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Evaluation of Response Reduction Factor For RC Elevated Water Tanks

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Evaluation of Response Reduction Factor for RC Elevated Water

Prof. V.D.Gundakalle, Professor ,Department of Civil Engineering, K.L.E. College of Engineering and Technology,
Belgaum, Karnataka, (India)
Prof.Abhishek.S.Pathade, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, K.L.E. College of Engineering and Technology,
Belgaum, Karnataka, (India).
Mubashar Munshi Post Graduation Student, K.L.E. College of Engineering and Technology, Belgaum, Karnataka,
The actual earthquake force in considerably higher than what the structures are designed for. We cannot design the
structures for the actual value earthquake intensity because the cost of construction will be too high. The actual
intensity of earthquake is reduced by a factor called response reduction factor R. The value of R depends on how
we design the frame members. From previous study it is noted that the R factor depends on ductility factor (R),
strength factor (Rs), structural redundancy (RR) and damping associated with structure. The objective of this work is
to evaluate the response modification factor (R) for RC elevated water tanks supported on framing system are
considered having staging height of 15m and 21m with varying capacities and staging configuration. These tanks are
designed for gravity as well as seismic loads. A non-linear pushover analysis is used to calculate the base shear
capacity and ductility of tanks. Two different cases of collapse criterion are used for defining ultimate stage on the
capacity curve. It is observed that the R are increasing with time period but the variation is not consistent. RS is
higher for lower staging height.
Key words
Response reduction factor, Seismic design, static nonlinear pushover analysis
The concept of R factor is based on the observations that well detailed seismic framing systems can sustain large
inelastic deformations without collapse and have excess of lateral strength over design strength. It is found that R
factor is depends on ductility factor (R), structural over strength, structural redundancy and damping associated with
structure. Each of above factor further depends on parameters discussed below. Ductility factor is defined as the ratio
of elastic strength demand imposed on structure to inelastic strength
demand for a given ductility ratio ().
The R factor is function of displacement ductility, fundamental time period, and ground motion characteristics, type of
foundation strata and characteristics parameters of hysteretic models. Structural over strength (Rs) is defined as ratio
of maximum lateral yield strength of structure to code specified design base shear. It accounts the excess strength
because of load factors in various design load combinations, reduced design strengths of materials by factor of safety.
ATC-40 has developed modeling procedure, acceptance criteria and analysis procedures for pushover analysis. This
document defines force-deformation criteria for hinges used in pushover analysis.

As shown in Figure.1 , five points labeled A, B, C, D, and E are used to define the force deflection behavior of the
hinge and three points labeled IO, LS and CP are used to define the acceptance criteria for the hinge. (IO, LS and CP
stand for Immediate Occupancy, Life Safety and Collapse Prevention respectively). The values assigned to each of
these points vary depending on the type of member as well as many other parameters defined in the ATC-40[3]
SAP 2000 software is used to perform the static pushover analysis. The user establishes grid lines, places structural
objects relative to the grid lines using points, lines and areas, and assigns loads and structural properties to those
structural objects (for example, a line object can be as-signed section properties; an area object can be assigned slab
properties). The program simplifies seismic analysis by providing modeling features such as rigid diaphragms to
model slabs. Analysis and design are then performed based on the structural objects and. It can take the results of an
analysis as input to define the hinge properties of members so that pushover analysis can be carried out. Results are
generated in graphical or tabular form that can be printed to a printer or to a file for use in other programs.
In the present study the gravity load analysis and lateral load analysis as per the seismic code IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002
are carried out on water tank and an effort is made to study the effect of seismic loads on them and their capacity and
demand is evaluated using nonlinear static pushover analysis guidelines given in ATC-40.
2. Structural modeling
The RC beams and columns are modeled as three dimensional frame elements with centerline dimension. Slabs are
modeled as membrane elements and are assumed to behave as rigid diaphragms. Column foundations are assumed
to be fixed. Damping ratio of 5 percent is assumed for all natural modes. For the nonlinear static analysis, rigid zone
factor of unity is assigned to beam-column joints. Flexure moment (M3), axial biaxial moment (PM2M3) and axial
compressive force (P) hinges are assigned at the face of beam, column, and Bracing respectively. The ATC [40]
document for concrete building lays down modeling procedures for pushover analysis. This document defines forcedeformation criteria for hinges used in pushover analysis.
2.1 Water tank description
In the present study elevated water tanks rectangle in plan are considered for different staging height. For 150 m3,
and 200 m3capacity ESR has a staging configuration of 9 columns, 3x 3 grid in X-direction and Y-direction Figure 2.
For 600 m3capacity ESR has a staging configuration of 16 columns, 4 x 4 grid in X-direction and Y-direction Figure 3.
For uniformity and simplicity, all beam sizes and column sizes are kept uniform. All structural members are designed
and ductile detailing as per IS 13920 .For deriving relations with ductility, R factor against time period,
zones.Following models are considered.

