Nomenclature, Concepts and Classification of Oreshoots in Vein Deposits
Nomenclature, Concepts and Classification of Oreshoots in Vein Deposits
Nomenclature, Concepts and Classification of Oreshoots in Vein Deposits
Peters, S.G., 1993. Nomenclature, concepts and classification of oreshoots in vein deposits. In: D.I. Groves and J.M.
Bennett (Editors), Structural Setting and Controls on Mineral Deposits. Ore Geol. Rev., 8: 3-22.
Oreshoots are discrete hypogene masses usually hosted within a planar channel, surface, lode or conduit which may be
either a shear zone, fissure, fault zone, or lithologic bed or unit such as a contact. Oreshoots are characterized by breadth,
strike ( > 1000 m) and dip, and plunge ( 100-500 m) lengths and have higher metal contents than the adjacent parts of
the host conduit. The mass of most oreshoots ranges between 1 X 104 and 2 X 104 tonnes. There is a tendency for oreshoots
to be thicker and richer in the center, rather than to have uniform grade distributions. The thickness of the oreshoots may
be between 0.25 and 1.75 m in shear-zone-hosted deposits, to up to 60 m in replacement deposits. Several conduits may
connect to form vein systems. Vein systems have common fluid sources which result in general homogeneity of alteration,
mineralization types and oreshoot control, and, therefore, commonly share the same plumbing system. The internal constituents usually reflect unique episodes relating to ore formation. The main intern constituents in oreshoots are mineralization, gangue and alteration. These constituents usually mix with each other in complex patterns, the relationships between which may be used to interpret the processes of oreshoot formation.
The term "ground preparation" represents the effect of various events in the geologic history of an ore district or oreshoot area that have assisted in enhancing the rocks so that oreshoots can preferentially form in certain areas or geometries.
Several types of ground preparation can be recognized: ( 1 ) sequential deformation that produces a grain in the rock, (2)
severe faulting and jointing which augments permeability and areas where ore minerals can precipitate, and (3) interplay
between ore fluid and deformation to produce an oreshoot.
Controls of oreshoot location and shape are usually due to dilatant zones caused by changes in attitude, splays, lithologic
contacts and intersections. In addition, conceptual parameters such as district fabric, magic distances and stacking are also
used to describe the geometry of oreshoots. Controls in vein systems and the location and geometry of oreshoots within
vein systems can be predicted by a number of qualitative concepts such as internal and external plunges, district plunge,
district stacking, conduit classification, gradients and warps. These concepts have a practical and empirical application in
most districts where they are useful in the exploration for ore, but are of such broad and general application that they can
rarely be explained definitively.
The knowledge of oreshoots in epigenetic
deposits and the prediction of their location
and plunges has always been a major concern
Correspondence to: S.G. Peters, United States Geological
Survey, Reno Field Office, Mackay School of Mines, Reno,
NV 89557-0047, USA.
Fig. 1. Sketch of anatomy and nomenclature of oreshoot elements. Stereo net depicts planes (upper case letters) and
angles (lower case letters) in block diagram.
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Fig. 2. Examples of vein systems in some ore districts: (a) Cripple Creek, Colorado. Vein systems are clustered in and
around a Tertiary circular sedimentary-volcanic basin within Precambrian crystalline rocks. Each vein system has distinct
ore controls (Lindgren and Ransome, 1906; Koschmann, 1949). (b) Charters Towers, Northeastern Queensland. Several
clusters of east-striking and shorter north-striking vein systems have ore controls affected by host plutons (outlined in
thinner pen) in a composite batholith. Ore controls are also different in each cluster and sub-cluster (Peters, 1990). (c)
Hodgkinson goldfield, Northeastern Queensland. Vein systems are clustered along structural domains. Local tungsten is
restricted to the vein systems along domain boundaries (Peters et al., 1990). (d) Butte, Montana. Multiple overprinting
hydrothermal events have selectively invaded this complex vein system (Meyer et al., 1968).
tonnes. Parts o f the oreshoot and conduit systems are n a m e d as if they were parts of fault
systems (cf., R a m s a y and Huber, 19 8 7 ).
