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COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 3 (4), April-2014 (Volume-III, Issue-IV)


Web Mining: Penning an Era of Information Age

Anshika Goel1 , Dinesh Sahu2 , Manish (Nishik) Kumar 3

Assistant Professor, Jagannath International Management School , GGS IP University, Delhi ,

M. Tech, Ph. D (Resource Allocation and Scheduling Models in Mobile Grid Co mputing)
M.C.A (Master in Co mputer Applicat ions)
Abstract: Today's age is rightly pronounced as "Information Age" which stands on the edifice of Information
Technology and is operated by the Internet through the concept of web mining and is maintained & evolved through
the high-speed technology of cloud computing. In short, if we try to summarize the situation, we would find that
web mining concept has fuelled the entire process. This paper is an attempt to put light on the aspect of how web
mining has penned the information age by contributing in large to the informat ion technology.
Keywords : Informat ion Age; Evolution; Challenges; Web Spider; Web Bag; Virtual Society; Semantic Web; Cloud
Co mputing

We are living in the age that is primarily characterized by
the essence of information that guides the lives of billion
people belonging to this planet. The world which was once
termed as "global village" has now transformed into the
"information age" where the wide range of information &
communication technologies have bound the whole society
in a common thick line of internet & have compelled it's
residents to live under the showered informat ion of cloud
computing. The entire mankind has been benefited from it
and so has been loomed by its negative impacts too. But
whatever be the context, we can't escape from the fact that
the huge development witnessed by the world in the past
decade could primarily be attributed to the boom- boom
progress in information technology, which is mainly
brought by the development in web mining strategies over
internet and its associated field of research, including web
personalization, semantic web, artificial intelligence, neural
networks, database management and the highly configured
cloud computing.

One aspect is to understand the basic formulation of

informat ion technology that is comprised of internet
as a mechanism to interconnect computer and users
which includes the transmission media, including the
telephone lines, satellites and antennas, and so the
routers [2].

Another aspect is to understand that the infrastructure

of information technology can be broadly viewed as
everything that supports the flow and processing of
informat ion.

This survey paper uses the second aspect of understanding

the information technology in the face of web mining and
how it has revolutionized the informat ion science. The
section 2 of the paper discusses how the informat ion
technology has evolved so far, section 3 comprises of the
brief discussion about how web mining contributes to
informat ion technology, and finally we wind up the paper
with a conclusion in section 4.

Information has now become the "lifeline" for today's

generation which stands on the edifice of informat ion
technology. Further, this edifice of informat ion technology
relies heavily on the integrated framework of dig ital
networks, comprising data management institutions,
advanced computing technologies, computer networks and
a regulatory system [1]. The advent of internet and the
concept of web mining played the vital ro le, similar to
veins in human body, of controlling the infrastructure and
functionality of information technology hugely, thus
bringing the revolution to the today's informat ion age.
There are two aspects to understand this:

Hu mans have a long history of storing, retrieving,
man ipulating and communicating info rmation. It is
believed that the dissemination of information is done
since the Sumerians (in Mesopotamia) when they had
developed writing during 3000 BC [3]. But the term
"information technology" in modern generation was first
used in 1958 in an article published in Harvard Business
Review by authors H.J. Levitt and T.L. Whisler. They
commented in the article about the new technology

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 3 (4), April-2014 (Volume-III, Issue-IV)

which did not have any name of recognition at that time

which led them to propose the name of Informat ion
Technology (IT)" for it [1]. This short but a significant
view defined the information technology into three
man ifold ways:

knowledge/informat ion that indulges the concrete

convergence of statistics, machine learning, AI (Art ificial
Intelligence), co mputational techniques and pattern
recognition techniques. All these methodologies follow the
following key princip le strategies to mine data to
constitute and represent knowledge:

The techniques for processing;

The application of statistical and mathematical
methods to decision-making; and
simu lation
through computer programs [4].

In short, the term informat ion technology was used as a

synonym for computers and computer networks including
several other informat ion distribution technologies such as
television and telephone. Moreover, Informat ion
Technology (IT) has my riad industries associated with it
including co mputer hardware & software, electronics &
semi-conductors, internet & e-co mmerce, teleco m
equipment & co mputer services [5][6].

