purpose of taking photographs
of the landscape. We pulled our car into a partial clearing on the left side of Mt. Misery
Road, then decided to continue on foot. We decided to phonograph an area which was
located about five hundred feet from our car.
Jaye was ready to take her first shot, when through the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse
of a moving black object. Knowing we were completely alone in this desolate area, we were
very scared. Immediately Jaye turned and snapped the first two pictures. The three of us
were horrified to see the figure of something that resembled a human, disfigured face, long
wild black hair, and dressed in a long black garment. It retreated immediately further into the
bushes, made no sounds, and made no attempt to communicate with us. Frozen in her tracks
Jaye dropped her camera. I picked it up and shot the two remaining pictures. Barbara started
to run to the car. Jaye and I followed and we took off in a cloud of dust.
[SIGNED] Richard Dimartino

What was it? A practical joker lying in wait on a bitter cold Sunday at 8 A.M.? Not very likely. A
hermit? There are no rumors of a hermit living around Mount Misery. The photo depicts a dark blob
with a very bushy head of hair extending a pale, long-fingered hand. (This picture was published in
Beyond Magazine [July 1969], together with an article by Miss Paro on other unusual incidents
around Mount Misery.) The residences around Mount Misery are mostly estates owned by officials
from the United Nations and by other dignitaries. The late Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of War
during World War II, maintained a mansion on the very summit of the Mount.
To demonstrate our conclusion that these events tend to recur in the same ”window” areas year after
year and even century after century, we will present a catalog of monster sightings summarizing
many of the major and minor incidents of the past few years. Further on we will show you how the
details in these varied cases correlate and suggest a solution to the overall mystery. This material
has been collected from a great many sources, including the massive files of Ivan T. Sanderson,
Roger Patterson, Loren Coleman, Mark Francis, Mark Opsanick, The INFO Journal, Pursuit, The
Fortean Times, FATE, Strange, and, of course, our own swelling files. We have organized this
material by states, to give you some idea of the geographical dispersion of these reports. Unlike the
cult publications, we have not tampered with these stories in any way. We try to present the facts as
originally reported. But necessity has forced us to condense each item. Some of the original reports
cover many pages. Some have included phonographs, plaster casts, and lengthy tape recordings of
the witnesses. Others are based upon detailed newspaper stories written and published by competent
local reporters. Devout monster collectors will recognize some of these items. Some may complain
because we have found it necessary to be so terse. This catalog is by no means complete. There
have been literally thousands of sightings reported in the years 1960-90 so this is just a sampling.
We haven't attempted to list the almost countless sightings in Canada. Those would require another
book twice the size of this one. Author Brad Steiger once compiled a whole book centered around
hairy monster events that occurred in the vicinity of UFO sightings. Add up all this material and it
appears as if these smelly giants have us outnumbered.

1. A ”Booger,” as the locals called it, created quite a stir around Clanton, Alabama, in the fall of
1960. Several witnesses reported seeing a tall, hairy creature around Walnut Creek. A posse was
formed and found footprints which resembled those of ”a giant ape.” Shortly after the posse quit the
chase, the Reverend E. C. Hand saw the monster near Liberty Hill, grabbed his shotgun, and
pursued it. But it got away.
”I can make my dogs catch a mule,” Reverend Hand said, ”but I could not get them to venture out
toward the 'Booger'.”
As time passed there were more reports. Some witnesses claimed the animal made a sound ”like a
woman screaming.” Others said it sounded more like an elephant. It also prowled peach orchards,
apparently sampling peaches.
Five years later, on August 30, 1965, the Union-Banner at Clanton carried this illuminating story:
”Some six years ago several people out on Walnut Creek a mile or so from Clanton reported seeing
some animal like a bear. It made some curious sounds at night kindly [sic] like a woman in distress.
It ranged up and down the creek for a distance of some ten miles.
”Then some four years ago something made tracks in peach orchards some three miles south of
Clanton, near large swamps. It was supposed to vanish into the swamps at night. A cement cast was
made of the track, about the size of a person's foot but looking more like a hand. The cast is still
somewhere in Clanton.”

2. The following account was published in 1896 in a booklet titled The Hermit of Siskiyou by L. W.

Note 1. A Del Norte Record correspondent writing from Happy Camp, Siskiyou County, Jan.
2, 1886, discourses as follows: ”I do not remember to have seen any reference to the 'Wild
Man' which haunts this part of the country, so I shall allude to him briefly. Not a great while
since, Mr. Jack Dover, one of our most trustworthy citizens, while hunting saw an object
standing one hundred and fifty yards from him picking berries and tender shoots from the
bushes. The thing was of gigantic size – about seven feet high – with a bull dog head, short
ears and long hair; it was also furnished with a beard, and was free from hair on such parts
of its body as is common among men. Its voice was shrill, or soprano, and very human, like
that of a woman in great fear. Mr. Dover could not see its footprints as it walked on hard
soil. He aimed his gun at the animal, or whatever it was, several times, but because it was so
human would not shoot. The range of the curiosity is between Marble Mountain and the
vicinity of Happy Camp. A number of people have seen it and all agree in their descriptions
except some make it taller than others. It is apparently herbiverous and makes winter
quarters in some caves of Marble Mountain.”

3. ”It ran upright like a man, swingin' long, hairy arms,” said Ray Kerr of McKinleyville,
California, as he described his sighting of ”Big Foot” on Sunday, October 12, 1958. He was near
Bluff Creek when he saw it. ”It happened so fast, it's kinda hard to give a really close description.
But it was covered with hair. It had no clothes. It looked eight to ten feet tall to me.”
Roy Wallace, said he had seen a similar creature a short time earlier. It was hairy, walked stooped
over, had long dangling arms, and was ”four feet across the shoulders.”
The mutilated bodies of four dogs were found in the area by Curtis Mitchell, an Indian, on the
evening of Kerr's sighting. ”They looked as if they had been ripped apart,” he said. ”One of them
had apparently been slammed against a tree. The bodies were still warm when they were discovered
off the Elk River road about five miles south of Eureka, California.”

4. Charles Wetzel was driving home in Riverside, California, on Saturday night, November 8, 1958,
and as he neared the point where North Main Street crosses the Santa Ana River something leaped
in front of his car.
”It has a round, scarecrowish head,” he said, ”like something out of Halloween.
”It wasn't human. It had a longer arm than anything I'd ever seen. When it saw me in the car it
reached all the way back to the windshield and began clawing at me.
”It didn't have any ears. The face was all round. The eyes were shining like something fluorescent,
and it had a protuberant mouth. It was scaly, like leaves.”
Wetzel reached for the .22 pistol he carried in the car and ”stomped on the gas.”
”The thing fell back from the car and it gurgled. The noise it made didn't sound human. I think I hit
it. I heard something hit the pan under the car.”
There were long sweeping scratches on his windshield but nothing was found at the site. The next
night a six-foot-tall black thing leaped out of the bushes near the Wetzel site and frightened another
motorist. The Wetzel story was widely circulated by the wire services and has become a monster

5. Walking home in late evening, a resident of Hoopa Valley, identified only as Peters, saw a strange
creature jump out, utter a surprised grunt, jump a five-foot fence in one agile leap, and disappear
into the darkness. It was not a bear, appeared not too much taller than a man, but was of tremendous
width. [Humboldt, California Times, July 20, 1963.]

6. Five witnesses reported that a tall, hairy creature was discovered ransacking their car while they
were picnicking in a forest outside San Diego, California, in July 1966. It growled and ran off, they
said, hiding behind a tree and springing at them as they later drove past. It tried to reach into the
window of the car, they claimed. Further on they saw another tall figure sitting by the side of the
road, apparently watching them go by rather nonchalantly. They said these beings were covered
with reddish hair and were well over six-feet tall. They were not bears or other known animals.
[Courtesy APRO.]

7. Late in July 1966 two frightened teen-aged girls reported they had been in a car near Lytle Creek
outside of Fontana, California, when a ”bush beast” suddenly stood up beside their vehicle. They
described it as being seven-feet tall, with brown hair and covered with moss and slime. Their report
kicked off a monster epidemic and over 250 people, most of them armed to the teetc, poured into
the area on a massive monster hunt. The Bérnardino County sheriff's office said that amateur ”bush
beast” hunters were swarming nightly over the barren foothills, filling the night with wild gunfire.
The slime-covered A.S.S. got away. Fontana is only about twenty miles north of Riverside, site of
the 1958 Wetzel sighting. There has also been considerable UFO activity in this particular area over
the past few years.

8. A treasure hunter, Harold Lancaster, was prospecting in the Borrego Sink near Borrego Springs,
California, in July 1968, when he saw an ”apeman.”
”I was camped up on a mesa one morning when I saw a man walking in the desert,” Lancaster
reported. ”The figure came closer. I thought it was another prospector. Then I picked up my
binoculars and saw the strangest sight of my life.
”It was a real giant apeman!”
Lancaster fire his .22 pistol in the air. ”I was afraid the beast might get too close,” he said. ”The
'sandman' jumped a good three feet off the ground when the sounds of the shots reached him. He
turned his head, looked toward me and then took off running in the other direction.” [Saga
magazine, July 1969.]

9. Rush Limbaugh, a popular radio/TV personality, received a phone call on October 24, 1990, from
a man who claimed he had seen a giant, hairy, man-like being near Pike's Peak. It looked at him,
then calmly turned and walked away.

10. On October 29, 1989, a large, upright hairy creature was seen near a target range outside Bristol,

11. In 1963 several persons on a ranch outside of Holopaw, Florida, said they had seen an ape-like
creature running across a field. A ”prominent cattleman and citrus grower” claimed he was in a
group that been within a few feet of the creature and that ”it was definitely an ape of some kind.”
In 1966-67, the Holopaw ”ape” was back. Eugene Crosby said it was five feet tall, hairy, very
broad, and walked on two feet. It threw a tire tube at him. Other stories described how a six-foot-tall
”ape” attacked two hunters on the Desert (Mormon) ranch. They are supposed to have shot at it and
it went screaming into the darkness. Later an unoccupied tent house on the ranch was broken into,
furnishings were broken and scattered, and blood stains were found.

12. A harsh, coughing sound made Ralph ”Bud” Chambers of Elfers, Florida, look around as he was
walking in some woods near the Anclote River in the summer of 1966. He saw a giant hairy thing
standing in the trees. ”The thing had a rancid, putrid odor like stale urine,” Chambers said.
He hurried away and brought back a friend. They followed the creature's tracks into a swampy area.
Chamber's dogs refused to follow the scent, but whined and could not be coaxed into going near the
creature's trail.
Later Chambers had another sighting. He said the thing was over seven feet tall, and ”at least four
feet wide” at the chest.

13. In the summer of 1967 Chambers was awakened by the howling of one of his dogs. He looked
out and saw the creature standing in his back yard.
”The thing just seemed to stare straight ahead. This time the dog was so mad that it did attack the
creature, probably because the dog felt the thing was invading home territory. The dog started
snapping at its legs, but the thing did not take any notice at all of the dog.
”The dog kept biting at its ankles and feet, and the creature very slowly and methodically turned
and started walking down the road that leads back to the swamp and the river,” Chambers reported.

14. An alleged UFO landing had occurred in Brooksville, Florida, in 1965. There has been much
UFO activity throughout Florida in the past twenty years. During the peak ”flap” period of March-
April 1966, Mrs. Eula Lewis of Brooksville reported that local residents were being disturbed by
inexplicable ”shrill screaming” sounds. She heard her dogs barking one night, and when she looked
out the window she saw a ”big hairy thing standing in the yard. The thing was swinging its arms
and the dogs were yapping to beat hell trying to get it. It started going back into the woods with the
dogs still chasing it.”

15. There were several hairy monster reports around Brooksville in 1966-67. In May 1967 Joan
Whritenour was invited to a ranch near New Port Richey where strange three-toed tracks had been
found. The county sheriff revealed that cattle were disappearing. No truck tracks or other evidence
had been found to lead to the rustlers. ”Just where does a rustler put a full grown cow?” a sheriff's
deputy asked Mrs. Whritenour. ”Sure as hell not in his back pocket!”

16. A young woman was changing a tire on a lonely stretch of highway outside Brooksville, Florida,
on Wednesday night, November 30, 1966, when she heard a noise in the bushes and became aware
of a most unpleasant odor. Then a huge thing with large green eyes and an eerie greenish glow on
one side of its hairy torso stood up beside the road and studied her. She was terrified. The creature
walked off into the woods when another car came along and stopped.

17. ”There's a terrible smell around here. Can't you smell it?” the girl complained. She was one of
four teenagers parked in a Lovers' Lane near Elfers, Florida, in January 1967. As the others took
deep breaths ”an animal about the size of a large chimpanzee” sprang onto the hood of the car.

”Then we panicked!” the driver later told investigator Joan Whritenour. ”The thing looked like a big
chimp, but it was greenish in color, with glowing green eyes. I started the motor and the thing
jumped off and ran back into the woods. We tore like blazes back to the dance we were supposed to
be attending.”
A police officer from New Port Richey later visited the site and found a sticky green substance
which remains unidentified.
18. In August 1956 Joseph Whaley, an employee of the Georgia Department of Forestry, was
driving an open jeep about thirty miles outside of Edison, Georgia, when a six-foot-tall, dark-gray,
hairy man-shaped creature blundered out of the brush and chased him. It grabbed at him, apparently
trying to haul him from the jeep, scratching his arm. Whaley said, ”It looked like a gorilla except it
had claws and long pointed ears.” He was not anxious to go back for a closer look.

19. A man named Tant King was walking in a field near Edison, Georgia, one night in 1956, when
he was frightened by ”a little naked hairy man about three feet high” who came out of a nearby
woods and walked along the edge of a fence. Other men called to the scene found tracks and strips
of white curly hair about three inches long on the fence. The hair was analyzed at a local crime lab
and found to be human. A young reporter covered the story and wrote a yarn about a creature ”eight
feet tall,” much to Mr. King's annoyance. A zoologist named O. K. Fletcher speculated it could have
been a kangaroo!

20. The Reverend Lepton Harpole was taking a stroll one evening in 1941, near his home outside of
Mt. Vernon, Illinois, when he paused to light his pipe. Suddenly a beast leaped from a nearby tree,
knocking off his hat and knocking the pipe out of his mouth. Harpole said it jumped up and down
while ”making a very queer sound.” It was, he felt, of ”the ape family,” about three feet tall and
dark brown in color.
”This is as true a story as was ever told,” Harpole's brother said.

In 1941-42 scores of people near Mount Vernon, Illinois, reported seeing a large, hairy humanoid,
usually described as ”a large baboon.” When farmers tried to pursue it they said that it was able to
leap ditches twenty feet wide with ease. It killed at least one dog near Bonnie, Illinois. Large posses
of armed men searched the region in vain. Although it left a trail of footprints and dead animals, it
seems to have vanished into thin air.

21. In an interview with Loren E. Coleman in November 1962, Steven Colhns said that he, Robert
Earle, and two unidentified men had seen a large gray animal standing upright in the middle of a
creek east of Decatur, Illinois, off East William Street Road. They felt it was definitely not a bear.

22. ”It looked like a half-man, half-horse,” said James McKinney of Centerville, Illinois, when he
tried to describe the creature he had seen in May 1963. Centerville police received more than fifty
calls within a few days, all reporting the strange animal. Police searches failed to find anything.

23. Four young people were parked in a car in the Montezuma Hills outside of Decatur, Illinois, on
September 22, 1965, when a black, man-like monster approached their car. The young people fled,
but later the boys returned to the spot alone and again saw the monster. Police officers searched the
area fruitlessly. ”We don't know what they saw,” one officer said, ”but they appeared to be well-

24. Tim Bullock and Barbara Smith were in a car parked near Chittyville, Illinois, (north of Herrin)
on August 11, 1968. At 8:30 P.M. a giant figure suddenly appeared from the bushes, badly
frightening the couple. They said it was ten feet tall, ”with a head as large as a steering wheel and a
round, hairy face.” It threw dirt at them through the window. Bullock returned to the spot the next
day and found a large depression in the grass. People claimed that dogs in the area had been
”carrying on” for the previous two weeks.
The editor of the Herrin, Illinois, Spokesman did not publish the story. He felt it was the work of
some local practical jokers.
25. In 1962 a group of young people in a graveyard at Blue Clay Springs, Indiana, (near Richmond)
reportedly saw a seven-foot-tall creature with red eyes. It stood on two feet but ran on all fours, ape-
like, and was covered with white or silver hair. Footprints found showed four long front toes.

Hoosier National Forest. ”Big Foot” sightings and tracks have been reported throughout the Hoosier
state, notably around Du Bois, French Lick, Bedford, Williams, Indian Springs, and Burn City, all
on the fringes of the Hoosier National Forest.

26. Trimble County, Kentucky, was plagued with ”monster mania” in June 1962. A farmer named
Owen Pike said he saw the thing when it attacked and mauled his dogs, one a Collie, the other a
German shepherd. He described it as black, six feet tall, with hanging arms that reached to its knees.
On June 8 Siles McKinney claimed the creature killed one of his calves. The calf's carcass was
found fifteen feet outside of its enclosure and the gate was still shut. Claw marks were found around
the barn and traces of black hair were also discovered. Examination of the calf indicated it had been
killed by a blow on the head. Other animals in the area disappeared or were found mutilated.
Sheriff Curtis Clem took the matter very seriously. Seven police dogs, a helicopter, and a posse
scoured the area. Large footprints were found, like those of a giant dog. But various eyewitnesses
attested that it was a large ape or bear. ”A gorilla or a big something-or-other with reddish hair” was
the general description.
J. Dan Webster, professor of zoology at Hanover, Indiana, said, ”I suspect it was a Great Dane, of
which there are several in the area.”
Simultaneous with the Trimble County scare, citizens in Hazel, Kentucky, were out hunting for a
snake twenty-eight feet long which had been seen there.

27. A man named Pete Smith saw a six-foot-tall being covered with red hair near Dickerson,
Maryland, on June 27, 1990. It walked-away casually.
Researcher Mark Opsasnick has collected 219 critter reports, most of them tall, hairy types, from
1882 to 1987 in the tiny state of Maryland. Some have received national attention in the press. The
area from Virginia to Maryland has also spawned such intriguing monsters as the Snallygaster, the
Goatman, and Rabbitman. See Mr. Opsasnick's handy The Maryland Bigfoot Reference Guide.

28. There is a swamp near Charlotte, Michigan, called ”Gorilla Swamp” because several years ago
people there reportedly saw a huge gorilla wandering around. At least, it walked on two feet and
was covered with hair. Data is skimpy.

29. This is one of the shortest stories in the files of Loren Coleman. ”In the year 1937, Saginaw,
Michigan, a fisherman sitting on the banks of the Saginaw River is reputed to have seen a manlike
monster climb up the river bank, lean upon a tree, and then return to the river. The man suffered a
nervous breakdown.”

30. Two young men, Otto Collins and Philip Williams, claimed that they ran into a giant, hair-
covered, ape-like thing outside of Marshall, Michigan, in May 1956. According to their story, the
creature picked them up, one under each arm, while their alarmed companion, Herman Williams,
scrambled for his gun. The beast dropped them and ”ambled off.” They said that ”it had big green
eyes. They were as big as light bulbs.” And it smelled ”like something rotten.”

31. Beginning around 1962 folks living in the vicinity of Sister Lakes, Michigan, started seeing
something nine feet tall that made a whimpering sound. Then, in May 1964 ”monster mania” hit the
region full force. A man named Gordon Brown told how he and his brother had seen the creature
one night and followed its tracks. ”We come to a tree,” Brown said. ”Well, I knew there weren't no
tree there before. Well, woweee! This thing was a-standing there. Well, we hightailed it right out of
Three teen-aged girls met the creature in broad daylight while walking along a side road in Silver
Creek Township. Joyce Smith fainted on the spot. Patsy and Gail Clayton stood motionless,
paralyzed with fear, as the thing charged off into the underbrush.
”It didn't look like a man,” Joyce said. Patsy described it as being about seven feet tall with ”a black
John Utrup told the Cass County sheriff that he had seen the monster several times. One night as he
was driving into his yard he saw it standing behind a bush. ”It had big, bright shining eyes,” he said.
Mrs. Utrup told of how one of her shepherd dogs chased the monster one night and came back with
the pupil of one eye turned a pale blue color. Weeks later the eye returned to normal.
Many other witnesses came forward and were named in the extensive newspaper accounts.
Hundreds of people flocked to Sister Lakes and the usual futile monster hunt took place. Local
drive-ins did a big business selling ”monster-burgers” and radio station WSJM had a sponsored
program of new monster reports and special ”monster music.”
Professor Frank E. Eggelton of the University of Michigan Zoology Department announced that he
thought the monster was a gorilla. Dr. William H. Burt, another zoologist at the university
”It could be a black bear,” Dr. Burt said. ”The only trouble is they usually don't wander that far
south in Michigan. Bears are about three feet tall at adult height, standing on all fours. When they
get up on their hind legs, which they occasionally do to look around, they might be five or six feet.
”If it's true that the 'monster' has been roaming around this area for two years, it certainly wouldn't
be a gorilla since they couldn't survive that long in this climate out-of-doors,” Burt concluded.

32. In August 1965 the monster returned to Michigan, this time to the placid little community of
Monroe, due east of Sister Lakes in Cass County. We must add that this entire area is also one of the
major UFO ”windows” in the United States. The celebrated Michigan flying saucer sightings of
March 1966 took place at Hillsdale, which lies directly between Monroe and Sister Lakes. There
have been thousands of UFO sightings in this immediate area since 1896!
Sixteen people reportedly encountered the monster in June and July 1965. Things really got serious
when two attacks occurred in a single week. On Wednesday, August 11, David Thomas was driving
a group of women home from a neighborhood baby shower when the thing jumped in front of their
Thinking that it was a neighborhood prankster, Thomas got out of the car to take a swing at it.
When he discovered that it towered above his six-foot frame he prudently decided to returnto the
It struck him in the back, he said, throwing him against the auto. He leaped back into it and drove
off as the hairy arms thumped on the roof and fenders. Other people in the immediate area saw the
creature that same night. Keith Mercure said he fired his shotgun at it. Some witnesses described it
as ”smelling moldy.” Most agreed that it was at least seven feet tall, hairy, and had very long arms.
It ”grunted and growled like a mad dog.”
On Friday night, August 13, Mrs. Rose Owen and her daughter Christine Van Archer, said the
monster ran alongside their car, jumped on the side of it, reached through the open window, and
grabbed Christine by the hair.
”We both screamed but the monster kept beating her head against the door until Christine fainted,”
Mrs. Owen said. ”I jumped out of the car and ran to a house for help.”
Christine had a black eye from that adventure, and her photo was widely published, even in Time
Another girl, Shirley Morrin, of Temperance, Michigan, said that the giant hairy thing jumped on
her car, too, breaking her windshield and scratching her arm.
Once again armed posses combed the area in futile search. It had vanished.
All of these incidents were, coincidently, in the vicinity of the Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant. A
few months later the plant was shut down temporarily because of mysterious sabotage.


A major UFO path goes through the state of Michigan. The Great Wave of March 1966 began there.
But, as you can see, Michigan also has more than its share of ”Big Foot” incidents. These seem to
be concentrated in Oscoda County, particularly around the lakes and Foley Swamp.
Author John Fuller wrote a book about the accident at the Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant,
mentioned above, titled ”We Almost Lost Detroit.”

33. Lost Gap, a heavily wooded area about five miles east of Meridian, Mississippi, was gripped
with ”monster mania” in 1962. It began when a group of teen-agers reported seeing a green-eyed
monster six to nine feet tall. Soon there were dozens of other corroborating witnesses. Chief Deputy
Alton Allen said he was convinced that the monster existed, and a huge search party was organized.
Bloodhounds and a helicopter were brought into play but nothing was found. Nine years earlier,
according to one story, railroad men working in the area where the monster was later seen found
that their compasses would not work.

34. Two truckers, William and James Cagle, were headed for Marietta, Georgia, on the Tuesday
night, November 8, 1966. As they rounded a curve near Winona, Mississippi, a strange creature ran
down a slope towards their vehicle.
”When my headlights picked him up, he was on our left side,” James Cagle explained. ”He was
aggressive, angry, and ready to attack.... The face looked like a mixture of a gorilla and a human.
The arms and legs were very large. The chest was at least three feet thick. His eyes glowed in the
dark and did not seem to have pupils.
”It looked us over, then slowly raised an arm like the Indians do when they greet someone. I had
seen all that I wanted. I floorboarded the accelerator and we moved out of there.” [Saga magazine,
July 1969.]

Rumors were flying around Winona, Mississippi, in the fall of 1966. A seven-foot-tall monster with
bright red eyes and covered with hair was allegedly on the prowl. One man claimed it had four-foot
shoulders which tapered to a narrow waist. It was the size of a Kodiak bear, he said. Local rumors
that the thing had been shot or captured proved groundless.

The North American Bigfoot Information Network summarizes this part of the country as follows:
”The Mississippi waterweb, stretching over a vast, fertile habitat flourishing with wildlife and
pristine beauty, has provided a large number of reports over the years. It includes some of the most
desolate, forbidding swamplands in the United States and extends from southern Illinois and
Missouri through Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Several tributaries off the Mississippi River
have hosted dozens of sightings, specifically the Brush Creek area near Pacific, Missouri. There
have been repeated sightings of 'Mo Mo' or the 'Missouri Monster' from the small town of
Louisiana. The 'Big Muddy Monster' is often seen near the Big Muddy River at Murphysboro,
Illinois; in the Honey Island Swamp, where the Pearl River flows from the Mississippi into the Gulf
of Mexico; and in the Sulphur River Bottoms that flow through north central Arkansas into East
Texas. The best-known beasts are the 'Fouke Monster' of Fouke, Arkansas, who shows his face
occasionally and the 'Hawley Him' of the Sulphur River Bottoms that flow near Peerless, Texas.”
[The INFO Journal, February 1992.]
35. In the late 1940s a cow-killing animal is supposed to have turned up in the ”Nigger Wool
Swamps” in southeast Missouri. It was said to rip apart full-grown cows and horses, abandoning the
carcasses without eating them. Someone shot the animal, and the flimsy reports state that it looked
”something like a gorilla.” Unfortunately, we know nothing more about this incident.

36. A bear-like animal stepped out of some woods in Kinloch, a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri, in
July 1968 and grabbed a four-year-old child playing in a backyard. The child's aunt screamed and
the family dog went after the animal. It dropped the child and returned to the woods. The boy was
later shown a model of a gorilla and he said the animal had resembled it. Police searched the woods
and found no tracks, and no sign of the animal.

37. Harold E. Nelson was driving across country when he pulled his camper off the highway to
settle down for the night outside of Billings, Montana, on Wednesday, September 11, 1968. As he
was gulping down a can of beans he heard a noise outside the camper, so he picked up a flashlight
to take a look. When he opened the door he found a huge thing staring straight at him.
”It had an ape-like face but it was definitely not a gorilla,” Nelson said later. ”The head was slightly
pointed, sloping down like the sketches of cavemen. The whole body was covered with reddish-
brown hair. There were a few spots of white hair along the edge of the enormous shoulders. It stood
erect, like a man, and must have weighed six hundred to eight hundred pounds. He was big – real
After a long moment of total immobility, Nelson scrambled back into his camper to find his gun.
The creature peered in the door curiously and then turned and shuffled off into the darkness. [Saga
magazine, July 1969.]

New Jersey
38. Five students from the Spring Garden Institute at Philadelphia reportedly heard unearthly
screams while camping near Lake Atsion in Burlington County, New Jersey, in 1960. ”We were
pretty much on edge,” said Berle Schwed, ”after finding four large tracks earlier in the underbrush
near our camp. They were about eleven inches long and they looked something like a large bird
print with the heel dug in and the toes spread out.”

39. On April 15, 1966, the Trenton, New Jersey, Evening Times carried a story asserting that a new
wave of animal disappearances was taking place in Burlington County. Mr. Stanley Silcoch said he
thought he had solved the mystery when he shot a raccoon on April 8. But his two dogs disappeared
a short time later. A state trooper named Alfred Potter found a footprint ”so large a man's hand could
not cover it.” Several months later an investigator denounced the whole affair as ”a particularly
vicious hoax.”

40. Towards dusk on the evening of May 21, 1966, Raymond Todd and three friends were parked in
an automobile in the Morristown National Historical Park, Morristown, New Jersey, when they saw
a very tall (”at least seven-feet tall”) entity ambling across the lawn. They described it as being
faceless, covered with long black hair, and with scaly skin. What impressed them most was the
breadth of the creature. It had huge shoulders, they said, and walked erect with a stiff, rocking
movement. They were absolutely certain that it was not a bear or other known creature.
The quartet became hysterical and drove to the entrance of the park where they stopped cars and
warned people that there was a ”monster” on the loose. Todd stopped a car driven by a young lady
(name withheld by request) and had her rush him to the Morristown Municipal Hall where he
reported the encounter to the police. The police said that his fear and hysteria were genuine.

41. By a strange coincidence the young lade substantiated Todd's story with one of her own. She
said that she and three others had seen a similar ”monster” in the same area a year earlier. Her group
had been parked in the dark when they heard a thumping on the back of the car. They looked out the
rear window and saw a huge form standing over the car. It was very tall and had very broad
shoulders. They could not see its head. They drove away in a state of panic but did not report the
episode to the authorities. The girl's mother urged her not to mention the incident to anyone. [From
the files of the Morristown, New Jersey police department.]

New York
42. Letter from a young man in Sherman, New York: I am writing because about three or four years
ago, [circa. 1965-66] I saw a white monster in a swamp beside our house. I have been seeing these
things ever since then and close to our house. One night it came down in our yard. It stands between
twelve and eighteen feet high, it has a long tail between six and eight feet long. It is all covered with
hair. They are always white. I have seen them alone or two at a time. It can walk on two feet or four
feet. It is almost a double for a Prehistoric Sloth. My whole family has seen this thing and I know of
two more men who have seen them... I am fifteen years old and I am not kidding. I have seen these
things and they are real.

43. Hearsay reports of a giant hairy humanoid blundering about in the woods near Ithaca during a
major UFO ”flap” in the area in the fall of 1967. One story claims that a group of teen-aged UFO
buffs searching the woods encountered the creature and that it tore a boy's jacket.

44. On March 28, 1959, three teen-agers, Michael Lane, Wayne Armstrong, and Denny Patterson,
were badly frightened by something near the Charles Mill Reservoir outside Mansfield, Ohio. They
said a giant seven-foot-tall being seemed to rise up off the ground in front of them. It had glowing
green eyes and no arms were visible. Strange tracks were later found at the site.

45. In 1963 the ”thing” paid another visit to Mansfield. Many witnesses reported seeing a creature
seven to eight feet tall covered with gray hairs and having large, luminous eyes. ”It was definitely
not a bear,” said C. W. Cox. ”It was more like a gorilla.”
The usual fruitless search was held.

46. A ”monster man” has reportedly been living quietly in a tunnel in Cleveland, Ohio's Riverside
cemetery for the past twenty-five years. One of the people who claims to have seen it, Mrs. Grace
Lewis, describe him as ”a big hairy man weighing four hundred pounds.” According to local
theorists, the ”monster man” was obliged to move when a highway construction demolished his
haven. For his new home he picked a very logical place... a woods directly behind the Cleveland
On Monday night, April 22, 1968, a couple of youths came face to face with something weird in
those woods.
”It's eight feet tall and covered with hair,” William Schwark said later. ”I chased it Monday and it
knocked me down a slope.”
Another boy claimed the thing grabbed him, ripped his jacket, and left deep scratches in his
The word got out quickly, and within a few days the woods were filled with teen-agers armed with
flashlights, baseball bats, and ropes. A white sheet with burn marks in it, and some chicken feathers
were discovered in the area, but, as usual, the hairy Unbelievable eluded his pursuers and
disappeared without a trace. Local police remained skeptical of the whole affair. [Cleveland, Ohio
Plain Dealer, April 24, 1968.]

47. Two people were fishing in Willis Creek Lake in June 1991 when they heard a sound like a baby
crying or a high-pitched ”opera-like wailing.” A large, hair-covered humanoid appeared in a thicket
and walked away on two legs. It was described as ”tall and slender, with arms that hung past its

Southeastern Ohio has produced so many sightings of tall, hairy bipeds going back several decades
that the area is known as Sasquatch Valley. Investigator Mark Francis notes: ”This area and the
Chestnut Ridge [in Pennsylvania] are probably the two most active areas in the country producing
solid, credible reports.” We might also observe that Ohio has long been a leading UFO state,
generating almost constant sighting and landing reports.

48. A ten-foot-tall hairy creature was reported near Tahlequah, Oklahoma, in August 1990. A
woman told the Cherokee County Sheriff that the thing had walked around her trailer. Officers
found large five-toed tracks in the area. Other people living nearby reported seeing a similar animal
around the same time.

49. Twenty-eight people in and around Yankton, Oregon, reportedly saw tall, hairy humanoids in
1926. One ran alongside a moving truck, looking into the cab. Sheep and children are supposed to
have disappeared mysteriously in the area that year.

50. In the summer of 1942 Mr. Don Hunter, head of the Audio Visual Department of the University
of Oregon, and his wife were vacationing at Todd Lake, Oregon. One afternoon they were sitting in
their car, waiting for a rainstorm to pass over, when they suddenly saw an unusually tall figure
striding across a meadow about a quarter of a mile from the lake. ”It was not humped over but very
erect, with a military bearing,” Hunter said later. ”The legs seemed very long. He did not run, he
walked. Giant strides very quickly... In getting out of the car we must have been heard because it
took off for the trees with giant strides.”

51. In the fall of 1957 Gary Joanis and Jim Newall reportedly saw a giant human-like figure while
hunting near Wanoga Butter, Oregon. Mr. Joanis had just shot a deer and the tall being came out of
the bushes suddenly, picked the dead animal up with one arm, and walked off quickly with
tremendous strides. The creature was ”not less than nine feet tall” with very long hair on its arms. It
made a noise like ”a very strange whistling scream.”

52. Two boys from Rosenburg, Oregon, told state police that they had seen a fourteen-foot man-like
creature in a nearby woods on Wednesday, July 29, 1959. They said it was covered with hair,
walked upright, and had human characteristics. They saw it first on the previous Friday but did not
tell their parents because ”we didn't think anyone would believe us.” They returned to the spot
again, armed with a rifle. The monster reappeared and one of the boys fired five shots at it from a
range of about fifty yards.
”It ran off screaming like a cat, but louder,” he said.
Police found human-like tracks fourteen inches long showing five toes. The boys were certain it
was not a bear.

53. Did you hear the one about the walking tree stumps? The Spokane, Washington Spokesman-
Review carried this on November 18, 1966:

Newport, Ore. (AP) People in this coastal logging area didn't believe sixteen-year-old Kathy
Reeves when she told them about ”the three little stumps that walked across the pasture.”
Not only did they move, said Kathy, but they also were of different colors – orange, light
blue, white, yellow, and watermelon-colored.
That was six months ago.
Since then, twenty-five persons have seen the unidentified flying objects and fifteen
statements were taped by newsmen...

Later the Reeves home on Pioneer Mountain was haunted by strange balls of light which flittered
from room to room. Investigating police officers and reporters also saw the lights. The family
finally moved out.
Several others in the same area told police they had been seeing giant humanoid figures with a
single eye in the middle of their foreheads.

54. In a letter to the editor in REAL magazine (August 1967), Mr. Mario W. Pinardi claimed that he
and another person saw and tracked a nine-foot-tall, gorilla-like creature in an open field near
Allison, Pennsylvania.

55. A six-foot-tall ”person or thing” was seen by seven persons on the shore of Edinboro Lake,
Edinboro, Pennsylvania, Wednesday night, August 17, 1966. ”The witnesses fired at the figure on
two occasions with weapons they had taken along... Apparently the creature was not hit,” said the
Erie, Pennsylvania Times (August 19, 1966). A heavy UFO ”flap” was taking place in the area at the
time. Another tall unidentified creature had been seen on Presque Isle, July 31, some eighteen miles
from Edinboro. One report claimed that a man had come face to face with the Edinboro monster
near the lake and had been so badly frightened that he was unable to speak for three days.
Hoarseness and loss of voice has occurred in a number of close UFO sightings in recent years.

56. A series of high-pitched screams alerted a man living on a farm near Ligonier, Pennsylvania, in
March 1990. When he investigated with a flashlight he saw a four-foot hairy creature with blazing
red eyes. It screamed several times more and ran off. The witness and his wife heard the scream
numerous other times coming from a nearby woods.

57. On June 7, 1991, two young men were standing next to their car in a mountainous area of White
Deer Township, Pennsylvania, when they saw a figure which they first assumed to be a jogger. As it
drew closer, they realized it was not human. ”It was a tall, hairy creature walking erect on two legs.
They could hear its heavy breathing as it stopped at the edge of the forest road thirty feet away.
They estimated that it weighed 450 pounds. The creature put its hand on its hip 'as if to strike a
pose,' but instead ran its hand down its hip to its thigh. Its arm hung to about two inches above the
knee. It appeared to have a five-fingered hand. The witnesses claim that the creature stood seven
and a half to eight feet tall and was completely covered with long, stringy brown hair 'the color of
muddy creek water.' It had a 'sour, sweaty aroma.' It stood and glared at the men for about a minute,
as if it wanted to say something, but never opened its mouth to show any teeth or utter any sound.
The creature then took a step towards the witnesses, who quickly climbed back into their vehicle. It
turned away from them and loped into the woods. [From the files of Paul Johnson.]
The Chestnut Ridge area, about fifteen miles west of Johnstown, has produced dozens of ”Big
Foot” reports in recent years, some with tracks. Massive searches have yielded nothing.

58. ”Wild Man of the Woods” was allegedly captured in Tennessee in 1878 and placed on exhibition
in Louisville, Kentucky. He was described as being six feet five inches tall, with eyes twice normal
size. His body was ”covered with fish scales.” [From a report in the Louisville Kentucky Courier-
Journal, October 24, 1878.]

59. Two Clapps Chapel Road residents outside of Knoxville, Tennessee, fired a shotgun at an
apparition eight to ten feet tall on September 24, 1959. The creature had come up to the window on
the front porch of Earl Taylor's house. John Rosenbaum joined Taylor in fighting ”It” off. They
heard thumps on Taylor's car and later found two long scratches on the hood which had not been
there when he polished the car earlier in the day. The creature disappeared without a trace.

60. Brenda Ann Adkins reported meeting a hairy creature on Monteagle Mountain, north of
Chattanooga, Tennessee, in the spring of 1968. She had stopped near the edge of a cliff to take some
pictures when she became aware of a nauseating odor and heard a noise in the woods behind her.
Turning, she saw the thing lumbering towards her.
”I was absolutely frozen with fear,” she said. ”This thing was at least seven feet tall and must have
weighed several hundred pounds. I'll never forget his enormous chest and those huge arms and legs.
His body was completely covered with blackish-red hair. The face was a mixture of an ape and a
human. I still have nightmares about that afternoon. He seemed to be angry and was growling. I
thought he would push me off the cliff or something. Then, he stopped about six feet from where I
stood, cocked his head in a quizzical way, and just stared at me. He studied me for a few moments,
then seemed to smile, made a little blubbering noise, and walked back into the bush.” [Saga
magazine, July 1969.]

61. Lake Worth is the major reservoir for Fort Worth, Texas. A hairy monster lives there. Back in
1967 something described as ”a Satyr-like ogre” was scaring folks around Mosque Point at the lake.
A band of teen-agers searched the area but never even caught a glimpse of it.
”Greer Island is where about a dozen people say they recently saw a monster,” the Fort Worth Star-
Telegram reported on July 12, 1969. ”Descriptions of the monster have ranged from a half-man,
half-goat thing with fur and scales to a seven-foot, three-hundred-pound hairy, hoary being that
throws auto tires five hundred feet.”
The first 1969 report came on Wednesday night, July 9, 1969, when three couples told police that
the creature had pounced on their car and left scratch marks on the hood. Another motorist said he
saw a ”big and hairy” thing which emitted a ”squall” and then tossed a tire and rim more than five
hundred feet.
A local ”naturalist” suggested that the culprit might have been a playful bobcat. Sheriff Lon Evans
was less concerned with bobcats and monsters than he was with the hordes of trigger-happy
motorists who began patrolling the lake with loaded weapons. The seven-foot, three hundred-pound
half-man, half-goat was seen throughout 1969.

62. ”Reports of a tall, hairy man bouncing across Highway 112 recently have stirred up the West
End of Clallam County,” the Port Angeles, Washington, Evening News announced on July 3, 1964.
”It was reported that an Air Force man from Neah Bay was driving between Neah Bay and Sekiu
and saw the 'tall, hairy man cross the highway in three bounds.'
”Footprints were reportedly found in the area. The serviceman is also reported to be a teetotaller.”

63. A lady in the area, Mrs. George Wright, wrote to tell us that she and her husband had come
across some giant footprints on a logging road the day after Thanksgiving 1964. Interestingly, Mrs.
Wright reported, ”There was only one print, almost directly in the center of the twelve-foot stretch
of soft mud and my own footprints – no others.”
She continued, ”The sighting of Bob Harrison was a year or two earlier, during hunting season,
when they were all out to their cabin on forest land at Pysht. He was hunting when he and the
'creature' both looked over some bushes and into each other's faces. When asked why he didn't
shoot, he said it looked too human. Later on his story changed to where it could have been a bear
with a very scarred up face. They backed away from each other and took off in different directions.”

64. Late Monday evening, September 19, 1966, Ken Pettijohn was driving home outside of Yakima,
Washington, when he rounded a bend and came upon a huge man covered with silvery white hair
standing in the middle of the road. There was a drizzling rain. Pettijohn slammed on his brakes and
his engine stalled. The creature raised an arm as if to shield its face from the bright headlights.
While Pettijohn frantically tried to start his engine the tall figure walked around to the back of the
car. The engine finally turned over, and Pettijohn could see the figure in his rearview mirror as he
drove off, silhouetted by the lightning.

