By Price
LIAPIS Panagiotis
Friends in this textbook, and knowledge, which keep the dusty Greek
manuscripts of Plato, Aristotle and other ancient fotodoton through
masterfully blended events of economy, religion, Greek history and
mythology, the confirmations of Medicine and the multidimensional
social structures you presenting with episodic manner cycles of 50
years revolutionizing the mainstream polity, destroying and recreating
periodically society when the exploitation of land and resources from
one human to reach its boiling point that affects the nature itself. We
also indicate economic behavior with which it is possible to spend
almost painlessly through this economic tidal wave, get ready my
friends for the collapse of the dollar and mi dip without any safety net,
stories bottomless reality a series of error events on the constellations,
and possible manipulation of cosmogony, incidents involving the Nazis
and the possible bases in space, President Obama, and the new
doctrine Panthriskeias launched in conjunction with the worship of
infernal beings are a new mirror through which can be seen The
mainstream of the current boom in the MIND CONTROL, the chip EMV
of Bill Gates on banking credit cards, the emerging banking system in
relation to economic crashes of America, SIONISMOS and the New
World Order of the 4th Reich, and PEOPLE CLONES - Men in Black,
and the CIA in connection with the anti-government slogans and
reactive walls define a new reality, which leads to control police forces
in the use of hidden centuries Sound Guns of the ancient Greeks,
developed by the Greek National Nuclear epistimoina C. Gkiolva. The
creations of the Plan "Arrow" (sound rule) and the sound "Artemis", as
are internet sources are presented in detail below in relation to
biological warfare aircraft from the US-spray from chemical and
microbial air over cities. By Bantouva model [the Cretan intrepidity
under the instructions of Mahatma Gandhi, is trying to minimize the
harmful effects of these anti-constitutional activities are using Genetics
Industry, widespread fires, building new towns in the concentration
camps of the Reich D, applied geo-strategic plan application of a new
war in the Balkans because of Kosovo, where the project "Blue Ray" at
the upcoming mayhem at the end of 01/2010 will chrisimopoiithoun
new weapons bass Police with physical effects of radiation on the
human organism KARKINOUS The whole controversy will graduate
and domination of Russia and Greece in the Balkans and the
economic and cultural status while reducing the roles and FRA
Germany, and China rising
By Price
LIAPIS Panagiotis
Why are the lords and you are using the same (conservation of
Bioenergy HEADS OF STATE in life) do not promote this knowledge
and benefits to incipient;
A cop!
With the stress is beginning to electricity around the body rather ygeios
the surface, but internal organs, AND THEIR Put BOURLOTO, TA
burned down, Cayman AS, AS WE DO ashes Got;
And brand new to put AGAIN WILL HAVE AN AGCHOS burn. WHILE
THE LOVE AROUND THE fills equilibrium Galen HARMONY
Then revealed the essence of life? The Organikos Aitheras who call
Aitheronia. Not photons. Feature of aitheronion is the tendency to pull
each other which shows numerous micro-organisms. This attraction,
known as primary love is extended in search of another entity, where a
"hug" to "understanding" the "is" of. This "hugging" is Love. See
through the "sea" of life, the electromagnetic power of creation, the
matrix of living beings, the "Cause of Causes." The initiation of Love.
This move I call "Embracing sexual" and I see everywhere in all forms
of life.
Specifically aitheronia show effects of strong radiation, and that these
aitheronia can kill bacteria and cancer cells. This radiation confirmed
the existence of an action does not follow any of the known laws of
electricity and magnetism. Call this action "ether" because the
discovery was developed by investigating the function of orgasm, and
because this action can charge organic material.
"The ocean is the primordial energy of the universe is the source of all
new life. Therefore right people from time immemorial was called
"God" or "Heavenly Father", or "Create", or one of the many other
names. An awareness of this global animal power and the immense
background of uranium, which is full of it - awareness is therefore
indestructible within man, because he feels the. This was the basis of
all human ideas of all the heavenly ideal, basic emotional purity,
angelic patience, everlasting love, patience, mental strength, diligence,
economy and all the other virtues that all religions have the ideals of
humanity, since man has lost touch with his inner glow because of the
desecration of body love. The Etheric force remains until today the
core of all worldly desires of man. There is even in the frenzied killer's
life in the form of murderous rabies. "Aitheroenergeia The animal is the
cosmic energy, the fundamental creative force long known to people
who are in 'contact with nature, and which have been Cases of
physical scientists, but now is objectively measured and has proved its
existence. The ether was discovered by Dr.. Vilchem Reich, who has
identified several key properties. For example aitheroenergeia
charging every living and non living matter and radiation from them. It
can easily penetrate all forms of matter, although at different speeds.
All materials affect aitheroenergaia, attracting and absorbing on or
putting off, and reflecting. The spirit we can look to the photograph, to
feel and to measure it. It's a real, physical energy, not just a transport,
hypothetical power
A Brief History in the History of Ether
The 1930s and 1940s, Dr. Wilhelm Reich identified and measured the
etheric energy (energy of life, cement, etc.), which he called "ether."
Dr. Reich has determined that placing alternating layers of glass
(fiberglass), an organic substance, and atsalomallo, an inorganic
substance, could actually attract and collect the ether (etheric energy),
so that was an advantage for life (which Reich termed "OR" or "POR")
and the harmful negative etheric energy ("deadly spirit" or "DOR").
Constructed, therefore, large boxes called "accumulators" or "oracs",
using only the principle of alternating layers. Thus unable to treat
patients with various problems, including various cancers, putting them
to sit in the box for specific intervals.
In 1986, scientists at the University of Marburg in Germany, published
a survey indicating that 30-minute treatments within the battery cause
permanent positive psychosomatic effects, which was not in the
chamber was constructed, in contrast, only glass. The statement
followed the investigation said that "the results we got from our
research, we provide evidence on the assumption that the physical
properties of the battery ether and psychophysical effect is on human
bodies, claimed by Reich and colleagues really exist. "Reich's work
continued in the 1960s by enthusiastic, open-minded Russian
scientists such as Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev (1908-1983). The last
scientifically proved that such invisible effects are indeed all around us,
and the inspiring work of Reich had the misfortune to become practical
by the Soviet army in defensive applications that are based on the
principles of so-called "twist fields" (eg ether energy). The work of
Kozyrev, confirming the work of Reich, it was secret until the collapse
of the Soviet Union in 1991. Following in the footsteps of thousands of
Ph.D.-level scientists on both sides of the Iron Curtain continued from
one generation to the pioneering research of Reich and Kozyrev,
slowly pushing the dominant Western science to "officially recognize"
the idea of an invisible medium called Universal Time "dark matter",
"variation of the vacuum 'or' zero-point energy, depending on whom
you ask. It is commonly understood by friends of orgoniton that all the
above describe essentially the same thing, what Reich called it "ether."
Reich built his research laboratory, named Orgonon, in rural Maine,
USA, and at that time the site was remote from sources of "deadly
ether" that the batteries are also collected as positive. To operate a
battery of ether near sources of DOR (such as nuclear power or radio
towers, etc.) tends to harm him inside the battery, so geographical
location was and is an important factor for the functioning of battery.
The Advantages of Οργονίτη
The man who named the building that followed and built on the
principle of rotation Reich on organic - inorganic material is Karl Hans
Welz and has registered the word Orgonite ®. The Welz is the pioneer
in the orgoniton and other devices based on ether. Also, a couple, Don
and Carol Croft, discovered in 2000 through research on the internet
and the personal observation that to mixing organic resin with
inorganic metal shavings and pouring into the small molds as paper
cups and cups of cake, produces a material that attracts etheric energy
as did the battery of the Reich.
The Carol Croft, gifted with a strong sense to distinguish the actions,
realized the significance of this finding and went a step further by
adding small quartz crystals in the mix for their ability to collect,
transmit and emit etheric energy. This addition to the resin / metal
creates a product that works as a self-managed, continuous, high
efficiency to convert DOR to POR (negative to positive) energy
transmutation factory. When οργονίτης is within range of a source of
DOR / negative energy, turning constantly and adequately POR /
positive energy and thus, in effect, creating positive energy
transmitters each transmitter and a negative energy they are
completely defenseless against the phenomenon.
The resin in οργονίτη shrinking in the process of coagulation, pressing
once the quartz crystals in the construction, creating the well-known
piezoelectric effect inside the crystal. This means that the edges of the
crystal polarity acquire electricity. And is believed in this phenomenon
that οργονίτης work as well as a generator of positive energy. Thus,
οργονίτης presents a very significant improvement over the original
task of the Reich to the battery that attracts ether "lethal ether" as the
positive and not do something to turn it into a beneficial energy source,
unlike οργονίτες of such a design to make it all the time.
Within a year, Don began publishing reports on the experience had he
and his wife, the regular spread of small orgoniton near sources of
DOR or negative towards life sources, such as mobile phone masts,
nuclear plants , underground bases and natural energy lines and
vortices of the Earth. The Don included in reports and positive about
life, cleaning, treatment, confirmed the results observed as a result of
this activity ("gifting"), and this prompted him to encourage his readers
to duplicate the efforts of their own communities.
The Movement "you gave away» (gifting) Orgoniton
It has been observed by many people involved with οργονίτες around
the world, that the proliferation of digital telecommunication masts in
residential areas in recent years has created a thin layer of negative
energy (DOR) which permeates homes and our communities, causing
drought, negativity, fear, etc.
However, it has been widely shared experience that these negative
effects can be negated if you bury or throw small pieces οργονίτη -
called TowerBusters (TB's) - near the Tower. This increasingly popular
activity has become known as "gifting" and conducted literally around
the world by thousands of selfless and dedicated people and groups
organized through Internet.
The positive results when working with οργονίτες be easily understood
by those deciding to build and / or to use them. At our site you will find
how to make your own οργονίτες and where to get ready in case you
do not want to bother themselves with construction.
The harmonized environmental stress.
What are οργονίτες?
The Οργονίτες small crystal formations, minerals and spirals, which
have the ability to:
1. Balance the environment.
2. Transform negative energy into positive.
3. Reduce the radiation is an area of electrical and wireless devices.
4. Geopathitiko eliminates stress caused by lines Hartman and Curry.
5. It helps plants to grow, even with less water.
6. Enhance mood and behavior of humans.
7. Reduce insomnia and nightmares.
8. Increase self-esteem of the individual.
9. Unblock chakras.
All this is done with an incredibly easy way. The Οργονίτες produce
ether and ether affect any body through the chakras as bio-energy.
What is aitheras?
The spirit is nothing else than the energy that gives force in nature.
Ether is called the cosmic breath, the name of Chi in Feng Shui, it
gives energy and not the action itself.
How do οργονίτες?
The οργονίτες operate thanks to incredible abilities that have crystals
in combination with the proper mix of minerals and their union and all
that the cumulative energy generated, comes from οργονίτη through
the coil. Yet οργονίτες function as network with each other and that can
fully protect a building from geopathitikes radiation by placing three
οργονίτες exterior of the building in such places to form a triangle
around the building.
The Reich settled in Forest Hills, New York • taught at the New School
for Social Research in Manhattan ("Shaping character: Biological and
Social Aspects" and "Clinical Problems in Psychosomatic Medicine"),
began to issue books in English, trained American doctors in
therapeutic techniques and continued his research on ether. This
research included:
And as the radiance of ether from the bionic seemed to penetrate all
materials, the Reich is constantly faced with questions about the origin
of this energy. From that came the ether?
Battery Ether (1940)
To isolate and collect crops from ether bionic, the Reich was based on
the results of many laboratory experiments. These experiments
showed that organic or non-metallic materials - such as
Cotton, wool or plastic - attract, absorb and retain energy.
Metallic materials - such as steel and iron - are attracting energy and
quickly reflect in both directions.
Based on these findings, the young Reich built boxes with alternating
levels of organic and metallic materials, with internal walls lined with
metal. Looking through a specially designed device within the inner
surface of each box, one could observe the influence of ether from the
bionic was sealed inside. These "batteries Skies" also revealed an
unexpected phenomenon: the ether enclosed radiation appeared even
without the presence of crops aitheronion. The Reich is now faced with
the frightening possibility has discovered a biological action which
seemed to be everywhere, even while studying the complex question
of the origin of the ether. In Maine, would find the answer soon.]
For a period, the patients showed clear improvement: pain relief, more
healthy state of blood, weight gain, shrinking and eliminating tumors.
Despite these positive results, the patients died, reinforcing my
conviction that cancer is a bioenergy contraction followed by
emotional, emotional withdrawal, and that the tumors themselves are
not the disease, but only a local manifestation of a deeper systemic
The. People should be treated as a whole rather than as connected
parts. New lung ygeiestato to put a smoker, if it continues not to smoke
but kept pessimistic attitude to life, has burned and we are back to
This site does not make it a useless organ transplant, but puts a
condition to be accompanied with a positive attitude, optimistic attitude
to life in order to function properly organs.
AND NATURAL elimination CF distancing EVERY KIND AND
STRESS KATAPIESIS which operates as Agra saw that saws and
firmly rooted in life once again I say and to concentrate your attention
on prevention.
You who are too smart anagnotes you will of course be a question my
resolve. Why nuclear accident when all the media running to hide as
they can and
when the accident occurred in the? cry in all the world like winning the
I thought t myself for not buying their products and damage the
economy correctly;
The order to meet Guinness sales Gkeigker cash for radioactivity;
At most and no dropped vomvitsa kilotoinou half way on the eyes. And
But to NOT DO approaching radioactive areas where there are
irrigation works!
So just friends, my strogyli lake at nuclear plant today became two
rectangular ponds as close to the pyramid - energy
yperstrovilopollaplasiasti of Apollo in the Himalayas. Photocopy your
say! But what we are looking, with sprays of chaivanitida i eat my
mythistorimata I write!
The transition from non-matter to matter is when these waves
ypertethoun spinner and caught one over the other. The spiral path to
delete in the field, a closed orbit. And formed a film in there now,
trapped a small piece of prime power. Limited Energy now has two
main properties, movement and metabolism. What gives birth to
consciousness, perception and feeling alive, animated by the energy
trapped in a membrane. Therefore, consciousness is the subjective
awareness of an objective energy phenomenon, ie a short pulse dance
piece limited cosmic energy. By liga words, knowledge is functionally
identical to the energy that moves through a membrane.
The awareness is there long before sensory organs or the brain is
formed. Protoplasmic are aware, investing even the most fundamental
forms of life such as amoeba. As life evolves into more complex forms,
such as our physical bodies, and they also have their own conscience.
"Any artificial material is either perceived sensory nerves or not. The
amoeba has no sensory or motor nerves, and perceives
"Individual institutions are living beings with their own activities, their
own senses and functions"
A very good example of protoplasmic consciousness accidentally saw
in a film on TV that showed his experiments Kliv Baxter with
lactobacilli, organisms found in yogurt.
The Baxter has been known from the experiments of the knowledge of
plants, as shown by a stencil, or lie detector. Using a similar recording
device, transferred to another container a small sample of lactobacilli,
a common culture yogurt has in the laboratory. Then isolated the
daughter colony to another room and gave the mother colony of a
quantity of milk, which is a real feast for the lactobacilli. Meanwhile, the
isolated colony daughter gave very common signs of life in the stencil.
Just when the milk arrived in the mother colony, a colony of the
subsidiary Duplicator crazy and show tremendous variation from
baseline. It seemed to have "caught" the excited reaction of the parent
colony, being significantly longer than that. Therefore, the first title of
cosmic aitheroenergaias - move - produces when there are suitable
conditions, the consciousness in living organisms.
The second function, metabolism has major functional consequences,
both in the living room and the dead in metabolic function,
aitheroeergeias shows a certain necessity. Reich speaks of death and
birth etheric units. Tells how to form ether concentration and die on
dialysis aitheroenergeiako ocean. Unfortunately, there are many
details around it in the available literature. Presented as a concept of
recycling, which is never lost aitheroeergeias either formed or
dissolved in the cosmic energy sea.
When aitheroenergaia passes from the state of non-matter into matter,
the status of metabolism, and mobility, maintain and change a new set
of circumstances. Let's look under the man's atmosphere. All living
beings, including humans and consist of four basic building blocks of
hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen. The same goes for the
atmosphere of our planet. There are two main players
aitheroenergaias, water and oxygen, creating the very aitheroenergaia.
The aitheroenergeia enters in our body in several ways:
1. Oxygono inhale, which is a body of ethereal take
2. with food and water fluids are also bodies also absorb ether. And
always referred zonano water. Not dead in the water. What are these
strange; Please read the relevant section that follows. As for the food
to keep note that most metals have vegetables and fruits, no red meat
3. direct radiation from the ambient aitheroenergeiako housing.
What happens in the body aitheroenergaia? Passes through a
metabolic process analogous to that which occurs in the atmosphere
(though not identical, since we are all living systems). In other words,
the ether is metabolized to a waste called daireh.
Let's see how it is advertised on the back of the book above the
ether: "The spirit is:
• the slope of the ancient Indians.
• The Mother cultures developed in the Pacific islands.
• The energy flow in the meridians of acupuncture.
• The Chi of ancient Chinese.
• The Power of Ontiki Raichenmpach.
• The Global Fluid of alchemists.
• The Psychotroniki energy of Czechoslovakia.
• The Vioplasma the Soviets.
• The field is shown in Kirlian photography.
The unshielded body during orgasm reflex driven by the spirit. "The
spirit is the" cosmic energy "of homeopathy, under the assumption of
G. Vithoulkas, teacher of homeopathy.
Etsi the orgonomia fully embedded in so-called medicine "New Age",
which finally goes beyond chemistry and medical preparations and
adopts a medical secret-keeping Asklepios Ipokrati. One is the
problem. You can not patented, as did BAYER aspirin when created
from stolen manuscripts Ipokrati
WHAT orgone;
Alex Schiffer http://educate-yourself.org/dc/dcwhatisΑιθερα - Magnetic
23. Every physical object, living or non living nature, has its own
characteristic torsion (ether - magnetic fluid) field [put rare earth
magnets in the orgone material production to press our Terminators
orgone in the body in a field toroid localized healing Pain Relief]
24. All permanent magnets have their own ether - Magnetic field.
25. Ether - magnetic fluid fields can be created as a result of the
distortion of the geometry of physical space. This is demonstrated by
pyramids, cones, cylinders, flat triangles, etc. [Juju, Bwana! See Mr.
Weltz "win friends and influence people" piece www.Aithera - Magnetic
Refsto.net ;-)]
26. Ether - Magnetic Fluids fields can be controlled by aluminum. This
allows the use of aluminum coated mirrors, or highly polished to reflect
aluminum ether - Our magnetic fluid (Torsion) field. See paragraph 17
27. It passed all the materials, but with different speeds.
1. A plastic funnel or cardboard party hat (tape the seam so the resin
does not have leaked) be a point located at the end of the funnel, he
saw the mouth and forming a point with 2 "wide masking tape, to be
sure to prevent leaks. The funnel will allow you to do a lot of this mold.
Party hats are better if you just want to make one. When they do with
party hats, leaving hats on the final HHG.
2. One or two cups of aluminum particles (or a pint of BB) using
aluminum on crosscut saws in shops that use extruded aluminum deal,
such as department stores sign, manufacturing plants, etc. Some
plastic and / or wood residue is a joy. I choose the cigarette butts on
aestheic estimates ;-) cities and towns have recycling companies have
the aluminum particles in large containers, which sell cheap.
3. A quart of polyester resin or epoxy resin (this will encourage you to
make at least two ;-)
More politically correct resin is available from ENVIROTECH, a
4. Five double glazed quarts solve at least one inch long. Cloudy and
funky are fine, even if an evil person has handled them ;-) The mere
proximity of HHG in each crystal will clear faster and better than all the
combined resources of the most powerful new age gurus or shamans
in the world. I'm just the messenger here, so do not hate me, meek are
inheriting the earth, after all. Others have told me that orgone
generators remove the cloudiness of quartz crystals. Mine is already
clear, so I have not seen it happen myself. One made me turn clear
when I went to the Bahamas. I'm pretty sure the Atlantean energy to
Mars Bay blue hole did. The Sweet Surrender Crystal Mine in
Arkansas sell Double Terminated ttp: / / www.arcrystalmine.com
The plastic funnel should be large enough to make 4 "high cone. The
bigger the cone, the more powerful the HHG. I encourage you to
experiment with different configurations. Let me know what you learn,
please, from the time will exceed my potential yet. We have a 7 "high
spiral to the secret underground base near San Diego, from which
some researchers have never returned. We developed that in a
6/16/01. Boy, who is angry with us! Never had been surveilled so long
before that day.
Step by step instructions
1. Set the funnel, point down, in a box or jar.
2. Put some aluminum particles or BB's at the bottom, enough to make
the vertical crystal stand alone. I put down the better end of d / t crystal
to the point of the cone.
3. Pour some resin over it and let it soak down the molecules of the
4. Put enough aluminum particles or BB to cover the remainder of the
vertical glass and pour in enough resin to cover it.
5. Place the other four d / t crystal horizontally aligned 90 degrees
outside, so that the four compass directions should be covered when
you are ready to deploy the HHG.
6. Make a mark on the funnel to indicate where one section of the
bottom four crystals is, if you want. This is marginally significant. I
never do that myself.
7. Covers four crystals with aluminum particles or BB and cover it with
resin. At this point, the funnel, either visually or with a spirit level (the
ruler with the bubble thing built into it). We need to get perfect, but
perfect is a little better than not. Never fill the tip of the funnel, as this
makes it difficult to finish and is very dirty. If you want a really great,
make a paper cone (taping the seam) in a large piece of thin board
poster and a film set in a large funnel. Should make a big one in the
reservoir in San Diego and become the huge vortex southeast of
Bimini soon. These vortices are very big and distorted for some
reason. Remember that investment with the compass points is critical.
I put small parachutes on what I use in deep water locations, so they
are upright when they reach bottom.
8. Make a mark on the flat part of the material hardens now to know
how it is aligned under the four crystals, since you can not see them
9. Take the now-usable but crude HHG outside the funnel now and file
the material in the end just below to create a point of the cone. I use a
coarse belt sander on my belt for this, but feel free to do it the hard
way. You can file the edges down around unless you want to cut that
10. Having made its mark on the bottom, you can line up the compass
where you put it. Put another signal near the bottom surface of the
cone to make this easier ;-) This is optional, as it works fine if it is not
aligned with the compass, too.
11. You can do a little better to be fancy crystals if desired. You can
probably improve in other ways, in this case, please tell me in
[email protected]. It will make them for money, but feel free to
make yourself. I capitalized this way for the pioneering work of other
12. Juice is still more to copper coil on the outside of the funnel or
party hat, be sure to wind up the cable right to the point (as seen from
the bottom of the cone to the point. Do 7 turns or so . Install this cone
before submitting the other ingredients in. This proposal is to
(through ;-) our masterful friend, Linda at www.spiritherbs.com, who is
also a aficionada Wingmakers.
1. Make all these into a smaller funnel. The resulting cone should be
less than 2 "or so, just because it is easier to use. We need non-
ferrous metals, preferably aluminum because it is easier to tool.
Optional Silver Star of David with crystals are available A style or style
B Dome Shape Generators .. Add $ 45 will include the Silver Star of
David with polished D Style Double Cast Pyramid as a model.
supply also the advantage of larger size, greater weight Styles C and
D, combined with the unique properties offered by the pyramid ..
The 55 largest single oz.Style C Cast pyramid contains 33% more
resin, metal, and larger crystal dome style A or B or larger 65 oz Style
D Double Cast pyramid is smoothed with 8 degrees of increasingly
thinner gravel sandpatper hand polished to a high luster. A Star of
David hexagram from sterling silver 14 gauge wire, cut the exact length
of 1 / 2 Royal bar at the bottom of the pyramid of Double Stars, just
above the coil SBB. A clear-grade double-terminated quartz set in
each of the six points of the Silver Star of David (crystals not shown in
the photo attached).
Pyramid ether - magnetic fluid Generators
Style D Double Cast Pyramid, Sanded and Polished 65 oz
Cast Style D Double Pyramid, sanded and painted 65 oz To make 55
ounces Pyramid look more artistic and dramatic, we added a second
layer of resin casting Pyramid itself twice in the same mold. This leads
to a thicker outer covering resin which is then sand down with eight
different grits of sandpaper and polish to a high luster. Add, also the
Silver Star of David used in Mega Powerwands (see below) at the
bottom of these pyramids. It takes a little piece of work and time, but
the end results look beautiful. The following excerpt does not include
shipping or insurance. If you want to order, send me an e-mail and tell
me where you live so I can calculate the correct postage and give you
an overview.
1. A Style: 30 oz Natural Finish HHG 5 large crystals DT and 2 Royal
coiled bar, $ 95 each. Quantity discount: 3 or more, $ 90 each way: 30
ounces Finally patina, $ 110 Quantity discount: 3 or more $ 105 each
(+ dispatch costs). .
2. Style B: 31 ounces Finally patina only, $ 110; Total quantity
discount: 3 or more $ 105 each (+ dispatch costs). 3. C Style: 55 oz
Natural finish Cast Pyramid Single coil $ 155, Quantity discount: 3 or
more $ 150 each (+ dispatch costs).
4. Style D:: 65 ουγκιές Natural finish Cast Double Pyramid, sanded and
painted with Silver Star of David embedded in the base of each $ 245
(+ dispatch costs).
4. E Style:: Mini Pyramid $ 35 (+ cost of dispatch)
Style C 55 ουγκιές Single Cast Pyramid centered royal cubit spiral coil
& SBB coil at the bottom ($ 155)
1. Roles)
When you cut a piece of cable in a particular length is known as the
"barrier" films, which will appeal to wire adapter, or acting as a special
cosmic energies and draw that energy to the wire. There are many
different lengths "bar" used by advanced civilations through the
centuries. In a telephone conversation with Slim Spurling in February
2005, Slim said it found that the ancient Egyptian royal cubit (524 mm
+ / - 2 mm) is more useful for bio-physical energies and Hans Becker
of "Lost" cubit ( 596.6714 mm or 23.491) is more to the emotional and
mental energy. Because I'm adding at least two coils with larger
orgone generators, I've decided to make a coil with the length royal
cubit and the second coil based on Hans Becker of the Lost cubit long.
