22augoo Min
22augoo Min
22augoo Min
224 S. Jefferson Street
Perry, Florida
August 22, 2000
MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Moore, Shirley Scott, Bill Alexander, Richard Frith, Don Cook
STAFF PRESENT: Bill Brynes, Barney Johnson, Wayne Putnal, Billy LaValle, Luther Gunter,
Annette Anderson
Mayor Frith called the meeting to order. Councilmember Moore led those attending the meeting in
prayer. Mayor Frith led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was then called by
the secretary.
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith X
After a brief review of the minutes, Councilmember Scott made a motion to adopt the minutes of
August 8, 2000, Regular Session as written; seconded by Councilmember Moore and upon roll call
vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith X
Mr. Barney Cobb, along with several other individuals representing the St. James Episcopal Church,
Perry, Florida, addressed the Council to request the Council’s assistance in support of the youth
program at the church. Mr. Cobb said additional space is needed at the church for expansion of the
youth program and the plans were to move the choir room, secretary’s office and the priest’s office out
of the building to a building across the street, which the church owns. Mr. Cobb said that building
needed repairs (re-roofing and painting), which were done. Mr. Cobb said the intention is to renovate
the building by mid-September. Mr. Cobb said the City’s Building Inspector halted work and the
church group is asking the Council’s assistance in obtaining all the permits required to renovate the
Mayor Frith asked if the work would be contracted out. Mr. Cobb said a contractor registered in Perry
and the State of Florida would do the work. Another church member noted that the contractor had
planned to file for the permit but had a family death. He also said he respects Mr. Gunter’s position
but just does not feel the work to be done should require an architect. Councilmember Moore asked
Mr. Cobb what reason the City gave for halting the work. Mr. Cobb said the city’s building inspector
told him the permit had not been issued yet and the plan drawings need to be stamped by a registered
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Architect to do this type of renovation. Mr. Cobb said, being an engineer himself, he did not see that
an architect was needed, as there is no structural work to be done. City Director of Community
Development (building inspector) Luther Gunter, Jr., told the Council the reason the project was halted
was because a permit had not been issued and the man presently doing the work is not a licensed
contractor. Mr. Gunter also said state law requires an architect for a (public use) project, which
exceeds $25,000. Mr. Gunter said the project cost has been estimated at $40,000. Councilmember
Scott suggested the project could be broken up into separate projects, coming back later rather than
doing the entire project at one time. Mr. Cobb said he thinks this could be done and he would talk it
over with the other members. Councilmember Scott stated that the Council cannot ask Mr. Gunter to
violate the state law but maybe there is a way to accomplish what needs to be accomplished. Mr.
Gunter told Mr. Cobb he would like to see the plans on how the project is going to be done. Mayor
Frith suggested Mr. Gunter and Mr. Cobb could get together and try to work things out with the
project. Mayor Frith directed comment to Mr. Gunter that the Council cannot ask him to violate any
laws and the Council does not know the “ins and outs” of the position Mr. Gunter holds and what all he
does in this position. It was agreed by all that Mr. Gunter would work with Mr. Cobb and other church
members to try to resolve the matter.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheffield, High Street, attended for an update on the problem of (storm) water flooding
their yard and into their home. Mr. Brynes said swales had been cleared out and the (drain) pipe
cleared from one end to the other. Mr. Brynes said roots had to be cut out and rocks and sand had to be
cleaned out also. Councilmember Cook said if this does not eliminate the flooding of the house, it
appears the next step would be to install a second drain. Mr. Brynes said he does not know if the
current property owner, across whose property the pipe would have to go, would allow this. Another
suggestion was the possibility of putting in a swale all the way down the side (ditch). Mayor Frith
suggested waiting to see if the work that has been done already would help, and if not, consider going
in a different direction. It was agreed by all that this be done.
Councilmember Moore requested that he speak at this time regarding an instance of flooding at Main
Street and Quincy near the First Union Bank. Councilmember Moore said discussion about this
flooding concern was brought up during the time of the Department of Transportation’s (DOT)
elimination of several parking spaces when resurfacing Jefferson Street. Councilmember Moore said
it had been agreed nothing would be done at that time. Councilmember Moore said he has since talked
with Mr. Huey Hawkins, DOT, who has told him DOT would be more than willing to discuss the
drainage (flooding) concerns and would send Mr. Ron Cox to Perry in the next two weeks to get with
Barney Johnson, Director of Public Works. Councilmember Moore said DOT might be able to find
some money to help with this problem of flooding.
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Mr. Brynes briefly explained Councilmembers had received a draft copy of the employee manual
several weeks ago with changes that had been suggested. Mr. Brynes said the manual had been sent to
the attorney for review and is now ready for Council’s final review.
Mr. Brynes told the Council he would like to suggest a change to Section 6. Leave Policy- 6.2 Annual
Leave. Mr. Brynes suggested changing the method in which general employees and fire department
employees’ annual leave rate is earned by deleting “total hours per year” and pay according to
“accrued hours per pay period.”
