Aadhaar Card-Instructions - SSUP

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Aadhaar Self Service Update Portal

Aadhaar Home | Instructions | Update Status | Contact Us
Instructions for residents to use Update Portal
Instructions for sending documents by post
Instructions for residents to use Update Portal

1. Having a mobile number is mandatory for using the Update Portal

2. If you have registered mobile number with Aadhaar (provided at the time of enrolment or updated subsequently), enter your Aadhaar Number to get an OTP
(One Time Pin) at that mobile. If you have not registered your mobile with Aadhaar or you have lost/do not possess anymore, you will have to either visit nearest
Update Centre or send your Update request through Post.
3. Enter OTP and captcha to login to the Update Portal
4. Select the fields you want to be updated /corrected. You can select more than one field also.
5. Fill the fields with current details in English as well as Local Language.
6. Depending on the field to be updated, attach original scanned (with color scanner) copies of supporting documents as per the Valid Documents List. Refer Link
for valid documents.
a. Name Correction/Update : Requires PoI listed in "Supported Proof of Identity(PoI) Documents Containing Name and Photo for Name Corrections/Update"
b. Date of Birth Correction : Requires DoB listed in "Supported Proof of Date of Birth (DoB) Documents"
c. Address Corrections/Change : Requires PoA listed in "Supported Proof of Address (PoA) Documents Containing Name and Address"
d. Mobile and Gender Change: No documents Required to be submitted for Mobile and Gender correction.

7. Review the data entered for correctness and completeness in English as well as local language. Note that Date of Birth will not appear in local language. Also
any numeric figures will not be transliterated in local language. UIDAI will not make any corrections to the information in your request.
8. Submit the request. Note down your Update Request Number (URN) carefully for future reference and tracking. You can also download /Print your Update
Request copy.
9. Currently SSUP portal is supporting update request for below languages.












Instructions for filling the Aadhaar Update Form

1. Fill all the fields. Fill the form in English as well as Local Language. The portal automatically enables the same local language as was used at the time of your
enrolment for Aadhaar and appears in your Aadhaar Letter.
2. Fill the form with current details. There is no need to provide details that are no more valid. For example, if you want to update/correct your Name/Address just
fill the New Name/ Address in the space provided in form. There is no need to provide old Name/ Address.
3. Write full name without salutations/titles. For example do not write Dr. /Mr. /Col. etc
4. Fill in Date of Birth in DDMMYYYY format. Resident can update his/her Date of Birth from Declared to Verified only once. In case resident's Verified Date of
Birth is incorrect in the Aadhaar letter, the resident can get it corrected once
5. Write complete address. The Aadhaar letter with updates will be delivered at the given address only. In case you face any issues with the Pin Code and related
data (State/District/Village/Town/City/Post office), contact UIDAI contact centre at [email protected].
6. To include Guardian/ Parent/Spouse Name as part of the address, select the appropriate box in C/O details and enter the name of the person in the

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subsequent field. C/o details in address, is used for letter delivery purposes and is a part of address. It is not mandatory to provide C/o details with address.
7. You are required to fill the complete address and submit supporting PoA even if you want to update/correct only C/o details. It is ok if C/o details are not
mentioned in your PoA document.
8. Resident must be available at the given mobile number for any clarifications. Status of application will be intimated to the resident by sending an sms on this
mobile number.
9. Always check that the details entered are correct and complete.
10. You do not have to submit all the proof documents. You have to submit only the document/s which is/are required to support the Change/ Correction. For eg.
You need not attach an Address proof if you change your Date of Birth or your Name.
11. Aadhaar letter with updates will be delivered at the given address only in case of Update/Correction in Name, Address, Date of Birth and Gender. For Update
of Mobile number, the notification will be sent on the given mobile number
12. Submission of information for update does not guarantee update of Aadhaar data. The information submitted is subject to verification and validation.
Furnishing of incorrect information/suppression of information would lead to rejection of application and would attract penal provisions under prevailing laws.
Instructions for sending documents by post

1.Download the Aadhaar Update/Correction Form from the link http://uidai.gov.in/images/application_form_11102012.pdf

