Astrology, A Free Online Course: Pisces

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Astrology, a Free Online Course

Category: Astrology
Written by Gnostic Instructor

This is a transcription of the audio lecture Astrology 12 Pisces (58.14 MB), which you
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Let us now dive within the great ocean of the sign of
Pisces; a beautiful sign, ruled by Neptune and
Jupiter. Pisces is symbolized by two fish united by
a hyphen between the hands of Neptune. This is a
very profound symbol related with the Monad.
We have to explain about the Monad in order for us
to understand our situation - or as we say in
Gnosticism, our level of Being. The Monad is the
Being. We always state that the reason for the
Being to be is to be the Being itself. All of us are
part of a Monad (a word rooted in "monas" from the
Greek language, which means "unity") - the
individuality within the Spirit. This is what we call
the Innermost.
In Pisces, you find that the god Neptune has
between his hands the two fish, which are the
symbol of the two souls that the Monad has. The
Spirit (the Being, the Monad) has two souls: one
divine and the other human. This is very important
to know, because the Spirit is one thing and the soul is another. People often mistake the Spirit
with the soul. But we have to explain here that the Spirit is, and a soul is acquired. We have to
explain in detail, so please use your imagination (a faculty related to Neptune). Imagination is
clairvoyance, and the faculty of clairvoyance related with Neptune is called intuitive clairvoyance,
which is distinct from simple clairvoyance.
When you see with your third eye, located between your eyebrows, you are using your
clairvoyant eye; this is a power related with the pituitary gland. Clairvoyance is also named the
eye of Shiva. Yet, indeed, the clairvoyant eye (related with the pituitary gland) is nothing but the
instrument or the carrier of the light of the pineal gland. These two glands - pineal and pituitary -

are located in the middle of the brain. The pituitary gland is a little bit forward of the pineal gland.
If you introduce a needle between your ears, from ear to ear, and another in the middle of your
eyebrows, exactly when the needles are crossing, inside your brain, is where the pineal gland is
situated, yet the pituitary gland is situated in front of and below the pineal gland.
The pineal gland is called the cyclop eye. In mythology, it is
stated that the cyclops were children of Neptune. This is
very significant and profound. This symbolizes that all of
those who developed their clairvoyant intuitive eye, do so
because they worked with the forces of Neptune.
The pineal gland is directly related with the development of
the sexual glands. In the sexual glands we have the entity of
semen (the Ens Seminis), which in Alchemy and in
Kabbalah is always related with the waters, the waters of
Genesis - a word which means creation and that is rooted
also in the greek word genos for race, kind. So, in the
sexual organs we have that water of Genesis within which
the fish swim, which are the spermatozoa in males and ova
in the females. The development of spermatozoa and ova
within the testicles or ovaries is done under the influence of the hormones of the pineal gland.
It is good to know that the contraceptives made for men and women have the goal of stopping the
activity of the pineal gland, so that it will not command the sexual organs to release ova or
spermatozoa. Thus, women and men who take contraceptives are indeed interfering, obstructing
the activities of their pineal gland. In women, the result of these contraceptives is that their pineal
gland does not command the release of ova from their ovaries, and in men it weakens the
spermatozoa so that they cannot swim into the womans uterus. So you see here, by studying
endocrinology we see the result of contraceptives.
The work of the pineal gland in relation with sex has been known in esotericism since ancient
times. In ancient colleges they taught this sexual wisdom, and they knew it through their
relationship with Neptune, because Neptune rules the pineal gland. Yes, they knew that with the
development of the pineal gland we develop that intuitive vision.
So, the development of intuitive vision - the power of the pineal gland - is only possible if we
transform or transmute the sexual energy. Yes, sexual transmutation is the key or clue for the
development of intuitive vision in order for us to see the ultra dimensions.
The cyclops are the symbol of a humanity that existed in the past who had that power. In the
times of yore - when humanity had not yet developed the physical sight, as we have now - in
those times, the intuitive eye (related with the pineal gland) was more developed. So therefore
humanity was more in contact with the internal worlds than with the exterior, which is the physical

Here we have to state the relationship of that inner sight with what in Egypt was called the
Amenti. You can read in many books about the Egyptian Amenti, which was ruled by Hades. But
because, they were also in contact with the wisdom of Neptune, thus, in relation with that vision,
the Egyptians called their science Neptunian-Amentinian science, through which the initiates
were entering into their own psyche in order to fight Hades and to develop their psychic powers,
their own spirituality. This is how the Spirit was acquiring what we call mastery, initiation, soul,
Remember that we stated that the Spirit is, and the consciousness (soul) is acquired. But we
have to know how. The Egyptians knew very well about this topic that we are teaching here. And
this is why we find in the Egyptian pantheon many symbols related with the Egyptian Amenti,
which most people relate with the forces of death, or the mysteries of death, because they are
beyond the physical world. We have to clarify this in order for us to comprehend the Egyptian
mysteries, the symbols of that great civilization.
Solon, the great ruler of Greece, brought this knowledge to Greece. Based on it the Greeks
founded the mysteries of Eleusis, the Eleusinian Mysteries, the mysteries of "Orpheus," which
are related with the descent into the Amenti, which they call "Thebes. Moses also brought the
knowledge of Egypt and distributed it in a kabbalistic way; this is how we find it in the Bible or
Many other great masters that existed in the past learned about this Neptunian-Amentinian
knowledge in Egypt, from that ancient Egypt, of which now you only see symbols in the physical
world, symbols that are already worn by time, like the Sphinx for instance, which is a great
symbol of that science of the Egyptian Amenti.
The Neptunian civilization comes from the past, from the Atlantean civilization, which was related
with the forces of Pisces, with the waters, a beautiful symbol of the Atlantean civilization. The
Atlantean word for water is a word that now we use in many languages, since Atlantis existed in
the Atlantean ocean. The word ATL - as in Atl-antean or Atl-antis - is a word that is rooted in
the Nahua, which is an ancient language still spoken in Mexico among the natives. Nahua was
spoken in Atlantis. Atl means water in that language. The language from Atlantis is called
"Watan. Thus, from atl come the words Atlantis and Atlantic, both related with the waters.
So, in Atlantis they knew very deeply the knowledge of Neptune, or the Neptunian-Amentian
science that here we are going to further explain.
The Neptunian forces are related with the superior aspect of the Moon. Meaning, beyond the
moon we find the forces of Neptune, because Neptune rules the oceans as well as the Moon.
When we were studying Kabbalah, we explained many times how the Sephirah Yesod is ruled by
the Moon. Yesod is in relation with the Akasha tattva, which is the tattva related with the
primordial waters of Genesis, which in Sanskrit is also called the Anupadaka tattva: the
parentless force, which in esoteric Christianity is called Maria or Mary. Mary, Maria, is a word