65. At 4:00 A.M. on Wednesday, March 5, 1969, Don Cox drove around a bend on Highway 14 near
Beacon Rock State Park in Skamania County, Washington, when a monstrous creature appeared on
the road in front of his headlights. It was, he said, eight to ten feet tall, with a ”face like an ape.”
”It ran like a man and was covered with fuzzy fur,” Cox stated. ”I had just come out of a fog bank
that had caused me to slow my car when I first saw what I thought to be a tree leaning toward the
middle of the road.
”I slowed my car further and turned my headlights to high beam and it was then that I saw this fur-
covered human form with the face of an ape. He ran across the road in front of the car, leaped up a
forty degree slope and disappeared in the woods.”
Deputy John Mason investigated and found smears which indicated that the creature had made an
eight-foot jump up the embankment... a feat beyond the capabilities of any bear.
In April 1969 the Skamania County Board of Commissioners passed an ordinance making it illegal
to kill a Sasquatch, providing a ten-thousand-dollar fine and up to five years imprisonment. [Fate
magazine, July & August 1969.]

66. At 2:30 A.M., Sunday, July 27, 1969, Deputy Floyd Sund was driving along a deserted wooded
road north of Hoquiam, Washington, when he had to slam on his brakes to avoid colliding with an
animal standing directly in front of him. He got out of his car and pointed his spotlight at the
animal. It was, he said, eight feet tall, with a human-like face, but was covered with hair except for
the feet and the hands. He estimated that it must have weighed about three hundred pounds.
Somewhat dismayed he drew his pistol but the animal ran off into the woods.
Police searched the area for footprints the next morning but it was ”too gravelly.” Sheriff Pat
Gallagher said he thought it could have been a bear. Deputy Sund grumbled, ”It sure didn't look like
A former Hoquiam resident now living in Seattle, Mr. Richard Floyd, declared, ”There is a serious
possibility here of police brutality... This blatant intimidation of what appears to be a visitor from
our neighbor to the north must stop.” Mr. Floyd announced plans to form a protective organization
to be called Don't Upset Poor, Excitable Sasquatches – DUPES, for short.

West Virginia
67. In the summer of 1960, a group of young men were camping in the woods near Davis, West
Virginia. One night one of them was cutting wood for the fire when he heard a noise and felt
someone poking him in the ribs. He thought one of his friends was trying to scare him and turned
around, annoyed, to find himself confronted with a ”horrible monster.” He described it: ”It had two
huge eyes that shone like big balls of fire and we had no light at all. It stood every bit of eight feet
tall and had shaggy long hair all over its body. It just stood and stared at us. Its eyes were very far
By the time the boys had recovered from their shock the creature had shuffled off into the darkness.
They broke camp early the next morning. Gigantic footprints were found where the creature had
been but the witnesses didn't feel like following them. [From a personal letter dated January 7,

68. A West Virginian named W. C. ”Doc” Priestley claimed that a hairy humanoid ruined the
electrical system of his automobile in 1960. That summer numerous people around Parson, West
Virginia, allegedly saw a gruesome eight-foot-tall thing covered with shaggy hair and equipped with
two huge eyes which ”shone like big balls of fire.” In October 1960 Priestley was driving through
the Monongahela National Forest about three miles north of Marlington, West Virginia, when his
car, which had been ”purring like a kitten,” suddenly sputtered and stopped.
”Then I saw it,” Priestley later told reporters of the Charleston, West Virginia, Daily Mail (January
5, 1961). ”To my left beside the road stood this monster with long hair pointing straight up toward
the sky.”
A group of Priestley's friends were driving on ahead in a bus. When they noticed that he was no
longer directly behind them, they turned around and drove back to look for him.
”I don't know how long I sat there,” Priestley continued, ”until the boys missed me and backed the
bus back to where I was. It seemed this monster was very much afraid of the bus and dropped his
hair (which had been standing on end) and to my surprise as soon as he did this, my car started to
run again. I didn't tell the boys what I had seen. The thing took off when the bus stopped.”
Priestley again started to follow along behind the bus and then his car started to act up a second
time. ”I could see the sparks flying from under the hood of my car as if it had a very bad short,” he
noted. ”And sure enough, there beside the road stood the monster again. The points were
completely burned out of my car.”
The bus backed up again and as soon as it appeared the monster melted into the forest.

69. At 11:00 P.M., Friday, December 30, 1960, when, as he rounded a curve on a lonely, backwoods
road near Hickory Flats, West Virginia – between Braxton and Webster Counties – Charles Stover
came upon a ”monster, standing erect, with hair all over its body.” Stover said that he almost hit the
thing and stopped his bakery truck a short distance away to look back. The hairy, six-foot-tall, man-
shaped figure stood beside the road watching him. He stepped on the gas and finally stopped at a
restaurant-filling station where he told his story to a group of men. They immediately armed
themselves and went to the spot. They found strange marks on the ground and that large rocks had
been overturned by something. Scattered residents in the area said they had been hearing unusual
cries in the woods for several weeks.
The Stover story is another ”classic” in monster lore.

70. A large, powerfully built ”man” covered with hair was seen by three men in the Deltox Marsh in
Wisconsin on October 17, 1968. The same men, together with nine others, encountered it again on
November 30. On the first occasion they tried to follow it but it eluded them in the thick
underbrush. On November 30 the twelve men were combing the swamp looking for it. They found
it but didn't shoot because ”it was too man-like.” Again it got away. [See Argosy magazine, April
1969 for further details and additional cases.]

71. Our favorite wire service, Reuters, reported the following datelined June 12, 1969, Rangoon,

Two giant ”monkey men” recently sighted roaming the jungles along the Mekong River near
the Thai-Burma-Laos border have been terrifying local villagers. According to press reports,
the two creatures are said to be about ten feet tall. The ”monkey men” were first sighted by a
group of hunters led by a local preacher in the Taimilek area. However, the hunters were so
frightened by the creatures that they fled without firing a shot. A few days later a farmer
reported seeing the two creatures by moonlight in his fields. He said they made sounds like
those of a child crying. A Rangoon daily newspaper, The Light of Burma, said a third
sighting was made by a group of Lahu guerrillas. The guerrillas had run for their lives after
one of the creatures hurled a rock at them. The newspaper gave no dates on when the
sightings were made but said the creatures had ”khaki” colored hair on their bodies.
72. Commercial artist John Osborne was sitting on a dike at the foot of No. 3 Road in Richmond,
British Columbia, on Thursday July 21, 1966, when a large creature appeared on the edge of a
nearby woods.
”It wasn't ape-like,” Osborne said. ”It was like a big hairy man, about six feet eight to seven feet
He watched it for ten or fifteen seconds then it walked behind a tree and disappeared. He looked the
spot over but could find no footprints.
A week earlier Don Gilmore reported seeing ”a big woolly animal” stampede about a hundred head
of cattle on No. 8 Road in Richmond. Osborne drew a sketch of his hairy man, and it was published
in the Vancouver, British Columbia, Sun (July 22, 1966).

73. In the fall of 1966 two engineers engaged in a geological survey between Vancouver and
Chilliwack, British Columbia, came upon a small lake about two hundred yards across. They were
amazed to see ”an ape” standing on the other side of the lake, looking at them. They watched the
animal for half an hour, and finally decided to leave the area as quickly as possible. Later they
returned and found footprints in the snow which they photographed.

74. From the Powell-River News, British Columbia (February 29, 1968):

Alert Bay fishermen Tom Brown and Harry Whonnock were digging clams on the south
shore of Broughton Island, about twenty-five miles N.E. of Alert Bay, and only a short swim
from the mainland, when, they say, they encountered the hairy monster.
”There was still plenty of light to see that it was not an animal,” Brown said. ”It was hairy,
about six feet tall, and was looking at us. That's about all we saw of it. Harry and I ran as
fast as we could for the boat and the Sasquatch headed into the bush. I don't know how the
Sasquatch took it, but all we wanted to do was get away.”

75. A logger in British Columbia, Gordon Baum, reported seeing a hair-covered man-like animal
leap over a four-foot pile of logs at Salmon Arm Inlet on Thursday, June 27, 1968. ”It must have
been a Sasquatch,” Baum was quoted as saying in the Vancouver Province. ”It moved on two legs
like a man; it ran like a man but no man can move that fast. He was gone in two seconds. He was
about five feet tall, very stocky, and heavily built.”

76. Undated clipping from the Mid-Day Standard, England (August 1969):


Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Saturday. Three workmen at the Big Horn dam site claim
they have seen a humanoid figure almost three times the size of an average man.
Two of the men said they saw the figure, about fifteen feet tall, striding across a ravine. The
third saw it watching the site from a hill.
Indians believe there is a family of four of the creatures living in the area.

South America
77. Between 1952-65 there were eighteen documented cases of people in Argentina, Venezuela, and
Brazil being attacked and injured by unidentified hairy creatures in human form. Some of these
cases have been widely commented on in UFO literature.
In 1964 a truck driver named Alberto Kalbermatter was driving along a deserted road outside of
Resistence, Argentina, late at night when a nine-foot-tall creature suddenly stepped in front of him
and uttered a loud, terrifying cry. He said it had long black hair and a human-like face. He stepped
on the gas, nearly running over the creature as he fled.
A strange luminous object had been sighted in the trees at the very same spot a few days earlier,
according to the local police. They said that Kalbermatter was an extremely frightened man when
he reported his ”monster” to them.

78. In Spain, the Vilovi district near Barcelona, suffered an onslaught of Unbelievables in February
1968. The original reports were made by frightened children but soon many adults had also seen a
giant hairy creature. According to the newspaper Arriba (February 27, 1968), ”The animal was
drinking from a pond near the house of the witnesses. It fled, leaving in the clay soil a number of
great footprints forty centimeters long and resembling those of a plantigrade being (i.e., one that
walks on the whole sole of the foot). These footprints agree with description given by the motorist
Ruperto Juher, who said that he had seen, near Hostalrich a few days ago, an animal with a large
hairy body and long arms, that crossed the highway in front of him, walking with a weary sort of
No gorillas or bears were missing from any zoos or circuses, the newspapers reported. A major
panic mounted in the region and massive searches were held, with the usual negative results. A
number of interesting comparisons can be drawn from the foregoing. Viewed cumulatively these
random sightings reveal several hitherto hidden aspects. We can now categorize these events and
speculate that there are two main groups. Group 1 consists of real animals possessing common
characteristics of appearance and behavior. Group 2 are ”monsters” in the true sense of the word
and seem to be part of a paranormal phenomenon, like ghosts and flying saucers. That is, they are a
problem for parapsychologists rather than biologists. They are ”something else.”
Actually, our pre-1960 data is scanty since the subject was not too well-known or publicized until
Ivan T. Sanderson published his article, ”The Strange Story of America's Abominable Snowman,” in
True magazine (December 1959). Before that, the subject was almost entirely in the hands of the
very small group of enthusiasts who collected ”Forteana,” and flying saucer buffs who pounced
upon every oddity that appeared in the press. Almost single-handedly, Sanderson brought these
events to the public attention and created broader interest. Before 1960 only those very few events
which created major ”scares” or received wire service attention were preserved by the tiny monster
buffery. Thus we have only a total of eight reports between 1956 and 1959, and fifty-two reports
from the ten years which followed.
Until 1966 there was no organized effort to keep close tabs on flying saucer sightings and
professional researchers were forced to rely upon the superficial, often erroneous tables and
statistics compiled by the United States Air Force. There was a great surge of UFO activity in the
early 1960s, and 1962 was a ”flap” year. That year produced five ”monster” sightings for our table.
There was another massive UFO surge in 1965 and an almost overwhelming wave in 1966. These
”flaps” attracted more people to the UFO coterie and reporting improved greatly. So the year 1966
produced fourteen ”monster” cases. (There were really many more than that. We have detailed some
of the others in the general text.) Flying saucer sightings remained high in 1967-69, although the
new events received little or no publicity. The United States Air Force received only 38 UFO reports
in March 1968, compared with 165 in March 1967 and 158 in March 1966. It has been reliably
estimated that fewer than two percent of all UFO sightings are reported to the Air Force at all. So
even if the statistics were accurate, which they're not, they would not fully represent the overall
Witnesses to ”monsters” very rarely report to the local newspapers or police, and never to the Air
Force. In our travels around the country we have uncovered many spectacular cases which had
never received any publicity of any kind. Often, when the witness tells his family and friends about
the incident he is so heavily ridiculed that he shuts up. In most cases, the man or woman who does
report to the police or newspaper is not taken seriously. We have to keep repeating this vital point
throughout this book. If you encountered a ten-foot-tall creature covered with moss and slime, with
two huge, luminous red eyes, who would you tell? And do you think anyone would take you
These events are being taken more seriously now by larger numbers of people. Our channels for
communicating these experiences have improved greatly. The handful of well-equipped researchers
involved now have more and better data to work from, and we are finally getting very close to a
solution to all these mysteries.
One of the most disturbing factors in the ”monster” cases is the high ratio of hostile events in which
human beings and animals have been deliberately attacked. Similar hostility is apparent in many
UFO reports, but these hostile aspects are played down or suppressed by the UFO coterie which
prefers to believe that flying saucers are benevolent. In Table 10.1 we summarize the forms of
hostility encountered. It is significant that automobiles were concerned in sixteen of these cases or
approximately twenty-five percent of the total. This ratio is even higher in the UFO reports.

TABLE 10.1
Hostility: Attacks on Humans, Animals, and Automobiles
Nature of Hostility Totals
Automobiles approached and/or attacked 16
Autos damaged by claws, etc. 4
Human beings attacked and injured 8
Animals attacked, injured, killed or mutilated
Animal disappearances 6
Tires thrown at witnesses 2
Total number of hostile acts 36

A great many or our ”monster” sightings occur in Lovers' Lanes, when the creatures suddenly
shuffle out of the bushes and terrify young people. A majority of our low-level UFO sightings also
take place under similar conditions. There is a built-in silencing factor in these cases, since, very
often, the young lovers are not supposed to be there in the first place, or they are adults cheating on
their mates. They cannot reveal their sighting without exposing their indiscretion. This is the main
reason why so many of those witnesses who do report their sightings insist on total anonymity.
One of the most puzzling aspects of the monsters' behavior is their penchant for chasing moving
automobiles and attempting to reach and harm the drivers. Neither bears nor gorillas would behave
in this fashion. This auto-chasing, repeated in so many cases, is an unintelligent act. Yet, in many of
the other cases the creatures seem to display high intelligence – almost human-like intelligence.
There is obviously a very great difference between the intelligent ”Big Foot” of the West Coast and
the auto-chasing Abominable Swamp Slobs of Michigan and Florida. A close study of these cases
indicates that the creatures – or apparitions – which openly pursue vehicles are paranormal entities
rather than real animals. The ABSM may occasionally blunder into the path of a car in a forest in
Washington, but his reaction is usually one of curiosity, not hostility.
It almost seems as if these paranormal types are being used to frighten people away from specific
areas, or, conversely, to attract hordes of people to those areas. We have found in a number of
instances that, while mobs of monster-chasers were combing one forest or swamp, UFOs were
engaged in covert activities only a few miles away. They went almost completely unnoticed because
everyone in the area was off in the other direction. So we can offer one tentative conclusion: the
”monsters” are engaged in what magicians call misdirection. While you watch the waving right
hand, the left hand is doing the dirty work unnoticed. While everyone is out beating the bushes
around a Lovers' Lane, cattle are disappearing a few miles away.
Automobiles frequently stall suddenly when UFOs are present, so we are particularly intrigued by
Cases 64 and 68 in which this electro-magnetic (EM) effect may have occurred.
Water plays a very important role in UFO activity, and a majority of our monster sightings have
taken place around lakes, rivers, and swamps. It is, of course, natural for animals to be attracted to
water. If the ABSM is an intelligent, human-like animal, perhaps civilization has been driving him
deeper and deeper into isolated forests, national parks, and swamps. The puzzle here is that in
recent years the creatures seem to be moving closer to civilization rather than further away from it.
They are coming down from the northwest to parade around California.
From these reports and the other cases described in the general text, we can draw a fairly complete
picture of some of these animals. In Table 10.2 we have isolated the general descriptive data. In no
less than forty-four of our sample cases the witnesses were certain that the creatures were taller than
a good size man. The usual estimate ranged between seven and ten feet tall. Only a few of the
United States cases described the creatures as being less than six feet tall. Many witnesses also
commented on the fact that the animal seemed to be very broad – much broader than a man. Four-
foot-wide shoulders have been described. This broadness is a common factor and rules out bears
and gorillas.

TABLE 10.2
General Descriptions in Reports
Descriptions Total
Hairy humanoids taller than an average man (usually from 44
7 to 10 feet tall)
Hairy humanoids from 3 to 6 feet tall 4
Broad shoulders; broader than a man's 5
Unusually long arms 4
No visible arms 1
”Bull dog” head 1
”Bear with scarred face” 1
Face like a cross between a gorilla and a human 2
Human-like face 2
”Protuberant mouth” 1
Beard 1
a. Luminous eyes 4
b. Green eyes 4
c. Red eyes 3
Round face 2
a. Short ears 1
b. Pointed ears 1
c. Earless 1
Scaly skin 2
Greenish or greenish-glowing 2

With a few notable exceptions, the witnesses most often described the creatures' faces as being
either ”human-like” or a cross between a human and a gorilla or ape. The ”protuberant mouth” in
Case 4 may indicate a paranormal entity, as do the luminous eyes in eleven of the cases. Some
animal eyes are highly reflective, of course, and seem to glow when a headlight or flashlight strikes
them. But many witnesses claim that the creatures' eyes were self-luminous and very bright –
brighter than a reflection. There are very few ABSM reports which mention luminous or self-
luminous eyes. On the other hand, luminous eyes are a characteristic in many of the UFO
”occupant” reports.
In Case 13 the witness said that the creature seemed to be more ”mechanical” than alive. It moved
stiffly and methodically, ignoring the dogs snapping at its heels. Our Sasquatch would certainly
have reacted differently. [See Brad Steiger and Joan Whritenour, New UFO Breakthrough, pp. 88-
89, for a fuller description of Case 13.] In forthcoming chapters we will outline several other cases
in which the creatures appeared to be robots rather than living entities.
Throughout this book you will find incidents in which the witnesses described hearing a sound ”like
a woman screaming” or a ”baby crying.” The phenomenon is well known to ghost hunters, and
there are many cases in which the sounds were heard in cemeteries and ”haunted” houses all over
the world. The ”woman screaming” sound is definitely related to our monsters. This can be
reporduced mechanically. For years, phony mediums used to reproduce this sound in seances by
stroking a warm silver dollar over a piece of dry ice. It creates a shrill, unearthly scream. We have
pulled this trick on a number of monster witnesses and they reacted with alarm and recognition,
saying that it was almost exactly what they had heard during their experience.
Here in Table 10.3 we run down some of the general characteristics reported in the monster events.
There is only one case (25) in which the creature dropped from an erect position and ran off on all
four like a bear. Other aspects of that report take it out of the ABSM category. In Cases 22 and 61,
we have a couple of oddballs: One described as a ”half-man, half-horse” (a Centaur?), the other as
”half-man, half-goat” (the classic Satyr?). These could have been merely subjective impressions, or
perhaps the reporter writing the story either misinterpreted the witnesses' descriptions or added a
few embellishments of his own. (In a 1957 ”little man” case in New Jersey a local reporter touched
up the story by saying that the creature was wearing a jaunty tam o'shanter. This detail has duly
been bandied about in the UFO literature ever since.)

TABLE 10.3
General Characteristics of Creatures Sighted
Characteristics Total
a. like a woman screaming 6
b. Whistling scream 1
c. Child crying 1
d. Gurgling and/or blubbering 2
Displayed extraordinary agility; made great leaps 5
Dropped from erect position to all fours 1
Appeared accompanied by an unpleasant odor 5

Five of our sample cases mention a pungent, nasty odor similar to the smell described in so many of
the Asian accounts.
The Group 1 type is, as we said, an animal – or even several different kinds of animals – still
unknown to science. It is hostile only when threatened or attacked. It seems to be intelligent;
perhaps it even has a high order of intelligence – as high, say, as that of the dolphin. This
intelligence had made it almost as elusive and cunning as man himself. The footprints and other
physical evidence accumulated over the years lend further credence to the eye-witness testimony.
This creature exists. But he does not want anything to do with man. And who can blame him?
Group 2 comprise the real mystery. They appear and disappear suddenly, as if they never existed at
all. They rarely leave footprints or other physical evidence behind. They seem to be more in the
nature of paranormal or paraphysical apparitions. They attack people and automobiles, causing
scratches, bruises, and black eyes. They chase cars and carry off cattle. They scream like banshees
(maybe they are the original banshees of folklore), and despite their great height, weight, and girth,
they melt into nothingness when the posses turn out. There was Momo, the Missouri Monster, who
scared a lot of folks in Missouri in the early 1970s, leaving a wretched stink in his path. In the late
1980s a Lizardman appeared briefly in South Carolina, covered with scales and spooking teen-
agers. Wisconsin became the turf of a giant wolf-like critter that walked on its hind feet in the early
1990s, sparking werewolf stories and providing fodder for the numerous ”tabloid” television shows
that were multiplying like swamp fungus.
Slowly, more and more people began to entertain the stomach-wrenching possibility that maybe
there really are temporary transmogrifications with fangs and fur haunting our little blue planet and,
most frightening of all; it may be that we only hear about the victims who get away.


Hair covered giants and midgets in human form ride around in flying saucers. There are now over
two thousand documented reports of UFOs landing and picking up or discharging passengers. The
descriptions of those passengers vary wildly and include transparent entities (even with their bones
showing!), weird glowing gentlemen with one solitary eye smack in the middle of their forehead,
kindly Venusians with long flowing blond hair, and diminutive fairy-like people only a few inches
in height. Since so many of these descriptions are so ridiculous, they rarely receive much publicity,
and only a very small handful of patient researchers have made any effort to gather all of these
disparate reports together.
Children often make the best witnesses, and many of the UFO landings are best represented by the
reports of children. But police officers, doctors, lawyers, pilots, and other ”reliable” types have also
reported encounters with the mysterious flying saucer people – if they are people in the real sense of
the word.
Although the UFO coterie has generated a mountain of literature (the UFO bibliography published
by the Library of Congress in 1969 listed more than 1,600 UFO books and articles), there are very
few objective and meaningful studies of these landing cases. You can count on one hand the few
qualified researchers who have attempted to sort out the UFO mess. They include Aimé Michel and
Dr. Jacques Vallee of France, Gordon Creighton and Charles Bowen of England, and Coral
Lorenzen and Ivan T. Sanderson in the United States. Others, such as Isabel Davis, a mainstay in the
Washington, D.C. office of the National Investigation Committees on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP),
have quietly kept track of these ”humanoid” reports for years. Ironically, NICAP's official policy
has been to downgrade, ridicule, and reject nearly all UFO landing cases, devoting their main
efforts to a twelve-year campaign to prove the reliability of UFO witnesses. For some peculiar
reason a majority of all UFO buffs have long neglected the overwhelming mass of landing reports,
perhaps because many of these reports seem to refute the popular belief that flying saucers are the
product of a marvelously advanced technology from a super-civilization in the sky. Actually, when
you carefully interview the landing witnesses in depth, as we have done in many cases, it seems as
if flying saucers are really a subjective phenomenon which is merely part of the broader world of
psychic phenomena. The UFO entities, in most cases, behave like idiots, animals, or brainless
robots of some kind. Many witnesses have commented on their bewildering impression that the
saucers, themselves, were somehow ”alive” and that the entities merely seemed to be an extension
of that life form.
That ace monster sleuth, Ivan T. Sanderson, commented in his wry British way on the UFO coterie's
reluctance to accept the landing reports in his book Uninvited Visitors:

Just imagine what would happen on some other planetary body if one of our space probes
was manned by (1) a middle-aged Bushman woman, (2) a six-foot-six-inch Nigerian from
somewhere around Katsena, with his near black skin color and his flowing white robes and
turban, (3) a blond, buxom, Swedish girl, (4) a blue-black-skinned Melanesian with a full
mop of branching red hair, (5) a Japanese child, and (6) a Neapolitan man, with shiny, black,
wavy hair and ivory skin. I can imagine the inhabitants of such a planet, if intelligent at all,
going into near hysterics and their authorities immediately locking up any who said they had
encountered such a coterie coming out of a space vehicle and collecting plants and domestic
animals. The situation would become more confounded if only one or two of these six types
happened to be seen manning a space-traveling vehicle. And, if only one of the types was
seen at a time in various places and by different people, the debate among the witnesses as to
which was telling the truth and which imagining things could well lead to bloodshed. This is
just about the situation in which we (terrestrial man) are today. So let us try to be a bit more

Logic has, alas, played a very small role in the infant pseudoscience of UFOlogy. Speculation and
blind belief have been the orders of the day. An astronomer observes a flash of light on Mars
leading ”proof” that flying saucers come from Mars. A radio astronomer announces that he has
picked up a wave of static coming from some distant point in space, and immediately the
UFOlogists tell us that some great cosmic civilization is beaming messages at us. But when a flying
saucer lands on a highway twenty miles outside of Washington, D.C., and a human-looking man in
coveralls dismounts to chat with a passing motorist, the UFOlogists all look the other way. It could
not be. Yet there have been scores of such highway landings in recent years – most of them ignored.
If the UFO buffs prefer gruesome nonhuman BEMs (bugeyed monsters), we have many cases of
those, too. Here is an INS dispatch which was widely published in 1954:

Garson, Ontario, July 7 (INS). A young Canadian miner is insisting he saw a flying saucer
and its crew of three - ”all thirteen feet tall with ears like spurs and three sets of arms.”
Ennio La Sarza, twenty-five, told his story yesterday to Royal Canadian Airforce authorities.
The RCAF started an investigation but refused to comment.
La Sarza claimed he saw ”a huge disk” descend from the sky north of the nickel mining
center of Garson last Friday – the day on which the planet Mars was nearest to the earth's
La Sarza said he asked the creatures, from a distance, who they were and they ”fixed me
with a hypnotic stare until I fainted; when I came to they and the ship had vanished.”

The year 1954 produced a worldwide UFO ”flap,” with heavy concentrations of landings in France,
Italy, and South America. Dr. Jacques Vallee collected two hundred of the 1954 reports and studied
them very systematically. In eight of these cases the witnesses had claimed that the UFO occupants
were ”little men” or giants, wholly or partially covered with hair. In many instances the witnesses
claimed they suffered paralysis or ”fainting spells” in the presence of the entities. Yet, incredibly,
the numerous physical (medical) effects of UFOs upon human beings have never been properly
studied, even though there are now thousands of such cases.
Dr. Vallee's book Passport to Magonia sums up hundreds of landing cases covering the past
hundred years. Yes, this sort of thing has been going on, largely unnoticed, for a very long time,
perhaps throughout history.
There were worldwide UFO ”flaps” in 1896-97, 1905, and 1909. One of the many odd UFO habits
came to light in those early cases. The UFO's were fond of scattering ordinary debris in their wake,
tossing newspapers, shoes, and even peeled potatoes overboard as they cruised about our then-
virgin skies. Rumors and stories of ”secret inventors” were widely circulated. Even today UFOs
often have perfectly ordinary rubbish in their path, particularly after landing. This appears to be a
simple psychological warfare gimmick. The discovery of mundane materials at a landing site
usually leads investigators to conclude that the witnesses were wrong or were lying. After all, the
Martians and Venusians are not likely to spill pieces of ordinary aluminum, sparkplugs of known
manufacture, and pristine newspapers around the countryside.
At 11:00 P.M. on the night of May 18, 1909, a man named Lethbridge was strolling along a road in
Caerphilly, Wales, when he came upon a large cylindrical object. According to his account in the
London Daily Mail (May 20, 1909), there were two men next to it, both wearing bulky fur coats and
fur caps. When they saw Mr. Lethbridge watching them, they babbled excitedly to each other in a
language he could not understand, then jumped into the object which then flew off into the night
sky. Later, as in so many other cases, assorted junk was found at the site, including a metal machine
part which was clearly stamped ”Made in France.” Naturally everyone concluded that Mr.
Lethbridge had obviosuly encountered a pair of secret inventors from France who had performed
the incredible feat – incredible for that period – of flying the channel unnoticed and at night. They
landed in Wales, had a midnight snack, made repairs, and flew off again. Since their passports were
not in order, Mr. Lethbridge had alarmed them and they had fled. Apparently neither the men in
”bulky fur coats” not their marvelous flying machine were ever seen again.
The exact size of the men is not given. If they were of unusually large dimensions perhaps the
editor decided to exclude that bit of information, just as modern editors frequently leave out the
wilder details of the modern UFO reports because they might tend to discredit the witness or make
his story seem even more ridiculous.
In the fall of 1965, a time when still another massive UFO ”flap” was engulfing Mexico and the rest
of the world, Mexican newspapers carried accounts of three unnamed women in a southern suburb
of Mexico City who claimed they encountered a group of beings at least ten feet tall with glowing
red eyes. The witnesses said the creatures were wearing shiny gray garments and boots, but had no
discernible noses or mouths. They did not linger to study the beings but ran to the police.
The UFO buffs either suppress such stories (by not publishing them in their little journals) or they
try to explain them away with speculative nonsense often more outlandish than the original tales.
The late Frank Edwards, author of two widely-read UFO books, solved the problem by merely
altering the details to suit whatever theory he was pushing. He converted many giants into the more
acceptable ”little men.”
One of the many giant stories almost lost in the shuffle was the account of a badly frightened
truckdriver named Eugenio Douglas who allegedly tried to fight off three ”shiny metal robots”
some fifteen to twenty feet tall with a revolver in Argentina on October 18, 1963. He told police that
he drove his truck into a ditch after a brilliant white light engulfed it near the town of Monte Maix.
The light, he said, came from a twenty-five-foot disk parked in the middle of the highway. He
leaped from his cab and, as the three ”indescribable beings” got out of the saucer and approached
him, flourished the revolver he carried to ward off hijackers. He fired four shots at them and ran
wildly toward the town. The saucer made several passes at him, he said, and each time he felt a
”wave of terrible, suffocating heat.” The police examiner later found that Douglas had suffered
several unusual burns, unlike anything he had ever seen before.
The Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) in Tucson, Arizona has struggled to
investigate and keep track of UFO creature reports since 1952. Except for their efforts, many
important landing cases would have gone entirely unnoticed and unrecorded. In the fall of 1967 an
APRO investigator in Brazil, Mrs. Irene Granchi, interviewed the witnesses to a strange incident
that took place outside of Rio de Janeiro on November 24 of that year. A high-pitched whine had
alerted a fourteen-year-old boy, Carlos Alberto do Mascimento, and led him to look out of the eight-
floor apartment on the Rua Gomes Caneiro where he was working. He saw a brilliant metallic-
looking disk descending into some nearby trees. The object brushed one tall tree and the tree
”seemed to explode.” Carlos called Mr. Ugo Battaglia to the window, and they both saw three men
in white coveralls climb out of the grounded saucer and walk stiffly around it. Both witnesses
noticed that the men held their arms tightly to their sides (a feature noted in several of the 1954
European cases). After about five minutes the trio reentered the object. Later, when Carlos and Mr.
Battaglia left the apartment house, they looked up at the hill and the object was still there. But after
they had turned a corner and looked back, the thing was gone.
The next day Carlos, Mr. Battaglia, and Hildebrando de Moraes decided to visit the place where the
object had landed. The grass in the area was flattened, and the tree Carlos had seen ”wrenched
apart” was bare of leaves. The trunk was burned and charred but all of its neighbors were inctact
except for a few broken limbs.
Hildebrando discovered that the grass and shrubbery in that immediate area were so high that he
went out of sight when he walked through them. He is five feet eight inches tall. Yet both Carlos
and Battaglia had noticed that the three men in coveralls were only knee-deep in this same grass as
they walked around their craft. If all this is true, then both the object and the beings must have been
gigantic in size.
Mrs. Coral Lorenzen of APRO has written a series of popular books on UFOs discussing dozens of
perplexing UFO monster stories. In UFOs Over the Americas she devotes a full chapter to an
interview with a witness in Lima, Peru, who claimed an extraordinary UFO encounter back in 1947.
The witness, identified only as Mr. C. A. V., was interviewed by APRO investigator Richard
Greenwell on October 4, 1967 – twenty years after the event. He came upon a grounded shiny disk
on a highway outside of Lima one night, and when he approached it on foot, he was met by two
incredible amoeba-like creatures. They looked like bananas joined together. Their skin was sandy-
colored with a towel-like texture, and they were about five feet five inches tall. A voice came at him
”as if it came from a speaker,” addressing him in English, a language he could understand. The
voice told him that the creatures were sexless and they demonstrated by suddenly dividing
themselves like amoebae. After conducting him on a quick tour of the rather barren interior of their
flying saucer, they departed.
The whole story deserves more attention than we can give it here. One of the significant details is
the fact that the man felt a loss of volition. ”I was in a state where I was not under my own
command,” he said. Later he suffered the classic ”contactee” symptoms of anorexia (loss of
appetite) and total exhaustion. Such symptoms often indicate that the witness suffered a
hallucinatory experience somewhat akin to hypnosis and that somehow a confabulation, or falsified
memory, was fed into the brain. The brain is an electrical organism and there is evidence that the
phenomenon is able to manipulate electrical energies and, possibly, even plant a false memory,
complete with all sensory data, into the mind. Such confabulations are so convincing and so deeply
entrenched that the witness can pass a lie detector test and can recall every detail even twenty years
It will take years of study, medical tests, and continuous observation of UFO witnesses before we
can conclusively understand this confabulation factor or prove conclusively that it is the main
explanation for many of these puzzling cases.
There are, of course, many other cases which cannot be so easily explained (although confabulation
is hardly an ”easy” answer). In many UFO landings identical markings have been found on the
ground, indicating that a solid mechanical object had actually touched down. Burn marks, traces of
chemicals and metals, and other kinds of hard physical evidence have been discovered in
innumerable cases over the past twenty years.

We have known virtually everything there is to know about UFOs since the early 1950s. By 1990
there were over 500,000 recorded sightings throughout the world and several basic characteristics
are repeated over and over again in this data. For example, the objects frequently appear and
disappear in frotn of groups of witnesses, almost as if they had been invisible at first or suddenly
become invisible. As part of this process, they pass from the invisible fringes of the electromagnetic
spectrum into the visible frequencies, from infrared and red at one end of the spectrum to ultraviolet
or purple at the other end. These changes have been observed throughout history giving origin to
the word ”specter.” Since these multicolored objects frequently change shape as well as color, and
since they make little or no noise, they fit neatly into the long recognized categories of psychic
phenomena. They do not look like or behave like ”spaceships.” Lights moving in triangular
formations (such as the heavily publicized aerial phenomena seen and photographed in Belgium in
1991) can split up suddenly and dart off in different directions. These things do not have a
permanent physical form but are more like the ”specters” of old, changing color as they float
through the visible spectrum.
In Europe UFOlogists have recognized these paraphysical characteristics for years and have made
considerable progress by discarding the ET myth and the other aimless controversies that have
bogged down their American counterparts for generations. The late Dr. Edward Condon, who
headed a team of scientists at Colorado University in a government-sponsored UFO study in 1967-
69, observed that maybe there should be a ”magic agency” to examine these matters. The
correlations between psychic phenomena and UFO manifestations is a well-established fact to
everyone except the hard-core flying saucer buffs.
Mr. Charles Bowen, editor of Britain's Flying Saucer Review, the only recognized scientific journal
devoted to the subject, recently wrote:
What is going on? Did these witnesses, widely dispersed on earth, and in time, all have
experiences with solid creatures from another world or from another dimension of reality?
Or did they all suffer hallucinations of a similar kind, where the dream creatures were
strikingly similar in many respects?... I pondered over the idea that the frightening, spooky
creatures described by some witnesses could be some sort of psychic projection. There are
noticeable dream-like qualities about the incidents described in these cases. Is it possible
that something from somewhere is coming here and by means incomprehensible to us –
although it could be by a form of radiation, as in radar waves – is pumping stylized pictures
into the minds of humans who inadvertedly stumble upon solid enough objects
surreptitiously going about their business?... And while the human witnesses are ridiculed by
their fellows, the interlopers get on with the job unhindered.

Mr. Gordon Creighton, a gifted linguist who has served in key positions in the British Foreign
Service, has this to say: ”If and when we have grasped what these tales of 'landings' and 'contacts'
with entities mean, we may (perhaps) be on the road to understanding some of the larger aspects of
the problem.
”One thing at least is certain. These stories of alleged meetings with denizens of other worlds or
realms or levels of existence constitute a fascinating social, psychological – and possibly also a
para-psychological enigma... If a new brand of psychosis is loose amongst us, then, instead of
wasting so much time on why we hate our fathers and love our mothers, our mental experts and
psychologists ought to be in there right from the start, studying and combating this new plague
since its outbreak nearly twenty years ago! Valuable time has been lost.”
This book's main purpose is to present the many monster and creature sightings with a minimum of
theorization, but we cannot ignore the many correlating details in the cases we have already
discussed. Those details suggest that many of these events may have been somehow interrelated and
may, when viewed in toto, represent a larger whole. Witnesses of the hairy monsters and witnesses
of UFO events and psychic manifestations have experienced many of the same things. It now seems
possible that many of the ghost tales and monster stories of folklore and demonology may have had
a real basis in fact but were subject to misinterpretation. Instead of dealing with mere
extraterrestrial visitants, as the students of the UFO reports like to believe, we may be dealing with
brief glimpses of something far broader and infinitively more complex.
One of the paradoxes of the UFO data is that the sheer weight of it negates its validity. There have
now been millions of UFO sightings and thousands of landings and contacts. Yet it has all come to
naught. We know as little now about the real phenomena as we did when the first flying saucer
craze swept the country over fifty years ago. The carefully investigated and reported sightings and
events are filled with obvious contradictions and impossibilities. Magnificently designed machines
of apparent solidity have been described by witnesses of high reliability such as generals, top
officials, scientists, astronomers, pilots, and police officers. Now, if other equally reliable witnesses
had reported identical machines in other parts of the country and the world, we could say with
certainty that such machines are real and do exist. But this has not happened. The same description
rarely appears again in another report. The general configurations – saucer-shaped, cigar-shaped,
etc. are uniform, but closeup witnesses – and there have been many – just do not seem to agree. The
descriptions are as varied as the reports themselves. Correlations are difficult.
The reported UFO entities are also a mixed bag, not only in size but in general appearance. There
have been UFOnauts with pupil-less eyes, glowing eyes, eyes as big as saucers, tiny beady eyes,
wraparound slit-eyes, cat-like eyes, and even no eyes at all. There have been noseless entities and
mouthless entities. Ears have covered a wide range – from being pointed to being elephant-like.
Have all these people been seeing the same thing? Hardly. The skeptics prefer to believe that none
of them have seen anything at all.
Gordon Creighton focused his attention on the numerous landing reports from South America in
1965, and he broke the cases involving descriptions of the UFOnauts into the following categories:
TABLE 11.1
UFO Occupant Descriptions in South America (1965)
General description Number of cases
Giants 6
Tall men 9
Medium or normal-sized men 5
Small men 10
Tiny men (less than 3 feet high) 12
Hairy, bellicose dwarfs 5
Greenish creatures (green skin, green lights) 3
Hairy giant 1
SOURCE: The Humanoids (1969), p. 86.

Mr. Creighton also commented on the fact that five cases involved creatures with only one visible
eye. Two of these were reportedly over six feet in height; the other three, all from Peru within a
period of less than thirty days (August-September 1965), were supposedly less than three feet tall.
Early in February 1965 five luminous, transparent objects landed outside of the village of Torrent in
the Province of Corrientes, N.E. Argentina, and five six to seven feet tall, creatures all with only one
eye in the center of their forehead, reportedly attacked the villagers. They entered a farmhouse,
according to the report of Rodrigo de Riana, and tried to grab a man. He and his friends fought back
(noting that the creatures seemed extremely fragile and weak), and the entities withdrew. But a day
or so later they were back, and once again they tried to catch a specimen for their zoo. This time the
villagers turned out in force with rifles and shotguns and blasted away, apparently without effect,
and the creatures left again empty-handed.
Another one-eyed giant, this one with a vivid red complexion, no ears or nose, and a strange mouth,
reportedly descended into a garden in the residential suburb of Familia Sagrada, Belo Horizonte,
Brazil, on August 28, 1963, and approached three boys. One of the boys grabbed a brick and started
to fling it but the entity shot ”an orange beam” at him from a square lamp on its chest and
”paralyzed” the boy's arm.
Fortunately, the boys emerged unscathed from this encounter. They were later closely interrogated
by Professor Hulvio Brant Aleixo and other competent investigators who said they ”found no reason
to believe that the boys were not telling the truth.”
In Arequipa, Southern Peru, Julio Lopez de Romana and Antonio Chaves Bedoya claimed they
narrowly missed running over a tiny one-eyed being on September 29, 1965. It was eighty
centimeters high (thirty-one inches), they said, and seemed to have silver and golden stripes around
its body. A UFO appeared a few minutes later and flew along with their car for some distance. That
night others in the area reported seeing a low-flying UFO, too.
A good many flying saucer reports seem to overlap into the realm of psychic phenomena. In August
1966, for example, five different people in Malvern, Arkansas, reported encounters with a luminous,
unidentified walking object which was described as eight feet tall and multi-colored – red, orange,
and yellow. Many a ghost tale is probably based upon the appearances of these Incomprehensibles.
They seem to assume form, sometimes only temporarily.
On September 19, 1963, four children playing behind a school in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
Canada, reportedly saw an oval-shaped light descend from the sky after circling overhead. A ”box”
seemed to fall from it and hover a few feet away. The children cautiously approached it and were
startled when a ”man” stood up, appearing suddenly. ”After that we didn't see any box,” Brian
Whitehead, eleven, later told investigators.
The children estimated that the ”man” was about ten feet tall, dressed in clothes ”like a monk's”
which were ”white like a crayon.” ”Sometimes I could see right through him,” Brian said.
The ”man” made a moaning sound, held out his hands, floated toward the youngsters. They ran in
terror. One of the girls in the group became so hysterical that she actually had to be hospitalized.
Their parents and the local police were impressed with their genuine fright and took their story
seriously. UFO-type lights were seen in the district.
But not all UFOnauts are ”ghosts.”
In his study of the 1954 cases, Dr. Vallee discovered that a majority appeared to be air breathing
creatures. A few were described as wearing some form of helmet or breathing apparatus. Some
witnesses claimed that the UFOnauts, particularly the ”little men” types, were wearing ”diving
suits.” In ten of the two hundred 1954 cases, the UFO occupants were described being of normal
human height and appearance.
Could it be possible that normal-looking human beings are riding around in flying saucers? There
are now hundreds of cases in which this seems so.
As far back as 1897 there have been innumerable stories of UFO occupants who resembled human
beings physically. In many of these events the UFOnauts were described as slight of stature, usually
between five feet five and five feet nine inches tall, with dark olive complexions, angular faces with
pointed chins, high cheekbones, and slanted, Oriental-like eyes. This has become a very common
description. There is also an interesting body of reports, several hundred cases from all parts of the
world, in which the ”little men,” the ”normal sized” types, and the giants were all described in this
same way. Another interesting feature which turns up in many reports, both historical and modern,
is that the fingers of these entities seem to be extraordinarily long, much longer and more slender
than normal human hands.
To compound the confusion, we also have a large file of fascinating ”man in black” cases, largely
unpublished, which describe entities of this exact type, dressed in black, who turned up in the
homes of witnesses throughout the country, dressed in conventional clothing and driving
conventional cars. In some cases these persons strongly advised the witnesses to keep silent about
what they had seen. For years the UFO buffs have assumed that they were representatives of the Air
Force or even of the CIA. The testimonial evidence, the descriptions of the witnesses, indicates,
however, that these ”men in black” are not a part of the government at all but are, instead, directly
related to the UFO phenomenon.
One of Argentina's leading newspapers Cordoba told (on Nov. 29, 1964) how a doctor and his wife
were driving from Cordoba to Rio Ceballos on the night of June 5, 1964, when they saw something
flying towards them. They were about thirty kilometers from the Paja Blancas Airport so they
assumed it was an airplane: Shortly after this a blinding light appeared on the road in front of them.
Translator Gordon Creighton describes the incident in Flying Saucer Review:

Thinking it was the headlights of an approaching vehicle, the doctor flashed his own lights
as a signal to the other to dip his, for the light was so powerful that it was impossible to see
the road at all. But the light remained undimmed and continued to approach, so the doctor
gave up and pulled in to the side of the road and stopped.
The unknown vehicle finally halted only one meter (yard) in front of his car, its bright light
now fading slowly to violet, and they were able to perceive an elongated object. The doctor's
wife became panicky, and they sat there for twenty minutes... The doctor had at last decided
to get out and investigate when suddenly he saw somebody approaching. The doctor had his
revolver at the ready, when he heard a soft voice ask: ”Qué le pasa, amigo?” (”What's the
matter, friend?”). The doctor replied that he had been trying to start his engine again but
couldn't. The voice replied: ”Why don't you try it again?” He did so, and the engine started.
Then he put his lights on, and he saw that the object in front of him was something
unknown, something the like of which he had never seen before. I will continue the account
in the doctor's own words: ”Then the man standing near the car glanced at me with a smile
and said, 'Don't be frightened. I'm a terrestrial. I have a mission to complete here on earth.
My name is R----- D-----, my friend, and you can tell Mankind about it, in your own
”The doctor added that the man then walked off slowly towards two beings, both dressed
entirely in gray, who were waiting for him. All three got into the machine, which then took
off swiftly, leaving a violet-colored trail.

