List of Photoionization Publications by J Driscoll 1973 To 2013
List of Photoionization Publications by J Driscoll 1973 To 2013
List of Photoionization Publications by J Driscoll 1973 To 2013
Driscoll (1973-2013)
1. Driscoll and Warneck, "The Analysis of Trace Gases in Air by Photoionization Mass
Spectroscopy," Air Pollution Control Assoc., J., 23, 858 (1973).
2. Driscoll and Spaziani, "A New Instrument for Continuous Monitoring of Odorous Sulfur
Compounds," Paper 74-709, Anal. Inst. (1974).
3. Driscoll and Spaziani, "Trace Gas Analysis by Photoionization," Anal. Inst., 13, 111 (1975).
4. Driscoll and Spaziani, "PID Development Gives New Performance Levels," Research and
Development, 27, 50 (1976).
5. Driscoll, "Applications of a Photoionization Detector in Gas Chromatography," Amer. Lab.,
9, 71 (1976).
6. Driscoll and Clarici, "Ein Neu Photoionization Detecktor fur Gas Chromatographie,"
Chromatographia, 9, 567 (1976)
7. Driscoll and Clarici, GIT Fachz. Lab., 21, 199 (1977)
8. Driscoll, "Evaluation of a New Photoionization Detector for Organic Compounds," J.
Chrom., 134, 49 (1977).
9. Driscoll, J.N., "Monitoring Non-Methane Hydrocarbons in the Atmosphere by
Photoionization," Proceedings of the 8th IMR Symposium, September, 1976, pp. 415-418,
NBS Special Pub. #464 (1977).
10. Driscoll, et al., "Gas Chromatographic Detection and Identification of Aromatic and
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in Complex Mixtures by Coupling Photoionization and Flame
Ionization Detectors," J. Chrom., 158, 171 (1978).
11. Driscoll, et al., "Development and Applications of the PID in Gas Chromatography," Amer.
Lab., 10, 137 (1978).
12. Jaramillo and Driscoll, "Analysis of Therapeutic and Commonly Abused Drugs in Serum
and Urine by GLC Using a PID," J. Chrom., 186, 637 (1979).
13. Jaramillo and Driscoll, "Optimization of a PID for Use with Capillary Columns," J. High
Res. Chrom. and Chrom. Comm., 2, 536 (1979).
14. Driscoll and Becker, "Industrial Hygiene Monitoring with a Variable Selectivity PID," Amer.
Lab., 11, 69 (1979).
15. Driscoll, et al., "Applications of a GC Employing an Integrated PID," Amer. Lab., 12, 84
16. Driscoll, "Review of PID Applications in Industrial Hygiene," Ind. Hyg. News, Vol. 3,
March, 1980.
17. Driscoll, et al., "Nuevos Electrodes Para La Medida de Amoniaco y CO2 Di Sueltos,"
Tecnicas de Laboratorio, pp. 855-61 (1980).
18. Nestrick, Driscoll, et al., "Chemically Bonded Supports for GC Expand Capability," Ind. R
& D, pp. 126 (November 1980).
19. Hewitt and Driscoll, "A New Concept in Environmental Chromatography," Anal. Inst., 19,
5 (1981).
20. Driscoll, et al., "PID - Automatic GC Combination Detects at ppb Levels," Ind. R & D,
(February, 1982).
21. Driscoll and Hewitt, "Instrumentation for `On Site' Survey and Indentification of
Hazardous Wastes," Ind. Hyg. News (May, 1982).
22. Driscoll, "Identification of Hydrocarbons in Complex Mixtures Using Variable Energy PID
and Capillary Column GC," J. Chrom. Sci., 20, 91 (1982).
23. Towns and Driscoll, "Detection and Identification of Amines Using GC-PID/NPD in
Series," Amer. Lab., pp. 56 (July, 1982).
24. Driscoll and Krull, "Improved GC Separations with Chemically Bonded Supports," Amer.
Lab., 15, 42 (May, 1983).
25. Krull, Driscoll, et al., "Trace Analysis for Organic Nitro Compounds by GC-ECD/PID
Methods," J. Chrom., 260, 347 (1983).
26. Krull, Driscoll, et al., Proceedings of the FBI Symposium on Analysis and Detection of
Explosives, pp. 107-22, Quantico, VA (March, 1983).
27. Driscoll et al., "A New GC Detector Combination: PID/FUV,", Kem. Kemi., 10, 11. pp. 97880 (1983).
28. Becker, Driscoll et al., "Instrument Calibration with Toxic and Hazardous Materials," Ind.
Hyg. News (July 1983).
29. Krull, Xie, and Driscoll et al, "The Trace Analysis for Organic Compounds via HPLC with
Photoionization Detection," J. Chrom., 302, pp. 43-50 (1984).
30. Krull, Driscoll & Swartz, "Multiple Detectors in Gas Chromatography," Advances in
Chrom., Vol. J.G. Giddings et al., eds. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 247-316
31. Driscoll et al., "New Continuous Monitoring Systems for Measurement of Hazardous
Pollutants," EPA Symposium, North Carolina (May 1984).
32. Driscoll and Ferioli, "Detectors in Chromatography," A.J.C. Nicholson, ed. Australian
Scientific Ind. Assoc., Melbourne, Australia, p. 127 (1984).