that emerges from this symbol that we are talking about here. Remember, Mary, Mother Mary in
Christianity is the virgin of the sea. They call her Stella Maris. The word Mary, Maria, from
Latin mare (mar, mer) is in relation with the ocean; the other vowels of Mar-ia - "i a" - are a
derivation of "i o" - the androgyny. So when you say Maria, or even the masculine name Mario,
it implies the forces of the water, the sea, within the duality of "i o."
Maria, Mary, symbolizes the Anupadaka tattva, the Mulaprakriti of the Hindus, that substance,
which is the matter in itself, without form, which is precisely the water that we are talking about
here and which is beyond the Moon, within the fourth dimension.
In the fourth dimension, we find the tattva of the water, which means the vibration of the water.
Within that water of the fourth dimension we find the origin of this planet Earth, since in the
beginning, according to the Bible, the Spirit of God was hovering upon the face of the waters.
The waters of Genesis that the Bible talks about are not the waters in this physical world, but that
water in the fourth dimension. And the spirit of God that was hovering upon the face of those
waters relates precisely to this Piscean symbol. This Spirit of God in Hebrew is Ruach Elohim,
which properly translated means the spirit of the Gods, not the spirit of God. Ruach Elohim is
mistakenly translated in the Bible.
You have to understand the difference between the Ruach Elohim and the Elohim, because
when you read the Bible it is stated there: "In the beginning Elohim created the Heavens and the
Earth." This is the first mention of Elohim. And then after that it is stated, "And the Ruach Elohim
was hovering upon the face of the waters." That Ruach is another element.
We have to understand that. Genesis is a book of Alchemy and Kabbalah. It is a Gnostic book.
Genesis is a very profound, symbolic, Gnostic book written by Moses. Moses was a Gnostic. He
learned all of this and wrote all of this there in Egypt, because Egypt, I repeat, is a branch of this
great civilization that existed in the past, which was the Atlantean civilization. And this Atlantean
civilization is a Neptunian civilization 100 percent.
The Atlantean civilization was ruled by Neptune (Atl = water). This means that the whole root race
developed within the Apas tattva, the tattva of the water. In order for you to understand what I am
going to state, I am going to explain something.
In those hot, very hot days of summer when you are driving on the road sometimes you see
far away on the road, on the pavement, something like water. Did you ever experience that
before? You see humidity on the road, but when you arrive at the point where you saw that water
vibrating on the road, you don't find water. The same happens in the deserts. That type of vision
or mirage when you see water but there is no water; you see water, but it is not physical. In
other words, the heat of summer makes the watery element of the fourth dimension vibrate, to
appear in the third dimension as a mirage. I am talking about the vibration of the tattva, because
tattva means vibration; tattva Apas is the vibration of the water. This is does not mean that in that
spot there is water no - it means that the vibration of the tattva of the water is being shown
there or at any other place where the heat is very strong. That is a phenomenon of the fourth

dimension that happens very often in

the three dimensional world. So
therefore, understand that the tattva
Apas was vibrating intensely,
especially in the Atlantean civilization.
If you ask me which tattva is
predominant in this Aryan root race,
we will answer that it is the prithvi
tattva, the tattva of the earth. In the
Atlantean civilization, they were in the
Apas tattva, the tattva of the water.
There was a transition between the
water of the fourth dimension into the
three dimensional world (in which we
are right now). Life in the Atlantean
civilization was not like this life that we
have here, which is more material,
more dense.
Neptune rules the tattva Apas, the
tattva of the water; in the Akasa tattva
he was the ruler of Atlantean
civilization. Neptune is a
Cosmocreator. A Cosmocreator is a
Monad who is the ruler of a planet, the
center of the life of any cosmic unit,
as we have our own particular Monad, unity within, in order for us to exist. So this ruler, this
Cosmocreator Neptune, controls not only the forces of water in the planet Earth, but in the whole
solar system.
The forces of that vibration of life that comes from Neptune are controlled and managed in every
planet by Jehovah, because Jehovah is the ruler of the moon of any planet. Jehovah controls the
positive ray of the moon and the life in the fourth dimension that crystallizes eventually in the
third dimension, in any planet. Not only in the planet Earth. Every moon in the solar system is
ruled by Jehovah, a great initiate of the past cosmic day, which was the lunar cosmic day. At
that time, that cosmic day was related with the same vibration that we are talking about here,
related with the Neptunian forces.
Neptune as a Cosmocreator rules that tattva, but always channels the Apas forces in the physical
plane. That is why Neptune is a profound Cosmocreator related with the pineal gland that gives
us that vision, when we know how to develop it. The way in which we work with the forces of
Neptune are written very clearly, but in a symbolic, kabbalistic, alchemistic manner in the book

of Jonah and other books of the bible, and other books related with the Gods of water. Neptune
is the king of all the Gods of the water, a ruler, a head. There are many Gods of water, or we
would say for your understanding - if you are Christian or Muslim: there are many Angels related
to water (whether called angels, devas, or gods, they are the same; these are just names); they
are entities who have wisdom in order to rule a force. We explain in order for us to understand
how the forces of the cosmos, the Macrocosmos, interact in the development of the
Microcosmos, the Microcosmos, which is the human being.
So in the time of Egypt, as well as in Atlantis, the internal worlds were easy to see, because the
people of those times had the Cyclopean eye developed. Not like we now: we have very well
developed the physical sight. In order for us to understand these topics we have to read or hear
lectures, because the pineal gland (the third eye, the cyclopean eye) is atrophied in all of us.
We have to develop it again; the physical sight and all the senses of the physical body were
developed at the expense of the powers of the pineal gland and all the powers of the heart. Now
we have to return into those times where the cyclopean eye was 100% developed, when
humanity was in contact with the Gods. That is why you find in the ancient tales or legends
people that talk about elementals, about fairies, about spirits, about the Gods.
Yet, in this day and age, the intellectuals who have completely atrophied the pineal gland think
that the people of the past were imagining, were thinking and inventing the Gods of the past.
They do not realize that people of the past had the pineal gland completely developed and they
saw them, as we physically see here, i.e. you see me, and I see you. They were not inventing
anything. They were in contact with the Gods and with the elementals. This is why those forces the elemental forces that existed at that time, behind this three dimensional world, fourth, fifth,
sixth, seventh and beyond - are called Neptunian-Amentian, which are the forces of the internal
worlds that the Egyptians knew, because they were in contact with them. They were not so
materialistic like us. And of course, all of those Monads or forces of the elements related with the
Amenti, were related with the forces of nature, whether with the water, with the earth, with the
fire, with the air yet in different octaves.

Usually these Gods or forces of the elements were sculpted - by the Egyptians - with the shape
of creatures of the air, of creatures of the fire, of the earth, of the water, or just by sculpting the
head of one of them in order to indicate the power they controlled. This is why in the Egyptian
pantheon (as well as in other pantheons of many civilizations) you find human bodies wearing
heads from different animals, which relate to the forces they command. Likewise, these beings
are in relation with psychological forces, spiritual forces, that now we have to recuperate in order
to become Kings and Queens of nature - like Jesus, as it is written in the bible: the Man, or the
human being is a king of nature and controls the forces of nature.

And Elohim said, Let us make Adam in our image, after our likeness: and let them
have dominion over the fish of the sea (tattva apas), and over the fowl of the air
(tattva vayu), and over the cattle, and over all the earth (tattva prithvi), and over
every creeping thing that creepeth (as the tattva tejas) upon the earth. - Genesis 1:26
In Egypt they knew that sooner or later the negative atoms related with Yesod (related with the
Ninth Sphere in Klipoth) eventually will surface on the physical plane and nullify the spiritual
sight. So the initiates were really alarmed, knowing that in the future days (which is this epoch),
humanity will be completely blind in relation with the Spirit and they will even deny the Gods. This
is why one of the priests of Sais" in Egypt said to Solon: "Solon, there will be the time in the
future where humanity will say that we the Egyptians were worshipping idols. And they will mock
our sacred hieroglyphics."
The prophecy from the Priest of Sais has been fulfilled. In this epoch, nobody understands the
Egyptian civilization, but they think they do. It is indeed sad, because those temples of mysteries
that existed in the Egyptian civilization, in the Atlantean civilization ruled by Neptune, still exist yet
we ignore them.
Kabbalistically, Neptune symbolizes the Holy Spirit, the energy that is related with the pineal
gland (Kether) and the sexual organs (Yesod). In this way we understand what is written in the
bible: no fornicator can enter into the mysteries of God. This is why the Atlantean civilization
sank because they broke the laws of Neptune, the Holy Spirit, which are the forces related with
the pineal gland, the psychological eye.
Yet, the Egyptians tried to preserve the Neptunian-Amentian atoms since, you know, the atoms
in the physical body of each one of us are related with our own psyche. So the people who have
that capacity of seeing the ultra, the internal dimensions, are physically imbibed, nourished with
the energies of the internal worlds; their physicality nourishes with it since they opened the doors
of Amenti in order for their psyche to enter and to see internally. For instance, when you go to
the forest, you are imbibed with the forces of the forest. When you enter into the ocean, you are
taking the atoms of that water into your body. So in the same way, at that time in the Egyptian
civilization, all of the great Egyptian initiates were having their physical atoms imbibed with the
forces of Neptune, thus they knew all of this because it was easy for them to see the internal
worlds and physical world. Their bodies were precisely the bodies of magicians. Likewise, the

bodies of the great pharaohs of Egypt were specially acquainted with it. They were not kings or
emperors like in this day and age that only see what is close to their nose. They had the pineal
gland developed and could see beyond the third dimension; they saw the fourth, fifth, sixth and
even seventh dimension.
This is why some initiates were preparing themselves in order to help this future humanity. For
this, they were mummifying their bodies. They were preserving their physical bodies; this was
the reason for mummifying them. The bodies were preserved with special elemental forces in
order for the physical atoms to retain those Neptunian-Amentian forces, so their soul - who
eventually will reincarnate in these times, who were related with those mummies of ancient Egypt
- will receive the benefit, since the atoms of those mummies still are related with those vibrations
of the Neptunian-Amentian civilization. There are many mummies in other places, since not only
the Egyptians were experts in that. So, the main reason for mummification was in order to help
Archaeologists only have discovered bodies that are mummified with certain elements; they do
not know why, but they invent theories, stories about it, i.e. they state that Egyptians believed that
after death and after the body is mummified, their soul can go to this or to that X place and many
stories based on a 100% ignorance.
The reason for mummification is this: there are many initiates whose bodhisattvas fell in this Kali
Yuga, Dark Age, whose physical bodies that they had at that time, when they were incarnated in
the past, in Egypt, still exist. It is not rare for these initiates when they enter into a certain level of
initiation to discover that they have a mummy in Egypt. There are many mummies.
Archaeologists have discovered some of them, but there are many more; mummies that are
waiting there in order for initiates in these present times to reach a certain level of initiation in
order for them to recover those Neptunian atoms for their own spiritual development, in order to
remember the past.
This is something that you acquire when you enter into the inner studies of Gnosticism, when
you start developing and entering into initiation, into alchemy, and develop your inner psyche
and Spirit; when you start remembering your past lives, and remember where you were
incarnated. Yet, in order to have the privilege of receiving the forces of those atoms from
ancient Egypt, or even from the Atlantean civilization, you have to gain a certain level of
development. If you are a fallen initiate, you have to recuperate what you lost; yet, even if you
are not a fallen initiate, you can also receive the benefit from those that have those atoms in
order to help you, because there are many initiates who in this time are actively trying to help
Pisces also reminds us of primeval Christianity, whose symbol was the fish. It was Jesus of
Nazareth (the Master Aberamentho) who brought this science during the era of Pisces, which
started at that time, because he was the Avatar of the Era of Pisces. Jesus started Gnosticism at
that time; he appeared in order to spread the Neptunian forces for this humanity. Unfortunately,
there were many individuals, initiates that betrayed Gnosticism, individuals that betrayed the

