Foreign Direct Investment: Performance and Attraction: The Case of Thailand

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Foreign Direct Investment: Performance and Attraction

The Case of Thailand

The Brooker Group plc.1


Selected References

1. Introduction and Context

2. Industrial Development Trends

2.1 The Macroeconomy
2.2 Structural Changes in Industry and Policies, and Emerging Challenges

3. FDI Trends and Policies

3.1 Trends in FDI and Major Impacts
3.2 The FDI Policy Approach
3.3 FDI Promotion Activities

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

4.1 Main Conclusions: Opportunities Lost
4.2 Towards An Agenda for FDI Policies in Thailand
4.3 Lessons learned from the Thai Experience

This paper was prepared by Peter Brimble, with assistance from Hataichanok Techaratanawiroj of The
Brooker Group plc. and Atchaka Sibunruang of the Thailand Board of Investment, to be presented at a
Workshop on Foreign Direct Investment: Opportunities and Challenges for Cambodia, Laos and
Vietnam in Hanoi from August 16-17, 2002. It draws heavily on three related pieces of work: Arnold,
Erik, Martin Bell, John Bessant, and Peter Brimble. 2000. Enhancing Policy and Institutional Support
for Industrial Technology Development in Thailand - The Overall Policy Framework and The
Development of the Industrial Innovation System; Brimble, Peter., Sherman, James., Sibunruang,
Atchaka, and Rachatatanun, Witit. 1999. The Broader Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment on
Economic Development in Thailand: Corporate Responses; Brimble, Peter. 2002. Foreign Direct
Investment, Technology and Competitiveness in Thailand, Chapter in a World Bank Institute volume
forthcoming in 2002.


ADB Asian Development Bank

AFTA ASEAN Free Trade Area
AIT Asian Institute of Technology
ASC Australian Submarine Company
ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations
ASID ASEAN Supporting Industry Database
ATTC Ayutthaya Technical Training Center
BOI Board of Investment
BOT Bank of Thailand
BUILD BOI Unit for Industrial Linkage Development
CCST Certificate of Competence in Storage Technology
FCC Foreign Chambers of Commerce
FCCCC Foreign Chambers of Commerce Coordinating Committee
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FTI Federation of Thai Industries
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GNP Gross National Product
GSP Generalized System of Preferences
HDD Hard Disk Drive
IDEMA International Disk Drive Equipment and Materials Association
JPPSCC Joint Public-Private Sector Consultative Committee
KMITNB King Mongkut Institute of Technology North Bangkok
LDC Less Developed Country
M&A Mergers and Acquisitions
MNC Multi-National Corporation
MOC Ministry of Commerce
MOI Ministry of Industry
MOSTE Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment
NECTEC National Electronics and Computer Technology Center
NESDB National Economic and Social Development Board
NPL Non-Performing Loan
NSTDA National Science and Technology Development Agency
Plc Public Limited Company
R&D Research and Development
SME Small and Medium Enterprise
STDB Science and Technology Development Board
TBA Thai Bankers’ Association
TCC Thai Chamber of Commerce
TGA Thai-German Institute
TISTR Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research
TMT Toyota Motor Thailand
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
USAID United States Agency for International Development
VMC Vendors Meet Customers
WTO World Trade Organisation

Selected References

Arnold, Erik, Martin Bell, John Bessant, and Peter Brimble. 2000. Enhancing Policy and
Institutional Support for Industrial Technology Development in Thailand - The Overall
Policy Framework and The Development of the Industrial Innovation System, Paper
prepared for the National Science and Technology Development Board with support from
the World Bank, Bangkok, December 2000.

Board of Investment, 1999. Hard Disk Drive Industry in Thailand, Paper prepared for a
workshop on Thailand’s Hard Disk Drive Industry: Future Developments in a Regional
Context, Bangkok, July 16, 1999

Brimble, Peter and Chatri Sripaipan. 1994. Science and Technology Issues in Thailand’s
Industrial Structure: The Key to the Future. Prepared for the Asian Development Bank,
June 1994.

Brimble, Peter. 1999. Building Partnerships for Better Development: Outlook for
Partnerships in Thailand, Conference Proceedings of The 1st International Outlook
Conference on Community Development in Asia-Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand, 1999.

Brimble, Peter. 2002. Foreign Direct Investment, Technology and Competitiveness in

Thailand, Chapter in a World Bank Institute volume forthcoming in 2002.

Brimble, P., and Sherman, J., 1999. Mergers and Acquisitions in Thailand: The
Changing Face of Foreign Direct Investment. Paper Prepared for the United
Nations Conference on Trade and Development, May 1999.

Brimble, P., Sherman, J., Sibunruang, A., and Rachatatanun, W. 1999. The
Broader Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Development in
Thailand: Corporate Responses. Paper Prepared for the High-Level
Roundtable on Foreign Direct Investment and its Impact on Poverty
Alleviation, Singapore, December 14-15, 1998; Revised April 1999.

Brimble, P., Sripaipan, C., Vanichseni, S., and Mukdapitak, Y. 1997. Towards a
Technological Innovation Strategy for Thailand, Paper Prepared for the First
International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation, Macau, July 2-4 1997.

Brooker Group. 1996. Modalities of University-Industry Cooperation in the APEC Region.

Bangkok: APEC Research Project prepared for the Thai Ministry of University Affairs.

Brooker Group, 1999. Thailand’s Hard Disk Drive Industry: Future Developments in a
Regional Context, Summary of Findings of Workshop and the Elements of an Action
Plan, Bangkok, July 16, 1999

Brooker Group, 2001. NSTDA R&D/Innovation Survey, Final Report, September.

Dahlman, Carl and Peter Brimble. 1990. Technology Strategy and Policy for International
Competitiveness: A Case Study of Thailand. Industry and Energy Department Working
Paper, Industry Series Paper No. 24, World Bank, Washington, D.C., April 1990.

Development Evaluation Division, National Economic and Social Development Board, 1998.
Poverty Profiles for Thailand, in Indicators of Wellbeing and Policy Analysis, Volume 2,
Number 3, May.

Dollar, D., Hallward-Driemeier, M., Iarossi, G. and Chakraborty, M, 1998. Short-term and
Long-term Competitiveness Issues in Thai Industry, in Competitiveness and Sustainable
Economic Recovery in Thailand, edited by Witte, J. and Koeberle, S, The World Bank,

Doner, Richard and Peter Brimble. 1998. Thailand’s Hard Disk Drive Industry. Information
Storage Industry Center, Report 98-02. San Diego: University of California

Foreign Investment Advisory Service (FIAS). 1991. Backward Linkages of Foreign Direct
Investment - Selected Countries’ Experience and the Case of Thailand (Washington,

Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand (JFCCT). 2001. Toward Enhancing

Thailand’s Investment Climate: Progress Repot and Recommendations, Paper Presented
to the Prime Minister, April 2001.

Lall, Sanjaya., 2000. Foreign Direct Investment, technology Development and

Competitiveness: Conceptual Issues and Empirical Review, forthcoming in a publication
by the World Bank Institute, 2002.

McKendrick, David, Richard Doner, and Stephan Haggard. 2000. From Silicon Valley to
Singapore: Location and Competitive Advantage in the Hard Disk Drive Industry,
Stanford University Press: Stanford, California.

Nipon Paopongsakorn and Pawadee Tonguthai. 1998. “Technological Capability Building

and the Sustainability of Export Success in Thailand’s Textile and Electronics Industries.”
In eds. Dieter Ernst, Tom Ganiatsos, and Lynn Metelka. Technological Capabilities and
Export Success in Asia. 1998.

Somsak Tambunlertchai, Tracking Manufacturing Performance, Paper prepared for

UNIDO Project on Tracking Manufacturing Performance: Toward an early Warning
Mechanism Geared to the Real Economy, July 2002

Siamwalla, A., 1997. Why are we in This Mess?, J. Douglas Gibson Lecture at Queen's
University, Ontario.