Since the advent of Internet, plus the development seen in

web languages, the data mining strategies have evolved
into web mining strategies over the decade that has
facilitated the significant representation of knowledge and
has further nourished the methods to provide services in
quick span of time via Internet by extracting web data as
well as big data. The impo rtance of web min ing has been
felt in almost all the umpteen businesses, industries and
markets across the globe. Besides the myriad benefits and
services exploited through the significant strategies of web
mining, various issues and norms have also grown over the
years ranging from encountering malicious activities to
intrusion & terror practices, security and intrusion
detection have become major challenges for the
web masters and web organizations . To counter them and
making web surf efficient & safe, several new and
effective strategies have been inducted into web min ing
techniques including [10]:

IT can be distinguishably divided into four phases on the

basis of it's evolution as per storage and processing
technologies employed [1]:

Pre-mechanical (3000 BC to 1450 AD);

Mechanical (1450 to 1840);
Electro-mechanical (1840 to 1940); and
Electronic (1940 to present).

The last phase can be further divided into six phases of

development [7][8]:





Clustering to explo re data and finding natural

Classification to predict a specific outcome such as
buy/not buys, yes/no, etc.
Association to search rules associated with frequently
occurring items needed for selling product, its in-store
storage and analyzing it for the defects.
Regression to predict an outcome whose numerical
value must be continuous which is generally achieved
through machine learning technique in order to fit an
equation to a dataset [9].

The first phase involved people employing terminals

to connect to powerful mainframes that were shared
by many users;
The second phase involved stand-alone PCs becoming
powerful and reliable enough to satisfy user's daily
The third phase involved the computer networks
allo wing mu ltip le co mputers to connect to each other;
The fourth phase involved the connection of one local
area network to another local area network to build a
much fascinated global network;
The fifth phase let the world to witness the electronic
grid, facilitating the shared computing power and
storage resources; and
The sixth phase involves the latest innovative cloud
computing allowing the explorat ion of all available
resources on the internet in a scalable and simp le way.

The sixth phase incorporates information/data analytics

techniques, noticeably working on the princip le of web
mining (an extension of data mining) to harness web data,
plus big data to exp lore the path of healthy progress of
several businesses and industries today.

Attribute importance: method to rank attributes as per

the degree of relationship with the searched/target
Anomaly detection: method to detect and recognize
the unusual, many times suspicious activities/pattern
based on the deviation from the actual norm.
Example: Frauds associated with banking, taxation,
online dealing and transaction, healthcare, etc.
Feature extraction: method to generate attributes that
are new, using linear comb ination of existing
attributes. This method is applicable for generating
text data, latent semantic analysis, data decomposition
& projection, data compression and pattern

Revolutions in human life such as agricultural, industrial

and now information, they occur so quickly that no one
can predict whether the change they will have on our

Data mining is the principle concept of extracting data

fro m

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 3 (4), April-2014 (Volume-III, Issue-IV)

make-up, o r even whether there will be a change. But we

can't escape from the fact of swashbuckling development
that has impacted the life of billions across the globe that
couldn't have been possible in the absence of techniques,
technologies and sophisticated infrastructure contributing
to the fast access of information in fract ions of seconds
fro m any corner of the world. The internet/web has created
a kind of "superhuman" intelligence where the informat ion
can be exchanged within fractions of seconds by anyone
residing at any part of the world, just like the human brain
which exchanges informat ion fro m different sensory
organs of the human body [11]. Co mputer and Internet are
playing significant role in every genre of hu man life. It is
very hard to find a person without computer and internet
knowledge and usage. Whether at home, school or
workp lace, co mputer plus internet is finding place in
everyone's life including naive users, students, employee,
emp loyer, business men, scientist, medical professions and
so on. The mass growth of internet has increased one's
knowledge in various fields as one can easily get
informat ion about anything with ease and comfort, thus
bringing a great revolution in one's daily life [12].