Gnosis of Master Jesus. Thus, the betrayed Christianity only developed agnosticism.
Here it is important to emphasize these two words, because many people who ignore the
meaning of these two words think that Agnostic and Gnostic are the same. Gnostic implies
somebody who is studying gnosis (Greek for knowledge) and developing knowledge related with
the Neptunian-Amentian civilization, somebody that is developing Gnosis with the Spirit and not
only in the intellect. If you put the vowel "a" before the word Gnostic or Gnosis, the result is
agnostic, which means "without knowledge." So an Agnostic is somebody who does not have
gnosis, knowledge, wisdom.
Because of the treason that many initiates committed at that time with Jesus, Christianity
developed itself in the agnostic way - meaning, it developed without Gnosis. Thus, this is why,
unfortunately, because Christianity only developed in the agnostic way, finally humanity fell into
Marxism and Leninism, which is the outcome of a religion without Gnosis. The Christianity
without Gnosis ended worshipping the personality of Master Jesus and forgot about the doctrine
of Master Jesus, which is Gnosis. We, Gnostics, have nothing to do with worshipping his
personality, because it is 100% ludicrous to think that because you believe in the personality of
Master Jesus, that he is the Son of God, you will go to heaven. That is Agnosticism.
Only the ones who practice the Gnosis - the knowledge of Jesus - are the ones that can be
saved, since salvation is practical and has nothing to do with believing in anything. Regrettably,
agnostic Christianity is precisely the Christianity that you find in this day and age. Yes, it is
Agnostic Christianity; nonetheless, they think that they are real Christians, but ignore that they
are agnostics, because the doctrine of Jesus was betrayed in the beginning. There were only
few disciples who became real Christians in the beginning. The millions that exist in this day and
age are agnostics because they do not have the real Gnosis that Jesus taught to his true

To you (disciples) it hath been given to know the secrets of the reign of the heavens,
and to these (others) it hath not been given - Matthew 13:11
According to the history of the development of modern Christianity, it ended in that dead sect of
Catholicism that is merely worshipping what they do not know. But, when you develop your
pineal gland, then your internal sight develops within you; this is how you then see internally the
wisdom contained in what you read and study in the scriptures. But you have to put those
spiritual atoms into activity, because in this day and age we have a lot of atoms related with
Klipoth, which blind us in relation with the superior parts of the Tree of Life, which relate to those
Amentian-Neptunian forces, which are elements related to the superior aspect of the Moon.
For instance, this great God in Egypt called Horus (pronounced Aurus) is a great Monad. Master
M states that when he gives a ring to any initiate, this initiate becomes a ruler of a great root
race. That happened to Moses - Moses was a great Egyptian in ancient Egypt - as well as to
Jesus and many other initiates of the past.

So here we arrive to what you have to comprehend: our own particular Monad, our own
particular Innermost, receives those powers. For this we have to understand that Pisces is also
ruled by Jupiter, who relates to another word, Io-Peter. You see, there are many Jupiters in the
Greek-Roman pantheon, not only one, many. And it is because Jupiter is related with the forces
of Christ, which are above. So we have to know that what is above is what is below and what is
below is what is above.
Io-Peter, or Jupiter, is Io-Patar. Patar is the sacred name of Peter. Of course, Jupiter is related
with the forces of the Pater in heaven. There is a prayer to Io-Patar that Jesus brought, that

Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.

Io Peter, or Jupiter, is the symbol of Christ, the Father of all Gods. This Father of all Gods,
Jupiter, is related with the Cosmocreators, Monads, who acquired self-realization in past cosmic
days. When somebody reaches realization of the self, then in the future cosmic day they appear
as a Cosmocreator, a vehicle of Christ, a vehicle of the Light.
Christ is not a person but an energy; as electricity is an energy, Christ is an energy. In
Kabbalah that energy is called Ain Soph Aur - in its primordial substance before manifestation.
But when that primordial force manifests that light it then becomes Kether, Chokmah, Binah.
Kether, Chokmah, Binah in Kabbalah is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But before manifested as
the Holy Trinity, Christ is unity. It is called Ain Soph Aur, the limitless light, or the uncreated light,
that utilizes the sun as the physical vehicle in order to be the center of any solar system.
Any star is a physical body of the Ain Soph Aur, which we also call the Ray of Okidanokh, the
omni-penetrating, omniscient light, that manifests everywhere. That light needs channels, forces,
in order to distribute energy, life, in the universe, so it utilizes the center of any cosmic unit in
order to distribute force in different levels, but the very center of it is always the sun, the star.
So if we go into the center of the Sun (which is our star in this solar system) not physically, but
we will say, within the Neptunian level, which will be in the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh dimension,
then we will find there the seven Spirits before the throne of God - the seven main
Cosmocreators, related with the Law of Seven that organizes this solar system.
These great Cosmocreators are Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Michael, Samael, Zachariel and Orifiel.
These are the highest ranked Cosmocreators in this solar system. They are found in the center
of the sun because they manage, they channel the Christic force, and physically they are
centered in different planets.
The book Pistis Sophia - dictated by the Master Jesus and written by his disciples - states that
there are Twelve Saviors. Why are there Twelve Saviors? This does not indicate any persons in
particular; we will say that there are twelve generators of Christic light that work in any humanity,
as in this solar system, in order to help the Spirit, the soul. These Twelve Saviors that the book of
Pistis Sophia talks about are related with the Twelve Tribes of Israel and with the Twelve Apostles

of Jesus; symbolically, yet they exist in relation with the Twelve Forces of Christ.
At a higher rank are the seven, which are called the seven Spirits before the throne, in the book
of Revelation.
So the whole of them - if we unite all of those cosmic forces, those generators of cosmic light in
one in this solar system - and if we name them Jupiter, we won't commit any mistake, because
they are the ones who throw the lightning or the rays of creation, the forces of the cosmos in
order for nature to develop in any planet. This is why Jupiter is represented by a King God who
rules Olympia, or Olympus, and who throws lightning and thunderbolts. That thunderbolt, that
lightning in the hand of Jupiter, is the power that these Cosmocreators have in order to develop
forces in any planet.