I set the initial unit multible bar the use of the letter "X". For example, a
3X Lost bar coil is equal to 3 x 596,6714 mm or 1790.01 mm. multible
Each unit length of bar will produce the desired results. You can also
use a 1 / 2, 1 / 3 or 1 / 4 fraction of the length of bar to give you such a
coordinated effect, but usually not as stong as a full length bar unit.
Depending on the extent of cable used, I can usually fit a double or
triple bar multible TB or HHG. When the coil wire will force orgone
energy in a spiral movement. If the coil is laid out on a flat level, energy
will spread both laterally and vertically. If you stretch the coil in the
vertical plane have a vertical conical spiral that leads to action to the
edge of the vortex spiral manner. For HHG, can add so much conical
spiral coil surrounding the 5 crystals, and a flat coil level (sometimes
called a spiral "pancake") is placed at the bottom of HHG. For
tuberculosis, or you can add a single flat coil at the bottom. The two
coils are shown the right hand wrapped in a configuration known as a
coil SBB, or button coil San Buster, a name coined by Don Croft
1. Add $ 8 for a coil for TB if you want
Reader Comments & Testimonials:
Do Ether - magnetic fluid Generators Affect Hartmann / Ley Lines?
(Dec. 11, 2007)
Holy Handgrenade (HHg) Testimonial (Aug. 25, 2004)
Sacred Geometry Ideas for the HHg (Sep. 7, 2004)
SOLVENTS Chemtrails
The Aitherodyalytes (CB) is a spin-off of the device from Wilhelm Reich
called Cloudbuster. Reich found that the tubes can act as wave guides
for orgone energy (a term coined in the 1930s). Reich discovered that
he could channel orgone energy in the pipes if there was a fountain of
water flowing in the opposite ends of the tubes. Which are normally
empty BX cable in a plenary at the end of the light pipe and ran from
there a BX cables running stream of water or a lake or ocean. Water
acts as an attractor of the orgone energy. Aitherodyalytess behave
differently to attract the negative polarity of orogne energy (called
DOR) on the basis of CB and then translates the DORpolarity positive
polarity of orgone (named "or" sometimes called "POR" the positive
orgone). Since early 2004, we noticed that Aitherodyalytes will
encourage the presence sylphs, elementals air, have the ability to
transform toxins embedded in chemtrails into non-toxic. It usually takes
several weeks for a new AITHERODYALYTI to acclimate to the local
environment, so you do not see dramatic results immediately
chemtrails, but hangs there for two or three weeks and will start to
notice things. The heavier set the chemtrails in your area, the longer it
takes for AITHERODYALYTI be enlisted to send dispering them. The
higher the resin AITHERODYALYTI / metal chip matrix diameter of the
base, the larger the diameter of the pipe used, the greater the length of
pipe used, growing crystals used, the more coils used, etc. means a
more powerful punch of orgone transmutation delivered by KT. The
offer both a 2 gallon and 5 gallon version of Aitherodyalytes.
Most people in the 2 gallon Aitherodyalytes using six 1-inch diameter
copper (or iron) pipes. The six extensions over the tube is about five
meters long and connect coupler one inch copper tube connected with
small tubes embedded within the resin / metal chip-based matrix. The
upper assembly of the extension pipe held in place while a green
wooden alignment model. The six pipes evenly spaced in the bucket in
a perfect circle, which, if observed, will give two sets of 3 triangles tube
intersect each other, like the Star of David configuration. Crystal
environment (in tubes) for the Star of David configuration may have
some very strong impact on both physical and ethereal planes.
The melody 'lengths now "the upper and lower copper pipe extensions
to match a harmonic of the Phi Ratio (also called The Golden Section
= 1.61803), which operates the phenomenom of the resonance
frequency of the universal relations of energy and makes the operation
more efficiently AITHERODYALYTI. . For crystals, using the biggest
and widest Double Terminated (Grade A) Arkansas quartz crystals that
can fit inside the tube. I always include a 5X royal cubit coil 14 gauge
at the bottom of each gallon and 2 Aitherodyalytes 6X Royal coil bar at
the bottom of 5 gallon Aitherodyalytes. If you want to add the option of
more coils or more cyrystals, you can make your choice from the list
You can get a ready AITHERODYALYTI whether or not the upper pipe
extensions. I now give both a copper pipe and a pipe
AITHERODYALYTI iron AITHERODYALYTI two or five gallon sizes.
The 2 gallon AITHERODYALYTI base unit weighs approximately 30
pounds and five gallon main unit for about 69 pounds. Usually ship
with insured mail to U.S. Air Mail Parcel to the USA. International
dispatch costs is also available. Contact me via e-mail for exact
shipping costs in your area
You can obtain a complete set AITHERODYALYTI either 2 gallon or 5
gallon size. The packages included in each category below as
AITHERODYALYTI subsction "D". All you need to follow the detailed
instructions on the kit and add fibergalss resin. You can also select
parts of the kit of CB, if you want to do more work themselves. You can
get the separate top and bottom wooden models, the coil SBB, below
or above the Star of David, either silver or copper, crystals, the roll bar
Lost in the crystal, the small decrease in the ratio of tubes Phi Going
inside the bucket, or scrap aluminum.
2D. 2 gallon AITHERODYALYTI Iron Pipe Kit: Two Gallon Iron pipe
Aitherodyalytes base unit Kit-$ 165 + dispatch costs
The 2 gallon iron pipe base unit kit includes everything you need to
make your own swap Aitherodyalytes than resin fiberglass, which you
mix and pour yourself and the upper pipe extensions in your home or
building Loew Depot offer. All items are the same as described for the
two gallon kit above except copper pipes and couplers themselves,
which are made of galvanized iron. You get enough aluminum metal
shavings to cover the entire bucket. Complete instructions for
assembling the components and pouring the resin come with each kit
AITHERODYALYTI. (We know where you live to give you an exact
quote the shipping cost s. You tell me where you live so I can give you
an accurate quote insured DUTY EXPENSES As each package to
your destination. For the U.S., tell me your postcode. For outside the
U.S., tell me your country. "For AITHERODYALYTI" in the subject line.
If interested, you have many more options to choose
AITHERODYALYTI you, including: 1) by adding another tube to a
center position (seven tubes), 2) addition of side glass, 3) adding
Mobius wrapped, SP crystals and a pulser SP pulser, 4) adding more
strip bar, and 5), adding a Star of David (or 99 9% pure silver 14 gauge
wire [$ 40) or copper wire ($ 15), cut the harmonics of the royal cubit,
and placed under the lower wooden model so that each point of the
other star of the six tubes (and crystals ), and 6) adding other specific
ingredients in 2 gallon main unit to select from this list
AITHERODYALYTI Options (http:// educate-
3B. Five gallon copper pipes Aitherodyalytes Base and six, 1 ¼ inch
diameter pipe extending over copper (cut to exact Golden Ratio
harmonious long-slighlty less than 5 meters long) with six 1.25 "copper
couplers and painted on a wooden model of alignment. $ 728 plus
insured shipping of two boxes (69 pounds to 27 pounds). The "whole
enchilada", during a 5 gallon copper tube.
3C. Six, 1 ¼ inch diameter copper tubes alone (cut lengthwise Golden
Ratio Harmonic) as a separate package bundled with six 1 ¼ inch
copper couplers and a line painted wooden model - $ 308 plus
shipping of two boxes (27 pounds and 3 pounds) You should tell me
where you live so I can give you an accurate quote insured s mission
costs in each box to your destination. For the U.S., tell me your zip
code. For outside the U.S., tell me your country. Type of
AITHERODYALYTI "in the subject line.
4B. Five gallon iron pipe Aitherodyalytes Base and six, 1 ¼ inch
diameter iron pipes over expansion (cut to exact Golden Ratio
harmonious long-slighlty less than 5 meters long) with six 1.25
"couplers iron and wooden painted over alignment template. 625 U.S.
dollars plus insured shipping of two boxes (69 pounds and 27 pounds).
The "whole enchilada" in a 5 gallon iron pipe.
4C. Six, 1 ¼ inch diameter zinc coated pipes of iron alone (cut
lengthwise Golden Ratio Harmonic) as a separate package bundled
with six 1 ¼ inch steel couplers and a line painted wooden model - $
206 plus shipping of two boxes (27 pounds and 3 pounds) (Add $ 10
for a seventh tube, if desired) should tell me where you live so I can
give you an accurate quote insured DUTY EXPENSES As each
package to your destination. For the U.S., tell me your zip code. For
outside the U.S., tell me your country. Type of AITHERODYALYTI "in
the subject line
4D. New-5 Gallon AITHERODYALYTI Iron pipe Kit: Five Gallon Iron
pipe Aitherodyalytes base unit Kit - $ 270 + shipping
4D. New 5-gallon AITHERODYALYTI Iron pipe Kit: Five gallon iron
pipe Aitherodyalytes base unit Kit - $ 270 + dispatch costs
The 5 gallon iron pipe base unit kit includes everything you need to
make your own swap Aitherodyalytes than resin fiberglass, which you
mix and pour yourself. I have already reduced the lowest galvanized
iron pipes with the golden ratio and sealed smoothly along a heavy AA
grade quartz and the Royal winding bar into each tube. You also get a
6X royal cubit SBB coil goes to the bottom of the lowest
AITHERODYALYTI wooden tamplate centers to six tubes. You get
enough aluminum metal shavings to cover the entire bucket. I contains
six 1.25 "couplers iron and painted on a wooden template to maintain a
secure network extension over while alignment. Save money if you get
the network extension uipper locally, but you can order from me if you
want (see 4C) . Full instructions for assembling the components and
pouring resin come with each kit.You AITHERODYALYTI need to tell
me where you live so I can give you an accurate quote insured DUTY
EXPENSES As each package to your destination. For the U.S., tell me
your ZIP code. For outside the U.S., tell me your country. "For
AITHERODYALYTI" in the subject line.
Silv Warp like to use both copper and silver in my Powerwands Mega
Powerwands because alchemically, is a perfect match, helping men
and women free energy. The offer Powewand in two sizes, A and B,
two sizes using a 3 inch resin diamater / metal matrix cynlinder
Star of David placed over SBB coil Hexagons of silver placed above
and below bag of gemstones
If you wish to order, you need to tell me where you live so I can give
you an exact insured shipping quote on each box to your destination.
For the USA, tell me your ZIP code. For outside the USA, tell me your
country. Type "AITHERODYALYTI order" in the subject line.
Several people have reported unusual and positive physical and
psychological effects from the use of HHg, even from a considerable
distance. O Don also included the orgone generator in the "Terminator"
of (Terminator), the latest hybrid version of a low-frequency `zapper`
which also gave unusual results. (Http://educate-
Toxicity of zinc
Another advantage of using silver discs that will prevent the loss of
copper plating that is displayed when you use a zapper copper penny.
All the pennies minted after 1982 use one minute copper plating on the
base of the zinc. When the 2.5% copper plating wears off, you wind up
with 97.5% zinc metal below which now touches the skin. While our
body uses small amounts of zinc in organic form, the elemental (bare,
untreated metal) form is harmful. And zinc, as zinc chloride are more
toxic than elemental zinc. When zinc affects the sweat of your skin,
sweat chloride from the body combines metal with zinc to produce zinc
chloride; Which is so caustic and irritating. Dogs that have engulfed
post-1982 pennies often die because of the toxicity of zinc. The reason
you do not use galvanized pipes for drinking water is because they
were coated with zinc
The Circuit
The Mini Silver Terminator puts a rapid growth, positive offset, pulsing
DC waveform at 15 cycles per second (15Hz), which is particularly rich
in harmonics.The waveform is "on" for 50% of the cycle and "off" for
the remaning 50% of the cycle; so has the 50% duty cycle. Positive
offset means that the trend will be from zero to maximum positve
battery voltage (or somewhat higher positive DC wall adapter) and
then falls back in time zero.At not a squarewave voltage waveform is
expected to expand the negative part of the voltage polarity. According
to Dr. Hulda Clark, this is an extrememly important issue of all
pathogens will succumb to impulses positive trend, however, many
pathogens are invigorated by a negative voltage pulse!
The sudden shock waveform may cause an explosion scalar waves to
be formed by the presence of a Mobius coil. Scalar waves can carry
information from one complex character. Just most people do not
realize that the frequency plan (or signature) of both healthy and
unhealthy components of the body is "writing" or scrambled (SEE
MIND CONTROL) in the aura of man (the etheric body), which both
surrounds and permeates the physical body. The signature of the
operation conditions of the disease appears first in etheric body and
then lead to a physical level, if the problem is not treated promptly.
This fact has been proven repeatedly, and Kirlian photography,
Radionics, the work of Cleve Backster, and many others.
Self Grip
meq long time, I was using 2 "elastic band with velcro sewn on the
ends to hold the Mini Silver Terminator to the side of my calf, just
below the knee and let him work 24 hours a day, but recently I found a
fantastic, self stick tape / bandage called "Self-Grip" that works like
Busters Gang holds the MST in place. It is 98% cotton and 2% latex
woven by a special method that allows you to stretch and cling to the
same well, not at the same time, it is too tight or uncomfortable to wear
for a long time. It comes in 1, 2, 3, and 4 "back on a roll about 66" long.
3 "or 4" size of the fine work with the MST. Look at a pharmacy or
sports store. If you can not get in your area, see options listed below.
Zap sleeping Strappng the Mini Silver Terminator on the sole of your
foot at night (no other area of the body) with Self Grip or placed in a
sock will allow you to flip through the channels at night while you sleep
and usually does not cause significant discomfort . It may take several
days or even a couple of weeks for your body to acclimate, but
eventually most people can sleep at night and ZAP simultaneously.
The cells of the skin on the sole of the feet and palms of the hands is
sui generis will not react with electrolysis, but these are the only two
places you need to look for all-night Zapping. Other areas of skin could
produce irriation electyrolyisis burns or even in rare cases, especially
with children.
You can encase each crystal SP offered on a resin / matirx metal that
includes a royal cubit SBB coil at the bottom of the cylinder, a sacred
barrier coil around the outer perimeter of the cylinder, and lost a cubic
coil wrapped around the coil Mobius. A 3X Royal bar t coil is wound in
a coil SBB and placed at the base of the plant, while the 3X Lost bar
coil wrapped around the same crystal, during the Mobius coil. The
polyester resin includes granuals activated carbon powder and
powdered glass. The scrap metal including copper, aluminum, brass
and steel. The jack 2,5 χιλιοστών atttached on top of all the SP crystals
are soldered first with super glue gel and then covered with more than
2 or 3 applications of Goop to insure a tight connection to the glass
and prevent abrasion damage Mobius wire coil. The smaller crystals
SP, along with the Mini Silver Terminator / jack SP or SP pulser, for
portability and can be done on a case camera, a briefcase, a purse, a
book bag, a package of Fanny, or even in your pocket. The
intermediate size and larger crystals of SP can be used in the car or at
home. If you wish to have your SP crystal is immersed in the resin /
metal matrix, along with 3 additional sacred geometry coils, add $ 40 to
SP crystal sizes # 1-3; Add $ 50 for crystals # 4-9; And add $ 55 for
crystals # 10-14 described above
I usually use the small cable 6 inches when performing the SP in a bag
or camera is on a table in the house, but you can also use the most, 4
foot cable if you want to locate the Mini Silver Terminator or SP pulser
the eyes connected with the crystal SP.
1. The longer 4 foot cable with gold plated plugs 2.1 mm at both ends
can be obtained for the donation of $ 16 (You get the gold plated 2.5
mm plug to Radio Shack for $ 3 each if you want to do until cable
2. The shorter 6 inch cable with gold plated plugs 2.5 mm right angle at
both ends is included with each Crystal SP, but you can also get one
separately for $ 14, if desired.
MST Package Deal A
If you want to get all the options offered here: The Mini Silver
Terminator ($ 125), the plug SP ($ 35), and the DC plug adapter ($
40), most SP 4 foot cable ($ 16) (or MST primary cable ($ 16)), the
cable car ($ 20) and # 1 SP size crystal Mobius coil, 2.5mm Jack, and
6 "cable ($ 55), totaling $ 291, but offered as the MST Package Deal
for A $ 280 (a $ 11 savings) plus the shipping costs $ 9 priority
Delivery Confirmation (DC) = $ 289 throughout the U.S.. (Contact me
for overseas shipping).
Same discounted MST Package Deal A, but with larger SP Cyrstals as
follows: ($ 225 + chosen SP crystal)
# 1 SP Crystal = $ 225 + $ 55 = $ 280 + $ 9 Priority & DC = $ 289
# 2 SP Crystal = $ 225 + $ 70 = $ 295 + $ 9 Priority & DC = $ 304
# 3 SP Crystal = $ 225 + $ 85 = $ 310 + $ 9 Priority & DC = $ 319
# 4 SP Crystal = $ 225 + $ 100 = $ 325 + $ 9 Priority & DC = $ 334
(I have limited my A Package Deal size up crystal # 4 since no one
seems to care about the order of larger crystals is not the resin / metal
matrix and coils are offered in Package Deal B) MST, shows plug gold
and # 14 SP crystal
MST Package Deal B (SP crystal embedded with resin / Metal Matrix &
3 Sacred Geometry Roles) The same options offered above, but B
Package Deal includes CP Crystal embedded in the resin / metal
matrix, a sacred barrier SBB coil to boittom, by royal cubit coil around
the cylinder permimter and lost a cubic coil wrapped over the coil
Mobius. The top of the cylinder has been filed, sanded and polished.
The MST Package Deal B with # 1 SP Crystal totals $ 331, less $ 15
Package Deal discount δολάρια B = 316 plus costs $ 9 priority
dispatch Delivery Confirmation (DC) = $ 325 within the U.S.
The same discount MST Package Deal B explained above, but with
larger Cyrstals SP as follows: ($ 261 + crystal for selected SP SP
crystals # 1-3; $ 271 + crystal for selected SP SP crystals # 4-9; And
276 USD + SP selection SP crystal for crystals # 10-14)
K. Adachi
PO Box 3046
Costa Mesa, CA 92628
Contact me (http://educate-yourself.org/contactus/) arrangements
for the donation overseas orders
Sincerely, Ken
And now there is "almost raining, it rainning cats and dogs! Howzat! All
around, I see severe lightning and rain .... I must admit, I do not think
that will happen soon. And it is most unusual-we're just a few days in
spring 'official', and we have only rain in Namibia tail-end of the rainy
season in this part of Africa. That is, from February onwards. It's more
than the west, the Namib is usually only rain (it has), from March
onwards ... So to get rain, and that the widespread dissemination of
the Namib in the first week of September is absolutely no ... Make of
that what you want. And I have not yet made my second
AITHERODYALYTI. It is now two and a half hour later (he had many
run around with buckets and various other containers, hollow), and still
see flashes 360 degrees around us. I hope not to start a second big
flood :-). Very exciting weather, that you truly understand the meaning
of "elemental
Initially the Gert discovered that the Aitherodyalytes had effect on
relentless sandstorms, causing them to constantly change course, and
eventually found that when placed south at an angle 30 degrees to the
horizon the dust storms ceased. After he left the same direction for 2
months, the unit has brought torrential rain for the first time in many
months in an area that is dry most of Africa.
Form 1: go to the bottom of the bucket, has six holes and is used as a
basis to get the original tubes.
Form 2: We apply the lip of the bucket. Be sure to cut a piece from
each side so they can get your fingers and pull when the petrified resin
of a mold No2 is not part of AITHERODYALYTI but to keep the tubes
in the same position located on the form as it No1 petronei resin.
Form 3: I use a circular plywood sea to keep stationary the upper
edges of the tubes.
Resin: I use polyester resin ('ll find in stores associated with sailing),
but the epoxy resin works just as well (you can find a chromatopoleia).
If you are going to build many AITHERODYALYTI try to find a financial
) :Let's start
On a flat surface, pour resin, about 3 inches in height in the bucket
and stir through metal pieces, until the surface to be uniform and flat.
CAUTION: Vapors are flammable resin. Always use it in a breezy
The ratio that works best is one part resin to one part metal pieces.
Insert 1 wooden form on the material before it hardens, so as barely to
touch the surface and not sink too. Put the tubes into the holes of the
timber and pour about 2 liters of resin. Take pieces of metal in the
same proportion as before. Note that the form No. 1 should not be a
push to the bottom of the bucket.
Carefully move the No2 download the form to pass through the tubes
of this in the appropriate holes No1.Valte and third form from above the
pipes and move up the pipe to be parallel. When the resin hardens
remove the form and let the No. 2 tip. Only serves to assist in
You can complete the construction by putting the resin / metal two
more layers, until about 2 cm from the edge of the bucket. That's it!
Wait petrified to move. You need about 5 liters of resin and metal
shavings 4 liters.
Cut six pieces of 50 cm and place the crystal-stoppers in them. Take
six socket which serve to connect the pipes. This allows you to use for
the rest of the construction of three 3metrous tubes cut in half.
Eventually you will have 2 meters tubes total integrated manufacturing.
When centering the little pieces to drop the second layer of the
mixture, cover with temporary tape the edges of 50ponton pipes, not to
go through metal bits in error. When you pour the mixture, remove the
tape and insert a second form to fit the lip of the bucket.
Put the socket after the 1.5 m pieces, and finally the third piece of
plywood on the edge of the pipe 1.5 meters.
The pipes will be slightly wrong and most likely, so turn the 3rd
plywood until they are parallel. You must do this quickly on before the
petrified resin.
Experimented with extensions 1.5 meters on the pipes to increase the
range. The result was that there was a strong influence on the moon
and the upper atmosphere of the planet for hundreds of miles. It closed
a negative setting for the time called Homestead Air Force Base,
leaving the elongated Aitherodyalytes be marked with the dead orgone
field above it was for a week.
We discovered that there is a need to show in a certain direction to
cleanse the atmosphere of bad orgone, and the more we let them work
just showing up, cleans better and increase the radius of action. Once
an area eliminate haze which was near the shore marking a few
minutes, so direction plays a role in such cases.
The Aitherodyalytess depleting chemicals sprayed continuously. It
may take several days for AITHERODYALYTI you to activate the
environment enough to work, but then by this point the drops will
disappear after a few seconds and the lines will come into scope, but
will spread to more time. These are composed of solid material get
even more time to dissolve, but discovered that they are only about
10% of cases.
The nefodialytis Dr. Reich was extremely dangerous when in
operation and had an orgone generator connected with Him. Bad
orgone carries her load, which can drain the life from someone when
they are concentrated in one place. It is similar to a powerful positive
electrostatic field. When the cloud is not in balance (more rain and
lightning than that) the Aitherodyalytes the breaks. It can also help stop
the drought. General and simple balancing time, mediating between
the soil and atmosphere. This built in Namibia, Africa finally brought
heavy rains to the desert. It happened on 9/5/01 and continued for
several imeres.O Girt who made it there and said Aitherodyalytes fact,
(http://educate-yourself.org/africasfirstcloudbusterjun01.html), told me
that he had ever done this desert but could not remember anyone. It is
without doubt the most dry part of the world. Please keep in mind that
'our efforts though somewhat pioneering, should be treated as the
authority for further growth despite the end of the road.
PROPOSAL: If you try these rains to pour water into the bucket and
the whole building every day. In polar climates with temperatures cover
the top of the pipe so water does not freeze and smash the crystal.
Overall it seems to work equally well regardless of whether installed
inside or outside the home. Up to seven crystals can be placed in each
tube to enhance its performance.
Especially in areas of Greece is a major problem with environmental
contamination, such as Athens, Thessaloniki and Kozani (due to the
power plant) should be run more than one Aitherodyalytes to purify the
atmosphere considerably. Briefly, what is needed to build a
Aitherodyalytes quartz crystals in metal tubes placed in resin and any
metal. You can experiment with different combinations of materials and
devices for the desired effect.
The mystical powers of the Pyramids
When talking about pyramids, pyramids have been discovered in many
other parts of the world. Most of them were sighted by pilots flying over
uncharted areas during air missions tous.Ena the most impressive
ancient monuments in the world is certainly the pre-Columbian
pyramids of Central America. The stepped form, with external stairs or
ramps at one or more sides and a flat top, looks more like the zigkourat
despite the Egyptian pyramids. As in Mesopotamia, the flat top of the
temples were constructed. The pyramids are virtually unknown in the
western world are Chinese. The first photographed in 1945 at the end
of the Second World War, while it appears that more than 100 in the
valley of Qin Huan in mainland China. In 1994, Austrian Hartwig
Hausdorf travel in Shaanxi province recorded with the camera close to
the city of Xi'an, 6 pyramids. The strange thing is that when you view
the video at home, he found that the depth of the image appeared and
other pyramids around 100 as the measured! Even greater amount -
called the "Great White Pyramid", located in the province of Sichuan -
is about 300 feet, is twice the pyramid of Cheops at Giza! What is
interesting about the pyramid is that the Chinese government did not
authorize the Hausdorf be found there in order to conduct his research.
In the surrounding neighborhood, the government created a base of
the rocket launch of the space program in the country and, of course,
the area is prohibited to visitors. Is Las pyramid and the pyramid
Apolona we discussed above. Did you see that all related;
Ether Nefodialytes Pyramids Ancient Greek Gods and ... Chinese
In the jungles of Cambodia are the ancient ruins of the once great city,
now known as Angkor, which was beautiful temples, endless galleries
and huge pyramids. The oral tradition passed on by generations of
Cambodian, tells us that it was either work or the Giants-Beyond Eoun,
known as the King of angels. France found a structure resembling a
pyramid. It is believed that this pyramid was built by the Knights
Templar when they returned from the Crusades of the 12th and 13th
centuries. Below is an underground pit with astrological symbols
carved on the walls. Enigmatic is the function of Greek pyramids.