energy exploitation to archaeological find ings, education

to healthcare improvements, security and defense research,
The growth in e-commerce over the past decade due to the
development in Web Mining strategies and technologies
has changed the perception of the economists and
strategists who earlier used to work on the strategy of how
IT applicat ions within organizat ions would improve
internal operations, are now working on how businesses
use IT to communicate with Customers and Suppliers in
order to develop new distribution chains and new methods
of marketing and selling [14]. If we talk about customer
relationship management (CRM), Web mining is the
process of integrating informat ion gathered through
traditional data min ing methodologies and techniques such
as Clustering, Classification, Association rules . Web
mining is an extension of Data Mining concept. Web
mining is used to understand the behavior of customer,
derive the capability of a Web site, and help quantify the
effect of a campaign made for a products marketing [15].
Web mining concept allows one to obtain patterns out of
data collected through various mining techniques -content,
structure, and usage. The first kind of web min ing, i.e.
content mining, is the process that is frequently employed
to examine data that are collected through search engines
and Web spiders. Web spider is a program that visits
websites and other information on Web in order to create
entries for a search engine index [16] .Structure min ing, on
other hand, is another web min ing technique that is used to
examine data related to the structure of a particular Web
site, and finally there is usage mining which is the famous
web mining technique to examine data related to a
particular user's browser as well as data gathered through
online registration or signup forms available at various

The internet has made the world "smaller" which helps to

bring the world's information to one's fingertips and
him/her to the world if he/she so chooses [13].

One can easily communicate through e-mail,

streaming video, chat and instant messaging.
One can easily get information out through Blogs,
MySpace, etc.
One can easily be informed since today almost all
newspapers are now available online and numerous
reliable sites are there like Wikipedia, Google, buying
websites, opinion websites, etc. that facilitate the fast
online browsing, access and availability of
informat ion.

3.1 Challenges before Web Mining

Web min ing, unlike to other sources to Informat ion
Technology, is more co mp lex as well a challenging task
which requires a sheer planning, an excellent management
and a talented workforce. There are myriad challenges to
web min ing. A Web is characterized by a huge amount of
data/informat ion [17] that keeps growing day by day at
every passing minutes and hours. The coverage of web
informat ion is quite wide as well as diverse where anyone
can search for any kind of in formation as per his/her area
of interest since all kinds of data exist on the web
including text, images, audio, video, structured tables, etc.
In other words, web consists of heterogeneous type of
data/informat ion where similar or different formats and
syntax based my riad web pages exist whose informat ion
integration is a daunting and cumbersome task. Further,
due to the semi-structured nature of the most of the
web/HTM L document, the need to present informat ion in a
simp lified and readable form to achieve human viewing
and browsing puts extra burden on the web min ing. Due to
the links among web pages within a site and across

Besides rapid and steady advancement in semi-conductor

technology, informat ion strategy, networking, and
applications, the interaction of Informat ion Technology
with Internet has improved the Knowledge Acquisition
considerably at the exponential rate. The "impact" or
"effect" of Internet and Web Mining on the development
of Information Technology has proved to be mult idimensional as well as mult i-directional. Over the past few
decades, many studies have been done and several
research papers published in this regard. Large business
houses have invested heavily on the development of
Internet, Web Mining and in the expansion of e-commerce
through the building of powerful data repositories,
databases and informational retrieval support management,
customer services, logistics, online project design,
market ing and competitive analysis [14] that has made the
edifice of Knowledge Acquisition a rock-strong and has
provided a wind to the noticeable revolution of
development in almost every field across the planet today,
fro m nuclear
nanotechnology to networking, astronomy to meteorology,

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 3 (4), April-2014 (Volume-III, Issue-IV)

different sites that serve as an informat ion organizat ion

tool and as an indicator of trust/authority in the linked
pages and sites, much of the info rmation on web is
redundant [17].Though this property of redundancy of web
data is helpful in various web data min ing tasks, this also
leads web data to be noisy. One of the important feature of
web data is that they can be either surface web data
(consisting of pages that could be processed through
normal web browser) or deep web data [18][19][20][21]
(comp rising of database that could be searchable only
through popular search engines which employs
parameterized queries of query form for accessing web
data) which takes the task of web min ing to certain level of
complexity. Today, web also plays a significant role in
providing myriad services but in some cases certain
loopholes occur in the method adopted to provide services
online such as the induction of intrusion and malicious
code to the web query by hackers and crackers to gain
access of transactions made for such services. To counter
such problems, there are numerous web mining techniques
available that help to build secure websites and web
servers. Since the web is dynamic, the info rmation on the
web keeps on changing constantly. For the purpose of
keeping up the changes and monitoring them on the web,
web mining provides several sophisticated tools and
reliable techniques.