Councilmember Scott had a question pertaining to 5.10 Educational Programs (B) Police Department.
Councilmember Scott asked if there was any provision tied to this program that once an employee has
received education benefits, would keep that individual employed with the city for a specified amount
of time rather than moving on to another job. Mr. Brynes explained that the employees, primarily, go
to school on their own time and may take several years (taking one course a semester) to earn a degree.
Councilmember Scott said she feels strongly about the city reimbursing an employee for education
costs and then the employee moves on to another job. Councilmember Moore commented that if the
employee accelerates their education while employed with the city it could be that they will move on;
but if the employees receives the education over a period of time, he feels the city is getting the
benefits and services of that employee during that time.
Referring to the sentence pertaining to tuition reimbursement i. e. “The City will reimburse tuition
costs for any certified law enforcement officer taking courses toward the attainment of an Associate of
Arts or an Associate of Science degree in any field, provided such degree is earned within four years of
beginning the course work”, Councilmember Cook suggested deleting the portion of the sentence “…
provided such degree is earned within four years of beginning the course work.”
Referring to Prohibited Activity in the Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace portion of the
manual (page 33), Mayor Frith suggested deleting the word “unwelcome” in the sentence, “Employees
should not make unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other verbal or physical
conduct of a sexual nature towards any person in the workplace.”
After review and discussion of the employee manual, Councilmember Cook made a motion to approve
the City of Perry Employee Manual with the changes as suggested (Section 6, Leave Policy; 5. 10
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Educational Programs – (B) Police Department; Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace-
Prohibited Activity. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Alexander and upon roll call vote
was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith X
City Manager Bill Brynes provided the Council with copies of the estimated unit cost of the paving
project. Mr. Barney Johnson, Director of Public Works, told the Council the cost for 3500 feet is
$238,636, with the City’s half being approximately $119,000.
Mayor Frith stated the Council had already approved doing the project but had opted to wait until this
meeting to vote. Councilmember Cook made the motion to approve the Interlocal Agreement between
the Board of County Commissioners of Taylor County and the City Council of the City of Perry for the
El Rancho paving project with the city paying half the cost of the project. The motion was seconded
by Councilmember Moore and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith X
Regarding the next three agenda items, Mr. Brynes said these are the annual contracts the City has with
the School Board to provide police officers for these positions.
Councilmember Scott made a motion to approve the Agreement to provide school crossing guard
(agenda item 5C), district truancy intervention officer (agenda item 5D), and school resource officer
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(agenda item 5E). The motion was seconded by Councilmember Moore and upon roll call vote was as
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith X
1. Mr. Brynes reviewed information regarding estimates of the value of two particular city trucks in
the sanitation division: $11,000 - $12,000 wholesale; $14,000 - $15,000 retail. Mr. Brynes said the
estimated retail price of $15,000 would be used as a “selling” price. Mr. Brynes said the sanitation
division is actually selling one truck to the water division and one truck to the sewer division.
Councilmember Moore made a motion that the two trucks in the sanitation division be “sold” as one
truck to the water division and one truck to the sewer division at a retail price of $15,000 each. The
motion was seconded by Councilmember Alexander and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith X
2. On another issue, Mr. Brynes told the Council Mr. Wayne Jones, Assistant General Manager of the
Hampton Inn, had sent a letter requesting the installment period for paying the impact fees on the
Hampton Inn be extended to 48 months. It was noted that the Council, discussing this issue at the
August 8 meeting, had discussed a 24-month installment period in which to pay the impact fees.
Councilmembers discussed the need for consistency in the future and the establishing of certain criteria
by which a decision would be made for extension of an installment period. Mayor Frith also suggested
that, when dealing with an amount of money the size of this impact fee (approximately $18,600), a
notice could be filed with the County Clerk’s office to allow interested persons access to this
information i. e. money owed on a particular building. Mayor Frith said he could work with the City
Manager and Director of Finance to work up a draft for review by the Council. Councilmember Moore
asked if the impact fee for Hampton Inn would fall within this noticing. Mayor Frith stated that it
Councilmember Scott made a motion to grant Mr. Jones’ s request that the installment period to pay the
impact fees for Hampton Inn be extended to 48 months. The motion was seconded by Councilmember
Moore and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith X
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Mayor Frith then suggested when the amount of impact fees due exceed $15,000, the Council could
consider extending the installment period to 48 months. Mr. Brynes said the City would first attempt
to collect the amount due in full as stated in the ordinance. Mr. Brynes said then if an installment is
requested, the matter could be addressed.
Councilmember Cook made a motion that if impact fees exceed $15,000, the City Council could
consider allowing up to 48 months on installments to finance the amount of the impact fee. The
motion was seconded by Councilmember Scott and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith X
Mayor Frith also mentioned the possibility of charging a minimal interest rate to cover the cost of
handling when impact fee installments are requested. Councilmember Cook asked the cost of
processing the documents for recording at the Clerk’s office. Mayor Frith estimated about $15 to $20.