Traces have been created in sixteen regions in total. The most famous,
now abandoned, is the Greek village of Andhra Pradesh. Equally
mysterious are the small pyramids in the valley Guimard of Tenerife in
the Canary Islands. In contrast, the largest prehistoric construction in
Western Europe began to reveals its secrets. This is the pyramid
Ouiltsaiar artificial hill in England, who was named Silmpouri thousand
Radiocarbon dating makes the construction tis4000 years ago. It is
made entirely of plaster, a height of forty meters and is part of a series
of prehistoric structures in the area. While the plaster is worn quickly,
the pyramid was maintained until today because the manufacturers
had to cover ground, protecting it from weather and enemy
vlemmata.Kai the United States, found many mini-pyramids. Rumors
circulating for several decades indicate that there are pyramids in
Alaska, Florida, within the confines of well-known Bermuda Triangle
and other places under the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. These rumors
are now dismissed as folklore, may someday take more
anagnorisi.Teleftaia structures comparable to the pyramids of Sudan -
the lowest and steeper sides of the Egyptian - were discovered in a
mountainous region of Uzbekistan in central Asia. The discovery was
made in the areas of Kasantarin and Samarkand to the south of the
country. The pyramids have a height of 12-15 m, and the OP
leies.Symfona Blavatsky, the pyramid is the symbol of creative nature,
the image of the Hierarchy, which drives the worlds. For the etymology
of the word PYRAMIS archaeologists have accepted the condition as a
purely Greek word = fire + Amish container fire Greeks saw the
pyramids of Egypt, the embodiment of the primary fire. The feature of
the fire that gets everything from the bottom up, whatever the position.
So the pyramid is associated with the concept of convergence
upwards. The Egyptians believed the pyramid picture of the world, a
beam of light connecting heaven with earth. Great Pyramid of Giza, the
most famous was called "The Light". The hieroglyphic is MR, the
isosceles triangle is born black from 2 hills as the sun. A mache
believes the word pyramid comes from the Greek words FIRE which
means 'fire' and HIT Egyptian word, meaning "ten" or "measure". This
argues that this word means the ten initial steps and arches define the
god of fire, the sun in the zodiac world. Then this word means literally
"dekamorfo medium heat" which is the clear symbolic form of life.
Much mystery surrounds the pyramids. Since the riddle as the huge
Egyptian, and Peruvian magianes pyramids and the unexplainable
forces that appear to exist in the pyramidal shape. Although scientists,
archaeologist, and archaeologists believe that the great pyramid built
by Cheops between 2686 and 2181 for example to serve as a tomb,
many disputes have arisen over when and why built the Great
Pyramid. One of the oldest dates of the Great Pyramid is given by an
Arab writer, Abu Zeid el Balkh, which relies on an ancient legend to
argue that the Pyramid was built during the Lyra was in the
constellation Cancer, is "two times 36 thousand years ago. This date
seems to agree with some determinations of carbon 14 dating of the
pyramid around 71.000p.ch., although there are some doubts about
the reliability of carbon 14 in chronological determinations. Many say
that the manufacturers were from the previous civilization of Atlantis,
and that built the Pyramid as a way of keeping all the known sciences
and to build a temple of initiation, and a powerful means to generate
energy pedion.Afti view was supported by Edgar Kaiisy under which a
group of people from an advanced civilization came to Egypt around
12,000 such supreme effort of these people was the construction of the
pyramid to include in the structure of knowledge. The choice of this
place based on the fact that there would become fewer natural
disasters that began with the destruction of Atlantis and the great flood.
With high safety answering yes and understand why give so much
importance to them and why they abound in all cultures. From the
study of comparative ancient civilizations symvolologias conclude that
the pyramid structure is the universe and humans in proportion to
bridge the macrocosm to the microcosm.
To understand these questions and perhaps others need to find the
pyramid in us, our magic mountain on our macro-town, where they
meet the axis of action of heaven and earth. Then we can understand
the pyramid out of us, riddles and mysteries. The search is not only
valuable but essential. And maybe the historians are right when they
say that knowing the past is necessary to understand the present and
planning ahead. Perhaps the pyramid is a window to the past and the
The BioGenesis Pyramid cleans and dissolves old and new negative
energies locked in space, radiating to the Sophia of creation. The
Pyramid is the Supreme Master. Is an expression of balance and the
laws of nature that determine the events of the people. Contributing to
the harmony and integration at all levels. Located at the highest point
in space, with sides of oriented 4 cardinal points. It reinforces and
expands the action of adding a BioAmplifier.
Star Pyramid
The Pyramid of stars, like a pyramid, connecting Heaven and Earth. It
gathers all the energy in a beam from top to bottom, forming an
invisible, energy, inverse pyramid. Treatments, the peak may be
touching acupuncture points in order to activate. The Star-Pyramid with
the colors of the rainbow is associated with memories of the culture of
ancient Egyptian and Maya and utilize information from other eras.
This helps Pentadome n 'light channels open and remain open. It is
beneficial to have a permanent location for the crystal Pentadome
home. Creates a triangular energy field, providing housing to Beings of
Light. The potential is so powerful that it can enrich a room with this
energy and restore balance to a very large rooms each disharmonious
energy. It also reinforces the "spiritual work", such treatment on
apostaseos.Mporei be placed upside down on a wooden base, so
when the full moon to fill the inside with water which you drink, or to
offer to nature. Apart from crystal, is also available in Lilac, Blue, Blue
and Purple Intigko.
Sun Pyramid
Pyramid of the Sun creates a connection to universal energy and is
the band with the greatest potential. Enables historical information and
help in adapting to the present. It is suitable for meditation for chakra
balancing and harmonizing the premises. The inner double pyramid,
can be put essential oils, Bach flower remedies, etc. for energy
therapies and clean rooms. Promotes solution Karmic issues. Available
in 15 colors.
8-Angled Pyramid
spirit = damage imperative of the verb "to live = imperative of the verb
I thi = the imperative of the verb set
iota = the Ioga, the I
Palance verb = = vibrate vibrate, gyrate, adjective = Pallas Pallas,
reversible (cf: Pallas Athena)
da = other type of Ca, Earth (cf: Domitir> Dimitir> Demeter Mother
Earth = = nyx night the (benchmark) = which,
that fy (s) = optative of the verb = fyo germinate, grow
SOURCE .. http://amadryasa.pblogs.gr
If you think the mood was Theoulis and decided to build on the secular
art of colorful pebbles close ie book and go do whatever else your
If you think small colored stones play an important fixed in the celestial
chessboard role, deepening krystalikes IN STRUCTURES FROM
WHICH consisting AND FREQUENCIES TO WHICH responding. In
the beginning was that frequency SPEECH ... This list is a useful tool
for anyone involved in or working with crystal stones doing spiritual
work. For names of crystals We consulted only books and websites
geology and there is considerable confusion about the correct names
of the stones. Moreover, in some cases, we conducted further analysis
of different stones that have a common name to sort any queries. our
shop therapeutic semiprecious stones
Note: The numbers on the vibrating base structure rystallon, not
relatives or impurities
(Quartz with inclusions)
* These are two different stones, quite similar, which in English find
them under the common name "JADE". Both stones bring serenity and
having an overall balancing effect. Help in childbirth, the flu cases in
neuralgias and headaches.
Associated with the 4th chakra. Elevate the consciousness giving
virtues such as courage, humility, wisdom. 5
Μεγάλος Μεγάλος
κρύσταλλος κρύσταλλος
Luster: vitreous to macrocrystalline varieties, usually steatodis or
alampis to kryptokrystallikes varieties.
Color: usually colorless or white. But often contain very small
inclusions in the paint with various colors such as milky, purple,
brown, red, yellow, green, black, etc.
Line Dust White.
Hardness: 7
Specific gravity: 2.65, lower kryptokrystallikes varieties (~ 2.6).
Cracks: Konchodis thrafsmos.
Transparency: Transparent to translucent.
Tiktikotita: 7
Remarks: Form prismatic, romvoedriki-like pyramid. The prismatic
chairs usually with horizontal stripes. Located in crystals and
compact masses. Also found in terrene. Cancer in the Law of
Dauphine twins around the c and the law of Brazil with the twin level
(11-20). Rarer in the Japanese law to double the level (11-22). The
twin quartz hardly expressed in the external shape of the crystal.
Quartz is a very common and widespread mineral. is much the
igneous and metamorphic rocks, because it is resistant to
mechanical and chemical weathering is found in many sedimentary
rocks and sand. It has many and varied uses. Different variants are
used as precious and semiprecious stones (amethyst, yellow,
prasio, agate). The quartz sand used as an abrasive and industrial
glass and silica bricks. In standby dust applies to industry and
paints porcelain and stone (sandstone, quartzite) for building
purposes. Used in scientific optical instruments (lenses, prisms) and
because of the strong piezoelectric properties and pyroilektrikon
radio frequency used in the manufacture of digital watches,
measuring high pressure, etc.
Macrocrystalline varieties: Rock crystal: colorless and pellucid
variety of quartz. It is usually found on wafers.
Amethyst: purple variety of quartz. It is usually found in crystals in
terrene. The color is attributed to small amounts of B or BPO4 or
otherwise Fe3 +.
Quartz pink: pink to ruby variety of quartz. It chondrokrystallikos and
is rarely found in crystals. The color is attributed to small amounts of
Mn3 + or velonidia rutile (containing Ti4 +).
Smoky: dark-colored smoke, brown, gray to black variety of quartz.
The black variety called molecule. Transparent to translucent,
opaque. It is usually found in crystals. The color is attributed to free
Si ions formed by exposure of quartz to radiation of radioactive
Citrine: yellow, transparent variety of quartz-like Topaz. The color is
attributed to distribution ypomikroskopiki colloidal hydroxide Fe3 +.
Galaktochromos Quartz: white, galaktochromi variety of quartz.
Almost opaque by steatodi shine. Found in large masses in veins
and pigmatites. The color is attributed to many ypomikroskopika
fluid inclusions.
Quartz blue: blue variety of quartz. Special variety found mainly in
Andalusia, Spain. It is usually found in crystals. The color is
attributed to inclusions aeriniti (blue silicate mineral).
Ferrari Quartz: reddish, brownish, yellow variety of quartz. Color is
attributed to inclusions sidiroxeidion.
Quartz with inclusions: various minerals like rutile needles
(sagenitis), tourmaline, etc. enclosed in quartz crystals giving an
unusual appearance.
Aventourinis: minutes orientated leaflets chromiouchou mica (green)
and hematite (red) surrounded by others and reflect the light giving
radiant glow.
Name: Quartz: in ancient times (Theophrastus) and mid-17th
century, the clear colorless quartz crystal called = ice, from the
Greek words cold and Stella, whence = rock crystal ice of the
mountains. Also referred to as quartz, quartzite, quartzite stone. The
foreign name has German quartz and possibly earlier Slavic origin
and means cruel and useless mineral substance often found in vein
Amethyst: from a privative and befuddle the word because in
ancient times believed to protect from drunkenness.
Smoky: the black kapnokastano color.
Citrine: From the Latin word citrus = Citron lemonokitrinou because
of color.
Aventourinis: because the typical radiant glow.
Microscopic properties: Quartz
Metropolitan Museum, New York, Η.Π.Α.
Photo: Τριαντάφυλλος Σολδάτος.
Χαλαζίας με ασβεστίτη (10 cm).
Ορυχείο Herja, Maramures, Ρουμανία.
Photo: Francesc Fabre, Fabre Minerals.
Photo: Greene Gallery Mineral Collection, University of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Ορεία κρύσταλλος.
Photo: Jay Phillip Schomer, Quartz Crystal
Ορεία κρύσταλλος.
Photo: Jay Phillip Schomer, Quartz Crystal
Ορεία κρύσταλλος.
Photo: Jay Phillip Schomer, Quartz Crystal
Ορεία κρύσταλλος.
Photo: Jay Phillip Schomer, Quartz Crystal
Ορεία κρύσταλλος.
Photo: Jay Phillip Schomer, Quartz Crystal
Κρύσταλλοι αμεθύστου.
Κρύσταλλοι αμεθύστου.
Σκήπτρο διπλαπόληκτου κρυστάλλου
αμεθύστου πάνω σε καπνία.
Κάτω Νευροκόπι.
Photo: Βασίλης Μέλφος, Προσωπική συλλογή.
Κάτω Νευροκόπι.
Photo: Βασίλης Μέλφος, Προσωπική συλλογή.
Δαδιά Έβρου.
Photo: Βασίλης Μέλφος, Προσωπική συλλογή.
Γεώδες αμέθυστου.
Δαδιά Έβρου.
Photo: Τριαντάφυλλος Σολδάτος.
Αμέθυστος με υγρά εγκλείσματα.
Delaware, Pennsylvania, Η.Π.Α.
Photo: The National Gem Collection.
Photo: Greene Gallery Mineral Collection, University of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Photo: Greene Gallery Mineral Collection, University of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Ροδόχρωμος χαλαζίας.
Photo: Greene Gallery Mineral Collection, University of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Ροδόχρωμος χαλαζίας.
Photo: Θησαυροί της Γης, DeAgostini Hellas.
Photo: Greene Gallery Mineral Collection, University of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Photo: Greene Gallery Mineral Collection, University of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Κιτρίνης (κίτρινη ποικιλία του χαλαζία) citrine
Καπνόχρωμος κιτρίνης (53 kg).
Minas Gerais, Βραζιλία.
Photo: The National Gem Collection.
Δίχρωμα πετράδια έν μέρει κιτρίνης και εν
μέρει αμέθυστος.
Photo: The National Gem Collection.
Araçuaí, Minas Gerais, Βραζιλία.
Photo: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com.
Alto Zambeze, Moxico Province, Αγκόλα.
Photo: Martins da Pedra.
Photo: Greene Gallery Mineral Collection, University of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Μπλε χαλαζίας.
Photo: Francesc Fabre, Fabre Minerals.
Μπλε χαλαζίας.
Photo: Francesc Fabre, Fabre Minerals.
Μπλε χαλαζίας.
Malaga, Andalusia, Ισπανία.
Photo: Francesc Fabre, Fabre Minerals.
Μπλε χαλαζίας.
Malaga, Andalusia, Ισπανία.
Photo: Francesc Fabre, Fabre Minerals.
Σιδηρούχος χαλαζίας.
Valencia, Ισπανία.
Photo: Θησαυροί της Γης, DeAgostini Hellas.
The aventourinis said to benefit all areas of creativity and imagination,
as well as mental and spiritual clarity. Knowledge says that it enhances
prosperity and brings career success. It is a gentle stone that gives a
sense of calm and balance and enhances happiness. It also helps to
see options and possibilities in all situations, giving a positive outlook,
courage and inner strength. The green aventourinis is also a mystical
stone of prosperity. Brings friendship to life. It is also a stone of
protection actions. The folklore and metaphysical knowledge say that
physically it is beneficial for blood, circulatory system, headaches,
general health, and sleep disorders. The aventourinis is a stone of
prosperity, promotes leadership qualities and encourages
Yellow aventourinis usually silver lighter spots inside, and it enhances
the flow of energy through the body. He is good on the balance of
power and is classified as a good stone tychis.Anypsonei spirits and
bring peace and contentment. Yellow aventourinis stabilize the mind,
stimulates thinking and encourages compassion.
Working with the Universe and Universal Laws. Usually milky with a
yellowish tinge.
Called '> Lady of Heaven. " The main properties are altruism, fate, love
and hope. It reinforces to awaken memories of past lives. Transfer as a
good luck piece because it brings good luck. Showing the existence
and feelings of the wearer. Promotes selflessness. Opens the heart to
humanitarian love, hope. It is good for protection when moving in
water. Gives clarity to spiritual understanding. balancing the
reproductive system. Used to facilitate childbirth. Calms the effects of
emotion. Ease the pain of menstruation, alleviates many problems of
the skin, hair, eyes and body fluids.
Contact. Develop their physical strength. Cornerstone and foundation
support. Associated with the sky bringing heaven to earth energy. It
can help to promote honesty and clear transmission from the heart. It
also protects against environmental pollution and brings abundance
and wealth. The Turquoise can help the progress of therapy and is
known as the Main Stone Therapy. It is very strong to support the
acquisition and protection, too.
Tigriofthalmos or tiger eye. It is soothing for emotional disorder. It helps
to see things with a better view. It also promotes courage and strength.
also used traditionally, for diseases of the eye.
ernei clear thinking, the exact present, protection and good luck. It
symbolizes personal power, integrity, and ability to bring heaven to
earth. Enhances the presentation of ideas and images to reality. It
helps to identify past life on the links that existed with others. Picks up
the sounds of the earth - the pulses. Psychic protector, guards against
negativity. Helping someone to find more interest and positive way to
reveal the internal light. Promotes wealth.
Citrine. The yellow stone is known as a "success." Said to promote
success and abundance, especially in business and commerce.
enhances mental clarity, confidence, happiness and desire power.
Yellow brings good fortune, sometimes in very unexpected ways. It is
also a good general protection stone according to the medical
knowledge of the crystal. Believed to relieve depression and self-
doubt, and reduce the irrational allocation regression due to the effect
of mental clarity it has.
Smoky Quartz. The constant protector. It's just like clear quartz, but
dark, as if smoke is trapped inside. Stone guard absorbs and dispels
the negative influences in the breeze, and gives a deeper connection
with the land.
Success in business and work. Dissolves negativity. Balances sexual
energy. The Smoky quartz is brown, black or gray smoke. Protect the
peace, serenity, intuition, pride, joy and a realistic spirituality. It helps
us to realize the hopes, dreams and desires and to control the
subconscious wisdom.
Topaz. If you want to overcome your fears, she wore a topaz. A stone
of trust, power and protection. It relieves depression, anger, fear,
tension headaches and insomnia. It gives inner vision and help in
finding the correct direction to follow. Stimulates the intellect of the
writers, scientists and artists. It helps to abstract thinking and creativity.
Considered to avoid the cold, and tuberculosis as it strengthens the
Gold Topaz: tissue regeneration. It strengthens the liver, gall bladder,
spleen, digestive organs, nervous system, detoxify the body. Heat
alarm, plenty of inspiration.
Blue Topaz: Renaissance grid. Strengthens thyroid gland, enhances
metabolism. Emotional balance. Rest, rest, peace, peace. Creativity,
self expression. Enhances mental perception, communication with the
highest of the Spirit Guides.
Amethyst. Amethyst is called "stone of sobriety." It is said that it helps
in the treatment of alcoholism, forced behavior and addiction of all
kinds. Amethyst brings operations to stability, peace, serenity, balance,
courage and inner strength. It has been used to protect against psychic
attacks. On the spiritual level, amethyst can help open communication
with the angels of telepathy and other mental abilities. It is an excellent
stone for the work reflection, meditation or dream, the work of past life
and can help you see your progress. Has also been used to assist in
easing the pain of sadness and the promotion of happiness. Amethyst
is reputed as beneficial when considering the legal problems and
money issues, which can lead to prosperity and abundance.
risimopoieitai well as protection for travelers.
Jade used to work for their dreams. Confidence, conviction and
courage to himself. Inspiration. He joined the spiritual world. Is mostly
green, but can also come in many colors. All types of jade highlight
longevity, fertility, serenity, wisdom, practicality, tranquility, peace,
harmony, moderation, perspective and stability. It helps us understand
our dreams and teaches us to live in harmony with the laws of nature
and spirit. Black Jade protects against negativity and encourage the
wise use of force. The Blue Jade inspires meditation. The buttery jade
brings peace. The Violet Jade inspires love, optimism and beauty. The
Orange Jade enhances energy and acts as a safeguard. The white
jade promotes practical applications and spirituality. Yellow Jade is
linked with assimilation, digestion, understanding, and the empathy.
He brings credibility, honesty, inner strength, intuition, virility and
manifestation. It strengthens the mind and body as well as expanding
awareness spiritual evolution. It can help organize daily life and to
bring together spiritual guardians. Still, it helps to build confidence and
is a traditional stone officers from the kingdom. ernei spiritual love and
is also known for enhancing love and fidelity within marriage. Is also a
stone that protects from both physical and psychological attacks.
Knowledge. It helps to work with the Gates star.
The color is dark blue with gold specks. Is related to honesty,
tolerance, inner strength, love, purity, intuition, a sense of mystery and
wonder, positive magic. The stone is deemed to empower the body
and spirit.
The Malachite is a stone of transformation and change and helps with
change and spiritual evolution. A malachite brings luck, prosperity and
abundance. It also protects well and is especially helpful for general
protection, protection from evil, protection during pregnancy and
childbirth and protecting children. It is also excellent protection stone
during air travel and other travel. Using malachite, one can react to
self-destructive romantic tendencies and help encourage the true, pure
love. It's also good to strengthen the emotional stability and balance in
general. May reduce the tendency of some to disease activity, asthma,
arthritis and tumors by radiation. It helps physical pain and the
conquest of the purpose and goal.
That before.
Onyx. The Onyx helps the challenges in life, especially those caused
by a leak of energy. Prevents exhaust away from the personal energy
and can be used to protect against that. It also helps to establish and
control or eliminate excessive or unwanted effects. She used to treat
wounds, childbirth and to increase the strength and self control.
That yellow before
That before
The predominantly stone of love for young people.
Deepening the mind body connection. The Sagelitis, an opaque purple
magnetic stones and relates to the discovery and release beliefs that
prevent spontaneous mental and physical health. It helps us to look at
the beliefs that can create emotional and physical limitation imbalance
and helps to separate those beliefs in the mental field, thus preventing
them to send messages to the body. Attracts healing powers. It is
useful against all diseases, helps synchoresome ourselves and others.
Promotes confidence. Eliminates hostility. It provides powerful insight
during meditation. Emits a soothing energy and the headaches,
physical pain, general healing.
Hematite logic, mind, memory. Strength, courage, patience. Increasing
mnimis.O Hematite is known as "stone for the mind." It brings mental
organization and is great for establishing and tranquility. Assists in the
original thinking, logical thinking and mathematics. Reduces negativity
and can help balance the body, mind and spirit all together. Of course,
he used to keep the body cool, to decrease blood disorders, nerve
problems and insomnia, as well as align the spine and mend broken
Onyx Black Whatever ago
Amethyst Whatever ago.
Expressed understanding of speech. Increases and elevates the
mental capacity. The strong stone therapy, causing spiritual guidance,
opens psychic eye. Good for dreams and improving psychic abilities.
Contact the Global Law. Very effective therapeutic gemstone. Called
"stone of heaven." Helps develop the mental awareness, mental skills
and abilities, enhances intuition and is said to be a guide for accuracy
in the representation of mental experience. It's also an excellent stone
for meditation, which allows you to go to a place of meditation easily. It
can enhance prophesy and divination.
It gives courage, bravery, courage. Apocrypha. Protects the aura.
Happiness, psychic powers, divination, purification, cleansing,
inspiring, trips. Calms nervousness, offers all the positive effects of the
sea. Block helps the inspiration is beneficial to passengers helps
protect against accidents. Calms the nervous tension. Used to help
prosecute the fears and phobias. Appease and cleans. Strong support
for happiness in marriage.
Coral Whatever ago.
Aventourinis Whatever ago
Associated Zodiac Sign Chinese Horoscope: Rat
About Granite: The Granite mainly symbolizes love, loyalty, passion,
mental health and balance and women's needs. The Granite is usually
deep red color so the Chinese call the "Blood Stone". It is a very lucky
stone hard, perfect for making ornaments and decorations. The
Chinese use it to heal the sadness and depression. Small pieces of
granite are traditionally given to Chinese pregnant to help them give
birth painlessly. Also, the gem is known for its ability to stabilize the
cycles of the uterus. Finally, there is a Chinese legend says that if you
tie a piece of granite in the front door of your house is protected from
Associated Zodiac Sign Chinese Horoscope: Buffalo
About Aquamarine: The aquamarine symbolizes peace, tranquility,
physical health, the feminine side of people and the spirit of the
Chinese god of the earth. Has a unique almost transparent blue color
said to cause relaxation and clarity of thought. According to Chinese
legend, aquamarine is a creation of a major deity of the sea that had
the form of sea monster. The sea goddess gave as a gift to the
Chinese god of the earth to the charm. It is not unusual for Chinese
fishermen to keep tracks Aquamarine for protection from the dangers
of the sea. Traditional Chinese doctors use Aquamarine to facilitate
digestion by throwing small pieces of lucky stones in water glasses.
After the water absorb the energy of the Aquamarine, the stone is
removed and the drink given to a patient to drink.
Associated Zodiac Sign Chinese Horoscope: Tiger
Info for Sapphire: Sapphire (Sapphire otherwise) symbolizes light,
street wise, money, kalozoia, mental clarity, leadership, internal forces
and confidence. The Chinese use it for washing away the negative
energy and bad thoughts. It is said that the Sapphire is a gem that can
lead to integration. Chinese legends say that the Sapphire has the
capacity to expand thinking and develop pathways interface with our
inner world and God. The Sapphire is widely used in China in
exercises of concentration and learning martial arts because it has the
capacity to inspire and stabilize the mind. It is a lucky stone associated
with oracles, dreams and the art of seeing the past and the future. The
Chinese call this "Gem of the Third Eye" and use it to heal diseases
related to vision. The Sapphire is associated with the Chinese
heavenly god
Associated Zodiac Sign Chinese Horoscope: Rabbit
About the Pearl: The pearl symbolizes purity, innocence and
clearance. In Chinese culture, the Pearl is presented as a powerful
stone and is called "Tear of Heaven" or "Tear of God". A Pearl is given
to unmarried Chinese girls to help them find the man of their dreams. It
is a gift that Chinese fathers love to give their daughters when they
reach puberty. This is to preserve the purity of the young girl. There is
also a tradition among the Chinese aristocracy whereby drink alcohol
with dialymmena pearls to cure and prevent any disease. The Pearl is
also used to increase strength and energy.
