Assignment 1

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Corey Johnson, Geography 2300, ID 2048085, NetID crj13004

Insolation, Latitude, Time of Year, and the Optimum

Orientation of Solar Panels
Brief Description: The global pattern of insolation (incoming solar radiation) is a major
determinant in the geographic variation of surface air temperatures. Therefore, to understand
temperature patterns we must first explain variation in insolation. This exercise uses solar panel
orientation as a means to examine the relationship between insolation, latitude, and time of year.
For highest efficiency, solar panels need to be pointed in the direction that captures the most
sun. Since insolation varies with latitude, a solar panel's "Optimum Tilt" is dependent on its
geographic location. Your job in Part A of this assignment is to determine the angle that solar
panels in ten different locations need to be pointed in for maximum efficiency. In Part B you will
discuss your findings.
Background Information: Recall that the angle at which the sun's rays strike the Earth's
surface is highest at the equator and decreases towards the poles. Furthermore, for any one
location this angle (also called the angle of insolation) varies throughout the course of the year
as the Earth orbits the sun (this is also due to the fact that the Earth's axis is tilted 23.5).
Although other factors play a role (e.g., elevation, coastal vs. interior location, etc.), in general
the higher the angle of the sun in the sky the warmer surface temperatures will be. More
information can be found in your textbook, as well as lecture handouts L02, and L03 (available
on HuskyCT).
Part A:
Using Table 1 below, please determine the optimum solar panel orientation for each location in
both June and December and fill in the blanks for each location on Table 2.
Note that the angle from horizontal means the angle that the panel is tilted from lying flat to
either the north or south. For this chart, if the location is in the Northern Hemisphere, a
southward tilt (i.e. the lowest point of the solar panel is to the south and its higher end is to the
north) is positive and a northward tilt is negative. If the location is in the Southern Hemisphere, a
northward tilt is positive and a southward tilt is negative (see Figure 1).

Figure 1:

Also note, June is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, but winter in the Southern Hemisphere
and December is winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

Table 1:
Table 2:

Panel Orientation Angle

from Horizontal- Summer

Optimal June
Solar Panel



Solar Panel




Cusco, Peru
Bari, Italy
Amman, Jordan
Manila, Philippines
Dunedin, New Zealand
Kumasi, Ghana
Montevideo, Uruguay
Noumea, New
Taipei, Taiwan
Port Moresby, Papua
New Guinea

Panel Orientation Angle

from Horizontal- Winter

Part B:
Please answer or discuss the following questions. Note that insolation is the incoming
solar radiation. In other words, insolation will be highest when the Sun is higher in the
sky and in the sky for more hours per day:
1. a) Which of these locations would receive the greatest insolation over the course of
a year based solely on latitude (hint: look at your lecture notes and book)?
Kumasi, Ghana would have the greatest insolation, since it is closest to the Equator. In
locations that are on or close to the equator, a lot of sunlight is received all year long,
since the sun simply moves from the northern to the southern sky throughout the year
(this only applies to locations between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, which this
location is). In places outside of this zone, the sun simply gets higher in the sky in
summer and lower in the winter, and thus winter is colder, and the insolation is much
b) Which of these locations would receive the least insolation over the course of a year
based solely on latitude?
The location that would receive the least insolation is Dunedin, New Zealand. This is
because it is the farthest from the equator compared to the other locations listed in part
(a). In the winter, the sun is at a fairly low angle and thus its rays must pass through a
greater amount of atmosphere before they reach the land. Thus, there is a more notable
difference in temperatures from winter to summer in this location.
c) Which of these locations would receive the greatest insolation on December 22
based solely on latitude?
The location that would receive the greatest insolation on December 22 is Noumea,
New Caledonia. This is because it pretty much sits right on the Tropic of Capricorn,
which is at 23.5 degrees south. December 22nd is the summer solstice in the Southern
Hemisphere, and thus the suns rays are most direct on the Tropic of Capricorn (the sun
is right overhead on this day).
d) Which of these locations would receive the greatest insolation on June 22 based
solely on latitude?
Taipei, Taiwan would receive the greatest insolation on June 22 nd because it is almost
right on the Tropic of Cancer. Like in part (c), June 22 nd is the summer solstice in the
Northern Hemisphere, and thus the suns rays are most direct on the Tropic of Cancer.
2. Draw a diagram showing the optimal positioning of the panels on the roof of your
house on June 22 if you lived in 1) Montivideo, Uruguay, 2) Kumasi, Ghana, and 3)
Storrs, CT. We have given you a sample for Dunedin, New Zealand to get you started.
Because Dunedin is in the southern hemisphere, June 22 is the local winter solstice and
the sun will be far to the North. Thus, the solar panel angle needs to be at a large angle
from horizontal (~64.1 degrees tilted north) to maximize the small amount of winter
sunlight. We have drawn in a horizontal line for you to measure the angle from. Please
indicate the angle you are using along with your line.

Montevideo, Uruguay


Kumasi, Ghana


Storrs, CT


Dunedin, New Zealand


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