B. If we understand this concept in the context of

visibility, it could be possible that a user may try to
documents [23] that could be referred in future i.e.
web sites/documents having the greatest amount of
outgoing links, as compared to the way where at
present he/she may determine this informat ion only by
manually visiting each web documents which is again
a quite daunting task.
C. Furthermore, a user may wish to find out the most
traversed path for a particular query result which is
important by the matter of fact that it helps the user to
identify the set of most popular interlinked web
documents that have been traversed frequently to
obtain the query result. This if co mpared to the way
where at present he/she may do so only by visiting
each document in the search result and compare their
lin k informat ion, is quite time consuming.
3.3 Web B ag
Sourav Madaria and his colleagues [25] has discussed
about the concept of Web Bag to deal the problems
mentioned in above section while working with search
engines to acquire knowledge. Basically , a Web Bag is a
web table containing mult iple occurrences of similar web
tuples. In general, a web tuple co mprises of a set of interlin ked documents that are usually accessed from WWW
which helps in satisfying a query graph. The creation of a
Web Bag requires the projection of some o f the web
tuples nodes contained in the web table by making the
usage of web project operator (it is used to isolate the data
of interest) wh ich allows the considerable queries to run
over a smaller, perhaps more structured web data. In
contrast to this, a relational table never allows a web
project operator to remove similar web tuples in automatic
way, thus leading to further anomalies. Whereas Web
Bags simp ly discover web documents that are visible by
searching luminous paths [25].

3.2 Search Engine and Web S pi der

A successful web mining demands an efficient, reliable
and a powerful search engine working on a co mpatible
web browser. All majo r search engines on the web consist
of a program known as web spider or "crawler" or "bot"
which typically visits sites that have been s ubmitted by
their owners as new or updated [16]. For examp le [22]:

Googlebot is the search bot used by the m;

Yahoo Slurp is the search bot used by the;
MSNbot is the search bot used by the MSN for
its m;
Ask Jeeves/Teoma is the search bot used by the;
Architext Spider is the search bot used by
the m; and
ia_archiver is the search bot of m.

3.4 Virtual Society

Over the past decade, the web has evolved into a virtual
society which involves interactions among people,
organizations and automatic system. When the first social
networking site, SixDeg was launched in year
1997 after the earlier famous chat community sites like (1995), Geocities (1994) [26] and m (1995), the world had witnessed an awesome
virtual society prevailed over the web wh ich brought
people together online to interact with each other through
chat rooms where users can share ideas, personal
experiences and updated informat ion over the personalized
web pages that led them to have an easy access to
publishing tools and web space that were basically free or
inexpensive [27]. With the further advancements and
development in web mining tools and techniques, such
virtual society has been transformed into a platform over
the years where the users can socialize themselves over the
web through social networking sites. Here they can share

But it is noteworthy that most of the search engines fail to

handle the following knowledge discovery goals [23]:
A. Fro m the query's result returned by search engine, a
user may wish to locate the most visible websites
[24] or documents for future reference i.e. many paths
(high fan in) can reach that sites or documents, as
compared to the way where at present he/she can do
so only by manually visit ing the documents and then
download the visible documents as files on user's hard
disk for future reference wh ich is quite a cumbersome