Associated Zodiac Sign Chinese Horoscope: Dragon
About Amethyst: Amethyst symbolizes the strong intuition, brain,
happiness, peace, protection, and spirituality. The Chinese use this
lucky stone in various ways. For example, it is fashionable to wear
jewelry with Amethyst when it comes to consume too much alcohol.
The gem will protect you from drunkenness and keep your mind clean.
The Amethyst is used in many parts of China against all forms of
addiction such as smoking, alcohol or drugs. It is also used by
traditional Chinese doctors against amnesia and nightmares. This
magical purple gem is also used in spiritual work such as
aftosygkentosi. The Chinese believe that Amethyst enhances mental
and spiritual forces. Many Chinese astrologers and psychics have
always been with them a piece of amethyst.
Associated Zodiac Sign Chinese Horoscope: Snake
Information for Opal: The Opal represents the right guidance, luck,
honor, competence, visions, dreams and the power of the mind. In
many Western cultures is a gem of bad luck, but the Chinese believe
that the Opaliofernei great luck and competence in those who have. It
is a mysterious gem that is directly related to mysticism and
parapsychology. Chinese legends refer to Opal as "Gem that makes
you invisible. Used in China to communicate with the spirits through
dreams. The Chinese put pieces of opal under your pillow to protect
themselves when they are in the world of dreams during sleep. It is
also said that lucky this gem can be a guide to get the right decisions.
The opal is the magic ability to change color from dark to light
depending on the mood of the person who keeps it.
Associated Zodiac Sign Chinese Horoscope: Horse
Information about the Topaz: The Topaz symbolizes courage, strength,
confidence, creativity, relaxation and safety. Indeed, the Topaz is a
powerful lucky stone with which the Chinese overcome any fear and go
to meet the most wonderful goals. The Topaz is also useful to artists,
people of fashion, the architects and engineers to writers, to decorators
and wherever required imagination and creativity. This gem is usually
kitrinochryses the blue shades. Chinese legends say that the Topaz
makes you think deeper, higher and cleaner to overcome every
obstacle to find your way. Traditional Chinese doctors use it well
against mental illness and brain diseases.
Associated Zodiac Sign Chinese Horoscope: Sheep
Information for Emerald: The Emerald symbolizes the Chinese god of
the earth. It is a lucky stone associated with love, money, beauty,
stability, knowledge, truth, justice and scarcity. The Chinese believe
that the Emerald increases sexual stamina and performance. Used to
attract members of the opposite sex and the quest for true love. A
Chinese legend says clearly that the Emerald is "The Gem of Truth"
and that if your heart is strong and worth, then the Emerald'll reveal the
absolute truth. The Emeralds are also possible natural antidepressant.
The Chinese believe that these stones combined with simultaneous
and careful use of candles can win every heart and every soul. The
jewel is also known for its ability to increase perception and mental
clarity. Last used as a weapon against the lie.
Associated Zodiac Sign Chinese Horoscope: Monkey
Information on Chrysotile: Chrysotile is the only one gem that
symbolizes the unification, the mysticism, the maturity, jealousy and
vision. It is considered very mysterious and powerful. The Chinese use
to fight evil jealous people. The ancient Chinese soldiers used to carry
with them a piece of goldstone to soothe their anger because it was a
rule that must not fight it when you're angry. The Chrysotile is widely
used in wedding ceremonies to bring happiness, stability and strong
sexual couple. During the traditional Chinese wedding grooms wear
jewelry including Chrysotile. Chinese legends say that the Chrysotile
has tremendous ability to heal the wounded pride.
Yellow Quartz
Associated Zodiac Sign Chinese Horoscope: rooster
About Quartz Yellow: Yellow Quartz generally symbolizes creativity,
science, success, learning, knowledge and real truth. According to
Chinese legend, the Yellow Quartz is the "Gem of Success" and
should have only generous and warm-hearted people. The jewels of
Yellow Quartz was the favorite of Chinese emperors. The emperors
believed that the stone was lucky increases the capacity of
communication and expression. In modern China many teachers,
professors and academics have with the songs from Yellow Quartz
when teaching. Also used by students during exams. Finally, the stone
used to trigger feelings of fullness and joy.
Chinese Astrology and Gaming Gem
When the Chinese heavenly god and the Chinese earth god decided to
create Chinese Astrology and choose 12 animals zodiac, thought that
the 12 Signs of the Chinese horoscope would need some material to
symbolize and theirs. Thus ended that each of the 12 Signs should be
associated with a jewel. The jewel would help people to create a
spiritual relationship with the Chinese Zodiac Sign in which the
Chinese gods anikoun.Oi So with the help of other gods collected the
12 most valuable and powerful gaming gems on the planet. These
were (and still are): Granite, aquamarine, sapphire, pearl, amethyst,
opal, Topaz, Emerald, Chrysotile, Yellow Quartz, Diamond and Ruby.
Studying the characteristics of these 12 games gems, allocate each of
the 12 Chinese Signs, and a lucky stone. The jewels would bring luck
and protect the people who were in their possession. Say something
about the characteristics and properties of these 12 lucky stones, and
how they appear in the Chinese culture.
(Click on images to enlarge)
Associated Zodiac Sign Chinese Horoscope: Rat
About Granite: The Granite mainly symbolizes love, loyalty, passion,
mental health and balance and women's needs. The Granite is usually
deep red color so the Chinese call the "Blood Stone". It is a very lucky
stone hard, perfect for making ornaments and decorations. The
Chinese use it to heal the sadness and depression. Small pieces of
granite are traditionally given to Chinese pregnant to help them give
birth painlessly. Also, the gem is known for its ability to stabilize the
cycles of the uterus. Finally, there is a Chinese legend says that if you
tie a piece of granite in the front door of your house is protected from
Associated Zodiac Sign Chinese Horoscope: Buffalo
About Aquamarine: The aquamarine symbolizes peace, tranquility,
physical health, the feminine side of people and the spirit of the
Chinese god of the earth. Has a unique almost transparent blue color
said to cause relaxation and clarity of thought. According to Chinese
legend, aquamarine is a creation of a major deity of the sea that had
the form of sea monster. The sea goddess gave as a gift to the
Chinese god of the earth to the charm. It is not unusual for Chinese
fishermen to keep tracks Aquamarine for protection from the dangers
of the sea. Traditional Chinese doctors use Aquamarine to facilitate
digestion by throwing small pieces of lucky stones in water glasses.
After the water absorb the energy of the Aquamarine, the stone is
removed and the drink given to a patient to drink.
Associated Zodiac Sign Chinese Horoscope: Rabbit
About the Pearl: The pearl symbolizes purity, innocence and
clearance. In Chinese culture, the Pearl is presented as a powerful
stone and is called "Tear of Heaven" or "Tear of God". A Pearl is given
to unmarried Chinese girls to help them find the man of their dreams. It
is a gift that Chinese fathers adore give their daughters when they
reach puberty. This is to preserve the purity of the young girl. There is
also a custom among the Chinese aristocracy whereby drink alcohol
with dialymmena pearls to cure and prevent any disease. The Pearl is
also used to increase strength and energy.
Associated Zodiac Sign Chinese horoscope: Dragon
About Amethyst: Amethyst symbolizes the strong intuition of the brain,
happiness, peace, protection and spirituality. The Chinese use this
lucky stone in various ways. For example, it is fashionable to wear
jewelry with Amethyst when it comes to consume too much alcohol.
The gem will protect you from drunkenness and keep your mind clean.
The Amethyst is used in many parts of China against every form of
addiction such as smoking, alcohol or drugs. It is also used by
traditional Chinese doctors in the amnesia and nightmares. This
magical purple gem is also used in spiritual work such as
aftosygkentosi. The Chinese believe that Amethyst enhances mental
and spiritual forces. Many Chinese astrologers and psychics have
always been with them a piece of amethyst.
What does "living water"?
All of us had ever experience to drink water from a spring on a
mountain. This water has a rich, full flavor, one wants to drink more
and more and creates a feeling of freshness and renewal.
"... The beneficial effect of water, which has revitalized the catalyst
Plocher, on the human energy field is established using the
avrofotografisis Kirlian ..."
Minutes now understand the action of the catalyst first of all from our
mood to drink more water. Also understand the action of a catalyst:
• reduction of salt and water hardness • improving the taste and clarity
of the water
• reduced amount of detergent, shampoo and detergent required
• soft washed clothes • better health and skin and hair appearance
The installation of the catalyst is simple, not operating expenses, spare
parts and maintenance costs. The solution: clean water and live!
When you combine the catalyst with Plocher German perfectly natural
charcoal filter Carbonit accomplish from a chemically clean water,
keeping the beneficial trace minerals and the other water with high
energy charge which have been erased and frequencies (information)
of pollutants from water.
The Q. This water is to reverse aging and work sang Whang;
A. It '! Work WANG isolated the most important elements (water and
body pH) which would make this exciting concept possible.
The Q. How long the water stays in debt?
Α. Οι παραμονές νερού που χρεώνονται για μια παρατεταμένη
χρονική περίοδο, τουλάχιστον δύο εβδομάδες. Δεν είναι
απαραίτητο να τεθεί μια ΚΑΠ ή να καλύψει στο
Α. Ναι είναι.
Το Q. το χρεωμένο υδάτινο σύστημα λειτουργεί όπως τα
συστήματα batch και τη ροή Kangen μέσω των
So remember my friends like the above ether man perceives from the
STRESS-brutal repression
One word that came recently to our vocabulary and the meanings of
growing concern to people, the word stress. This phenomenon occurs
for various reasons, and consequences experienced by victims are
numerous and significant. As regards the proposed solutions, others
appear to be feasible and others are difficult to impossible to make
STRESS ELIMINATOR The seminar is aimed at the improvement and
refinement of competencies and skills required by both experienced
and young, and people working in antafonistika peivallonta any theme.
Moreover, responding to all those who conduct presentations and data
management situations work. The practice and improvement of the
paper (presentation) of each participant is achieved directly by
identifying and recording the weaknesses and obstacles that are
presented throughout the course of the presentation. Our Instructors
from the other side with the knowledge, transmissibility, constant
interaction with the audience, using practical exercises, games and
exercises, and the philosophy of "I understand" help to meet the
expectations on the part of learners .
We appeal especially to all middle, senior and top managers
(administrative & sales) and the secretaries of administration, seeking
to define and control their working behavior in the critical issue of
optimal management and allocation of their time.
Analysing topics
What is stress?
• The nature of stress
• Definitions
• Sources, causes of stress
• Scales sources stressful (life stress index-adjusting to the Greek
• Time as a source of anxiety
• The creative anxiety
Manifestations of stress
• Theoretical models of stress origin
• How-occurrence of anxiety symptoms at three levels
• Effects of stress (psychological, physical, behavioral, the intellect)
• Personality types and stress
• Technical assessment-examples
Specific situations:
• Work-related stress (examples from various professions)
• The child-adolescent anxiety
• The stress of the parent
• Stress tests
• Bereavement and stress
• Disease conditions (disorders: generalized anxiety disorder, post-
traumatic stress, etc.)
• Anxiety and fears, phobias
• The Panic Attacks
F. Ready
The shell structure of crisis management in a company or organization
- Model Plans Response and Recovery - MODEL ON
G. Management of Response
Strategies to improve crisis management
H. Recovery
From what suffering businesses and organizations today -
Strategic PIC - PIC - The Psychology during Recovery
Production Method: Several problems in a stressful ...
Definition: Stress (<= ancho throat): anxiety, abnormal mental status
ranging from intense distress as panic conditions which precede actual
or symbolic threat stress. a. emotional condition characterized mainly
by continued strong discomfort and due to fear or worry about
something. b. (psych.) pathological condition characterized by intense
anxiety and stress and is due to psychopathological causes.
(Dictionary Triantafyllidis Foundation) Stress is a psychopathological
state of constant charge and hypertension. The "victim" to feel a loop
knot for native! to the throat; may not in any way to calm nerves, and if
they can be compared to strings are stretched so that everything can
break. The harrowing situation of stress ranging from intense
unhappiness and panic. Appearance before the circumstances of
actual or symbolic apeilis.Apo many stress has been identified as the
source of most problems of physical and mental health of modern man.
The lifestyle, the deluge of documents, information, accountability, the
fast pace of life, poor nutrition, increased competition, all contribute to
the development of emotional stress. The stress invades daily life,
manifested in different ways and at all ages. Most people realize that
paid by stress, but indicate failure or lack of response tou.To seminar
presents a way accessible to everyone what exactly is stress and how
it manifests in our daily lives. By combining theoretical material
delivery, and conduct activities and exercises, and experiential and
cooperative manner, the participant will be able to learn better himself
and those around him on the issue of stress, and equipped with
practical techniques to address and prevent .
From a purely medical point of view
To stress perceived by the body can cause pathological disorders
range of both human and animals. The molecules that mediate these
disorders are the hormones of adrenal cortex, such as human
hydrocortisone. The epinephrine and norepinephrine are essential for
human survival in conditions of acid stress. In cases of psychosocial
stress, together with any conditions that may mean there is damage to
the hippocampus, the brain region important for the functioning of
learning and memory. This damage goes with a long exposure
kortizolaimia caused by chronic or repeated stress. H hippocampal
atrophy is the result of damage, which can occur in depressive
disorder, and very often there is no morbidity with depression. While
previously all the investigations were only glucocorticoid receptors in
the brain, now sought for the role and receptors in causing
alatokortikoeidon hyperactivity of the HPA axis by psychosocial stress.
In depression there is often typical malfunctions of the HPA axis, which
is reversible with the administration of antidepressants. The problem
has shown that the system identified the glucocorticoid receptor (GR),
which lacks both number and quality. People with depression have
therefore increased production and secretion of CRF (corticotropin
Eklytikos Factor). Experiments in rats detect RNA that binds to
receptors GR and causes depressive disorder and behavioral changes
that are reversed by antidepressants. This is achieved by increasing
the number and function of receptors GRs, which sensitizes the HPA
axis to corticoids. This discovery opens up new perspectives in drug
approach to depression. The strengthening of the action of cortisol in
the brain is all about the current research through activation of
metabolic routes are controlled by non-steroidal mediators regulating
system receptor GR The key regulators of HPA axis is o gonadotrophin
releasing factor floiotropou hormone (CRH) and antidiuretic hormone.
The secretion of CRH varies with age and reproductive stage. Aging is
often accompanied by various pathologies associated with HPA axis
abnormalities. Such conditions as depression, panic disorders,
diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, malnutrition and central obesity.
Since many stress has been identified as the source of most problems
of physical and mental health of modern man. The lifestyle, the deluge
of documents, information, accountability, the fast pace of life, poor
nutrition, increased competition, all contribute to the development of
emotional stress. Stress invades our daily lives, manifested in different
ways and at any age. Most people understand that they are paid by
stress, however, indicate weakness or ignorance to deal with.
This seminar presents a way accessible to everyone what exactly is
stress and how it manifests in our daily lives. By combining theoretical
material delivery, and conduct activities and exercises, and experiential
and cooperative manner, the participant will be able to learn better
himself and those around him on the issue of stress, and equipped
with practical techniques to address and prevent .
• Fontana David, stress and deal with it: Techniques to combat stress,
ed Greek Letters, 1993, p. 191, 9,90 €.
• Luciani Joseph, Drive anxiety and depression, Critical Edition, 2004,
p. 372, 15,37 €.
• Kenerli Ellen, Overcoming Stress, A Guide to Self-help cognitive-
behavioral techniques, ed Greek Letters, 1999, p. 303, 11,70 €.
• Papoulias Demeter, anxiety, phobias Panic: Keys to deal with them,
Ed Gregory, 2001, p. 108, 7,73 €.
• Rougeri Natasha, Stress failure kills, long. To Vima, 22.6.1997.
• Skoufou Demeter Stress tests students dash, long. The News,
• Hilary Jones, overemployment and anxiety, ed Thyme, 1999, p. 275,
10,85 €.
• Mary Tsolakis, Anxiety, Depression: Prevention, Treatment. With
calendar testimony Center Edition Life and Health Physics, 2000, p.
85, 5,96 €
Sigmund Freud •, stress. The theory of the libido: Narcissism,
transmission of thought, psychoanalytic therapy, ed Damianos, p. 96,
6,58 €.
made mistakes?
Are there any delays
people have anxiety and tension;
Every day we are the "why" we can not always give creative
explanations to explain adequately the reality. They remain, although
there may be exceptional procedures for each of the company.
Unfortunately, these phenomena can not interpret them or to resolve
the science of organization, or any type of ISO. Why a manager is not
working properly because displays in everyday work one or more of
those described in the previous "why" can be interpreted only through
her personal psychology and the choices he makes, consciously or
unconsciously . Today the companies are not missing or analyzes and
studies or training of staff or the proper authorities. Also do not miss
the targets, action programs and the right people in the right places,
since all the directors day care for all. Also, there are missing or the
media, technology or methods. However the problems rather than
solved, and thus to decrease, grow and create huge costs for business
Thus, those who attend will gain an important tool to improve the
quality of work and relations with their loved ones.
1. What is 'cooperation'
2. Why the capacity of 'cooperation' in humans
3. The importance of "cooperation" for life
4. Cooperation and mental health
5. Competition and Cooperation "
1. The psychological basis of "cooperation"
2. Obstacles to the 'cooperation'
3. The personal and work goals in relation to the "collaboration"
4. I prefer the 'competition' against 'cooperation'
5. The mechanism of human behavior
1. The "cooperation" at work
2. The modalities and the results it brings
3. Effects: save time, quality, success
4. The "cooperation" in the administration, to sales and customer-
5. The "cooperation" as a culture of enterprise
2. 1. The value of "cooperation" for privacy
2. The "cooperation" with our people's daily life
3. The combat stress, tension, anxiety in 'cooperation'
4. The degree of "cooperation" as an essential human capacity
4. The "cooperation" and the way the world
What is the method SILVA;
Method SILVA, includes a range of scientific techniques to develop the
innate abilities of individuals, but kouraroun organization. Whatever the
IQ that trained the development or spiritual level, will be the end of the
teaching method is a major improvement in the mechanism of thought.
This will help to solve the problems of everyday Life and thus improve
greatly the quality of life.
How do I apply? Through some mental exercises that are progressive
and cause relaxation, he trained learns to keep his mind alert and
reach deeper levels of consciousness (the subconscious) developing
an ability to self-maintained by the future without the need for
What is its scientific background? It is known that the brain emits
electrical waves at different frequencies, known as: Beta, Alpha, Theta,
Delta. There is a relationship between the production of brain waves of
mental states and activities developed by man. So if the person is
mentally alert and act with the physical senses, there is n the
production of beta waves. The frequency of alpha, on the other hand,
is lower by one level and more active than the beta (this is the most
productive and active sync from the other and has a direct bearing on
the subconscious. Subliminal together the creative skills of the
individual. The Silva Method teaches you how to
change brain frequency, so we can stay mentally alert at the same
time, producing more, alpha waves at will and use our abilities to more
practical way.
What capabilities schetizontai with Alpha waves? Besides the
creativity, the alpha waves associated with the ability to relax and rest,
the acceleration of a treatment, sobriety, recovery forces (normally
acquired through the sleep and dreams); enhance memory,
concentration, imagination, intuition, meditation, and generally all
activities of human thought.
What problems can be solved using the Silva Method of Mind Control?
A. HEALTH cures psychosomatic diseases, isolate or eliminate
headaches, tension headaches without medications, helping the
physician to provide effective treatment when he has to face cancer or
other serious pathiseis.Exafanizei stress in any event though is gives
good mental condition and ensure peaceful sleep without sedatives.
V. CONCENTRATION AND MEMORY Helps remarkable improvement
in education, reinforces the perception and ensure the future
application of what we learn. Increases productivity of the individual in
his work and ability of concentration and memory development, in work
areas where they are qualified
BAD HABITS C. It helps to cut the bad habits. To limit or give up
smoking, drinking, limit the quantity of food if we have obesity problem.
It helps people to become organizational and change habits that are
beneficial to us.
D. PERSONALITY help to overcome in clusters of personality, such as
phobias, insecurities, lack of assertiveness and communication with
E. The interpersonal relations with people around us, whether they are
very familiar or not, are enhanced by the adoption of technical
solutions to problems that pigazoun of these relationships.
The Silva Method is the ONLY scientifically proven METHOD TO
HELP THE PEOPLE Develop and monitor the effective promotion of
the Senses (ESP)
INTRODUCTION ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. 11
1. Chapter 1 Managing Frequency 15
1.1 Introduction 15
1.2 Frequency Management At International Level 15
1.3 Video Services bands IV and V 17
1.3.1 History 17
1.3.2 Penetration of TV 18 DVB-T 34 DAB 37
2. Chapter 2 Characteristics of Wireless Transmission 38
2.1 Introduction 38
2.2 Basic Characteristics of Wireless Transmission 38
2.3 Models Transmission Free Area 39
2.4 Three Main Gear 42
2.4.1 Reflection 42 Ground Reflection Model (2 lamps) 43
2.4.2 Diffraction 48 Theory Zone FRESNEL 48 Model In sharp diffraction Acne 51 Multiple Diffraction in acute Acne 53
2.4.3 Diffusion 53
2.4.4 Model Radar Cross Section (RCS) 55
3. Section 3 Distribution Services and Grant bands 56
3.1 Introduction 56
3.2 The National Allocation Rules bands 56
3.2.1 Specific conditions related to frequency
management 57
3.2.2 58 radio services
3.3 Frequency Management at National Level 70
3.3.1 National Council for Radio and Television 70
3.3.2 National Telecommunications and Post 70
3.3.3 Participate in Group Εuropean Regulators Group
(ERG) 72
3.4 Assignment of band 72
3.4.1 Install New Service 73
3.5 Department of Transportation and Communications
(MTC) 73
3.6 Coordination in bordering countries 74
4. Chapter 4 Common Conditions of Use VHF / UHF
frequency range between 81 Broadband
and / or fixed / mobile services 81
4.1 Introduction 81
Tree B 84
Tree F 88
Tree G 89
Tree H 90
4.2 Principles of Harmonization 91
4.3 Analysis of Methodology 93
4.3.1 Field Intensity 93
4.3.2 Reasons for Protection 97
4.3.2.a.1.1 Systems 525-line 98
4.3.2.a.1.2 Systems 625-line 98
4.3.2.a.3.a adjacent channels 99
Picture 100 4.3.2.a.3.b Channels
Other types of interference 4.3.2.a.3.c 100
4.3.3 Limit Protection 123
4.3.4 Additional factors to be considered 127
4.3.5 Determination of Interference 132
For the history should be mentioned here PAL PLUS system which
was proposed as a replacement for the PAL main innovation of the
show marks a broad picture or otherwise Wide Screen 16 / 9. This
system, although significantly advanced already considered obsolete
mainly because it is proportionate. In Greece and we are officially
registered in the system SECAM practically all television stations
broadcast in PAL. The frequencies emitted by the stations are UHF
type while in the VHF transmitting only the state television. Also there
is only one digital satellite broadcasting platform NOVA broadcast
where the majority of classical Greek channels and bouquets of
selected programs only by subscription (Pay tv). Finally in Greece
transmitted without subscription digital terrestrial aerial signal takes a
special digital receiver or using the traditional analog (VHF, UHF)
antenna or using an antenna sensitive to digital signals. This is
broadcast by ERT.
The analog television, having become commercially available for the
public for almost 60 years, there is now significant changes. These
changes have to do with how the electrical equivalent of the image
produced, processed, recorded and then broadcast to home viewers.
Nowadays, the e has a big influence on our daily lives, especially the
devices based on digital technology, it seems at first glance surprising
that broadcast television programs, one of the founding members of
the electronics industry, based essentially on analog equipment.
Also, thanks to digital, viewers will be able to "sit" in the director's chair
and choose, for example, the camera that would monitor snapshot of a
football game or when you see the scores, stats and a Ripley. The field
programming channels will be weakened, and the viewer will become
one who chooses when to see a show.
The band 174-230 MHz, Band III, subdivided into seven or eight DVB-
T channels 8 or 7 MHz respectively. The cross-channel distance used
depends on the country we are talking about. So for example in
France, Ireland, Eastern Europe and some African countries are using
channels 8 MHz, while Italy and Morocco channels of 7 MHz. The
frequency band is also divided in 32 T-DAB sections (blocks) with
bandwidth 1.75 MHz. The band 470-862 MHz, Band IV and V, is
divided into 49 channels of 8 MHz.
Εικόνα 1
Εικόνα 2
Εικόνα 3
Εικόνα 4
Εικόνα 5
Figure 6
These are:
• In 1987 started in the United States a survey of digital
TV by the Advanced Television Systems Committee
Became a standard ATSC, which was adopted by Canada,
Argentina, South Korea and other countries. Using channels
of 6 MHz
and provides HDTV video data rate (19 Mbps, the
transmission rate information).
The system of DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) is part of ευρωπαїκού
research project Eureka 147 in 1987. The development of this system
began in 1981 in the German Institut für Rundfunktechnik (IRT).
The wireless emissions are divided into terrestrial DAB (T-DAB) and
satellite (S-DAB).
The advantages of T-DAB are:
broadcast package (multiplex)♣ radio stations by frequency. Each
can multiplex containing 1 to 10 stations with alternating bit rate
different audio-mode (stereo, joint-stereo, mono).
♣ Ability to broadcast multichannel audio DAB Surround 5.1
♣ Digital reception without interference or interference
♣ Receive data browsing menu
Ability to multiplex broadcast♣ by a network of transponders on the
same frequency
(Single Frequency Network)
Lower transmit power per area♣ (compared to analog
stations on FM), without making apoleis [1]
In Greece, digital radio will be broadcast on DAB technology in Band
IV and the analog FM radio will remain on the frequencies 87 - 107,7
The timetable for development of digital radio will depend on
performance in use of the frequencies. This performance depends both
defined by the ITU and the timetable for switching to digital TV.
The reception of T-DAB digital receivers made by T-DAB, which the
market since 1999. Several models are available in various forms of
radio equipment (portable, car, embedded systems midi, home
cinema, cards PC).