Councilmember Cook said he would be satisfied with charging Hampton Inn this fee only and not
charging interest “in the interest of economic development.” Councilmembers agreed this be done.
Mayor Frith said the impact fee could be put on the utility bill of Hampton Inn and a penalty fee of
10% of the existing month’s bill could be charged if the bill is delinquent. The Council agreed the
monthly installment amount of the impact fee for Hampton Inn be put on the monthly utility bill with a
10 percent (of the existing month’s bill) penalty fee to be charged if the payment becomes delinquent.
3. Mr. Brynes informed the Council of a meeting he would be attending in Tallahassee the next day.
4. Mr. Brynes provided the Council with a copy of the city’s current employee health insurance
carrier’s annual renewal notice. Mr. Brynes said renewal rates under this carrier are to be effective
November 1. Councilmembers reviewed the information and discussed the highly increased
premium rate with a loss of benefits from last year. Mr. Brynes said one agent he had been
working with him had informed him that the city has been declined by two separate companies
based on the city’s (health insurance) claims and past history. Mr. Brynes said he and Mr. LaValle
had met with Hunt Insurance Group out of Tallahassee who is trying to put together a program that
would consist of the city, county and sheriff’s department. Mr. Brynes said he would keep the
Council informed of the health insurance issue.
5. Mr. Brynes said the Firefighters’ Pension Trust Fund Board needs a City Council appointment of a
member to the Board.
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6. Mr. Brynes informed the Council of a flooding problem at the Tidewater Apartments. Mr. Brynes
said part of the (storm) water is coming from a dip in the driveway but (storm) water is also
coming off the street onto the property. Mr. Brynes said Ms. Hazel Baumgardner has sufficient land
adjacent to the property where the city could make a shallow area (3” to 4” deep) to where this
(storm) water could drain. Mr. Brynes said Ms. Baumgardner is agreeable to providing an
easement to do this if the Council approves.
After a brief discussion, Councilmember Scott made a motion that the City make a shallow area on
Ms. Baumgardner’s property, with an easement from Ms. Baumgardner, to where (storm) water could
drain off the Tidewater Apartment property. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Alexander
and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith X
Director of Community Development Luther E. Gunter, Jr., told the Council he would be happy to go
over the regulations/requirements pertaining to the discussion earlier in the meeting with members of
the St. James Episcopal Church. Mr. Gunter reiterated that any building for public use requires an
architect. Mr. Gunter said the policy statement the (City) is trying to make is the City is consistent in
applying this to every individual.
Councilmember Cook asked the timetable for getting the city garbage trucks equipped to lift the new
garbage cans. Director of Public Works Barney Johnson said there had been some problems but he
projects the trucks to be ready by mid-September.
On another matter, Councilmember Cook said in talking with Taylor County Development Authority
(TCDA) manager Buddy Humphries, Mr. Humphries indicated to him that might be some possibility
that the City could be given usage (acreage) near the airport for the city’s proposed spray field.
Councilmember Cook said in remembering past discussion, it seemed there was some reason the City
could not use this area. Mayor Frith said the City had used the property for sludge disposal at one time
and the Taylor County Board of County Commissioners (TCBCC) informed the City it could not use
this property any longer because of complaints from area residents and businesses. Councilmember
Cook said the point being discussed is that perhaps there is the option to lease the property long-term
(99 years) for a minimal cost. Councilmember Cook commented that with the planting of pine trees on
that property the City could save that amount of money and free up money to use on other parts of the
project. Councilmember Cook requested the city manager contact county manager Jack Brown and
request this item of discussion be placed on the County’s meeting agenda. Councilmember Cook said
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if the TCBCC were willing to lease the property, the city would have the opportunity to use (land
acquisition) project monies for other costs in the project. Mr. Brynes explained that the Suwannee
River Water Management District (SRWMD) is providing monies for land acquisition for the project
and this money does not belong to the City. Councilmember Cook suggested contacting the SRWMD
representative to address this issue.
Councilmember Cook said he had requested Mr. Brynes to check around to get some benchmark
figures regarding percentages of operating incomes and what is a realistic ratio of payroll costs.
Councilmember Cook expressed concern of using cash reserves for every budget year’s operating
Mayor Frith said he thinks it is time the Council did another utility rate schedule. Mayor Frith said the
City has had a (rate) plan that has been good for several years but feels it would behoove the Council
to work up another plan.
Councilmember Moore asked what preparations Taylor County Emergency Management might take
during times of hurricane season. Councilmember Moore commented about the influx of people to the
City during last year’s hurricane on Florida’s East Coast. Councilmember Cook suggested shopping
center managers be contacted for written approval that people may park in their parking lots during a
disaster. After a brief discussion, Mr. Brynes said he would contact Roy Woods, Director of Taylor
County Emergency Management, to suggest he contact the managers of the various shopping centers.
There being no further business to come before the City Council at this time, the meeting was
adjourned at approximately 8:45 p. m.
_______________________________ _________________________________
William E. Brynes, City Manager Richard Frith, Mayor
___________________________ _________________________________
Annette Anderson, Secretary Date