Sibunruang, A., 1986. Foreign Investment and Manufactured Exports From Thailand,
Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University Social Research Institute.

Sibunruang, A., and Brimble, P. 1988. The Employment Effects of Manufacturing

Multinational Enterprises in Thailand, International Labor Office Working Paper No.
54, Geneva

Patarapong Intarakamnerd, Pun-arj Chairatana, and Tipawan Tangchitpiboon. 2001. National
Innovation System in Less Successful Developing Countries: The Case of Thailand,
Paper presented at the Nelson-Winter Conference at Aalborg, Denmark, June 2001.

UNCTAD, The Competitiveness Challenge: Transnational Corporations and Industrial

Restructuring in Developing Countries, 2000

UNCTAD, World Investment Reports (various years)

World Economic Forum, Global Competitiveness Reports (various years)

Draft for comments only
August 14, 2002

Foreign Direct Investment: Performance and Attraction

The Case of Thailand

The Brooker Group plc.

1. Introduction and Context

Foreign direct investment has been an important element of Thailand’s economic

development process. Given the growing importance of industrial competitiveness in an
increasingly competitive global marketplace and the potential of the relationship between
FDI and technological upgrading, this paper aims to explore two questions facing Thai policy
makers: (i) what are the most effective ways in which technology transfer can take place
through FDI; and (ii) how can such transfers be accelerated and enhanced through FDI
promotion policies?

This paper examines the overall impacts of FDI and related policies at the macro-level as
well as the promotion activities at the micro-level during the past twenty years in order to
synthesize and provide key lessons from the Thai experience on utilizing FDI as a tool of
economic development. Conclusions and recommendations will be supplied to support other
countries in developing and utilizing the FDI strategies.

At a conceptual level2, technological progress is achieved through a continuous upgrading of

technology, information and skills. The process becomes more complex in an environment
where both export competition and technical changes take place simultaneously and at very
Figure 1.1 high levels. The two critical
FDI, Technology and Competitiveness sources that determine the
Framework for Analysis level of technological
development - namely FDI
FDI Technology Frame work Firm-Level and domestic technological
Resources/ Conditions Tech. Dev. effort – are shown in the
Activities - MNCs
- Large Local Firms framework as feeding
Transfer Factors - S MEs
- S pillovers through the environment to
- Training the firms in the economy.
- Subcontracting Competitiveness
- Public/ pri vate
- Facilitation - Exports
Domestic - Institutions - ProductionThe environment includes
three elements: (a) the
Science and framework conditions – such
Engineering Economic as the state of the macro
Base Growth economy and overall policy
Environment environment; (b) the science
and engineering base; and (c)
the so-called transfer factors that condition the effectiveness with which the technological
assets of the economy are transformed into firm-level capabilities. These include a range of
The structure of the framework presented in Figure 1.1 was developed as an input into the Thailand
paper for a research project of the World Bank Institute on FDI, Technology and Competitiveness in
East Asia (see Brimble 2002).

elements including spillovers, training, subcontracting, public-private interaction, institutions,
facilitators, etc.

The macro analysis is prepared based on desk research and secondary data complied from
reference sources while the analysis of policy approach and implementation at the micro level
are derived from interviewing certain key involved officials.

Following the introductory remarks, Section 2 presents a brief picture of the macroeconomic
and industrial development scenes in Thailand since 1960. Section 3 analyses trends in FDI
and its major impacts, the policy approaches to FDI and promotion activities carried out by
the Thai BOI. Section 4 presents major conclusions, an agenda for FDI policies in Thailand,
and indications as to major lessons learned.

2. Industrial Development Trends

2.1 The Macroeconomy

Before the economic crisis in 1997, Thailand’s economic development was considered as a
continuous success with an average economic growth rate of nearly 8% p.a. from 1960-1996.
Despite the world recession of the mid-1980s, Thailand's economy grew at double-digit rates
during 1988-1990 and by over 8 percent per year from 1991-1995.

This rapid growth, driven largely by growing FDI inflows and exports, was accompanied by a
shift towards manufacturing, with the manufacturing share of total GDP reaching 29.9
percent by 1995, up from 11.6 percent in 1960. The key challenge to Thai-based producers,
domestic and foreign, by the mid-1990s was to enhance production capabilities and move up
the value-added ladder as competition from lower wage countries like China, India, Indonesia
and Indochina intensified.

The enormous influx of foreign funds following the country’s financial liberalization that
started in 1990 further eroded the country’s competitiveness as cheap and easy funds flowed
to unproductive businesses or businesses with less competitiveness. This spurred the demand
for local resources and hence the cost of production. The country faced a sharp decline in
export earnings while the country’s short-term debts and the non-performing loans of
financial institutions were piling up, which resulted in a huge and increasing deficit in the
current account balance. While the Bank of Thailand was seen as unlikely to devalue the Thai
Baht, speculators attacked the currency. The central bank failed to defend and lost a
tremendous amount of the country’s international reserves.

Then came the financial crisis. On July 2, 1997, the Thai government floated the Baht,
triggering a collapse of the financial sector and a devastating economic recession. GDP
declined by 1.4 percent in 1997 and by a further 10.5 percent in 1998. This compares to
expected 1998 growth rates of over 7 percent as recently as 1996. Inflation reached around 8
percent in 1998, after levels of around 5-6 percent for many years. The value of the Baht fell
from 25 to the dollar to around 42-43 in early 2002 (though this was better than the rate of 55
seen in early 1998). Table 2.1 shows Thailand’s key macroeconomic indicators.

Table 2.1
Thailand’s Key Macroeconomic Indicators 1995-2001

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000p 2001p

GDP at Current Prices (US$ billion) 167.7 181.6 150.3 111.3 122.0 121.8 114.4
Real GDP Growth Rate (%)
• Overall 9.2 5.9 -1.4 -10.5 4.4 4.6 1.8
• Agriculture 4.0 4.4 -0.7 -1.5 2.2 4.8 1.6
• Manufacturing 11.9 6.6 1.4 -10.9 11.9 6.0 1.2
• Construction 6.7 7.0 -25.6 -38.3 -6.8 -9.4 -3.0
• Services and Others 8.7 5.4 -0.4 -9.1 0.8 4.3 2.4
Sectoral Shares of GDP (%)
• Agriculture 9.5 9.5 9.5 10.8 9.3 8.7 8.6
• Manufacturing 29.9 29.7 30.2 30.9 32.7 33.6 33.5
• Construction 7.2 7.4 5.7 3.8 3.6 3.1 2.9
• Services and Others 53.4 53.4 54.6 54.5 54.4 54.6 55.0
Inflation (% change)
• Consumer Prices 6.1 5.5 5.6 8.1 0.3 1.6 1.6
• Producer Prices N/A 1.8 5.1 -12.2 -4.7 3.9 2.5
Exports: Value (US$ billion) 56.7 56.0 58.4 54.5 58.5 69.8 65.4
Growth (%) 24.9 -1.3 4.4 -6.8 7.4 19.3 -6.3
Total Debt Service Ratio (%) 11.4 12.3 15.7 21.4 19.4 15.4 20.7
• Public (%) 2.8 2.5 2.7 3.3 4.0 4.0 8.0
• Private (%) 8.6 9.8 13.0 18.1 15.4 11.4 12.7
Fiscal Expenditures (FY)
• Level (US$ billion) 25.7 32.3 29.6 20.3 21.9 21.2 20.4
• Fiscal Balance (% of GDP) 3.2 0.7 -1.8 -2.7 -2.6 -2.2 -2.6
Stock Exchange Index (end-period) 1,281 832 373 356 482 269 303
Sources: NESDB and Bank of Thailand, July 2002

While the financial collapse was primarily a short-to-medium term phenomenon caused by
inadequate financial regulations and weak public and private sector governance, deteriorating
industrial competitiveness exacerbated the situation. Export performance worsened
dramatically in 1996, falling by 1.3 percent after many years of 10 to 20 percent growth
rates3. The stock exchange went through a ‘meltdown’ in the same year. While GDP grew by
5.9 percent in 1996, the storm clouds were already looming4.