You can see that the possibilities are boundless. The UFO phenomenon gives us a monster for every
occasion; creatures with six arms, amoeba-like blobs, one-eyed giants, hairy ”little men” - you
name it and somewhere in UFO lore you will find that somebody has seen it. As if all this isn't
trouble enough, we have apparent UFO entities driving around in black Cadillacs, and seemingly
normal human-beings popping out of purple Impossibles on isolated highways.


Two police officers in Gaffney, South Carolina, had a brief and not very informative chat with a
little man in a tight-fitting gold suit early on the morning of November 17, 1966. They didn't know
it, but scores of other apparently sober and reliable people have been reporting identical experiences
for many years. These ”little men” are an important part of flying saucer lore. They have also been
the butt of many jokes ever since the New Yorker published a cartoon some years back depicting a
”little man” from a flying saucer addressing a horse in a field, ”Take me to your leader.”
The United States Air Force apparently received a rash of ”little men” reports in the early 1950s, for
in 1955 Captain Robert White, then Pentagon spokesman for the official UFO-chasing Project Blue
Book, told the press: ”In the past three years I've heard all kinds of descriptions [of UFOnauts], but
the most frequent are little, green, luminous smelly types. Despite all the stories, I'm still convinced
that no space men have landed on earth. Still, people keep insisting that they've seen little green
South America seems to have been inundated with ”little green men” in recent years. A fifteen-year-
old boy named Alberto San Roman Nuez told the police in Lima, Peru, that he had been on the roof
of his home, taking in the wash on August 1, 1965, when a saucer-like thing landed near him and
discharged a three-and-one-half-foot tall being who had ”greenish lights on his skin that made him
look like a frog.” Terrified, Alberto ran for the stairs. As he did, a red light from the object
enveloped him for a moment and then it flew away, heading for the ocean. Police later found four
circular marks, each a foot in diameter, on the roof.
Another rooftop landing, also in Lima, occurred on August 24, 1965, when twenty students and
their adult teachers heard some strange sounds on top of their school. They went to the roof and
discovered a throbbing, disk-shaped object which took off as they all ran for cover. There have been
many landings and sightings around schools all over the world. The sensational, much-publicized
sightings in Hillsdale, Michigan, in 1966 took place directly in front of a dormitory on a college
campus. And hundreds of children, teachers, and nearby adult residents saw circular, seemingly
metallic objects hovering low over the Crestview Elementary School in Miami, Florida, on April 6,
From all the reports it is painfully obvious that the UFOs and their strange occupants have a special
– and perhaps unsavory – interest in children.
On October 4, 1965, three hysterical children charged into the office of the headmaster of the
Liberator General San Martin School in Salta, Argentina, and told him that several short, ugly
greenish monsters had attacked them and tried to catch them while they were walking to school.
The story was nothing new to the headmaster. He told reporters he had heard the same sort of thing
before – about two years earlier.
There are now hundreds of cases in which the UFOnauts have reportedly spoken to witnesses in the
local language, and have even made bids for publicity. Argentine shopkeeper Felipe Martinez
claimed three separate encounters with a ”little man” a yard high, who wore a ”diver's costume” and
helmet and spoke Portugese slowly, with difficulty. Martinez said that ”they” asked him to help
them gain recognition but he told them that all he could do was to report the meeting to a radio
station. Later, after another alleged meeting, he said he was taken aboard a saucer with four
crewmen all less than a meter in height [less than 39 inches], while a fifth occupant was a blond
man about six feet tall. On that occasion, he said, the crewmen put a ”space suit” on him but it
caused his heart to pump so rapidly that he had to take it off. That was in 1965.
On August 14, 1965, Joao do Rio, a railway worker, was fishing on the River Paraiba near the
village of Cruzeiros in Brazil when a saucer-like object landed nearby and a tiny man seventy
centimeters high (28 inches) with big luminous eyes addressed him in perfect Portugese. He said he
was from ”another world” and authorized Rio to tell whomever he pleased. Then he handed the
astonished fisherman a small metal disk, said he would return, hopped back into his saucer, and
flew off. The young witness reportedly turned the disk over to the authorities for analysis, and that's
the last we ever heard of that.
Another piece of metal, this one bearing a ”peculiar inscription,” was apparently dropped in front of
two students near the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico City, Mexico, on August 19, 1965.
The students, Yago and Payo Rodriguez, said that at 8:30 A.M. that morning a luminous, domed
disk landed on tripod legs near them, and two small creatures about eighty centimeters (about thirty-
one inches) tall and wearing ”gas masks” got out, dropped the metal plate in front of them, and flew
off again. Investigators found the grass was burned at the alleged landing site, and there were marks
where the tripod legs had rested. Drops of a strange fluid were also found. Similar fluid has been
found at many other UFO landing sites. It consists of alumina and silicon, both mundane earthly
substances. The metal plate was turned over to the laboratory of the National Polytechnic Institute
and nothing further was said about it.
Flying saucer ”flaps” have occurred repeatedly around reservoirs, lakes, and rivers indicating,
perhaps, that water plays an important role in the UFO mystery. For example, hundreds of people
saw all kinds of mysterious aerial objects around the Wanaque, New Jersey, reservoir in 1966. A
fisherman named José Alves of Pontal, Brazil, identified as a hard-working, quiet man who has
never even heard of flying saucers before his experience, said that he saw three little dark-skinned
men get out of a flying object on November 4, 1954, and one of them filled a shiny metal tube with
water from the River Parbo.
Numerous Indian tribes in western United States and Canada have legends about ”little men” who
come to specific lakes and rivers for water year after year; these places have been avoided by the
Indians and regarded as sacred. In Mexico there are extensive legends about the ”Wachoqs,” little
people who visited Mexican streams and lakes in the distant past, walking underwater in glittering
”diving suits.”
The Irish have always told us of ”little men” in tight-fitting green or brown costumes who frequent
lakes and rivers on the old sod. While most of us tend to dismiss the Leprechaun lore of Ireland as
folk tales and myth, there are numerous appearances of these tiny, elusive beings. In many of these
accounts the witnesses allegedly encountered Leprechauns on the banks of a stream or lake where
they were filling a receptacle with water. Like most of our UFOnauts, the Leprechaun is supposed
to be skittish and flees from human beings. And, also like our UFOnauts and monsters, the
Leprechauns are supposed to be capable of leaping great distances and disappearing into thin air.
In Sweden and Denmark we hear about trolls – gnome-like beings who live in the earth and who are
physically deformed. The Leprechauns are supposed to live underground, too, and woe to anyone
who tries to find their hiding places. From time to time they are said to kidnap children and whisk
them away forever. In UFO lore we have the ”Deros” (detrimental robots) who are supposed to live
underground in secret caves, or even in the hollowed-out center of the earth. Variations on this
underground-dweller theme can be found in ancient Oriental legends going back thousands of years.
Not all of the ”little people” mythology is baseless. Archaeological evidence of a sort does exist.
The ruins of ancient cities in South America have been found honeycombed with tiny tunnels,
staircases, and passageways so small that normal men have to traverse them on their hands and
knees. Who built these things and why? Even in the United States, in New Salem, New Hampshire,
not far from Exeter, site of a UFO ”flap” in 1965, there is an ancient construction of tunnels and
tiny chambers built long before the Indians arrived. They say ”the little men” constructed the place.
Another elaborate system of tiny tunnels lies outside of Cusco, Peru, home of many intense saucer
”flaps.” A large number of people reported seeing two luminous dwarfs get out of a disk near Cusco
on August 20, 1965. And the Lt. Governor of Santa Barbara, Peru, solemnly declared that he
encountered two tiny humanoids walking in the snows near Lake Ceulacocha on September 12,
1965. They disappeared, he said, in the midst of a ”deafening noise.”
This unfathomable ability to vanish instantly into thin air is described in many reports. During the
August 1965 ”flap” six witnesses in Grand Forks, North Dakota said they saw a blinking
transparent circular object resting on a golf course and that it contained ”little figures inside...
moving like a silhouette.” When some of the witnesses ran towards the object, it disappeared with a
loud bang. ”It just blew up,” one of them observed. Other transparent objects have been seen many
times over the years. On August 28, 1962, three people encountered a brightly lit object on the
ground three hundred yards from National Highway No. 2, near the city of Delores, Argentina. It
was, they said, about thirty feet long and fifteen feet high and there were ”human-like figures
moving about inside the machine.” These were nighttime sightings. Suppose these same objects
flew over your house during the day; would you be able to see them at all?
The human eye can be compared to a radio receiver: It is tuned to detect only a very small portion
of the electromagnetic spectrum, the middle range of electromagnetic waves known as visible light:
Thus, any wave tuned to a frequency above or below that range is invisible to the naked eye: The
evidence indicates that occult and UFO activities are largely conducted in those frequencies beyond
human perception: Man-made instruments, such as radar, are tuned to those higher, unseen
frequencies and can occasionally intercept objects unseen to the human eye.
Invisible flying saucers are possible!
”They [UFOs] are invisible to the human eye,” a spokesman from the British War Office told the
London Sunday Dispatch in October 1954. Radar installations in Great Britain had repeatedly
picked up whole formations of unidentified objects that September, some of them passing overhead
at low altitude. Military personnel scrambled outside their offices to take a look and were much
puzzled to find the skies clear and empty. ”Every time, they have followed the same pattern, always
around mid-day,” the War Office spokesman continued. ”All our radar sets in the area have picked
them up.” The full story is told in Major Donald E. Keyhoe's book, The Flying Saucer Conspiracy.
At least one ”contactee” has been told that flying saucers are normally invisible to us. The witness,
Gary Wilcox, was a hard-working young man alone on a three-hundred-acre farm outside of
Newark Valley, New York. Around 10:00 A.M. on Friday, April 24, 1964, Mr. Wilcox was out
spreading fertilizer when he saw a flash of light, like a mirror reflection, and discovered an egg-
shaped object hovering a few feet off the ground nearby. It was, he said, about twenty feet long and
twelve to fifteen feet wide with rounded ends. Puzzled, he walked over to it and touched it. ”It was
just like touching an automobile,” he later told investigators, ”and there was a sound like a motor
Suddenly two small figures dropped to the ground from the underside of the object. Although they
were human in shape, they were only about four feet tall and both were encased in silvery one-piece
suits. Their heads and faces were also covered by the same opaque material, and they were holding
trays on which they appeared to have soil samples. Their hands were out of sight under these trays.
”Don't be afraid,” Wilcox was told by one of them. He spoke in a deep voice that seemed to come
from his chest rather than his head. ”We have talked to people before.”
They were somewhat surprised that he could see them, Wilcox reported, and they told him that their
craft was normally invisible at distances beyond one hundred feet. Furthermore, they did most of
their work in the daytime because their vehicles were harder to see then. At night, they said, their
craft tended to glow in the dark and betray their positions.
Wilcox, a sober, well-educated, articulate young man, dutifully reported his story to the local sheriff
and signed a sworn statement on May 1, 1964. We have a copy of that statement in our files. In it,
Wilcox stated that the UFOnauts had told him that astronauts John Glenn, Virgil Grissom and two
Soviet cosmonauts would die within a year due to ”exposure to space.” This prophecy was not too
precise. John Glenn slipped in his bathtub and damaged his inner ear which affected his sense of
balance for several months. Coincidentally, Yuri Gagarin, Russia's first man into space, suffered an
identical accident around the same time.
In January 1965 Virgil Grissom was among the three astronauts who died in the disastrous fire
aboard an Apollo space capsule undergoing testing. Four months later, on April 24, 1967, exactly
three years after Wilcox's encounter, Russian cosmonaut Colonel Vladimir Kosmarov died when his
space capsule crashed. Gagarin was killed a year later in a plane crash.
Wilcox said that the ”little men” talked to him for about two hours, discussing many things that
were beyond his comprehension. They warned him, he said, that it would be ”in his best interests”
not to talk about the incident. When they finally got back into the object, it glided upward a short
distance and suddenly seemed to vanish. A reddish jelly-like substance remained behind on the
ground. Wilcox said he couldn't seem to get hold of it with his hands to pick it up. It melted away in
a day or so.
Dr. Berthold E. Schwarz, a leading psychiatrist, visited Mr. Wilcox in 1968 and carefully examined
him. ”There was no evidence for any undue preoccupations, trends of thought, pathological
thinking, or inappropriate effect,” Dr. Schwarz later noted in his report in the Flying Saucer Review.
Another young farmer, Carroll Wayne Watts, came up with a somewhat more horrifying story in
1967. He received nationwide publicity in March 1968, after failing a lie detector test in Amarillo,
Texas. The Watts story is filled with ”mystery men” and the other ingredients so unpopular with
UFOlogists who prefer to think in straightforward terms of benevolent Big Brothers from outer
For Carroll Watts the nightmare began at 10:30 P.M. on Friday, March 31, 1967. He was driving
home towards Loco, Texas, when he saw a strange light near an abandoned house. He turned off the
road and headed for the light. When he got closer he saw an object he said was about a hundred feet
long and eight or ten feet high. He stopped and got out of his car to investigate. There was a door on
the side of the thing which slid open, and then a detached voice spoke to him. ”It was an
unemotional voice,” he said, ”neither masculine or feminine. It asked me if I would be willing to
submit to a rigorious physical examination. I asked them why I would want to take a physical and
they told me that if I passed it, I would be able to make a flight with them. They said any man who
passed the physical could make a flight, but no women or children would be taken.
”They pointed out a machine against the opposite wall from where I was standing,” he continued.
”They said all I had to do was stand before the machine to take a physical.
”About two or three feet forward from the machine was a map. It was about a yard square and
began about a foot from the floor. It appeared to be a large-scale land map – but I couldn't tell what
it was a map of.
”Then they informed me that they had a machine that, when the ship flew within three hundred
yards of a building, could tell how many people were in the building and their ages.
”They, whoever 'they' were, said they were stationed all over the world and could come and go as
they pleased – no one could stop them... When I declined the physical, they told me that several
people had taken the test and had made flights.”
Mr. Watts said ”No, thanks” and returned to his car as the object rose noiselessly and flew away. He
reported the incident to the Air Force and local authorities and was taken seriously. His reputation
was described as ”beyond reproach” and three others, including an Air Force man, had reported
sightings in that same area only a few days before.
Two weeks later, on Tuesday, April 11, 1967, Watts said he saw another light near his home, and the
engine of his pick-up truck stalled. When he got out, he found an egg-shaped object directly behind
him. A door opened and four small men appeared. They were less than five feet tall, he said, seemed
muscular, had elongated eyes and slit-like mouths which did not move when they spoke. They were
dressed in ”white coverall-type suits.” They asked him again to go with them and this time he went.
He claimed that he was flown to a much larger craft where he was examined by some sort of
machine which probed his body with wires.
In the months which followed, he saw the ”little men” again and took eleven photographs of them
and their craft. Six of these were eventually turned over to the FBI and one of the pictures went to
Dr. J. Allen Hynek. Dr. Hynek was quoted in the press as taking the whole story seriously.
In February 1968 Carroll Watts consented to take a lie detector test. On Sunday, February 25, he
started out for Amarillo to submit to the test. Near Hedley, Texas, on Route 287 he came upon a
1957 Plymouth which was apparently in trouble. A woman stood next to it, and he stopped to see if
he could help her. Two rugged men carrying rifles suddenly popped up from under a nearby culvert
and threatened him, he claimed. He said they struck him about the shoulders with their weapons and
warned him that if he passed the lie detector test he would never return home alive.
A very frightened Carroll Watts entered the Amarillo Security Control Company that afternoon. He
submitted to the test but deliberately lied, he declared later, so that the results would be negative.
When he returned home that evening he noticed a car parked a short distance away. It began to
cruise back and forth in front of his house. He dug out an M-1 rifle, loaded it, and his behind a
storm cellar next to the house. The car was passing back and forth without headlights. On its final
pass there were three loud reports, as if the occupants of the car were shooting at the house. Watts
fired back with his M-1, shooting at the retreating car three times. Then he called the local police.
Investigators found six spent cartridges next to the storm cellar but there were no marks of any kind
on the house.
A former Air Force officer, Captain Robert B. Loftin, author of Identified Flying Saucers performed
a first-hand study of the case. He was impressed with the harassed witness who, incidentally, had
hinted that he suspected the CIA was behind it all and was trying to ”hush him up.” The story is
now being circulated among UFOlogists as ”another CIA silencing.”
The UFOnaut stratagems are varied and seemingly pointless. Sometimes they threaten witnesses.
Sometimes they pass along prophecies which later come true. And sometimes they just seem to drop
in for a meaningless chat with whatever earthman happens to be handy.
Two police officers in South Carolina participated in one of these chats back in 1966. Their story
appeared in only a single local newspaper, and months later it was briefly mentioned in the pages of
Fate magazine. In that account the two men described the ”little man” as having ”a greenish
Had two police officers really seen a ”little green man?” In November of 1967 we finally had the
opportunity to find out. We gave a lecture in Atlanta, Georgia, and then rented a car and drove to
Gaffney, South Carolina, to chase the story down.
Patrolman Charles Hutchins, one of the witnesses, turned out to be an ebullient man, stocky, about
five feet ten inches tall, in his early thirties. He regarded us with some suspicion at first, asking for
assurance that we were ”not with the government.” Like most of the country, he had heard of the
well-publicized tragedy of the Ohio police officer, Dale Spaur, who had lost his job and suffered all
kinds of unpleasantness after being involved in the celebrated Ohio UFO chase of April 1966.
We adjourned to an empty room in the police station, and he began with a confession. The ”little
man” had not had a ”green complexion” as was reported in the newspapers, he said. When he and
officer A. G. Huskey had first told their story they had been subjected to so many jeers that they
impishly added the ”green complexion.” Actually, he admitted, the creature's face seemed rather
ordinary and human-like and neither man was able to tell whether his complexion was light or dark.
Hutchins had been on the Gaffney police force for about six months at the time, and Huskey had
been a policeman for five years. Sometime after 4:00 A.M. on the morning of November 17, 1966,
the two men were making a routine patrol along the isolated and unpopulated road through an
outlying section of Gaffney known as the West Buford Street Extension when, as they neared a
right-angle bend in the road, they suddenly saw a metallic object directly in front of them. This
object was descending when they first saw it, Hutchins said, and was about twenty feet above the
ground. He described it as being spherical, like a ball, with a wide, flat rim around it. There were no
lights or portholes visible on it. It was completely dark, reflecting a dull gold color in the headlights
of the police car. Their car did not stall.
As the object settled to within a few feet of the ground, both men got out of their car in a state of
benumbed amazement. Later Hutchins estimated that the object must have been about twenty feet in
diameter. A small door suddenly opened noiselessly on the underside of the sphere, he said, and a
short ladder, four to six feet long, dropped down. White light poured out of the opening, but neither
man could see anything in the interior. A figure appeared in the doorway, descended the ladder, and
walked slowly and deliberately toward the two police officers. When the figure reached a point
about fifteen to twenty feet from the two men, it stopped.
”He didn't move stiffly,” Officer Hutchins told us. ”He moved just like anybody else, but kind of
slow... like he was taking his time. He wasn't scared of us or anything like that.”
In appearance ”he was about the size of a twelve-year-old boy... maybe four feet.” He wore no
helmet or headgear and was dressed in ”a gold suit with no buttons or zippers.” His costume was
shiny, like metal, in the reflection of the headlights. It was not self-luminous.
”We were both kind of shaky and scared,” Hutchins admitted frankly. ”So he did most of the
talking. When we asked questions, he wouldn't answer us, but just went right on talking.”
Hutchins could not remember seeing the feet of the creature. It was standing in high grass and the
feet must have been hidden. Unfortunately, our interview took place a full year after the incident,
and both men had understandably forgotten small details. They could not even remember the full
context of the ”conversation.”
”He talked real good... like a college graduate,” Hutchins claimed. ”Didn't have any accent or
anything. He acted like he knew exactly what he was saying and doing... didn't make any quick
moves or false moves. He just stood there and talked to us.”
What exactly was said? Officer Hutchins recalls that he stammered out a question like, ”What are
you doing here?” The creature didn't reply, but asked a question of his own. ”He wanted to know
why we were both dressed alike,” Hutchins said. ”So I guess we told him we were police officers.”
”His speech was very... very precise. He pronounced each word very carefully. I can't remember
everything he said now... but it wasn't anything very important. I asked him where he was from but
he didn't answer. He just laughed. He had a funny kind of laugh.”
The confrontation was brief, perhaps only two or three minutes. Then, Hutchins said, the creature
announced: ”I... will... return... in... two... days.” He returned, walked slowly back to the ladder, and
climbed into the object. The door closed quietly and the craft began to whirr. ”It wasn't like those
whirring sounds in science-fiction movies... there was no screeching to it,” Hutchins observed. ”It
was soft, like an engine with a muffler on it.” The object rose slowly and vanished into the sky.
The two policemen said they stood there for a few minutes in stunned silence before they finally
pulled themselves together and returned to the police station.
They went back to the site the next day with a local councilman named Hill and found several fresh
footprints in the exact spot where the ”little man” had stood. ”They looked like children's
footprints,” Hutchins said. No casts were made.
Hutchins appeared to be a straightforward, honest witness. There were many details he could not
remember, and it seemed he did not attempt to embellish his story at all. His reputation in Gaffney
was excellent. Careful cross-examination failed to uncover any discrepancies in his narrative. Later
we spoke to A. G. Huskey on the phone (we did not meet him). He confirmed Hutchins' story, but
said he wanted to forget the whole thing. He had left the force and now operates his own business in
Gaffney, a town of about ten thousand.
Neither Hutchins nor Huskey had read any UFO literature before the incident, nor do they seem
very interested in such literature now. They were not aware of the numerous other far-flung
contactee stories in which the witnesses also reported that the UFOnauts declared they would return
at a specific time (as a number of the South American cases cited earlier).
Both men revisited the landing site nightly for two weeks after the incident without seeing anything
unusual. However, they did see a large orange ball sailing across the sky a few days later.
”Anyway, we don't know how long his days are,” Hutchins observed sagely.
When the Soviet Union experienced a rash of UFO sightings in the 1960s, Communist officials
accused the U.S., particularly the CIA, of being behind it all as part of a sinister ”capitalist plot,”
according to TASS, the official Soviet news agency. They were particularly suspicious of the
outbreak of religious phenomena in Tashkent when small children excitedly reported seeing visions
of a beautiful lade. Atheism was the official Communist policy and appearances of BVMs (Blessed
Virgin Mary) were darkly frowned upon. But when a new flying saucer blitzkrieg occurred in the
mid-1980s, the Russians changed their tune and started to take the subject very seriously. There
were UFOs everywhere in an eerie repetition of the great waves that engulfed America in the 1950s
and '60s. All of the old familiar manifestations swept Russia. There were powerful beams of light
scanning the ground from some unknown source in the sky. Multicolored light forms danced and
frolicked across Siberia while a wide variety of unspeakable monsters stomped about the landscape
often leaving mundane substances in their wake as proof of their presence.
Schoolchildren in Voronezh created worldwide headlines in September 1989 – even the staid New
York Times printed the story – when they told of seeing giant three-eyed creatures clambering out of
a circular object in a park. Impossibles and Incomprehensibles were all over the place. Scores of
reputable, skeptical Soviet scientists suddenly became avid UFOphiles. Scientific symposiums were
organized to discuss the arrival of frightening freaks from outer space. Flying saucer magazines
appeared on Soviet newsstands. Nobody blamed the CIA anymore.
There were some cynics, of course, like Konstantin Feoktistov, a Russian Cosmonaut, who noted:
”As should have been expected, the miracle in Voronezh appeared to a pure and innocent adolescent
of around ten or twelve. Ordinary boys of this age are usually eagerly looking all over for piratic
exploits. But our laddie is entirely different.
”They say that the Voronezh regional Party subcommittee has set up a special commission on
aliens. But to my mind, it would be much better to erect a monument to the smart adolescent...”
An article in the official Soviet Military Review, June 1989, as quoted in Antonio Huneeus' UFOs,
Psychic and Paranormal Phenomena in the U.S.S.R., stated: ”We believe that so far the study of
UFOs has not paid due heed to some specific features, as well as the mechanism of human
perception of the world around us. Frequency parameters of UFOs and the limited speed of
processing information in the eye-brain system breed so-called metaphoric deformities.
Eyewitnesses see not the object itself, but their own individual or accepted idea of it.”
Metaphoric deformities. That was a new term for all this.
The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 did not spell the collapse of Russian UFOlogy. Symposia
and conferences are still taking place in the major cities, with the participants sharply divided about
extraterrestrials from outer space or ultraterrestrials from inner space. New sightings and landings
continue to occur. New mysteries continue to unfold.
The whole UFO/monster phenomenon is like a Chinese nest of boxes. Open one and you find
another one inside. Since the early days of the flying saucer scare UFOlogists have carefully noted
that UFOs seem to spend a lot of time around our atomic energy installations and other sites of
strategic importance. But it is also true that an equal number of UFO sightings and events seem to
be concentrated around gravel pits, garbage dumps, and cemeteries. In fact, it is probable that many
of the earlier cemetary ”ghost” sightings were actually UFO manifestations.
Our funny creatures also seem to be dispersed among and even interchangeable with our more
bizarre monsters. When they are not hanging around atom bomb factories and garbage dumps, they
are sniffing around oil wells and refineries, even in the heart of cities. One puzzling creature report
which seems to be a mixture of many things took place in Erie, Pennsylvania, in 1966.
On the night of July 31, 1966, a glowing object chose to land on a deserted beach in Presque Isle
Park, Erie, Pennsylvania, while five young people, in a car stuck in the sand a few hundred feet
away, watched. After it landed, the object projected strange beams of light into a nearby woods.
Then a tall, dark figure shuffled up to the car and terrified the witnesses, leaving a scratch on the
roof of the vehicle. The next day quantities of silicon were found at the landing site, along with
some peculiar cone-like indentations in the sand. The Presque Isle police vouched for the witnesses,
and said that they were sincerely frightened. Scores of other people in Erie reported seeing unusual
aerial lights that same night.
When we went to Erie to investigate this case we found a curious note in the police files. A woman
had called them to report another monster sighting. This one on West Third Street, facing Erie
Harbor and directly across from Presque Isle. The woman, Mrs. Julie Helwig, told us that she was
awakened by barking dogs at 5:30 A.M. on the morning Wednesday, August 3, 1966, and when she
looked out the window she saw a human-shaped being about five feet six inches tall. It was clothed,
she said, in a yellow jacket and yellow trousers with no discernible pockets, belts, or other features.
The head, she said, was huge, moon-shaped, and when seen from the side the back appeared to be
flat. This head was covered with ”straggly” brown hair – a muddy color. The creature had very big
shoulders and a slender build. It moved with a stiff, jerky mechanical motion, holding its arms close
to its sides. The arms did not move at all. Its legs did not bend at the knees. ”He moved,” she said,
”like a mechanical wind-up toy.” Local dogs were barking at its heels but it ignored them.
The sight of this creature frightened her and she woke up her husband. He looked out the window
but, since he was not wearing his glasses, he said he only saw ”something moving.” The creature
appeared across from the United Oil Storage Tanks on West Third Street and walked stiffly out of
Another woman in the area saw a similar creature that same week. This woman, who wants to
remain anonymous, said she was driving down Third Street late at night when she saw the creature.
She stopped her car. It came up to the car, ”pounded on the hood,” then moved off into the darkness.
Like so many other witnesses to the unbelievable, Mrs. Helwig felt very alone because no one took
her story seriously. She had never heard of any similar stories herself. Now she knows that she has
plenty of company. [Compare Mrs. Helwig's description with Cases 13 and 14 in Chapter 10.]
Who or what are all these assorted spacemen, monsters, beasts, and bogeymen? It does look as if
some of them – perhaps all of them – hitch rides aboard flying saucers. If so, do they all come from
a single place, or are we being invaded by a hundred different groups from a hundred different
unknown places?
Most of these monsters and humanoids obviously breathe our atmosphere without any trouble.
Some of them seem to be able to speak our languages. If they come from another planet, then it
must have environmental conditions almost identical to our own. The odds, our astronomers keep
telling us, are against this possibility.
Do all of these characters know each other? Could it be that they are working in unison to
accomplish their goals – whatever those goals might be?
In one little-publicized incident the footprints of both giants and dwarfs were found together in the
vicinity of a single UFO touchdown. It happened on December 24, 1960, outside of Durango,
Colorado. On that Christmas Eve over a dozen witnesses saw a huge, intensely-lighted object swing
down from the sky and disappear among the trees on a nearby peak. ”At the top of it you could
definitely see a circle or dome,” Wade Folsom later told the Durango Herald, ”and every foot or so
apart were lights... I wouldn't call them windows, because they didn't look like ordinary windows...
They seemed to revolve – to flop over, one row after another.”
The next day the Folsom's pet dog dashed into the house in a state of terror and died at their feet.
Members of the family went up the mountainside and discovered an area where overhanging tree
limbs had broken off. They found a vast number of footprints, unlike anything they had seen in the
mountains before. Undersheriff Myron Darmour and Deputy Bill Hiser later visited the site and
reported that one set of prints were ”definitely human” even though they were fifteen inches long.
They were accompanied by other human-like footprints only five inches in length. These tracks led
to a deserted mountain cabin, circled around it, and returned to the touchdown site.
A dog belonging to a neighbor of Folsom's reportedly disappeared on the night of the sighting and
was never seen again.
Could it be that the ”little men” and the giants are preparing to gang up on us?
We have made a grave but human mistake in trying to lump all these things together into a simple
framework – assuming, for our peace of mind, that the unidentified flying objects are visitants from
another planet, here merely to survey us before establishing contact. If all of this is the work of a
superior intelligence from somewhere out there, it is infinitely more complicated than the UFO
buffs have dreamed of. The deeper you plunge into this subject, the more complex it all becomes.
One answer raises one hundred more questions.
Many of the objects and their occupants are openly hostile to us and have proven this in case after
case. Almost all of the thousands of reports prove that ”they” are conducting a vast program here as
secretly as possible. Perhaps they occasionally plant ”monsters” in ”flap” areas and stage absurd
events just to reinforce our skepticism and disbelief.
Are they buying time with our stupidity?