33. Krull, Swartz and Driscoll, "Derivatizations for Improved Detection of Alcohols by Gas
Chromatography and Photoionization Detection (GC-PID)," Anal. Lett. 17(A20), 2369-2384
34. Krull, Swartz and Driscoll, "Derivatization of Drugs and Bioorganics for Improved
Detection by Gas Chromatography and Photoionization Detection (GC-PID)," Anal. Lett.,
18(B20), 2619-2632 (1985).
35. Krull, Swartz and Driscoll, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. (1985).
36. Driscoll, "1 ppm EtO Standard: A Brief Overview," Ind. Hyg. News (January 1985).
37. Driscoll, "1 ppm EtO Standard II: Direct Reading Instruments," Ind. Hyg. News (May
38. Driscoll, et al., "A New Compact Expandable Gas Chromatograph," Int. Labmate (May
39. Driscoll, et al., "A Portable Expandable GC," Amer. Lab., (July 1985).
40. Driscoll, "Review of Photoionization Detection in Gas Chromatography: The First
Decade," J. Chrom. Sci., 23, (November 1985).
41. Driscoll, "Review of Environmental Applications for the Photoionization Detector," Int.
Labmate (April 1986).
42. Driscoll, et al., "Pick a GC That Will Do the Job for You Now and in the Future," R & D
(April 1986).
43. Driscoll, "The Third Generation Photoionization Detector for Gas Chromatography," Int.
Labmate. pp. 21-26, (June/July 1986).
44. Driscoll, "A Photoionization Detector Optimized for Capillary Column GC," Amer. Lab.
(August 1986).
45. Driscoll, "Recent Advances in Gas Chromatography Instrumentation: An Historical
Perspective," CRC Crit. Rev. in Anal. Chem., 17, 3, pp. 193-212 (November 1986).
46. Driscoll, "A PID Optimized for Capillary Column Applications", Int. Lab. (UK) Sept 1987
47. Driscoll and Duffy, "Photoionization Detector: A Versatile Tool for Environmental Analysis,"
Chrom. Forum., 2 #4, pp. 21-27 (May 1987).
48. Driscoll et al., "Analysis of Purgeable Organics in Water by Capillary GC/PID-ElCD," J.
Chrom. Sci. 25, 369 (August 1987).
49. Driscoll, Duffy and Pappas, "Capillary Gas Chromatographic Analysis with the Far UV
Absorbance Detector", J. Chromat., 441, 63 (May 1988)
50. Driscoll, Duffy, Pappas and Sanford, "Analysis of ppb Levels of Organics in Water by
Means of Purge and Trap Capillary GC and Selective Detectors", J. Chromat., 441, 73 (May
51. Driscoll, Atwood, and Hayhurst, "Continuous Monitoring of ETO by GC as an Employee
Exposure Indicator", I&ES News (UK), pp 5-7 (Summer 1988)
52. Duffy and Driscoll APCA (EPA RTP, NC) " A New Portable GC for Air Monitoring", May
53. Driscoll, Wood, et. al., "Determination of ppm Levels of Formaldehyde", Am. Env. Lab.
(Jan./Feb. 1991)
54. Driscoll, "UV Ionization Detectors in High Resolution Chromatography", Capillary
chromatography, Hill, H. ed., Wiley & Sons, NY (1992)
55. Driscoll, Whalen, Wood, and Ciak. "Looking for Pesticides by PID", Soils, Jan. 1992
56. Driscoll, Hanby, and Pennaro, Review of Field Screening Methods for the Analysis of
Soils", in Proceedings of the Soils Conference, Lewis Publishing, Ann Arbor (1992)
57 Driscoll, "Review of Field Screening Methods for the Analysis of Hydrocarbons in Soils
and Groundwater", Int. Env. Lab., Oct. 1992
58 Driscoll and Atwood, "Use of Selective Detectors for Field Analysis of Semivolatiles in Soil
and Water", J. Chromatog. (July 1993)
59. Driscoll, "Field Screening Methods" , Env. Anal.& Testing, Jan. 1993
60. Driscoll, "Portable Instrumentation for On-Site Monitoring of Toxic Gases", Amer. Lab.,
May 1993
61. Driscoll, "A Field Portable GC with Improved Versatility", Amer. Env. Lab. (Jan. 1993)
62. Whelan, Driscoll, and Wood, "Detection of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Atmosphere at
ppt Levels", Atmos. Env. (1993)
63. Driscoll, "Monitoring Indoor Air Quality", Bests Safety Directory, (1993)
64 Driscoll, J., UV Ionization and Absorption Detectors in Gas Chromatography , H. Hill
ed., Wiley-Interscience, (1992)
65 Driscoll, JN, Comparison of Headspace and Direct Injection Techniques for the
Determination of Low Levels of VOCs in Water Amer Lab News., Dec 1998
66 Driscoll, JN, PHOTOIONIZATION, Environmental Instrumentation and Analysis
handbook - by Randy D. Down, Jay H. Lehr - 2005 Wiley -Interscience 67. Driscoll, JN, GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY, Environmental instrumentation and
analysis handbook - by Randy D. Down, Jay H. Lehr - 2005 Wiley -Interscience 68. Driscoll, Measurement of Chlorinated HC with an 11.7 PID, Ind. Hyg. News, July
69. Driscoll, et al, A Portable Gas Analyzer With Wireless Transmission of Gas
Concentrations and GPS Coordinates, Amer. Lab Nov/Dec 2009
70. Driscoll, J., Photoionization in Important Instrumentation and
Detection of Chemicals in the Field.- AIHA, Cinn., OH (2013)
Methods for