The economy returned to 4.4 percent growth in 1999, albeit with continuing low capacity
utilization and significant disruptions in the real sector, and continued to grow by 4.6 percent
in 2000. In 2001 GDP growth slowed to 1.8 percent due to weak export demand caused by
the global slowdown, especially for electronics products. This decline has placed pressures on
the fiscal balance that was recovering from the negative levels caused by the economic crisis,
and makes the economy more vulnerable to the weak performance in the US and Japan.
Reducing the level of non-performing loans and restructuring the corporate sector become
even more critical to continued economic improvement and investor confidence. Even if the
global picture improves and the Government continues to reform the finance and real sectors,
Thailand will still require significant increases in competitiveness in the major export sectors.

A constellation of factors led to the rapid decline in exports in addition to declining competitiveness,
including a slowdown in world trade, the emergence of China in global markets, EU restraints on certain
Thai exports, and fluctuations in global electronic markets.
See Siamwalla, 1997.

In this context of recession and relatively slow recovery (at least in light of previous very
high growth rates), the role of FDI, important in the past, became even more critical. FDI was
and is needed to help re-capitalize failing industries, bring in new technologies, generate or
save jobs, assist with policy reforms and play a role in addressing the challenges in the areas
of poverty and social unrest.

2.2 Structural Changes in Industry and Policy Responses, and Emerging Challenges

Since the early 1960s, when the first development plan was implemented, the government has
supported private enterprise and limited government involvement in the economy to the key
utility and infrastructure sectors and to maintaining an incentive structure to encourage the
private sector.

Phase 1: In the 1960s, the government followed a traditional import-substitution strategy,

imposing tariffs on imports, particularly on finished products. The role of state enterprises was
greatly reduced from the 1950s and investment in infrastructure was raised. Attention was given
to nurturing the institutional system necessary for industrial development.

Phase 2: By the late 1960s and early 1970s, the import substitution policy had led to balance of
payments problems since most components, raw materials, and machinery to support finished
product production had to be imported. A major policy shift towards export promotion took

Phase 3: The late 1970s and early 1980s saw continued interest in export industries, small-scale
industries, resource-based and labor-intensive industries and the promotion of regional
industries. In particular on the FDI front, in 1977 a new Investment Promotion Law was passed
which provided the BOI with more power to provide incentives to priority areas and remove
obstacles faced by private investors. Regional inequalities also became a key concern and the
BOI steadily shifted its emphasis from promoting export activities to promoting regional areas.

Phase 4: By the early 1980s, policy makers had become aware of the inefficiencies fostered by
high protection. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, therefore, they started to promote openness
and competitiveness. However, the strategy of opening up was not well thought through; the
selection of sectors was carried out in a rather ad hoc manner, based on short-term assessments
of industrial weaknesses rather than on long-term strategy.

Phase 5: The financial crisis, in particular, forced the government to focus on the short-run
financial restructuring and corporate restructuring of the large distressed companies. IN light
of increasing awareness of the importance of competitiveness, and the declining position of
Thailand in the international competitiveness sweepstakes, the post crisis period also saw a
number of initiatives to develop the industrial base and exports, largely in the form of
supporting institutes.

The 9th Economic and Social Development Plan to be implemented starting in 2002 identifies
competitiveness as one of the main pillars and embodies the return to longer-term issues.
More recently, the present administration of Prime Minister Thaksin has seen increasing
attention to industrial development and competitiveness. In early 2002, a very high-level
National Competitiveness Committee was established to spearhead government’s policy
efforts across a wide range of related areas, combined with the establishment of a special
Office for SMEs Promotion, something akin to the Board of Investment focusing on
supporting SMEs.

In terms of longer-term structural changes, Thailand has experienced GDP and export shifts
that appear to be lagging those of the East Asian newly industrializing economies (see Table
2.2). In the other three countries, agriculture has fallen almost to negligible levels, industry
has generally increased (with the exception of Taiwan), and services now account for around
50-60 percent. In Thailand, services are a little less important while agriculture remains at 10
Table 2.2
Changes in Thailand’s Distribution of GDP (%) by Sector as Compared to the NIEs

Korea Singapore
Sector 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1960 1970 1980 1990 1999
Agriculture 36.9 28.9 14.9 8.5 4.6 5.8 2.3 1.3 0.4 0.1
Industry 14.7 24.4 41.3 43.1 42.7 10.4 29.8 38.1 34.4 34.3
Services 48.4 46.7 43.7 48.4 52.7 83.8 67.9 60.6 65.3 65.6
Taiwan Thailand
Agriculture N/A. 17.7 7.7 4.2 2.1 37.1 30.2 23.2 12.5 9.1
Industry N/A. 40.9 45.7 41.2 32.4 14.1 25.8 28.7 37.2 41.7
Services N/A. 41.4 46.6 54.6 65.6 48.8 44.0 48.1 50.3 49.2
Source: ADB. (2000 and 2001) Key Indicators of Developing Asian and Pacific Countries 2000, Volume XXXI
and Key Indicators 2001: Growth and Change in Asia And Pacific

On the export front, Thailand again appears to lag somewhat (see Table 2.3). While since
1980 resource-based and labor-intensive products have fallen in share by some 20 percentage
points and science-based products have increased by around 25 percentage points, it is likely
that much of this increase is in the lower-end, intensive-intensive sector of science-based
exports. However, the trend is clearly towards electronics and related products.

Table 2.3
Distribution of Manufactured Exports by Technological Categories (%)

Korea Singapore Taiwan Thailand

Sector 1980 1990 1999 1980 1990 1999 1980 1990 1999 1980 1990 1999
Resource-based 9.0 6.8 11.6 44.4 26.9 13.2 9.8 8.2 9.2 21.7 13.8 10.7
Intensive- 49.2 40.8 23.2 10.6 10.3 7.6 54.3 41.2 31.0 47.0 45.5 35.8
Scale-intensive 23.6 19.3 21.0 9.3 5.9 5.5 9.1 10.3 10.6 7.8 6.3 7.7
Differentiated 11.3 15.6 18.7 20.5 22.3 21.2 12.4 20.6 20.4 22.2 14.1 19.5
Science-based 6.9 17.4 25.5 15.1 34.6 52.5 14.5 19.8 28.9 1.2 20.2 26.4
Source: Calculated from UN Comtrade data base

The issue of competitiveness became a critical area of policy focus throughout Southeast
Asia following the economic crisis that struck in mid-1997. Countries such as Thailand re-
examined their approach to growth and development and began searching for answers to
what went wrong in the late 1990s. As mentioned earlier, Thailand’s economic growth over
the past few decades has been built on relatively low-tech industrial development dependent
on a cheap and efficient workforce. Thailand was successful in shifting resources from
traditional agriculture to labor-intensive manufacturing. Vast amounts of FDI helped fuel the
Thailand economic miracle, and it appeared that the growth was limitless. However, with
intense international competition, particularly from other Asian nations that offered lower
cost labor and more abundant resources such as China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and
Vietnam, Thailand gradually lost its competitive position in labor-intensive exports because
of a strong Thai baht and rapid wage increases until the economic crisis struck in mid-1997.

Moreover, the country failed to undertake the necessary measures to continue moving up the
value-added chain.

What accounts for this sharp drop in Thailand’s competitiveness over the past few years? A
recent analysis of the Thai response to the economic crisis (Flatters, 1999) concluded:

“While overall productivity growth was moderate, most of it was in agriculture or

arose from inter-industry shifts. There was little indication of growth of technological
capabilities, or movements ‘up the ladder of comparative advantage’. Among the
widely recognized barriers to growth in competitiveness were very low levels and
quality of education, serious deficiencies in infrastructure development, and a policy
regime at the microeconomic level which was much too geared to creating and
preserving rents than fostering market competition.”