T-DAB Tuner
T (tra n s m i tte r)
E T O =T E L O S+ E g
R (re c e iv e r)
E r = Eg
θi θο
h t-h r
h t
d ''
h r
E g
Σχήμα 2.2: Μέθοδος των ειδώλων
E0 d 0 2 E d
ETOT ( d ) = ( ) (cos θ ∆ − 1) 2 + ( 0 0 ) 2 sin 2 θ ∆
d d
E 0 d 0 /d '
- E 0 d 0 / d '' E 0 d 0 / d ''
E0 d 0 θ
ΕΤΟΤ(d ) = 2 sin( ∆ )
d 2
20πht hr 20 ht hr
d> ≈
3λ λ
Έτσι όσο ικανοποιείται η εξίσωση (2.27), το ηλεκτρικό πεδίο
μπορεί να προσεγγιστεί από την σχέση:
2 E 0 d 0 2πhr ht k
ETOT ( d ) ≈ ≈ 2 V /m
d λd d
όπου, η σταθερά k σχετίζεται με το ηλεκτρικό πεδίο, τα ύψη των
κεραιών και το μήκος κύματος. Η ισχύς στον δέκτη σε απόσταση d
είναι ανάλογη του τετραγώνου του ηλεκτρικού πεδίου. Σε
συνδυασμό με τις εξισώσεις (2.2), (2.51), η ισχύς στον δέκτη σε
απόσταση d από τον πομπό μπορεί να υπολογιστεί από την σχέση:
ht2 hr2
Pr = Pt Gt Gr
Από τη σχέση (2.29), παρατηρούμε, ότι σε μεγάλες αποστάσεις
h 2 (d1 + d 2 )
2.4.b ∆ ≈
2 d1d 2
T ( t r a n s m it t e r ) h R ( r e c e iv e r )
β γ
d1 d2
ht hr
2π∆ 2π h 2 (d1 + d 2 )
φ= ≈
λ λ 2 d1d 2
και όταν tanx x, τότε α=β+γ (από το σχήμα 2.4.c) και:
d1 + d 2
a ≈ h( )
d1 d 2
Η εξίσωση (2.32) συχνά κανονικοποιείται χρησιμοποιώντας την
αδιάστατη παράμετρο περίθλασης Fresnel-Kichoff , u, η οποία
ισούται με:
2( d 1 + d 2 ) 2d 1 d 2
u=h =a
λd1 d 2 λ (d1 + d 2 )
όπου το α μετριέται σε rad και φαίνεται στα σχήματα 2.4.b και
T β h
d1 γ
d2 R
h o b s -h r
γ R
d1 d2
Ε μ π ό δ ιο d2
The intensity of the electric field, Ed, a wave perithlatai given by:
where E0 is the field strength open space in the absence of the ground
and the obstacle, and F (u) is the complex integral of Fresnel. The
complex Fresnel integral is a function of diffraction parameter Fresnel-
Kichoff, than 2.33, and is often calculated from tables or graphs for
given values of u. Profit diffraction due to an acute obstruction,
compared with the electric field-free space given by the formula:
Gd (dB) = 20log | F (u) | (2.37)
An approximate solution of equation (2.37) is
G d (dB ) = 0 u ≤ −1
0 ≤ u ≤1 (2.38.c)
1 ≤ u ≤ 2.4 (2.38.d)
G d ( dB ) = 20 log u > 2.4
Ισ οδ ύν αμ ο
α ε μ π ό δ ιο
Ε μ π ό δ ιο # 1
Ε μ π ό δ ιο # 2
In practice, the signal obtained in an environment of mobile
communication system is more powerful than what we calculated
because of the reflection and diffraction. This is because when a wave
encounters a rough surface, the reflected energy is spread in all
directions due to the phenomenon of diffusion. Items such as lighting
pillars and trees, have the capacity to dissipate energy in all directions
so that the power of the receiver to increase.
Webs, which are much larger than the wavelength, can be considered
as reflective surfaces. However, the surface roughness of these
different phenomena caused by the specular reflection described in the
preceding paragraph. The roughness of the surfaces examined using
the criterion of Rayleigh. According to this criterion, we define an
effective height, hc (critical heigh), on projections of surfaces in a given
incident beam thi given by:
hc =
8 sin θ i
One surface is smooth when the ratio of minimum to maximum
projection h, less than hc, although it is rough when the ratio is greater
than hc. For rough surfaces the reflectance parameter we use the flat
must be multiplied by a factor diffusing ρs losses in order to calculate
the reduced reflected field.
The Ament assumed that the surface height h is a random variable that
follows the Gauss distribution and found that ρs given by:
where sh is the standard deviation of the surface relative to the
average height of surface. The loss factor diffusion Ament amended by
Boithias to agree more with the measurements:
where I0 is the Bessel function of first kind and zero order.
The reflected electric field if h> hc can be calculated for rough surfaces
by changing the reflectance parameter as follows:
Grough = rsG
π σh sin θ i 2
ρ s = exp − 8
π σh sin θ i 2 π σh sin θ i 2
ρ s = exp − 8 Ι 0 8
λ λ
Γrough = ρsΓ
• Land Mobile earth station: Mobile earth station in land mobile service
that can run over the surface area covered by a country or continent.
• coastal station: Stations of the maritime mobile service.
• coastal earth station: Ground Station of the fixed-satellite service or,
in some cases, the maritime mobile satellite service located in a
designated fixed point on land to provide a feeder link the maritime
mobile satellite service.
• station ship mobile station maritime mobile service located on a
vessel not permanently moored, other than rescue craft station.
• earth station book: Mobile earth station in the maritime mobile
satellite service located on board ship.
• Channels of communication at sea: mobile station low power mobile
maritime service is intended to be used for internal communications on
a ship, or between a ship and its lifeboats and rescue plans during the
execution of exercises, or rescue, or to contact a group boat trailers or
promoted, as well as instructions for berthing and mooring.
• station port: Coastal station service port operations.
• aeronautical station: Stations Aeronautics mobile service.
NB In some cases, an aeronautical station may be located, for
example, a ship or sea platform.
• aeronautical earth station: Ground station fixed-satellite service or, in
some cases, the aeronautical mobile-satellite service, which is located
in a designated fixed point on land to provide a feeder link aeronautical
mobile-satellite service.
• Aircraft Station: Mobile station aeronautical mobile service, installed
on an aircraft, different from the average survival craft station.
• Aircraft earth station: Mobile earth station Aeronautics mobile satellite
service installed on an aircraft.
• broadcast station: Station broadcast service.
• Radar Station: Radar Station service.
• Mobile radio station: radio station of the service intended to be used
while in motion or when standing on unspecified points.
• terrestrial radio station: radio station of the service is not intended to
be used while in motion.
• Mobile Radar Station: Radar Station service intended to be used
while in motion or when standing on unspecified points.
• shore station radar: Radar Station service intended to be used when
there is motion.
• direction finding station: Radar Station using finder.
• beacon station: Station of the radionavigation service the emissions
of which are intended to enable a mobile station to determine the
position or direction relative to the beacon station.
• Station thesideiktikou emergency beacon: Station mobile service the
emissions of which are intended to facilitate search and rescue.
• satellite channel thesideiktikou emergency beacon: earth station for
mobile satellite service the emissions of which are intended to facilitate
search and rescue.
Station • Standard frequency and brands years: the service station
frequency standards and marks time.
• Amateur Station: Station of recreational service.
• radio astronomy station: station of radio astronomy.
• Experimental Station: Station which uses radio waves in experiments
on the development of science or engineering.
NB This definition does not include amateur stations.
• emergency transmitter ship transmitter ship designed to operate only
at a frequency of risk for distress, urgency or safety.
• Radar: Radar System based on a comparison reference signal with
radio signals reflected, or epanekpempomena the position to be
• Primary radar: Radar System based on a comparison reference
signal with radio signals reflected from the position to be determined.
• secondary radar: Radar System based on a comparison reference
signal with radio signals epanekpempomena the position to be
• beacon-radio-tracers: Transmitter-receiver connected to a fixed point
navigation which when stimulated by radar, automatically sends a
distinctive signal that can be displayed on the radar screen and provide
information distance, bearing and identity.
• instrument landing system. (ILS): System of navigation, which allows
the aircraft horizontal and vertical drive immediately before and during
the landing and in certain fixed points provides an indication of the
distance to the designated landing point.
• radioefthygrammisi runway (ILS / LLZ): horizontal drive system
incorporated in the instrument landing system, which shows the
horizontal deviation of the aircraft in relation to the most appropriate
path of descent along the axis of the runway.
• radioefthygrammisi descent (ILS / GP): vertical drive system
incorporated in the instrument landing system which indicates the
vertical deviation of the aircraft in relation to the most appropriate path
of descent.
• beacons (ILS / MARKER BEACON): Emitter of aeronautical
radionavigation service which radiates vertically a distinctive shape to
give an indication on the aircraft position.
• radioupsometritis: navigation apparatus installed in an aircraft or
spacecraft, which enables the amount of such aircraft or spacecraft
above the Earth's surface or other surface.
• radiovolistis: Automatic radio transmitters meteorological aids service
usually alleged by an aircraft, free balloon, kite or parachute weather,
which transmits meteorological data.
• adaptive system: radio system that changes the radio characteristics
of depending on the quality of the channel.
• Space System: A group of cooperating earth stations and / or space
stations using the radio space for specific purposes.
• satellite: space system using one or more artificial satellites of Earth.
• satellite network: Satellite system or part of satellite system consisting
of a single satellite and the cooperating earth stations.
• satellite link: terrestrial radio link between a broadcaster and a ground
receiving station via a satellite.
• A satellite link comprises one upward and one downward link.
• polydoryforiki coupling radio link between a terrestrial broadcast
station and a ground receiving station through two or more satellites,
without any intermediate earth station.
• A polydoryforiki link includes an uplink, one or more links between
satellites and a down-link.
• Feeder link: radio link from a ground station at a given location to a
space station, or vice versa, carrying information on space radio
service other than the fixed-satellite service. The given location may be
located in specified fixed point or any fixed point within specified areas.
Band 1
Limits band (MHz) Allocation in User Services Uses Standard Notes
47-68 FIXED
Band 4 & 5
Limits band (MHz) Allocation in User Services Uses Standard
470-790 Broadcasting
5149, 5306
Radio microphones
EN 300 422
790-838 Broadcasting
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile
Radio microphones
EN 300 422
838-862 MOBILE
SS Defense Systems
E 21 bands from 174 to 216 MHz and from 470 to 838 MHz without a
license authorizing the operation of wireless microphones effective
radiated power up to 10 mW which is in accordance with the provisions
of Presidential Decree 44/2002 and Recommendation ERC / REC 70-
National Broadcasting Council
The National Broadcasting Council, a leading independent authorities
in Greece, was established by Law 1866/1989 introduced the
operation of private television stations and the first meeting held in
November 1989.
A key point in the annals of the Authority is the constitutional
recognition of both the powers and the special legal status of members
of the review in April 2001. Also, the same provisions guaranteeing the
independence of the Council's Executive and direct connection to the
Parliament, which exercises control on the overall activity.
Control of radio and television and the imposition of administrative
penalties for violation of law "under the exclusive jurisdiction of the
As part of the audit and ratification powers of the ESR can send
instructions or recommendations to public and private stakeholders on
the provisions of relevant laws and regulations. You may also request
the opinion of wider social or professional groups when considering
issues that affect them.
The Council aims to safeguard the legitimate operation of radio and
television stations, compliance with the constitutional principles of
pluralism, quality and protection of children and youth in program
content and transparency of financial information of companies
engaged the wider media sector.
In Greece, the EETT participate actively in the work of the Group ERG,
making the Greek regulatory experience and contributing to the
objectives of the group. Specifically, in the previous year, helped in the
preparation of the following projects:
• Joint Declaration relating to regulatory approaches to issues of VoIP.
• Report on competition in the broadband market.
• Review of the Common Position on wholesale access bitstream.
• Common Position on wholesale international roaming.
• Common Position concerning the revision of the European
Commission Recommendation on accounting separation and cost
• Working Document for CO in the light of European regulatory
• Report on Transparency of retail prices following the implementation
of number portability.
• Report on transparency measures with regard to the charges in the
price of international roaming.
• Adoption of the report presents the experience of the NRA from the
process of definition and market analysis, and the imposition of
regulatory obligations.
• Review of the Common Position of the Group for the imposition of
regulatory obligations.
Taking into account that the National Audit Office supports the
administration and most receive instructions and requests from
national agencies alone, and that existing agreements between some
neighboring countries of CEPT (eg Germany, France, Austria and
Switzerland) have borne fruit, suggests a general model agreement in
recording measurements of cross-border telecommunications
interference to neighboring countries.
The interference to radio communications from one country to another
with a common border is not always the same form and the exact area
and the intensity of the signal is inserted elements should be identified
and defined.
Each country must monitor the signal level entering and interfering in
domestic broadcaster. This played a key role is the ratio of desired
signal in the intensity of the unwanted signal is inserted. The reason
why it is called protection (protection ratio). At each frequency there is
a threshold that should not be exceeded. This maximum ratio of
protection varies for each service. Publications and ITU standards with
detailed tables, depending on the frequency and service which we
measure, we give guidance on those grounds.
Apart from a calculation of protection is also important to check and
how can a station that accepts the insertion to increase the intensity of
the transmitted signal to restore the ground to protect the legitimate
and acceptable levels.
the following table for each distinct channel frequencies which are the
countries bordering with Greece, telecommunications, applied to a
service channel, which is the service, and if the service is of primary or
590-598 MHZ
6 798-806MHZ ΒΟΣΝΙΑ
6 806-814MHZ ΣΕΡΒΙΑ
6 814-822MHZ
6 830-838MHZ ΒΟΣΝΙΑ
6 838-846MHZ ΒΟΣΝΙΑ
6 846-854MHZ
ΒΟΥΛΓΑΡΙ (645 -862 MHZ)
6 854-862MHZ ΒΟΣΝΙΑ
Κοινή χρήση του φάσματος συχνοτήτων VHF και UHF από υπηρεσίες
ευρυεκπομπής και από σταθερές και κινητές υπηρεσίες.
τηλεόρασης Υπηρεσίες
4.3.1. 4.3.5.
4.3.2.a Δένδρο E
a aa
Σύστημα Σύστημα
525-line 625-line
4.3.2.a.3. 4.3.2.a.3.
1 2
4.3.2. 4.3.4.
4.3.1. b Δένδρο F b
Ενεργό ύψος
Πηγές σε
μη κοινό
Απευαισθητοποίηση Παράγωγα
4.3.2.c.3. 4.3.2.c.3.
1 23
Κοινή χρήση της Κοινή χρήση έξω λήψης
λήψης κατά την
υπηρεσίας από την υπηρεσία ορθογώνια λήψη
ευρυεκπομπής (tv) ευρυεκπομπής (tv) παρεμβολών
4.3.2.d. 4.3.4.d.
1 4.3.2.d.
Απευαισθητοποίηση Παράγωγα
4.3.2.d.3. 4.3.2.d.3.
1 23
4.3.1.a 4.3.4.a.1
4.3. 3. b
4.3.1.b 4.3.4.b.1
PM = FS - NF - AF
PM = FS - NF - AF
1.d 4.3.4.d.1
The first step towards solving the problems common to use these
spectra from different services technologies is the standard ITU-R
The protected field strength resulting from the desired field strength,
taking into account the need to protect 90% of the installation and the
relatively high noise levels on VHF bands.
The values given in Table 2 for the popular and the protected field
strength limits of coverage, used in North America.
Minimum field strength to be protected for analogue terrestrial mobile
systems for 25 or 30 kHz
(1) 80% of the audio pronunciation refers to nominal test results where
80% of the words taken are understandable. For terrestrial mobile
channels using space 12.5 or 15 kHz the values must be within 3 dB
higher. For channels using diversity reception, prices should be lower
by 8 dB. (The signal quality in grade 4 is associated with a remarkable
result of interference. The signal quality is better in grade 5)
Table 4
Minimum mean field strength to be protected for digital land mobile
N = 10 log10 k T B + F
If the relative prices of bandwidth and noise factor of the receiver is not
available, the thermal noise power is determined by the specification of
ITU-R F.758. If bandwidth is available, you may use the following
• For systems with a single FM channel bandwidth in the receiver can
be accessed by:
BW) + b 2 ( = B
b: a marginal difference
BW: bandwidth
1.2R / log2 M = B
R: Information transmission rate (bit / s)
M: number of situations (eg, M = 2 for PSK, M = 4 for QPSK, M = 16
for QAM, etc.).
The nominal value of the signal level at the receiver input (dBW) is
given by:
FM + Cmin = Cnrx
FM: decreasing threshold
The minimum field strength (FS) (dB (microvolts / m)) for the protection
given by:
+ Cnrx (dBW) - Gr (dBi) = FS 107.2 +20 log10 Fo (MHz)
Gr receiver antenna gain (dBi)
Fo: receiver operating frequency (MHz).
The anepithymata signals can be aligned with any part of the channel's
image, so the grounds of protection channels are overlapping in
Figures 1-3 and Tables 6-8 (the recommendation ITU-R BT.655). All
prices for reasons of protection of the images and tables associated
with an unwanted signal CW or FM signal incident on the channel
image and the desired signal modulated negative. The corrections to
be made for the positive development of the desired brand image as
well as other types of intermediate, possibly, signs are given in Table
For analog audio prices of the protection given in Table 9. For systems
with two carrier, each carrier sound to be calculated separately. The
maximum deviation of the desired sound carrier FM, is on 50 kHz.
For the protection of digital audio signals are some values in Table 10.
For 625-line systems, the values for the protection are given in Table
12 and Figures 5 and 6 for continuous and tropospheric interference.
In the case of I / PAL system prices for the next lower adjacent channel
given in Fig 7 and Table 13Channels 4.3.2.a.3.b image
ΠΙΝΑΚΑΣ 6: Ανεπιθύμητο
σήμα: CW φέρουσα
Λόγοι προστασίας για αναλογικές επιθυμητές φέρουσες ήχου ενός σήματος
τηλεόρασης (dB) , Ανεπιθύμητο σήμα: CW ή FM φέρουσα ήχου
Λόγοι προστασίας για ψηφιακές επιθυμητές φέρουσες ήχου ενός σήματος
τηλεόρασης (dB)
Protection reasons for the lower adjacent
channel, NTSC / systimaM
Λόγοι προστασίας για το υψηλότερο γειτονικό κανάλι,
NTSC/ σύστημαM
Λόγοι προστασίας για γειτονικά κανάλια, 525-γραμμών
NTSC συστήματα
ΠΙΝΑΚΑΣ 12: Λόγοι προστασίας για τα γειτονικά κανάλια, 625-
γραμμών συστήματα
ΕΙΚΟΝΑ 5: Λόγοι προστασίας για γειτονικά κανάλια, συστήματα 625-
γραμμών τροποσφαιρική παρεμβολή
ΕΙΚΟΝΑ 6: Λόγοι προστασίας για γειτονικά κανάλια, συστήματα 625-
γραμμών συνεχόμενη παρεμβολή
Λόγοι προστασίας για επίγειες κινητές υπηρεσίες όταν
γίνεται κοινή χρήση με υπηρεσίες ευρυεκπομπής (ήχου)
4.3.2.b.1.3.a Απευαισθητοποίηση
where I is the signal intensity of the interlayer (dBW) and RPR is the
ground for protection normalized to the ground to protect the image of
the carrier signal.
4.3.2.c.3.1 Desensitization
f0: incidence of secondary intermodulation
f1, f2, f3: frequencies of the interfering signal
m, n, p: positive integers
When f0 is within the bandwidth of the desired signal, the noise level
should be calculated taking into account the following parameters.
Applying and procedure of paragraph § 4.3.3.d, the FI should read:
where E1 and E2 are the field strengths (dB (microvolts / m)) of the
interlayer signals at frequencies f1 and f2.
The reason for protection (PR) imposed for fixed services in
combination with derivatives intermodulation is typically 70 dB.
q: the order of the harmonic signal at the entrance of the mixer
fsp: frequency that can happen false response
n: harmonic order of the local oscillator
flo: frequency of local oscillator applied at the mixer
The reason for protection (PR) imposed when carrying audio or video
is a television signal in the frequencies of false response is typically 70
On this basis, the validity of the carrier (audio or video) should be used
after measuring the level of unwanted signal.
Limit Protection
FS: relative value of field strength (dB (microvolts / m)) given in the
AF: regulator (dB), placed to face the discretion of the antenna and
ground relief (§ 4.3.4.a.1 below)
NF: Noise
FS: relative value of field strength (dB (microvolts / m)) given in the
AF: regulatory factor (dB), placed to face the discriminatory power of
aerial and ground relief (§ 4.3.4.b.1 below)
NF: Noise
E (50, t): field strength (dB (microvolts / m)) between the interfering
transmitter, normalized to 1 kW, and goes during the time t%
(Recommendation ITU-R PN.370.)
PM = FS - NF - AF
FS: relative value of field strength (dB (microvolts / m)) given in the
NF: noise level given by:
NF = FI + PR
PM = FS - NF - AF
FS: relative value of field strength (dB (microvolts / m)) is given in
NF: noise level given by:
NF = FI + PR
FI: interlayer field strength of the signal broadcast on the carrier
frequency in 10% of the time and 50% geographic coverage
PR: Protection ratio (dB)
AF: Weighting (dB) for the polarization and the antenna's ability
The level of protection that will result must be positive in all areas
where terrestrial mobile services.
Additional factors to be considered
4.3.4.a Additional factors to be considered
Services (TV)
4.3.4.a.2 Multiple interference from sources that are not in the same
4.3.4.a.3 Multiple interference from sources that are not in the same
The interference that occurs from multiple sources at the same point
should be the method of combining power-sum:
Ei: Price (dB (microvolts / m)), AF) for each source separately in the
same place. +the (NF The NF is calculated in dB (microvolts / m) and
AF in dB
n: number of sources at the same point
E: active interference (dB (microvolts / m)).
4.3.4.b.2 Multiple interference from sources that are not in the same
4.3.4.b.3 Multiple interference from sources that are not in the same
The interference that occurs from multiple sources at the same point
should be the method of combining power-sum:
Ei: Price (dB (microvolts / m)), AF) for
each source separately in the same
place. +the (NF The NF is calculated in
dB (microvolts / m) and AF in dB
n: number of sources in the same place
E: active interference (dB (microvolts /
Απλοποιημένη Μέθοδος
Συνοπτική Αξιολόγηση με
§A.1.1 αξιολόγηση χρήση§Hastings
§A.1.2. §
1 A.1.2.2
To calculate the effective field strength, Eu, it is necessary to identify all the
¬ where they are within a specific region of the desired transmitter (usually
greater than 800km)
¬ where it may cause interference with respect to the required floor protection
For the n-th interfering transmitter, the presence of noise intensity, Esi, are:
pc: the probability of coverage. To start the iteration for the calculation of Eu,
obtained a default value, Pcp, the probability of coverage, eg pcp = 0.5.
L: the probability distribution function for normal distribution:
In this context, x is the difference between useful field strength, Eu, and each
field strength in the presence of noise, Esi.
+ C3y3 + C4y4 +H (y) = C5y5 C1y1 +C2y2
Starting with an initial value for Eu, which is typically 6dB above the highest of
Esi, will be:
given in Table A.I.
Assigned by the Final Acts of the Regional Administrative Conference for the
broadband TV services in VHF / UHF frequency bands, the African
broadcasting area and neighboring countries (Geneva 1989), (RARC AFBC
(2)), Annex 2, Chapter 2, § 2.1 .3.
For effective transmitter antenna height, h1, more than 1200m, the field
strength at a distance x from the transmitter is taken as given in the same
curve for a distance of 1200m (x + 140 - 4.1 √ h1) km. This procedure is
available for distances in excess of the wireless frame equal to (4.1 √ h1) km.
The values of field strength for shorter distances determined by calculating the
difference between the value of field strength on the radio horizon for height h1
and the price curve in the 1200m for the same distance
F (x, h1) is the field strength (dB (microvolts / m)) for the period x (km)
Active antenna height h1 (m).
Odiki power
This''third dimension''as they are the Earth until October 2006 is purely
physical dimension as we have experienced so far. In the''fourth
dimension''we are now the material has become more sparse and vibrate
faster, like a preparation for the fifth dimension''.'' The fifth dimension is
therefore the material around us and in us will be partially avlopoiithei and
will become even more sparse (ether), (the gap between people - particulate
matter will be much higher), and it beats even faster. Also, the effect will
dominate over the matter and our thoughts will gradually create our reality,
leading to a degree such as charge to the magician in the fairy tales with the
magic stick. The state of the fifth dimension will start in December 2012 and
the changes will cause will be completed by 2017 so we will 100%
Note however, that after 2012 the calendar and format of the time we knew
changes (see the new calendar in my page II.2.D4), and thus far in 2017 is
given based on the current (old for that era) calendar . As I told the aliens
(and their information converge) then you are wonderful things, which even if
it ultimately''wishful thinking''or''stories''savages, as many would believe, at
least it is very optimistic and made good at our disposal, and by extension
our health, to give them a percentage of probability to happen, as I already
In this aspect, therefore, the diseases will disappear and our body will
remain healthy obedient to our will, and will adjust slowly to the formation of
the age we want, facts that would allow us to live comfortably and too many
years. The food is not so much need, since they will get the energy your
body needs from other sources, but rather tasty pleasure. The emphasis will
be overcome which would affect both our construction and transport and
movement of us. Our vehicles will run without generally need some fuel
line''''energy lines, which intersect and we can not change direction, even
there is the possibility of diaktinismou us (ie direct transition to the place
where we want to Our material body). It is worth noting that aliens, other
than our material body we all know, we have already within our aura and
other intangibles (energy) body wrap us like layers of onion, including those
underlying the emotions will be particularly importance in the fifth dimension.