There is a tendency for oreshoots to be
thicker and richer in the center, in a lobe, or
along one side (cf., Dickinson, 1942), rather
than to be uniform in grade distribution. Oreshoots m a y terminate abruptly or m a y taper in
thickness or grade to assay cut-offs. Usually the
terminations are caused by geologic features,
such as shear zones, quartz or alteration
boundaries. The thickness o f oreshoots is typically between 0.25 and 1.75 m in shear-zonehosted precious-metal veins, and up to 60 m
The most characteristic feature of many oreshoots is its complexity. Internal constituents
usually reflect unique episodes relating to ore
formation. Oreshoots are composed of specific
mineral assemblages that are distinct from assemblages and rock types outside the oreshoot.
Gangue and alteration mineral assemblages
and gouge between oreshoots define the barren
or lower-grade portions of the host and conduit (Fig. 1 ).
Several oreshoots clustered together can be
taken to define an orebody. Several conduits
can connect to form vein systems. An individual vein system will typically represent a single, connected plumbing system with a common fluid source and, therefore, oreshoots
within one vein system commonly show a similarity in alteration, mineralization and structural controls which distinguishes them from
other vein systems. The plunges of individual
oreshoots within a vein system may be related
to the geometry of the entire vein system (cf.,
Fig. 2 ).
Internal constituents
The main internal constituents of an oreshoot are the products of ore mineralization,
gangue minerals, and assemblages formed by
hydrothermal alteration. These constituents are
usually closely related with each other in complex patterns (cf., Robert and Brown, 1986a;
Peters, 1991 a). Their relationships can be used
to interpret processes of oreshoot formation
and paragenesis (Ramdohr, 1969; Stanton,
1972). Recognition of zoning, growth types,
intergrowths and contact rims, impurities and
repetitions allow inferences concerning the
geologic history of the oreshoot, as discussed
by Peters ( 1988, 1991a).
Mineralization in oreshoots is composed of
ore minerals such as sulfides, tellurides or native gold. These ore minerals are usually asso-
The texture of gangue minerals helps the
interpretation of the history of the oreshoot.
Quartz, the most common gangue mineral in
many kinds of veins, has genetically diagnostic
aspects as discussed by Adams (1920) and
Dowling and Morrison ( 1989 ). Comb, ribbon
(laminated), assimilation and breccia quartz,
together with microscopic secondary veinlets
occur in mesothermal gold-quartz deposits
(McKinstry and Ohle, 1949; Peters, 1991a).
Banded, crustiform and open-space filling
quartz are more typical of the epithermal environment (Bodnar et al., 1985; Berger and
Bethke, 1985 ). Open-space filling textures are
also observed in both extensional and shear
veins in many ductile environments (Robert
and Brown, 1986b). Fibrous quartz is characteristic of high fluid pressure and crack-seal
mechanisms (Secor, 1965; Beach, 1977; Ramsay, 1980b), and is typical of more deeply
formed deposits with high fluid pressures that
may pump open the host rock, usually in a
ductile environment (Poulsen and Robert,
1989; Sibson et al., 1988). Similarly, sheeted
veins with pervasive alteration are typical of
the porphyry environment. The term "buck or
bull" quartz is used to represent several quartz
types, such as remnant quartz from host mylonite, pre-gold, dense equivalents of comb or
ribbon quartz, or crushed and annealed varieties of quartz.
Conduit petrology
Ore conduits are filled with a mixture of
crushed and brecciated wall rock, gouge, phyllonite, clay seams and foliated rock mixed with
gangue and altered wall rocks. These constituents are important indicators of the formation
of an oreshoot in shear zones. In many cases, a
fault rock type can be directly related to a wall
rock type, as discussed by Sibson (1977). For
instance, quartz gouge (Engelder, 1974) is
most common in granitoid or sandstone host
rocks, whereas pelitic rocks more commonly
alter to montmorillonite, illite and muscoviterich phyllonite and clay seams (fluchan).
The type, amount or thickness of gouge,
proximal to or within a segment of the host
conduit, may be proportional to the relative
amounts of movement in that specific area of
the fault plane (Hull, 1988; Walsh and Watterson, 1988, 1989), and may also indicate specific areas of greater shear or compressional
strain compared to dilated zones.