This is how Jupiter manifests, in the same way we can say, if we go to other solar systems. But
why are these forces of Jupiter called Io-Peter or Io-Patar? It is because when they enter into
activity, they do it through duality. That duality is called io: Father-Mother. And that is why it is
written that Jupiter always has his wife, and any Cosmocreator always has his wife, who is
related with their particular ray of development.
In the previous lecture on Capricorn, we were talking
about Saturn. Well, the wife of Saturn was Rhea.
And from the union of these two forces, the Gods
were born. If we study Kabbalah and Alchemy, we
will understand the meaning of it. For instance,
Neptune is a great God related with all of this that we
are talking about here. You see, in Greek mythology
Neptune is the brother of Jupiter and the brother of
Hades, of Pluto. There were three main Gods that
distributed the universe: Jupiter above, Neptune in
the sea, and Hades in the Infernos.
1. Superior Worlds (Heavens)
2. Physical World
3. Inferior Worlds (Hells)

Hades is also related with the superior part of the

inferior layers of the Earth, because when you go
inside the Earth, under the surface of the planet,
first you find the three dimensional plane which is
just rocks, magma and all that that you find under
the surface of the planet Earth, which present
scientists are studying, but there also exists the
fourth dimension and the other superior dimensions related to the inner layers of the Earth and

these are what is called in Egyptian terms the Amenti, the Neptunian forces related with the
Akasha tattva.
However, if you go in another level that is the infradimensions - into the inner layers of the
Earth, then you find Hell. Thus, there are two types of Hades: one related to the superior
dimensions and another related to the inferior dimensions of the earth, which is Hell, where the
lost souls go in order to disintegrate. This is something very important to know in order to
comprehend mythology and the ways in which many religions are established, because they are
related with both types of Hades. Unfortunately, in order to comprehend this, we have to use our
imagination the way it is (without the sight of the pineal gland), as we said in the beginning, so
lets us use the little bit of imagination that we have.
So, those Cosmocreators - which are called Jupiter, or Io-Peter - are precisely the Father that
Jesus named there in the prayer of the Lord. "Our Father (Io-Pater) who art in Heaven." Now,
you might ask, in which way, is Jupiter our Father who is in Heaven?
The Monad leaves the Absolute (Ain Soph) in order to acquire development, in order to acquire
knowledge. You see, each of us in his depth is a Monad - but within the bosom of the Father, the
cosmic Father, which is the Absolute, we are unknowable. We do not know our own capacities,
our own capabilities. This is why the Monads come out of the Absolute into the universe: in order
to develop, in order to know about themselves; as it was written above the entrance to the temple
of Delphi.

Homo nosce te ipsum.

Man know thyself, and thou wilt know the universe and the Gods.
When we as Spirits emerged from the Absolute, we were like sparks of light without knowledge.
This is similar to when you come to Gnosis, here you receive the doctrine, you are listening,
trying to understand, trying to comprehend, and you know that you have to read, you have to
study, you have to listen, you have to meditate in order to little by little to acquire understanding
of what we are explaining here in relation with your Spirit - because we are talking about
abstracts, aspects of ourselves, not physical aspects, but something that is beyond the physical
body. Likewise, the Spirit when it emerges from the bosom of the Father, the Cosmic Common
Father - which is not a person but the space itself, the abstract space - the Spirit appears in the
universe in order to learn. Notwithstanding, in order to learn you need a teacher, you need
somebody to guide you. I.e. here for instance if you want to receive or to study any career you
go to the university, you sit in a chair in a classroom, and sooner or later the teacher has to
come, because when the teacher does not come, it is a chaos. Likewise is the universe. Our
own particular Spirit needs to learn, he needs a teacher.
Of course, only Jupiter, only the Cosmocreators can teach a Monad, because the
Cosmocreators already traversed that path. And this is why when you enter into the solar system
or any universe, a Cosmocreator takes you, adopts you, in order to teach you about the

universe and nature, because they already know about the path, they are self-realized Monads.
This is precisely what you must understand about Gods or about Angels: they are individuals
who were like us in the past, but they reached the level of Master Monad and therefore now they
can teach us. But in order to teach us, we have to open our spiritual atmosphere, because they
teach the Spirit. They do not teach the physical body, because the physical body is only the
vehicle, the physical vehicle at the very bottom of the Being. The Being is the one that has to
learn, and he learns by developing consciousness, by developing soul, by creating soul.
So, this is very important to know, because this is precisely what we discover when we are in
contact with Jupiter, or in other words, with our Father who art in Heaven.
Therefore, these Cosmocreators impregnated our own particular Monad with a spark of light, in
order to teach what they know through that spark of light. That spark of light is what the bible
calls the Ruach Elohim. In the beginning of this lecture, we stated that Elohim is one thing and
Ruach Elohim is another.
So, this Jupiter - which is found written in Greek and Roman mythology - is called Elohim in the
Bible; as simple as that. Listen, the bible does not call God Jupiter, because the bible is not
written in Greek or in Latin - the bible is written in Hebrew, and the Hebrew word for
Cosmocreator (as we are explaining here) is Elohim, which means Gods and Goddesses.
Elohim is a feminine word; Eloah which is Goddess in Hebrew, with the ending of "im" which is
masculine plural ending. The word Elohim is translated in the bible as God, singular and male.
Yet, this is a wrong translation. Elohim is not male, it is male-female, and it is not one, it is plural.
So the right translation of Elohim from the Hebrew language, must be Gods and Goddesses,
which are precisely the Cosmocreators that we are talking about here. It should be as follows:

In the beginning Elohim created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without
form, and empty (which means that matter needed something, an element from these
Cosmocreators in order to influence such matter, in order for it to have intelligence
and to develop).
That intelligence, which the Elohim (in other words, which Jupiter) send into the matter, is called
Ruach Elohim, the Spirit of God. You see, the Monad is the Spirit of God, meaning, the Spirit,
the Innermost that animates our body; our inner God who is our Being.
Now, this Innermost is symbolized in the sign of Pisces as Neptune or Poseidon. I am not stating
here that Neptune or Poseidon does not exist - he does exist, he is a Cosmocreator, but
understand that every single element in the cosmos has his part within us. Remember that is
written that the human being is the microcosm of the macrocosm.
So we have that Ruach Elohim inside and that part is called Neptune, who is our own particular
Innermost, our own particular Spirit related with the pineal gland. That Spirit, that Innermost, is
represented in the Tree of Life by the Sephirah Chesed. Chesed is the Son of God. And here
you find the beautiful doctrine of Jesus that states about the Son of God. Who is this Son of