Yet we all have the opportunity to see the aura, which contains valuable
information about us and our history, and which influence and are influenced
by those who are with us.
These constructions, like houses, apartments, buildings (with hundreds
of floors), etc., will be much easier than today, and could be moved to other
locations where residents decide to change the environment, as is already
done in other planets. Even entire cities could be floating, be self-sufficient in
that they need, and sailing the seas. The various spaces-rooms and will
have specific (generally small) external dimensions when you walk into them
you'll see a new dimension''internal''big enough to cover your every need,
which happens in most (young ) pemptodiastata the spacecraft. Even we
can regulate certain aspects of our building to see remote areas between
them (eg, each in a different city, but that does not mean that there is direct
access to them), when the facts first saw me made a great impression. It
also impressed me deeply and made the unprecedented colors, even
change with the result that objects appear as if alive and breathing, and I get
to the fifth dimension to enjoying the day. With regard to electricity, each
building would have on the roof of a small device that will capture the energy
enters the universe and go to the center of the earth when he comes and
when it exits, and the channel to cover without any energy expenditure we
In a timely question as I did the register told me that it is useless because
who owns each property will appear in the energy (aura) of each property.
Likewise it is useless and registries throughout that all the information about
our history can be read by anyone in our aura and therefore there are no
Given that everyone can read the mind of another telepathic, there will be
general knowledge among people, so that marriages be significantly
reduced (only people who truly loved each other), and relations between
people to lose heavily exclusivity between two people and become more
free, like in other cultures.
It will cease to be a need for monogamy throughout that the soul does not
Also, births will be limited, which does not have influence on the number of
inhabitants of the earth, since the average age will increase dramatically.
The current management and governance systems will collapse and new will
be created. Since there is no self-interest, individuals holding leadership or
management positions (which is much less than today because people can
usually be self-handling), will enjoy special privileges, despite the increased
responsibilities and workload in than others, but it is somehow''lackey''of the
set and enjoy the work they do, such as now enjoys a selfless service
offered by performing charitable works.
Also, the courts and prisons will no longer make sense, given that among
the people will be created gradually status unselfish love, and those who
choose to live otherwise punish themselves than they would be down by the
life you have chosen, and until are being forced to adapt or die. Because
stress will send all the electricity diffused to the surface of the body in their
internal organs which overloaded, it will burn resulting in death, namely the
separation of psichis the body and returning back to ALL LIGHT which will
be sent back to a new body for learning which, if not create harmony around
him, the cycle will be repeated many times until you optimize the quality This
is the "conviction" for the villain souls who will have the privilege to face the
whole light. As for the souls that are living industry with love, they are
protected from the arrows of the evil in any cycle will run with increasing
troops in the path of perfection
Some''advanced''that have already entered the fifth dimension, we have the
main job to help other people to get into them and realize the potential of the
fifth dimension. Finally, interplanetary travel, contact with other cultures and
the accumulation of new knowledge and experience will be some of the
key''fun''of people in the fifth dimension
Dissatisfied with these changes will probably only those who are
accustomed to having power and using other people, accounting for
themselves plenty, which now will not be able to do so. And they will adapt,
but mandatory, even taking into account the many other advantages that will
give everyone the fifth dimension. However, as argued in the universe there
is no shortage but plenty of everything, which we can all enjoy.
Also, something that is not important I fully understand the fifth dimension
will have access to the''ether (Akasha) files''which is recorded all the cosmic
information, thus having direct access to knowledge, etc., and there will be
no secrets secret, and we will stop the kind of schools we have today. Even
we can to implement items (food, clothes, furniture, fixtures, appliances, etc.)
that need us as they already do (in a very limited extent), we hear (and
generally do not believe it), some mystics - guru the Far East. The vine of
the earth will become a recidivist, well warmer than it is today, and many ice
melts and sea levels will go up. The infection is limited to the minimum, while
the''garbage''will exaflonome turning into energy. We paid great attention to
issues of environmental conservation in excellent condition.
As regards possible again to have major damage and many deaths of
people during the transition to the fifth dimension (which originally was likely
to happen), the aliens claim that this has finally avoided the wars that may
be made until then will be Limited, as well as natural disasters. Although the
crust of the Earth would change radically new continents lost re-appear (the
Laimouria Pacific, Atlantis in the Atlantic and Great Srilagka As Indian and
Western Sahara and other areas of land will be transformed into lakes) to
the surface Earth consist of 50% and 50% sea shore, however, these
changes will be made in a way that the people can manage to be transferred
(with the help of an alien vessel) or in safer places, either in the Hollow Earth
( see basic description in my page II.2.D5). So often I see scripts on the
internet (and some even are based on a scientific basis) that such 2012
would reverse the magnetic poles of Earth, or that it will stop the rotation of
the Earth for three days (when half the hemisphere will have a three-day
night and half day), etc., will not (with the latest developments in energy
Earth) to occur. As to the magnetic poles, the north pole will be extended to
cover the entire surface of the planet (making the single-pole), while the
south pole will move towards the center of the hollow earth, where the
central and the sun.
Unlike what is likely to happen is a big''crash''in the financial system
worse in October and November 2009 (now that I write is the beginning of
April 2009) and are good people who have large deposits to distribute to
various banks and to keep and a small amount in banknotes. Just So
instead of many deaths in moving us in the fifth dimension, there will be a
period of few months or more, different for each person during which, either
continuously or intermittently, would feel intense discomfort, accompanied by
unexplained fatigue, drowsiness, lack of energy and appetite for work, etc.
(see a workaround in the meditation that I give to the bottom of this page).
All too often accompanied by problems, particularly on respiratory
depression and can in extreme cases reaches a''suicidal ideation,''for those
who can not accept the truth and would not want (subconsciously) to enter
the fifth dimension. The tendency will manifest itself mainly with strokes and
heart attacks and accidents, and deaths will ultimately depend on the
number of people who would not want to awaken and accept the new reality.
But who would want to consciously enter the fifth dimension and the request
will endure and overcome the above difficulties, and some insiders, with
proper preparation it can get before the end of 2012, before enjoying the
benefits, much surprise of their fellow men.
To climb rapidly vibrating us to get easily into the fifth dimension, very
helpful to a healthy diet, good mood and positive our thoughts and especially
our positive emotions (like love, compassion, peace, goodwill, etc.) and
especially the feeling of joy and laughter, while keeping low the vibration of
our fear, insecurity, anger, hatred, envy, nagging and negative emotions in
We are also helpful to keep our bodies healthy, so it is good to say every
morning in front of our mirror''my body I have just about health.'' Also,
important to both our health and to raise our vibration crystal recorded
sounds give
Since 30 of the recordings I made in high definition studio, (and that digital
sounds retain 100% quality during the copying), alternatively you can copy
recordings from the PC to a CD, and then insert the CD a very good stereo
system with big speakers and get between them, so the result I think we are
almost equally good in front of you had your own bowl.
Note that I do this too, linking the computer with my home theatre I have in
my house (with large speakers) to hear a lie and relaxed sounds, when I'm
tired to play the same bowls. Sometimes even hugging a large speaker
(EUR 120 million) to more directly feel the vibrations in my body and I feel so
much refreshed. Also it is desirable to strefome the palms, and if possible,
and the soles of us, to the anus of sound (or even touching the case of
speakers) as a way to recruit more our body vibration. What do I lie on a
couch between two large speakers, tapping their feet to my one and my
hands to another, thus creating a bridge between the two pygon sound.
However, in many cases referred to in the literature (see the books of the
first paragraph), we have the desired effect of treatment, even for difficult
cases, in just a few sessions.
The chakras are multidimensional energy centers, seven of which are within
our physical body, and is extremely important for both our health and
cleansing us from samskaras (traumatized by it, or even from previous
incarnations us) and to Our communication with higher dimensions and with
our Higher Self. The chakra can imagine the light as bullets or as bright
wheels, or more properly as bright solids namely tetrahedron, cube-6edro,
8edro, 12edro, 24edro, 12edro with 12 pentagonal sides 24edro pyramids
and the 24 sides triangular pyramids one for each chakra, starting from the
base chakra (see above figures), which rotate in various directions and axes.
The first (base chakra) located in the perineum (see picture above) and is
colored red.
The second (sexual chakra) is five centimeters below the navel and orange.
third (the solar plexus) is located three fingers above the navel and yellow.
The fourth (heart) is located in the center of the sternum at the level of the
heart and is green.
The fifth (throat) is located in the throat and is blue.
The sixth (third eye) is located between the front of our eyes and dark purple
The Seventh (Crown) at the top of the head is colored light purple (violet).
1) Base chakra. This is (as said to be cured first) is the center of power
in life, and this put in our bodies (when closed) all earthly events. This
is''built''in the first three and a half years of the child's life. If during this
period the child had an accident or abuse, or lack of love or abandonment,
or lack of game, or happened to have overprotective, strict parents who
fought constantly and forbade everything, then created chakra malfunctions
and causes serious problems in adults. Such problems include: the physical
level: Problems in the waist, the skeleton, teeth, skin, muscles in the colon
(constipation, hemorrhoids, cancer), kidney, prostate, blood (circulation) to
joints (arthritis), immune, and the creation of cells. In the psychological level:
Lack of confidence in himself and others fear for their personal safety,
health, for the safeguarding of assets, etc., and especially death. Sustained
economic uncertainties and how to survive, distrust those around him,
bulimia and even protein (meat), lack of joy in life to consider as unbearable
load obsessions to satisfy (alcohol, sex, etc.). Anger, authoritarianism,
insisting to impose his will, sustained effort to take without giving, neglecting
to protect the body (for example, has heart problems and smoking),
addiction, mania for excessive cleaning, etc. Treatment of (expansion,
purification, activation) give a sense of wellbeing, patience, courage,
confidence and energy for life. Finally at the metaphysical level (for those
who are aware of the supernatural), it opens the flow of Kundalini with all the
other chakra, connecting us to Earth and less physical size and in
collaboration with the crown chakra (fair in both clean and enabled), allowing
the descent of the body upper ourselves.
3) the solar plexus. This is related and affects the nerves, muscles,
stomach (ulcer dyspepsia), liver, spleen, pancreas (hypoglycemia, diabetes),
the gall bladder (cholelithiasis), small intestine (colitis), metabolism
(obesity ), the abdomen, and cells. It is the center of will power and energy
of the body, which he distributes through the nerves throughout the body,
and beyond in the breeze, we set the color and the animated. When the
child is not encouraged, it has many disappointments in trying and not what
he wants, then the solar grid is closed due to lack of personal power, but
when Hallam''giving''that called it quits again for non-use. When this chakra
is closed, you feel weak and incompetent, we have confidence, worry about
what others think about us, do not gather, we can take decisions and
agomaste and treat and may often be getting depressed, or to take negative
actions around us. When a chakra is malfunctioning, even if the chakra of
creativity is open (sex and throat), then nothing can create lack of willpower
and inner strength. Where indeed has treated us turns, gives us a strong
sense of personal power and emotional satisfaction, makes us to be
sociable, have a happy and optimistic attitude towards life and is happy to
accept challenges. Finally at the metaphysical level is the portal contact us
with other dimensions, and the gateway through which we (as fair is open) to
do our astral travel, and generally to accept stellar influences.
4) of the heart. That is, affecting the heart (heart problems), blood
(leukemia), traffic (fillings arteries), the bottom of the lungs, glands
(especially the thymus gland is the center of physical development), the
immune system and the upper body (pain, etc.) including the shoulders,
arms and upper back. When a chakra is malfunctioning experiencing hatred,
anger, envy, fear, and regret ourselves what we think we are, which can
reach up to paranoia. When the chakra is healed then breathe easier,
strengthens the immune, diatiroumetha younger, our energy flows
unimpeded and also facilitate the functioning of the throat chakra and third
eye. Even being very creative and that we will flourish, and we radiate love,
show compassion and understanding for others, feeling enlightened,
refreshed, balanced and full owners of our body, and communicate better
with our soul and we are and we do tend to charities. This chakra, located in
the center of the seven chakras, balances the top three (including copyright)
in the bottom three (including materials), while creating a sense of unity of
the whole body and keeps us in harmony with ourselves.
The metaphysical significance is very important since it is the center of
love and the mirror of our souls, and as the heart pumps and sends the
blood throughout the body, so it draws and sends love (which is the essence
of true therapy and the rise in our consciousness), not only the body but also
the global environment (animate and inanimate) around us. Stocks that love
is immense, beyond all imagination, but unfortunately we the people of the
Earth (as opposed to pemtodiastata beings of other planets that is all love,
without anything negative), which we have long forgotten our divine origin,
can make gold a very small percentage of these stocks have, which is the
main cause of our problems, personal and global. Fortunately last
approaching the entrance to our fifth dimension (which will be held at the
end of 2012, see my page of my site II.2.D1 it), this rises to be completed by
2017 (which are 100% pemtodiastatoi ), and would do all the gold stocks
such love, which form the core of the universe and the ultimate truth. It is
therefore very important to work with the heart chakra, widening, clearing
and activating it, to have ever more love, which on the one hand will help our
health and happiness, and on the other hand will prepare us for easy and
painless our entry in the fifth dimension, and let's not forget that we offer as
much more love, the more the universe back and even increased.
5) neck. This is related and affects the throat, neck, thyroid, parathyroid
in the mouth, gums, teeth (be careful not to mercury fillings), voice, ears,
loops, the upper part of the lung, the vertebral, the nervous, circulatory and
immune system and metabolism and controls and body temperature. It is the
gateway connecting the body with the spirit, and the center for sound,
vibration, rhythm, words, expressing our self-esteem and communication
with others. In cooperation with the stroll sex and solar plexus, ie when all
three are clean and enabled, we creative and effective. When childhood
does not allow us, or encourage us to express our thoughts, to sing, or do
not sit to hear our opinion and refuse to say, then stroll was malfunctioning,
so we feel shy, timid, weak and incapable to express clearly their thoughts
and our feelings. When it has healed avoid illness in the systems mentioned
earlier that affects us and relax, give us well, and free expression that gives
us, we often creates a desire to start writer. Finally at the metaphysical level
is the upper ourselves so that we say is true, when once fully activated, and
wake up (this will be complete when we fully pemtodiastatoi), then the center
will have magical powers''activation'' and implementation, to say that
generally take place - is implemented to some extent the natural world, as is
already done in other pemtodiastatous planets (see my page II.2.D1).
6) the third eye. This is the institutions and affects the senses, ears,
nose, left eye, and the person, the left part of the brain, blood, muscle,
pituitary, as well lymphatic, endocrine, and part of the nervous system. Also
controls the muscles and pains. Connect and collaborate with both the 2nd
chakra (sex) and the two neighbors (5th and 7th). Unfortunately for the
people of Earth as it and the crown chakra, is almost always blocked (from
our distant past) but when we both to unblock and activate, then get the
more wisdom''from'' now (ie before going into the fifth dimension). When
archizome to heal, we begin to have visions, seeing the aura, we can see
forms just before sleep, to see a pattern with closed eyes, and feel fefgome
our body and begin to know things and events without us they have said.
7) of the Crown. This is related and affects the right hand part of the
brain, the right hand eye, central nervous system, blood, body fluids and
electrolytes (minerals balance of elements in the blood, etc.) and the pineal
gland (freeing up large amounts of growth hormone in infancy - childhood). If
one is narrow-minded and does not accept the logic, nor the opinions of
others, this is an indication that the chakra is completely closed. To begin
therapy should first treat the base chakra (1st), which is directly connected,
and that, as we saw in the previous (6th) is largely blocked for the same
reasons. When this remedy, then the pineal gland, which in adults is limited
and passive, xanaenergopoieitai to rejuvenate the body, its functions running
smoothly, and any diseases restricted. But even more important than the
physical, the metaphysical significance of the chakra, which forms the
entrance to the higher consciousness and our senior ourselves in our body
(the entrance to make us feel an examination and a bliss) and through that
we go to our energy''column,''(see my page II.2.D3, section C.3) and
communicate with higher dimensions. Even when open an outlet of the soul
after death to ascend to higher areas, and when it is closed, the soul goes
from one another and suffering until you arrive and that the higher fields.
Finally, great importance has been the violet color of this chakra (which has
higher frequencies than all other colors), it is the color of protection and it is
appropriate to use for this purpose (as the pinnacle of the pond in the most
bottom section, and sealing to protect us in the breeze on my page II.2.D3,
section B, were colored purple).
Note however that in addition to the seven key stroll there, but as our
bodies, that three of the thymus gland, pituitary and pineal and a base of the
skull (the point Zeal), and beyond that associated with intermediate (sharps
and flats) to the seven notes, and they have their own each color, which
chakra (with the exception of the thymus gland, see my next point) due to
the comparatively more indirect significance is not included in the This my
NOTE: When I was testing the notes of the bowl that I bought, I noticed
that instead of the small bowl of the F note I had received the F sharp and
wanted to replace it. Then heavenly but my advisors told me that the error
was because I had to include the thymus chakra to treatment, so I kept
(diameter 23 cm) and I bought the normal F. Chakra so I called and
chakra''for''heart, located between the heart chakra and throat, the position
of the thymus gland, has the same shape as the heart chakra and the color
is turquoise (ie mixing green and blue). This, as the thymus, controls and
operates very important for our health, our immune system protects us and
heals us, gives us well-being, good mood, mental calmness and lifts us up
psychologically, and balance the two neighboring heart chakra and neck,
combining love with creativity, and is the center where art is born
The children (who generally have no bias) will get easier and earlier in the
fifth dimension, developing intuition, and they could first (before the adults)
to read''''etheric records (including all knowledge), but will see visions and
get curious about our behavior, such as not want to go to school because
the knowledge it offers either already know, reading the etheric files, or
because they know intuitively that it will be useful in the future (for example,
many professions will change).
The money will be much less important than today, since the basic
human needs will be met easily. The value of the current real estate and
property in general will fall vertically and demand them. Many companies will
slip as useless, such as those involved with drugs, health, fuel, electrical
energy, by education, transportation, insurance operations, and many
others. Also both the public services (commities, police, army, municipal
services, etc.) and utility companies (electricity, telephone, TTT, water, OSE,
etc.) will be eliminated, or very little will remain but dramatically shrinking.
Employment of people, because of the high technology that will carry us the
aliens (who noted that many expect to gain from the valuable pemtodiastato
planet), will change dramatically. Many jobs will be eliminated as useless
and new will be created, such as teaching the alien to what circumstances
and what law applies to the third dimension, and what feelings create these
Asked me''and what people do not have a job, or want to work?''The answer
''I'll just live and gather experience.''
However, the art in all its forms will maintain a very high position in earth
and space aliens. Especially the painters and sculptors will be invited to
make reports on other planets, not because the aliens could not buy their
work on Earth, but because they want the artist to describe tritodiastata
impulses and feelings that led to the creation of projects.
I wonder if I subconsciously Reduced early successful my business career
as an engineer to deal first with poetry and then primarily in painting, as if
intuitively influenced by what might be happening. Perhaps the aliens to be
helped and vertical growth in productivity in the tables in the last three years
Note also that at least 650 million cultures that exist are few even in the third
dimension, while the remainder are in the fifth and higher dimensions (sixth,
etc. which are entirely intangible). So in our solar system other than the
known nine planets there are others being only the fifth dimension we
discovered when we become pemptodiastatoi. Also a planet may be in two
dimensions, eg Venus and Mars in the third dimension is dead planets could
in the fifth dimension to be alive and even developed to host cultures, and
these two dimensions can coexist on the same site. However, when the
Earth enters completely in the fifth dimension, there will be none of us in the
third dimension. Those who do not want to die and get it back much later
with their bodies pemptodiastata. Many years later we can visit the sixth and
seventh (intangible dimensions) but not with our material bodies but with our
energy. The aliens who visit us (and already carrying some scientists our
ideas, they think they come from intuition), will visit us in great numbers
when they enter the fifth dimension, and we teach the technology, how to
avoid ill, how to implement objects, and many other useful features of the
fifth dimension. It is initially anthropoid because their intention is not to scare
us and look hostile, or wear clothing that displays the apes. But later when
they will start getting used to come and others, no matter which format they
will accept it because it will emit love, is a key feature of most
pemtodiastaton cultures.A good question is' what will happen with the banks.
He replied as follows:
"The banks will not exist in the fifth dimension it because people are
generally self-handling and be able to implement many of the things they
need. Trade between them is generally based on value -''power''which are
taking in relation to these inquiries, which is measured in units that will be
written on a''smart''cards. However, before adding that there will be a big
fuss of the fact that many people will refuse or be unable to repay the bank
loans, and all this economic system will be overturned and changed.
Also concerning, among many others, companies and services related to the
production and use of weapons, and will cease to exist which would also
create turmoil primarily to governments.
Much interest has been on what will be the professions of doctor - nurse -
alternative - therapist and a lawyer - legal - legal - political. The answer is
that these jobs will be eliminated over that there will be any kind of illness,
nor conflicts between people, and laws that will apply will be''universal''.
Finally, those involved with the supernatural
as''channels'',''''medium,''''spiritual guides, etc., and they should change
profession itself that the special skills will no longer have them all, so far we
are in the fifth dimension.
Asked me what to do to get into the fifth dimension
The answer was to continue to do what they already do, and when I
persisted, asking how to get faster, the answer was that it would go well
before the end of 2012 but not in a hurry too because a lot early in than
others, Sign me would make me feel lonely, and makes me resent the
behavior''and''stupid of me around, which can be and I loved people.
When finally asked what we already do today gave me the following
symbolic image. I saw myself on the edge of a large cliff where there was
me who was the third dimension, while the opposite side of the cliff I saw the
great celebration of the fifth dimension, and within it, and another part of me.
Then I saw it created a huge ice bridge from the surface of the snow was
fluffy, and to bridge the abyss, and on it I started to walk along with many
others driven to the edge of the fifth dimension. Then two essential flying
creatures approached, took a big snow ball and rubbed off me, and debris
fell on my body like a golden rain. Then my skin started to glow and I started
to fly to the other side, getting too snowballs and rubbing them over the
people, and they shone and then followed.
Already many of us, irrespective of the fifth dimension, dominated a
strong feeling of indignation about what is happening around us, which
unfortunately our country claims to primacy, where corruption and political
decay, services in general in agencies, the courts, the church, police, banks,
businesses, trade, entrepreneurs and people who practice all kinds of
power, and many other manifestations of political, social and economic life,
its little longer slowly to form a minority and tend to be the norm.
With the pace evolve any crime, domestic and imported, where theft and
robbery are the agenda and people are left virtually unprotected. In this great
profiteering and corruption hold a leading position in principle some of our
politicians and even ruling, some of which were super-rich, while many
politicians of any government that follows, consider their duty to surpass
their predecessors in these areas. Below are holding any management
position and even the public functionaries, while recent star revealed
ecclesiastical factors. All of them work harmoniously with unscrupulous
businessmen Greeks and foreigners (facing Greece as underdeveloped
colony dominated by the starter), and obtained their hands on the wealth of
original blessed country, which they became indebted and on the verge of
bankruptcy, where the economy has overtaken the economy and the
laundered money. Alongside the various control mechanisms such as
justice, euphoria (in fraud our operators are the first in the world),
independent authorities, etc. (including some media), by''independent''were
subordinated, and inefficient and delaying, or indifferent, or unable, or
unwilling to restrain the evil.
On the other hand increased the misery, the misery, the anger and the
despair of the innocent and fair society, unable to react (or react to some
extreme and unthinking made worse by destroying the entire state), the
vested interests and systems and indifference, failure or inability of its
So often people die in public hospitals due to lack of resources for primary
resources and staff, while other areas are squandering of public resources
Greece, Israel and the Philippines are three countries whose residents have
the lowest vibration on Earth, which is why there is constantly sending
energy to raise the vibrations so they can get into them in the fifth dimension
Athens is one of the cities with the heaviest action, so come to raise for no
this great difference from other cities. Please note that Greeks are very
resistant to accept these new ideas and to make the wearing blinkers
Dear Friends,
I stopped watching news throughout that 95% includes nasty and negative
aspects and only 5% have anything nice or useful to say, and replaced with
music (melody) programs, and''smart''comedies, and the risk of the failure to
update offset by the fact that if something you need to know, always
something to learn in time.
I gave up long ago any personal contact with agencies, banks, tax offices,
meetings, etc., especially the banks full house in negative energy and cancel
all credit cards and maintain a single account.
Send these people to serve in their respective mandates. Finally, while
previously I was a very social person in the banquets and take me now I limit
my contacts with many people, especially in telephone communication,
mobile phones, cancellation of a mobile telephone and prepares to do with
the second device , and through my friends have focused on people who,
regardless of educational and social or economic status, have a positive
aura that causes me positive feelings.
Some of these people follow the same path and mine are similar to my own
experiences, just as they are reluctant to disclose.
The fifth dimension would get''every crook the bench''and all those who
afflict us today will lose their powers, ofitsia, privileges, and economic
superiority, etc., but also the ability to harm others, and as highest were
located more''irregular''will land in the new reality. Those who stand by them
to the''truth''and willing to adapt to new realities, will enjoy, together with all
other people, the advantages of the new dimension. Those again are closely
wedded to the status they have with both worth (and scams) created will not
be able to withstand the''truth''and accept a new, unprivileged, reality, and
then your subconscious will lead them leave (ie to die, causing accidents,
strokes, heart attacks, etc) and be incarnate much later in the fifth dimension
Even the Pleiades have made a space in their own world,
for''undecided''who have not taken the final decision whether or not they
want to enter the fifth dimension (and are especially powerful on
Earth,''''Ilouminatoi etc.) which will provide a wide range of information to
decide. If you insist to live in the third dimension will be transferred (as is the
cosmic law of free will) in another solar system, galaxy remains three-
dimensional, to make the fate tous.Yparchei there an agreement between
the alien and key Government (especially the U.S. government), headed
NESARA (National Economic Stabilization And Reformation Act) means''a
national economic stabilization and reform,''whose story is as follows:
After the destruction of Atlantis the people controlled the Anounakoi (bad
aliens, see my previous page II.2.D), but when the 1995 peace agreement
signed between the forces of Light (Galactic Federation) and darkness
(saurian, Anounakoi, Grey, etc.), Anounakoi left and ordered to earth
partners (Ilouminatoi, etc) to stop the economic and political oppression of
the people. But because most of them do not obey (to lose their privileges),
the''good''drove the aliens (by various means, not always legally), and
through them and key governments (which had previously given material
technology), to sign the treaty (in 1988 the United States until 2003 for the
others), which governments are not revealed. To delay implementation of
the 2000 Ilouminatoi secured by fraud the government wanted in order to
create in 2001 with the help of the CIA's new Pearl Harbor that the attack on
the two towers (see previous page my II.2.D) shortly before the
implementation of the agreement. But now the time has come that the
condition is to start gradually applied or which includes, inter alia, the
following six key points:
1) All loans to banks, credit associations and credit cards will be zero (in
return for holding the banks engaged in all these years), while the loans are
given fair 'will in future have a very low rate.