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 3 (4), April-2014 (Volume-III, Issue-IV)

products/services are delivered to ones device (including

PCs, Laptops, Mainframes, and Mobiles) in real time fro m
the internet, rather than storing such information resources
on the device. The creation of the cloud has been helpful
not only to hosting companies but also to consumers who
just need any of the above discussed device and internet
access to fulfill most of their computing needs. Google is
perhaps the most significant cloud-based company that has
shown the potential of a cloud platform over the years to
derive a hugely successful business model including
Gmail, Google documents, Google map and the latest
development in building the digital library. There are
basically two kinds of clouds:

informat ion of their interest, can perform nu merous

activities, and can reveal background details or real-life
instances & experiences. Moreover, in order to recognize
each user online, todays social networking sites like
Facebook, YouTube, Google+, Lin kedIn have included the
features to create profile, his/her social links, and a variety
of additional services.
The latest development in the field of above discussed
virtual society is the incorporation of new age informat ion
as well as commun ication tools, noticeably the mobile
connectivity facilit ies, sharing of images, audios, videos
and posting blogs [28].
This has contributed the
Information Technology a lot by providing an individualcentered service rather than online commun ity services
which are group-centered that allow users to share audio,
video, ideas & information, real life experiences, posts and
to perform activ ities, part icipate in events within their
network only. All this has become possible only because
of the advancement brought in web mining concept like
web personalizat ion and semantic web min ing.

A. Sector storage cloud: It provides block or file based

storage service which is basically a distributed storage
that can be deployed over a wide area network
(WAN) and allo ws users to consume & download
large dataset from any location with a high speed
network connection to the system. This kind of cloud
replicates files automatically in order to provide better
access, reliability and availab ility.

Today various organizations, news agencies, e-commerce

industries and other business houses have also become the
part of these virtual societies and sites to advertise &
market their products and to build a reliable customer
relationship. This is one of the major developments that
have taken place in Informat ion Technology over the last
decade that is main ly attributed to astounding
breakthroughs achieved in the development of web min ing

B. Sphere compute cloud: It provides the computational

services and is built on the top of the sector storage
kind of cloud which facilitates developers to build
certain distributed, parallel and especially data
intensive applications with nu merous simp le APIs.
The key factor of this kind of cloud is data locality
that enhances the performance of cloud computing.
So, cloud computing is the most promising application of
web mining concept that contributes a huge to the
expansion of Informat ion Technology. The following
issues are catered while developing such a sophisticated
computing technology:

3.5 Semantic Web Mi ning

The Semantic Web Mining is a visionary idea of the
inventor of WWW, Tim Berners -Lee, which focuses on the
improvements that could be made at the levels of Web
service, plus it addresses problems related to the existing
Web services. It uses Web Ontology Language (OWL)
[29] to mark up hypertext pages by allowing more
complex assertions about a page (for instance, its methods
of proof, access rules, and links to other pages) as
compared to the Web-as-database approach which is
restricted to just simp le metadata. Further, such assertions
are provided by the language (OWL) with exp licit
semantics which makes it mach ine interpretable [30]. The
knowledge of Semantic Web not only helps to achieve
Web mining easily, but also helps in improving the
capability of Web mining tools which simp ly helps to
contribute Information Technology at significant level to a
larger extent in knowledge acquisition and intelligence
building [31].

since the development of cloud demands an

appreciable consumption of energy, it is important to
pre-determine how big is the cloud in electricity
consumption and Green House Gas emissions and
how big will it become;
which is the most suitable location for building the
cloud at the expense of what kind of sources of energy
for powering it;
how many large data centers would impact the
surrounding load centers demand for fossil fuels; and
What would be the extent of efficiency as well as
design improvements in order to min imize the rate of

There are majo r efforts that have been carried out by cloud
computing honchos like Google and Facebook to resolve
above issues and the various plans & in itiatives are being
under proposal that could effectively enhance Green
Co mputing in the coming years. So we can simply hope
for having a better, greener and safer way to boost
Information Technology in future.

