The document discusses how embedded virtualization can impact process automation systems. It will allow process controllers to run both real-time and standard operating systems, enabling applications like advanced process control. This could improve performance and integration. Embedded virtualization may also allow virtualized networks and new modularity options for controllers.
The document discusses how embedded virtualization can impact process automation systems. It will allow process controllers to run both real-time and standard operating systems, enabling applications like advanced process control. This could improve performance and integration. Embedded virtualization may also allow virtualized networks and new modularity options for controllers.
The document discusses how embedded virtualization can impact process automation systems. It will allow process controllers to run both real-time and standard operating systems, enabling applications like advanced process control. This could improve performance and integration. Embedded virtualization may also allow virtualized networks and new modularity options for controllers.
The document discusses how embedded virtualization can impact process automation systems. It will allow process controllers to run both real-time and standard operating systems, enabling applications like advanced process control. This could improve performance and integration. Embedded virtualization may also allow virtualized networks and new modularity options for controllers.
HARRY FORBES ARC Advisory Group, Burlington, Massachusetts
Embedded virtualization in process automation systems
An earlier ARC Advisory Group column dealt with server-level virtualization in Collaborative Process Automation Systems (CPAS), the companys process automation system model. Here, we will address the impact that virtualization has on process controllers, I/O systems, and process field devicesthe parts of an automation system implemented as embedded systems. The relatively complex embedded systems found in process controllers use microcontrollers or full-fledged microprocessors. They are networked and may download to the operating system and application software via network services. With the development of multi-core microprocessors, semiconductor suppliers can now support virtualization technology within a single microprocessor. In effect, the software stack of a server can now be replicated within an embedded system. Process automation suppliers are now planning products that will use this technology. ARC believes that embedded virtualization will have a major impact on the evolving CPAS vision. Embeddedvirtualization and next-generation controllers. Process controllers are perhaps the most complex and multifunctional components of any process automation system. To meet the extremely high requirements for reliability, they incorporate complex and proprietary means for hardware fault tolerance. Process controller software has always operated on various real-time operating systems (RTOSs). The next generation of process controllers will be able to exploit multi-core processors and embedded virtualization. These factors will weigh in the development of future CPAS controllers with embedded virtualization: Higher performance. The additional compute capacity of multi-core processors with virtualization could be applied simply to improve the capacity and/or performance metrics of a process controller. Greater application integration. Controllers running both an RTOS and a rich OS will be able to host CPAS applications that presently can only be hosted in servers. Advanced process control and optimization are certainly applications that may fit into this configuration. Data historians and local analytics may fit as well. System management. Process automation systems have traditionally provided their own (proprietary) system management capabilities. Given extra processing capacity and a rich OS, these could be incorporated into standards-based management protocols, which could aid in giving automation system wider visibility in the enterprise. Advanced networks. Several process automation suppliers have developed high-availability Ethernet networks at the controller (peer-to-peer) level. In next-generation controllers, these
networks may extend to the I/O systems and perhaps even to
field devices. Networks can also be virtualized, and silicon suppliers have developed technologies for doing this at the embedded system level. Such virtualized network interfaces could be provisioned to support both real-time and rich OS network traffic. New controller modularity options. Process controllers represent a combination of high complexity and low unit volume. System designers are challenged to optimize not only performance, but also product lifecycle length, total cost of ownership (TCO), system BOM costs, commonality of system hardware, and commonality of system software. In the long term, commonality and component life will weigh more in this equation. This would favor new systems incorporating higherperformance processors and more common software. I/O system and field device applications. Process automation I/O systems can share some of the same benefits from virtualization, but not to the same degree as controllers. The industry trend in I/O systems has been toward smart I/O modules that are configurable (via software or a hardware adapter) to accept multiple signal types. This capability has proven very valuable in compressing automation project schedules by decoupling detail engineering from other project activities. Expanding smart I/O capabilities is essentially a smart analog technology development that will not be enhanced by virtualization. Process field devices (transmitters, valves, drives, and analyzers) have remained largely immune from virtualization benefits. This is mostly because of the age and limited capabilities of the network technologies serving process field devices (HART, Foundation fieldbus and Profibus PA). Adoption of Ethernet networking by process field devices will open up device communication to all manner of improvements and deeper integration, but adoption will be gradual. A field network consisting of a switched Ethernet infrastructure could remove many of the barriers and difficulties that end users experience with managing thousands (or tens of thousands) of process field devices. Given the very long device product development and operating lifecycle, Ethernet field networks will emerge very gradually in the process industries. HARRY FORBES is a senior analyst at ARC Advisory Group. His research focuses on the impact of industrial networking and wireless technologies on todays manufacturing. He also covers smart grid and electric power vertical industries. His research topics include the smart-grid, smart-metering and smart-energy technologies. Mr. Forbes is a graduate of Tufts University with a BS degree in electrical engineering and holds an MBA from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan.