Shear Stress - 2D Pure Shear

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[SOUND] Welcome to Module 14 of Mechanics of Materials Part I.

Today's learning
outcomes are to go back. We have talked about shear
stress earlier in the course. We're gonna go back and
talk about it in more detail now. And we're gonna review
3D stress at a point, along with that signed
convention we discussed earlier. And we're gonna define and
discuss something called 2D pure shear, two-dimensional pure shear. And so, reca
ll from mechanics and
materials, we start with an engineering structure and
we apply external loads to it. We look at the internal forces or moments
that's taking place in the member itself to calculate stresses and strains, and
evaluate the structural performance. And so that engineering structure may be
a bridge, it may be a mechanical device. It can be any kind of
engineering structure. And we may have connections in it which
are going to be subjected to shear. And so we have here a bolt. And then it's be
ing pulled. This is called single shear,
in one direction, and another direction. And then we have double shear, where we
pulling on it here in one direction, here in the other direction, and
down here in the left direction. And so
this is a picture of shear bolt that's being subjected to the shear forces. And
so, here it is again. And so, we're putting forces perpendicular
to the length of the cross section. I have an example of a shear bolt here. And
these shear bolts are important in design. I used to work on my grandfather's fa
when I was younger, as a teenager, and we had machinery that worked off of PTO,
power takeoff shafts. And so you would have shear bolts
designed into the power takeoffs so that it would be designed to shear off
at a certain amount of shear stress, because that would protect other
parts in the piece of machinery or like a bale or something like that. I hate ba
ler. So we use shear bolts for
that kind of application. And so when we do a cross section, we see that we have
stresses along
the face, parallel to the face. We assume that they're uniformly
distributed like we did before. The total force is equal to v and counteracts th
e external
force being applied. Shear stress was defined again as the
force per unit area parallel to the cut surface, and it was given the symbol tau
. And so tau was equal to the shear
force V over the cross-sectional area. And so let's go back and review a three-d
state of stress at a point. Here again I show it with
a positive sign convention, which means positive stress on
the positive face for the x direction. On the positive x face, and the positive
y direction we have tau xy, etc. And here is our piece or
our part subjected to shear stresses. And for two-dimensional shear or
what we call 2D pure shear, we take away all the normal stresses and we
take away all the out-of-plane stresses. And all we're left with is the tau xy,
tau yx on the positive x and
negative x face, and the positive y and
the negative y face. And by equilibrium, if I am to sum moments about any point
on this block, let's go ahead and sum moments in this corner so the forces
due to these stresses would cancel out. I'd get tau yx times its cross-sectional
area, times it's moment arm, which would be say,
a distance d in this direction. And it would be clockwise,
then I get a counterclockwise moment. Tau xy times its cross-sectional
area times its moment arm, which would also be d for
a square cross section. And so by equilibrium we see that
tau xy is equal to tau yx, or we're just gonna call it tau for

the case of two-dimensional pure shear. And we'll pick up from

that point next module. [SOUND]

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