Hydrothermal alteration
Patterns of alteration zones on oreshoot scale
define the dilated zones that have attracted and
concentrated fluid flow (Rose and Burt, 1979;
Robert and Brown, 1986b). Typically, a central elliptical core zone occurs in the wall rock
as productive alteration adjacent to the oreshoots, and fringe zone alteration occurs outside, along dip or strike, of the oreshoots within
the same vein system. Fringe zone alteration is
chemically or thermally related to productive
alteration and commonly contains low-grade
mineralization. Barren alteration may also occur along the same conduit, and although part
of the same mineralizing event, indicates thermal and chemical conditions where mineralization could not occur. Unrelated alteration is
alteration that came before or after the mineralizing event (i.e., early- or mid-barren alteration of Lovering, 1949) and commonly lies
outside the host conduit (Fig. 3). Magmatic
Oreshoot textures
The textural relationship between gangue,
ore minerals and wall-rock alteration assem-
Fig. 3. Sketch of a plane or section of an hypothetical oreshoot at a contact between two rock types ( + ' s and v's). The
barren pre-ore alteration may have contributed to early ground preparation. Productive alteration surrounds and is in
direct contact with the oreshoot, which contains gangue and mineralization. Fringe-zone alteration occurs outside the
productive alteration. Barren alteration may also be related to the same fluid or mineralizing event, but may signify
different chemical or physical conditions. Post-ore alteration is usually unrelated but may locally overprint mineralization.
Ground preparation
Ground preparation refers to local changes,
which will later favor ore deposition that occur
prior to the arrival of the ore-forming fluid.
This concept is distinctly different from that of
dynamic interaction of the ore fluid with the
wall rock to promote oreshoot growth during
mineralization. The difference between these
two concepts is illustrated by the distinction
proposed by Poulsen and Robert (1989) between geometric oreshoots, those that are the
result of the intersection of the host conduit
with favorable geologic elements, and kinematic oreshoots, those related to active shear
zones and vein development by conduit/fluid
Several types of ground preparation can be
recognized: ( 1 ) physical preparation of the ore
conduit to enhance permeability and prepare a
trap site; (2) chemical preparation of a trap
site or district; and (3) development of a
unique district fabric and trap site due to events
throughout the geologic history. An example of
the first and second type is localized faulting
or crackling, and alteration, at the top of a
The fault movement stage is typified by major fault movement within the earlier prepared
lode zone. This results in mechanical deformation of the internal constituents of the early
stages. The amount of displacement along
faults is not uniform but varies. There may be
a tendency for those parts of the faults near oreshoots to have increased displacement and
this results in gouge, clay seams and pods of
brecciated gangue and mineralization mixed
together. Microscopic secondary veinlets develop in the cracks and sheeted zones, especially near the peripheries of the oreshoots.
Repeated movement and deposition lead to
meter-scale cuspate shapes in the developing
oreshoots. These cuspate shapes locally gape
where offset by prior fault movement, forming
open pockets for further precipitation, similar
to the mechanisms proposed for the formation
of gold-bearing quartz veins at Grass Valley,
California (Johnston, 1940 ).
The consolidation stage involves growth of
several zones, which may be joined together
within and along the conduit into larger, composite, mature oreshoots. Plucking of wall rock
and old vein material, rotation, brecciation and
gouge development are diagnostic of this stage
and responsible for complex oreshoot shapes.