In 1897 a farmer named Alexander Hamilton signed an affidavit swearing that he and his family had
seen an illuminated ”derigible,” occupied by very strange-looking beings, carry off one of his
heifers. The animal's hide was said to have been found in a nearby field the next day. This story has
been written up in almost every UFO book on the shelf. Unfortunately, it has proven to be a hoax,
something Mr. Hamilton contrived to entertain the local Liars' Club (such clubs were once a popular
rural diversion). However, it is a sobering fact that real animal disappearances and mutilations occur
with disturbing regularity in UFO ”flap” areas, just as they seem to be an integral part of the general
”monster” scene.
Three farmhands outside of Twin Falls, Idaho, told police that a glowing elliptical machine settled
in a field near an isolated steer on September 7, 1956. The men started to run towards it but it shot
upwards and disappeared. The steer apparently went with it, for it was gone. Another case, later
discounted as an April Fool's Day joke, appeared in west coast newspapers in 1963. A bewildered
farmer in Chileno Valley, California, was supposed to have reported that a flying saucer had
stampeded his herd of cattle. Aroused by the rumpus, he reached the scene just in time to see a
group of ”short men in white coveralls” grab a calf and haul it into the object.
A farmer in Isola, Italy, accused ”three dwarves in metallic diving suits” of stealing several of his
pet rabbits on November 14, 1954. He claimed he caught the thieves red-handed near his hutches.
He said he had seen a bright cigar-shaped machine land nearby and had grabbed his rifle. But when
he confronted the rustlers the rifle not only failed to fire but became so heavy he had to drop it.
Then he found himself paralyzed, unable to move or speak, while the little men carried his rabbits
off to the object and flew away.
In South America that UFOlogist paradise, police officials investigating extensive flying saucer
reports in Barcelos, Brazil, in September 1962, learned that seventeen chickens, six pigs, and two
cows had all vanished during the UFO wave. A man also disappeared during that ”flap.” His name
was Telemaco Xavier, and he vanished near the village of Vila Conceiçao late on the night of
September 1, 1962. Three plantation workers testified that they had seen a lone man walking down
a deserted road that night, when an illuminated circular object spraying sparks swept down from the
sky. Three men leaped out, grabbed the lone stroller, and dragged him off. Whether of not Señor
Xavier was that man remains unproven. But he was never seen again.
Minutes away from New York City several pigs reportedly vanished from their well-protected pens
at the Agricultural College in Farmingdale during August 1967. There had been repeated power
failures in the area throughout the summer, and many flying saucer sightings had taken place there.
We visited the college and learned that single pigs had been removed from several different pens.
Since the pigs were enclosed by high fences, it would have seemed more reasonable for an
intelligent pig thief to confine his activities to one pen.
At 10:00 P.M. on February 5, 1968, many people in Farmingdale proper said that a large luminous
sphere had appeared over the town.
West Virginia and Ohio have had all kinds of animal mysteries since their UFO ”flap” began in
1966. Shortly after sundown on the evening of November 14, 1966, Newell Partridge of Salem,
West Virginia, was watching television when suddenly the set ”began to make noises like a
generator.” As he decided to take a look outside, his thoroughbred German shepherd, Bandit,
”started carrying on something terrible.” He flashed a light into a neighboring field and saw what he
described as two bright red glowing objects. Bandit growled and ran into the field. The lights
vanished, and the dog was never seen again.
A week later another West Virginian, a man who asked to remain anonymous ”because people think
those who see this thing are crazy,” reported that a cigar-shaped object that ”sounded like a
Washington time signal” landed in his yard. His dog ran toward the object and was apparently
attacked by something before the object flew off. The animal limped back bloody and badly
Across the Ohio River, William Watson's German shepherd disappeared early in November and was
found a week later in the center of an isolated field on Georges Creek Road outside of Gallipolis,
Ohio. The knee-high grass around the dog's body was pressed flat in a perfect circle twenty feet in
diameter. Although there was no sign that the dog had been attacked by any known animal every
bone in its body was crushed and there was absolutely no blood in evidence.
When we visited Gallipolis in December of that year, we discovered that many people had seen
unidentified flying objects around Georges Creek Road. Mrs. Marilyn Taylor told us that she had
been driving there at 7:15 P.M. on the evening of December 9, 1966, when a circular reddish-orange
light appeared in front of her car at telephone-pole-height. It bobbed up and down, she said, and
flashed beams of light towards the road. ”It was the size of a helicopter, but it was no helicopter,”
she declared. She said she followed it for about a mile until she reached a well-lighted area near a
transformer installation. Then the object shot into the air and disappeared. Her four children were
with her in the car, and her six-year-old boy expressed great fear of the object.
A nurse who lives on a farm with her two teen-aged children outside of Gallipolis, sought us out
and told us a long and involved story about her experiences with the objects and their occupants.
She keeps cows on her farm and she claimed that someone was butchering them in her fields. She
had seen the ”rustlers” on several occasions and had gone after them with a shotgun. ”They're tall
men in white coveralls,” she explained. ”And they can certainly run and jump. I've seen them leap
over high fences from a standing start.”
This woman, whom we will call Mrs. Bryant, had seen large luminous spheres at treetop level
around her home. Furthermore, she claimed that an elderly couple who had lived on her property for
years had often told her about the strange lights in the area. Sightings went back thirty years. The
couple had described them as being like ”a lantern on a stick that somebody waves back and forth in
the hills.”
Mrs. Bryant's troubles with cattle ”rustlers” had started back around 1963-64. Her house had burned
to the ground during that period and she built a new one-story ranchhouse on the same site. The
cattle ”rustlers,” she explained, had ruthlessly butchered a number of her animals very expertly. But
they didn't seem to want the choice steak cuts. Instead they rather pointlessly removed the brains
and other organs of little commercial value. And there was never any blood in evidence. She had
complained repeatedly to both the police and the FBI.
Her children confirmed that strange things were also happening to their telephone, and Mrs. Bryant
was convinced that someone was tapping it. She also said that she had once awakened alone in the
house, unable to move, and felt a wave of almost overpowering heat as she heard the kitchen door
open. She had double-locked it before going to bed, she assured us. While she lay there helplessly,
she said she saw a tall figure walk through the kitchen and apparently go out another locked door on
the other side. That door, we discovered when we visited the house, led to nowhere. There were no
steps outside it; only a steep drop to the ground.
Other strange sounds prevaded the house, she claimed. She had heard heavy footsteps on the roof
and loud metallic clangs.
The house is situated on a hill far back from a narrow dirt road and commands a good view of the
surrounding area. Mrs. Bryant's twelve-year-old son told of his own sightings and he also remarked
about the big Air Force ”flying boxcar” cargo planes which frequently flew over the area at treetop
A year earlier we would have put Mrs. Bryant down as paranoid. Her story smacked of a
persecution complex gone amok. But we had heard too many similar tales in our travels to take hers
Have you ever awakened in the middle of the night with the uneasy feeling that there was a stranger
in the room, or in the house? This has happened to nearly everyone at some time or another,
excluding, of course, the incidents in which that someone proved to be a real burglar or prowler. But
it seems to happen too often with UFO witnesses and ”contactees.”
On a warm June evening in 1962, Gregory Sciotti, eighteen, woke up around 11:30 P.M. with that
feeling. He was alone in the little house near Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania, for his mother worked on
the night shift in a nearby factory.
”There was a light in the room,” Mr. Sciotti wrote to us in 1967. ”I quickly tried to get up and found
it impossible to move. I tried to turn my head to see where the light was coming from. This I also
found impossible. It seems as though the only control I had was over my eyelids. The feeling I had
was something like when you're very tired; you know, just too tired to move. Then I heard
something on the steps just outside the door. Something like a heavy breathing sound. I heard it
moving around. I tried to scream to find out if I was dreaming... but I couldn't do anything but move
my eye lids. Then, just like it started, it stopped. The light went out and it was like I was pushing on
something heavy and it suddenly moved.”
He ran down the stairs, badly frightened, grabbed a rifle and loaded it. He called for his dog Teddy,
a collie, who, he knew, was somewhere in the house. But Teddy was gone. He searched the grounds
around the house with a flashlight. He had another dog which was kept tied in the yard. That animal
was also gone.
The next night, he continued, he was sitting in his car in the driveway, talking with a girl friend,
when a strange object rose up from the woods behind the house. Four windows were visible on a
dark oval shape as it passed between the moon and the young couple. It was not an airplane, he
”I feel rather silly discussing this,” he concluded. ”And have never mentioned it to anyone but my
mother and my wife. My mother sort of laughed at me and told me I was dreaming... but there is not
a doubt in my mind that the incident took place. We never did find a trace of our two dogs.”
The best-publicized animal case of 1967 involved Snippy, the pet horse of Mrs. Berle Lewis, which
was found mysteriously butchered near Alamosa, Colorado, that September. Flying saucers had
been reported consistently in the area for over five years, according to Alamosa County Sheriff Ben
Phillips. But he theorized that Snippy was the victim of a stray lightning bolt. A pathologist from
Denver examined the horse's carcass, however, and found that all of the fluid had been drained from
the brain in some manner. He rejected outright the lightning theory. This particular case was badly
muddled by an amateurish investigation and became the center of a totally meaningless controversy.
NICAP's final conclusion was that some hoaxters had hauled a vat of acid out to the field where
Snippy was prancing, slit the animal's throat with a scalpel, built a huge tripod with long, heavy
poles, and lowered the horse into a vat of acid with block and tackle. Then they picked up their
poles and vat and left. Somehow, it is easier to believe that ”little green men” did it.
Whoever killed Snippy left an ordinary terrestrial-type thermometer behind.
Another rather circumstantial case took place in Ontario, Canada, early in November 1967. Two
young men, Terry Goodmurphy and Steven Grexton, said they encountered a circular object about a
hundred feet in diameter on Highway 17, outside of Livingston, Ontario. It was surrounded by an
orange glow, they said, and ”went down towards the highway, stopped for a while, then came
straight up and began traveling towards us. It appeared to be about a hundred feet up.” The boys
were so frightened that they slammed their car into reverse and backed down the highway in a
panic. When officers of the Ontario Provincial Police visited the area, the object was gone, but they
noted the smell of sulfur in the air. That same week two horses belonging to Lorne Wolgemuth in
nearby Sowerby, Ontario, suffered strange cuts. A favorite riding horse, Fury, came to the barn one
morning with a long, clean cut on its neck. When a mare, Susie, failed to turn up for breakfast, its
owner went searching and found the animal dead in a field with its jugular vein deftly cut. That
night, another horse owned by R. Boyer in Thessalon ”went wild.”
We have collected other animal mutilation cases from Pennsylvania, Washington, Oregon, Ohio,
and West Virginia. In December 1967 another cow was found near Gallipolis, Ohio, with the
unkindest cut of all – it had been neatly severed in two ”as if it had been chopped in half by a giant
pair of scissors.” The organs and blood in the lower half had all been removed.
Farmers in central Pennsylvania were so upset by their losses to the phantom animal mutilators that
in 1968 they formed a local organization to try to catch the culprits.
Even though strange lights and mysterious black helicopters were seen in the ”mutes” areas, the
UFO buffs resisted the notion that there might be some link. They ignored the phenomenon even as
the mutes began to spread slowly and systematically westward.
By 1973 the mutilators were at work in the central states and in Puerto Rico where newspapers
began to headline the advent of ”vampires” who were killing domestic livestock and draining blood
from the animals. Prior to his death in 1973, Ivan Sanderson was receiving reports of mysterious
vans cruising through the hills of New Jersey where pet dogs and cats were disappearing in large
numbers. One area in Connecticut lost seven hundred dogs in a brief six-month period. Irate pet
owners all over the Northeast were holding meetings and demanding government action. The
popular theory was that organized gangs were stealing animals to sell to sinister laboratories for use
in grisly tests and experiments. Investigators found, however, that such labs were few and they were
able to get all the animals they needed free from pounds and other legal sources.
When the mutilators moved into cattle country in the western states, ranches armed themselves and
formed posses in a futile effort to solve the mystery. The news media was very slow in recognizing
the epidemic. For the first few years only the local newspapers bothered to mention what was
happening. Sheriffs and law enforcement authorities grumbled impotently about ”Satan worshipers”
making animal sacrifices. In most cases, as we have already noted, only the tongues and sex organs
were removed, usually with such surgical precision that investigating veterinarians were astonished.
In a couple of startling incidents, the cows were still alive when found even though their anuses and
other organs had been neatly snipped out. In every case, blood was absent from the site and from
the carcasses.
Newspapers, news magazines, and the TV networks finally began to pay attention in 1974-75, as
the numbers of dead animals steadily increased. Estimates vary widely but several thousand were
certainly slaughtered in those years. Twenty-three states were affected by 1976 and even the sullen
UFO buffs grudgingly admitted that maybe something untoward was happening... even though the
saintly space people certainly couldn't be blamed.
Other countries around the world, including Australia, Sweden, China, parts of Africa and South
America, began reporting mutes, all sharing the characteristics of the U.S. mutilations. In 1980 the
mutilators moved into Canada where the Canadian Royal Mounted Police lowered a curtain of
censorship on the news reports for a few months, perhaps in the erroneous assumption that they
could solve the mystery. In the U.S. a government grant of $30,000 was given to Kenneth Rommel,
an ex-FBI agent, to perform a study of the mutes. He concluded it was all the work of ”predators.”
Not satisfied with this, a New York paperback house doled out $100,000 to a Greenwich Village
bartender and he spent a month visiting western ranches. His book, which appeared years later,
suggested the ranchers were exaggerating the number of mutilations and that it was mostly the fault
of overenthused UFO buffs... the same buffs that had flatly refused to recognize the problem until
the mutes began to appear almost at their front door.
In Colorado a petite brunette TV anchorperson, Linda Moulton Howe, visited ranchers and
produced an award-winning documentary, Strange Harvest, in 1980. She became so fascinated with
the subject that she put her career on hold and toured the world, investigating new mute cases and
lecturing about them. The mutilators remained busy throughout the 1980s and farmers were
shooting ineffectively at the black helicopters that often appeared silently over fields where dead
animals were found.
Mute reports were still coming in from Canada, Oklahoma, and scores of other places in the early
1990s. When the police in Fyffe, Alabama, were accused of engaging in a mute ”cover-up” in 1993,
Marshall County Sheriff Ben Gamel responded: ”Why in the Lord's name would we have anything
to cover up? We have had surgically mutilated animals in this county. I've never denied that.”
Police officer Ted Oliphant said he had investigated thirty-five cattle deaths since October 1992,
and only three of those could be explained as the work of buzzards or coyotes. People in Fyffe have
been seeing strange lights in the sky for over thirty years, along with black helicopters that bear no
markings or license numbers.
We know that animal mutilations have been taking place almost continuously for decades and not
one single person has been arrested for any of them. Some police departments favor the satanic cult
explanation but no cults have been located and no cultists have been caught in the act. The sheer
numbers of mute cases seems to preclude that theory. In any case, cults usually sacrifice small
animals like chickens. In some cases, such as Plano, Texas, in 1991, six cats were found after they
had been dissected with a sharp instrument. They may have been the victims of some magical ritual.
Human beings have been found mutilated in a few instances in New Jersey and in the western
deserts but police found it easy to trace these crimes to local cults.
What's the total score over the years? We can only guess. Some of the affected ranchers have
estimated that around 10,000 animals are mutilated annually. This is probably much too high. But if
only two hundred were killed every year for the past thirty-five years that would be a total of 7,000.
That's a lot of animal blood!
It seems that animal blood is not all that ”they” are after, either.
In the wee hours of a rainy morning early in March 1967, a Red Cross Bloodmobile, laden with
freshly collected human blood, was driving along Highway 2 next to the Ohio River, en route to
Red Cross headquarters in Huntington, West Virginia. The driver was Beau Shertzer, and he was
accompanied by a young nurse. As they hit a completely deserted stretch of road, a large glowing
object lifted from a nearby hill and swooped over the vehicle. Shertzer rolled down his side window
and looked up. He was horrified to see that some kind of arm or extension was being lowered from
the glistering machine cruising only a few feet above the Bloodmobile. The nurse saw another arm
reaching down on her side of the truck. It looked as if the flying object was trying to wrap a pincer-
like device around the vehicle. The nurse went into hysterics, understandably, and Shertzer opened
the engine up wide, trying desperately to outrun the thing. Apparently they were saved by the
sudden appearance of headlights from approaching traffic. As the other cars neared, the object
retracted the arms and hastily flew off.
To this day Beau Shertzer refuses to drive along that highway.
Was this a case of a UFO making a deliberate attempt to pick up a Bloodmobile and carry it off to
some secret place? We can only speculate but it all sounds very ominous.
Some UFO theorists have speculated that terrestrial animal matter is important to the UFOnauts as
raw material for the construction of solid physical entities.
An alternative to collecting animal matter for the creation of physical beings would be to enlist the
aid of terrestrials sexually for the purpose of crossbreeding and creating a new species that would be
neither human nor – whatever ”they” are. There are a number of astounding incidents which seem
to suggest that such biological experiments are actually taking place.
In occult lore there is a well-known historic phenomenon which has been heavily documented for
centuries and has involved thousands of people, both male and female. This phenomenon involves
the appearance of nonhuman entities who seduce and have sexual intercourse with their victims. An
incubus is a male ”demon” who attacks sleeping females and fornicates with them. In many cases
these entities return night after night. Such ”demon lovers” are discussed in ancient literature and
psychiatrists are well familiar with the phenomenon. It seems to extend beyond mere sexual fantasy.
There is sometimes physical evidence that the victim has experienced actual intercourse.
One weird case is fully described in a book titled UFO Warning by New Zealander John Stuart. He
became obsessed with the UFO phenomenon in the early 1950s and was assisted in his research by
an attractive young lady he calls Barbara. After making some close UFO sightings in 1954 and
receiving anonymous threatening phone calls ordering them to discontinue their UFO studies,
Barbara claimed that she returned home one night to find a foul odor in her apartment. Then she
was brutally attacked by a creature she could not see. She said that it had a skin the texture of
sandpaper. It raped her and left her body covered with small scratches. Later both Stuart and the girl
saw a weird, loathsome monster with spindly limbs and covered with hair. ”It had no hands, the
long fingers jutting from the arms like stalks,” Stuart wrote.
From time to time cases of this type receive worldwide publicity. A Reuters dispatch from Pretoria,
South Africa, examined one such case in April 1968. A widow named Mrs. Anna de la Rovera
protested to authorities that her house was haunted. In February 1968 she returned home one
evening and found a man dressed in gray sitting on her front porch. When she asked him what he
wanted, he ”simply stood up and walked into the house through the closed front door.” The
mysterious stranger appeared frequently after that, often invading her bedroom and ”making
amorous advances” to her.
”About a month ago after I had gone to bed one night,” she told reporters, ”I saw a dark apparition
coming out of the kitchen. It was covered with long hair, and I particularly remember its long,
curved fingernails.”
Her children also saw this specter. Mrs. Rovera appealed to the Pretoria City Council for new
The female counterpart of the incubus is known as a succubus; a female entity which materializes in
the bedrooms of males and seduces them. The succubus phenomena is very real to priests and
monks, and there are innumerable instances in which ravishing ladies supposedly materialized in
their cells and tried to lure them into enjoying the sins of the flesh.
Often the appearances of these entities are accompanied by ghost-like manifestations. Objects move
of their own accord, pictures are wrenched from walls by unseen hands, and doors open and close
by themselves. Busy poltergeists also seem to be directly linked to the UFO phenomenon, as we
shall see further on.
If the UFOnauts are essentially alien but human in form, it might make sense for them to conduct
crossbreeding experiments in an effort to produce beings with the full capability of breathing and
functioning in the earthly environment. Such experiments have purportedly been going on for
several years, although the victims are very reluctant to reveal their identities for perfectly obvious
In these cases, young men, usually from college communities, are taken aboard the objects and
introduced to alien females. A student from a West Virginia college underwent this type of
experience in the spring of 1967. Immediately after he was released from the UFO he went to a
local hospital and submitted himself to a thorough examination which confirmed his claims. Two
young men on Long Island also told me the same kind of story in the summer of 1967. One claimed
to have performed as a voluntary breeder several times. He later suffered a spell of amnesia.
The best known case of this type occurred in Brazil in 1957 and was carefully investigated by Dr.
Olavo T. Fontes, a prominent physician in Rio and one of the world's leading UFOlogists. Dr.
Fontes filed a very long and detailed report with APRO at the time, but since the case was so
unusual, it was not publicly revealed until 1966.
The ”victim's” name was Antonio Villas Boas, a twenty-three year old farmer in the state of Minas
Gerais. He told Dr. Fontes that four small men in gray one-piece suits and helmets took him aboard
a saucer-shaped craft late on the night of October 15, 1957. There a sample of blood was extracted
from him and he was placed in a chamber containing a couch. Smoke came from vents around the
ceiling, he said, and created a gaseous mixture which smelled like ”burning oil cloth” and made him
sick to his stomach. After he had adjusted somewhat to this new kind of atmosphere, the door
opened and a nude girl entered. She was very pale, short, had high cheekbones, elongated eyes, a
very pointed chin, and very thin lips. Her hands were ”very long and narrow.”
The healthy farmer did what comes naturally. Twice, in fact, he bragged. At the conclusion of the
proceedings his strange mate patted her stomach and pointed towards the ceiling. Boas came down
with symptoms of radiation poisoning after he was released, and these symptoms were still present
when Dr. Fontes examined him a month or so later. Many of the smaller details of his once-utterly
preposterous story have now been verified by more recent events in other parts of the world. His
description of both the entities and some writing he saw on a door in the craft matches the
descriptions of Betty and Barney Hill, the New Hampshire ”contactees,” and they could not
possibly have ever heard of Boas.
Mrs. Hill recalled under hypnosis that a long needle was driven into her navel by the UFOnauts, and
Barney complained that some cold instrument was placed over his genitals (he later developed a
ring of warts in that region).
One of the American males who told me of having an out-of-this-world sex experience said that the
female he met was about five feet two inches tall, spoke little English, and had very thin silvery
hair. No nauseous gas was injected into that saucer boudoir but he was given something ”thick and
syrupy” to drink before he was introduced to the girl.
Dr. Jacques Vallee has researched this type of event in depth, burrowing into the records of the
Catholic Church and the demonological literature. Incubi and succubi have traditionally been
regarded as manifestations of the devil. In the Celtic countries the ”little people” have been credited
with bizarre sexual activities often accompanied by hallucinations just as intriguing as the modern
stories of hanky-panky aboard flying saucers. ”The devil does not have a body,” Dr. Vallee writes.
”Then, how does he manage to have intercourse with men and women?... All the theologians
answer that the devil borrows the corpse of a human being, either male or female, or else he forms
with other materials a new body for this purpose.” [Dr. Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia,
Chapter Four.]
If there is any validity to this theory, then we can speculate that Boas' strange mate was somehow
constructed from the blood which the ”spacemen” first extracted from him. In studying percipients
who have made similar claims, we have detected factors which indicate that all – or a large part – of
what they remembered was a confabulation or dream-like hallucination. While they had a vivid
memory of their experiences aboard a flying saucer, it is probable that they actually had a different
kind of experience altogether, the memory of which was somehow erased and replaced by a flying
saucer illusion.
Our problem is therefore complicated by the necessity for finding a method to get at the forgotten
experience. It is futile to record and preserve the endless details in the remembered hallucinations.
The seemingly strongest UFO evidence – the landings and contact stories – thus become the
weakest links in the chain.


A blazing white light ”as big as a car” nearly scraped the 550-foot-tall television tower outside of
Pompton Lakes, New Jersey, site of the large DuPont explosives factory, on the night of October 11,
1966. A policeman and his wife watched the object move slowly northward and disappear beyond
the neighboring hills.
On the other side of those hills, Sergeant Benjamin Thompson and Patrolman Edward Wester, of the
Wanaque Reservoir Police, observed the same light at about 9:45 P.M. as it swooped low over the
reservoir. ”The light was brilliantly white,” Thompson said. ”It lit up the whole area for about three
hundred yards. In fact, it blinded me when I got out of the patrol car to look at it, and I couldn't see
for about twenty minutes afterwards.”
Forty miles south of Wanaque, in Elizabeth, New Jersey, two boys had a frightening experience that
October 11, at approximately the same time that Officers Thompson and Wester were watching the
glowing object cavort above the reservoir. There had been a number of aerial sightings in the
vicinity of Elizabeth the previous week, apparently clustered around the New Jersey Turnpike
which slices through that city. New Jersey newspapers from one end of the state to the other were
filled with UFO reports during that period.
The two boys, James Yanchitis and Martin ”Mouse” Munov, were walking home along Fourth
Street and New Jersey Street when they reached a corner parallel to the turnpike. The turnpike is
elevated and there is a very steep incline dipping down from the busy thoroughfare to Fourth Street.
A very high wire fence runs along the street, making it impossible for anyone to scramble up the
incline to the turnpike. There are bright street lights on that particular corner. It was on this corner
that the two young men encountered ”the strangest guy we've ever seen.”
Yanchitis spotted him first. ”He was standing behind that fence,” the youth said later. ”I don't know
how he got there. He was the biggest man I ever saw.”
”Jimmy nudged me,” Mouse reported, ”and said, 'Who's that guy standing behind you?' I looked
around and there he was... behind that fence. Just standing there. He pivoted around and looked
right at us... and then he grinned a big old grin.”
Three days later we visited Elizabeth, accompanied by UFO lecturer James Moseley and actor
Chuck McCann. We interviewed the boys separately at length in the home of Mr. George Smythe
and they both told the same identical story. The man was over six feet tall, they agreed, and was
dressed in a ”sparkling green” coverall costume that shimmered and seemed to reflect the street
lights. There was a wide black belt around his waist. McCann, who was the star of his own TV
series in New York, is a very large man about six feet two inches tall, but both boys said the person
they saw was bigger than McCann and much broader. He had a very dark complexion and ”little
round eyes... real beady... set far apart.” They could not remember seeing any hair, ears, or nose on
this figure, nor did they notice his hands. He was standing in the underbrush behind the fence and
his feet were out of sight.
There had been some incidents of violence in the neighborhood, and the boys did not stop to study
this strange character. They ran home. Later there were rumors in the area that ”a tall green man”
had chased a middle-aged resident down the same street that same night. We were unable to track
those rumors down.
The big mystery seemed to be: how did this man get behind that fence and what was he doing
there? We considered the possibility that it might have been a driver whose car or truck was in
trouble on the turnpike overhead but it seemed unlikely that he would have struggled down the very
steep embankment and then just stood fixedly behind the fence. He certainly would have called to
the boys and asked them to make a phone call for him or fetch help. But the boys seemed convinced
that he was just quietly watching a house across the street.
A giant grinning man stood behind a high fence on a street corner in Elizabeth, New Jersey, on the
night of a ”flap.” It hardly proved anything – but we have heard about ”the grinning man” over and
over again in our travels.
A sewing machine salesman from Mineral Wells, West Virginia, Woodrow Derenberger, was driving
home from Marietta, Ohio, on the rainy Wednesday night of November 2, 1966, when an object
”shaped like the chimney of a kerosene lamp” dropped out of the sky and landed on the highway
directly in front of the West Virginian's truck. Derenberger slammed on his brakes and stared in
astonishment as a man emerged from the object and strolled towards him. He described the man as
being about six feet tall, with a dark complexion and slightly elongated eyes. He wore a dark coat
and blue trousers which were ”quite shiny and had a glistering effect.”
As the man neared the door of the truck, Derenberger heard a voice ask him to roll down his
window. The man stepped up to the door with his arms crossed over his chest and his hands hidden
under his armpits. He grinned fixedly at Derenberger and his lips never moved, yet Derenberger
distinctly heard a voice and conversed with this odd gentleman through ”mental telepathy.” Their
discussion was brief and rather pointless. The man said his name was ”Cold” and that he was from
”a country much less powerful” than the United States. He asked Derenberger who he was, where
he was going, and a few other simple questions. Then he said he would be back, returned to the
object, and it flew off.
Woodrow Derenberger, who had never read any UFO literature, thus entered the world of the
”contactees.” A year later he had divorced his wife after having changed jobs and addresses several
times and having repeatedly changed his unlisted phone number. Finally, in December 1967 he fled
to another state and hid for several months, during which time he married another ”contactee” - a
girl many years his junior.
We have interviewed Derenberger several times and have appeared on Long John Nebel's radio
show with him. Gray Barker, publisher of Saucer News, accompanied us on our first trek to Mineral
Wells, and that night we saw some small lights bobbing around in a field behind Woody's house.
Being intrepid UFO investigators, we went into the field to take a closer look. Woody,
unfortunately, had failed to tell us two things – both rather important. First, the fence around the
field was electrified. We discovered this quickly enough and went sailing over it into a large mud
puddle. Our sudden flight discouraged Gray from trying to climb the fence. A few minutes later we
learned that there was a very bad-tampered bull in that field. Our years as bullfight aficionados in
Spain came in handy. Instead of trying to outrun the bull, we stood our ground, flashed our
flashlight in his unhappy face, and bluffed him long enough to stage a dignified retreat.
We never did find out what those little lights were. Derenberger claimed they were being projected
from ”Cold's ship” somewhere overhead. According to his complicated story, ”Indrid Cold” and his
friends frequently visited the farm, often arriving by automobile, for long, friendly chats.
Innumerable witnesses did see strange unidentified objects throughout the area and quite frequently
directly above Woody's house.
The night of his first contact, two other men also reported identical incidents to the Parkersburg
police. We eventually tracked them down and spoke to them (they were not from Parkersburg).
They confirmed our information but said they did not want their names used. ”We don't want to get
involved,” one of them said flatly.
Woody, however, agreed to a press conference and appeared on radio and TV. The local NICAP
subcommittee zeroed in on him, urging him to tell his story to no one but NICAP. He voluntarily
submitted to an extensive physical and psychiatric examination arranged by NICAP. A leading local
psychiatrist conducted the tests. NICAP was nonplussed when the psychiatrist himself became a
”contactee” a month later and now admits to both person-to-person confrontations and telepathic
communications with the UFO entities. While he talks freely about these contacts and his claims
conform to all of the patterns, he naturally does not want his name used. But he has talked
anonymously on radio programs and backed Derenberger to the hilt.
There were many other ”contactees” in the Ohio Valley area, most of whom were completely
unknown to Woody. Only Derenberger's story of November 2 received any publicity (the wire
services circulated it nationwide), but his later experiences are not even known to the hard-core
UFOlogists. It is certainly startling when ”contactees” hundreds of miles from West Virginia recite
details identical to the things Woody had told us privately.
Derenberger is not a learned man. ”Indrid Cold” and his funny companions told him they were from
a planet called ”Lanulos” which was in ”the galaxy of Genemedes.” (Actually Ganymede is a large
satellite of the planet Jupiter.) Woody claims that he has been there and visited a number of cities
where the people wear ”colorful shorts” and all signs, posters, etc. appear to be written in a squiggly
Oriental-like writing. The air and the temperature are identical to Earth's.
We stopped by to see Woody again in the spring of 1967 and found him hiding behind drawn
curtains, trying to avoid the hundreds of UFO believers, skeptics, and the just plain curious who
invaded his property every night and every weekend.
Sixty miles south of Parkersburg, in the little town of Point Pleasant, hundreds of people were
quietly living in fear. About seven miles north of the town there is an expansive World War II
ammunition dump known locally as the TNT Area. This consists of several hundred wooded acres
filled with concrete domes used to store explosives manufactured at nearby plants. Residents of this
thinly populated sector have been seeing strange things in the sky and on the ground since the
summer of 1966.
One family in particular, Mr. and Mrs. James Lilly and their children, have had the full range of
UFO activities around their home on Camp Conley Road, just south of the TNT Area. They first
began seeing low-flying luminous objects early in March 1967 but kept their sightings to
themselves for several weeks. Mr. Lilly, a no-nonsense riverboat captain on the Ohio, was skeptical
at first and tried to figure out a rational explanation.
”It didn't take us long to learn that when our TV started acting up it was a sure sign that one of those
lights was passing over,” Jim Lilly told us that April. ”I didn't think much of all the flying saucer
talk until I started seeing them myself. You've got to believe your own eyes.”
Automobiles in the vicinity of the Lilly home began to display an odd tendency to stall without
cause. By mid-April the word had leaked out that the ”Martians” were visiting Camp Conley Road
every night and carloads of teenagers and adults swarmed over the area. Few were disappointed.
Reporters, policemen, and Mason County Sheriff George Johnson were among the countless
”We've seen all kinds of things,” Mrs. Lilly said. ”Blue lights, green ones, red ones, things that
change color. Some of them have been so low that we thought we could see diamond-shaped
windows in them. And none of them make any noise at all.”
During our in-depth interview with all the members of the Lilly family we uncovered a number of
significant incidents which had seemed totally unrelated to UFOs. In the fall of 1966 the Lillys
started hearing odd noises around their little ranchhouse. They did not discuss these things outside
their family, but they wondered if their home had not suddenly become haunted. Kitchen cabinet
doors slammed in the middle of the night. Mrs. Lilly heard sounds ”like a baby crying.” ”It sounded
so plain,” she said, ”that I looked around the house even though I knew there was no baby here. It
seemed to come from the living room... only a few feet away from me.”
Their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Doris Lilly, who lived in the south end of Point Pleasant, began to
receive strange phone calls early in March 1967. Each evening around 5:00 P.M. her phone would
ring, and when she answered she heard only a bizarre metallic voice speaking in an
incomprehensible language. It was guttural and rapid. These calls came only when she was alone.
”It was as if they knew I came home,” she noted.
The same thing happened night after night. Finally she was afraid to stay alone in the little
bungalow. The phone company examined her lines and could not explain the calls.
Part of our investigative routine includes a discussion of the witnesses dreams during the ”flap”
periods. And one of our carefully phrased key question is: ”Did you ever dream there was a stranger
in the house in the middle of the night?” When we directed this question at the Lillys, Mrs. Lilly
urged her quiet sixteen-year-old daughter, Linda, to tell about the nightmare she had had that
March. Linda was reluctant to discuss it, but with a little coaching from the sidelines she told how
she told how she woke up one night and saw a large figure towering over her bed.
”It was a man,” she said. ”A big man. Very broad. I couldn't see his face very well but I could see
that he was grinning at me.”
”Jim was working on the river,” Mrs. Lilly added. ”And Linda woke me up with a terrible scream.
She cried out there was a man in her room. I told her she was dreaming. But she screamed again.”
”He walked around the bed and stood right over me,” Linda declared. ”I screamed again and hid
under the covers. When I looked up again, he was gone.”
”She came running into my room,” Mrs. Lilly said. ”She said, 'There is a man in my room! There
is!' She's refused to sleep alone ever since.”
When we asked for a full description of this man, Linda said she thought he had been wearing ”a
checkered shirt.”
Occult literature is filled with references to ghosts wearing ”checkered shirts” but the occultists tend
to skip over this seemingly irrelevant detail.
Completely unknown to the Lilly family, the ”man in the checkered shirt” had appeared frequently
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Glines of Pensacola, Florida, starting around 1963. During a
hurricane that year Mr. Glines said, ”I was lying on the couch in the living room with just one dim
light on. I had the feeling that someone was in the room and looked up and saw a heavily built man
about six feet tall wearing a plaid sports shirt.
”I got up and took a couple of steps toward him. As I did, it looked like he took a step backward and
disappeared. I turned on the light and he was gone. I checked the doors, and they were all locked. I
didn't mention it until my son-in-law saw it, because I didn't want to upset my wife.”
The Glines son-in-law, James Boone, revealed that the man had turned up in his bedroom in the
same house. ”I saw a large man,” he said, ”a laboring type person, standing at the foot of the bed. I
couldn't see his face. When I started to get up, he went away.”
Several witnesses heard knockings on the wall of the living room. They finally tore the wall out but
could find nothing unusual. George, Jr., then only two years old, began to talk about his friend Puki,
whom he described as a very big man in a colorful shirt. Mrs. Glines reported that little George
”told me that he couldn't see Puki's face. It wasn't clear.”
Several relatives and friends heard footsteps in the house when there was no one there. In May 1964
the home burned to the ground. ”Puki doesn't like the house all burned,” little George told his
mother. ”But he said he would come back when it was fixed up.”
Burning houses and mysterious fires go hand in hand with the UFO mystery. The sudden
destruction of witnesses' homes has been so frequent that mere coincidence must be ruled out.
A ”contactee” in New Mexico, Paul Villa, part Indian, had his little home burn to the ground soon
after he released some photographs he had taken of UFOs hovering low over his land. In West
Virginia an abandoned building in the TNT Area burned to the ground in the midst of a pouring
rain, much to the bewilderment of the local fire department. Grass fires often erupt in empty fields
hours or days after a UFO has reportedly touched down there.
In some cases the fires might occur weeks of months before the UFO activity begins, as in the case
of Mrs. Bryant, the Ohio woman mentioned earlier. The home of the Jaroslaw family at Lake St.
Clair, Michigan, was gutted by fire two years before Grant Jaroslaw and his brother Dan took some
controversial UFO photographs over the lake on January 10, 1967. The family continued to live in
the basement of the burned-out house, and when UFO investigators later tried to check into the
story behind the pictures they found that the Jaroslaws had changed their unlisted phone number
twice and refused to discuss the photos any further. Air Force Major Raymond Nyls, operations
officer at the nearby Selfridge Air Force Base, told the press, ”These are the most amazing flying
saucer pictures I've ever seen. You can even make out some sort of tail and antenna on the back.”
Dr. J. Allen Hynek stated that he thought the pictures were authentic. But the Jaroslaws became
incommunicado. Why? What kind of nightmare were they actually living?
From Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to the tip of Florida, we have heard of unidentified prowlers
roaming the countryside at night. In Point Pleasant, West Virginia, strange unearthly faces peered
into the windows of homes – windows too high for ordinary men to reach. In 1968 farmers in New
York's Delaware County were chasing a giant, broad-shouldered grinning man with an unruly shock
of silver hair. He was over six feet tall and when pursued he displayed remarkable agility, making
impossible leaps across wide ditches. Witnesses, some of whom claimed face-to-face confrontations
with him, said he had small eyes and a fixed grin. A similar, if not identical, giant prowler appeared
repeatedly in Provincetown, Massachusetts, in 1966-67.
The most recent case of this type comes from Springdale, Arkansas. At 11:00 P.M. on September 6,
1969, a man stared into the bedroom window of Mrs. Barbara Robinson. She called police and
Officer Ken Speedlin ”discovered that anyone who looked through the bedroom window would
have to have been at least seven feet tall... There was nothing in the area of the window on which a
prowler could have stood.” [Northwest Arkansas Times, September 8, 1969.]
In the spring of 1966, an Air Force WAF returned to her ground-floor apartment on the edge of
McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey, one evening and heard a sound in her bedroom. She went to
investigate and found her window open and a pair of very pale hands with extraordinarily long
fingers resting on the windowsill, as if a man were about to climb in. She screamed and the hands
withdrew. She found the Air Police and they searched the area. Later they told her that they had
seen and pursued a prowler – a very tall man ”with his sweater pulled up over his head.” This WAF,
a master sergeant whom we have known for fifteen years, was puzzled by our interest in this
”sweater” detail. We asked her if she had ever seen any monk-like figures, and she recounted an
incredible incident which she had almost completely forgotten.
Several years before she had been staying in a motel in New Mexico when she woke up one night to
find a giant cowled figure standing over her bed. Not a man in a checkered shirt, but a being in a
monk's robe. It extended one arm above her, she said, and she reached out to touch it. The second
her fingers touched the arm the whole thing crumbled and disappeared. ”It felt powdery, like ashes,”
she explained.
What have ”powdery ghosts” got to do with flying saucers?
Such stories are not uncommon, and in several cases the objects themselves have reportedly
disintegrated into powder when struck. On August 18, 1966, a disk-shaped object discharged some
pieces of flaming metal directly over some telephone poles near Lions Lake, New Jersey. The
witnesses retrieved some of this substance which proved to be a honeycombed, aluminum-like
casting. Although they stored it carefully in a jewel box, it rapidly disintegrated, shrinking to the
size of a pea. Since a thorough chemical analysis can cost upwards of one thousand dollars the
metal has never been tested.
Large, broad-shouldered men wearing capes and hoods have been seen all over the world, usually
walking along desolate roads in thinly populated areas. Like many of the other creatures and
characters involved in this mystery, they have an uncanny habit of disappearing without a trace. In
October 1967 three men were driving along Route 2 in West Virginia when they saw a large, caped
man walking beside the road. They stopped and looked back and he was gone. There were open
fields on both sides of the road.
A group of eight men wearing thick black cowls startled motorists near Caterham, England, on July
28, 1963. Witnesses said that the mystery men departed by ”running and leaping across the road...
Their actions were silent and most odd.”
Mr. Jerome Clark sent us the following report in March 1967:

”I have been told of two similar cases in Minnesota... The first incident occurred last April.
According to what the witness told me, he and a friend had been driving along the highway
about 11:30 P.M. They were miles from the nearest town and they could not see any other
cars on the road; since the land in northwestern Minnesota is very flat, their visibility was
almost unlimited. So they were understandably shocked and surprised when in their
headlights they caught three large men walking abreast and toward them from the other lane
of the highway. The men were dressed in black cowls that covered the upper half of their
faces; there were slits for the eyes. The strangers, whoever or whatever they were, paid no
attention to the car and continued on as if it had never passed.
The second incident allegedly occurred here in Canby [Minnesota] several years ago. An
acquaintance of mine was taking a short cut home through an alley several blocks from
where I live. He was not paying any particular attention to the direction he was going and
almost walked into another person in the alley. The stranger seemed quite startled and turned
to stare in surprise. The man was very tall and massive and was dressed in a black cape that
covered the top half of his face; he seemed to be carrying something that resembled a large
black bag.

Perhaps these are the same kind of entities frequently reported as ghosts around deserted
monasteries and seminaries. Certainly if you saw one of these characters stalking through a
cemetery and disappearing suddenly into thin air you would report it as a ghost – if you reported it
at all.
The Paraphysical Laboratory in Downton, Wiltshire, England, carefully records all of the
paranormal and supernatural events in England and issues an annual Classified Directory of
Spontaneous Phenomena. Their 1968 directory includes many incidents which could be catalogued
as either ghost sightings or UFO sightings. For example, on the evening of Saturday, September 21,
1968, Mr. E. Bennett and his fifteen-year-old daughter were returning to their Whipsnade, Kent
home when at the bottom of Bison Hill a conical-shaped mass rose slowly out from a field about
twenty-five yards in front of them. It was six feet tall, they said, with a glowing aura surrounding it
and it seemed to vanish into a solid, impenetrable hedge. [Dunstable Borough Gazette, September
27, 1968.]
Mr. Sidney Webb of Pulham Market, Norfolk, reported that he was walking home along Mill Lane
in February 1968 when he saw a tall luminous shape glide from an entrance in a hedge, travel
slowly along the road, and then disappear. It was about half the height of a telephone pole.
In Otley, Yorkshire, four young girls were taking a short cut home past a churchyard in January
1968 when a tall, dark shape appeared. Though they were very close to it, they could not discern its
face and despite the frosty weather no breath came from the figure. One of the girls screamed but
the figure took no notice and walked away with no sound of footsteps.
The Church House Inn in Torbryan, Devonshire, is said to be haunted for a ”ghost” dressed like a
monk has been seen there, and all kinds of strange sounds, manifestations, and power failures have
taken place there in recent years.
Are ghosts really UFOs and UFO entities, or are UFOs really ghosts? Take your choice. In July
1968 three schoolboys in Cumberland, England, were camping out when they saw a bright UFO-
type light bobbing and weaving over the barren hills of nearby Cumberland Fells. One of the lads,
Owen Moran, had a camera and snapped some pictures. When the film was developed everyone
was amazed to find that the object appeared as a pale light resembling the head of a woman in
profile, wearing a bonnet or cloak tied under the chin!
From Malvern, Arkansas, to Mill Lane in Norfolk, strange and inexplicable things have been
roaming freely and with a minimum of public notice. They walk through walls and solid hedges,
appear and disappear at random and without apparent purpose. Other men in hoods and cloaks stroll
the moors of Scotland and the plains of Minnesota, traveling about on mysterious missions in
isolated places late at night. Still others step out of unearthly flying objects to chat idly with passing
Who are these ”people”?


That grand old UFOlogist of the seventeenth century, Bill Shakespeare, didn't know what he was
starting when he picked up his quill pen to write The Tempest. Centuries later that play about dark
magical forces inspired a movie set far in the future where a group of hardy astronauts battled an
evil invisible demon. The movie, Forbidden Planet, was the forerunner of the popular television
series Star Trek. In other words, if Bill had not existed all those Trekkies out there would have had
to find another glorious obsession.
Even four hundred years ago many scholars and thinkers recognized and carefully studied the very
things you have been reading about in this book. Shakespeare was clearly familiar with the concept
that invisible forces were at work on this planet, shaping our very lives, perhaps even controlling us
by constructing our beliefs and manipulating our emotions. Turn to almost any page of the Bible
and you will find startling statements, handed down by oral traditions for generations before they
were finally recorded on sacred scrolls, describing things in the sky, mysterious entities who guided
mankind, and dark, invisible forces.
For example, in the Book of Zechariah (5:1-3) we are told how Zecharia was chatting with an
”angel” when a flying cylinder soared overhead. The angel nodded sagely and said: ”This is the
curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth.”
So whenever an ancient wanderer saw one of those cylinders, he would just shrug and mumble,
”There goes another one of those curses.” People in Connecticut, Spain, and Scandinavia are still
seeing those strange torpedo-like objects, according to recent reports. Some skim along beaches, a
few feet above the sand. If you touch one, as a boy in London, Ontario, did in the 1960s, you can
get a severe burn.
The issue here, however, is who were all these ”angels” that were buzzing the deserts back in the
biblical days? Religious artists usually depict them as lovely females in white gowns with big
feathery wings and brightly glowing halos around their heads. But in the religious scrolls they are
described as looking like normal human beings dressed in contemporary fashions. Yet something set
them apart from us and they had information about our future as well as magical powers. When they
visited Abraham and his wife who was beyond the childbearing age she became pregnant. They
seemed so like us that the Bible warns us: ”Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some
have entertained angels unawares.”
A man named Zoroaster is generally credited with the creation of the concept of devils and angels
some 2,500 years ago. He was first drawn into a study of the unknown because of the widespread
animal mutilations that were occurring in Persia. Soon he was being visited by a luminous entity
identified as ”Mazda” who was considered to be a god. Zoroaster's theology dominated the Middle
East for centuries.
The angel population burgeoned. According to tradition, an angel named Gabriel impregnated Mary.
Some cynics view this as a religious variation of the Incubus phenomenon. In the 1990s these
ancient ”demon lover” manifestations are being absorbed into the UFO lore as more and more
women come forward with complaints of attacks by invisible entities and spells of pseudocyesis
(false pregnancies). Two men, Budd Hopkins, a painter, and David Jacobs, a history professor, have
revised these ancient mysteries in the context of flying saucers, speculating that extraterrestrial
beings are poking and probing unwary people on remote back roads, perhaps as part of some kind
of celestial genetic research program. Beginning with Betty and Barney Hill, hypnosis has been the
main tool used to extract evidence of these shenangians from the darker reaches of the unconscious
Ever since Dr. Anton Mesmer was run out of Vienna in the nineteenth century, we have known of
the problems involved in using mesmerism – or hypnosis – as evidence of anything. In the mid-
1950s, with the advent of the Bridey Murphy craze, millions of people began hypnotizing each
other to explore their past lives. Reincarnation became the subject of the day and, not surprisingly,
most of us discovered that we had been noble kings and princesses in another age. The unconscious
mind is a notorious prankster and, under hypnosis, delights in producing the kind of information
being sought by the hypnotist. In many cases the hypnotized subject is actually able to read the
hypnotist's mind and tailor his or her ”evidence” to whatever the hypnotist believes in or is seeking!
This is why testimony produced by hypnosis is not permitted in a court of law. If the hypnotist
believes in ghosts, flying saucers, or some weird political idea, the subject will come up with
material to support that belief and will even weave a whole fantasy world around the hypnotist's
thoughts. Some of these fantasies can become very elaborate.
When CBS did a TV special on hypnosis back in the 1960s, a television technician was hypnotized
on camera and told that CBS executives were conspiring to take over the world. That's all he was
told. He immediately launched into a long and very convincing narrative about attending a meeting
of the plotters. He described the room where the meeting was held and each man who was there.
Then he laid out the whole fiendish plan that was discussed. It was very complex and sounded very
real. His unconscious mind had a ball constructing the fantasy and implicating the mild-mannered
technician in the evil scheme. Someone tuning into the show late might have been led to believe
that CBS was, indeed, getting ready to take over the world.
Two other subjects have become embroiled in the hypnosis controversy in the 1990s. One is child
abuse. The other is satanic cults. Thousands of people are now claiming that they were subjected to
sexual abuse when they were small children, usually by a parent. While they have no conscious
memory of this abuse, their unconscious mind has whipped up a complete scenario under hypnosis,
sometimes accusing their father, mother, or grandparents of taking liberties with their private parts
even while they were in their baby cribs. Numerous psychologists and psychiatrists find it profitable
to claim that, based on the hypnotic evidence, millions of people may be affected. Meanwhile, other
shrinks are now studying claims that patients were exposed to wicked satanic rites when they were
tiny tots. They supposedly witnessed horrifying murders and sacrifices that scarred them forever...
until it all came out under hypnosis. An article in the New Yorker magazine, May 17, 1993, states
that police were recently informed ”that satanic cults were sacrificing between fifty and sixty
thousand people every year in the United States, although the annual national total of homicides
averages less than twenty-five thousand.”
Meanwhile, Hopkins, Jacobs, and their contemporaries have conducted opinion polls which, they
feel, indicate that millions of people have been abducted by UFOs and subjected to insidious
physical exams and alien sexual abuse or cosmic rape. Therapy groups for victims of alien
abduction are springing up everywhere and amateur hypnosists are working day and night to get to
the bottom of all this. The alien abduction/child abuse/satanic cult murders craze may outdo the old
Bridey Murphy mania as we barrel towards the millennium. Opinion polls, which are totally
subjective and usually very unscientific, are now used to support all these notions. According to
these polls, as many as sixty percent of the population have had experience with angels. Ninety
percent now believe in flying saucers, mostly because they heard about the saucers on TV or in the
One dissenting voice in this garbled maze is that of famed novelist Whitley Strieber. In the mid-
1980s Strieber found himself in the Twilight Zone when he was made aware of the presence of
small beings in his mountain cabin hideaway. He underwent a series of extraordinary experiences,
including the usual light phenomena and sexual attacks, which he finally put into a nonfiction book
called Communion. Although his agents and editors advised him to forget the whole thing, he
finally got the book published and it proved to be a bombshell. The cover was illustrated by a
painting of a being with a triangular head, lipless mouth, and dark, elongated eyes. A creature
known as ”a grey” to the hardcore UFO buffs. The book jumped off the shelves and sold hundreds
of thousands of copies. It revived the then dying field of UFOlogy (although actress Shirley
MacLaine helped with her New Age books and TV shows) and Strieber made generous financial
contributions to the various UFO clubs and to some of the UFOlogists themselves. They in turn
behaved in their usual manner and turned on him, attacking him in their little newsletters and
slandering him.
By 1991 Mr. Strieber had had enough. He published a three-page letter in which he announced: ”I
am not a UFO researcher and do not wish to endure the continued media attack that is associated
with being involved in this field. In addition, the so-called 'UFOlogists' are probably the cruellest,
nastiest, and craziest people I have ever encountered.”
As for the bizarre abduction accounts, he dismissed them as ”artifacts of hypnosis and cultural
Those ghoulish gray-faced characters observed by Strieber and many others seem to be lodged in
the memories of many of us, perhaps as racial memories from the distant past. A New York artist,
Duncan Laurie, has had a carved bust of a classic grey in his backyard for decades, a product of a
strange episode in his life when he was traveling through South America. Variations on the greys
appear everywhere, in comic books, in bad science fiction, even on the old Star Trek series. That
angular face with its staring eyes and tight mouth has become a part of all of our lives, so strange,
yet so vaguely familiar. Some people remember it as a threat, like our fear of spiders and other
creepy crawly things. A few even get hysterical when they see it on the covers of books or in the
illustrations in tabloids and cult magazines. Religious folk recognize greys as minions of the devil.
Back when horny angels were busy in the Middle East, people were also seeing cherubs or
cherubims. Here again the religious artists have done us all an injustice by portraying the cherubs as
cute little babies with rosy cheeks and happy smiles. Actually, authorities on the Scriptures think
that cherubs were really monsters, sometimes with wings, often with animal-like faces or the
angular countenances of our greys. In the Book of Enoch we are told how Enoch visited a distant
land – maybe another planet – where he saw grim Gregori, described as looking very much like the
greys, mumbling as they trooped past. Our greys do a lot of senseless mumbling, too, according to
percipients who remember under hypnosis being dragged aboard their flying machines.
While angels, like fairies, can come in all sizes and appearances from the very small to normal
human size, the greys are usually described as being diminutive but unusually strong. Like
leprechauns, they are sometimes accompanied by normal-sized, normal-looking human beings. In
the 1980s there was a great upsurge in sightings of a female entity who was often described as
having extraordinarily long fingers and a sharply angular face similar to – if not identical to – the
classic greys. These entities tend to appear before small children and are usually called BVMs.
There has been a worldwide epidemic of BVMs in Ecuador, the Philippines, Europe, Russia,
Yugoslavia, and many parts of the United States. The messages they convey are identical to the
messages of the godlike UFO creatures of the 1950s and '60s. They warn of impending doom and
urge mankind to clean up our act before it is too late. Another characteristic that links the BVMs
with the UFO types is their penchant for appearing on the thirteenth and twenty-fourth of the
month. The BVM in Medjugorje, Yugoslavia, who received extensive worldwide publicity just
before the outbreak of the genocidal war there, first appeared on June 24, 1981.
It can all get very confusing. In the closing years of this century the greys are the subjects of a
literature that threatens to become as vast as the fairy lore of the Middle Ages, and perhaps just as
meaningless. None of it is new. A professor of psychology investigated a classic case in the 1890s,
when a woman named Helene had a long series of experiences with little greys which became the
core of the book From India to the Planet Mars, published in 1900. Today Helene would be
considered a channeler or UFO contactee.
Transmogrification is a ten-dollar word that has been used for centuries to define the process that
occurs in many of these cases. It means change. In case after case the percipient reports seeing a
bright light which comes closer and closer, suddenly changing into an apparently solid object or
entity. Much of our UFO and religious lore is based upon the appearances of such lights. They turn
into angels, fairies, hooded beings, greys, ugly monsters, even into black automobiles and flying
machines. They transmogrify. In reality, the witness lapses into a trance induced by the light and
then hallucinates. When they emerge from this hypnotic-like hallucinatory ”altered” state they note
that a considerable amount of time has suddenly passed and their immediate surroundings may even
have changed. This transposition of time and space then becomes part of the ”mystery.”
There is something out there that we can't see except under special conditions. We probably never
see It in its real form. We see only what It wants us to see, filtered through our conscious and
unconscious minds, manipulated into forms that are acceptable to our particular belief systems. If
we are young and living in a Catholic community, It becomes a BVM. If we are atheistic and
immersed in science and technology, It appears in a mechanical-looking contrivance in the guise of
a being from some distant galaxy.
We have not come very far since Shakespeare's day. A large part of the human race is still dueling
with invisible forces that can scramble our perceptions, juggle our emotions, and play all kinds of
games with our fragile psyches. In the closing years of the twentieth century more and more people
are becoming aware of the true nature of these games through people like Whitley Strieber. More
and more young scientists are beginning to take a serious look at once forbidden subjects like magic
and the supernatural. They are redefining reality itself.