As the focus on developing competitiveness in Thailand shifts increasingly from

macroeconomic to microeconomic factors, and as Thailand is forced to move up the value-
added chain, the critical challenge will be one of developing the innovative capacity to
develop and commercialize new technologies, products and processes. Innovation can be said
to “drive the rate of long-term productivity growth and hence future competitiveness” (Global
Competitiveness Report 1999), but Thailand has fallen far short in this critical determinant of

The crisis revealed Thailand’s deficiencies in research and development, science and
technology, and in its overall education system. The investments in human resources and
R&D that are required to build the foundations for innovation involve a significant public
good element, are relatively bulky (or indivisible), and require a long time for the results to
become evident. This provides clear economic rationale for a strong government commitment
to supporting programs to develop higher quality S&T manpower and increased attention to
R&D both in the public and private sectors. If the Thai government waits any longer to make
this critical commitment to research and development and high-level human resource
development, one could expect a similar “competitiveness” crisis to reoccur after several
years of mild recovery.

Thailand has thus reached a critical crossroads in its quest to build back the competitiveness
of its industrial base. The Asian economic crisis dealt a heavy blow to the Thai development
model. With an increased recognition that macroeconomic liberalization and an economy
driven by manufactured exports would not ensure sustainable growth, Thai policy makers and
firm managers are belatedly shifting their attention to technology matters and human resource
development, and hopefully on ways in which FDI can be leveraged more strongly to support
these objectives.

See Brooker Group, 2001 and Arnold et al, 2000 for more information on these issues.

3. FDI Policies and Trends

3.1 Trends in FDI and Major Impacts

FDI inflows into Thailand increased substantially in the second half of the 1980s after the
Plaza Accord, which resulted in currency appreciation in Japan and NIEs such as Taiwan,
Hong Kong and Korea. From 1986 to 1989 Thailand attracted on average US$ 0.9 billion per
annum of net FDI flows, accounting for around seven percent of private business investment.

From 1990 to 1996, FDI hovered around a plateau of over US$ 2 billion per year, with a
slight drop to US$ 1.7 billion in 1993 and US$ 1.3 billion in 1994 as the effects of the
political unrest in the early 1990s affected foreign investor confidence. During this period,
there were substantial FDI flows into large-scale basic industries such as steel and
petrochemical, as well as infrastructure projects.

Following the depreciation of the Baht in 1997, FDI inflows have shown a dramatic increase
in both Baht and dollar terms, totaling US$ 3.6 billion in 1997, US$ 5.1 billion in 1998 and
US$ 3.6 billion in 1999 before falling to US$ 2.8 billion in 2000 and increasing to US$ 3.7
billion in 2001(see Table 3.1). Initial indications from the first five months of 2002 are that
FDI is headed for a dramatic fall in 2002, with an average monthly FDI inflow of US$ 45
million – compared with more than US$ 310 in 2002. This worrying development deserves
careful evaluation, as it would represent a significant reduction in foreign exchange inflows
as well as indicating a much smaller FDI base to leverage.

This growth of FDI in the post-crisis period was characterized by a dramatic increase in
mergers and acquisitions (M&A) as foreign firms took over Thai companies that faced severe
debt and liquidity problems. While hard statistics on this shift are not available, UNCTAD’s
World Investment Report 2000 reported that cross-border M&A sales or M&A FDI in
Thailand amounted to about US$ 0.6 billion in 1997 before rising to US$ 3.2 billion in 1998
and slightly dropping to US$ 2.0 billion in 1999 and US$ 2.6 billion in 2000. These orders of
magnitude were confirmed by a firm-level survey on M&A (Brimble and Sherman, 1999). In
terms of the contribution of M&A transactions to total net FDI flows6, it is estimated to have
increased from around 50-60 percent in 1998-1999 to 90% in 2000. Indications are that this
massive shift to M&A activities fell almost as quickly as it rose, with much fewer deals and
estimated values in 2001 and 2002.

It should be noted that the Bank of Thailand did not include foreign capital inflows for banking
capitalization in FDI statistics. The figure was about US$ 2 billion in 1998, which is when most of the
capital injections into the banking sector occurred.

Table 3.1
Inward and Outward FDI Flows in Thailand

(million baht) (million US$)

Net FDI Net Outward Net FDI Inflows Per Net Outward
Year Inflows FDI Inflows Month FDI
1970 891 neg. 45 4 neg.
1971 808 neg. 40 3 neg.
1972 1,427 neg. 71 6 neg.
1973 1,605 neg. 80 7 neg.
1974 3,836 neg. 192 16 neg.
1975 1,745 neg. 87 7 neg.
1976 1,614 neg. 81 7 neg.
1977 2,164 neg. 108 9 neg.
1978 1,135 124 56 5 6
1979 1,128 80 55 5 4
1980 3,878 62 189 16 3
1981 6,414 51 289 24 2
1982 4,331 -7 188 16 0
1983 8,225 33 356 30 1
1984 9,638 14 412 34 1
1985 4,402 23 160 13 1
1986 6,908 28 262 22 1
1987 9,044 4,333 354 30 172
1988 27,964 615 1,106 92 24
1989 45,698 1,285 1,780 148 49
1990 64,695 3,576 2,542 212 140
1991 51,390 4,279 2,033 169 167
1992 53,691 3,461 2,151 179 136
1993 43,812 7,416 1,732 144 294
1994 33,241 10,582 1,326 111 422
1995 49,887 20,823 2,004 167 835
1996 57,472 20,649 2,271 189 816
1997 117,696 12,434 3,627 302 447
1998 209,888 4,671 5,143 429 124
1999 134,592 12,781 3,562 297 344
2000 115,286 2,098 2,813 234 52
2001p 167,664 7,634 3,759 313 171
2002pp 9,895 2,380 227 45 55
Source: Bank of Thailand; p - preliminary; pp - preliminary Jan-May.
Note: neg. - negligible; Thai net outward flows of equity only.
Net inward flows of both loans and equity, not including the banking sector

Table 3.2 shows FDI by sector since 1970. The manufacturing sector has consistently been a
large recipient of FDI with an increasing share in net FDI flows. The sector share increased
from an average of 37 percent during 1970-1995 to 57 percent in 2001. The trade sector has
also gained share but at a lower magnitude from an average of 17 percent during 1970-1995
to between 20 and 30 percent of FDI over the past few years, dropping to only two percent in
2000 before recovering to 24 percent in 2001. FDI in financial institutions went up
significantly in 1998 to over 16 percent as a result of the increase in limits of foreign
participation in the banking sector; in the two previous years, the financial sector accounted
for only three percent of FDI. Once the banking sector essentially reached its limits for
foreign participation, FDI dropped to seven and five percent in 1999 and 2000, respectively,
and saw a net outflow in 2001. A popular sector for FDI in the early to mid-1990s was real
estate, which peaked at 33 percent of FDI in 1996, but once the property bubble burst in 1996
and 1997, the inflows almost completely dried up.

Within the manufacturing sector, the electronics industry relatively consistently attracts large
volumes of FDI, amounting to 17.6 percent in 2001. For the period 1998-2000, however,
electronics was overtaken by machinery and transport equipment, deriving mainly from the
automotive industry, as many Japanese automotive parent companies injected capital to assist
their subsidiaries and suppliers in Thailand following the crisis. The chemical industry
surged in 2000 as a number of local producers were restructured, accounting for 13.6 percent
of FDI, before completely dropping off in 2001.