3.6 Cloud Computing

The greatest discovery in the Information Technology field
that has been made through the web mining concept in the
last decade is Cloud co mputing. The term cloud, or cloud
computing can be used as a synonym fo r the internet that
revolves around the building of infrastructure and business
model whereby the data, news, entertainment and other

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 3 (4), April-2014 (Volume-III, Issue-IV)





[9] Petre, R.S. 2012. Data Mining in Cloud Computing. Database

This paper is an honest effort to let the readers know about

the impact brought by the concept of web min ing to
Information Age. Various papers and books have been
thoroughly studied, and several web pages have been surf
by us to present this paper where we have put our ideas
and thoughts to deliver how the advancement made in web
mining tools and technology to benefit the Informat ion
Technology. We have tried to show that if Informat ion
Technology is the fabric of daily life, supporting daily
activities at home, work and school, Web mining in
todays era is its sewing tool. The past few decades have
seen myriad imp rovements and breakthroughs in the field
of web min ing strategies that have made the task of
accessing informat ion a mere childs play and, has
consequently widened the horizon of Informat ion society
to a larger extent. A major factor contributing to this is the
fast pace development in the Internet languages,
technologies and web mining tools and methodologies
such as search engines, web spider, web bags, semantic
web and cloud computing.

Systems Journal. Volume-III, Issue-3

[10] Radhy, N., Mishra, P. and Panigrahi, R. June 2012. The survey of

Data Mining Applications & Future scope. International Journal

Conference on Software Engineering and Information Technology
(IJCSEIT). Volume-II, Issue-3, pp. 13-59.

[11] -is-thesignficance-of-the-internet-and-todays-communication-revolutionfor-the-evolution-for-the-mind?



[17] Ling, B. and Chen, Chuan, Chang, K. Editorial: Special issue on
web content mining.

[18] He, B. and Chen, Chuan, Chang, K. 2003. Statistical Schema

Matching across Web Query Interfaces. ACM SIGMOD.

[19] He, B. and Chen, Chuan, Chang, K. 2004. Discovering Complex

Matching across Web Query Interfaces. KDD.

Even today with the uneven growth in malicious code and

intrusion activities across the web, the fascination for web
mining and its usage among masses havent felt any
setback, rather this fascination & usage have kept growing
more than which hasnt been experienced before. Its all
because of new web mining techniques, tools and
methodologies applied to build ever evolving, reliable and
secure web applications to contribute massively to todays
informat ion age.

[20] He, H., Meng, W., Yu, C. and Wu, Z. 2003. WISE-Integrator: An
Automatic Integrator of Web Search Interfaces for E-Commerce.

[21] Zhang, Z., He, B. and Chen, Chuan, Chang, K. 2004.

Understanding Web Query Interfaces: Best Effort Parsing With
Hidden Syntax. ACM SIGMOD.

[23] Madaria, S., Bhowmick, S.S., Nag, W.K. and Lim, E.P. Research
Issues in Web Data mining.


[24] Bray, T., 1996. Measuring the Web. In Proceedings of the 5 th

International WWW Conference, Paris, France.

We are very thankful to each other who have maintained a

thorough understanding among ourselves throughout the
development of this survey paper and co-ordinate each
other in getting out fantastic ideas and words to describe
the myriad issues and concepts . Moreover, we are thankful
to our family and friends who have also participated in ou r
discussion while preparing this paper. At last but not the
least, we are ext remely filled with gratitude for all those
authors and researchers whose research papers and their
work have provided us good anecdote to carry out our

[25] Madaria, S., Bhowmick, S.S., Nag, W.K. and Lim, E.P. 1998. Web
Bags: Are they useful in Web Warehouse?. In Proceedings of the
5 th International Conference on Foundation of Data Organization,

[26] Cotriss and David. Where are they now: T May 29,

[28] Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. October 2007.
Volume-13, Issue-1, pp. 210-230.

[29] R/owl-features.

[30] Web Mining Research and Practice. Web Engineering article.
July/August 2004, pp. 49-53.


[31] Berendt, B., Hotho, A. and Stumme, G. 2006. Semantic Web

[1] wiki/ Information_ Technology.

Mining: State of the art and future directions. Web Semantics

Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, pp. 124143.

[2] jargon/r/router.htm.

[3] Butler, J. G. A history of information technology and system.
[4] Levitt, H. J. and Whisler, T . L. 2011. Management in the 1980s.
Harvard Business Review.

[5] Chandler, Daniel, Mundrey and Rod. Information Technology.

[6] Dictionary of Media and Communication (first edition). Oxford
University Press. 1 August 2012.

[7] Voas, J. and Zhang, Z. 2009. Cloud Computing: New Wine or Just
a New Bottle. IEEE Internet Computing Magazine.


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