The man in the checkered shirt seems to be just another variation on a phenomenon well known to
those who delve into the psychic and occult world. Bizarre bedroom phantoms are commonplace
everywhere in the world, although they are seldom reported; the published material represents only
a trifling residue. When we discovered that many sane, sober UFO witnesses were receiving visits
from these bedroom apparitions immediately after (or, sometimes, immediately before) their UFO
experiences, we turned our attention to the great mass of neglected reports of this nature. We also
interviewed psychiatrists and doctors who have maintained a peripheral interest in the phenomenon.
Detailed medical studies of the overall problem seem to be nonexistent. There is no clinical
explanation for these manifestations. But some psychiatrists, such as L. J. Reyna of Boston
University, tend to link them with schizophrenia. Mr. Michael Maccoby, in his introduction to
Operators and Things by Barbara O'Brien remarks, ”Barbara's hallucinations are not, however, the
gods and devils common to another age; they are the horrors of Organization Man; they are
reactions to forces blocking attempts at creativity in work and attempts to enjoy relationships of
trust with others.” Miss O'Brien's book is the account of her real and hallucinatory experiences after
the bedroom invaders entered her life.
She begins the book:

Let us say that when you awake tomorrow, you find standing at your bedside a man with
purple scale-skin who tells you that he has just arrived from Mars, that he is studying the
human species, and that he has selected your mind for the kind of on-the-spot examination
he wants to make... It is possible that the Man from Mars may actually disappear within a
few days or a few weeks. There is about a .05 per cent chance of this happening. You are
physically exhausted after the Man has gone back to Mars, and your mind, which had been
racing like a jet plane while the Man was with you, slows down and almost refuses to
function at all.

She was, of course, describing some of the common physical and psychological reactions to UFO
contact. Because the UFO buffs themselves have been actively ridiculing and suppressing such
contacts no proper medical studies have ever been undertaken, and we know practically nothing
about the medical aspects. A very important clue to the whole monster/UFO/ghost phenomena may
be buried in these cases. Millions of people have been affected at least temporarily by UFO contact.
Thousands have gone insane and ended up in mental institutions after their experiences with these
things began. It is scandalous that the only full psychological study of a ”contactee” case was
carried out by a Swiss psychologist in the 1890s and published in 1900. [T. Fluornoy, From India to
the Planet Mars.]
In the past three years we have published two popular magazine articles on these bedroom invaders
and we were amazed by the amount of mail those pieces drew. Many readers wrote to tell us,
sometimes in absorbing detail, of their own experiences with this uncanny phenomenon. In most
cases these experiences were not repetitive. They happened only once and were not accompanied by
any other manifestations. In several cases the witnesses experienced total paralysis of the body. The
witness awoke but was unable to move a muscle while the apparition was present. As we have
already pointed out, this very same kind of akinesia has occurred in many UFO landing cases. It is a
slender thread, perhaps, on which to hang a theory, but we do have more than enough data now to
suspect that both the UFO and bedroom experiences are unreal visions and hallucinations induced
while in a half-awake state. Such visions could possibly be created by some kind of hypnotic
process or by waves of electromagnetic energy which beam thoughts and impressions directly to the
brain. This would mean that the experience was not entirely subjective but was caused by some
inexplicable outside influence.
The mind is unquestionably involved in many UFO and psychic experiences, and, very probably, in
a number of our more bizarre monster sightings. Thus we only see what the phenomenon wants us
to see and we only remember what it wants us to remember. If this is eventually proven then a large
part of our descriptive data is completely false and worthless, and all the charming stories we have
recounted here do not mean a thing.
Back in 1954, UFO buffs were enraged when the subject of flying saucers was brought up at a
White House press conference and President Eisenhower stated flatly that UFOs existed only in the
minds of the witnesses, implying that the whole business was hallucinatory.
Hallucinations would not, however, account for the many radar sightings, photographs, and landing
events which left physical evidence on the ground.
The buffs tend to lump everything hopelessly together and try only to categorize the descriptions of
the objects which are, as we pointed out earlier, so varied that the data negates itself. We must, to be
successful, turn our attention to studying the witnesses and the psychological and physiological
effects they experience. The answer to the whole mystery probably lies in that direction, not in the
The late Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, was an avid investigator of psychic
phenomena and in his book The Edge of the Unknown (1930), he described a personal experience
with nocturnal akinesia. ”It was in my bedroom in Crowborough,” Sir Arthur wrote. ”I awakened in
the night with the clear consciousness that there was someone in the room and that the presence was
not of this world. I was lying with my back to the room, acutely awake, but utterly unable to move.
It was physically impossible for me to turn my body and face this visitor. I heard measured steps
across the room. I was conscious (without seeing it) that someone was bending over me, and then I
heard a voice saying in a loud whisper, 'Doyle, I come to tell you that I am sorry.' A minute later my
disability disappeared, and I was able to turn, but all was black darkness and perfectly still. My wife
had not awakened, and knew nothing of what had passed.”
A man in Phoenix, Arizona, wrote to tell us about waking at 1:00 A.M. on February 26, 1968,
because of a sharp knock on his door.
”I saw a man standing in my room at some distance,” he reported, ”wearing dark clothing... I
couldn't see his face... he was slender and not tall, perhaps five feet nine. He changed position a few
times... and then he was gone.”
On May 25, 1968, another young man reported that he woke up in his bedroom in Superior,
Wisconsin, and saw a huge shape standing over the bed. ”It appeared to be almost six feet six inches
tall,” he said. ”A massive head with huge broad shoulders is the only way I can describe it. It moved
from the right side of the bed to the left and then disappeared.”
In some cases these apparitions are accompanied by vile odors (hydrogen sulfide again?) and the
witnesses often get out of bed and search the house trying in vain to locate the source of the smell.
In other cases physical sensations occur. A woman in Maine reported being awakened one night by
a slap on her face. She looked up and saw a group of dark figures standing around her bed, staring
at her. She sat up and tried to talk to them. A visiting neighbor was staying with her that night and
the talking woke her up. The neighbor saw nothing.
A man in the same area (the witnesses have, unfortunately, requested anonymity in these strange
cases) claimed that he was dozing in his locked car outside the plant where he works when he
awoke to find his loaded revolver on the seat beside him, aimed at him cocked, and ready to fire. A
black form was hovering over him. He said he could not figure out whether the phantom was trying
to shoot him or save him.
There is still another curious aspect to all of these visions. The phenomenon seems to be
”reflective.” It zeros in on people who become interested in almost any esoteric subject. There are
all kinds of cultists and buffs in the United States, advocating all kinds of bizarre beliefs. Most of
these groups have little or no contact with each other. The quiet groups still investigating and
researching the assassination of President Kennedy have been suffering strange harassments
identical to those experienced by UFO buffs and psychic researchers. Their telephones go haywire
(electromagnetic phenomena?), they are followed by mysterious automobiles and suspicious
Oriental-looking gentlemen. Their mail gets fouled up. Students of witchcraft, members of fanatical
religious groups, and even members of civil rights movements and both right and left wing political
groups all become victims of this harassment. And each group tries to find a cause or culprit to
explain it – the most popular being the CIA or the FBI. Actually, thousands of people are
undergoing this kind of harassment continually and no government agency is big enough, has
enough personnel or a big enough budget to be the blame for all these incidents. Nor would any
responsible government agency be motivated to spend a fortune to harass teen-aged UFO buffs and
little old ladies collecting clippings about John F. Kennedy.
We have investigated dozens of harassment events in depth and have been collecting and studying
identical reports from many of the other groups mentioned above. The same techniques are
employed, and it is now apparent that we cannot blame the Communists, the Martians or the CIA.
Some of these events are, of course, purely subjective; that is, as the researcher mires himself
deeper and deeper into his subject, he begins to misinterpret many ordinary coincidences and easily
explained events. To a UFO buff, every black Cadillac becomes a CIA vehicle spying on him.
Those same black Cadillacs hold Communist spies or agents of the Ku Klux Klan, depending on the
cult that looks at them.
In earlier times phantom horsemen were prevalent in the ghost stories. Today mysterious
automobiles that have the uncomfortable talent for appearing and disappearing suddenly into thin
air have replaced them. The phenomenon, it would seem, is keeping pace with our technological
In 1969 a seemingly sensible young man in Massachusetts developed an interest in UFOs and began
investigating cases in his area. Soon he was seeing mysterious men at every turn. Black Cadillacs
containing sinister-looking types parked in front of his suburban home, apparently studying him. At
first he made an effort to record all these events and investigate them logically. But then it began to
affect him, and he suffered fits of paranoia and schizophrenia. We sent a highly qualified
psychiatrist to examine this researcher, and the doctor found the young man sitting near his kitchen
door with a loaded shotgun, ”waiting for the Men in Black.” Finally, the poor fellow developed an
hallucination – an alligator with antennae which followed him wherever he went. This was all a part
of the ”reflective” aspect and a demonstration of how the human mind sometimes crumbles when
faced with the unknown and the inexplicable.
In Coventry, England, a UFO investigator named Brian Leathlet-Andrew terminated his UFO
activities after suffering a series of bizarre experiences in the fall of 1968. One October evening he
was returning home when he encountered this: ”I was by myself. Suddenly I noticed a man standing
by the next-door garage. Nobody had been there before. His face was glowing orange and as I
watched, the face changed to that of an old man before my eyes. You could not describe the first
face in normal terms. It had eyes, nose, and mouth in the proper places but not of the shape that we
associate with the human figure.”
Soon after this entity vanished, Mr. Leathlet-Andrew began to experience strange problems with his
telephone. ”Every time I tried to speak to someone on this subject,” he told the Coventry Evening
Telegraph (December 3, 1968), ”the phone went dead. Since I have given it up I do not have any
He also had problems with local power failures and threatening phone calls. Identical things have
frequently happened to UFO researchers throughout the United States and in Canada. We have
hundreds of cases in our files. Could all of this be the work of random practical jokers or of the
CIA? We think not.
Author Gustav Davidson devoted several years of his life to the study of angels – not UFOs or
Communist conspiracies. But angels. In 1967 he published a very comprehensive Dictionary of
Angels. In the introduction to that work he mentions some of his experiences with this ”reflective”

At this stage of the quest I was literally bedeviled by angels. They stalked and leaguered me,
by night and day. I could not tell the evil from the good... I moved, indeed, in a twilight zone
of tall presences... I remember one occassion – it was winter and getting dark – returning
home from a neighboring farm. I had cut across an unfamiliar field. Suddenly a nightmarish
shape loomed up in front of me, barring my progress. After a paralyzing moment I managed
to fight my way past the phantom. The next morning I could not be sure whether I had
encountered a ghost, an angel, a demon, or God. There were other such moments and other
such encounters, when I passed from terror to trance, from intimations of realms unguessed
at to the uneasy conviction that, beyond the reach of our senses, beyond the arch of all our
experience sacred and profane, there was only – to use an expression of Paul's in I Timothy
4 - ”fable and endless genealogy.”

The most fearsome monsters of all may inhabit the dark corners of our minds witing for us to
release them through our beliefs and gullibility. The phenomenon feeds on fear and belief;
sometimes it destroys us altogether, other times it leads us upwards into the labyrinth of
electromagnetic frequencies which form a curtain between us and some other unperceived reality.
From time to time the playful inhabitants of that other world climb through the curtain in the areas
we call ”windows,” and they stalk us to drink our blood and create all kinds of mischievous beliefs
and misconceptions in our feeble little terrestrial minds.
In the end the sad truth that may set us free could very well be that the phantasmagorical world
constructed by generations of occultists, religionists, UFO buffs, and monster hunters does not
really exist at all. We have merely been led to think that it exists. Something else obviously does
That something else is driving a lot of us nuts.


There are creatures which can fly on wings too short to support their bulbous bodies. We call them
bumblebees. Tiny hummingbirds can hover, shift into reverse, and execute other remarkable
maneuvers patently impossible for such tiny creatures. You have seen pictures and movies about
these foolish fliers and you know they exist. Your old high school science teacher told you about the
spiders who spin a parachute-like strand and fly for miles with the breeze. And, as we have already
pointed out, there are also flying squirrels, flying snakes, flying fish, and even, perhaps, flying cats.
Our skies seem to be inhabited by a variety of Unbelievables, including a thing that looks like a
man with wings. Since no Type B scientist has bothered to study our flying man homo avis, the
”bird man,” Mr. Homo Avis is probably responsible for many of the ”angel” stories of the past two
thousand years. Surprisingly these winged men seem to have some tenuous relationship with flying
saucers. Perhaps they, too, are part of the bewildering UFO phenomenon. Or maybe they attract
UFOs for some reason, just as UFO activity seems to increase in areas where the hairy humanoids
There are two known Unbelievables that could offer an explanation for the homo avis sightings.
Unfortunately one may be nothing more than an old Indian legend, and the other is a creature which
has been extinct since the Mesozoic period – approximately nine million years ago. It was not really
a bird; it was a giant reptile with great leathery wings. Reconstructions from fossils indicate that it
had a wingspread up to twenty feet. It is known as the Pterodactyl.
The Indian legend told of a gigantic bird called the ”Thunderbird.” It is a name that has been
immortalized by an automobile, a resort hotel, and a wine.
The best description of a Pterodactyl appeared in the Illustrated London News (February 9, 1856).
Here is that fascinating account in its entirety:

A discovery of great scientific importance has just been made at Culmout (Haute Marne).
Some men employed in cutting a tunnel to unite the St. Dizier and Nancy Railways, had just
thrown down an enormous block of stone by means of gunpowder, and were in the act of
breaking it to pieces, when from a cavity in it they suddenly saw emerge a living being of
monstrous form.
This creature, which belongs to the class of animals hithero considered to be extinct, has a
very long neck, and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. It stands on four long legs, which are
united together by two membranes, doubtless intended to support the animal in the air, and
are armed with four claws terminated by long and crooked talons. Its general form resembles
that of a bat, differing only in its size, which is that of a large goose. Its membranous wings,
when spread out, measure from tip to tip three meters twenty-two centimeters [nearly ten
feet seven inches]. Its color is a livid black; its skin is naked, thick and oily; its intestines
only contained a colorless liquid like clear water. On reaching the light this monster gave
some signs of life, by shaking its wings, but soon after expired, uttering a hoarse cry. This
strange creature, to which may be given the name of a living fossil, has been brought to
Gray, where a naturalist well versed in the study of paleontology, immediately recognized it
as belonging to the genus Pterodactyl anas, many fossil remains of which have been found
among the strata which geologists have designated by the name Lias. The rock in which this
monster was discovered belongs precisely to that formation the deposit of which is so old
that geologists date it more than a million years back. The cavity in which the animal was
lodged forms an exact hollow mold of its body, which indicates that it was completely
enveloped with a sedimentary deposit.

Did a Pterodactyl the size of a goose actually stagger out of a tunnel in France, shake its wings and
die at the feet of astounded workmen? Charles Fort, Robert Ripley, and several other authors and
collectors of trivia have repeatedly enthralled their readers with the story. It turns up every few
years in the magazines devoted to the strange and the supernatural. One of our researchers supplied
us with a photostat of the story from the original source and we spent several days wading through
musty books from the period, trying to find some other reference to it. A discovery of this kind
should have elicited excitement in the scientific journals of the period. The carcass of the beast
should have been carefully stuffed and mounted in some museum for all the world to see. Instead,
the scientific world greeted the news with stony silence.
There are, of course, innumerable stories about frogs and other small animals found encased in
stone and concrete for years and springing to life again upon liberation. Vampire bats have been
found during hibernation, hanging upside down in their caves and covered with ice from dripping
water. But when the thaw comes they revive, none the worse.
Several years ago, scientists in the museum in Cairo, Egypt, put some dry palms found in ancient
tombs into vats of water and were amazed when the water was soon alive with tiny insects that had,
apparently, been in a dehydrated state of suspended animation for three thousand years.
So it is possible for some creatures, particularly cold-blooded reptiles like the Pterodactyl, to
hibernate for very long periods of time. But nine million years!
Five years after the appearance of the Illustrated London News story, the discovery of a fossilized
feather in Germany set off a scientific uproar. Workmen at a stone quarry in Solenhofen unearthed
some peculiar bird-like indentations in a bed of chalky slate. Feathers and fossilized bone fragments
stunned the paleontologists, for it had long been assumed that no feathered creatures had existed
during that particular period. A gentleman by the name of A. Wagner decided to call the creature
Gryphosaurus, after the legendary Greek myth of the gryphon (griffin). Eventually, however, it was
identified as the Archaeopteryx, one of the earliest known feathered fliers from the Mesozoic Age,
which had teeth and lizard-like claws.
Another group of bird fossils were found in the Solenhofen quarry in 1872. These seemed to
represent a somewhat smaller bird (the Archaeopteryx was the size of a pullet), also with teeth. The
remains of teethed-bird have also been found in Kansas in the Mesozoic layers.
The Solenhofen finds generated considerable comment in scientific publications and launched a
controversy that raged for several years. Scientists rarely agree on anything anyway and they
certainly did not appreciate the discovery of a winged creature with feathers from a period when no
such creature was supposed to exist.
If a fossilized feather could cause such a stir, then we must ask why the alleged French Pterodactyl
anas was ignored. The answer may be that some announcement of an earlier find came from
Solenhofen, Germany (fossils of ancient plants were discovered in the same quarry), and some loyal
French journalist, determined not to be outdone by the historic enemy across the border, decided to
give France an even more glorious discovery. The Pterodactyl did not stumble out of a block of
stone, but came, instead, from a fertile mind in Paris.
However, some of our dragon lore could be based upon the occasional appearances of Pterodactyls
in earlier times. The dragon phenomenon is tremendously complex. Detailed dragon stories can be
found in ancient Chinese records, and almost identical stories appear in the literature of northern
Europe. These accounts can be mapped out on a ”dragon belt” which stretched from Japan to
England and Ireland. Strangely, myth-ridden India was completely bypassed. It seems that the
dragon route was further north, north of the Himalayas. Some of the ancient Chinese paintings and
statues of dragons bear a remarkable resemblance to the descriptions of the dragons that once
haunted England. Since there was no commerce or information exchange between these two widely
separated areas in ancient times, this astounding coincidence might be evidence that dragons
actually existed.
During one long period nearly everything seen in the sky was identified as a dragon, although much
of the lore describes what were obviously UFO-type lights rather than living creatures. The dragon
was said to inhabit caves, and it was most often described as a winged reptile of some sort. A
number of the descriptions sound like Pterodactyls while others sound like snakes with wings. The
fire-spitting dragon of modern children's stories may be based upon a combination of UFO
manifestations and the winged reptiles. The Egyptian phoenix, the Greek draconta, the basilisk and
the gryphon may all have been variations of the same creature. Surviving paintings and reliefs from
many cultures depict a reptilian creature with an alligator-type head bearing a mouth filled with
sharp teeth and leathery bat-like wings. The Chinese, in particular, seemed to identify glowing
cigar-shaped objects as dragons, while the Egyptians and Europeans were more concerned with the
ferocious flying monsters which popped out of caves periodically to terrify the population.
We originally planned to write a detailed dragon section for this book but after wading through such
books as The Evolution of the Dragon by G. Elliot Smith (1919), The Chinese Dragon by L. N.
Hayes (1923), and many other scholarly works, we conceded that we had bitten off more than we
could comfortably chew. The only way to summarize it all is to conclude that some Pterodactyl type
creature may have survived well into 2,000 B.C. and that its appearances, coupled with UFO
phenomena, created a mass of folklore. When the dragons finally died out, people continued to see
them anyway, misidentifying large snakes and birds for the earlier creatures. In addition, anomalous
paraphysical creatures were frequently seen throughout the Middle Ages, many of them similar to
our Abominable Swamp Slobs, and these were nearly always identified as dragons. It would take
years of hard work to sift all of the dragon material, categorize it properly, and arrive at some
responsible conclusions.
One modern traveler in Africa claims to have heard about a living Pterodactyl. In his article ”Do
Extinct Animals Still Survive,” published in Popular Science back in 1959, Everett H. Ortner
relates the following:

...Frank H. Melland heard from the natives of Northern Rhodesia of a fierce creature that
lived in a nearby Jiundu swamp – like a bird, but not exactly a bird; more like a lizard with
wings of skin like a bat's.
Melland noted this down, but only later did he realize its hair-raising implications. Then he
renewed his questioning. The beast's wing span, they said, was between four and seven feet;
it had no feathers at all; its skin was bare and smooth; its beak was full of teeth.
Melland was staggered. What he had was a complete description of a pterodactyl – a giant
flesh-eating flying dragon known only to paleontologists, and supposedly extinct for tens of
millions of years.
When Melland showed the natives pictures of a reconstruction of a pterodactyl, they nodded
and muttered excitedly: ”Konamato!”

It is not very likely that Pterodactyls are still crawling occasionally out of ancient caves to glide
over Coney Island and terrify the citizens of the Ohio valley. But some winged Unbelievable has
been doing this.
Could it be the mighty Thunderbird?
Indian tribes from Mexico to Alaska hand down ancient stories about a bird so huge that it darkened
the sun when it flew over. There have been a few scattered modern reports of some flying behemoth
buzzing isolated ranches in the southwestern United States but these have been reported in
fragments and very poorly investigated, when investigated at all. As with most of these stories, we
are faced with a series of possible explanations.

1. The stories are pure myth and legend and have no basis in fact.
2. The actual phenomenon was misjudged and misinterpreted by the observer(s). Thus, an
Indian who wandered too close to a nest was attacked by an angry eagle, and when he
retold the story later and it was repeated by others, the size of the bird grew... and grew.
3. Some of these stories were based upon appearances of UFOs. Since the Indians could not
conceive of any machine-like object in the air, they interpreted it as being some kind of
great bird.
The Thunderbird is supposed to have had a wingspread of twenty or thirty feet and enjoyed dining
on small children and old people who could not run fast enough to get away. As the name implies,
the bird was often accompanied by a thunderous noise – a factor which lends some credence to
explanation three.
A fourth possibility is that a dragon-like creature may have existed on the North American continent
in early times and that the Thunderbird stories were based upon ancient encounters with dragons.
In any case, the early settlers heard the Thunderbird stories and helped to perpetuate them. Then,
during a slack news period, the Tombstone, Arizona, Epitaph (April 26, 1890) published a
marvelous Thunderbird tale which has become a classic and has delighted several generations of
monster fans.
It seems that two cowhands were out on the Arizona desert one day when they came upon a weird
apparition floundering about in the sand. It had a long, snake-like body mounted with unbelievably
long wings. Two bony claws extended in front of the wings, and its head was like an alligator's with
eyes the size of plates. It was ill or wounded and dragged around on the ground while the cowboys'
horses snorted and tried to bolt.
By the time the men got their horses under control, the thing had made a clumsy take-off, flown
about half a mile, and collapsed again on the sand. The cowboys pursued it and pumped their rifles
into the quivering giant, finally killing it. Then they measured it by pacing it off. It was, they
reported, ninety-two feet long and fifty-two inches in diameter. The wings had a span of 160 feet (a
B-52 bomber has a wingspan of 185 feet), and the head was eight feet long. Its enormous jaws were
lined with razorsharp teeth. The wings were of a thick translucent membrane and had no feathers,
scales, or hair. The body itself was smooth.
After making these scientific measurements, the cowboys sliced off a tip of a wing and headed for
Tombstone. The newspaper said that plans were being made to go back out and skin the thing so the
hide could be shipped off to a museum.
That was the end of the story. All efforts to locate followups, unearth additional information,
possible surviving witnesses, and locate the ultimate fate of that wing tip have failed.
We hesitate to call the learned editor of the Epitaph a liar, but there are just a few too many
microscopic details in his narrative. We can only assume that the Thunderbird wing tip is in a glass
cage in the same museum which harbors the stuffed French Pterodactyl.


Ask yourself this basic question: If you saw something in the sky that looked like nothing more than
an over-large bird, would you bother to report it to anyone? Probably not. You would reason that it
was an eagle, perhaps, and dismiss it from your mind. People simply do not report things that seem
to have a plausible explanation. Just as nature abhors a vacuum, the average human mind abhors a
”mystery.” When you do have an unusual experience you usually begin to rationalize as time
passes. You were overtired. You had had too much to drink. Or there had to be a sensible down-to-
earth explanation for it. That is the way our minds work.
However, on September 18, 1877, one W. H. Smith saw something unusual in the skies over
Brooklyn, New York. It was something so odd that he felt compelled to sit down and write a letter
to the New York Sun about it. It was, he reported, ”a winged human form.”
Three years later a ”marvelous apparition” appeared over Coney Island, right next to Brooklyn.
”Many reputable persons” saw it, according to the New York Times (September 12, 1880), ”and they
all agree that it was a man engaged in flying toward New Jersey.”
This thing was described as ”a man with bat's wings and improved frog's legs.” It passed over
Coney Island at an altitude of about one thousand feet, making movements which ”closely
resembled those of a frog in the act of swimming.” A man's face was clearly seen attached to the
monster and it ”wore a cruel and determined expression.”
Various experimenters were toying with crude gliders in those days but not over water or populated
areas. They considered a flight a great success if they managed to glide downhill for a few yards.
Our next winged man was a headless ”angel.” Four young shepherdesses playing along a ridge near
Cabeco, Portugal, in the summer of 1915 reportedly saw ”a figure like a statue made of snow which
the rays of the sun had turned somewhat transparent” hovering in the air. One of the girls, Lucia
Abóbora, later became a central figure in the events at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, when a large
luminous disk circled over the heads of seventy thousand people gathered in a field.
In his book on this famous ”miracle,” William Thomas Walsh states: ”Senhora Maria de Freitas, a
Portugese writer and daughter of a famous editor of O Seculo told me in the summer of 1946 that
long before she had heard anything about the apparitions at Fatima, a woman in the district repeated
to her an apparently absurd tale brought home by her daughter, who said she and some others had
seen a 'white man without any head floating in the air'.” [William Thomas Walsh, Our Lady of
Fatima, p. 22.]
Mr. Gray Barker, a prominent UFO researcher, uncovered a strange story in a 1922 edition of the
Lincoln, Nebraska, Daily Star. The witness, who remained anonymous in the account, claimed that
a large circular object landed near his home and an eight-foot-tall being stepped out. Gray relates
the story:

A deeply religious man, the witness was certain that this huge being must be none other than
Satan himself. Remembering his Bible teachings, he mumbled, ”Get thee behind me, Satan,”
and turned his back on the creature. As he turned he noticed another disk coming down from
the sky, and it hovered above him as if to protect him from the landed creature.
Next, the witness heard voices emanating from the airborne saucer, appropriately quoting
Biblical texts.
The creature on the ground, which the witness definitely felt was hostile in intent, became
discouraged, as if the voices had a deterring effect upon it. It took off on foot, rapidly
disappearing. The witness tracked ”the devil” to where the disk had landed.
Further adding fire to the diabolical theory was the fact that the thing left tracks similar to
hoofmarks, and went through a barbed wire fence, which was left burning hot, and severed
as if it had been burned through with a welding torch.
We have quoted this quaint account from Gray Barker's Book of Saucers because Dr. Jacques Vallee
found a remarkably similar report from Nebraska in that same year, 1922, in a letter buried in the
Air Force UFO files at Dayton, Ohio. The letter writer, William C. Lamb, was hunting near
Hubbell, Nebraska, when, at 5:00 A.M. on Wednesday, February 22, 1922, he heard a high-pitched
sound and saw a large, dark object pass overhead, blotting out the stars. He hid behind a tree, he
said, and watched as the object landed. Next he saw ”a magnificent flying creature” which landed
like an airplane and left tracks in the snow. It was at least eight feet tall. It passed by the tree where
Lamb was hiding, and he tried to follow its tracks but never managed to catch up with it.
This evidence is hardly very substantial – an old, undated newspaper clipping and a yellowing letter
in the Air Force files. Not much proof that marvelous winged beings eight feet in height were riding
around the Nebraskan skies in flying saucers in 1922.
Two or more types of winged Incomprehensibles are involved here. One is a man-like creature
equipped with either real wings or mechanical wings of some sort. The other is a beast – a latter day
Pterodactyl. Or maybe the two types form some kind of combination in that zone of fantasy and the
Our records of anomalous winged creatures yield very little between the years 1922 and 1946.
Then, in the summer of 1946, somebody left that door to the unknown open again, and northern
Europe was engulfed in a new wave of inexplicable events and phenomena. ”Ghost rockets”
appeared over Scandinavia in great numbers. Over two thousand reports were collected by the
Swedish General Staff alone. Finland, Norway, Denmark, and the British Isles were also affected.
The phantom objects were seen as far south as Greece. Strange glowing cylindrical objects weaved
through the valleys of the Swiss Alps.
Everybody blamed the Russians. The Russians denied it. The newly founded Central Intelligence
Group, forerunner to the CIA, sent General Jimmy Doolittle to Stockholm to find out what in hell
was going on.
All of this was a full year before any Americans had even heard of flying saucers.
The Swedes were not only seeing cylinders and saucers in their skies, they were also seeing
enigmatic birds of some kind. Huge winged creatures without heads. The ”ghost rockets” cornered
most of the headlines in the European press, and the strange headless ”birds” were given only a
passing mention.
In June 1947 the first flying saucer scare struck the United States, with the earliest publicized
sightings occurring in the state of Washington, home of the Sasquatch.
On Tuesday, January 6, 1948, Mrs. Bernard Zaikowski of Chehalis, Washington, heard a ”sizzling
and whizzing” noise. She looked up and saw a man flying about two hundred feet above her barn.
He appeared to be equipped with large silver wings held onto his body by straps, and he seemed to
be manipulating some kind of controls on his chest. After hovering and maneuvering for a few
seconds, he shot upwards and his wings retracted close to his body as he rose. They did not flap in
”I know most people don't believe me,” Mrs. Zaikowski said later, ”but I have talked to some
people in Chehalis who tell me they saw the man, too, and that he flew south from Chehalis and
apparently came in from the north or west.
”It was about 3:00 P.M. on the Tuesday after New Year's Day, and there were a lot of small children
coming home from school at the time. They saw the man, too, and asked if they could go into my
back yard so they could watch him longer as he flew toward the south end of the city.”
A report in Portland's Oregon Journal (January 21, 1948), added: ”Police Chief Tom Murray
declined to investigate. An army official at McChord Field commented that it 'sounded like one of
those saucer deals – I just can't put any stock in it at all.'”
One-man helicopters and other conventional explanations were ruled out by the officials. In their
account of the affair, the Portland, Oregon Oregonian noted, ”Chehalis is not far from where the
original flying saucers were reported about a year ago.”
Four months later, on Friday, April 9, 1948, a trio of mysterious ”Birdmen” put in an appearance at
Longview, Washington, which lies in a straight line about forty miles due south from Chehalis.
Mrs. Viola Johnson and Mr. James Pittman were outside the laundry where they both worked when
three Buck Rogers-types flew past. They were not wearing wings but seemed to be somehow flying
without benefit of rotor blades, rockets, or propellers.
”They looked like three men in flying suits flying through the air,” Mrs. Johnson recalled. ”They
wore dark, drab flying suits and as far as I can judge – I'm not very good at judging distance – they
were about two hundred and fifty feet high, circling the city.
”They were going at about the same speed as a freight train, and had some kind of apparatus at their
sides which looked like guns, but I know it couldn't have been guns.
”I couldn't see any propellers or any motors tied on them, but I could hear motors which sounded
about like airplane motors – only not so loud.
”When they first came into sight, I thought they looked like gulls, but as they got closer I could
make out that they weren't gulls and I knew they were men. I could see plainly that they were men.
”I couldn't make out their arms but I could see their legs dangling down and they kept moving their
heads like they were looking around. I couldn't tell if they had goggles on but their heads looked
like they had helmets on. I couldn't see their faces.”
Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Pittman called for their co-workers to come out and take a look, but by the
time others reached the spot the strange trio had flown off.
The next stop on the ”Birdman” itinerary was Houston, Texas, in 1953. Three people were sitting on
the front porch of an apartment house on East Third Street at 2:30 A.M. on Thursday, June 18, 1953.
It was a hot night – too hot to sleep.
”We were just talking idly,” Mrs. Hilda Walker said, ”when I looked up and about twenty-five feet
away I saw a huge shadow across the lawn. I thought at first it was the magnified reflection of a big
moth caught in a nearby street light. Then the shadow seemed to bounce upward into a pecan tree.”
She pointed the shadow out to Howard Phillips and Judy Meyers. Later they described it as being
”the figure of a man with wings like a bat. He was dressed in gray or black tight-fitting clothes. He
stood there for about thirty seconds, swaying on the branch of the old pecan tree. Suddenly the light
began to fade out slowly.”
Judy cried out as the figure melted away.
”Immediately afterwards,” Mrs. Walker continued, ”we heard a loud swoosh over the housetops
across the street. It was like the white flash of a torpedo-shaped object.”
”He was dressed in a uniform like a paratrooper wears,” Mr. Phillips added. ”He was encased in a
halo of light.”
They all agreed that the personage was about six and a half feet tall, wearing a black cape, skin-tight
pants, and quarter-length boots.
”I could see him plain and could see he had big wings folded at his shoulders,” Mrs. Walker
declared. ”There was a dim gray light all around him.”
”I saw it,” Judy told reporters from the Houston Chronicle ”and nobody can say I didn't.”
”I may be nuts, but I saw it, whatever it was,” Mr. Phillips concluded.
Ten more years slipped by before the ”Birdman” chose to reappear, this time in Kent, England. Four
young people were walking home from a dance along a quiet country road near Sandling Park,
Hythe, Kent, on the evening of November 16, 1963. John Flaxton, seventeen, was the first to notice
an unusually bright star moving directly overhead. They watched it with growing alarm as it
descended and glided closer and closer to them. It seemed to hover and then dropped out of sight
behind some nearby trees.
”I felt cold all over,” Flaxton recalled. He and his friends had seen enough. They started to run. The
light bobbed into view again, this time much closer, floating about ten feet above the ground in a
field some two hundred feet from the panic-stricken quartet.
”It was a bright gold and oval,” one of them reported. ”And when we moved, it moved. When we
stopped, it stopped.”
Once more it went out of sight behind the trees along the road. Then suddenly there was the
snapping of twigs and branches and a huge black figure shuffled out of the bushes towards them.
”It was the size of a human,” Mervyn Hutchinson, eighteen, told police later. ”But it didn't seem to
have any head. There were huge wings on its back... like bat wings.”
They didn't wait for it to announce, ”Take me to your leader.” All four started to run with renewed
vigor. Later, all of their descriptions were identical. Police and reporters were impressed by their
genuine fright. Apparently they really had seen something tall, black, headless, with broad wings.
Something that had come from the general direction of an unidentified flying object.
Charles Bowen, editor of England's esteemed Flying Saucer Review, summarized the case in FSR's
casebook, THE HUMANOIDS, and mentioned three other interesting reports from the same area:

On November 21, 1963, Keith Croucher, aged seventeen, reported seeing a solid oval light
in the center of a golden mist crossing a football pitch near Sandling Estate. And on the
night of November 23/24, John McGoldrick and a friend went to Sandling Woods to
investigate the previously reported sightings. They found ”a vast expanse of bracken that
had been flattened”: they also found three giant footprints, clearly defined, an inch deep, two
feet long, and nine inches across.
On December 11, McGoldrick and his friend went back to the site with two newspaper
reporters, and found the woods illuminated by a pulsating light. They watched the light from
a safe distance for half an hour: they were too scared to go closer.

You will note that in the Nebraskan, Texas, and Kent cases our winged entities were accompanied
by UFO manifestations. None of these events were well-publicized outside of UFO research circles.
The three incidents were widely separated by time and distance. It seems reasonably safe to
conclude that all of these winged entity sightings, with the possible exception of Portugal's 1915
report, were directly related to the UFO phenomenon, itself, just as the events we are about to
recount in the next few pages definitely overlap into the UFO category.
As we have now stated repeatedly, we do not subscribe to the popular speculation that flying
saucers are from outer space. Rather it seems that they, and their occupants, are interpenetrating into
our space-time continuum from some extradimensional universe beyond the range of our human
perception and our instrumentation. Kent, England, is a ”window” area, as is the valley of the Ohio
Sometime in 1960-61 (the witness no longer remembers the exact date) a lady in West Virginia
(who is most prominent in civic affairs and has requested anonymity) was driving on Route 2 along
the Ohio River on the West Virginia side with her elderly father. As they passed through a sector on
the edge of a park known as the Chief Cornstalk Hunting Grounds, a tall manlike figure suddenly
appeared on the road in front of them.
”I slowed down,” she said years later, ”and as we got closer we could see that it was much larger
than a man. A big gray figure. It stood in the middle of the road. Then a pair of wings unfolded from
its back and they practically filled the whole road. It almost looked like a small airplane. Then it
took off straight up... disappearing out of sight in seconds. We were both terrified. I stepped on the
gas and raced out of there.
”We talked it over and decided not to tell anybody about it. Who would believe us anyway?”
The Ohio winds down to Cairo, Illinois, where it joins the Mississippi River. About 2:00 P.M. on
the afternoon of Thursday, September 1, 1966, Mrs. James Ikart of Scott, Mississippi, was
astonished to see a man flying around above the Pine Land Plantation.
She telephoned the Delta Democrat Times, Greenville, Mississippi, and a reporter armed with
cameras was rushed to the scene. He found several people staring at the sky, all claiming that they
had seen an object shaped like a man maneuvering overhead.
”It got down pretty low and then would go up,” Mrs. Ikart told him. ”I have never seen anything
like this before.”
It was not long before John Hursh, a meteorologist at the Stoneville weather station, offered a
solution to the mystery.
”It's apparently somebody's research balloon that's gotten away,” he announced.
The beloved weather balloon explanation cannot really be applied to the object seen by a California
police officer on the night of Saturday, December 3, 1966. Shortly after 11:00 P.M. patrolman Vern
Morse and his wife Charmion were driving along Bayshore Highway, returning to San Francisco
after spending a day in Redwood City. Suddenly Mrs. Morse gasped and pointed upwards,
exclaiming, ”What's that?”
”At first it looked like a parachute flare,” Morse said. ”I thought that it would land in those
buildings east of the Southern Pacific Depot and start a fire.
”When it crossed the highway directly in front of me, it stopped descending at an altitude of about
two hundred feet and began climbing. My wife said, 'Somebody's guiding it.'”
He pulled into a closed service station, turned off his engine, and stepped out of the car for a closer
look. Now he could see that it wasn't a parachute but a glowing cylindrical object about three feet in
diameter and eight or nine feet long, moving at an angle of about fifteen degrees below vertical.
There was a man in it.
”What had first appeared to be parachute shroud lines,” he explained, ”were plainly struts
connecting the solid lower portion of the cylinder with the upper portion which was topped by a
nose cone resembling a crash helmet.
”It looked like a flying platform with somebody standing up inside it. It passed over at about three
hundred or four hundred feet and it didn't make a sound.”
Morse jumped back into his car and tried to follow it. He got back onto a freeway, caught up with it,
and clocked it for a mile or so. It was moving at between fifty and sixty miles an hour.
A cream-colored Mustang passed him, pulled over to the shoulder and stopped. Morse stopped
behind it and ran up to the driver, a young man in a dark blue suit.
”He was as excited as I was. He said, 'Did you see that?' and we agreed that we both seen the same
They watched the flying birdcage continue northward until ”it was about over Bay Meadows Race
Track when the light on it went out, just as if somebody had turned a switch.”
Around that same time Mr. Donald Bennett, the Federal Aviation Air Traffic controller at San
Francisco Airport, was relaxing at his home in nearby San Mateo.
”My daughter and son-in-law had just returned from a movie,” Bennett said, ”and they called me
outdoors. Heading west, directly overhead, were three red-orange glows in the sky. I got my
binoculars and studied them. They were at an altitude of about two thousand feet, moving at a speed
of about two hundred and fifty miles per hour. I could not make out any shape, but they were
definitely not aircraft.”
”I took a ribbing from the troops,” Officer Morse admitted later. ”After the story appeared in the
papers, they were sailing paper airplanes around and saying, 'Hey, Vern, there goes another one.' I
even had a message to call Alcoholics Anonymous. Funny part is, I don't drink at all.”
Morse had been a police officer for twenty years.