Sources of FDI in Thailand have generally been quite diversified, including Japan, the United
States, Europe, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore as shown in Table 3.3. Japan had been
the largest national source of FDI since the late 1970s with the exception of being overtaken
by the US in 1999 and by Singapore in 2001. Japanese FDI dropped sharply in 1999 as a
result of the weak economic conditions in the home economy, but bounded back in 2000 and
2001 as Japanese firms increased equity shares in local subsidiaries. Since 1998, Singapore
has ranked high as a number of high profile Singaporean investments took place in banking,
telecommunications, and others, and certain foreign investors used their Singapore-based
affiliates as vehicles for activities in Thailand. The importance of Singapore is potentially a
worrying signal in light of the weaknesses in the global electronics sector and the potential
for Singaporean investors to sustain such high levels of investment. European investment
rose strongly in 1998 and 1999, led by the Netherlands, but fell off rapidly in 2000 to 2001,
with a substantial net outflow of Dutch FDI in both years. This decline was mirrored by a
dramatic fall-off in US FDI to only 1.5 percent in 2001.

Table 3.2
Net Flows of Foreign Direct Investment in Thailand by Sector
Million US$
Sector 1970-1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001p
1. Industry 6,591 709 1,820 2,209 1,268 1,813 2,153
1.1 Food & sugar 499 45 226 74 93 94 108
1.2 Textiles 492 49 42 125 20 29 55
1.3 Metal & non metallic 774 113 216 342 263 93 355
1.4 Electrical appliances 2,311 241 604 264 425 298 662
1.5 Machinery & transport equipment 584 109 396 661 394 667 430
1.6 Chemicals 1,018 183 163 225 8 383 48
1.7 Petroleum products -25 -250 10 329 8 30 277
1.8 Construction materials 57 3 -10 24 38 58 -3
1.9 Others 877 216 173 165 19 161 221
2. Financial institutions /1 1,215 72 110 842 247 134 -187
3. Trade 3,075 545 1,033 1,051 1,042 68 891
4. Construction 1,776 70 163 192 -151 -3 -3
5. Mining & quarrying 976 19 20 21 -42 -275 517
6. Agriculture 137 2 2 0 1 0 2
7. Services 726 125 292 275 485 449 164
8. Investment 59 -21 26 364 571 99 -49
9. Real estate 3,299 753 110 28 150 70 111
10.Others -156 -3 51 161 -9 458 160
Total 17,698 2,271 3,627 5,143 3,562 2,813 3,759
(% Share in Total)
Sector 1970-1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
1. Industry 37.2 31.2 50.2 43.0 35.6 64.5 57.3
1.1 Food & sugar 2.8 2.0 6.2 1.4 2.6 3.3 2.9
1.2 Textiles 2.8 2.2 1.2 2.4 0.6 1.0 1.5
1.3 Metal & non metallic 4.4 5.0 6.0 6.6 7.4 3.3 9.4
1.4 Electrical appliances 13.1 10.6 16.7 5.1 11.9 10.6 17.6
1.5 Machinery & transport equipment 3.3 4.8 10.9 12.9 11.1 23.7 11.4
1.6 Chemicals 5.8 8.1 4.5 4.4 0.2 13.6 1.3
1.7 Petroleum products -0.1 -11.0 0.3 6.4 0.2 1.1 7.4
1.8 Construction materials 0.3 0.1 -0.3 0.5 1.1 2.1 -0.1
1.9 Others 5.0 9.5 4.8 3.2 0.5 5.7 5.9
2. Financial institutions /1 6.9 3.2 3.0 16.4 6.9 4.8 -5.0
3. Trade 17.4 24.0 28.5 20.4 29.3 2.4 23.7
4. Construction 10.0 3.1 4.5 3.7 -4.2 -0.1 -0.1
5. Mining & quarrying 5.5 0.8 0.6 0.4 -1.2 -9.8 13.8
6. Agriculture 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1
7. Services 4.1 5.5 8.1 5.3 13.6 16.0 4.4
8. Investment 0.3 -0.9 0.7 7.1 16.0 3.5 -1.3
9. Real estate 18.6 33.2 3.0 0.5 4.2 2.5 3.0
10.Others -0.9 -0.1 1.4 3.1 -0.3 16.3 4.3
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
1/ The figures cover investment in non-bank sector only. p - preliminary
2/ Direct Investment = Equity Investment plus loans from related companies.
Source : Bank of Thailand, by Economic Research Department

Table 3.3
Net Flows of Foreign Direct Investment in Thailand by Region/Country
Million US$
Region/Country 1970-1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001p
Japan 5,334 523 1,348 1,485 489 869 1,374
USA 3,000 429 780 1,284 641 617 57
European Union (EU) 1,884 170 360 912 1,369 507 178
UK 651 57 123 103 183 401 329
Germany 344 42 59 101 289 104 32
France 393 30 2 277 241 27 102
Netherlands 361 - 40 156 333 644 - 73 - 384
Newly Industrialized Countries 5,919 653 879 1,114 896 845 1,805
South Korea 107 25 31 72 4 - 5 23
Taiwan 1,070 138 133 106 122 159 57
Hong Kong 2,893 215 444 395 233 333 162
Singapore 1,849 275 271 541 537 358 1,563
ASEAN (less Singapore) 118 37 26 35 35 29 44
Other Countries 1,443 459 234 313 132 - 54 301
Total 17,698 2,271 3,627 5,143 3,562 2,813 3,759
(% shares in total)
Region/Country 1970-1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Japan 30.1 23.0 37.2 28.9 13.7 30.9 36.6
USA 17.0 18.9 21.5 25.0 18.0 21.9 1.5
European Union 10.6 7.5 9.9 17.7 38.4 18.0 4.7
UK 3.7 2.5 3.4 2.0 5.1 14.3 8.8
Germany 1.9 1.8 1.6 2.0 8.1 3.7 0.9
France 2.2 1.3 0.1 5.4 6.8 1.0 2.7
Netherlands 2.0 -1.8 4.3 6.5 18.1 -2.6 -10.2
Newly Industrialized Countries 33.4 28.8 24.2 21.7 25.2 30.0 48.0
South Korea 0.6 1.1 0.9 1.4 0.1 -0.2 0.6
Taiwan 6.0 6.1 3.7 2.1 3.4 5.7 1.5
Hong Kong 16.3 9.5 12.2 7.7 6.5 11.8 4.3
Singapore 10.4 12.1 7.5 10.5 15.1 12.7 41.6
ASEAN (less Singapore) 0.7 1.6 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.2
Other Countries 8.2 20.2 6.4 6.1 3.7 -1.9 8.0
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
1/ The figures cover investment in non-bank sector only. p - preliminary
2/ Direct Investment = Equity Investment plus loans from related companies.
Source : Bank of Thailand, by Economic Research Department

Table 3.4 shows that there has been overall a decline in investment interest in Thailand. The
total planned investment of foreign projects approved by the BOI dropped by 58 percent from
326 billion Baht in 1996 to 136 billion Baht in 1999. This trend resulted mainly from the
shrinking of domestic demand following the crisis. In 2000 and 2001, the levels of BOI
approvals increased to around 210 billion baht in both years, largely due to an increase in
expansion investments of export oriented projects that performed very well after the Baht

In addition to the clear effects of FDI on foreign exchange inflows and exports7, it has been
found that foreign firms on average utilized labor and capital 50 percent more efficiently than
Thai firms, although a group of highly productive Thai firms also performed as well as their
foreign counterparts8. This indicates strongly the critical role that FDI can play in
contributing to overall productivity (Dollar et. al., 1998). It has also been found that foreign
enterprises in Thailand are becoming more involved in innovative programs to train and to
undertake technological activities9. While not yet constituting a statistically significant
quantitative trend, there are a number of interesting stories of such activities.

The benefits of foreign firms go beyond training and technology development. One additional
impact they have had in Thailand is to promote higher standards of employment practices
such as safety and sexual discrimination. Foreign firms have also played an instrumental role
in addressing issues such as AIDS in the workplace.10

It appears evident that FDI has made important contributions to the Thai economy beyond
simply generating new employment. It saved many jobs during the crisis by helping to
capitalize failing local industries. Other less evident benefits include bringing in new
technology and industries to spur competitiveness, improving corporate governance and
standards for working conditions, strengthening local capabilities through linkages, and
assisting with policy reforms and industrial restructuring.

