The Buzz at Irmo Middle School ": Boys Advance
The Buzz at Irmo Middle School ": Boys Advance
The Buzz at Irmo Middle School ": Boys Advance
Boys Advance
PAC Championship
Monday 6:45
Irmo High School
See You There!!!
Valentine's Dance
Dates to Remember:
Mon 2/8
C Team Boys
Basketball vs. DFMS @
Irmo High Gym 6:45
Tues 2/9
G40 Mtg. 7:45-8:10
Media Center
NYC Expedition Mtg.
@ 6:30 IMS Caf
Thurs 2/11
Fine Arts field trip to
Elementary Schools
Valentines Dance 3:305:30
Fri 2/12
FCA Mtg. 7:40-8:10
AM Room 904
Do you judge a book by its cover? Try a Blind Date with a Book in the Media Center
We are excited to announce that our Young Scholars Program application is open.
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is looking for high-achieving seventh grade students
with financial need to apply for our unique pre-college scholarship and advising program. Young Scholars receive high school and college counseling, funding for summer
and extracurricular academic programs, access to internships and study abroad opportunities, and other educational resources including books and technology.
If you have news for the
Buzz, email Allison Redick
at [email protected].
We invite all interested to attend our upcoming webinar to learn more about the
Young Scholars Program benefits, eligibility, selection criteria, & key dates: Feb. 16, 67:00pm EST - or
contact the organizer for more information: [email protected].
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Students and their parents/guardians will make arrangements for the student to shadow a parent/guardian,
friend, relative or another person in a career of interest at the work site to include transportation.
Students are only eligible to have ONE day per school year for this activity.
Job Shadowing can be completed in a couple of hours, an entire day, weekends and/or holidays.
Students should demonstrate punctuality, honesty, good grooming habits, appropriate dress and willingness
to learn.
Any school work missed as a result of being absent for shadowing is the responsibility of the student.
If interested, please have your student contact Allison Redick, Career Specialist to pick
up a packet or go to our IMS Website under the Guidance Department/Career Specialist
to print a packet. Also, if you need assistance for a particular career to job shadow
please contact Allison @ 476-3668 or email:
[email protected]
Please help us to collect 36 shoe boxes in 20 days filled with new and gently used school supplies, journals and
letters of encouragement
Please send all items to Mrs. Hilton Room 900
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We are pleased to announce that this year we will be facilitating student-led conferences
(SLC's). For those of you who may be new to this procedure, the student-led conference process empowers the student to direct and report on his/her progress at school that specifically
addresses certain learning targets and our school-wide Habits of Scholarship. SLC's are research-based and used in many exemplary middle schools. Our Crew leaders have been
trained to assist, direct, and support our students throughout the preparation process. They
have coached, critiqued, and evaluated their students in order to have them ready to present
to their parents and guardians. In short, the students will be leading the conference while reflecting on their progress and setting goals for advancement.
During the conference process students will report on academic progress, articulate goals,
report on assessment data when appropriate, and share examples of their course work. They will present samples of schoolwork from all of their classes.
The student-led conference process is much different from the traditional parent teacher conference in which the teacher
does most of the talking and the parent does the listening. Often in such conferences, the student is not even present. The
role of the Crew leader in a student-led conference is one of coach, mentor, and advocate. It is likely that there will be several conferences will be taking place at one time within the same room. The Crew leader will circulate and be present for specific questions related to the process and support students as they reflect on their work. If a parent wants a parent teacher
conference with any particular teacher, they may request one at any time.
We believe that the student-led conference process allows students to take ownership of their learning and possess the responsibility for creating goals and identifying support structures needed to achieve their desired level of success. We are
pleased with the learning that is happening at Irmo Middle School's International Academic Magnet and know that our students are eager to present their progress to their parents.
We thank you for working with them in this journey. Below we have included some frequently asked questions and answers.
Why are we doing them at Irmo Middle School? How does it impact student achievement? When students are a vital
component of student-led conferences, they have more ownership in the learning process with opportunities for increased
student success. Students have an opportunity to present their work, reflect on learning, revise goals, and determine specific
strategies for continued growth.
When: Student-led Conferences will take place in March 2016 for all IMS students.
6th Grade March 7-11, 7th Grade March 21-24, 8th Grade March 14-18
Where: Crew leaders classroom, or another location decided upon by the Crew leader.
*Parent/guardian(s) will be given different times (20 minute time slots) during that week that they can sign up to attend.
What Should Parents Expect: Parents will be welcomed, and then invited to sit with their student as their child communicates their progress towards academic learning targets and Habits of Scholarship.
How can parents assist: Please support your child by signing up for a 20 minute time slot the week of their student-led
conference. Your attendance at their student-led conference will mean so much to them! Our goal is for 100% of parents to
attend. Sign up information will be sent home the first week in February.
For a sample of how these work, take a moment to watch the video at the following URL:
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