2.Fill the Update request form in capital letters and mention the Mobile number correctly.
Mobile number is mandatory for sending an update request by post.
3.Depending upon the field to be updated, send self-signed (self attested) supporting documents as per the Valid Documents List attached in Annexure I.
Name Correction/Update - Requires submission of any one of the Proof of Identity(PoI) listed in "Supported PoI Documents Containing Name and Photo for Name
Date of Birth Correction (DoB) - Requires submission of any one of the DoB listed in "Supported Proof of Date of Birth Documents"
Address Corrections/Change - Requires submission of any one of the Proof of Address (PoA) listed in "Supported Proof of Address (PoA) Documents Containing Name and

4.In case a child is below five years, parent/guardian can sign the copies of documents. In all other cases, the resident must sign the copies of documents
5.Aadhaar Number on all copies of documents. Mention Type of Document (PoI/PoA/DoB) on the copy of the document
6.Mark the envelope as "Aadhaar Update/Correction" on top. Seal the envelope properly.
7.Send the Aadhaar Correction form along with the supporting documents to one of the addresses given in Annexure II.
Annexure I
List of Valid Documents for Data Update
Supported Proof of Identity(PoI) Documents Containing Name and Photo for Name Corrections
Supported Proof of Address (PoA) Documents Containing Name
and Address


PAN Card

Bank Statement/ Passbook

Ration/ PDS Photo Card

Post Office Account Statement/Passbook

Voter ID

Ration Card

Driving License

Voter ID

Government Photo ID Cards/ service photo identity card issued by PSU

Driving License

NREGS Job Card

Government Photo ID cards/ service photo identity card issued by PSU

Photo ID issued by Recognized Educational Institution

Electricity Bill (not older than 3 months)

Arms License

Water bill (not older than 3 months)

Photo Bank ATM Card

Telephone Landline Bill (not older than 3 months)

Photo Credit Card

Property Tax Receipt (not older than 3 months)

Pensioner Photo Card

Credit Card Statement (not older than 3 months)

Freedom Fighter Photo Card

Insurance Policy

Kissan Photo Passbook

Signed Letter having Photo from Bank on letterhead

CGHS / ECHS Photo Card

Signed Letter having Photo issued by registered Company on letterhead

Address Card having Name and Photo issued by Department of Posts

Signed Letter having Photo issued by Recognized Educational Instruction on

Certificate of Identify having photo issued by Gazetted Officer or Tehsildar on letterhead


Disability ID Card/handicapped medical certificate issued by the respective State/UT

NREGS Job Card

Affidavit executed on non-judicial stamp paper to be submitted by a woman applicant for name change after marriage (Joint

Arms License

Affidavit to be submitted along with her husband with joint photo)

Pensioner Card

Marriage Certificate

Freedom Fighter Card

Proof of Marriage document issued by the Registrar

Kissan Passbook

Gazette Notification


Legal Name Change Certificate

Certificate of Address having photo issued by MP or MLA or Gazetted Officer or

(For above documents, where original document does not have photo, the photocopy/scan of the documents must be taken along Tehsildar on letterhead
with the Resident's photo)

Certificate of Address issued by Village Panchayat head or its equivalent authority (for

Supported Proof of Date of Birth (DoB) Documents

rural areas)

Birth Certificate

Income Tax Assessment Order

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SSLC Book/Certificate

Vehicle Registration Certificate


Registered Sale / Lease / Rent Agreement

Certificate of Date of Birth issued by Group A Gazetted Officer on letterhead

Address Card having Photo issued by Department of Posts

Caste and Domicile Certificate having Photo issued by State Govt.
Disability ID Card/handicapped medical certificate issued by the respective State/UT
Gas Connection Bill (not older than 3 months)
Passport of Spouse
Passport of Parents(in case of Minor)

Annexure II
Address for sending Update/Correction request by Post
Resident may send across their update requests through post to one of the addresses mentioned below
Address I
Post Box No. 10,
Madhya Pradesh - 480001,

Address II
Post Box No. 99,
Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad - 500034,

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