Our studied conclusion from all these reports is that somebody has been flying around Brooklyn,
Texas, California, and many other places since 1877, with a minimum of gear and a maximum of
moxie. Who they are and why they do not share their wonderful flying apparatus with us
earthbound creatures will probably never be fully known. It is easier to call them ”weather
balloons” and forget about them.


Five men were digging a grave in a cemetery near Clendenin, West Virginia, on November 12,
1966, when something that looked like ”a brown human being” fluttered from some nearby trees
and maneuvered low over their heads. ”It was gliding through the trees,” witness Kenneth Duncan
of Blue Creek said, ”and was in sight for about a minute.”
The men were baffled. It did not look like any kind of a bird but seemed to be a man with wings.
They discussed it with a few friends and would have forgotten about it if others in West Virginia
had not also started seeing the enigmatic flier.
About a year earlier, a woman living on the Ohio River, some miles from Clendenin, was amused
when her seven-year-old sone ran into the house one day and excitedly told her that he had seen ”an
angel... a man with wings.” She assumed it was just his imagination and thought no more about it.
In the summer of 1966 another woman in the Ohio valley, the wife of a doctor, was in her backyard
when a six-foot-long thing soared past her very rapidly. She thought it resembled a ”giant butterfly”
and she dared to mention the incident to only a few people. But all of these random, anomalous
events were only the prologue to the ”monster mania” which would grip the whole western edge of
West Virginia in November 1966.
Earlier we discussed how Newell Partridge had seen two glowing red objects in a field near Salem,
West Virginia, on the night of November 14, 1966. His dog, Bandit, a German shepherd, had run
into the field and vanished. The very next night around midnight, two young couples, Mr. and Mrs.
Roger Scarberry and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mallete, were driving through an abandoned World War II
ammunition dump known as the TNT Area, seven miles outside of Point Pleasant, West Virginia,
when, as they passed an old deserted power plant, they saw a weird figure standing beside the road
staring at them.
”It was shaped like a man, but bigger,” Roger Scarberry said later. ”Maybe six and a half or seven
feet tall. And it had big wings folded against its back.”
”But it was those eyes that got us,” Linda Scarberry declared with a shudder. ”It had two big red
eyes, like automobile reflectors.”
”For a minute we could only stare at it,” Roger continued. ”Then it just turned and sort of shuffled
towards the open door of the old power plant. We didn't wait around.”
Roger stepped on the gas pedal of his souper-up jalopy and headed out of the TNT Area for Route
62 which leads into Point Pleasant. As they shot down the highway (”We were doing better than a
hundred miles per hour,” Roger claimed), his wife cried out, ”It's following us!”
All four swore that the ”Bird” was low overhead, its wings spread out to about ten feet. It seemed to
keep up with the car effortlessly even though its wings were not flapping.
”I could hear it making a sound,” Mrs. Mallette, an attractive eighteen-year-old brunette stated. ”It
squeaked... like a big mouse.”
”It followed us right to the city limits,” Roger went on. ”Funny thing, we noticed a dead dog by the
side of the road there, but when we came back a few minutes later, the dog was gone.”
The panic-stricken quartet drove directly to the office of the Mason County sheriff and excitedly
poured out their story to Deputy Millard Halstead.
”I've known them all their lives,” Halstead told us during our first visit to Point Pleasant. ”They've
never been in any trouble. I took them seriously.”
Deputy Halstead returned to the TNT Area with them. As he parked outside the abandoned power
plant the police radio in his car suddenly emitted a strange sound like a speeded-up phonograph
record. He shut the radio off. The ”Bird,” however, was nowhere to be found.
The next day a press conference was held in the County Courthouse and the four young people
repeated their story. One of the reporters there, Mrs. Mary Hyre, Point Pleasant correspondent for
the Athens, Ohio, Messenger and local stringer for the Associated Press, later told us, ”I've heard
them repeat their story a hundred times now to reporters from all over and none of them have ever
changed it or added a word.”
News of the Scarberry-Mallette sighting was flashed around the world. It even appeared in the
Pacific edition of the Stars & Stripes. Television camera crews from Huntington and Charleston
invaded Point Pleasant, and that night the normally deserted TNT Area resembled Times Square on
New Year's Eve. But Steve Mallette announced, ”I've seen it once. I hope I never see it again.”
The TNT Area was to become the home grounds for the ”Bird” in the months ahead, and it could
not have picked a better base. The area consists of several hundred acres of woods and open fields
filled with large concrete domes called ”igloos.” During the Second World War these igloos were
used to store high explosives manufactured in nearby plants. A network of tunnels laced throughout
the area but most of these are now sealed off and are filled with water. Immediately adjoining the
area is the McClintic Wildlife Station, a 2,500 acre animal preserve and bird sanctuary. Both sectors
are filled with artificial ponds and dense woodlands. Steep, heavily forested, almost inaccessible
hills rise in the background. The entire area is open to hunting and fishing every year and nearly
every male in the county knows every inch of the place. Its winding, poorly kept dirt roads are also
popular Lover's Lanes, and one stretch serves as a drag strip for local hot rodders.
Only a few homes were scattered throughout the area. One of these was the residence of the Ralph
Thomas family. Their little house stood on a slight rise surrounded by woods and igloos. It was here
that the next act in the ”Mothman” (the name the press tagged onto the ”Bird”) drama took place. At
9:00 P.M. on Wednesday, November 16, 1966, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wamsley and Mrs. Marcella
Bennett and her baby daughter, Tina, drove out to visit the Thomas'.
”On our way to the house we were watching a funny big red light in the sky,” Mrs. Bennett recalled.
”It seemed to be moving around over the TNT Area. It wasn't an airplane, but we couldn't figure out
what it was.”
Most of the crowds of would-be monster hunters had converged around the old power plant, some
distance from the Thomas home. When Raymond Wamsley drove up to the house he decided he
would play a prank on his friends by tapping surreptitiously on their window. He never had the
chance to play the joke.
They parked in front of the Thomas home and Mrs. Bennett climbed out of the car, gathering up her
sleepy two-year old in her arms. Suddenly a figure stirred behind the parked car.
”It seemed as if it had been lying down,” Mrs. Bennett told us. ”It rose up slowly from the ground.
A big gray thing. Bigger than a man, with terrible glowing red eyes.”
Mrs. Bennett was so horrified she dropped little Tina to the ground and collapsed, transfixed.
”It was as if the thing had her in some kind of trance,” Mr. Wamsely said. ”She couldn't move.”
Panic engulfed the group. The Wamsleys ran for the house as Mrs. Bennett pulled herself together,
grabbed up her bruised child, and followed. They locked themselves in. Ralph and Virginia Thomas
were not home, but three of their children, Rickie, Connie, and Vickie, were. Hysteria swept over
them as the strange creature shuffled onto the porch and peered into the windows. Raymond
Wamsley grabbed the phone and called the police. By the time help arrived, the thing had
disappeared once more.
Mrs. Bennett would not recover fully from this terrifying experience for many months. And more
months passed before she was able to discuss what she had seen with anyone, even her own family.
Her trauma was so real that she had to start seeing a doctor on a weekly basis. She was plagued by
frightening dreams and believed that the monster repeatedly visited her home, a small house
somewhat isolated on the outskirts of Point Pleasant.
”I know it has been here,” she told us in the fall of 1967. ”I can feel it when it's around. And I've
heard it.”
”What does it sound like?” we asked cautiously.
”It makes a terrible sound that goes right through your bones. It sounds like a woman screaming.”
No one in Point Pleasant had ever heard the story of the 1959 monster seen in Mansfield, Ohio
(Chapter Ten, Case 41). That luminous-eyed apparition also seemed to rise up off the ground.
”Mothman” cut crazy capers all over West Virginia that November. Sightings were reported in
Mason, Lincoln, Logan, Kanawha, and Nicholas Counties. Most of the population remained
skeptical but the near-hysteria of the rapidly multiplying witnesses was very real. Police in the city
of Charleston, West Virginia, received an excited phone call from one Richard West at 10:15 P.M.,
Monday, November 21. Patrolman D. L. Tucker handled the call. West insisted that a ”Batman” was
sitting on a roof next to his home. ”It looks like a man. It's about six feet tall and has a wingspread
of six or eight feet,” West reported excitedly. ”It has great big red eyes.”
”Did it fly?” Tucker asked.
”Straight up, just like a helicopter,” West answered.
In St. Albans, West Virginia, just outside of Charleston, Mrs. Ruth Foster claimed that ”Mothman”
appeared on her front lawn on the evening of November 26.
”It was standing on the lawn beside the porch,” she told reporters. ”It was tall, with big red eyes that
popped out of its face. My husband is six feet one and the 'Bird' looked about the same height, or a
little shorter, maybe.
”It had a funny little face. I didn't see any beak. All I saw were those big red poppy eyes. I screamed
and ran back into the house. My brother-in-law went out to look, but it was gone.”
The day before, on November 25, Thomas Ury was driving along Route 62 just north of the TNT
Area. The time was 7:15 A.M. He noticed a tall, gray man-like figure standing in a field by the road.
”Suddenly it spread a pair of wings,” Ury said, ”and took off straight up, like a helicopter.
”It veered over my convertible and began going in circles three telephone poles high,” he continued.
”It kept flying right over my car even though I was doing about seventy-five.”
Mr. Ury rocketed into Point Pleasant and went straight to Sheriff George Johnson. ”I never saw
anything like it,” he condifed to Mrs. Hyre later. ”I was so scared I just couldn't go to work that day.
This thing had a wingspan every bit of ten feet. It could be a bird, but I certainly never saw one like
it. I was afraid it was going to come down right on top of me.”
Miss Connie Carpenter, a shy, studious girl of eighteen from New Haven, West Virginia, had an
identical encounter at 10:30 A.M., Sunday, November 27. She was driving home from church when
she saw what she thought at first was a large man in gray standing on the deserted links of the
Mason County Golf Course outside of Mason, West Virginia, on Route 62. Those ten-foot wings
suddenly unfolded, the thing took off straight up and headed for her car.
”Those eyes! They were a very red and once they were fixed on me I couldn't take my own eyes off
them,” she declared. ”It's a wonder I didn't have a wreck.”
She said the creature flew directly at her windshield, then veered off and disappeared. Connie
stepped on the gas and raced home in hysteria. She was so upset that she was unable to go to school
for several days and required medical attention. She was the only ”Mothman” witness to suffer from
a common UFO ailment – klieg conjunctivitus or ”eyeburn.” Here eyes were red, swollen and itchy
for two weeks afterwards. Many witnesses to low-flying UFOs suffer this same thing, apparently
caused by actinic (ultra-violet) rays.
Miss Carpenter was also one of the few to claim a close look at the ”Mothman's” face. ”It was
horrible... like something out of a science-fiction movie.”
Like our Abominable Swamp Slobs, ”Mothman” was fond of pursuing automobiles and people on
foot. On the same night as Miss Carpenter's sighting, the creature reappeared in St. Albans. Sheila
Cain, thirteen, and her sister were walking home from the store that evening when they saw an
enormous something standing next to a local junk yard.
”It was gray and white with big red eyes,” Sheila said, ”and it must have been seven feet tall... taller
than a man. I screamed and we ran home.”
The creature is supposed to have taken wing and flown low over the running girls.
Shortly after the first ”Mothman” stories hit the local papers, a wide variety of explanations were
expressed by assorted experts. Dr. Robert Smith of the West Virginia University Biology
Department declared that everyone was obviously seeing a rare sandhill crane. A bird whose long
neck and long legs can give it a height of six feet, and it has red patches around the eyes. Yet no
hunter in the area has reported seeing such a crane, and members of the zoology department of Ohio
University pointed out that the crane inhabits the plains of Canada and has never been seen in the
West Virginia-Ohio region.
We carried photos of sandhill cranes and other birds (including the Pterodactyl) with us during our
investigations in West Virginia. ”That's not the thing we saw,” Roger Scarberry scoffed when he
saw the pictures. ”This thing could never chase us like it did.”
”I just wish Dr. Smith could see the thing,” Mary Mallette added.
All those who reported having seen ”Mothman” sneered at the crane theory, but the skeptics, and
they were in the majority, quickly accepted it and dismissed the mystery. Three groups of witnesses
contributed to the confusion by declaring that they were convinced that the ”Bird” was really some
kind of giant ornithological oddity and not a ”monster from outer space” as some were beginning to
Captain Paul Yoder and Benjamin Enochs, both volunteer firemen from Point Pleasant, revealed
that they had seen a very large bird in the TNT Area on November 18, 1966. ”It was definitely a
bird,” they stated flatly, ”with big red eyes. But it was huge. We'd never seen anything like it.”
Seventy miles north of Point Pleasant as the ”Bird” flies, four people outside of Lowell, Ohio, spent
a fascinating Saturday afternoon watching a group of gigantic birds flutter about the trees near Cat's
Creek. They saw no glowing red eyes, witness Marvin Shock offered, but they did see four very
strange winged creatures and kept them in view for two hours on November 26, 1966. Shock, who
was accompanied by his two children, Marlene and Phillip, first noticed the birds in some tree
”They looked about as big as a man would look moving around in the trees,” Shock said later.
”When we started walking toward them for a closer look – we were about one hundred yards from
them – they took off and flew up the ridge.”
The trio followed the birds by car and saw them settle on the edge of the woods about two hundred
yards from the home of Ewing Tilton. Tilton joined them. Both men agreed that the birds stood
from four to five feet tall and had a wingspread of at least ten feet.
”They had dark brown backs with some light flecks,” Tilton observed. ”Their breasts were gray and
they had five- or six-inch bills, straight, not curved like those of hawks or vultures.”
Shock thought there was a ”reddish cast” to their heads. The birds kept their distance and finally
flapped off into limbo. To this day we can't identify the giant species seen by these people.
At the Gallipolis, Ohio, airport, just across the river from Point Pleasant, five local pilots got an
unexpected look at the ”Bird” at 3:00 P.M., Sunday, December 4, 1966. When they first saw it, they
mistook it for an airplane.
”Look at that crazy character coming in downwind in that plane,” Eddie Adkins commented.
Everett Wedge of Point Pleasant, Henry Upton of Leon, West Virginia, and Leo Edwards, Ernie
Thompson, and Adkins, all of Gallipolis, stared at the winged form gliding low over the river. It was
about three hundred feet up, they all agreed, and it was traveling about seventy miles an hour
effortlessly, without flapping its wide wings.
As it sailed majestically past the airport the men noted that it seemed to have an unusually long
neck and was turning its head from side to side as if it were taking in the scenery.
”It was like something prehistoric,” one of them remarked later. ”I don't think it was any crane.”
Wedge grabbed his camera, jumped into his plane, and took off after it. But it had disappeared
somewhere down river. This was the only sighting in which a neck was observed at all.
A month later another witness thought she was seeing an airplane, too, when she first noticed a
large winged thing zipping along above Route 62 at 5:00 P.M. on January 11, 1967. Mrs. Mabel
McDaniel, the mother of Linda Scarberry, one of the original ”Mothman” witnesses, was near
Tiny's drive-in restaurant on the outskirts of Point Pleasant when she first saw the ”Bird.”
”I thought it was an airplane, then I realized it was flying much too low,” she reported. ”It was
brown and has a wingspread of at least ten feet.” Then she added an interesting detail. ”I thought I
could see two legs... like men's legs... hanging down from it. It circled over Tiny's and then flew
off.” She did not see any head or neck. The wings were not moving and there was no sound.
The McDaniel family had been living in the twilight zone ever since their daughter and the others
had first glimpsed ”Mothman.” Linda had repeatedly heard the sound ”of a speeded-up phonograph
record” around her own home after the incident, and peculiar manifestations indicating the presence
of a poltergeist began. Finally she and Roger moved into the basement apartment in the McDaniel's
home. The poltergeist followed them. Strange lights appeared in the house, objects moved by
themselves; and the heavy odor of cigar smoke was frequently noted. No one in the family smokes.
(The smell of cigar smoke is commonly reported in many poltergeist cases throughout the world.)
One morning Linda woke up and distinctly saw the shadow form of a large man in the room. The
house was searched. All the doors were still locked. There was no sign of a prowler.
Meanwhile, Connie Carpenter was having some peculiar problems. Early in February 1967 she
married Mr. Keith Gordon, and they moved across the river to a two-family house in Middleport,
Ohio. They did not get a telephone immediately. At 8:15 A.M., February 22, Connie left the house
to go to school. As she started to walk down the street a large black car pulled up alongside her. She
later identified it as a 1949 Buick. The occupant of the car opened the door and beckoned to her.
Thinking that he was seeking directions, she approached him. He was a young, clean-cut man of
about twenty-five, wearing a colorful Mod shirt, no jacket (it was bitter cold), had neatly combed
hair and appeared to be suntanned. There was a very interesting detail: she said the car appeared to
be brand new inside and out even though it was a vintage model. This detail has cropped up many
times in our ”Men in Black” cases. Some of these cars even smell new inside, according to various
When she reached the automobile, the driver suddenly lunged and grabbed her arm, ordering her to
get in with him. She fought back and there was a brief struggle before she finally broke away. She
ran back to the house and locked herself in, completely terrified.
Connie remained indoors the following day, February 23. At 3:00 P.M. she heard someone on the
porch and there was a loud knock on the door. She went to it cautiously and found a note had been
slipped under it. It was written in pencil in block letters on a piece of ordinary notebook paper. ”Be
careful girl,” it read, ”I can get you yet.”
That night Connie and Keith went to the local police. They turned the note over to Officer Raymond
Manly. Neither the car nor the young man was seen again.
A short time later Connie and Keith moved in with her mother, Mrs. Faye Carpenter, in New Haven.
Mrs. Carpenter had received no publicity of any kind, but, like nearly everyone in New Haven, she
had seen unidentified flying objects. The Carpenter house was soon beset with poltergeists. On
March 22, 1967, Connie was awakened in the middle of the night by a loud beeping sound which
she said appeared to be coming from directly outside her window.
Back in Point Pleasant, both Mary Mallette and Linda Scarberry were visited by a mysterious
couple who claimed to represent a firm which would take free annual photographs of their families,
no strings attached. The man was exceptionally large and odd looking. The woman had red hair and
kept in the background, hiding her face as much as possible. This couple did not visit anyone else in
Point Pleasant with their unprofitable proposition.
Another mysterious note turned up in Dunbar, West Virginia, just outside of Charleston. The
recipient was Mr. Tad Jones, the owner of an appliance store at Cross Lanes, West Virginia. At 9:05
A.M. on the morning of January 19, 1967, Mr. Jones was driving along Interstate Highway 64,
when he came upon a large metal sphere hovering about four feet above the road. Since it was
broad daylight, and since the object remained in view for about two minutes, he was able to give a
very good description of it. The sphere was about twenty feet in diameter, he said, and was the color
of dull aluminum. There were four legs attached to it, with caster-like wheels on the bottom of each
one. He could also see a small window about nine inches in diameter and there was a ”propeller”
underneath the object which was idling when he came upon it. This propeller began to spin rapidly,
and then the object rose and disappeared into the sky.
Mr. Jones is an impressive witness, a teetotaler with a fine reputation. He reported his sighting after
thinking it over very carefully, and the local news media carried his story. The next day a note was
slipped under the door of his home in Dunbar. It was written in block letters and was signed around
the edges. It read, ”We know what you have seen and we know that you have talked. You'd better
keep your mouth shut. You want [sic] be warned again.” He considered the note a prank. Dunbar is
about sixty miles southeast of Middleport, Ohio.
When we visited the exact spot of the Jones sighting we found that the object must have been
hovering directly above a major gas line which passes under the road. Furthermore, we found a
series of very strange footprints in the mud beside the road. We had found identical tracks behind
the abandoned power plant in the TNT Area. These looked like huge dog tracks – except that they
were not dog tracks and were so deep that the animal which made them must have weighed from
two hundred to three hundred pounds. In addition, at the Jones site there was one single footprint of
what appeared to be a naked human foot of unusually large size. The spacing of these tracks was
most peculiar. They did not start anywhere, and they did not lead anywhere.
There were various rumors around Cross Lane that ”Mothman” had been seen, but we were busy
with another investigation and did not have time to track them down.

When we first visited Point Pleasant in December 1966 we were nonplussed to find that the police
and local newspapers had not received any flying saucer reports, but we quickly discovered that
thousands of people up and down the Ohio valley had been seeing unidentified flying objects all
year but were reluctant to report them. One group of witnesses, including the wife of a police
officer, had seen a circular object hovering directly above Tiny's restaurant in the summer of 1966.
Another woman claimed she had seen a large metallic disk hovering over the Point Pleasant high
school in March 1966. She had not told anyone because she knew no one would believe her. She not
only saw the object, she said, but a door was open in it and a man was fully visible. He was wearing
a tight, silvery suit and had long flowing hair.
Most people have a distorted impression of West Virginia. Point Pleasant is part of the highly
industrialized Ohio Valley and is on the edge of the Bible Belt. Its six thousand inhabitants support
twenty-two churches. There are no bars in the town itself. Most of the witnesses there are very
devout, well educated, and own late model cars and color TV sets. Their religious convictions make
them exceptionally honest witnesses.
Beginning in the fall of 1966 the TV sets and telephones in the region began to go wild, as strange
blobs of crystaline white light appeared in the night skies. Many of these lights moved at treetop
level. There were also many daylight sightings of strange circular objects, particularly in the TNT
Area. By the end of 1967 over one thousand UFO sightings by responsible witnesses had been
recorded throughout the Valley. Cars passing along the Camp Conley Road, south of the TNT Area,
stalled inexplicably. Television sets and radios, some brand new, burned out suddenly without
cause. In March-April 1967 the UFO sightings hit an incredible peak with the objects appearing
nightly at low level over the TNT Area as if they were following a regular flight schedule.
Thousands of people invaded the section again to view this new wonder. Sheriff Johnson and most
of his men were among the witnesses but soberly refused to comment on the phenomenon.
An off-duty police officer, Harold ”Sonny” Harmon, was cruising around the dismal, unlit
ammunition dump one night in early March 1967, when he suddenly came upon a large, dark
eliptical form hovering a few feet above a small pond.
”It was definitely a solid machine of some kind,” he later explained. ”I could even see what
appeared to be windows in it. It rocked like a boat hitting waves, and then it floated silently away
over the trees.”
As the UFO activity seemed to increase, the ”Mothman” reports dwindled off. An Ohio man
claimed that a huge winged something pursued his car up Route 33 on a rainy night in March 1967,
and two women swore they saw a ”Mothman” fly to meet a UFO on May 19, 1967.
”We were driving past the TNT Area on Route 62 around 10:30 P.M.,” Brenda Stone said, ”when
we saw two bright red lights on a shadowy form high in a tree just off the road. Suddenly this big
red light appeared and approached the tree, and the form rose up towards it and disappeared. Then
the big light took off to the north.”
That same night a group of witnesses reported seeing a brilliantly lighted object land briefly in a
field next to Ohio River Junior High School in Point Pleasant.
After Mrs. Hyre began publishing some of these reports in the Athens, Ohio, Messenger, she was
swamped with calls from other witnesses. She received as many as five hundred calls and reports on
a single ”flap” weekend. Obviously, she could only publish a very small percentage of them. By the
end of 1967 she had given up trying to keep up with the reports at all and rarely published those she
received. Nevertheless, the reports continued to pour in.
Shortly after noon on November 2, 1967, Mrs. Ralph Thomas heard a sound ”like a squeaky fan
belt” outside her home in the TNT Area. She stepped onto her porch and saw what she later
described as ”a tall gray figure, bigger than a man” moving swiftly among the neighboring igloos. It
didn't appear to be walking, she said, rather it was sliding or gliding along the ground. She was
positive it was not a man or a bear. Since it was the hunting season, no man in his right mind would
wear gray there, she noted, but would wear a red hunting jacket.
During our frequent visits to the Ohio Valley we uncovered several poltergeist cases, particularly in
homes on the higher hills in the region. Locked doors would open and close by themselves. Strange
thumps would be heard against the walls and roofs of isolated homes late at night. Some people
heard the sound of a baby crying inside their houses and could not locate the source. The James
Lilly family on Camp Conley Road, south of the TNT Area (discussed in Chapter Fourteen)
experienced so much poltergeist activity throughout 1967-68 that they finally sold their home and
moved to another neighborhood.
Mrs. Hyre received a long line of very strange visitors after her UFO and ”Mothman” stories began
to appear in the press. Early in January 1967 she was working late in her office across from the
County Court House when a little man entered. He was about four feet six inches tall, she said later,
and had very strange eyes covered with thick-lensed glasses. His black hair was long and cut
squarely ”like a bowl haircut.” Although it was about 20° F outside he was wearing a short-sleeved
blue shirt and blue trousers of thin material. He kept his right hand in his pocket at all times.
Speaking in a low, halting voice, he asked her for directions to Welsh, West Virginia. She thought at
first that he had some kind of speech impediment, and for some reason he terrified her. ”He kept
getting closer and closer,” she said, ”his funny eyes staring at me almost hypnotically.”
Alarmed, she ran into the back room where the newspaper's circulation manager was working on a
telephone campaign. He joined her and they spoke together to the little man. ”He seemed to know
more about West Virginia than we did,” she declared.
At one point the telephone rang, and while she was speaking on it the little man picked up a ball-
point pen from her desk and looked at it in amazement, ”as if he had never seen a pen before.” She
gave him a pen and said he laughed in a loud, strange way as he took it. Then he ran out into the
night and disappeared around a corner.
Being a good newspaperwoman, Mrs. Hyre later checked with the police to find out if there was
any mentally deficient person on the loose who fitted the little man's description. There wasn't.
Several weeks later Mrs. Hyre was crossing the street near her office when she again saw this very
same man. He appeared startled when he noticed her watching him, turned abruptly, and ran for a
large black car which suddenly rounded the corner. It was driven by a very large man. The little man
sprang into it and it sped away.

At 5:05 P.M. on the evening of December 15, 1967, the seven-hundred-span linking Point Pleasant
with Ohio suddenly collapsed laden with rush hour traffic, carrying forty-six vehicles into the dark
waters of the Ohio River. That night the Lilly family on Camp Conley Road divided their attention
between their TV set and the eerie lights that were racing at tree-top level over the woods behind
their home. They counted twelve UFOs altogether, more than they had ever seen on a single
evening before. No UFOs were reported in Point Pleasant proper on that tragic night.
The collapse of Silver Bridge made headlines everywhere, and most of the reports you read in your
own newspaper had been tapped out on the teletype in the office only yards from the site of the
disaster by Mrs. Mary Hyre.
Sheriff George Johnson and his tiny band of deputies acted with admirable dispatch and efficency,
sealing off the roads into the town and setting up rescue operations. Mrs. Hyre went without sleep
for days as hundreds of newsmen and TV teams from all over the country descended on Point
Pleasant. The local citizens were stunned with horror and disbelief, and there were many vacant
chairs around Christmas tables in Point Pleasant that year.
Christmas week, while divers were still searching for bodies in the wreckage, a white station wagon
pulled into the town and a short dark-skinned man entered Mrs. Hyre's office. He was dressed in a
thin black suit, with a black tie, and looked Oriental, with high cheekbones, narrow eyes, and an
undefinable accent. He was not interested in the bridge disaster but professed concern about UFOs.
Mrs. Hyre was too busy to spend any time with him. She handed him her file folder filled with UFO
clippings, but he did not seem especially interested in them.
That night he drove to New Haven and visited Connie Carpenter at her mother's. Later, he invaded
the McDaniel home. All of the people who met him felt very uneasy about him. When we
interviewed the witnesses separately they all described him in exactly the same way, and all
mentioned that one of his most striking features were his excessively long fingers – so long that
they seemed freakish.
He identified himself as Jack Brown from Cambridge, Ohio. But when a reporter from Columbus,
Ohio, stopped by the McDaniel's while he was there, it became apparent that Mr. Brown did not
even know where Columbus or Cambridge was (they are only a few miles apart).
It also became quickly apparent to all the witnesses that he was not at all interested in UFOs or
”Mothman” but confined most of his questioning to the activities and whereabouts of the author of
this book.
Mr. Brown promised to return to Point Pleasant ”in about two weeks” but he was never seen again.
Who or what was Mr. Brown? Some UFO buffs might conclude that he was really a spy from the
CIA playing pointless games with honest American taxpayers. But from the general description of
his features and his erratic behavior he sounds more like one of the mischievous idiots who pop out
of flying saucers.
Mr. Brown expressed some rage over various magazine articles we had written. ”They [UFOs] are
not hostile,” he had grumbled repeatedly.

During our five lengthy visits to Point Pleasant we interviewed over one hundred monster
witnesses, plus scores of UFO sighters. We began to suspect that ”Mothman” was represented in
only a small percentage of the incidents. It seemed that an Abominable Swamp Slob was also loose
in the area. The witnesses to the real ”Mothman” never saw any arms on the creature and their
descriptions were impressively consistent. Others had been suprised by a giant, hair-covered,
headless thing with broad shoulders.
In the majority of all the ”Mothman” cases, the witnesses managed only a brief glimpse of the
creature. Its most outstanding feature seemed to be its glowing red eyes. Self-luminous eyes usually
suggest a paraphysical entity rather than a real animal. About half of the witnesses appeared to be
people with latent or active psychic abilities, prone to having accurate premonitions, prophetic
dreams, extra-sensory perception (ESP), etc. Few witnesses were able to describe the ”Bird's” face,
but most noted the eyes and were admittedly terrified by them. The eyes seemed to have been more
terrifying than the tremendous size of the creature. While some people claimed that ”Mothman”
was brown, most have described it as being grayish in color. All witnesses agreed that the wings did
not flap in flight, making its incredible speeds all the more unaccountable. Those who saw it walk
said that it shuffled or ”waddled” penguin-like. Those who claimed to have seen it take off said it
rose straight up like a helicopter.
Considering its reported size, the ten-foot wingspread does not make sense. A normal-sized man
would require wings twenty to thirty feet wide in order to glide and support his weight. Most large
birds must make a running start to get airborne.
Table 1 is a composite description of this Unbelievable.
The following composite description of West Virginia's ”Mothman” has been compiled from more
than one hundred eye-witness accounts:

1. HEIGHT: Between five and seven feet tall. Usually described as ”taller than a goodsized
2. BREADTH: Broad at the top with slight taper downwards. Always described as ”very
broad, much broader than a man.”
3. COVERING: Witnesses have been unable to determine if it is clothed or covered with skin.
Generally described as being gray, though some thought it was brown. One witness thought
it was covered with gray fur. Daylight sightings of others do not substantiate this.
4. HEAD: Seen from the back it appears to have no head. Few witnesses reported seeing any
face at all.
5. EYES: Self-luminous, bright red, approximately two to three inches in diameter, set wide
apart. Witnesses say the eyes are set in near the top of shoulders.
6. LEGS: Man-like. No witness has ever been able to describe the feet.
7. ARMS: None. No witness has ever reported seeing arms.
8. WINGS: Fold against the back when not in use. Wingspread, everyone agrees, is about ten
feet. Bat-like. Do not flap in flight.
9. CARRIAGE: Animal walks erect like a man. Does not stoop like a bear or ape. Moves its
legs in a shuffling manner. Some said it ”waddled.”
10. SOUND: Loud squeaks, like a mouse. One witness said it sounded ”like a squeaky fan belt.”
Two witnesses testified they heard a mechanical humming sound as the creature flew
11. SPEED: It is said to have kept pace with automobiles moving seventy to one hundred mph.
Few birds can achieve this in level flight. Pilot witnesses estimated it was traveling at least
seventy mph in level flight without flapping its wings.

The anomalous bird hypothesis is strongly supported by the Lowell, Ohio, sighting and by the
report of the five pilots in Gallipolis. However, if the ”Mothman” was the Ohio bird, then its
behavior would have been different. It would not have been so illusive, since the Ohio creatures did
not seem to be particularly disturbed by the presence of the witnesses. Moreover, something that
looked like nothing more than a giant bird would be more apt to evoke curiosity instead of terror. It
is also puzzling that no one else in Ohio or West Virginia even glimpsed such a bird. But it is
possible that the gravediggers in Clendenin may have done so.
Two unusual birds were caught in the area, however. In late December 1966 a rare Arctic snow owl
was shot by a farmer in Gallipolis Ferry, West Virginia. This was two feet tall and had a five foot
wingspan. ”Mothman” witnesses converged on the farmer for a look at the owl and all of them
declared that it in no way resembled what they had seen.
In July 1967 another rare bird turned up. This one was a turkey vulture and stood a foot tall. It was
found by a group of boys near New Haven, West Virginia. Again, the ”Mothman” witnesses looked
and shook their heads.
We do suspect that a few alleged ”Mothman” witnesses did mistake owls for ”Mothman.” While
driving through the TNT Area late one night in November 1967, we were startled ourselves when a
huge owl suddenly flapped into the air next to the road. It was so big that it was carrying a full-
grown rabbit in its talons. Perhaps if a similar owl suddenly fluttered in front of a car filled with
teenagers they might mistake it for something larger and more dramatic.
In Table 19.1 we have outlined twenty-six of the more responsible ”Mothman” sightings. Full
details of several of these cases appear in the main text. Like our A.S.S. and UFOs, ”Mothman”
displayed special delight in pursuing automobiles, a habit that is definitely not birdlike.

We also carefully explore one other possibility – bears. We learned that bears are rarely seen in
Mason County, but in November 1966 Mr. Cecil Lucas saw three bear-like creatures sniffing around
an oil pump in his field. His farm is located on the banks of the Ohio, just off Route 62. When he
came out of his house to investigate, the dark, hairy forms ran off erect towards the river,
disappearing into a thicket. No bears had been seen before or since by anyone else in the region.
We carefully avoided mentioning any theories or speculations, assuming that if there were
Abominable Swamp Slobs in the neighborhood we would eventually receive better descriptions of
them. Our hunch was right. Throughout 1968 Mrs. Hyre received a series of reports of tall hairy
creatures with luminous eyes. In incident after incident these creatures approached parked cars in
Lovers' Lanes, or stepped in front of vehicles on back roads. They stood erect, six to seven feet tall,
and were usually reported as holding out their arms, or pointing their arms upwards. A place called
Jerrico Road seemed to produce most of these reports. Mrs. Hyre published very few of them.
A winged giant was also seen on a few rare occasions in 1968-69. In September 1968 there was a
massive but little-publicized UFO ”flap” throughout northeastern United States. Across the border
in Canada there were several UFO landings and ”little men” reports beginning on September 15. All
hell broke loose in Point Pleasant that night. The sheriff's office was inundated with phone calls,
and Mrs. Hyre estimated that five hundred people had seen something unusual that weekend. Here
is part of the story she published in the Messenger on September 18, 1968:

Three teen-age boys saw an object in the TNT Area and said that the object's white light
focussed on them was so bright they could not look at it. The 'round object' was about three
hundred feet long.
One time it appeared over the hilltop on Jerrico Road. Witnesses reported it had long and
short prongs.
In the same area there was an object flying first fast, then slow. It would hover, displaying
green, red, and white lights. Timmie Clendenin and Johnny Love said they saw a bright light
at Ordnance School. When they went to investigate, it ”took off.” They chased it to Route 2.
No one who saw the object detected any wings. Some persons heard a humming sound,
similar to that of a plane or helicopter.
One person said the object stayed above his car while he was traveling home from his job.
A Letart man reported that the object circled the area there for thirty-five minutes.
People on Thomas Ridge said it stayed for thirty minutes or more in that area and was
circling the area using an extremely bright searchlight on the ground.
Many first thought it was a pilot in trouble, trying to find a place to land, but the Mason
County airport was lighted. The object went over it several times.
One teen-ager said that he saw a ”big thing” recently that he could not identify. He said he
was in the TNT Area. He turned a curve and on the bank was a creature about six feet tall. It
was white and had red eyes. He said he stopped his car but the creature ran. Others have
reported seeing similar creatures in the area.

Point Pleasant, West Virginia, is a typical ”window” area. There are hundreds of others throughout
the United States, each marked by continuous UFO activity over long periods of time, bizarre
monster sightings, and the mysterious comings and goings of unusual persons. It is completely
erroneous to blame the collapse of the rickety old Silver Bridge on flying saucers or ”Men in
Black.” But the intense UFO activity in the TNT Area on the night of the disaster does suggest some
intangible relationship.
Our in-depth investigations in several other ”windows” in the United States have uncovered
manifestations and phenomena identical to the things we found in Point Pleasant. When the flying
saucers arrive they bring with them strange invisible forces, frightening screams in the night, and
luminous phantoms.
The winged ”Mothman” never left behind any footprints, droppings or other physical evidence. The
only traces of any kind that were found were those giant dog tracks. Similar tracks have been found
at other monster sites around the world. [Re-examine Case 24, Chapter 10.]
People in Point Pleasant continued to see monsters and UFOs throughout 1969, but Mrs. Hyre
published very few of their reports. One morning in April 1969 Mr. Ernest Adkins stepped from his
home on a farm near New Haven, West Virginia, and found his eleven-week-old beagle pup dead in
his yard. ”There was no evidence that the dog died in a fight,” Adkins said. ”But there was a large,
very neat hole in its side, and the animal's heart was lying outside the body. It looked as if
something chewed it out. There were no other marks on the body.”
No known animal would, or could, tear the heart out of a dog without leaving other marks on the
carcass. And any animal that might attempt such a thing would certainly have eaten the heart or
some part of the dog.
We investigated the situation in Point Pleasant as thoroughly and as carefully as was humanly
possible. But after all of our interviews and all of our experiences we were still left with the basic,
disturbing question: What is really on the loose in West Virginia?

TABLE 19.1
26 ”Mothman” Sightings
West Virginia 1966-1967
Date Witnesses Locale Description
Sept. 1, 1966 Several adults Scott, Miss. Man-shaped object
maneuvering at low altitude
Nov. 1, 1966 National Guardsman Armory, near Camp Conley A large, brown man-shaped
Rd., Point Pleasant figure on limb of tree.
Nov. 12, 1966 5 male adults Cemetery near Clendenin, W. A flying, brown human-
Va. shaped object.
Nov. 15, 1966 2 married couples TNT Area, near old power Large gray man-shaped plant,
plant, Point Pleasant, W. Va. creature with blazing red
eyes, 10' wing span. Pursued
witnesses' auto.
Nov. 16, 1966 3 adults, 3 children TNT Area, near ”igloos” Tall, grayish creature with
glowing red eyes.
Nov. 17, 1966 Teenaged boy Route 7, near Cheshire, Ohio Gray man-shaped creature
with red eyes and 10' wing
spread pursued witness' auto.
Nov. 18, 1966 2 firemen TNT Area Giant winged creature with
red eyes.
Nov. 20, 1966 6 teenagers Campbells Creek, W. Va. Gray man-sized creature with
red eyes.
Nov. 24, 1966 2 adults, 2 children Point Pleasant Giant flying creature with red
Nov. 25, 1966 Male adult Highway passing TNT Area Gray man-like being with red
eyes and 10' wingspread.
Pursued auto.
Nov. 26, 1966 2 male adults, 2 children Lowell, Ohio Four giant brown and gray
birds, with reddish heads. 5'
tall, 10' wing spans.
Nov. 26, 1966 Housewife St. Albans, W. Va. Gray creature with red eyes,
taller than a man, standing on
Nov. 27, 1966 Teenaged girl Mason, W. Va. Tall, gray man-shaped being
10' wingspan and red eyes.
Pursued auto.
Nov. 27, 1966 2 teenaged girls St. Albans, W. Va. Gray seven-foot tall creatures
pursued witnesses (who were
on foot).
Dec. 4, 1966 5 pilots Gallipolis, Ohio, airport Giant ”bird,” appeared to be
plane at first. Long neck
reported. Estimated speed: 70
Dec. 6, 1966 Mailman Mayscille, Ky. Giant birdlike creature in
Dec. 6, 1966 2 adults TNT Area Giant gray man-like figure
with glowing red eyes.
Dec. 7, 1966 4 adult women Route 33, Ohio Brownish-silver man-shaped
flying creature with glowing
red eyes.
Dec. 8, 1966 2 adult women Route 35, W. Va. Shadowy figure on hilltop,
two glowing red eyes.
Dec. 11, 1966 1 adult male, 1 boy TNT Area Man-shaped figure, gray,
flying overhead at great
Dec. 11, 1966 Adult woman Route 35, W. Va. Huge gray creature with
glowing red eyes, flew past
Jan. 11, 1967 Housewife Point Pleasant Winged being as big as a
small plane flew low over
Route 62.
Mar. 12, 1967 1 adult woman Letart Falls, Ohio Large white flying being with
long hair, 10' wingspread,
passed directly in front of car.
May 19, 1967 1 adult woman TNT Area Flying creature with glowing
red eyes approached hovering
luminous object and
Nov. 2, 1967 Adult woman TNT Area Giant gray man-like figure
gliding swiftly at ground
level across field.
Nov. ?, 1967 4 adult males Chief Cornstalk Park, W, Va. Witnesses claim to have
encountered a giant gray
figure with red eyes while
hunting. They were so
frightened they never thought
to raise their rifles.