2) The U.S. central bank (Federal Reserves Bank, the only private central
bank in the world, responsible for major current financial mess) will be
nationalized and currency printing will be covered in precious metals and
other real values.
3) The Constitution of the United States will once again be as it originally
was, and all laws made under various excuses (a state of war, etc.) to limit
the freedoms and the manipulation and exploitation of people will be
4) The U.S. government (controlled by economic elites, Ilouminatoi etc.) will
be forced to resign (with Congress) and will be replaced by temporary, to be
free and fair elections within four months, after informing people about Any
information or illegal acts by governments of concealing.
5) The new president will announce peace to their country by withdrawing all
offensive military forces located overseas.
6) The current tax system will be abolished and the revenue the state would
rely mainly on indirect taxes on sales (excluding commodity, such as food,
etc.) and other sources, not from the people .
A significant proportion of existing wealth and income in the meantime, will
be available for humanitarian purposes to cover adequately the needs of all
citizens of the planet. For the humanitarian purpose in the earth of
extraterrestrial colleagues for many years, major estates and stocks of
precious metals, building and''illuminated''very wealthy families, children who
grow up in this movement have joined the NESARA Corresponding to these
are the agreements with other major governments of the world and will then
stop withholding is today, and will be announced officially by the
governments of extraterrestrial presence on Earth and good intentions to
help us.
Following the basic agreement, further detailed sub-agreements that
constitute a comprehensive legislative framework and establish new
relationships between citizens (including companies, organizations, etc.),
citizens of the state and structure of state, wait some time to be announced
and begin rapidly applied.
''Swim''in a''sea''of energy that surrounds our DNA, our cells, our body, all
the beings of the world, the objects and all the earth (all of the
electromagnetic fields) what I say or bit OLYON AITHERAS ARROW
AITHERAS. The energy of our body (our personal power) to influence and
alter the thoughts and especially with our feelings (''good''or''bad''), who are
themselves a form of very subtle energy, but has a strong impact on physical
and mental health status and our culture, affecting even the chemical
reactions in our bodies.
Our individual actions and the effect of global interdependence directly and
significantly affects one another, even through the crystal lattice
energy''''surrounding the Earth (see description in my page II.2.D5).
Regarding the energy of the Earth magnetic field is an accelerating change
last (reduced volume), which will culminate in 2012
Meditation does not require any special preparation and a typical duration is
15 minutes, but if some wants and thanks be to extend for as long as he
wants. One who has learned to do long meditation to relax, to leave and
collect my thoughts and intention into what you do. For those hard to relax,
let us see the technique described in my previous page II.2.D3 section B,
which together with the techniques of section C also improves the physical
and our mental health. In this particular meditation for 15 (or what one
wants) minutes, we can supplement any other meditation technique that we
dictate our subconscious, or we learned to do such groups in the above
clubs. Finish not seem unrealistic as those described below, note that our
imagination creates our reality, and I quote the words said to us that the
aliens (see my page II.2.D1). When the earth''understand that imagination is
the divine part of the mind, then open the gates of immortality and regaining
the gods were.'' Moreover they who, somehow dictate to my subconscious a
very powerful tool and technique of meditation which I give below.
B) Technical. Give the steps of meditation and life, along with necessary
explanations. This technique, you can listen to and recorded by the sound
bar at the bottom. (In the form of a guided meditation) that the start and stop
at will.
1st minute. Relax with eyes closed sitting or lying comfortably and
envision hanging from a gold chain over our heads a long ball filled with
liquid bright white light, which contains the''utility''office and ask permission
from God -''First''Creator to take such action and use it to eisagome within us
and activate the''Shining''Our House. Then the chain breaks and the ball
drops and the light of filling all our aura, and slowly passes through our skin
and fills our entire body that shines brightly and is activated luminous body.
3rd minute. We envision a bright body expands and surpasses the size
of Earth, regardless of looks like a sphere with the crystal structure of a
diameter of 60-70 cm around to surround the body starting from the base
chakra (the perineum) and reaching nearly to the throat chakra. The bullet
was to embrace both our (light) hands with love and sends through the
crystal lattice, the codes from the DNA of our light body, which contain
valuable information about''commitment''(consciousness raising) of those
involved in meditation (see related comments at the bottom). For those who
do not understand what this means, let us think that simply sending the code
of DNA. Moreover we envision the chakra be connected through a light
beam with crystal lattice.
10th to 12th minute. We envision all these beneficial effects claimed and
gathered to broadcast through the loaded with these crystal lattice, again at
each one separately for''systems''(kingdoms) that our planet is to say:
a) In humans, starting with our family, our friends (including
electronic''friends''have gained through the internet), our environment, our
city, our country and then across the Earth
b) In other intelligent beings living (including our brothers of the Hollow
Earth), or are as visitors (aliens) in the Earth.
c) In the realm of spirits.
d) In the animal kingdom.
e) In the plant kingdom.
f) The crystals (which surround us valuable information and action).
g) in water.
h) The rock in general all other material on the planet.
The last part of the three (or those who want additional) minutes is dedicated
primarily to get as receivers, to earth to feel within ourselves that our
benefactor sent through the crystal lattice, the creatures relied on other
people's land involved us in this synchronized meditation.
On many questions I got about the importance of sending''codes (ie form) of
our DNA''(in the 3rd minute of meditation), responding as follows: Tests
showed that when we are happy and relaxed in the spiral of DNA Our cells
are dilated form of soft springs, and when we are depressed and under
tension takes the form of compressed springs. Even in a vacuum tube,
where the few remaining molecules have random order, when we introduce
an individual cell then the molecules take the form of spirals with these cells.
Also if you change the allocation of donor cells at the same time changing
the shape of the DNA of cells of the tube and the spiral shape of the
molecules of the tube or the tube is adjacent to the donor or is hundreds of
miles away. It concluded that how we feel affects our DNA and subsequently
affect positively or negatively to our environment, let alone when
simultaneously by several people and is transmitted through the crystal
lattice around the world.
Esti explained the experiment conducted in 24 cities in America where
relatively few positive feelings people have reduced (during the experiment)
crimes, accidents, etc. in these cities.
Another important conclusion drawn from these experiments is that our
DNA and thus our environment is not affected by both what we think and
what we want, but rather by how we feel. Thus both in this meditation, and in
life generally, to do something (eg a treatment), or to get something we
want, etc, it helps so much to the call (such as different religions require)
which suggests that the situation creates the universe that we have not.
Instead it helps to feel strongly that the already achieved or acquired, and
enjoy (for example, tries to make the method of Silva in the "mind control"),
and thank God - creator of''first''in our gave (peace, love, health, joy,
abundance, a good relationship, etc.). Also we should have independence
from the result, ie not anxious and frustrated if we want to happen or not, but
to see it coolly as if something for another person. Especially as we
approach the fifth abdominal and our vibrations as well as the matter around
us is changing, the more effective is this approach that I propose. Hence the
claim that aliens entering the fifth dimension in our emotional body is what
will gain greater importance. Note however that the American Indians when
they dance the dance of rain, do not invoke various spirits for rain, but feel
the rain fall upon them, and bare feet dancing the feeling sink in the wet mud
that creates a strong rain, and as a''miracle''no evidence that this method is
unlikely in many cases succeeded.
The answer is: The photons from the collision of electrons and positrons
that their mass is converted into light energy, photons. The establishment of
the galaxy this package photon visits our solar system roughly every 13,000
years (which is half the period of 26,000 years have our solar system for a
full cycle within the Milky Way). This will be done in 2012 and the aliens took
care intensity is not dangerous for life on Earth. Unlike in contact with our
multi-dimensional package is very high frequency will drop the veil prevented
us remember our previous incarnations and become fully conscious beings,
and thereby accelerate our transition to the fifth dimension, while Our
package will revive, will fill us energy and makes us xananiosoume and can
(under certain conditions) to live indefinitely. Note finally that the interplay of
nuclear energy and photon beam creates large-scale explosions, so the
aliens will be able to disable all the time so nuclear warheads and all nuclear
reactor to produce electricity, etc.
NOTE: This information refers primarily to the first official visit to the
Earth and in contact with us (who are preparing to help and the people of
our planet and our brothers who live in the hollow Earth, and against the
interests of executives today ), which together, and the great and saving
assistance we give is imminent, soon to happen.
Also, the frequency of the pulse vibrations of the Earth by about 7.8 per
second was increased to to join the Earth in the fifth dimension, and
approaching this moment (of starting counting) in 13 pulses required for
entry. In this frequency coordinated slowly and cells which we do (the
most sensitive of us) feel that time is accelerating and that the day
becomes shorter, and gives us the feeling that something important is
Similarly, our thoughts are our intentions and our feelings, especially
when derived from large collective groups, affecting the energy field of the
Earth, which in turn affects the other inhabitants of the planet that do not
belong to these groups, thus creating a Earth''collective consciousness''.
This is documented by a survey of the 70 from a university in 24 American
cities with populations over 10,000 inhabitants each, where requests are
received from a relatively small group of people (less than 1%) in each
city, possessed for a specified period with feelings of peace, love and
solidarity for their fellow citizens, etc. They found then that during this
period the murders, robberies, fights, including accidents, in each city fell
significantly, while when it stopped the experiment slowly returned to
previous levels. A similar experiment, but on a larger scale, happened in
the early 80's in the Middle East in terms of violence and terrorist attacks
there, the same as the previous test results.
On this basis and based World''Meditation''in so that several tens of
thousands of conveniently located in the world could the''good''feelings
affect the entire planet, and assist residents in addressing the transition
and entry into the fifth dimension. Therefore it is desirable to create such
groups of people in all nations and parts of the Earth, where a hundred
such people would be enough to positively affect cities up tens of
thousands of residents. Of course as most people are more important
will be the results. So people from these groups, cut off from what's
really going on around them (as shown by television stations and other
media who like to focus and seek to show worst happens around us)
should, as in previous two experiments, to feel that they live in an ideal
world, where both within, and around the prevailing feelings of love,
peace, compassion, health, joy, abundance, etc., which I believe would
be the easiest (albeit indirect) way to address the problems of the
transitional period (until 2012).
I added the last point in particular to convince my friends
technocrats (who wear blinkers, and persons involved in intellectual
property are already familiar) to support the method proposed here to
voithisome of ourselves and the Earth on a smooth transition the fifth
dimension. For this purpose, instead of trying it myself, I joined (no cost)
to 62 organizations on the Internet (ning and others), which now include
a total of more than 2,000,000 members who''synchronized''meditations
on the rise ' 'collective consciousness Earth.'' These organizations have
gained in one semester more than 2300 people applied and
were''solid''My friends and I created my own group called''The New Earth
in the fifth dimension''to the members and my friends to do, including the
global meditation. The meditation is done twice a month at certain times
(Australia, Europe and America) and is designed to ensure a smooth
transition of the Earth in the fifth dimension (the end of 2012) and to
prepare us to follow as people in transition of this in the most secure,
fast, easy, convenient and painless way and helps to address the
problems and disturbances created during the transition period to
become 100% pemtodiastatoi. . But when you become 100%
pemtodiastatoi will apply in general for us, and all other skills and
capacities shown for variety in my page II.2.D, and residents of
Siampala, capital of Hollow Earth.
The epidemics that occasionally give us and harmful vaccines, the following.
Wars and conflicts that cause,''staged by''terrorist acts and
staged''natural''disasters (fires, etc). The financial tricks aimed at economic
apathliosi the masses, and the concentration of wealth in the''elite''. Finally,
hide the truth about various events, such as a feature (associated with
concealing the presence of extraterrestrial) say flights to the moon. For the
latter I have to say that the flights were made with the help of aliens, especially
with regard to protection from lethal radiation from which passes through the
vessel to reach the moon.
Also have created a secret studio in earth false images of the surface of the
Moon, to replace the actual showing where spaceships and alien bases.
Even as the flight of Apollo 13 carried a plutonium atomic bomb, aliens, who
considered it unacceptable blocking systems governance board and led the
capsule as the astronauts survive in a rotation around the Moon, the dropped
back to earth by pointing tilekinisi parachutes for water. Subsequently banned
any other manned flight to the moon, so the Apollo program and later stopped.
by the end of 2009, which means that the information I got is absolutely
accurate. Then it is worthwhile to touch myself and write whole books, and
people read them to prepare and make it easier and painless this great leap of
mankind, which hopefully will happen soon. Here I add a striking phrase alien
to us is:''When the earth understand that imagination is the divine part of the
mind, then open the gates of immortality and regaining the gods were.'' Finally,
I would ask those of visitors to my site had similar experiences with astral
travel, contact with aliens or strange changes in the actions we surround it
communicated to me to try to confirm and exchange our experiences, so
perhaps reach some useful conclusions, and thanks in advance for taking the
time to spare.
When the Earth enters fully in the fifth dimension, it will be a new member of
the Confederation''Milky Way''which already belong to other planets in the fifth
and higher dimensions. Then I will stand on Earth different nationalities and
countries but there is only one of the''Earth.'' This course has started very
early, has already finalized (''lock''), and no power or reactive group of people
can no longer change it or postpone it. Great importance will therefore have to
know what will happen when and in what order, so we can properly prepare to
overcome the most painless transition, and to better capitalize on new
opportunities we provide, and the assistance we give the aliens.
So put the following key questions need to be answered clearly,
completely and without contradictions, to help significantly from the information
we get. But the questions that I think the most important for our immediate
future are:
1) How should I prepare and what to do to ensure our entry in the fifth
dimension and not to leave (die, as happens in some of us), but how do we get
to it easier, more quickly and painlessly.
2) What new opportunities and advantages we provide the fifth dimension,
and how we can better and faster to build to improve our lives and live more
like we are healthy and happy.
3) What conditions will prevail and disruptions during the transition period
(from now until the Earth is made of 100% pemptodiastati), and that we should
confront them and deal with, as individuals and as leaders, both for our own
good and for the good of all.
4) How can we get earlier and more favorable to aliens, and how we
benefit more fully from the knowledge and assistance we give.
5) What new conditions created by our membership in the Galactic
Confederation'',''what are the rules then in force, and how we benefit from
better integration of ours, both as individuals and as a planet. How we can (for
those of us who want to) contribute to the smooth operation of the system
assuming leadership positions.
6) What are our relations with other planets, how are transactions with
aliens and interplanetary travel, and what criteria will be selected in what will
apascholoumetha in which planet will be living with whom and for how long or
These and related questions will try to give a clear and comprehensive
answer with useful (not to say precious) for each of our information, based on
what I told the aliens in my astral travel (provided always that what I saying is
correct and you). In the previous two pages of my site gives little evidence of
these responses, and criteria, eg appearance of the spacecraft, (hopefully) by
the end of 2009, which will prove that all the above is correct. But since the
summer of 2008, the Earth receives a host of new actions from the time (some
of us take them and then to connect to ground''in this''), and which shape the
evolution of the new dimension, counting the next year (2009) to have
complete information to answer these questions. We will then incorporate the
responses probably a separate site, because this site did to cover my basic
painting (but linked as a source of inspiration and my astral travel).
It would be very useful or even indispensable, to create a global organization
that prepares both the individuals and the world in general: a) To enter the fifth
dimension. b) To solve the problems of transition. c) To welcome and
cooperation with extraterrestrials. d) For successful integration into
our''Galactic Confederation.'' I, just above criteria convince me, I intend to help
and guide Pleiadeion (which is talented in organizational) to help create such
an organization could be titled''International Organization for preparing for
accession Earth in the Galactic Confederation.'' The organization could also
put an order to avoid unpleasant events during the disruption that will occur
(thankfully only a short transition period), which will mainly result from the
desperate effort that some powerful (individuals and organizations) do to
continue and expand their power. So I'll try and collective well-organized or to
cause fear of raising false risks, either primarily (with the help of banks, but as
I said already, the fifth dimension will blow its last legs), to gather in their
hands ever more economic power at the expense of many, to force them
exathlionontas economically to stay, despite all the coming changes, and
subject to their power.
NOTE 2. Although that, the called me at the end of this page, that the brunt of
our transition to the fifth dimension take longer aliens who came to help us,
though we should not cease to be proactive and Our effort is needed. Firstly
because we should be aware of and accept their help (to want to give us), and
then carefully respond to the training we provide. Secondly because the
interference will be temporary (ie to get to the fifth dimension), and from there
it is only in our effort, organization and frippery (of course very strong with the
new capabilities we will have) the further development and our progress in the
Galactic Confederation. However, with well-behave with prudence and
dedication to the major destination that awaits us, our course will be brilliant
and important across the Milky Way (and other galaxies in general).
Note that 1.5% of the current population of the Earth (ie more than 90
million) people are usually embodied in other planets and this time chose to
incarnate on Earth, the one to help the major changes that will become and
secondly to transfer later to planets of the unique experiences of
the''experiment''that is, as mentioned above, for the first time in the universe.
These people when they realize their mission (having at some point in their life
memories of the planets) and awaken (indeed many have already realized and
call themselves''seeds of astron''-''star seeds''and lightworkers''''), could easily
be (along with many other''earthy''lightworkers) members of that organization.
It should be noted that in October 2008 I attended a very interesting World
Congress of star seeds held in London, where people came from all parts of
the Earth and interact with their memories were of the planets were
meditations, communications superior beings (channelling), and visits to
ancient monuments (Stonehenge, Avebury, etc.) to get to (telepathically)
together with actions and information that these monuments evolve.
Also based on the latest information of aliens, that percentage has now
risen well above the 1.5% with new incarnations. These incarnations have
proliferated recently and the method of "walk in", where (and if this sounds
absurd) when a soul decides to abandon the body (ie die), can another soul to
go to the same body and to replace it, so that the body still lives, and the new
soul in it except the experience that he went to (which is slowly fading),
bearing means and the experience of the origin (eg example of the planet from
which emanated). One such case is typical of my race and Sharon Snyder of
Montana in the U.S., as healer energy method "Matrix Energetics,
www.matrixenergetics.com", which told me the amazing experiences of both
the planet's Altone (a constellation Andromeda), and the life that has in recent
years as the Earth, it and its smaller granddaughter is crystal child
can''travel''to other planets and the Hollow Earth, and which planet was the
daughter. He said further that there is more than 3000 people in the world,
including current members of the family is now incarnate on Earth, with many
of which communicates, and will shortly publish a book on the experiences of
them. The courtyard is a''gateway''that they feel depressed active in going
there and regain, and has communication through this portal and the planet.
Matrix treatments that made me the distance, while Sharon felt dizzy after
(which means that the actions were sent) and I felt discomfort in the top places
I had a problem and then a deep relaxation.
Sharon also receives information through the automatic writing of a
Gabriel warming, two of which received 2 and September 3, 2009 and I sent
them today 4.Sept.09 think the current so I mention them briefly. They say the
information that both fires in California, and the swine flu vaccinations, and
made following which were deliberately to distract world attention from what
the powerful who keeps control over the planet (about 2000 Ilouminatoi''''
billionaires, bankers. politicians, etc.) will try to make next October, with
adverse consequences for the people of the United States, Mexico and
Canada. So far Obama and his associates around twenty (which are all
puppets of the above strengths) will try in one night, and unbeknownst to the
Congress and Senate to introduce schemes to enslave the peoples of these
three countries in the hellish designs them. Finally, the Gabriel reassured that
she and her family not to suffer anything, and there are already established
systems to prevent the ultimate victory of sinister plans.
Before I should again stress that it is beyond doubt the fact that aliens are
already here on Earth with the spacecraft, as evidenced by reports of
thousands of people. As evidence of these you can visit the Disclosure Project
(www.disclosureproject.org), and the National Reference Centre UFO
(www.nuforc.org) details of which I attach to my page II.2.D. Even recently, the
Greek television announced that occurred some time ago over Attica a flying
object that followed the Olympic Airways plane and took off two fighter planes
to the meeting, but the object had disappeared hd too, for the Earth data
speed. Even called us on November 2, 2008 a friend who lives in Corinth, that
the afternoon of 1 November saw the window of a moving object very bright. In
a recent question I was told the aliens that these views are becoming more
frequent to an extent no longer be a story. But these are fleeting appearances,
and many others you meet online with pictures and videos do not meet the
criteria I set for normal and long lasting appearance spacecraft enopion million
people (hopefully) by the end of 2009 .
Also created two layers of frozen water vapor in the atmosphere (which
existed before) in height from 4500 to 5500 meters and a 10,500 to 11,500
meters each other, would absorb significantly, as the old, the (anti) cosmic
radiation that reaches the Earth's surface, significantly improving life on the
surface, while the ratio of the large volume of water they use, significantly
reduces the rise in sea levels caused by melting ice. These layers (which
sygkratountan the atmosphere with the energy groups of crystals on the
surface of the earth) having suffered several losses from war, causing a
deluge of water that fell (like the Biblical Flood in 8000 BC) , devastated by
wars between the king Seth Sumerians (Mesopotamia) against Rama in India
and against dance in Egypt and the waters and caused the last great flood in
4000 BC which destroyed most of the inhabited earth since. (All these wars,
Flood and other disasters caused by the Anounakoi to kill people every time I
start to wake up and cease to regard them as gods).
h) The destinations that we can choose: After years of a first part
of''Earth''pemptodiastaton will want to go and populate the water planets
(which are also hollow as all the planets) of our solar system. An example
Mars, Venus, and a new planet will appear (which was previously destroyed
before) the Malntek. The planet in the meantime the aliens with the help of
heavenly Elochim''''(bodies of divine energy and creation), they will redo
habitable, the waters and the atmosphere (which will come from the inner
surface ), the flora and fauna. There is also the scenario with the help
of''''Elochim, transferred through a huge time-spatial portal, the entire solar
system in the constellation Siris where he was before, and moved to his
current position for reasons associated with assistance to be given the Earth to
the success of the great experiment (likely ever to give any further
A second part will travel to the stars forming the ambassadors of the Earth and
our solar system in general, activating (where necessary) the peace treaty
signed in 1995, while many of these ambassadors will travel to thousands of
other galaxies to teach there peace between constellations. Many of them will
play the role of the teacher by sharing their special expertise in moving into the
fifth dimension, giving lectures and having antiseis plus' and as the experience
of interacting with other planets will rise and so will be wiser will start to give
advice on the solution of problems there, transferring knowledge from one part
of the universe to another.
A third party (the largest in the Siris), will remain permanently in the warmth of
the Hollow Earth, because of the many benefits it already offers (see my page
and soon the II.2.D5 II.2.D7).
A fourth part will be returned when all normalized, the outer surface, little in the
Siris (Nidle), or large, than I have been told the old Pleiades, who contend that
many still remain on the outer surface and will be there pemtodiastatoi ,
following a slower pace of transformation, surviving despite all the turmoil and
risks (see my page soon II.2.D8). This rate (not including the anointing of the
compartments transformation), will begin shortly before 2012 with certain
characteristics (such as the telepathic ability, etc.) and will be fully completed
by 2017 with final mark's ability diaktinismou. I believe that in this category are
those who either are not convinced of the good intentions of the aliens, or
have not even gotten to the final decision on the transformation, adhering to
enjoy any privileges. This creates an obligation to''light''workers (and others
who have been informed and accept what will happen) to inform and help as
many people as possible to that of the transition. Finally, note, as I said, that
fifth place (on the''seeds''of stars) to be transferred straight to the spacecraft to
be in there stores pemptodiastatoi transformation, and then return to planets,
from which emerged when incarnated on Earth, for to convey their
experiences in there men. It is worth noting that regardless of the route
followed by everyone, the end result will be exactly the same for everybody,
that is converted from a limited consciousness tritodiastata beings into full
consciousness pemtodiastata.
OTHER METAMORFOSIS possible scenarios. Under the technocratic
and inquiring mind that with distinction, I am obliged to quote different opinions
(they will not want to be dogmatic, although I fear it may be somewhat
confused) on the transformation of our pemtodiastata beings from another
talented people such as George Kavasilas Greeks living in Australia
(www.georgekavassilas.org). In doing so there are three paths you can
choose. The first is with the help of aliens who give us their technology, and
make us feel like super short, but we ask in return to work on the planets,
which would reduce somewhat the absolute freedom to us. The second is with
the help of aliens who give us love but conditional (conditional love) and the
conditions are again somewhat limit the absolute freedom to us. Finally, the
third way, which prefers to follow he is to remain on Earth, despite all the
upheavals that will take, and pass through one of the many time-spatial gates
will be opened to get to the fifth dimension where will meet beings with
unconditional love (unconditional love), and others of us will stay there without
any restriction, while others will return, pemptodiastatoi addition, to help
undecided people around us to get into them. In question was the senior
myself whether we should a) follow the Pleiadeious providing a longer path to
complete our transition for the people, or b) Nidle provided a three-day course
of transforming classrooms Joined together short periods before and after
training, or c) Kavasila not seen (unlike the previous two MI) all aliens as
creatures full unconditional love, and provides for three possible paths that I
mentioned, the response I received (and I have full trust, which was
consolidated with what I have said so far the senior proved myself properly
and wisely) is as follows: To follow the path that will tell your heart that is what
suits you when the time comes that and will feel perfectly well and without
hesitation and doubt on both the street and get to the beings that exist in this
way. However, by that I most certainly can conclude is that (that happen), a
beautiful angel actually comes to us all that we decide to enter, beyond
imagination, and that overall the pemptodiastatoi people of Earth (which will be
the culmination of pemptodiastaton cultures) will play an important role in
fulfilling the objectives of the divine plan of this''sixth reality''(see details on this
in my page II.2.D).