Changes in attitude
Changes in strike and dip of a host conduit
have been shown to be favorable loci for dilation (Fig. 4) and, in a dip sense, are usually
attributed to reverse or normal movement on
properly oriented kinks with S or Z symmetry
in the fissure plane (Newhouse, 1940; Emmons, 1948; Garnet, 1966). Dilation due to
attitude changes has also been recognized in
tensional openings within shear zones in vein
tungsten (Brown, 1957), silver veins (Lyons,
1988), and Archean gold deposits (Kerrich
and Allison, 1978; Guha et al., 1983). Oreshoots also occur in dilated shear settings or in
disturbed areas of complex structures (Blanchard, 1936 ), such as pre-existing folds or ductile pre-gold shear zones (Fig. 4 ). A special type
ilOOm I
Secondary faulting or horse tailing has also
been shown to generate tensional fields and localize oreshoots (Fig. 5 ). The local mean stress
reduction at the points of splay is indicated to
be as high as 20% by Chinnery ( 1966a,b ). Segall and Pollard (1980) suggest that splays may
be focal points for seismicity, dilation and heat
Lithologic contacts
plunge (Fig. 7 ). Intersections favor ore deposition and increase porosity by providing larger
surface areas and by increasing fracture density in a localized area to provide a zone where
fluids of slightly different temperature, density, pressure and chemistry may mix.
District fabric
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Fig. 6. Sketches of the relationship of oreshoots to stratigraphy. (a) Oreshoots in siliceous shale at the refracted intersection with veined chert; (b) oreshoots at intersections of juxtaposed stratigraphic units; (c) oreshoot at
refracted contacts of sandstone and carbonaceous shale;
(d) local undulations within oreshoots due to juxtaposed
shale bands; (e) oreshoots generally avoiding chert and
forming in shale; (f) oreshoot along the intersection of
shear zone and carbonaceous shale band. (From Peters,
The intersection of two mineralized conduits commonly results in an oreshoot (Rickard, 1902 ) and the oreshoot will plunge within
one or both of the conduits parallel to the intersection (Penrose, 1910). The geometry,
such as X, T, or Y shapes, and the angle of intersection also influences the hydrothermal alteration pattern and the development of the
oreshoot. Barren cross-faults and non-dilated
fissures near oreshoots form intersections
which may also be collinear with the oreshoot
Fig. 7. Sketches of mineralization related to intersections. (a) Intersection of early and late fissures to produce veins and
shoots (at circles); (b) intersection of master and secondary shear zones with oreshoots forming at the boundaries on
both sets; (c) oreshoots localized at the intersection of master fissures and cross-tensional fissures. (From Peters, 1987b. )
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Fig. 8. Oreshoots controlled by district fabric at Messina, Northern Transvaal. Granulite-facies gramte gneiss and accompanying paragenesis have been folded in two main ductile events. The brittle Messina Fault and F3 "warping" accompany
hydrothermal copper mineralization, which is nucleated on the early fabrics. Stereo nets show contoured lineations and
common oreshoot plunges (black dots): (a) Cambell Mine: (b) Harper Mine; (c) Messina Mine where breccia pipe
plunges down conical fold fabric, and (d) Spence and Artonvilla Mines. (Adapted from Songe, 1946; Jacobsen, 1974;
and Jacobsen and McCarthy, 1976. )
were c o i n c i d e n t a l l y r e a c t i v a t e d a n d d i l a t e d b y
stick-slip faulting.
In a n o t h e r e x a m p l e i n v o l v i n g c o m p l e x district fabrics at C h a r t e r s T o w e r s , Q u e e n s l a n d
_ ~
500 metres
/.S Myionile
mylonite, but along strike of the veins in undeformed rocks, postdating the mylonite, a
sympathetic fissure system has been propagated and oreshoot plunges are steep (Peters,
1990; Peters and Golding, 1987, 1989).
Fig. I0. Sketch of development of district fabric at Charters Towers, Northeastern Queensland. East-striking mylonites ( 1 ) are preferentially preserved during batholithic
development (2, 3) through various deformation and
plutonic events in inliers. These early fabrics are preferentially oriented for post-batholithic hydrothermal gold
mineralization, and where they are preserved, they served
as channelways for mineralizing fluids and dilated traps
for oreshoots. In this sketch two 2-3-km diameter circular
megablasts preserve the east-striking fabrics (4).