It is imperative that government and private industry better understand the potential spillover
benefits from FDI, particularly in how it helps increase the country’s and firms’
competitiveness. The government will need to put forth a platform of policies designed to
specifically enhance competitiveness, restructure the industrial base, strengthen the legal and
regulatory frameworks that support business, and support closer interface among the
government, foreign investors, and the domestic business community. Moreover, the
government will need to explore selective interventions to encourage innovative programs
with foreign investors—such as linkages with local firms, academic institutions, and
communities. For its part, the local private sector will need to develop strategies to harness
the technical and managerial capabilities of foreign firms, establish greater forward linkages
with foreign firms, and discern ways of increasing their competitive position in global

See Brimble 2002 for a summary of previous studies in regard to exports and other impacts.
These results were calculated from firm-level data of more than 1,000 firms from which a simple
production function was estimated. More details are provided in Dollar et. al, 1998.
See Brimble et al., 1999 for additional examples. More such case studies are presently being compiled
by The Brooker Group for a number of research projects related to competitiveness.
An innovative position paper presented in Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand (JFCCT).
2001, contains additional examples of the beneficial impacts of MNCs and identifies, from the
perspective of the MNCs themselves, ways and means to enhance these impacts.

Table 3.4
Foreign Investor Interest in Thailand: BOI Approvals

Million Baht
Country 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Total Total Total Total Total Total Total
No. Investment No. Investment No. Investment No. Investment No. Investment No. Investment No. Investment
Total Foreign Investment 561 397,168 490 326,335 516 301,596 485 255,070 517 136,060 761 212,649 575 209,622
100% Foreign Investment 136 36,856 142 75,109 188 36,846 204 79,977 264 77,226 380 123,231 315 106,679
Japan 267 190,569 233 143,693 220 147,619 158 54,113 188 27,042 282 107,382 257 83,369
Asian NIEs
- Taiwan 91 39,945 61 69,135 56 11,931 69 10,029 86 7,910 120 17,632 50 6,824
- Hong Kong 12 2,032 8 1,675 9 1,389 16 5,064 25 1,899 31 6,241 20 9,710
- Korea 14 42,247 19 22,189 20 3,965 13 1,836 19 981 17 1,394 21 1,437
- Singapore 36 32,033 41 41,798 43 59,028 49 10,647 52 7,003 84 19,910 51 8,985
P.R.C. 5 196 4 889 1 45 2 69 7 560 8 367 12 8,690
Malaysia 23 5,121 23 1,730 33 4,713 21 4,129 27 3,418 43 6,095 29 27,895
Indonesia 3 712 3 634 3 559 2 480 5 1,149 4 1,300 2 350
Philippines 2 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 72 0 0 0 0
India 9 8,658 11 8,307 5 180 10 10,157 6 1,374 11 10,166 12 1,954
North America
U.S.A. 45 62,613 46 64,780 4 88,366 62 18,646 53 46,351 72 37,752 40 40,131
Canada 4 542 2 56 6 310 9 2,631 3 26,002 6 1,089 5 334
Australia 7 14,775 6 1,026 16 4,733 13 2,756 10 1,177 21 2,705 21 6,030
All Europe 72 53,592 87 58,021 95 88,813 123 134,326 83 34,007 144 31,175 87 26,042
- UK 18 6,067 22 9,952 24 28,460 33 31,380 17 3,919 38 5,815 18 4,852
- Germany 12 4,352 19 7,775 19 9,425 22 8,606 12 1,868 39 6,394 24 13,719
- Switzerland 7 1,980 9 2,630 10 898 11 1,548 10 3,170 10 2,283 7 2,545
- France 5 558 8 4,389 9 1,698 12 181 11 2,829 13 1,097 11 1,293
- Belgium 5 927 7 3,498 3 1,720 8 948 7 858 2 316 7 384
- Italy 10 1,235 2 38 7 935 4 783 3 106 9 425 2 629
- Netherlands 9 1,749 15 17,476 12 4,258 22 88,066 18 22,481 21 6,329 10 3,698

Notes: Firms with investment from more than one country are double counted. Foreign projects are those with a foreign component of 10% or more.
Source: Board of Investment

3.2 The FDI Policy Approach

The Thai government has in general taken a very favorable approach towards FDI. Although
there have been laws and regulations which limit foreign ownership in certain activities, they
have been progressively liberalized over the past decade, with an acceleration of this trend in
the period since the crisis.

Alien Business Law. The Alien Business Law, which was enacted in 1972 and restricted
majority foreign ownership in certain activities, was amended in 1999. The new law relaxes
limits on foreign participation in several professions such as law, accounting, advertising and
most types of construction, which have been moved from a completely prohibited list to the
less restrictive list of businesses in which Thais are not yet ready to compete. It also reduces
previous limits on foreign ownership of firms and manufacturing certain products such as
cement, pharmaceuticals, alcohol, textiles, garments and footwear. However, newspaper
publishing, farming and antique trading have become more restricted. Previous restrictions on
retail company and securities brokerage have been relaxed and no longer require special
government approval of foreign ownership. However, the relaxation on retail business has
caused public outcry about the impact of large foreign discount stores on local retail outlets,
and the present government has been under pressure to review the Law11.

Indeed, a committee has been established to review the law, and preliminary indications are that a more
restrictive definition of foreign ownership will be recommended as an amendment to the law. The time
frame for the consideration and possible implementation of this are uncertain.

BOI’s Ownership Limits/Conditions. The Board of Investment (BOI) used to restrict majority
foreign ownership in promoted projects that are resource based, services, and manufacturing
mainly for the domestic market. It has gradually relaxed this condition over the past decade.
In 1993, it allowed 100 percent foreign ownership for manufacturing projects located in Zone
3 (the least developed provinces) or exporting at least 80 percent of total sales. The BOI also
no longer considers the level of foreign ownership firms for projects that develop
transportation systems and public utilities, improve the environment, and are directly
involved in technological development.

Since the end of October 1997, the BOI provides approval on a case-by-case basis for foreign
manufacturing firms in Zones 1 (Bangkok and the other developed provinces) and 2
(medium-range developed provinces) to change their equity ownership to become majority or
100 percent foreign-owned if local shareholders give their consent. From November 1997 to
December 2000, 468 companies were granted permission to change their ownership
structures. This represents a surge in a rather novel form of merger and acquisition (M&A)
activities – the so-called BOI-type M&A which involved inflows of over US$ 1 billion by the
end of 2000. The BOI also abolished foreign ownership restrictions for new manufacturing
projects in Zones 1 and 2 since August 2000 under the new incentive package.

The BOI has been active in undertaking other policy and service measures to stimulate
expansion projects from existing investors and new greenfield projects, and also to encourage
foreign investment. Policy changes and incentives aimed at foreign investors include the
• The granting of investment promotion to existing non-BOI promoted companies seeking
additional foreign equity participation. The following conditions shall apply in this case:
o Companies must conduct activities eligible for promotion. However, location
requirements shall not be imposed.
o Applications must be submitted within 1999.
o Only non-tax incentives will be granted, including permission to own land, and to
bring in foreign experts and technicians.
• BOI-promoted companies are entitled to own land for residential and business purposes.
• Foreigners are now allowed to obtain permanent residence permits by investing certain
sums in Thailand.
• Establishment of a one-stop shop in 1997 to provide foreign companies with expedited
services related to bringing in expatriates to work in Thailand.
• The granting of non-tax incentives to trade and investment support offices, with a view to
facilitating foreign companies’ operations in Thailand.

The BOI has enhanced its role in matchmaking by introducing a Vendors Meet Customers
Program (VMC), which involves regular arrangement of supplier tours to select automotive
and electronics assemblers and aims to encourage subcontracting businesses in Thailand.
The BOI has also launched the ASEAN Supporting Industry Database (ASID) in order to
encourage sourcing of local parts and components.

