Shaolin Dragon Kenpo

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Concepts, Philosophies

and Techniques

Shaolin Dragon Kenpo

Codified and Taught

Senior Grand Master

Ernest A. Ross

All techniques begin from a direct facing position

1.) Falling Hammer - Inside defense against a right overhead strike.
1. Step back with right foot to the 5 o'clock position into a left neutral bow stance, you will now
be in an open facing position.
2. Immediately execute a left upward/rising block, keeping right fist cocked at right side.
3. Drop your left hammer-fist down and deliver a left knuckle rake across opponent's nose.
4. Then deliver a left horizontal forward hand-sword to opponent's throat or philtrum area.
5. Next, pivot into a left forward bow stance and deliver a right reverse punch to opponent's face.
6. Cross out to safety.
7. Repeat same technique on opposite side.
2.) Checking the Storm - Outside defense against a right overhead strike.
1. Immediately step to 9 o'clock with the left foot into a right cat stance facing 1o'clock. This will
place you in a safety zone outside of your opponent's path of aggression.
2. Execute a left inward parry and right vertical outward block and trap to opponent's right
punching arm.
3. Immediately deliver a right front snapping ball kick to opponent's groin. Without planting the
right foot, re-cock the kicking leg and pivot on the balls of the left foot and execute a right side
knife edge kick to the side of opponent's right knee. Plant into a right neutral bow stance.
4. Pivot into a right forward bow stance and deliver a left reverse punch to side of opponent's face
or to his exposed ribcage.
5. Cross out to safety.
6. Repeat technique on opposite side.
3.) Japanese Sword - Inside defense against a right cross/round/hooking or looping punch.
1. Step back with right foot to 5 o'clock position into a left neutral bow stance, you will now be in
an open facing position.
2. Immediately execute a left outward block to opponent's right punching arm.
3. Then deliver a left downward diagonal hand-sword to right side of opponent's neck.
4. Next, simultaneously execute a right palm heel strike to the left side of opponent's jaw and a left
inward elbow strike (sandwich) to the right side of opponent's jaw.
5. Then drop your left hand down into a left downward hammer-fist strike to opponent's groin.
Right hand checks at your center-line.
6. Execute a left rising forearm strike upwards and underneath opponent's chin/throat.
7. Next, deliver a left outward elbow strike to opponent's sternum.
8. Finish by delivering a left outward horizontal hand-sword to opponent's face or the right side of
his neck.
9. Cross out to safety.
10. Repeat technique on opposite side.
4.) Shield and Mace - Outside defense against a right cross/round/hooking or looping punch.
1. Step towards 10 o'clock with your left foot into a left soft bow/deep kneel stance. This will
place you in a safety zone outside of your attackers path of aggression.
2. Slip under opponent's right punch (using a left upward block as you make your stance change)
and execute a right inward elbow strike to his ribs.
3. Then pivot onto a horse stance as you deliver left reverse punch to opponent's right side ribs.


Right hand is up (vertical outward block) checking opponent's right arm.

Next, right hand circles down to deliver a right hammer-fist strike to opponent's right side ribs.
Left hand circles up (left inward parry) to continue checking opponent's right arm.
Left hand presses opponent's right arm down (press-down block) as your right hand circles
around to deliver a right thrusting tiger claw to opponent's face.
Right hand continues to circle up and then down to deliver a downward diagonal hand-sword to
the right side or back of opponent's right leg.
Finish with another right inward elbow strike to drop opponent to the floor.
Cross out to safety.
Repeat technique on opposite side.

5.) Striking Tiger - Inside defense against a right straight punch (with your right side in lead).
1. Immediately step back with left foot to 7 o'clock into a right neutral bow stance, you will now
be in a closed facing position.
2. Execute a right inward block to opponent's punching arm. Left hand checks at center-line
3. Then deliver a right diagonal hand-sword to right side of opponent's neck as your left hand does
an outward check to his right arm.
4. Next, simultaneously deliver a left palm heel strike to the right side of opponent's jaw and a
right inward elbow strike to the left side of his jaw.
5. Then execute an outward horizontal raking tiger claw strike to opponent's face as your left hand
does an outward check to his right arm.
6. Now deliver a right downward diagonal hand-sword to left side of opponent's neck as you
simultaneously execute a left inward horizontal raking tiger claw strike across opponent's face.
7. Follow with a left downward diagonal raking tiger claw strike across opponent's face as your
right fist is cocked to your right side.
8. Finish with a right punch to left side of opponent's face. Left hand checks under your right arm.
9. Cross out to safety.
10. Repeat technique on opposite side.
6.) Striking Dragon - Inside defense against a right straight punch (with your left side in lead).
1. Immediately step back with right foot to 5 o'clock position into a left neutral bow stance, you
will now be in an open facing position.
2. Execute a left vertical outward block to opponent's right punching arm. Right hand checks at
center line.
3. With your left hand deliver a dragon strike to opponents eyes. Right hand is cocked at your
right side.
4. Next, simultaneously deliver a right front kick to opponent's groin and a right reverse punch to
opponent's face.
5. Finish by planting your right foot forward into a right neutral bow stance and deliver a right
diagonal hand-sword or hammer-fist to right side of opponent's neck or head.
6. Cross out to safety.
7. Repeat technique on opposite side.
7.) Flailing Dragon - Outside defense against a right straight punch (with your right side in lead).
1. Immediately step forward with your left foot to 10 o'clock position into a left forward bow
stance. This will place you in a safety zone outside of your opponent's path of aggression.
2. Then simultaneously execute a left inward parry to your opponent's punching arm as you shoot
a right dragon's head/phoenix-eye fist punch to opponent's right armpit.
3. Next deliver a right hand back-knuckle strike to opponent's right kidney area or ribcage. Left