15m and 21m staging height with 150 m3, 200 m 3and 600 m3 capacity of tank for seismic zones II, III, IV, V.
Design data for the buildings considered are as follows:
Grade of concrete M20, steel Fe415, density of concrete=
25kN/m3, Elastic modules of concrete (Ec)= 22.36105 kN/m 2,
live load intensities for roof slab =1.25kN/m2. In the seismic weight
calculation, only 25% of the floor live load is considered. R as per
international standards for elevated tanks:
IBC 2000 / FEMA 368 R = 1.5 to 3.0
AWWA D110 Rc = 1, Ri = 2 to 2.75
ACI 350.3 R = 2.0 to 4.75
IS:1893 2002 (part 2)
RCC frame support R = 2.5
3. Analysis procedure
Developing a three dimensional model of RCC frame
I Application of gravity loads, live loads, water load, etc.
II Application of static lateral load induced due to earthquake, at
CG of container.
III Pushing the structure using the load patterns of static lateral
loads, to displacements larger than those
associated with target displacement using static pushover
IV Developing pushover curve and estimating the force and
deformations in each element at the level of displacement
corresponding to target displacement.
The tank was designed and detailed in accordance with the codal
provisions of IS:1893 1984 and IS: 13920 1993. The container
and framing system is modeled in SAP2000 for performing static
pushover analysis.
Assign hinge properties available in SAP2000 as per ATC-40 to
the frame elements. For a beam default hinges that yield based
upon flexure (M3) is assigned. For the column default hinges that
yield based upon the interaction of the axial force and bending moment (P-M2-M3) is assigned. For a bracing default
hinges that yield based upon flexure (M3) is assigned. After assigning hinge properties to the structure, the static
pushover cases were defined. Typically, the gravity loads were applied first and then subsequent lateral static
pushover load cases were specified to start from the final conditions of the gravity pushover in the gravity case, the
structure was loaded with the dead load and 25% of the live load. The application of gravity loads was forcecontrolled whereas the application of lateral loads was displacement-controlled. The first mode response of the
structure was assigned as the load pattern for the lateral push applied to the structure. The procedure involves
applying horizontal loads, in a prescribed pattern, to a computer model of the structure, incrementally; i.e., pushing
the structure; and plotting the total applied shear force and associated lateral displacement at each increment [1].
From the analysis, the base shear (V) versus roof displacement (Delta (D)roof) curve of the structure, usually called
static pushover curve, is obtained Pushing the structure using the load patterns of static lateral loads, to
displacements larger than those associated with target displacement using static pushover analysis. The maximum
limit for the roof displacement is specified as 0.004H, where H is the height of the structure [2]. The base shear and
roof displacement is recorded at every step. The final output is the static pushover curve.

Due to plan symmetry of structure, the pushover analysis is carried out in X direction only. Hence, earthquake loads of
tank full condition is given in X-direction only.
4. Results and discussions
4.1 Performance point and location of hinges
From result its observed that the First hinged formed at
5th Step. The maximum number of hinges formed in elastic
range only. Hence, it indicates that there is a need of
retrofitting for members.

Estimation of strength factor:

Maximum Base Shear Vo= 1243.78 k N
(from pushover curve)
Design Base shear V d = 304.72 k N (as per EQ calculation)
Using equation for strength factor, given in ATC 19
Rs = Vo/ Vd = 1243.78 / 304.72 = 4.08
Rs = 4.08
[2]. Estimation of ductility factor:
Maximum drift capacity Delta m = 85mm
(0.004 H)
Yield drift Delta y = 56mm (from pushover curve)
Using equation for displacement ductility ratio, given in ATC 19

3. Estimation of redundancy factor:

Table 2. From ATC 19 Lines of vertical seismic framing
Lines of vertical seismic framing

Drift redundancy factor



RR = 1
4. Estimation of response reduction factor R:
R = Ro. Ru. RR
R = 4.08 x 1.78 x 1
R = 7.26
Hence the value of response reduction factor.
4.1 Result for different cases
Table 3 Result of 150 m3 Capacity ESR for 15m staging height

Table 4 Result of 150 m 3 Capacity ESR for 21m staging height

Table 5 Result of 200 m 3 Capacity ESR for 15m staging height

Table 6 Result of 200 m 3 Capacity ESR for 21m staging height

Table 7 Result of 600 m 3 Capacity ESR for 15m staging height

Table 8 Result of 600 m 3 Capacity ESR for 21m staging height

Based on analytical investigations and tank details assumed,
following conclusion is arrived:
1. The R factor reduces as zone increases.
2. It is observed that R factor increases with time period but the
variation is not consistent. It varies from 2.75 to 4.65, for tank full
condition in zone V.
3. The contribution of R factor in R factor increases with
increase in time period.
4. To ensure the consistent level of damage, values of R should
depend on both fundamental period of the staging and the soil
5. The values assigned to R for a given framing system should
vary between seismic zones. Also detailing
requirements vary by zone.
6. Estimation of R factor with exact analysis will help in an
economical design.
7. It is observed that R factor varies from 4.32 to 8.90, for tank
empty condition in Zone V.
DL Dead Load
LL Live Load
EL Earthquake load
VB Design seismic base shear
Ru Ductility factor
u Displacement ductility ratio
RR Redundancy factor
RS Strength factor
Vo Maximum design base shear force
m Maximum drift capacity
Delta y Yield drift
Vd Design base shear force
IO Immediate Occupancy
LS Life Safety
CP Collapse Prevention
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[2] ATC 40 (1996): Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete
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We at engineeringcivil.com are thankful to Er. Mubashar for submitting this research paper and helping all civil
engineers understand how to Evaluate Response Reduction Factor for RC Elevated Water Tanks

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