God? The Son of God is Chesed, the Innermost, the Spirit, that emanated from the Father
(Jupiter) who is in Heaven, who is represented by Kether, Chokmah, Binah - Father, Son and
Holy Spirit - what in Hinduism is called Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Many religions represent this
trinity in different ways, because this trinity is related with Jupiter.
Io-Pater divides itself in two, into Io in Binah, in order to engender Chesed. In other words, in
all mythologies you find that the Cosmocreators divide themselves in two, male-female, the
duality, because the Elohim are dual, masculine and feminine at the same time. But in order to
create, in order to project themselves into the matter, they divide themselves in two, male-female.
In Kabbalah they are called Abba and Aima. They relate with what Moses wrote, "Honor Father
and Mother" - Father-Mother relate to the Inner Self that becomes divides in two within. Thus,
after they divide in two, they unite, and create Chesed, the Innermost, the Spirit. This is how the
Spirit descends from Heaven.
So when you go inside yourself and say, my Father, my God, you are talking to your
Innermost, your Spirit. But you have to understand and comprehend that the Spirit which is
within you - because each one of us has his own particular Innermost, our own particular Spirit and each one of those spirits or Monads is the child, the spark, of Jupiter, the spark of the
It is stated that there are seven rays of creation that organize all the Monads, all the elements in
nature, in humanity. So when you say, "Our Father who art in Heaven" you are pointing here,
up, to this Innermost, this spark of light that was engendered by Jupiter.
Every Monad has to develop two souls in order to acquire the knowledge that Jupiter has, that
the Elohim already have. This is why we are sent to the matter.
The cosmic knowledge related with the Neptunian-Amentian civilization is related with that which
is beyond the three dimensional world; it is related with the Spiritual Soul, which is called
Geburah in the Tree of Life. The spiritual soul is symbolized in many religions and many
philosophies, schools, in different ways. For instance, Solomon called the feminine soul (the
spiritual soul) the beautiful Sulamite or Shulamite; in Song of Songs of Solomon in the bible is
written about her. In the Arthurian legend, this feminine soul is called Guinevere. It is a symbol of
the feminine soul. It is also called the Valkyria. This feminine soul is always united with the
Innermost; the divine spiritual soul, is the divine consciousness, the divine knowledge that our
own particular Spirit has in relation with his Father who is in Heaven.
This is why in Greek mythology it is stated that Neptune only obeys Jupiter. Many Gods were
trying to control Neptune, but Neptune always answered, "I only obey Jupiter." Meaning, our own
particular individual Spirit only obeys the Father who is in heaven, because it is the son or part,
brother of it. So our Ruach Elohim is our Innermost that is the son of the Elohim. To discover that
in our own psyche, by our own spiritual sight, is beautiful.
This is how you understand the meaning of Jonah, when he is thrown in the waters of the ocean.

The God of the sea, Neptune, is the Spirit of God hovering upon the face of the waters; he
moves the Akashic forces, but above in Daath is Jehovah, which relates to Jupiter, controlling
the forces, the two forces of Io, the spiritual forces. Thus, everything is inside of us.
The gourd of Jonah, in the bible, that gourd, that pumpkin, is in relation with Halloween. We
talked about that very extensively in the lecture of Capricorn. Within the head or our own
pumpkin, which is the mind (the pumpkin or gourd of Jonah according to the bible), we find all
those monsters and forces, negative forces that we created.
In this day and age, they sometimes relate Halloween with the mummies. Well, that is a positive
aspect. If somebody has a mummy, then he has something related with those forces of Neptune,
but in synthesis we have to understand that the Innermost, the Ruach Elohim (that is within the
waters), symbolizes Neptune who has always in his hand two fish; two souls, one divine and the
other human. The human is that soul that descends. That human soul is what Jesus of Nazareth
called the Son of Man. You can see that there are two different things here, the Son of God is
Chesed, the Innermost, but the Son of Man is Tiphereth, the human soul. The human soul has to
work, has to develop, which we have to create; and such is the mission of the Spirit, who is sent
by the Gods into the earth; he has to develop or as we say to evolve in nature in order to acquire
We know that we are part of the human soul, because part of that human soul that is in the
hands of Neptune, that is in the hands of our Innermost, descends into the matter and that part of
that human soul, that embryo of soul, is the one that we call consciousness, that we call soul,
essence, and is that soul which is inside your body right know, sitting here or listening this
lecture through the internet and trying to comprehend his own origin. That embryo of soul is what
the Bible calls Israel.
The children of Israel are twelve, related with the twelve zodiacal signs. They are sent from above
into the physical plane in order to create, in order to develop, in order to work. So the children of
Israel are all of this humanity, because each one of us is born under a zodiacal sign, and there
are twelve signs. The most elevated among the twelve is the sign of Leo, because Leo is the
house of the Sun, the house of the Ain Soph Aur, through which the Cosmocreators work in
every tribe of Israel.
All these twelve tribes are in Egypt. Egypt symbolizes the physical world. Here is where we have
to build the pyramids. The pyramid is the symbol of the mind. When somebody creates a
pyramid, he is ready for the Exodus, which is a work that we have to perform inside, not outside,
because everything is symbolic.
So then, this embryo of soul, is the soul, the consciousness that evolves from the mineral, plant,
animal and human kingdoms in order to acquire the humane level, human level. But for that we
have to connect ourselves with our Innermost in order to do the work, because remember that
the power of this Ruach Elohim that hovers upon the face of the sexual waters is the child of the
Elohim that says:

Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good. And
God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the
waters from the waters. And divided the waters which were under the firmament from
the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. - Genesis 1: 2,6,7
So there are many levels in which this spirit, or Ruach Elohim, that descended from above into
the waters, can develop. The steps are written in the book of Genesis, the steps to acquire that
development through Alchemy.
Those who acquire self-realization, who acquire, who perform the goal that we want or have to
do it - because each one of us has to do it - they are called the children of Judah or Lion Cubs
or "Lion Whelps", the little Lions. Why the little Lion? A lion cub is the son of the big lion, and
that big lion is Leo, is Jupiter. The little lion is the child of God, somebody that is self-realized,
that is a vehicle of that light, of that fire. The Bible calls these lions cubs Jews, because Judah is
that tribe related with the constellation of Leo.

Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down,
he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? Genesis 49: 9
So when the bible states "The children of Judah" it is pointing at the initiates who already selfrealized themselves, those who have the lion, the fire, incarnated; those are the true Jews, this is
why it is written in the Book of Revelation the following:

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and
are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and
to know that I have loved thee. Revelation 3: 9
This means that in order to become a real Jew, or a
child of Judah, you have to have the Christ
incarnated. This is also represented in Hercules,
represented in Moses, represented in Buddha,
represented in Zoroaster, represented in Jesus.
Those are lions cubs, or bodhisattvas as we say in
Sanskrit. That is why Jesus, in the gospel of John,
states: "Salvation comes from the Jews", this does
not mean that in order to be saved you have to go to
Israel, the middle east, and to worship the Jews of
the middle east, no: the Jews in this case represent
the Christified ones, those who self-realized
themselves, because through them is channeled the
force of Christ. Of course, in the past many
acquired that level of children of Judah, a Jew, or

we would say a bodhisattva, vehicle of the Elohim. Moses reached that level, Abraham reached
that level, Isaac reached that level, Jacob reached that level, Jesus as well, Krishna, Buddha
Gautama Sakyamuni, Lao Tse, Quetzalcoatl, Mohammed, all of them are great children, Jews,
bodhisattvas that reached that level. Their Innermost, the Son of God, completely developed the
forces of the Elohim or the forces of Jupiter. This is why Jupiter is called the Father of all Gods.
So this is the way that the word Jew must be understood.
Neptune helps; this is why when you read the Odyssey of Homer, you find there the way in
which Neptune puts the ordeals of the initiation to Odysseus, also Ulysses, in order to become a
hero. Neptune is the one - because Neptune works through the waters he is the Ruach Elohim
in the Initiation. Likewise with Jonah, when Jonah was three days within the belly of the whale, in
those three days he uttered a prayer that has nine aspects related with the Ninth Sphere. He
uttered a prayer inside the whale and the whale vomited Jonah, but that is a symbol that you
have to perform, because we have to be swallowed by the whale. That whale represents the
physical world, represents the planet Earth; it has many symbols. That whale is also the same
Ark of Noah. And that is why in the other lecture we stated that water is related with the Hebrew
letter mem, and the number 40.
Thus Pisces is in relation with water, a sign of water within which the fish is swimming. In this
case, physically speaking, we have to state, if you want to perform the great work, you need two
fish. One fish is called spermatozoon and the other is called ovum, because one is feminine and
the other is masculine. And this is how the Ruach Elohim works in the waters of sexuality in
order to create life in the physical world. As below, so above. If you want to create life internally,
you have to know how to utilize the ovum and the sperm in Alchemy. But your Innermost, your
Spirit, is the one that does it.
This is why the great initiations and degrees are always related to your own particular Spirit. This
is why you have to remember your inner God; this is why you have to remember your inner
Being; this is why you have to be aware and to remember your Self inside of your body. When
you remember your Self inside of your body, during anything that you do, when you move your
body here and there, if you remember that you are inside the body, that the body is only a
vehicle, you are then acting through your pineal gland.
When you remember yourself second after second, the chakra related with the pineal gland
spins, which is the chakra Sahasrara, what in the bible in the Book of Revelation is called the
Church of Laodicea, which is the door that opens heaven. If you read in the Book of Revelation,
Laodicea, which is the church related with the pineal gland, it states that it is an open door for
you. That open door is opened by Neptune and then you enter into the Neptunian mysteries,
which are very profound. Then you study the mysteries of the Sphinx. This is precisely what
Gnosticism is. When this door is open, then you start studying the true Gnosticism, because
right now you are just reading this lecture through your eyes. You can also read many books of
Gnosticism. But if you want to be an initiate and to really learn what is Gnosis in reality, then you
have to open the charka Sahasrara and then the Lords of Neptune will open the doors for you

and you will enter into the mysteries of Egypt. Then you will understand all the mysteries that we
are explaining here, that is the true knowledge, the true Gnosis, and then you will understand
many things, because all the phenomena, and spiritual things that we speak about here, happen
within you when you develop the pineal gland little by little.
Such is the mystery of Pisces, the mystery of how the Spirit of God, the Ruach Elohim, controls
nature through the two consciousnesses, the two souls. One is spiritual and the other human.
The spiritual is represented in many ways, like for instance in the story of David, the king of
Israel, the divine soul is represented by Bathsheba, which means the daughter of the seven.
Of course, the seven in this case are the seven Cosmocreators, which are above, and that
spiritual soul is the inheritance of the seven. So the Innermost has joint this divine knowledge;
thus, when you reach the First Initiation of Major Mysteries, that cosmic knowledge unites with
your Spirit and you are born again in the internal planes. That is to be born again. That is the

Questions and Answers

Question: Pisces was the previous age that finished in 1962 right?
Answer: Yes, Pisces is the previous age that finished in 1962. Unfortunately, as you see, this
knowledge, this type of spiritual doctrine, is completely abstract; you cannot see that with the
physical sight, if you only read or hear about it, but the only way is by putting in activity the fish,
which is related with the sexual force. That is why I said in the beginning when Jesus started
Christianity he was teaching Alchemy or the way in which you have to manage the two fish.
Unfortunately, there were certain subjects at that time that betrayed Gnosis. After Jesus death, since they not only killed Jesus, but they also betrayed Gnosis - Jesus doctrine was not
delivered in the right way. Thus since that time, they started preaching celibacy, which is of
course contrary to nature. Moreover, celibacy without the teachings of the transmutation of the
sexual energy as a single person. So therefore, Gnosticism died in the beginning, because
Gnosticism, real Gnosis, is base in the transmutation of the water into wine. That is why the first
miracle that Jesus performed in the gospels was the transmutation of water into wine at the
wedding of Cana, because the whole work that we have to perform is between man and woman
in the holy matrimony.
Single persons cannot do the entire work; they can advance to certain level, but beyond that they
need a partner. In this physical world, if a man wants a child, he needs a woman; if you are a
woman you need a man. Same thing internally: you have to know how to transmute the water into
wine. Unfortunately, those people in the beginning of Pisces betrayed Gnosis and then Gnosis
entered into obscurity, in which instead of teaching the real doctrine they were preaching
agnosticism and the doors of the internal worlds were closed, because without the Holy Alchemy,
without Gnosticism, nobody can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Still people in this day and age think that in order to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, the
superior dimensions, the Neptunian-Amentian forces, they can do it just by believing. Factually,