hand cocks high at your left side.

Pivot towards 3 o'clock into a right forward bow stance as you deliver a left downward diagonal
hand-sword to the base of opponent's skull. Right hand is cocked high on your right side.
Left hand executes a check (press-down block) on opponent's right arm/shoulder.
Finish by pivoting back to 10 o'clock into a left forward bow stance to deliver a right inward
horizontal hand-sword or inward palm heel strike to the opponent's face/nose.
Cross out to safety.
Repeat technique on opposite side.

8.) Beheading the Dragon- Outside defense against a right straight punch (with your left side in lead).
1. Immediately step back with right foot to 5 o'clock into a left neutral bow stance, you will now
be in a closed facing position.
2. Execute a left inward block. Right hand checks at center-line.
3. Right hand then becomes a vertical outward block and trap (monkey check) taking the place of
the left hand as you pivot forward into a left front bow stance and deliver a left back-knuckle
strike to the right side of opponent's ribs.
4. Left hand cocks high on your left side. Right hand continues to trap (check) opponent's
punching arm.
5. As you pivot towards 3 o'clock in a right lunge stance deliver a left downward diagonal handsword to the base of opponent's skull.
6. Left hand then executes a press-down block on opponent's punching arm to check it. Right hand
is cocked at right side.
7. Finish by sweeping opponent's right leg as you cross-step to 4 o'clock.
8. Cross out to safety.
9. Repeat technique on opposite side.
9.) Ascending Tiger - Inside defense against a right hook punch to ribs.
1. Immediately step back with right foot to 5 o'clock into a left neutral bow stance, you will now
be in a n open facing position.
2. Execute a left downward block to opponent's right punching arm. Right hand checks at centerline.
3. With your blocking hand deliver a left rolling back-knuckle strike to opponent's face. Right
hand still checking on center-line.
4. Next your right hand executes a right thrusting tiger claw strike to opponent's face. Left hand
circles back down in the downward block position to check opponent's punching arm.
5. Your right hand now moves down across your body to check opponent's punching arm as you
circle your left hand up and deliver a left rising back-knuckle strike to opponent's face.
6. Then execute a right outward horizontal raking tiger claw strike to opponent's face. Left hand is
cocked at left side.
7. Then deliver a left straight punch to opponent's face. Right hand is cocked at right side.
8. Finish by delivering a right reverse punch to opponent's face. Left hand is checking your ribs on
your right side under your punching arm.
9. Cross out to safety.
10. Repeat technique on opposite side.
10.) Crashing Tiger - Inside defense against a right uppercut punch.
1. Immediately step back with right foot to 5 o'clock position into a left neutral bow stance, you
will now be in an open facing position.
2. Execute a left press down block to opponent' punching arm and a simultaneous right rising


back-knuckle strike to opponent's face. Left hand checking in the press down block position.
Then with your left hand execute an upward raking tiger claw strike to opponent's face. Right
hand moves down to check opponent's punching arm.
Now, pivoting towards 1 o'clock into a horse stance, circle the left hand in and deliver an
uppercut punch to right side of opponent's ribs.
Next, simultaneously deliver a right palm heel strike to left side of opponent's jaw as you also
execute a left inward elbow strike to the right side of his jaw.
Finish by delivering a left outward horizontal hand-sword strike to opponent's face or the left
side of his neck. Right hand is cocked at right side.
Cross out to safety.
Repeat technique on opposite side.

Thrusting Salute Inside defense against a right front kick (with your left side in lead).
1. Immediately step back to 4 o'clock position into a left neutral bow stance

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