Something is going on at the bottom of the oceans, and even in placid lakes and streams all over the
world. Strange objects and creatures frequently have been observed on top of the water and deep
within it. The United States government has been taking these sightings far more seriously than the
now-routine flying saucer appearances in our skies. In January 1969 the Navy revealed the
existence of a top secret nuclear submarine called the NR-1. It cost nearly 100 million dollars and
carries a crew of seven. A conventional nuclear sub carries a crew of over one hundred. Why do we
need a seven-man submarine worth 100 million dollars? The Navy says ”to explore commercial and
military possibilities of the ocean floor.”
The NR-1 is equipped with a vast array of underwater lights, television and motion picture cameras,
and numerous other space-age gadgets including mechanical arms. The sub can operate at depths
down to two thousand feet. Originally it was supposed to cost a mere 30 million dollars but it turned
out that the sub itself finally cost 65.5 million dollars to build. Another 11.8 million dollars went to
”research and development.” And those TV cameras and mechanical arms ran to 19.9 million
dollars. Then the whole project was classified ”Top Secret” and we can only assume that seven men
are riding around in it somewhere out there, probing the ocean's bottom and photographing the
strange creatures which live there. It is even possible that they are looking for other super-
submarines of unknown origin. There is plenty of evidence that such super-subs do exist.
Numerous oceanographic expeditions have picked up perplexing underwater anomalies on their
instruments throughout the 1960s. Glistering metallic objects larger than any known submarines
have surfaced off the coasts of Australia and South America, inspiring extensive, fruitless military
searches by sea and air. Some of the underwater objects intercepted by sonar were traveling at
impossible speeds, too fast for any known fish or man-made submarine.
We now know more about the moon than we do about the Atlantic Ocean. Four-fifths of this planet
is water, and we have only explored and mapped a minute section of it. For all we know, the ocean
could be filled with enormously complex living organisms of a size and nature which would dwarf
the imagination of our science fiction writers. There is even one small UFO cult who actually
believe that survivors of ”Lost Atlantis” are living in splendid cities on the ocean's bottom.
The existence of Atlantis will remain debatable, but we do know that there are strange mechanical
objects and animal forms in the ocean depths. Scientists about the oceanographic ship Eltanin sent a
special camera to the bottom in a series of expeditions in 1964, west of Cape Horn, and at a depth of
13,500 feet, they photographed a bizarre piece of technology which remains unexplained to this
day. It was a complicated-looking machine with rods or antennae jutting out from it. ”I wouldn't
like to say that the thing is man-made,” Dr. Thomas Hopkins, one of the discoverers, said, ”because
this brings up the problem of how it would get there!”
Other expeditions equipped with similar cameras have photographed giant three-toed footprints in
the slime of the ocean floor. Something huge and unknown seems to be strolling about there almost
completely unnoticed.
We have developed a supposedly foolproof gadget known as a Simrad which is a sophisticated form
of sonar and is used to map the ocean bed. Early in 1969 the M/V Mylark was cruising Raspberry
Strait off Alaska when the screen of the Simrad device formed a startling image. Somewhere fifty-
five fathoms (around three hundred feet) below the boat a creature two-hundred feet long roughly in
the shape of an extinct dinosaur was moving about. Electronic specialists checked out the
equipment and could find nothing wrong with it. The scientists were forced to shrug in dismay; the
object or animal must have been real. But what was it? It may be a long time before we have an
answer to that one.
The natives of Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela have frequently been called out on frustrating
searches for mysterious submarines. [Britain's Flying Saucer Review (FSR) has published several
well-documented articles on these mysterious submarine objects. Here is a partial listing: ”Crew of
Argentine Ship See Submarine UFO” by Oscar A. Galindez, FRS Mar/Apr. 1968; ”More About
UFOs and the Sea” by Antonio Ribera, FSR Nov./Dec. 1965; ”UFOs and the Scottish Seas” by W.
S. Robertson, FSR, May/June 1965; ”UFOs and the Sea” by Antonio Ribera, FSR, Nov./Dec. 1964;
”Argentina 1962” by Gordon Creighton, FSR, July/Aug. 1964.] The same sort of unidentified craft
have appeared near Australia and New Zealand, baffling expert witnesses who could not identify
them as being any known American or Soviet submarines. On January 12, 1965, the pilot of a DC3
saw a strange, elongated object in a shallow harbor near Helensville, New Zealand. He swooped
down for a closer look, thinking at first that it was a gray-white whale that had been washed ashore.
But when he got closer to it he realized it was some sort of metallic structure. Here is his

1. It was perfectly streamlined and symmetrical in shape.

2. It had no external control surfaces or protrusions.
3. It appeared metallic and there was a suggestion of a hatch on top, streamlined in shape, not
quite halfway along the body as measured from the nose.
4. It was resting on the bottom of the estuary and headed towards the south as suggested by the
streamlined shape.
5. The shape was not that of a normal submarine.
6. Its length was an estimated one hundred feet, with a diameter of fifteen feet at the widest
7. The object rested in no more than thirty feet of water and the craft was very clearly defined.

Naval authorities said the object could not have been a conventional submarine because the estuary
was inaccessible.
Writing in Spaceview magazine (February/March 1966), Mr. H. J. Hinfelaar outlined several other
sightings of these enigmatic non-submarines in New Zealand waters. Two fishermen, R. D. Hanning
and W. J. Johnson, said they had seen one of these things a few hundred yards off Bugged Islands in
the southern part of New Zealand at 11:30 A.M. on November 13, 1965. It rose up out of the water
about three hundred yards away from their boat Eleoneai, and ”its tapered structure” lifted about
fifteen feet above the water. No periscope, railing, or other conventional configuration was visible.
After a few seconds the water started to churn and the thing disappeared. The witnesses dutifully
reported this event to the naval authorities. The Deputy Chief of Naval Staff later said that ”it was
most unlikely that the object – whatever it might have been – was a submarine, because it would
have been operating in an area where there are rocks, a definite submarine hazard. Besides, there
was no logical reason for any submarine to be in that area.”
Soviet and United States submarines carefully obey international law. They are not likely to invade
the sovereign waters of neutral countries, and they certainly would not sneak into busy harbors,
attract attention, and become the subjects of massive submarine hunts. Yet, over the past few years,
there have been several episodes in which mystery submarines have indulged in such daring
maneuvers and have been hunted by the whole navies of South American countries. In several of
these cases, those navies were convinced that they had trapped the sub in some cove or harbor only
to have it melt away as mysteriously as it had appeared.
Early in September 1969, according to Reuters, the Swedish navy was called out to hunt ”a mystery
submarine sighted in a prohibited area of Stockholm's archipelago.” Destroyers and coast guard
vessels sealed off the area, convinced they had something completely trapped. Whatever it was, it
got away.
Scandinavian waters became the favorite haunt of the phantom submarines throughout the 1970s
and '80s. In November 1972 the Norwegian government faced a serious crisis when the Norwegian
navy cornered an unidentified sub far inland in the Sognefjord and tried to force it to the surface in
a ”battle” that lasted several days. Unidentified helicopters cruised around the area and then all the
electrical equipment aboard the Norwegian fleet malfunctioned mysteriously and the sub escaped
from the fjord. The incident supplied the European press with headlines for two weeks and the
Norwegian government was almost forced to resign.
In the years that followed, the subs returned to the fjords of Sweden and Norway year after year,
usually making their first appearances in the month of June and, not surprisingly, often picking June
24 to surface somewhere and drive the navies of both countries berserk. Little Finland also had its
share of underwater interlopers. At the same time, unmarked black helicopters were frequently
sighted in the hostile Arctic Circle where weather conditions made it difficult for ordinary airplanes
to operate.
Older Swedes were familiar with phantom ships and aircraft because something or someone started
invading northern Scandinavia back in 1930. Both airplanes and boats appeared with great
regularity above the thinly populated Arctic Circle area from 1930 to 1936. Sometimes they flew in
perfect formations during snowstorms and they performed feats that were impossible for the known
airplanes of that day. The Swedish and Norwegian newspapers speculated they were liquor
smugglers (the sale of booze is tightly controlled in both countries) while the sage old New York
Times decided they were piloted by Japanese! Similar craft were being seen in the northern reaches
of the Soviet Union, triggering such paranoia that a large part of the Soviet air force was moved to
the Kola Peninsula in 1936, in a futile effort to deal with the unwelcome visitors. [See Operation
Trojan Horse by John A. Keel, Chapter 7, for some complete details of this strange wave.]
Things were relatively quiet during World War II, but months after Germany surrendered
Scandinavia was revisited by ”ghost rockets.” Throughout 1946 thousands of people reported
seeing cylindrical objects darting about the skies. It was suspected that the Russians had captured
some German rocket scientists and were firing test rockets at neutral Sweden.
Meanwhile, submarines were popping up all over the world where no known subs were supposed to
be. Newspapers theorized that renegade Nazi submarines were responsible, even though submarines
require a lot of logistical support for fuel, food, etc. Sailors just home from the war were also telling
strange tales about seeing submarine-like objects in the Pacific. Some of these reportedly bubbled
up out of the ocean and took off into the sky like airplanes. Since they never attacked our ships, sea
captains assumed the objects were top secret ”flying submarines” that we must have developed and
they warned their crews to keep mum about what they had seen.
By 1976 so many phantom subs had been sighted in the frigid fjords that we made a special trip to
the arctic to investigate the situation firsthand. We didn't catch any subs but we did have some
chilling experiences. A large group of civilian submarine chasers had sprung up and they were
living in a dark world of imagined espionage straight out of the pages of James Bond. To
complicate matters, the CIA was operating an air base in northern Norway, sending U-2 spy planes
to Russia from that remote point. The affected areas were sparsely inhabited and it didn't make
sense that any submarine from any country would bother to cruise up the fjords.
Swedish officials were openly blaming the Soviet Union for these intrusions in the late 1970s.
Tension mounted between the two countries even though the Soviets repeatedly denied any
responsibility. On October 27, 1981, the fan was hit when a Soviet submarine ran aground at
Torumskar, near an important naval base in southern Sweden!
The Swedes were apoplectic and the Russians were wretchedly apologetic. The Soviet commander
claimed that all of his electronic gear was at fault. Europeans heaved a sigh of relief. The mystery of
the phantom subs was solved at last, or so they thought. [See Soviet Submarine Operations in
Swedish Waters by Milton Leitenberg, 1987, published by The Center for Strategic and
International Studies, Washington, D.C.]
Forteans were hardly surprised, though, when the subs continued to appear in the fjords. The
Soviets pointedly released a long list of over ninety incidents in their own waters as proof of their
innocence. It became common knowledge that the CIA (those guys again) had three nuclear-
powered subs of their own, staffed by specially trained personnel, which would occasionally sneak
into Russian rivers to pick up important political defectors.
Most readers are aware that submarines are designed to make as little noise as possible because
sound travels a great distance underwater and can be easily picked up on sonar and other modern
devices. We have spent millions to develop propellers that make almost no sound as they lash
through the water. You may also know that we now have special torpedoes which are equipped to
track and destroy subs just as our ”smart” rockets can pursue and blow up an airplane.
Nevertheless, there seems to be something down there that must make a terrible racket. A submarine
with tractor treads like those on a tank, apparently so it can be driven along the sea bottom, clanking
and clattering as it goes. Tracks from one of these mysterious things was found on the bottom of
Sweden's Harsfjord in 1982. (Incidentally, some of these fjords are as deep as six hundred feet.)
One military officer was quoted as saying the fjord bottom looked like ”a barnyard that had been
crisscrossed by tractors.”
On the other side of the world, in August 1983, the Japanese discovered that the bed of the Tsugaru
Strait was covered with similar tracks.
The Soviets continued to be blamed for these things no matter where they happened. Russian
officials continued to deny everything. Sub sightings actually escalated throughout the 1980s. The
navies of Sweden and Norway threw everything they had into the search, filling the fjords with
depth charges and firing those ”smart” torpedoes at the slightest provocation. But the subs always
got away.
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Swedish Commander in Chief, Bengt
Gustafsson, held a press conference and announced that the USO mystery was over. The Soviet
navy was practically dismantled and in dry dock. Russian authorities had opened all their files and
there was no record of any submarine funny business. The case was closed... supposedly.
So, naturally, 1992 became the biggest year ever for USO sightings. Periscopes and conning towers
popped up everywhere. One sub boldly surfaced in the middle of the Swedish fleet out on
maneuvers! A ”smart” torpedo (each one costs three million kronor) was fired at a sub near the
Havringe lighthouse. It not only failed to explode, it disappeared! They are probably still searching
for it. Depth charges were dropped in several places, all without effect.
Since the Soviets are no longer likely suspects, the military theorists are lapsing into the never-
never land of UFOlogy. A covert intelligence organization with unlimited funds, secret bases, and
unfathomable motives is now being blamed. From all the data that has been collected over the years
we know that there are at least twenty-two submarines involved, along with underwater vehicles
equipped with caterpillar tracks, and anywhere from seven hundred to one thousand men to operate
all this in the barren, bitter cold, rather unimportant regions north of the Arctic Circle. What are they
up to? Are they another curse going forth over the whole earth?
There are now thousands of reports of unidentified flying objects plunging out of the sky to dive
into lakes, rivers, and oceans. Many of these incidents set off massive searches for crashed airplanes
but, without exception, no trace of the submerged object was ever found. In a typical case, the
witnesses would see a large, brilliantly illuminated object suddenly hurtle into the water – often
without even a splash. In innumerable instances large crowds of people have observed this
phenomenon. Even stranger, the phenomenon has a habit of repeating itself at the very same spot.
Meteors and other natural objects would not and could not be so selective.
Monster-plagued Nova Scotia has produced a long line of these sightings over the years. The
numerous sightings of peculiar aerial lights around Nova Scotia in September 1967, seemed to
reach a climax on Wednesday, October 4, when witnesses around Shag Harbor saw a group of
flashing lights descend and hit the water. A crowd gathered along the beach to watch one of the
lights bob in the black waters. Members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrived on the scene
and saw the light themselves.
”After it hit the water we were called to the scene,” Constable Ron O'Brien told a reporter from the
Halifax Mail-Star. ”I saw a light floating on the water about half a mile offshore.”
Boats were sent out, supposedly to do some rescuing, but all they found was a patch of bubbling
water and foam about eighty feet wide. Captain Bradford Shand said it was yellowish in color and
he had never before seen anything like it. Other witnesses came forth, telling corroborating stories
of seeing a dark sixty-foot-long object bearing a series of lights strike the surface of the water, float
for a few minutes, and then sink out of sight.
Divers were brought into the area and a thorough search was held. Nothing was found.
Fort, Farish, and many other researchers have uncovered reports of water-entering UFOs going
back to the nineteenth century and even earlier. But, like most of the other aspects of the UFO
phenomenon, this data has never been properly collected, catalogued, indexed, and placed in proper
perspective. Cultists of religious orientation use the Bible and turn to Revelation (8:10-11) for their

...and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third
part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became
wormwood; and many men died of the water, because they were made bitter.

On May 23, 1969, according to police on Nun's Island three eyewitnesses saw ”a round shining
object with flashing red lights” plunge from the sky and disappear into the waters of the St.
Lawrence River. A superficial search was held and, as usual, nothing was found at the site.
Down in South America, many rumors were flying around Cusco, Peru, always a busy UFO
”window.” Vague reports stated that over thirty UFOs had been seen plunging into a lake near
Cusco. It may be coincidental that famed oceanographer Jacques Cousteau arrived in the area in
1969, complete with his tiny submarine. He spent several weeks diving in the mountain lake to take
a look at the local fish, but his presence excited a new wave of UFO rumors. Some enthusiasts
claimed that the government had hired Cousteau to look for sunken saucers. Apparently he did not
find any.
This book is necessarily more concerned with unusual creatures than with unusual objects. You will
find many other references to interesting water cases in the vast mass of UFO literature now
available. There are many solid reports describing how huge objects, particularly cigar-shaped
objects, were seen to rise up out of the water where they had been apparently submerged, circle a
ship filled with amazed witnesses, and then fly off into the stars. There was an interesting wave of
such events in the 1930s, seemingly concentrated in the northern latitudes.
All of this indicates that solid metallic objects of unknown origin and purpose are openly operating
in all of our oceans, perhaps even hiding out there. In recent years the United States has
instrumented several elaborate and expensive oceanographic expeditions, some of them sending
astronauts off on missions to the bottom of the oceans! These projects will certainly expand our
knowledge of the earth's bodies of water and might even eventually provide us with some
unexpected answers to these other mysteries.


A large group of students from Hong Kong University were on a beach late one night in March
1969, when they heard a ”crying noise.” Benjamin Chae said, ”I looked out to the sea and about
twenty yards from us, a big black creature was rising from the water. I yelled out Kai Kwai [sea
devil] and all the others saw it too.”
Whatever it was, it was black, twenty to thirty feet long, and had big green eyes. It wailed
something like a baby crying and sank again into the water after about thirty seconds. ”It was
fantastic,” Lulu Chow said. ”It had a big head. It wasn't a fish, that's all I can say...”
That same month fishermen on City Island Bridge in the Bronx, New York, many thousands of
miles from Hong Kong, were gaping in disbelief at a huge, slimy, black-and-grey creature
swimming unconcernedly upriver, past one of the largest cities in the world. The witnesses said that
it was much bigger than a whale. Soon afterwards, people from Little Neck Bay, Queens, reported
seeing the thing. Harbor Police dashed off on a futile sea serpent chase, according to the Bronx
Journal News.
Ever since man learned to sail he has been seeing sea monsters and ocean-going Unbelievables. The
earliest maps were covered with drawings of grotesque reptiles and notations asserting, ”Here there
be monsters.” Whole crews of ships have seen the creatures, and marine journals going back two
hundred years are filled with carefully recorded reports giving full descriptions of the beasts, the
exact latitudes and longitudes they were sighted, and other pertinent details. Five or ten new sea
serpent sightings turn up in the daily press every year.
Still, science treats sea serpents as humorous myths. And when the carcass of one washes up on a
beach, and many have, the Type B scientists soberly offer explanations that border on insanity.
UFOs are ”meteors,” Abominable Snowmen are fugitives from a zoo, and sea serpents are
elephants according to our learned men of science.
Dr. Bernard Heuvelmans, one of the few scientists to make a serious study of sea serpents, has
speculated that there may actually exist at least seven different types of unclassified sea monsters.
With his usual wry British style, Ivan T. Sanderson has labeled one group of beached behemoths
Globsters. They are, indeed, grotesque globs of something.
Some of the earlier sea serpent sightings could very well have disappointing explanations. Giant
squid could supply the answer to a few cases. These enormous, multitentacled creatures have been
known to attack small boats from time to time. In the 1920s some film makers operating in a diving
bell off the coast of Bermuda were attacked by one of these things. It was so big that it actually
picked up the heavy bell and shook it until the cameraman inside were knocked unconscious.
Science regarded the giant squid as a legend of the sea until around 1880. But drawings of the
creature can be found on ancient Greek urns and in old Japanese woodcuts. The squid has a huge,
cigar-shaped body with eyes as big as saucers, a beak like a parrot, and ten tentacles lined with
suction cups, two of the arms being somewhat longer than the others. It would be very unpleasant to
meet one while taking a moonlight dip. Those tentacles can grow as long as fifty feet, and if a
submerged squid chose to flutter one or two above the surface you might think you were seeing a
serpent of some kind.
One of these squids apparently attacked a ship captained by Jean Mangus Dens back in the 1730s.
In his report Captain Dens said that a ”monster so horrible as to defy description” grabbed three of
his men in its frightening tentacles. The crew fought it off with harpoons, and it finally released its
victims and dropped back into the sea.
Sea serpents became a vogue in the nineteenth century, and many spurious reports are widely
published. Others were seemingly very legitimate. One of the classics is the sighting made by the
crew of the H.M.S. Deadalus, a ninteen-gun corvette commanded by Captain Peter M'Quhae. While
in the South Atlantic something sixty feet or longer appeared three hundred feet from the ship,
rapidly swimming in the other direction. Its head, which resembled that of a snake, jutted about four
feet out of the water.
On December 4, 1893, the steamer Umfuli encountered and chased a sea serpent. It was a calm,
sunny day and the Umfuli was sailing about thirty miles off the coast of West Africa when the thing
surfaced suddenly four hundred yards to the starboard. Three massive humps were visible in the
water and the creature's head and neck were about fifteen feet above the surface. Captain Cringle
ordered his helmsman to turn and try to follow the creature. He chased it for twenty minutes at a
speed of fourteen knots and the thing outran him! Cringle filed a detailed report and the press had a
field day with it. Years later, in 1929, Captain Cringle told Captain Ruppert Gould, a pioneer
monster hunter, ”I've been so ridiculed about the thing that I've many times wished that someone
else had seen that sea monster rather than me. I've been told that it was a string of porpoises, that it
was an island of seaweed, and I don't know what else besides. But if an island can travel at the rate
of fourteen knots, or if a string of porpoises can stand fifteen feet out of the water, then... I give in.”
The squid can travel very fast underwater, using a kind of jet propulsion, spewing out streams of
water. But when it is moving, its body goes first and its long tentacles follow. They would not stick
out of the water and resemble a serpent's head.
It is also believed that the serpents sighted are really the oarfish or eels. The oarfish is a long,
serpentine thing and is rarely caught. It swims like a fish, however, and in no way duplicated the
often observed undulating motions of sea serpents. Eels, on the other hand, come in a wide variety
of sizes and some of them are minor Incomprehensibles. At least one type could be the source of a
few sea serpent stories.
Something estimated to measure between 60 and 140 feet long put in an appearance off the coast of
Gloucester, Massachusetts, in the summer of 1817. Mr. Amos Story said he saw it at noon on
Sunday, August 10, 1817, and watched it swim about for an hour. It had a ”turtle-like head” and was
as big around as a man. He estimated that it sometimes moved as fast as thirty miles an hour. Other
people around Gloucester allegedly saw the thing during the next two weeks. Finally, according to
Bert Groth's account in Fate (May 1969), a baby sea serpent was found, killed, and exhibited in the
Essex Coffee House in Gloucester. It was three feet long, brown, and had thirty-two humps on its
back. It was named scoliophis atlanticus, ”the flexible snake of the Atlantic.”
If the scoliophis atlanticus had been discovered in a later, more sophisticated period the whole sea
serpent controversy might have been resolved once and for all. But in 1817, science was not even
ready to accept the existence of the giant squid, and there were no scientists to scurry to Gloucester
and examine the three-foot, multi-humped baby sea serpent.
In 1930 the nets about the research ship Dana reeled in another Incomprehensible. The Dana was
only a few miles from the spot in the South Atlantic where the Daedalus had sighted a sea monster
nearly a century before. Dr. Anton Bruun was somewhat amazed by the six-foot-long thing in his
net. He dissected and studied it carefully and his amazement grew. The thing was a larva! If it was
six feet long in the larva stage, then it was capable of growing up to 100 or even 180 feet long!
From his study of the creature's structure, Bruun concluded that it was some kind of giant eel.
The conger eel can grow up to ten feet long, and the record moray eel was sixteen feet long. But
their larva are only three or four inches in length. A larva six feet long could grow to thirty times
that length. Dr. Bruun was convinced that he had solved the sea serpent mystery, but his larva was
anomalous. Later expeditions to the same spot failed to find duplicates. In his book The Mystery
Monsters Gardner Soule quotes Bruun as saying: ”If the monstrous larva exist, the monstrous adults
must exist, too – as terrifying as any sea serpent ever painted. I shall search for them again, and
some day they will be found... I am a man who rather believes in sea serpents.”
On June 11, 1930, Dr. William Beebe was 550 feet down in the Atlantic in his famous bathysphere
when he also saw some kind of giant larva. ”A big leptocephalus undulated past,” he wrote later. ”A
pale ribbon of transparent gelatin with only the two iridescent eyes to indicate its arrival. As it
moved, I could see the outline faintly – ten inches long at least – and as it passed close, even the
parted jaws were visible. This was the larva of some great sea eel.”
In July 1963 a transparent submersible had the gall to appear directly off the East Coast of the
United States, just south of New York City. It had the further affrontery to swim past the research
ship Challenger loaded down with scientists. One of them, Dr. Lionel A. Walford of the Sandy
Hook Marine Laboratories, described it this way: ”It resembled a transparent sea monster. It looked
like so much jelly. I could see no bones and no eyes, nose, or mouth. But there it was, undulating
along, looking as if it were almost made of fluid glass. It was from forty to fifty feet long and five to
seven inches in diameter.”
This same thing was seen a short time later off the coast of Asbury Park, New Jersey. If it was a
larva, we had rather not meet it after it grows up.

Hairy things with unbelievably tough hides, several times larger than the largest known whale, with
tusks sometimes as long as twenty feet, wash up on beaches. Crowds gather to mutter in confusion.
And then Type B scientists resolve the mystery by calling them whales anyway. Another
explanation in vogue it to say that they are the remains of elephants or even ancient mammoths
which have recently been freed from floating icebergs.
The ”iceberg” hypothesis is not merely unscientific, it is moronic. So far as is known, no animal –
modern or prehistoric – has ever been found encased in a floating iceberg. If it were even remotely
possible for an ancient beast to emerge from a melting iceberg, it would certainly drift ashore in the
northern climes. But our hairy beasts have a habit of turning up on beaches in Florida and Mexico
many thousands of miles south of the iceberg belt.
Perhaps this pseudoscientific myth springs from the fact that some prehistoric saber-toothed tigers
and mammoths were found frozen in muck in northern Siberia around the turn of the century. Muck
is frozen soil completely unrelated to icebergs. Apparently those animals were caught in landslides
or some other catastrophe and their bodies were quick-frozen. One theory is that the earth shifted
suddenly on its axis long ago, with tropical areas suddenly ending up in the northern latitudes.
We have located only one story about a frozen monster in more recent times. In 1930 a skeleton and
a pile of flesh were allegedly discovered on Glacier Island, Alaska. The creature was twenty-four
feet long and covered with hair or fur. Its head was fifty-nine inches long, and it had a thirty-nine-
inch snout. No long-snouted, twenty-four-foot furry Incomprehensible is known to paleontology,
not that this means very much. There are several types of bedbugs that have never been classified
and catalogued either.
In September 1808, something with six arms, and paws or wings washed up on a beach in the
Orkney Islands. One Dr. Barclay observed it and announced that it was ”without the least
resemblance or affinity to fish.” When it turned rancid it was hauled out to sea again.
Twelve miles south of St. Augustine, Florida, a massive pink thing floated ashore on December 1,
1896. Professor A. E. Verrill looked it over. It was twenty-one feet long, seven feet wide and four
and a half feet high, he reported, and weighed an estimated seven tons. It did not appear to be the
remains of an octopus or a whale. ”The hide is of a light pink color, nearly white,” said the New
York Herald (December 2, 1896), ”and in the sunshine has a distinct silvery appearance. It is very
tough and cannot be penetrated with a sharp knife.”
In a book called Battles with Giant Fish F. A. Mitchell-Hedges described a huge something that
washed up on a beach on Cape May, New Jersey, in November 1921. It was supposed to have
weighed an estimated fifteen tons and was as large as five fully grown elephants. The late Charles
Fort took an interest in this one and tried to collect more information. He did manage to locate some
photographs of the thing. It had two six-foot-long tusks.
On October 24, 1924, another Incomprehensible floated onto a beach in Natal, Africa. It was forty-
seven feet long and was covered with white hair, like a polar bear's.
Tasmania has given us a number of interesting animal oddities, as we have already noted. On April
20, 1913, two miners named Davis and Harris reported seeing a very strange creature near
Macquarie Harbor. It may have been some kind of sea-going amphibian.
”The animal was about fifteen feet long,” they said. ”It had a very small head, only the size of the
head of a kangaroo dog. It had a thick, arched neck, passing gradually into the barrel of the body. It
had no definite tail and no fins. It was furred, the coat in appearance resembling that of a horse of
chestnut color, well-groomed and shining. It had four distinct legs. It traveled by bounding – i.e., by
arching its back and gathering up its body, so that the footprints of the forefeet were level with those
of the hind feet. These showed circular impressions with a diameter of nine inches, and the marks of
claws about seven inches long, extending outward from the body. There was no evidence for or
against webbing.”
Perhaps if this same animal were swimming and using the same ”bounding” movements it would
resemble the classic sea serpent. Maybe Davies and Harris saw a sea serpent on shore leave.
Anomalous sea creatures are constantly being caught, reported upon briefly, and then completely
forgotten. A Mexican shrimp boat Xochitl Elena came upon a floundering thing in the Gulf of
Mexico in May 1954. Long heavy harpoons bounded off of its tough hide, but finally the crew
managed to spear it and haul it aboard. It was four feet long, six feet wide, had long sharp teeth and
stubby fins, tipping the scales at 550 pounds. It remains unidentified.
One Joseph Korhummel was walking along the shore near Redwood, California, in July 1955, when
he saw something splashing about just offshore. He climbed onto some rocks for a better look and
saw what he described as a snakelike creature sixteen to eighteen feet long. It was brownish-green,
had a fin just behind its head, and was at least a foot in diameter.
A few months later, in December 1955, an eight-hundred-pound, snake-like thing washed ashore at
Venice, California. It was sixteen feet long and fourteen inches in diameter, and came complete with
fins and a snakish head.
Over in Girvan, Scotland, a hairy, thirty-foot long Incomprehensible washed up in September 1953.
This one had a ten-foot giraffe-like neck, four short legs, a pointed tail twelve feet long, and a coat
of heavy dark brown hair. The official scientific opinion, sight unseen, was that it was a shark!
When it started to pollute the good Scottish air the local citizens poured oil on it and cremated it.
Bordeaux, France, became the unwilling host to another smelly carcass in January of 1960: It was
thirteen feet long, ten feet wide, with a flat head about three feet in diameter. It had huge six-foot
flippers and was covered with thick black hair about four inches long. No one ever found out what
it was. It was stinking up Cape Ferrat Beach so it was hauled out to sea unceremoniously and
In the summer of 1960 a storm regurgitated an immense hair-covered Globster onto an obscure
beach in Tasmania. Three men, Ben Fenton, Jack Boote, and Ray Anthony, were rounding up cattle
in the area that August when they stumbled across it. They said it was circular and was covered with
short, soft fur. They left it there.
Nearly two years passed before rumors of this find reached Hobart, the capital of Tasmania, and a
naturalist named G. C. Cramp took an interest. In March 1962 he chartered a plane, located the
beach, and found the decaying remains half buried in the sand. In the weeks that followed, various
teams of scientists visited the spot and inspected the creature – if it was a creature.
The mass was eight feet long, three feet wide and ten inches thick. It contained no bones, spine, or
other hard substance, but was made of tough, fibrous material. The scientists were puzzled and
tossed around all the classic theories: it was whale blubber; it was the remains of a squid; it was an
unidentifiable; it was the carcass of a prehistoric animal recently freed from an Arctic iceberg. The
press in Tasmania and Australia headlined the story belatedly in 1962, and the government lowered
a rather peculiar curtain of secrecy over the whole affair. All kinds of idiotic explanations were
mouthed by Type B scientists and politicians. Ivan Sanderson collected all the clippings and
corresponded with some of the men involved. The first ten pages of his book Things (1967) are
devoted to the case. The only possible conclusion is that no one was able to reach any rational
conclusion. We do not know what the thing was, where it came from, or, strangely, where it finally
Each year brings more Globsters and carcasses to isolated beaches all over the world. On February
10, 1968, a fisherman named Vincenzo Croce was walking along a beach near Campobello, Sicily,
when he noticed some bones sticking out of the sand. They proved to be the remains of a giant
lizard which had measured between twenty-three and thirty feet long. Some pieces of flesh still
clung to the bones and the spinal column was intact, indicating that the creature had been alive only
a short time before. The head was flat and ”duck-shaped.” Thousands of tourists descended on
Campobello to take a look at this thing before it was finally carted off to a museum. Assorted
scientists soberly informed the world that it was not a whale, tuna, dolphin, or shark. But no one
could say what it was. It really could not have been a thirty-foot lizard, you see, because there was
no such animal.
There is now.
In July 1968 the Associated Press revealed that Japanese fishermen had hauled up another
Incomprehensible in the Pacific. It was six feet long, weighed two hundred pounds, had two side
fins ”sharp as hatchets,” and there were nine ”thorns” scattered on its head and back. Oh, yes, it was
also covered with polka dots.
Finally, here is a widely printed news story from Tecolutle, Mexico, March 6, 1969:

Villagers have found a thirty-five-ton sea creature which has washed up on the beach here.
The carcass of the creature was described as about thirty feet long and eighteen feet wide,
with a ”serpent-like body,” covered with hard armor, jointed so it would swim. It was also
reported to have a ten-foot tusk. The creature washed up on February 28 and marine
biologists are studying it in an effort to determine if it belonged to the age of dinosaurs.
Mexican authorities on prehistoric sea life say that the sea monster could be fifty thousand
years old. Dr. Bernardo Villa of the National University of Mexico said the creature may
have been trapped and preserved in an Arctic iceberg and discovered when the iceberg
finally melted. Superstitious fishermen recovered a fin, two tusks, and large portions of hide
before scientists arrived but authorities have recovered most of the pieces cut from the
animal and turned them over to scientists. The fishermen who sighted the animal insist the
animal was alive when they first saw it and only died later. Scientists say the body has not
become too decomposed because it still is in salt water.

This story certainly has the ring of authenticity. The creature weighed thirty-five tons (how did they
ever weigh it?), it was 50,000 years old but still alive when first seen, and it came out of a melted
iceberg thousands of miles north of Mexico. Members of the Society for the Investigation of the
Unexplained (SITU) zeroed in on this case and quickly smelled whale blubber. The creature was, in
fact, a rotting sperm whale and the ”tusks” were the lower jaw of the mammal. Apparently a wire
service ”stringer” had collected together some rumors and knit them into a story that was flashed
around the world.
Despite hoaxes and misinterpretations of this sort, the evidence for the existence of all kinds of
unknown sea creatures is impressive. There are scores of fascinating books devoted exclusively to
sea serpent sightings covering the past several hundred years. Leading scientists and
oceanographers have seen these things. We know that giant squid and eels of unbelievable size lurk
in the ocean depths. We do not know what else is down there. Occasionally these monstrous sea
creatures do wriggle to the surface, and from time to time they drift ashore and rot on beaches from
Sicily to Tasmania, or visit deep water lakes all over the world.


”Boys, that thing is moving!”

Those excited words launched one of the most celebrated sea serpent events of 1855, although it has
now been long forgotten. At 9:00 P.M. on the evening of Friday, July 13, 1855, four men and two
boys were in a boat fishing on Silver Lake in the northwestern part of New York State. It was
shortly after dusk and the stars brightly illuminated the waters. Suddenly, off the stern of the boat, a
long object appeared. At first it looked like a log eighty or one hundred feet long and the group did
not pay too much attention to it until it disappeared abruptly and reappeared moments later in
another position.
”Its head – it could no longer be called a log – was now within three rods of the boat,” the Wyoming
County Times reported on July 18, 1855, ”and, as it approached, the waves parted on either side as if
a boat were leisurely approaching.”
The fishermen were somewhat dismayed and Alonzo Scribner wasted no time in trying to cut the
anchor rope. But he dropped his knife into the water and had to haul the anchor up by hand while
his comrades put their backs to their oars. The thing bobbed beneath the waves again, and again
reappeared behind their stern. ”All in the boat had a fair view of the creature,” the Times story
continued, ”and concur in representing it as a most horrid and repulsive looking monster... On the
opposite side of the boat, about a rod and a half to the northeast, the other extremity of the serpent
was in full view, lashing the water with its tail. When the forward part descended upon the water it
created waves that nearly capsized the boat and suspended regular operations at the oars.
”The party reached shore in safety, but frightened most out of their senses.”
The very next night abother group of young men were out on the lake when they heard a noise ”like
a tow line being raised from the water.” They looked around and saw ”the form of a bow upon the
water, its center projecting a trifle above the water line, but both ends concealed from view.” This
thing was ten to twelve feet long and at least a foot in diameter (the earlier witnesses had described
it as being as big around as a flour barrel). The young men vowed on the spot never to venture out
onto the lake again after dark.
Word that a mighty sea serpent had taken up residence in placid Silver Lake spread throughout the
area and hordes of eager monster hunters descended upon it. Silver Lake is located about fifty miles
south of Buffalo, New York, and is about four miles long and three-quarters of a mile wide. In 1855
the area was rustic and largely undeveloped. A few water mills operated along the shores and the
lake was a popular fishing spot for local sportsmen. Mohawk and Seneca Indians had originally
roamed the region but the white man began to push them out arounf 1800.
It was inevitable that followers of the ”monster mania” should turn to the Indians for an
explanation. The Wyoming County Times reported on July 25, 1855, that ”a revered gentleman well
known in this community” had interviewed a fifty-year-old Indian named John John. The Indian
soberly stated that tribes encamped on the shores of the lake had been frightened a number of times
by a serpent or monster. As a result the Indians avoided the place and would not fish or bathe there.
The monster was ”as big as a flour barrel,” John John said.
A Vigilance Society was quickly formed in the nearby town of Perry, New York, a mile or so from
the lake, and armed men began to prowl the shores day and night, hoping to bag the biggest game of
all. The serpent wisely laid low for a few days and then, unlike lightning, chose to strike in the same
place twice, again frightening one of the original witnesses, Mr. Charles Hall and his family. They
were out on the lake on Friday, July 27, when the thing popped up near their boat. According to the
sworn affadavit later signed by the witnesses, they ”all sat quietly in the boat and looked at it. It
appeared to be of a dark color at first, but as it moved off going into the water, it was of a lighter
color, of a copper color... Its head and forward part was above water at least a yard, and upon its
back it appeared to have a fin as wide as father's hand... Its head was as much as fifteen or sixteen
inches around and its back was much larger... it [the head] was as large as a calf't head...”
By the end of July Silver Lake was mobbed. ”The well-authenticated statements of Hall, McKnight,
John John, and others have attracted to this village many of the citizens of the adjoining towns and
villages, and quite a number of visitors from cities have taken quarters with their friends or are
located at Walker's well-kept hotel,” the Times remarked on August 1, 1855. Whalers came with
harpoons. The mania mounted. The Times even promised to publish a daily edition to keep up with
the flow of reports. Business boomed in Perry.
The sea serpent displayed intelligence by turning up during times when the weather was bad and no
boats were out, or appearing briefly in isolated spots before very small groups of startled witnesses.
On Wednesday, August 1, 1855, the monster was seen at high noon by at least half a dozen different
persons from different points of view. There were no boats out. The parties who saw it did not know
each other. The Times regarded the sightings as conclusive proof and stated that ”the existence of a
monster fish or serpent species in the quiet waters of Silver Lake was established beyond reasonable
doubt, if indeed there has been room for doubt in the past week.”
Newspapers throughout western New York were now hawking this wonder. The published accounts
carefully noted that a monster had been ”repeatedly seen during the past thirty years in Silver
Lake.” Newspapermen flocked to Perry to join the harpoon-carrying whalers and the teams of
earnest men who were busily constructing decoys in the shape of ducks and chickens to lure the
creature into captivity.
A few years previous Perry, New York, had been named Mudville. It was renamed to honor
Commodore Perry, ”the hero of Lake Erie.” The streets of the little town were crawling with
tourists, journalists, and monster hunters that August. The only hotel in town, Walker House, was
packed to capacity. In the 1840s Mr. A. B. Walker had managed a stagecoach route between Perry
and Batavia, New York. But the development of railroads wrecked the stagecoach business. For a
time Walker managed the National Hotel in Perry, then he purchased the property for Walker House
and established what was apparently a fine hostelery. A surviving photo of Mr. Walker shows a
white-bearded man with twinkling eyes. The history of the period suggests that Mr. Walker had
suffered various business setbacks in his younger days, but the monster mania of 1855 promised to
make his fortune. [Frank D. Roberts, History of the Town of Perry, New York (1915).]
On Wednesday, August 15, 1855, Edwin Fanning was strolling along Chapin's Landing at Silver
Lake when the sea serpent surfaced again. Fanning signed the usual sworn affadavit, giving this
studied description: ” … in the range of the mouth of the inlet and about fifteen rods from where I
was standing, a monster of a serpent rose out of the water, exhibiting at least eight feet of the
forward portion of its body above the water. In a few seconds he disappeared; in about three
minutes afterward he again came to the surface, about the same length being exposed as before. He
remained on the surface of the water at least three minutes, making revolutions similar to those of a
snake. His body was as large as a large barrel; his head about a foot in diameter at the largest point.
He spouted water from his mouth at least four feet high and it would fall back upon him like the
play of water from a fountain. His length I should think was at least one hundred feet.”
A tower was erected at the north end of the lake and sentries were posted around the clock to watch
for the enigmatic reptile. One man, Mr. Joshua Jenks, was out on the lake, armed to the teeth, when
the monster surfaced about fifteen feet from his boat. He was so taken aback that the franctic shot
he fired missed completely. In September a group of local businessmen organized a company to
catch the creature and raised one thousand dollars capital (a lot of money in 1855). They called
themselves The Experiment Company. It seems that the monster was somehow aware of all these
preparations and his appearance became fewer. While the searchers were clustered at one end of the
lake, the serpent would suddenly bob up a mile away. When bad weather lashed the lake and
rendered small boats useless, the playful monster would rise up in the center as if to mock the
teeming throngs of the shores. The perimeter of the lake must have looked like an army
fortification, bristling with campers armed with bows and arrows, shotguns, rifles, and harpoons.
One story even implies that a cannon was either implaced, or was going to be implaced, near one of
the inlets where the creature had been seen most frequently.
Sightings tapered off in 1856 but the crowds still came.
Then, in 1857, the Walker House was destroyed by fire. The volunteer firemen fighting the blaze
were dumbstruck to find a huge, suspicious object in the attic of the hotel. It proved to be a giant
rubber sea serpent. Those were rough-and-ready days, you must remember, and shootings,
lynchings, and tar-and-feathering were common practices. Mr. Walker did not even linger long
enough to collect his fire insurance. He departed immediately for Canada.