Financial Sector Liberalization. Thailand’s weak financial sector played a major role in
triggering the economic crisis in 1997. The banking and financial sector has been practicing
unsound lending activities, replete with inadequate or no collateral, low bank capital
requirements, and misallocation of funds. Compounding the problems were an extremely lax
regulatory framework, including inadequate supervision and a lack of transparency, a
bankruptcy law without any teeth, and growing political interference in macroeconomic
management. The result of these problems was the near collapse of the financial sector in

Thailand. Fifty-six finance firms closed by the end of 1997, and six banks were nationalized
in 1998. The remaining banks were in frail condition, saddled by 2.73 trillion baht in non-
performing loans (NPLs), equal to nearly half of all lending.

Faced with tremendous re-capitalization needs of the Thai financial sector, the authorities
essentially removed foreign ownership controls for financial institutions. The government
announced in October 1997 that it would allow foreign firms to hold a majority or 100
percent stake in operating financial institutions for up to 10 years, after which any further
capital increases will have to be made available to local parties if foreign investors hold more
than 49 percent. The government also embarked on a privatization program for state-owned
banks, the sale of billions of baht worth of assets from the closed financial institutions, and
more recently, drafted legislation to establish the Thailand Asset Management Corporation,
which will consolidate the remaining NPLs in the banking sector.

Legal Infrastructure. The legal framework for foreign involvement in industrial restructuring
and M&A activities remains weak but has recently been considerably revamped. The
Bankruptcy Law was significantly amended by Parliament in March 1999 to provide
improved security for new lenders among other measures designed to facilitate corporate
rehabilitation and debt restructuring. Parliament also approved the establishment of a
specialized bankruptcy court. However, the Bankruptcy Courts and the application of the
amended Bankruptcy Law have barely scratched the surface of the vast backlog of cases.
Instead, more “informal” processes such as arbitration and payment rescheduling
arrangements between the creditor and borrower have been more successful in reducing the
number of NPLs.

Reforms were also made to the Foreclosure Proceedings Law to streamline the court
processes for the settlement of claims and to the Foreclosure Law (in the Civil and
Commercial Code) in order to increase the provision of secured credit. Overall, these reforms
are expected by most observers to create an environment of certainty over ownership that will
encourage much greater foreign involvement in the disposition of the assets from the defunct
finance companies as well as working out the non-performing loan problems of the financial

Although the general policy framework for foreign investment in the past few years has
become more liberal, it must be admitted that relatively little attention has been placed on the
technological features of FDI; it has been sought mainly to generate employment or exports,
or to play a role in the massive restructuring process.

Recent BOI investment policies, especially the revision in 2000, still place emphasis on
decentralization of investment into regional areas. The BOI also placed a cap on corporate
income tax exemption, limiting such exemptions to not exceed the amount of investment
capital (excluding costs of land and working capital). In addition, in order to strengthen
competitiveness of Thai industries, the BOI has required investors with investment capital
over 10 million baht to obtain ISO 9000 certificates within two years of operation.

The present government is now reviewing the BOI policy, with indications that the BOI will
in the future begin to provide more customized incentives to attract investors in targeted
industries, as compared to the relatively automatic approach in granting incentives that has
been implemented by the BOI over the past decade. This trend will be in line with the
deliberations of the newly formed National Competitiveness Committee.

3.3 FDI Promotion Activities

The Thai BOI has carried out activities under the three following broad headings, but with the
emphasis varying from time to time.
1. Image building to demonstrate how the host country is an appropriate location for
FDI. Promotion activities include:
- Advertising in general and business media;
- Participating in investment exhibitions;
- Advertising in industry or sector specific media;
- Conducting general investment missions; and
- Conducting general information seminars on investment opportunities.

2. Investment generation by targeting investors through various activities:

- Engaging in direct mail or telemarketing campaigns;
- Conducting industry or sector specific investment missions;
- Utilizing networks of overseas offices;
- Meeting with existing foreign investors; and
- Engaging in firm specific research followed by sales presentations.

3. Servicing investors by:

- Providing investment counseling services;
- Expediting the processing of applications and permits; and
- Providing post-investment services.

Image Building

It was not until the mid-1980s that the BOI started to carry out systematic promotion
campaigns Before that it had a very small annual budget and relied almost exclusively on
overseas offices in New York, Frankfurt, Tokyo and Sydney and a few missions a year. In
1986, the BOI obtained an extra budget of 50 million baht to accelerate FDI from Europe and
Japan. At that time, as the Yen appreciated significantly and Japanese firms needed to find
cheaper production bases abroad, the BOI found the situation conducive to diversify FDI
sources, especially from Europe. Activities that were carried out included advertising,
arranging for investors and journalists to visit Thailand to explore investment opportunities,
and organizing overseas missions.

In May 1992 Thailand experienced a political crisis that created a very negative image in the
international investment community. Therefore, the BOI initiated a campaign under the
slogan “Thailand: Open Society, Dynamic Economy” with cooperation from both the public
and private sectors. The total budget was 80 million baht, with 50 million baht from the
public sector and 30 million baht (both in cash and in kind) from the private sector.
Activities under the program included: advertising in leading newspapers in targeted
countries, organizing missions and presentations, inviting foreign business leaders and
journalists to visit Thailand, organizing the Thailand Forum involving about 50 CEOs of
leading foreign companies that had invested in Thailand to demonstrate their confidence in
the Thai economy, and publishing newsletters to inform investors about economic and
political developments in Thailand. The campaign appeared to be somewhat successful in
restoring Thailand’s image.

Another important campaign to demonstrate the capability of the Thai industry was the BOI
Fair that was organized in 1995, also to celebrate the King’s 50th anniversary on the throne.
It was successful, with over a million visitors during 10-day period.

The economic crisis in 1997 again prompted the BOI to carry out an image building
campaign. The 6-month campaign with a budget of US$ 3 million concentrated on
demonstrating the Thai government’s seriousness in solving the economic problems. It was a
joint cooperation between the public and private sectors with the Time Warner group. The
general consensus was that the campaign took place too early and that problems of validating
claims compromised the image building efforts.

As the economy began to improve, another BOI Fair was organized in early 2000 to
strengthen confidence among Thai as well as foreign investors. The exhibition-cum-trade
fair was organized in conjunction with the CEO Forum that provided 200 foreign and Thai
CEOs access to key government officials. In addition, 200 seminars were arranged during the
fair. It was estimated that about 4 million visitors came to the fair.

Investment Generation

Since the early 1990s the BOI has placed more effort on strengthening the role of the
overseas offices. Two more offices were added in Paris and Hong Kong (the latter was later
closed and replaced by Osaka). Staff in overseas offices were required to make fixed
numbers of new contacts with targeted companies. The BOI also carried out sector studies
and seminars and sent mobile units to targeted countries. However, the target activities were
not systematic and the tracking system was not well in place and varied from office to office.
The BOI has just started to put in place a computerized tracking system for investors

A recent announcement by the BOI in June 2002 identified five industries to be targeted for
proactive marketing: namely agro-processing; fashion industries especially garment, leather
and jewelry; automotive; information and communication technology (ICT) including
electronics; and high value added services such as long stay tourism and regional
headquarters. However, the nature of the targeting and proactive marketing to be carried out
is not yet clear.

Investment Services

The BOI has long provided comprehensive services to investors.

- Internet homepages that offer various types of information to investors.
- The BUILD Unit which helps develop linkage between MNCs and local suppliers by
organizing various activities such as the Vendor meets Customer Program in which
MNCS allow potential supplies to visit them to discuss possibility for more local
sourcing, the Market Place for parts and components where buyers display parts that
they want; and the BUILD Fair.
- One Stop Shop for Visas and Work Permits that issues visas and work permits within
3 hours
- The Investment Service Center that helps in match making and providing consulting

The BOI plans to put more emphasis on creating an enabling environment for investors,
especially in providing adequate infrastructure and skilled workers, as well as helping
investors to solve their problems. The Human Resource Development Unit has recently been

set up to work with the Department of Vocational Education and relevant institutes to supply
technicians as required by the private sector.