nobody is born by believing. So that is unfortunate. Now we are in the Aquarian age and the era
of Pisces finished, thus now we are entering again into the mysteries of Aquarius, which was
explained in the previous lecture.
Question: How was Gnosis betrayed?
Answer: The mysteries of Yesod related with the Neptunian forces are also related with the
Moon, and the Moon is related with the races. Lunar religions are related with races, not only
developed for certain privileged people. That is why in the past, those that wanted to have this
type of knowledge that we are publicly teaching now, had to be first a king, a prince or queen, or
a member of certain college of initiates. At that time, in the time of Jesus, this knowledge was
known among the Jews and among other groups, but only in groups, in families. Jesus came in
order to make this knowledge universal, in order to teach this to all the souls, not specifically for
certain races. But the Jews didn't like that. (When I say the Jews, I am talking about the Jewish
initiates of those times, not all the Jews, because in this physical world there is a country called
Israel, where the people that called Jews live, the Jewish people, but not all of them are initiates.)
These were people that were selected in order to teach the knowledge that we are teaching here,
but when Jesus came in order to say this is the time now in order to give this knowledge to all
humanity, to all the gentiles, they didn't like it. So therefore, they betrayed Gnosis. Then Gnosis
developed, or better said, Christianity developed in other ways, in the agnostic way. If all of
those initiates at that time of Jesus would have obeyed the order of the White Lodge, now we
would have something different. But unfortunately still, they deny that Jesus was the Messiah, or
the Messenger, from above. Another question?
Question: If certain ones become Cosmocreators, what happens to the other ones?
Answer: Which other ones?
Question: The ones that do not become Cosmocreators.
Answer: Well, they are not Cosmocreators. In order to become Cosmocreator you have to selfrealize yourself. If you don't care about this knowledge, if you really want to live life as my buddy
and everybody, so you won't succeed the goal. Obviously this is called the self-realization. Most
of people that do not self-realize, they sink into the abyss, because there are 108 opportunities
in order for us to acquire the self-realization; if we don't like it, if we don't want it, because
everybody has free will and we respect the free will, so therefore then you follow the mechanicity
of nature and you sink into the abyss, called Inferno, Hell, Hades, or whatever. For nature, this
will be just, we will say, the recycling aspect of nature in which the soul is purified by the forces
of nature. This is the fate of those who do not want to follow the Cosmocreators.
You will not become a Cosmocreator in one life; many Monads that are on the path take many
lives, they continue their work in every life, thus, going up and up and up. Yet in order to
become a Cosmocreator you have to take the direct path. You have to study this doctrine in
order to understand.

Question: What are some ways to open or develop our pineal gland?
Answer: The best way is to remember yourself, to remember always that you are inside the
body. Always seeing what is going around you, without forgetting that you are inside of your
body. That effort to remember that you are inside your body, activates the pineal gland. Also you
can practice a mantra in order to put it into activity, the mantra is the sound of the letter "I", send
the sound to the pineal gland. That sound helps to activate the chakra of the pineal gland.
Question: The questioner asked about the Cosmocreators, the questioner believes that there are
only seven Cosmocreators, so when a new becomes a Cosmocreator he must knock one out.
Answer: No no no. The higher rank or the higher family of Cosmocreators is seven, because
there is a law in the universe, the Law of the Heptaparaparshinokh, the Law of Seven that
organizes. That is why you find seven days of Genesis and you find the number 7 in the bible
many times, because it is the law that organizes. 7 days of the week, 7 chakras, 7 churches, 7
dimensions, this is why there are 7 Cosmocreators that control this Law of Seven. But
Cosmocreators in this solar system are many. After these 7 are another 5 that form 12, related
with the 12 apostles of Christ. And after this 12 comes 24, 48, so there are many
Cosmocreators. Neptune is a Cosmocreator. Uranus is another Cosmocreator. Pluto. They rule
in different ways, they control other forces, but the main ones are seven. That is why we always
talk about 7 rays. Here we are talking about Pisces, the Pisces people that are ruled by Neptune,
they have to align to any of the 7 rays, because only 7 rays organize, but they may be related to
other forces. So Cosmocreators are many and not all of them are controlling planets. There are
Cosmocreators that are related with Cosmocreation who travel in space like comets, in order to
teach. So there are different types of Cosmocreators.
Question: You said "atl" means water by the Nahuas, Nahuatl is the language of the Nahuas, the
question is then, what does Nahua mean?
Answer: "Atl" means water. "Anahuac" means "a house that emerged from the waters." There
are other meanings, yet the meanings that I know is that Anahuac, in that language, means "a
land that emerges." Obviously, this Kingdom of Anahuac emerged after the sinking of Atlantis.
Question: In Genesis it talks about to separate the superior waters from the inferior waters,
what does this mean?
Answer: To separate the superior within the inferior waters, of course, is a work in Yesod, in
which the animal forces that work through the waters in a level which are passional. That is why it
is written that in order to go to the other side, - you see, the Neptunian-Amentian forces which
are the works of Yesod, Eden - you have to pass through the Red Sea. That passing through the
Red Sea are precisely the dividing of the water; you see there, the water are divided. The same
is in Buddhism; meaning that you have to pass to the other side of the river. That is why the word
"Hebrew means "the one that is from the other side." This means that first you have to leave
your passional waters related with lust. Regarding this latter case for instance, humanity is

already in a big deluge. Flood deluge, or flood of degeneration, sexual degeneration. They swim
in polluted waters, you see them everywhere, so you have to leave those waters, to divide the
water, you have to leave those passional waters, and to go to the other side, which is superior
part of the moon, Neptune, the superior waters.
This is why when the Egyptians - which in this case symbolize those passionate people that like
fornication, adultery and all of that in sex - try to go to the other side, they know the knowledge
and said ok we will try, but they are trying to do it with passion, and then the water swallowed
them, killed them. Only those that were working in chastity are guided by Moses and Moses
symbolizes the Willpower that we have to develop in order to control the Red Sea, the passional
waters, the bloody waters. Everything is a symbol.

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