Tables of symbols
- Reiki (code a),
- Seikim (code b),
- SSR (code c)
techniques using high cosmic vibration effects such as Reiki, Seichim and the
Sechem and combination SSR, (Reiki-Seikim-Sekem), and even the method
of''aftomyisis''that makes everyone on his own. So you will not need to go to
and pay hundreds of thousands of euros in various schools of Reiki, keeping
this secret knowledge and impart to their students over pay handsomely (eg
cost of initiation in the third degree of Reiki is usually from $ 10,000 to 3,000
With the anointing of these actions can develop and heal both physical, and
our energy bodies that are in our breeze (which also affects our health), and
uploading our vibrations and keep them high as with healthy bodies and high
vibration of matter, we make sure we pass in the fifth dimension even in the
most easy and painless way. Please note that our energy bodies, including
the''ethereal,''which placed the action of the meridians that keep our body alive
(so that we can be incorporated into the course), the emotional or astral
underlying the emotions and samskaras ( see factor. C.2), the mental, which
founded our thoughts and the spiritual which is based in our spirit (soul).
These actions are directed both our body and the body of another, or touching
different parts of the body with the palms for a few minutes in each position,
focusing where we identify a physical problem, or if the other person away , by
sending our thoughts to the appropriate symbols. Note that as much active
and send can not hurt (it is that the organization only keeps as much in need)
but to be beneficial in addition to any medical treatment. Finish the story
(always trying to be as brief as possible) have to say that these symbols were
given to us by aliens for thousands of years (eg, the pyramids of Egypt are
engraved symbols of Seichim), but forgotten and rediscovered last enlightened
people, such as Usui and Zeigler, respectively.
1) Cleaning the strings: our relations with other people and we get energy.
But there are some people (usually close our environment) that systematically
drain our energy so feel''fallen''. So imagine a thick string to start our solar grid
(three fingers above the navel) and branches connected with all these (good or
bad) that can drain us. Then asking the beings whom we invited to this
preparation (especially the Pleiades), help us get rid of these strings, remove
your hand like a hatchet with time in front of our solar grid two or three times
and imagine their cut the string and solutions, we put our hand over the solar
plexus to seal drain our energy. We can do it (simplified) and during the day if
we feel that someone apomyza energy. Then close your eyes, imagine the
string that connects us to it and cut it with our hands, descending like a hatchet
two three times in front of our solar plexus. Then we protect the breeze (not
happen), filling her with golden light, stamping it with purple paint, which can
do in advance every morning, or before a''difficult''meeting.
5) Add pages in the book of life. Another technique (different this time) but I
feel compelled to include it, because it helps us in many ways, triggers our
subconscious to try and achieve what we want is this: Close your eyes and
relax ( show relaxation in section B), and imagine their mistake in time
respondents from the Earth and close rapidly to a bright star that attracts us.
Here we arrive at an illuminated temple like the Parthenon, with many rooms
and get into them, which we call the angel who guards to bring us the book
of life to add a new page. (Note that before each soul incarnated decide
what experience and lessons he wants to experience in this incarnation,
which recorded the''book of life). When we bring our book bright, open at last
(in white) page with a light pen that gives us write:''From this moment on I
want to experience my experiences in this life''in ... . (And add what we want
for example''in full health,''or''in great abundance of material''or''in great
success in 'such and such' field''etc.) care every time we put a single thing
and not place the same in the future, because this weakens (as it shows that
we do not trust what we did). After returning the book and pen to the angel,
which puts it in position and thank him, and turning in the same way on
Earth, where little time to contemplate what happened and what we called
before we open our eyes again.
8) Connecting with God (Align with god). It helps to be in line with our
higher self and divine will for our ultimate good, and give us a clear
understanding of the problem in each treatment.
3) The Heart of the Earth (Heart of Gaia): We are grounding to the earth
and connects us to action and help us clean the food they eat, designing
more of them.
A1.4) Fourth stage: Likewise differs only in steps 1 and 8: 1) Put your hands
on his head. 8) Put left hand on the neck and his right hand our crown
After the end and fourth stage or take a long break to relax the
myoumenos and may feel and experience the actions taken, to continue
(after our new preparation) in the second induction and then in the third
degree or continue another day. All are necessary for all initiations take
place in a short time (one or a few days) so that the decreasing (which can
be and ourselves) is beginning a strong flow channel of these cosmic energy
(the higher the degree stronger and more efficient energy). Also to be able to
use all the symbols and can also send energy from afar from the outset.
a2) Initiation in the second degree. That is exactly the same as the
initiation to the fourth stage of the first degree with the only difference in
steps 1 and 11: 1) Put your hands on his shoulders (instead of his head). 11)
We plan on palms (instead of Tam-hour-a-sa) the following sequence of
symbols: Cho-Mr-Ray Tam-hour-a-sa,-Mr Cho-Ray, Sei-and-Hay, Cho -Mr-
Ray, wholesalers-sa-Ze-so-nen, Cho-Mr-Ray.
a3) Initiation in third grade (the teacher-master). That is exactly the
same as the initiation to the fourth stage of the first degree with the only
difference that is in step 11. 11) We plan on palms (instead of Tam-hour-a-
sa) the following sequence of symbols: Cho-Mr-Ray, Dai-CR-University,
Cho-Mr-Ray. Please note that we can initiate them others you must have
initiated (or have aftomyithei) in grade teacher.
In all the breaks (and sometimes when we want) helps to make
the''integration''of the chakras we (and myoumenos): Relax and take deep
breaths (inhale to imaginary light from the heart chakra) and the expiry
imagine the chakra of the heart to grow and incorporate the means and the
other two neighboring chakras (throat and solar plexus), and this continued
until gradually to include mid-and seven chakras. Since we have chakras in
other dimensions (seven in the fourth, eight in the fifth, etc.), then imagine to
grow even further to include yet another eight chakras (four above and four
below the first seven chakras). What if we do it will greatly improve our mood
and how we live our lives.
(How are pumping these forces to improve, strengthen and treatment of four
our bodies and maintain our high vibration levels).
Because applications are numerous (and we can always invent and others)
will restrict ourselves here in the most significant. Firstly it is very important
and greatly enhances any treatment, whether for ourselves or for others
(regardless of whether we are near or far), they start sending all the symbols
we know and not just three or four is usually . This involves the authority all
the powers of Reiki Seikim and (as we learned) of the SSR, and the body
uses those symbols to the need and extent of need (which is very difficult for
us to predict).
The shapes of symbols envision (usually in our third eye, or as we can),
one to one (at about why our intention is what counts in the main treatment)
three times and say their name (aloud or in us) and then send them (imagine
go and come) to our body and the body of what lies behind us (to do after
the treatment with our hands), or one who is far away. To send us off three
times each symbol (each time saying the name three times), and should (if
possible) and have the approval of the treatment. The order sending
symbols is of little importance, however, find it advantageous as follows: We
start from 1) wholesalers-sa-Ze-so-nen, followed by 2) Reiki-Cho-Mr-ray, 3)
The Dai-CR-University, 4) the symbol of infinity, 5) Sei-casted, and 6) the
Cho-Mr-PET and 7) all other in any order, and we tend to Triple Spiral and
again Reiki-Cho-Mr-Ray. It is also desirable to know the signs of trouble (eg
pain), where to send the appropriate symbol (or symbols) on three occasions
(eg pain, Reiki-Cho-Mr-Ray tom-hour-a-sa, and Thunderbolt). Here I must
point out that the person receiving the therapy, if it has serious issues that
releases may be felt for some days a bit uncomfortable and have some
discomfort (such as happens with someone who makes a strict diet
detoxification ). But not to worry and should do a little patience, because this
is a normal response of the body releases and removes the
rubbish''energy''which he carried himself. Soon all these healing reactions
will abate and you will feel much better than before.
Also if you want to send these actions to many people simultaneously
(eg for treatment or protection, or enlightenment, etc., or all together, all
members of our family), then we envision them to diminish and all fit
together in your left hand while with his right hand, we envision that they
send one to one (three times each) for all symbols (say the name of the
symbols each time, again three times each). Yet another way would be to
put a photo of the person (or persons) inside our palms, and palms to
envision different symbols (as before) with the intention of our people to take
action that sends . Instead of photos could also put a copy of the image with
the chakras (the above table), assuming that this is the person we want to
help. We can also devise other ways to send symbols, while that particular
matter is our intention to help. Also note that the preoccupation with these
actions and activate the third eye, may increase in some (with the''antenna''),
the psychic abilities and begin to see what's going on around them. But
beware, it must then''''riding the pole and use the information to get so that
should not, because then you will quickly lose this rare ability.
Even if we are to purify negative actions from one space (room, house,
etc.) as required Fenk-Sui, or to do in this area (with about a better
conditions), an initiation or a treat, or just to feel better there then send
symbols at the four (or more) corners (moving from the entrance area to the
right), and finally in the center of the area as follows: Open the windows and
visualize the Reiki-Cho-Mr-ray and send to first corner by saying aloud the
name three times and after the words''Power, Purification, Protection,''and
immediately after the wholesalers-sa-Ze-so-nen saying the name three times
and the words,''and Treatment harmonization at all levels,''and the same in
all other corners and end in downtown area. If we clean a house, then
continue the same process from room to room, starting from the entrance
and moving clockwise. We can enhance the effects of cleaning, if
accompanying him to the sound of a bell, and by burning (at Brush) essential
oils (such as basil, rosemary, sage, myrrh, etc.).
After you finish sending the infinity symbol at all openings of the site
(which was open from the start), starting from the door and moving
clockwise and say''I welcome the new actions of light manifested in this
place,''adding that we want these actions to bear (eg,''love, health, wisdom,
enlightenment, happiness, joy and abundance at all levels''). After the
windows tend and send to the center of the space Tam-hour-a-sa. For very
small spaces (eg storeroom cholakia, elevators, cars, etc.) ignore the
corners and make the process only at the center of the room, and the same
goes for cleaning. If you are a home, then continue the same process from
room to room. We can strengthen this process and this is where we burn
essential oils, chosen according to what we want these new measures bring
us (eg for material abundance burn chamomile, cinnamon, jasmine, orange,
etc.). It is desirable end, whether we have in our home a place where we do
treatments to prepare the first of those methods, and to keep clean repeating
from time to time to process.
Channeling of actions on contact: The accepting actions lie on your
back tilted eyes and relax (or can relax in a chair), and after sending all the
characters like I said before) we put our two hands to different parts of body
and allow the action to flow in the body, but we must make some effort (it
merely function as a channel and actions coming from the universe) for three
minutes in each position (unless you feel that there is a problem need some
more time point). We start from the head and neck, moving in front of the
body after doing the back and finally the knees and feet in a process that
retains at around one hour but can often hold more. Many such books show
the positions to be putting our hands (each one different), but what I think it
is appropriate that We cover almost all head and neck, we move to denser in
front (with emphasis on the Chakras) and less often in the back, reaching
the end (the feet) in the knees, around the shank, and above and below the
feet. Two positions that I consider important are: 1) put one hand on the
base of the skull, where was the second circulation pump of our energy (the
first is the coccyx), and one hand on a) the third eye b) neck and c) heart
chakra (thereby reinforcing the three chakras), and 2) a hand on my heart
chakra and the other in the solar plexus, thus linking the power of love, (to
be used for power good).
In practice we will begin to feel what the other places have more need for
treatment. Also the practice is growing and our effectiveness in treatment
during that protomyoumenos (even at senior levels), not enough time
sometimes to earth to absorb the energy of all symbols. But soon the
exercise will reach a high level corresponding to the degree of initiation.
When we treat ourselves and we can get some points back of us, then we
put our hands nearby, and imagine to lengthen and to cover them, which
also has very good results. When I was writing this I came (from my
heavenly counselors) Directive, plan with our minds and our hands on one
symbol (which we like) which enhances the flow of energy that we do on
'contact with the time our subconscious often shows us the symbol needed
for each position. Note that when doing treatments to others, not only are not
exhaustive but rather we are benefiting from the energy passes through us.
So the more we practice the procedure (either for us or for others) the more
ofeloumetha at all levels. Even when I sit in my chair, not to do anything that
requires concentration, I usually put my hands on various parts of my body
to accommodate (and indeed the chakras) and send energy, often forming
on the palms and my Symbol of Joy (see last paragraphs of this page),
which pleases me and relax.
A) crop circles.
The crop circles (crop circles) are large-scale patterns formed in fields with
crops (usually cereals) overnight fotompales''by''flying for a few seconds
over the fields. They photographed and published in books and the Internet
and connect to ground is information and activities sent by aliens from
various sources. These cosmic energies can feel them and read them gifted
people who walk in crop circles (as is my friend Callisto). Note that the crops
are cut, but not tilt or linked together to create the shapes, which shows the
good intentions of the aliens. These schemes, which cover many acres
each, are usually round and resemble''mandala''there since ancient times,
particularly in Eastern religions, so called mandala and''alien.''
. The mandala is a geometric shape (usually circular symmetrical to the
center, but there are also oval and square) created either by painting
(dimensional) or with different colored materials such as sand, pebbles,
crystals and other objects (three dimensional ). The people use even the
believers of eastern religions (but there are many in Western churches), to
attract the positive effects that each mandala represents acting like antennas
to coordinate our actions when we are looking, or even stronger when you
build. So many monks of the East have the performance to their construction
(usually with sand of different colors), and after the finish and a check
inspector to destroy and go to the next, assuming that the value lies mainly
in the production process rather than product it. Mandala are many books on
the Internet where given and properties transferred by each of them (eg
health, abundance, peace of mind, etc.).
Sacred Geometry.
The seventh dimension (which is completely immaterial) are based, inter
alia, various symbols, geometric shapes (plane and solid), and generally the
various images together constitute the''Sacred Geometry.'' Each of these
elements has its own frequencies on which our''coordinate''as an antenna
and our''grounding''(that takes us) of its own cosmic energy from the seventh
dimension. For example the symbols of Reiki, etc. when we envision, or
design, or rely on, we carry the therapeutic and other effects of their use.
Something similar happens with the mandala (which many people know
about ancient times and used so far), only those outside of therapies can
bring us into contact with each other and with many other beneficial effects
for us, which noted not addressed in the conscious mind but speak straight
into the unconscious.
Since then a picture (that speaks directly to the addition of the conscious
mind) is far more powerful than a word, you can instead of merely visualizing
a word, to see and sign-in antenna that coordinates with the frequency and
connects action status to include the word.
Positive words are including the following which is nothing other than
appeals where broadcast frequencies, a different form that makes the
crystalline bowl as above. So accordingly directed the present batch. We
propose to replace in your word words you are using today with the following
F) Therapeutic HCHOI.
2) Treatments:
As mentioned in the literature, the sound therapy based on resonance,
penetration, and the vibration generating changes in cells, tissues and
organs. When something pulsing sound waves disperse and infiltrate all
organs. So when''rubbing''the sound of a bowl with the higher harmonics that
accompany it, penetrates the tissues, nerves, bones, etc., in order not only
to listen but also to feel with our body, which Our original loose, but then fills
us with energy, as confirmed by those who try. So our body slowly
coordinated with those sounds and the vibration goes up, and here are
starting treatment or both of body and mind and chakras. Where eg a sick
body to the physical, but also the energy body only, (ie before the disease
had time to manifest itself in physical symptoms and to have it), then the
vibration produced (as it should be noted that everything in nature vibrate),
this is not healthy body, and we need to fix it by coordinating with the
appropriate sound vibration of the crystal to prevent, or cure disease.
3) Base chakra.
4) Application of Healing.
5) Other Chakra:
Details on the properties of the remaining chakras, and what
institutions and what impact our operations each (when not
working properly), you'll find in my page II.2.D6 and relevant
literature on chakra. Even details of the crystal bowl and sounds
in general will get from my girlfriend Callisto (see Web site:
http://kallisto-bluesirius.com) from a shop in England to sell (see
www.eq.uk . com) and Greece (see www.albandakis.gr).
Finally, to facilitate those who wish to obtain their own bowl, I
bought seven large and eight small (for the seven chakra), and
after I did a good recording I spent the page of my site II.2.D6.
so they can listen and enjoy all of their therapeutic effects.
G) TAXIDIA time.
''So You and all your fellow humans have more or less all of the
knowledge deep inside you, and enough with the meditation
and to trust your intuition and your subconscious that you can
slowly bring to the surface to be picked the answers you need.
Even if a book or some general information is useful to you at
that time, the universe will seek to''fall''on it and receive it.''
The calendar will have the fifth dimension (the Tsolkin), and
how it adapts to Earth time (the Chaamp). The practical
significance of the new calendars are threefold.
First set for each day of our lives to what this day is for us, and
which of our activities and encourages and supports which are
not. So we can programmatizome day what our interests to
deal, and what is useless or even harmful to do so when we
walk according to time and not in opposition to him, which
greatly increases our efficiency and success our lives.
Third light of day and year of birth and our other features, fixed
a detailed astrological chart for us, describing the nature of our
strengths and our weaknesses, our relationships with others,
etc is increasing as we approach the fifth dimension and
replaces the previous astrologies during that planets change
their characteristics. This third part will employ a little here, so I
refer interested in the literature, eg Mayan Astrology of Alouna
Giaskin Choi, publications Cedar (translated in Greek).
The lactate time, valid for us since 2012, is linear only to
determine the duration and events (as we were taught in the
Anounakoi 13,000 years), but''circle''in which past, present and
future can coexist and can metakinoumetha back and forth in
time. The significance of these I can not say that I fully
understand, but I expect that we will all understand when we
experience this time in the fifth dimension. However, the time
with the pulses, like light, the Divine Love and energy (crystal)
grids are the key elements of Creation, which implemented the
current reality that we are sixth time harmonics that leads our
steps during our lives, helps us to properly plan our future, and
is the means that makes us better understand ourselves, we
understand fully to the reality around us, and correctly interpret
the experiences and lessons that us. Even as I said before,
time is accelerating (the actual time of day becomes shorter),
but the changes made following an accelerated pace. Changes
in consciousness and even us old who needed thousands of
years, later reduced to hundreds and then tens of years. So the
changes made from generation to generation (eg every 30
years) now occur every year and even faster as we approach
The combination of the first harmonic cycle (the Suns 4ron) with
13 tons of alternating succession, giving the first 52 days of
diary Tsolkin of 260 days (13CH4 = 52). Likewise, the following
4 groups of four giving the following 4 groups of 52 days Tsolkin
(5CH52 = 260 in total). The properties and importance for us
each day is determined by combining the properties of each
tuna to the qualities of each Sun. But because the Earth takes
the time 365 days instead of 260, responsible for the calendars
aliens gave residents Leimouria (when 900,000 years ago to
create), the diary much later inherited and Mayan named
Chaamp ( but which differs slightly from the original Larvae).
This calendar is New Year on Gregorian July 26, and the day
begins when our Sun rises over the mountains Heleakala in
Maui, Hawaii, where the temple of the sun is near the capital of
vythistheisa Laimouria. The selection was made in honor of the
Siris, who were the first humans that colonized the Earth, since
that date our Sun''in line''with the star of Siris where they
The duration of Chaamp is 365 days divided into 18
months of 20 days each (20Χ18 = 360), and there is one last
month 5 days (6 on leap years), which is months celebrations
and rituals for closure this year and preparing for the next (July
21-25). The correlation between the two calendars is 52 years
and 365 days is equal to 73 years 260 days (52CH365 =
18,980 = 73CH260). The end of the 52 years is on 21/12/2012.
To see every day of the Gregorian what day corresponds
Tsolkin are relevant tables next to each day of the Gregorian is
the day Tsolkin, given the number of tuna and the name
(Mayan) of the sun. To see how the resulting tables let us
imagine a tape with 18,980 subdivisions where instead of
centimeters and inches on down to have the days of two
calendars, one above and one below (with corresponding
micro-adjustments for leap years). So we know the properties of
each Gregorian day, (getting them from the corresponding day
of Tsolkin) to adjust the on course and our activities (that is
what suits us to do and what to avoid, etc. every day) and this
correlation to be used at least until the Gregorian calendar,
eliminated completely. Additional new experiences to take us
time lactate (with help of meditation associated with different
days of the calendar) in our internal development, and to
discover the real purpose in our lives. More details on the
galactic time and calendar Chaamp you can get (as I and I)
bought the calendar (from 26.7.09 to 25.7.10) by Dr. Sheldan
Nidle (site www.paoweb.com).
Dream spelled:
Nowadays we have an amendment Chaamp where instead of
18 months is 13 lunar months of 28 days each, or a total
13CH28 = 364 days plus one day (25.07, or two days for leap
years) celebrations, see calendar Dream spell (site
www.lowoftime.org). And here every day of the calendar is
linked to the corresponding tone of the Sun and Tsolkin
calendar, which takes both properties, while the extra day in
leap years does not take into account neither the date nor the
days of the week. The diary has the advantage that for each
day of the year of 364 days represents the day of any one week
each year, while the 365th day did not intervene in the days of
the week. Even by 7 days a week are permanently linked to the
days of the lunar month, but with the electromagnetic
plasma''''each of our chakras, in the following order: 1st crown
(1,8,15,22), 2nd the base chakra (2,9,16,23), 3rd third eye
(3,10,17,24), 4th sex chakra (4,11,16,25), 5th of the neck
(5,12,19 26) 6th Solar Grid (6,13,20,27), and 7th chakra of the
heart (7,14,21,28). The 7 days, identified respectively with the
properties: 1 goals, 2 flow, 3 stand, up 4, 5 release, purification
6 and 7 relief, offered to activate these days and the
corresponding chakra and our connection with what properties
and institutions and systems of our body. (Watch on the
properties of chakra and activate them with crystal sounds in
my page II.2.D6).
For the last calendar has been created for decades a
worldwide organization tries to formalize to replace the
Gregorian to benefit people by providing information, adjusting
his life. Even the calendar is marked with special color the days
of the''lactation activation of time-spatial portals''(which is 52
each 260 days in the calendar Tsolkin), which in most open to
any kind of action and rituals, meditations, etc. and
the''core''days (which is 20 each 260 days) very good for people
born in one of them. Even given sygkekramenoi and
meditations to help us, and do them during certain days of the
calendar. Finally, depending on the date and time of birth we
determined some characteristics of our character and our
course in life in general (for example, and''Our guide Solar
Seal''leads us, the phrase "spell", which Our features, etc., see
details in the log). A free color version of the Dream Spell
Calendar can be orders, or to download (but black) each year
from the Internet at the above address. I think sometime this
calendar will be formalized because of the advantages of
replacing the Gregorian.
Astrology OF MAGIAS:
Even on astrology, day and year of birth, we (in the Gregorian
moved to Tsolkin) determines both our central Sun of our main
features, and the four peripheral Our Suns (strengthening of the
East West Challenge, compatible northern and southern
mystery), which according to our position to strengthen, and
teach us or affect our relationship or reveal the hidden self, etc.
These five Suns us (the 20 described above) together with the
number of our tuna (one above 13), and the place that is our
birth date in a related table (eg if we are born to''gate''or''core
''in the table, etc.), determine our new astrological map lactate
longer time (see the above literature in the first paragraph). For
those born on February 29 a leap year (day not specified in the
log) is a combination of characteristics of two adjacent dates
(28.02 and 01.03), if we know the time of birth and then until
12.00 considered to be born in 28.2, then 12.00 to 01.03.
Finally, because several current calendars of 365 days (ie the
Kiche), which some link to each of their days in different ways
each with each of the 260 days of Tsolkin (which is as
determined as we have seen the peculiar properties day), the
correct way to match is the one I indicated above, the example
of the tape so that the astrological map that shows the date of
birth we are one and the right
What is the ENEMY; Which is the weapon to shoot
Dream) - Astrology OF MAGIAS.
The calendar will have the fifth dimension (the Tsolkin), and
how it adapts to Earth time (the Chaamp). The practical
significance of the new calendars are threefold.
First set for each day of our lives to what this day is for us, and
which of our activities and encourages and supports which are
not. So we can programmatizome day what our interests to
deal, and what is useless or even harmful to do so when we
walk according to time and not in opposition to him, which
greatly increases our efficiency and success our lives.
Third light of day and year of birth and our other features, fixed
a detailed astrological chart for us, describing the nature of our
strengths and our weaknesses, our relationships with others,
etc is increasing as we approach the fifth dimension, and
replaces the previous astrologies during that planets change
their characteristics. This third part will employ a little here, so I
refer interested in the literature, eg Mayan Astrology of Alouna
Giaskin Choi, publications Cedar (translated in Greek).
The lactate time, valid for us since 2012, is linear only to
determine the duration and events (as we were taught in the
Anounakoi 13,000 years), but''circle''in which past, present and
future can coexist and can metakinoumetha back and forth in
time. The significance of these I can not say that I fully
understand, but I expect that we will all understand when we
experience this time in the fifth dimension. However, the time
with the pulses, like light, the Divine Love and energy (crystal)
grids are the key elements of Creation, which implemented the
current reality that we are sixth time harmonics that leads our
steps during our lives, helps us to properly plan our future, and
is the means that makes us better understand ourselves, we
understand fully to the reality around us, and correctly interpret
the experiences and lessons that us. Even as I said before,
time is accelerating (the actual time of day becomes shorter),
but the changes made following an accelerated pace. Changes,
and even in our consciousness, which needed thousands of
years old, later reduced to hundreds, then tens of years. So the
changes made from generation to generation (eg every 30
years) now occur every year and even faster as we approach
Panagiotis LIAPIS
Researcher - Legal - Author