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

4.1 The Main Conclusions: Opportunities Lost

The first and most pervasive conclusion is that the full potential of FDI has not been realized.
Using the typology developed by Sanjaya Lall (2000), Thailand has essentially followed a
strategy towards FDI that lies well to the passive end of the spectrum. Thailand receives
billions of dollars worth of FDI, and the impact on the economy, growth, and employment is
substantial. However, relatively little attention has been placed: (a) on exploring the
potentially broader impacts of FDI in terms of linkages between foreign and domestic firms,
technological capacity building, and knowledge and skills transfer; and (b) on the potential
for undertaking more targeted investment promotion activities to fill technology gaps and
meet technology needs.

In the area of technology development, and in other arenas as well, this partly derives from
the need for key policy makers to recognize that firms are not only users of S&T services but
also the major generators of S&T results; they are the center of the national innovation
system. Attitudes toward the promotion of technological development activities in Thailand
must recognize this, and be significantly changed to put in place incentive measures that will
stimulate these firm-level efforts.

Second, Thai policy makers need to recognize that the challenge in the global economy of
today is to build knowledge, not just buildings and machines. Most incentives, and in
particular investment incentives, that are in place continue to primarily support capital
investments of one kind or another. While there has been much discussion of the knowledge
economy and the value of information, innovative FDI policies to support the domestic
acquisition, utilization and development of such assets remain to be developed and

Third, the need to actively enhance the broader impacts of foreign investors. While prevailing
perceptions are that MNC domestic strategies are completely determined by the head office
and that little is to be gained by closer collaboration with domestic MNC affiliates,
international evidence shows that MNCs are increasingly giving greater autonomy to their
affiliates in developing countries to make decisions on allocating resources to a range of
activities that support technological development, ranging from technical training to R&D
activities (see Arnold et al, 2000). This trend is also becoming increasingly evident in
Thailand and needs to be exploited.

Fourth, the need to carefully distinguish between the welfare and competitiveness objectives
in considering policy measures to enhance industrial competitiveness. A common perception
in Thailand is that large or foreign firms are capable of helping themselves and do not require
assistance from the government. The weight of international evidence indicates that the use of
public sector incentives to “encourage good firms to do good things better and with more
spillovers” can be good investments if the true externalities are correctly evaluated and the
programs are implemented fairly and efficiently. The critical lesson for Thai policy makers is
to create an environment that stimulates the private sector to devote greater resources to
technological development activities, especially those that lead to spillovers, and not to feel

threatened by the resulting “dynamism” generated by the business sector. Indeed, if
channeled properly, this private sector dynamism will drive Thailand to higher levels of

Fifth, the need to strengthen the investment promotion activities and make them more
proactive as tools of competitiveness policy, responding to the technological, managerial,
marketing and financial needs of the industry. Efforts to date have been relatively extensive,
but not well coordinated or monitored.

4.2 Towards An Agenda for FDI Policies in Thailand12

Selective Interventions. Efforts to enhance spillover benefits from FDI should become one
important platform of policies to enhance competitiveness and restructure industry. Selective
and active support from the government for innovative programs of foreign investors could
be very effective at harnessing both the financial and technical resources of foreign investors.
It is clear that the often-positive externalities associated with these activities provide a strong
rationale for policies and programs that support such efforts.

Promoting linkages. Particular attention should be given to incentives and other programs
that explicitly support linkages and interfaces between foreign investors and a wide range of
local players. Virtually no real government support for these linkage programs exist at the
present time.
• With government, in terms of inputs into formulating policies and providing regular
feedback on the impacts and implementation of policies. The recent activities of the
foreign business community to meet regularly with all key government agencies have
been fruitful and should be intensified13.
• With local firms, through vendor development programs and other activities such as
cluster and supply chain development. The range of policies and programs available to
countries that can be shown to have a demonstrable effect on backward linkage
development is presented in World Investment Report, 2001, which finds that well-
targeted government intervention can tilt the balance in favor of more linkages and
thereby contribute to knowledge transfers from MNCs that can feed into the development
of a vibrant domestic enterprise sector.” An element of this type of policy could include
matching grants for activities that can be demonstrated to create networks or linkages that
support increasing efficiency of the value chain.
• With academic institutions, through university-industry linkages that involve two-way
flows of information and technology. The types of activities undertaken by IDEMA (an
international association of disk drive manufacturers with a Thai branch), jointly with
AIT, demonstrates clearly the benefits of such linkages, with IDEMA actively been
pressing for the introduction of better support programs for training activities in all firms,
particularly SMEs and suppliers, but also for the major firms (as is the case in Singapore
and Malaysia). Despite active efforts, and strong involvement of the hard disk drive
industry, IDEMA to date has been able to identify very few programs that can be tapped
to support these innovative activities.

This section draws from Brimble, 2002.
See Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand (JFCCT) 2001, for more details on the content
and nature of these meetings and related activities of the foreign business community.

Implementing strategic promotion activities. As competition increases and attention shifts to
the “microeconomic foundations” of competitiveness, the importance of taking a more
strategic approach to industrial development becomes more critical. In Thailand, there has
been little in the way of strategic support programs for specific high-technology industry
groups, and where such initiatives have been carried out, the approach is fragmented and
characterized by lack of cooperation between the various government agencies. This contrasts
with Singapore, which has implemented proactive strategic policies through various
institutions, with a focus on cooperation between the public and private sectors to promote
manpower development, technological upgrading, and the development of supporting
industries, and with Malaysia that has an Industrial Master Plan which includes not only
technology capability development but also research and development, product design and
development of integrated supporting industries. Both Singapore and Malaysia have been
very proactive with promotional strategies to attract new players to the their respective
markets. Thailand needs to learn from these regional competitors. And the growing
importance of so-called “created assets”14 in the increasing competition for FDI also
highlights the need for a more proactive role of the public sector in facilitating joint activities
with foreign investors, as well as domestic investors, to stimulate the growth of
competitiveness-enhancing networks and services.

Creating positive awareness. One element of the enabling environment that could be
strengthened to facilitate FDI participation in Thailand is a more positive awareness of the
potential contributions of foreign investors. This could involve better dissemination of
information on the benefits of foreign involvement and the fact that most foreign investors
make a long-term commitment to Thailand and are willing to go much further in supporting
social and community development efforts.

4.3 Lessons Learned from the Thai Experience

A number of key lessons can be derived from the Thai experience:

• FDI policy making has tended to be determined in a reactive manner, rather than used as
a tool to strengthen industrial competitiveness;
• The outputs of FDI have been judged more on the quantitative results (such as FDI
inflows and exports generated by FDI) than on the qualitative impacts, which one could
argue are becoming more important;
• In general, as the balance between investment promotion activities moves away from the
provision of investment incentives, there is a strong need for better promotion activities;
• Investment promotion resources should increasingly focus on the strategic targeting of
investment, and must address areas beyond the basic incentive package – such as
technology and human resource development needs of industry;
• The critical need to work more closely with MNCs already in-country to maximize
spillovers and enhance benefits to the domestic industry and community at large;
• The importance of building and maintaining networks with all key players – domestic and

The growing importance of “created or strategic assets” in influencing foreign investment location
decisions is documented extensively in World Investment Report, 1998. It is suggested here that one of
the main results of greater so-called “broader” impacts of FDI could be to strengthen the level of
“created assets” in the Thai business environment.

• The importance of a basic analytical capacity to relate FDI policies to broader policy
issues, and the need for a firm-level tracking system to evaluate and improve promotion
activities; and
• The availability of software and analytical tools means that even small BOIs can develop
and implement Investor Targeting Strategies – something that can greatly enhance the
investment promotion effort as well as utilize financial and staff resources more


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