(Adapted from Peters, 1990. )
"Magic" distances
In some instances, oreshoots may form at
specific empirically predictable distances away
from geologic contacts or along conduits. There
may also be spatial punctuation or periodicity
between oreshoots and host conduits that define patterns (Petersen, 1990). Examples are
in the gold-quartz oreshoots at Norseman,
Western Australia (Campbell, 1990) which
systematically lie about 1000-1500 m to the
west of a banded iron formation. Gradients due
to temperature, pressure or fluid chemistry can
be applied to the geometries found in oreshoots in terms of metal ratio contours to explain magic distances (Petersen et at., 1977;
Loucks and Petersen, 1988). Other examples
are where oreshoots lie a distinct distance from
a contact along a host conduit or where veins
lie certain distances apart as discussed by Kutina et al. (1967). Magic distances are traditionally empiric qualitative concepts used in
ore districts (Fig. 11 ).
In many vein systems oreshoots tend to
"stack u p " or to be aligned along specific, predictable orientations from one host conduit to
another, such as in the K a p u n d a Mine, South
Australia (Dickinson, 1944). Cross faulting,
folding or other geologic entities can also be
aligned along the stacking direction; however,
this direction, like magic distance, is also an
empirical or qualitative concept and the link
to geologic features m a y be weak or in some
cases entirely lacking. Stacking can take place
in more than one plane (Fig. 12). Periodicity
or stacking o f oreshoots within an ore conduit
along the horizontal can be quantified as the
development ratio, which is defined by the total strike length o f the conduit divided by the
length of oreshoots along that horizon. A typical use of the development ratio is used in old
districts to measure how much underground
development might be necessary along a vein
to expose a n u m b e r o f oreshoots, based on previous production ( d r i f t s / s t o p e s ) . The develo p m e n t ratio usually differs from one conduit
to another within and between vein systems.
An example o f stacking due to a district fabric has been described by N a r a y a n a s w a m i et
- - z.--..]~
.... S U R F A C ~
[] .......
. A . . - ~
District plunge
Fig. 13. Examples of longitudinal projections showing internal (small arrows ) and external (large arrows ) plunge:
District stacking
When oreshoots cluster and plunge as a
group, these groups may be repeated or stacked
along predictable directions if the same conditions exist away from the original cluster (Fig.
14). An example of repetition of geologic conditions might be a second favorable host rock
such as a sedimentary or volcanic unit, or a
secondary cross fault, parallel to the known
controlling cross fault. At Charters Towers vein
systems stack and group with less than random
patterns within plutons (Fig. 2b). At Norse-
~ ll
Fig. 14. Sketch of a longitudinal projection along the Independence vein system at Cripple Creek, Colorado, illustrating
district plunge. Numerous large oreshoots cluster and plunge as a group to the south as a shallow angle, similar to external
plunge but at a larger scale. This concept allows speculations of repetitions of entire oreshoot clusters or postulation of
fluid-flow pathways.
Conduit classification
Conduits within vein systems may each have
different characteristics, some of which are
more conducive to oreshoot formation that
others. Many vein systems contain long strike
length, continuous master fissures which exhibit fabric and other signs of shear movement
(cf. Ramsay, 1980a). These are accompanied
by shorter strike length auxiliary conduits
which contain more signs of extension or tension (Ramsay and Huber, 1983), such as the
spur, link or caunter veins (Figs. 1 and 15).
There is a tendency for oreshoots to occur
within these more tensional structures where
fluid flow and porosity is increased. Exploration and mapping techniques, such as low-level
soil and rock geochemistry and alteration
studies and joint density studies allow discrimination within a district or vein system of which
areas or conduit orientation had the greatest
fluid flow. These areas may be synonymous
Broad-scale gentle folding may locally be superimposed upon host rocks and vein systems
on a district scale and may dilate large areas of
the crust, e.g., kilometer-scale dilatant areas
which trap oil and gas. These warps occur late
in deformation sequences and usually follow
older tighter folding or shear-zone development. Examples of warping occur at Messina,
Northern Transvaal where F3 folding appears
to bow a broad area which may have focused
the ore fluids to form a district centered on a
15-km length of a master fissure (Fig. 8 ). Similar-scale warps can be interpreted in many
districts by interpreting district rock distribution, contact shapes and fold symmetries.
Warps may explain why one zone of a conduit
is mineralized but another is not. The geometry of the dilation due to warping, such as dilation refraction or partitioning through lithologic or structural regimes can explain and
predict district stacking.
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