Frank Roberts of the Perry Record (now defunct) pieced the story together this way:

Business had been very quiet in the hotel line in Perry for several reasons. Various schemes
for improving conditions had been considered, and to the late A. B. Walker is credited the
plan of creating the Silver Lake Sea Serpent. Confiding the proposition to a few of his
intimate and trustworthy friends, he found that it met with instant approval. Of various plans
discussed, the following was deemed the most practical and surest of ultimate success. The
serpent was to be constructed of a body about sixty feet long, covered with a waterproof
canvas supported on the inside by coiled wire. A trench was to be dug and gas pipe laid from
the basement of a shanty situated on the west side of the lake, to the lake shore. A large pair
of bellows such as were used in a blacksmith shop, secreted in the basement of the shanty
connected to that end of the pipe, and a small light rubber hose from the lake end to the
serpent. The body was to be painted a deep green color, with bright yellow spots added to
give it a more hideous appearance. Eyes and mouth were to be colored a bright red. The plan
of manipulating the serpent was simple. It was to be taken out and sunk in the lake, and then
when everything was ready, the bellows were to be operated and air forced into the serpent,
which naturally would cause it to rise to the surface. Weights were to be attached to the
different portions of the body to insure its sinking as the air was allowed to escape. Three
ropes were to be attached to the forward portion of the body, one extending to the shore
where the ice house now stands; one across the lake, and the other to the marsh at the north
end; the serpent to be propelled in any direction by the aid of these ropes.
Many nights were spent by these friends in its construction. It is said that the serpent was
made in the old Chapin tannery, which it will be remembered, was situated in the outlet
ravine. At last it was completed and taken at night to the lake and sunk in about twenty feet
of water. One of the men went across to the shanty to operate the bellows, the others
remaining near the spot where the serpent was sunk, to note the results of their labors. They
did not have long to wait, for suddenly the head of the serpent appeared and rose gracefully
to a height of about eight feet above the water. Other portions of the monster became visible
and the entire construction was so lifelike that it sent the shivers coursing through the bodies
of the builders. It was towed about by the men for a time to be certain that it would remain
upright and work well generally. Then the signal was given, the bellows stopped forcing the
air, and the monster which was to place Perry and Silver Lake 'on the map' forever sank
rapidly and soon disappeared from view. Its tryout proved a great success, even more so than
the builders had anticipated.
The thing to do now was for them to wait for a favorable time to 'spring it' upon the people.
On Friday evening, July 13, 1855, one of the men reported a boatload of men engaged in
fishing not far from where the serpent was secreted. Other conditions being favorable, it was
decided that the proper time to open the show had arrived. It was destined to be a larger and
more nerve-racking entertainment than any of them had dreamed.
After a period of several weeks of genuine excitement, pleasure, and a greatly increased
business at the hotel, it began to draw upon the men that things would be mighty hot for
them in this section of the country if their mischief were found out. On two or three
occasions only a miracle seemed to have prevented discovery, and finally, after one of these
narrow escapes, it was decided that the sea serpent had done its full duty, had accomplished
the purpose for which it was constructed, and now must disappear forever. Accordingly, it
was taken from the lake and stored in the attic of the hotel.

Eleven years later, Mr. Walker returned to Perry. People had decided that he was really a hero
instead of a villain, after all, and he ran another hotel there until his death in 1889. Periodically the
Perry Chamber of Commerce stages a Sea Serpent Festival in honor of one of the greatest hoaxes of
the nineteenth century. If you write to the Chamber of Commerce in Perry, New York 14530, they
will send you a pamphlet summarizing the story.
The Silver Lake affair points up several interesting things. First of all, the witnesses generally gave
a very accurate description of what they had seen. Their stories tallied. The newspapers of 1855 did
a responsible job of reporting what the witnesses had described, and the general situation. Later
events proved that the spectators had, indeed, seen exactly what they thought they saw. Only
Fanning claimed that it spouted water from its mouth... and this may have been an effect caused by
leaking air. All of the witnesses seemed to have missed the yellow spots on the serpent. Or, perhaps,
the newspaper editors felt that ”yellow polka-dots” were a bit much and deliberately deleted that
detail from the published accounts.
On the other hand, our old reliable Indian John John must have been filled with hot air. Or maybe
he was indulging in the well-known Indian pastime of ”putting on” his white brother.
The case also proves that a sea serpent hoax is possible and was possible even in the year 1855. It's
too bad there were no psychologists and sociologists in 1855 who could have visited Silver Lake
and made a thorough study of the ”monster mania” that developed there.


Early in 1969 the good citizens residing around Lake Catemaco in Mexico began to see their pet
monster again. Fishermen described it as being a huge black serpent with two horns jutting out from
its ugly forehead. It waddled ashore late at night but leapt back into the lake when discovered. Local
Indians insist that ”a giant crocodile” has always lived in the lake.
Lake monsters comprise our final category of Unbelievables. Placid little bodies of water all over
the world proudly lay claim to the dubious distinction of serving as the habitat for one or more sea
serpents. A few of them sound siturbingly like the Silver Lake hoax; that is, the creatures cleverly
surface very briefly just before the annual tourist season begins. But in most cases, published
sightings can be traced back fifty or even one hundred years. And, as usual, the descriptions remain
remarkably consistent. Sometimes several years will pass without a new sighting. During these lulls
newspapermen and monster hunters turn to the Indians for the real facts.
Lake Walker in Nevada has a resident monster. High school athletic teams in the nearby town of
Hawthorne call themselves ”The Serpents.” On February 3, 1965, the Mineral County, Nevada,
Independent News revealed that early Indian settlers around the lake became annoyed because the
monster occasionally dined on members of the tribe. They decided to launch a major effort to trap
and kill the creature. But, somehow, the swimming sneak overheard the plot, surfaced, and held a
powwow with his pursuers. A bargain was struck. If the Indians promised not to kill him and turn
his hide into moccasins, he would promise to eat only white men. For some odd reason, Indians are
prejudiced against white men so they accepted this deal with glee.
In the fall 1969 issue of Old West, a nonfiction magazine, a letter from a couple who lived in
Babbitt, Nevada, was reprinted. This couple claims to have seen the Lake Walker monster late in
April 1956. They said it first looked ”like a high powered motor boat” and that it actually outswam
their automobile as they drove along the edge of the lake at thirty-five miles per hour.
”It started straight from us at a great speed for about a hundred yards,” the couple reported, ”and
there it whipped to the left and submerged. We watched this happen three times, then it disappeared
around the point into deeper water. We are sure, we watched it for all of ten or fifteen minutes. It
must have been forty-five to fifty feet long and its back stuck up above the water at least four or five
feet when it was swimming fast. We think in our own minds that it was feeding on the mud hens
which were plentiful on the lake at that time...”
When we embarked upon our scholarly safari into the never-never land of monsters we planned to
collect and catalog all the known lake monsters in the United States. It quickly became clear,
however, that many of these cases were really Sasquatch-type sightings. Others were paraphysical
one-time-only appearances of Abominable Swamp Slobs and their enigmatic luminous brethren.
Those that are left seem to be genuine sea creatures of some kind, inhabiting a few random deep
water lakes.
The most authentic of the American lake monsters may be living at the bottom of Flathead Lake,
near Polson, Montana. Whatever it is, it has been seen by a great many people over a long stretch of
time. Mr. Paul Fugleberg, editor of the Flathead Courier, has a standing offer of twenty-five dollars
for the first photo of the creature. ”Nobody who sees it ever seems to have a camera,” he says.
The Flathead mystery has been solved several times by Type B scientists. One says it is a
homemade submarine. Others have defined it as ”an overweight skin diver.” A local real estate
broker has offered to pay one hundred dollars a foot to the fisherman that catches the thing. This
could cost him a pretty penny if it is as big as some of the witnesses believe it to be.
Back in the 1920s, fishermen on Flathead Lake complained that some giant unidentified swimming
object was tearing their nets to shreds; even nets designed to withstand forty-pound bull trout. In
September 1960 Mrs. Gilbert Zigler heard waves crashing against the shore and saw water
splashing high over the end of a pier. Moving up for a closer look, Mrs. Zigler and her husband
were amazed to see a huge black something rubbing up against the pier, like an animal scratching
its back.
”It was a horrible looking thing,” Mrs. Zigler recalled, ”with a head about the size of a horse... and
about a foot of neck showing.”
Mr. Zigler ran back to his house for his rifle but by the time he returned the creature was swimming
nonchalantly out of range.
There was a rash of sightings in 1963. A dozen persons reportedly saw the Flathead monster on the
single afternoon of June 15 that year. Two high school teachers, Miss Heather McLeod and Mrs.
Genevieve Parratt, said they saw it at 11:30 A.M. on September 8, 1963. It was ”a dark gray object
with three humps” about ten feet long. It undulated, submerged and surfaced again, and left a boat-
like wake. Most of the close-up sightings describe it as moving very fast, too fast for a giant
sturgeon (one of the more popular explanations), and it creates waves two and three feet high.
”If you're like most folks,” Paul Fugelburg wrote a few years ago, ”you'll listen to reports of
superfish sightings with tongue in cheek and one eye winking at your partner.
”But after the third or fourth go 'round, you'll suddenly realize that these folks aren't just flapping
their gums, trying to amuse a tourist with tall tales. By golly, they've seen something that really
does defy description and explanation in the shimmering blue Flathead Lake.”
Lake Waterton, also in Montana, had produced a stream of monster reports over the years, too. At
least two of the witnesses (A. G. Baalim and Captain Ron Boyce) have described the Waterton
critter as being thirty-five or forty feet and having two horns on its head!
Then there is Payette Lake in Idaho, the Paint River in Michigan, and Lake Champlain on the
border between New York and Vermont, all of which have been the focal points for reports of
elongated, ugly-headed, undulating swimming things. Lake Champlain, of course, runs up to the
Canadian border and is linked to the St. Lawrence River. There have been sea serpent sightings in
the St. Lawrence, too. Plattsburgh, New York, is right on the edge of Lake Champlain and has been
a very busy UFO ”window” for the past twenty years. A little further south, in the Adirondack
Mountains in New York State, bilious bogeymen have appeared periodically in the Black River,
about two hundred miles north of New York City.
Back in 1951 a man named Wash Mellick was fishing in the Black River when a fifteen-foot
monster rose up out of the water near his boat. ”It was dark brown in color,” he reported, ”and had a
round, tapered body. It had fins like two hands, and its eyes stuck out like silver dollars. I threw
stones at it, but it only stared at me.”
Newspaper stories recounted other sightings and noted, ”The monster has been reported seen in this
isolated section of northern New York three times in the past ten years, but always when there was
an electrical storm in progress.”
”... always when there was an electrical storm in progress.” We call your attention to Chapter Three
and the various monster events which seemed to occur during electrical storms. It has been
suggested that some of our paraphysical monsters can materialize only during electrical storms; that
they somehow draw upon the energy in the air during such storms. In occult lore there is
considerable literature on ”water elementals,” bizarre life forms which manifest themselves
temporarily in and around water. The stories of ”water elementals” are endless, and the theories to
explain them are weird and complex. But we can not exclude the possibility that some of our
Swamp Slobs and lake creatures might be temporary psychic projections; mindless manifestations
of energy. Such projections could take almost any form when viewed by limited human perception.
They could appear as ”little men,” as in flying saucer lore, or gruesome beasts as in the 1965
episodes around Sister Lakes in Michigan. The ”reflective” factor, discussed in Chapter Fifteen,
could even play a part and the entity might construct itself from images in the witnesses' minds.
Thus, when the proper witness (percipient) is in the right place (”window”) at the right time (”flap”
period) almost anything could take place. If this is the case, then the percipient actually sees what
he later describes. It was very real to him. But it did not really exist at all and all the bloodhounds,
helicopters and sheriff's posses in the world would not be able to find the creature.
However, we still have plenty of apparently real monsters to worry about. There are other lakes and
other sea serpents.
Not to be outdone by the capitalistic propaganda generated around American lakes, the Soviet
Union claimed to have several lake monsters of its own. Naturally, theirs are bigger, better, and
more fierce than ours. One lives in Lake Vorota in Siberia. He is at least twenty-five feet long, has a
broad, flat head, and makes a loud roaring sound. A team of divers equipped with sonar instruments
explored the bottom of Lake Vorota in May 1966, but all they found was mud. Three other Siberian
lakes in the isolated Oimyakon Plateau are said to be inhabited by our silly submersibles.
Other teams of scientists laden down with fancy gadgets have plumbed the depths of Okanagan
Lake in British Columbia, Canada, searching for the legendary monster known as Ogopogo. The
Ogopogo has been surprising and alarming Indians and hunters for nearly a century. Apparently it is
a cross between a dragon, a serpent, an alligator and an Abominable Swamp Slob. And that is some
Ogopogo seems to have a lot of company up in Canada. Several other bodies of water, such as
Lakes Sushwap, Cowichan, and Pohengamook, have generated a torrent of monster reports. Dr.
Vadim Vladikov, Director of the Quebec Department of Games and Fisheries, described the thing in
Lake Pohengamook, Quebec, as ”an animal between twelve and eighteen feet long, brown or black
in color, with a round back two or three feet wide, and a sawtooth fin down the center. Any time
anyone approaches close, the animal slithers away and sinks below the surface.”
Quebec is in the eastern part of Canada. Over in the western part, in British Columbia, home of the
Sasquatch, folks have been seeing unidentified swimming objects for years. On December 28, 1962,
Mrs. Robert Guy and Mrs. K. B. Holland reported seeing ”a large hump that which came out of the
water followed by the creature's head or neck” near New Westminster, British Columbia. It was the
size of a horse, they said, and dark brown in color. It appeared to swim with an undulating motion,
giving the impression of a long body following behind the head. They watched it with binoculars
from a distance of about two-hundred yards and noted that it seemed to have ”exaggerated” or
protuberant lips.
Another creature, or perhaps the same one, has been seen around Shelter Point, British Columbia. In
1963, witness Mrs. J. C. Durrant described it as looking ”like a dragon.” The locals have an
affectionate name for it. They call it the Klamahsosaurus.
The residents around Gabriola Island in the same area call their monster Cadborosaurus. Mrs. R. A.
Stewart is among the many who have seen it. She had her experience in 1963 while fishing with her
husband from a boat near the island. ”I honestly saw the strangest sight,” she recalled. ”A large
brown-headed animal swimming a few feet away from our small boat. It had a huge head, but it was
its horrible wide-open jaws which terrified me. But by the time I screamed to my husband to row
quickly to the beach, the creature had vanished.”
Lake Iliamna in Alaska harbors a sea serpent of some sort, and there are lakes in Sweden which are
also supposed to be infested with silly submersibles. Ireland has half-a-dozen deep-water lakes
which have produced sightings for centuries. In June 1968 the Dublin Evening Herald reported that
teenager Gay Dever was bicycling along the edge of Glendarry Lake on Achill Island in County
Mayo when he saw a freakish creature stride out of the water and disappear into a woods.
”It was about twelve feet long, much bigger than a horse, and dark in color,” Dever said. ”It was
moving in a jumpy way like a kangaroo. It had a long head like a sheep and a long neck and tail.
The hind legs were bigger than the front ones.”
A thirty-year resident of the island, John Cooney, also claimed a sighting of a strange amphibian
that June. ”My friend Michael McNulty gave me a lift and as we came round a bend we saw it just
in the middle of the road,” Cooney testified. ”It was between eight and twelve feet long, with a long
neck like a swan – not much bigger. The tail was very thick. It was moving at an angle to us and we
couldn't see exactly how long it was. And it was weaving and curving.
”It was a dark brown color and was shiny and scaly. The eyes were glittering. It disappeared in an
instant into the thick undergrowth. We didn't stop to make any further inquiries.”
When you weigh all of the descriptions compiled over the past two centuries, plus all the legends
going back into the Middle Ages, author Wilkins' sighting of a prehistoric animal in a quiet stream
in Cornwall, England, in 1949 (outlined in Chapter Five) does not seem so preposterous, after all.
Wilkins said that the thing he saw resembled a plesiosaurus, and maybe he was right. Many of these
other eyewitnesses descriptions also sound like a plesiosaurus. Of course, we all know that the
dinosaur-like plesiosaurus has been extinct for millions of years. Our Type B scientists tell us that
the big, long-necked creature which has frequently been sighted ambling overland from one lake in
Scotland to another could not possibly be a plesiosaurus. Obviously it was just something that had
escaped from a zoo.
Scotland does not have many zoos, but it does have several deepwater lakes teeming with
unclassified animals. The most famous is a band of murky water twenty-eight miles long called
Loch Ness. It is the home of ”Nessie,” the most celebrated and most hunted unidentified swimming
object of them all.
Hundreds of popular books, magazine articles, and newspaper features have been published about
Loch Ness in recent years. In 1969, alone, we collected over forty news articles and wire service
stories. For the past six years a well-financed scientific effort has been taking place at Loch Ness.
Sonar and other modern gadgets have been plumbing the depths and anxious cameramen have benn
posted around the lake, eagerly awaiting Nessie's next appearance.
Most of the Loch Ness literature erroneously claims that the monster's first appearance was in the
year 1934. During a visit to Atlanta, Georgia, we stopped by the offices of the Atlanta Constitution
and, as is out practice, we spent a couple of hours scanning microfilms of old issues. We were
amazed to find a full-page article on Loch Ness published in November 1896, complete with a
woodcut which resembled exactly the modern drawings of Nessie. The creature has been seen
frequently throughout the nineteenth century and then had lain low for a few decades. In the early
1930s Rupert Gould took an interest in Loch Ness, and he tracked down and interviewed over sixty
independent eyewitnesses from the 1920s and early 1930s, for his book The Loch Ness Monster and
Others (1934). That book probably revived general interest in the Loch Ness mystery – an interest
which has continued unabated for nearly four decades.
Historical references dating back to the sixteenth century have now been uncovered. In a feature
article in the New York Daily News, July 9, 1967, George Nobbe offered this quote without citing
his sourse: ”'He did overthrow huge oaks with his tail and therewith killed outright three men.'”
Nessie has obligingly posed for photographs several times, but most of these have been a bit
disappointing, showing only a blob or hump sticking out of the water. One picture, however, does
reveal the classic long neck and flat head jutting high above the surface.
In 1954 the fishing trawler Rival picked up an unusual sonar signal while crossing the lake.
Something huge was swimming along at a depth of 540 feet. It was too big and too fast for an
ordinary fish. The sonar was in perfect working order and the signal that bounced back was
apparently accurate and legitimate. There have been other sonar returns since. In 1960 a group of
signals indicated that as many as five monsters were moving about under the lake. That was also the
year in which Tim Dinsdale photographed a blob churning up Loch Ness. His pictures were
analyzed by experts from the Royal Air Force and they concluded that he had snapped ”an animate
object” not less than six feet wide, five feet high, and possibly as long as ninety-two feet! The RAF
report was released in 1966 and set off a scientific stampede to Scotland's legendary lake. There was
definitely something down there and Dr. Roy P. Mackal of the University of Chicago was one of
those who was determined to find out exactly what it was. He visited Loch Ness, talked with
witnesses, and studied the various photographs. Then he scratched his head and suggested that
perhaps it was mollusk known as the giant sea slug, a distant relative of our friend the squid. Later,
Dr. Mackal reconsidered and speculated that maybe it was a form of manatee, also called a sea cow.
The sea cow is a bulbous beast that looks something like a seal.
In the mid-1960s the Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau Limited (LNPIB) was formed.
The publishers of the World Book Encyclopedia coughed up twenty thousand dollars and a new,
carefully planned investigation was launched.
An oceanographer named Dan Taylor arrived at the Loch in the summer of 1969, bringing along a
twenty-foot fiberglass submarine painted bright yellow. Earlier divers had found the waters of the
lake so murky that they could not even see a foot in front of their face. But Taylor planned to chase
the creature(s) by sonar and other sophisticated instruments. There was even talk of firing
tranquilizer darts at the poor creature. These plans raised cries of protest from all sides. It seems that
the Scots had developed a special fondness for Nessie.
”I'm all for observing the monster, but I'm against molesting it,” Lord Lovat, the head of a Scottish
clan declared. ”I think it's just damnable to bully the creature.
”I should hate to think of Nessie being captured and perhaps taken to some zoo or to America like
the liner Queen Mary. It should be made a punishable offense to do that.”
As it turned out, Nessie had nothing to fear from the yellow submarine. As soon as the Viper Fish,
which is what it is called, was launched onto the lake it displayed a puzzling reluctance to
submerge. A rather embarrasing trait for a submarine to have. Then when it was towed to a pier it
suddenly sprang a leak and sank altogether.
While Mr. Taylor was desperately trying to make his submarine lake-worthy, others were out
viewing the monster. In July 1969 two men working for a movie company on the lake were in
another midget submarine when their sonar picked up something forty feet long traveling at a depth
of about five hundred feet. It moved too fast for them to pursue it.
A couple of months earlier two British businessmen found a huge bone on the edge of the lake. It
was four feet two inches long and porous. At first they thought it was a log but when they realized
they may have discovered the remains of a monster they turned it over to the LNPIB.
The summer ended with the weary monster chasers gathering around the bar in Glenurquhart Lodge
in Drumnadrochit, Scotland. The guest list at the lodge read like Who's Who. It included
newspapermen, novelists, actors, and scientists from all over the world. Clem Lister-Skelton, an ex-
Shakespearian actor, was often the center of attention since he claims to have seen Nessie no less
than nine times. He keeps coming back for another look. Dr. Mackal was there, no longer so certain
about his theories of giant sea slugs and sea cows.
And somewhere out there in the night a sound rings across the glassy surface of the lake. It is not
the sound of a woman screaming or a baby crying. Listen very closely. It sounds like laughter.
There has also been a great deal of laughter deep in the former Belgian Congo, land of the pygmies
(or, to be politically correct, stature-impaired people). Throughout the 1970s and '80s expedition
after expedition has plunged into the jungles to the remote Likouala swamplands in search of the
fabled Mokele-Mbembe. This is a kind of dinosaur that allegedly lives there. Early explorers
reported native stories of the creature and the pygmies have happily confirmed the tales to each
succeeding expedition, resulting in a profitable tourist trade of greenhorns who fight their way
through clouds of hungry insects to stand on the shore of a murky lake. Well-financed groups from
Great Britain, France, Japan, and the United States have made the trek in recent years, never
glimpsing the beast but paying out a great deal of money in bribes to the local bureaucrats and
pygmy leaders. Dr. Roy Mackal has led two expeditions to this remote area, returning empty-
handed except for the excited testimony of pygmy residents who swear the critter is still loose in the
Other forms of saurians have been spotted throughout South America. In 1922, after dwellers in the
Andes Mountains reported seeing a plesiosaur-like creature near a lake, an expedition from the
Buenos Aires Zoo searched for it in vain. In 1933 an adventurous Swede claimed he fired shots at a
twenty-foot-long dinosaur-like beast in the Matto Grosso. Another such creature was spotted near
Lake Wenbu in Tibet in the 1980s.
A dinosaur is said to have run a car off the road in Texas in the early 1970s, around the same time
that people in the Italian Alps were chasing a similar creature.
Are there really dinosaurs out there? Fortean publications such as the INFO Journal and the
Fortean Times dutifully record new sightings every year. And, every year, new expeditions settle on
the banks of Loch Ness. In the past twenty years, large organizations such as liquor distillers and
Japanese TV networks have financed lavish expeditions to the Loch. Fleets of sonar-equipped boats
have explored every square inch. In 1992 a large, well-equipped team of real scientists conducted a
study of all the living things in Loch Ness.
What did they find? You guessed it.
The late Ted Holiday, a British author, spent many summers there but tossed in the towel when he
investigated sea serpents/dinosaur reports in Ireland around lakes which were only a few inches
I'm betting that some enterprising pygmy will soon open a souvenir stand in Africa, similar to the
souvenir places around Loch Ness, Roswell, New Mexico, and a thousand other places where
laughter rings out whenever the moon is full.


A mere two hundred years ago, when science first began the task of classifying animals
systematically, only 808 reptiles, mammals, birds and amphibians were known. By 1900 a total of
21,000 had been classified. Since then, an average of 15 previously unknown reptiles, 220
mammals, and 400 birds have been discovered, studied, and entered into the scientific records each
year. Today science has formally recognized the existence of approximately 70,000 creatures. Many
of those creatures were nothing more than myths and legends in 1700. Men have dedicated their
entire lives to collecting and cataloging beetles or mosquitos. Others are now founding a rather
shaky science called ”exo-biology”; the study of life on other planets. We have sifted the red loam
of Mars for microbes, and before too long we may be chasing lizards on Venus and harpooning
Globsters in the red spot of Jupiter. But from what we are now learning about the planets in our own
tiny solar system, a mere dot on the edge of the Milky Way, it looks as if the Earth alone is
hospitable to life. By the laws of probability there should be other planets in other galaxies, perhaps
billions of them, and life may exist somewhere out there far beyond the range of our telescopes and
rockets. We can only guess.
America's greatest UFOlogist is Dr. Frank Drake of the University of California. He has spent over
thirty years listening to the cosmos with radio telescopes, hoping to hear an intelligent signal from
some far-off planet. He has worked with all the world's best biologists, astronomers, and scientists
on the problem of finding and communicating with extraterrestrial life. All his waking hours have
been spent studying and thinking about this problem. He has not ignored the claims of the
UFOphiles, either, but has interviewed and dealt with a huge number of contactees, abductees, and
flying saucer buffs. He has also investigated many UFO reports personally and sifted through all the
available evidence. It wouldbe terribly important to his work, his career, his whole life to find
something affirmative in the UFO maze. Instead, he offers this conclusion: ”No tangible evidence
exists to suggest that we have ever been visited by an alien spacecraft. As strongly as I believe that
intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe, I maintain that UFOs are not extraterrestrial visitors.
They are the products of intelligent life on this planet.” [Is Anyone Out There by Frank Drake and
Dava Sobel, page 126.]
But this much we do know: Earth is the most splendid of all places within our reach. The beautiful
blue orb covered with white clouds is more than just ”home” to our wandering astronauts. It is also
home for thousands upon thousands of creatures who have learned to thrive in the skies, the oceans,
the jungles, the deserts, and deep within the earth itself. Twenty years from now some of the
creatures we have commented upon with some mystification may be neatly catalogued, labeled with
Latin names, and they may be pacing the cages of our zoos or standing stuffed in our museums.
Canada may establish a Bureau for Sasquatch Affairs similar to our Bureau of Indian Affairs. Boats
and fishermen may be forbidden to venture onto Loch Ness so that Nessie may frolic about in
peace. Anything is possible on this impossible world of ours.
We have tried to separate the Unbelievables into two main categorie. Group 1 are genuine animals
of land and sea but still unknown to science. They include at least three (probably more) types of
Abominable Snow Persons, and at least seven large amphibian mammals and reptiles. Overall, they
seem to be a harmless lot. They avoid us and prefer that we leave them alone. A small group of
dedicated monster hunters are slowly accumulating evidence – footprints, bones, photographs – that
Group 1 exists and deserves recognition.
Group 2 is another story altogether. They are the phantoms that come crashing out of the bushes late
at night. They seem to be part of something else. Something sinister and even hostile to us. This
nucleate phenomenon has always existed on this planet and has taken many forms. Some of the
Unbelievables we have described may have been transmogrifications or disguises for the central
phenomenon. They materialize when lightning courses across the sky or certain magnetic
conditions prevail in ”window” areas. They are not real or physical in the usual sense of those
terms. But they are real enough while they last. They are paraphysical and can assume the forms of
one-eyed giants stepping out of magnificent flying machines, or long-fingered Orientals driving
around in black Cadillacs which can melt into the air. Their shennanigans over the past several
thousand years have spawned many of our religious and occult beliefs. In trying to record their
activities, we have built up a literature based upon nonsensical manipulations and induced
hallucinations. Cults and small groups of independent researchers have sprung up, each dedicated to
one minor group of manifestations, each unable to view or grasp the whole. The demonologists
have been studying the same thing as the UFOlogists. Demonomania (possession of a human mind
or body by an outside force) produces classic patterns and symptoms well-known to psychiatry.
These patterns appear in many cases of UFO contact but have gone unrecognized. In psychical
research the same patterns are repeated. When a psychic or medium experience these symptoms
they say they are ”overshadowed.” All of these diversified groups are victims of the same
phenomena, but they all see it from a different frame of reference and accept different explanations
for it.
In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries ”vampires” ran amok in central Europe while ”fairies” and
”little people” literally engulfed all the territory between Germany and Ireland. Animals vanished or
were found drained of blood. People vanished, too.
People are still vanishing. Over 100,000 people disappear every year in the U.S.A. alone. Of course,
a majority of these are merely fleeing creditors, the law, and unwanted spouses. Some meet with
foul play and end up in the bottom of the river. But about 15,000 vanish under the most incredible
circumstances. A family man steps into his backyard to mow the lawn. He is never seen again. A
waitress steps out of a restaurant to put a dime in a parking meter and disappears forever. A family
of five in a suburb melt into nothingness, leaving behind all their clothes, bank accounts, the family
car. We have dozens of puzzling cases in our files.
And the animals! Something has always been slaughtering our dogs, cats, horses, and cows. We
have cited many examples in this book. The slaughter is senseless... and very mysterious.
These things are happening in every country on earth. Today we are beginning to blame such events
on flying saucers, particularly in South America. A few years ago we blamed Abominable Swamp
Slobs, fairies, and vampires. There really is a Hamlin in Germany and there really was a Pied Piper
who lured away a large group of Hamlin children in the Middle Ages. Back in 1212, fifty thousand
children marched off on the Children's Crusade and vanished.
Whole villages have disappeared. There are many well-documented examples. There is
archaeological evidence that entire ancient cities were suddenly deprived of their populations on a
single mysterious day.
The flying saucers are merely another frame of reference to provide us with an acceptable
explanation for some of these grotesque events. An invisible phenomenon is always stalking us and
manipulating our beliefs. We see only what it chooses to let us see, and we usually react in exactly
the way it might expect us to react. Every culture on earth has legends and stories about the same
thing, even the completely isolated tribes of the Pacific islands and the remote inland villages of
South America.
The irascible Charles Fort was aware of all this when he compiled his book Lo! back in the 1920s.
He stated:

There may be occult things, beings and events, and there may be something of the nature of
an occult police force, which operates to divert human suspicions, and to supply
explanations that are good enough for whatever [minds] human beings have – or that, if
there be occult mischiefmakers and occult ravagers, they may be of a world also of other
beings that are acting to check them, and to explain them, not benevolently, but to divert
suspicion from themselves, because they, too, may be exploiting life upon this earth, but in
ways more subtle, and in orderly or organized fashion.
One group of flying saucer cultists does believe that some great intergalactic police force is
watching over us. But, of course, all religions teach the same thing in somewhat different terms.
Even in the Bible we are told that UFOs are earthbound and designed to spy upon us. This is spelled
out rather plainly in Zechariah (5:1-5) and in many other sections.
In this book we have tried to present a sampling of the more physical events which fell into specific
categories. If you review the thousands of available books on psychic phenomena you will find
many startling and precise parallels. We are not coping with ghosts or extraterrestrial visitants.
Rather, we are facing, and have always faced, denizens of some unseen world which surrounds us.
Ancient man was very conscious of that world. In the original text of the Bible the word ”sheol”
was used frequently, and it meant ”invisible world.” Somehow this was translated into ”hell” and
given an entirely new meaning.
In May 1969 Sir Victor Goddard, an air marshal in the Royal Air Force delivered a speech to British
UFOlogists. In that speech he stated: ”The astral world of illusion which (on psychical evidence) is
greatly inhabited by illusion-prone spirits, is well-known for its multifarious imaginative activities
and exhortations. Seemingly some of its denizens are eager to exemplify 'principalities and powers.'
Others pronounce upon morality, spirituality, deity, etc. All of these astral exponents who invoke
human consciousness may be sincere but many of their theses may be framed to propagate some
special phantasm... or to indulge an inveterate and continuing technological urge towards
materialistic progress or simply to astonish and disturb the gullible 'for the devil of it.'”
In recent years thousands of people have been confronted by strange entities who did, indeed,
”exemplify principalities and powers.” They talked of great super-civilizations in the sky and
carefully nurtured the cultish beliefs, but actually they were merely promoting ”some special
phantasm” designed, perhaps, to divert us from suspecting that they were exploiting us in some
fashion, as Fort suggested.
The phenomenon has created cults, and the cults have created foolish causes. A great deal of harm
has been done by amateur investigators and their organizations. They have blundered about the
landscape, branding innocent people liars and fools. They have gone on radio and television to
spread the subversive antigovernment propaganda so cunningly implanted by the ”astral world of
illusion.” These ill-equipped, bewildered, over-emotional pseudoinvestigators have been the real
victims in this game.
We know from our own experiences and investigations that thousands of people have seen exactly
what they have reported. We do not question their reliability or their sanity. But we do feel that
research into these matters must be all-inclusive and much more systematic than it has been. We
hope that more people will come forth with their stories in the future so that we may have an even
larger volume of data to work with. Most important of all we must begin the job of isolating and
examining the subjective psychological factors which sometimes produce confabulation and
complicated hallucinatory effects. The central phenomenon seems to have the ability to control the
human mind and instead of ridiculing and condemning the people who suffer from this, we should
be studying them carefully. Through such people we may eventually be able to untangle the many
hidden aspects and problems. Again, we must stress that we do not believe these witnesses are
insane or that they require medical and psychiatric treatment. We are interested in the paranormal
experience as induced by abnormal conditions and influences.
We have cited scores of incidents in which ”monster mania” has gripped whole counties, and even
whole states. In recent years, the flying saucer waves have created ”UFO mania” with thousands of
people pouring into ”flap” or ”window” areas night after night in the hopes of glimpsing the
mysterious objects. Both ”monster mania” and ”UFO mania” are the same thing and have never
been studied by sociologists and psychologists. Only one study of this type has been conducted. In
1939 a group from Princeton carried out a study of the panic produced by Orson Welles' famous
”Invasion from Mars” radio broadcast. Similar studies should be conducted in-depth in places like
West Virginia. Our guess is that psychologists will find that curiosity far exceeds actual fear and
panic in the ”flap” areas.
To recognize the full nature of the phenomenon you must carefully study all of the parts. Witchcraft,
Voodoo, Spiritualism, and Black Magic are as important as ”little green men” and bilious giants
with glowing green eyes. Once you begin to understand how the many parts dovetail together you
will discover that the ”invisible world” has exercised a peculiar influence over the affairs of man.
This will lead you into a study of human history and, eventually, into philosophy. Over two hundred
years ago students of phenomenology began to recognize these links, and abstract philosophical
concepts have slowly developed. Hundreds of leading scientists and physicists, from Thomas
Edison to Albert Einstein, grasped these broader problems. Thousands of long, carefully thought out
books have been published fully defining what we can only hint at here.
No one can claim to know all the answers. But we are finally learning to ask the right questions.
There are things on this planet, and around it, that are far beyond anything you can imagine. The
monsters stalking our highways and farm fields are only part of that ”something else.” It is time for
us to bring all of the nonsense to an end. Time to smoke out the real culprits and tell them we do not
much enjoy having our blood sucked and our brains boggled.

Human curiosity has done us in. We have spent many billions of dollars in a fruitless search for
intelligent life in outerspace. If some modern astronomer should peer into a complex electronic,
hydrostatic, uranium volcanic, rocket-loaded, hydrogen propelled telescope and confront another
eye staring back at him we would all be ecstatic. We would forget about our wars and manmade
ecological disasters while we danced and sang: ”There's a big eyeball out there!”
Our biggest fear is that we may be alone.
Alone on a little bubble filled with worms and monsters that want to eat us... or give us a really
good scare.
Eight out of nine planets in our solar system have proven to be devoid of life, even lacking
essentials such as air and water. The distant star systems have ceased to exist long before their light
has reached us. Everything out there is exploding, colliding, burning out, compressing into black
holes, flaring and flying apart. We are left sitting in a jacuzzi of cold darkness, trying not to think
deep thoughts while we wait for our tender torsos to be blasted into oblivion.
The whole universe consists of the dead shards of a giant firecracker. Sparks wrapped in a
mysterious black material that does not produce or reflect light. This is the fifth of July and we are
watching the sparks dying away. We still call it the universe and gaze at it with awe. But it's really
not there anymore. We are truly alone.
One living planet out of nine is better odds than the game of roulette (whose odds are about 30-35
to one). This speck in space, a sodden, smoldering ash, is teeming with all kinds of living cells
assuming many preposterous forms from tube worms that hover around boiling geysers deep under
the oceans to three highly intelligent mammals... whales, dolphins and elephants. Human beings
don't really count in the roster. We kill each other on a regular basis, chop down all the vegetation
and expel vast quantities of methane gas from our bodily orifices. The others had a tough time
teaching us to communicate with them. We couldn't learn to sing like a whale, chirp like a dolphin
or rumble like an elephant until the closing years of the last century. The poor dolphins actually
managed to launch a world wide campaign to convince us that they were smarter than tunafish and
shouldn't be fished for and canned. We finally got the idea and now accept dolphins as fellow
tellusians (earthlings). We're still pretty dumb, though, and actually think we can talk by radio
(electromagnetic frequencies) to some hypothetical being on another world millions of light years
away, assuming that he or it can hear, think, perceive and also knows about radio. We have even
sent cartoons and phonograph records into deep space to confound any creatures that might find
them. A million years from now we may get a batch of drawings back from some distant world thus
establishing an outerspace cosmic network.
Does any of this make real sense?
Before we can search for life we must figure out how living cells began and if it is even possible for
this process to begin elsewhere. This problem has produced many arguments, grandiose theories
and wars but no real solution. We don't know how we got here and we certainly don't know where
we're going.
In 1957, a young college graduate gave a speech in New York to a rather eccentric group calling
itself The American Rocket Society. He proposed that the first people on earth came from a distant
planet and started reproducing like crazy, earning the title: ”Fornicators from outerspace.” A
reporter from the New York Times was there taking notes and the speech launched the career of
Carl Sagan who, at that time was an ardent flying saucer enthusiast. Years later, a hotel clerk in
Switzerland wrote a book on the same hackneyed theme called Chariots of the Gods. His name was
Erich von Daniken. His book sold 25,000,000 copies worldwide.
Whatever happened to Carl Sagan? He bored his friends for years with his UFO theories, caught up
in a form of obsession that has turned many people into blithering idiots. After investigating many
sightings and working hard on the science of exobiology, which he invented, Sagan dropped
ufology, promoting, instead, the notion that some of the planets in other galaxies could be
generating life. Simple logic. Maybe if there were also nine planets in Andromeda, one of them
could also be inhabited by dolphins and tube worms. He was a charismatic speaker and a good
writer highly trained in astronomy and science. He was the godfather of the space satellite that
carried the cartoons of naked humans into space. By the time of his premature death in 1996, Carl
Sagan was a major force in the world of science as well as a famous teacher, lecturer and TV star.
With his wife Ann Druyan, he produced a novel that became a major motion picture: Contact. His
last book was a collection of essays, The Demon Haunted World, largely a critical view of the flying
saucer phenomena. [Carl Sagan: a Life in the Cosmos by William Poundstone. 1999. Henry Holt &
Co., New York.]
Dr. Sagan kept the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) alive, even managing to make a few million
dollars from it, while stirring hope among those who desperately hoped that a fleet of spaceships
would appear one day bearing a large book titled: ”How To Serve Man.” There were superabundant
lights in the sky and blazing red orbs in the woods. But the spaceships would never come.
Others cherished the same dream, founding SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligences) and
spending a generation of long, cold nights listening to the stars with very expensive radio receivers.
One, Dr. Frank Drake, a close associate of Dr. Sagan, summed up his frustration thusly: ”No
tangible evidence exists to suggest that we have ever been visited by alien spacecraft. As strongly as
I believe intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe, I maintain that UFOs are not
extraterrestrial visitors. They are the products of intelligent life on this planet.” [Is Anyone Out
There? by Frank Drake and Dava Sobel, page 126.]

Film director Stephen Spielberg, a longtime promoter of the ETH, donated big bucks to SETI but
Congress finally mixed the whole project, unimpressed with expensive static from outer space.
Private millionaires and billionaires have been pouring large amounts of currency into these rat
holes in recent years, hiring hobbyists and assorted con artists in the endless search for things that
aren't there. Hollywood, occultists and science-fiction writers tell us about ”shape-shifters” who can
appear in any form to lull us or terrify us. The ancient Egyptians and Indians knew all about this.
Tibetan scrolls explained it.
Particle physics and modern astronomy are bringing us closer to the once faraway truth. There may
be nothing out there at all except deep blackness as we plunge towards some unknown destination,
surrounded by the glimmerings of an ancient and lost universe. We are corporeal cells and find it
hard to visualize energy forms, invisible to our limited perceptions, capable of toying with our
electrical brain circuits and instilling upon us those phantasms. Occasionally we glimpse the lights
and shadows of their world. We accept ”old red eyes” with the same fear and misinterpretations that
we apply to ghosts, goblins, and ”aliens” from space ships that dissolve in front of us. There is
nothing in space but blackness and nothing but carefully scrambled signals in our discombobulated
To keep us going in what is basically a sad, hopeless situation we need belief. We need to believe
that man is more important than the cockroach and that we will fulfill some terribly important
destiny. The frivolous entities that dance all around us have been supplying us with such beliefs for
thousands of years while setting absurd rules for the games they play. But remember they must also
share our fate. If the world ends, they will end, too. If we set off our atomic bombs, the creatures
composed of energy will be fissioned and fusioned first. This could be why blinding balls of light
have constantly appeared over our nuclear facilities and military installations. They don't trust us
even though a segment of our population worships them.
There are entities on this planet, and around it, that are far beyond all efforts to translate them into
understandable cellular creatures. They are not real in the sense that we are animals motivated by
sex and emotions. They are part of the energies that were scattered into space billions of years ago.
Their intelligence is so vast and so ruthlessly inhuman there is no way for us to comprehend it or
communicate with it as we talk to dolphins.
In the beginning of this book we said that someone within two hundred miles of your home, no
matter where you live on this earth, has had a direct, often terrifying, personal confrontation with a
shape-shifting, Unbelievable. Our world has always been occupied by these things. We are just
passing through. Belief or disbelief will come to you from another direction.
Next week, next month, or next year you may be driving along a deserted country road late at night
and you round a bend you will suddenly see...
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Copyright © 1970, 1994, 2002 by John A. Keel

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

This book is a revised edition of Strange Creatures from Time and Space, published in 1970 by Fawcett Publications,

A Tor Book
Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010

Tor® is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

ISBN 0-765-34586-2
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 93-45544

First Tor edition: October 2002

Printed in the United States of America



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